#i already have so many layers. too many layers stresses me out. i hate scrolling between them.
seagullcharmer · 8 months
blargh. forgot the point of the art i was drawing. did some really lovely shading on the skin and then remembered the character is supposed to be wearing face paint 🤦
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sleepdeprivedsloth · 3 years
Gonna Getcha
[Haikyuu - Atsumu, Osamu]
summary: Atsumu notices that Osamu is stressing out and suggests that they play a game to help brighten his mood. Of course, Osamu doesn’t really have a say in the matter, he knows that he’ll end up laughing whether he agrees to play or not. (platonic Miya twins tickle fic)
potential warnings: swearing, tickling
words: 1.8 k
a/n: for those of you who haven’t watched s4 yet, don’t worry there are no spoilers! on a more serious note, please don’t romantically ship these two. i hate that i feel the need to say this, but this is purely just siblings tickling each other for fun. anyways! please enjoy everyone <3
Osamu leaned back in his desk chair, staring at the English worksheet in front of him. He let out a small grunt of frustration and closed his eyes, taking a quick mental break.
The Miya twins had gotten back home from volleyball practice a bit earlier than usual because their coach wanted the team to focus on studying for their upcoming exams. Osamu was trying to make good use of this generously-given free time by working on homework. On the other hand, Atsumu planned to use his free time to lounge around and get some “much needed” relaxation.
Resting on the top bunk bed in the twins’ shared room, Atsumu was mindlessly scrolling through his phone when he heard Osamu’s grunting. He glanced up towards his brother and saw that he looked absolutely exhausted with his head tilted back and a slight crease occupying the space in between his eyebrows.
Osamu must have felt Atsumu’s piercing stare because not so long after he closed them, his eyes snapped back open. He abruptly swiveled his chair around and locked eyes with Atsumu, offering his own stare in return. “Why are ya creepily staring at me like that?”
The blonde-haired twin simply ignored the question, choosing instead to ask one of his own. “Ya look seriously stressed out, man. Wanna play a game?”
Osamu breaks eye contact as he sighs, turning back around to continue working. “No dumbass. Can’t ya see I’m busy?”
Once more disregarding the question thrown at him, Atsumu pondered aloud, “Hey Samu, ya know what game we haven’t played in forever?”
Deciding to humor his twin, Osamu hummed out a quick “hmm” in response, prompting Atsumu to continue.
“Gonna Getcha.”
Osamu feels his body immediately stiffen at the name, countless memories of the brothers playing the childish game flashed through his mind. With their parents being away at work so often when the two were younger, they created Gonna Getcha as a fun way to pass the time. It was just like hide and seek, but the stakes were much higher. Once the hider had been found, the seeker would tickle them silly until they tapped out. The mere thought gave Osamu chills.
Atsumu kept his predatory stare on his twin. “Why don’t we play right now? Y’know, for old time’s sake.”
Osamu instantly recognized the tone in Atsumu’s voice. It wasn’t a suggestion or request, it was a warning that he needed to escape while he still could. Turning his head around to look at his brother's face, Osamu saw the dangerously playful glint in his eyes. “What are we, fricking six years old? Grow up, Tsumu, geez.” 
Never breaking eye contact, a grin spread across Atsumu’s face as he suddenly started counting down. “Thirty. Twenty-nine. Twenty-eight…”
The grey-haired twin’s eyes widened. He came to the sad realization that the two were going to play Gonna Getcha, whether Osamu agreed to it or not, but he wasn’t about to waste anymore potential hiding time by haggling with Atsumu. 
Practically leaping out of the desk chair, Osamu ran out of their bedroom door, quickly closing it behind him. He raced throughout the house searching for a hiding spot, which was pretty pointless considering the twins both knew this place like the back of their hands.
He ran from room to room, eyes darting around for a somewhat decent place to hide, when he came across the supply closet in the hallway. Internally deciding that it was much better than standing out in the open, Osamu scurried inside, closed the door behind him, and sat down in the cramped space beside the miscellaneous boxes.
Not long after he got situated, Osamu heard their bedroom door burst open with Atsumu louding calling out, “I’m gonna getcha!” Footsteps could be faintly heard going in and out of different rooms, accompanied with the occasional “Gonna getcha!” tease. Osamu honestly felt like he was six years old again, giddily waiting for Atsumu to find him. 
When Atsumu’s footsteps sounded close to his hiding spot, Osamu froze and held his breath. The footsteps came and passed, going off in the direction of the kitchen. 
After waiting until he couldn’t hear the footsteps anymore, Osamu quickly got to his feet, planning to make a run for it back to the bedroom. Atsumu would never think to look back in there, right? Slowly opening the closet door, Osamu cringed slightly at the soft creaking before peeking his head out. Once assured that the coast was clear, Osamu stepped out and dashed to their bedroom with a victorious smile on his lips. 
He stopped short and his smile immediately fell when he saw a certain blonde waiting for him, lazily leaning against the doorway with a confident smirk. Grey eyes met brown for a brief moment before Osamu turned around and attempted to bolt away. Unfortunately for him, Atsumu quickly launched himself forward, shouting out, “Gonna getcha!”
The two tumbled down to the floor. Osamu was left lying flat on his stomach as Atsumu straddled his back. Quickly recovering from the fall, the grey-haired brother tried to fight back and push his twin off of him, but his arms could reach back far enough.
Laughing at Osamu’s fruitless struggles, Atsumu teased, “I gotcha!”
Osamu gave up on physically fighting back and went limp against the floor. “Get offa me, Tsumu, yer fat ass is crushing me!”
“Hmm.. no. How about I do this?” Atsumu set his fingers over Osamu’s shirt and scribbled them into his sides. Osamu’s body jerked as if he had been electrocuted, and started shaking his head back and forth as short chuckles spilled out of his mouth. Knowing that verbal teasing had wonderous effects on his brother, Atsumu decided to be a little shit, gasping in fake shock. “Oh no way! Is this tickling ya, Samu?”
Osamu’s struggling started up again at the taunting words. “Y-yohou knohohow ihit dohoes! Stohop!”
“How would I have known that yer this ticklish? I woulda never guessed!”
“Yohohou ahahare suhuch an asshohohole!” Osamu’s laughter became louder as Atsumu switched his scribbling to spontaneously jabbing. “Ihihihi’m gohohohonna kihihihill youhuhuhu!!”
Atsumu ignored the giggle-filled threat, instead choosing to take the tickling a step further. “Huh, I wonder where yer death spot is… that one spot that will make you go absolutely crazy with laughter.” Atsumu slipped his hands underneath Osamu’s loose shirt, wiggling closer to his brother’s stomach. Obviously, he already knew where Osamu’s death spot was, but it was so much more fun when he got to see how his teasing made his twin squirm. “Why don’t ya just tell me where it is?”
Osamu shrieked when Atsumu went under his thin layer of protection and brushed his fingers against his bare skin. He grabbed at his hair to ground himself as he felt the torturous hands traveling closer and closer to his sensitive stomach. “Yohohohou ahahahahalready knohohow whehehere ihit ihis, yahahaha fuhuhuhuhucking shihihihit!!”
“What foul language! I just wish to hear my dearest brother laugh.” Atsumu wiggled his fingers to get them underneath Osamu so that they were squished in between the floor and his stomach. Once in position, he paused his fluttering fingers. “Ya ready?”
Osamu giggled and twitched in anticipation, “Dohohon’t doho ihihit!!”
“Do what?” Atsumu smirked knowingly.
In his panic, Osamu missed the obvious trap and shouted out, “Tihihickle mehe thehere!”
“Well since ya asked so nicely~” Atsumu curled his fingers and vibrated them deep into Osamu’s stomach, knowing from many childhood tickle fights that he could never stand this method.
Loud bouts of laughter were forcefully released from Osamu, his mouth open in a face-splitting smile. “TSUHUHUHUHUMU NOHOHAHAHAHAHA!!”
“Ahh yes, beautiful laughter,” Atsumu playfully teased. “That seriously has to be my favorite sound to ever exist. Mind if I record it and set it as my ringtone?”
Osamu could barely hear the taunts through his booming laughs. In a desperate plan to stop the tickling, he gathered as much strength as he could and rolled onto his back so that he was facing upwards. With his hands now free to move about, Osamu quickly grabbed at Atsumu’s wrists and pushed them away from his quivering belly.
While his twin was catching his breath, Atsumu looked down upon him with a wicked grin. He easily shook his wrists out of Osamu’s weak hold and in turn grabbed onto his brother’s hands, pulling them slightly off to the sides. “Thanks for the help, Samu. I was wondering how I was gonna get ya to turn over. Now I have all the room I need to do this…”
Osamu’s eyes quickly darted towards Atsumu just in time to see him start to slowly lower his head towards Osamu’s bare and unguarded stomach. From far too many ticklish experiences, he instantly knew what Atsumu’s intentions were, and he mentally cursed himself making the situation ten times worse by revealing his belly. The only choice he had now was to plead and pray that his brother would give him mercy. Hopefully the universe was on his side today. “NO! Nohot that, anythihing but that! Tsumu plehehease!!” 
Unfortunately, the universe didn’t offer much help. As Atsumu’s head grew closer and closer, Osamu sucked in his belly as much as he could, knowing that he was only momentarily preventing the inevitable. 
The moment Atsumu’s lips met his sensitive skin and blew the dreaded raspberry, Osamu howled with laughter. He could feel his muscles jiggling around from the vibrations, tickling him both inside and out. He tried to curl up and yank his hands out of his brother’s strong grasp, but it was all in vain. “NAHAHAHAHAHA!! STAHAHAHAHAP! TSUHUHUHUHUHUMU STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”
The blonde lifted his head for a quick breath. “Ya know what I wanna hear, Samu!” Atsumu exclaimed before pressing his lips back down into Osamu’s belly. When his brother’s back arched and he felt knees begin to bump into his back, Atsumu chuckled fondly into Osamu’s stomach, only intensifying the ticklish sensations.
Tears of joy started to gather around the corners of Osamu’s eyes. When he felt Atsumu’s mouth move closer to his belly button, he desperately called out, “PLEHEHEHEASE, NOHOHOHO MOHOHOHOHORE!! YOHOHOHOHOU GOHOHOHOHOT MEHEHEHE!!”
After finishing off with one more short raspberry to his brother’s side, Atsumu pulled back and released Osamu’s hands. He watched fondly as Osamu quickly wrapped his arms around his torso with a flushed face and giggles unconsciously pouring out of his beaming smile. Atsumu’s face broke out into a smile of its own at the sight of his twin looking much happier than he had been not even thirty minutes ago. “Ya okay there, Samu? Or has it been so long since we’ve played that ya can’t take it anymore?”
Osamu rested his head against the floor, eyes closed and smiling wide. “Ohoho, I am soho gonna getcha,” he playfully threatened, a trace of the need for revenge in his voice.
a/n: thanks sm for reading !! finally branched myself out into the haikyuu fandom so that’s fun :D but is it just me or does the inarizaki team have a total of like two tickle fics T-T maybe there just isn’t an audience for it?? y’all will have to lmk
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lilaacstars · 3 years
      you’re in my veins (and i can’t get you out).
                           rating: T | words: 31.227 | pt 2.
                                   read it on ao3
He watches how her eyes grow big after listening to his offer. His eyes fix on her and start to notice the bruises she has close to her scalp, down to her ear, the edge of her jaw and on the visible part of her neck. Her bangs are falling gracefully to the side - too  gracefully- but he can take a peek, with the little cat senses he still has left, and see that underneath that perfect hairstyle there are stitches and missing hair.
He gulps, almost choking on his saliva, it feels thick and heavy and his throat has closed, impeding his ability to breathe, but he hasn’t stopped so his body trembles, and it is like he will puke, but there’s only the acid on his stomach, and it goes up as if it was a bubbly chemical reaction, but his throat is still closed, and he just feels as if his whole body will shut down but it’s too awake at the vision of her. And then the sensations pile up, then crumble down, then pile up again, and it’s a cycle of obscure overwhelming emotions that trigger and stop every reaction his body pulls. 
It is disgusting, nauseating, gory even.  
Upclose, face to face, breathing the same air, the consequences are not an image fabricated by his brain anymore, and yet, he knows there are so many more hidden marks of treachery that will present itself in flesh and pain.  
Her lips tremble and her sight finally fixes on his, only to look away a second after. 
However, she leans forward, closer to the window. 
Adrien takes one step back and that allows Ladybug to come inside the room. 
Her steps are careful and light as if she is ready to jump back to the window and run away from here at any given moment. Adrien is sure that it isn't a baseless guess, but what is truly going through her mind is still a cypher. 
After standing in the middle of the room and eyeing everywhere around, she finally walks back to stand beside the coffee table and lets out a long sigh. 
Next, Ladybug stands close to the window, only giving little steps in a small space. She takes the end of her long braid and starts playing with the end. 
He looks at her, hands on his pockets as he fidgets and waits for her to speak, for her to guide him where she needs to be.  
“It’s good to see you,” Adrien whispers and takes one step forward.
Ladybug crooks a brow and tightly hugs herself. She doesn’t answer. 
“You haven’t been out as Lady Noire in a long time. Is there a reason?” He asks, trying to sound as ignorant as a civilian would be. 
Ladybug lets out an amused scoff but there’s no real joy behind it. 
Her eyes are focused on the skyline and a thin layer of gleaming tears is set on her eyes.
Adrien gulps, unsure if the reaction has something to do with him or is all about the thoughts she’s been carrying through her night stroll. 
The question wouldn’t be an unusual one for a mere civilian. Maybe they wouldn’t be so eager to jump into it, maybe they would ask other questions first, but he was not a mere civilian… well, he was now, but there had been a time where he wasn’t.
He still isn’t a mere character walking down the road. He will never be, and yet that is the path he must pretend to follow. 
“This was a mistake,” He hears the whisper as loud as a siren. 
He jolts on his spot and takes fast steps towards her. It only makes her jump faster towards the window. 
“I- I’m-”
But before he can formulate a phrase on his mind for his mouth to stop the stammering, she is gone. 
His eyes follow as she is only a ship in the night between the sea of city lights. 
She is gone. 
Gone forever. 
But is she? 
She is not truly gone. She is alive, and she is patrolling, and Paris has their heroine back. 
But he doesn’t. 
He doesn’t have a partner, he doesn’t have a friend, he doesn’t have his other half. 
He is a broken piece of a human that once felt he finally had the piece that could make him endure life, and now she is gone. 
Not  truly , but he has been left alone with her shadow roaming through the brightest corners of the life of others, yet creeping on the back of his mind, only smiling on his memories, and frowning and avoiding his gaze into the future. 
His breath stops once again. One little detail striking like lightning. 
She avoided his gaze as if he was a deathly disease. 
Could… could she know who he was? 
Marinette seems to be aware that he once was something special; someone  special. And Ladybug is as smart as her, if not more. 
But if she knows, then she wouldn’t have come. If she hates him so much that she couldn’t even bear for him to touch her when she needed someone to lean on (not in the figurative sense) then why would she seek for him? Why would she come to him? 
It doesn’t make any sense and yet he can’t shake the thought out of his mind. 
