#if you disagree with me i actually hope you're right haha
transhawks · 4 months
Firstly, Happy New Year! I hope all your future dreams come true.
Secondly, I have a strong affection for Kaigo, but at the same time, I find myself disliking him, haha. I thought this would be the right place to share my thoughts because I'm confident that if you disagree with me, you'll enlighten me.
I believe that advising Hawks to take care of his health, "for the him that's not Hawks" considering the person beyond his role as a hero, would either leave him bewildered or possibly upset. But I also think that seeing right through him (if possible) would be the only way to reach out to him and form a connection. What do you think? :D
Happy New Year! Thanks! I hope everyone had a good one and I wish for this year to be peaceful and far less full of turmoil than the last few have been. Anyway, on to Keigo. I've said for a couple years that Hawks is not an easy likable character, and it's owing to a very shallow surface reading and his intentionally pretty looks that he's popular in fandom. He's written to be polarizing. Horikoshi designed him to essentially pose a moral quandary to the reader and to be the example of the hero philosophy of saving taken to an extreme conclusion (killing to save).
This is a character meant to be divisive; a base breaker.
For this reason, I always find myself stunned at some Hawks fans and how they approach him. Even outside of a more detached look at him as a character in a story, as a "person" I don't think Hawks is "likable" once you have a fuller picture of him outside the immediate hero persona. He's actually quite disturbing the more you look into him. This is what makes me adore him, actually. He's so rich and paradoxical in personality that he's never boring to think about. I don't think you're too strange for not liking him but loving him as a character, if anything I think you have a pretty good grasp on just how conflicting he was written out to be.
As for the second part of your ask - I think he's not good at thinking of himself outside of Hawks. And yet I also think he's self-aware about the abnormality of this but the safety of being Hawks and not Keigo (whoever that is) probably appeals, despite a cycle of feeling trapped/caged because Keigo doesn't know what to do with freedom anyway. There's a song called Selfish by Sylvan Lacue that I always think of when it comes to this line of thought.
People who see through him tend to really shake his world up. Whether it's Dabi who partially did, or Jin who really saw the emptiness and reached out in friendship, digging deeper beyond the many walls/masks/personas Keigo puts up is crucial but that's really on him to let people do. Again, he keeps his distance with people (read Graduation Day!) and when I have energy, I really want to examine him and Fumikage with this sort of lens of Hawks trying to push away people who care.
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avionvadion · 4 months
I think the part that stuck out to me in Book 7 was the reactions Lilia got for hatching Malleus. Like it recontextualized El's compliments on his parenting for me so much and made them bittersweet. Also, considering what was happening to Malleus right before he hatched and knowing the conditions of Eleanora's curse, like goodness, without Lilia, Eleanora would've been one more lost life to the curse. Also, knowing that Ellis's death slowly ate away at Maleficent and knowing Malleus's pre-hatching, that just makes Ortho's plan on finding a way to send El home feel like an unintentional death sentence on both her and Malleus at this point. Also, I'm so sorry you're sick, can relate as I'm currently recovering from severe stomach issues myself (pancreatitis in my case), so I hope the food poisoning goes away swiftly and quickly for you!
I’m feeling a lot better today; I was actually able to eat something, which was so nice. I couldn’t take four bites of chicken noodle soup yesterday without wanting to hurl. I ended up just snacking on Ritz crackers all day. 😭 I hope you feel better soon, too! Stomach issues are the worst.
And ohhhhhhh~ yeah, good point! El adores Lilia and thinks he’s a great dad to Silver, but while he jokes about who raised “such a good young man” when talking about Silver internally Lilia is just, “Mmm, disagree, I’m actually the worst, but you’re cute so I’ll go along with it, haha”. Even though Silver himself is such a massive daddy’s boi and loves his bat dad with his entire heart and soul. AGHHHHHH.
Lilia harbors so much guilt over what happened with Maleficent and Ellis 😥 he really wants things to work out for Malleus and Eleanora. He can’t just spell things out for them though (haha, get it? Spell? Magic spell? Yeahhh, not my best joke) or they won’t reach their happy ending.
Also, with the Meleanor name reveal, it kinda makes it feel like Mal has latched onto Eleanora so quickly because of the name similarities. Like, obviously she’s not Meleanor, but it gives Malleus this sense of “fate” kind of, especially since she’s the one human (aside from Silver) that isn’t afraid of him. Add to the fact that he’s the only one that can keep her curse at bay…
*Insert Yandere Dragon Instinct roar here*
I feel like El trying to make a portal is less about going home (because by that point she’d already be committed to whatever the hell is going on between her and Mal- COUGH, COUGH, I mean… Mr. Horns, and she wouldn’t have the strength to leave her friends after everything they’ve been through together, and more about having a chance to say “goodbye” to her family.
Malleus doesn’t take it that way, though. Man’s abandonment issues are so strong he automatically assumes the worst. He hears, “Trying to make a portal connected to home” and believes El is trying to leave.
Big oof. Even bigger yikes.
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goat-poet · 7 months
ed's sigh in ep5
**will add picture later**
something about the post-kiss thumbsies games rings wrong with me. not that it happened. not that is was included in the narrative (it's a great way of showing relief, actually.)
but what stede says at the end, when ed end up on top.
'you won.' and ed turns away, and his face turn quiet, serious. he huffs.
i didn't understand it right away - but I get the feeling, ed sighing harmonizes with me for some reason, and I have some ideas.
one, there's obviously a history of assuming their relationship is a game to the other. they realized and said out loud 'we are him prone'. the relationship being a game is not connoted positively BUT what would any (romantic) relationship be without games. being chums, fooling around. games make room for error, within games there is space to draw (and voice) boundaries. and they were performing playful, emotive exchange right before stepping into each others spaces, kissing, holding hands. so is it setting the game / any game and with that taking a chance on something good happening, but also taking a chance on getting hurt, in a physically intimate setting that makes Ed seem...uncomfortable?
two, 'you won' rings kind of absolute. alternatives may be: you win, you're winning this time. you got me. why does stede choose these words? well Ed obviously 'won' this exchange of thumbsies. but what makes the competition? they're on the same team, they're 'us'. or stede could mean: you're doing well, you're coming out on top of this, and the game is a signifier of this, if stede wants to make it that.
And Ed disagrees. his sea has not calmed (yet). he knows himself, he knows he's constantly shifting, and that he can be triggered. for ed, sorting out their relationship isn't over, and i don't think it is for stede either from what is shon. But we don't see stede worrying over his mental health, while we do experience ed going through enormous mental shifting with outright cruelty and suicidal behaviour on one end of the spectrum and shyly turning in to be kissed under the moonlight on the other end. and last time things went bad, stede was the trigger. but as we leave ep5, ed is taking care of himself, rebuilding trust, not apologizing but doing amends. so he probably has a thought or two about what is going to destabilize him, my first guess being izzy as ed cruelty to him is always mentioned in an impersonalized manner (izzy's name doesn't actually fall when discussing HIS LEG). i think, on some level, ed is aware of the cruelty he is capable to bestow upon others. probably not the most recent ones (see: izzy), but he is aware he can become dangerous to others and himself. and who would Ed hate to hurt? stede, of course. ed has 'won' nothing but a temporary refuge on the ship and an odd tranquility that gives him a chance to process i hope. he's still at war wwith himself inside his head, but how would anyone understand if he doesn't even understand how to navigate it
three, ed can't hold silence for shit. and stede can't really either. stede reaches for ed's hand, asking him calmly if this ok. ed answers 'perfect', and takes stede's hand in both of his. they play with their fingers, ed 'wins' and stede states the obvious. and it...has no end? their quip is going on and on and ed...maybe doesn't want to. he sat in silence (haha) with fang earlier (my man fell asleep on him) and maybe ed like that? but - as stated explicitly by fang - he's not good at that. he cannot emulate a sense of calmness/silence well on himself GUESS wHAT my babygirl is shit at emotionally self-regulation!!! and stede can't perform the calmness either, not yet. Meaning if either of them really shuts up, it means something may be wrong, or at least awkward ('please talk to me'). and fucking ed teach doesn't need awkwardness right now SO THE QUIPPING GOES ON and it's nice, it's romantic even, it feels easy. and while it might not be what he needs, ed at least identified what he needs from stede i guess???
going insane over this, if you can't tell by now. thanks for reading!!
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lemonbronze · 9 months
You're completely valid to read Hubert as having a complex relationship to food but to answer your question about why you might be having a hard time finding that content: If I remember right you didn't play Hopes? He's established as having a younger sister and a younger brother, and that he sneaks vegetables into the distributed rations of pickier members in his service and into Lysithea's meals specifically. Additionally that he helps make bitter things more palatable for her. So people likely think he has a good handle on managing his own dietary needs, though obviously it would be really easy for someone like this to not be able to manage their own meals.
Hubert: Then they've not noticed?
