#ill be like
grim-has-issues · 3 months
i love to think i don’t have insecurity issues, and then i’ll be running late to class or struggle to get things done and think i am the literal scum of the earth.
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snek-snacc · 1 year
Oh no! My hand slipped and now I'm writing a prequel to When the Smoke Clears, focusing on Slime before he comes back to Las Nevadas because my brain Can Not be normal about c! quackcicle
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pseudonemisis · 1 year
Me trying to figure out if someone secretly hates me while having a conversation with them
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slowtovvn · 6 months
I played games with a new friend today <33333
And now I'm drunk
Feeling hopeful about my prozac
And about my gf
Tomorrow's Monday tho :(
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jellogram · 2 years
Sometimes my dad will be like "You can tell me anything, I care about your problems" and I'm like bro one time I wrote a story about a pubescent girl whose flesh starts rotting off of her body and she's so embarrassed by how disgusting she looks that she hides it and continues to go to school like normal until eventually her entire body just completely decomposes off of her bones and reveals a hideous monster underneath but when she comes out of her room no one can tell anything is different about her. Do you really want to unpack that, father, who can't even handle the idea of me having ADHD. Do you think you're ready to dive into that with me. You are not.
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my-girl-boyfriend · 2 years
hate listening to weird guy music based one what spotify recommends me because i have to check first and make sure they aren't the worst people ever
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dishsaop · 7 months
the worst part about being an adult is thay its no longer socially acceptable to just roll down a really big hill and then run back up it and roll back down again. "oh is this a syphilis metaphor" passerby would ask. "is this for a tick tock". no i just wanna come home covered in dirt and scratches and bask in the the solace of childlike mirth
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calamitys-child · 3 months
What's everyone's favourite flowers that aren't like. The normal ones. Like everyone's a fan of roses and sunflowers what's a more niche one. One you don't get in gift sets. Mine's sweet peas
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sillylittlegaymer · 2 months
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butchfalin · 9 months
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mcapriglione-art · 1 year
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what do you want!!!!!!!!
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cinnabeat · 4 days
sometimes to entertain myself i try to explain the plot of kingdom hearts in my head to someone if they like saw my kingdom key keychain i have and was like "hey whats that" and would actively sit there and listen to me explain except i never really get far in my explanation bc it starts sounding like that one post that tried explaining like podcasts or whatever but it kept going back and explaining the etymology of certain words
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harpoonsnotspoons · 15 days
sometimes i forget brendon urie exists
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tizzymcwizzy · 1 year
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this is a poster i made for my call to action assignment in humanities! it's a bunch of basic and easy stretches for people who sit and work at a desk all day (me)
the idea is that you'd put the poster up above ur desk and do the stretches every 30 minutes or so,, the whole routine won't take more than about 6 minutes to complete and when done regularly it can prevent wrist, shoulder, neck and back pain! :)
all these stretches can be done while sitting (although i HIGHLY recommend you stand up and move around while taking a break from working)
you can get a free digital copy of this poster here on my gumroad!
and you can order a print/poster here from my inprnt!
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demadogs · 1 year
nothing can break the bond between a friend who loves spoilers and a friend who just watched an amazing show and needs to tell someone the entire plot from start to finish
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bpdbenrey · 2 months
One of my favorite things about learning different languages are the similarities and differences.
For example!
In French, mange = to eat
In Norwegian, mange = many
Spelled the same, pronounced VASTLY different, and I love that.
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