#if you want me to add MORE BRAINROT >:D feel free to ask!!!
plantboiart · 2 months
Realised I never made an intro post thing so! Here it is!
Hi, hello, I go by Plant with most stuff on the internet so feel free to call me that, or alternatively I’m kind of experimenting with using Kian, Rumi, William/Will or Void for myself because brainrot (although Void isn’t actually because of jrwi it’s just what I like to call myself when feeling more fem)
My irl names are Havu/Arvo so like… you can call me those but honestly it’s just weird for me to hear/read them when speaking english so I won’t use them for myself online. I’m not going to like get upset if someone else uses them for me though
My pronouns are he/she/they, I’m genderfluid so feel free to ask me if I have any specific preferences on any given day! They is typically a pretty safe option though
The JRWI brainrot is real, specifically BITB, more specifically Kian Stone so like. Expect a lot of posts about that. I might also sometimes post / reblog things about the webcomic Aurora, Slimecicle things in general outside of JRWI, Your Turn To Die, The Good Place, Manic Street Preachers maybe, Ghibli Films, D&D, my own OCs, general writing things, politics, shitty online discourse (love being a hater sometimes), general LGBTQ+ things, and just whatever else I can think of.
I’m cupioromantic (aromantic who wants / enjoys romantic relationships and acts), gay in the sense of only being attracted to men and some nonbinary people but I have no idea what to actually call myself because genderfluid so. Yeah. Also maybe somewhere on the ace spectrum but at this point I’ve given up on trying to figure that one out
Some general stuff, I’m 19 years old, Finnish, and autistic. I’m not going into any more details about my information than that you’ll have to try a bit harder to steal my identity
Very aware that DNIs don’t really typically work but still putting this here: don’t interact if you’re racist/sexist/homophobic/etc (obviously), any kind of LGBTQ+ exclusionist (aphobe, transphobe, shit on neopronouns or xenogenders or anything like that), support Israel, make fun of people for having ‘cringy’ interests (unless it’s like a joke with people you know are fine with it), are a proshipper, or just like generally are an asshole.
Also, not a DNI, but I am an adult (barely) and will sometimes post things with sexual themes or undertones. I’m not going to just post like straight up porn (at least not on tumblr, ao3 is a whole different thing) but just keep that in mind if you’re a minor, a sex repulsed ace, or just don’t want to see that.
Always feel free to send me asks or messages! I love connecting with strangers on the internet like little kids playing together in a sandbox :)
If you want you can find me on ao3 under plantwriting or instagram under plantboiart. I also plan on posting on tiktok sometime soon because I’m planning on finally doing some cosplay content (my tiktok is also plantboiart but there’s currently nothing there)
Uhhh i think thats it i want to add like banners and stuff but scary so maybe ill do that later
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midnight193 · 1 year
I'm Midnight or Night and I use they/him pronouns
Adding a warning for minors to avoid my blog as I do have some NSFW things on here, bout time I added this honestly.
I am an artist and writer. I like to draw, write, game, eat food, and brainrot over my interests.
Some fandoms I'm in are D&D, Minecraft, Percy Jackson, COD, Hermitcraft, FNAF, Life Series, Umbrella Academy, and The Magnus Archives.
I have my main OC Midnight, an enderman who is defiantly my favorite child, and currently Star my Shadow Company OC. I have more but I have either not talked a lot about them or haven't even posted anything.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chaos that this blog is, and you'll stick around if I do post any art once in a century lol. Also, I am in school so my time on here ranges depending on my schedule. :3 Enjoy!
