#i dont mean romance i mean love in every way it can exist i love love so much love is the best love love love love
eerna · 1 year
Teen me was sooo convinced she disliked love stories and then she was exposed to better stories and now ALL of my fav stories are about love. Life is wonderful
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
So… how do I word this uh what if the reader breaks up with one of tadc characters? Or vise versa?
Break up! (TADC cast x reader)!
YAHOO still trying to figure out who gets broken up with and who breaks up with you, guess we'll see when I write the actual post down!! Ueueue
Admittedly this post is more of a "how they are like" instead of "actual event of the breakup"
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You break up with him...
Caine would never ever ever think of breaking it off with you... unless you find an exit and decide to stay with him. I wrote a post with that idea, and to make it short the guilt would eat him alive, making every day a living hell
But how would he be when you break up with him?
I think he would be all over the place. I mean you're his first romance, and you're his first heartbreak. Hes a mess. Hes crying, hes trying to bargain, and to fix what was broken
But then suddenly hes just
Neutral, as if understanding everything.. it's a little terrifying, and for a minute you think his coding is acting up. And maybe it is...
He isnt cold, he isnt holding a grudge, he just treats you like he treats the other circus members. Its actually a little... weird
Do I think his coming got messed up?
No, actually I think in secret hes grieving the relationship. But he now understands that this is just how things work out sometimes
Hes hurting but hes learning
She breaks up with you...
Its not that she fell out of love with you, quite the opposite actually. But the more she thought about it, the more.... difficult it would be for both of you. I mean shes tryimg to find the exit, and what are the odds both of you will be able to find each other in the real world? Would you guys even remember the events of the digital world when you escape...? Would...
Theres just so much, but even if it hurts her so so much she doesnt want to hold you down.. she tries to remain friends with you, but the hurt feelings make things hard for both parties
You both mutually break up...
You guys probably break up after not coming to an agreement on life goals and big life decisions... I mean, as big of life decisions as you can in the digital world... now obviously you guys tried to find compromises and talk things through, but you guys just couldnt find any solutions where both sides are happy
Remember, resentment is a ugly thing that can ruin even the greatest things one can have. And this is especially true for relationships, romantic or otherwise
So in order to prevent that, you guys agree that you srent compatible with one another.. and thats okay
You guys are still friends, though!
You break up with him...
And he does not take it well at all. I think he would feel angry and betrayed. He wouldn't beg for you back, though. No he views that to be way too humiliating and he refuses to stoop that low. Actually I think if anything he would pretend you dont exist. And I think that's worse than just saying "he ramps up the pranks and targets you"
No, jax is emotionally immature imo, at least that's how I personally write him given we only have the pilot so far..
Very rarely does he actually acknowledge you, and even then it's cold and distant. Probably the least likely to get back with you
You break up with him...
Theres probably a few factors that go into it. The general burn out that comes with a partner that struggles with mental health (because as horrible as it sounds, that is a valid reason. Coming from someone who is mentally ill and diagnosed with stuff, I would not blame my partner for leaving me if my symptoms began to wear down their mental health. It does not make someone a burden. Ones mental health is ultimately theres to deal with, and protect, but I'm not about to go on a tangent I'm just gonna say its valid), feeling that you can't compete with queenie, as well as a few other things
After the break up kinger seems
Like hes wandering around, and perhaps sometimes he even forgets that you guys broke up. It's sad. No one wants to see an old man cry..
But I dont think the grief will make him abstract. Actually, I dont think he would be nasty to you. Actually if you give him some time, hes actually still quite friendly with you, as well as understanding. You guys still remain friends
They break up with you...
Likely, it could be that you overwhelmed zooble or made them feel like they werent good enough for you. Zooble themselves is very distant and checked out, and even more so given the current situation. But even then I dont think that there would be an event that would lead to the breakup; because otherwise I feel they would try to make it work
Or maybe, they have been and you guys just werent compatible..
It takes them a while to adapt to being single again, but they will get over it eventually. That being said they give me the vibe that they rend to avoid their exes
You both mutually break up..
Theres just so much going on, and given gangles very sensitive and shy nature and whatever issues you have going on, you both agree to take a break to try to better yourselves.. for yourselves..
I think out of all the characters, you guys have the most potential of getting back together
Gangle tries not to let herself get down in the dumps, but she still will miss you lots the first few weeks..
Even if you guys dont get back together, at least you both become better and more confident in yourselves for yourselves and any future partners
Of course this isnt to say that being sensitive or shy is a red flag or "ick", coming from someone who is those things. But sometimes it truly can become draining for a partner who has to be constantly be built back up. For the sake of both sides there needs to be space, or resentment can build and ruin everything. Is that mean and terrible? Yes. But its human
Add in whatever issues you have going on, you both agree it's better to split
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correctproseka · 2 months
Ok but- and I am saying this with respect for your point of view bc I think you are correct on a wider societal level- I keep seeing this argument of 'There is more m/m fanfic therefore this fandom is lesbiphobic and misogynistic' and it has bothered me for a long time. As a queer girl myself, asexual and somwehere on the aro spectrum, who has many wlw ships and enjoys looking at art for them... I don't enjoy reading wlw or straight fics bc I subconsciously project myself into the relationships too much (this is also why i generally avoid reading straight romance books lol). When I read mlm fic, there's a degree of separation from me that means I can enjoy it without getting anxious about imagining myself in that position.
I'm not trying to be like 'oh woe is me i cant read yuri', im just explaining my own reasons, and trying to get across that other people have their own reasons for what they enjoy- ranging from long winded explanations like mine to 'idk I'm attracted to guys and I like writing about them'. People have preferences, and that comes across in most fandoms, even in heavily female casts like prsk. Like I mentioned, lack of wlw content IS an issue.... when it comes to mainstream media. But when it comes to fanfic... the majority of writers are queer, many are women, hell, some of the most prolific writers of mlm fic I know are lesbians. People have their own reasons for writing what they like, and they do it for FREE. I think it's silly to say a fandom is misogynistic when most of these fandoms are full of queer female writers writing what they want to write.
And again I say this with respect because I do see where you're coming from- instead of saying 'write less mlm', because absolutely one will listen to that.... say 'write more wlw'. Write what you want to see in the world! More fics are always a good thing!! And if you don't want to read about guys, that's what the ao3 filters are for lol.
