#husband Ateez
yuyuonabeat · 29 days
Mothers Day Puppy Love
Happy Mothers Day to the Mothers reading this!
Here to deliver a bit of what goes inside my brain on a daily basis cuz Yunho has me going feral for him. Not only that but Husband Yunho is a must.
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So it’s Mother’s Day and y’all know what that means.
I have no idea why my brain functions so well when it has to do with sexy stuff.
But today I’ll keep it pg13. Or more like NOT SMUT.
Like imagine waking up on Mothers Day. You laying in your big bed that you share with your loving husband Yunho.
You wake up to the feeling of someone staring at you. You open your eyes slowly just to be greeted by a big smile and happy eyes.
Yunho sitting next to you with a tray of breakfast and it’s that Iced coffee?!? Oh he knows you so well. Nothing better than starting your morning next to a handsome man that has make you breakfast and coffee.
“Hello My Sweetheart.” He offers a smile. Grabbing your hand and bringing it up to his lips to kiss at it.
You giggle. It’s things like these that make you fall deeper in love with him every day. How welcoming and heartwarming he is. Always caring so much for you. After all, to him you are his will to live.
His sunshine even though you’re the grumpy one in the relationship. His loving partner whom he will love for the rest of his life.
The two of you have been married for a year now. But you’ve been dating for exactly 4 years. You always wanted a family. And he always wanted a partner he could care for, love and cherish for eternity.
He loves to spoil you with gifts and dates and lots and lots of love. Stealing kisses from you and kissing your cheeks in public, leaving you looking like a red Stop sign.
Pulling you in closer by your waist. Humming and whispering the most beautiful things into your ears.
Your fan favorite is when you sometimes try to cook for him, since he’s the one that always cooks for you. You just love it when he comes behind you and back hugs you. Kisses your cheeks and neck.
He sure loves it when you cook for him. Even if it’s not the best, he’ll never fail to make you feel secure and confident. Complimenting your cooking or giving you advice on how to improve it.
You love it when he teaches you how to cook.
Another one of your fan favorite things the two of you do is when he’s gaming in his room. Either playing LOL or Fortnite with his mates.
You always stand there so shyly. He always notices you as soon as you enter the room. Muting his mic and asking “need a hug, My Sweetheart?” Oh you can never get tired of that nickname. Makes you melt right then and there.
Lets you sit on his lap with your chest facing his. You love sitting on him, resting your head on his shoulder. Sometimes drifting into slumber.
He loves the way you always seem to need his touch near you. Caressing the back of your head while you drift to sleep on his shoulder.
🥹🥹🥹someone sedate me please
Going back to the current day.
“Thank you love.” You thank him for this amazing start to your morning. Kissing his lips.
Those plush soft lips that make you wanna risk it all.
He plays with your hand and fingers. Looking down at your lap.
You start eating your breakfast but can’t help to notice his sudden change in mood.
“What’s wrong darling? Want some?”
You offer some of your breakfast in hopes that maybe he’s just hungry. After all it is still early in the morning.
He looks at you and then at your hands.
You look at him trying to examine his expressions to try and decipher what’s wrong.
“I was just thinking…we’ve been married for a year now and I’m not sure if it’s still early to ask but…” he looks away, a bit flustered.
He gets flustered very easily quite often but it’s unlike him to be this… well shy. He usually says and does things as soon as they register in his brain. He’s never afraid to say anything and never second guesses his actions.
“Yuyu, you can tell me anything love. Whats wrong? Talk to me Pretty.”
Pretty. He loves it when you call him that.
“I was wondering if, you maybe were ready to um have a baby with me? I’ve been really thinking about it a lot. What it would be like to raise a baby with you.”
You sigh in relief. Having thought something was wrong or had happened to him.
He looks at you confused.
“Sorry I just pheww, could have sworn you were giving me bad news. Baby of course I’m ready. Had actually been waiting for you to ask me about it.”
You chuckle. Eating your pancakes.
He rushes to gently grab your face and kiss you.
“I love you so much, you know that right?”
You blush. Still having half of your face stuffed with pancakes.
“With how often you say it to me, yes darling I’m aware. So you’ve been really thinking about it , huh?”
You smile at him and grab his much larger hand in your small one. Playing with his fingers.
“Yes my love. It’s been eating me away. The thought of my beautiful wife carrying my child. Us growing older with them. Buying toys and cute clothes. Makes me so happy just picturing it.”
You’d give the world to this man. And you know that just like you, he would too.
“Aw baby~ you could have said something sooner. But I’m glad we’re both on the same page here. I can’t wait to raise a baby with you. Have a happy loving family with the most handsome wonderful man in the world.”
“Oh you~” he pinches your cheek lightly.
“I love you so much My Sweetheart. Do you want to um start now or?”
You give him a shock expression. Followed by a smirk.
“Well look at you, let me finish breakfast, lover boy, and then we can get started on that family we both so dearly want.”
You chuckle and continue eating your meal. He can’t help but to smile at you.
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Someone please kick me into reality 🤧. This man has me so weak.
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bvidzsoo · 3 months
Sweeter than honey
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TW: none, just so much fluff I'm dead
Word count: 1, 3k
A/N:....guys, it's Pisces season and I'm going crazy, don't mind me if I pump out little blurbs this whole month (someone save me). So, this is a little bullet point like scenario, I hope you enjoy it! (I got inspired in THE MOST randomest way this time, it's embarrassing.) I hope you enjoy and feedback is very much appreciated! Enjoy now!
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where do I even begin...
there was not one boring day with your husband, Yunho, and your little girl
those two were like little rascals when nobody was watching them
and yes, you loved both to death, but there were times when they got to you
their energy levels were unmatched, and at times you don't know whether you should cry or laugh that your little one takes after her father
a miniature copy of Yunho
the same smile, same happy and playful aura, same mischievous look on her face when she's up to no good, and same devastating puppy eyes when she wants something
you blame partially Yunho for teaching her how to manipulate those around her, mainly you, but you also know that even if it weren't for Yunho, you'd give in to your sweet daughter, unable to say no to her adorable face
and there were times when it was a blessing that Yunho had more free time than you as he was able to stay at home and watch your little one, entertaining her, and tiring her out by the time you got home
she'd be peacefully sleeping in her little bed, thumb in her mouth and cheeks lightly flushed as the blanket was up to her chin, so you'd pull it slightly down and make a mental note to tell Yunho that your daughter wouldn't freeze in the middle of summer
but all thoughts would fly out the window when you'd enter the kitchen, feet aching from wearing high heels all day, only to find your husband, Yunho, wearing his printed pajamas, socks mismatched, and apron tied tightly around his built form as he was humming a song while he cooked diligently dinner
you could only grin and bite your lip to stop yourself from bursting out laughing as in the middle of flipping the pancake Yunho would bust out dancing, rocking his hips left and right as he banged his head to the music only he could hear in his mind
it was an endearing sight, but way too amusing for your tired brain as you'd lean against the middle counter, placing your chin in your palm while watching him, wondering when he'd finally sense your presence
but Yunho would be too focused on cooking those pancakes, with a few already burnt, to feel your amused eyes on his back, and his humming would break out into a quiet singing, trying to keep quiet in order to not wake your little sunshine
and so, in order to not disturb your husband, you'd stand there quietly, just watching him and quietly snickering to yourself when his voice would crack, but he'd continue on like nothing happened, holding the spatula up to his mouth and belting out those high notes as silently as he could
but then finally he would turn around and almost screech at the sight of you, eyes bulged and spatula clutched to his chest as his heart would race from the fright you had just given him, making you burst out laughing
if what you had witnessed so far wasn't funny enough, the damn unnaturally red cheeks and suspiciously purple lips definitely tipped you off, belly hurting from laughing so hard at the sight of your husband
it seems like your little girl had a make-up session with Yunho, showcasing her skills well as your husband looked ridiculous with the make-up on, lips forming a pout when you wouldn't stop laughing at him
"hey, stop it!", he'd say, making you cover your mouth with your hands, "this masterpiece was done by our little sunshine and I didn't take it off, because she insisted I show it to you."
and so, you would finally settle down and shake your head at your husband as you'd walk around the counter and up to him, circle your arms around his shoulders as you leaned into him
he'd smell like home, sweet like vanilla with a tinge of pine, and of course, the pancake dough he'd made not long ago
and your heart would flutter despite being with this dork for almost ten years now
things never got boring with him, you never got used to the thought of having married your best friend and love of life, your three years old daughter a treasure you both cherished dearly
Yunho would smile at you fondly, his teeth showing due to his wide grin, slightly protruding at the front, making you lean up on your tippy toes to press a soft kiss against his purple lips
they would taste like grape, hence the lipstick your daughter very obviously borrowed from your vanity, and Yunho would wrap his arms around your middle as he playfully would lift you off of your feet while pressing his lips just a little harder against yours
"how was work?", he'd ask as he'd place you down again and then you would stay hugging, telling him about your day, until the burnt smell of the pancake he was making would catch your attention and send the both of you into a frenzy to quickly take it off the stove before the fire alarm could blare through your house and wake up your little girl
Yunho would giggle and blame you for the incident, making you shake your head as you'd make to leave for you bedroom to change into something more comfortable after having checked the time
because you were expecting Hongjoong and his fiancé to come over not even in half an hour
and almost as if your daughter sensed this, she'd wake up from her nap, full of energy despite her being supposed to sleep through the evening until the morning
but she loved her aunt too much to miss seeing her
and once the pancakes were done and Hongjoong and his fiancé had come over, you'd gather in the living room and enjoy the delicacy Yunho had made for you, listening to your daughter blabber on about to her aunt and Hongjoong about the little boy she met at the park earlier today
after that you'd gather the table, with the help of Hongjoong, the two of you would settle into a small conversation about work and Hongjoong's upcoming fashion collection, when you'd suddenly hear loud cheers coming from the living room
curious, you two would walk to the threshold and watch as Yunho and your best friend were bundled up together in front of Yunho's gamer set up, with your daughter in the middle, of course, staring up at the two adults in wonder and awe
you'd shake your head as Hongjoong would chuckle, amused at the sight
of course, your best friend and Yunho had gotten on well from the very first meeting, both gamers and sharing many hobbies
it was a given that they would exclude you from the conversation at some point, making you shake your head at them as you knew almost nothing about computer games
"hey, Yuyu, it's too late for her to be sitting in front of the computer", you'd try to pull your husband and daughter away from the gadget, but fail as your best friend would look at you with a grin and puppy eyes at the same time
"ten minutes, I want to show Yunho something, and then I promise we'll join you and Hongjoong", of course, it was always ten minutes turned into two hours
so, with a sigh, Hongjoong and you would return to the kitchen to grab a bottle of red wine and two tall glasses, chuckling to yourselves as you'd hear Yunho and your best friend yell out in excitement or disappointment, your little one following in tow as she'd imitate the two adults
it was amusing hearing them
and once settled across from each other at the middle counter, Hongjoong and you would go over the wedding plans he and your best friend had, the date coming closer and closer as days went by
the wine and the conversation with Hongjoong helped you relax, hearing your husband, daughter, and best friend from the living room made you feel content and happy with the way your life had turned out to be
and you knew you were lucky to have such a loving, sweet, and hilarious husband like Yunho
and a small little replica of his, a daughter that never failed to make you smile and laugh until your belly hurt
you were surrounded by your loved ones, and nothing could've made you happier in that exact moment
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f- you, choi san. 😘
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shinestarhwaa · 1 year
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Waterfall / C.S
Genre: Fluff, Smut
Pairing: Husband!San x Fem reader
Word count: 1,8k
Warnings/tags: newlyweds, husband!san, honeymoon, pool sex, unprotected sex, teasing, fingering, dirty talk, hand job, mild breast/nipple play, semi-public sex, cumplay, squirting, talking about making a baby
After seeing this clip on Instagram I had to write a pool sex smut for Sannie, oop-
Tagging @a-soft-hornytiny to go down with me
Your wedding had only been three days ago, yet you felt like you were husband and wife for years. It had always been that way, easy. When you met San, almost four years ago, he was still a twenty year old boy.
