#it was a bit early tbh i was only starting my first tumblr phase and they were yet to be discovered
maneskings · 2 years
cheers to the high school teacher who said i looked like i loved arctic monkeys... when i didn't even know who they were.
you were a visionary, dude.
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sableeira · 6 months
hiii I have a question about your latest drawing how do you go about drawing and rendering weapons ? I love how they came out! they look very cool and glowy
First of all thank you so much!!
I’m relatively new to drawing weapons tbh but there’s a few things that worked really well for me so I’m glad to show off that workflow!
The most important thing was definitely finding good references. My go-tos for good references are:
- Auction sites (especially for vintage and antique stuff, usually show the object from different angles and detail shots which is a lifesaver)
- Pinterest (mainly for style references, e.g. I looked up weapon concept art to look how people render and stylize the weapons. Didn’t really help much in this case because I couldn’t find anything close to the vibe I was going for. Although for the katana I found a tgcf gif on tumblr with nice lighting on a sword which I used as inspiration lol) looking at ArtStation can also be helpful when it comes to concept art
- Sketchfab (website for 3D models. You can turn them around and inspect them + you can put them in the perspective you need. Although I would advise to always use photo references alongside Sketchfab as some 3D models will be more stylized or broken down to the most essential parts, or maybe you are not able to find exactly what you need)
A bit of research before diving into reference collection was crucial for me as well. To know what exactly I was looking for and to not mix too many contradicting references. It was easier for the Katana as the shape stays similar regardless of the period, but I looked for mainly late edo period katana. For the gun it was a bit more complicated because at this point in time revolvers weren’t widely used as Japan just opened up their market to Western countries a few decades prior and only started their own revolver production in the 1890s. But from what I was able to find when revolvers were used in early Meiji era they used a Smith & Wesson Model 3. This was very helpful because I was able to find a 3D model on Sketchfab of a Model 3 as well as multiple photo and video references. Lastly, research into names of weapon parts can be helpful to find detail references.
For sketching I usually try to break the objects down into basic shapes. That’s not only important for the sketching phase but understanding the shape of the object also helps with rendering later (-> how is the object lit etc).
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But I’m actually a big hypocrite, because I didn’t do that this time around which is why my perspective came out a bit wonky lol (I was more interested to draw the shapes in a way that would be interesting for lighting later on. But now that I look at it again I wish I cared a bit more for the perspective lol well I can always fix it later or do better in the next one!)
Now when it comes to rendering. Most of my rendering process is carried by Blend Modes like Add/Overlay/Hard Light and refining stuff with the Tinderbox Procreate brush. I don’t know how to properly put the whole thing into words. But I created two gifs for my layer by layer process. So maybe that helps?
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I hope this helps a bit!!!
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huiverse · 3 years
content creator year in review, tagged by @soft-pentagon​ ❤️
yeah it’s 2021 what about it
first creation in 2020: this random winter spring snow stage, tbh I.. don’t even remember giffing this, also rip my watermark phase when I was so angry about gif reposters 🙃
most recent creation of 2020: asia artist awards red carpet when I was burning through award show gifs during my holiday break lol
one of your favorite creations from 2020: halloween kino 😁
a creation you’re really proud of: dawn dawndididawn teasers the coloring came out really nice!
a new style you tried this year and a work that shows it: the 10 mb gif limit came out early 2020 so I started making taller stage gifs! this one is probably the cleanest daisy set I made
a creation that took you forever: probably the spring snow set I kind of avoid doing 3x3′s unless I have to, also the extra work to add the watermark was not worth it
your creation from 2020 that received the most notes: pentagon 1st win!! 😊
a creation you think deserved more notes: dawn in the dawndididawn mv I wish he had more casual support in general but such is life 😕 
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it: I don’t show it on tumblr anywhere but I’m a casual shinee stan!! I watched some highlights from their post-enlistment lives they’re v funny, my bias is key 😁
a creation you made that breaks your heart: hui basquiat stage I know he’s acting but it looks like he’s in so much pain and there were soo many emotions around the rtk time
a “simple” creation that you really love: hui in the dr. bebe mv I wish the shots had been longer 😞
a creation that was inspired by another one: I’m going to answer this a bit differently and say @handongisback​ requested hongseok dr. bebe stage gifs and we all know I usually only gif a certain few members lol
a favorite creation created by someone else: chaotic liev moments, ptg loving yuto, and dr. bebe showcase hearts by @kihno; also I have to call out my kino awakening stage by @yeo1 adslfj
some of your favorite content creators from the year: @soft-pentagon @kihno @wooseoks @yeo1 @huiracha @knnovations @binminseok @wonggu @yeosprout @ddonghyun 💙💙💙
I’m sure I missed some stuff but 2020 was so long I honestly don’t even remember what I did on this blog for the 1st half of the year lol; thank you as always to everyone who creates/likes/reblogs content for ptg and supports me on @hui-data​ even though I’m v inconsistent 😅, I hope you all have a wonderful year ahead and that bigger and brighter things are coming for pentagon!! 💞
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annakie · 5 years
Notes on a Blog Cleanup (& some other stuff) Part 4
Made it all the way back to  to page 1000. 
