#it WAS a used DVD set - but that was normal - so maybe it just couldn't play correctly?
fruitgoat · 11 months
Once again really annoyed at my brother. About the same dumb shit. Backstory: My Family is big enough that we do a Give-One-Get-One gift exchange for the holidays. (14 is a lot of legs, David.) I had Brother D in the gift exchange about 10 years ago. Justified was (still is) very important to me. I knew he'd absolutely love it but even with my recommendation, he'd never actually be able to sit down and watch it. (Happy 15th Birthday to the Twins! - it's still good here for another hour!) So I gifted him some really good whiskey and the first season of Justified on DVD that year. And a promise that he could borrow the rest from me at any time. We could even watch them together. Whatever.
He reminded me once again tonight that he's only vaguely aware of the show and that he's never seen any of it.
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sleepyangelkami · 10 months
COLD HANDS e.williams
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 ☆ SUMMARY - a drabble of the wintery christmas' spent with you and your girlfriend, ellie williams, in jackson.
 ☆ WARNINGS - none, pure fluff :) (that felt weird to say) petnames, intended lower case, nothing i write is ever proofread 🩷
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"for god sake, angel." ellie tutted as she cupped your hands in hers, ignoring the light tone she used with her almost harsh words. "what have i told you about wearing your gloves?"
you smiled, a ditzy, dumb smile at her as you tilted your head. she rolled her eyes and yet her lips curved up. it was hard not to grin at you when you smiled at her like that. but you couldn't help it either, she was so sweet when she fussed over you, it made your heart melt and your knees almost give out.
it was mid-december and jackson was covered in snow and frost. you adored winter and everything about it. even when it was just rain, no snow, you couldn't help but absolutely adore cuddling up in front of the fire with your lover, making hot coco that you had found on a run and using one of the old dvd players to watch some sappy christmas movie that again you and ellie went scowering for on a run.
you remembered blissfully, the very first one you had found.
it was merely approaching november, but you were a christmas finatic so naturally, you were already humming little christmas jingles that joel had showed you and ellie on the guitar. you dreamed of a normal christmas, without the apocalypse, with a santa clause and elves, with everyone dressed in red and green with little santa hats on their heads. you dreamed of putting up a christmas tree that you had bought, then again, you did adore the pine trees tommy and joel always found for the community of jackson, just as you adored putting it up with ellie in your shared living room.
upon seeing everyone elses christmas trees, you realised you and ellie had sort of failed the task. everyone chose set colours, whether it be red, or silver, maybe even black and gold whereas yours and ellie's tree was covered from head to toe in many different coloured baubles, green, purple, pink, red, yellow, you name it, it was stuck on the tree. along with the beeds and tinsel you had both found together, wrapping it all nicely. and of course, ellie always lifted you to put the star on the tree because she adored your excited giggle just as much as you adored christmas.
while you didn't have a santa clause, you still heard stories of the old saint nicholas from joel miller. sure, you knew he wasn't real in the real world anyway, but the thought of parents struggling to pretend to be a make-believe man in the sky just so they could see the happy smiles on their childrens faces, it was beyond admirable, the thought too made your heart swoon.
ellie never understood your fixation with the big fat man who fell down chimney's, but she always shared stories with you on what her friends used to tell her when she was younger, the older people of the boston quarantine zone would tell her all kinds of folklore and fairytails of the man, so of course she just had to share them with you too.
you were both on patrol, searching the area when you came across an old dvd store, so, of course, you both dived in as fast as you could. you were always one for movies. "careful." ellie muttered, lifting a large branch out of your way so you could enter the run down building. it looked desperate from the outside, as though it was merely remains of what a dvd store used to be. but upon entering, you and ellie both realised that the only damage was to the outside, for the inside was... ethereal, unlike anything you had ever seen before.
it was massive, so large that when you glanced up, you almost felt queasy of how high the building was. your eyes as big as saucers, your mouth hanging open, ellie just had to chuckle at your face. but you paid no mind, turning to grasp her hand. "c'mon, let's look!" tugging her along as she shook her head, still chuckling.
"okay, baby, just calm down." though, she knew you would indefinitely not calm down any time soon, and she didn't really want you to, for that pretty look on your face was enough to make her own heart melt, eyes boring into your face, gazing at you with eyes filled with so much love and acclamation, she truly wished to spend a million more days, a thousand more christmas', she wished to spend the rest of her future with you and she would. one day, she'd ask the question, one day. but you were both still young then, as you were now. so she'd wait, because she knew you would too.
it didn't take long for you both to become engrosed in the dvd's, flicking through as many as you could find. you had a pile, ones in which you would bring home today. of course, the dvd store was beyond huge, you surely wouldn't look through everything within a month, let alone a day. "oh my god!" ellie turned, brows knitted together at your loud yell. "look, ellie, look!" shoving a dvd in her face.