His voice still quite high, very playful and loving. It didn't take long for the two of you to fall in love. Your personality and energy matched his, and he cared for you.
When you were sick he'd take the train all across Seoul to your home to bring you soup. When it was Summer he'd plan all kinds of dates, often meaning you two would go swimming.
Growing up in Namhae, an island in the South of the country, he's always loved water. Even if it was just sitting beside the water, he'd feel peaceful and calm.
Now it's four years later, and you married the boy, who turned into a beautiful and sophisticated man. Some people disagreed with your marriage, saying you had married too quickly, and some people tended to misjudge his character. But you knew inside the handsome shell there was a warm heart.
While you thought about his kind nature, you felt a familiar hand on your shoulder. San sat down next to you on the edge of the pool, two glasses with champagne in his hands. He smiled sweetly, revealing his charming dimple.
''What are you thinking about, honey?'' he asked as he handed you a glass. ''Just how much I'm in love with you. I made the right decision marrying you,'' you smiled, sipping the champagne.
It was mid March and you were at a hotel in Thailand for your honeymoon. San had almost begged you to get a private pool on your stay, so he was pleased to know your room was at the highest floor of the hotel, with a pool on the large balcony where you could look over the entire city.
San was over the moon to be with you, unable to believe you're actually his wife now. He smiled at you, admiring the way your red bikini flattered your body shape.
After finishing his champagne, he took off the black tanktop he was wearing and let himself sink into the water.
''It's so nice, my love, it's like a big jacuzzi,'' he smiled. You grinned at him, still drinking your champagne. You watched him for a while, just swimming around, seeing him enjoy the water.
You shotted the last bit of your drink before letting yourself sink into the water as well, feeling the warm water hug your body. You swam towards him, but he smirked and you knew he'd just swim to the other side of the pool to tease you.
''San-ah~'' you whined, ''stay still!'' you laughed. He grinned and stopped swimming away. He stilled in the middle of the pool, where you met him, wrapping your arms around his neck, pressing a kiss on his temple.
''I love you, sweetheart,'' he whispered in your ear, ''and I want the whole world to know.''
''Then why did you whisper?'' you grinned, teasing him. San laughed and rolled his eyes.
''I love my Y/N!'' San yelled into the far distance. You quickly put your hand over his mouth, laughing. ''Shut up, San, you're loud.''
''As if you don't like that,'' he winked, causing you to smirk.
San had a very high libido, which resulted in you two having sex at least five days a week usually, and most days it wasn't just once. It was hard to keep up with him at first. You had never expected your sweet boy to be so horny.
As the two of you got older you kept exploring each other and found each other's turn on's. The way he turned from a more lean boy into the muscular man he is now made you weak. He now lifts you with ease, holds you still with ease and there's no way you could beat him strength-wise.
You snapped back in reality when you felt San's wet lips and tongue in your neck, causing you to moan his name. He brought the two of you closer to the edge, so you could hold onto the poolstairs. You wrapped your legs around his hips tightly, hoping to stay above water properly.
He slipped his fingers between your legs, rubbing your clothed core. You whined softly, being sensitive to his touch. He slid your bikini bottom to the side and slowly entered your pussy with 2 fingers.
Countless of times you two had been in the water together, feeling each other up. But tonight, as a married couple, with the light of the moon and the stars and the burning torches it felt special. You'd remember the feeling of his fingers in your cunt forever.
His pace was quick and he knew just how to hit your sweet spots. You tried to stay quiet, knowing there would be people who could hear you, but San was lapping at your clothed nipples and you felt yourself going insane. You couldn't help but let a moan slip from your lips.
''You're so pretty, my love, so perfect for me,'' he whispered in your ear, causing goosebumps to show up on your skin.
He undid the clasp of your top, letting it fall into the water. He licked and sucked at your bare breasts. San seemed to be so eager to have them in his mouth. You thought you'd faint at the sight of him groaning with his mouth full of your boob.
''I need your cock, San,'' you begged, not being able to hold back anymore. Your nails clawed in his back as he fucked three fingers into you.
''Yeah? You need my cock?''
''Yes, San, I need your cock.''
''You need my cock to fill your fucking pussy?''
You thought your lungs would give out, the way he'd speak to you every time you had sex. He was pure filth and you loved it.
He yanked both your bottoms off, nearly ripping them causing you to curse under your breath. ''Those aren't cheap, San,'' you warned him.
''Shut up,'' he said before sinking you down on his hard cock. ''Just take my cock, hm? Like a good girl, my good wife, hm?''
''Yes, yes, I'll take your cock,'' you moaned as he pushed himself deeper inside your hole. ''You better.''
San pushed you against the wall of the pool and you swore you scratched your back against the tiles, but with his length inside you, you couldn't care less at the moment.
You wrapped your legs around his waist so tight, causing him to smirk. He held your hips as he moved you on his dick. The water made it a heavy job, but San loved a challenge.
Your moans grew louder with every thrust, and you felt as if your bodies were colliding in the most passionate and sinful way in the silver moonlight.
Your breasts bounced lightly, splashing the warm water on his chest. He took your right nipple in his mouth, giving it a harsh suck.
''San! O-oh god, I'm close,'' you moaned. San picked up his pace, feeling you clench around him.
''Ah! A-ah, ah, San, yes, San, San!''
Groans and whines fell off your lips while you moaned his name like a mantra, feeling posessed by his love spell.
''Oh San, I'm coming, I'm coming!''
''That's it, baby, cum on my cock, tell the world who's fucking you so good,'' he groaned.
''Yes, San! Y-you, San!'' you moaned.
It took a few more thrusts for you to unravel in his arms, coming on his pulsating cock. He pulled out of you before he could cum, stopping his own orgasm.
You whined at the familiar sensation, still sensitive from your high just a minute ago.
He smirked and rubbed your clit with his thumb, causing you to whine. San kissed your head and laid you on the edge of the pool.
He climbed out of the water and hovered above you, pushing his cock inside you again.
San moved fast and quick, panting heavily now himself. He fucked you deep and hard, your eyes rolling back out of pleasure.
''You're taking my cock so well, baby, do you think you can cum on my fucking cock again? Coat it with your cum so fucking beautifully? Show me how good you are? Hm? Fuck baby,'' he cursed.
''Yes, I'm gonna cum!''
He nearly made you scream with how hard he fucked you, his knee scraping on the tile. It was worth it. Anything to see you come undone on him.
Only a minute later you felt yourself climax on his dick, sending yourself in a heavenly headspace. Your body shook around him, your nails digging in his shoulders as you squirted all over his lower body.
San smirked, his tongue darting out his mouth to lick his lips. He slowly rode out your orgasm and pulled out of your sopping cunt.
''Such a good girl, squirting all over me like a fucking waterfall,'' he groaned.
He brought himself closer to your chest, dick standing proud against his muscular stomach.
''Gonna take care of me now hm? Look at that... My hard cock with all your arousal and squirt still on it... You like that?''
''Fucking love it, San, I fucking love it!''
You spat in your hand and pumped it over his dick, making sure he was well covered before you started to jerk him off.
He groaned loudly, throwing his head back. By the way he was panting and the way his chest moved you knew he was close, and you opened your mouth.
''Cum for me, Sannie, give me all your cum,'' you begged.
Before he could say anything, San spurted his cum all over your chest and your mouth. You licked your lips as you milked him dry, getting all of his sperm out.
You panted heavily when he started licking the cum off your body, gathering it all with his tongue, which he then slid into your mouth.
You felt the cum coat your tongues while they swirled against each other.
''Swallow,'' San ordered when he pulled back from you. You gulped down the mixture of his cum and your combined saliva and closed your eyes.
After a while of laying on the cold tiles in your afterglow, he gently lifted you up and walked back into the hotel room. He put you down in the bathroom and wrapped a large sauna towel around the two of you and smiled.
''My perfect wife,'' he smiled, ''next time we'll make a baby,'' he teased.
You giggled at the thought and you wrapped your arms around his waist. ''That sounds nice, I'd like that.''
''It'll be perfect, sweetheart.''
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thelargefrye · 1 year
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pairing : ateez x f!reader (separately)
genre : idol au, headcanons, each member has their own mini genres and tropes, future dad!ateez au
warnings : language, a nose bleed (jongho), some members are longer than others! sorry! also i’ve never been to a fansign so i’m only going by what i think happens 🥲
note : a remake and return of the mr. housedad series! been thinking about this for a while, so yep! here it is, enjoy… feedback is appreciated
how you and ateez met, setting your future in stone.
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KIM HONGJOONG x ARTIST!F!READER ( fake dating, strangers to friends to lovers )
you felt stupid for some reason. like you should have never agreed to doing the blind date your friend insisted on setting up for you.
mainly because right now you are getting stood up, it’s been twenty minutes past the time you were suppose to meet your date and now you just feel silly. maybe you should just go home.
“um, excuse me, are you y/n?” a voice asks behind you and you turn to see probably one of the most handsomest men you have ever seen.
everything about him was just so put together. his split hair being eye catching and his outfit just being so stylish makes you feel underdressed if you’re being honest.
“yes! I’m y/n, are you hongjoong?”
“haha, yes i am, sorry i was late. i got caught up with work,” he says before he’s walking you towards the restaurant doors. “shall we go in and talk?”
you nod and can’t help the heat going to your cheeks as he opens the door for you before following close behind you into the restaurant.
“to be honest, i only agreed to this date because my friend has been pressuring me to try and date,” he says and you feel an odd twist in your stomach. he didn’t even want to be on this date.
so that’s why he was late, you think to yourself as you nod at his words. granted at first you weren’t that excited to be going on a blind date, but you really did want to get out there and start dating.
“my friend insisted i go on this date as well. she tells me that maybe going on a few dates here and there would help with my creative block that i’ve been in for the past few months,” you tell him with a laugh and he nods at your words.
“i hate creative blocks,” he says as he runs a hand through his split colored hair. “what do you do for a living?”
“i’m an artist. i do a lot of commission paintings and illustrations for children books. i also do paintings for myself and a few galleries here and there when they want me.”
“you’re an artist? that sounds amazing,” he says and you notice the immediate stars appearing in his eyes and you feel a sudden boost in your ego. “i think if i wasn’t so in love with music, i would definitely have become a painter.”
“hey, i suddenly just had an idea,” hongjoong says which quickly earns your attention as you look up from your food. “this might seem crazy, but what do you think about pretending to date?”
“pretending to date? what do you mean?”
“well it’s obvious that i’m not interested in actually dating and you’re in a creative block, so what if we help each other out. we pretend to date so i can get my friend off my back and when we do hangout, i help you try to get out of your creative block. a win-win if you ask me.”
god, what kind of fanfic are you living in right now. fake date an idol? that sounds like a recipe for disaster, but you can’t ignore how tempting it sounds. you really do need to get out of your creative block soon in time for the next exhibit and maybe doing painting based on love could be a good thing to try.
