#i've been wanting this since 2014
tintinfinite · 11 months
After all these years...
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Greatness comes for those who wait.
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orokay · 1 year
So idk if I can really articulate the way I'm feeling rn to translate it perfectly, but I want you guys to know how much I truly appreciate everyone who's followed me over the years, who has interacted with me in any way no matter how small, and anyone who has shown up recently. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. It's probably cheesy to say but everyone here has made my life so much brighter and I feel so unbelievably blessed to have been invited into your lives in some way, even if it's just as someone who sometimes shows up on your dash.
I decided to scroll through my tag on here and the way people have supported me over the years though everything really, deeply touched my heart this evening. The people who have drawn fanart for me, the people who have commissioned me, the people who have tagged me in things (I cringe every time bc I feel soooo bad for not seeing them until I look in my tag once in a blue moon, but know I appreciate you trying to include me), the people who tag me when asked who their art inspirations or favorite blogs are (!!!!!!!!!??????), the people who post their art saying that my art inspired them in some way, people who express their excitement when they realize I've followed them (this will never stop being wild to me, what an incredible thing!!!! I'm just me!) everyone. It's absolutely mind boggling to me and I can't stress enough how much it means.
I've had such an incredible time on this site so far and met some of my closest friends here and just.. wow. Thank you so much to all of you, from the very bottom of my heart. I cannot thank you enough for all of your support!! Every little bit of interaction is a blessing to me and I've run out of ways to express that so I'll wrap this up here but yeah!! I hope you all have a lovely evening or whatever time of day it is in your time zone. Know that you've impacted me in a way I can't express and try to give yourselves a little grace, you'll never know how much you've improved the lives of the people around you by just spending a little time in their space ♥
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dbphantom · 4 months
Listen if you're gonna send me an ask about why I shouldn't interact with a person, can you at least do it off anon so I can request actual proof privately? I'm not replying to these since the only way to respond to them is publicly and I don't want to contribute to an unsubstantiated rumor about someone. That's not fair.
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pixlpawz · 3 days
thank you for the love on my fursona forecast post🩷
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devotionbled · 9 months
It makes me sad how close I am to wiping my muses on another platform. It feels like it's close to the end of an era, but the same issue kept cropping up. Boundaries being crossed. Or... my writing was just never enough, or too much. Writing was always something I loved and am passionate about, but that platform wreaked havoc on my own views surrounding my creativity. And there were a few creative concepts that are more understood here that weren't seen as the norm there.
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fazcinatingblog · 2 months
Wait since when does James wear a glove
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#James aish#beautiful boy#Carlton were mean to you Jimmy#i want to say he's copying Nat but no it was an elbow sleeve that Nat wore#nat drives James' car and finds a glove in the glove compartment and thinks he's having an affair with Travis Cloke#'jim when did you join Collingwood?'#'oh ah would've been around 2016' *nat does the maths* 'so you knew Travis cloke!'#'um yeah Nat everyone knows Travis Cloke he's---' 'a well respected member of the gay community?????'#nat starts fuming and worries he's losing his boyfriend to Travis cloke#'what does that big oaf have that i don't????' nat fumes#james comes home and there's several horses and donkeys in the kitchen#'nat??? did you leave the back door open again?' James calls out warily looking at the animals in his kitchen#nat comes running in to the kitchen 'oh i forgot to stir the soup' and#'babe there's donkeys in here' James says slowly and Nat flashes a grin 'yeah aren't they great we're having pumpkin soup your favourite'#'i haven't had pumpkin soup since Brisbane days when i was depressed eating cup a soups-- wait did you find my pocket profile from 2014???'#nat blushes and quickly throws a tea towels over his scrapbook of James Aish mementos#James starts leading the donkeys out of the kitchen and Nat's like 'wait Jim i thought you were into this thing'#'no definitely not' James retorts and takes the animals outside#he comes back and Nat's like 'babe i can't pack mark between three opponents any more I'm sorry'#James blinking confusedly 'i don't want you to do that you might get hurt'#'but...' nat says frowning 'what is it about Travis that you're into I've been racking my brain all day---'#'Travis?????' James said 'you mean coyler that tea drinking weasel who---'#Nat quickly pushes his cup of jasmine tea across the bench#'no babe i love you and your tea drinking i didn't mean it's just that Colyer-- he microwaves his tea'#'oh okay' Nat said 'yeah totally ok now back to Travis Cloke'#'Travis Cloke?????' james cries 'i haven't thought about him since i found that guernsey in your wardrobe signed by David---'#'i grew up a tigs fan Jim'#'oh phew i thought you were cheating on me with David'#'is that why you tried to grow a moustache that week?'
