#if your dm doesn't want two of one class in the party then either get a new group
skyriderwednesday · 3 months
Fucked up that nearly all the posts on 'how to build a ranger' are actually 'here's how to build a ranger that's the least like a ranger as possible!' I'm not picking ranger to play a rogue with no sneak attack, I'm picking ranger because I want to play a ranger.
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rainbownixie · 2 years
do you have any enby mike wheeler headcanons? asking for a friend
your friend is very nice! please tell him he's one of my favorite mutuals if you see him! <3
and i have SO MANY enby mike headcanons omg- btw they're still in the 80s here.
obviously the first one is that he HATES the name "michael". he hates hearing it and writing it and always asks for people to call him just mike. he doesn't have any issues with the party, but it's hard being at home because karen always uses his deadname.
he comes out to, surprisingly, max first. because she's also enby (she isn't actually like openly enby, she just is) and won't stop complaining about her name and clothes and the way she hates people seeing her as a girl. mike would probably hear that and say "but you... are a girl..." and then max would respond with "i can be whatever the fuck i want. no one should tell us how to feel about ourselves". and there's a long, long silence until mike says "i think i'm not a boy, either". and max understands.
he borrows clothes from nancy. not too feminine stuff yet, because he doesn't want to stand out much, but he likes stuff like her shirts and pants and coats. she doesn't find out until one day where she catches him trying on one of her dresses. and mike is scared and tries to lie about it, but ends up confessing that he doesn't know who he truly is. nancy helps him with his makeover and supports him <3
mike actually ends up not liking too much feminine stuff. it makes him feel like a girl, and he isn't a girl. but he also doesn't want people to think he's a boy, because he isn't one either. so he mixes shirts and clothes to be more androgynous. but none of that helps because, what he truly wants is for people to see him as just... mike. and not a boy.
he doesn't care about clothes much, but having long hair helps him. he doesn't look like a girl but he doesn't look like a boy either. it's perfect.
he ends up coming out one day to the party in one of their sleepovers. they are playing dnd (max and el included) and he, besides being the dm, is also playing as the paladin (which is truly hard bc he's doing two things at once and dms don't really do that but idk make it a npc or something it's just a hc). and he tells the party that mike the paladin is, indeed, not a boy. or a girl. and he looks at his friends, begging for them to understand what he means. they're all in silence at first, but then dustin keeps playing as if nothing happened and the others follow. will smiles at him from the other side of the table.
when he starts dating will, mike is scared of will leaving him for being like this. which is a dumb thought, and he knows that. but he can't help but to stop wearing nancy's stuff or talking about his struggles because he just... wants to ignore it in case will won't like him anymore. when will asks, mike tells him the truth and will comforts him and tells him that, no matter what, he will always love him. he's his partner, and will loves that about him.
on dysphoric days he pretends to be sick to not go to school, and always calls will because he doesn't want him to worry. will always goes to his house after class to spend time with him and tries to distract him.
dustin always corrects everyone (even parents) who refers to the party as "guys" with "party". he says it's because he wants to include both max and el, but mike knows he does that for him.
when they play videogames and lucas is the one choosing, he always chooses a game that doesn't make you choose gendered characters. he knows mike has a hard time with that.
will holds his hand in class without other people noticing (i still can't get over the fact that they seat next to each other- robin move on it's been years since s2-) every time mr.clarke says his name.
max and him bond over that! they start hanging out to complain about their struggles being enby and they end up actually not hating each other! they enjoy their time together, tbh. and mike always says "max" is way cooler than "maxine".
dustin comes up with the idea of using they/them for max and mike, and they love it! mike ends up using all pronouns (mostly they/them, tho) and max asks for the party to use he/they!
i love the idea of karen actually noticing mike hates being called michael, so she starts calling him just mike. she also notices the way he now dresses (he only gets to do it at home or hanging out with the party- although it isn't very feminine either but- y'know- he doesn't want to get bullied in school) and says nothing about it. she just smiles, and mike feels so so loved.
will always avoids gendered pet-names and names for mike!
i could keep going but this is long enough i think!!! thanks for the ask <3 yours are always the best ones!
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moonstonediamond · 10 months
Here it is, finally, just like I said in my last post, {Link Here} I was going to post the second Party Member's Character Sheet.
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This is some quick background info that would probably be shared in the story, but there is a possibility that I'll just not go over it. You can skip this info if you want it doesn't affect the sheet too much.
So when you die in D&D you have to create a new character but I have come up with a new way to handle it (so if a player doesn't want to lose there character a DM could do this if they want to).
So in the description of a ghost in D&D A ghost is the soul of a once-liveing creature, bound to haunt a specific location, creature, or object it has held significance to in it's past life. A ghost yerns to complete some unresolved task from its life. So we can apply that to the character backstory so if a character has something (either major or minor) that was unresolved they could come back as a ghost attached to one of their items or another Player.
Here are the down and up sides
1. You keep your Ability Scores from life but now you have to apply/add the ghosts Stats. So Strength -2 Dexterity +1 Wisdom +1 Charisma +3 Constitution and Intelligence are +0., Speed, Damage/Condition Immunity, Damage Resistance, Senses, as well as the Requirements twords food, sleep, ect.
2. You can't Level up your level stays at whatever level you were at when you died. (essentially Your Level Locked) So if you were level 7 then your stuck at level 7. This also means anything affected by your Level can't go up so HP, Spells, ect. (I go over HP and Spells at 5 and 6.)
3. You can still damage enemies and pick up loot, the loot would just be sent to the ghost's Plane Of Existence leaving behind an old/rotten husk outside of the ghost's P.O.E (Plane Of Existence).
4. You keep all of the Items you had when you died, they were just sent to the same P.O.E as you. The same effect of picking up loot applies to your items appon your character's demise.
5. Your Max HP stays the same and you're still Dead at 0 HP but when you need to take Damage then you minus you HP the same how you would if you're character was alive just make sure you put " " around your temp HP to show that your Dead. (so you basicly have ghost HP)
6. You can still cast Spells as a ghost and you can cast Healing (or Damage) spells on your party/yourself. (If the DM wants, you can have it that if you're Player character cast a Spell on something that is outside of your P.O.E then there's a chance it could be wild magic since you're casting magic on a whole different plane) Two magic Spells that you have always prepared are Invisibility and Pass without a Trace this doesn't count to your max learned spells.