Started with 3021 pages.  Currently have 2954 pages, adding in posting 10 - 13 times a day for the last month... deleted somewhere around 87 pages of posts (or around 1300 total).  I’m in April 2015.  So it took two and a half years to do 50% of my posting here and nearly another year and a half to get that down to 2/3rds. It’ll just speed up from here.
Anyway, here’s a bunch of words about tumblr, fandom, and Doctor Who.
I’ve found myself deleting more news articles lately.  There’s almost no cringe-y stuff left. If I go back and do this again it’ll be even more deleting current events stuff unlessI connected to it somehow.
A LOT of the content creation I ever did happened in this time.  I did so much giffing for Who’s Line, a lot of video game stuff, especially Mass Effect, cause you know, it’s me, and a lot of edits and such.  Some way better quality than others.  I was also getting thousands of notifications a day from the few things I did that were really popular back then (still sometimes get notes on that Whose Line/Elmo/Game of Thrones gifset to this day).   
I know I’m not like, the best at gifs and edits, but hey, I think some of it is like, pretty good?  There’s a few things I’m a little sad about that just never took off, but I bet all people who try and post OC on Tumblr feel that way about some of their stuff.  A few things I made did surprisingly well, though.
I still will make the odd gif/photoset there that’s more than just “here’s some nice screenshots I took slightly edited” but honestly, I feel like these days it’s so hard to get many notes on tumblr at all?  Like there’s just so fewer people making stuff, and even less reblogging gifsets/photosets?  Idk, maybe it’s something more specific to my overall followers and who you all follow?  But I made a joking post a couple of days ago about my dash feeling weird because not everything is specifically tailored to me after scrolling through my blog, but on the OTHER hand, I also feel like, overall Tumblr has become just yet another place to post memes and text posts and has the big problem of the Reddit/Twitter/Tumblr/Instagram (+TickTock) circle where each place is like 50% screenshots/reposts of content the others?  This obviously isn’t a criticism of any actual people, but just... what tumblr has become the last year or two?  Is it just me?  Like you can find some gifsets and such with a couple thousand notes here and there but... just not as much is being produced now?  Does that make sense?
Like a month or two ago I spent a couple of hours specifically looking for good general fandom blogs specific to several fandoms I’m in and... it’s hard to even find those blogs anymore.  Like, “fuckyeah” type blogs that are someone’s sideblog about a specific topic.  And hey, believe me, I’ve created and abandoned several of these kinds of blogs on my time here (and at least one I’d keep up with but.. it just doesn’t have any content being generated for it so it’s just... sparse) so I get it.  Maybe I’m just not looking in the right places, I don’t know.  
I keep wondering how much longer I’m going to keep doing this little project, and then every 10 or pages I come across a post I didn’t tag properly that’s now been found, or something I just really wanna get off my blog and I’m like “Welp, when I stop finding these, I’ll stop looking.  So maybe in like, 2018. :p  LIterally finding posts I forgot I ever made in the first place and like has made it worth it.
Notes on TAH Fandom
This was also the phase of being heavily heavily like SO heavily into The Thrilling Adventure Hour.  And I have a lot of thoughts on that, too.
Literally, one of the best decisions of my life, tbh.  Not every moment of being like a SuperFan of this thing was sunshine and roses, but most of them really were.  Honestly, I made such good friends.  I had some extraordinary experiences, doing things that I wouldn’t have otherwise done, for sure.  I traveled to Seattle, Chicago, New York twice, and LA three times, hanging out with new friends, and getting to know the cast of a thing I loved so much, and also somehow getting to be known by them as well.  There were things that happened that I didn’t blog about here because I never wanted to come off as braggy, or just to keep a confidence.  There were a few not-as-great things that happened during that time, but basically, 2014 through mid-November 2015 will likely go down as one of the best time periods of my life, for a lot of reasons, but a good chunk of that was the experiences I had through TAH.