“okay, let’s do it.”
hongjoong smiles at your words before saying, “can’t wait to fake date you!”
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PARK SEONGHWA x IDOL!F!READER ( strangers to lovers, nct added member )
you looked so pretty, sitting there along with the other hosts is what seonghwa thought as he watched you from where he was sitting with his members. he licked his lips, stars in his eyes as he still couldn’t wrap his head around seeing you.
his members would tease him later but he didn’t care. you’ve been his celebrity crush for a while now, even back when he was a trainee, he’s adored you.
and recently he found out that he was your ideal type. he felt like it was a huge ego boost. he wanted to talk to you, but at the same time he was nervous.
some of his members — i.e wooyoung and san — told him he should give you his number while they were in the show. he tried arguing with them, telling them no and that he honestly couldn’t because what if you rejected him. he couldn’t handle such a rejection from you.
“you should just try it, hyung, i’m sure she’ll say yes,” san said and once they all took a break in filming it was san who pushed seonghwa over towards you.
“hi, um, i’m ateez’s seonghwa,” he says and cringes at how he chose to introduce himself.
“oh, hi, it’s nice to you meet finally you seonghwa! i’m nct’s y/n,” you say as the two of you bow to each other.
“i just wanted to say that i’ve been a big fan of yours for a while and wanted to know if you would want to hangout sometime?”
you look surprised by his sudden question and seonghwa wonders if maybe he crossed a line, but your words are quick to make him think otherwise.
“o-of course! i would love to hangout sometime!” you say and seonghwa can’t help but find you extremely adorable in this moment.
“do you… maybe want to exchange numbers?”
“yes, sure, of course!” you say and seonghwa laughs at your response as he pulls his phone out while you do the same. you two are quick to exchange numbers before the producers are calling for everyone to return to the spots. “i guess we’ll talk later, right?”
“great, good luck on your group’s performance!” the two of you wave before you walk off and seonghwa can’t help the lovestruck feeling that over takes him.
“soooo… how did it go?” san asks coming up to the eldest member with a sly smirk.
“shut up,” seonghwa says before shoving san slightly and walking back to join the rest of the members.
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JEONG YUNHO x GAME DEVELOPER!F!READER ( strangers to lovers, dad!yunho )
you were use to being alone. especially since you started living abroad in korea away from your friends and family you had grown up with and cherished. you often relied on memories to keep you company, but recently one of your coworkers told you a solution to your loneliness.
“a dog?” you had only thought about getting a pet a few times, but concluded that maybe getting one while being abroad wasn’t the best idea. your job wasn’t always the most stable as any game you and your team were working on could get cancelled last minute. plus you were still slowly trying to figure out how to take care of yourself, let alone a dog.
“you should think about it! there’s an adoption center nearby, so maybe check it out sometime,” they told you and only agreed to think about it.
and think about it you did because the next thing you knew, you were making your way to the adoption center.
you were going to adopt a dog.
you decided that maybe it was for the best to adopt a dog, maybe having someone else to take care of would make you less lonely. and of course it would get you out of the house more…
and that’s exactly what is happening three weeks after you adopted a cute labrador retriever named lily who you just immediately connected with. she has a lot of energy, that’s for sure but you don’t mind.
that’s actually how you found yourself at the park, playing fetch with her. throwing the bright yellow ball and watching lily as she goes and retrieves it.
you watch as she runs back to you, ball in her mouth as she drops it in front of you. picking it up, you toss it and your surprised by how far it goes. watching the ball land in the ground and roll to a complete stranger, a black cap on his head and mask pulled up over his face. the stranger picks the ball up right as lily comes barreling towards him.
“wait, lily!” you shout as you watch her pounce the man and you immediately take off towards the two. “oh my gosh, i am so sorry!”
the man laughs as he shakes his head and gives lily the ball. lily turns to run back to you, but seems surprised and happy to see you right there next to her.
“no worries, i probably shouldn’t have picked the ball up,” he says and even if he’s wearing a mask, you can tell he’s smiling from how his eyes crinkle.
“still i am so sorry, i just adopted her and we’re still learning,” you say, feeling an embarrassed heat take over your face.
“really, don’t worry about, but if you still feel guilty how about you take me to get some coffee? i know a good dog friendly café that’s nearby,” he says as he bends down to pet lily.
wow, he’s smooth. “o-oh, uh, sure! um, i’m y/n and this is lily!” you say and cringe at how a little too excited you seemed.
“i’m yunho.”
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KANG YEOSANG x FASHION STUDENT!F!READER ( idol and fan to friends to lovers )
you actually managed to get into a fansign. and one for your ult group nonetheless. you were so excited that you almost threw up, twice. but you didn’t! then as the day drew closer, you got more nervous. you were worried about what would happen if you accidentally made a fool of yourself in front of your favorite group.
oh god what if you tripped! no, don’t think like that because then you will definitely trip.
when the day finally came, you made sure to dress cutely. despite knowing that none of the members would probably remember you, you still wanted to look cute so that you could look back fondly on this memory.
however, what was suppose to be a good day with meeting your favorite group soon turned into probably the worst day you’ve had in a while.
first you had to chase after your cat after she managed to escape your apartment. then you miss your bus by a second — you literally watched it take off as you were running down the crowded street to make it. so in a hurry you grab a cab in order to take you to the fansign. thankfully you managed to grab a cab fairly easy and arriving there was also just as easy.
however, it started going down once again when you tried to enter the fansign and the guard stops you.
“sorry this is a fake ticket,” he says before handing you your paper back. you’re completely shocked as you look at him.
“w-what?” you are easily pushed aside by the other fans behind you and you let them as you are still in shock. you were scammed into believing you had actually won a fansign with ateez.
what kind of cruel world is this you think as you walk outside the building and onto the steps. you know you probably shouldn’t be sitting here, but your legs don’t allow you to go any further. even after the fansign started, you find yourself still sitting on the steps. you can only faintly hear ateez from inside along with all the lucky atiny who didn’t get scammed.
when the fansign is over and all the fans had seemingly left, you find yourself on a nearby bench. you can’t help but look at your ateez album and wondering how this day that was suppose to be a great one turned out to be so… disheartening.
“excuse me,” a deep voice startles you from your thought and you turn to see… yeosang standing next to you. “did you go to the fansign?” he asks, gesturing to your album.
“o-oh, no, i didn’t. i had a fake ticket,” you say before you quickly wonder why you are explaining it to him.
“oh, i’m sorry…” he says trailing off before you watch something click in his head as his whole face lights up, “do you mind if i take it for a moment?” he asks, again gesturing to your album and you willingly hand it over. “what’s your name?”
once he has your album, he motions for you to say before he dashes off back into the building. it’s several minutes later when he returns and hands you back your… now signed album.
“thank you for supporting ateez,” he says with a small bow before a man — who you assume is his manager — calls for him and yeosang is soon disappearing back into the building with a small smile and wave as a quick goodbye.
what… just happened? you look at your album, quickly opening it and flipping through the pages to notice how each member had signed it. however you notice something different when you get to yeosang’s pages.
“sorry you got scammed, but hopefully this makes it better! btw you looked cute, so smile okay? xx-xxx-xxx”
did you just get kang yeosang’s number?
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CHOI SAN x COLLEGE STUDENT!F!READER ( idol and fan to friends to lovers )
no way. no fucking way. this was not happening. there was no way THE choi san was standing right in front of you while you dressed like an elderly woman. not that there was anything wrong with dressing like an elderly woman, but meeting your bias while dressed as such was not ideal.
“oh? are you the exchange student my grandma was talking about?” oh shit, his grandmother talked about you to him.
“u-um, y-yeah, i’m y/n,” wow, smooth y/n, real smooth.
“ah, well if you need help with anything while i’m here let me know,” he says with a smile before turning and walking away leaving you a little dumbfounded.
you watch him walk back into the room that is only just down the hall from yours and felt your heart jump down to your stomach. holy crap, choi san is staying only a few rooms from you. what kind of fanfic trope is this?!
this had to be a dream, this had to be anything but real. you refuse to believe it. you slowly closed your bedroom door, walked over to your bed, and grabbed your pillow before screaming into it.
these next two weeks were going to be interesting, that’s for sure.
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SONG MINGI x WEBTOON ARTIST!F!READER ( strangers to friends to lovers )
mingi felt weird. not weird in a bad way, but just felt… weird. actually he wasn’t really sure how to explain it. his mom had asked him to go greet their new neighbor who was his age.
was this her way of trying to get him to start dating? to have him meet her new neighbor and have them just… fall in love?
but even if it was weird, mingi didn’t argue or question his mom and so that’s how he found himself standing in front of your door ready to knock and introduce himself.
when he did knock, it took a few minutes before someone eventually came to the door. and mingi won’t lie, you looked like you hadn’t seen another human for a few days with how disheveled you looked.
he wasn’t trying to judge you or anything, but it was quite obvious.
“can i help you?” you ask after you both stood there in silence for a few moments.
“o-oh, um, i’m mingi. my mom lives next door and wanted me to give you this as a welcome present,” he says presenting the kimchi he almost forgot he had in his hands.
you glanced down at his hands and noticed the container of kimchi. he seen you hesitate for a moment before you took it with gentle hands and that was probably the softest thing he’d witnessed from you since meeting you less than five minutes ago.
“thank you,” you said before going back into your apartment and closing the door behind you.
“so how did it go?” his mom asked once he returned. mingi still felt like the interaction happened a little too fast for his liking.
“it was… okay. she’s seems… interesting.”
“good! maybe this could be the start of a new friendship!”
“yeah, a new friendship.”
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JUNG WOOYOUNG x IDOL!F!READER ( strangers to friends )
“just talk to him, y/n, what could go wrong?” your group member insisted as you both stood near the vending machines at music show.
“a lot could go wrong and then i would just end up looking stupid in front of him and never be able to show my face in front of him again,” you told her and she gave you a pointed look as if to say really? but yes, really!
“come on, y/n, why don’t we go visit him and his group under the guise of giving them our album? maybe then you can get the chance to talk to him,” she suggests and you are about to deny it when she stops you and drags you back to your group’s dressing room.
which is how you all end up knocking on ateez’s dressing room door, your group’s album clutched tightly in your grip. when ateez’s manager opens the door, your leader bows and introduces you all and tells him how you wish to gift ateez a copy of your album.
“hello, we are visage,” you all say in unison before ateez is quick to also introduce themselves.
“we were just wanting to gift you all a copy of our album,” your leader says before gesturing to you who was still tightly holding onto the album.
your other group member gives you a light push which makes you step forward. your eyes flicker between wooyoung and the album before you’re quickly holding the album out for the dancer to take. could you have been any more obvious about your feelings? probably, but you didn’t want to think about it.
you really wish a giant hole would open up on the ground and swallow you up right now. wooyoung only smiles as he takes the album from you and you step back in your spot between your members.
your leader and hongjoong speak a little bit more before your group leaves and once back in the safety of your dressing room, you collapse onto the leather couch. again, can a giant hole just please swallow you up. you lay there for several minutes, just accepting that you probably made a fool of yourself in front of your crush.
ding! you look up and at your phone to see you got a text from an unknown number
‘hey this is wooyoung! love your dance covers let’s hangout sometime and film one together!!!’