Imperial Soldier: Not at all. While preferences vary, there tend to be many people who love meat and dislike vegetables. But to think we found a way to hide the vegetables in all of that delicious meat and broth! Haha! Those who ate it found it delicious without being any the wiser—and of course, she did as well.
Hubert: That is splendid news. Pray continue, then.
Lysithea: Wait... Did I just eat a bunch of vegetables?!
Hubert: Goodness, Lysithea, you look positively gobsmacked. Did you have yourself a recent surprise, perhaps?
Lysithea: So many vegetables... Augh! Hubert! Uh, it's nothing! I'm busy! Gotta go!
(Lysithea runs away)
Hubert: It really is sad how much time I spend trying to make vegetables palatable for people... Ah, well. I suppose I should just consider it part of managing our soldiers' health.
Hubert: Well, I suppose one with a youthful tongue would not care for it. Yet the bitterness, the deep richness, the subtle acidity... Oh, and I'm not treating you like a child here—I am merely discussing different palates.
Lysithea: I'm not a child and neither is my tongue. Now give me some of that coffee!
(scene fades to black)
Lysithea: Blech!
Hubert: Are you all right, Lysithea? Here, wipe your mouth.
(scene fades back in)
Hubert: I fear that attempt was ill-advised. If you wish to enjoy coffee, you must first modify it to your liking. Perhaps we might try adding sugar and goat's milk? It would mellow the flavor and add sweetness.
Lysithea: Yes, please.
Hubert: I...have a younger sister. One the same age as you. The pair of you have similar personalities, so perhaps I end up doting on you for this reason.
This is fair enough—I haven’t played Hopes but I have dug up all of Hubert and Ferdinand’s dialogue and supports because I’m very normal about them lmao so I have actually read these before!
I guess I just—speaking as someone with disordered eating myself (altho not a full blown eating disorder fwiw) it is wayyyy easier for me to prepare a balanced meal for someone else (like my partner) than it is to make myself eat well on my own so I just kind of absorbed this into the greater Hubert headcanon aha
I see a guy who has fewer “liked” foods than everyone else, who talks about not liking to eat in front of others, and worries about what’s in food, and I think ok, disordered eating!
But it’s okay if the fandom disagrees lmao it’s just sort of my take on things! I will rub my grubby little headcanon and projection hands all over my favs forever—
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tuiyla · 11 months
Re: the mutiny scene... Was Buffy's plan to return to the vineyard too risky? Yes. Were the Potentials justified in rejecting Buffy's authority considering that they're in a life and death situation and that Buffy hasn't proved that she's capable of protecting them? Yes. I don't think she's 100% in the right.
1) Why is Buffy the one being kicked out of HER OWN house? Dawn says that it's her house too and so Buffy should leave it, which is so absurd... Imagine thinking you have the right to tell your parent(al figure) - the one paying the bills and providing for you - to leave the house??? So ludicrous. If Dawn and the Potentials are unhappy with Buffy, they should be the ones leaving! Also, Buffy leaving is counterproductive because at the end of the day she is still the strongest Slayer and the group is weakened without her.
2) Why couldn't Willow and Xander pull Buffy aside and talk it out privately instead of allowing such drastic decisions to be made so abruptly? Why are they okay with Faith (who previously tried to murder both of them) taking over as the leader? It's not like they saw her redemption arc take place afterwards. (I agree with you that it makes no sense to bring up whatever Willow did in the past to criticize her in this situation, though)
3) Again, even though I don't think Buffy was 100% in the right, the way some of these characters treated her in the scene was infuriating to me. Anya telling her that Buffy is "luckier" than everyone and completely disregarding the pain and suffering caused by the responsibilities that being the Slayer entails? I think that's the only time in the whole show that I truly disliked Anya. Kennedy was also brash and irritating in the scene and Rona saying "ding dong the witch is dead" was soooo nasty, ugh.
So yeah, imo the 7x19 mutiny is actually more (a lot more) atrocious than the 3x02 discussion because, even though Buffy isn't entirely in the right in the former, the team kicking her out of her own house was completely out of proportion and multiple characters (especially Rona and Anya, but also Kennedy and to a lesser extent Dawn) were getting on my nerves vs. only Xander in 3x02. It's also different because I can personally cut Xander (and Dawn) some slack for what he said in 3x02 by remembering that he ultimately loves Buffy and has her best interests at heart, whereas Anya (even though I love her otherwise) and Rona don't care about Buffy in the same way, so their cruel comments always piss me off more.
I wanna preface this by saying I don't actually disagree with most of what you're saying, if any of it, and I appreciate that you took the time to write this out. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you're not prev Anon haha and see this, this is something I can work with.
Before I reflect on any of your points I also want to say that I think the only reason my posts can come across as anti-Buffy in this context is because I dislike both the show's and fandom's framing of events and, I suppose, tried to counterbalance. Because the thing is, Buffy's friends' reaction is so over the top and her getting kicked out so blatantly ridiculous that yeah, there's an urge to come to her defense. But I think in discussions of the mutiny scene (from what I have witnessed) the nuance gets lost in the extreme measure taken. It's like this: person A and B have a disagreement. They're both your friends and you think they're both coming from a place of truth, even if one is maybe more right than the other. But it's a silly thing, until person B hits person A with "you should kys and I hope your pets die" and you're like, woah!! Okay that's simply just too far, you cannot in good conscience side with person B anymore, no matter how right they were before taking it way too far.
And it's a faulty analogy, sure, but hear me out. I'm a bit wary of the nuance of the mutiny situation getting lost because Buffy is so obviously outnumbered and so obviously wronged at the end there, of course she'll come across as a victim no matter what. And I don't think she deserved that! I don't think she deserved to be overthrown by vote of the Potentials and her friends and most definitely didn't deserve to be told to leave by her sister. Whatever her mistakes might have been and no matter how she misread the situation and somewhat dug her own grave here, the attitude she gets comes across and ungrateful and hypocritical. But questioning her also isn't entirely wrong, and that is the approach I've seen from fans ("she was 100% right") and lowkey from the following episode of the show itself.
Now, to your points.
Yep, 100% taking it too far. To be honest, I think this is a symptom of the show's slight main character problem. That is, everything has to relate to Buffy in some way or another and she takes precedence over other chs, always, including their arcs and actions. I don't think it's all that realistic that Dawn would exercise the symbolic right she also has as the only other Summers in the house. Do I buy that she would be able to see the Potentials' point more and empathize with their fear, sure. Even empathize with their concerns about Buffy's leadership. But she wouldn't kick her sister out just so they could be united in everything. Buffy needed to be kicked out to serve Buffy's story, ultimately, and the larger narrative. Not a single one of the other chs come off as a good guy after the encounter, arguably Faith being the closest. So yeah, ludicrous. But I'm hesitant to hold it against Dawn's ch or even take the action seriously because it feels very plot driven to me and the only ch driven part is Buffy herself, who gets to be proven right and elevated by Spike in the following ep. And because of that loss of nuance thing I've mentioned, it doesn't sit entirely well with me. Cause yeah, Buffy was unjustly treated here but that doesn't mean she was entirely in the right, either. The extreme situation just erases nuance.
Feel like I've already used up most of my talking points lol but let's reflect on all of yours. I would guess that the reason for Willow and Xander not supporting Buffy in this situation is a direct result of the previous ep. You can agree, you can disagree, but unlike with Dawn I do think this fits with their chs more than just being purely a plot thing. Xander was essentially maimed as a result of Buffy's orders and she's asking them to do the same thing again. All things considered, yes, Willow and Xander could have been more considerate of Buffy and, as her oldest friends and closest allies, prevented such an escalation. But I'm willing to cut them both slack here, unlike I was for Xander in 3x02. (3x02, to me, is a more outrageous instance of people ganging up on Buffy but this post is gon be long enough as is.) Besides, Willow and Xander are rather passive participants here. Willow's biggest contribution is admitting that she's not standing up for Buffy this time around and Xander doesn't speak until the end, even then he's more measured than Xander usually is in situations like this. On the Faith of it all, I think we were robbed of a proper Willow and Faith reunion on AtS and I agree that we should have seen more hesitation from them to trust Faith, but I also overall buy that they're so deflated they're willing to let the Potentials pick.
Again, agree. I think Rona was so, so over the line and Dawn was right to tell her off. I've mentioned previously that the overall attitude of the Potentials is that they're quite ungrateful towards Buffy, the sole reason they're all still alive. So I wouldn't excuse Rona or even Kennedy's self-righteousness, but the Potentials are also a bunch of scared little girls who had two friends die, and Rona's arm was fully broken at the vineyard Buffy proposes they go right back to. Her attitude is infuriating, yes, and she deserved more than a death glare for her witch is dead comment. I'm surprised Willow didn't also shoot her one. Nasty nasty, but you can kiinda see where the attitude is coming from. As for Anya, yeah, I do think she was out of line and, for once, her observation wasn't just blunt but flat out incorrect. Anya's characterization was sacrificed as much as Dawn's was here, imo, as just a few eps prior Anya was fully aware of the "short and brutal life" being a Slayer entailed. So it doesn't make sense that she'd be calling Buffy lucky now even if she is fed up with the superiority complex. Which Buffy admittedly does have.