"what is it?" she laughed at you, taking it into her hands so she could push it down, away from her face and gaze at the cover. the title read 'the muppet christmas carol.' you and ellie had watched a number of the muppets, never had you thought there was a christmas version. the cover showed a picture of cermet the frog, another little frog sitting on his shoulder and standing next to them was miss piggy along with gonzo, swinging from a pole, all covered in snow.
she lowered the dvd to see your face, big bright eyes staring up at her. "Isn't it amazing!" you were over the moon. "can we watch it tonight?!"
ellie chuckled once more, hand reaching out to tuck some hair behind your ear, she loved when you were excited, so much so that it made her beyond dumb. "of course we can." she'd just about agree to anything you asked. pressing a chaste kiss to the top of your head, watching as your face heated up in a pink blush. "now c'mon, we need to get back before maria thinks we're doing something else." wriggling her brows. that didn't just make you go pink, you went an insane red colour.
and that very suddenly became you and ellie's 'thing.' you'd constantly be looking for dvd stores on your patrols, always circling back to that one, taking a dig at boxes upon boxes. sure, you were both looking for any kind of dvd, but you knew it had been a good day when you found a christmas dvd. and very suddenly, your supply closet was overflowing with boxes.
however, not all days of december were filled with such joy.
"you need to listen to me more often." the girl stated as she kicked the front door closed, dropping her bags so she could cup your hands again, rubbing her own off yours so she could heat them up with friction.
"you need to listen to me more often." the girl stated as she kicked the front door closed, dropping her bags so she could cup your hands again, rubbing her own off yours so she could heat them up with friction.
"i do listen to you." you claimed and ellie couldn't help but purse her lips for she knew you did listen to her but sometimes that warm and fuzzy feeling inside of you when she told you what to do simply got too much for you to handle and you found yourself listening but not listening. "jus forgot."
a blanket of snow had fallen upon jackson at this time of year, so the cold nipped just a little harder, and the sicknesses bit a little rougher. she knew how prone you were to sicknesses, just as you were to accidents due to you being just so clumsy. she told you this morning to wear gloves and yet you left your gloves, hat and scarf at home, the only thing you actually showed up to the stables with that would help was a long jacket. she kept one enlarged hand over your two small ones, the other coming up to tuck hair behind your ear, thumb tracing the line of your jaw. she loved you but oh, how you'd be the death of her. "you go upstairs and get on some fluffy pijama's okay, i'm gonna light the fire 'n i'll be right up, alright?"
"okay, ellie." big grin on your face as you reached your face up, pressing a kiss to her soft lips. it wasn't a long sensual one, a small peck and yet so much passion was pushed into the little way your lips pressed against her own. her hand smacked your bum on your way causing you to turn and playfully glare, hands coming to cover your behind as you made your way up the stairs, ellie could only laugh.
the girl knew you took downright forever to get ready so she didn't have a care in the world as she found herself placing sticks into the fire, loading it up with coal and so on. by the time she was finished, you still weren't down so she made her way up to the shared bedroom of yours. she could hear you getting dressed in the bathroom, so while you were busy, she too decided to get into comfortable clothes. a grey baggy-ish sweatpants along with a white long tee, sort of tight but loose enough. she rolled her eyes with a smirk when you still were not ready. no matter how many times she told you hurry, you never did, always getting distracted by the little things, whether it be the little droplets of condensation on the mirror, or tying something on your top. your thoughts ran too fast, you'd get distracted, fail at tying it. stop, try again, think too fast, fail, stop, try again and again and again until finally, you yelled ellie's name and asked for her help. but she never got mad at you, on the contrary, she simply smiled and laughed while you stared up at her with big puppy eyes.
you found yourself ready soon after ellie headed back downstairs. you were in, as told, a fluffy pijamas. tommy miller had gifted it to you one chirstmas, it was a grey pijamas with three polar bears sitting on the front of the jumper. you loved the clothing dearly, always slipping it on in december, you loved the feeling of being cozy in the cold. it was one of the many reasons why you'd pick winter over summer over and over again until your last breath.
when you came down from the stairs, you spotted ellie sitting in front of the dvd player, between the now lighting fire and the coffee table in which two mugs of hot coco was sitting upon. you couldn't help the way your face lit up, that massive grin on your face as your eyes began to crinkle. the girl turned around, controller in her hand as she too matched your smile. "took your time." she joked, a soft look etched to her face. "can you grab the blanket, baby?"
you nodded your head, muttering a small 'okay' before making your way towards the couch and picking up the checkered brown and green blanket that reminded you of how close christmas was.
it didn't take long for the movie to start. ellie decided on the muppets christmas carol again, just as she always had, stating it was her favourite. you too loved it, so who were you to deny? ellie wrapped the blanket around her back, sitting up against the lit fire as you sat between her legs, your back to her stomach as her arms enveloped you, wrapping the blanket around you too.
the feeling made you drousy, the room was supposed to be dark, however, the lit fire, the tv playing the movie and the little christmas lights that danced on the trees made it hard not to alluminate the entire room. however, with your head falling on ellie's shoulder from behind, the taste of hot chocolate in your mouth and the feeling of her arms, enveloping you as if you were a baby.
well, you couldn't help the way your eyes began to close, your lips pushed together into a pretty pout as you slowly succumbed to sleep in the embrace of your lover.
