#if anyone has a funny name idea please lmk <3
snouse · 1 year
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funnie little bugsnak from my dreams :)
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bucketsofmonsters · 1 year
Big fan here! I’ve been rereading a lot of your work lately and it literally helped me mentally through college, especially ghost stories and willing sacrifice, i have so many questions i hope they don’t sound rude if so please feel free to ignore them!
1. was one of your inspirations for the witch’s apprentice rapunzel? Hope no one asked this before
2. Do you avoid describing the characters on purpose? I like to imagine my own version of them when i read but ngl it gets hard sometimes but maybe that’s me being uncreative
3. Do you recommend any media for the poor monsterfuckers such as myself? Especially dating games and anime?
Hi, thank you so so much for both the kind words and the ask, I absolutely love answering questions like this!! So glad to hear I could help you through college <3
It honestly wasn't but that's also a really fun comparison, I really enjoy stories where characters are forced into one location, isolation is one of my fav themes to explore. The main inspo was the fact that Eden has been one of my ocs for years and years and I rlly wanted to find a way to write about her and her apprentice-turned-reader lol. It's a pretty small sliver of her story but I love writing about her
So if you're talking about my reader characters, I do avoid describing them whenever possible, I don't want to exclude anyone so I try to be really careful with my word choices. (which is funny because they do tend to be the characters I have the best idea of their names and what they look like before I scrub them of their serial numbers to make them a reader character) As for other characters, it very much is not on purpose lol, so I have this thing called aphantasia which basically just means I cannot visually imagine literally anything. Because of that, when I was younger I always found character descriptions really irritating because I couldn't do any imagining so they didn't really do anything for me so I would pretty habitually skip descriptions. This has effectively made me forget they are supposed to exist and also made it so I am fairly unfamiliar with what should be in a description so they always feel weird and clunky to me when I do write them lol. My wonderful friends remind me for my big projects like my novels but for shorter stuff for tumblr, I just have a list of like 4 traits that I'll try and mention Somewhere but other than that, they tend to get avoided and/or accidentally skipped
I'm so bad at consuming actual media, most of my monster fuckery is from other lovely authors on tumblr. I will always rec the Predator movies bc I love yautja but then again, I still prefer peoples stories to the actual movies lol. Best of luck finding some good stuff out there, if you do find any lmk I'd love to hear about it
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jounetsunosymphonia · 3 years
Alex in Wonderland (Mankai Stage Spring 2019 translation)
translation for the stage version of spring’s second play! song can be found in full here
i’m including a little bit of spoken lines before the song starts because...yeah. it’s technically still part of the thing. but u just won’t get to hear it and i’m sorry for that.
cast list Usui Masumi (Makishima Hikaru) as Alex Chigasaki Itaru (Tateishi Toshiki) as Mad Hatter, Professor Minagi Tsuzuru (Maekawa Yuuki) as White Rabbit, Usaka Sakuma Sakuya (Yokota Ryugi) as Cheshire Cat, Nekota Citron (Furuya Yamato) as King of Hearts, Shintani (i’m not sure this is actually his name i can’t hear very well and i don’t have the script sdjfndjsh if anyone knows lmk!!)
[bell chimes]
Shintani: A~h. They’re late.
Nekota: Hey!
Usaka: Sorry to keep you waiting!
(all three of them like, fist bumping and going EYYYY at each other. yeah)
Usaka: So something really funny happened at my club today--
Nekota: Oh, if it isn’t Alex! Good morning--
Alex: (walks past them)
Nekota: Eh, he’s totally ignoring us? Don’t you recognise us? It’s Nekota, Usaka, and Shintani!
Shintani: We’re in the same class so...let’s be friends! (holds out his hand for a fist bump c’mon alex don’t leave him hanging like that)
Alex: No thanks, I’m not interested. (sits down to read his book)
Usaka: Man, he’s sour. What’s he even coming to school for?
Shintani: (puts his hand down with the most hurt look on his face i’m so sad)
Nekota: Nah, it’s fine, right? Everyone’s different! But anyway-- (nekota and usaka exit)
Shintani: (running after them) What is it~?
Professor: Now, are you sitting here reading on your own again? Why don’t you act a little more like a college student and go have fun with your friends?
Alex: That would be a waste of my time. Books give me knowledge, meanwhile all they can give me are pointless conversations and boredom.
Professor: Though you might hate humans, you like animals, do you not?
Alex: For the most part, yes, but...that’s because they’re fluffy. Fluffiness can heal people, it’s not pointless at all.
Professor: Do you really hate useless things so much?
Alex: Of course. I didn’t come to university to waste time being unproductive.
Professor: Hmm. Productivity, you say. ...Alex, say there is a treasure of gold that only your friends can see, but is invisible to you. What could it be?
Alex: If we think about it logically, Professor, a situation like that could never exist in reality. Therefore, the only conclusion is that it is a dream. Please stop with the pointless questions.
Professor: Alex, what you have in intelligence, you lack in imagination. Here, try drinking this. (SIR DON’T OFFER YOUR STUDENT ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES. SIR.)
Alex: And this is?
Professor: Plain black tea. Perhaps it’ll help loosen up your rigid way of thinking.
Alex: I doubt it, but I’ll take your word for it. I know you won’t let me leave til I drink it, anyway...
Professor: You’re a tough one, as usual.
(alex drinks the tea and stuff starts to get funky! from this point onward is the actual song)
White Rabbit: Oh dear, I’m late! You, get out of my way!
Alex: What’s with the ears? You’re in college, but you’re still dressing up like that?
White Rabbit: Enough of that, just let me through. It’ll all be over for me if I’m late!