7. If the item you were attached to is destroyed then you would disappear for good, so you don't get a third chance if another player that you attached to dies then you either attach to another party member (most likely having to share the Party member with the one that just recently died if they choose to do that) or if there're no more party members you disappear forever. (If the DM wants they could just have it that your ghost gets sent back to the place you died and just haunts that area unable to leave, unable to finish the one thing they had to do before they died. Unless the Player creates a new character and goes to retrieve the ghost then they attach to the new character but then the ghost would fall under whatever familiar/pet rules the DM has implemented)
And that is so far of what I have for your characters becoming a ghost if there is anything else I'll add it to the Comments and if there are any questions I'll answer them in the comments as well. And if you want to implament this in your next D&D session then feel free to just make sure you ask your players if they like to try it out.
This next explanation of the Character is pretty long as well. It's about Character Classes so I'll probably make a second post talking about why the Characters Level is really low since it wouldn't make sense from a player POV to keep a level 3 Character rather than make a new character.
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utilitycaster · 2 years
arcane archer anon here. I'm in a party of 3 with a paladin and mercy monk. I'm mostly looking for buffs as I'm in the back row and tend not to get hit as much; and we've had a few close calls that made me want to get emergency healing so we can all pick each other up in a fight. my charisma is decent at 13 but I didn't even consider bard or warlock until now. so I'd appreciate your suggestions! I want to eventually get to level 5 fighter but spending 2+ levels on something else is fine by me.
So. To be totally transparent this is a kind of rough party build; you all chose martial classes for a three-person party and that requires really careful DM-ing to balance out well, and even then I think close calls are just going to be part of the territory. In my experience the more feasible 3 person party builds either have a full/almost full caster support healer (bard, druid, cleric, divine soul sorcerer, celestial warlock) or two half caster healers (paladin, artificer, ranger, and ideally it's one of paladin or alchemist artificer). Way of Mercy is great, but the healing output is quite limited.
I wouldn't want to stretch you too thin stats wise, but more spell slots are better here; three levels in a full casting class with healing would give you a pretty solid base. The good news is that if you're using your spells mostly for buffing and healing and doing damage with your fighter abilities, your casting stat doesn't need to be more than 13/14 to give you some good results.
My thoughts are that, depending on what you prefer in terms of vibes/story, bard or celestial warlock are both options that give you a really good payoff amount for 3 levels. I think celestial warlock is probably the better choice in terms of pure mechanics in this scenario, but I do love bards, and I also respect if you don't want the narrative baggage that comes with celestial warlock. Also, the order in which you level doesn't matter - I'd take one level in the charisma casting class of your choice first, but after that it's up to you and how the game is going. By level 8 you should be Fighter 5/Caster 3, basically, but the order in which you get there from Fighter 3/Caster 1 is entirely your decision.
Bard: If you focus on utility cantrips that don't require saving throws (eg: message, mage hand) and similarly take healing word, cure wounds, and some other high utility non-combat spells (eg: disguise self, detect magic, feather fall) you'll be in good shape, and 3 levels in bard will give you quite a lot of healing. Swords Bard, hilariously, does not require you make melee attacks to do the flourishes, though it's definitely designed around melee fighting for other features (the bonus proficiencies and fighting style): but you can just rely on defensive flourish every single time, which deals a little extra damage and increases your AC. Valor also works thematically and will buff attacks, and Lore gives you a bunch of extra skills as well as cutting words.
Celestial Warlock: the best feature here is the L1 Healing Light feature, which works at the same distance as healing word. You also get access to cure wounds. I would personally take 3 levels, get pact of the tome, and then take spare the dying and whichever two other cantrips you want. You also get invocations, which add tons of utility (I'd lean towards out of combat ones relating to perceiving things; eldritch sight might be a good idea given no one else has detect magic). I assume that you'll be taking short rests because you have a monk in the party, so your spells will regenerate, which is nice. Basically, you will have a zillion cantrips and cantrip-like abilities, cure wounds, a few spells (again, focus on things with no attack/save - hex seems like an obvious choice, and comprehend languages is useful) and a small pool of Healing Light dice.
Oh also, fwiw, if your monk (presumably high wisdom) is open to taking a single level of life or grave cleric, and specifically taking the spare the dying cantrip and healing spells, that would also have a pretty significant payoff for a small leveling investment; between the two of you that would do a ton towards opening up the utility of the party.
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class, playtest, scheduling, dice AND secret&heart for my grumpy gorls? 👀👀👀
i am delighted every time u pop in for these ask games!
Class: What’s your favorite class to play?
i am a sucker for a druid or a barbarian i can't lie (but i have a tendency to wander so i dabble in pretty much every class)
Playtest: What class (or subclass) do you want to try out?
so many i was not kidding when i said i tend to wander, i wanna try everything
first ones to come to mind at the moment are echo knight fighter, shadow sorcerer, and genie patron warlock
Scheduling: Do you prefer to play in long campaigns, oneshots, or something in between?
hmm... i have done one shots, and i am currently in a couple long campaigns (like 7+ years long mostly due to circumstances). i think i would really enjoy something in the middle, to really be able to stretch out a character but also to be more sure that we will be able to get to an ending yknow?
Dice: Do you have any dice rituals? Preferences? Collections? Does such thing as dice luck really exist?
i like to pick out dice that have a coloring/theme connected to the character i'm playing. i used to do "lets roll all my d20s and see who's doing the best" but i have. a few too many for that now honestly
my dice preference is more
my dice collection is also kinda spread out right now, i have my bag of miscellaneous dice and my two metal sets next to me atm, my case of all my other sets of dice at my friends place, and then i have a couple Extra Large dice that i keep in my room
dice luck doesn't exist but the dice do have a story they wanna tell and you just gotta accept that
Secret: Is there anything that you know about your character but your character doesn’t know? What is it? How did you come up with this secret?
i don't tend to make things that i know that my character doesn't? if my character doesn't know it, i don't either and i leave it up to the DM unless they ask me to do it specifically
Flint: the campaign for her kinda fell apart which is very sad BUT it does mean that i know everything the DM had planned for it and i have absolutely no reason not to share! so you get all the wild juice details and i would say the biggest thing i know that she doesn't (even tho i didn't come up with it) is that she has a sister out there in the world somewhere who came about as a result of cloning experiments that used her mothers' DNA
Wyn: this is a little bit more of a 'she is in full on denial', but a little while ago a false hydra ate one of the party members and erased her from everyone's memories. we got the party member back, but not the memories, and now Wyn is hellbent on getting those memories back at all costs. and the thing is, it's most likely impossible. i know that this quest is almost definitely futile but Wyn doesn't and will not believe it unless literally her deity descends from the heavens to tell her so himself
Heart: What drives your character? Do they have a theme, question, mission, etc. that they’re holding onto? How did you pick it for them?
