#im tagging spoilers to be safe lol
buggachat · 11 months
i do just have to say though.................... i feel like people who really really loved the movie's portrayals of the characters are adding aspects of the show characters onto them? you know what i mean? like i see people say that adrien and marinette were more likeable in the movie than the show, when movie adrien didn't perform a single act of kindness in the entire 2 hours despite kindness being a core trait of adrien in the show? marinette was normal and not particularly weird at all and just kind of a generic protagonist? were adrien and marinette actually more interesting in the movie than the show, or are you just cherrypicking the aspects of them you like the from the show and putting them on the movie characters to make your favorite amalgamation?
marinette fell for adrien not because he showed vulnerability and forgiveness and kindness and opened his heart up to her.... but because he awkwardly tried to help her up after being kind of weirded out by her? so like i guess she thought he was hot and that was basically it? chat noir fell for ladybug not because she was strong and confident and showed determination in the face of fear... but because she begrudgingly helped him up in the middle of a battle? so like i guess he thought she was hot and that was basically it? they fell for each other over just the bare minimum interactions? most of their relationship was a montage? like, did the movie do the work to convince you of lovesquare's romantic potential, or did you go into the movie already shipping them because the show had already convinced you?
thats totally a valid way to enjoy the movie ftr! i'm just saying.... idk it's weird to see people praising the movie for being "better" when i feel like a lot of the enjoyment of the movie actually hinges on watching the show as context for their characters. and i guess im just a cringe slow-burn enjoyer but i find it weird that people are using "faster" as a synonym for "better"
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vhvrs · 16 days
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good to see you again.
alts & process 🤲🫶
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jayninjago · 2 months
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Reunion (part 1 probably)
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terristre · 1 year
I hope for everything you haven’t been terrible spoiled like I have with book 7 🥲
Made de from that, did you play book 6? What did you think of it?
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book 6 was actually what made me go "hm this probably wouldve been cooler if i experienced it myself" & start avoiding spoilers. AND IIRC IT GETS LONGER TOO DOESNT IT TwT (even still im shocked by the amount of ch6 i apparently wasnt spoiled on lol)
im bellyaching about the sheer length but as someone with a degree in humanities its Weenie Hut Juniors by my standards lmao ive just got my feathers ruffled that reading it took all morning orz but yeah its not too much of a chore especially when the writings THIS good- ill try not to go into too much detail but theyve been juggling cool fast-paced story action with some BIG lore drops & its just *chefs kiss*
HUGE highlight for me has definitely been the character writing- theyve pulled out damn near everyone so far & its a TALL task writing-wise since having so many people running around means some are probably gonna fall to the wayside & just be there To Be There with nothing else to offer- but just about everybody's been at peak characterization & had a fun opportunity to shine, from the shroud brothers to even the professors
OK ONLY SPECIFIC EVENTS ILL DESCRIBE for example jesus christ when riddle was being captured & he got stunned but was so pissed about it he FOUGHT TO GET BACK UP & SET THE WHOLE PLACE UP IN FLAMES & HAD TO BE STUNNED A SECOND TIME (the only person who had to be stunned twice btw) i was like YES KILL KILL BITE MAIM KILL THERES MY BOY THE ABSOLUTE MADMAN LOCAL BOY LITERALLY TOO ANGRY TO DIE LETS FUCKING GOOOOO
and there were times like that for just about every character where i was like LETS GO THATS MY FUCKING BOY even for characters im usually not that crazy about like vil & leona!! i just need to stress the character writing has been SO GOOD & its been SUCH a treat that we get to have this!!! while also moving the plot along in cool & active ways!!!! AND learning crazy lore stuff!!!! all at the same time!!! so yes overall ive found book 6 to be not JUST good but SO good that it reminds me of what hooked me on this game in the first place Holds Up The Gay Little Culinary Crucible Sign That Says 10
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sl1nkie · 4 months
sssssoo. tmagp huh
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definitelynotrhi · 2 years
[cw // blood] happy monday ! here's more fcg to start your morning 💗
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based off of that one hamtaro meme:
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lunar-years · 1 year
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TOH FINALE WHAT THE FUCK *dies and screams and explodes*
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izzy-b-hands · 8 months
It's such a weird hard thing. I'm not happy he's dead. It breaks my heart and I wanted so much more for him. But i understand there were limits to this season and it is what it is. In turns I'm disappointed then in others it's like. Well, they did what they could.
Idk if there's a right way to feel, towards either side of the spectrum. But I feel A Lot rn lmao
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farshores · 1 year
So how would follower Tei react to killing Partysnax
Pretty much a "lol k cool."
before getting back to bounties
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"You can't fire me! I'm part of the central ideals that this school-"
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"My father figure said that I can, and so I am. Also, I'm taking your job."
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weedsmokinggf · 1 year
sometimes i feel like either my reading comprehension is really good or people just really dont care and will willingly consume the shitty parts of umineko. like did i read a different story..? like beatrice had feelings for battler sure, but that was before she knew they were related and she felt so much guilt over that once she learned that she kills herself. like where the FUCK did you guys get that they belong together forever from. if anything the love that the two of them had for each other should be looked at in a light that in the moment it may have been sweet, but because sayo wasnt able to move on like battler was able to, she was trapped with feelings for her family member that she didnt even know she was related to. just because beatrice had unrequited love for battler does NOT mean they should stay together by the end of the story. thats part of the ryukishi07 writing style i guess sure where its not clear if they got together but you have to remember that they are related and that neither battler nor sayo wanted to follow in kinzos footsteps regarding his sin. people who ship them together are fucking idiots man...
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gabbagabbadoo · 2 years
I came out of nail art retirement to say goodbye to The Walking Dead. I did the ones on the right for the season 5 premiere (8 years ago!!) and I wanted to recreate the ones for the series finale in a similar way.
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(spoilers for the Amulet graphic novel series btw)
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MISKIT! COGSLEY!! I've fucking MISSED you guys!!!
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catboy-jupiter · 17 days
just read bllk 262 and honestly.
if kaiser ends up getting himself together this early im gonna b a bit disappointed ngl. like ik he's new gen 11 and canonically one of the greats of under-20 soccer & all and i'm glad he's realizing he got too comfortable w/ what he'd won and only went after fights he already believed he could win but. i was rlly hoping to only see his improvement once we got to u20 championships....
i hope he like. tries his best, realizes it still isn't enough but then he's even more incredible once u20 rolls around.
like idk this is def smth that i can forgive if pulled off well but atp his downfall can't rlly b considered one imo (the dude missed 2 goals bc he was trying a technique he hasn't mastered AND that is nigh impossible. come on.) i rlly feel that for his arc to be complete he will need to reach true rock bottom first and this feels too. mild. idk. maybe i need to reread the past few chapters at once but this def feels lacking if it's meant to be his true downfall
im hopeful that it isnt bc kaiser himself mentioned he hasn't lost everything, just that he's very very close to it. so i rlly hope that line will be crossed so he can truly be 'reborn from zero' and not just starting that process up himself
im being very long-winded and probably repeating myself so i'll just try my best to trust the vision and/or hope that even if things don't go as i hoped the plan is executed well and i still like the end results and how we got there lol
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raystimeatportia · 5 months
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i think miguel yelling was scarier than literally everything else ive seen in this game so far
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