#i don’t honestly have anything against her in s5 or s7
m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 month
i don’t think there’s been a day since i watched season five where i haven’t thought about monica’s monologue to ian, specifically the line, “you should never apologize for being you. you, ian. i love you”.
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lalosalamcnca · 2 years
for the ask game: scott/kira and buffy/spike
thanks for the ask, allana! Also you have opened a large can of worms with the sp/uffy ask
Ship it: Scott/Kira
What made you ship it? Their chemistry is great, they’re very well-suited for each other so I really liked their vibe. Felt like Scott moved onto a more grounded and mature relationship (not that scallison was immature, it was just very first-love)
What are your favorite things about the ship? They support each other and always have each other’s backs. We love couples who fight together
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? I think I share the same opinions as most scira fans. Maybe my most unpopular opinion would be that T Posey got lucky with TW bc he’s honestly not the best actor but managed to get chemistry w Dylan and 2/3 of his love interests. Hit the jackpot
Don’t ship it: Buffy/Spike (sorry to any of my buffy peeps who ship them)
Why don’t you ship it? YEESH. Many reasons. In s5 when spike has feelings for buffy, it’s obsession, not love: he breaks into her house and steals her things, stalks her, makes a SEXBOT clone of her (which NO ONE talks about). S6: buffy starts a toxic relationship w spike after hitting rock bottom (she dies, resurrected by her friends and subsequently ripped out of heaven, mother dead and boyfriend gone, bills and sister and slaying to manage) and it’s a manifestation of Buffy’s self-loathing and depression, she only feels something with spike. He relishes this, he encourages this and even says “you belong in the darkness.” When she starts to heal, she breaks it off bc it’s “killing her” (real quote), then the attempted r*pe happens. Can’t go back after that imo. S7, he gets a soul but what does he REALLY do to become “worthy” of Buffy? Seems like he just whined in her basement relying on HER to make him good. Imo, they reduced Buffy’s character to build up spike and I DESPISE that. This is the best I can summarize it. I also dislike how some of the Buffy fandom (NOT EVERYONE AND NO ONE IN PARTICULAR) coddles spike and is reluctant to hold him accountable, which applies to SOME of the sp/uffy fandom. Their relationship is far too inherently messed up for me
What would have made you like it? I don’t really think I have an answer for this. I largely prefer bangel and sprusilla, I preferred evil spike so their ship doesn’t rlly fit into any preferable narrative for me
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? Yes! Tbh, I don’t hate them, I’m not viciously against it like DE ((sp/uffy was the DE blueprint and yet DE failed miserably). Sarah and James have good chemistry, their s6 toxic relationship was very well-done, they have interesting scenes pre s7, I love both characters. I can understand why people ship them and even if I don’t agree with it, I respect it and try to stay in my lane
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fayevalcntine · 4 years
can we talk about how over the course of her relationship with logan, rory is more or less conditioned to just be okay with everything he does?? whenever she expresses displeasure or disapproval with him he gets upset and persuades her into not being upset??? and it happens like. every single time. she’s a bit more resistant when he cheats, but even then he throws a tantrum until she agrees to forgive him. (1/2)
like in s5 when he tells her to come over without mentioning he has friends over (and then ignoring her all night), or in s6 when he goes over to the pool house and invites a bunch of friends over without her permission, even when he cheats, or fucks off to vegas in s7. she gets upset but he convinces her that her side of things doesn’t matter, and she’s never allowed to develop past that.
Yeah, Rory just has to let so many things be his way in their relationship and whenever they're not, or she even simply disagrees with him about something, it always has to be his way otherwise he'll get upset and argue with her until she relents or he'll leave if she doesn't back down.
Logan's main problem in their relationship, even when he seemingly doesn't have it in season 7, is that he just doesn't know how to properly communicate with Rory. Specifically, he doesn't want to hear her side or he simply won't accept her side as one with valid arguments against his own, like when they have a fight at the bar after Jess leaves, and she tells him how he (very accurately) possesses more opportunities in his lifetime than so many other people have, even her. Another example that is similar to this is when he's so personally offended by her article about rich people that he feels the need to bring up her own family's wealth and how he's "just like him" in terms of having money and opportunities. But even if Rory does have that, why exactly should she not criticize wealthy people and their behavior that stems from that? And on what ground does Logan get to stand on to tell her that she shouldn't write such an article simply because her grandparents have money and are more than happy to use it for whatever they wish? In both scenarios, Logan takes to victimizing himself over his family's money and influence and how he so blatantly uses it, while at the same time considering himself someone who has no opportunities outside from the one role his father has planned out for him (despite the fact that said role is such a significant one and he's going to be starting off with a vastly bigger step than other people by literally inheriting a company). I will have to at least give him credit for going to talk to her after they have the latter fight, but I hate that his fans view this as such a significant moment over someone acknowledging Rory's privilege as if Logan has any ground to stand on when it comes to that.
In the scene where Rory shows up to find him playing cards with his friends, I can never understand fans loving it when Rory was pretty clear on wanting to meet up with him to talk to him personally. And he doesn't even allow her that because he spends the entire night talking to his friends while playing, even though he knew she likely wanted some time with him alone. The scene itself might not be this significant since they're not officially involved yet, but it's so foreshadowing in how Logan's general attitude towards Rory's requests can be. Whether it's him controlling the setting that Rory comes in or him basically telling her to drop everything and go with him to New York on a whim, or even inviting his friends over to the pool house with a European girl that is a complete stranger and speaks no English, Logan only seems to do whatever he wants to do without taking her feelings or plans into consideration. This can even be pointed out in how he relentlessly pursues her after he decides he wants her back, despite the fact that he was the one who "broke up" with her through his own sister in the first place. And he doesn't take no for an answer from her until she gives in, even going so far as to go and pester Lorelai about it when whether or not Rory wants to take him back is her own decision, not her mother's.
I hate the cheating thing, it's the most irritating and idiotic thing Logan ever did and even if you take his side and not consider it cheating, it's beyond fucked up that he knew that the girls he hooked up with would be at the wedding and that Rory could easily bump into them, never mind the fact that he left her in a room with them while they were preparing for the wedding. I hate how the show again frames all these girls as flighty and promiscuous, therefore distrustful (Logan even takes to calling them "vipers" as if they're personally out to get him), when if anything else it's his fault that he didn't even tell her? He should've been honest about sleeping with them while they were apart, and even if he didn't consider it cheating, it vexes me so much how he never even takes Rory's feelings into consideration at all here. 
LOGAN: I've not even thought about another girl. RORY: Except for Walker, Alexandra... LOGAN: We were broken up, Rory. RORY: No, you were. LOGAN: I thought we were broken up. I thought that's what the fight was. I thought that's what the separation was. Do you believe me? Do you believe that I honestly thought we weren't together? RORY: I guess. LOGAN: So then, if you believe that, that I thought we weren't together, then do you believe that, in my mind, I was not cheating on you? RORY: I guess.