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CHOI JONGHO x PRODUCER!F!READER ( co-workers to lovers )
jongho felt his jaw dropped when he was told that you would be working for kq and especially with ateez. how the company managed that is beyond him, but he’s not complaining.
of course his first time meeting you could have gone better than him causing you a nose bleed, but alas not everything goes as plan.
jongho doesn’t even remember all of what happened. one minute he was waiting to record his lines when he had to use the bathroom. so when he opens the door, he opens it smacking you in the face and watching you fall to the floor. your bag falling and papers scattering around you and jongho feels like his soul should have left his body.
“oh fuck, i am so sorry, are you okay?” he asks quickly bending down to help you pick your stuff up when he looks over to notice some blood dripping down your nose. jongho feels even worse as he immediately tries to help you even quicker. “oh god, your nose is bleeding! again, i’m so sorry!”
“i-it’s okay! i wasn’t paying any attention. i should be the one apologizing,” you say as you take a tissue out and attempt to stop your nose bleed.
“i can’t believe i gave my favorite producer a nose bleed,” jongho mumbles as you can’t help but laugh at how cute he is acting. the pout on his face doing wonders to make him fit into the role of the maknae, that you are well aware that he doesn’t always fit into.
“i’m your favorite producer?” you ask, eyes shining and jongho realizes that you heard him.
“y-yes, i love a lot of your songs even your solo stuff. your first album has always been a personal favorite of mine,” he says as he helps you stand, your bag now in his hands as he gently opens the door for you.
“well i’m a fan of your voice,” you say as you take your bag from him, “and i can’t wait to work with you jongho,” you say before walking into the studio and leaving jongho by himself in the hallway.
“she likes my voice.”
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tag list : @invuwrld @frankenstein852 @watamotee33 @kawennote09 @mixling-blog @marahleiwhen @kpopnightingale @harry-the-pottypus @rdiamond2727 @sanniesbum @marvelahsobx @khjcoo @mysticfire0435 @exfolitae @kryybebe @dementedaly @simonswhore @cvpitvno @kangskims @moonm1st
677 notes · View notes
dinotual · 11 months
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423 notes · View notes
honeyhotteoks · 1 year
sunday mornings (j.yh + p.sh)
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summary: one sunday morning yunho and seonghwa decide they want more than just coffee, they want you; a husbands story deleted scene
note: this is not an official installment in the husbands series, more like a deleted scene of just straight smut, no real plot. still... it's feral and i figured you might all enjoy it still. however, please read the warnings, this is one of the most intense dom/sub scenes i've ever written.
warnings: non idol!yunho, non idol!seonghwa, fem!reader, established relationship, established dom/sub dynamics with hard dom seonghwa, hard dom yunho, sub reader. specific content warnings for: slight somno vibes, dub-con vibes though truly there is nothing but boundless consent here, pet play and use of the pet name 'puppy', collars and leashes, ball gags, bdsm, restraints, overstimulation, use of latex gloves, spitting, mean language like slut and whore, taunting and humiliation play, with a lil praise we gotta get our 'good girl's in there, intense fingering, oral (m receiving), throat fucking, rough and i mean rough sex, slapping of all kinds, impact play of all kinds, use of dildos, squirting, multiple orgasms/pussy torture.... basically the husbands fuck the hell out of her and engage in lots of pain play.
pairings: seonghwa x yunho x reader
genre: smut and more smut
word count: 8.2K
my masterlist || read it on AO3
You wake on Sunday morning to kisses along the back of your neck and familiar fingers slipping under the hem of your underwear. The warm weight of your husband’s body behind you in the yellow glow of the late morning sun. For a minute you let him explore you, let his hand part your thighs and the tip of his middle finger gently flick across your clit. He’s breathing softly, your hair shifting with his every exhale against your skin. His teeth pull gently at the necklace around your throat. 
You don’t remember how you made it to bed last night, the last clear thought you have is the movie playing in the background and your head on Seonghwa’s thigh. Someone must have carried you upstairs, and judging by your bare legs and lack of bra, someone must have undressed you before tucking you in. 
Yunho’s arm tightens around you, adjusting his positioning, reaching around as he searches you more, sliding one finger further through your folds and seeking some wetness to spread over your sex. 
“Sweetheart,” He murmurs low, soft like he’s trying to ease you awake. 
You keep your eyes shut, letting your body stay relaxed and pliant. You sigh softly as he pushes the tip of his finger inside you. 
“Come on, my love,” He returns his fingers to your aching bud and circles softly, “it’s time to get up,” 
You’re not sure if he knows you’re awake, normally if he does he teases more than this. He turns the moment into a punishment and holds you down on your front while he takes you rough and quick from behind, but this morning he’s moving slowly. This morning he has plans. 
You stretch a little, your thighs parting. 
“There’s my love,” He kisses down the exposed skin of your upper back, fingers rocking more firmly with every shift of your body into consciousness. 
“Hi, baby,” You sigh, letting your eyes open finally. 
“Morning,” He nips at your shoulder. 
“Where’s Hwa?” You ask through a yawn as you realize he’s not on your other side. 
“Coffee,” Yunho explains, staying focused on touching you. 
You exhale slowly, letting him move you onto your back so he can touch more of you, “Did you just wake up?” 
“Mhm,” He pushes his hand up your shirt and over your stomach, up further to cup your breast, “I had a dream about you,” 
“And I woke up needing you,” He explains, lips traveling across your throat. 
He’s rock hard against your thigh, his hips pushing against you to feel some friction and you slide your hands under the covers to find his bare chest. His teeth catch against your necklace again, tugging softly as he sighs hot across your pulsepoint. 
“What about Hwa?” You tease him. 
“I need him too,” He dismisses, “but that’s not what I want right now,” 
“W-what do you want right now?” You ask, your voice caught when he pulls his hand out from under your shirt and cups your cheek, fingertips dragging down your neck. 
His hand closes over your throat in an instant as he leans back to watch your eyes, “Can we play, sweetheart?” 
A shock of warmth fires through your belly, heat pooling in your core and you wet your lips before nodding, “Please,” 
His fingers squeeze just a little and then his hand releases, and despite the way you can see in his face that he wants to move so much more quickly than this he remembers himself, voice softening, “Are you sure?” 
“Why?” You murmur, your fingertips coasting up his bare ribs. 
“The other night,” He says, nodding, “I know we were rough, you can say no if you’re not feeling up to it,” 
Three nights ago they had been rough. Your body twisted up and locked in place with silk ropes affixed to the hooks behind the headboard, their words had been harsh and demanding, and the way they both took you after what felt like hours of denial made your head spin and your legs numb by the time they released you into the soft sheets. 
You crane up just enough to press a kiss to his lips, “I’m sure, baby, I feel fine,” 
He studies your face for a moment, “You were sore Friday,” 
You smile, “It’s Sunday,” you nudge him, “but if you don’t want to fuck me,” 
He laughs and drags you up to his chest, kissing you soundly and shaking his head as he does, “No, no, I’m just checking,” 
“Thank you,” You squeeze his hand, “but I feel good, and we don’t have any plans today,” 
“True,” He murmurs
“You two do what you want to me,” You grin, pressing another kiss to his lips, “I’m all yours,” 
His hand tightens on your hip and he swallows hard, “You might regret that, I’m in a mood,” 
“I doubt that,” You roll your hips against him, catching his cock between your bodies. 
“Yeah?” He smirks, “You do like my moods, don’t you,” 
You can practically feel his words making you wetter. Downstairs the sound of the cabinets and dishes echo up and Yunho glances over his shoulder at the closed door. 
You kiss his chest, just below his throat and sink into his skin, “I love your moods, Daddy,” 
He groans at your words, his breath caught in his chest. You smile against his skin, knowing you’re giving him the perfect permission. You want him to put you on your knees so badly you could beg for it. 
Yunho presses one more sweet kiss to your lips once he recovers and then pushes you off him and back into the center of the bed, “Take your panties off,” 
“Yes, Daddy,” You respond, anticipation building as you slip them off and kick them beneath the sheets at your feet. 
Yunho crosses to the closet, pulling open the doors and locating the long shelf where all your toys and gadgets are laid out ready for use. He slides it open and selects his favorite collar and leash, and then steps back towards you. His face is starting to even out, gain that smooth, dominant passivity that you love and you’re sure that you’re in for some punishment today. 
In preparation, you gather your hair up high in a ponytail and secure it back and push yourself up on your knees. 
He stands before you, thumb rubbing against the leather of the collar, “Tell me, what are you, baby?” 
“A good puppy,” You respond with practiced ease. 
“Who’s good puppy?”
“Daddy’s,” You answer instantly, “and master’s,” 
“That’s right, pretty girl,” He murmurs, his tone slightly exaggerated like he’s speaking to a child. He unhooks the collar and places it around your neck, securing the black loop of leather around your throat. He slips a finger in between the fabric and your skin to ensure it’s not too tight or too loose, and then he clips on the leash to the front loop. 
He gives it an experimental tug, just enough to ensure it’s latched properly and then he smiles, “How’s that, puppy?” 
“Good,” You promise him, “perfect,” 
“Alright,” He murmurs, “let’s surprise Seonghwa,”
He steps away, stretching as he does and adjusting his black t-shirt, and you watch him carefully, waiting for instructions. It’s so easy to get into this headspace with them after so much time, years spent growing your levels of comfort with each other. In moments like this, every ounce of stress and worry falls away from your mind, and you know they’ll lead you safely into everything you need. Years ago you would be bubbling with nerves, but now you can just feel your skin tingling in anticipation, so you wait patiently. 
Yunho turns back to you and lifts the leash in his hand, beckoning you forwards, “Come,” 
“Yes, Daddy,” You answer with ease and a flicker of a smile passes over his lips before he clears his throat and lets the smooth mask of play fall into place. 
He leads you down in front of the bed with the leash, not pulling but guiding, until you’re squarely at the foot of the bed on your knees with your head bowed in supplication. Yunho settles himself behind you, seated on the bench in front of the bed, and he opens his legs to place one on either side of you. 
The leash pulls softly at your throat and you straighten up with its guidance. 
“Show him how pretty you look, pup,” He instructs until your back is perfectly straight and his hand slides over the front of your neck, dragging up to hold your jaw steady. 
You hear the creak of the stairs from the hall. 
“That’s right,” Yunho’s other hand wraps around the leash to keep it in his grip before he moves his hand hotly over your body through your thin sleep shirt, his fingertips tugging at your nipples. You whimper at the harsh tug, “Shh, shh, I won’t hurt you,” 
A pretty lie from his lips as he pinches your skin, but you lock lips shut and breathe slowly through your nose at the sensation, pleasure bubbling in your core again at his attention. 
Seonghwa’s footfalls are audible now as he crosses the landing to your bedroom, and then the door opens. He’s paying absolutely no attention, three cups of coffee balanced in his hands as he pushes the door open with his hip and keeps his eyes trained on the liquid in the cups to ensure nothing spills over onto the floor. 
“Good morning,” His voice is soft and pleasant, quiet so he doesn’t inadvertently wake you, “I hope you didn’t steal all the covers,” 
Yunho’s fingers tighten on your jaw and you hear him laugh softly, “Not exactly,” 
“So then you’re,” He finally looks up, the words dying in his throat and you watch him struggle not to dip the coffee out at the sight of you and Yunho. 