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main masterlist/ellie's masterlist
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floralegia · 2 months
(you can say no to any of my requests btw LOL) #21, poly fob with pete in the middle 😈
"Patrick," Joe groans, "do something about him."
Patrick snorts from across the little living area as their bus rattles down the highway. "Why me?"
"He listens to you!"
"Sometimes. He listens to me sometimes. Don't you think if he was listening to me right now, I would have done something already?"
Pete scowls at the both of them, arms crossed, slouching down into the couch. They're a couple of assholes, is what they are. He's bored, okay? It's not his fault there's nothing to fucking do right now. He doesn't have cell signal out here in buttfuck nowhere, he's already read every book he brought on tour and watched every DVD on this bus at least twice, and trying to write earlier was an exercise in futility.
He turns a pleading look at Andy, the last bastion of hope that maybe one of these dudes who like to claim they love him will show him a little bit of sympathy, but alas, Andy just quirks an eyebrow at him, not giving an inch. "You're kind of being a little shit," he says, not budging even when Pete pouts, just flipping through his issue of Modern Drummer.
"I am not!"
"Pete, you literally haven't shut up since the last time we stopped for fuel. Which was three hours ago." Joe does not sound especially impressed as he says this. If nothing else, Pete would have hoped he'd respect the dedication, but apparently no dice.
Pete groans, scrubbing a hand over his eyes. "You guys aren't normally this boring."
"Well," Andy says mildly, not even looking up from his magazine, "if you keep this up for much longer, we're gonna have to find a way to put your mouth to better use."
Everything freezes for a split second; even the road noise and the constant rush of air outside the bus windows seems to fall away. As the quiet drags on, Pete feels a slow smile creep across his face, widening into a shit eating grin. He'd known Andy would be at least a little sympathetic to his case. His guys always do pull through for him in the end.
"Works for me," he chirps happily, and without further ado, he scampers across the living area to throw himself to his knees at Andy's feet. Somewhere behind him, Joe's spluttering and Patrick's scoffing at the sudden change in atmosphere, something about how Andy shouldn't give in or negotiate with terrorists or whatever, but Pete literally couldn't care less anymore. Andy's rolling his eyes a little, but smiling down at him, and he even sets his magazine aside as he starts to wriggle out of his basketball shorts, so as far as Pete's concerned, things are really looking up.
For all their bitching, Pete's barely had Andy in his mouth for a minute--still soft, though hardening with every heartbeat--when he feels hands in his hair and looks up to see Joe and Patrick settling in above him on the couch, one on either side. He winks at them and gets an eyeroll back in stereo, but the fingers combing through his hair and petting at his face don't go anywhere, and he lets his eyes fall blissfully shut. He's practically purring, especially when Patrick's grip in his hair tightens to tug him further onto Andy's dick, or when Joe leans down to tweak his nipple, or when Andy says, "Good boy, Pete, doing so good."
And Pete just smiles (as best he can with a mouth full of dick, anyway) and leans into it, feeling his brain settle like he's been desperately hoping for all afternoon. This, this is perfect--not necessarily what he was angling for, per se, but honestly better than any boredom-buster he could have dreamed up. Trust his guys to come up with a perfect solution for him. Well, okay, mostly Andy, but he'll give Joe and Patrick participation points, at least. He's feeling awfully giving all of a sudden.
Giving, and so not bored anymore. Never let it be said that being a bit of a little shit sometimes doesn't work out for him, in the end.
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"i love you. so much.”
“your hugs are the best.”
“could you get any cuter?”
I couldn't choose between these three, so I'll let you pick how many and which ones you do.
Ed happened upon DVDs by chance at the local Hastings. Technically, he was supposed to be grocery shopping. He promised Sonic chili dogs for dinner on Saturday, and he needed to restock on food, anyway.
He passed the game and book store on his daily commute, and decided to stop there on a whim. He didn't usually see the need to visit, as he didn't really have anyone to play the games he used to enjoy with.
Except now he had a family. A family that, weirdly enough, seemed to keep getting bigger. Somewhere after gaining Hal and Sonic, he somehow managed to add Alan and Sam to the family after reuniting Tron with his user.
Families were supposed to spend time together. Game night was supposed to be a normal family activity, right? Ed was pretty sure it was, even if he never had that with his family when he was growing up. There was one that he particularly liked, called Traveller, that he thought Clu and Hal would like, and he was pretty certain he could get Sonic and Tron on board as well.
What was intended to be a quick trip to the store to see if they had the rule book ended with Ed carrying a stack of books for various games he thought his family would enjoy. Which had led him to wander the store, looking for other things he could do with his sons.
And that was how he found the boxed DVD set of Carl Sagan's Cosmos television series. He also found a cartoon based on one of the superhero comics that Sonic liked, and added it to the pile
Admittedly Ed had been so excited to show Clu, Hal, and Sonic what he found that he almost forgot about the groceries.
(Ed got the grocery shopping done in record time.)