Flint: the number one thing that drove them was the desire to keep on surviving. Flint's extended family was the ruling nobility of a country, and also the only aasimar in this world, so when most of them were wiped out (by the emperor, a distant cousin of hers and the only other survivor as far as she knows), it left her not only as the sole carrier of her direct family's memory, but also one of the only aasimar left in the world, and that is a responsibility and a burden. they only survived because they had kind of betrayed their family and so they lie and hide their identity and do whatever it takes to survive as kind of an extended apology, hoping for absolution in the act of keeping the remains of their family alive in them.
i picked that mainly because i had already decided on Flint being an aasimar and part of this noble family, and then when i learned about the family deaths i just kind of followed the logic; how do you survive that? and what kind of person do you become afterward?
Wyn: my darling girl is a paladin, of course she has a mission! and it is to protect the world from an interplanar war, and the careless and cruel actions of extraplanar creatures that could wreak havoc without even realizing it. she wants to protect people, and she wants to protect this plane, and she wants to make up for her mistakes (it was partially her actions that led to this war getting started and by golly does she know how to bear a cross about it)
and actually i didn't so much choose this as it happened naturally. first level first session Wyn didn't want to be a paladin. she didn't want to be out in the world doing anything, much less helping people, and her intense desire to escape the fate set out for her by her god led directly to her signing a contract and getting mixed up with things far greater than herself. experiencing the world also made her care about it more, and seeing the consequences of her actions (and the other ways things could have gone), turned all that on its head, and now she is determined to make up for doubting her god and trying to reject her calling
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rabdoidal · 2 years
idk if this counts as dm court but do you have any advice for balancing things? my group plays in pbta so we dont have things like challenge ratings and stuff, and I feel like I haven't been challenging them enough with failed rolls. trying to be more strict feels like im being a killjoy and im not really sure how to balance the two
Ooh good question, I have super limited experience with PBtA / 2d6 systems - I've GM'd for Monsterhearts and played in Dungeon World, but never the full extent of a campaign - but certainly my go-to for keeping encounters fresh is thinking about external factors, and how characters can push themselves. I'll also say that while it can feel like you're being a buzzkill by being harsh, it really depends on the players and how they feel about failure. PBtA especially is a system based on failing up - and for a lot of players, failing spectacularly is just as fun as succeeding. It doesn't have to be cruel or harsh, but you definitely have the ability to be a little mean, or at least to redirect the energy of the situation (ie: if someone fails on a stealth roll to get into a fancy party, they could either just trip and fall and get captured, or they could be mistaken for royalty or one of the guards and get taken away from the area they were trying to investigate).
Some challenge ideas/tips:
Put varied enemies on the board that challenge different class features the players have (a magic stealing construct that's too strong for the wizard to defeat, stuff like that), but have it so all the enemies in the area cancel themselves out. If you use the rock-paper-scissors model, you can create, for example, worms that cause earth tremors when they hide underground, jumping spiders that are easily frightened by the tremors, and acidic frogs that want to eat the spiders, but the worms are vulnerable to acid. All of it together is a clusterfuck, and annoying if your players can't catch the worms before they go underground or can't get unstuck from frog slime, but they can still use the environment against itself to win the combat. They have the option to either brute force it or think through it, but neither way is unbalanced.
Put in non-violent combats - a battle where you're in an ancient temple and there is a timer counting down while your party has to correctly solve a puzzle (either them as people or mechanically through rolls) before the ruins collapse while another party member has to go find the treasure you came for before its destroyed - you can make things more manic and stressful, which can make even the most competent players freak out.
After a certain point with ttrpgs, players will reach a level where nothing can possibly kill them short of a god. You can pile on a bunch of shit, and in the moment if it feels like too much and the party is about to die, you can reduce the villains HP or have someone come and save them. The reason why the DM screen is so important is because it keeps the suspension of disbelief going when you think you might've fucked up. You can fudge their saving throws or the number of goons they have when it feels like you miscalculated the fight.
Go left field. If they're all competent fighters, hunters and mages, make them go on fantasy Great British Bake-off and make them use their limited life skills to win in order to proceed to the next battle, or win a huge prize. If they're a bunch of shitty teen vampires and witches, make them the Babysitter Club for a day.
Its hard to find a balance, but making challenges that can affect not just their characters, but their feelings as the players themselves, can help them have emotional stakes in what you give them. It's not the end of the world if they lose a pro-wrestling tournament, but the emotional loss will last a lot longer.
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jisungsplatforms · 3 years
[Chapter VI: Girl Talk! And...Uh oh.]
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Pairing: Producer/Music Major! Han Jisung x Photographer! fem! reader
Genre: NSFW! Smut; non idol au, college au, strangers to lovers
Warnings: Mature Content! strong language, angst (no smut this chapter!)
Chapter Word Count: 4.5k
Taglist: @hyunjeongins @seungstarss @es-kay-zee @hyunjinsplaything @formidxble @freckledquokka @lbxgsunshine @cartierbin @solistired @rainbowmagicpixecorn @http-hyxnjxn @dwaebinnie @gothmingguk @minniehohos @seoulicitae @delicatemugtreehairdo
Unable to tag: @kayannainsworth15
(want to be added? send an ask or a dm! <3)
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It’s been a few days since your date with Jisung and you haven’t seen him since. Was this something you brought upon yourself? Yes.
You stared blankly at the ceiling, thinking about the last text you sent him. ‘Sorry, I think I caught a cold’? Why would you say that to him?! You were so focused on wallowing in shame that the sound of the doorknob twisting did not register in your mind at first.
“Y/N~! I’M BACK!” a feminine voice yelled out as you watched the door flung open all of a sudden. Forgot she’s coming back, you thought as the face of your beloved roommate entered your field of sight. “HELLO~! Oh…”
“Welcome back, Lia,” you greeted her unenthusiastically, staring at her without any expression.
“Girl,” she stopped, taking in the way your body was splayed limply on the créme-colored couch. “I didn’t realize I took your happiness with me.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Ha ha.”
Lia closed the door behind her, dragging in her large grey luggage. “Looks like I brought your sense of humor too. Do you want me to go back to Canada to find it?”
Groaning, you sat up, staring at her dead in the eye, while she laughed at her own joke. She struggled with bringing in her suitcase while mumbling about ‘how hilarious she is’ and that she should do standup comedy. Once she had successfully hauled her luggage through the cramped hallway, she pushed it to the corner of the living room before walking to where you were at. She plopped down beside you with a bounce, moving the throw pillow onto her lap.
“So why do you look like...that?”
“Boy troubles.”
“Boy troubles?!” Lia said in shock. “Wow, I never thought I’d hear that from you.”
Taking her words to slight offense, you glared at her, pouting. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing! It’s just that—nevermind, continue!”