And it stays there, like a fly on the wall. As the days pass he will forget about it, and then the buzz of the wings will echo in the chamber of his mind and then it would be the only thing he can focus on. 
Not school. 
Not Kagami.
Not his friends.
Not Nathalie.
Not his father who finally makes time to have dinner with him.
Nothing at all.
Nothing but her and the knowledge she might have. 
The wonder wouldn’t even pretend to hide when the sunset, it would make itself appear in other shapes through dreams. Some of them are tranquil, others are as bitter as reality can be, and yet the bittersweets are the worst. They show the road not taken, they show him taking good decisions after the terrible ones he’s taken, and reward him with what he has always wanted, the unravelling of the secret. Every day he wakes up and knows that he does not deserve any of it, that this can’t happen and that if it does happen he has to make sure he does not gain any redemption from it. And every day he wakes up knowing not only that he has broken every piece of her soul, but also has put her in imminent danger. 
When she left he could see her limp, he could see how he prefered a certain grab on the yo-yo, and how short her jumps were in comparison to her usual ones. 
There is nothing he can do to make it right, he’s already brought destruction to them, but if he could find a way to protect her, he wouldn’t think it twice.  
 He is sitting right next to Luka on the café table, as Nino looked for an empty chair he could use, he scribbled on a napkin. 
They were waiting for their order to come, only one glass full of fresh water in front of each, and sugar and a plate of napkins in the middle of the round table. 
Luka had his phone out, scrolling through, and tapping his foot against the pavement in a comforting rhythm. 
“Sorry, I found a chair inside almost immediately, but I got bombarded by messages from Lya.”
Luka and Adrien giggled, the first more enthusiastic than the second, but that wasn’t a rare occurrence anymore, so there was no comment about it. 
“How many of those texts were pictures?” Luka asks. 
“Oh, half of those. She’s so excited that LB is back.”
Adrien stops drawing and looks towards Nino, watching his phone as Luka takes a look through the pictures.
“Ladybug was out?” He asks, pretending to not be incredibly interested. Even if after his breakdown in school he doesn’t think he can get away with it. 
“Yeah, there was an akuma attack like an hour and a half ago?” Nino asks and Luka nods at him, “Don’t you have your alarm on?”
“No.” It was too painful to hear the akuma emergency line going off and not being able to do anything. 
“Why not? You have to, you’re going to put yourself in danger.
His mouth opens and closes before he can show how uninterested he is in his safety. If he can stumble through the path of an akuma, he might see Ladybug, and no matter how many bruises, cuts, or blood he might lose on the way, all that pain would be worth it.
“It just stresses me out.” He lies, realizing his friends are expecting an answer, “Was she alone?” He can’t help but ask.
The shadow that crosses his friend’s eyes doesn’t startle him. He’s grown accustomed to this reaction. 
“Yes.” They nod. 
They seem to be interested in continuing this conversation, but Adrien has the call on it, and he doesn’t want any of it. They can’t know how personal it is for him, they can’t know that knowing that she is out there alone makes him feel as if he was cut in half. 
“What were you looking for in your phone?” He says, turning his head to Luka, “You looked consumed by your phone.”
“A bike.” He gives a toothy smile. 
“You already have one,” Nino says confused. 
“I think he means a motorcycle,” Adrien smiles. 
“That’s so awesome,” Adrien chimes, “I have a license for it. My father doesn’t know, of course, but once I’m out of the house I’m buying one bike for myself too. Which ones have you seen?”
And Luka pulls out his phone again, showing the different models he has his eye on. 
Adrien is glad that the subject takes a lot of the conversation. As their food and coffees arrive, they’re still talking about the prices, the equipment, the special license he has to have, and how Juleka isn’t very fond of him buying “such a dangerous vehicle”.
“She wants me to buy a car, I’ve tried to let her see that a car doesn’t go with my style.”
“It would be more comfortable for you to carry around your instruments.”
“Yes, but a car will never be cooler than a bike. Also,” He changes the website to a new one, “Look at these amazing suits and helmets.” Nino and Adrien move their chairs closer to Luka to get a better look. 
There are different jackets and trousers to suit up for the cold, or not burn yourself with the pipes of the bikes (apparently this wasn’t a rare thing), there are others that only had the objective of making you look while riding. Adrien could understand that sometimes having a cool suit just made things better. 
When Luka changes to the helmets, there is one that catches Adrien’s attention. 
Is black and matte, with neon green accents around the shield, and all around the curve, as if it was stitched. 
“Wow,” He hears himself gasp. 
“I liked that one too!” Luka jumps, “But I think I will look like an astronaut, also I don’t think black is my colour.”
“It is mine.”
Nino and Luka laugh.
“When have you ever worn black?” Nino asks and gives him a shake as he hugs him, “I think I’ve seen you only wear it on photoshoots, and you always look so awkward.”
“I look fantastic in black.” Adrien protests, but not truly caring about making a better comeback. 
His mind is too busy planning something else. 
keep reading in ao3.
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ashesonthefloor · 4 years
you are an angel (or maybe you could’ve been) part three
Tumblr media
summary: Luke is easy to please, and an even easier roommate. so why is Ashton feeling some kind of way? part one, part two, ao3
word count: 3,095
playlist here
A/N: I am back!!!! here’s the not so long awaited chapter three! it features...a lot of tenderness. a dash of yearning. and a whole lot of pining. there’s a really short playlist that goes along with this fic and I highly recommend checking it out, since it fits the vibe really well. either way, I highly recommend listening to Like Real People Do by Hozier. it’s pretty important to this chapter :) and, as always, big shout-out to @calumcest , Helen, loml, who lets me scream about this story (and screams with me) all the time <3 thinking about adding a tag list so lmk if that’s something you’re interested in! enjoy!
The next day went the same way. Ashton woke up first, which accidentally roused Luke, before both of them made their way into the kitchen for breakfast. Ashton elected for French toast sticks, since they were easier to eat with just hands, and Luke seemed to have an inherent dislike for silverware and a proclivity for eating with his hands. Which, given that he wasn’t used to anything human, was more than fair.
“How are they?” Ashton asked after Luke had taken a couple tentative bites, nose crinkling.
“Good,” he decided, considering his words. “Warm. Sweet.”
Ashton grinned a little, getting the same comfortable warmth he got any time Like was sweet like that. “I’m glad you like it.”
“You said it’s French toast?” Luke asked, settling his gaze on him instead of his breakfast. He said it in a way that lent itself more to Luke just testing the words out, seeing how they felt on his tongue, more than asking a genuine question. With the way he’d hung on to everything Ashton had said, he’d be surprised if he had actually forgotten.
“Yeah. French toast sticks. I used to make them a long while back.”
“Why did you stop?” Luke tilted his head, hand holding his French toast paused halfway to his mouth, like he’d forgotten to keep moving when he’d posed his question. Ashton wasn’t sure what to do with just how endearingly fond he found it. Luke couldn’t multitask.
“Uh...I don’t know. I just stopped, I guess. I switched to smoothies for breakfast and it fell out of my rotation.” He shrugged, continuing to eat.
Luke kept looking at him. Ashton could feel his gaze heavy on him, even when his own focus was on his plate. When he glanced back up, Luke seemed to be finishing his train of thought, ready to speak. “But does it make you happy?”
Ashton startled a little, unsure what to do with the question. He hadn’t been prepared for a philosophical conversation about his happiness at nine am over a plate of French toast. “Does what make me happy?”
“Your smoothies. Not making French toast. Does it make you happy?” Luke’s gaze was soft, but still unwavering in that vaguely inhuman way that made tingles go down Ashton’s spine. Ashton finished his French toast stick to break their eye contact.
“I guess?” He said, only mildly uncomfortable with the personal questions, and just how knowing Luke seemed to be. Somewhere in the logical part of his brain, he knew that Luke knew much, much more about him. But then that begged the question, why was he asking in the first place? What was the point? Did Ashton actually enjoy his smoothies? He really didn’t have an answer for anything. “They’re healthier, at least.”
Luke didn’t really give him a chance to settle back down after his answer. There was a pause, the same way there was between each of their responses. “And that makes you happy? Being healthy?”
Ashton sipped his coffee, more for something to do than because he really wanted it. It had cooled down at some point, become just a lukewarm cup of bean water. (“that’s all coffee really is,” he could hear Michael saying. “Watery bean water. It’s not even that good, why the fuck do you make it so strong?”) “I guess. It’s better than being unhealthy. It’s easier to...stay fit this way, too.”
As soon as he’d said it, he could guess where the conversation was going. Luke didn’t change his pattern. “And does staying fit make you happy?” The worst part, maybe, was that Luke wasn’t asking in an accusatory way, or because he had an upper hand. He was just genuinely curious. Or something. His light blue gaze was as unwavering as ever, and Ashton could practically feel it piercing into his soul. It was unnerving now that he was posing questions like this, like he had some sort of X-ray directly into Ashton’s person, could see exactly what kind of person he was and peel back all the layers, peel back his carefully built persona, that he’d spent so many years perfecting.
“I like working out. It’s stress relief.” For the most part. Until he got stressed about that, too, and there wasn’t really a cure for that. That was when he pulled out the incense he’d gotten as a Christmas gift from Calum and did some yoga, doing his best to keep his mind clear. That didn’t really happen so much anymore, thankfully, but he’d gone through a period of that only a year or so before, and it had sucked. He wondered if Luke knew about that.
Luke’s gaze stayed on him for a long moment, as if checking the validity of his statement. He nodded after a moment, seemingly content with the answer (non-answer though it was) and finished his French toast. Just like the pancakes, he ate slowly, with his hands. He had been undetermined on the syrup, (“It’s...sticky,” he’d said after trying it, looking to Ashton as if for help bridging the gap in his lacking vocabulary. With the same appreciation and awe he’d always had.), so he hadn’t ended up eating it. “I like your cooking,” he said once he was done, had licked the last remnants of French toast off his fingers (which Ashton definitely didn’t see, and definitely didn’t blush at.)
“Thank you,” Ashton said, touched, despite knowing that Luke hadn’t actually eaten anything except his cooking. 
Luke nodded a little, soft smile on his face. “You’re welcome.” There was a thoughtful pause - that Ashton had learned to wait for before speaking or assuming Luke was done - before he spoke again. “What are we doing today?”
“Well, I thought I could get some tidying done. Vacuum the living room. Then I have to go in to work this evening to make the schedules for the next week, but there’s nothing set until then. I’m going in after close, so no one will be there.” That meant Luke could go with him. Which was definitely a good thing, given how much he really seemed to hate the idea of being left alone. Ashton couldn’t even blame him. He’d come down to earth for whatever reason and didn’t really know anything. Well, except Ashton. It was only natural that Luke clung to the only thing he knew, the only person he felt comfortable with. “So you can come. If you’d like to.”
Luke’s expression had been slightly cautious as he’d spoken, but it brightened into a smile with the offer. “I’d like that, thank you.”
Ashton couldn’t help himself. He grinned back at his angel. “Great.” He could look at records, or listen to music, or something. They’d find something for him to do.
It didn’t take him too long for him to put the dishes in the dishwasher, Luke’s gaze still heavy on his back, watching his every move with interest. He moved from dishes to going to make his bed, since he’d neglected to when he’d first gotten up, electing to feed Luke first. It was sweet watching him try new foods, watching the way his nose crinkled as he tried to decide whether he liked it or not. Ashton tried to ignore just how adorable and endearing he thought it was. There was a special place in hell, he was sure, for people who developed some sort of feelings for their angels. Let alone their male angels. 
But really, that just opened more questions. Was Luke technically a guy if he was an angel, or were angels exempt from gender? He really didn’t know how these things worked. Did hell even exist? He knew heaven did now. Otherwise he wouldn’t have Luke. He’d already said that it existed, anyway. So now he was left with more questions than answers, trying to drown them all out in favour of thoughts about how cute Luke looked when he tried something new. But even that was risky, as it just continued the vicious cycle of berating himself with questions, debating whether or not he should feel guilty. 
The rest of the day passed easily, without much fuss. Lunch was mac ‘n’ cheese, since it was easy and he already had everything necessary. Luke had enjoyed it, too, enjoyed the warmth and how comforting it felt. Ashton had gotten to explain the concept of a comfort food, and that things like that tend to make you feel good. He’d filed away Luke’s love of the food for later, keeping a mental list running of what he liked and what he didn’t, so he could cook for him better.
The walk down to Just For The Record was pleasant. It was nice out with a light breeze, just late enough that people aren’t out and about, and yet early enough to feel comfortable, still light outside. Luke liked looking at everything he could, shoulder brushing against Ashton’s every other step with how close the blonde was walking. He felt the back of Luke’s hand brush his own a couple times, a slight shiver running down his spine. 
But, soon enough - maybe a little too soon, Ashton had liked the look of passive wonder and curiosity in Luke’s eyes - they reached the store. Ashton unlocked the door and led Luke inside, shutting and locking it behind them. He flipped the lights back on, making his way through the rows of records back to the office. 
“This is where I’ll be,” he said, turning to look at Luke. “But I can turn some music on for you if you’d like.” Luke just tilted his head slightly. Ashton took it upon himself to explain. “Music? Like...I don’t think I can explain it. I’ll just..show you.” He crossed over to where they controlled the speaker system for the store, plugging his phone in and scrolling through to find something soft, something that wouldn’t be too overwhelming. He settled on Cigarette Daydreams by Cage the Elephant. 
Luke blinked, glancing up at the ceiling, since that was where the music was coming from. Ashton just smiled softly at his expression. Luke’s features settled into something soft, in quiet awe and appreciation of the music. He wished he could just sit and watch his reactions to all sorts of music, instead of what he had to do. 
“You can pick songs if you want to, with my phone. Or you can go look around. This shouldn’t take me too long.” Ashton had to tear his gaze away and sit down. If he didn’t start now, he definitely never would. He’d just start showing Luke music and he’d get caught up in watching his reactions, and then there wouldn’t be a point in having come to the store at all.
He started working on the schedule, trying his best to remember who wanted what, and what plans Calum had for the week, so he could get everyone situated. They didn’t have too many employees, so it wasn’t that difficult. It was made slightly harder, though, since he was hyper aware of Luke in the main room. He could almost hear his movements, though he knew that it was impossible over the music. Luke was practically silent as it was. 
After they’d cycled through a couple more songs - Harry Styles, the 1975, the Neighborhood - Ashton was finally done. He sat back with a soft sigh, looking at the schedule in front of him. It should properly accommodate everyone’s needs. He set it aside, putting it in the right place, before getting up and going in search of Luke. 
As he stepped into the main room, the song was starting to wind down slowly. He found Luke off to the side, holding an album in his hand. “What do you have there?” He asked. Once he was next to him, Luke tilted the album so he could look at it, gaze shifting to Ashton’s face. In his hands was the Ghost Stories album by Coldplay. The only notable thing about the album - and the reason Luke picked it up, Ashton suspected - were the white angel wings against the navy background.
“People like the way they look,” Ashton explained, before Luke even had to ask. “And what they represent. Purity, hope. That sort of thing.” He looked at the angel wings. “I have to say, they’re nowhere near as pretty as the real thing.” He gave Luke a soft (maybe a little too smitten) smile. He wasn’t expecting the light pink flush that suddenly covered Luke’s pale face. Luke ducked his head slightly, carefully putting the album back.