If you actually read all this, thank you, I really appreciate it. Sorry for yapping in your ask box LOL I just wanted to express my opinion on this topic bc it's something that I care about a lot. Also, like I said, while I don't read fic for it I still love wlw ships so..... ANHANE YURI FOREVER 🌈🌈🌈🌈
See, the thing is, i agree with you, but is that really the only reason for A LOT of people?
What im advocating is not for people to write less mlm, is for they to look at themselves and wonder why they like it more, i know a lot of people who claim to like the boys more for this reason or that, then turn around and act completely misogynistic 5 seconds later, some of them in this fandom, even.
Im just saying that in a fandom with way more girls than boys, it makes not much sense how much more content of the boys there is.
The ao3 filters exist, yes, but they dont stop me from having barely any content even on bigger wlw shipps, from rereading the same fics over and over again because that's all I have for days/weeks, months even on the leoni/mmj side of fandom.
Sincerely, I have myself over 50 prsk fics, only one includes mlm and that one is a multi, focused mainly on platonic ships, and is still somehow my most famous fic.
I see your point, really, and I agree with it, but it only comes so far in a fandom like prsk where there's way more girls, or Alien Stage, that my friend got me into and the girls have been canon for so long but the boys have nearly always been more famous, even before they became "canon". As a wlw enjoyer its tiring to see this over and over again in every fandom im in, you know?
Plus, its not just not writing girls, its how the fandom ACTS with them. Saki as just a fodder for Tsukasa angst, Honami might as well not even exist, Mizuki themselves exist only to be a friend to Rui to a lot of people, An and Kohane? They're only backgrounds on Akitouya, that is when An doesn't get in between the ship, of course. Emu can't even be shipped with one of the boys, because she's a child obviously, but she can be shipped with Nene, just leave her to the side its alright.
Its a lot of double standards, and not only "not writing fics", the fics are just a quick way of showing what I mean.
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cy-cyborg · 5 months
I am SO close to finishing Baldur's Gate 3... I think, I've been saying that for the past 20 hours lol, but I really want to gush about Karlach! Once I've actually finished the game I'll probably make a proper post talking about her in a more structured way from a disability standpoint but I just really want to talk about her now lol.
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[ID: A gif of Karlach from Baldur's Gate 3, a tall woman with red skin, one black horn, black hair and glowing orange eyes. She is covered in scars and tattoos, her chest glows and she is dancing on the spot in front of a cluttered tent./end ID]
I did not know how much my inner child needed to see someone like her on screen. Strange thing to say about a character from a game that's intro features worms crawling into your eye in hell but its true.
I have massive burn-like scars all over my my lower body, especially my legs, and while I always (mostly) saw the amputations they came with as just a part of me, I had much more negative feelings about those scars, well into my young adulthood, but especially as a teenager. It wasn't helped by the fact that while most folks had the decency to keep their comments about my visible disability... neutral-ish, the comments about my scars ranged from "you should cover those up" to "that's discusting" and young children literally crying at the sight of them. On top of that, every time a character with scars like mine was in the media, they were either the villain, used to teach others a lesson about not being mean or to teach that chatacter a lesson about how beauty is on the inside or how to love their appearance despite thier scars (that they'll be sure to tell you they think are hideous).
But karlach isn't any of those things. She's confident and literally walks around armour that show her scars by default. No one calls her gross or tells her to cover them. Her scars are never brought up as a negative at all, at least that ive seen, they're never something that detracts from her appearance. She never tries to hide them or gets insecure about them. When you romance her, there's no comment about if you're sure you can find "someone with scars like hers" attractive. Characters in the game dont find her attractive in spite of them, they just find her attractive. Full stop. They're just, there. And what's more, the fandom, for the most part, seems to agree. I have seen so many people swooning over her, and they almost never bring the scars up. People don't care, they just think she's hot! (There will always be outliers of course but they seem few and far between in my circles at least lol).
And my God, it's SO refreshing! Don't get me wrong, it's not inherently bad to have chatacters be insecure about things like scars (Wyll has a few moments of insecurity around his, and I think it's done well) but it's so nice for it to not be the central focus for once, or even really a big at all. Especially for a woman character.
I was so convinced as a teenager that no one would find me attractive because of those scars. Scars like Karlach's. I'm older now, I have worked through it all, and any lingering insecurities I had on the subject were shut down when me and my partner got together. But 15/16 year old me desperately needed to see a chatacter like Karlach, and im so happy she exists now!
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codajaiden · 1 month
I don't get the gist of Nightbow (Rainbow Steve x Nightmare) like, how does that work??
(warning I might rant so much y'all would explode, correct me if I'm wrong tho)
"enemies to lovers!" No. Lemme clear this up for you
Nightmare and Rainbow were created to kill each other, hate each other's guts, there is no conversation or part in SS or RQ where they went and be normal people talking to each other and stuff (not that I can think of anyways)
"for fun" I don't care if it's for fun, sure it's funny but like????? How is it y'all's favourite????
But y'all are like "I can fix them", there is nothing to fix???? they are literally people wanting to kill each other and that is their goal.
Oh and let's not forget, I have my eyes on the people who write in Wattpad, don't think I have not seen their "freaky" writing at all.
It's not only Nightbow at least, I see the people here who ship Rainbow and Void together, same thing, but if we're talking SS then there was still no good interaction of them both to be on the level of actually being good friends. Still, Wattpad people are freaky about them too.
This can be implied to Favremyrainbow ig, but to me it's very bland and boring. I admit I did in fact ship them, but as time passed I just stopped because it was so cringe 💀💀
I don't want to be mean and rude when it comes to this but it bugs me every time.
Okay the only thing I can counter this is Alux x Petro.
Petro and Alux are basically Anna and Hanz in Frozen, gaslighting and manipulation exist but dynamic and trust are important. There is communication towards the two that leads into something in the plot.
Nightbow has none of that, they hate each other's guts. People say they can fix them, nah, with Palux you can make them worse (/j) HEJWJEJWJSJA
"Petro and Alux's entire dynamic is mainly built off of manipulation" YES but thats on Petro's side. Most people ship it due to it being tragic on Alux's side because everyone in this fandom likes doomed mlm i guess (I'm one of those people but again the plot reasons goes on for both of their dynamic)
"But he stabbed him" YES. I have not seen a single person who ships them currently its mainly a one sided ship. For alux its built off genuine love and care for Petro, knowing he's the only REAL connection in his life. The people who ship them (from what I've seen) mainly do it for tragedy and narrative purposes. no one is actually here WANTING alux to be stabbed and abused
And for Petro it adds much more conflict to his character if you add like any romance to him. like, loving the person your meant to kill and killing them anyways is a really interesting narrative plot idea. Its also really funny tbh but oh well.