“Well, okay then... First off, Minho is a menace to society. Never go to a party with him,” you announced, adjusting your position without making any eye contact.
Your roommate chuckled. “What? Why start off like that?”
“It’s an important piece of information,” you waved her off, as if you were telling her to just listen and don’t ask questions. “So, I went to a party with him and Hyunjin a few weeks ago, right?”
“Yeah, how was it by the way?”
“Big. Seo Changbin is a rich motherfucker,” you deadpanned, snapping your neck to finally look at her. Meanwhile Lia laughed boisterously at your unexpected dryness.
“Anyways, Jinnie got DRUNK about thirty minutes later and Minho, being the dear friend he thinks he is, went off flirting with this dude with a red beanie, leaving me to babysit him.”
Lia interrupted. “Hold on, when do these “boy troubles” come in?”
You hushed her, covering her mouth with your foot. She swat your foot away from her face as you spoke. “Wait. I was getting there!” you complained. “So the red beanie dude Min was talking to, the one I mentioned earlier? I thought he was hot as hell, like if I wasn’t so busy dealing with a drunken Hyunie, I would’ve shoot my shot with him but nooo. Minho is a BITCH but it's okay, I still love him, especially since he’s the reason I have a thing now with that red beanie cutie.”
“Girl, really?! How did he do that?”
You sighed, jokingly scolding her, “Maybe if you didn’t interrupt me every damn minute, Julia, I would’ve finished my story faster.”
“It’s not my fault your storytelling skills are horrendous!” she huffed. “But sorry, I won’t interrupt now! Keep going!”
“Okay, so, after a while, I finally got Min to help me, which took like, another thirty minutes, I think? Then fast forward a little, that lazy bitch is driving us home, the drunk bitch is suffocating me with affection, and I’m just wondering why the hell those two are my best friends, but whatever. After Minho dropped me home, I wanted to text him to thank him for helping me wrangle Hyunjin, even though I forced him to, and I thought did, right?” you paused for a moment to see if Lia was still following along. After a subtle nod from her, you continued. “So I thanked ‘him’ then asked ‘him’ if he could give me that red beanie cutie’s number, which, to the total surprise of my dumbass, ended up being him.”
“Ooh...plot twist!” she randomly cheered, making you snort. “Sorry...I just had to add that!”
“It’s okay, that was the perfect commentary for that situation,” you giggled, adjusting yourself on the couch. “But yeah, fast forward again, and we’ve been hanging out, texting, and just recently, went on a date.”
“That’s great, Y/n!” Lia hugged you. She leisurely rocked you until she realized something was wrong with your story. She asked, abruptly letting go of you, “Hold on, why did you leave it at a good ending? Where’s the ‘trouble’?” Before you could answer, the sound of your notifications going off from your phone stopped you. You leaned over to see who texted you, picking it up.
(3) new message(s) from: Hannie Bear 🍯🧸
“Hannie Bear?” Lia giggled. “That’s such a cute nickname. Who’s that? Is that the boy you were talking about?” She proceeded to coo, shaking you around and making kissy noises.
You hushed her, cutely pouting, “Shut up, he gave himself that name.” You playfully pushed her face away, turning to the other side. You tapped on the notification banner to read it from your lockscreen.
Hannie Bear 🍯🧸: hey babe!
i noticed you didn’t come to class today either
are you still feeling sick baby? :( do you want me to come over?
“Huh? I didn’t know you were sick, Y/n,” Lia said slowly. You turned your head to see her looking over your shoulder, eyeing you suspiciously.
“Oh! Uh—That’s funny ‘cause—”
“Y/n, when was the last time you texted that boy?” You stayed quiet, avoiding eye contact with her. “Y/n?” she said sternly.
You sighed guiltily. “3 days ago…4 since I last saw him.” you mumbled, with the fuzz on your socks.
“3!?” she gasped, “Text that poor boy!” You hesitantly unlocked your phone, bringing your phone up to your face.
Me: Yeah, sorry Sung, I’m still kinda sick :( bleh
Please don’t come over! I don’t want you to get sick cause of me
Hannie Bear 🍯🧸: aww but i miss you :((
it’s okay. i won’t bother you now
just take care, okay? Get well soon!
i love you! ❤️
‘I love you’...There’s that stupid sentence again. Why does he keep saying that?
All of a sudden, your roommate pulled your arm towards her, forcing you to show your phone to her. She glared at the screen. “You are a terrible person, you know?” she commented after reading all your messages. You sighed, silently agreeing with her. “Why would you tell him you’re sick!?”
“I don’t know! I’m sorry!”
“Don’t apologize to me! Apologize to ‘Hannie Bear’! Tell him that you’re not sick!”
You spluttered, panicking. “NO! He doesn’t have to know that I’m not sick!” You lunged away from her to move your phone from her as far as you could. Lia payed no attention to your action, a bit confused with your reaction.
“Then why are you lying to him!? Are you avoiding him?”
“NO! I—Y-YES?! I DON’T KNOW ANYMORE!” you yelled, chucking your phone to her lap. You let out a heavy exhale, rubbing your face while you laid half your body down. Lia got up, locking your phone, and walked in front of you.
“Talk to me, Y/n,” she gently said. “What’s wrong? He seems like a nice guy.”
“He is,” you whispered. “God, he’s so fucking sweet and funny and considerate and—fuck. I don’t know…” She squeezed your arm, silently comforting you. You removed your hands from your face and sat up, looking at your sweetheart of a roommate with uncertain eyes. “Lia, I don’t know how to feel. I’m so confused! I think..everything happened so fast that... I-I’m scared...I don’t wanna fall in love with him. I don’t want to fall in love, in general. I-I’m not ready! I’m so scared that—”
“Listen,” she stopped you, moving to sit beside you again to wrap her arms around you. “I know that every single one of your past relationships weren’t the greatest. But that doesn't mean you should NOT fall in love with anyone anymore. I know it’s scary, but at least...try? And if you really don’t think it will work out, then please don’t lead him on like that. That’s just going to make the whole situation worse. It will only hurt more.”
You took a deep breath, calming yourself down. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”
Lia let go, leaving her hands on your shoulders. “You don’t have to talk to him today but please go to school tomorrow to talk to him, face to face. Deal?”
“Deal.” She brought you back to her arms, hugging you tighter and rubbing your back. You wrapped your arms around her figure with the same amount of urgency. The two of you stayed like that for a few sentences until she let go first.
“Thank you for being here for me, Lia,” you muttered into her neck.
She hummed, burying her head into your neck. “Of course. Whenever you need some ‘girl talk’, you know I’ll always be there for you.”