Hoo boy though, I blogged about it a LOT.  Like, it felt like almost as much as early blog was about Doctor Who.  I was, uh, real enthusiastic and am now kinda regretful about some of those early fandom tags.  Also turns out some of the TAH people looked at my blog more than I knew, I think, so a little yikes there thinking back on it now.  But also I was kind and helpful a lot, so all of that was good.
This is a good recap post of all of the awesome stuff.  And even that glosses over a lot of the really cool stuff, or skirts around some of it, just to try and stay brief about it.
One of the big things I learned from that experience was that being a very involved person in a fandom is such a double-edged sword.  For one thing, it honestly became somewhat of a second job for me, which I 100% put upon myself.  But running FYTAH (with Shannon!) and admining/writing a large percentage of the TAH Wiki (with Ange!), working in the booths at conventions (with Jena + Shannon/Kitty/Jamie/Dani) and being available to help in a variety of other ways was A Lot.  Which again, I took on willingly.  And Ange warned me about it several times but I was like “No I want to do this.”  So then it also kind of turned into like a customer service job even outside of working at the cons.  After awhile you gotta smile and be nice allllll the time. I ended up taking a lot of things offline to a small subset of friends.  And most of that came from other fans, not from the show itself (except like, feeling like I couldn’t show my true disappointment when the show was ending, or feeling like I couldn’t air any criticisms I had about the show except in very private conversations.)  
At one point I was having an email conversation with a couple of those friends and realized that, for the first time in my life, I was like a “popular kid”, which was weird.  And I tried my damnedest to be as welcoming and inclusive and not to let anyone feel left out.  But also there’s a point where like, you can only take on so much, and you can only be actual friends with so many people?   You can be kind and welcoming and enthusiastic and all, but you only have so much time and energy to give away.  There were so many messages I never answered still sitting in my / the FYTAH inbox or in email and some on twitter because I just didn’t have the bandwidth to give away sometimes.  It was a weird lesson to learn because I knew it so well in general in my personal life, but had never had to apply it... in this way before?  Does that sound weird?  Or braggy?  I feel like I’m walking on land mines with this one.
For a more specific example of what I mean, in March, 2015 ten of us rented a house and lived in it for a long weekend for the TAH 10th anniversary show + a fun getaway vacation. Everyone invited was someone I knew or were close with someone else in the group.  A few more people had been invited but couldn’t afford it, so word got around a little bit.  And it was AMAZING.  But I later heard that there were a few people, most of whom I didn’t really know, were hurt that they weren’t invited.  Jena and I spent dozens of hours and put a lot of financial risk into being the custodians of the trip for even the ten of us, and it was a huge undertaking.  It was never meant to be a thing for the entire fandom, just a group of people who were already friends.  But there was still a small kerfluffle from a few people about it.  Which, I TOTALLY get feeling bad about being left out but... it was always supposed to be a relatively small thing, never any kind of “Official Fandom Get Together”.  And we definitely didn’t have the time/money/ability to host an “open call for anyone to come” type thing.  Just coordinating 10 people (and about 25 - 30 overall getting together to hang out at designated times over the weekend) was... more than enough.
At one point sometime later people started suggesting that we organize and hold an actual TAH-Con and I... let that one pass me by without really talking about it.  It was definitely too much, and even then I knew it.  And I mean, the shadow of Dashcon was still hanging over all fandoms heavily in those days.  I wasn’t about to become the next Dashcon.  It never got past a few emails being passed around.
So yeah, to be honest, if I could go back and do those years again, I absolutely would, it was like 95% awesomeness.  But I think in regards to some of the fandom-specific things, I’d be a little less of a doormat, and I’d be a little more careful about spreading myself too thin.
So now that the show is “back”, I am enjoying listening to it, and I’ll reblog some things or post big news on FYTAH, but I’ve been lazy about even helping out with the wiki (I keep meaning to get back to it, Ange is still doing great) because... although I’m still a HUGE fan, I also am gonna be more laid back about it now.  
I also haven’t REALLY loved a thing in the same way since TAH.  The closest there has been is Critical Role, and I’ve been real careful to stay out of any actual fandom stuff there.  I really love the thing, but I’m gonna keep with my group of 5 or 6 other fans I already know (all from other fandoms) who love the thing too, and stay out of wider discussions.  With some of the stuff happening there lately, it was a good decision.  
