#i'd tap that
melliemelons · 4 months
Shadowheart is my wife, and I will not listen to anything else.
Let's be honest, though. All the BG3 characters are hot as hell. 🔥 I may need to do a bit more "fan art" later on~
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ivy475 · 5 days
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I have a weakness for men in wifebeaters. Look at Bill's arms. Look at his legs. He's trying to kill me.
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sombramainexe · 1 year
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Femboy Legolas. Am I the only one that sees it? Kinda wish this was the art for Legolas, Master Archer, so I could make Femboy Fight Club
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Kornelijus Budrys
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mytinderfails · 3 months
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Bonus post: Actually, with a face like that I presume she fucks like a mink and has kinks even God hasn't heard of. I don't recall which direction I swiped but I know I could not keep up if I tried so it was probably left.
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exorbitant-interest · 11 months
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"I'd tap that...".
"Credit line!"
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boomkitty86 · 1 year
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catsharky · 8 months
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I'm sobbing and clawing at the screen begging Larian to just let my Tav give more hugs because so many of these characters need it.
WIP cause this is getting colours, I just like how the lines look
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larsnicklas · 2 months
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"you touch either 9 or 19 and the other one's gonna come flying in." + bonus: matthew cannot and will not stop yapping...
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chipped-chimera · 3 months
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Finally got a fancy(tm) pic of my aquarium - think I figured out the solution to awful photos is just I have to do them at night because the hugeass window in my room directly adjacent ruins everything. Going to try and take a pic like this weekly to track growth!
Anyway it's looking close? Closeish? to being cycled so the question is: WHAT COLOUR SHRIMP
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..WELL! Everybody ELSE seems to be doing it,
...and there ARE a lot of Narrator (& Stanley) designs I've been meaning to try and, at the very least, DOODLE,,,;
Though I will apologize for if getting all of them done and dusted takes longer than expected. But I'm WILLING to TRY!!
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ghouljams · 9 months
it’s my bday today so i’m kindly asking if you can write a bday thingy for goose and ghost? like it’s either one of their birthdays and how they would be during that day.
I have some 1870s Goose and Ghost queued for later, but we can do some modern birthday babes. Here is Goose knowing Ghost, because to love is to be known. Also eeeeeey fellow Virgo.
Ghost's birthday is not something he celebrates. In fact he's managed to keep it quiet for long enough to be redacted on most dossiers of information. Obviously he has a birthday, and someone must know it, but he hasn't told anyone for quite some time. You are not about to let that slide. Not when your daddy knows it.
It takes very little coaxing to get the exact date out of your father. His bear trap memory finally serving your personal whims. You waste no time popping the date on your calendar and starting your planning. Simon finds out you know about a week before the day.
He corners you in the barn, because where else does he corner you, and politely demands to know what you're planning. You are, unfortunately, adamant that it remain a surprise. You both know there's no changing either of your minds once they're made up. This makes him irritable all week. You don't see what the big deal is, but Simon is snappy. Anxious, you think. He doesn't like surprises.
He's worse the day of. He seems to wake up in a bad mood, and when he snaps at you over breakfast he only seems to get worse. He and Soap get into it over the horses. He gets into it with Gaz over how to unload hay. You're almost worried your dad will tell you to cancel his birthday with how poorly he's behaving. Especially after the fight he gets into with him over spilling the beans on the fact he actually has a day to celebrate.
When you're both finally back in your house after work he's right on the edge of explosion. Tossing his hat on the chair by the door and swearing at his boots as he tugs them off. You cross your arms and watch him throw his little tantrum with more concern than actual anger.
"Alright, let's have it." He huffs. You raise a brow.
"Have what?" You don't like his tone, but it's his birthday so you're giving him a pass.
"The party, or whatever you have planned. Give me the details, I'm not doing the surprise thing."
"You hate parties." You remind him.
"And yet here we are," He swipes his hand in front of him. You look around the room.
"Exactly, here we-" You point between the two of you, "-are."
"What?" He frowns, losing a little steam. You screw your mouth to the side, furrow your brow. You're not really sure what he isn't getting.
"You hate parties, why would I throw you a birthday party?" You explain, it doesn't seem that hard to you. Pretty easy to understand actually.
"Then what are we doing?" He asks, suspicion still evident in his voice.
"Nothing," You shrug, "I have today's footie match taped, a bottle of decent bourbon, some cake, and a couple presents. I told Soap and Gaz that we'd be 'trying something new' tonight, so they won't bug us until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest, and I thought we might order pizza, if that's alright with you."
Simon stares at you, and you stare right back. You're not going to be intimidated by a man you know as well as you know yourself. The absolute idiot.
"I might cry," Simon's tone is flat, he's joking.
"Do not cry."
"Where's the cake?" He looks around the room.
"Are we lighting candles?"
"Only if you want to," You tell him, already scrolling through your usual pizza order on your phone.
"And the presents are-"
"Small, one of them's the bourbon, sorry to spoil the surprise." You smile at him, see his shoulders drop with relief. "It's your day Si, we're doing what you want to do." Another gentle reminder. You wonder what horrors he'd conjured up in his mind that had him picking fights with the whole farm.
"Whatever I want to do?" His eyes spark with excitement. You don't know if you like how quickly he's flipped this switch.
"Whatever you want to do," You agree, trying not to laugh at how relieved your boyfriend seems to barely even be celebrating his birthday.
"Fuck I love you," He breathes, scooping you up into his arms. It's not a big space but his long strides make it feel even smaller. The time between being picked up and being deposited on the bed is barely enough time to submit your pizza order. You figure it's probably best to get that in before Simon gets too singularly motivated.
"Happy birthday," You open your arms for him, holding him tightly when he climbs on top of you and presses your foreheads together.
"Thank you," He tells you with a smile, absolutely genuine.
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silencingspellsongs · 8 months
well you see it's quite simple. treasure was a twilight girlie in their teens and that's why they were so open to this hot stranger telling them that he was a vampire. they were thinking "ok this is so cringe but idk he's fine as hell and i was #teamedward so i guess i can let him hit and be embarrassed about him pretending to be a vampire later" and then he actually sank those fangs in and sucked their blood and it was all over from there
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joejoeba · 6 months
He/him lesbian Josuke who has curves like a supermodel but only wears leather jackets and gets weak in the knees if someone calls him Sir
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canisalbus · 9 months
How do you find pose references for all those gorgeous and cute and aaaaaaa drawings. H o w. Where. (<-from someone struggling to draw characters interacting)
(if you don't use references, take it as a compliment to your godly anatomy and posing skills)
I don't really use references for poses that much. I'm not sure how to explain this without sounding weird but when I'm about to draw something, I visualize it in my mind, and when it's character art I sort of see them as 3D models that can be posed and rotated. And I just sort of try to replicate that on paper, sometimes it's easy and sometimes it doesn't work out at all (a good reminder that when you browse someone's art, you usually only see the pieces that the artist is at least passably proud of, not the piles of failed projects that went nowhere).
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hyunsuksswife · 4 months
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