You’d laugh if you thought you’d get away with it without punishment. 
“Well,” Seonghwa grins, his eyebrows shooting up high, “good morning to me.” 
“That’s the idea,” Yunho smirks. 
Seonghwa laughs softly and spins slowly to place the coffee cups on the dresser, “Did she just get up?” 
A thrill runs through your belly at the way he doesn’t even look in your eyes, picking up immediately on the tone in the room and what Yunho wants to do with you. 
“Mhm,” Yunho lifts the hem of your shirt to expose your bare lower half, “she woke up so wet and wanting, darling,” 
“Is that right?” Seonghwa murmurs, running a hand through his long black hair. 
Yunho’s quiet for a moment, and then he taps your cheek with his index finger, “Seonghwa asked you a question, pup.” 
“Yes, sir,” You jump at the chance to speak now that you’ve been acknowledged. 
His eyes flick down to yours and you see a softness there for the briefest moment before he straightens up and crosses the room to stand in front of you, “I’d like to see for myself,” 
“Yes, sir,” 
He drops to a crouch, only inches away from you now, and his fingers tap your bare thigh, “Open up,” 
Despite the rough drag of the carpet under your knees, you part your legs open. 
“Yeobo,” Seonghwa says to your husband, “has our sweet puppy been touched yet today?” 
“A little,” Yunho confirms, “just a warm up,” 
Without meeting your gaze, Seonghwa’s hand pushes between your legs and his fingers find your wet slit, rocking back and forth to gauge your wetness. You physically fight the urge to roll your hips into his hand or make a sound. 
“Perfect,” He breathes. 
A small sigh makes it through your lips. 
Sometimes you don’t know which of them will take the lead, and given the way Yunho woke you and spoke to you, if you were betting in this moment you would have said him. Seonghwa’s still wearing his sleep pants with a kitschy cute print, he just entered the scene, he hasn’t had more than a minute to adapt and sink into the headspace, and yet when your eyes meet his again you know you’ve never been more wrong. 
His gaze is hard, passive and dismissive, and with ease he addresses Yunho without breaking eye contact with you, “I want her in the chair, and I want you both stripped. Now.” 
Yunho drops your chin and your leash immediately, his hands finding the edge of your shirt to pull it up and over your head before tossing it to the side. When he moves to strip off his own clothes, Seonghwa reaches forward to take your face in his hand. 
“Open,” He says. 
Your lips part obediently. 
“Wider,” He scolds, delivering a tight slap to your cheek.
  You whine, but your mouth drops open wider and you extend your tongue. 
Seonghwa angles your face upwards with his hand, spitting directly into your mouth and delivering another quick slap, “Swallow.” 
You don’t make the same mistake twice, and you clamp your lips shut and swallow, letting him watch the bob of your throat so he knows you’re being honest. 
“Chair,” Seonghwa repeats to Yunho, “Now.” 
The leash grows taut suddenly, and Yunho stands and shifts to your side, stripped bare now with his cock standing hard and aching pink before you. 
Your lips part softly at the sight and Seonghwa laughs. “Such a little slut,” He teases, “one look at his cock and you want a taste?” 
“Yes, sir,” 
“Too bad,” He shrugs. 
He stands a moment later, moving out of your eye line behind you, and though you hear the shift of the bed, the drag of drawers opening and the rustle of fabric, you don’t even think about turning to look. 
“Pup,” Yunho tugs the leash and you lurch forward to follow his hand, bracing yourself on the floor with one hand, “come.” 
“Yes, Daddy,” You manage, finding your balance on your hands and knees, scrambling a little to keep up with how tight the lead is and how quickly he’s pulling you forwards across the bedroom floor. 
He makes a displeased noise with his tongue against his teeth and then suddenly there’s no tightness in the leash at all and his hands are on you, lifting you up off the ground with ease before depositing you into the aforementioned chair. He pushes your legs open wide and you comply quickly to get into position but he shakes his head, “You need to do better than this, puppy.” 
You huff softly as he pulls your body into the position he wants. This chair normally sits in the corner of your bedroom looking nothing but decorative, but it’s a favorite for moments like this. As he locates the silk ropes in the nearby storage ottoman, you realize several things at once. The chair beneath you is covered in plush towels, Seonghwa has shucked off his pajama pants in favor of just boxers, and in his hands he holds a collection of toys. 
Your muscles clench.
  “Stay still, baby,” Yunho murmurs as he drops down in front of you, winding the silks tightly around your skin. 
You’re nervous, desperately so, like you always are before a scene like this. You fell into this morning so quickly it feels especially unpredictable, but that’s always part of the fun. Yunho ties your legs tightly together and affixes you well to each arm of the chair, leaving you spread open, unable to close your legs no matter how hard you try. 
He smooths a hand up your shin once he’s done, and checks his knots, “Color?” 
“Green,” You assure him. 
“Good,” Seonghwa’s voice enters the mix as he steps closer, “now tell us, puppy,” he says with a wry smile, “what do you want?” 
Yunho’s hand slowly shifts down your inner thigh. 
You swallow hard, your hips jerking involuntarily as Yunho’s finger’s coast over the top of your mound, “I want to be good for you, sir,” you confess, your voice breathy and tight. 
“I’m sure you do,” Seonghwa nods and then he reaches out and gives Yunho’s shoulder a squeeze, silently communicating that he should shift away from you. 
“Hwa,” Yunho starts to say, but Seonghwa jumps back in. 
“y/n,” He steps to your side, “open wide again,”
“Yes, sir,” You lean your head back, mouth falling open.
  “That’s a good girl,” He coos.
  “Thank you, sir,” You sigh before returning your mouth to its open position.
  “Yunho,” Seonghwa murmurs, passing him most of the items in his hands. When Seonghwa reaches out to you, you see the ball gag in his hands and he nods, “that’s right, that’s a very good girl.” 
You take a deep breath and exhale slowly, calming your fluttering heart rate and opening yourself up to their desires. He tucks the ball between teeth and watches you carefully as you slide it into the right place and get comfortable with the obstruction. You make sure you can still breathe somewhat around the ball, but mostly make sure that you can freely take steady breaths in and out through the nose. 
When he’s sure you’re ready, and you give him one small nod, he wraps the leader around the back of your head and secures it tightly. 
“Hands?” He asks, and you know he’s giving you the option but you don’t care, you extend them out and press them together. 
“Such a good girl today,” Yunho hums, pressing a kiss to your shin as he leans against you, “maybe we should reward her,” 
“We’ll see,” Seonghwa says, wrapping your wrists tightly together with a familiar silky rope of black fabric. 
“You’re in a mood,” Yunho chuckles. 
“I’m not the one who put our girl on a platter,” He smiles, and he lets your hands drop, “and besides, she likes it.”
“Oh, I know,” 
“Now,” Seonghwa takes a step back, gathering the top section of his hair into a bun and securing it neatly with an elastic from his wrist, “one more thing,” 
You can feel yourself trembling, your hips already starting to ache from their prone position, and you think to yourself that if he brings out a blindfold too you’ll have to stop the scene. Your skin already feels flushed and tingly, your whole body tight on a razor wire and you don’t think you can handle a single thing more. 
But instead of blindfold, Seonghwa snaps up a little cube shaped object from your bedside table and presses it into your hands. You recognize it immediately and without hesitation you press the button on the one curved side, the object strobing a sharp white light in fast flashes. Once you register that it’s on and working you click the button again and extinguish the light. 
“Good,” Seonghwa murmurs, “tell me again darling, what do you do when you want to stop?” 
You press the button once more, the light flashing white. 
“And for an emergency?” He asks, holding your gaze. 
You find the small switch on the side and push it to the right and then click the button again. The light flashes red now, an insistent bright hue where there can be no mistaking of your intentions. 
“Very good,” He nods as you click the light back off and slide the indicator into the safe position. Seonghwa picks up one more item on the table to your side, “Yunho, behind her, please,” 
“Anything you like, yeobo,” Yunho gives you one last squeeze, and then he’s gone from your field of vision. 
Your fingers fiddle with the object in your hands. You’ve only used it once or twice to slow a scene in the whole time you’ve been together, but you’ve never flicked it red. Once when you were dizzy, mouth stuffed full and everything in your brain starting to swim deliriously towards unconsciousness, you had flicked the indicator into the red position, but they had noticed the change in your body in seconds and stopped before you even decided to press stop. 
Behind you, you feel the heat of Yunho’s chest as he settles close and waits for more, the leash sliding over your shoulder and disappearing behind you as he turns your collar around. 
“Hold her steady,” Seonghwa instructs, and then he drops to his knees before you. 
You’re trembling in anticipation, your clit pulsing with need between your legs, and you’re sure that if he doesn’t touch you soon, you might fall apart from anxious need alone. 
With no warning, he lays one hand over your mound and cups you, and you realize he needed the moment to put on a pair of black latex gloves. Your hips jump. 
“She likes it,” Yunho murmurs low, “look at her,” 
“Mm,” Seonghwa nods, applying pressure with his fingers and rocking them in a circle once, “that’s because she’s ours. She always likes what we give her,” 
A sound bubbles up from your throat and Seonghwa chuckles, “Oh, you do don’t you?” 
He taps his hand once, a quick slap against your swollen nub, and your head falls back as you moan. 
“Ah, ah, ah,” Seonghwa slaps your cunt again, “eyes on me,” 
You breathe through the sensation pulsing through your core and lift your heavy head back up. Yunho drags the leash to help direct your head and then steps close to brace you against his body. 
Seonghwa smiles, his hand massaging you a few more times before he lifts it and glances up to Yunho, “Let’s see how quickly our silly puppy will make a mess,” 
His fingers are inside you before you have a chance to take a breath, and your teeth clamp down on the silicone ball as you moan sharply. 
Seonghwa crooks his gloved fingers just right, and then his hand starts to pulse. He starts off shallow at first, knuckles pressed up to your slick folds as he simply pushes his fingers deeper in short little bursts, the sensations in your belly doubling as he strokes his fingertips over your spongy g-spot again and again. 
Your body jerks in the chair, a groan caught somewhere in the back of your throat. 
“You like it that much, pup?” Yunho’s lips against your ear send a shock through you, “You really are such a little whore, aren’t you?” 
“Our whore,” Seonghwa grins, and he delivers a slap to your inner thigh with his free hand as he picks up the pace of his opposite. 
You moan tightly, teeth digging into the ball now, and Seonghwa starts to fuck you in earnest on his fingers, fast and hard and as deep as he can reach at this angle. It doesn’t feel good, not really, it feels tight and humiliating and your chest is broken out in a pink panicked flush, but it only takes a few more moments of that initial discomfort until the bubble inside you starts to build. 
You choke a curse around the ball in your mouth, hands gripping together tightly. 
“Our whore who’s going to make a mess for her masters,” Seonghwa pants, adjusting his angle and driving into you more forcefully, “over and over again.” 
You moan tightly, pressure dropping low in your abdomen. 
“Isn’t that right?” Seonghwa groans, never changing the pace of his hand. 
You moan tightly, nodding as best you can to comply, but the tautness of the leash keeps you stiff. 
“Make a mess,” Seonghwa commands, “come on,” 
The pressure in your belly drops further, a tight, tense feeling that almost brings tears to your eyes. You whine desperately, clamping your eyes shut, sensations washing through you, and your body tries to jerk and respond but you’re incredibly stuck stock still. 
“Come when I say,” Seonghwa directs you and your eyes fly open to watch him. 