Wow, that was a lot of words.  Sorry. 
Hey one last thing to catch up on.
Doctor Who Rewatch 2019!
I’m now already at 6x01, into the Silence episodes.
So I did finally rewatch the Desert Bus episode that I hated so much before and like... this time... it was fine?  Cheesy and all, but not so bad that I should have hated it as much as I did?  Also noticed the Doctor doing the classic “gonna hit on this girl really hard in the beginning then drop her so quick at the end” thing to the companion of the week.  Ah, Ten.  The most bi-polar of all Doctors.  I’m gonna be honest, I decided to skip on through Waters of Mars because I realized I was just ready to be done with Ten at that point.  I’ll probably go back to it at some point but I wasn’t ready for another Ten Temper Tantrum, maybe the worst one of all, in that episode.
So I finished Ten (and oh man that whole two-parter to end Ten with... like the whole Master plotline is such a stinker.  The first half, in particular, is so bad, the only really good scene is the one in the cafe with Wilf.  The rest of it... wow.  Wasn’t that whole thing written like the week before filming and never really edited or something? IDK.)  The last half hour or so is really good though, with Ten’s sacrifice (after a tantrum) and then all the companion goodbyes (except Joan Redfern’s granddaughter, bleh).  
But yay, on to Eleven and Amy and Rory and more River!
Season Five is... wow it starts off strong and really stalls there in the middle for a bit.  Picks back up a bit with Rory returning, then somehow has two great episodes without Rory and ends strong, though the first pretty nonsensical Moffat-era “this doesn’t make sense but it looks and sounds so good you don’t care, right?” season arc and ending.  Season six, I’m already remembering, is way, way worse for that.  But anyway.  Rory remains my second favorite companion ever.  And episodes with Amy, Rory and River continue to be my favorites.  Also? Matt Smith is so good.
But even early on in season six I’m remembering how really dumb the overarching plotline is... Moffat is great at “Oh man this will be cool so I’m gonna throw it in there! (and it really is some very cool stuff!) and hope it all makes sense later!  Or just don’t think about it too hard!”
Honestly though, despite all the quibbles, most of the episodes work on an individual level if you don’t think about the the overall arc Moffat is trying to do.  Even those that are a bit sloggy, like the Cold Blood/Hungry Earth two-parter, have enough great moments to justify watching them.  (Ambrose is still maybe one of the worst “regular people” characters to ever be on this show, though.)  There’s still no “Fear Her”.  And that’s pretty good.
Also?  The blog itself is now about as Doctor Who oriented as it is in the last year.  Like... oh the season is airing?  There’s a lot more good stuff to reblog, I’ll reblog good stuff.  Season not airing, a scattered post here and there.  It’s a much better place to be.
After Amy and Rory leave, that was about the end of my true like “Doctor Who Obsession” phase.  On my Blog we’re in the break between Amy and Rory leaving and Clara showing up. I never really clicked with Clara, I think like a lot of people.  Like I really liked the season with Danny, but after that season I never really rewatched episodes, so I’m looking forward to getting there and experiencing some stuff again for the second time.  
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miky91ftw · 6 years
The Stravaganza Series: An attempt at in-universe timeline (1/3)
PART 2 [X]
Eh, I know that the Stravaganza fandom on Tumblr (and pretty much anywhere else tbh) is quite non-existent, but, nevertheless, I wanted to share this surely excessive and probably unnecessary ramble/analysis concerning the actual timeline of the show, based on a series of notes I wrote last year, that where then conveniently forgotten in my HD until i remembered about them the other day.
I was inspired to write them down after noticing that events seems to be happening at a way faster pace in later books than in the first ones, so I wanted to verify it this was really the case (spoiler: it is). I also added information about various character’s birthdays and age during the series, as stated or implied from a variety of sources*.
Please note that my estimations are based on several fundamental assumptions, such as:
The day in which a saint is celebrated is the same in both worlds;
Easter is calculated with the same criteria (implying that moon phases are the same in both universes)
People in Talia are already using the Gregorian Calendar (despite the fact that it was adopted only in 1582, while the series ends in 1580). 
This said, let’s get started with the first part, covering the first two books!
Our universe time: from May 2002 to March 2003 (approx. 10 months).
Talian time: from May 16, 1577 (Marriage with the Sea) to March 8, 1588 (Last day of Carnevale) (approx. 10 months).