Narratively it adds more to their characters as long as you dont romantize it and treat it like it'd be healthy especially at this point in the story.
This is literally doomed Yaoi (it's funny I wanna say that) and it works so well because of how they were narratively written this way towards each other. This cooked better than some enemy wanting to, excuse my language, have freaky SHIZ going on with the Hero 💀
Okay I'm done with my ranting I'm sorry for the people who like Nightbow but I'm sharing what I'm saying and y'all are gonna respect it and not be problematic. I feel like I should not be on the internet for a good while late and night this is how freaky I get when it's past midnight lmao
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azirafuck · 11 months
i mean if it isn't romantic, how do we get to every?
neil himself has said that this season is romantic, and has also said that good omens is a love story (not the book, but that he envisioned the tv show as a love story from the beginning) - these are from asks on his blog.
tbqh if every is a cop-out or if there isn't at least very heavy hinting at a romantic relationship, i will be capital p Pissed LMAO
i am LIVING for this drama and the hype around spoilers man this is amazing, i havent been this hyped for a show in like at least a decade & the drama has definitely added to my excitement tbh
i dont understand what isnt romantic about everything that we know about the second season so far - we can clearly get the feeling that they care about each other and they want to work and live together, we can see that not only have they known and protected each other since the beginning of humanity, but since the beginning of the universe itself, we can see that they respect and are curious about each other, we can see that they willingly put up with each other's shit and try to meet each other in the middle, "we carved it out for ourselves", "you ever get the feeling everything would be better if you were near one particular person?", we can see they got way more comfortable with being around and close to each other than they were in season 1, we can see they're exploring their new found freedom, we can see they clearly think of the other as an unquestionable part of their own existence - and this is just from what we got from the first two episodes, we got a whole season in front of us filled with little moments that will certainly make us get even stronger heart eyes.
honestly, all of this is love, and it doesn't matter how you turn or twist it, it's still love. and we don't know how or why [EVERY] happens, we'll figure it out in 4 days, but everything that leads up to it? it's romance, it's love. it's real and it's there, and they experience it however they please by setting their own pace.
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team-avia · 7 months
Theres some spoilers ahead😔✌ also this is super long im so so sorry i wanted to praise all of u and then it got a lot of asks and long texts by me i swear im just trying to be nice😭
Soo, ive done all routes except Angie (im gonna do it later) and i wanted to talk about it so sorry for being annoying😭
I've got two Bela endings, one was happy lovey traveled lets save the fam and all that. Loved the story, mia trying to kill me was so not a girl girls move. The other ending I didn't support her and went to Miranda (snitch? yes but mira liked it so...), sad part was that bela got sent to a hospital (i hope???) but fun to see the difference. Bela was a mean girl but with reasons (no heart lol) so i didnt click with the romance because i like the evilness with conscious.
I got two alcinas ending too, talked about the "happy" one before and im still upset dani got mad for me dating her mother, i really value friendships ( also mira died?????) Soo i tried a different ending without romancing her, i guess i questioned too much because guess who got turned into a sculpture🤪 (also how will mira recover my body to start it all over again? girlie is gonna have a hard time).
I got one Cassandra ending and one Dani ending, both were happy. I liked Cass more because it felt more like paths i would take in my life. However character wise i loved how both were written, Dani was so adorable i wanted to hug her forever and giver her all the praise (lets be fr her family was not doing it).
And to finish, the loves of my life Donna and Miranda. Both of their stories made me all aaaaaaaaaaa, ive loved them since re8 and it captured the image i had of them perfectly. I've played both twice and got a happy ending i simply cant not love them. It was so cool to see the foreshadowing in Donna's story, when she said Miranda was going to keep her in a tighter leash next time i was like 🤨😲😔.
I know Miranda is evil and that apparently shes keeping everyone in a loop until she gets us to be with her, but thats lowkey so sweet😍
Anywayy, loved everything, the characters were amazingly written, i also kept trying to decode the background to see if there was anything secret (blame flanagan), their expressions was so on point it was awesome to stare at it changing.
You all deserve every love and praise that exists in this world, tysm for putting this together, i really dont know how to thank you enough so that u understand how good all of this is (hence all of the asks ive sent istg sorry again😬)
LISTEN!!! WE LOVE!!! THE ASKS!! I DRINK THEM LIKE COFFEE!! And I drink coffee like water.
As to how Miranda can get you when you're a statue ... she has her ways :^) (It's Mia. Mia is breaking into the manor and steals you. hehe. Nah, I'm just kidding. Or am I.)
And right?? Dani deserves all of the hugs and affection.