You moan, choked against the ball. 
“You come in three,” He begins to count, his fingers crooking inside you and his opposite hand pressing down over your abdomen, “two…” 
Yunho grips you harder and the sound that leaves you is one of muffled desperation. 
“One,” Seonghwa orders you, and your body crumbles, trained perfectly to their commands. 
All at once the pressure snaps open and you feel your cunt pulsing, all but forcing his fingers out of you as you squirt clear liquid in a rush. 
“Good girl,” Seonghwa encourages, his hand flattening over your clit to rub back and forth harshly, your release splattering across your thighs and his bare chest, “oh, what a good girl,” 
Your chest heaves as you breathe deeply through your nose, trying to settle your trembling body, but he doesn’t even give you a moment of reprieve. The sound of a vibrator makes your eyes flash, searching for the source of the noise and then he lifts the wand. 
“Relax,” Yunho soothes you, petting your hair and giving your shoulder a squeeze, “be good,” 
You nod, pressing into his hand and he hums pleasantly. 
“Listen to Daddy, baby,” Seonghwa smiles, a little taunting and you wonder how this is about to go, your conscious thoughts starting to slip back. 
The wand connects hard with your clit a second later and you all but shriek against the gag, shaking your head hard and your hips jutting. 
“Stop squirming,” Seonghwa orders, delivering a harsh slap to the back of your thigh. The position you’re in has you bent in half, almost in a perfect press and at the flash of pain through your backside from his hand you settle, letting your legs sink back. 
He circles the vibrator, rocking it over your clit again and again and your body flushes pink with pleasure and stinging pain. Your hips rock again, just the smallest amount to try and disconnect the powerful vibrations from your aching clit for just a second so you can get your head around the sensations and he hums, displeased. 
He lifts the wand and delivers another harsh slap, his slick glove against your bare skin, stinging and turning your flesh redder and more numb, “You’re being selfish, puppy,” 
You whimper, shaking your head a little. 
“You are.” He insists, “I thought you said you wanted to be good for us.” 
You nod, trembling. 
“Then you’ll sit still,” He lets his hand crack down against your skin again and you tighten your teeth around the ball, moaning against it. 
A hand winds into your hair suddenly and Yunho tugs your head backwards. You yelp in surprise, eyes watering. 
“If you want to touch Daddy’s cock,” He says, with no sympathy in his voice, “you’ll take every bit of what you get, do you understand me?” 
You make a muffled noise. 
“I said, do you understand me, puppy?” His free hand delivers a stinging slap to your cheek, “Answer,” 
You whine a yes and then a yes, Daddy for good measure. You try to nod but his fist in your hair holds you too still and you wait to see if he’s accepted your garbled words. 
“Very good,” He nods, his hand loosening slightly, “now hush,” 
The vibrator lands once again on your pulsing clit and you cry out against your restraints, but this time you don’t move your hips, you take it just like they told you to. Your bound hands have nowhere to go, the cube twisting in your fingers as your arms shake, and Yunho’s hand wraps around your wrists to tug them back up into your chest and keep them out of Seonghwa’s way. 
“Better,” Seonghwa says, pressing down harder with the bulbous head of the vibrator, “there you go,” 
Everything feels sharp, aching and barely pleasurable, but you trust them. 
“A wet little mess,” Seonghwa teases you, rolling the vibrator in a circular pattern, lifting it and spitting once again, this time directly over your sex, “look at that,” 
He shifts his hand now, dragging the vibrator up and over your bud and then off it completely before repeating the motion, a rhythmic teasing of your most sensitive parts that leaves you choking moans against your gag.
“Don’t come,” He presses the vibrator down hard and your eyes tighten shut, a keening sound against the gag now, “hold it.” 
You can’t, there’s no way, the flood of heat through your body and the rush of sudden pleasure between your thighs is so strong you feel like you might crack open in his hands. You whine, your wrists jerking against Yunho’s wide palm, but all you get in return is a tug against the collar that silently communicates everything you need to know - don’t move. 
“Hold it,” Seonghwa repeats, shifting closer on his knees, adjusting the angle of the vibrator, and laying one wet, gloved hand on your tender thigh. 
The sound that leaves you is animal, somewhere between a moan and a sob and if you had any conscious thought left in your body you’d be glad the walls are thick in this apartment so that no one can hear you but them. 
“Now, come now,” Seonghwa commands and your brain blanks, ears ringing hard as your body responds to him, your legs trembling uncontrollably as the waves of pleasure roll through you. 
Your breath is caught, your mind spinning, and you jump with a start when Seonghwa drops the vibrator and pushes something thick inside you. 
“Mm!” Your head snaps up, fighting against the position Yunho has you in, and you feel him give you a little slack so you don’t actually injure your throat straining against the collar. 
“Don’t whine,” Seonghwa scolds, “you can take more than this any day,” 
Your eyes fill with unshed tears, the sudden intrusion of the dildo startling you in a way you really hadn’t expected, and you don’t mean to try and pull away from the toy, but your hips do it anyway. He pulls it free and drops a slap over your core, and you write against them with a tight cry. Your fingers twist the safety indicator in your hands and your thumb finds the curved button, but you don’t press it quite yet, you wait and breathe deep and let your panic settle. 
“Tell her,” Seonghwa directs. 
The toy plunges back inside you, deep in one shockingly quick thrust and you suddenly can barely breathe. The dildo itself is a standard size, no bigger than either of your partners, but with the position you’re twisted into and the relentlessness of Seonghwa’s attention, you can barely take it. You can feel your walls pulsing around it, hot and fluttering. 
Yunho nips at your ear, dragging your head to one side so you can hear his low voice, “We want you to come again,” 
You huff against the gag. 
“All over,” He kisses your throat, dragging his teeth over your pulsepoint, “can you do that for us, baby?” 
You make a noise, just enough to confirm you’re still with them. 
Seonghwa pulls the toy back and thrusts forwards again, only this time he doesn’t pause and let you get accustomed to the feeling, this time he goes faster, harder. You squeal against the gag and pull tight again against the leash, and this time Seonghwa reaches up to take the lead from Yunho and drag it forward between your legs. 
“You like being our filthy little toy?” Seonghwa asks you, tone laced with mocking sympathy, “A doll for us to fuck when we feel like it?” 
Your eyes roll back, a tightening in your gut, the sounds of the room nothing but lewd and wet and careless. 
“Eyes up, pup,” Yunho’s deep voice in your ear makes you moan but he punctuates his words with a firm slap against your breast and you jolt up again. 
“So rude,” Seonghwa tuts, “can’t even answer a simple question,” 
You moan something garbled, but you don’t even know what you were trying to say. 
“Is your head so full of cock you can’t even think straight?” Seonghwa laughs, tugging the leash again until you’re straining forward and moaning at the aching position, “It is, isn’t it?” 
“Dirty girl,” Yunho bites down on your shoulder. 
“Fucking filthy,” Seonghwa curses, letting the leash go suddenly and you fall back hard with a whimper. He slaps your thigh again and you jerk. 
For a moment they let you lay back as reclined as you can be in the chair in this pretzel of a position, but the dildo doesn’t stop, the curve perfectly angled to press up into your g-spot over and over again. You’re going to come, the realization slamming into you like a train and with the gag in your mouth there’s no way to ask for permission. 
You squirm in the chair, blinking hard and whining against the ball, trying to get their attention so they realize. You don’t want to break a rule, you can’t take much more, but it’s going to happen anyways. 
“There we go, there we go,” Seonghwa thrusts the toy as quickly as he can, his fingers digging into your thigh where he holds you steady. He’s talking to himself now, watching his work. 
You moan against the gag, and if your mouth was free you’d be asking - Sir, please may I come?
And he’d say yes. 
And you’d fall into pieces in his palms. 
Instead all you can do is whine, and he drops a hard slap to your thigh, and it’s all over. You release hard, fluid erupting from your abused core yet again as he pulls back the dildo on one of the thrusts, forcing it free. Your bound hands break out of Yunho’s hold and you shove them downwards to try and cover yourself, to try and get him to stop torturing you with the silicone cock. The sounds you make are harsh and wheezing, tears streaming down your temples. 
Seonghwa slaps your hands back and drags the head of the dildo over your clit fast, dragging out the intensity of your orgasm and making a wet mess of you both as he does. In the moments after, as your shaking body comes down from the hardest orgasm yet, you realize the rest of the morning is not going to go like any of you planned. 
“Disappointing,” Seonghwa’s hand connects once again with your thigh and you can already see how red and aching the flesh there is, “you know the rules,” 
You whimper against the gag. 
“If you wanted to come on a cock that badly,” He spanks you again, “you should have waited for us,” 
You squeak, shaking your head, eager to explain yourself. 
“No, no,” Seonghwa hand comes down again, lighting up your skin with pins and needles, “you be quiet,” 
You swallow hard, jaw aching against the gag. 
Seonghwa reaches up, picking up the leash as it lays down your front, and he pulls it just enough that you have to arch your head up to follow it. He licks his lips and sighs, trading a quick look with Yunho, “I was going to let you out after that last one,” he says, “and take you both to bed.” 
“Is that so?” Yunho murmurs, kissing your shoulder. 
The tenderness does little to quell your nerves, you feel the way his hands grip you.
“Mhm,” Seonghwa nods, “I was going to fuck you soft, like you like sometimes in the mornings. Maybe make you come on my tongue,” 
Your breath leaves you in a shudder.
“I would have let you rut your sweet self on Daddy’s thigh until you fell asleep,” His eyes turn soft, apologetic even, “but I can’t do that now.” 
You sob softly against the gag. 
“Now you need a lesson,” He pushes away from you, standing and gesturing for Yunho to follow. 
You watch them as they work, adjusting your binds so that you tip further back into a proper press and they adjust the chair so that they can access you the way they need to. Your legs are open wider now, the ache in your hips deep, but you wait, you wanted this. 
Yunho pulls the binds on your gag unexpectedly, the ball falling loose from your mouth and you groan at the sore state of your jaw. 
“Don’t get too comfortable,” He says, pushing a hand back into your hair. 
“Y-yes, Daddy,” Your throat feels hoarse and tired, but you clear your throat lightly and let his hand against your scalp support the weight of your exhausted neck. 
Yunho adjusts his stance by your side and comes closer, his leaking cock an inch away from your cheek. As Seonghwa moves between your spread thighs, Yunho finds your hands and opens your fingers, checking to see that your safety light is still tucked between your hands. You give him the smallest nod, and he gives your fingers a squeeze. 
“This time,” Seonghwa interrupts your thoughts as he braces himself on the chair and finds the right positioning for him to be able to sink his hard length inside you, “you don’t come until I say.” 
“Yes, sir,” You confirm with a sigh.
“Good girl,” He says, and then he slides home. 
You moan, voice unobstructed this time, your head falling back into Yunho’s wide palm. 
“Come on, pretty,” Yunho shakes you a little as Seonghwa starts to work his hips, “you wanted to suck Daddy’s cock so bad and now you’re too tired?” 
You shake your head, blinking hard and turning your face towards his aching length, letting your mouth fall open and extending your tongue. 
“Good,” He soothes you, and then he dips forwards, sinking his hardness past your lips and down your throat. 
You grip your hands tightly together and steady your breathing through your nose. 