(commotion ensues as white rabbit tries to carry alex out of the way, and throws him down to wonderland)
Alex: Ah---!
White Rabbit: I’m going to be terribly late!
Professor: Now, Alex. It’s time to search for that golden treasure!
(i’m not typing this all out it’s the same lalala as in wonderland a go go dnfjsdhsd)
Cheshire Cat That’s my favourite napping spot Get out of the way! Go away!
Alex: What are you--?! Where am I...
Cheshire Cat I’m Cheshire and this is Wonderland!
Alex: Wonderland, you say? That’s absurd! Even making me put on this kind of costume...
Alex I need to return to my own world Have you seen someone with white rabbit ears?
Cheshire Cat If you mean White Rabbit, he’s seeing the King
Alex Take me there, he’s the one who brought me here
Cheshire Cat You’re one to demand something of me! Well, it’s fine~! This fellow and the King should be fun to see
[spring telepathy time part 1] Sakuya: (Isn’t this amazing, Masumi-kun? It’s only the first show, but we’ve already settled down like this!)
Masumi: (You seem like you’re enjoying yourself, as usual.)
Sakuya: (Yeah! Maybe it isn’t enough for me to just be doing that, but...this really is fun!)
(more funny stuff where they’re thinking while still acting as the character bc...sakuya is talking as himself here, but    walking on all fours as cheshire. and masumi is responding to him perfectly normally. it’s hilarious.)
Cheshire Cat: Follow me.
Masumi: (That’s fine...I think you’re fine that way.)
King of Hearts: The court has decided, the White Rabbit will be put to death.
White Rabbit: Please wait. I was only late by three seconds!
King of Hearts: For the crime of stealing away my time, White Rabbit is sentenced to death. Off with his head!
Alex: Wait. Don’t just murder that rabbit!
King of Hearts: What is it to you? Are you a friend of his?
Alex: No. But I need him around.
King of Hearts: Then you can take his place.
Alex: Eh?
King of Hearts: We’ll have another trial by croquet just for this. Now, the preparations for the trial!
Alex: Hold on. This is a flamingo and a hedgehog.
King of Hearts: And what of it?
Alex: I can’t do this...not to these cute little babies...
King of Hearts: Then you have chosen death. Off with his head!
[spring telepathy time part 2] Citron: (I’m saying the lines properly. I’m getting better at Japanese!)
Masumi: (If you’re going to act onstage, that’s only to be expected.)
Citron: (I hate kings, but I like this role. I’ll move upstage more like you said, Masumi!)
Masumi: (Good. We’ll get along better if you’re not forcing it.) (you all need to know that this entire time he’s just holding the flamingo and hedgehog plushies to his chest like little baby. son.)
White Rabbit: Ah--! I guess I don’t have a choice, do I?
King of Hearts(??? i think): What are you--
White Rabbit: Take that! (he smacks the cards. it’s cute.) Let’s go. This is thanks for you saving me. That way, I don’t owe you anything!
King of Hearts: What do you think you’re doing! Seize them!
White Rabbit: Whew, we finally shook them off...
Alex: Tell me how to get back to the surface.
White Rabbit: No idea.
Alex: Huh?
Cheshire Cat: My, my, looks like you finally found White Rabbit~
Alex: And yet I haven’t achieved my goal. I want to return to the surface.
Cheshire Cat: Then you should go ask the Hatter.
Alex: Professor?!
White Rabbit: This guy wants to go back to...his own world, he says.
Alex: If I drink that tea again, I should be able to return home! Mad Hatter: Now, I’ve never heard of anything like that. Isn’t that right? (directed at the audience) What do you all think we should do with this young man? Hmm, I see! Alex: ...who have you been talking to. Mad Hatter: Reality is not limited to what you can see. There are those in this world who sink a lot of money into things that cannot be seen. Like, say, items in a game.
Alex: I’m getting a headache...
[spring telepathy time part 3] Masumi: Don’t do weird adlibs like that.
Itaru: I told you, let’s just do things our own way. Besides, you look like you’re having fun too. Is that for the director?
Masumi: Of course. But today, it’s not just that. Acting...is fun.
Itaru: Hmm~? What was that?
Masumi: Shut up!
Mad Hatter Then I shall tell you! The world is always the world that you are in!
Alex: Huh?
Mad Hatter You are me, and he is you, and I am he
Alex: Enough of the Zen questions and answers! Just send me back to the world I came from!
Mad Hatter The only one who can rescue you from what you’re telling me is yourself.
King of Hearts: Found you!
Alex: What are you doing here?!
Mad Hatter: You ask why, well, that’s the King’s seat.
King of Hearts: Off with his head!
Alex: Wait! I don’t want to die here!
King of Hearts: Then you should ask one of your friends. If the White Rabbit will take his place, then Alex will live.
White Rabbit: I don’t owe him anything anymore. In the first place, we aren’t even friends.
King of Hearts: And you?
Mad Hatter: You must be joking. I have no need for friends.
King of Hearts: And you?
Cheshire Cat: Isn’t having friends pointless?
Alex: Haha...we’d get along. I feel the same way.
Alex: ...get along...? You are me...he is you...I am he...could it be that this world is my subconscious? How absurd!
King of Hearts: For the crime of having no friends, you are sentenced to death!
Alex: You’re only being so aggressive because you do want friends, don’t you?
King of Hearts: Huh? Just who do you think you’re talking to?!
Alex: You’re lonely. So you push everyone away to protect yourself.
King of Hearts: How do you know that?
Alex: ...because I’m the same.
King of Hearts: What...?
Alex: So...if you’ll have me...can we be friends?