Thank you for loving it so much that you send us so much love and so many asks 💙
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yknow, a lot of people say that they wish SJM had just invented a new character to be Rhys' love interest for the Acotar sequel or paired him off with Nesta or something, but I actually think she shouldve gone further and just made Feyre get with a different high lord every book. Just imagine:
ACOTAR 1: Feyre/Tamlin, Feyre recovers from her childhood trauma but then oopsie, UTM happens and now shes got a bunch of new trauma oh noooooo
ACOTAR 2: Feyre/Rhysand, Feyre recovers from her UTM and also learns about feminism and how to fight good, I would prefer if instead of ignoring the part Rhysand played in her trauma like in canon, they actually leaned into it and made it so that Feyre reconciling with Rhysand and even falling for him was somehow symbolic for her reconciling with her UTM trauma
ACOTAR 3: Feyre/Tarquin, Feyre learns how to politics and maybe she learns about the injustices that the common faeries have to deal with as well, maybe there couldve been some seeds planted for this in ACOTAR 2 with the illyrians but she was too busy wth her trauma to deal with it at that point, but now shes ready
ACOTAR 4: Feyre/Eris, Feyre helps Eris with his political machinations culminating with her helping him kill his dad and become high lord, and its kind of a foil to the previous book where Feyre was doing like normal politics with a good guy but now shes doing fucked up and evil politics with a morally gray guy. Also, i havent met Eris yet but I do know that hes racist in canon so maybe we could have a subplot where Feyre helps him with that idk. helps him get over his racism i mean, not helps him to be more racist
I dont know enough about the other guys yet to come up with potential plots for their books, but in my perfect world they would all definitely get one
The final book would be Feyre getting together with one of the super powerful non-court fae like one of those freaks who lives in the middle like the weaver or something, except it has to be one of the male freaks because its a SJM book and we cant have a queer MC. So I guess that limits our selection to Koschei maybe? I actually dont know anything about that guy other than he exists, is he hot? cuz if hes not hot then we can strike him out imo. Then theres that demon-god that sent Nesta a horny vision in ACOSF I think his name was Lanthys, and I know for a fact that hes conventionally attractive so thats our first candidate. I actually quite like the idea of Feyre getting with Suriel and the way that would work is that it would be this reoccurring character that appears atleast once in each book when Feyre needs some information and she goes to catch it, and at the start of this last book shes just broken up with her latest high lord and shes like "that suriel has helped me so many times, I should do something kind for it" so she does that and theres this very fairytale-esque moment where it turns out this is the first time someone showed it a genuine act of selfless kindness to the suriel, and that causes it to transform into a really hot guy. And then Feyre and the Suriel start their grand romance
Also, I just realized if we wanted to keep with the theme of Feyre falling in love with a powerful fae* from a specific court, the capital p Prison island is described as almost being like its own court, so maybe Feyre could get with the Bone Carver which would be great because he can transform into like, the hottest of hot guys if he wanted to
So yeah, thats my pitch for an alternate ACOTAR Series. Would it be good? No. Would it be fun? Yeah, I think so. Certainly more fun than the series we currently have where we mostly just hang out in the same boring city with the same annoying guys
*the bone carver isnt a fae but you get what i mean
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jewishdragon · 8 months
reccommend any good book series?>
uh, sure
lets start with the three book series i have had on loop (audiobooks through libby) for the last 4 years:
Temeraire. 9 books. alternate history age of sale, an homage to Aubrey Maturin (the author literally stopped posting fanfic for that series 1 year before she published the first temeraire novel). What is the alternate? Well. dragons exist. and they are people. The premise is a human naval captain finds himself captain in the air force because a dragon imprints on him. Explore how the first napoleonic war goes when dragons are involved both in battle and in politics. I love this series because it scratches a very specific itch for humans and giant monsters bonding and interacting at every level of society. A lot of real historical figures show up (napoleon...). but it never feels forced. Im so bad at selling this series. its really great.
Memoirs of Lady Trent. 5 novels. more dragons ! this time a world similar to ours, but dragons exist! however this time they are animals, not people, and the main character is a fantasy victorian jewish woman who is obsessed with studying dragons and breaks her worlds gender barriers (which are the same as victorian englands were) to achieve her goals. also there's a slow burn romance with a nerdy fantasy muslim man (think indiana jones!!!) and they go on ADVENTURES about ARCHEOLOGY AND NATURALISM (books 3 through 5. i dont want you to think i lied when this man dont show up in books 1 and 2. BUT THERE'S STILL BOTH NATURALISM AND ARCHEOLOGY ADVENTURES IN BOOKS 1 AND 2). I did not see the twist of the series coming either. wild stuff. love it. there's a epilogue 6th book where the characters spend 80% of the time translating ancient tablets and somehow this is incredibly engaging, props to the author. this is a first person POV, the author is writing it as a MEMOIR so you have to imagine this old lady writing this down in her study.
The Murderbot Diaries (5 books, 4 are novellas). Sci-fi, out in space! Mostly taking place in literally capitalist hell region of space called "the corporation rim" which is... ruled by corporations. A lab grown robocop cyborg hacks its programming to become autonomous and wants nothing more than to watch soap operas and be left alone, but of course makes friends along the way as it continues to do its job of protecting humans. the snarky humor is FANTASTIC. its also first person POV and feels like Murderbot cornered you in a seedy space bar on an asteroid and just started ranting about shit "you will not believe the fucking year ive had" and then just rants for hours. Speaking of, 4 hours is the audiobook length for each novella, short enough that you can give the series a try without worrying about length
agatha christie. i mean. the queen of murder mysteries is called that for a reason. her stories are indeed bangers
Howl's Moving Castle. its a 3 book series though the books arent super connected. really fun fantasy adventure comedies.
Ok end of the not kids section. here's the kid section
now bear with me on this. Artemis Fowl. 8 books. I didnt read these until i was an adult, in graduate school. They fucking SLAP. some stuff is a little dated but other than that, its action packed, its so much fun. Go on an adventure where a shitty know-it-all genius criminal master mind becomes a better person and also there's fairy magic and fairy tech (which might as well be a second kind of magic). the main villain? amazing, unhinged, megalomaniac to the max. i love her. the minor villains? also amazing. i cannot overstate how great the villains are in this.
Dealing with Dragons/Enchanted Forest Chronicles. uhhhh this is my special interest. fantasy comedy adventure.
thats all for now i think.
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magpie-murder · 1 year
I know you mainly draw agent of asgard loki, not any mcu versions, but what are your thoughts on the Loki TV series? personally it really upset me :(
yeahh, there's a reason i don't draw the MCU versions often. when the episodes were coming out, i was on a Loki High and i super loved it, apart from a few moments that i hated IMMEDIATELY, even through my first-time watch excitement:
the writers forgetting Loki is jötun and making the both of them need a warm blanket??
"have you ever met a female loki?!?! isnt that special?!?! she's so unique!! i'm definitely not genderfluid at all!!! gay rights!!! 💙💜💖"
the repeated moments where they really treat loki as simultaneously clever and incompetent? pick one? he's either stupid or he isn't
why did they name her sylvie? they could have named her tökk, they could have named her ikol, they could have named her lüc/luke (not that they would've— they needed to make her Girl "Loki" to heteronormatize the self-romance plotline and de-gender Loki canon that existed before the show did) but they chose to steal the name of a different female character in the comics instead, essentially removing the possibility for a unique female character to show up on screen??
he spoke in italian? he sang in asgardian? what happened to allspeak? what does allspeak mean in this universe, then? can he just speak and comprehend every language, rather than speaking asgardian all of the time and having it translate to the listener's comprehension? what does allspeak mean in the mcu???