Bottom line is that I agree, it was entirely out of proportion to kick her out. And that might just be my exact problem, because I feel like the only reason for it was to set up her then being right and in the victim position and negates the valid points and feelings of the other side. It can't be justified, of course not, but for people (not you) to then turn around and based on this disregard the reasons why Buffy got called out doesn't sit right with me, either. I do think the series itself lost sight of its nuance with that move and the subsequent episode's focus on Spike's indignant anger. I find it interesting that you bring up the 3x02 comparison and I already touched on it, and like I said this is way long already but rest assured I have thoughts on that as well. For me, personally, that was more annoying and I was way more unquestionably on Buffy's side because the conclusion was "both sides were wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" when the ganging up felt way more unjustified. Xander himself comes across as way, waaaay less douchy here and I can probs understand his pov the most, as he was the one to inspire confidence in Buffy last time she rallied the troops and look where that got him. No wonder he doesn't have the capacity to bridge the gap between Buff and the Potentials this time around.
And then there's Faith's role in all of this. Which is a whole other story and one I'm probs more passionate and defensive about haha.
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gralunaisland · 2 years
I just wanted to ask,
Is it okay for me to be a J///erza Anti?
I have my reasons for not shipping the ship, but at the same time I wonder if I'm just being difficult and trying to be "different".
One part of me is like, "J///Erza shouldn't be canon because the whole Jellal almost killed Erza, and has been the cause of her trauma ever since she was a child." But the other part of me is like, "But the fans ship it, they see that Erza has forgiven him and they have official art, even their potential future son has been drawn."
It's Okay to Be a Jerza Anti (Coming from a Jerza Shipper)
Thank you so much for coming to me with this ask! I'll give you my opinion on the subject to try to help you out.
It's completely okay for you to be Anti Jerza!
Really, everyone has a right to hate whatever ship they want to! That really comes down to personal preference, and it's very subjective, not objective.
But even beyond that, you have very understandable reasons to not like it, don't worry. I totally understand where you're coming from. The trauma Jellal inflicted on Erza at such a young age will probably never completely heal. He enslaved "willing" workers to work for him after manipulating them to think Erza was the one who had cut off their chances at escape. He killed Simon. He brutalized Erza and banished her.
Those aren't easy things to forgive. And it's really completely fine for you to not forgive those things. I'd say it just shows your empathy for what Erza had to endure, which is a good thing!
For me, the reason I ship Jerza is that I attribute all the horrible things he did to Ultear manipulating him into doing them with her magic. He thought he was doing the right thing in a dark and twisted way. I also appreciate the following arcs where Jellal is on a mission to atone for his sins and to better himself in repentance. Honestly, in my opinion, it's one of the best things Mashima has written.
But that doesn't mean you have to take that perspective! Because even though I don't blame him, it doesn't change the fact that he did commit all those harmful acts, so it's easy to see why people wouldn't like him regardless of his redemption arc.
I hope you won't feel pressured to like a ship just because other fans ship it. Fandoms seldom agree on most things, so it's natural to disagree with even a large portion of a fandom. I for one am a part of a smaller subgroup of fans who hates gr///via and all that it is (clearly haha) but there's a reason why gr///via, and Jerza, are a part of the Big Four--most people ship it. Doesn't make them right whatsoever, which is something I try to prove on this blog of mine.
I also would take official art as well as drawings of potential children as inconsequential. We shouldn't care if Mashima likes a ship or imagined their futures together. Manga authors are just as imperfect as the rest of us, so he could (and does) very well promote terrible, toxic ships. ( I talk about this topic in this post actually, I recommend checking it out!)
I hope this reassures you that your opinion matters. Don't be swayed by the masses; stand strong in what you like and dislike! >:D You got this, I believe in ya!
(Thank you for your patience!)
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americaswritings · 5 months
Violet Hakami & Evan Hawkins dating (for more than a few episodes) would include...
Tumblr media
A/N: Just my take on how their happily ever after could go (still sobbing over here so writing this gave me a little comfort. I hope it might cheer you up)
Violet definitely has an ugly christmas sweater competition with Ritter and Gallo
She thinks it‘s kind of dumb, but she participates anyway because why not??
So when she is out shopping with Evan she begins looking for the ugliest one she can find
And he is like ????
"You actually think these look good???"
So she tells him about the competition and he helps her pick one and it's never mentioned again
But then on Christmas Eve he shows up in the most horrendous sweater she has ever seen
And she is so shook??? Because it‘s Evan???
"I think I win this one.“
"Oh, you definitely do!"
The year after that they take the competition so serious they go shopping separately
and there is lots of banter and teasing involved ;)
Also Evan is really good at picking out gifts
Violet just gets something she thinks is a good fit but Evan can spend weeks weighing ideas until the finds the perfect one
And he does
Every single time
"Evan...I don't know what to say." :,)
She is always speechless and he thinks it‘s the best reward he can get, because it‘s so cute
And we all know making Violet Makami speechless is not an easy quest (That girl always got something to say)
"Just tell me I'm the best."
"Oh, you so are!"
At the end of her work day Violet usually vents to him about annoying patients or jokes that were pulled at 51
And he listenes quietly and grins (because he thinks she is so cute when she is mad) until she is done or his smile distracts her from what she was going to say next
"Stop it!"
"Stop what?"
"You know what! That thing that you're doing!"
"Exactly that. It's distracting!"
Evan is a really good listener
and he is very patient
Violet is more fierce and outgoing than him
so that's a match ;)
But even though he is the calmer one , sometimes he has to let off steam too (mostly it‘s about the paperwork)
One of his ways Violet really doesn't mind ;)
The other is the gym. They work out together regularly and he teachers her boxing
He goes for runs too, but Violet can‘t be bothered to join him
"There is good exercise and then there is running.“ He always grins at that
Violet takes him to a spinning class once (Brett introduced her to it) and he ends up loving it
When they have a tough call they always take the time to talk about it, because they both know how important that is
Usually Evan can sense if something happened just by the way Violet picks up the phone or when she comes home in a weird mood
"What's wrong?"
Lots of comfort
And hugs
"You know you can always talk to me about everything, right?"
"I do."
Evan is the big spoon
But when they make out Violet is the dominant one
She likes to mess with him and tease him
because she thinks it's so fun to get a reaction out of him
especially in public ;)
Also lots of chemistry talk (because she knows he is into that)
which in turn makes her feel very cool about it and not like a huge nerd
though she has learned Evan is such a nerd about tv shows
she is always more entertained by how into them he is than what actually happens on screen
And yeah she might have called him chief in bed once or twice (it was an accident….)
Let‘s just say he didn‘t mind
Since officially being out as a couple they go to Molly‘s regularly
Evan gets along with everyone, because he is such a likeable guy. Violet sometimes thinks it‘s annoying haha
"Is there anyone who doesn't like you?"
"I guess some do, yeah."
She rolls her eyes hard at that
They often hang out with Brett, because he still supports her on the paramedicine program
He introduces her to his friends too and they are not the uptight guys she imagined they might be (they think she is pretty cool and pretty hot Evan can‘t disagree on that one, though he prefers his friends not to call her that)
Violet is the sassy one in the relationship
But they both got the sarcastic comments down
They like to call each other by their last name if they are teasing
Also Evan does this leaning-against-a-wall-pose that Violet thinks is so hot
The worst part is he doesn‘t even realise he is doing it
After dating for a while he introduces her to his family and they all adore her
Now they keep bugging him about proposing
Which he will do (eventually)
Also Evan can cook
He sometimes tries to teach her but she‘s a mess
(Or maybe she isn‘t trying hard enough, because it‘s just so comfortable to let him cook for her)
and he doesn't mind at all (he says it relaxes him which she really doesn't get)
They don‘t see each other at work anymore, but sometimes he surprises her with a lunch date or pops in at 51 when he is off shift
Those are her favourite moments
Of course Mouch then made him cook for the whole firehouse which she got pretty mad about, but Evan didn’t even mind
"They are your family and I want them to like me.“
"As if they didn‘t adore you already.“
When he doesn't cook for them, he loves to take her out
Fancy restaurants
Chilling at the movies
When he has to attend boring events she is by his side and makes them not so boring
He is there (and proud!!) when she gets another award
"For being one hell of a badass paramedic!"
They move in together when they realise they have been practically living together all the time anyway
„It’s just easier that way.“ Brett just nodded at that with a very unconvinced grin (the girl knows what's up)
Evan is really not the jealous type. He likes to be aware if there is something he should know about, but he trusts Violet and is secure in their relationship
Violet can get pretty jealous though. She just can't help it
Especially because she knows how good Evan looks in his uniform (or outside of it ;)) Of course others will try their luck with him.