He doesn't apologize for not telling her, he doesn't apologize for hurting her feelings, he doesn't even give her any space when it's clear that she wants to be alone at Paris's. He corners her and gives her an even dumber version of Ross's "we were on a break!" routine, only by saying that in his mind it wasn't cheating because he thought they were broken up. Again, he doesn't take Rory's side into consideration at all here, especially since he personally decided they were broken up instead of it being a mutual one. What I especially hate after all of this is that Rory is understandably still bitter over it, seeing as how she wasn't even allowed to be angry, and when she becomes passive-aggressive towards him, he takes to being the victim again.
LOGAN: [...] You haven't forgiven me. RORY: What are you talking about? LOGAN: For the girls I was with when we were separated. RORY: I said I forgive you.  LOGAN: Yeah, you said it, but you haven't, though. You haven't. I'll be at the pub. 
In this entire scenario, Rory’s viewed as unjust and unfair towards Logan, and only his feelings are taken into account when it comes to her unresolved anger. And of course, Rory’s feelings are even further unresolved and never mentioned beyond this episode because Logan (conveniently) almost dies on his trip with his friends, which prompts Rory to feel guilty and immediately take to his side to nurse him back to health. Rory’s never allowed to process through her feelings over the cheating argument, and she’s never even allowed to see her feelings as justified because again, Logan never told her about it. For even the most practical reasons, he should’ve at least mentioned that he wasn’t exactly celibate during their time apart. 
It’s telling how even with his improved behavior in season 7, Logan still doesn’t tell Rory the truth about why he ran away to Vegas with his friends until after he comes back. It’s baffling that we’re suddenly supposed to accept him telling his father that he doesn’t want to work for him anymore and is set upon improving himself for the course of over 2 episodes, before he yet again, makes the decision himself to propose to Rory when he never even discussed marriage with her before that. And not only does he propose, but he does so right in front of her family and friends at her own graduation party. I don’t think I need to explain how public proposals are pretty manipulative if they’re done suddenly and without the approval of both parties for it. Logan’s decision being that he breaks up with Rory as soon as she makes her answer clear that it’s no, because she wants to live her life after just having finished university, just makes the before-mentioned ‘development’ that he was given fall flat to me. Yes, it’s great that he’s decided to make something of himself outside of his own family’s influence, but this comes right near the end of the season without us seeing him even think about it or consider it before that, and even after this, he still takes to only doing what he thinks is right and doesn’t take no for an answer from Rory. 
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does talking to an anon help about ninjago help? cuz I'm down
Okay now that I know I won’t be clogging people’s dashes buckle the fuck in my dude and I should stress that I literally would not be talking about this as much as I will be if I didn’t genuinely enjoy the show. I’m gonna go season by season and just Rant
S1 has the serpentine as the bbeg and like, as far as villains go they’re p lit. They’re early enough that they haven’t been done to hell, things are fresh, the characters and dynamics are being fleshed out, and all in all s1 is a pretty solid season. There’s some fuckery that gets brought up re: how the FUCK aging works and what the actual timeline of Ninjago is and how Wu and Garmadon fit into that timeline, fuckery that LITERALLY NEVER GETS RESOLVED IN A SATISFYING WAY BC ITS REVEALED IN A LATER SEASON (s8, dw we’ll get there lmao) THAT THE ONLY REASON THE FIRST SPINJITSU MASTER, WU, AND GARMADON LIVED AS LONG AS THEY DID IS CUZ THEYRE BASICALLY DEMIGODS AND ITS IMPLIED THAT LLOYD WILL ALSO LIVE FOR A LONG ASS TIME WHICH MEANS ONE DAY HES GONNA OUTLIVE ALL HIS FRIENDS AND EVERYONE HE EVER LOVED WHICH IS A FUN THING TO THINK ABOUT AT NIGHT But anyway I digress, s1 also coincidentally introduces Lloyd (he wasn’t in the pilot episodes that set up the rest of the series) and the existence of Evil Dad Garmadon.
S2 is where Garmadon starts acting a lot more Evil and a lot less Dad. He’s the main antagonist for that season, and I actually read somewhere that the show was originally slated to end after s2 which high key explains the fuckery of literally every single season after this lmaooooo. Much like s1, I really can’t find much to complain about, the first two seasons are pretty decent as far as I can remember
S4 is honestly one of my favorites, even though the romance crimes continue (the love triangle bullshit is continuing and honestly I maintain that Cole, Nya, and Jay should all have gotten together and in my personal canon they DID, and also Kai has a forced romance) the VILLAIN makes up for it imo. He’s campy!! He’s funny!! He’s a clown!! He’s serious enough that if he says “I’m gonna kill you” HE MEANS IT and that’s so fucking refreshing!!!! S4 is honestly 8/10 just for the villain alone, don’t like that it retconned the SHIT out of the elemental masters and how many different elements there are TO master but eh, it’s ninjago, shit is stupid.
S5 was…interesting? OH WAIT I FORGOT TO MENTION THAT S3 INTRODUCED A GARMADON WHO WAS A LOT LESS EVIL AND A LOT MORE DAD, HONESTLY I THOUGHT IT TOOK A LOT OF THE FLAVOR OUT BUT THATS JUST ME LMAOOO. anyway s5 killed Garmadon, and I was a little sad cuz I like him okay??? I just think he’s NEAT, he’s got big dad energy, he was teaching Lloyd some shit that just got DROPPED and literally was never brought up again which is honestly a theme in Ninjago. Ninjago drinking game: take a shot every time they introduce a plot point or ability and drop it at or before the end of the season. WHICH THEY ALSO DID IN S5 WITH A DIFFERENT POWER ACTUALLY, so all the ninja are masters of Spinjitsu right, well s5 introduced the concept of Airjitsu which only Spinjitsu masters can learn and it lets them FLY and they used that for seasons 5 and 6 and then they nEVER BROUGHT IT UP AGAIN EVEN THOUGH IT WOULDVE COME IN HANDY FOR S E V E R A L DIFFERENT SITUATIONS ACROSS THE SEASONS, ONE OF THEM WOULD BE FALLING TO THEIR DOOM AND MY ASS WOULD BE YELLING “YOU CAN FLY, DUMBASS” - anyway, they do that again later lmao it’s fine. But what’s low key NOT fine is they made Nya the WATER NINJA!!! Like I’m not mad she has powers, except I kinda am, she was doing just fine as Samurai X and honestly the only reason she has super special ninja powers is for plot reasons. Also Cole got turned into a ghost, but by s7 he’s????? No longer a ghost????????? And that’s NEVER addressed or reasoned away, so like. Cool lmao
S6 didn’t happen. Like, canonically, s6 ends with wish fuckery that undoes the entire season and none of the characters remember anything that happened except Jay and Nya because S6 is the season where they get back together so they remember all those events for???? Feelings reasons?????? Unclear, moving on. The actual bbeg for S6 was a djinn with a vaguely Spanish accent, and to this DAY I don’t know why they made him have a SPANISH accent. Djinn are Arabic, not Spanish!! They’re not central or South American, either!!!! Your villain design makes no sense, do better