King of Hearts: Friends...with me?!
Alex: I don’t know what it’s like to have friends, so I was afraid of having anything to do with anyone. You’re the same, aren’t you? But since we’re each other’s first friends, even if we’re both awkward, we’ll be able to forgive each other.
[spring telepathy part 4] Masumi: Tsuzuru, this is just what’s in the script and not my own words.
Tsuzuru: But you’re acting it out even better than I expected!
Masumi: Of course I am. For Director’s sake...and because I’m an actor.
Tsuzuru: They’re lines I don’t think you’d be able to say if you didn’t really think them, Masumi.
King of Hearts: Let’s...let’s be friends!
Alex: I also want you to stop doing terrible things to animals.
King of Hearts: I will. An official decree! Free all the animals, and all of the prisoners. Ten days of consecutive holidays for all the land!
White Rabbit: My dream vacation?!
Alex: He’s way too happy about this...
King of Hearts: Now, everyone! A party for the whole country, and a toast to my friend, Alex!
Everyone: Yay!!
the lalalas from wonderland a-go go
King of Hearts: Let’s carry Alex into the air!
Everyone: Yay! Heave-ho!
this is like, the part where it’s just alex and hatter for a bit and everyone goes away. like a dream. woooo.
Professor: Good morning. How are you feeling?
Alex: Awful. Like I just wasted a bunch of time.
Professor: That’s the answer to my earlier question. That which only you cannot see, is the treasure of spare time.
[i’ve lost count of the spring telepathy times] Itaru: So, do you get it? What it means to be an adult.
Masumi: Yes, with you as a cautionary tale.
Professor: Was it a bad dream?
Alex: I didn’t...hate it.
Professor: My! How honest.
Alex: I just don’t want any more of that tea.
Masumi: I won’t grow up to be like you.
Itaru: Well, if you’ve ever got any worries, you can come talk to me.
Masumi: No thanks. I’ve had enough of arcades.
Itaru: Come on, it’s the last scene.
Masumi: Don’t you tell me what to do. Let’s go.
Alex We are alone, but
Hatter We are not alone
Alex and Hatter If you close your eyes, Everyone will always be there smiling in your heart
Alex There, in Wonderland
Hatter (in Wonderland)
Alex I found
Alex and Hatter An important key
All Now unlock your dreams and your heart It’s a fantasy!
(and as always, they go into the actual song here. tl from the wiki, as usual.)
Alex Since I've fallen into this Wonderland, Why don't you and I go on a journey together?
Hatter Although this world is filled with uncertainty, As long as
Alex I'm with you
Alex and Hatter It seems like we'll be just fine.
Alex and Hatter Since we've fallen into this Wonderland, Why don't you and I go on a journey together? Although this world is filled with uncertainty, As long as I'm with you It seems like we'll be just fine As long as I'm with with you, it seems like we'll be just fine
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sparklingpax · 3 years
TFP Group Chat Stories - Autobots (#2)
The more popular request was for me to do another one of these, this time with the Autobots; here goes! I’ll be doing that rlly cool Decepticon idea sometime soon as well tho dw ;) Thanks y’all! ^^’’
So I’d like to note that after much talk, Optimus has at last dropped his habit of making an email out of every text, but still refuses to text casually 😹😹
Also also! The humans have their own groupchat (the kids) which I may or may not do a chat thing for as well ^w^’’ But this gc is for “all Autobots,” so the humans are a part of this one as well~ 
Except for Agent Fowler because he adamantly refused and was not swayed on that verdict. 
Ah, so with that aside, hopefully I can at least make you smile :’D 
Enjoy! <3
🔥✨🚑 *Tragic Hero Noises* 🚚✨🔥
Matrix-Bearer: Good afternoon, Autobots. I have been given lengthy instruction as to how this “group-chat” is supposed to function. You may thank the human children for our....suitable chat name. I have started this “group-chat” so we may better communicate as a team, coordinate plans, and altogether bond more deeply. I pray this marks the beginning of a new era in the midst of this bleak war, and that this shall bring a greater hope and chance for success against the Decepticons. Thank you, and please follow the rules posted on the fridge. Optimus out. 
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_Wrench_Wrath_: Thank you, Optimus, but a speech was not necessary. Just text normally, like we talked about ok? 
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DestinysBoi: @ MikoMikoNii you get me ;)
MikoMikoNii: BRO OFC ;)) 
DestinysBoi: *finger guns*
Its_Jack_: it’s bee two minutes and this chat is already cursed 
Its_Jack: @ Whizkid @ Cee_HowULikeMe_Now help me out please 
Bumbleowo: Hes studying for a test! Sorry if we mute you for now ^~^’’ 
_Wrench_Wrath_ : What material is he going over, Bumblebee? 
DestinysBoi: oop ok then 
MikoMikoNii: Later Bee!! Tell Raf I said good luck!! 
Bumbleowo: Will do! :)
Its_Jack: oh shoot my mom wants me for chores bye!
MikoMikoNii: later chump~
Its_Jack: and you wonder Why I never like being part of your groupchats 
MikoMikoNii: U_U
_Wrench_Wrath_ : Can someone answer my question??
BladesandGrenades: lol
MikoMikoNii: OOF 
DestinysBoi: Rip 😔👊🔥
DestinysBoi: only old people get their caps lock stuck 😂😂
MikoMikoNii: oo bulkhead should see this 🤣 @ Gentle-Giant get your metal hide over here!!! 
