#i am afraid to tag the elucien fandom
ACOTAR 5 Theory (it's 5 because ACOFAS is 3.5)
I really need people to start understanding that novellas are .5 of a novel.
I am going to start by saying I am not anti Lucien, in fact having Lucien around was what got me through the first half of ACOTAR and the first few chapters of ACOWAR, I genuinely like him.
That being said, this post is (anti) Elucien and (pro) Elriel, and not because I don't like Elain and Lucien together, but because Elriel makes more sense.
From reading ACOSF, specifically the bonus chapter, we know about a possible Blood Duel between Azriel and Lucien brewing because of Elain. Lots of pro Azriel people think that he will be able to easily kill Lucien, and pro Lucien people think Lucien will be able to kill Azriel.
Neither can kill the other without ruining their character. Therefore, neither of them will die in the blood duel. BUT Lucien has to win it in order to move on from his mating bond to Elain.
Let me explain...
Lucien: From the context of the entire series of ACOTAR, we can see that Lucien isn't into Elain, but he hasn't broken the mating bond for whatever reason, my assumption is tradition and expectation. If Lucien were to kill Azriel in the Blood Duel, that would irrevocably ruin not only his relationship with everyone in the inner circle, but Elain wouldn't be like "Well, Azriel is dead! I guess I am with Lucien now!" It would lead nowhere. Elain loses her choice, Lucien ends up with someone he doesn't have feelings for, and everyone in the IC would probably want him dead, but even if they accepted the outcome, wouldn't welcome him ever again.
Conclusion: Tears the IC apart, takes away Elain's choice, ruins Lucien's character because he kills a popular/beloved character for no reason. It would ultimately turn him into a villian, and SJM likes him, he's not a villian.
Azriel: Azriel and Elain clearly have chemistry since the moment they met, it's undeniable (I will always link @sunlit-elain post .) I do think Azriel is the better fighter, and would probably win the Blood Duel, but again it would ruin his character. If Az won, he would be killing Feyre (his High Lady's) friend, arguably her best friend. Not to mention, Lucien is still seen as a "good guy", and having another "good guy" kill him off, would stain Azriel's character to the point where he would be considered unlikable by a lot readers. Again, even if Feyre accepts this is the reality of the blood duel, her friend is dead, she's going to have negative feelings about Azriel. His relationship with the IC would also be strained. Not to mention, I don't think Elain would be like all hot and bothered by the guy who killed someone to be with her, especially when that person isn't a "bad guy," or a threat.
Conclusion: Azriel killing Lucien creates turmoil in the IC that would forever damage the dynamics, and really wouldn't move the plot forward. Lucien isn't demanding Elain, he's not mean to Elain, he's trying to work at the bond. Killing him would eliminate the barrier, but create unnecessary new ones that couldn't be fixed.
So what's the conclusion then? There will be a blood duel, and Lucien will "win" but he won't kill Azriel...
Lucien has to come to the conclusion that his bond with Elain is dead himself.
Killing Azriel, or anyone, won't make him love Elain more, it won't make her love him, or even like him. He has nothing to gain from killing Az. But if he comes to the conclusion that Elain loves Azriel, and he spares Az's life for her, he can move on from the bond which clearly causes him pain and discomfort, and Azriel and Elain can get their happily ever after.
On the same note, if Azriel has Lucien on his knees and spares his life because he doesn't want to kill Feyre's friend/Elain's bonded mate, that would make Lucien seen weak or his life was spared out pity. This wouldn't put any of his feelings about obligation to rest, it wouldn't dissipate how his body feels about the mating bond. Lucien has to be the one to end it on his terms.
All characters have a positive end to this arc in this scenario. Lucien sees his bond with Elain only brings pain to both of them, and is free to pursue anyone he wants (Vassa.) Azriel finally gets to be chosen, and Elain gets to make her choice about who she loves.
(If you want to see this dramatised I conveniently wrote it)
Also I didn't tag anything anti, so please don't come at me if you're pro Elucien and hate this take with anything mean. I am super happy to nicely defend my opinions and ideas, as you can read I said nothing negative about your ship, just that I think a different ship will happen.
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