*makes the ONE black loki variant a selfish and aggressive traitor*
but after i sat with it i started really hating it. i don't like the way it was written, i dont like the story arcs, the only new characters i liked were Richard E. Grant loki and Miss Minutes. i'm not a big fan. i still do love and ADORE Loki pre-Ragnarök (seriously, he's so good, i love my tortured wet cat characters. #MakeMenSuffer #I'mQueer), and i might draw him occasionally. but i honestly have such strong opinions about the way the large majority of the characters have been adapted that you likely won't catch much MCU content from me
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lazaruspiss · 11 months
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nightwing annual 2 (2007) by mark andreyko. and the many things cut from the confession from 1977 that they were most likely referencing.
it's interesting to see what they cut out from a scene that was otherwise taken word for word. the entire panel describing how dick feels this is like the one sided love one would feel for a childhood teacher. the cut out "...even as a big sister--" while dick explains how much he means to her.
in their attempt to 'elevate' their past relationship to romantic, they've destroyed much of the original meaning. making it romantic is ultimately reductive to both dicks complex feelings for her and babs character as a whole. the existence of modern dickbabs really embodies the mindset of romance first (all other relationships second) that cishetero men are so often stuck in.
the annual already aged her down, but the more you look at it the more they change it order to demote babs from independent character to a love interest kneeling at dicks feet. the cheating in annual 2 was just the misogynistic icing on this metaphorical wedding cake they've made into the modern day version of batgirl.
and the handling of the cheating in annual 2 just reeks of male author who doesn't think cheating is /that/ serious imo
this parts less important, as it's little details changed for plot convenience. babs was originally facing towards dick so there was no doubt that dick was right when he saw she was asleep, and the last part of what he said was only in thought. and this is more subjective, but the annual has her positioned on the couch in a way that seems more suggestive?
while people talk about how this annual is ooc for dick, dickbabs is done terribly, and the writing is garbage (all true to a certain extent) i dont see much about how degrading it is towards babs' character. things don't have to be loudly misogynistic in order to still be misogynistic, and writing like this annual really feels like the beginning of the end for babs. DC is leaning into her status as a love interest more than ever now. i don't see how her character can be salvaged short of retconning 2 decades worth of characterization.
ive seen a few people say devin grayson wrote this. sometimes it's an innocent mistake, others just want any and every excuse to hate her. but i think understanding that both the writer and artist are men is a bit significant, specifically because of how bad this story was for babs as an independent character.
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understandableparadox · 4 months
Bottom of the barrel isekai review
did i say I was going to read something horrible for you? turns out it was horrible for me.
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behold a fucking pre-amble. I think the idea of loving and being loved is a concept ambiguous enough for it to be idolized by almost anyone because the ways to love are so varied and different. unconditional, unrequited, toxic, wholesome, forbidden, destined, love has more modifiers then fucking charizard and oops we gotta update that sentence because someone on book tik tok has invented a new type of love known as Squimy love. what does this mean for your children? more at 11.
regardless we yearn for a type of romance or if you are aromantic a form of intimacy in the form of the platonic. in some cases we can form such ties with people we don't see, people that Do not know that you exist.
in worse cases, sometimes the people who don't know we exist want to foster that relationship further for their own benefit. Parasocial love.
im sure you heard it from whatever drama youtuber you have decided to use to funnel useless bits of rage bait into your ears but its a tale as old as creepy guys. streamer is a little to eager to play into the fantasy of the viewers, that they love them, that they thing You, that's right, You dear viewer are special...Then they use that to groom or take advantage of a kid and they don't go to jail and someone writes a long expose piece on them and you want them to get hit by a truck but god rarely allows such lovely Closure...
anyways that defeintly has nothing to do with the work we are unraveling today, right? right???
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oh no....
god, just kill me... ok the premise is simple, the internet has been made by a reincarnated rando who has decided that anything in regards to adventuring and fighting is just not in the cards for him so he has decided to just be a streamer. The only streamer in the world...Well more of a podcaster, given his streams are soley voice. but lets not label spikes being driven into my head.
but hey, thats a intresting concept, the idea that someone has created the true information highway across a world that is fucking Eras to early for it, theres a lot of things that one can explo-
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kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me, please, im begging, im pleading, im a fucking deer on the side on the road stareing at you with blank uncomprehending eyes, my comprehension of Big Block Of Metal screaming down the road is null, dont let up on the gas and turn me into a grease smear so I may obtain something resembling an iota of peace of mind
anyways they wont talk about this for ten additional chapters and then again for the arc finally so i'm going to ignore it and move on.
they also go to a school that accommodates commoners and nobals, but its also the first school that actully does this, which is really intresting as its a mixing of classes and allowing "commoner" students acess to higher education and training for magic for a war with the demon king, meaning is this truly for public betterment or is this a method of ensureing nobel students arent drafted into war due to magic potential by haveing a healthy supply of seemingly more expenda- oh? your bored? you want me to jinkle something in your face? oh i messed up that sentance? You Meant to say jiggle? ok cool
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reaching the end of the comic we come to its inevitable Gimmick because one cannot be Fucked to try to make just one gimmick work. thats right, the streamer has developed a collection of accidental parasocial relationships with various well endowed women across the nation, each in astoundingly have posistions of power or in some way highly skilled.
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Each woman dispite not knowing who the streamer is, never seeing his face are thusly so infatuated by the mere sound of his voice and the kind words he mutters that they have their brain matter utterly rewired, becomeing true devouts for their favorite streamer...
Rinse and repeat for 20 plus chapters and you get Shitty Ecchi Slop delivered out to be consumed en masse because men cannot hope to penetrate the core of male lonliness without true introspection which in turn is stymied by a hunered or so other dude bros who loathe the word and offer a far easier view in which to dye the world. thus they seak idea of being coveted by someone in mangas in increaseingly more convluted power fantasies...
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turning down the notches this manga is funny in the fact that it pulls me back and fourth with wild abandon between utter and complete slop and genuinly funny bits and abnormally normal opinions for the genra.
"Is the underlying story, barring any other concept, good?" 
there really isnt a story, its just streamer talking and women going batshit insane.
"on a sliding scale of min to max, how much is the author using this to explore fetish" 
medium. the story has an obsession with the idea of yandere but it rarely goes into the idea of a stalker. the women are respectfull of his boundries barring one but that one is called the odd one out. aside from that, alot of scenes are just an ecuse to draw anime tits.
"How many story crutches does the author use to explore the story" 
it dosent need crutches because it has little to no intrest in telling a coherent story, it talks about what it wants and drops the rest.
 "Is the author attempting to use the story as a way to explain why he is not weird."
streamers can solve all of socitial ills as long as the women who they create parasocial relationships in are in posistions of high political power. .