DestinysBoi: 😳😳😳
BladesandGrenades: our definitions of “a little” seem to be at odds 
Cee_HowULikeMe_Now: Oh hey awesome I got my regular keyboard back! I’m still mad though 🙃
MikoMikoNii: think happy things arcee!! 😳
Cee_HowULikeMe_Now: No 🙃💙
Cee_HowULikeMe_Now: You have five minutes smokescreen 🙃🙃
DestinysBoi: wait why me??!
BladesandGrenades: Oh that reminds me; @ _Wrench_Wrath_ just an fyi, bulky broke his tablet again so hes gonna need a lil help
Shoulderpads: Wheeljack, all of you, it is not professional to use improper grammar and punctuation in any form of communication. Take that to your private chats please. 
BladesandGrenades: lol 
BladesandGrenades: how bout 
BladesandGrenades: shove it up your tailpipe ;)
_Wrench_Wrath_: HE DID WHAT
Matrix-Bearer: Ratchet, I understand you are upset. Could you perhaps calm down? You are scaring certain residents of this base. 
<  _Wrench_Wrath_ has left the chat >
BladesandGrenades: Well then
MikoMikoNii: OOF WOAH
DestinysBoi: u think hes coming back??
MikoMikoNii: Nah 
BladesandGrenades: nope lol 
BladesandGrenades: and ig @ Shoulderpads decided to actually shove it up his tailpipe ;) mission accomplished
DestinysBoi: ...ahah o///o’‘
DestinysBoi: Wouldnt be too sure of that one Jackie..
BladesandGrenades: wh
MikoMikoNii: 🙊😳
BladesandGrenades: Whats going on what happening 
Matrix-Bearer: Good afternoon, all. This announcement pertains only to one of you. Wheeljack, please take a moment to head to Ultra Magnus’s quarters. He is requesting your assistance in the matter of....something involving his ship and something in its tailpipes. He informed me that the matter is urgent and requires immediate assistance. Thank you kindly. Signed, Optimus. 
MikoMikoNii: guess
MikoMikoNii: guess you’ll be the one shoving it 
BladesandGrenades: frag this mf 
BladesandGrenades: k boss I’ll be there in a sec 
DestinysBoi: lmao nice one Miko 😂😎🔥
Bumbleowo: Hey everyone! What’d we miss? 
Whizkid: Hello, Optimus! Thank you for the kind greeting! I hope this chat can be utilized for good as well! :) Thanks for letting me join!!
Matrix-Bearer: Hell, Rafael!  
Matrix-Bearer: I...I meant ‘hello.’ 
Cee_HowULikeMe_Now: oh wow Optimus woah--
DestinysBoi: Guys dont be so mean :( hes just expressing the reality of what this chat actually is :))
WhizKid: I--
Bumbleowo: lololol oh wow 😅😂
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Cee_HowULikeMe_Now: ok smokescreen I,,I actually have to agree with you on this one--
Cee_HowULikeMe_Now: Youre off the hook 
DestinysBoi: thank you, my queen 😭😭
Cee_HowULikeMe_Now: 🙂
Matrix-Bearer: Apologies for the sheer informalities in this message, however I must express my deepest regrets for even starting this chat. 
Matrix-Bearer: I’m beginning to think this was a mistake.
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Matrix-Bearer: I...have never before felt such fear for my life...
Shoulderpads: What in the good name of Primus is wrong with you people?? What is that? Why is it so....unnerving? 
MikoMikoNii: 👌
And so that’s that! Sorry it took so long!! I was busy and it got stuck in my drafts for much longer than intended! But I hope there arent too many mistakes or anything, and I hope you could at least find it interesting, if not funny ^^’’ 
I enjoyed making this one too~
Lmk if you want me to do some more! Drop ideas! I’ll most likely be doing a Decepticon one next if I do another~ 
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julietsfm · 3 years
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— only five minutes ‘til midnight , and we just spotted JULIET ROBINSON , known for SITTING IN THE BACK OF A CROWDED ROOM , STEALING GLANCES ACROSS THE TABLE , and THE SOUND OF ACRYLIC NAILS TAPPING AGAINST A HARD SURFACE , at club nouveau , ringing in the new year ! the TWENTY-TWO year old is usually known for their job as a M O D E L , but tonight , they’re just another reveler in the crowd . when they wrote down their new year’s resolution , they wished for THE OPPORTUNITY TO TAKE A BREAK & A LOW-KEY VACATION WITH HER CLOSEST FRIENDS . funny enough , they had also mentioned how they hoped to forget about the time that they REDACTED . for what it’s worth , i truly hope they can put the old year past them . [ zendaya , cis female , SUPERMODEL JULIET ROBINSON CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT OF PARTY WITH MYSTERY BEAU ]
JULIET BEATRICE ROBINSON. born in the heart of austin, texas to rudolph and katherine robinson. she was born into your run of the mill middle class family, but it didn't take long for her family to strike oil. literally. just a year after her birth, her parents were hired as lawyers for two very large energy corporations respectively. handling all the big wig stuff was no walk in the park, especially as time went on and the world began to call for different types of energy. if there was one thing the robinsons were not, it was QUITTERS. it didn't take much time for them to find new clients- more famous clients. switching from company law to personal law didn't phase either of the adults much. in fact, this proved to be their strength. they made the switch in '07, the year juliet turned nine. it was then they packed their bags and headed to new york in search of better opportunities.
new york is where juliet has most of her memories. she hardly remembers life in texas and has only known a life of wealth. it's the type of life everybody dreams of. however, juliet always found it hard. she had no expectations to meet, but also impossible expectations to meet. she could slack off academically if she wanted to, but she couldn't be caught publicly doing things most teens would do when slacking off in school. everything she did was a reflection of her parents, and moving to new york made that very apparent. in texas, it was hard to find people who cared outside of your social circle. new york is a very different environment and juliet has had trouble adjusting. she was there just six years before being pulled from her expensive private school and switching to the homeschool / tutor life.