S7 had MORE time fuckery, and retconned what happened to Kai and Nya’s parents and hmmmhmhmhmhmhm that makes me Upsetti Spaghetti :3 not just the retconning, but the fact that they LITERALLY brought them back oNLY TO NEVER MENTION THEM AGAIN!!!!!! LITERALLY!!!!!!!! Okay so at the VERY very beginning, like pilot episodes beginning, Kai talks about their dad like he died/left fairly recently, BUT s7 contradicts that and claims that both of their parents were essentially abducted when Kai and Nya were little kids, which makes me question what in the fresh fuck two little kids were doing for all those years alone. SETTING THAT ASIDE FOR A HOT SECOND, their parents were also apparently good friends of Wu’s and old war buddies (from the Serpentine wars, which is YET ANOTHER bit of the timeline that doesn’t quite add up but honestly I could make a whole other post about that shit). But if they were such good fucking friends, why didn’t Wu check in every now and again??? What the fuck was Wu doing that was so fucking important that he couldn’t have been assed to visit his friends ONCE in like TEN MOTHERFUCKING YEARS and realize “oh shit, they’re not here and there are two tiny children running around unsupervised…My Kids Now : )” LIKE????? WU YOU LOW KEY SHOULDA LOOKED OUT FOR YOUR FRIENDS’ KIDS BETTER, THEY COULDA DIED BRO!!! Uhhhh the time fuckery also results in Wu getting yeeted ahead in time a bit and the ninja gotta find him
Season. Eight. I have…mixed feelings about this one. The beginning absolutely SLAUGHTERED me, and not in a “this is so fucking funny” way. No, the beginning made me feel like I was being flayed alive with just about every episode because Ninjago was back on its forced romance bullshit and this time it was Lloyd’s turn on the chopping block. That hurt my soul cuz like, look at that mans color scheme, he’s CLEARLY alloaro, why are you forcing romance on my aro man, why would you hurt me like that, BUT ALSO BECAUSE HE AND THE GIRL HE WAS BEING SET UP WITH HAD A LITTLE HEART TO HEART REALLY EARLY ON AND IT WAS THE MOST QUEER CODED SHIT!!!! IT DEADASS READ AS A CONVERSATION BETWEEN AN OUT AND PROUD QUEER AND A CLOSETED QUEER AND THEY MADE!!! IT!!!!! STRAIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! The only thing that kept me watching at first was wanting to find Wu, and then I started enjoying myself once Cole found a plot-relevant baby and had fatherhood thrust upon him. Everything went from “ehhhhh” to “holy shit this FUCKS” once it was revealed that Rumi (Lloyd’s love interest) wAS PLAYING HIM THE WHOLE TIME AND WAS EVIL AND HAD AN EVIL GIRLFRIEND!!!!!! LITERALLY IMPROVED EVERYTHING ABOUT THE SEASON FOR ME, I COULD EVEN FORGIVE THE WHOLE “let’s resurrect Garmadon, but as evil as possible” BULLSHIT!!!!!!
S9 is a continuation of s8, Garmadon is back and 1000% Evil, 10% Dad, but none of the Dad energies is directed at Lloyd - it’s all directed at Rumi, and honestly I could write a whole ass post on just RUMI cuz that’s honestly my DAUGHTER and I LOVE HER and I’m MAD SHE DIES AT THE END OF THIS SEASON!!!! SHE DESERVED THERAPY AND TO LIVE WITH HER GF AND MAYBE SOME CRIME. AS A TREAT. RUMI DESERVED BETTER AND LOW KEY IM GONNA WRITE A FIC ABOUT IT, BUT ANYWAY WHERE WAS I
Ah right, so s9 has the four major Ninja stuck in the original dimension with no way home, while Lloyd has no powers (cuz he almost died last season) and has to somehow lead a resistance against Garmadon (who has taken control of Ninjago City and is working on the rest of Ninjago). Actually, s9 is pretty cool. Like, the end of s8 and into s9 are low key my favorite episodes, and I kinda wanna rewatch them now -
S10 is a FUN one. Garmadon got got last season, but he didn’t DIE, so he’s in cold storage and now there’s Another Threat and he’s the only one who knows wtf they’re up against so they let him out and he works with them. The funny part is, he is still Very Much Evil and doesn’t quite Get emotions like he did when he was, uh, human lmao, sO HE WOKE UP EVERY DAY DURING THAT SEASON AND DECIDED TO CAUSE PROBLEMS ON PURPOSE. IT WAS THE FUNNIEST FUCKING SHIT. 1000000/10 MY FAVORITE GARMADON, he ended that season by literally fucking off into Ninjago and they never decided to track him down 😭😭😭😭😭and I’m so SAD about it dude
S11 has another Serpentine as the bbeg, though in the setup to that they retconned how the fucking Serpentine tribes and history work??? I think???? Also Wu was a good 150% angrier and generally Done with the ninja’s shit, which was honestly refreshing tho I’m not quite sure I liked what the refreshed view was, but whatever lmao. S11 also had the ninja get yeeted to the dimension farthest from Ninjago, and honestly - okay, so they didn’t all go at the same TIME, Zane left about a week or two before the others did but there was time dilation fuckery afoot which I’m not too mad about cuz low key it makes sense. What I AM mad about is that they didn’t play the angst up to its full POTENTIAL!!!!!! Zane was EVIL in the other dimension!!!! Okay so I’m Ninjago he was only gone for maybe a week or two, but DECADES had passed in the other one, and all that time Zane was alone and disconnected from everyone he knew and loved, with a staff that boosted his power while slowly corrupting him and Turning Him Evil to help him, and like???? The thought of Zane trying to find a way home, trying to get SOME sort of message back, while he has to use the staff more and more to help him survive the long, lonely decades, so that by the time his family DOES show up its too late??? BRO. B R O. THAT JUST HITS DIFFERENT, BUT NINJAGO DIDNT DO THAT!!! THEY MADE HIM EVIL DUE TO MEMORY WIPE!!!!!! MEMORY WIPE IS BABY SHIT COMPARED TO A LONG, SLOW CORRUPTION!!!!!!
S12 was alright. It went into Cole’s mom, touched on some of the adventures she had had, threatened another forced romance (this time on poor Cole, just leave my mans ALONE) but thankfully didn’t follow through this time, introduced cool new powers that honestly hasn’t been elaborated on since that’s the most recent season I think lmao
Anyway thanks for reading and letting me rant!!!! I have,,So Much More I could talk about, PLEASE ask me about Rumi, some of my headcanons re: Garmadon and Wu’s dynamic, the Serpentine, my top five times they butchered Kai’s character for Plot Reasons, or anything else I brought up here that you want me to elaborate on!!!
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zeshaika · 3 years
So, I know that the Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG is a bit obscure and getting a group together online is kinda difficult (At least for me. Since I don't really know much about the system of the games to feel comfortable enough running a game). But, I had sort of a vague idea for a campaign set in the Buffyverse that I figure I'd write down here (though I might eventually attempt this in the future.) (More details under the cut)
The setup: -A multi-season (with each "episode" being mostly self-contianed one-shot sessions (except for the "season finale" and any multi-part sessions), but a larger arc loosely connecting individual sessions, grouped together as seasons. Player characters level up/gain new ablities/etc. between "seasons". The seasons would run parallel to seasons of Buffy/Angel, but would largely be it's own thing (with maybe a few crossovers with the main canon if possible).