Ok, Let’s start with the years: Rodolfo tells Lucien that they are in 1577 during their first meeting, so that’s pretty much set. I don’t remember if the year in our universe is actually mentioned, but it can be inferred from what is said in latter books (it also matches the time the book was published).
Given that Lucien and Arianna are both 15 at the start of the book (turning 16** during the time gap between Arianna’s election and the Epilogue), we can deduce their birth year are, respectively, 1986 and 1561.
As for the exact days, we know that Marriage with the sea is celebrated on Ascension day, so 40 days after Easter. If we calculate Easter 1577 on the base of the aforementioned assumption, we get  7 April, so Ascension day is May 16. May 17 is the forbidden day, and it is also the day of Lucien’s first Stravagation to Talia (the last person to do so before him was Dr. Deathridge himself, who arrived in Bellona 24 years before, so around 1553).
Another important day is the Feast of the Maddalena, which we can assume takes place in the same day Mary Magdalene is  remembered in the saint calendar, 22 July. This makes sense if we take into account that the Maddalena is supposed to be reminiscent of Venice’s Redentore, which is celebrated in July as well. So, by the time the celebration rolls in, Lucien has at least two months of experience regarding Bellezza and its surroundings.
Now, I do  not have exact information about what happens next (i need to read CoM again), but I believe it is safe to say that all the other events from Maddalena onward (Lucien’s trip to Venice, Arianna’s incarceration, the murder in the Sala di Vetro, etc.) take place in at least three weeks/a month. In this case, Lucien’s death falls around late august/early September, and thus the main  plot of CoM takes about three months and a half to unfold. I know that there is a two-week time shift around Lucien’s death due to the gate instability, but I won’t go into detail as A) this would make things even more  complicated, and B) the phase shift eventually gets corrected, so let’s just forget about it.
CITY OF STARS (where things get complicated, thank you Falco -.-)
Our universe time: from late spring/early summer 2003 to 15/16*** September 2004 (approx. 1 year and 2-3 months).
Talian time: from early summer 1578 (Merla’s birth) to 15/16 September 1578 (Stellata di Falco) (approx. 3 months).
See  that huge-ass incongruence in the dates? Yeah, this time it won’t be easy.
Well, we know that the time shift happens right after Falco’s death,which in turn happens the day after the Stellata, on 16August 1578 (the day of Stellata is fixed, and is 15 August). As for when the book starts, we don’t have a precise date, but I believe we can safely put Merla’s  birth at least two months before the Stellata (this would still make her growth exceptional, if we consider that a horse’s weaning doesn’t happen before the fourth month).
So,what does this implies for the characters, age-wise?
For starters, we know from chapter 9 that Georgia is a Gemini. This means her birthday is between 21 May and 21 June. Given that we didn’t get any mention of her birthday since she started stravagating, we can assume**** she already celebrated it before going to Remora, and thus her  being 15 would mean that her birth year is 1988. This means that she is finishing year 10 at the start of the book, and that she is 16 and starting year 12 in the epilogue (which should be the case if the “exams” mentioned in the aforementioned epilogue are the GCSE, which is taken at the end of year 11).
For Arianna and Luciano, they are both 16, turning 17 after the epilogue. This means that, after the time shift, the age gap between Luciano and Georgia is less than a year, around 5/6 months (!). (So much for spending half of the remaining books fawning over Luciano-Senpai)
For the two di Chimici, Falco and Gaetano, we can play  it safe thanks to the dates on their family tree, as provided in the afterword. So, Flaco is 13/14 (we don’t know the exact birthday, but I sort of headcanon him as a Scorpio*****, so that would make him 13 at the time of the main events, and 14-soon-to-be-15 in the Epilogue). Gaetano is 17/18. We know from Falco’s story that his birthday is in summer, so we can assume that he just turned 18, or that he does so before the end of the book.
We also know that Benedetta, the brothers’ mom, died in 1577******, while Falco’s accident happened the year before, in 1576. Poor Falco, talk about traumas. 
this said, the vast majority of the plot takes place is about a couple of months, and,  again, this is sort of a reasonable time for the events to unfold (especially if you take into account that the whole, beautiful mess that is City of Flowers takes place in barely 6 weeks. But we’ll deal with it in part 2)
*: most of which are now  basically gone, in particular: the official site and the promotional Facebook and Twitter accounts created to promote books 4-6.  Unfortunately, only part of said  page is retrievable via The Wayback Machine.