“Thank you,” he said softly, clearly bashful. So compliments embarrassed him. He seemed pleased with them, though. 
“You’re very welcome.” Ashton gave him another soft, fond smile. The music changed then, to something soft that he didn’t immediately recognize. “Hey, Luke. Do you want to dance with me?” And it was out before he could think about it.
Luke’s gaze was on him again, the light dusting of pink still on his face. “Dance with you?” He repeated, head tilting slightly. Ashton could practically see the gears turning as he tried to remember if he knew what it was.
“Yeah. I think you’ll like it. Come here.” He led him back, where the room was open, not confined to the small space between the short shelves of records. He reached for Luke’s hand, slowly, gently, taking it in his own. He wanted to give him plenty of time to pull back if he wanted to. Luke made no such move, though his expression shifted to something slightly confused. He let Ashton move him. He very gently tugged him forward, closer, right outside his personal space. Luke went easily, graceful under Ashton’s guidance. “Set your other hand on my shoulder,” he instructed, voice soft. Luke heard him anyway, lifting his free hand to set it on his shoulder. “Right.” He rested his other hand on Luke’s waist. He was warm, even through the shirt he’d borrowed from Ashton. 
“Is this okay?” He asked, looking at Luke. He was very well aware of just how many boundaries this was crossing, how quickly things were moving.
Luke met his eyes easily, gaze level and steady. “Yes.” There was no hesitation in his voice, no trepidation. He was waiting to see what Ashton would do next, it seemed, even as he shifted a little, coming into Ashton’s space just a little, moving them even closer together. Ashton let out a breath, just slightly shuddery.
He moved them together, settling into a gentle rhythm as he got Luke to dance with him. It was easy, with him leading, since Luke followed him easily and without question, movements graceful under some form of guidance. 
“I will not ask you where you came from,” the speakers sang. And oh, Ashton knew what song this was. It was much more romantic than he’d meant the moment to be. But maybe Luke wouldn’t notice. Maybe Luke was just as distracted by Ashton, and the way he could feel Luke brush against him on every third step, when Luke wanted to move a little closer than he was meant to, the way Ashton’s thumb pressed lightly against Luke’s waist, a light pressure meant to guide him. Maybe Luke was just as distracted as he was. 
“Honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips,” the speakers continued, unaware of Ashton’s constant inner turmoil about whether it was moral to develop a crush on an angel, someone that was just a little bit more than human. Luke’s gaze stayed on Ashton’s face, keeping him well aware that he was just right there, so close he could almost feel his breath.
“We should just kiss like real people do,” the chorus finished, Ashton’s grip on Luke’s waist tightening just slightly. He wondered if he noticed, or if he was paying attention to the lyrics. He was only vaguely aware of his hand starting to sweat in Luke’s as he moved to turn them. Luke seemed to be just barely behind for the first time since they’d started dancing. It wouldn’t have been an issue, really, but it caused Luke to go practically chest to chest with him. Ashton’s next inhale was just a little too sharp, his grip just slightly tighter, before he forced himself to relax. It wasn’t Luke’s fault he was dying on the inside. He needed to get himself sorted. 
He pulled back slightly, hand coming off of Luke’s hip, earning him a very confused look from Luke, before he raised their connected hands and got Luke to twirl. And the utterly delighted, but surprised, look on his face was absolutely worth it. Luke came back easily, Ashton pulling him back close, so they could finish out the song. His hand came back to his waist, Luke back in his arms. 
Luke hummed a little along with the next couple lines, making Ashton smile, hopelessly fond of the angel in his arms. Luke just gave him a very sweet, very adoring smile, swaying just a little as Ashton kept them moving. The song ended way too soon - or way too late, depending on how you looked at it - so they were left holding each other, way too close.
“I really liked that,” Luke said, smile still on his face, expression as open and vulnerable as Ashton sometimes wished he could be.
Ashton smiled in return, something soft and much fonder than it should’ve been. “Yeah? Me too. We can listen to music at home, too. It doesn’t just have to be here.” Home, he’d said. Home. And that’s what it felt like. It wasn’t just his, anymore. It was Luke’s, too.
Luke nodded a little bit. “I’d really like that.”
Ashton realized that they were still in the same position. He reluctantly moved his hand from his hip first. “I guess we ought to get going, huh?” He glanced over at the mostly glass storefront, noting that there was much less light than when they’d shown up. “Let’s grab my phone and we can head back. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for dinner.” He started back towards the office, Luke’s hand still in his.
The walk back was chillier than the walk there, but it was more pleasant for exactly one reason: Luke hadn’t dropped his hand yet, still warm in his own. He swung it every couple of steps, just because it made a smile tug lightly at Luke’s lips. He was absolutely going to hell. He could feel it. 
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fandom-necromancer · 5 years
037. I won’t let anyone hurt you, you are safe with me
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 | AU: Reverse Au (Warning: mentioned abuse, repercussions of torture, dealing with trauma)
‘Oh, fuck no, not you.’ ‘I love you too, brother. How are you doing?’ ‘Has Fowler sent you?’ ‘When will you ever learn that I can be purely interested in your wellbeing?’ ‘What does he want?’ Richard smiled. ‘The captain hasn’t heard from you since your team left the precinct. And I was in the vicinity anyway. So, what’s the situation?’ ‘Trapped android. The perpetuator managed to flee the perimeter and several units are out to search him, but I don’t think they will be successful. It would be easier to ask the damn tin-can, but as soon as we even enter the building it’s near self-destruction.’ ‘What? Even you didn’t manage to talk to it? You are the born negotiator!’ ‘I know. I tried my entire repertoire on the damn thing, nothing helped.’ ‘Can I try?’ ‘You? I’m sorry, Richard, but you are the most intimidating person I know, and you are my brother.’ The man simply kept his stare and Connor shook his head. ‘Yeah, I mean, why not. I’m thankful for everything and who knows, maybe you bring it to kill itself and we all can finally go home.’ Richard laughed on the outside at the cruel joke, but he was already thinking about a way to find a solution. Trapped android. Frightened. Possibly damaged and traumatised. Connor might think of him as a cold-hearted bastard, hell he actively tried to convince the whole world of it. He didn’t need any of them to pry into his personal life and if this was the solution to that that was fine with him. He knew he was far more apt to talk to the android, but nobody had to know that.
He walked towards the ridiculously normal looking house to enter through the kicked in door. From the outside it looked like every other suburban house, well kempt garden, newly painted front. And even on the inside, it was nicely decorated. Oh, how Richard hated that some people had the audacity to live in peace and luxury when they hid this dark side deep down. The path to the cellar had been cleared and as soon as he went downstairs it all began to fall in place. Croaking steps and planks, old furniture with a heavy layer of dust and cobwebs. This was more like it. Richard should have possibly felt anxious or at least have been inclined to be careful, but was there left to do? The suspect had fled, the android knew there were people up in the garden occasionally coming down. Richard simply strolled through the stifling air reeking of chemicals, possibly thirium and iron, like it was a Sunday afternoon. Finally, he came to a room full of computers and medical equipment. Looked like a torture chamber. Probably was one. The clatter of chains made him turn towards the noise. There it was: an android chained to the wall, bruised hull, ripped apart in some places but still functioning. The LED was a bright ring of red illuminating its face. ‘Connor. Stress levels?’, he whispered into his earpiece. ‘80% and rising.’ ‘Good. Continue telling me.’ ‘Good? You do know it will fucking self-destru-‘ ‘Yes, thank you, Connor. The stress levels, please.’ ‘85%’
Richard faced the android, lifted his hands to his hips to show it they were empty. Then he took out his gun and- ‘Jump to 98%. Destruction imminent!’ -laid it on the floor, taking two swift steps to the right. ‘97%’ The man went backwards, showing the droid his empty hands again and stopped as his back touched the wall. Then he let himself sink down until he sat on the dirty, thirium-stained ground, legs stretched out before him and hands lazily in his lap. ‘95%’ Richard took out his earpiece and sat it down next to his legs. He would wait. He would simply sit here and wait, give the android time.
He had done this so many times. Yes, he was bad with humans. Connor had always been the one to defuse tricky situations when Richard would simply use force. But humans weren’t honest and too complex most of the time. What he knew about were problem-cases from the shelter. Extremely violent cats, shy ones, ones who would never find a home. What he had learned was not to even bother trying to be friends. Never expect anything and they would begin to ask for attention and start to trust. Well, it was all he knew, and he would try it. So, he would wait.
He sat there for hours without anything happening. He didn’t know whether the android’s stress levels had depleted and he wouldn’t check on that. Ignorance was what he had to maintain at all costs. Checking on the droid, even if it was just over Connor’s analysis, wouldn’t help. Really, at this point he wondered why nobody up there had acted yet. No one had even come to check in on him. It was weird to think of it, sitting in an android torture chamber, but this somehow was the most relaxed he had been in years without Connor breathing down his neck. At some point he started humming a little melody and shaking his foot to prevent it from falling asleep. He saw the android flinching – or better heard the chains shake – but continued humming. One song, another when it ended. And another. Then he stopped and silence fell again.
‘Cou-cou-cou…’ Richard stared at his feet as the android started making sounds. Was it about to speak? ‘Coul- yu contin…continue?’ The man hid his smile and thought of another song. Good thing he always sang with the radio in the car where no one could hear him – hopefully. He began humming what was a happy melody, but slow enough to calm. He heard the chains again, maybe the android was sitting up. Richard concentrated on the puddles of thirium around him and where it stained his clothes. Was this the blood of the still living android or of others? Normally it would evaporate, why was it still visible? He reached the end of the song, waiting in silence. ‘A-a. Another… one? Please.’ Richard complied, and they filled another hour, the android mumbling his quiet requests and Richard giving him what he wanted. Up until the point where the silence stretched. That was the first time the human looked up and took in the android. The LED was still red but circled slower.
‘Why are you doing this?’ At least the speech patterns had normalised. Richard took that as a good sign. ‘Why are you here?’ ‘I am from the police. My brother up there tried to talk to you before but said you were near self-destruction. Normally he is better with this, but I thought to try it my way.’ ‘The one who looks like you but shorter?’ ‘Yeah, we are twins. He is the goofy one. Can understand why you wouldn’t talk to him.’ ‘No, he…’ The androids voice broke down, LED starting up again. Richard waited. Expect nothing, don’t press. ‘He… touched me.’ ‘Yeah, he’s like that. Whenever he sees me, he comes running for a hug. It’s fucking annoying.’ At the curse the android flinched again. ‘I guess you don’t like touching, then.’ The android shook his head, rattling the chains. ‘I-I-I…’ It died down again. ‘She… Touch hurts.’ Richard nodded. Change of topic or all progress would be lost. ‘Do you like cats?’ ‘Wh-What?’ ‘Cats. Little, soft, a bit weird sometimes.’ ‘Yeah, I know what a damn cat is!’ Immediately the android slapped its own hand over its mouth and looked at Richard. He added punished for speaking up to the list of possible offences and continued. ‘Nice. You like them?’ ‘Do-don’t know. Never s-s-seen one.’ ‘I have two at the moment. A grey one and a black and white. I have a few photos on my phone if you want to see them.’ ‘Wa-want to. B-but don’t do anything!’ Richard nodded. He knew he could destroy everything he had built up so far with only so much as a wrong step. He took out his phone and very obviously, so the android could see what he did, scrolled through his images. Then he stood up and very slowly got nearer. ‘Stop!’ Richard froze half-way over, studying a very uninteresting brick-wall to give the android time. ‘Cou-cou-could you… sit there?’ Richard followed the chained arm to sit next to him, still far enough away so he wasn’t able to touch or grab the android. He gave it more time to adjust, then put his phone down between them. ‘Take it, if you want. I can explain from here.’
The android took it and scooted a bit away from him. It side-eyed Richard who didn’t move and looked in a completely different direction. Then it looked at the picture of a black and white long-haired cat and Richard noticed how that relaxed the machine a bit. ‘She is an oldie. The shelter couldn’t find a home for her because she needs frequent trips to the vet and no one knows how long she will live, even with medication. But I had her for four years now and she plays like a kitten.’ The android stared at the picture and Richard could hear his internal systems hum and rattle. Physical abuse. Damaged. ‘You can look at the other pictures if you like.’ The android swiped to the left and another picture came up. ‘That’s her too. She likes to sleep in the littlest boxes she can find.’ The android went through the photos and Richard commented. ‘That’s my other cat. He was afraid of humans and hid all the time. He just needed time to find trust, I guess. I don’t know what he’s been through, but he is still young, so I hope to give him the life he deserves.’ ‘That is them both curled up on my bed. I slept on the couch that night.’ He let out a small laugh at the memory, startling the android. ‘Oh, that’s my brother and me on his new bike. The one sector he has taste in.’ ‘It definitely isn’t clothing’, the android commented and didn’t even realise he talked openly. ‘Yeah, you are right, he always wears those stupid Hawaii-shirts. It is awful. Seems I got all the style and he, well, the creativity of the family. Oh, this is Tina.’ The android had swiped over to a selfie of the officer. ‘She’s an android, too. Works with us for about a year now. I think you would like her. I could acquaint you two with each other.’ The android stared at the grinning woman. The photo had been made just after she snatched his phone away and if you looked closely, you could see his blurred silhouette in the background.
‘You want me to go out there with you?’ The android stated, more than asked. ‘Yeah, I wouldn’t want you to stay down here forever.’ ‘Bullshit. You want me to go up there and give testimony against her. No one cares what happens afterwards.’ ‘I won’t lie to you and say that’s not my goal. But it isn’t as if I wouldn’t care what happens to you. You are clearly damaged and need repairs. You can’t stay down here.’ ‘Why? I’m save. She is gone. No one will hurt me if I stay here. Up there? Deviant or not, and android without an owner is doomed to end up getting hurt again by humans.’ ‘Listen to me. Have I hurt you? I am human and have I done anything to you?’ ‘No. But who knows what happens once you have your testimony. Then I’m just another damn tin-can no one cares about.’ ‘Do you have a name?’ That threw the android off track again. ‘Name? Well, I was called Gavin once, before I was kicked out during the revolution as if I was suddenly dangerous, unwanted.’ ‘Okay. Gavin. Let me be honest with you: I need you to help us. It is my job to do that. It is my job to get you out of here, to get your story out of you and to catch a criminal. But I’m not the heartless bastard my brother thinks I am. I do care about the people around me. If you don’t want to be left alone after all of this, I won’t let you. I promise. If you chose to come with me, I won’t let anyone hurt you, you are safe with me. If you come with me. If you want it. It is your decision what you do once we are out of here and my job is done. I won’t press you. But I offer it. I don’t know how it is to live with what you went through. But I promise to try and understand if you let me. I can’t promise you it will never happen again, but I can promise I will do my best to prevent it, if you want me to.’
The android stayed silent for a very long time. The phone screen had long turned itself off, still resting in Gavin’s hand. ‘Phck.’ A quiet, surrendering curse. ‘Fine. Then let’s get it over with.’
Richard let the breath he kept free in a heavy sigh and stood taking the android’s words as a permission to unchain him with the key Connor had given him. He smiled all the way up, guiding the android to the light of a few streetlamps in the night. Another mission successful.