You released yourself from her grip, sniffling. “Welcome back home, again, Jules,” you grinned. “Wanna tell me about your trip back home?”
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You walked through the semi-crowded halls, anxious. I’m getting a serious case of deja vu right now, you thought, quietly snickering to yourself. You gripped your bags closer to you, walking in a quicker pace until you reached your locker. Setting the combination of the lock, you swung the door open, digging through the small storage to switch out your books for the day.
“Hey, Y/n!”
You flinched, hearing someone randomly call out your name. Slowly turning around, filled with dread, you saw Seungmin and Jeongin walking up to you. Your shoulders slumped in relief. “Good morning, Y/n,” Seungmin greeted with a warm smile.
“Morning. Wow, it’s amazing to see you early,” you laughed, referring to Jeongin.
He scrunched his face then laughed. “I’ve been coming early for the past few days already. You would’ve known if you’ve been here.”
“Oh yeah, what happened to you? Are you okay?” the other boy asked.
Your heart stopped, panic surging through you. Why are you so scared? They’re not the ones you’re avoiding! You stared at the two boys like a deer caught in headlights. “Uhm...Sorry about the sudden disappearance but I—uh—caught a cold a few days ago.”
“Oh really?” Jeongin said. “I mean, you do look tired though so I guess that explains it, but good to know you’re good now!”
“Are you sure you’re even fully recovered?” Seungmin gave you a subtle stank look. “You should be wearing a mask, or something! Did you remember to bring some medication with you today? Don’t push yourself too much! We don’t wanna be responsible for dragging you to the clinic.”
You rolled your eyes, scoffing. “Thanks, Seungmo. I knew I could always count on you.”
“I don’t like getting sick, Y/n. Please respect that.”
Jeongin laughed. “I don’t mind!” he chimed. “Come here and spit into my mouth!”
“Jeongin! What the heck? That’s freaking gross!” Seungmin exclaimed in pure disgust.
You and Jeongin roared with laughter; Jeongin hunched over, laughing even harder when he noticed Seungmin taking small baby steps away from the both of you. “It was a joke, Seungmin!” he wheezed. “Don’t run away!”
“Stop, get away from me.” He swatted the younger’s wandering hands away. Seungmin clicked his tongue, “I mean it. Don’t you dare!”
“Aw, no need to be so mean! We’re friends, aren’t we? And friends share everything together!” you quipped.
“Not ‘everything’— Jeongin, stop!” Seungmin groaned, jokingly pushing Jeongin away as the latter started to rub his chest, laughing. “God, why are both of you so irritating? Gross.”
Your laughs started to die down when you remember a key detail. You weren’t actually sick at all; you didn’t like lying to them even if it was just a small one. Eyes scanning through the halls, you checked to see if there were any unwanted eavesdroppers. “Now I feel bad,” you said, “truth is, I—”
“What’s wrong?” Jeongin asked, stopping his annoying advances. Staring at their worried expressions made you remember that these are Jisung’s friends as well-- so that means they might tell Jisung about your troubles, especially Seungmin.
“I..uh—” your voice cracked, “actually, I wasn’t that sick—I mean, I was, i guess. But it was more of a… ‘mental health’ day! Yeah…” I mean, it kinda was though?
The two boys ‘aww’ed in pity. Seungmin was the first to comfort you. “Do not worry about it, Y/n,” he spoke softly, rubbing your back in comfort, “I know this month’s been busy for you, especially with that project Mr. Kim gave you. I think a mental health day was called for.”
Jeongin stepped forward, patting your shoulder. “Yup! Next time you have a ‘sick day’ call me so we can have one together!” he grinned.
“You know, you’re too eager to skip school, Yeni.” You narrowed your eyes, chuckling. Jeongin shrugged.
“No! It’s more so to comfort you at your lowest! I also don’t wanna go to school either....”
Seungmin scoffed, “There it is…”
“But it’s true! I do also want to be there for Y/n! At least I admitted that I’m also just lazy to go to school.”
The two of you snickered at your younger friend as he frowned. Seungmin tugged on Jeongin bag in an attempt to drag him away. “Let’s go now. The bell’s going to ring soon. I’ll see you later, Y/n. Bye,” he said, waving goodbye. You giggled, the sight of him dragging Jeongin the way he was vaguely reminded you of a dog going on a walk. You waved back to the two of them, internally giggling.
“Oh! Whatever you do, please don’t tell Jisung I’m here today!” you called out. They looked at each other in confusion, wanting to inquire about your odd request. Ignoring their puzzled expressions, you turned around to finish switching out your books. Finally grabbing your Environmental Science textbook, you closed your locker, fumbling with your lock to hook it back onto the handle. Getting a strange feeling of someone watching you, you looked over to your right, catching a glimpse of dark blue hair walking away from you.
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You laid in the darkness of your room, the dim brightness of your phone bouncing off of your face being the only source of light. You were scrolling through your social media when a notification banner with a message from Jisung popped up.
Hannie Bear 🍯🧸: hey y/n let’s talk
You sat up in agitation, mentally debating if you should answer him or just pretend you didn’t see his message until you were ready. In a state of panic, instead of swiping the banner away, you accidentally clicked on it. Shit! you thought in horror. You already felt guilty enough for avoiding him, leaving him on read would just make you an asshole.
Me: Hi Sung!
What’s wrong?
You drummed your fingers against your blanket, anxiously waiting for his response.
Hannie Bear 🍯🧸: hmm...nothing :))
i just wanted to check up on you
You let out a heavy sigh of relief, clutching your chest; your heartbeat now calming down. You brought your phone closer to your face, thumbs typing away.
Me: Awww you’re so sweet Sungie
How was your day?
Right as you finally calmed down, his next plethora of messages sent you back into a panic.
Hannie Bear 🍯🧸: it was good. but...uhm
hey y/n?
just know, even though we’ve only known each other for a month, i still care a lot about you
if there’s anything that’s bothering you PLEASE talk to me, okay?
that’s all i wanted to tell you. take care, okay?
i love you
Your anxiety levels increased tenfold. Did he know? Feeling more guilty than ever, you read his messages over and over again with a heavy heart. I don’t deserve him…He really doesn’t deserve this!
Me: Of course Sung. Thank you
I’ll see you tomorrow
Looks like it’s time to face him again.
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...You had no sleep, whatsoever.
The guilt and anxiety you felt from avoiding Jisung for the past few days was eating you alive. Why am I such a terrible person? You (not so gently) smacked your head into the wooden table, concerning the other onlookers in the library. You wanted to spend your impromptu free period loathing yourself before you had to see Jisung next period; alone. However, that plan was immediately shattered the second you felt a presence behind you.