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imposterogers · 1 year
imagining you as an Important Tumblr Blogger with a full-time PA organizing your asks in order of urgency and briefing you on fandom drama for context like. "mr imposter rogers we have an urgent request for your take on bruce banner's favorite ex boyfriend that should be addressed before noon today. i took the liberty of deleting several anons about bucky's gender identity because they were clearly sent by the same person and fodder for a callout post."
In that alternate universe (where important tumblr bloggers exist and somehow I've conned my way into being one of them) my ask box is clear & I know peace
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christensen · 7 months
I'm so pissed off, i just saw someone on twitter calling out Snow fangirls and naming people stanning characters like him ("hot" but evil) "the anakin effect" as if liking anakin has been a mainstream phenomenon for longer than a month.
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ottiliere · 1 year
I've been following your blog for a little while now, I love your art and your long form posts are amazing, i was scrolling through your art and a cone heads song came up in my auto play and now I'm wondering what kind of music you like, sorry if this is kind of silly lol
woah... you know, I don't think I've ever gotten a "personal" ask before, hahaha. thank you for asking & thank you for the compliment! i mean my music taste is pretty eclectic (like most people's, I feel like) but my favorite artists are definitely leonard cohen, iggy pop, mark lanegan, and die Prinzen. Though, too, I really like ELO... richard o'brien... brewer & shipley... the who... spoon... cake... john cale... ween... beck... harley poe... abba... the list goes on... in all honesty I will listen to the same song on repeat dozens if not hundreds of times in a row once I find one I really like, and it would probably be easier to give you a list of songs that i've played on repeat than artists I "like" hahahaha. this is my #1 (357 times the week of february 1st):
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This song is off my favorite LC album and it's one of my favorites of his. It took me a while to come around to his voice (had to microdose him for a few years) but really everything about his music is unparalleled... I recommend listening to "Everybody Knows" since that's what did it for me. enjoy having your life changed forever
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sattinshore · 2 years
(and here's the playlist :P it's a total work in progress but I hope somebody out there likes it!!! :D)
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Ugh can i just not
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silkflovvers · 10 months
@staff @changes Your desktop layout changes suck tremendously. Put the user icons back on reblogs. Put the top bar navigation back where it should be. Put the mini Follow button next to usernames I don't follow.
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shadysidcrs · 1 year
@affectum || varen & ronan
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the woods are quiet in that particular way dreams are. there is no sound, but there is a strange sort of static that runs through the air. you can't see her, but you know she can hear you. she is in the trees, the sky, on the very earth you stand on. her eyes burning into your skin. it's funny sort of prickling. like tiny needles gently kissing every inch of you. there was once a time when you longed for the feeling. those days, the sensation meant you were home. the only place where you could take a breath without wishing it was your last. something's different now, though. as you realize you are more a tool than an equal. stupid and unbelievably naive, really think you would ever be equal to a goddess. that she would ever want you to rule over the ashes of the world you helped to destroy by her side. how you wanted to believe her. how you the thought that you may for once be the one on top made the blood rush through your veins. you're sitting by a river, there's never been a river before, you've never been particularly fond of bodies of water. aesthetically, yes. but in practice they just make things muddy and difficult. it feels like a river kind of night, though. and you don't know whether something feels different because you yearn for change, or because there's something profoundly wrong with the dream tonight. but you know that she is not here and that's all you need. you are blessedly alone for once. not even the nocs, ghastly little demons they are, have come to disturb you yet. you're busy building a little rose patch at your feet when you hear it. footsteps. heavy and loud and nothing like that of the creatures that live in this forest or their mistress. you're up in a blink, squinting through the trees without making a sound. in your hand there is now a sturdy axe, strong enough to cut a grown man in half yet light as air. you're so startled by the sight you almost drop the axe and chop off your own goddamn foot. he's taller than you, which is saying something. he's also twice your size and you have no doubt that if it weren't for the weapon in your hand, he'd have no trouble folding you in half in about five to ten seconds. your eyes meet his and there's something almost electric. that's when you realize he is not one of hers. whoever this is, it's not a dream. real? since when has anyone real entered this realm since you became its prisoner? you suppose you were real once too, and so was edgar. maybe she got tired of the delays and the excuses and found another lost soul to do her bidding. cruel of her to bring him here while you're still trapped. she could give you back your life. do you really want it back, varen? you hear her voice in your head, silky and ravenous at once. she's still trying to draw you near even as she replaces you. and sweet god, you want her. you want her so badly it feels like it might consume you from the inside out. "you're a new one" you manage between gasps of air. you don't dare move. "what did she tell you? did she promise the life you always dreamed of? power beyond your wildest dreams? she's a liar, you know! nothing but an illusion."