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demadogs · 2 years
This is what u do and it’s weird
ok im done with this beef after this ask but i just wanna say that i personally find it fun to write analyses and stuff on the characters because of my background with film. ive taken several film classes and screenwriting classes and ive written full on papers analyzing characters (not these ones) for my college courses. i gave an entire presentation on the media aesthetics and color coding and symbolism in dead poets society. i wrote a 10 pages paper on thirteen reasons why and the damaging effect it could have on people. i did a semester long project on the end of the fucking world. i wrote an entire analysis on the remake of one day at a time and how it casually incorporates so many levels of diversity while still being a great comedy and not seeming like it was just trying to get representation points.
the duffers intentionally wrote their characters to have underlying feelings for each other. i wouldnt be here analyzing their characters if they hadnt provided us with so much content to look into. i can tell you as someone who has an education in film, every frame (mike framed in a closet during mlvn kiss), every lighting/coloring choice (rain fight vs mlvn break up), every song choice (eulogy playing during mlvn fight), is very much intentional and its SO fun to find these little easter eggs and share what it means to other fans online. do you also find it weird that the duffers wrote their teenage characters to have a romance? im assuming no since 90% of fictional media wouldnt exist if they werent allowed to write about young love. so why is it weird for the consumers to enjoy it and analyze it?
its not like i have an entire account for steve and eddie. theres nothing to talk about for them, they havent been meticulously coded and hinted at having feelings the way mike and will have. however if they were coded like that instead of mike and will, i would still love to analyze it. the character’s ages dont change anything.
i dont just see two characters and think “i want them to be gay! im gonna make an entire blog about that”. its just fascinating and fun to deep dive into why the duffers wrote some of their fictional characters’ lines and actions and it hurts absolutely no one.
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aemiron-main · 8 months
I dont mean to be rude, but why are you so against Henry being George? in the audition tapes "Betty" that you admit is probably patty, is seen interacting with George the whole time, in his tape, he only interacts with her too, and in the promo shots Louis is always with Ella, so what would be your explanation for that? I know we will know everything in exactly one month but I always see you saying that and it's been bothering me, im just really curious, could you explain?
Hey there, anon! No worries about being rude at all, I’m more than happy to explain and clarify! <3
So, it’s not really a matter of me being “against” Henry being George- it’s simply a matter of me thinking that the evidence doesn’t fully support him being George. It’s like. I’m not *against* the idea that dragons exist and are secretly living underground in cool dragon cities- hell, I’d love that! But I don’t see the evidence to support said underground dragons, and the same applies for George being Henry.
So, I’ve talked in a bunch of posts about why I don’t think that George is Henry, but I’m going to summarize the main reasons right here for you:
1.) The Ages
This collider article talked about TFS leaks & the fact that Patty had romantic feelings for George:
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And that article describes both Patty and George as being at least 14 years old.
And when we look at the audition tapes, we can see that Patty is at least 15 years old, because she mentions that the confession booth has been her hiding place for the past 15 years:
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However, Henry Creel is canonically 12 years old:
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And even if you don’t think that the newspapers are reliable/somehow think that’s a production error, THIS is not a 15 year old boy- even his actor was 12 at the time:
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So, this means that in order for Henry to be George, they’re either a.) going to do a romance between a 15+ year old girl and a 12 year old boy, which would be like S1 Nancy dating S1 Dustin for context & I think that’s extremely unlikely or b.) they’re retconning Henry’s canon age in the play/ignoring canon, which makes absolutely no sense and is extremely unlikely because the play has been confirmed repeatedly to be canon:
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So, unless they REALLY pull some timeline weirdness with Henry’s age, there’s not really any possible way for him to be George AND for the play to be canon- unless they have a 15+ year old dating a 12 year old, which I really don’t think they’ll do.
2.) The Personality
George is absolutely nothing like Henry personality- wise. Based on what we see in the audition tapes, George is snarky and opinionated, whereas Henry, as a child, is shy and silent.
George is a loner, much like Henry, but that also fits with Allen Munson (who we’ll come back to later), and being a loner also applies to characters like Hopper, and even Bob- being a loner isn’t something unique to Henry. Hell, even being a “pale, moody, new kid loner,” like the description from that Collider article isn’t unique to Henry. That could apply to both Allen and Lonnie.
George snarks about Betty being “prom queen,” and dramatically tells her “that’s your cue”- you have to watch the audition tapes to see/hear what I mean, but the way he speaks and the way his lines are written is such a far cry from Henry- hell, Henry doesn’t even talk that way/his dialogue isnt written that way when he’s giving a dramatic monologue in the show in 1979- and Henry as a child is silent every time we see him and doesn’t have any of the same mannerisms as George.
3.) The “Powers”
Something that people love to cite as evidence that George is Henry is the idea that George has powers based on some of his scenes in the auditions. However, those scenes are actually great evidence that George isn’t Henry, because when you watch those scenes, the way George describes what’s going on is polar opposite to the way Henry describes his powers & the way we see Henry’s powers working.
George, for example, talks about hearing voices in his head telling him to do bad things/hurt people- something that Henry never mentions, not even during his 1979 monologue. George also seems to be afraid of his supposed powers, whereas Henry seems to see them as something natural/as a tool/as part of him realizing that it was other people who were broken, not him.
I actually think that the voices that George is hearing are the result of that weird radio broadcast that’s supposedly killing people that’s mentioned in TFS. And I think that his experience with Patty/seemingly seeing eachother in the void/teleporting/whatever that was is far more likely to be tied to Patty having powers, especially with all of Patty’s El parallels (the scenes where Patty talks about her mother), and with how frequently articles about TFS talk about how important Patty is going to be to the plot:
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So, again, it’s not a matter of “oh I really HATE the idea of Henry being George, so I’m going to pretend it’s not true even though it is,” it’s instead a matter of “if Henry is George, I’m fine with it, I’m just really not convinced that he Is George & am somewhat frustrated by people acting like it’s confirmed that he’s George when it’s not confirmed at all and when there’s multiple aspects of George that don’t align with Henry & contradict Henry’s canon lore such as the age stuff”
Also, I’ve never denied that Patty and Henry are going to have scenes together- I figured they’d have scenes together even before the audition tapes, because they have that parallel at the Crele house window vs the church window in the TFS animated teaser trailer! And Louis and Ella being together isn’t really something that I need to explain, because I’ve literally never denied that Henry and Patty are going to have scenes together & all of my analysis re: Henry and George and Patty has been done with the assumption that Henry and Patty are going to interact frequently regardless of who George is. Now, like I talked about in this post, regardless of whether Henry is George or not, I don’t think that Henry and Patty are going to be a romantic couple. My thing is that I simply don’t agree that it’s firm/clear-cut that Henry is George. Me not agreeing that Henry is George doesn’t mean that I think that Henry and Patty won’t interact- it simply means that I don’t think that the George that we saw in the leaked audition takes is Henry/I don’t think that George was the code name for Henry.