Ed was greeted by a blue blur when he arrived home. "Hi, Daddy!" Sonic chirped, giving Ed a hug.
"Hi, sunshine!" Sonic's excitement was adorable, and Ed smiled as he hugged Sonic back, planting a kiss to the top of his head.
Could he get any cuter?
(The answer was yes. Always. Sonic only seemed to get more and more adorable every day.)
The grocery bags disappeared from his hands moments later.
"User?" Clu called, emerging from the office.
"Ed? You're home early," Hal said from behind the Administrator.
"Hello, my brilliant Nebula!" Ed greeted Clu with a hug. "And hello to you, my radiant Nova," he greeted Hal, just as warmly.
By the time Ed had turned around, the groceries were all put away (Ed swore Sonic and Clu were conspiring to keep him away from the groceries since they knew he would never ask for their help. Ed didn't understand it, but he knew trying to fight it was futile.
"Daddy, what's this?" Sonic asked when he got to the last bag.
Ed shifted, suddenly nervous, although he had no idea why. "I thought maybe we could do a family night," he admitted. "Watch a movie or play a game?"
Clu and Hal went over to see what Sonic was looking at.
"The justice league cartoon is for you, Sonic, the Cosmos is for Clu and Hal, and I thought everyone might enjoy Star Trek... Although the plan is to watch all of them together. The books are... Well, I used to enjoy Traveller when I was in high school and college, and I thought Hal and Clu might like it. The rules are a bit number-crunchy, though. I haven't played Prawlers and Paragons—it's a newer one, but the rules look a little easier, and I thought it would also be fun."
Ed wasn't certain how he expected his sons to react, but Hal hugging him was a surprise. He usually wouldn't go for it unless Ed offered. Ed suspected Hal was still uncertain of whether or not he belonged with Ed and his family, despite Ed's efforts to include him.
"Thank you," Hal whispered. "Chandra used to read Carl Sagan's books to Sal and me."
Ed hugged Hal back. "You're welcome,"
A moment later, Ed was sandwiched between Clu and Hal in a hug, and Sonic's arms were wrapped around Ed's neck in a hug.
Ed laughed in surprise.
"Thank you, User!" Clu said, at the same time Sonic said, "thank you, Daddy!"
"Your hugs are the best," Ed said softly, practically melting in his sons' embrace.
"Whose?" Sonic asked.
"You think I could pick?" Ed chuckled. "All three of you. I love you all so much."
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castle-dominion · 1 year
5x5 probable cause
plot heavy one, idk if I want to watch it rn. Maybe I'll use the extra 20 minutes I won, even tho the dvd set is due soon.
(also just remembered a song: hey dom hey what show me how you buffalo I'll show you how I buffalo with my hands up high & my feet down low, this is how I buffalo buff-alo bu buff-alo, buff-alo, buf buff alo hey next person)
Ok so I did indeed spend some of my minutes reading a fic idea to my brother for his opinion bc he's smart but he gave no thoughts.
Why wouldn't tess pick up the mail? She's dead that's why Oh no blood oh it's still dripping Oh yo that is gross af
lmao castle comes out with a sword Oh yeah. College. Laundry. Oh yeah. College. Visiting home & eating food. RC: what abt your laundry? My lil bro: What about your lung water? love how the guitar sound plays while he toys with the orange juice
Lanie won't sleep for weeks? doctor parish? who works with the dead? who has been to countless murder scenes? probs more than a hundred even Would you need a second person to help you put up the body
it WAS the roommate!
Why is ryan standing facing more to castle than the murder board? ig bc castle is speaking but... Make a copy of the symbol & run it through the internet
saturday, what day is it today? I like how the body is not super fresh like it usually is drugged? yep I was right!
ryan's outfit ooh so so nice. It is nicely woven & I might grab a pic. surgically wiped?
RC: Jewelry. I never would've thought of that. [for the crime finger prints] KB: I guess I'll have to remind you when my birthday's coming up. [telling rick to think of that in a different context] Esposito looks nice & all but he is just wearing a tshirt
Yeah, ok, tons of ppl forget to wipe their fingerprints off the outside of the apartment they just murdered in.
Lol he IS in the system, he has been arrested too much
Interesting editing & stuff. v nice. oh right, dun dun dun it's castle & all that csu got them first? I mean good... they always mess up the crime scenes
I had smth to say but forgot it bc I am not pausing the ep as much as I have in the past. espt has his gun
Not that you KNOW of first name? JE: Contaminated crime scene is not a joke. I'll square this away with CSU. You watch your hands next time, okay?
Looks enough like Someone We Know... Ok but isn't the juvvie file sealed until they actually commit a crime as an adult? This guy has not been proven to have done any crimes yet
Hm. Man has curlier hair than I expected. friday morning, friday evening... Hm I like his shirt. Kind of pink but faint squares patterned on it.