her parents (and those around them) found beauty in her that she had yet to see in herself. if you had asked juliet, she was just the product of two averagely beautiful people. however, those around her seemed to see much more. through her parents connections, she met with modeling companies and began working on her portfolio. if anyone was going to take her seriously, she was going to need more than just a pretty face. at least, that's what they had told her. luckily, she had been in ballet all throughout her youth, so she already had the grace and gentleness that one expected from a model. she wasn't self-conscious, but she still couldn't see what everyone else saw in her. she spent many hours looking in the mirror just searching for SOMETHING extraordinary about her.
in juliet's eyes, she was not extraordinary. it was her parents that were larger than life. they had turned nothing into everything and she was just lucky to be the one to come out of her mother that one march morning in '98. because she was that girl, she was expected to follow these even more intensive rules. watch what you eat, make sure you're keeping in shape, be careful who you spend time with, et cetera. it was very stressful and she couldn't stand it. she never asked for or wanted any of this. ever since she was born, she has been following a path set by her parents. she understands how blessed she is to have money, a platform, and a promising career in front of her. but she doesn't want it anymore. not that she's told her parents this. she wants to, but she knows she owes everything she has to them. her friendships, her career, her connections... it never ends. as much as she loves her friends and her life, she feels like a fish out of water. it's hard for her to explain, but she definitely has that feeling of impostor syndrome. no matter how many years she spent in new york or as a model, she sees everyone else and thinks they're all happy with their lives. they seem fulfilled and she wonders why she isn't. it just doesn't make sense why she can't just feel the same way as her friends. they're living the life everyone else only dreams of- why can't she be content with that?
because it means having to tell her parents that something isn't right. not once has she ever stood up to them. not for fear of having her savings taken away (not that it matters anymore, seeing how she has her successful modelig career) but for fear of telling them they've made her unhappy. also, talking feelings with two big-shot lawyers sounds like a nightmare. they rely on facts and are very straight to the point. they can be intimidating when they want to be, moreso when they don't even mean to be.
which is why she so desperately wishes to seek other opportunities. even though more and more celebrities are finding their way back to university, her parents seem against the idea for some reason. she's been eyeing other talents such as singing or acting, but her parents have told her "WE DON'T KNOW IF YOU WILL SUCCEED IN THAT FIELD. WHY RUIN A GOOD THING? YOU'RE ONLY GOING TO HAVE THIS PRETTY FACE FOR SO LONG, WHY NOT CAPITALIZE OFF OF IT WHEN YOU CAN?" so, for now, that's exactly what she'll do.
born in texas
parents are lawyers for big name clients
moved to new york at age 9
model but yearning for more
wants to try out music / acting but is too scared to branch out
terrified of her parents and refuses to confront them
getting less secure in her role their version of society
continues to stay her best possible self for the media just to please her parents
attends events but learns to stay under the radar
very susceptible to peer pressure LMFAO
HERE IS A SOCIAL MEDIA PAGE I MADE!!!!!!!!!!!! please look at it it took me literal hours 
if u have any more questions for me just lmk <3
first friend in nyc ! or any childhood friends tbh <3
maybe any other friends who moved to new york in their tweens/teens??? kinda new in town?????? trying to figure it out together?????
any actor / actress / musician friends so juliet can be obsessed w their passion for their craft n their skill level ?
frenemies ? maybe they pretend to be friends for social media but don’t like each other or are overall indifferent to each other ??????
exes?????? fwb???????? one night stands???????? she likes everyone so we can make this work with whomstever if anyone is interested <3
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idumpyourgrass · 4 years
Always Waiting- Chapter Thirteen
Always Waiting- Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
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(I do not own gif!)
Always Waiting Masterlist
Summary: There’s some weird tension between Steve and Y/n, The plan is set into action, Y/n blurts out something crazy
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
A/n: Tea is spilt in this chapter!! I’m so excited! We are nearing the end of this book, maybe 3-4 more chapters? But don’t worry, I’m already planning my next one! I hope you like this chapter! As always lmk if you want to be added to the taglist!
Warnings: Swearing, mention of guns, typos ofc
Word Count: 1.8k
“That keycard opens up the door,” Dustin explains, “but unfortunately, the person who has that keycard also has a massive gun.” He looks up at all of you.
“Whatever’s in those boxes, in that room, they really don’t want anyone to know about it.”
You groan hopping off the counter and moving towards the table, “there’s got to be a way in.”
“Well you know…” Steve starts, glancing up at you, “I could just take them out.”
You cross your arms, raising your eyebrows, “Take who out?”
“The Russian guard.” He looks around the room receiving unconvinced looks from you, Dustin and Robin. “What? I sneak up behind him, knock him out, and grab his keycard. It’s easy.”
You drag your hands down your face, “Oh my god.”
“Did you not hear the part about the massive guns?”
“Yeah, Dustin, I did. That’s why I’d be sneaking,” He moved his two fingers across the table.
“Oh!” You exasperated, throwing your hands up in disbelief.
“Steve, tell me, and be honest, have you ever actually won a fight?” Dustin asks.
“That was one time,”
“Twice actually, Jonathan, year prior?” You pointed out, “I witnessed you get the shit kicked out of you twice.”
“Who was the one who got knocked out last year? Oh wait that was you.” Steve pointed a finger towards you.
“I had to step in because you were getting your ass beat! What was I supposed to do? Just stand around and watch?” You took a step towards him.