-The campaign would start (Session 0) roughly in Buffy Season 3, in the middle of the episode "The Wish". The PCs start out as students in the Wishverse, who've banded together to help others survive the vampire-controlled Sunnydale. *This would allow the players to better get an idea of what they want to do with their characters, and get a feel for the systerm, and also avoid having players have to re-roll characters in the event they die in this session, since most of the Wishverse stuff gets undone by the end of the episode, anyways*.
-Somewhere in the "episode" the PCs would encounter something that hints at the main Campaign Big-Bad, and possibly some other influencing elements to come into play later, and ties the characters to the plot. However, before the players can dig too deeply into investigating, the episode ends, and the players find themselves back in normal-verse Sunnydale, just going about their normal lives (whether the PCs knew each other in their normal lives is up to the GM and the players.)
-The catch is that, for reasons that (until much later, that being the overarcing story of the campaign) remain a mystery, the PCs somehow vaguely remember their lives in the Wishverse.  (*Depending on how the GM runs the game, having the normal verse characters not initially have some of the skills they had in the Wishverse. Ex: someone playing a witch could, in normal verse, not yet have tapped into their magical potential, and their memories of that verse could serve as the catalyst to get them into exploring it.)
-From there, the group sort of finds themselves inexplicably caught up in various adventures/encounters with the paranormal of Sunnydale (and beyond, depending on where you want to take the game as the seasons progress), and forging close friendships with one another, while trying to figure out their place in the puzzling events that drew them together in the first place (*This is where the players and GM could work together to incorporate stuff from characters backstories and such to make the story extra character-driven, and encourage player involvement/interaction/character development.)
Other notes: -Some canon events would probably be necessary to include, as that they effect location/etc. Example: The fight against the Mayor during Graduation and the desctruction of Sunnydale High would be things that have to happen (Which, honestly? Having your characters participate in the battle might be a pretty cool season finale bit to show off the PCs finally showing off their solidarity and accepting their destinies as fighters of evil). (But once the PCs are out of High School, it's up to the GM if they want to continue using the Sunnydale as the setting or expand out into other cities, or even other dimensions.)
-Of course, there's some off-screen stuff that got referenced in canon that might make some fun stand-alone sessions: Like, the PCs could have been the ones who stopped Andrew's plot to attack the school play with flying monkeys,which is why the Scoobies have literally no fucking clue who the hell he is in Season 6.
-Given the nature of the Slayer lineage, the GM might want to talk with players wanting to play Slayer characters (possibly having them run the character as the 'Slayer' archetype, but for all intents and purposes being a, likely undiscovered "Potential". (Though this could change depending on whether one believes that Buffy's death in S5 would have activated another Slayer, despite having already done so after her death/revival in Season 1. Regardless, roughly around the the time Willow's spell activated all the Slayers in S7, the Slayer character would likely become full-fledged Slayer. Also a lot of the Slayer mythos, related to the PC slayer could be altered depending on how much you want to play with bending reality/canon. )
-Likewise, Watcher PCs might want to talk with both Slayer PCs and the GM, to work with how their backstories would intersect. Would the Watcher be a Watcher-in-training who hasn't yet been recruited to the Watchers' Council? Was the Watcher sent to Sunnydale to train the Potential Slayer, unknown to Giles (and possibly Wesley, both of whom were at Sunnydale at the time)? Does the Potential Slayer even know that the Watcher is her Watcher, or even know what the Watcher's Council or the Slayer?
-Anyways, this is a lot of words to say that I don't really have an idea outside of a vague concept. It's really unlikely that I'd  ever really do anything with this, since I really don't have a time/energy/experience to plan out or run a game at the moment. But, still thought it was a good idea to write it down in case I want to go back to it later.
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windona · 5 years
An Analysis of Lana Lang in Smallville
Alright, I’m almost done binging 8 seasons of Smallville, and I finally got to the last episode with Lana Lang in it. And here’s my two cents. Warning: This is not tagged with her name because this is very critical.
My first introduction to Lana Lang as a character was probably the DCAU version. She was the sweet childhood friend, witty and emotionally savvy but just not the girl for Clark. She was trustworthy, loyal, funny, and I could see why people liked her. It was especially funny when she betrayed Lex Luthor for Clark in .5 seconds.
Smallville Lana... is none of that.
Now, I’ll confess that some of this is just issues the show had, especially towards the middle and now latter seasons. There’s a lack of character consistency and a retread of plots that influenced how all characters were, from Lex to Chloe to Clark to Lionel. But even with that, I’d argue Lana is actually a good example of a Mary Sue.
(Yes, the dreaded Sue term. Let me explain.)
Now, to use the definition of Mary Sue from Overly Sarcastic Production’s video on it, the problem with a Sue isn’t how powerful or skilled they are, but how they effect other characters in a story. Clark is the most obvious, with his progression towards being Superman halted because he wants to be in a relationship with Lana, his character regressing in the dreaded s8 arc. The stones of knowledge arc had her kinda shoved in with a poor reason. S5 had her with the Black Ship, and they had a good reason for her being there... but her romance arc overshadowed it. S6 was split between finding alien prisoners, and... Lana’s relationship and the love triangle of pain.
There’s also the issue of Show Don’t Tell. We hear that Lana is a good person who just wants to help people, but I honestly can’t think of anything she does to help others without an ulterior motive or somehow benefiting from it herself. She had someone infected with an alien disease die in her Isis Foundation without doing anything to help or ease the victim’s suffering, and with zero indication she helped let family or friends see the dying woman. Heck, she founded Isis as a front for spying on Lex.
She’s portrayed as right for wanting to know Clark’s secret. But seasons 1-4, literally none of Clark’s friends has a right to know his secret. He has no secret identity or enemies coming after him because he has powers/is an alien, and has no reason to believe telling his friends would make them safer. In fact, Pete’s whole arc is about how keeping Clark’s secret is stressful and puts him in more danger. Yet Lana hounds him for being dishonest, hurting her with the dishonesty, and not trusting her- when she doesn’t trust that he has a good reason for not telling.
Another fact- Throughout the early seasons, Clark covertly asks if it would change anything if someone really was an alien (s2) and she says “how can it not”. She told him that she thought a guy who was killing meteor freaks was in the right and a hero (s3, Extinction). She told Lex she would be okay with a facility like 33.1 (s6). Yet we’re supposed to believe that she’s perfectly a-okay with Clark’s secret, and that she is totally on the up and up about helping meteor freaks. There’s zero revelation moment. There’s no development. She just flips a switch.
She keeps on saying she can take care of herself, but it’s not really shown the way it is with Lois or Chloe. In s7 her relationship with Clark is really unhealthy, as she keeps secrets, seeks revenge against Lex and claims it’s “to protect Clark”, and most damningly prefers Bizzaro over Clark. And when she explains why, it’s because Bizzaro was completely devoted to her and did everything for her.
She doesn’t want a boyfriend, she wants a worshiper.
That’s even before you get to the fact that she keeps on starting to develop a new romance with her next love interest before breaking it off with her old one.
Then you get to ‘Power’. It’s supposed to show Lana as selfless and be a great power development moment. It only shows her as power hungry as she explicitly wants to steal to have superpowers. She blackmailed and bribed a guy into training her. She preaches against vengeance, when she’s still gunning after Lex and at no point is shown to have grown past her need for vengeance.