Also wanted to add, feel free to ask me anything that is my blog related. Obviously I will not answer anything about my personal life
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atherix0 · 2 years
hii o/ i came here to gush about your new mumscarian series because i just read iit and ??? it's AMAZING
first of all, you're insane (affectionate) for writing another long ass work right after the previous one, like it's actually so impressive. i love your writing so much btw i think it deserves all the praise in the world<3
the wordbuilding is so fucking good, i'm a sucker for all fantasy aus and i LOVE when the authors expand on their world and add their own little things to it like yes girl give me all the fantasy lore of your silly little world. it's just so interesting to read and i want to know more about it :D
ALSO THE CHARACTERIZATION OF SCAR…. i'm obsessed with him. i need to put your scar in a little box and study him. he's such a cool character, the fact that he pushes people away on purpose makes me sad, my boy deserves so much love but he doesn't think he does:( and i love the fact that grian just decided to befriend him as a challenge, he really saw a wild and deranged sorcerer and started domesticizing him. scar deserves a little kindness, as a treat. and their little conversations through the glyph made me so happy. also scar talking about how the glyphs work made me think that one day something will happen that will make scar dismiss his glyph and grian will think that he died or something
mumbo and grian's relationship is sooo cute, i love them a lot. grian just decided to befriend all the wild and lonely creatures out there, as he should. i'm also really curious about scar's relationship with mumbo, it's obvious that scar actually cares about mumbo but for some reason doesn't want or thinks he should have his feelings reciprocated…. i wonder what backstory do they have bc surely theres a lot to unpack throughout the seven years of knowijg each other
okay sorry for the longish ask but i had to talk about them bc brainrot<3 i love your works and i'm looking forward to seeing more of this series :D
AAAAA thank you so much <3 I'm really enjoying writing it, it's living in my head rent free right now <3 (also it's 3 AM here and I was just writing more scenes so uhh hahaa <3)
HHH thank you so much, that means the world to me <3 Long works are so fun to write, it lets me explore everything I want to explore and gives me time to tie up loose ends <3 I will admit I had not expected this one to be so long bUT I am happy to be making it even longer because there is... a LOT of ground to cover <3
Worldbuilding is one of the most fun things to write IMHO, I love it so much <3 I try to be subtle with it so as to not like infodump about the world I'm weaving but ya know <3 Sometimes I just gotta talk about it jhgfdjkfd
THIS VERSION OF SCAR HAS TAKEN OVER MY LIFE. I'mma call him Midnight!Scar since all the parts so far are named Midnight [word], but I started writing this and he absolutely took over. He's a feral thing and you haven't even seen half of how feral he can be <3 After all, you haven't even seen him in action yet... hehe~ There are things I'm quietly hinting about Scar that Grian isn't able to just see like he can pick up on Scar's manipulation, so I hope that turns out to be exciting <3 But Scar's reasons are... complicated at best and won't be fully explored immediately, but more like... lightly uncovered throughout the story, because his story has layers on top of layers. Also Scar Angst is my life fuel and I shall, in fact, delight in him suffering before he gets that happy ending. And oh yes- the glyph's being explained is, in fact... foreshadowing. Foreshadowing to what, I won't say, buuuuuut.... :) And also yes, Grian would absolutely befriend the guy who just blatantly wants him to hate him, just like "oh he's a little messed up, friend now" hhh
Gods yes they're so sweet together, like for Grian he saw Mumbo and it's Instant Crush and Mumbo is like Interest Piqued and they're so soft I love them <3 Grian is ultimately a gremlin tho so once they're established and comfy he's gonna be an absolute menace ahaha
YEAH SO ABOUT MUMBO AND SCAR'S BACKGROUND, that is exactly why I've chosen to post the story the way I'm doing it- because Third Person Limited (my favourite perspective to write from tbh) from Grian's POV means we lose every single private conversation between them, and my GOD I absolutely need to explore that deep dive because it is so important for them to Talk About It because Grian actually isn't there for a lot of it (because it's Scar and Mumbo's personal past together, so) and in the original doc, which is 100% from Grian's POV, there is a huge jump from them being hostile to being friends and it's jarring, so yeah........ buuuut I will give a little spoiler in that Scar knows a lot more about Mumbo than Mumbo knows he does, which might play a bit into why Scar cares so much. Also I want to explore/focus on them more than the way I originally wrote the story allowed since the Mumbo/Scar part of the Mumscarian is the slowburn so uhh yeah I feel like giving them the attention they deserve is super important <3
(also it's nice to post it as a series rather than a chaptered fic cuz this means I can go back and write scenes and order them chronologically on the list <3)
NO APOLOGIES THANK YOU SO MUCH this made my night honestly <3 Thank you so much! I'll be posting another part soon~ I hope my response actually makes sense because it's 3 AM and I was so happy to get this that I had to answer ASAP, thank you for sending this in! <3
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what if we are walking with zhongli and we're suddenly tackled by childe, moth just tackles us and we start to wrestle him. like yeah, we can handle his weight and all BUT WE WRESTLE HIM?. imagine moth whining and screeching when we touch a sensitive spot and leave him like paralyzed.