True, he would probably not be flustered
Ah good, they have a diagram of the sigil thing
KB: A diamond earring? KR: We found it in the couch. CSU couldn't pull a print off it, but you see the design? That's custom - Erica Courtney. JE: And you know this how? KR: I recognized it from when Jenny and I went ring shopping. [Esposito gives Ryan a teasingly dubious look.] KR: Anyway,
Looks like Someone We Know you can't see the hair colour there bro. Also othe nose is too long
first names & stuff.
*closes the door after becks leaves but before espt can, right in front of his face* Javi, there's something you need to know
Cut to the shock at finding out abt their relationship He looks ahocked af lmao Normally I'd be happy for them! Also neat to see his financials. Mostly car & cab stuff. A radio donation tho which sounds fun. So many first names this episode
Did I throw a party & forget again? XD At least he is seeing the warrant The way he waited for her to say who bought it for her implies he didn't know LT holding him back THE MUSIC WHEN HER EYES GO TO HIM DANG
If the killer was THAT meticulous, then he would not have left evidence like that in his own apartment
Find evidence. That is your job
When you look through castle's phone records we know well you only learned of it this day my dude reminds me of the "we're detectives" 'called your dad' scene
Yeah. Gates is probs the best for this interrogation His scalp moved lol RC: I'm flattered but it wasn't me! castle it is not best to point fingers away from yourself for the sake of getting them away from you. I mean it is, it is important that they investigate all avenues, but still. How does a burner cell send a messag efrom tess's phone? Paid companion is a nice way to put it
Girl you can check his word count, teachers use that technology to check how students are doing tests. It shows when the changed were made.
love martha's gloves the music is great saying "nobody could have gotten in" is not helpful
Remember back in like s2 or smth when becks said "don't worry castle I'd break you out" it was the galaxy of greg episode, the prison break episode yeah 3x5
the same way as tessa's? But the affair? Seriously? That was included in the details? Oof the music
sitting on the floor hhhh crying hhhhhhhhhhhh maybe he was already writing the dry run & killed her in strangling passion & then he used the written murder (which he as not planning on committing) to hide it & deleted the file to hide that fact
like a little boy so scared sdjdskhfjsh sad sad sad "fun?"
Oooh nice angle babes!
FREAKIN J ROOK? I DID NOT GET A CHANCE TO SEE THAT THE FIRST TIME HOLY CROWS 3XK??? but i don't think human noses can tho... do you legit prefer to go by 3xk? not the triple killer not jerry tyson not any other names you had? (btw, marcus gates killed two women & attempted killing another, NOT jerry tyson. I don't think we have actually seen 3xk kill anyone on the show yet. (I noticed that she was strangled with a scarf or rope when dr parish mentioned it earlier this episode but I didn't want to spoil it)
Yeah he really is thorough isn't he He's right, I did think that while he strangled her she is not blonde. Yeah was the writing style castle's? He already said that he prefers 3xk, ricky four years in prison. He was going to pin it on marcus gates, give his brother the surgery, & marcus would go to prison & then he could go killing again. That was his vanishing act. I thought u said u could smell fear not taste it I can see that. Destroy.. ..you,, better than kill not the daughter, not the making love, this is freaking horrifying, & I kind of love it lies of a desperate man, esp one who writes fiction Wait so you WILL kill him? or get him killed? Look into the guys he hired then! Look into the hitmen! lil bro: Scratch him! Get his DNA under your nails!
I wonder how ryan is reacting to this. castle's blue eyes are colourless in this lighting, I love it.
3xk targeted women to kill, he is not killing castle tho Ooh I always like ryan's square patterned shirts
"not at this time" is a great response
Been to central as a cop or as a prisoner esposito? & I like beckett's turtleneck too
I think Dever's acting is the only thing here,
who the heck is "jav"? That's like if a "P.J." was to go by "Peej" or "P" when PJ is already a nickname for peter jacob or paul james or whatever. lil bro: jav you found any evidence yet?
Oh wait... she is not thinking of holding's security for keeping him, she is thinking of it for breaking him out!! WHO got out of holding? Tyson? No, when? Wasn't it the CIA guy who also took a body? gates was like "how did he walk out the front door?" When was tyson ever in holding? He appeared in 3x6, then his gun in 4x14, & now in 5x5, but he was never in holding. 4x15 pandora thomas gage left holding. OH WAIT TYSON DID IT NOW, TODAY I love him too <3 <3 <3
castle still making jokes That flashback <3 Velasquez & LT! We know both their names! Oof he's just walking thry there, everyone sees him, look at that, also look at those boobs on that man. OH NO WHO TOOK HIM!?!?!?
OH NO 3XK KILLED HIM He IS well connected, he is well connected, has resources, & knows procedure, you're correct So what's our next *turns & becks is gone* ...Move?