(This is far from the first time she’s committed crimes and gotten away with it. Hell, Lex explicitly let her off for stealing $10 million from him.)
She’s constantly passive aggressive, hypocritical, egotistical, power hungry, and manipulative. Which is perfectly fine for a character, and can even make a fun or well rounded one, on one condition:
You know that in the narrative and let other characters react to that. Otherwise you get the dreaded mess that is Smallville’s Lana Lang, with me cheering as she absorbed the Kryptonite.
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janiedean · 5 years
i don't get why Jon is considered a threat to Dany's throne when they could just get married? obvs they like each other, and they have targ blood to excuse the close relation
... it’s not that he’s considered, it’s that he is just by existing and that is set up to be the main conflict in the ‘good guys’ side - how it’s resolved is another issue, but like... it’s not that they like each other or not, it’s a question of plot elements and setting.
meaning (guys I wanna be objective here, don’t take this as me hating on d/any or anything because I’m not this is just how I feel they shaped up the narrative):
all of dany’s storyline relies heavily on a few key elements both in book and show, as in: a) she’s the last surviving targaryen and no other, b) she feels that the iron throne is her birth legacy as the rebellion wasn’t legitimate/the targs were the legitimate rulers, c) her entire claim on the iron throne relies on recognizing the targs as legit rulers and on the fact that *she* is the last targaryen left;
and as she put it herself in S7, she has bled and suffered for it - now, dany’s character development in S7 (development) was realizing that she actually cared about fighting the white walkers and helping her allies more than her throne for now at least, which is why jon kneeled when she didn’t ask for it (and I’d like to put forward that I actually get that and I don’t think he did something abysmally stupid from his POV) and that was when they tried to sell us the romance angle (which imvho is very badly written and had endless pacing issues but never mind, I’m not going to question jon/erys’s status - it happened, I’m accepting it);
now, as goddamned fucking stupid was the whole ‘JON’S REAL TARG NAME IS AEGON’ writing decision - because that was fucking stupid, even if the show cut off the aegon+joncon storyline aegon still existed within canon, he’s just dead, so rhaegar naming both his male heirs with the same name is dumb as fuck and makes no sense but never mind that -, it should give you red flags that they mean for jon to take on some of the original aegon vi’s storyline in the book because ofc they couldn’t have two possible targaryens alive but nvm;
now: aegon vi book-wise is a legitimate threat to dany’s claim unless he marries her, since he’s rhaegar’s trueborn male heir which immediately makes his claim better than dany’s and when he realized he didn’t want to wait around for her he went to take westeros for himself or tried to - and okay, dany’s about unaware of that rn because she has more pressing concerns, but the existence of a male targaryen heir who is legitimate automatically puts a dent in *her* claim to the throne;
now, do I have to believe that they renamed jon aegon for nothing and gone through the pains of making us know for sure that rhaegar married lyanna and that he’s *trueborn* (ngl I think it’s also book canon except that I don’t think rhaegar disinherited elia’s children, he prob. just married lyanna without divorcing elia) for it to end up in nothing especially when they already set it up in s5 with that speech to theon about being both stark and greyjoy which was obviously foreshadowing for his future conflict about being both stark and targaryen?
I don’t think so.
now, what I want to get at with my theorizing is (VAGUE SPOILERS THAT I KNOW OF ARE MENTIONED BUT IT’S VAGUE AND I DIDN’T VERIFY):
this season they have six episodes - long ones, but still six. given that the last one is gonna be mostly epic battle/finale stuff and from the five spoilers I know there’s another one towards the middle. This means there’s roughly four episodes of Other Stuff Left and honestly, there has to be a conflict somewhere or the narrative doesn’t go on;
last season tied up the house stark stuff in the sense that as badly written as it was, LF is out of the way, sansa/arya/bran are on the same side again (regardless of how shitty bran’s written but nvm) and pretty much signed off cersei’s political suicide because she has tied her survival to euron bringing her the golden company but theon is obviously offing euron to get back his sister and taking that from her and that’s gonna happen early on, so like.... she’s basically dragging dead narrative weight while going around king’s landing and I seriously doubt she’s surviving midseason, and on top of that there’s no conflict to be had in KL with the fact that she’s the only valuable main player still there, everyone else has left;
we of course have the question of WHAT WILL JAIME DO but that spoiler pic pretty much solved it - he’s going around wearing robb’s old armor or an armor that looks like robb’s, everything points to a confrontation with bran + resolution of issues that brings to him pledging with the starks - the starks, not dany;
at that point there’s literally no other major - major - conflict left to explore that doesn’t touch the question of Who Is Getting That Throne And How It Fits With The Current Situation;
now: taking for granted that jon/erys like each other and they’re most likely in honeymoon phase when they get to WF, the point is that a) they don’t know they’re related, b) he thinks she’s a trueborn queen and he’s only there because people elected him and she thinks he’s an illegitimate son with good skills and good morals. now, while she probably wouldn’t give two fucks about bedding a relative if she thought she’d marry viserys growing up and IT’S TARGARYENS, he might find it a tad more objectionable since he was not brought up with the idea that marrying your relatives was acceptable outside of targaryens (guys incest is a taboo in westeros too) and telling him he’s r’s son won’t magically change his attitude in that sense, so that is one conflict in itself...
guys: jon’s mere existence is a threat to dany’s claim. even if he doesn’t do anything about it and he assures her he can’t care less, he’s still her brother’s trueborn legitimate MALE offspring who not only has targ blood on one side, but has *stark* blood on the other side, and given that the north has tried to secede for the entire series and that he has both stark and targ heritage (guys...... again, a song of ice and fire = a song of jon snow), even if he doesn’t care, other people could see him as a better option than daenerys because he’s from westeros, he knows the customs, he has good military experience that doesn’t rely on dragons to win battles and they’d trust him way more than an outsider who has never been to westeros and comes back reclaiming it because it’s her birthright and who doesn’t abide by westerosi customs - and mind that the tarlys being burned alive when they could have gone to the wall was exactly to make that point. like, it’s the same issue catelyn had with him - regardless of whether he would have wanted to usurp his siblings (we know he wouldn’t have, she didn’t), ned having a supposed *male* son who looked like him and was robb’s age while all her male children looked like her and not like ned was in itself a threat to her children and their inheritance, which is 60% of the reasons why cat hated jon (the other 40% being that she thought ned betrayed her not even a year after they married);
like, that’s an issue that would only get solved if they marry and have children and she chooses to trust him to not make a coup, but even with that... a jon/erys marriage as things are now (with jon being kitn and ned’s bastard son as far as people know) would make her the most important part of it and he’d be more of a consort than king, but with jon being rhaegar’s, either he has the title or they share it equally;
now: dany has to have character development. everyone has to or shit doesn’t happen. jon’s main issue is gonna be reconciling stark and targ heritage (and tbqh I don’t see jon embracing the targ part so readily - guys he’s wanted to be a stark all his life and he grew up with them, let’s be real). dany is obviously going to revolve around the following points at least imvho:a) how is she going to react finding out that she’s not the last targaryen left?b) how is she going to react finding out that the other targaryen around has a better claim than her/has her same birthright?c) can she get used to westeros’s culture/customs and learn them if she has to be queen?d) can she bend her own principles and compromise enough to realize that she can’t rule just through dragons because you might *conquer* with them but you can’t *rule* with them as we’ve seen with the tarlys?now, all of that is obv. up in the air and I have no issues whether it goes left or right - honestly it’s so far in my scale of ‘stuff I care for in this show’ that as long as I see jaime in robb’s armor all the time I’ll be fine, but...