“Taking it all like a good fucking slut,” Seonghwa sighs, jutting his hips up and forcing the rest of himself deep in your cunt, “God, I can feel it, you’re gripping me like a vice, baby,” 
Your head goes fuzzy at the sudden praise. 
Yunho adjusts his position, leaning over you and bracing himself on the edge of the table behind the chair with the hand that isn’t cupping the back of your head. He thrusts once, experimental to test your limits and the position, and you moan against his cock as it connects with the soft back of your throat. 
“Fuck,” Seonghwa curses his fingers gripping your side, “you should feel her,” 
“Mm-mm,” Yunho shakes his head, “I like her choking on my cock,” 
“Of course you do,” Seonghwa laughs, thrusting hard and knocking his hips into yours. 
“Pretty little cockslut,” Seonghwa grunts as he pistons his hips faster, every thrust stretching you wide and sending sparks of pleasure up your spine, “isn’t that right?” 
You moan around Yunho’s thrusting cock, your eyes clamping shut as you try to focus on your breath and let them take what they want from you. 
“Yeah,” Seonghwa huffs, mocking, “that’s right, puppy,” 
Your eyes roll back, body locking up, another orgasm so close you can almost brush right against it. 
“I bet you want me to come inside you,” Seonghwa says hot against your skin, “I know how you beg for it,” 
Your body jerks, your hands scrambling against his chest but he ignores you. 
“You think you deserve that, baby?” Seonghwa presses messy, angry kisses over your chest, teeth catching on your skin. 
You whine, gripping your hands tighter, your head swimming. You’d nod if you could, say yes, say anything if you could. 
“I’m,” Yunho chokes, his hips rolling into you forcefully as he drags your head forwards with every thrust of his cock through your lips, “H-Hwa,”
“Make her swallow,” Seonghwa tells him, ordering him just as much as he’s ordering you. 
Yunho groans, locking your head against his pubic bone as he spills himself down the back of your throat in one final, shaking thrust. You choke against him, spluttering a little and trying to pull back but he holds you steady. Your fingers find the curved side of the safety light once more, but he pulls back before you have to use it. 
You swallow hastily, less in an effort to take his release and more in an effort to take a deep breath of air, but his fingers find your chin to tip your head back so you don’t waste a drop as you sputter and cough. 
“That’s my good girl,” He soothes you, “so sweet for letting me use her mouth,” 
You sigh, swallowing again and leaning your cheek against his palm. 
Yunho takes a deep breath and then reaches past you, reproducing the gag. 
“N-no, wait,” You take a deep breath and scramble to find Seonghwa’s eyes, but he’s intensely focused on the sight of his cock plunging in and out of your aching slit, muttering obscenities through his own sounds of pleasure. 
Yunho gives you a full second to click on the light and stop things, but when you don’t he moves forwards and stuffs the ball back into your mouth, securing the grip behind your head. 
“Shh, shh,” he strokes your hair, “you can do it,” 
You’re not sure that you can, but you nod. 
“Fuck,” Seonghwa pants, collapsing over you further as Yunho shifts away from you, “you feel like heaven,” 
Your walls clench around him, the sudden rush of pleasure building again inside you. 
He tugs your hair, pumping his hips in deep snaps that run sharp pulses of pleasure up your spine, “Come on my cock,” he commands, “Now, baby, come on,” 
You sob against the gag, so close you want to reach out and take it, sweat breaking across your brow, blush across your body. 
“I know you’re close,” Seonghwa taunts, “I know you, baby, I own you,” 
Your head drops back, swimming with an explosion of another orgasm, your vision swimming, but suddenly he’s gone, no longer inside you and stimulating you and dragging you up and over the edge. You cry out, harsh and desperate and needy, your cunt clenching around nothing. 
Your eyes stay shut, you can’t muster the strength to lift your head. 
He says something more, but you can’t quite make it out, and you feel it when he comes hot and wet across your belly. 
The vibrator presses down on your clit once more, and he turns up the intensity, and once again you jolt, a broken, raspy cry from your throat. 
“Now,” Seonghwa commands once more, “now, hard, come on,” 
The pain of your overstimulated clit is almost too much to bear but he rocks the vibrator just right one more time and the orgasm he snatched away from you a moment ago rips you back under tenfold. Every part of you is aching, muscles screaming and joints stiff, but this final wave of ecstatic, orgasmic pleasure loosens the last conscious fibers of your mind, leaving you floating and boneless. You can’t quite feel anything anymore except a dull buzzing through every inch of your skin. The little light in your hands falls free, clattering to the floor. 
It takes a moment for your ears to stop ringing, but when they do the first thing you hear is the soft voices of your husbands. 
“Get her legs,” Seonghwa instructs, and then his fingers are in your hair uncoupling the gag from your mouth, “Jagiya, can you hear me?” 
“Yes, sir,” You breathe as the gag falls away, and soft fingers find your jaw to massage warm circles into your skin. 
“Open your eyes, jagiya,” Seonghwa murmurs, “come on,” 
You blink furiously, fighting with the rush of light and the misty tears that cloud your vision. 
“Come on,” Seonghwa murmurs, his fingers sweeping through your hair, “there we go, give me a deep breath,” 
You take a deep inhale in through the nose, and Yunho finally loosens the ropes around your legs enough so that they unfurl, an ache suddenly ringing up your thighs through your lower back. On your exhale the pain of it makes you cry out softly and you let your legs fall slack. 
“Darling,” Seonghwa cups your cheek, bringing your eyes to his, “this is very important, alright?” 
You nod. 
“Does anything hurt?” He asks calmly, thumb stroking along your cheek. 
“Hips,” You manage, but if you’re being honest your jaw is sore too. 
“Okay,” He nods, “anything else?” 
Your head floods with dizzy confusion, the influx of oxygen too much to handle and you let your eyes droop closed again, your head feeling heavy. 
Seonghwa’s hand cups your head to keep it from lolling backwards and you feel his fingers on the collar, “Yunho, do you,” 
“I’ve got it,” Yunho replies smoothly, and you feel his hands on your skin, strong arms lifting you up as the collar falls away. 
“Mm,” You sigh, blinking again to open your eyes and get your bearings, “where?” 
“Shh,” Yunho soothes you, “we’re just going to bed, sweetheart,” 
You suddenly feel like falling, your brain floating and disconnected, and the next time you open your eyes it’s to both of their faces above you. 
“y/n,” Seonghwa asks, gently tapping your cheek to get your eyes to focus on him, “tell me again, what hurts?” 
This time, your brain seems to start working. You exhale slowly, taking stock of your limbs and stretching against the sheets, “I’m okay,” 
“Are you sure?” He cups your cheek, “Think for a minute,” 
You shake your head, winding your fingers together with his, “I’m good, for a second I was stiff, but I’m good,” 
Yunho’s fingers slide over your bare hips and start to press gentle circles into your skin. He watches your face carefully for any signs of deeper discomfort and murmurs, “You’re supposed to use the light if you feel dizzy,” 
“I know,” You breathe, “it happened quick,” 
His lips close and he nods, focused again on your stiff limbs. 
“Next time you have to tell us,” Seonghwa presses, “alright?” 
“I promise,” You swear, “I just couldn’t think straight there for a minute,” 
Seonghwa sighs, relieved and exhausted, and he drops lower on the bed to kiss you, “You did so beautifully, baby,” 
“You were perfect,” He assures you, voice relaxing now that he knows once again you’re fine and responsive. 
“Can you hold me?” You murmur against his cheek, “please?” 
“Of course, of course, I can,” He peppers kisses over your face, easing down into the covers gathering you close, “how’s this?” 
“Good,” You nod. 
His hand caresses your back, massaging your sore muscles. 
“Yunho, you too,” You sigh with your cheek against Seonghwa’s bare chest, and you reach up blindly for your other husband’s hand. 
“I’m right here,” He murmurs, slipping behind you and snuggling close, “how do you feel?” 
“Warm,” You murmur, “and so sleepy,” 
“You rest,” Yunho kisses your shoulder, “you did so well for us, my love,” 
“You liked it?” You blink, trying to find their hands to hold. 
Yunho’s hand closes over you and Seonghwa’s entwined fingers and brings them to his lips, pressing a kiss to your knuckles to try to ease you, “I loved it, I love you,” 
“I love you too,” You sigh. 
Seonghwa caresses your cheek softly, “He’s right, you did so well, and I know you pushed yourself today,” 
“Yeah,” You feel a little rush of emotions, thankful that he noticed the way you quelled your own panic to trust that they would keep you safe. 
“We’ll always take care of you, my darling,” He kisses your hair, warm hands stroking your skin, “and it means so much to us that you trust us, just don’t push yourself too hard next time,” 
You can’t fight the yawn, but you nod, “I will, I’m sorry,” 
“Hwa,” Yunho murmurs softly. 
There’s a quiet exchange above you, but you’re too tired to make it out. Seonghwa’s hand untangles from yours and his fingers rest along your jaw. Slowly he massages the muscles there, giving you relief you didn’t even know you needed after the aching extension of your mouth for so long around the gag. 
“We’ll talk about everything later,” Yunho murmurs, “she’s exhausted,” 
“You’re right,” Seonghwa murmurs, and then he shifts to soothe you, “y/n, you sleep now, and Yunho and I will be here when you wake up, alright?” 
“Mhm,” Your body starts to go boneless. 
“I love you so much,” He presses a warm kiss to your forehead. 
“I love you,” You breathe, your stiff joints relaxing under their hands. 
“I know, darling,” Seonghwa murmurs, his voice starting to sound far away, “we know,” 
It’s hours before you wake again, but when you do they’re with you, just as he said. Between them you stay held, cherished, never a broken promise between you. 
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hyvelxve · 4 months
vid is from lovelyjoon77 on tiktok <3
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sunnie-aes · 7 months
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....⠀.⠀ .⠀ ⠀ .⠀.. ⠀⠀.. . ...... ⠀husband material . .... 㜸㜺㚜㛓 —【 choi san 】婚꯭姻
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please give credits if you use it.
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dawnofus · 11 months
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yunho + cosmopolitan
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yuyuonabeat · 29 days
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MDNI Light smut
This because I can’t stop thinking about Husband Yunho.
😩Gosh I get so turned on when I see him wearing rings.
I can’t stop thinking about having Yunhos hands all over my body.
Like imagine him coming up to you and pinning you against the kitchen counter while you make dinner. His hands roaming your much smaller figure and gently caressing you all over while delivering kisses to your neck and bare shoulders.
Whispering the sweetest things into your ears.
“How’s dinner going my beautiful wife?” He says while softly pulling your waist closer to him.
“I’m.. I’m almost done, you can make the table if you like.” Anything to get him off of you, trying to concentrate so you don’t burn your dinner.
He pats your head gently.
Oh but Yunho has something else in mind.
He turns you around so you’re facing him. Kneels down in front of you and starts to bring your panties down.
You always wore comfortable outfits at home like one of his button up shirts and underwear or something baggy but today you were feeling warm and wore a tank top with your lace panties.
You gasp at his sudden action.
“Yu-Yunho dinners almost ready let’s not-“
“I wanna eat you instead.” He cuts you off and attaches his mouth to your wet core.
Making you moan as you try to balance yourself.
Grabbing onto his hair for your dear life.
The things you had signed up for when you decided to marry Yunho and now that you’re his Ms. Jeong, he’s gonna treasure you until the very end.