“I had everything under control! Until you decided to try to be a hero or whatever.” He took a step towards you.
“Trying to be a hero? I was trying to help you!” Your voice was getting louder and louder and so was his.
“Yeah? Well I don’t need your help!”
“That’s funny cause it sure did look like it when he smashed that fucking plate over your head!” You and Steve both took a pause, trying to catch your breath. You looked up at Steve and realized how close you were, noses almost touching. You had completely forgotten Dustin and Robin were in the room until Dustin cleared his throat. Feeling the heat rise to your cheeks you quickly took a step back, keeping your eyes on the ground.
“That just might work,” Robin muttered running towards the tip jar, “What?” Robin reached in and grabbed all the money and took off running, “Robin! What are you doing?” You call after her, as you, Steve and Dustin run after her. “To find a way into the room, a safe way. And in the meantime, sling ice cream, and you and Steve behave!”
“Safe, I like that she said that. A safe way, one that won’t get us killed.” You shoot a glare towards Steve and head into the backroom.
*       *       *
“It’s amazing what 20 bucks will get you,” Robin rolls out blueprints for Starcourt mall, “At the county recorder’s office.” She takes out a pen and circles Scoops Ahoy, “This is us, Scoops,” she circles another part of the mall, “This is where we want to get.” You lean in, taking a closer look at the map. “I don’t really see a way in?” You observe.
“There’s not, unless you’re just thinking doors.”
“Airducts,” Dustin chimes in.
Robin nods then goes back to drawing on the map, making a line from Scoops to the door, “These airducts, lead all the way… here.”
You all four look up to the airduct.
“Who’s gonna take one for the team and climb through?” Steve asks pulling out the ladder.
“I can do it,” Dustin suggests. Steve unscrews the vent, “Yeah, man, I don’t think you can fit, it’s like super tight.”
“I can fit, no collar bones remember?”
“I’m sorry, what?” Robin snickered.
“Oh he has some disease, uhhhhh, chrydo…” Steve tries to remember the name.
“Cleidocranial dysostosis.” You correct him.
“Yeah, whatever, he can bend like gumbo.” He explains to Robin
“I think you mean Gumby,” You look up at Steve.
“No, it’s gumbo,” Steve argues.
“It’s most certainly not gumbo. It’s Gumby, with a Y.”
“Gumby? No it’s Gumbo.” You roll your eyes.
“Would you both just shut up? Steve push me.” Dustin yells from the vent. Steve gives Dustin a big push. While they are struggling to get Dustin in the vent, Erica Sinclair comes in for her daily samples. You look up at Steve and Dustin, then to Robin, who seems to have the same idea as you.
*     *     *
Steve slides a sundae for Erica onto the table.
“You see this?” Robin points to the map, “This is the route you’ll take. Then we just wait for the last delivery, then you’ll knock down the grate, hop down, open the door-“
“And then you’ll find out what’s in those boxes?” She looks at all four of you as you all nod. “And you say this guard is armed?”
“Yes, but he won’t be there,” you reassure her.
“You want my help? This USS Butterscotch better be the first of many, and I’m talking free Ice cream,” She locks eyes with you, “For life.”
*.      *.       *
The four of you waited on the mall’s roof for Erica.
“Are you nerds in position?” Erica asks over the walkie talkie.
“Yeah, we’re in position, you’ve got the green light,” you say.
“Green light, roger that. I’ll see you on the other side, nerds.”
You held your breath as you waited for Erica, hoping there wouldn’t be any guards you didn’t catch.
“I’m in,” Erica confirms.
“Oh, thank god,” you let out a shaky breath.
The door opens and Erica comes out, “Free ice cream. For life!” She yells.
You all make your way down to the loading dock and head through the door. Steve talks one of the boxes and opens it, steam rolls down the sides of the box, “Definitely not Chinese food,” Steve says.
“What is that?” You ask, looking down into the box.
“Maybe you guys should stand back,” Steve suggests. You, Erica, and Robin take a couple steps back.
“Dustin,” You try to grab his arm to move him back.
“Dustin get back,” Steve says, trying to push him.
“No! If you die, I die.”
Steve lifts up whatever was in the box to reveal a tube with some green liquid in it.
“What the hell?” You ask getting a closer look.
“What is that?” Erica asks.
You start to hear a rumbling noise, “Guys…?” The room starts to shake.
“Was that just me, or did the room move?” Dustin asks.
“Boobytraps,” Erica whispers.
“You know what? Let’s just grab that and go.” Robin takes the tube and you all head for the door, but before you can make it out, the door shuts.
Dustin rushes over to the panel of buttons and pushes the door open button, nothing happens. Uh oh.
“Uh, Erica, which one do I press?”
“Just push the damn button nerd!” Erica insists.
“Dustin just push the button, please!” You say, starting to panic.
Steve runs over and starts repeatedly pressing the button. Another set of doors close.
“Steve what did you do?” You yell.
“Nothing! I just pushed the button!”
The room shakes again and this time, it drops.
“Oh shit! We’re going down!” Steve yells.
“No shit Harrington!” You yell back.
Everyone starts screaming. You try to grab a hold of something in the state of panic. Steve reaches his hand out and without thinking you grab it, tight. You squeeze your eyes shut hoping the room will stop but it doesn’t, you fall for what feels like an eternity. Suddenly, the room stops, sending you all to the ground.
“Is everyone ok?” You groan, rubbing your head.
“Yeah, I’m great knowing that Russians can’t design elevators!” Steve shouts.
Dustin gets up and attempts to push the buttons again.
“I think we’ve established those buttons don’t work,” Erica says.
“They’re buttons, they have to do something.”