And to more specifically answer your question about the connection between George and Patty’s interacting mostly with eachother in the audition tapes vs Henry and Patty being put together in promo stuff:
First of all, the reason why Patty and George seem to “only” interact with eachother in the audition is because the scenes chosen for the audition happen to be with eachother- both of their auditions read the same two scenes, just different sides of it.
So, Patty could have 500 scenes with other characters and those two scenes could be the ONLY scenes she has with George in the whole play (I’m not saying that’s the truth, but just as a hyperbolic example), and we would have no idea because we’re only seeing the tiny tiny snippet scenes that were used for auditions.
Second of all, like I said earlier, Patty and Henry interacting frequently in the play is not news to me.
Like, I just don’t really see the firm link between the auditions and the promo stuff/I don’t see how that points to Henry being George. Patty and George interacting frequently and Patty and Henry interacting frequently doesn’t mean that Henry is George. It just means that Patty (as we know) is a core character who’s going to be interacting frequently with multiple characters.
Third of all, regardless of how often they put Patty and Henry together in promo stuff, and regardless of how often George and Patty interact in the audition tapes, that still doesn’t change all of the issues that don’t align with George being Henry (all of the stuff that I mentioned earlier), especially since the play has repeatedly been confirmed to be canon material & the Duffers have even been talking with the TFS team while writing S5 & making the TFS team change things so that everything aligns lore-wise:
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So, all of the evidence that points to Henry not being George isn’t something that can just be overlooked because it’s a separate play/they aren’t just taking creative liberties with ages etc because it’s all canon & they’re working hard to make sure that it all lines up lore-wise with the show. And lore-wise, Henry is 12, which doesn’t line up with Patty’s age (based on her comments in the audition about how long she’s been hiding in the confession booth throughout her life), and also doesn’t align with George talking about prom and prom queen etc.
Hopefully this answers your questions, anon! :DD
It’s not a matter of me not wanting Henry to be George- it’s simply a matter of me not believing that he is George. I’m far more inclined to believe that Allen Munson is George, especially since the auditions didn’t use codenames for characters who aren’t brand-new characters (such as Hopper, his audition didn’t have a codename), so it wouldn’t make sense for them to use a code name for Henry. But it WOULD make sense for them to use a code name for Allen Munson, because he’s technically a new character, just like Patty.
If I seem particularly annoyed about the whole thing/about Henry supposedly being George, it’s not actually because I despise the idea- I’m annoyed a.) because the evidence doesnt support it and b.) because people are acting like it’s confirmed canon that Henry is George & trying to dunk on me for being wrong about him not being George when the reality is that it’s not confirmed whatsoever. The casting announcements didn’t give us ANY new information about who George was- all the casting did was tell us that Henry was going to be in the play- something we already knew! None of the code names have been revealed. There’s nothing in the casting that proves that George is Henry, and yet, for some reason, people are acting like it’s confirmed, which is where i get frustrated. I’m not even frustrated that people disagree with me, just frustrated that they’re acting like it’s concrete confirmed canon when it’s absolutely not.
Anyway, thank you again, anon! :DD If I seemed annoyed with you at all, I’m not, that’s just how i talk/I’m slightly frustrated with Other People acting like it’s 100000% confirmed that Henry is George.
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tonyisdead-02 · 24 hours
Coming to terms with my asexuality.
I've always love romance in any shape or form, childhood friends whose hangouts turn into dates and their friendship bracelets now have a different meaning, elderly couples spending whatever time they have left with each other, a middle age person falling in love with another and feeling like a teenager again, coworkers who are too shy to confess but they take extra hours just to be close to the other. People holding hands and staring at each other like they are infinite, it makes my heart fuzzy the way they just drown in their embrace, melting away in warmth, love, longing...
...And desire, and just like that the fantasy dies for me.
A lot of this stories have at least one mention of the couple having sex, even if it's not explicit it's still there, like them kissing in the hallway after a fun date, almost devouring their mouths, they enter the room and the scene fades to black. They didn't show anything but we all know what happened.
The moment you get old enough to experience puberty the adults (sometimes people your age also do it but it's especially the adults) won't stop talking about how you're gonna have a partner, how you're gonna go in dates and parties were teenagers make out in the couch or have sex whenever they can, your parents might even forbid you close the door when someone your age comes over because what are two teenagers in a room going to do if not have sex?
I'm not saying it's not important to have this conversations, after all teenagers do have sex and some of them talk about it like their lives depend on it.
It's just kinda painful to hear.
Sitting in lunch and hearing your classmates talk about things they did with their partners and how they love each other so much they sneak out to kiss, going to a party with friends and trying to ignore couples making out in every corner, people your age talking about how they thought they didn't like sex until they tried and now they love it, some even say if you dont have sex then what you have is no different than friendship. You can't just go home and scape because your family starts bothering you saying things like "Do you like someone?" "You know you can talk to me about this stuff" "I was your age, I know what teenagers do" "Boys only want one thing"
And if you do talk to them about not wanting to have sex or how you just don't feel it, they start saying you're a late bloomer, how everyone feels it eventually and it's only natural to do it, or how they want grandkids and can't wait to experience that with you.
I try to scape to fantasy but even there sex is a big deal, the lovers have sex as an ultimate act of love, the lovers won't see each other for a very long time so they have sex, the lovers go to a hotel after a beautiful wedding and have sex, or there's stories about how one of them feels miserable for not having sex so they have an affair and falls in love with the affair partner.
No matter where I look, sex is there.
So when everyone around you talks about how this is extremely important and you don't feel the need to do it, you start to feel very lonely.
But how can it be posible? I read about sex, even tho I don't do it to satisfy something other than curiosity, I do it like I'm a scientist studying the behavior of a strange species and I draw sex like it's something beautiful yet only exists in fiction.
I know myself, I know the mere thought of someone being so close it's gross and scary and just impossible, I know I don't experience those "butterflies" or that tingling sensation people describe, yet I crave it, not because I actually want to do it, but because if that's supposed to be the ultimate act of love then how would I ever experience love if I don't do it? Yes I know that's not exactly true and casual sex exist, but still at least they have it. Why does it feel so wrong not being able to feel it?
How can I yearn for something so desperately yet despise it so much?