we're tangling moth in some chritsmas lights and we turn on the lights and moth now is a Christmas tree, bonus points if we have some reindeer horns on us as decoration. and zhongli is like "YOURE GOING TO BURN CHILDE" or what if we take our abyss form from the reverse au and we are the ones who tackle childe in his human form. AND WE BITE HIM AND JUST START TO WRESTLE HIM.
HELLO WELCOME BACK!!!!!! *EATS CHAOS AU* (this is gonna get long because i have Many Funky Thoughts :D
shoves down the temptation to turn this into angst OH OH what if you're returning from a trip as well??? Zhongli either went with you or came to escort you back to Liyue- Childe had to unfortunately stay home </3 so he's been staying with Zhongli. you get back pretty early in the morning though so he's still asleep when Zhongli sneaks out to go escort you back, intending for your arrival to be a surprise for Childe.
it's the door that wakes him up, blinking sleepily at the sound of voices downstairs. Childe can hear someone that sounds like Zhongli, and... you!!! it's you, you're back!! he bolts downstairs and pounces on you, quick as lightning!! the only reason you don't smack your head on the wall is because Zhongli is quick to catch and push both of you upwards as Childe smushes his cheek against yours in delight. his purrs and chirps are so excited and happy that they start stuttering and jumping!!! and you're petting him and squishing his face (as much as you CAN squish it), when suddenly your fingers curve and scritch a spot under his chin that just makes him melt in your hands, so now you have a moth puddle purring blissfully under your touch. Zhongli watches you and Childe, his two beloved friends, and smiles.
!!!!! PUTTING FAIRY LIGHT STRINGS IN HIS FLUFF. carefully tangling strands of twinkling lights in his fur!!! he's watching you curiously, chirping and tilting his head when you look up. but oh, you have such a happy expression on your face, so he lets you do whatever it is you're doing!! when you're done you drag him to the mirror to admire his newly star-speckled fluff!! he trills in delight when he sees the little lights scattered everywhere!! you've also strung some lights around his horns, and would've put more on if Zhongli hadn't walked in and told you to stop </3 but still, Childe's shining even more now!! he's so beautiful and sparkly <333
play wrestling!!!! reverse AU play wrestling!!! you both make sure not to get TOO violent, but when you want snuggles YOU WANT SNUGGLES, so you're very determined to make him settle down. there's a few places that make Childe yelp if you poke them (like his sides) so usually any play wrestling ends with you cuddled on top of him and Childe whining slightly underneath, only to doze off and start rumbling <33
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ellitx · 3 years
Hi hi! ⚔ Knight Anon here! Feel free to add me to the anon list. ❤❤❤
I'm also here because I saw Professor Venti stuff and HNGGGHHHH brainrot is just beautiful right now. My back is injured right now but let me be honest he could blow it right tf out right now 😭 so I want to share not only nsfw but sfw headcanons and stuff too.
The SFW stuff first!
• Professor Venti is the kind of professor EVERY student loves. I see him walking in late to class sometimes with an ice coffee and some weird but entertaining excuse to get some laughs from students.
• Quiet class? Nah. That won't fly. He is the kind of teacher who will say, "Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening" and if he doesn't get a good response, he will ask for more enthusiasm and try again to get a better response. Not in the cringe way though.
• Inside jokes GALORE. He loves to entertain and if you cannot have fun while learning, what is the point? He wants his students to feel comfortable with him too and laughter is always the best medicine.
• Absolutely a great and open communicator. If you are having trouble in class, he is always willing to help and will happily set up private tutoring sessions if you need more practice.
• He also is a teacher that will find ways to bend the rules because to be honest? The Education System can be be quite a scam sometimes.
• Music is the key to the soul and Professor Venti wants everyone to enjoy the music they make. I see him allowing students to bring in pieces they want to learn and play to practice. He'll even learn it too to make you smile.