tldr: if the answer to those questions is, in order, ‘she’ll take it well, she’ll vouch for sharing power and it won’t impact on their relationship, yes and yes’ then congrats, we have positive character development and most likely canon targ restoration with jon/erys as endgame. if the answer is ‘she’ll take it badly, she’ll see jon as a potential threat regardless and demand that he renounce it or smth, no and no’, then congratulations, we have negative character development and the conflict turns from dany + starks allied against the white walkers and cersei to a dynasty conflict during which people will have to take sides and in that context tyrion would be caught in the middle because he’s dany’s advisor but on the other side there’s people he genuinely likes/he’s friendly with, the whole question of his marriage to sansa and his damned brother, so he’d have to pick sides in that sense; 
now, it could also be that the answer is no but then she changes her mind and we still have positive character development after the negative - possibly, she’s a main so she’ll get screentime same as jon - but like, that is imo the most obvious and glaring plot conflict that has to come out of what they wrote until now regardless of whether it’s good or bad writing. and fine, it’s been bad lately, but nvm that, the outcome has to be one regardless of how they get there.
like: I don’t doubt that there can be a positive resolution, but there has to be conflict or nothing happens this season if the jon parentage reveal ends in ‘ah well we can just get married in episode two’, and given dany’s in-text character faults that she has same as everyone else (more or less, given how the show’s written), this one plot point is going to have weight and it’s going to create conflict for her because it basically dismantles the entirety of her claim on the throne that she’s brought on since the end of S1 and it’s too narratively important to dismiss it on account of ‘they like each other and they can just get married’. they can, but at the end, not at the beginning, and she has to fully confront it and come out stronger for it if you want a positive development and not further stagnation.
thanks for coming to my speculation ted talk *shrug* XD
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kimtotes · 3 years
I can’t believe nobody commented how cute Theo was defending rats in last week episode🤣he was like I hate when we use animals to dis human behavior,I love rats😫🤣he is so adorable🥰I’m with you in the HalfSack/Cherry stuff,they were so good,they were building up an interesting relationship,and their farewell was like Romeo&Juliet,please Kim stop😭I think Sutter or Paris Barclays also said J/T were like Romeo&Juliet at the Hotel in 6.13,they say,this is last time Jax is gonna see her alive🥺😭Sometimes I can’t with all the feels I still have for them😫I don’t want to spoil but I already watched Theory,Kim has a new microphone and camera,he went from dark ages to Elon Musk🤣Oh Theo🥰I have a friend who loves Wendy🙄and she thinks Jax,Tara,Gemma and everybody would be happier if she was Jax’s old lady🙄anyways,do you think we are suppose to think Wendy loved Jax as much as Jax loved Tara??My friend think Wendy could forgive Jax everything because she loved him more than anything🤔I never got that from the show but maybe I’m wrong??what do you guys think😅
He’s such a sweat guy!! I died every time he apologized after saying something with an animal. He said “singing like a canary, sorry canaries” 😂. He even had Kim doing the same thing! That makes me so sad, I really wonder what SOA would have been like if they were able to follow through with their original plans! Yes!! That’s so true too, the hotel scene was basically the same thing 😭. Same!! I never really looked at it like that and it kind of hit me hard! Yes!! Kim is stepping up his game 😂! Theo was on point again with Gemma, I love that he just sees through her 🥰. I honestly don’t understand that at all! Like it’s pretty clear that Jax wouldn’t be happy with Wendy, we saw how miserable he was on S1 and he basically told us as much! Yeah like maybe they would be happier in terms of things would be easier for Jax to be a piece of shit, but that kinda goes against the point of the J/T’s relationship 🤷‍♀️. I’m honestly not really sure! That’s a great question and I never really thought about it like that. I definitely think it’s possible for Wendy to love Jax as much as he loved Tara, but it’s hard to say for sure because we were given two different Wendys. Like S1 Wendy would definitely love Jax as much as he loved Tara, but then she kind of had her development in S5 where she knew he was shit and that she was better then that. She moved on from him and had no plans of trying to get back together with him. Then she’s barely around him in S6, she really doesn’t talk about him. S7 happens and she still barely talks about him and they share like 3 brief scenes, then suddenly she wants to jump his bones?? Wendy’s writing is so inconsistent because Sutter kept changing it to make his story work. Like they bang in S7 and there is no conversation about it in the next ep? They don’t even acknowledge that it happened
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Hi. I’m the one who left that Josh/Amy comment on your fic here awhile ago. This might sound weird, but I wanted to say that if you ever want to discuss Josh/Donna & Josh/Amy, I’m up for it. I have a hard time sometimes with the latter because I can’t “ multiship,” but I recognize their importance for Josh’s character development.
Hi! That doesn’t sound weird. I’ll talk about TWW anytime, really any aspect of it. :) I’m an endless multishipper, and also a lifelong fan of Mary-Louise Parker, so I think I am more of a fan of Amy and Josh/Amy than most Josh/Donna devotees. They’re still my faves and I adore them, but I also love Josh/Amy in a “they were never going to work but they have a beautiful aesthetic appeal and I’m always down for totally hopeless pining” sort of way.
(This is gonna be really long. I’m sleep-deprived and rambling all my thoughts at this point without aiming for brevity; read at your own risk of confusion and/or boredom.)
So…Josh/Amy. My personal take on them is that I love them both individually, and they just weren’t well-suited. Amy’s entire personality is about pushing back against things, and Josh’s is about fighting but not pushing too hard, so she never respected his limits because she never respected ANY kind of status quo and the thing is that politically, I support that. It made her both an ally AND an antagonist for the Bartlet administration, which of course means we were rooting for them and not necessarily her, but just like with Stackhouse in S4, the centrist government needed liberal radicals–not to let them burn the house down, like she often tried to do…but to TRY to do that, to keep tugging them left so that they didn’t ever completely lose sight of what they wished they could do in face of the opposition.
I haven’t slept, so to try and make that sound clearer…those who actually have to govern can’t try to throw out all the rules and do whatever it takes, like Amy was willing to do to get what she believed was right. When Josh tried, he’d tend to cause the biggest messes and get into fights with the President or Leo or Bruno. BUT if they, as an administration, didn’t have interest groups and lobbyists who were unrealistically radical in their goals, then the conservatives they needed to negotiate with would always have the ability to pull them further right? So it’s like Amy and her ilk helped maintain the balance, of outside interests that contributed to what the government was able to justify doing. Hopefully that makes any sense at all. (Seriously, I’ve been up all night.)