She actually growls when she is there to see it. But he always very politely shuts them down
"You know I only have eyes for you."
And they go on that vacation
And lots of others
Their camera rolls are full of photos of the other
Most of them are goofy
Of course they are each others lockscreens, but Evan carries around a photo of her in his wallet
She thinks it’s so old-school??? But so cute???
Later when he proposes he does the whole deal
He makes sure they are both dressed up and he has roses and her favourite dessert
it's so romantic
Violet almost cries (okay maybe she cries a little) and then Evan gets teary eyed too and it's a whole cute mess
She wants to say she expected it after Brett and Kidd kept teasing her for months
But she really did not
Because there had been plenty of opportunities where nothing happened so she didn‘t expect anything that day
He makes it look so smooth, but they both know he is a nervous mess inside
His biggest fear (after her saying no obv) is dropping the ring so he holds onto it so tight he almost forgets to let go of it then
OBVIOUSLY she says yes
They agree to keep it low-key at first until they figure out the details
But the next day at work she ends up spilling the news to the girls and to Ritter and Gallo
And then Herrman overhears and announces it loudly to the whole firehouse
So there is that
Everyone is so happy for her
Boden even comes out of his office and hugs her
it's adorable
Herrman wants to throw them a party at Molly‘s and she actually thinks she might combust from happiness
Evan doesn‘t mind at all when she admits that „kind of everybody knows“ later. He is more amused about it
"You can show off your ring now. I know you want to.“
She really does (urgh when has she become one of those puppy eyed lovesick girls she used to make fun of??)
Shortly before the wedding Violet gets into a car crash with the ambulance when a sicko tries to get back at the firehouse for uncovering his drug stash
Evan feels his heart sink when he hears what happened
He rushes to the hospital IMMEDIATELY (he might have used his siren to get there faster)
Brett is there to tell him what happened and he is so scared for Violet the whole time she is in surgery
But it makes his heart a little lighter when he sees the whole waiting room is packed with her family at 51
And they take care of him too
Because he is a part of it now too <3
When they finally get the good news that she will be okay everyone let’s him go in first
He hates seeing her in a hospital bed although it reminds him of their first memorable encounter when he had to lecture her about a citizen complaint and her appendix burst in the middle of it
And she had barked orders around in the ambulance and talked nonsense…something about not having problems in her love life at all…and then she had petted his knee and told him he wasn’t a bad paramedic
She had told him that
Her boss
And she had asked him if she would survive
It had been one hell of a messy and cute event for sure
He had fallen hard for her then. And fast.
But being back here sitting at her bedside he could only think about the possibility that she had not survived
And he hadn‘t been there
But when she wakes up and asks him for the bubbly water he made sure to get ready for her it‘s forgotten for a moment
And she sees how upset he is so she reassures him she is okay
"Trust me, you won‘t get rid of me that easily.“
"I am counting on it.“
They do need to post-pone the wedding a little
But when it does happen it‘s picture perfect
And Evan cries a little when he sees her which makes everyone else cry a little too
And they have their happy ending
Because they deserved it
@capkilljoy @fairytalesforever @hamartocado @choke-me-sweet-pea @sleepinginthegarden7 @thenoddingbunny-blog @ttalisa  @hallecarey1 @Not-jay-c @sunwardsss @writingrem-blog @the-pink-petite-princess @wanniiieeee @part-time-patronus @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad  @theshortegg @not-reptilian @msdrpreist @alisonhepps @hallecarey1  @thatfangirl42 @dustyinkpages @ellabellabus07 @iluvjj  @wayward-hunter  @sweet-texas-girl @rosie-posie08 @ @olsensnpm  @meyocoko  @alexxavicry @shhh423  @dumb-fawkin-bitch @jayyeahthatsme @savagemickey03  @alexxavicry @partiallypearl @earthtolottie  @gisobsessedwithfanfiction  @navs-bhat  @AlohaStitch_626 @multi-fandom-lover7667 @xcallmetaniax @esposadomd  @halsteadloversworld @girlintheredscarf  @randomwriter1021 @joyfulfxckery 
@alldaysdreamers  @krswrites @oosnapitskat @okiegirl24  @mads-weasley  @nyx2021 @human01sposts @wanniiieeee @dustyinkpages @randomwriter1021 @cosmic-psychickitty @smoothdogsgirl @yyourmotherr  @luckyladycreator2  @penguins0527 @rippl3s @sande5098 @freyathehuntress @sorry-i-spaced   @narnianaos @jtxox01  @captainjoongiekissme @killerrbunnii @randomhoex @mrspeacem1nusone @thesithdiaries @cosmicwintr @fdl305  @insane-fangirl @thaliadoesthingd @crazy4pennywise@morks-watermelon  @automaticpeachsong @arialikestea @lanea-1 @hoeshii  @multi-fandom-lover7667  @mrsjna @toohighhopes @caroldanverwife @Kanji_Chikara @chsatlntic @halstead-severide-fan @halsteadloversworld  @mrspeacem1nusone @durandingers  @keabbs @sorry-i-spaced  @zizzlekwum @slytherlight @itserickalove  @mrspeacem1nusone @xwhatababex @Zo-3435 @evangeline0404
Add yourself to my taglist!
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sweetsickheart · 7 months
hey! I just saw your response to that huge reblog I left on that person's post!
Dude, I am so sorry! All of that was directed at the OP, not you, but I forgot to reblog from them instead of you! D: I'm so sorry for attacking you like that! I swear I didn't mean to direct all that at you, it must have been very intimidating to be faced with that wall of text, I'm so sorry.
And also, you're not wrong at all. This issue is basically all meaningless hypotheticals, we can all debate ourselves in circles until the end of the world, but we're not going to come to an answer with the information we have. There’s nothing we can use these arguments for, the only action worth taking is waiting to see what happens so we can get more information. Until then, there is no right answer!
And the OP was right, the fixation a lot of boobers have is weird and creepy and inappropriate in some cases. OP was just missing context that explained it, if not excused it. And I was very excited to give context haha
Anyway, I find the way the fandom is navigating this issue, and the social politics of it all, to be fascinating, so I love to discuss it. And I am way too invested in it and get way too anxious about it because I have no life. All that is to say, I actually really enjoy theorising and discussing this stuff, so that long reblog wasn't me being angry, it was me trying to figure out how I felt about it all myself, and the mechanisms behind what was going on. So again, I am so, so sorry for seeming threatening or like I was attacking you. You're not wrong! You don't have to take it back if you agree with OP, there's no right answer and I can handle people disagreeing with me KEKW. Also, I enjoy the contents of your blog a lot and have been enjoying vibing with you thus far. You are a poggers mutal :3
lmao yeah i get what your saying!! i have about 2 people irl i rant to and its a lot when you cant find people to talk to it about. you actually did change my mind on the subject and im totally chill with it. it is really interesting when you think about how things are so complicated over this one little thing and its crazy how different people interpret things!! but yeah, no harm done, im cool with people correcting me, having a different opinion, or changing my opinion. you're really cool and sweet and i hope you know that!
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thinkatoryprocess · 1 year
hey so um. sorry if this is weird and you hate it but. as a queer female snowflake with complex (in my mind, nuanced) political views, it's really refreshing to see a fan author who does not portray all characters who are not alt-left as irredeemable and disgusting. i have reasons for believing what i believe and my issues with the left (as well as my issues with the right) are legitimate. IDK. I think my corner of the internet is so steeped in antis and stalinists and death threats that my faith in balanced conversation divorced from extremism has started to fizzle out haha. Just- thanks for writing beautiful, human stories, you know? you might disagree with me politically, but i'm still a person, and it really fucking sucks when people forget that.
This ask has been sitting in my inbox for a hot minute as I figured out if or how to answer it. I think I've got it though.
First of all, thank you <3 <3 One of the things some people don't take away from YKW just looking at the tag cloud is that it is a redemption story and that Roman's love is born from falling in love with a sincere and genuine person whose beliefs happen to be pretty terrible. The thing it's easy to forget, I think, is that there are two types of people within any kind of political belief: there are those who sincerely believe in what they say because they think it's for the betterment of just about everyone, and there are those who say what they say because they want a system that will benefit them and they want the clout around being in the group of that belief. Those people are everywhere.
Now, I balked in saying this, but I am usually pretty good at telling the difference between the two - mainly because being loudly trans and disabled and a communist will usually make the second type of person be outright mean at some level. What I tend to do when I run across people further to the right of me who seem genuine and not gleeful in any kind of hatred or bias is... I don't know. I work with them until they push back on me. It's not always a blast, but they're always startled, because they're used to people spitting in their faces, and they're also very intrigued at the prospect of a real conversation with the opposition. I'm not saying make friends with awful racists, I'm saying that if there's a genuine human factor to someone's political beliefs, there's hope to bring them to a place where they won't do something harmful or they'll have a twinge of doubt the next time something biased crosses their mind.
