#honorable mentions a lot of people
titsthedamnseason · 1 year
okay my darlings, you know what time it is…..SURPRISE SONG GAME TIME!!! except this time it’s extra super duper special because this post is actually queued because today is MY SHOW 🤭🫶 aka it’s atlanta n3 therefore i am BEGGING you to manifest the absolute best of your best picks and leave them in the tags or replies for me to see later and then give you an internet smooch if you win 💗 HAPPY GUESSING
i’m going to guess my absolute dream combo of hey stephen and dorothea
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sonknuxadow · 2 months
other people who grew up watching lpstube do you ever have specific playsets or accessories burned into your memory forever associated with the video you saw it in. and you could recognize it and remember where you saw it instantly. sometimes even if it wasnt actually made for lps . sorry just a glimpse into my beautiful mind
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myreygn · 6 months
modern au dad askeladd except he's not an actual dad but this random kid shows up to his house every day and tries to have beef over the closed food store askeladd bought and turned into an antiquarian store. turns out the food store used to be run by the kid's father until he passed away which is very sad of course but also askeladd is not gonna cooperate with some brat that borderline harasses him day by day. only that he can't call the cops because he kinda has a turbulent past and if they find out he's filling his store with stolen goods it's gonna become a huge problem. and note to destiny, the stupid kid finding out is not that great either because now he has to hear it out if he doesn't wanna go to prison and also he should probably learn the demon child's name while he's at it. shenanigans ensue.
#askeladd agrees to honor the memory of thorfinn's dad and in return thorfinn won't call the cops on him#then they fight about how the honoring should be done#askeladd doesn't want to change his entire store's image only to make sure people don't forget about the former owner#and thorfinn isn't satisfied with just a sign with his dad's name on it which is as far as askeladd is willing to go#things change when some rich jackass wants to buy every building on the street and turn the whole area into a luxury resort#now thorfinn and askeladd have to work together because thorfinn doesn't want his dad's store to vanish#and askeladd doesn’t want HIS STORE to be torn down because smuggling the stolen stuff out of town would be a pain#(also affordable houses with basements big enough to keep the meth laboratory running are rare these days)#(also also thorfinn learns some kind of martial art in the dojo across the street which is whatever but the coach is really nice)#(like. REALLY nice.)#(with a nice voice and a nice face and nice muscles and as if that wasn't enough he makes a kickass apple pie)#“bjorn is single btw” - “shut up thorfinn” - “i'm trying to help” - “go bother your twink why dontcha”#yeah thorfinn actually manages to make friends with the son of that asshole that tries to get their houses#great for the brat of course but now askeladd has to deal with a snobbish teen criticizing his cooking#not to mention the nosey nanny slash accountant the rich idiot hired to keep his twink son entertained who's very curious about the basement#he also knows a lot about modern art which. not great. well great for him but not for askeladd.#anyway tldr#askeladd has to save a street while trying to raise two boys that aren't his not falling in love and keeping ragnar out of the meth basement#thorkell is the construction worker hanging around and refusing to do his job until sven pays him quadruple the original agreement#vinland saga#bjornskeladd#thornute#ragnar and thorkell are also there#and sven but no one wants him to
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dykeza · 1 year
Ichigo being a stay at home dad who works online is so in character for him actually…… he’s the type of dad to enforce 1 hour of no screen time outside playing in the yard and/or playground. He texts Orihime goofy pictures of Kazui jumping around in some water fixture in the local park and carries him home soaked to the bone and shivering with the biggest smile on his face and then they eat ice cream and wait for Orihime to get home so they can have family game night.