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hearthandgnome · 4 years
Warning, long post. TL/DR at bottom.
Okay so I've got a real hot take about the primaries.
And I'm just gonna stress this now. This is by no means fact checkable and is closer to a conspiracy theory than like, an actual reality we need to worry about. So please don't come at me for spreading false news. This isn't news. Its just a theory.
But I high key think our elections have been rigged again.
In short: my theory is that the obscene number of people that were running for the primaries who have since dropped out, never ACTUALLY wanted to run. They were just there to collect and hand over votes to Biden.
And I know that sounds nuts but let me walk you through my thought process here.
1- Not a single person I've spoken to or heard of, either in person or online, has said they wanted to vote for Biden. He was literally no ones first choice. Even the more conservative centrist end of people were saying Bloomberg before Biden.
2- a common joke amongst late night hosts has been just how ridiculous it was that sooooooo many people were running and how no one was willing to back down or quit, even when they had no chance.
3- Beyond just your pride, which will hurt either way, dropping out after voting has already started makes no sense. Spending all the time, money, and resources, on a presidential campaign for months if not years, just to drop out in the first week of the primaries makes no sense. At that point it's not like you can get your money back. So why drop out at that point?
Dropping out just before, when you see your polling low, makes sense. Cause it means not splitting the vote. But after? That means people that already voted for you don't really get the chance to vote their second choice. Their votes are basically just given to whoever you endorse.
Which brings me to
4- Pretty much every candidate who has dropped out after voting began has given their delegates to Biden. Like, even the ones who had basically nothing in common with his campaign. Even the ones who said they hated him the whole time they were "against" each other. And even the ones who claimed to be more progressive and aligned with Bernie when discussing their views and plans.
And I know I'm not the only one who has noticed this cause I've seen the memes, as well as the serious posts, all talking about how ridiculous it is for the media to claim Warrens delegates should go to Biden "cause he was the 2nd choice for most of her voters". Like no. He wasn't. She was Bernie's direct competition. They had incredibly similar campaigns. Warren and Biden had NOTHING in common policy wise.
5- The web domain for Bernie sanders currently redirects you to a donation page for Biden. Like You click the link thinking its for Bernie, and the only way to figure out your actually donating to Biden instead is to scroll up first or see it after you've already donated.
These above factors, mixed with a variety of other little things that just don't add up, have me pretty convinced there's something shady going on.
And the most probable cause in my opinion is a rigged election.
I know that seems like it would be hard to do. But honestly its pretty simple.
Copious choice splits the vote. Which makes it easier for them. So that was step one.
Then step two. Misleading voters into thinking these planted candidates are more progressive, which seeds false security by making them think they will endorse Bernie or another progressive candidate if they do drop out.
Step three is collect votes and delegates early on then drop out and give them to Biden. All of a sudden Biden has all the delegates and is somehow winning despite a huge portion of that being votes he didn't actually earn himself.
Step four will be people giving up and letting him win the primaries. They are literally already trying to end the primaries early and hand the win to Biden as I type this up.
And honestly.
I don't think step 5 will even be giving Biden the presidency. I don't think he's involved at all actually. I wholeheartedly think it'll be giving it to trump.
I think rigging the primaries in favor of Biden is jist phase one in a two part plan to get Trump re elected. And here's why:
1- Our last elections were hacked by the russians in trumps favor and there was literally 0 backlash for that for either of them.
2- Trump and his team just learned that they literally can get away with anything including trying to rig elections. He literally was impeached for this and got away with it. Soooo why shouldn't he do it if he knows its allowed for him?
3- There's no real know incentives for anyone with the ability to rig elections to rig them in the dems favor. The agenda of rigging elections is gaining power and money and it can only be done if you have some of that already. And who do the rich powerful people want to be in charge? Not Biden. And for SURE not Bernie.
4- Speaking of the impeachment trial.
Remember way back when the whole impeachment case story broke? Remember people making jokes about the fact that trump chose Biden of all people to get dirt on? Remember people thinking it was ridiculous cause there was no way he was gonna win the primaries?
Well. This is adding an extra layer of conspiracy to this conspiracy theory. But what if the plan to rig the election was already being formed back then?
What if Trump knew that Biden would eventually be the one running against him because he knew it would be rigged as such?
And I know your wondering why they would want Biden to be the one against trump as opposed to any of the other guys.
Well. Have y'all read the responses to the primaries so far? Everyone hates Biden. Like yeah we hate trump more. But I've already seen posts of people saying voting for Biden would be "just as bad".
I'm seeing people lose hope in Bernie winning or their voices being heard. And I'm seeing in fighting amongst people who are mad their first choice didn't win. All of this means potentially low voter turn out.
Especially amount younger more progressive voters who have taken a "Bernie or Bust" mentality.
And we know what happened when we take that stance. Cause its the same one that happened last time.
I know Hillary wasn't a perfect person or candidate either. And I too would have preferred Bernie in the last election.
But all that: "she's just as bad" "my votes don't count anyway" "id rather vote 3rd party than her" "Bernie or Bust"
All that.
Is how he won last time.
So all I'm saying is. Them rigging primaries in favor of a candidate they know most of the democratic voter base actually hates, makes it a lot easier to secure trump gets re-elected.
And the people potentially being pissed that Bernie lost primaries twice in a row wont help.
Even if my whole crazy theory is wrong. Even if their is no real evil plot being done here. That last point still stands.
If by some bizarre twist of fate. Biden wins the primaries. Be it honestly or by stealing delegates from the drop outs. He's still better than Trump.
Be prepared for that other shoe to drop.
Be prepared for the memes and social discourse trying to convince you not to vote or to throw away your vote on a 3rd party.
Be prepared for what ever dirt trump was trying to get on him to be released.
And know that he will STILL no matter what. Be better than Trump.
And in case I am right. And we are in the middle of an attempted coup.
Then this next part becomes twice as important.
If you live in a state that hasn't voted yet. PLEASE show up for Bernie.
I hate telling people how to vote. But mathematically speaking the only possible outcomes at this stage are Biden or Bernie. So for the love of god stop wasting votes on the other guys. Its almost as bad as voting third party for the actual election.
Plus if I'm right there's a 50/50 chance of those underdog votes being party of the conspiracy and going to Biden in the end.
If Biden really is your 2nd choice then fine. This doesn't apply to you.
But if you hate Biden and you prefer the more progressive stances, and your hoping for someone similar to Bernie, then just fucking vote Bernie.
Cause we learned from Warren that we cant trust ANYONE to give their endorsement to Bernie when they drop out.
So vote Bernie.
And if y'all don't, and we end of with Biden. I don't wanna hear any complaints.
If we get Biden then we gotta vote Biden. End of story.
Cause if Trumps re elected its game over.
He's already talking about extending his term limits or straight up erasing them. He wants to be a dictator and he's WELL on his way to achieving that.
He's proven above the law. And when the system fails the only hope left is the people.
Its 100% on us to make sure trump dosnt win. Its 100% on us to stay vigilant and not fall for the BS designed to turn things in his favor. It's 100% on us to show up, speak up, and carry a big ass stick of democracy.
Sorry for the long ass post. But I've been getting more and more suspicious/nervous by the day.
TL/DR: The primaries may or may not be rigged in Biden's favor. And that might be part of an even bigger plot to get Trump reelected. Don't waste your vote on 3rd party or underdogs. Please fucking don't inadvertently hand the election to trump.
And remember that I'm not a news source. Just a concerned citizen who worries too much and is hoping to inform/ warn people about a possible threat to our democracy.
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hollandroos · 5 years
Hello, i love you → Tom x reader | Harrison x reader
 Soulmate AU
Summary: You’re only supposed to have one soulmate, one person to give your heart to. So what happens when two boys stumble into your life?
‘What are you meant to do when you promise your heart to two people? You either give it to one or keep it for yourself. Sometimes, you tear your own heart in half in the process of deciding.’
Words: 3.7k
Warnings: None really for this part :-)
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You were never good at the whole morning thing.
You’d drag yourself out of bed by seven, force yourself into the shower where the water would either be too hot and cause you to nearly jump out of your skin or bone-chilling cold and result in a possible tumble. The latter ultimately made you realise that you’d forgotten to pay your heating bill again and the threat of more stress then need be would loom over your head because it’ll all come down to whether or not you had enough coffee beans left for a cappuccino or if you’d be left with having to suffer through the bitter taste of an instant.
Breakfast is always a rush with toast crumbs squeezing their way in between the creases of whatever shirt you’d thrown on, jam making its way onto your chin and the scrunching of snack wrappers between an enclosed fist. If you were lucky, you’d have some kind of fruit left sitting on the bench that was yet to go off and maybe you’d actually be able to find your headphones in between incomplete sheets and last nights washing.
The bus usually smelt like piss and if you were extra unlucky, the remains of last night's alcohol wafting off of a hungover man's coat and you were left trying to focus on the taste of the spearmint bubblegum from the corner store. On those days, however, you happened just to be thankful for the fact that you’d nabbed a seat before the aisle filled up.
You’re lucky if the coffee shop next to where your internship is taking place isn’t overly crowded. You’re lucky if you have to wait less then five minutes in line to grab the selection of coffees you were instructed to pick up every morning by eight am sharp and you’re lucky if the waiter that always seemed to flirt with you is on- not because you enjoyed being flirted with by a stranger but because he knew your order off by heart by now and didn’t make you repeat all seven coffees each time you came in. It was both a relief and a struggle.
Today you rush straight to the front counter, a coat pulled tightly against your chest and smile at the familiar worker there. He was a younger boy, probably eighteen making him only three years younger then you but still, the flirty smile he gives you upon seeing you halt in front of him is enough to throw you off completely.
“Morning, Joe.” You force a smile, the corners of your lips surely weren’t thanking you as you hold the look long enough for him to remember every single one of the drinks you were about to order. Today you wanted to treat yourself. “Just the usual, one on me the rest on the company.”
“Got it.” He taps it into his screen and you pull your credit card out, along with a loyalty card. “Having a good morning?” Joe fumbles around, trying not to embarrass himself in front of the older, cute girl in front of him. Someone he still achieved exactly what he's trying to dodge.
“I am, thank you. Trying to take in the weather before I lock myself up for the rest of the day.”
The man in the apron with a slightly wonky name tag hands you a receipt, opening his mouth once more before you go to walk away. “It’s a shame they have someone as pretty as you locked up in the offices.”
It’s a remark that forces you to do everything in your power to hold back a grimace from appearing on your features. The kid is eighteen, he’s awkward and probably drowning in school work. You were there three years ago, so you shrug it off and offer an awkward smile.
The little bell above the door rings multiple times while you sit and wait for your order and every time it rings, cold air rushes into the room and a stranger lets out a small remark about the weather. The heat pump begins an endless cycle of pumping enough warm air into the cafe before the door is opened again. It’s a cycle you were used to– one you had gotten used to on only your fifth chilly winter morning of waiting for a tray and a half of coffee.
Aka the only thing that you were sure kept your bosses from tearing each others heads off. Huh, maybe that was why they were so demanding when it came to their caffeine. But this morning you can still taste toothpaste on your tongue and wonder if your coffee will be too impossibly bitter and you’ll be the one doing the tearing of heads.
Tom walks in at exactly seven forty-nine with his hands shoved into his coat pockets. He swears that at his point his lips may as well be blue and the tip of his nose was frozen like an iceberg. He’s almost dying to get his hands wrapped around a takeaway cup, to warm the frozen nubs and get on his own way to work– like the tens of other people in the cafe were hoping for.
He barely notices the girl in the coat that scrolls through Facebook as he makes his way to the counter and orders his drink. He barely even notices the girl as he turns around and pulls his phone out to look through his own social media. Tom would hate to admit that he was one of those people too sucked into their phones for their own good but here he was.
Still, It’s crazy that, how many strangers we walk past every single day without giving them a second glance. He only notices her for the first time when an order is called and she jumps up out of her seat, coat falling around her knees as she walks towards the counter– right next to Tom. Tom wasn't one to say that two people fit together, but he was sure straight away that they fit like cheese and crackers.
“That’s me!” She beams.
It was nearing eight am and freezing outdoors yet she sounded so lively, her voice as smooth as melted honey and she takes the trays with both hands, already eyeing a certain drink he assumes is her own and he coughs, stuffing his phone in his back pocket.
“Can I help you with anything? You really look like you’re struggling.” Tom says before he can stop himself. It was as if he was drawn to her. That type of thing wasn’t meant to happen every day, right?
With more drinks then you wished to carry in your arms, you glance at the stranger but for a moment you find yourself at a loss for words. Before, all you’d seem was a stranger hover near the counter with jeans and a torn Adidas shoes. That small inkling you’d had to look up had been swallowed back by you and now you found yourself lost in the sea that was his eyes. Cliche.
“No, I’m good! Thank you, though–” But you must’ve spoken too soon because in an instant you drop your coffee, the takeaway mugs tumble to the floor until they hit with a splat. The bitter liquid runs under your shoes and Toms, temporarily staining the coffee shop floor and your cheeks heat up in pure embarrassment as people stare. “Fuck.”
The spilt coffee was pushed to the back of Toms mind as his mouth falls open, eyes widening in shock. It was as if everything else around him suddenly didn’t matter but you. You with a now coffee stained skirt and embarrassed expression. But he saw beneath that. He saw every little line that was etched onto your features and lack of sleep, that was for sure. He saw days of what could either be too much school work or work and the stain on your shirt that wasn’t in fact from the coffee that was turning your white shirt a disgusting shade of brown.
“You’re– you’re my–” He struggles.
You cough, choking on air as he trips over his own words. In a moment you believed you’d be tripping over spilt coffee if you didn’t get your act together.
“You’re my soulmate.” You finish for him. Gentle brown eyes that resembled pools of warm honey stare adoringly. You already wanted to take in every piece of him already from the creases beneath his eyes and at the corners of his lips, to the hoodie that drowned his hands and that one overgrown curl that kept falling over his forehead despite his attempts to keep it tame.
Soulmate. That word was one you tried to ignore, pushing to the back of your mind and one you’d jump over like a hole in the footpath because when the day came to use it properly, it’d come and here it was. Staring you right in the face. Finally.
He feels his arm tingling. The feeling could be compared to a spider crawling up his arm or ants padding across his skin and that’s probably the only part of it all that makes him feel uneasy. Tom hates spiders. But that feeling, the gentle tingling in his arm only convinces him further that it’s you he’s meant to be with, the one he’s been looking for as cliche as it sounded.
“This is– this is insane. You’re so pretty.” Tom bites his tongue the second he lets the words slip, fearing he was about to scare his soulmate off before he’d even got the chance to know you. “I’m sorry I don’t know what I’m saying at all right now, you’re just so– you’re amazing. I’m shaking, wow.”
And he wasn’t lying. Toms' hands were shaking, trembling one might say. But so were yours. You could practically feel his nerves though maybe that was your own. The little mark around your ankle is tingling, making you stiffen because it’s actually uncomfortable. For such a special moment you hadn’t expected that– what could be compared to pins gently breaking the first layer of skin.
“I don’t get dressed up like an office assistant every day if that was what you were hoping for.” You laugh at his impromptu comment. “I also don’t wear my coffee to work– however, I am a bit of a clutz.”