So what I guess I'm saying is that, be safe, but if you're okay with the risk, there is a chance for dialogue with the right kind of person. Because there are definitely people getting off on the power of their political theory of choice, but there are also people whose main interest is in helping others - some of whom believe that increasing the speed of the gears of capitalism actually betters the world as a whole, or (without bothering with the context of racial police violence) that BLM protests are causing the very division that they're protesting and just want everything to be okay. And personally I think they're wrong, but the very fact that their approach isn't "I'mma get mine" means that there is a human with feelings in there, you guys. There are a lot of reasons people are conservative, a lot of it has to do with upbringing, sometimes with pipelines, sometimes with religions. Often the structure of politics doesn't make sense without conservatism to people. I get that. I grew up tradcath and I can't view religion without a Catholic lens, so I don't even bother (ugh).
My personal political view is this: while I prefer to work with people who totally get what the hell I'm talking about, my social media is absolutely batshit sometimes because I've got the opposite of an echo chamber going and the wrong post can set off a firestorm of discussion. Sometimes it's not great, but sometimes it can be really interesting. And, best of all, sometimes I can get a selection of different groups to help me on things I'm doing on an activist front, because it's not "I'm a communist, donate to this project", it's "this project is important because of X, Y, Z, please donate" and the charitable impulse from the further right and the mutual aid impulse from the further left can kick in.
I don't know. All that colored my writing of Mencken. This might be a stupid thing to post, but it also feels like necessary context. OP, thank you again for being willing to send me something like this. It means a lot and I know that people are vicious out there. In general, even if it comes to conflict, I prefer a sincere and good faith opponent to a disingenuous one 100%. Keep that spirit.
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TNG 6x20 The Chase and 7x15 Lower Decks thoughts (rewatching, so possible future spoilers for DS9 too)
I’ve temporarily paused my DS9 re-watch after 2x20 Maquis Part 1 to go through all the Cardassian episodes in TNG to get a better picture of the build up: 4x12, 5x03, 6x10, 6x11, 6x20 and 7x15.
6x20 The Chase
Admittedly, I skipped the first half of this because as I skimmed through the plot on Memory Alpha, there was no mention of Cardassians until later on XD
Lady Captain Cardassian! I feel like they're pretty rare, it's sas I'm so excited by this
Tfw there's a looong pause... and you're watching it on 1.5x speed. Just how long was that pause in normal time?!
Living for the Klingon-Cardassian banter
Data just THRASHING that Klingon. I love him so much
The Klingon is so INTO Data - this is flirting, right?
"You are attempting to bribe me." "Not at all." "You suggested a plan that would work to your advantage, one that I would be capable of executing. You then implied a reward. Clearly you were."
I think Nu'Daq might be my new favourite one-off character
Cardassian treachery! Gotta love it
Federation smarts! Gotta love it XD
"I will go with you" but imma be salty about it
Just wondering why I hadn't seen Miles about since season 4, then realised that, of course, he's on DS9 XD Doh!
Romulans from nowhere :o
I do like the plan to answer the long-standing why-is-everyone-humanoid question
>> Thinking about the word humanoid the other day, do you think the other species hear their own word through the UT? Kingonoid and Romuloid or so forth.
Haha they disagree, so much for coming together in fellowship and companionship
Romulan ending <3 "Perhaps, one day." "One day."
7x15 Lower Decks
Deanna and Riker are just nice
Love the Vulcan
Bajor mention!
Very professional, waiter, to spill the beans lilke that!
I do love this episode, and seeing the command from the outside
I hope their friendship isn't ruined by promotion. They seem very sweet
Having said that, I suddenly have a horrible feeling Sita dies in this episode
Beverly is so lovely
Lost. Puppy. What?
Awwwwwkward. "They both get a lot of snow." Love how Riker just seems amused.
Yeah, this episode is great, only getting to see what one of the lower decks see
Did he also think Wesley should have been expelled?
I love this Vulcan. And I love Geordie, but his frustration with Taurik is pretty amusing
I'm a fan of this poker juxtaposition scene - interesting that they've broken away from just the lower decks characters.
Hah, okay, Lavelle does annoy Riker
Lol "You and Lavelle are a lot alike." "What? We're not at all alike." "You're bluffing."
I really love this Ben guy. Inclusion of a civilian just being friends with whoever is super cute
Okay, Worf is actually being pretty good here? I find myself liking him in this episode.
Ohhhh "I wanted to make sure that you got a fair chance to redeem yourself", that makes far more sense - no wonder I felt he was a little out of character in the first scene with her, he was acting.
"I didn't realise she would be so young."
The feels. She's so excited and proud and knowing what happens... it hurts.
Oh, the promotion. I'm tearing up. This episode is making me FEEL
Ben, you are great. Nice job moving Worf.
Amazing how this episode is so moving when you barely know the characters. I loved the premise, and I love the execution of it. (Though damn you for killing off Sito.)
Again, we see a helpful Cardassian, but get the overall impression Cardassia is still a threat.
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ablednt · 2 years
yeah and we also need to talk more about the edgy "jokes" to overt bigotry pipeline esp in cluster b spaces. i feel like alot of it is kinda waved away bc ppl will go "that's just how i am and i cant help it. if you disagree youre ableist." like they conflate ableism with being held accountable and non cluster b ppl that dont know better just eat it up. and those same ppl will be the ones who talk about how they had a bullying phase but they grew up. like sorry but you dont just get to usse other other kids for your growth. like its such a white mindset to objectify others like that. and kids of color and intellectually disabled kids are already subjected to enough w/o being treated like. idk almost like pets and then being told, "its just a joke" we didnt hurt you that bad, get over it etc. like no i will always be angry about that shit. and you cant hide behind symptoms either not only bc life doesn't work like that but also. the ppl they did that shit too had the same symptoms they did. they can't be like " you just don't get it you don't understand my struggle" bc we dealt with the same shit and didnt use it to abuse our peers.
Yeah that makes total sense! Also not as extreme (though it's connected imo) I noticed a lot of cluster Bs (and not always white but I'd say it's majority white) tend to fall pretty heavily into exclusionism and harassing other mentally ill people + systems and such because of that "I'm reclaiming being evil(tm) by being an asshole to everyone" phase and yeah the like. complete dismissal of their "bullying phases" as if that wasn't also intense bigotry that they need to unpack lmao. Like I feel like a lot of them go like "oh well I'm different now" and then turn around and are like "ok but I can be racist and also ableist as hell against anyone I want as long as I have a justification for it such as they're inconveniencing me <3"
And then there's the equally bad flipside that's like. The goddamn obnoxious thing white NDs do (that I very much did in the past and absolutely have to take accountability for cause it's cringe as all fuck of me/srs) where they're all like "i'm so Nice being too nice and empathetic and sweet and kind is my whole personality haha" and then when they're racist and someone points it out they're like hhow could u :((( my rsd is going off!!!! :(((((( im always so nice to everyone how dare you. And it's like please shut the fuck up if you were genuinely a kind person you wouldn't have to reassure everyone and yourself every other minute and you'd be actually listening when people are uncomfortable around you.
I guess either way it's just that white people are raised thinking that we deserve to be coddled and that the privilege we have is somehow something we earned or something we're owed when it's so very much not lmfao
And yeah!!! Like it's actually so goddamn infuriating that we're always like "well you don't know what it's like!!!!!!" as if POC aren't often neurodivergent and also like they don't go through things that we will never have any semblance of a clue about just because of the way that racism and ableism intersect. Like just? the audacity that a lot of white nds have to act like mental illness and neurodivergency is a white people thing or like it somehow cancels out their privilege and like it's not entirely our responsibility to make sure that mentally ill and neurodivergent people of color aren't being silenced/talked over in our spaces. ESPECIALLY when so much of the rights we have now we owe entirely to y'all like it's really ungrateful and cringy.
Like the state of the wider nd community and especially the cluster b community is honestly just fucking embarassing and I think a lot of that is due to racism and that's not really surprising since so many forms of bigotry are directly tied to it in the first place. Like it's just a lot and I can't even imagine what it must feel like to have to bear the brunt of that.
All that said I hope that you're able to take care of yourself/g and that you have the support that you need you deserve so much better than you've gotten from us that's for sure/srs
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uter-us · 6 months
Hello! I saw your post asking how trans people would define a woman, and gender in general. First I just wanted to say thank you for trying to understand different perspectives, in my experience I've not found many people on the internet who actively seek out the opinions of people they generally disagree with. So I genuinely appreciate that you're trying to understand us better.