“Boo!” someone whispered into your ear, slightly shaking you. You jumped, turning around to glare at whoever bothered you, only to see the smiling face of your best friend.
“Hyunie? What are you doing here?” your eyes followed him, watching him take the seat beside you. “l thought you and Lixie were gonna go to the studio?”
Hyunjin threw his back onto the table, resting his head on the table to match you. “We were but Lix left me to help some of his old theatre buddies and I don’t like being alone so now, I’m here! Besides, why would I leave my favorite person alone?”
You gave him a cheery smile. “Thanks, Hyunjin.”
“Mhm! I noticed you looked kind of sad though. Are you okay?”
You scrunch your face with a hiss. “You noticed?”
“Uh? Of course I did!” he drawled. “I’ve known you for over ten years already, Y/n. It’s kinda hard to not notice something like that.” You sat up, grumbling, not wanting to tell Hyunjin exactly why you’ve been so weird lately. He sat up with you, now serious. “Y/n? Is this because of Jisung? Did something happen between the two of you?”
“No!” You boomed. Your face heated up in embarrassment when you noticed the nasty look some people gave you. Muttering a quiet ‘sorry’, you hunched over, leaning closer to Hyunjin. “Jisung did nothing wrong. Actually Jisung is a total sweetheart so there’s nothing to complain about him. It’s just…”
“What? Did you find out about the hentai he watches in his free time?”
“What? No? Hold up, he watches hentai?”
Hyunjin shrugged with his hands up, faking a clueless look. “I don’t really know if he does watch it, perse, but I did catch him watching a softcore hentai before.”
Your eyes narrowed. “Huh? Nevermind. It’s not important whether he watches hentai or not anyways.”
“Good. Don’t let that get in between your relationship! Don’t wanna ruin a perfectly healthy one!” he said with a slight chuckle. Your mood instantly turned sour at the mention of your relationship. Of course, Hyunjin noticed it right away. “Y/n?”
You sighed, biting your lip. “If i tell you, you promise not to tell anyone?”
“Honestly, unless you’re cheating on him or something, then of course I gotta tell someone, he’s my friend too. Other than that, I promise!”
“Okay, great. And don’t worry! I would never cheat! Only on tests though,” you jested. The both of you chuckled before the mood went serious again. “So, you know how Jisung and I went on a date about a week ago, right?”
“That day...Jisung said the ‘L’ word.”
Hyunjin gasped. “The big ‘L’?! He said ‘I love you’ to you?” he queried, mouthing out the ‘I love you’ part. You nodded with wide eyes.
“Yup…A full on Kdrama-inspired declaration of love when we were alone at the park!”
“Y/n, that’s honestly amazing! Did you say it back?” Your face was sullen, slowly shaking your head. “Oh, really? Hm. That’s a little...huh.”
“He says it a lot too.”
“Oh yikes,” he lamented. “No pressure or anything but, if you feel uncomfortable with it, maybe you should tell him?”
“No, it’s not that I’m uncomfortable it’s just that— geez I actually don’t know!” you cried out as quietly as you could, slouching in your chair. Hyunjin pouted in pity, leaning over to pat your thigh.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to explain yourself if you can’t or don’t want to. But I still think you should talk to Jisung about your stance in your relationship. You know he’s a sensitive boy.”
“I heard,” you sighed. “But I don’t think I have the heart to tell him exactly what I think about him.”
“You kinda have to eventually? Tell him if you want to make it official or if you wanna break it off. The sooner, the better; otherwise you’re basically just leading him on.”
“God, I know, Hyunjin! You think I don’t know that!?”
He patted your head in an attempt to calm you down. “Hey, hey. I know you know. I’m just telling you,” he whispered calmly. “Jisung is an amazing person. He’s very sweet, caring, fun, and honestly just the go-to person when you need a shoulder to cry on. Anyone is lucky to be with him!”
“Yeah, yeah, I know he’s all that. He’s nice and everything but he wasn’t someone I wanted to have feelings for! Jisung was just supposed to be a fuck buddy! No love, no affection, no feelings whatsoever, why did he fall in love with me?!” you wailed. “I was not supposed to fall in love with Han Jisung. To be honest, I kind of wish we never met.”
Hyunjin stared with a sorrowful look, knowing exactly why you’re freaking out the way you are. He was about to comfort you and give you advice when something—or someone—caught his eye. His eyes widened, weakly muttering an ‘oh shit’. You turned around, following his gaze to see…
Oh shit…
You abruptly stood up, mouth opening and closing, trying to find the right words to say to Jisung, who was staring at you with an indescribable look in his eyes. “J-Jisung! I...What are you—”
“I came here to look for some books for a research paper,” Jisung said. You tried to ignore how his cold tone sent a pang of sadness through your chest.
“Oh. Okay,” you awkwardly smiled. “I-I really like the new hair. Dark blue suits you!”
“Thank you...I remembered how you said you wanted me to try dying my hair blue so...I did it...to your request.”
“O-Oh, really?”
“I wanted to surprise you,” he muttered, pressing his lips together. “But apparently you had a surprise for me too…”
“I— How much did you hear…?”
“Everything, I’ve been here since after Hyunjin came in. Listen. Y/n...I told you, if you had a problem, especially if it’s about me, tell me about it, face to face, instead of talking about me behind my back. That shit is embarrassing, you know? Being talked about like that from someone you thought you could trust.”
“I want to hear you out, I really do. But I don’t think I want to talk to you right now, ‘specially after what you said? I don’t think it’s fair to me.” Jisung’s voice was starting to grow loud and desperate, tears forming in his eyes. “I poured my feelings out to you; I told you I loved you. I knew it was too soon to tell you that but I still took that leap, cause I thought we had a connection. I knew deep down you felt the same— at least, I thought I did…I thought you’d say it eventually but not once have you ever said ‘I love you’ back, Y/n! Do you know how much that killed me? I thought I’d be okay with it but everytime I expressed my feelings for you but never got a response back, it hurt! It made me feel like I’m just wasting my time! I-I FELT LIKE AN IDIOT!”
Hyunjin stepped in, hushing the both of you. “Guys, I know this is something between the two of you, but people are watching now. You should take this outside.”
“No. It’s okay, man. I said what I wanted to say,” Jisung said, already making his way out of the library. “Goodbye, Y/n. Take care, alright?”
“No...Jisung, wait!” You forced your shaky legs to chase after him. However, Hyunjin wrapped his arms around you, stopping you.