• Random "tests"? Absolutely. He will throw in stuff to boost the grades of his students so they can pass. Though he does want to make sure people are actually trying to work hard in his class! No slackers allowed!
The NSFW Stuff
• Oh he definitely is a roleplayer. He LOVES the whole, "TeacherxStudent" scenarios and will love to tease any students that want a better grade in class both verbally and physically.
• He didn't get to Professor status by sheer looks alone, he has skill and unlike other teachers, those long, slender and beautiful fingers he has can easily pluck your strings all the way from G, and go from major to minor c to d (yes that is a SIX The Musical reference ;) )
• If you are a perfectionist like I am, boy I hope you will be okay because to piggy back off of the other comments made, he will use it against you to make sure you play every single note correctly. All the while, he will purposefully try to make you fail and test not only your patience, but your focus and willpower.
• Be prepared to be a pretty little cockwarmer for hours on end to perfect what you are doing. Professor Venti is not only a tease, but he is a very patient individual who seems to always have all the time in the world for the arts.
• He will CONSTANTLY and casually tell you to see him after class for your, "Private tutoring". While the connotations are innocent enough, it never is just music. Of course, he will make you work for your rewards, but you won't get any kind of release until you do your work and do it right. After all, he is a humble teacher who only wants your success. ;)
• He will NEVER degrade you during any practices. If you ever mention to him that other instructors would talk down to you, he will not tolerate it and do his best to not only make you forget about them, but pay attention to only him and what he wants to say/do to you.
• While pianos and violins are beautiful instruments, no instrument can quite compare to your body and soul. Your voice and the sounds you make are beautiful music to his ears and he will absolutely say you are his favorite instrument to play with.
• Be prepared to not only study hard, but "play" hard as well. Remember, your grades can depend on your performance. Perform well, you not only pass your classes with him, but you definitely get rewarded in the form of whatever love, affection, and attention of your choice.
• He absolutely will leave marks all over you if possible as you play. Why should he not get to hear a beautiful voice accompany the wonderful piano playing you are doing? It is almost criminal not to let the instruments play together!
• Especially when you do well, he LOVES to praise you during the most intimate moments together. "You are doing so well [Name], I'd almost say you are better than me at this." "You sure are a fast learner, but we have much more work to do." "What a delightful instrument you are, please keep singing for me. I need to hear your harmonies more."
• He absolutely would bend you over the piano (with the top part closed of course!) and depending on how he is feeling will either be painfully slow while taking you from behind or rougher with you. He may even juggle either side of the scale just so he can hear you beg for him even more.
• "Professor Venti!" Absolutely hits different for him and he is down for it. Every time you would say his name and title in class will make it a bit harder for him function, but he does manage.
• If you try to tease him during class by wearing more provocative clothing or acting in a slightly lewder but "innocent" manner, be prepared for a more "challenging" lesson.
That's it for me! I could keep going but I may melt my own brain doing this! 😭❤
This isnt just a food...
This is a high class gourmet meal for every simps to dine in 😭🍽
Im grinning so widely at the nsfw hcs because you know how thirsty i am for nsfw hcs of professor venti and you literally blessed my inbox with this 😭😭 thank you so much for this i really appreciate every single bits of these hcs you wrote anon 🥺💕💕
These are my favourites 👉👈
Be prepared to be a pretty little cockwarmer for hours on end to perfect what you are doing
He absolutely would bend you over the piano (with the top part closed of course!) and depending on how is he feeling will either be painfully slow while taking you from behind or rougher with you
Ive been reading these repeatedly and imagining all the possible scenarios i can think of with just these bits of information
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wqxianwriting · 2 years
online / offline 💤
— editing ‘they’re not into you, lil bro” && working on asks + new fic :] tba soon <33 thanks for the patience!!
REQUESTS: [5/8] | Requests are CLOSED
🎵CURRENTLY LISTENING TO: space walk —hoyomix (1 hour) 🎥CURRENTLY WATCHING: The Walking Dead S7 & Vampire Diaries S1
💭BRAINROT: The Our Life Franchise, Tears of Themis, Love & Deepspace, Lovebrush Chronicles, Shining Nikki & Stardew Valley!