Like ryan pretending to be a kid in the library in kick the ballistics man still needs to change his look the less you know DEFINITELY the better
Right! He really is the son of a broadway star
Wow lol weirdos there
wow it IS richard castle See? I said the nose is not right
I have not paused enough & I keep not writing things down but I am running out of my allotted time. Anyway I remember what I forgot: ryan doesn't get a lot of screen time, he is wading thru paperwork, he is messed up with this case, he is hurt & angry & doing everything he can to help castle & get 3xk.
looks "a bit" like the show's producer? yeah no
becks maybe don't reveal that you're with a fugitive...
lmao french serial killer Most ppl don't use initials. Calls them "kev" & "espo" & a little earlier "jav" <3
It is not going to be a person it will be a rotating fan or smth wearing their vests but not castle lol remember when ben conrad who wasn't ben conrad shot someone & then disappeared into the closet or smth? What if 3xk did that & he's still here?
Why is castle still here?
He should become a murder mystery writer then, if he likes the pageantry of killing but death only takes a moment.
VG: For this, at least. There's still the matter of your escape from custody. I like gates' looks right now. rly pretty, nice hair, nice red coat girl he escaped before, I'm sure he can do it again.
This is NOT just a place for a stationary conversation for the point of an interesting director's/writer's choice
running em off the bridge? Haven't we seen that already?
He fell back & she kept shooting, which, good, double tap, but she has decently good aim Is that blood on his face? WHERE did he throw away the gun? don't telegraph your location idiot
that is a lot of bubbling water
just like james gillies. He is NOT that careless you are correct. But then why was he meticulous enough in other places? Because either way he would win? either castle dies & beckett lives knowing he was innocent, or castle escapes but 3xk fakes his death?
Just like derrick storm! It has to be public & it has to be final
For now
Ooh interesting outro music! I freaking love it! I should grab my fiddle! Holy moly! They wree right when they wrote this, it can be groovy spy music, it can be sexy 40s music, it can be silly little silly guy music, it can be tragic romantic music... It is a good little riff
Ok now that was incredible. I also wish we got more ryan time in this ep but they couldn't include it bc if they did they would have to include more of him to explain & resolve it. Or you know, maybe I'll be forced to write an episode tag fanfic.
I got off at 15.30, perfect timing!
but now I've spent a whole hour working on a fanfic with my little bro. a casefic dw.
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EllieDina Week Day 2: Dawn.
Okay, I know that this is extremely late! But I only get time to write at night, so I hope you enjoy this crazy mess of a story. I had a lot of fun writing it. The rating I will say is for teens and up, just to be safe.
Movie night at Joel's place had become a reoccurring thing once Ellie had become more adapted to the fact they actually lived in a stable home, a place with walls, food and a roof over their heads at all times.
Jackson had a surprisingly vast selection of films to choose from, and Joel was all the time always finding movies he'd loved to watch with Sarah before Outbreak Day. And he wanted to share that experience with Ellie as well, moving to Jackson had made him feel safe. Like he could finally start shedding that thick skin he'd accumulated over the years.
Ellie on the other hand, was a completely different story. Despite knowing they were safe in Jackson, her mind still kept on thinking about the what if's. She was sixteen now, and it had taken her forever to get Joel to allow her to go on patrols that weren't a large group.
But now that she had proven to him that she could handle it, she would often go on patrol with Dina and Jesse. That, would unfortunately get a bit awkward at times. Because Dina and Jesse always seemed to be dancing around each other. Ellie didn't get it, they could be having so much fun on the ride back to Jackson, laughing and cutting up. And suddenly either Dina or Jesse went silent, she didn't understand why they… They wouldn't just admit they liked each other.
< >
Ellie sat on Joel's couch, knee bouncing wildly from the nervousness she felt as she stared at the television set in front of her. Why was she feeling so fucking nervous? All she had done was invite Dina over to join them for movie night.
Joel walked out of the kitchen with his owl mug held in his hands, he shook his head with a soft, endearing chuckle. " What are you so nervous about, kiddo? I can practically see the hole you are wearing into my carpet. "
Ellie tossed her hands up in the air in frustration, flinging her head back as she exclaimed. " Ugh, I don't even fucking know, Joel! It's not like this is unusual, me… Hanging out with Dina. " She sat up quickly, a look of understanding settling on her face as it hit her. Oh- This was the first time that she'd asked Dina to hang out one on one, without Jesse.
Joel smiled knowingly as he stepped up to the couch and took a seat beside her, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. " Well- I think that maybe… Just you and Dina should enjoy this film. I've seen it a buncha times anyway, and I've got to get up early first light. "
Ellie's green eyes widened at Joel's suggestion, and she shoved his shoulder with a frustrated groan. " You're the fucking worst. Thanks for nothing, Joel. " Part of her was grateful, but that was something Joel could never know.
Joel had moved the hand that was holding his coffee, not wanting to spill the scalding hot liquid on either of them. But he laughed as he got to his feet. " Hey, just thank me when I get back tomorrow evening. Good luck, kiddo. " And with that Joel headed upstairs, his cup of coffee in hand.
< >
Ellie had nearly started dozing off on the couch, when a knock sounded on the door and she jolted upright with fear in her eyes, her heart hammering in her chest. She shakes her head and feels stupid as she glances around, realizing that she's at Joel's place. And then it clicks in her mind that the person at the door was Dina.