But I would define "woman" as one of the two binary genders, which is typically but not always associated with being biologically female. And similarly "man" is the other binary gender, typically associated with being biologically male. But obviously that's just my opinion and it's true that a lot of people disagree on what they mean. And I think when a trans woman says that she identifies as a woman, what that really means is that she's just more comfortable being seen as a woman, and she feels a sort of kinship with other women despite maybe having experiences that are different than them. Same goes for trans men.
As for what gender itself is, I would say that it's socially constructed categories (because humans really like to categorize things, even ourselves). That's why different cultures sometimes recognize different genders beyond woman and man, and many cultures have such different gender norms.
I'm sorry for this being so long, and I'm sorry for sending it in an anonymous ask. It's just what I feel most comfortable with right now, which I hope you can understand. But, yeah, thank you for trying to seek out different perspectives. It seems that you're actually genuinely trying to learn more about the experiences of trans people and I really appreciate that. I hope you have a good day!
hey!! i appreciate your response so much!! youre very nice, and i appreciate you too for trying to understand other perspectives through reaching out :))
also please keep in mind i haven't slept in 24ish hrs which is a long time for me so this is more of a ramble than very succinct 👍
since it's through anon ask it might be a bit tricky to get your responses, but if you end up feeling like responding, i'm sure we'll figure something out haha but i am gonna ask some questions !
And I think when a trans woman says that she identifies as a woman, what that really means is that she's just more comfortable being seen as a woman, and she feels a sort of kinship with other women despite maybe having experiences that are different than them. Same goes for trans men.
okay so i see you point to two things that make a trans woman a woman and a trans man a man. the first one is about wanting to be perceived as either a man/woman. I am under the impression that what you are describing is some level of dysphoria, (or maybe more euphoria ?), but correct me if i'm wrong. I am gonna point you to these three versions of that post for a more thorough response w questions this definition or partial definition prompts-- the posts are kinda lengthy so be warned! but you can skim (if youd like) for the parts referring to perception and dysphoria. (again, working off little sleep so the links are a great help. but if you are having trouble finding anything lemme know and i will help!!)
curious what your thoughts are there!
the second part is about having a kinship with other women/men despite having different experiences. this idea is one i don't hear as often! if im working w the understanding that kinship means a strong (family-like) relationship, is that really enough to warrant a role in defining who is a woman/man? like there are people who fit both of these rules (increased+significant comfortability w perception plus feeling they have a kinship w said group), and we can still recognize they don't belong in that group. in my personal opinion that isn't enough for defining a woman/man (especially legally!)
As for what gender itself is, I would say that it's socially constructed categories (because humans really like to categorize things, even ourselves). That's why different cultures sometimes recognize different genders beyond woman and man, and many cultures have such different gender norms.
im so sorry im being super lazy and tired, but in the posts i linked i talk about genders beyond woman and man, different cultures' gender norms, some questions about what gender as a social construct means to yall (vs the radfem perspective), and ultimately the role that plays in this type of conversation, so im gonna point you there again haha. if you want me to elaborate on anything dont hesitate to lemme know!
I'm sorry for this being so long, and I'm sorry for sending it in an anonymous ask. It's just what I feel most comfortable with right now, which I hope you can understand. But, yeah, thank you for trying to seek out different perspectives. It seems that you're actually genuinely trying to learn more about the experiences of trans people and I really appreciate that. I hope you have a good day!
no need to apologize for your boundaries!! an anonymous ask works great :) and i apologize for the lack of sleep interfering w my response, i hope it wasn't disappointing!! still i hope my posts provide some insight too, but more importantly i really hope you check out the questions because i promise my goal isn't to j stand on my soapbox or info dump, i really appreciate any and all feedback/responses-- feel free to send another ask (if you feel up to any response!)
i really appreciate your message!! the kinship aspect was the most eye opening for me because i find it relatively uncommon to hear in my experience. your fresh perspective is well worth reading! thank you! be so safe and take sm care 🫶🫶🫶 (and lemme know if theres something i missed you want further clarification/comment/question on!)
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deescade · 2 years
Hello again Nene-san! 🤗
I hope you're okay wherever you are right now. Since today was my first day at school (face to face), while I was walking (lunchtime) I was doing your latest click and drag game as a staff member of NRC. The crazy (well not that crazy) part is that I almost bump into someone making her bottle fall and I decided to help them when suddenly a hand freaking touched mine and we gave it to her and walks away like nothing happened. The other guys who saw it teased the guy, but I didn't heard it that much because of the volume of my music. Anyways, here are my results.
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Well it would make sense Lilia would be the top student, he is all about family and has been taking care of Malleus. Surely, he has the most experience when it comes to protection.
To think I'm calm would make it sense that I am close to Trein because poor guy only wants peace. I don't know why Vil likes me but ok. It's obvious he's into potions, (and I'm not that pretty so...)
Crowley as an admirer ??? Can't even prioritize a magicless human? No thank you. Vargas would sometimes not like me because of vibe differences.
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The only thing that makes sense that Silver would be the first is because when he poses when sleeping (any sleeping position of him makes everyone swoon)
Rook likes— wait scratch that, LOVES anything beautiful so it'd make sense when art is where you create the most little thing into a gorgeous piece of art.
We would be the best buddies with Sam because of FUN, though I would find his ways spooky but okay. About Crowley... YES. I definitely will disagree with his antics and be concern about the school and Yuu.
Trein as an admirer might be more platonic than romantic, this guy's has (theoretically?) a whole family + grandkids.
Trey must be immune due to have the most chaotic dormmates of Heartslabyul, and must be amazed on how I set things??
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I simply cannot understand why Jade would be the top of my class, especially when it's animal linguistics. He is an eel but it still doesn't make sense to me. But Malleus picking me as his fav teacher? 🔥🔥 YES! I'm boring so what?? I'm his fav teacher what else could you expect?
Being closest and having an admirer like Crewel would say so. I mean how can you not? He maybe got intrigued and made me his model for his clothes. (very easy to imagine.) Trein disagrees with me? Might be because of other matters, I'm boring so why aren't we friends??🤔 No offense but kids sleep during your lectures. That's no 🧢.
In Sebek's case is really simple, it's cuz Malleus likes me. Period, no explanation needed.
I hope you're doing fine and do tell me your favorite among the 3, stay safe always Nene-san 👋👋
Hi Chiyo!! Yes, I'm doing okay!! I'm actually kind of sick right now but otherwise, things have been alright! 🤧 hope you've been great! ❤ congrats on getting through your first day! I see you had a bit of a k-drama moment there, haha 😆
Ooh!! I think I like the last one the most, it's quite interesting and funny! You got a lot of my favorite characters, Malleus, Jade, and Crewel! You didn't have to roast Trein like that tho 💀😆 your commentary was hilarious, I love it!
You stay safe as well, Chiyo! Best wishes for you at school!🙏💙
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mgsdays · 3 years
Hello! I don't know if I'm exaggerating things but, kindly I’d like to know your thoughts on this:
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First: studying? We know this Christmas special posts their graduation so does that mean Mo is attending university/ school?
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2nd: He is wearing the ring Mo gave him on his Ring finger!! As I know in Chinese symbolism is:
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What does that mean!! Does he take this seriously??
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Oh, I hope I'm not exaggerating things!!
Hey dear! I think yes, Mo is studying for college / some kind of degree, I think He Tian is taking the ring seriously BUT I think they're not together romantically and that Mo didn't mean it that way so... it doesn't matter that he's taking it seriously. You can't get engaged if the person isn't asking you? kshdkdh He Tian is just like that
I am super pessimistic about the Christmas chapters 😅 I don't like sharing my thoughts because some people read these as the two of them already together and I wouldn't want to be bursting that bubble. But I don't think they are together. HT doesn't know where Mo lives. Mo is uncomfortable when HT touches him -- just as uncomfortable as he is now. HT doesn't know if Mo is studying and seems unsure about what is happening in his life. They act like they haven't made any progress at all, if anything, they've taken steps back.
I think when He Tian left this hurt Mo deeply. Mo is still angry, aching, pulling at scars at every turn, and he'll have a hard time trying to trust again. So He Tian taking the ring seriously is just He Tian being He Tian. He can't get engaged to a guy that is still hating his guts.
And Mo, god. I think Mo is in love with him, probably hasn't stopped, since he was 15, but He Tian leaving hurt him so much. He had never been hurt that deeply by someone he trusted before. Mo has a hard time letting anyone in, he's got scars, and he was fighting all those inner demons for He Tian. He Tian was carving out a space for himself in Mo's life and Mo was letting him.
Mo was taking care of He Tian on occasion. He was beginning to show he cared. For him, that's not easy.
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He was coming to He Tian for help. With She Li, the most pressing issue, but he was coming to He Tian for help but in general too.
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He was opening up and learnig to trust and letting He Tian in.
And then He Tian leaves.
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When He Tian left, all of that journey for Mo would read like a deep betrayal. It is reaffirming some of those demons Mo had been carrying with him before - he should be alone, letting people in only causes him pain. He really can't trust anyone.