📝 LATEST WORK: f!reader that wears traditional masc clothes showing her fem queen side. (headcanons) // nick nelson into athletic women (drabble) // how to make a golden retriever happy. (fic)
Updating my links properly soon! :)
TAGS — .my writing,, .writing reblog,, .anon asks ,, .moots,, .important,, .writing updates,, .writing tips,, .positive vent writing,, .vent writing,, .drabbles,, .sweater series,, .personal,, .ideas,, .request,, .brainrotting,, .headcanons,,
feel free to request those below for now! i’ll be making a proper “who i’m writing for” someday. yesterday, today, tomorrow nor the day after is that day 💀 or if there are fandoms not listed you can still ask and if i know said fanbase and feel like writing it, i gotchu. (there’s stuff on the actual masterlist too but things like genshin i wont be writing anytime soon aha)
QPR’s are very much so appreciated here! Just be clear on how you want it to be written since I’ve personally never been in one and know very basic things about them (willing to learn more!)
Heartstopper — 🍂
Nick (F/M/NB), Charlie (M/NB), Tao (F/NB), Elle (NB), Imogen (NB/M), Tara (F) & Darcy (F),
NB doesn’t necessarily mean the reader is gn so you can insert your own pronouns and stuff, the reader is strictly non-binary (and anything under the umbrella term like being genderfluid.) So NB!Reader for Tao isn’t “Oh M!Reader’s can insert their correct pronouns to replace they/them” etc etc, the Reader is literally non-binary aligned!
Poly Requests: Nick & Charlie (M/NB/Platonic F - to Charlie!(V-Relationship), Tao & Elle (NB) - Reader is Non-Binary (you can ask for different pronouns under gn!terms), Tara & Darcy - Strictly Poly, you can ask for a Tara based fic but it’s still hinted you, her and Darcy are together. You will never have a T or D x Reader. (F/NB)
- Elle’s sexuality is never stated that I know of, if anyone knows please let me know but because of that, Reader will be strictly non-binary or gender just not stated, including if you request Tao x Elle x Reader! (So they will be strictly NB!)
- Imogen’s sexuality is kinda… AHA – lowkey questioning right now if you’ve seen season 2, haha~ Same thing as Elle though, will never state Reader’s gender! Unless it’s specifically requested for M!Reader because as we know she does label herself as straight but it may change in the future, until then I’ll be safe and do this.
Tears of Themis — 💧
Marius (M/F/NB), Luke (M/F/NB), Artem (M/F/NB), Vyn (M/F/NB), Rosa (M/F/NB)
Poly Requests: The whole NXX team or you can just pick specific characters! (M/F/NB)
My Hero Academia — ✨
Bakugou, Izuku, Shouto, Mina, Uraraka, Toga,
Poly Requests: You can pair anyone for the most part… (M/F/NB) Just don’t be weird. TDBKDK is 100% fine for example or like, BKsquad x DKsquad is fine too!
Our Life: Beginnings & Always — 🌊
Cove (M/F/NB), Baxter (M/F/NB), Derek (M/F/NB)
Our Life: Now & Forever — 🍁
Qiu (M/F/NB), Tamarack (M/F/NB), Renee/Ren/Darren (M/F/NB), Vianca (F),
Poly Requests: Qiu & Tamarack (V-relationship) which will be them in a relationship with you but friends with eachother (M/F/NB)!
- Renee’s sexuality isn’t confirmed yet but since she was potentially meant to be apart of the ROM squad if they had time to add her as a extra DLC romance, it’s assumed that she at least romantically would be interested in multiple genders. I’ll be following that idea for the meantime until we get her confirmed sexuality.
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noaltbruh · 4 years
Hello there, welcome to my blog!
Care to stop by for a while? Take a seat, and enjoy all the fresh Jojo content my brainrot over this show has to offer you!
I take request for one-shots, headcanons and mashups. Please, make sure to read the rules before requesting anything.
I will write:
Poly relationships
Yandere behavior
Light gore
Angst (both soft and extreme)
Mentally ill reader. (I mostly know about Depression, Anxiety and maladaptive daydreaming, so if you'd like to request one I didn't include, please be as specific as possible).