“Things to note about my soulmate, doesn’t dress up like an office assistant every day and is a clutz, noted.” Tom smiles as the word rolls off of his tongue again. It sounded all too fake, like something he was dreaming up.
Soulmate. The one person you’re supposed to spend forever with. Someone you’re meant to love for eternity, give your all too and receive a lifetime of happiness in return. Tom couldn’t help but wonder if it’d feel like they say it does to so much as graze your skin, if hearing his name roll off of your tongue could send his chest into a frenzy of love and satisfaction and if you lay together, close enough, skin against skin, your hearts would beat as one.
You laugh lightly,  “Things to note about my soulmate, has pretty brown eyes and rambles when he’s nervous. I have to say, we’re off to a really good start as well as things go.”
“My name’s Tom.”
“Well, Tom, I’m Y/N.” He swears your name sounds like gold, pure fucking gold as it spills off of your tongue and in his mind he’s repeating it over like a chorus– and hearing his own name is better then anything, to put it simply. “I would love to stand and talk to you more but I’m about to be late for work and It’s bad enough that I no longer have their coffees…”
“Oh yeah– right. Can I give you my number?”
“I’d really like that.” You lace your fingers together, doing everything in your power to keep yourself grounded though you doubted Tom would do anything but laugh if you started jumping up and down. He seemed giggly.
“Great, awesome.” He fumbles with his coat, trying to search for anything he can use to write his number on. Maybe it would’ve been easier if he just put his number straight in your phone but his mind was messy, clouded and hazy with pictures of you. “Here, just text me whenever.” He hands you the paper and you tuck it between your fingers and then it fucking happens, the very first touch. “You will call me, right?”
It was so cliche. You met at a coffee shop, you spilt your coffee and he was there to help. Your hands touched– gently grazed and you felt shock waves throughout your entire body and surely he had to feel it too, for only after minutes you were his and he was yours.
“Of course I will, first chance I get.” You smile through lined lips. As every second passed you got closer and closer to being late to your internship but Tom seemed more important than working some desk job. Scratch that, he was. You wanted to remember every little piece of him like the colour of his eyes and the scuffed Adidas shoes on his feet. And god forbid if you lost that crinkly, torn apart paper you’d never forgive yourself.
You leave the coffee shop with a skip in your step despite messing up the coffee orders that morning and a picture of his brown locks engraved in your brain. Already you wanted to send him a text, to be impossibly close. With an overjoyed heart, you glance down at his number scribbled down on a scrap piece of paper with ‘Tom :)’ beneath it, a little heart too to match.
Tom immediately pulls out his phone and goes to his contacts. A part of him hoped to see an unfamiliar number on the screen early but instead, he sends a text to his best friend and in the process nearly walks into a pole but not even that could wipe the grin off of his face. Love at first sight was real, it was what would get him through his day and the next and the one after that. Love at first sight had proved itself.
To: Jacob
I met her. She’s perfect.
Harrison forces himself up many sets of stairs. He could’ve just used the elevator, but he wanted to push himself– probably not a good idea considering the day before he’d worked out legs and the ache was still very prominent. Also, his apartment seemed to be near the very top floor and it was more of a hyke then a simple climb up the stairs.
He wasn’t going to complain though. Nope, he doubted the fact that his smile had fallen once since reaching the apartment complex. He made sure to smile at every one of the other residents, even helping the little old lady on floor three make sure she pressed the right button on the elevator before hoping out himself. He gave five dollars to the man outside and allowed a lost seven-year-old to use his phone to call home.
Some would say Harrison had a heart of gold but the boy did have his fair share of bad events too like the one time he got blackout drunk and streaked around the neighbourhood much to the neighbour's disgust (luckily not his neighbours). There was the one time he got in a bar fight too and ended up with a black eye for the next few weeks.
At the same time as Harrison was clambering up the very last flight, the elevator just so happened to ping before the doors open and you climb out– more like struggle with a series of boxes in your arms, covering half of your view. In anyone else's opinion, it would seem like you were just asking for trouble by walking around with too many boxes then what you could handle but you felt confident enough. That was until your arms begun to feel like jelly and you had to side step to refrain from dropping the top box.
Something was bound to go wrong, it was only a matter of time and since this morning– since meeting the charming boy that had promised you his heart you felt like you were on cloud nine, like nothing could get you down.
It wasn’t anything too expensive inside, but the objects were close to your families hearts. It was old photos in photo frames and vases that your mother had handed down to you. There was cutlery that you planned to store away instead of use and little pieces of china that your mother had refused to let you lay your grubby finger son as a kid.
Your arms felt like jelly and your legs threatened to give out so you wanted to cry when you found out that you’d come to the wrong damn floor. You groan loudly, not seeing the stranger standing by the steps with narrowed eyes.
“Can I help you with anything? You really look like you’re struggling.”  
You grunt, holding the boxes with aching arms. This was probably the worst time to run into someone and your mind was anywhere else as you focused on not dropping any of the items in hand. It could’ve been anything in the box from precious china of your mothers to plastic cups and forks.
“No, I’m good! Thank you, though–” You shake your head right as the top box falls out of your arms, landing on the ground with a thud before a terrifying shattering sound echoes throughout the floor. “Fuck.” You groan– then it hits you, a second too late but all too soon. A truth that had hit harder then the shattered cutlery.
It hits you harder then it had this morning when you ran into the cute brunette from the coffee shop. It hits you like a fucking train because you already found your soulmate yet the words on your wrist matched what he’d just said to you and by the look on his face, the words you’d just said suited what was printed wherever on his body too. Your mind runs to Tom with the lopsided smile and cheeky glint in his eyes, from the feelings you felt when you first ran into him to the happiness that soon followed.
But now you were standing in front of another boy– a blonde with piercing blue eyes.
Harrison Osterfield gapes, feeling all kinds of happy as he realised that you were the one. He was ten when he felt the words appear, only sixteen when his closest friends found their soulmates and twenty when he realised that he was the only one without someone to love and call his own. So now he was twenty-three and his heart was swelling with joy because he couldn’t imagine a more beautiful girl to be his soulmate even if he tried. It was as if already, he was more then head over heels.
Whether it be the idea of finally finding his soulmate or that the stories he’d heard from his friends were true. Simply being near the person you were destined to spend forever with could make you ecstatic and he felt that he was finally about to understand.
So he only felt his heart drop when you realised that you looked absolutely terrified.
Fingers reach into your front pocket, toying with a scrap piece of paper just to check that it was still there, tucked away safely between empty gum wrappers and spare change– that this morning really happened and wasn’t some figmentation of your lonely imagination. That Tom existed and he had looked at you like you put the stars in the sky and spoke to you like you were the most beautiful flower in a field of hundreds, all blooming and vibrant but he’d picked you.
But Harrison looks at you like you were the one thing that makes the sun come out of hiding every morning. Like you were the first breath of fresh air in years and he was experiencing proper air in his lungs once more and the thought of letting him down, making his breathtaking smile turn into a calamitous frown made your chest ache and you realised that he too was your soulmate, because if he wasn’t you would’ve been able to let him down but you simply couldn’t because the thought of hurting the person you’re destined to give yourself to fully is meant to be the one thing that hurts more then anything else.
Then Tom is reappearing in your mind and you realise that you couldn’t hurt him either. That your heart longs for both but we can’t always have what we want.
Because how were you supposed to choose between the one that looks at you like you put the stars in the sky and the one that looks at you like you’re the reason the sun rises every morning?
Your soulmate was a brunette with brown eyes like the colour of the coffee you spilt all over the cafe floor that morning and a heart of gold, with a light that could extend to even the greatest lengths - but your soulmate was also a blonde with blue eyes that reminded you of the rain and you loved rain. You could stand in it until you were a sneezing, sniffling mess. He wore eyes that told more stories then you feared you’d ever be able to hear.
“You’re my soulmate.” You say out loud, mostly to yourself then to him. The room is spinning, photos that you’ve marched past at least six times today suddenly look like mere splashes of colour and the railing seems too far away to grasp.
“And you’re mine.” Harrison swallows and your shattered goods don’t seem all that big of a deal anymore. “Where have you been hiding away all this time, huh?”
You’d heard every horror story in the book about people's soulmates and things going wrong but not this. Never this. How exactly was it, that your heart was supposed to belong to not one, but two boys? What are you meant to do when you promise your heart to two people? You either give it to one or keep it for yourself. Sometimes, you tear your own heart in half in the process of deciding.
Maybe you just had a habit of dropping things in front of cute British boys.
Please come and tell me what you thought, send feedback and love!! :)
Everything tags: @cosmetologynerd @holland-ish @smexylemony @dej-okay @hollandsletters @ive-got-some-lies-to-tell @liz-gayllen@marvelismylifffe @lovelyh0lland @tomhollandandmarvelsworld @woah-jess @southsidefandoms@justannothermonday @its-claire-louise @sophiatomlinson23 @mockingjaygirl1221 @joyfullyjenny@damnhisfaceisliketheskyatnight  @bride-of-loki-odinson @in-the-corner-coffee-please@futuremrsb-r-main @spideyyypeter @saturn-aka-six @c0prolalia @buckykinz@ashtonsbandannas @dennasaur @amyyleblanc1999 @fnosidam@randomfangirl1701@maybeandperhaps @acciorinn @marvel-language @micki-smiles@justmesadgirl @converseskyline @niall2017 @gavemylifetotomholland @tomuchmarvel@leslieandjensen @painted-soulss @practicallylivesonline @mischiefmanaged49 @its-the-unknownspidey @holyrose96 @for-my-mind @mlxbm @erindillon11 @captainbuckyy @shawnandhisroses @converseskyline @smitten0-0kitten @parkeroos @whileinparis @unicornio-vomita-mierdas @draqcnheartstrinq @rainyboo-posts @mikalaka @petxrpxrker @tony-starks-ego @thedaydreamingwriter @peter-quackson @kateelyse96 @lesbian-jesus-jr @wheresmyquill@elyshugh @hollanderheart @tomshufflepuff @marvelismylifffe @tomsh0lland @obsessed-fandoms @girl-in-the-chair @trashqueenbitch @dramatic-and-young @honey-honey-5644@parkerluvs @chingonaconcha @captainbuckyy @jes-sica1 @tomsfireheart @Rainbow-marvel @spideysimpossiblegirl @spideys-gurl @thomasstanley-holland @mlxbm @ixchel-9275@parkerssweb @peter-parkersbb @tom-hollands-eyelash @starlightfound @vldlvj  @paradoxparker @lustfulcry  @mlxbm @musiclover1263 @justatheatredork @peterparkerscamera@fandomnerdsarecool @thequeensardine @cutesy-angst @httplayer @mischiefmanaged49 @loca-lola @softboyparkerr @desir-ae @dangerousluv1 @t-hotland @laucontrerasv @peter-parkersbb@whatdafricklefrackle @thatblondebelgiangirl @fairydustparker @they-call-me-le @jamiemac26@nephalem67 @underoos-tom @quaxon-holland @lovelyspidey @no-shxt-sherl @xlatinaaxx@starlightfound @mikexpeter @moonandstars-xo @httpmcrvel @evelyn120700 @fromheroestodust@hollandfieldblurbs @ghostlypandacolorpersona @spazclaiire @curlyhairedparker @josierosie@unicornio-vomita-mierdas @icondy @euphoricholland @desir-ae @lovelyspidey @thelazypangolin@ameeravioli @ramen-tically @mellifluous-tom @mrs-webslinger @krazykiara @scottyisthatyou @@s0cial-retard @sithskywalkers @avenirectioner @cokemania147 @awkwardfangirl2014 @thot--holland @tomsmelanin @tryn25 @marvelismylifffe
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the-wlw-cafe · 6 years
Forget Me (Not)
Request: #62 Memory loss with Lena Luthor preferably the Reader losing their Memory? They were Dating for awhile but got hurt protecting Lena so now she doesn't remember Lena who decides it's best for her not to remember so that the Reader doesn't get hurt again so Reader goes About their normal life but with Lena basically suffering every time she sees them bc she's still in love with them idk Maybe a happy ending if you wanna
Fandom: Supergirl
Warnings: referenced injuries, some language, being Long as feck
Word Count: too many (3265)
You awoke to the sound of hushed voices. You couldn’t make out what they were saying, every noise seemed to drift towards you through a thick layer of jelly, muffled and warbling. You felt like you were floating. It was the smell that finally clued you in that something was off: It smelt sterile, like hand soap and disinfectant, not like the scent of lavender, coffee and freshly washed sheets that you associated with home. You slowly opened your eyes, blinking against the bright white lights that surrounded you. When you tried to move, you noticed an IV drip sticking out of your arm.
Ah. Hospital.
The voices became clearer, two women, arguing.
“Now you’re just being dramatic, Lena, this isn’t your fault!”
“If it weren’t for me, none of this would have happened. Getting close to me is a risk, you know that, and I’ve been selfish enough to ignore it, but I just can’t anymore. I’m making the right decision here.”
“The only thing you’re making is a big mistake Lena, I know how much – (Y/N)!”
It seems they have noticed that you are awake, and the taller of the two, a blond woman whose face splits into the most sunny smile you’ve ever seen once she makes eye contact with you, comes rushing to your bedside. The smaller one, pale, with dark hair framing an impossibly gorgeous face, stands in the back, clearly left distraught by the argument you’d interrupted. You immediately got the overwhelming urge to reach out and comfort her.
“(Y/N), we’ve been so worried about you, but I knew you were a trooper!”
She immediately goes in for a hug that leaves you stiff and awkward. You have no idea who this is, but they clearly know you very well, which can only mean one thing. But that couldn’t be, things like that were reserved for soap operas only, it didn’t happen in real life...right?
The tall blonde seemed to notice you not returning the embrace, pulling back with a frown.
“Is something wrong? Are you hurt? Oh Rao, did I hug you to hard?” she fretted, a worried crinkle appearing between her brows.
“Oh no, the hug was fine, I just...” you make a helpless flailing motion which leaves your IV drip swinging. “I’m sorry, I’m going to be frank, I have no idea who you are.”
The blonde lifted her hands to her mouth to cover a gasp. “But...but you must recognize Lena, right?” she exclaimed, gesturing towards the other woman. Oh this was bad. You hated to see these people hurt and worried.
“Nope, does not ring a bell.” You replied.
“But she’s-“ the blonde began, only to be cut off by the other, Lena.
“- the one whose building was trapped with the bomb that put you on a coma. I needed to make sure you’d recover, and seeing that you’re awake, I’ll go get a doctor for you”, she said curtly, and gave you a small smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. She’d already turned away before she’d finished the sentence. You and the blonde watched her leave the room.
“Is she okay?” you asked.
“Honestly? I don’t know. She’s going through a lot of stuff at the moment.”
  Lena returned with a doctor not long after, and a series of exhausting questions later you were diagnosed with amnesia. When or whether your memory would return nobody could tell, but you were released two days later with the recommendation of trying to go through your day as it came naturally to you, visit familiar places and not stress yourself out too much over remembering. You felt lost and vulnerable in the apartment that was so unfamiliar to you, yet everyone seemed to recognize as yours. Kara, the blonde woman who had dropped by your bedside multiple times to bring you some fried sugary goodness to offset the horror that was the hospital food volunteered to sleep on your couch until you’d find some semblance of normalcy in her life (“No, really, it’s no problem, Alex – my sister – will look after my plants, and I think they’ll thank her for it, I keep drowning them for some reason...”).