“Yeah, if we had a keycard,” You mumble, sitting up and leaning against the wall.
“What?” Dustin asks.
“The electronic keycard, same as the loading dock? We need it to get out.” You point to the key card scanner.
“Just so you nerds know, I’m supposed to be staying the night at Tina’s tonight, and Tina always covers for me but if I’m not at uncle Jack’s party tomorrow, my mom will hunt you down one by one and slit your throats.” Erica says.
Steve turns around, running his fingers through his hair, “I don’t care about Tina, or Uncle Jack’s party! Your mom won’t find us if we’re dead inside a Russian Elevator!” Steve snaps.
“Steve, knock it off,” you kick his leg with your foot.
“What if we climbed out?” Dustin points up towards the ceiling.
*     *     *
After discovering climbing out would be much harder than you thought, you all decided to sleep in shifts. You sat on top of the elevator lost in thought. You didn’t hear Steve come up and sit down right next to you.
“Hey,” he nudges your leg with his foot, “Whatcha thinking about?”
“Just thinking,” you say, staring off into space, “How do we always get ourselves into these situations?” You grinned, turning your head towards Steve. He looked right back at you.
“I have no idea, but I must say, we do make a pretty badass duo,” he smirked. He moved his gaze down to his feet, “I’m sorry for being such an asshole, I just, I just don’t know how to act around you.” He admits. “Like, I want to be friends, I do, but then I get scared that I’m going to lose you again, so I just think if I’m not friends I have nothing to lose, does that make sense?” He rambles. You just nod. A comfortable silence falls between you two. You sit up and turn to face Steve.
“You know what? Let’s make a promise. No matter what kind of shit gets thrown our way, we are not leaving each other’s lives again. We have gone through too much shit together to just throw away our whole relationship.”
“We have to pinky promise, or else you might break it,” Steve says holding out his pinky. You lock your pinkies.
“Unless I get killed by an evil Russian, I will keep my promise,” you say, leaning back against the wall.
“Hey what did I tell you? I’m not letting anything happen to either of you, or to Robin and Erica.”
“Oh yeah? When did you become such a badass?” You teased.
“When the sailor suit comes on, I’m a changed man,” Steve gestures down to his outfit.
This sends you into a fit of giggles. You turn and look at Steve, studying his side profile. He turns and smiles at you. You can’t stop yourself from blurting out.
“I love you,” Oh god no, you did not mean to say that. You clasp a hand over your mouth
Steve’s smile dropped, “W-what?” He stutters.
“You hide your face with your hands, “Oh my god why did I say that?”
“Y/n I-“
“I’m gonna go, uh, in the elevator, now, to check on everyone, Dustin,” You trip over your feet as you try to stand up.
You hop down into the elevator leaving Steve bewildered.
Jesus Christ why did you say that?
@loulouloueh​ @nighttwingg​ @l0ve-0f-my-life​ @labrujaprincess​ @welcomethefears​ @metuel18​ @polynesianmayo​ @readinthegarden12​ @alafolieee​ @yoheyyosup​ @loco-latte​ @daddystevee​ @hannarudick​ @gertenbert​ @70sgubler​ @used-avocado​ @ggclarissa​ @alonewolfsblog​ @phoebethepheebs​ @random-thoughts-003​ @red-2-0​ @m-blasterrr​ @blueberrylemontea-fanfic​
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aidaisms-blog · 5 years
╰☆╮ GRETA ONIEOGOU ,  TWENTY THREE , FEMALE , SHE/THEY  ☆ — wait , is that AIDA OLURANSI? dean kensington has been looking for them . you didn’t hear it from me but , apparently the SENIOR might know something about the whole omega chi & kappa tau situation . while they can be FACETIOUS & EASILY DISCOURAGED , they’re far too HUMOROUS & GIVING to be involved , right ? those who know them say they’re reminded of REWATCHING YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE, STEPPING ONTO FRESH SNOW, AND LAUGHING UNTIL WATER COMES OUT YOUR NOSE whenever they’re around .  honestly , the HISTORY major should try to keep their head down . after the events of last semester , kensington is out for blood . did you know that AIDA is a member of GAMMA RHO ALPHA? that might explain why their name is being brought up .  ☆ DEE , 18 , THEY/THEM , &  ╰☆╮
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hi, i’m dee! i use she/they pronouns and prefer they. also, girl...please bear with me i’m gay and haven’t rped on tumblr since the hunger games days! so i’m basically new to this. for that reason i want u all to know: don’t hesitate to send me a message or lmk if i do something wrong, the admins worked so hard and i want this to be fun for everyone!! so quick rundown of the Vibes here:
aida (ay-duh) was raised by her mother and father in Toronto. they were lower-middle class and especially struggled to help her older brothers pay for school. she’s the youngest of three children and has two older brothers. she’s named after an Ethiopian princess from an opera her parents saw when her mother was pregnant with her.
her brothers are both very successful, one a doctor and the other an engineer. she feels like the family fuck up.
the fall after she graduated high school, her father became sick and she stayed at home to help her parents out. she privately resents her brothers for not helping more, and because she lost her acceptance at her dream school (the pratt institute in new york). she’s 23 because of this gap year.
as the only girl in a traditional household, she was like a second mother. she cooked, cleaned, etc. around the house. when she comes to school she fucks around/gets into trouble a lot just because she can’t when she’s at home. she feels like she’s living a double life. she’s always been somewhat popular and involved at school and is captain of the volleyball team.
the idea of leaving school and going out on her own is terrifying. she’s doesn’t feel passionate enough about anything to do it for the rest of her life, and is scared that all her peers are going to leave her behind. she feels like she’s peaking right now, which is making her act a bit more wild than usual.