Fluff (My personal favorite :) )
Main villains, Jojos and Jobros from any part (Part 1-8). Sorry La Squadra simps, I like them, but I'm not comfortable writing about them.
I will not write:
Character x character (Oc x character is okay though!)
Anything against the LGBTQ+, black people or any other forms of discrimination.
General rules and reminders:
(H/d only) You can request a single character, a group of characters (like the Morioh gang, the Bucci gang, or the Stardust Crusarders) or multiple characters from multiple parts.
(H/d only) Id you're not sure if one of the characters you'd like to see is considered part of the group, don't hesitate to specify it! We don't want any misunderstandings, right? :)
Feel free to add as many details to your Y/N as much as you'd like! We don't want a plain reader, do we?
Part 5, 4 and 8 are my personal favourites, so I might get a bit more carried away while writing those.
(One-shot only) Tell me if you'd prefer the story to be more on a sarcastic and light hearted side, or if you'd rather something more serious.
(Mashups only) Don't forget to specify your pronouns, sexual orientations, and if you'd like me to pick a character from a specific part (or if I should avoid some of them and not consider them in the first place).
Here's some prompts you may add to your request.
"This is wrong in so many ways, that I've already lost count"
I can tell you at least 10 different reasons for why you should/shouldn't do it"
"Well, you should have been more specific"
"I feel like half of my brain cells stop working when I'm around you"
"Stop looking at me like that, you would have left a long time ago if you didn't want to be here"
"What are you talking about? I simply stole- I MEAN- borrowed it for a minute!"
"Stop jinxing it!"
"Oh yeah? Or else?"
"Do you think this would make a nice place for a grave?"
"Ok, take a minute to think about that question, and then think about the person you've just asked it to"
"I'm trying, ok?! I really am...Why can't you just appreciate what I'm doing, for once?"
"My morale? How funny...I wouldn't have come this far by following it"
"Is this a joke to you?! Does ANY of this look like a joke to you?"
"Why does it have to be so hard..."
"Hehe...Guess I really am a good for nothing"
"See? I told you I knew best, I wish you would have realized it sooner..."
"Not another word, I don't even want to hear your breathing"
"I've done enough for you, it's time you pay me back"
"Haven't I warned you enough times already?"
"Do you have any other ideas?"
"Stop beating around the bush, if you have something to say, just say it already"
"Do you think I'm having fun? Do you really think I'm ENJOYING this?!"
"Yeah...No, that's just not going to happen"
"D-Do you...Really hate me that much?"
"Oh God...No no no no no...T-This wasn't supposed to happen!"
"Hehe...You're no different than them"
"Please...Let me help you!"
"Wanna know the funny part? I don't know why I'm doing this either!"
"It's just a part of me...But you didn't seem to mind the rest, mh?"
"Pfffft...You make it sound like you can choose!"
"Now now...You know how patient am I, of course you are forgiven"
"Awww look at you. You really are the perfect little doll"
"Go ahead and escape, but once you do, what will you go back to?"
"Oh dear, someone's feeling a bit moody today, nothing a little dose of affection cannot resolve"
"You make me dependent of you, if you want to blame someone, blame yourself"
"I wish it was as natural as you make it seem"
"What makes you think I'm so special?"
"I'm sorry...I should have been more careful"
"This is the calm after the storm. Let's enjoy it, shall we?"
"You're with me now, and if someone ever tries to hurt you again...I'm gonna beat 'em up!"
"What's holding me back? You? Please, you're pushing me even more"
"We've both had a long day, I think we deserve it"
"Please please please! I'm so alone...Stay here for a while!"
"Yeah yeah whatevs, just...Don't tell the others about this, ok?"
"No no no no no...Please don't cry! I-It was a joke, see?"
"Shhh...It's okay, wipe away those tears, it's just you and me now"
"Do you think I cannot tell? Please...Just tell me what's bothering you so much"
"You don't have to feel like you have to hide from me, I just want what's best for you"
"This isn't exactly...In my style, but it can work"
"U-Uh? Why so suddenly?"
You can add 2 of these per request, I hope it's enough!
I also have a bio for my Oc/self insert! Feel free to check it out, if you feel like it :)
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