“No, Y/n. Give yourselves time,” he whispered into your hair, kissing the top of it to calm you down. You turned around and cried into chest, clutching onto him tightly. He tried his best to maneuver you both around to a more secluded area of the library, mouthing out a bunch of ‘sorry’s for the scene that was created. Finding a dark corner between the aisles, he carefully pushed you to it, lifting your head to see your face. You looked up, red faced with tears and snot running down your face.
Hyunjin reached into his pocket to take his handkerchief to wipe your messy face. He held the cloth against your nose, wordlessly telling you to blow your nose. Despite how disgusting he found the sound was, he resisted the urge to cringe, seeing how this was no time to act dramatic. “It’s okay, Y/n. Breathe,” he gently comforted you. He left the dirtied handkerchief on his lap and securely wrapped his arms around you again. He caressed your back, softly humming a sweet song. “Shh shh. You’ll be okay. Just let it out.”
You weakly stuttered, “I didn’t want to tell him like that. I didn’t want him to think I didn’t love him back, Hyunjin.”
“Everything will be okay, Y/n. Just cry it out first, then we’ll deal with this together.”
“I didn’t mean to hurt his feelings! This is my fault! It’s because I was a fucking idiot and let my fears get in between us!”
Hyunjin just stayed silent and hugged you tighter, moving his hand to the back of your head to tuck you into his neck. He played with your hair, knowing how relaxing it was to you. He went back to humming another song and held you until you were calm again. You let go of him, still sniffling.
“Feel better now?” Hyunjin asked. You shook your head no.
“Not really. I still feel like shit but not as much as before.”
“I mean, that’s still progress?” he tried joking around to lift your spirits. The joke only went over your head though.
“Yeah. Better than crying,” you agreed listlessly, wiping your nose. He stood up and held his hands out. You took them, hoisting yourself up. “Thank you, Hyunie. I love you.”
“Of course, I love you too, Y/n. Talk to Ji when you’re ready again, okay?” He led you out of the dark aisle to go back to your table. You latched yourself onto his arm, hiding your face.
“Okay. But for now, can you please just take me home? I don’t think I’m in the right mindset now to continue the rest of the day.”
“No problem. Anything for you.”
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A/n: i apologize for posting this chapter so late! as i’ve mentioned before, i did get a little busy so i haven’t been able to work on any fics. hope you all understand! <3 AND idk if anybody noticed but i combine chapters 6&7 together instead to somewhat make up for the late update, that’s why it’s a little longer that what i usually write! hope you enjoyed!
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Character creation: who will you be?
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Player characters are the most important part of Dungeons & Dragons. Without these, the game would not actually work. So, one might ask, how do you go about creating a character? You might have heard some terms such as race and class, you might even know the names of some of the classes. That's not enough. Just looking at a character sheet won't help you figure anything out, though. There are many resources, endless posts describing the classes & races exhaustively. Just looking up basic stuff gets overwhelming, fast. The way I learned to create a character was by having someone more experienced than me over my shoulder telling me what options I have, what numbers go where.
Now, I'm here to do exactly that for you, dear reader. Still, you should keep your DM nearby as you go through most of this process since I cannot tell you how every DM plays the game. Anyway, in order for this to be easily digestible, I will be splitting the process into three main elements (mind you, these elements are not necessarily in order, more on that later):
Race, class, & background
Character sheet (we won't talk about this much since it's safer to ask your DM to help you fill it in)
The backstory is mostly just used to give the party & the DM a basic idea of who your character is and what their motivations are. It doesn't need to be a full story, maybe just some ideas about who your character was before they met the party. Backstories are made with the campaign in mind, so be sure to ask your DM how the world the campaign is set in works. Also, keep your backstory in mind when picking a background. Or maybe the other way around: pick a background and build a backstory around it. It's D&D, and it's your character; do whatever you want (and what your DM allows) with it! Somewhere between deciding on a backstory and choosing a race and a class you will also need to think about how your character looks like, what weapons they fight with, and other stuff like that.
While you're thinking about where your character comes from, you should also be thinking about what exactly your character is, as that might influence your backstory. There are many races in D&D, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. You may be restricted by your DM to certain ones, or you might have access to even the most obscure races. Either way, it's a lot, so the best way to pick a race, in the beginning, is to pick one that looks or sounds cool. All official races can be found here. Along with a race, your character will also need a class. Now we might stumble onto some familiar words. Classes in D&D are typical for an RPG, with small deviations and additions, and a list can be found here. Words such as fighter, or rogue, might not be foreign to you, so you might already have an idea as to what class you want your character to be.
Now, onwards to the character sheet: the most terrifying .pdf document you'll ever see. This is when you'll really need the DM. I'll give you a quick overview of it, just so you, unlike me, are not totally clueless about it when you're handed your first character sheet. Most character sheets have 3 pages: stats, backstory, and spells. The one you'll bother with most, however, is the first page, the stats. I won’t delve into the other two. At the top, you have the information we mostly have already talked about. The first column on the left will have all the basic character stats, which you'll have to roll the dice for. Next to it, there are skills based on those stats. In the middle, you have stuff like armor, movement speed, health points, and weapons, among others. The right side is reserved for stuff you'll get from your background, mostly for roleplay, but also additional features you'll get from various sources.
Remember, characters make or break the game. Enjoying the character you play can only be good for everybody involved, so make sure to create a person you would be interested in living as.
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dieahoe1 · 5 years
When their jealous
Sakamaki's x reader
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This lazy boi right here rarely gets jealous. He's asleep most of the time when you aren't around so he doesn't really care unless he smells a scent on you that isn't his or your own.
Especially if it was Reiji.
If you even breath in his direction.
He'll fuck you in different parts of the mansion and not clean up afterwards.
Just to get on Reiji's nerves.
He wouldn't go easy on you either, relentlessly teasing you until your begging, and finally gives you what you want.
Not that you mind, if that what it takes to make Shu give you more attention your down for it.
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This "gentle man" is not the type to easily get jealous either. He stays mature about it, he wasn't going to show the world that he was jealous.
Don't even says Shu's name.
If you do you better hope Reiji isn't around.
He'll 'punish' you behind closed doors.
He's ready to give you some rough training until you remember who you belong to.
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Um, he's the definition of a jealous man?
He gets jealous of your puppy. The puppy you adopted and call your child.
He wants your attention 24/7.
He doesn't give a fuck if you gotta do homework.
He doesn't give a fuck if you gotta do laundry. (He'd prefer you naked anyway)
He doesn't give a fuck if you don't give a fuck.
He'll demand for your attention anywhere and everywhere at all times.
Except for when your in the bathroom.
You almost killed him. Literally.
That's the only place you got space for yourself.
He'll brag to anyone he's talking to about how good of a fuck you are to acknowledge the fact that you.