PERSONALLY, though, of course Josh should have been able to state clearly that some things were off limits and have Amy respect that. To her, the political was personal and vice versa and her ideals mattered more than anything else, including her relationships. Again, on a political level, I get that! I’m a romantic in my personal life, but I totally understand making your life the pursuit of equality or justice or whatever your beliefs are–to the exclusion of all else. But it meant she and Josh were always doomed.
Do I think their relationship made sense though, and mattered? Absolutely. Amy’s smart, and she gets him. Not like Donna does, because nobody sees him like Donna does, but Amy gets him well enough to be his only major romance in the entire show before he and Donna get it together in S7…and it’s completely because she knows him well enough to know that he needs to be ‘hit over the head.’ There’s a reason why his crush on Joey Lucas goes nowhere, and it’s not for lack of adorableness: it’s because Joey expects him to stand up and make a move, if he’s interested, and Josh is too awkward and avoidant in his workaholic way, to be that guy.
It’s Donna who makes her interest clear, before they finally sleep together. It’s Donna who sweeps into his room after that and takes him by surprise, and it’s Donna who invites him to go for a walk or something. Before that, it’s the woman with the telescope who drives him out for a not-quite-date and gets his full attention…and it’s Amy who throws a water balloon at him, because she’s interested and she knows that nothing will happen unless she makes the first move. 
(For that matter, it’s Donna who points out in S2 that his M.O. is to NOT ask a girl out on a date but instead to “randomly tumble into a girl sideways and hope she breaks up” with him soon. So of course it’s Amy who gets things rolling, and then Josh is hooked. She knows how to hook him.)
Anyway, I think their relationship is important for his character development but also for Josh/Donna, because before Amy, nobody’s seriously turned Josh’s head. He has an obvious crush on Joey, but nothing happens, and Donna clearly figures out quickly that nothing’s going to, so then she feels comfortable trying to nudge him in Joey’s direction. If it’s not gonna happen, then there’s no reason to fear the loss of their dynamic.
But with Amy…Josh makes a real effort with Amy. He lets her push past the boundaries he tries to establish, mixing work and their relationship. He turns off the TV for Amy and tries to be the kind of guy who can leave the job behind for a weekend. It’s about as serious between them as it could be, when they were only sometimes on the same team.
So when Donna says, “A whole new chapter begins,” in S4, that’s the most directly snarky we’ve ever seen her. She’s so nice about Joey, even OVERLY supportive, enough that smart, savvy Joey Lucas is paying better attention than Josh himself and can tell that Donna’s worried. But while Donna starts out there with Amy, chatting to Josh on the phone while he’s with her, teasing and keeping up their usual banter…over time she gets sort of obviously sick of it. 
And even just from a friend perspective, that makes sense. Amy’s not good for Josh, and he’s not that good for her either, cuz he’ll never be willing to capitulate as much as she wants and honestly they’re both people who want to be right all the time but who see government from completely different perspectives and Josh IS his job and Amy threatens his job which means threatening his actual identity…
Which is why I love the way Donna gets exasperated and implies that Amy doesn’t understand Josh well enough at the end of S4. Because I’m not sure that she’s right about that, I’m not sure that THAT’s the issue, I think it’s just as likely that Amy knows most of his insecurities but she isn’t willing to ever let up and cater to them…but either way of course Donna wants nothing more than to make that stop, of course she wishes that Amy would just GET IT and be a little gentler with Josh because Donna sees the scarred parts of him, she was there after Rosslyn and after his father died and she’s willing to push him when he needs it but she also wants to protect him.
Amy as far as I can tell has zero desire to protect him, and most of the time she’s happy to USE him, along with every single other method/tool/way she can think of to get what she wants. And if he were like her, that single-minded and unsentimental, sort of, then they’d maybe be less toxic as a couple. But he’s not. He’s good at his job but he also has limits and boundaries and tries to rein himself in because otherwise he fucks things up–and he’s got a very tender heart under all that swagger, and so the way Amy approaches the tension between their romance and their conflicting jobs? Josh would never do that. 
He’ll fight and try to win, but I honestly don’t think he’d ever fight as dirty as Amy is willing to, because some things still matter more to him than winning. Despite his bravado, it’s not ALWAYS the most important thing, and he doesn’t ALWAYS see the issues in black and white. But Amy’s crusading, not just legislating, and she does.
However, with all that being said, I don’t see her as some ubervillain, and I don’t hate her, and I don’t even see her as an obstacle to Josh/Donna. He and Donna weren’t ready in the early years, and for me his relationship with Amy was a totally separate thing. An unhealthy cycle in which they could never be really good for each other, even though they wanted to be, yes–but not at all a threat to what he had with Donna, not really, because he and Amy weren’t meant to last, and he and Donna were. 
But I love him with Amy in that sad doomed way, because I love the way he smiles at her when he realizes she’s flirting (I wish Josh more happiness always and less lifelong angst) and I believe she means it when she says she misses him (but only once he can’t hear her) and even though I was always ALWAYS rooting for Josh/Donna, that completely silent scene between Josh and Amy in S5 with her painted toes and her inability to stop talking? That whole thing is art. Even if I didn’t like them, I think I would still love that scene, because the staging and the acting and lighting is just all so gorgeous.
So, yeah. I like the way that the show makes their issues obvious from the start and never really shies away from them. I love that they’re self-aware enough that Amy can tell Abbey basically that they don’t work but have chemistry, because that one exchange explains their four years of interactions, always. I love how sad they are by S6, when he no longer has Donna in his life but that doesn’t mean seeing Amy will go anywhere, because their problems were so much bigger than the fact that he’s loved Donna for years whether he was willing to face it or not. 
I love that by S7 when he’s finally with Donna, he still gets that slightly awed look on his face when Amy’s at the memorial, not because he still wants her, but because she’ll never stop figuratively hitting him over the head, surprising him even if it’s just by appearing when he least expects her–and I love the way he can be sort of fond with her, now that he’s loved and happy, but she has a bitter edge when it comes to them and to her new guy, because romance is never going to be her priority enough that it’ll be what MAKES her happy. Somebody she doesn’t constantly fight for dominance in the world she cares most about is really the best she can hope for…but I think she wanted that person to be Josh, just not in a way that meant she was able to give a little.
And as for my fic and our bit of a comment chat there, I think whether he loved Amy and she loved him is up for interpretation because the show never states it outright–but in my opinion he loved her a lot, enough to keep trying long after it hurt, enough to let her push him and make his job harder and to see it as a personal insult when she worked with Stackhouse and when she fed lines to candidates besides Santos. I think he was fully able to love both her and Donna, in different ways, without making either less valid.
It seems to me that what he had with Amy was a little bit similar to what he had with Mandy, but with better chemistry between the actors. And I think that in the post-canon world where Amy works with the Santos adminstration, she and Josh probably work well together sometimes, fight a lot still over policy and the best course of action, and are never able to quite be friends, not in the way they could have been if they hadn’t loved each other and hurt over it not working out.
(Tangentially related side note: I think there are sort of weird parallels between Donna and Amy when it comes time for J/D to actually have a shot, and I’m still not sure how I feel about that but I’ve never mentioned it on my blog either so why not now.)
TL DR; I love Amy Gardner as a character and even though Josh and Donna are my faves I love the pain of watching Amy and Josh try so hard…because there’s something so relatable and human in the fact that they both want it to work but wanting it isn’t enough to make it healthy or even possible. 