He Tian showing up again doesn't fix this. He's playing it cool, smilling his way into Mo's heart again, and eventually it will work, but they are not there yet. The ring doesn't change this. They still have a long way to go.
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yazthebookish · 3 years
Yaz gotta tell you I am living for your page! You make my English major heart soar with this empirical textual evidence driven discourse on your page, and also being hilarious and witty at the same time! Slaaaaay 💅
I really want to pick your brain and I hope you respond because I genuinely am really interested to hear your take. I have read almost all your masterlist but please forgive me if you’ve already answered this. I want to chat about this Lucien/Elain/Azriel situation. Personally I’m team consensual happiness and would be happy with either ship, or even dare I say a throuple, if it’s written and makes sense with the narrative. I see compelling textual evidence that there has been an attraction (I’m not going to say bond because I’m NOT saying mating bond) between Azriel and Elain since the first time they met. I also feel like there is a lot of interesting “trope paths” that relationship could go through- choice vs destiny, forbidden love etc. I also feel there is some compelling evidence of Gwynriel or at the very least Elriel not being endgame. I see less evidence of attraction between Elain and Lucien on the page, but do see compelling evidence of her feelings changing towards him which could definitely signal a clear path for something to develop. There’s great room for tropes of a regency era vibe of arranged marriage to lovers that would make my Classics heart happy. I also think there is a lot of language around Elain that foreshadows them, or at least speaks to their similar aesthetic of daylight, sunshine, color, nature etc. I do also feel like there is some crumbs that could point to Lucien and something with Vassa and Jurien (which ultimately could just be friendship). I’m happy to talk specific quotes with you if you want but I didn’t want this to be longer than it already is lol. Okay so what I struggle with is how these different potential relationships could be resolved. In the instance of Elriel, it is a little more clear that she would reject the bond to be with him and he with Vassa (a very interesting thing that while bond rejection is foreshadowed, she has not done it yet which signals to me it will be important in some capacity) and/or Azriel would duel Lucien (which I really hope would not happen just makes me sad if it’s not a “mutual dumping” as it were) My question is how do you imagine she will resolve Elain’s interest in Azriel and his in her? I am NOT citing my difficulty answering this question as evidence at all! I’m genuinely curious to see the path you think the narrative would take. Okay very curious and hoping you respond! Love your writing again ❤️
Awwww thank you I'm so flattered!😂🤍
And you're on the RIGHT TEAM! Honestly I envy you haha! This ship war is insane😅
Well... let's get to it!
• I disagree that there has been an attraction between Elain and Azriel when they met for the first time. Elain was engaged to Graysen and Azriel was in love with Mor. They were polite with one another but there was definitely no romantic coding there. Nesta and Cassian however😂...
• I think Elain wouldn't find it hard to move on from Azriel, we don't even know what she actually feels for him no? Is it attraction, is it infatuation? Is she rebounding? We don't know. It's definitely not love I'm not convinced someone would fall in love with someone they barely say more than two words to each other. That's not how SJM writes her couples and you'd notice that if you read all of her books and noticed the pattern with her endgame couples.
• I think Elain would put a distance between her and Azriel once she sees his dark side or the his rage since she didn't witness that yet. Mor did and it kept her shaking in her seat. Azriel is similar to Nesta in some ways and Elain couldn't even understand the depth of Nesta's rage and despair. Once she sees him explode she will be like "yeah... I'm taking a step back" because she only saw the best side of Azriel without his flaws yet. I'm pretty sure she would have been pissed if she heard him asking the IC that Elain should not scry even though she announced in front of everyone that she wanted to.
• I don't think a mate rejection will happen with any of the main couples. If SJM wanted to pull it off she would've done so earlier. It's only one scene we don't need an entire book for it to happen. We will either see it with Eris and Mor since there are little hints they might be mates or we might explore it through Helion and Lady of Autumn since they are 100% mates and I think Lady of Aufumn eventually had to reject the bond in order to protect Lucien and her other children from Beron. This is why Helion takes a lot of lovers to his bed, to mend his broken heart because a mate rejection drives the male insane. It doesn't make sense for example, have Elain reject the bond in an Elr*el book and then Lucien moves on with Vassa and they get their HEA. It doesn't make sense for the last book to even be Lucien/Vassa because Vassa once she gets back to Koschei will be in her Firebird form at all times and there is no multipov because each book is about a couple.
• I think Elain and Azriel won't work out. They have idealized images of each other and once those break they'll realize how unfit they are. Elain is used to being coddled and protected and Azriel would happily do that for her and Elain is a people pleaser and usually appeases everyone. They both halt each other's growth because there isn't a balanced dynamic between them. We don't see them challenge each other like the other couples. It's very bland if I may say.
• Sorry but Lucien and Vassa make no sense to me. Their interactions are platonic and friendly from what we've seen so far and we barely saw anything? Vassa had very little scenes. There is an unbalanced and unfit dynamic there. He is High Fae, she is a human queen. He is immortal, she is mortal. She will go back to the continent, I doubt he would leave Prythian. Alright, they live happily after and then Vassa dies of old age, that leaves Lucien with who? His mortal descendants or the humans there who despise the Fae? Do you know what's a better dynamic? A Queen and a general who also comes off as kingly. You had one important scene where Vassa speaks of going back to Koschei and Lucien is giving her a pained reaction whir Jurian's face was unreadable? Why would Jurian hide his emotions at the mention of that? Unless there is more to his emotions that he doesn't want others to read into.
• Lucien and Elain are the first mated couple that aren't in love and this is new. They're like a couple stuck in an arranged marriage they do not want. As you said, they give off major regency vibes. They'll have to work around the bond and figure out their true feelings for each other. I think not only Elain is conflicted by the bond but also Lucien. Elain thought she would end up as Graysen's wife while Lucien believed for years that Jesminda is his mate that he lost. They're kind of in the same place. But Elain experienced the trauma of turning into Fae, Lucien wants to get to know her more while respecting her space. I think once Lucien and Elain set aside the issues between them, they'll have a great appeal. We didn't even get to see their dynamic yet and how they are around each other as they truly are to know whether they'll work out or not. Unlike Azriel, Lucien doesn't have a temper and isn't a fan of violence which is something appealing for Elain. SJM did say there will be tension, growth and healing for Elucien together. We're at tension now.
• As for Azriel's feelings for Elain, I think he needs to deal with his feelings for Mor first. We never got closure and I'm pretty sure that we will likely get it so Azriel and Mor can move on. I think throughout Azriel's healing journey we will have a deeper understanding of emotional turmoil. His reasonings for wanting Elain stem from despair, loneliness and the desire to have a mate. He latched on to Mor because he was waiting for a mating bond to snap. He saw two of his brothers mated to two sisters and the third one happens to be mated to another. He thinks fate is being unfair when fate has another mate in store for him. I don't think his feelings for Elain run as deep as some make it out to be. He was in love with Mor for 500 years! Azriel doesn't even know what true love is yet. I think once he explores what love actually is he'll be able to distinguish what he actually felt for each of them. His chapter literally ended with him thinking of Gwyn's smile and keeping that image in his chest even though earlier he wasnt all that happy because of what went down with Elain and Rhys.
I hope this answers your question and thank you for your kind words❤️
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brainrot-the-frog · 3 years
Arguments with the Hashira
《I only did *some* of the Pillars!》
《The Pillars x S/O HCs | Arguing》
《Giyuu Tomioka》
— Giyuu is not going to know how to act when you two have a genuine heated argument, if he's angry he's going to try his best to conceal his feelings which makes the situation much worse as you two continue on. He'd probably snap depending on how serious the conversation is.
— Now here's the thing, if you were the one in the right it's going to take a while for him to admit and apologize, however if you two stop talking you'll catch him staring at you like a lost puppy. He doesn't know how to convey his feelings and opinions very well but he'll sure as hell try if you two haven't talked in days.
— "I'm sorry for what I said.. I shouldn't have yelled like that..."
— Now if he was the one in the right then this is going to go very differently, he'll wait for you to apologize to him. Often giving you the cold shoulder and waiting for you to be vocal, you were the one in the wrong- he shouldn't be the first to apologize after your argument, he'll still say sorry for getting vocal though.
— "I forgive you.. I'm sorry as well."
— If you both were in the wrong he'd actually bring it up rather fast. He wants this to be resolved as quickly as possible.
— "We should move on from this.. please."
— when you two make up he's much happier, he'll hold your hand more often and give you more physical affection if need be. 
《Shinobu Kocho》
— Shinobu has you wrapped around a finger, whatever insult you throw at her due to your anger, or whatever thing you have to say to the point where you're yelling, she'll reply with a refute at every given chance. She's going to try and deal with the argument calmly albeit if you anger her she's going to reply much colder, she won't really yell but she will be spiteful in a way. You can already see the veins and her twisted smile beginning to show. It gets so scary if you argue for a while. She doesn't need to shout to get her point across.