Belong. To. Him. Only.
"A-ayato, have you seen y/n?"
"She's still recovering from our long and hard fuck in her room. So don't go disturbing her Pancake."
If you let him he'll fuck you right where your standing if no one is around.
And not give a fuck who walks in.
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Personal space wut?
What's that?
Oh yeah it doesn't exist unless your in the bathroom and if your boyfriend is a yandere.
This child is the most dangerous out of all of them when it comes to jealousy.
He doesn't want you talking to his brothers.
And you don't unless you want to live and not be turned into a wax doll.
Like Ayato he wants your attention 24/7.
He doesn't like it when people talk to you that isn't him.
He'll cuss them out then and burn their house down later.
It's insane that you've survived living with him despite him making you get down on your knees before him.
Your his princess but you have to take a bow before him if you value your life.
He'll make you beg for him until he's satisfied before he starts thrusting himself down you throat.
If your asleep and he wants you. Kanato would fuck you in sleep and doesn't care if you wake up. He'll keep going.
He won't even stop even when someone walks in and probably kill them later.
"Y-y/n?" Yui's says opening the door to your room.
"GET OUT! I'LL KILL YOU!" Kanato was serious about it but doesn't. For obvious reasons.
Tea parties? More like se- parties.
"Your still thristy y/n? I have a load just for you. And your going to drink it all before I get a taste of you." Kanato would tilt his head creepily.
He killed all your friends and you didn't dare stop him if you didn't want to be punished.
But secretly attended their funerals.
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Because your boujee, bad and thicc. You gain a lot of attraction in front of guys. Girls even, some are envious or some could be fans.
Laito doesn't mind the idea of sharing you occasionally if you find a guy hot and include him inside the bedroom.
But he doesn't like it when they mark you. That's his thing. So he'll punish you if you let someone do that.
Even though you both are open about having other guests in the bed room, there's limits to how much can be shared.
Daddy Laito is the only one that could fuh that puh.(-dashiegames)
If any other guy tries to stick it in, he's a dead man.
And he'll continue to fuck you over the guys dead body like nothing even happened.
Which is disturbing on your end.
Did I ever mention semi-public sex? He'll try that and not give a fuck who's watching while he fingers you in class.
Unless the teacher kicks you both out of class.
Then he'll just fuck you against the lockers outside the classroom if your that horny to let him.
Your relationship might not be healthiest since you both still fuck other people, but it works out since he's your Daddy and your his little girl. Always and forever.
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Aww, who knew cars could get jealous?
This one can, but he decides not to show it.
He'll deny it anytime you mention it, becoming a fustrated blushing mess that destroys stuff.
If you continue to provoke him though, He'll make you scream while he's fucking you.
Then everyone knows who your doing and who you belong to.
Angry sex is the best sex with him.
Someone he doesn't like talking to you in school. Only one look says everything.
Unless they want their ass beat.
Subaru loves you but doesn't say it often but he doesn't want to lose you to anyone that isn't worth any of your love.
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Videogames is life, who has time to be on their girlfriend's ass all the time when he ain't tapping it?
Kino is possessive believe that. He installed a tracking device in your phone when you weren't paying attention.
He knows everything to happens to you.
Normally he would hack into the person he is jealous of and send them videos of him fucking you from behind. Something you still don't know about.
Your famous on social media and you got hella guys trying to hollar at you.
Whenever you take a cute ass selfie of yourself. The comments and likes are never ending, so your phone is always on silent for that reason.
It doesn't go unnoticed by Kino though, he's pretty famous on social media as well. And the public knows your a couple due to the sexy & cute photos you two took together.
He gets hate from other people about he's gotten to be with a beauty girl like you, that he doesn't deserve you, etc.
Every so often Kino would record you while your mouthing him off or either you riding him while moaning his name.
All censored or you wearing a blindfold and sends it to the haters that DM him, in which case they don't know how to respond which is a victory in his case.
Kino cherishes you and hates it when others try to seduce you but fails miserably cause you love your phone addict boyfriend.
You often wear his favorite lingerie and post pictures of yourself in with a caption that says "Kino's property",etc.
Some pictures of you by yourself and the rest is with him with his hands on your body.
Which turns into something steamy afterwards since his hands go where they aren't suppose to be.
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utilitycaster · 2 years
Any thoughts or speculation about potential multiclasses for the C3 characters
Ok real talk are my tumblr dms open to the public or something because I was just talking about this.
Anyway, it's too early to get a handle on when this should happen or character reasons (like, I don't think we could have predicted Fjord's multiclass at all at this time in C2, and I remember around the first time he lost his powers people speculating about bard) but from a mostly mechanics/broad character sense position:
Fearne and Orym have such good classes/subclasses that I just don't see the point, and at this time I don't see a character reason either.
Laudna is already multiclassed and I don't see a good reason to do more of it at this time.
I don't know enough about Ashton and FCG's subclass builds to say if it would be a good idea; barbarian/fighter is pretty much always good but I'd want to get a better sense of Ashton's subclass first. Cleric stacks well with most other casters, but it's also quite strong on its own, and for a number of reasons I would not recommend it at this time, but that may change as I learn more about FCG and the subclass.
This leaves Chetney and Imogen:
I think Chetney would do well to multiclass into artificer in this party, but only one or two levels. Blood Hunter stacks well with fighter as well but artificer helps more with this party (healing/spells like faerie fire for a party with little dark vision) and makes sense with the backstory - he literally already uses an artisan's tool as a weapon, so making it a spellcasting focus is a natural fit. Infusions are nice, but this party also doesn't lack for magic items the way the Nein did and high level bloodhunter stuff is pretty cool, so a one level dip would be enough, honestly.
For Imogen: it's really going to depend heavily on her story since a multiclass is going to represent a deliberate choice to move away from her sorcery powers, and I'd be interested in seeing either her lean into those powers or look for other options. Were she to multiclass, I'd go bard. I don't think she wants another sinister external power, so warlock is out. Bard doesn't interrupt her spell progression and it uses her same casting stat. It works well for the party as well - it's good to have several people with at least a little healing, inspiration is always helpful but doesn't take away from your turn, she can take a few extra utility cantrips, and it would give her a nice bump in the number of known spells as well as access to light armor and the jack of all trades feature. If she just wants to do a dip, I'd do two levels (for that jack of all trades/song of rest) but if she wants to go further, honestly, there are a few options. We've seen Lore before but it's a good all-around subclass; Valor permits her to take heavier armor and shields which would seriously buff her AC as well as allow for more uses of inspiration to help the party; and Glamour fits flavor-wise with both fey-touched and her sorcerer subclass's focus on psychic/charm effects.
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