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thecatsaesthetics · 7 years
Why are you anti got?
I think that GOT had really good costumes in s1&2. They were unique, different from other fantasy movies and shows. S3&4 had some good ones, but they were getting repetitive. With s5&6 it’s like they gave up. And not only the costumes department, but also D&D. It’s like nobody gives a shit anymore. And why should they. It’s still the most popular show on TV and every year they get a ton of nominations even though they don’t deserve them. S5 was horrible and they still got a slew of nominations and wins. Everybody says season 6 was the best one yet, but they only say that because it was the most satisfying. The bad guys died, the good guys finally got their revenge. But it was still just as bad with confusing time lines, character assassination, and plot lines that make no sense. It felt like they were going through the motions just to get to big fight with the white walkers next season. What do you think? Is there hope for s7&8 or will they just be a spoiler for the books?Sorry I don’t want to get into too long of a discussion of why I’m anti-GOT but here’s two of my previous asks X X
Basically I’m a book reader, which may affect my lens, I don’t like how the show has adapted the books. In my opinion they have changed everything to fit what they want to do. On top of all the sexism, racism, homophobia and lack of plotline. 
GOT is a plothole ridden mess, and honestly I don’t understand how anyone liked s6. It made just as little sense as s5 did the only difference was they weren’t overly offensive. 
the whole “Good guys lived and bad guys died” is too simplistic. First of all look at what they did to Dorne. Did the good guys live there? No instead they glorified the idea that “weak” men aren’t good men. Look at the Ironborn, they literally had a man come back from being drowned without CPR (LIKE THEY DO IN THE FUCKING BOOKS) or have Euron say lines about how he’s gonna build some more boats with trees on the Iron Islands (Does “We do not sow” mean anything to D&D). Furthermore Little Fingers entire Vale Knights crossed through the north without being spotted at all? How in the world does that make sense. Sansa taking joy from killing Ramsay did hold in line with her book counterpart in my opinion (Who literally can’t take joy from the death of anyone who’s harmed her). Jon acted like an utter idiot with Ramsay and was still proclaimed King of the North. Jaime was literally reverted back to his s1 self. Blackfish died off screen. Sam and Gilly somehow took a ship to Horns Hill even though it’s the middle of the continent, and apparently it makes complete sense for Randyll Taryl to hate Wildings even though he’s no where near wildings. If anything Randyll would probably be more racist against the Dornish since those are his neighbors and enemies at times. Tommen was somehow allowed to be alone after a huge crisis, even though medieval era Kings were hardly ever alone and in ASOIAF the Kingsguard would have been all over Tommen after this type of event, especially since they have just lost a key member of the royal family. Speaking of nobody in House Tyrell apparently cared at all that their heirs were being held and tortured by the Faith. Once they got Margaery out they couldn’t seem to care at all about Loras (Who is the heir to High Garden, one of the most important seats, in the show). Also Dany and Tyrion’s story was so heavily racist this season, also Tyrion literally took Dany’s ADWD plot. Oh and poor fucking Bran didn’t even have a storyline he was just a plot device to reveal R+L=J when arguably Bran is either the most important or one of the most important POV characters. (D&D don’t seem to understand at all the importance of Bran, their is a reason we started from Bran’s POV in the first book). 
 This season made as little sense as last season. The only difference is that this season they didn’t majorly fuck up like Sansa’s rape. That’s the only reason people we’re outraged over season 5 it seems now. They honestly don’t care about the inconsistencies, the actually sexism, racism, homophobia etc. 
I honestly have no patients for anything positive related to GOT anymore. It’s a horrible show. Nothing makes sense and they have destroyed a rather incredible book series. Even GRRM distances himself from the show at this point (Which yea I have no proof he hates the show, but it’s a feeling). 
So no I have no hope at all s7 or s8 will be better, D&D fundamentally misunderstand ASOIAF. They do not understand the themes of the books, they do not understand the characters, they don’t understand what the story is about. Everyone’s still sucking their dick over this show for god only knows why. 
I just can’t wait for it too end at this point. I just want to enjoy ASOIAF without hearing about GOT. 
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mustlovelance · 6 years
Not trying to argue against your rebound post w/ the anon, I fully agree with you - but it was confirmed Lance's feelings grew bc "they wanted a love triangle." Those aren't rumors; producers/writers confirmed those. Lm/JDS said they set it up bc it "makes for an interesting story" The story editor in a recent podcast said "they wanted lot/ura to be a love triangle and used l/ance to do it" It's not a rebound or w/e but that's why people are upset with Lance's arc rn
the thing is, i could interpret this as, “they used lot/ura as an opportunity to jumpstart all/urance so they didn’t need to drag it out more.” lot/ura was short-lived and based on lies/mutual goals rather than a genuine personal connection (yet people act like they were married). lance and allura’s dynamic has been developing for over 50 episodes now. they’re simply not comparable relationships. 
if lot/ura was necessary due to all of the major plot points that it created, then it seems like they decided to also use it to further lance and allura’s relationship. it led lance to acknowledge his feelings and it created an “interesting story” for viewers to follow. 
even then, the way that this was written didn’t follow a typical love triangle plot. lance was impacted by lot/ura, but the opposite wasn’t true, and allura didn’t change her behavior based on his indirect confession. 
setting that aside, i’m honestly at the point where i don’t want to consider interviews at all. they said that allura wasn’t paladin material just before s3, but she became a paladin in s3 and is still one as of s7. they said that shiro wouldn’t be BP again for s4, but he was flying the black lion in 4x01. they said that loto/r was good and meant exactly what he said post-s5, but then we found out he was harvesting alteans for quintessence in s6… do you see a pattern here? 
sometimes they say, “lance is human, and CUBAN”, and that feels true to me. sometimes they say, “lance would not be allura’s rebound because they respect each other too much”, and that feels true to me too. it seems like the kind of clarification that comes from exasperation rather than a desire to throw us off. however, overall, they are not reliable. they have outright lied to us before, and they will do it again. 
look at SU–they stated repeatedly that PD was not RQ, and then that PD/RQ was Bad, but we recently learned that PD=RQ, and that PD/RQ actively tried to stop the war because she didn’t want to hurt the organic life, and that the only reason why she went beyond “scaring off the gems” was because she saw the beauty in love/connections between two different gems. 
it’s frustrating that i can’t trust a very simple statement of fact by the EPs/writers, but that’s the reality that we’re dealing with. i think, going forward, it would be easier for me to just dismiss anything they say, because they are very likely to contradict themselves later. this includes statements that support my interpretations too.
on a personal level, i would’ve strongly preferred that allura had reconsidered loto/r’s advances because of lance (not because she felt guilty, but because she was confused now that she knew it wasn’t a joke to him anymore and he truly loved her), before the betrayal. however, the way that it played out in canon, with allura being caught up in a fairy tale romance and then seeking comfort from her best friend who truly loves her (and the whole reviving him and holding him close when she thought they were going to die together thing lol), rather than allura rejecting lance and choosing loto/r only to later settle for lance once loto/r betrayed her, i was fine with it. 
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