#I cannot see how someone can dislike ichihime and their beloved baby boy#they’re so silly!!#honestly I think a lot of it comes from forgetting Ichigo isn’t Just his badassery and trauma and stubbornness#Ichigo is goofy and funny and likes playing games and has shown how genuinely warm and welcomed/welcoming he is around Hime#and a lot of the times when I see posts referencing how Orihime is bad for him or is like… a creep or whatever#I can’t help but notice that it just. doesn’t sound like Ichigo at all#Ichigo Kurosaki is full of love and compassion and he adores everything around him#he loves and honors even the most evil of people and recognizes others struggles even if he can’t relate#there isn’t a single thing about him that conveys this supposed dislike for Orihime or this discontent with his life#Ichigo is like. a happy person#he suffers and he endures so much and he keeps finding new ways to love and understand others#he fights so hard to be happy… so why can’t people except that maybe he is?#at some point you just have to accept that a character can be content#Ichigo is married to Orihime. he works from home. he adores his son and his wife and his family#and like. that’s okay? there doesn’t need to be some deep reason. you don’t need to try and drag even more character out of him#he has enough!!!!!! he has more than enough character to go around!!#please let Ichigo Kurosaki love his wife and his son… and also let Rukia do the same#I know I just now mention her but this tangent is directed towards the Weird ichirukis I see poking around on twt and tumblr#Rukia is happy with her husband!!! she likes Renji!!!! she likes him so much in fact that she married him and had a kid with him#Rukia and Ichigo both are very hardheaded characters and if they’re unhappy with their circumstances THEYLL DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT#they’re not scared to be honest with themselves and others anymore!! they’re very vocal about their opinions if you haven’t noticed yet#some of the first things we learn about both of them is that they aren’t scared to speak their mind#I am fucking certain that if they happened to Not Want to end up with their respective spouses they would’ve just. not married them#idk what copium ichirukis that don’t like Renji and/or Orihime are smoking I really don’t#you love these characters so much and yet you discredit one of their most recognizable traits!!! their readiness to DO WHAT THEY WANT!!!!!!#they’ve proven time and time again thag they do whatever they want within reason#there is not a possible universe where either of these characters would sit quietly and let themselves be unhappy for the sake of the others#because they’ve learned. and they’ve grown. and they trust Renji/Orihime enough to understand their decisions becuase it’s in the fucking—#—text how much they respect and trust them to understand their feelings#this ramble is too long I’ve reached 30 tags URASHIN CANON GOODNIHHT AMERICAAAAAAAAAAAA
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diorsbrando · 16 days
top five bleach characters (⌒▽⌒)
ask game found here ! SOOOO sorry that this late but HEELLOO 🫵🏾🤭🌷❣️🫧🦋 ugh this ask tho? is soooooo good but DIFFICULT because like you know how i feel about tite kubo’s bleach . . . . . you KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT THOSE MEN😭 how i prattle on about them how could i choose just 5 ???? impossible but i’ll try (i’ll cheat as i do so )
aizen & byakuya ( tied for first place…..sorry i cannot choose between them )
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puppys-rhythm-heaven · 5 months
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compilation of some of the weird articles i've gotten on my google homepage. it knows what i want but simultaneously has no idea what i want.
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weekend-whip · 2 years
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I was much more ambitious than last year, haha. I actually had some trouble choosing pieces to showcase!
...hence why I did a second, character-themed one too, so I could include everything I wanted to! They’re all still from 2022, but they just match up to the characters’ Legacyverse birthdays instead cuz I thought it’d be fun (with the exception of Nya who’s crashing Kai’s month)~ 
See the full pieces in my Art Tag!  And the Original Templates are here!
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theminiartblog · 1 year
5 faves of your work?
Five faves?? HM
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Def gotta start with the secret santa for @bamsara
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Teagan for @retoek8
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I'm still proud of that mushroom moco loco... ft @fallingfish Sally Anne
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@tampdown cover page baybee!! (check out my comic aaaa)
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[Artist Asks]
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 7 months
S'much as I hate funerals, virtual or in person, I'm grateful for the opportunity to see you off.
The losses may be plentiful, but if there's one thing it taught me: it's strength.
Avoidance? Repression? Numbness? A foreign body giving themselves to protect their own.
How much longer will it hurt? It hurts and hurts until it can't anymore. Then, when you feel coherent again, it slams into your side. Your blind side.
Maybe all these things. But I feel strong and coherent right now, if only a little dead, a little broken, a little stop hurting me please inside.
Bless you. Thank you.
I love you.
(I'm sorry we couldn't be there, uncle. Rest gently. We'll honor you the same way you honored our clan.)
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aureentuluva70 · 8 months
According to a leak from Fellowship of Fans on Twitter, near the end of Rings of Power Season 2 Galadriel and Celeborn will have a face off against Sauron together and I have. no. words(in a good way).
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blisteringstar · 9 months
#1 Envoy
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Mentions of: Silvain, Sui, Edarien, Isolvar, Lyrin'a, Helios, and The one character of Jae's that I forgot the name of.
Priarch was a place where many things happen. For one of those things that happened to be someone looking for their lost family was not unusual. Edarien took on all sorts of jobs and put them up to all manner of odd jobs in order to fulfill the company standard. Had it not been for the work of the company, he would have never realized he was someone else's missing son.