  On your first evening at the place you didn’t remember as home, you went through Kara’s phone together, looking at pictures of her, her friends and you together in the hopes that it would stir something, anything inside you.
You scrolled through pictures of you and her friends at bars, at picnics, at game nights, always laughing and smiling, and still these peoples were strangers to you. All of them, except one.
“That’s Lena! From the hospital!”, you exclaimed, just glad that you had found one face that didn’t make you feel like looking through stock photos of a group of handpicked multiracial attractive models.
You furrowed your brow in thought. “That’s weird, though, she didn’t mention us being close.”
Kara smiled a slightly pained smile, said something along the lines of “well, you met her through me, I was interviewing her for CatCo and things just snowballed from there”, before quickly scrolling on. You see her face popping up in some pictures after that one, but you don’t bring it up again.
  In the following days, Kara took the time to re-introduce you to all of her friends, to her sister Alex, Alex’ girlfriend Maggie to Winn and James, she tried to get a hold of Lena but the CEO declined. It didn’t surprise you, being CEO of L-Corp probably didn’t leave her with much free time. The Superfriends did their best to make you feel welcome in their midst, but you still couldn’t quite shake the feeling that you were hanging out with a group of complete strangers, who somehow knew your favourite drinks, your Noonan’s order, and your preferred board games.
  Kara took you to L-Corp a week after you were released from hospital, since it was there you lost your memory, and per chance you ran into Lena. Kara invited her along to grab coffee together, but with one look at you she blanched, pressed out that she was urgently needed in a meeting from between clenched teeth, turned on her heel and walked right into the room she had left seconds before. It was completely empty.
  You started to get the feeling that Lena didn’t like you.
  The following Saturday, you were proven wrong, she didn’t just dislike you, Lena Luthor outright hated you. It was game night, and you had attended out of a sense of obligation and the fact that you started to grow close to the Superfriends – for the second time from their perspective. Lena arrived late, played one token round of Taboo, and then left immediately after, citing a work emergency. The phone she pretended to talk on was clearly switched off.
  Days turned into weeks, and this became a common occurrence, no matter how much Kara and the others conspired to get you two to talk to each other.
By far the worst thing about this situation was however the fact that you seemed to affect Lena’s friendship to Kara too. You caught them, once, arguing in the kitchen at game night after they had gone to get more wine.
  “Lena, she’s suffering, you’re suffering, and this has to stop. You can’t keep running away from this and honestly I’m not sure how much longer I’m willing to lie for you!”
“Kara Danvers, don’t you dare. Don’t you dare destroy everything I’ve done to-“
“-to make both of you miserable? Lena, open your eyes, this isn’t working! (Y/N) has a right to know –“
You couldn’t take it any longer and decided to announce yourself by clearing your throat. The two women whipped around to face you.
“Sorry”, you began, awkwardly scratching your neck as if you hadn’t just caused a rift between these two friends. “The guys are asking for more beer.”
“Oh, we were just...” Kara started, clearly in the early stages of a trademark ramble.
“...just leaving. I was just leaving.” Lena finished, her gaze fixed on some spot behind you. You didn’t manage to contain your scoff in time. “Another work emergency, I gather? Or what’s the excuse you have for us today?” you said. Lena stumbled backwards as if you had hit her, and immediately you regretted your cold words.
“I...good night, (Y/N).” Her voice broke on your name and you swore you could hear her sniffle as she rushed past you. You stared at Kara, unsure of what had just happened in this kitchen, when you felt a second wave of anger wash over you.
“No”, you growled. Kara looked at you, puzzled.
“No, she doesn’t get to do this. She doesn’t get to avoid me for weeks when I needed her the most, when she should have been there for me like all your other friends...my other friends were! She doesn’t get to make me feel bad about calling her out on her bullshit! I don’t know what I did to offend her, I literally can’t remember, but why can’t she just talk it out with me like a goddamn adult?!”
You braced yourself on the kitchen counter as you stared into the dark night outside. Voicing your anger had felt good, it had been a long time coming, but you’d still do anything to get some closure on this whole situation.
“Oh, (Y/N)”, Kara breathed, looking torn. “Lena doesn’t hate you. She...she’s in a difficult spot right now, and she thinks she’s doing the right thing but she’s really, really not...she’s a very headstrong woman.”
“Yes, feel free to tell me whenever you’re ready to stop talking in riddles and feel like making sense”, you snapped.
“Lena made me promise not to tell a word, and I can’t break her trust like that, but I also can’t stand to see you both so miserable.” Your friend heaved a great sigh, and at this moment she looked older than you had ever seen her. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and after some typing, she presented it to you. “Just...take a look.”
She had opened a folder named Top Secret L  and you actually let out a small giggle at that. Subtlety really didn’t seem to be her strongest suit.
The folder was empty except for a series of four photos, obviously taken in quick succession at a park. The first was Kara, taking a selfie, pointing excitedly at some kissing couple on a park bench. Half of you wanted to sit Kara down for a serious talk about privacy and personal space, the other half just smiles because that’s Kara, the same Kara that had called you one evening after having seen an elderly couple feeding ducks at a pond, squealing “true love exists!”. The second photo is another image of the couple, up close this time, and your heart drops into the general vicinity of your stomach when you recognize the lovebirds. That is, without a doubt, Lena Luthor, one hand in your (H/C) hair, the other at the small of your back. The third picture clearly showed your reaction to being busted, Lena hiding her face in your chest and you throwing your head back with laughter. You couldn’t tell whether the blushes on your faces stem from embarrassment at being caught or from the heated kiss you had been sharing. In the fourth and last picture, Alex was photobombing you, pretending to gouge her eyes out with a cocktail umbrella.
You put the phone down, staring blankly at nothing in particular. You hadn’t expected to be able to feel this photo so vividly, not to remember, but to know how Lena’s soft lips felt on yours, how her scent surrounded you, how you were able to feel her pulse racing out of control...
You were longing for something, for Lena, for a feeling you didn’t remember but missed anyway. You looked up at Kara helplessly, seeking guidance, advice, something.
“Were Lena and I...” you croaked, not trusting your voice to get the whole sentence out.
“An item? Yeah. You even tried to keep it secret from us for a time, but we saw right through you. And by ‘we’ I mean Maggie ‘detecting is my job’ Sawyer”, she added with a soft smile.
You leaned against the counter.
“I imagine you two have a lot to talk through”, Kara said gently.
You nodded absent-mindedly, already working through hundreds of reasons why Lena would not want you to find out you had been in a relationship before the bomb and the memory loss debacle.
Kara grabbed you by the shoulders, gently ushering you towards the door. “Come on, I’ll tell the others where you are. You go get your girl.”
  She texted you Lena’s private address as soon as you were out the door. In the lobby of her apartment building, you saw a security guard immediately lumbering towards you. You cursed inwardly. You had no idea what to say. “Yes, apparently I used to be Lena’s girlfriend until a few weeks ago, but don’t ask me anything personal about her or our relationship, as I have conveniently forgotten it all.”
Before you could even begin to delve into a shakily improvised excuse, he broke out into a wide grin.
“Miss (Y/L/N)! I was wondering when I’d see you again here! It’s been too long! You and Miss Luthor didn’t have a falling out, did you?”
“Something like that”, you murmured, still taken aback by his jovial greeting.
“Well, I know it’s none of my business, but Miss Luthor hasn’t been well in the last weeks. I do hope you’ve come to set her straight.”
“Well, that’s the plan, but we’ll see how it goes”, you reply, showing a shy smile.
“Then by all means, don’t let me keep you here any longer, I’ll let you right up!” he said with a goofy thumbs-up gesture.
Lena lived in the penthouse, so you had plenty of time to come up with something to say to her on the elevator ride. You left the elevator without any semblance of a plan. You took one last, deep breath, steeled yourself and knocked on her door.
There were a few seconds of tense silence, and then –
“Who’s there?”
Even through the door you could tell from her hoarse voice that she’d been crying.
“It’s me, (Y/N). We need to talk.”
“Lena Lutessa Luthor, you open that door right now or so help me I’ll get Kara to throw me in through the window!”
For a moment you thought Lena would refuse to let you in, but then you could hear the tell-tale click of the door as she let you step into her apartment. You tried not to let it take your breath away too much, but you still found yourself slightly distracted by the gorgeous view on the golden lights of National City by night.
“I assume Kara told you, then.”
Lena had her back turned to you, obviously trying to hide her tears from view.
“Kara didn’t technically break her promise to you, she just let me connect the dots”, you said.
“So she didn’t tell you that she thinks I’m a coward and a liar?” she snapped, but you could hear the fright in her voice. She was scared and hurt, and therefore lashing out. And again, something inside you ached to take her in your arms, comfort her, and never let her go.
“Lena, you know Kara would never say these things. She loves you.”
Lena made a strangled sound, somewhere between a scoff and a sob. You decided to press on.
“I just need to know why. Why did you try to hide this from me? Were we...were we unhappy? Did that bomb just come incredibly convenient to you, so you didn’t have to break up with me?”
You were getting worked up again, you couldn’t help it. You deserved better than 3 weeks of the silent treatment, especially when as vulnerable and confused as you had been.
“Did Kara tell you what happened the day you got injured?” Lena asked, her voice almost inaudible.
“Yes, there was a bomb at L-Corp and I got caught in the blast-“
“You shouldn’t even have been there! I received the bomb threat several minutes before the explosion. There was enough time to get every civilian out of the building and to safety. There was enough time for you to be far, far away from any danger. And yet you turned around, and you ran right up to my office, because you just had to make sure I was okay. And when there wasn’t any time left anymore, you tried to shield me from the blast. I saw you get thrown against a wall, (Y/N). I saw you lying there, with broken limbs, not moving, and I thought you were dead! I thought I had lost you!”
Lena whipped around to face you, her face red and tearstained, but there was a grim determination gleaming in her eye.
“I thought you had died because of me. Do you understand now, why I have to do this? I loved you, I still do, but I can’t allow you to throw your life away for me. You deserve more. You deserve someone who can love you without endangering you whenever you’re together.”
“I’m not stupid, Lena”, you reply, after a few seconds. “I knew that when I got into the relationship with you. And I still chose you. And I think...I think I would do it again. Kara showed me the pictures of you and me in the park, I’m not sure if you remember-“
“Of course I do”, she sighed. “It was our first official date. You were actually going for a kiss on the cheek, but, well, so was I, and our lips just awkwardly collided for a moment before things...escalated.”
“Yeah”, you chuckled. “I could see the escalation.”
You swore there was a small smile playing around the corners of Lena’s mouth.
“The thing is, Lena, I felt something when I saw us kissing. I might not remember what we had, and maybe I never will, but I still miss it. I miss us. And maybe, in time, we could rebuild all of this.”
Lena’s mouth dropped open.
“Really? Even after how I’ve treated you? Oh God, how I’ve treated you, I’m so sorry, (Y/N), but I was so scared...”
You interrupted her with a raised hand. “You can’t do this to me again, Lena. You can’t just leave me out of the loop. If we are to have a second chance for...well...us, we need you to be able to trust each other completely. I need you to tell me the truth, always, even if it hurts, even if you’re afraid, and you have to trust me when I say I know what I am getting into.”
Lena nodded frantically, under tears, but she was smiling as well. You weren’t surprised to feel your eyes burn as well. And suddenly, you didn’t know who initiated it, maybe it had been a shared impulse, the two of you closed the distance between each other and fell heavily into each others arms, sobbing tears of relief, joy, loss, fear, a bit of everything.
This would take time, you both knew it, and both of you still had wounds that were a long way from healing, but in this moment you refused to let each other go. This was a path you had to take together, after all.
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maxhoemo · 6 years
prompt: royalty/arranged marriage
ship: maxian
(wtf did i just write?)
Sometime in the Future....
Ian sighed, scrolling through the internet on his holo-screen. Earth’s own Overlord Jr. was set to be married in only a few days. Something he had absolutely no choice in. He felt he was far too young to be married, especially to someone he hardly knew. She was M’xx, Princess of the planet Diomia. She was known across the galaxy for her beauty, and her oafish clumsiness. That girl walked like she was trying to start an earthquake! But Ian had only seen her a handful of times at diplomatic events. The wedding was completely cynical. 
“Mom!” He remembered arguing. “I don’t wanna marry that loud-mouthed cunt! She get’s totally shit-faced at every event! She’s a complete disaster!”
“Ian, you’ll thank me when you’re the richest and most powerful man in the Universe!” 
Of course, she was right. Ian, known by many as the Google heir, was pretty much destined to marry the Disney heiress herself. And when they did, the couple would effectively own every single company and corporation in the known universe. But come on, weren’t they rich and powerful enough? 
“Miss Google?” Ian asked his super-computer.
“Yes, master?” it answered in a robotic tone, it’s screen (the size of an entire wall of Ian’s room) lighting up as it did. 
“Is Princess M’xx hot?”
“Princess M’xx was voted 7th Sexiest Organism Alive in 4998 and 1st in 5000 and 5002.”
Ian grumbled. He could only imagine some stupid teenage boy, getting his rocks off to the Princess. If only they knew... 
“Image search,” he commanded. Instantly, the screen showed a layout of results. A regular green skinned, purple eye’d space babe. Those short locks of hair perfectly framed her soft face. Even Ian had to admit it. Those big, pouty lips, that thicc round ass. “Okay, okay. She’s hot, I admit it. So what?” At least he’d have exclusive rights to that ass. 
Historic First Ever Earth-Diomia Wedding Could Improve Planetary Relations
While the Galaxy is captivated with Princess M’xx’s dress, or the Overlord-to-Be’s shoes, leaders across Solar Systems are looking forward to the Royal Wedding for other reasons. With Diomia and Earth, historically being at odds with one another, leaders hope that the love between M’xx* and Mr. Carter will bring the two planetary superpowers together. Earth was forced to apologize to Diomia for the Meme Embargo in 4923, resulting in the gifting of the Walt Disney Company and it’s assets to the planet in an attempt to mend their economy. Left in shambled after unfair, inflated Meme Taxes. Princess M’xx has long been known for her dedication to preserving and spreading memes, stating; “It’s hard to imagine a world without memes, but so many across the Galaxy go without. Like clean water and Marvel DVD’s, Memes, at least spicy ones, are a basic right.”   An enquiry conducted by the #DramaAlertJournal found that Earthlings were overwhelmingly supportive of the Princess. Diomian’s however, are mostly skeptical of the marriage. Many raising concern that Mr. Carter possesses an inadequate penis. Either way, the merging of the two planets will effect us all in the months to come.
More Articles: Ian and M’xx’s Million Dollar Wedding Cake, Why the Princess Named “My Name Jeff” Her Favourite Historical Meme, What to Expect From Ian As Overlord
Cameras flashed, reporters and members of the public crowded the couple as they exited the Church. Ian smiled his biggest, brightest fake smile, the alien Princess on his arm. The wedding had been excruciating. Unbearably awkward. But this was going to be even more awkward.
