#ideal gf
hatsunepiku2009 · 1 year
Your aborted girlfriends would have done none of those things sirs
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rucow · 6 months
i cant wait to get some rest and draw voryn again next week i miss the skrunkly sm 🥺
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jocrude · 1 year
Killing Stalking (2016)
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akinkysublr · 2 years
Let's start off with one of my favorites
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daily-hanamura · 7 months
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nouveaumoon · 3 months
♥ happy valentine's day! ♥
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kingpains · 11 months
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got to see the @narcissistcookbook in dallas, thoroughly enjoyed it
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queen-of-torches · 2 months
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Original under the cut
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nanamelody · 25 days
tipo ideal nct dream / MARK version! 𖤐⤸..
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• Mark é um líder nato, super confiante e carismático.
• Sinto que ele queira uma pessoa que seja confiante também, sem muitos problemas consigo mesma.
• Talvez ele se relacione bem com alguém madura o suficiente, até mesmo para evitar brigas e discussões desnecessárias.
• Claro que quando eu digo madura, não quero dizer que a pessoa tem que ser uma senhora de 70 anos, muito menos chata.
• Ela deve ter um bom senso de humor, do tipo que ri de todas as baboseiras que ele falasse, mas não de um jeito escandaloso, e levasse a vida de um jeito leve.
• Mas, porém, todavia, entretanto, não sei muito bem o motivo, mas acho que o Mark adoraria uma namorada UM POUCO mais séria. Ela teria um senso de humor sofisticado, mas não pareceria uma boba alegre. Teria os momentos engraçados, mas saberia respeitar os momentos que requerem seriedade.
• Antes, ele dizia que gostava de uma menina que não leva nada a sério, mas não consigo ver uma relação com ele dando certo assim. Markinhos já é um homem crescidinho.
• Ela deve se dar bem com todos os meninos mas, principalmente com os dreammies (sinto que eles são mais família, sabe?)
• Mark adoraria ver a namorada ser aceita como parte do grupo mesmo, uma pessoa muito querida por todos.
• Nada me tira da cabeça que uma menina que use óculos de grau, que goste de ler e seja bastante inteligente mexeria completamente com o coração do nosso Markinhos.
• A timidez (controlada) seria uma coisa que Mark valorizaria muito. A propósito, acho que ele ficaria caidinho por uma menina que fosse um pouquinho mais recatada.
• Se a menina tivesse um sorriso bonito — e mostrasse ele com frequência — poderia considerar-se dona do coração dele.
• Mark valorizaria meninas um pouco mais femininas, talvez com cabelos longos e escuros, e que se cuidam bastante (fazem unhas, cabelo e cuidam da pele como se fosse uma jóia).
• A chave de acesso para o coração do Lee é alguém que age completamente diferente a sós com ele. Simpática, porém um pouco recatada na frente dos amigos, mas uma piadista sozinha com ele.
• Também acho que ele apreciaria qualquer toque ou momento íntimo quando estivesse completamente sozinho com ela. Assim, ele conseguiria se soltar um pouco mais.
• Por fim, ela teria que ter muito amor para dar. Deveria mostrar que ela ama somente a ele e passar confiança. Seria a fã número 1 do seu trabalho, sempre o incentivando e acariciando suas costas quando ele estivesse cansado demais ou desapontado com algo que aconteceu na empresa.
• Mark é um boyfriend material 💖
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frothy-commissions · 8 months
I had a dream that Fionna and Cake made Fionna, Gumball, and Marshall an open poly and I feel like my third eye was forced open.
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dollsuguru · 1 month
might actually write the tangled!au of rapunzel!suguru & flynn ryder!reader OR i might make the samurai!geto fic more sillier than i had originally planned 😭 i may do that actually hmm……… basically i need suguru to Bonk reader on the head regardless of what au it is
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deer-trees · 2 months
A Series Of Unfortunate Events, by Roscoe Deertrees
-sign lease for new apartment with gf! but we need a place to sit
-buy a couch at a furniture store and qualify for store partnered credit card to finance monthly payments
-lose my wallet in the furniture store, ask about it only minutes later after I notice it's gone, no one has seen it but they say they'll call if they do
-walk of shame home several states over, order new bank cards
-forgot to give gf her set of keys for new apartment and she is moving in before me
-taxes approaching, cannot pay the stupid tax website for my state filing fee with no credit card
-move-in date for gf approaching, cannot pay to send the keys in express shipping envelope at the post office with no credit card or means to withdraw cash
-no call from furniture store about my wallet, potentially stolen
-new bank cards have still not arrived
-furniture store credit card arrives! perhaps not all hope is lost! With a credit card I can pay my state filing fee and express shipping for the keys and-
-card can only be used in the furniture store, the furniture store where I lost my wallet, which caused all of my problems in the first place
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bylertruther · 2 years
y'all are gonna hate me for this one but i think it's worth nothing that eleven levels up and develops more as a person whenever she breaks up with mike, and how the vines were tightening around her as he was giving his speech and roping them back into a romantic relationship/context (not his fault btw no mike slander here + it's complicated), but when she's reviving max the source that she pulls her power, focus, and resolve from are memories where max is reminding her to be her OWN person, that she doesn't need anyone else, and she is more than enough as she is with "not hopper. not mike. you." and "there's more to life than stupid boys."
she performs a miracle by believing in herself and the one and first ever person that ever taught her to do so. the girl who viewed her not as a superhero that happens to be a girl, but a girl that happens to be a superhero, too. the girl who encouraged her to grow and change and put herself first. that's who and what give her the courage to fight on.
like literally how much more clear do they need to make it that her romantic relationship with him is holding her back? just look at seasons three and four as well as how the flashback they used for mike's speech was of her in the woods which is undoubtedly a nod to the fact that he doesn't see her as she is now and is stuck in the past while she desperately wants to move forward.
i just. !!!!! i'm sorry but Be Serious Please we can admit this and be real about it. it's okay. it does not make either of them a terrible awful character okay We Can Say It! It's Okay! and i focused on el's perspective here, but the show makes it exceedingly clear that they are not compatible in this way at all and that this relationship is something that makes them both feel worse about themselves in serious ways. they don't have a strong foundation between them to fall back on and they won't be able to move forward and fix things between them until they forge one. everything is shit because at the end of the day they don't feel secure or comfortable with each other in a way that actually matters.
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m0nochromem0use · 5 months
oh also what if i said nerdy prudes must die (the song) and cantrip coming back as a spirit(?) to kick the shit out of william. what then
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wastedunicorn · 1 year
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Class of ‘72 📣
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theygender · 2 months
I switched to buying the happy egg brand recently bc I know chickens are the most abused farm animal and I figured paying a couple extra bucks for some of them to have at least a marginally better life was a fair trade off, and I've been really happy with it. Today when I went to boil some eggs for breakfast I found that the two eggs I picked out were different sizes and for some reason that was so charming to me. Like... It makes it feel more real. These are real eggs that come from real chickens who have a somewhat decent quality of life. Hens naturally lay eggs of different sizes, and I feel like it's probably a good sign that an "imperfection" like that was allowed to exist rather than the company being set up in a way where hens are just made to keep pumping out eggs until they can replace all the natural variation with "perfect" ones
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