She quickly scrambles to her feet, combing her fingers through her hair as she makes her way over to the door. As soon as she opens the door, she's greeted with the sight of Dina smiling brightly at her, the fluorescent lighting from Joel's porch light making her freckles pop. God, she was unbelievably gorgeous.
" Ellie? Hello, earth to Ellie. " Dina says as she snaps her fingers in front of Ellie's face.
Ellie shakes her head to clear it, looking at Dina in confusion for a moment. Before she realizes that she'd been talking to her, and was holding a baggie of cookies out to her. Her faces flushes an embarrassingly bright shade of red, as she takes the cookies from Dina. " Shit! I'm sorry about that. I totally fucking spaced. "
Dina arched her brow as she looked at Ellie, and then she laughed and stepped past Ellie and into the house. " I certainly hope you aren't spaced out yet, those cookies are made with a special ingredient. " She said with a wink.
Ellie smiled, a chuckle escaping her lips as she turned the baggie of cookies over in her hand. " No fucking way, you made edibles? Okay, this movie night just got ten times better. "
" Oh? So it would have been unbearable if I didn't bring cookies baked with a shit ton of weed in them? " Dina asked with an amused smirk on her face.
Ellie rolled her eyes at Dina's words and began shoving her in the direction of the living room, kicking the door shut with her foot on the way by. " You are such an idiot, shut up and let's get this movie started. "
Dina began walking herself to avoid being shoved by Ellie anymore, and she sat down on the couch, after snatching the cookies back from Ellie.
Ellie feigned being hurt by her snatching them back. " Well, I never- Is that how you give gifts, Dina? You just take them back? While I'm slaving away over here, setting up the movie for us to watch. " She says as she's crouched down near the DVD player, she takes the disc and puts it in the player.
Ellie let's out a yelp of surprise as a pillow is tossed in her direction, and she looks up to see Dina beckoning her over. " Oh, just shut up and get over here, El. "
Ellie shrugs her shoulders and gets up, walking over to the couch, she takes a seat right beside Dina. The remote to the DVD player in her hand. Okay, this was good. Things were still just like normal between them, the same type of banter they'd be tossing back and forth if Jesse was around.
" So, what are we watching? You said it was a movie that Joel has been wanting you to see. " Dina asks curiously, smiling at Ellie as she opens up the bag of baked goods.
Ellie's face scrunched up in thought for a moment, and Dina found the sight to be both endearing and dorky. " I think it's called Pulp Fiction, I have no clue what it's about. But Joel said he thought it was right up my alley. "
Dina gave a thoughtful hum in reply, having not seen the movie herself either. She passed Ellie one of the cookies, watching as she hit play when the movie menu popped up. " Well, I guess if we don't like this one as much, I've got a backup we can watch after. One of my favorites. "
Ellie gratefully took the cookie, tossing the remote on the other side of the couch. She glanced over at Dina curiously, not paying much mind to the start of the film. " Wait, what is your favorite movie? What'd you bring? "
Dina took a bite of the cookie she'd taken out for herself, once she'd chewed and swallowed it. She shook her head slowly and laughed. " You are going to think it's so stupid, but it's this movie called The Adventures of Milo and Otis. It's about a tabby and a pug, becoming unlikely friends. It actually turns out to be really damn sad. "
" Dina, I don't think that sounds stupid. I mean, yeah- It might turn out to be completely boring or some shit. But you said it's one of your favorites, so I'm going to watch it. " Ellie said matter-of-fact, before she began to eat her own cookie.
Both girls turning their attention to the movie that was playing on the screen, enjoying the edibles and just spending time together.
< >
Ellie snorted softly as Dina rested her head against her chest, Pulp Fiction long since over, the audio from the start screen was playing on loop. Ellie gently brushes her fingers through Dina's curls, a dopey smile on her face. " You are such a dork. "
Dina began laughing once more, the vibrations resonating throughout Ellie's chest. She raised her head slowly, her brown eyes zeroing in on all the little details of Ellie's face. The scar through her right brow, the dusting of freckles on her face, her bright and oftentimes curious green eyes. " Why don't we ever hang out like this? Just you and me? " Dina suddenly asks.
Ellie was about to attempt to sit up with how shocked she was, but it was impossible considering that Dina was practically laying on top of her. Ellie honestly couldn't even remember how they'd ended up in this position, but she wasn't mad about it. Her mind was too chill for that.
Ellie's eyes softened and she gently brushed her thumb over Dina's cheek. " I guess I'm just so used to hanging out with both you and Jesse, I didn't… I didn't- Ah, fuck it! I didn't have the balls to ask you to hang out without Jesse. " She said with a heavy sigh, knowing how stupid it must sound to Dina.
" Oh, Ellie- First off, I know that you don't have balls. " Dina teased as she chuckled, but she then smiled fondly. " I don't think it's stupid, if that's what you are thinking. Well- Maybe a tiny bit. But that's only because you know that I adore the hell out of hanging out with you! With or without Jesse. "
Ellie gave Dina's shoulder a light punch, but then she laughed and wrapped her arms around Dina. " You're such a dick. " She said lovingly.