Waving to the crowd, the couple crawled inside the hover-limo. He was about to spend more than an hour, alone with someone he’d never spoken two words to. And of course, that someone now being his wife. 
As the car pulled away, off to the reception, Ian chose to stare silently down at his feet. How much did his parents blow on these shoes? 
“Uhh....” Oh God. M’xx was trying to start a conversation. Ian cringed. “Sorry if that kiss was awkward... I’ve never kissed anyone before....”
Ian forced a laugh, looking over at his bride. “Don’t worry. I don’t think there was any way to have made that kiss any less weird.”
She laughed in return. “Yeah. I didn’t even want this wedding to happen, if I’m honest.”
“What? You think I did?”
“Well... My parents said you did. They kept guilting me with how excited you were.”
“Those lying bastards...” Ian muttered, though his tone remained playful. M’xx giggled. She really did look great today... Her bright purple eyes sparkled as she laughed, and her flower adorned brunette locks clung to each side of her face. But that was just the problem. It was about the only thing he knew about her. M’xx was the Princess of Diomia, she liked memes and every time Ian saw her at an event he pictured himself bending her over a table. But he couldn’t tell anyone what she was like day to day. What the alien liked to eat, or watch, or even a favourite colour. 
“Worst part. They’re going to print close-ups of that awful kiss everywhere!”
Over the course of the reception, the couple did get to know each-other. Or rather, speak to each-other and learn superficial facts. Though, Ian had to admit, as the night went on he was becoming more and more comfortable around his bride. Of course, the two were also becoming drunker and drunker. By the time the limo made it’s way back, Ian was all set for a goodnights sleep. That is, before a stern reminder from his parents. “I don’t care if you think it’s embarrassing! It is extremely important you go back to that hotel room and consummate your marriage!”
“This hotel room is fucking crazy! It’s enormous!”
“Aren’t you used to being rich yet?” Ian yawned, kicking off his dress shoes. 
“My species doesn’t spend money on luxuries like this.” The Princess explained. The honeymoon suite was not only needlessly large, but fuzzy and pink. Coupled with her green skin, it looked absolutely eye-bleeding. At least to Ian. “Unzip me!” the alien commanded. Ian did, her wedding dress falling to the floor. She flopped down on the sofa, unstrapping her shoes and massaging her swollen feet. Ian was leaning on the arm of the sofa, struggling to shed his many layers.
“Hellooooo Drama Alert Nation!”
“Turn that shit off!” The blare of the TV was already giving him a massive headache. M’xx didn’t listen, just turning the volume down a little instead.
“It’s about us,” she said.
Ian raised an eyebrow, glancing at his own picture on screen. He plopped down beside the bride, admittedly curious. 
“But was the marriage a set-up?” asked the Gnomarian host. “For more on that, we go to Xana and Leafy in our New York studio. Guys?”
The scene cut to two anchors in another studio with the same obnoxious hashtag and popcorn branding decorating the walls. A three eyed blonde woman and a typical Grey with emo hair stared into the camera. “Thank you, Keem. Leafy and I attended the wedding, and let me tell you that couple did not seem like they even knew each-other, let alone were in love. ”
“What would that blonde cunt know about love anyways?” Ian scoffed. “She’s the most hateful bitch on the planet!”
“I didn’t even know they were there....”
“I hate this whole news network. It’s just a bunch of gossip.”
“I kinda like Leafy.... “
“Ugh! Why!?”
“He tells it like it is.”
“He’s just an insecure jackass...”
“....Couldn’t agree more, Leafy. If Ian lost all his money and broke both his legs, I would be genuinely happy. Now, talking about the kiss...” 
Like an instant reflex, M’xx switched the TV off as soon as he saw a glimpse of the kiss photo. “No fuckin’ way!” Tossing the remote away, she lifted one leg onto the sofa so she could lean against her knee. “This is so much more stressful than I thought it would be....”
Ian turned to her. The way she was sitting drew his gaze to her crotch. The sheer-white panties left nothing to the imagination. Though, not quite what Ian had been expecting.
“Why are you staring at my penis?”
“I just.... Didn’t expect you to have one....” He looked back to her face, a perplexed look crossing her features.
“Well, I.... I just....”
“Everyone on my planet has a penis....”
Ian blinked. Couldn’t anyone have given him a little information before the wedding? How was he supposed to know that? Even Drama Alert didn’t know. “Then why are you a Princess?” Why would a species like that use gender’d terms? 
“Princess is just a rough translation. It’s easier than saying, ruler with one penis.”
“What the fuck are you talking about? No offence, but your species if fucking stupid.”
“Fuck up. Your species is way fucking worse than mine....” 
“Are you even a she? Or a he? Or what do I call you?”
M’xx shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. Those words don’t exist in my language.”
“Well... Do you feel like a guy or a girl?”
“What a stupid question. I feel like a Diomian with one penis. I’m a Princess, but that doesn’t make me an Earth-girl.”
“Wait.... Does that mean other Diomian’s have more than one...?”
M’xx’s eyes widened a little. “You mean... You don’t have more than one!?”
“I’ve only ever seen porn with a one-penised one and a four-penised one. I wasn’t expecting this to be a same-penis number marriage.....”
“Me either....”
“What were you expecting?”
“Well. I guess I just assumed you had a pussy. Course, you’re not even from Earth I don’t know why I’d assume that. But if you all have dicks, how do you have kids?”
“What do you mean? The couple spits in a tube and sends it to the lab, where they grow the baby.... What the fuck is a pussy!? I thought this was an Earth creature! Like a Pokemon. ”
Ian sighed. “Miss Google....” The hotels computer lit up. “Image search Earth Woman.... Uhh, painting...” He didn’t want to freak M’xx out with some pornographic image. The computer pulled up an Ancient stature of some Goddess, her name lost to time. The Princess tilted her head, staring at the image in utter confusion.
“There’s nothing there!” Ian just shrugged in response. Ian was not going to go all into human anatomy right now. “Disney-Assist!” M’xx’s watch lit up. He held it up, showing off it’s projected holographic planet. “Image search, Diomian penis!” Ian’s eyes practically bulged out of his head at the series of images suddenly flashed before his eyes. It was horrible! Like a nightmare! Green, lumpy penises. On top of each-other, growing out of one another.... It was downright disgusting... Was he going to have to look at something like....
“T-take off your panties... Show me your dick....”
M’xx giggled. “If you insist!” He turned his watch off, standing before Ian and wiggling his hips. Sliding down the lacy panties, his penis spring out as he did. Ian felt relieved. It was an ordinary, human looking penis. Well, apart from being mint green. Still, nothing Lovecraftian. “What do you think?”
“It’s very nice...”
“That didn’t sound very enthusiastic.”
“Sorry. I’m tired....”
“But it’s our wedding night. Aren’t we going to at least fuck?”
“Ugh, no. Just.... Put that away and go to sleep.”
“What the hell? You can’t order me around. I’m a Princess, remember?”
“Yeah, and now you’re my wife.”
“Don’t you remember your vows, dear? Love, honour and obey?” He asked with a cheeky grin.
M’xx scowled. “Fuck up. I don’t take orders from you, or anybody else!”
“Oh, really?”
The Princess was awfully cute when she was worked up. Ian thought to himself for a moment, concluding maybe he wasn’t as tired as he thought. “So... You don’t take orders, huh M’xx?”
“You’re not gonna be a good little bitch, and do what I tell you?”
“Don’t call me a bitch...”
“Give me your panties.” For someone who didn’t like taking orders, M’xx sure obeyed that one fast. “You wanna get fucked?” M’xx nodded. “Then get in bed.” Again, without hesitation, M’xx did as Ian told him. Ian threw off his boxers, climbing on top of his bride. He ran his hands along her smooth, nipple-less chest (different, but not bad, Ian decided.) M’xx shuddered at the touch. “Do you like that?” M’xx bit back a moan, nodding. Purple pupils dilated. Ian took the Princess’s delicate wrists in one hand, tying them to the bar of the bedpost with her panties. “How many of those giant alien dicks have you sucked?”
“None,” M’xx answered honestly. “I only know from porn...”
“That’s okay, that’s okay....” Ian ran his fingers through M’xx’s soft hair. “You’re gonna use all that porn you watched, you slutty little Princess, and suck my Earth-Cock. You wanna be just like those porn star’s, huh?” M’xx nodded. “That’s a good girl,” Ian praised. M’xx would usually find it disrespectful to be referred to with an Earth word like ‘girl’. But being disrespected was turning him on.... Ian shifted, so he was on M’xx’s left, kneeling on the bed. “You better be good, bitch.” M’xx grinned, taking Ian’s dick in his mouth, trying to do just what she remembered. She was relieved honestly. An Earth dick was probably much easier to take in her mouth than the one’s she had seen online. Just as she was getting the hang of it, Ian pushed her off by the forehead.
“Was I doing it wrong...?”
“No, Princess. You’re a natural,” he breathed. “I just... Ever since I first saw you, all I could think about was burying my dick in your juicy fucking alien ass!”
M’xx stared up at him, his mouth forming an o shape. “Really?”
“Yeah... Fuck, it just looks so fucking good in your slutty little outfits...” 
M’xx yelped as Ian entered him. Ian’s dick slid in easily, thanks to the slick alien spit. But M’xx had never been stretched like this before. “Ian...”
“Shh, shh.... Just hang on, I promise...” Ian got a little deeper with each thrust. Hitting M’xx magic spot sooner than he anticipated, judging by the change in expression. Diomian anatomy, he guessed. He felt M’xx relax around him. 
“Fuck... Ian.... That’s.... I never felt anything that good....”
Ian smirked. “That’s why.... You should trust me, Princess. I know what’s best for you better than you do...”
He could feel himself getting close. He would have happily cum deep inside M’xx’s ass, but had a better idea. He pulled out, the Princess letting out a whimper at the loss. He gave his dick a few last tugs, cumming all over M’xx’s chest and face.
“W-what.... What is that?” The Princess looked confused, but still blissed out. Of course, they reproduced with spit in a laboratory. They had no reason to ejaculate.
“It’s cum... Try it...” He commanded, untying her.
M’xx, eyes still locked with Ian’s, obeyed. Swiping some from her face with a finger, she tasted it. 
“You like it, bitch?”
“It’s weird....”
“Well, you better get used to it. You’re gonna do what I tell you, aren’t you Princess? And you’re gonna be covered in that a lot more than you aren’t.”
“Oh, really?”
“Fuck yeah.”
“Think again...” Before Ian could even think of a response, the Princess had grabbed his wrists, flipping the two over so he was now in the vulnerable position. She must have been hiding that strength.... “Alright Ian, you pathetic one-penis earth gir-BOY!”
“Come on, M’xx...”
“That’s Princess M’xx, cunt!” She slid upwards, sitting on Ian’s chest. “What the fuck are these?”
“Those are my nipples! And you’re fucking hurting them!”
“Good, they’re fucking weird! Anyways... You’re gonna suck your Princess’s dick!”
“Oh, that’s what you want? Desperate to get off, are we?”
“Shut up! Get on the ground! On your knees. Kneel before your Princess!” She demanded, rolling off. Ian could use the oppurtunity to get back the upper hand, but decided to play along. He kneeled down on the fuzzy pink carpet, M’xx sliding off the bed and looming over him. “Go on,” Just like before, M’xx found himself overwhelmed with the feeling. Who could ever anticipate such a weakening, overload of pleasure. Ian grabbed her ass from behind, and M’xx didn’t complain. Course, it was weird to suck someone off without the ‘big finish’ so to speak. Still, at least M’xx could still orgasm from his dick.
“Mmm.... Ian that was so good....”
“You give a mean one yourself.”
“Is this what love feels like?”
“Umm... Let’s see how we feel about that in the morning....”
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sabrinavictoria82 · 4 years
Stop with the incessant scrolling already.
Are you even paying attention to your life? I certainly wish I had paid more attention to mine. Maybe if I share a tad bit about my life you would find we have a few things in common and you would start to focus differently on your life. Everyone likes a good dramatic story. Yes? 
If I were going to be completely honest I would say my life has been anything but easy. It’s actually been quite difficult. And to some, they may say, a total shit show. But to that point, there really is no one to blame but myself. Every issue, struggle and problem that came my way had one common denominator, ME. 
Looking back I realize the roll I played in the destruction of my life and where it has led me up to this point. I am grateful for my ability to be able to think outside the box, and realize that I don’t know nearly as much as I once thought I did, and I don’t know nearly as much now as I think I do. I didn’t know it at the time but I had taken on the roll of a codependent victim pretty early in life. Having a complete lack of boundaries and absorbing people’s negative words about myself as absolute truths rather than just opinions. I was constantly seeking approval and sacrificed my own morals and comfort in fear of making other people upset with me. I ran from any kind of confrontation, and went to great lengths to avoid it. I was completely preoccupied with how other people viewed me, and completely lost sight of how I viewed myself. This lack of confidence effected my entire life and although I didn’t see it at the time, I see it clear as day now.
I remember from as young as 8 years old, I was on vacation with my parents. I had left my purple hip purse in a bathroom stall at a pit stop. I noticed about 25 minutes after leaving the pit stop, but it took me about 15-20 minutes to gain enough fortitude to say something. At this point we were almost an hour away. My parents obviously didn’t turn around. I lost all my chore money that day, $22, and I was devastated. That is my earliest memory of feeling a real loss regarding my own actions, and you would have thought that would have jolted me into gaining a voice. But it didn’t, it actually got worse as I got older.
First, in my defense, I didn’t know it then, but all human decisions are made to either avoid pain or gain pleasure. Second, to make things even more interesting, people will do much more to avoid pain than to gain pleasure. Third, and this is a show stopper, it isn’t based on actual pain and pleasure, it’s based on your perception of what that pain or pleasure WILL be. Which our imaginations are wild, so our perception is incredibly flawed.
This is why I ended up in those compromising situations 1, 2, 3, 6+ times where a boy was allowed to take advantage of me. My flawed perception of the disappointment, or uncomfortable feelings I would ignite if I stood my ground caused me to allow these situations to escalate. Lacking complete confidence in myself to do (or not do) what I deemed as appropriate behavior, but allowing them to do as they pleased.  That was me. I could have done things differently, but my extreme lack of confidence coupled with my desire to people please landed me in these confusing situations.
Hopefully at this point you are having a couple ah-ha moments for yourself, but either way I’m about to add another layer right here. We are complex creatures, as humans, and we are guided by more than just pain and pleasure. We are also guided by our love languages. For those of you that have never heard of a love language, there are 5 of them. Depending on which love language you are, there are repercussions for linking up with someone who does not have your love language, or does not understand your love language. To break it down, 23% of the population is moved by Words of Affirmation, 20% needs Quality Time, 20% looks for Acts of Service, 19% needs Physical Touch and 18% needs to Receive Gifts in order to feel loved. Everyone has a dominant love language and a 2nd tier love language. My two are physical touch and acts of service. Now physical touch does not mean anything sexual, it is the EXACT opposite of anything sexual.  But you can easily see how physical touch can EASILY be misconstrued by someone who does not have that language and does not understand that language. This meant that not only was I dealing with a strong desire to touch and be touched in order to feel loved (hand holding, caressing and holding) I was also dealing with not wanting to displease anyone who took my ‘physical touch advances’ the wrong way and thus put me in several morally uncomfortable situations throughout my life. 