— The sisters are gonna be sad when you two argue :(
— If you were right, Shinobu wouldn't wait around for so long, she'd want to apologize when you've calmed down and she's managed her feelings and has them in check. She'd approach you with a calm demeanor and wouldn't fake up a grin, she's wearing a serious expression on her face. She'd grab your hands and kiss your knuckles, then smile at you sweetly.
— "I'm sorry for angering you Love, I was wrong for what I said.. please forgive me."
— If you're wrong she's going to mock you a little bit, but then eventually demand an apology from you. She is NOT going to wait longer than a day or two, it'd irritate her to no end if you didn't apologize for longer than that. You'd have to muster up a damn good apology and give her an immense amount of affection to ease her mood. When you do she's all smiles and laughter and immediately goes back to teasing you.
— "Fine! I forgive you.. couldn't stay away could you?"
— If the two of you are both in the wrong she's going to turn the argument into a joke and call you as well as herself out on it. Would probably resort to teasing you and kissing you to change the atmosphere. Commence smooth talking and her beginning to flirt with you.
— "We're both wrong silly, lets move on please. I love you~"
《Kyojurou Rengoku》
— I mean– Kyojurou yells regardless? He'd yell at you but you can tell his tone of voice is calm, and still holds lots of enthusiasm depite the situation. Either he ends the argument himself, or you end it because you get tired of his hard-headedness. I don't think he has it in him to get genuinely mad at you, he just hopes he can get his point across without resorting to anger or snarky comments and insults. (Not like he has any of that- he's far too wholesome.)
— If you were right then he'll probably apologize on the spot, there's no doubt in my mind that Kyojurou would apologize first and without hesitance. If he's wrong then he's wrong, he isn't waiting around and will initiate a conversation with you the moment he wants to speak his feelings. He can't handle not talking to you for longer than a day.
— He'd miss you so much :(
— "I'm so sorry my Dear! I was wrong and I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me! I love you so much!" 
— He's saying that with such a warm smile, he takes you in a needy hug and cuddles you without even hearing your response. He just wants to be near you and have you stroke his hair. 
— If you were wrong he's telling you on the spot, "YOU'RE WRONG BUT I STILL LOVE YOU–" 
— He'd wait so calmly for you to apologize, you'd often catch him with his arms folded and his foot tapping the floor, he's beaming his signature smile and patiently waits for you to approach him. He looks like a golden retriever with the way he acts. If you're still upset with him and avoid him he's going to be hurt!
— "Haha! It's alright my Love! I forgave you a long time ago!"
— He's just excited to have you back, he takes you out that day, he takes you to dinner and constantly shows you off to any bystander the two of you come in contact with. He'll be locking arms with you and compliments you the entire trip.
— If you're both wrong he's going to be like Shinobu and attempt to ease the mood, he'd nod along and eventually hug you.
— "What were we even fighting for?! We're better than this!"
《Mitsuri Kanroji》
— STOP. YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE THE BABY CRY. I believe Mitsuri would tear up and try and talk back through her sobs, a heated argument isn't going to last long with her because you're going to be left comforting her or watching her walk out, holding herself. She'd be left in her estate, crying in her room until she had to leave. She's not even mad at you, the entire time all she wanted to do was kiss your lips and ask for you to tell her everything calmly. She actually didn't know what you were getting mad for.
— If she were to be mad she could man handle you so easily lmao
— Iguro HATES you if you make her cry, he'd try and throw hands SO quick! It'd be Mitsuri that would stop him despite the fact she's still sad. Even if the two of you aren't speaking she'd still make sure Iguro left you alone and gave you space.
— If you were right she's apologizing then and there, enveloping you in a tight warm hug as she cries on your chest. She wouldn't let go until you accept her apology and hug her back. If you don't accept her apology she's going to get so sad and walk out. If you do then she's kissing you for a good minute or two, she was so scared!
— "I'm so sorry for what I did! I won't do it again I promise!"
— Immediately wants to have a nap with you and cuddle! She's just so happy she can be in your arms again, expect her to whisper sweet nothings in your ear and pepper your neck with kisses.
— If you were wrong she's going to tell you and explain to you as eloquently as possible, no doubt she'd probably stutter once or twice but it's the effort that matters most! Again, I can't imagine her being extremely angry, she just wants this nightmare to end. She'd be impatient for an apology, constantly waiting for you to go up to her and just say sorry.
— "It's okay! I'll love you no matter what! You just get upset sometimes and that's okay."
— You'd probably be the one to realize if you're both wrong, she's quick to apologize but would deeply appreciate if the two of you discussed and settled your differences.
— "I'm so glad we made up! It felt like a fever dream!"
《Muichiro Tokito》
— Starting an argument with Muichiro is not going to work out in your favor, Muichiro can barely remember what bird just flew by, he's definitely not going to be very good at focusing on what you're saying when his head is too busy in the clouds. However if you do manage to get him to focus he's going to be anything but happy. He's actually rather serious and cold in response if you're shouting at him. He wouldn't exactly shout but he would curse a bit.
— If you're the one at fault, he's going to tell you right away, he's forward with what he says and how he says it, you can notice the subtle fumes of rage in his tone of voice. He doesn't really care for an apology, he just wants you to acknowledge what you said was wrong of you and go on with his day. He sees no reason in dragging anything out so when he speaks his mind he's walking away so you can process everything.
— "You need to sort yourself out.. I know you're upset but so am I."
— Now if he was the one at fault, you'd have to tell him and explain to him why that is. And when he realizes, he's not really apologizing but more so promising you that he'll never say or do the thing that upset you in the first place. He IS sorry though but expresses himself differently. He's trying.
— "I realize what I said was insensitive... I promise I won't speak that way again.."
— If you're both in the wrong you'd be the one to tell him that, it's not as if he thinks he's always right, he just disagrees with some things which sometimes can't be helped. He means well but can't show it half the time. 
— "Let's not fight anymore okay?"
《Tengen Uzui, Makio, Suma, Hinatsuru》
— It's not everyday you have an argument that reaches everybody, it would be so tense you'd catch yourself holding in the air within your lungs, scared at the idea of exhaling being your downfall. Tengen never wants to raise his voice at you, but sometimes even his emotions get the better of him and he can't help it. He cares so much about you but arguments tend to leave everything messy.
— Suma is tearing up when the argument starts, she holds onto you and whispers softly in your ear, begging you to calm down and not yell. Telling you that everyone was getting upset. She didn't want a bigger fight to start, she just wanted everyone to get along.
— Hinatsuru treats this argument as something that will eventually pass, she is so confident that this argument will be settled within the week. However this doesn't stop her from trying to calm you and everyone else down, she's the calmest one in the situation and would rather speak about your problems without the use of shouting or getting angry.
— Makio on the other hand, wants to hit you so bad for even starting an argument, this indeed worsens the matter terribly, Hinatsuru and Suma would hold Makio back so she didn't attack you. She loves you deeply, but this behaviour could wreck your relationship and that leaves her so scared. And the fact she was having those thoughts didn't sit right with her, more than ever she really just wants to hold you securely and fix this with a kiss.
— If you're the one in the wrong- welp, they are going to tell you without a moment of hesitation. You can't get away either as they'd sit you down until you apologize and tell them what's wrong without having to start fights.
— Makio is gonna slap you but make up for it later 
— "It's alright my girl- it happens to the best of us." Tengen rubs circles on your hands. Happy to have resolved the issue.
— Hinatsuru kisses your cheek and rubs your back, she's so proud of you for admitting your fault and being clear with everybody. "You're doing so well Baby, I'm so proud of you."
— Suma gets so soft, she'll give you lots of affection and will hug you for a while. She's glad you and Makio didn't harm one another and just wants to bask in the comfort of your embrace. 
— "Well- I'm sorry too.. I was just upset.." Makio turns away for a moment before she reaches her hand out and holds yours. She admits to being quite brash about the whole thing, she cares but has a different way of showing it is all! They all want to kiss you so bad.
— Now, if you were the one in the right, they're going to make up for it in a flash. Starting with Suma who gets teary eyed whilst bowing in shame, she's holding onto the hem of Tengen's clothes for a sense of comfort. Tengen is bowing also, with flowers in his hand.
— Hinatsuru is lowkey holding down Makio so she's bowing as well, however in her free hand Hinatsuru has a plate of your favorite treat "Please forgive us for not listening to everything you had to say, we're sorry."
— Makio brought nothing lmao- in the end though she goes out of her way to buy you a new blade. "I'm sorry for hitting you..."
— When you're ALL in the wrong Tengen is the one to bring up how lame it is you're all fighting in the first place. 
— "My girls.. this isn't FLAMBOYANT! We have to get over this!"
— When you all settle your differences you have a night out eating dinner and having fun in each others company. You're at peace..
— They're probably gonna bed you when you get home
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