Honestly, she wasn't sure how it happened, but one minute they are talking. And the next moment they are clutching to each other like a lifeline, their lips locked together with the occasional accidental knocking of teeth. Soft groans slips from their lips as they hold each other close.
< >
Ellie wakes up with a groan, reaching for the television remote to turn it off and make the noise stop. Her eyes widen when she realizes that her and Dina must have fallen asleep while watching the movie, Dina was curled up against her side, fast asleep. She grabbed the remote, cut the TV off and laid her head back down. Closing her eyes, she smiled faintly as she felt Dina nuzzle closer. Sleep soon taking her again.
Joel walks down the stairs at dawn, his backpack on, all ready for patrol. He chuckles and shakes his head as he passes the living room, Ellie and Dina both fast asleep on the couch. " I knew you'd be just fine, kiddo. " He said softly as he walked to the front door and stepped outside. Closing it softly behind him, he looks up at the beautiful shades of pink, purple and blue.
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calicosposts · 5 years
Feather kisses
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Pairing: Taehyung/Reader
Genre: fluff, Romance, a tiny bit of angst if you squint
Warnings: nop, just a short mention of nudity and fun time pillow fights
Summary: Taehyung was sure that it has been a dream. You weren't there with him, but why was there music in the background?
Inspired by the song "Please never fall in love again" by Ollie MN
Taehyubg yawned, squeezing the pillow in his arms while doing so, his habit of having to hold something close in order to feel comfort having forced him to do so. He didnt open his eyes yet; he didnt have to. It was a rare day off, with time for him alone to use. He smiled when he remembered the phone call he had with you yesterday after he came home late, beginning to almost fall back asleep. He had dreamt of you again. The feeling of your skin against his fingers had been so real, more than he could've wished for from a dream; and the way you moved and said his name in a breathless manner had burned itself into his mind. He wished you were here. If he could, he would simply take you everywhere with him, just because he could, but he understood that you couldn't just drop everything and depend on him like he asked you to during your first real fight as a couple. He later on learned to love this about you; you treated him like a regular human being, not like a celebrity. You gave him a piece of normality on his crazy life. And as he turned around in the bed he could swear there was your perfume lingering on the pillows. But something else caught his attention. Was there.. music coming from his bathroom?
"...but you lit up my life; this is what it's like to be lovers~"
Was it still his imagination going wild? Maybe his mind was just playing with him. He wanted to get up, but didn't- until he heard water running, probably from the sink, and a glass being put down on the counter. He scrunched up his nose before running a hand over his face. Was that your shirt on the ground there?
Suddenly the bathroom door opened, revealing a slightly drowsy looking you, hair only brushed a little to get it into place, bare face and in his oversized shirt. Either he was still dreaming, or he had finally gone crazy. However, he finally made grabby hands towards you, letting his hand fall down beside him to pat the mattress, head halfway buried in the white pillows. You chuckled, the sound a bit raspy from sleep, but complied. As soon as his fingers touched your form he was sure you were actually real, and he swore to himself he could cry in that moment. You were there. And he couldn't help pulling you closer, moving your bodies and making you laugh as he turned around to lay on his back, you halfway on top of him. His arms were around you, as to make sure you couldn't leave, even though that was the last thing on your mind. You looked up to see his jaw, and his eyes close to your face, and grinned at him, making him copy that expression with fondness.
"..and if some other guy catches your eye.."
"Hi." you said playfully, putting your leg over his, making him exhale in amusement.
"Hi." He said with equal emotions, moving a hand to run it over your head, resting on your cheek, while studying your face as if it was the first time he'd seen you.
Technically it was. With the amounts of time he had to spend miles and timezones apart from you, he was surprised that you still put up with him. Your relationship wasn't picture perfect, a lot of people on both sides commenting on how little this had to do with an actual relationship considering how you barely saw each other. You knew what you'd gotten yourselves into.
"...please just text me your goodbyes, you know I dont look pretty when I cry."
You stretched and sneezed afterwards, sending first Tae and then you into a small laughing fit because of it. He ran his large hand over your arm, over your side, playfully making his way under the fabric of his shirt, finally resting on the dip between your ribcage and hipbone however. His hand felt warm, gave a send of safety and comfort to you that no one could quite do the same.
"And I dont want that to be your final glimpse of me baby-"
Tae smiled, knowing the song because you'd send it to him when he had been upset after his mic set broke at the very beginning of a concert on his latest tour. He'd been so sad about it, feeling as if he messed up, or as if it was a bad sign, but you had video called him straight after he'd made his feelings clear to you, calming him down by talking as long as he needed to vent. He wasn't awesome when it came to english, but he could sing along some lines of the song already, having googled the translation of it. He fell in love with the words.
"-but if you could please return my shrek-DVDs maybe~" he sang along with the singer in his adorable accent, making you chuckle, but sing along in your morning voice. You never really sang much with him, even though he always praised you.
"Please, never fall in love again."
And even though you knew you should've slowly been getting up, you cant help staying lazy all day; and none of you both were complaining.
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