This is how a girl like me ends up pregnant out of wedlock before her 21st birthday. I was showing my love language of physical touch and was then too hesitant to stop the momentum of the situation in fear of hurting my partners feelings, causing discomfort or upsetting the moment. I was also too naive to know about birth control, and was too nervous to request he wear a condom. That was me. I didn’t say anything. Unfortunately, because I was not educated with ANY of this information, I was led to believe that I was just an immoral, disobedient individual who had no regard for her body, her love for a god, or her family. This created a mess for my subconscious mind with feelings of inadequacy, unworthiness, shamefulness and maliciousness.  In reality I was just being a human, the human that I am, following the instincts and natural tendencies that I was born with or was born into.
Walking around as a pregnant unworthy, weak, incompetent, manipulative young women it’s easy to see how this situation could lead someone down a hole of suicidal thoughts, hate and frustration. I was alone, pregnant, uneducated in the things that mattered and was desperate to survive. I took on the identity of a victim, my life was beating me up, one hit after another. 
The following is a list of a few of those hits, because I know you don’t have all day.
Not wanting to inconvenience anyone (because at this point I viewed myself as a huge inconvenience), I bought a car on my own for the first time, I got ripped on the interest rate. I was paying a car payment for an 8 year old Toyota Camry as if it was a brand new BMW. That was me, I went in by myself, uneducated and unprepared. 
About two months after that, when my son was a few months old, I broke up with his father. Instead of sticking around and helping with bills and spending quality time with his son, he left the state and left me high and dry with an apartment, a car payment, a phone, a baby and all the bills. There are NO words for how this felt, it was overwhelming to a level that I do not have the vocabulary to express. I could have taken action to get him to pay child support. I didn’t. My victim mindset had me living in a space of victimhood. Victims don’t fight, they cower like a scared mouse in the corner.
The snow ball effect from not receiving child support eventually led to my car getting repoed, and a few months later I started to receive eviction notices on my apartment door. I didn’t even try to fight my son’s father for child support. I just let his lame excuses fill my ears over the phone as I cried and begged for any financial help. I didn’t make one phone call to one lawyer. I was a victim, giving up all my power.
This financial distress found me in the arms of a financially stable man who led me on a 13 year whirlwind disaster of a relationship. Moving in with him and over the course of a few years giving up control over my phone, my car and my job. This gave him complete power to punish me randomly throughout the week, threatening to cancel my phone service, threatening to kick my son and I out of his house and hiding the car keys with the excuse of it ‘not’ being my car. Having absolutely no foundation to base what is acceptable behavior in a situation where a man takes a broken, sinful, unworthy girl from penniless to a stable home, I accepted this as ok conduct.
Not long after that, being completely fooled by my sons father, when he asked to take my son on a summer get-a-way. Being torn between the fact that I had not received child support for 11 years and not wanting to be the one to keep my son from his father, I allowed my son to go. The day my son was due back to me, I received an email from my son’s father stating he would ‘take it from here’ and ‘thank you for taking care of him for 11 years.’ This forced me to obtain a lawyer and fight back and forth for 12 months to gain back what was already mine (full custody and child support), this drained my savings account of $15,000 and racked up a credit card bill to $3000. Looking back, I should have contacted a lawyer years ago and gained legal rights over my son to protect myself from this mess. But my false perception of what sort of pain that would cause me led me to hesitate for 11 years too long, putting me in this situation. 
That loss of $18,000 caused my entire life to be set back because that was the money I was planning to use to escape my narcissist partner at the time. My entire plan was postponed, and I had to start ALL over again from -$3,000. 
This was all me, everything I mentioned above happened because of my own misunderstandings of how I work as a human. And this is what I want to stress to you. It’s hard sometimes to take ownership of EVERYTHING that happens in your life, especially when it seems obvious that it’s someone else’s fault. It can also be difficult when you realize that the majority of your issues stem from not having the correct education or mindset to be able to make informed decisions regarding what you know about yourself and your weaknesses.  But the awesome thing about accepting complete blame for all the circumstances, no matter what they are, is that you also get to take complete ownership of all the awesome things you have done. For instance. 
There are many options for pregnant mothers now in days. I choose to give birth to my son, and I choose to keep my son. He is now 16. That was me. I did that!
Going above and beyond what was emotionally and mentally bearable to provide for my son, because his father was useless for the first 11 years of his life.  That was me. I did that!
Forgiving my son’s father and moving on with my life. Not talking bad about him to my son all these years. So that my son can grow up confident and strong with little to no guilt or shame as a child. That was me. I did that!
Although I never abused alcohol, I did see the effect it was having on my mental health over the weekends. So 14 years ago I choose to never drink again. It drastically improved my mental, emotional and physical health and has saved me tons of money that I am now able to save and invest with. That was me, I made that decision. I did that. 
All the emotional and mental turmoil I endured throughout these years had me thinking of drugs, alcohol and suicide on a weekly bases. How easy it would have been to just give up, throw in the towel and become another statistic. Run away and never look back. But I didn’t do those things. That was me. I stood strong. 
I recently purchased another car. I went into the dealership with two educated individuals. Fully prepared after reading books, forums and watching how to videos. I walked out paying exactly what I wanted, and saved over $10,000 in interest rates because I had cash. BOOM. Who learned from their last experience and educated herself so she wouldn’t over pay again? That was me. I did that. 
Getting a lawyer, and spending $18,000 of my hard earned money to stand up against a man who was financially abusing me for 11 years by withholding child support, and then WINNING. That was me. I now have full custody and receive monthly child support! I did that! Like a boss.
Taking a considerable amount of years and secretly educating myself to create several different avenues of online income and saving money so I can leave that narcissistic relationship. That was me. I did that! 
Walking away from a financially stable relationship of luxury and money because I educated myself on the emotional, mental and financial abuse that was happening within the home. That was me. I did that. I humbled myself by moving into my own place. I was living on a mattress on the floor for months until I was able to slowly collect used furniture from Goodwill, the side of the road and from friends. I made myself a new home for my son and I. That was me. I did that! 
Becoming the CEO and founder of my own coaching company that now has over 40,000 followers (and growing!) across all platforms.  Inspiring others worldwide and helping endlessly amounts of people break through and discover their own untapped talents and immense potential by sharing my own stories of failures and triumphs. That was me. I did that! 
Being moved by the destruction of the fast fashion industry on the environment, I created and launched my own up cycling fashion design company. Using recycled clothes to save them from the landfills. That was me. I did that!
Allowing myself to love again, even though so many men in my life have abused, taken advantage of, and lied to me. That was me. I did that! 
Never giving up, staying positive through it all, and always looking forward… rather than dwelling on the past. Knowing there has to be more, educating myself beyond what deems necessary. That was me. I did that!
It wasn’t always ‘that easy’. There were a million tears shed. There were suicidal thoughts. There were nights of wanting to give up. There was yelling and screaming and crying. There was pointing blame and feeling absolutely helpless on multiple levels. But I never gave up. I kept going, and that is why I am here sharing my story, with you. I know there have been times in your life you have wanted to give up, throw in the towel and just be complacent in your life. You may have decided to be mediocre and have put your dreams and desires aside because you are tired of fighting and tired of trying. You are sick of being let down and sick of failing. But I am here to tell you that the fight IS worth the reward. Trust your gut, keep pushing forward and continue to move towards your dreams, whatever that might be. 
We all make mistakes, we all do things that are out of character either out of emotional distress or just being naive to the truth. That is ok. You are allowed to change your mind and do things differently. You are allowed to go in a different direction even if the entire world is expecting you to go in another direction. I am here to tell you that I support you, just know that no matter which direction you go in there will be a story, a repercussion and you have to be ready and willing to handle that with strong shoulders and a positive attitude. 
This is your life, and you have the ability to speak up, turn down, or change the trajectory of your life at any moment. Now, this is where it gets tricky, because knowing this is great for you, until you realize that everyone has this right, and your ability to be able to control the people in your life flies out the window… but that my friends will be saved for another post. Until next time, follow me here. 
Do something awesome today.
Much love,
Sabrina Victoria
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gothify1 · 5 years
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We try our best here at WWW Beauty to not only introduce you to the best, most efficacious formulas we know your beauty routine will love but also the chic, under-the-radar beauty products only a select few know about, which, of course, should include you! If you're not familiar with Odacité, it's a natural, French-inspired skincare line many celebs are already obsessed with featuring delicious and targeted formulas to help address any and all skin concerns. (Personally, I live and die by its collection of serum concentrates.) For a clean, purified, and glowing cleanse which will set the rest of your skincare regimen up for success, we suggest this minty-fresh cleanser boasting luxe ingredients like tea tree oil, activated charcoal, peppermint, rhassoul clay, and nourishing amino acids derived from apples.  Any dermatologist and esthetician will tell you that regardless of how many amazing skincare products you're using, if you're not regularly exfoliating, all other product efforts are pretty much wasted. With the goal of removing dead cell buildup and congestion that can dull the skin, this dreamy paste from Aēsop utilizes strategic ingredients like riverbed quartz, lactic acid, and other delicate botanicals to reveal your most-deserving glow.  If you love to mask, you need to snatch up this brand-new hydrogel and probiotic-spiked version from Tula ASAP. It's my newest pre-makeup obsession (it also pairs well with coffee and IG-scrolling) and is a limited-edition iteration specifically designed to boost your glow and overall skin health.  I'm forever grateful to this essence because it taught me a very important life lesson: Never bring my most prized skincare possessions home to Arizona where my mom will proceed to steal them. At 71, my beautiful mother has freakishly amazing skin to begin with, and since she started using (ahem, pinched!) this cult, caviar-infused essence from my suitcase, her skin has become even plumper, more glowing, and unfairly devoid of wrinkles and lines.  Every beauty editor, makeup artist, and celebrity we regularly keep tabs on IRL and over IG lusts after Dr. Barbara Sturm's German-made collection of skincare. It's hard to choose a favorite, and every product bearing her name is pretty amazing, but if flawless, glowing skin is what you're after, we recommend adding this pricey—but worth it—serum to your morning and evening routines. It helps correct dark spots and other forms of pigmentation, imparts immediate and long-lasting radiance and also fights premature signs of aging and inevitable environmental damage to boot.  If facial oils agree with your skin, this is one of the most exciting new products to add to your current skincare collection. Not only will it make your skin glow like a gemstone (and hey, it's officially Taurus, aka emerald, season!), it's also enriched with tons of other buzzworthy ingredients like omega-rich, soothing hemp oil and protective adaptogens like ashwagandha root and shiitake mushroom.  Some haters are going to hate, but if you choose the right primer, the extra product is a total game changer where creating the appearance of flawless skin is concerned. This brightening potion from glow-inducing makeup artist Charlotte Tilbury is one of the best and basically makes you look like a gleaming, red carpet–bound orb of perfection. (And we're not just being dramatic here!) Of course, you can add it pre-foundation in status quo primer fashion, or you can get really crazy and add a drop or two into your foundation.  Even though this foundation from Chanel has been around for years, it never ceases to be an editor, celeb, and makeup artist favorite. The finish is impeccably lightweight and sun-catching, but it's also buildable enough to achieve whatever level of coverage you so desire. I've never not received a compliment on my skin (not makeup!) when I've worn it, which I think is proof in and of itself. Although it might not be as iconic as the brand's OG cult-classic Concealer ($70), when it comes to perfecting our natural skin and covering up any shadows or pigmentation, we're partial to this makeup-skincare hybrid which comes in a handy-dandy wand form. We bring it anywhere and everywhere for on-the-go touch-ups.  We can't put down this giant, peacock-decorated, limited-edition compact from Too Faced ever since its launch. One part bronzer, one part luminizer, it delivers the perfect ratio of color and shimmer, leaving even the dullest of complexions with an immediate, sun-kissed glow. Oh, need we mention it's made in Italy and also smells like coconut?  Ever since a makeup artist dusted my face with this prismatic, pearly highlighter last year, I've been monogamously obsessed with the stuff. Unlike so many highlighters on the market, it layers effortlessly and is super buildable without ever going from zero to 100 in an aggressive, not-believable way. The finish is so lit-from-within and light-catching, and believe me when I tell you it will make you look about 88% more photogenic. All the shades are gorgeous, but the blushy tone in Devotion is my absolute fave.  Here's the quick. When I know I have a long, stressful, and potential makeup-wrecking day ahead of me, I reach for Urban Decay's iconic All Nighter Long-Lasting Setting Spray ($32), no questions asked. But when a dewy (and still durable!) finish is what I'm after, this new debut from Beautyblender is my number one. I love how featherlight and fine the mist is. As a rule, I hate spraying things on my face, and it truly leaves my makeup looking significantly prettier than when I started. It's also great for midday pick-me-ups, leaving skin hydrated, balanced, and rejuvenated.  When it comes to body scrubs, the sugar- and coffee-infused selection from Aussie brand Frank Body is pretty much the only one we recommend to our friends. This shimmer-spiked version is so popular, in fact, it's often sold out. In addition to its talent for buffing away dead skin, the formula also targets other stubborn skincare occurrences like scars, stretch marks, breakouts, and cellulite.  Just when you thought you left two- and three-in-one formulas with your dad or brother, this intoxicating multitasker from Meant comes into your life. If you haven't heard of the brand, consider yourself formally introduced to a beloved insider secret, and prepare your nose because the brand makes the most delicious-smelling organic bodycare products your credit card has ever seen. Fortified with antioxidants, white willow bark, an exotic mix of oils, and vitamin B5, after just one palm pour, you'll never want to leave your bathroom. Plus, your skin will glow.  Yes, $250 is a lot to spend on a body cream, but consider this potent elixir a true investment if you're in the market for achieving the best skin of your life. My former boss at Byrdie, Hallie Gould, introduced me to 3Lab, and I've been using and recommending the dark horse brand ever since. This formula, in particular, boosts your body with tons of active ingredients designed to brighten and blur any imperfections, simultaneously leaving skin more hydrated and toned. Consider this pint-size bottle of oil your targeted antidote for every dry-skin woe. An ancient remedy, castor oil has been used for centuries for hair growth, healing, and other skincare uses, and this high-quality, concentrated formula from Briogeo is one of the best options on the market right now. Use it on your scalp, hairline, elbows, cuticles, eyebrows—anywhere. Your skin will thank you.  If you despise stains, stink, and icky ingredients associated with self-tanner, you've just met your new formula BFF. Completely invisible upon application (no stains!), this lightweight, ultra-whipped self-tanning foam from the masters at Tan-Luxe is a total game changer. It works with the skin's natural melanin to create a personal, flattering hue and utilizes vitamins B, C, and E and raspberry seed oil to keep skin nourished. The tan will develop within four to six hours after application (we like to sleep in it!) and will last up to—wait for it—15 days.  I pretty much refuse to use any other sunscreen. Colorscience has a strict, no-funny-business mentality when it comes to creating dependable formulas, and this 100% mineral elixir, in particular, offers complete protection from anything the environment wants to throw at you—from UVA/UVB damage to pollution and blue light.  Next up, check out the best-selling skincare products Sephora can never keep in stock.
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