she does, however, love children, and is planning on becoming a teacher after graduation.
in terms of personality, she’s goofy and aims to be the funny friend. she’s always struggled with being honest about her feelings because neither of her parents was very affectionate. she can be smothering to her friends or romantic partners because she feels like she’s everyone’s mother, something that makes a lot of her interpersonal relationships end in disasters.
she’s bisexual and uses she/they pronouns. she is not out to anyone in her family.
she is a literature & history bi babie!!! she speaks three languages: french, igbo, and english. she took me by the throat and said read a book, dumb bitch...
tl;dr -- former distinguished bi is quickly turning into disaster bi as graduation gets closer, tries to corral her srat sisters into doing the right thing but comes off as overbearing, reads a lot, has complexes. more at 11.
songs to describe her: mouth log by sidney gish, normal girl by sza, and francis forever by mitski.
my discord is clownery#7350! this is already super late so i’m just posting now and going to make a page of wanted connections later, but i’m down for almost anything <3
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imhereforbvcky · 7 years
Prompt List 1
These are mostly snagged from other prompt lists floating around, so I’m sorry if I stepped on anyone’s toes. LMK if you want a credit.
Sentence Starters
1.      "Tell anyone and I'll murder you and sell your body parts for money."
2.      "Are you sure you're doing this right?"
3.      "How long have you been standing there?"
4.      "I couldn't sleep, and I know you're practically nocturnal, so I thought you'd answer."
5.      "That's not your real name."
6.      "You're not the same."
7.      "I needed you. You weren't there and I needed you."
8.      "Care to prove me wrong?"
9.      "You can't protect me!"
10.   "I knew the moment I saw him/her that I never stopped loving him/her."
11.   "Don't apologize if you don't mean it."
12.   "I can't breathe in this dress, can we please hurry up?"
13.   "Tell me you need me."
14.   "Why are you looking at me like that?"
15.   "Would you just let me help you?"
16.   "I think you need stitches."
17.   "Is that blood? Oh my god, you're bleeding!"
18.   "Come back to bed."
19.   "How exactly did you manage to give yourself a black eye?"
20.   "I'm not as friendly as I look."
21.   "You deserve better."
22.   "You're so cute when you're sleepy."
23.   "Did they hurt you?"
24.   "That might just be the least romantic thing you've ever said to me."
25.   "It still hurts."
26.   "That's… not healthy."
27.   "Can I keep you?" (listen, Casper is the best movie on Earth, and that line will always be the shit!)
28.   "I'm afraid of _____"
29.   "Have you been drinking?"
30.   "Can you keep your promise?"
31.   "That's really distracting."
32.   "I'm out of ideas."
33.   "Sorry isn't going to help when I kick your ass!"
34.   "You're cute when you're mad."
35.   "I waited and waited, but you never came back. That's why I hate you."
36.   "I'm going to kiss you now."
37.   "I think about you all the time. I don't even have to try."
38.   "Why didn't you tell me?"
39.   "No, you're tall and bossy, and you keep doing that thing with your eyebrows."
40.   "Do you even know what that is?"
41.   "It sucks that people are so scared of my abilities. I can control them perfectly."
42.   "You just stood there!"
43.   "You're a horrible cook"
44.   "Welcome back. Now fucking help me."
45.   "I can't function if you keep waking me up. Don't you all need me at my best? This is definitely not it."
46.   "Oh I've got this."
47.   "Stop laughing! It's not funny."
48.   "I knew it wasn't going to make a difference, so what was the point of telling you? I was, and am, content with simply being your friend."
49.   "You don't get to look at me like that and then tell me you don’t love me."
50.   "But you promised."
51.   "I can't do it."
52.   "Just get in the fucking blanket fort."
53.   "I can't let you do this."
54.   "Have you lost your damn mind?"
55.   "I'll be yours if you want me to"
56.   "Why are you dressed like that?"
57.   "Everyone keeps telling me you're the bad guy."
58.   "Because I don't trust you, that's why!"
59.   "Just tell me that it'll be okay."
60.   "You like sunflowers, right?"
61.   "I need a hug."
62.   "Don't make me regret saving you."
63.   "Do you know who I am?"
64.   "What are you trying to prove?"
65.   "What are you doing hiding under my desk?"
66.   "Put the gun down."
67.   "I just really wanted to impress you."
68.   "You really scared me there for a second."
69.   "I trusted you."
70.   "Do you ever shut up?"
71.   "I'm so glad you seduced me with your charming awkwardness."
72.   "Don’t. Move."
73.   "Please don't get up, I just want to cuddle."
74.   "I only lie when I have to and felt that now was a good time
Aus & Concepts
75.   Bookstore AU
76.   Platonic living together AU
77.   Running from the police AU
78.   We ride the same bus together literally every day
79.   I'm pretending to be your boyfriend/girlfriend because you looked very uncomfortable with that person at the bar hitting on you
80.   Meeting in an emergency room while waiting for hours on end
81.   We got way too competitive over a game of paintball and now you won't look at me
82.   I kissed you as a distraction while stealing your wallet
83.   You broke into my flat when you were drunk because you thought it was yours
84.   Kuebiko- A state of exhaustion inspired by acts of senseless violence
85.   Sonder- The realization that each passer-by has a life as vivid &’ complex as your own
86.   Hanker Sore- Finding a person so attractive it actually kinda pisses you off
87.   Jouska- A hypothetical conversation that you compulsively play out in your head
88.   Opia- The ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously invasive &’ vulnerable
89.   Monachopsis- The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place.
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