The more this man spoke, the more Inwa could feel a sense of dread. He knew this incident. His family went missing after a party at Isolvar Ravendarke's manor. Now he was facing persecution from the Inquisition under suspicion that he may have been his family's murderer in order to inherit their name and fortune.
This man was not at fault for the disappearance of his family. If anything, it was Inwa's fault he was in this situation.
It was a masquerade and Inwa had decided to wear flowing white robes. On paper, it was an event Edarien was invited to, but he had passed it on to the others. They were to attend this party and that was all they were told. Their allies The Covenant of Ash would also be there among many of the nobles of Ishgard that evening.
Priarch didn't know much about the evening going in, but they did know that the noble holding the party had a connection to the ink. That was all Inwa needed to know as he stood by himself, hands gathered in front of himself politely and looking at the grandeur of the hall. It was as gilded and opulent as the books he had read as a child described. The sweet scent of perfume filled the air as bodies swayed and spun with the music that felt like it was coming from everywhere.
Inwa felt like he was suffocating.
It was as if every person of status was in that very building. It set his nerves on end. The ink was a formidable and night unstoppable. If this party was being run by their infectious enemy, every person in the manor was in danger. What's more, Inwa was the only one for malms with the unfortunate power that could counteract that toxic substance.
Inwa had a mission, he had a hope and an intention, and that was why he stood alone. At least, he intended to be alone. It would have been safer if he set out to find the danger in the building and handle it on his own.
When Sui and Silvain walked up to him and began conversing with him, it was almost maddening. The Flame had done nothing to stop the suffering of those with the ink. He shouldn't have needed to stand alone, but there was no other way, wasn't there?
Yet he was getting distracted by Sui's sweet, innocent desires. Inwa should go with them, and so Inwa did. Despite the darker feelings dwelling in his heart at the time, he found himself bending far too easily to Sui's wishes. He glanced at the two mysterious figures by the library in passing and continued on with going upstairs with the couple as if it had been the idea the whole time. With every second that passed with them, that feeling of suffocating had grown. It was like the ink was everywhere and nowhere and only he seemed to feel as if ink-soaked cotton had filled the hall.
The Flame was a curse more than it was a help.
Everything had changed in an instant. People were clamoring up the stairs. The ink was being filtered out into the hall through the perfume and had become pouring from everywhere. No wonder it felt so suffocating. Silvain instantly became protective of Sui and Sui in turn of Inwa, pulled him along towards a side room. Some of their allies made a deal with someone and a portal was summoned to get them out before things got worse.
Once they got to the grand staircase, Inwa broke away from the couple, watching them rush for the portal and off to safety. Pushing down his hood, Inwa turned for the staircase, taking a few steps to look down the steps to the darkness below.
He intended to stay behind. He was the only one infected with the flame who would risk their life for something like this, and that was exactly what he ended up doing. Down those stairs was Isolvar, The Thorn that was in control of everything that had caused the troubles and murders they experienced.
All he had to do was go down those steps and burn what little he had to at least see the other patrons out of this situation. He could feel the fire within himself begin to burn hotter just to stave off the strength of the ink in the air, threatening to consume him.
A hand caught his arm, stopping him from going any further. When he turned his head, he met Lyrina's concerned gaze and insistent pull toward the portal. At this time Lyrin'a was just the medic of The Covenant of Ash; a keeper that shared a similar position to the one Inwa held in Priarch.
At the moment, his care and concern were getting in the way, and Inwa wished he could have screamed or pulled himself away. His anger was as hot as the fire in his chest and he wanted to fight with the other miqo'te about why he should leave him there.
Biting his tongue the number of people trying to usher him to the portal grew as the others noticed Lyrin'a and Inwa by the stairs, Inwa bid the downstairs one last look and then turned, heading for their exit.
If he had been braver, he would have taken his arm back and gone down those stairs, ignoring the cries of anyone else.
Now, all these years later, Inwa could look across the room at the consequences of the choice he made that night. He no longer held the flame. That power was given back to its proper owner and everything set back to normal. The ink was no longer held by Isolvar. It was now owned by the man who used to master the flame, a man that Inwa knew too well.
The desire to tell him the truth of that night sat in the pit of his stomach as heavy as stone, but he held back. How could a layman understand such a vast concept? He might as well tell him his parents were whisked away in the middle of the night by fairies and the outcome would be the same.