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midgarmosquito · 2 years
sooo instead of fantastic beasts 2 and 3 (which sucked) i wish we just got a 10-ep series abt newt going across pre-ww2 europe & cataloguing magical creatures 🤷‍♂️
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maybe he noticed the creatures he had were oddly distrssed and went off to find the cause? maybe they sensed dark forces, aka. grindelwald's rise to power, the way birds can sense a storm
perhaps the creatures further east were more distrssed than those on the west? he couldve noticed that on his usual travels, or read some vague reports in the daily prophet
but ofc, the wizarding world doesnt rly care much abt magical creatures yet at this point. so the reports are pretty nonchalant and borderline joking
yet, they contain details that are pretty alarming to newt. maybe creatures harming themselves? or others? attacking muggle towns? herbivores suddenly hunting other animals? weird hybrids popping up that shouldn't even exist?
maybe its grindelwald experimenting with the idea of using creatures to gain power but psssst we dont know the reason yet ok
so newt sets off eastwards to figure our tf is going on. starting from britain and ending in ep 10 in romania (as we've learned in hp, romania has DRAGONS 🔥🔥🔥)
every ep has a different magical creature as the focus. some we know from hp (hippogriffs?), some are new. dark creatures (stuff from defense the dark arts classes in hp) also show up so there's action lol
and maybe grindelwald's minions are also on newt's tail? trying to stop him from sniffing around?
ofc jacob tags along because due to wizards not giving a fyck abt magical creatures yet, newt's only guides are local muggle rumors and fairy tales. and newt's a very awkward wizard, while jacob is an incredibly likable and normal man to whom villages readily open up
tina tags along too, because she's an american auror and is trying to figure out whatever dark forces could be gathering (but might be doing that in secret from local authorities cause politics).
theseus is there for the same reason except from the british ministry
we could have a slow burn romance with tina where newt's rly awkward and tina's rly reserved but they clearly care abt each other & over time & experiences, they bond
like newt has no idea how to be in a relationship or show feelings and might even doubt if there's space in his life for another person, considering how long he's been alone and how obsessed he is with his work. he's also kinda always been alone so it's all a strange new situation for him
tina, on the other hand, is incredibly guarded and careful to the point of seeming cold. over time she learns that yes, some people can be trusted.
oh and both learn to actually communicate lol
theseus has actually persuaded the ministry to send him (with some difficulty) because he was worried abt newt and wanted to be around to help. but he doesn't admit this, at first claiming the ministry made him come and that it's even a hassle for him.
he cares abt newt but theseus is a very regular dude who thinks newt's very weird. he loves his brother but struggles to relate to him at all. maybe even infantalizes him a bit? is overbearing?
over time he kinda Gets what newt wants to do and gets a newfound respect for him and learns to accept his weirdness and learns boundaries. and, again, communication lessons for both
i dunno how to shoehorn queenie into this but yeah she could be here too... if i think of a good pretext lol maybe she's just following jacob along
and queenie & jacob are very lovey-dovey but maybe they struggle with the realization that being together might mean being ostractized by their communities
maybe they get rly dramatic and queenie does an Edward Cullen like going "I never loved you" and breaks his heart because she believes he's better off without her
but ofc it horribly backfires and she admits what she did and the whole thing is a mess and they do get back together. but like everyone else, they learn to Communicate
and our merry band of misfits visits both other wizarding schools mentioned in hp (i dont remember their names sorry 😔🤡)
the french school has fairies and half-fairies in it and they have a connection to nature. so they give newt's concerns more attention than anyone else so far. newt's pretty stoked abt that, but there isn't much they can do. maybe the headmaster is too sceptical, despite other staff willing to help newt. maybe grindelwald's dark influence has spread, and the headmaster mistrusts foreigners, muggles, and wizards friendly with muggles as a result
the german school is far less welcoming. maybe they think he's a weirdo too. here grindelwald's influence is even stronger. but perhaps a student or young teacher comes out to help regardless of directive. maybe out of respect for newt's pure guts, wandering dangerous forests and risking everything for his beliefs. after all, their school values being stoic, and this student considers newt to fit this ideal. maybe they help the group find a giant (but i dont think giants are technically magical creatures...?) or an ice monster or something
i've always been fascinated by those other magical school, but we never got a glimpse. so i'd love it if they were very creative and had detailed interiors and exteriors. maybe the french one is an enormous living tree? maybe the german one is entirely underground?
along the way we might also meet other characters, both muggles and wizards, who help or hinder our heroes' journey. maybe we also meets other authors of future hogwarts books, or parents of known characters in hp. neville's parents are an idea, but i dunno if it's possible timeline-wise 🥴
along the way jacob helps a lot using the skills he has (strong social skills, loyalty, a good heart, maybe also knowledge of muggle affairs) and as such is a counterpoint to grindelwald's philosophy of wizard superiority
oh and in ep 1 newt has a near-death experience with a magical creature. rather than blaming the creature, he's understanding and just says the creature was distressed. (other people think he's insane, though.) this does scare him, though - what would happen to his beloved creatures if he was done? what about his body of work? his painstakingly acquired knowledge of magical creatures?
so he starts compiling his notes and writing a book, with doubles as an instruction manual on how to care for magical creatures. but he has no one to pass on his notes to, and it bothers him
maybe he tried to give the notes to dumbledore, but dumbledore smiles and says to give him the book when it's fully done
(dumbledore's lobbying in hogwarts to introduce care of magical creatures as a subject, but wont tell newt yet since its still uncertain)
oh and the eps can start with newt narrating the corresponding parts of his book. the ep's very first shot is always that shaggy, agressive meanace of a book we see in hp. then we see newt's hand carefully patting it, opening it, then reading
over time, he learns to trust his companions, and they begin to understand his work. maybe in like ep 9 he opens up abt his fear of dying and not being able to take care of his menagerie. so they all promise to care abt the creatures using newt's book, should anything happen to him
obv it does, he dies in ep 10 😭 maybe by sacrificing himself while trying to stop grindelwald from enchanting a dragon to do his evil bidding or something
his companions are sad ofc and they do keep caring abt his creatures. we see a montage of all of them doing so, jacob clumsily trying to feed some huge creature, theseus getting bitten, tina sadly stroking the back of some bird-like or horse-like thing
we can have a post-credits scene where, many years later, hagrid's teaching care of magical creatures. maybe fondly talking abt newt and wishing he could've met the man who Understood so deeply why all creatures matter
so yeah thats the kind of fantastic beasts content i crave and think about
and this is how i chose to spend my morning 😃 detailing my imaginary series into the void 😃
jk i regret nothing, this was rlyy fun to brainstorm about ☺🥰
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