Yunho get out of my head please I must be loyal to Yeosang.🤧
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san in the eyes of yunho. 🙂‍↔️
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bunnakit · 1 month
my husband spent over an hour with me today watching the ATEEZ Coachella performance (I have vods of both weekends if anyone ever needs them) and some Stray Kids videos and then listened to me infodump about random kpop shit for like another hour
and he's agreed to go see ATEEZ with me when they come to Phoenix (after I'm already going to the Oakland show with friends) and I just love him so much
(in exchange I did help him fix a glitched achievement he needed to 100% a game)
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18 notes · View notes
thelargefrye · 1 year
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[ AFTER SCHOOL MONTAGE ] — raim has san wrapped around her tiny five year old finger.
pairing : san x f!reader genre : idol au, parent au, fluff warnings : none!
suffer with me tag : @sanjoongie
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if there was anything you were sure about it was that raim was a daddy's girl. she absolutely adored san and looked at him like he hung the stars, moon, even the sun. which of course, according to her five year old mind, he did do all those things and more.
you couldn't help the small laugh that escapes you as you and your husband walk down the sidewalk to pick raim up from school. san immediately turned to look at you with a raised eye, you could tell he was curious even with his mask covering his face.
"what are you laughing at?" he asked tilting his head, the sight reminded you of cat and only made you want to let out another chuckle.
"i was just thinking about how much raim loves you. makes me a little jealous you have all our daughter's attention," you say, the teasing tone evident in your voice that san catches onto immediately.
san let out a laugh his time as he pulled you close to him, his arm wrapping around your shoulders and basically tucking you into him. "you're so cute," he tells you, nuzzling his head into your crown before he's reaching down to hold your hand in his.
however, despite knowing that you aren't exactly the favorite parent, you couldn't deny the strong connection san and raim had. you remember seeing the pure and true love san had when he held raim for the first time after she was born. and then watching him do skin-to-skin contact with raim for the first time, and how san teared up, it only served to let you know that you couldn't have picked a better man to marry and have kids with.
"hey, sannie," you say tugging on your husband's hand as you both neared the school. san hummed and turned to look at while, "i love you," you tell him. san smiles at you and stops the both of you from walking further. you give him a questioning look as san pulls his mask down before yours and quickly presses a kiss to your lips before fixing both your masks.
"i love you too," he says, "don't distract me too much or else we'll be late to pick up our butterfly," he adds making you both laugh as continue walking.
"appa!" raim's voice seems to ring out around the area as your five year-old daughter runs towards you and san, mainly san. san laughs as he bends down allowing raim to run and jump into his arms.
"oh, my pretty butterfly," he says as he wraps his arms around her and picks her up. the two of them quickly shared a nose kiss, before san pulled his mask down to kiss the crown of her head. raim then turned to you and you also shared a nose kiss. "how was your day?" san asks when he puts her back down.
her tiny hand immediately wrapped around his forefinger and you couldn't help but smile at how cute the two of them looked. raim talking about her day, rambling about the things she did, and the other kids in her class while san hung onto her every word.
when you all arrived home, san immediately took raim's backpack from her as you and your daughter did her usual after school routine.
"mama, why is appa home?" she asks as she stood in front of you as you helped her change out of her school clothes and into more comfortable house clothes.
"appa got done with work early today," you tell her and she smiles as you – the same smile she shares with her father, before nodding at your words.
"can we have a tea party later? its been a while since appa joined," she says and her words make your heart clench when you realize that she's right. it has been awhile since san had been home long enough to play with her. her tea parties being a regular occasion that san had been missing lately due to ateez preparing for their comeback. you know raim has missed seeing san, only getting to see him for an hour at the most if he comes home before her bedtime.
"i'm sure he would love to join you for a tea party. why don't you go ask him, he should have your snack ready," you tell her and raim smiles at you, dimples showing, before she's racing out of her room and back into the living room-kitchen area where san was.
"appa, will you come to my tea party?" raim asks as she sits at the table with her snack in front of her.
"of course, baby," san says, smiling as he combs his fingers through her hair before he goes to join you at the counter. san presses a kiss to your cheek before he's wrapping you in his arms and hold you to his chest. "are you going to join us?" he asks you and you nod.
"me and her usually have them together with all the plushies you've bought her," you tell him with a smile, knowing that raim loves each and every one of the plushies san has bought her over the years.
"mama, will you help set my tea party up while i get our friends!" raim calls out to you after she finishes her snack.
"of course baby, what tea set do you want?"
"the kitty-cat one!" she says, and you smile knowing that's her favorite one because any thing with a cat (or mountain) on it reminds her of san.
"what do you want me to do, butterfly?" san asks catching his daughter before she's off to her room.
"you can take a seat! you're our special guest tonight!" she tells him and points over to the table that you always use when having tea parties.
"did you heard that? i'm a special guest," san says smirking at you and you can only roll your eyes at him as you set up all the cups while raim brings out her plushies and sets them up in their seats.
"appa, you have to switch seats with mama! she's always on my right. you're a special guest today, so you sit next to poppy and bianca," raim tells san when she realizes that san is in your usual spot that's next to her.
you can't help but send a smirk to san this time as you watch him get up and move. you can tell he's a little offended that his daughter didn't want him sitting next to her and instead put him next to the stuffed squirrel and tiger.
"what were you saying, special guest?" you can't help the smug look on your face, making san huff as he picked up his tea cup and took an imaginary sip out of it.
"be quiet."
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tag list (bold is unable to tag) : @invuwrld @frankenstein852 @watamotee33 @kawennote09 @mixling-blog @marahleiwhen @kpopnightingale @harry-the-pottypus @rdiamond2727 @sanniesbum @marvelahsobx @khjcoo @mysticfire0435 @exfolitae @kryybebe @dementedaly @simeonswhore @moonm1st @nvmbheart @http-gyu @spooo00oky @frgogh @marsanhwa @kyukyustar @sookacc @seongwin @melomatz
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danihow · 1 year
Fix you
Song Mingi x Spouse!GN!Reader
Requested by anon who said:
H. Don't cry, you know I'll cry if you cry; husband!au; ateez mingi plss 🤧💗
Summary: After a really shitty day you are met with your sweet husband who hates to see you cry.
Word Count: 0.9k
Warnings: Simping, rain, mentions of not feeling enough, idk what else though.
A/N: was this proofread? No, I don't want to make me erase the whole thing i wrote last night, sooo, here you go. (i'm so deeply sorry about how bad this is after a request that stood in my request for literally a year)
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The whole world seemed to be against you at this very second, you could feel dozens of eyes upon you every time you breathed, waiting for you to finally fall apart, to finally break.
And the worst part is that you don't even know why you felt like this, like the world was crumbling out of your hands without a reason, and there was no time for that right now.
You could handle the weight on your shoulder, you have done it with little to no problem ever since you were a child.
Then, why was it so hard for you to do that same thing right now.
Your gut was twisting on itself, stomach dropped to your feet, heart thumping against your ribcage with brutal force, lungs breathing shakily slow in an attempt not to break down in the middle of the subway.
All you could wish for right now was to get to the safety of your home, everything hurting too much to even think. Pain so sharp you could barely register your surroundings, almost missing your stop, getting down to be met with pouring rain outside.
Just what you were missing.
With no umbrella on hand, just your coat with you, you tried to cover as much as you could and started to run (or more like jog carefully) under the rain to your apartment, after crossing two streets you slipped, falling onto the wet sidewalk and you coat falling on a puddle and your stuff flying everywhere, getting wet.
This was the last straw, everything you had bottled up, everything you sealed with pressure, your glass spilling, the same way that tears were now running down your cheeks, blending together with the rain droplets that fell through strands of your hair onto your face, you could bear the pain inside you anymore.
Getting up, still crying, you gathered your belongings and began walking home, no care towards the rain, nor the cold, it didn't matter that much anymore, you just wanted to go home.
Once there, getting out of the elevator on your floor you began walking to your apartment, wet shoes making funky sounds with each step you took, clothing drenched and cold, sniffles leaving you as you were calmer after the ten minute walk down the rain concentrated now on how cute the color of the floors was.
"y/n?" you heard that familiar voice asks, making you snap you head up, spotting Mingi no more than 4 meters away from you, umbrella and coat in hand.
Seeing your husband there, standing in all his dry and warm presence made you tear up again, frustrated about your day again. "Mingi..." You muttered barely above a whisper, lower lip quivering before breaking down again, his worried form coming to take you in his embrace.
"Oh my god love, you are all soaked, I was going to meet you halfway, if you didn't have an umbrella you could've called." He said, putting his coat above your shoulder before kissing your head.
"My phone died, and if I talked to anyone I would cry more." You managed to say between quiet sobs, hands trying to clear you vision, looking up to him.
"Come one let's go inside." He urged in the calmest way he could, walking you to the inside of your shared apartment, helping you take off everything you carried, rushing to get you some of his warm hoodies and your favourite stay at home clothes. "Wanna talk about it?" He said once you were all dried up, or most of your at least, hair still damp.
He cradled you with so much love, letting you sit between his spread legs on the bed, facing him as his hands run up and down your back, it made you feel overwhelmed, undeserving.
"I'm so sorry I cause so much trouble." You said before breaking once again, tears silently running down your cheeks, no more sobs coming out of your throat, just your body being flooded by so many bad emotions.
"No my love, don't cry, you know I'll cry if you cry." He said, one hand moving to cup your cheek, cleaning your tears with his thumb as the metallic sensation of his wedding ring contrasting with the skin of his hands, his own eyes teary to seeing the love of his live, his light, his own safe place so bothered, so sad and overwhelmed. So broken.
"I just want to stop feeling like this." You said, leaning in his touch, trying not to cry for him.
"I know, I know, just talk to me, I'm here for you, I'll always be." Mingi said, pressing his forehead against yours sweetly, comforting, even soothing your distress.
"I'm just so broken, everything I do is wrong, feels wrong, I feel like I'm disappointing everyone, like I'm not enough, and I hate it." You say, his heart breaking to the knowledge of you feeling like he did, his light so deemed down, so broken.
"You are more than enough love, you are my whole world, and every time you feel like you don't do enough, your don't are enough, I’ll be there to prove you so wrong every single time." He says, right before repeating your words. "If you need fixing, I'll be there to help you grow again."
"Thank you, thank you so much." You whispered, hands resting on his sides, fingers tracing imaginary figures on his skin under his sweater, a bit calmer, noticing the way tears streamed down his cheeks just as yours.
"Don't worry, you've fixed me everytime I felt broken, now it’s my turn to fix you love." He said, a kiss on the top of your head before bringing you even closer to him.
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honeyhotteoks · 1 year
room for three | the husbands series masterlist.
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summary: stood up at the bar on a saturday night, you decide to have one more drink and then head home, but a handsome couple has other ideas in mind. from there, your entire life changes in more ways than one.
note: 18+ content, minors DNI. please read each chapter for specific content warnings.
pairings: yunho x seonghwa x reader (non-idol au)
genre: fluff, smut, angst, domestic, slice of life
status: complete
final word count: 56K
one; room for three - the meeting two; and if i stay - the beginning three; their gift - the wedding four; hold fast together - the baby five; a little more love to give - the end
stand-alone stories or connected deleted scenes:
sunday mornings; - can be read easily as a stand alone. mind the tags, hard dom!seonghwa, hard dom!yunho, and sub!reader engage in very intense bondage play, set between parts three and four of the core series.
if you prefer to read on AO3, you can find that here
my fic masterlist can be found here!
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