#im not overtagging this for attention
maskyartist · 2 years
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now normal time people get it! anyways obsessed with deep cut we should call em D33P CUT thank u
help me afford splatoon 3 with my kofi!
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gardensofeve · 3 years
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fruits of my labor. please feel free to ask questions
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pistil · 5 years
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ive decided my new personality is fuckboy and we're gonna have to put up with it
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lemonkippen · 5 years
the reason i love andi mack so much is because it’s the show i needed when i was young. i’m 19, out and proud as bisexual, but it took me a hell of a long time to become comfortable with that. media and tv has only become truly more progressive and inclusive as i’ve grown older, reaching adulthood, and i realise i would’ve accepted myself so much quicker if i’d had a character to relate to and look up to. it’s a lighthearted disney show but at the same time addresses such serious topics and i respect that from the bottom of my heart.
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lightscaletridents · 7 years
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HEre have these two shitsticks who I love
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hey guys did u know i love lance?
idk i tried making a whole post thing but these were the only decent ones so 
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thevagueambition · 3 years
@thebearmuse​: I still don't understand how tagging like that isn't a policy violation.
It probably is at the end of the day, but ime the team at AO3 are trying to be very careful in how they approach this and what they frame as the actual policy violation. They’re probably afraid that if they discipline this author for tagging practices they’ll be inundated with requests to do so for countless other works that haven’t caught the attention of fandom at large but annoys someone somewhere. They have to be very precise in defining rules about this. 
I’m fairly sure all the fandoms the work is tagged with are genuinely crossovers that occur in the work, so you can’t really say that they shouldn’t be allowed to tag it that way, since now you’ve created a situation where how crossovers should be tagged isn’t clear. I don’t know if all the other tags are things that appear in the work, but you also can’t create a situation where the abuse team have to go through checking whether those tags are legitimate. If you cite the violation as “tagging for things that aren’t relevant” then you’ve created a situation where that’s a legitimate complaint to bring to them.
There’s no official limit on the number of tags. That’s the actual violation, right? There are simply too many. But there’s no rule that says you can’t do that. It’s a social convention in fandom to not overtag your work, it’s a fandom faux pas, but it’s more a violation of the spirit of the law than the word of the law, and now the team at AO3 have to figure out a way to convert that into something already mentioned in their TOS or a new rule.
They could set a hard limit on the number of tags or the total number of characters allowed for in the tags, but AO3 doesn’t strike me as a platform that likes setting hard limits on things, so i don’t know if they’ll go down that route. Anyway, I’m pretty sure everyone agrees that it is a violation due to the manner in which it was done, but that conversion into how to practically handle the situation is a bit tricky, since AO3 desperately don’t want to create a precedence for content moderation of fanworks since that’s so counter to their mission statement. 
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tuwt · 7 years
I’ve been seeing all these Daily Pokemon blogs and, while I’m no artist, I wanted to get in on it! I use Wondertrade a lot, so I thought I might as well list off all the funny stuff I find there! And it means I don’t even have to think of the jokes most of the time, so that’s pretty rad too! Thank you!
I will be queueing one post a day, but that might increase to two or three if enough people start giving me submissions. Anyway. Thank you!
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