So, Inwa tells him they will look into it. It wasn't a lie. They would do their best to find out what happened to all of those people. If he had to appear before Helios again for the sake of a stranger, he would. It was his hesitation that night that led to this situation and Helios' poor handling of a power he never intended to use to help the victims of the ink.
Inwa and Helios were inexplicably linked, and even if it drove him to insanity to attempt to squeeze responsibility out of the unfeeling monster Helios could be, he would.
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queervocasongtourn · 1 month
are there any songs that have gotten more than one submission?
Literally almost every song has been sent more than once it's incredible. The one with the most submissions are definitely Lower, Telecaster B-Boy, Zero Talking and Villain (even though i specified i already thought of it, but hey, it got me propaganda!)
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bistaxx · 2 years
My favorite part of the Karmaland event was when Sapo Peta had an intense make-out session with k!Quackity and then immediately started flirting with k!Q’s mom (k!Staxx) right in front of him.
Also the part where Q bullied Merlon so hard he drowned himself, that was really good too!
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bluewinnerangel · 1 year
top 9 albums you listened to this year? totally random question 🤪
Unlike last year I did listen to a lot of new music this year so 2022 albums this time weee it was even hard to pick a top 9 but in order of release (probably):
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Nilüfer Yanya - PAINLESS
Kendrick Lamar - Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers
Harry Styles - Harry's House
Steve Lacy - Gemini Rights
Joost - Fryslân
The Snuts - Burn The Empire
Louis Tomlinson - Faith In The Future
Little Simz - NO THANK YOU
ramble in the tags
#yeah i totally did not basically beg to be asked this thank you for taking the bait askldlsakjskl#albums of 2022#Nilüfer Yanya - PAINLESS only discovered recently and it sent me into a zone a Z O N E do get in there do it#ROSALÍA - MOTOMAMI when that one came out it was blasting in the house like this only for a good while#Kendrick Lamar - Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers I feel like I'm listening to something not intended for me but i should be hearing ?#like it just wrecks me from a place that was never there just unknown and i cant begin to imagine what it can do for people where its known#Harry Styles - Harry's House I THINK IVE SAID QUITE A LOT ABOUT THIS ONE ON HERE#Steve Lacy - Gemini Rights what in the masterpiece is this ??? like????? seriously? SERIOUSLY WHAT IS PUT IN HERE#Joost - Fryslân THIS IS MY BABY he makes this variant of dutch white trash music that is horrid in the most delicious way#unserious but THEN he comes in hard with extremely painful honest lyrics in between utter crap LIKE#love it when music doesnt take itself seriously and still has a huge heart and soul and this is that#this dude is making me cry singing about the grief of losing both parents and minutes later interpolating crazy frog.#The Snuts - Burn The Empire obviously introduced by Louis. I didnt really take them in properly till we saw them at#Lokeren. I did listen to some songs here and there.. Glasgow was a fav. and that was kinda it. but then they came with this album#i always feel regret when i start listening to an artist bc they impressed me live like i should have known before.. which is weird.#that happens. but hearing burn the empire live i was like FUCK and then i was hooked#Louis Tomlinson - Faith In The Future I MEAN YOU KNOW WE KNOW I KNOW EVERYBODY KNOW WE ALL LIVE IN A FITF#Little Simz - NO THANK YOU this one was released this week! still taking it in but like? FUCK? HELLO? fav: No Merci#honorable mentions (sorry):#Björk - Fossora how the fuck you make an entire album sound like a heavily distressed mycelium network beats me but call me a shroom (idk)#Taylor Swift - Midnights had a bit of a meltdown over this (understatement)#IDLES - Five Years Of Brutalism okay okay it's a rerelease but THERE ARE LIVE VERSIONS
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piningpercussionist · 4 months
Ms Kim Pine what song would you say most describes you as a person? :3c
Huh... That's a pretty good question, honestly...
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I guess like anyone else I tend towards music that resonates with me, sure... don't tell anyone, but lately I've been listening to Honorable Mention, by Fall Out Boy? It doesn't quite fit the bill, but... it's nice.
But, yeah. A tough one. I might have to get back to you with a better answer, sometime, if that's alright.
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1989tv · 11 months
every time someone tags me in something whether it’s a recommendation or bc they changed their url or from that one ask blog that asks questions i always get so emotional and touched about it bc it’s like how why where when did you think of me of all blogs/people and it also just truly means a lot that i crossed their mind even tho it didn’t mean a lot to them
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