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
i could never send an ask with more than three words in it on anon i feel like anyone who’s been following me more for more than two days would clock me immediately
#this sounds self-aggrandizing#it's not that i think everyone reads enough of me to recognize how i talk it's that i feellike the way i talk/type is easily recognizable#for some reason#also i've never sent hate on anon ever i've only ever sent nice stuff i was too shy to say with my name attached to it#like this one time in high school (in 2017!) i sent this whole thing to this guy from one of my classes who had tweeted that he had just#come out to his friend and that it had gone well etc and i was like oh we know each other irl (why i said that i don't know) we talked once#or twice but we don't know each other that well but i just wanted to say i'm really glad that went well for you i'm really proud of you :)#and then OF COURSE he was like oh that's really nice. who are you? and he talked about it for weeks (on twitter)#and at one point someone told him (this was on curious cat btw) i think i can help you find who sent you that AND THEY DID? THEY FOUND ME?#to this day i don't know who that person was and i don't know how they did it and we had no mutuals in common or anything we weren't in the#same twitter circles at all!!! anyway we've been mutuals ever since because he was like well i wanna follow you now (lmao) and like he's#a nice guy i didn't want to block him it was fine we would talk occasionally but we never became friends we were just. twitter mutuals who#had that one class together. it was two classes together actually and also we went ona school trip to norway together. but anyway#we still follow each other he's just not that active on twitter anymore#see how i'm too nice for my own good? being a good person is sooo exhausting...#in 2014 i sent my crush stuff on anon on ask.fm#did you guys also have that#and like i say: brf slt
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safyresky · 2 years
An aside (if it isn't already obvious lmao): I've started watching critical role LIVE and cannot help but to reblog right after bc it's WILDIN, anyway, if you:
don't like seeing critical role
don't like seeing cr spoilers
don't like seeing EITHER of those things
I'm tagging the FUCK out of spoilery reblogs with the following: critical role, cr3, cr spoilers, cr3e37, so please blacklist accordingly! :)
Regular critical role posts will be tagged with critical role, and most likely cr3 as I have not watched the first and second campaigns (couldn't get into c1, tried c2 but only made it 7 episodes in about 3 months and went FUCK IT. cr3's bells hells are just so DELIGHTFULLY weird that I am. I am INVESTED.)
You WON'T see owl house spoilers here, as another aside, since the fiance is watching it with me and he's helping ym family with some roofing this weekend so I'm going to try VERY HARD to blacklist and wait for him before watching thanks to them 🤐🤐🤐
and if there's anyone floating around here who's newer to the hellsite, here's a funky little article about how to blacklist content you don't wanna see!
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ba-a-bble · 2 months
Does anyone else feel like self love is a trap?
Okay, hot take, so hear me out (actually, maybe don't). We are literally being force fed solutions for self hatred everywhere we look. Feel ugly? Buy this face cream! Feel fat? Try this diet shake! Feel unwanted? Wear this new celebrity brand! Etc. Like there's always new fixes. New things to do & ways to spend your money, thoughts and time. And this time? It'll work for sure. There's hope. So much hope.
But by the time you get over that and know your worth is not your appearance; you'll start realizing the systemic nature of where these issues originate from. And then what? It's so overwhelming. There's no easy fix. No picture perfect model in a TikTok ad giving me instructions on how to change the system. No one's advertising a meal replacement to cure racism on my Pinterest feed. We cling to the idea that voting will get our voices heard (please vote). But will it really? Isn't that part of an inherently flawed system? Literally hand me a guillotine already.
Buying a face mask and starving myself was so much easier.
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