**: Arianna’s and Luciano’s birthdays were actually revealed in the aforementioned Facebook/Twitter pages,which are now unfortunately gone. As the only proof I have is my notes and my memories, I am pondering about trying to contact Mary Hoffmann herself and ask her about said dates, so to have a reliable  sources for my fanwanks. Btw, Arianna was born on  12 October 1561, while Luciano  was born on 22 november 1986.
***: I don’t think it was explicitly stated, but I believe that the time phase that happened after Falco’s death was completely cancelled by the time of the second Stellata. This would also make sense if we consider how Falco, now Nick, felt that he had to stravagate back once again, as if it was now safe for him to move across time and return to Talia in the day dedicated to his remembrance.
****: I know this is a bit of a stretch, but Hoffman is usually really coherent and precise on the  chronological integrity of her works , so I  refuse to believe that she intentionally had Georgia said she was a Gemini without mentioning any eventual upcoming birthday in a paragraph that was all about births and zodiac signs. I mean, that would be extra poor™️ writing and Hoffman can do better than that.
*****: look, we all know that there is only one sign who can realistically believe that dying twice and hopping through dimension is the way-to-go solution to all of your problems, together with “pretending to be a ghost to stop your murdeous parent by scaring the life out of them”. Gaetano is also totally a sweetheart Cancer, btw.
******: this would also  explain why we barely get to hear about the big powers in Giglia for most of City of Masks. They were busy mourning the death of their Duchess.
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ethospathoslogan · 6 years
can i ask for some advice about sexuality and stuff? i'm feeling a bit confused about mine :p. it's okay if you don't want to though :-)
okay!!! so i’m not that great with advice, tho i do think i have enough experience to give you something, so first i’m gonna talk abt my own experience and then hopefully find a moral of it!!! just bc sexuality is confusing as fuck and i am Still sometimes confused by it all today
so basically tho, to start, whatever your sexuality is, it’s valid!!!
so, there’s mine. i’m a lesbian!!! but, tbh, it took me a really long time to come to that conclusion and it took me even longer to be okay with the fact that i was a lesbian. i realized i wasn’t straight back in 2014, and at first i thought i was bisexual but that just didn’t feel right to me. not that there is anything wrong with being bisexual!!! it just wasn’t a label that felt right with me. and then i identified as pansexual from 2014-2016 (ya you’re getting a timeline here!!!) and, tbh, thinking back, that too didn’t feel 100% right but i think i was too young and too scared to think more on it.
also 2014-2016 is what i like to call the “gender clusterfuck” and you have to be like level 10000000 friend to get that out of me. or maybe just ask super politely, idk. it’s not a thing i talk abt a lot, not for bad reasons, but just bc, to me, it’s sorta complicated. but i digress omg
so then in like 2016 i kept thinking that my label didn’t feel right. by this point, i had already been on like 1000 self-journeys and a half omg. and then i was just kinda chilling, honestly i’m pretty sure i was showering tbh, and it suddenly hit me: “oh my god i’m a lesbian”
and at first it didn’t feel right. it actually felt awful, if i’m being quite honest. awful enough to the point that i started to fuck myself up thinking, “what if i’m just faking” (**answer: i’m not, but i’ll get to that). i only realized it after i was finally comfortable with myself, but i was dealing with a shit ton of internalized homophobia. and that confused me, you know? like i’m not from a particularly conservative family, so even tho there’s been homophobic comments here or there, not enough (in my opinion) to warrant me being so uncomfortable with myself. and then i finally realized that it was bc i myself outed myself too early. like, the moment i realized i Wasn’t Straight, i was putting it on tumblr and already telling one of my best friends. i’ll have you know, this was only a couple days in. i didn’t let myself sit and think about what i was feeling. i let myself run with a label that i wasn’t particularly comfortable with and started telling people before i was even ready to accept that about myself. and bc i was already uncomfortable with my label, i just got more uncomfortable and eventually associated that bad feeling with sexuality.
but now i’m a big ole lesbian who loves my sexuality!!! so!!! woo!!!
**to go with the whole “oh my god am i faking it” thing, one of the most relieving experiences was realizing that a lot of other lesbians had similar experiences. i’ve seen many other lesbians on tumblr talking about how they flitted through a lot of other identities because they always felt like “lesbian” was deemed a Bad Word by society. in 8th grade, when i started to realize that every attraction i’ve ever had to a boy was forced and superficial and i liked the Idea of them and not who they were, i thought i was aro before i even considered that i might be gay. so, yeah, solidarity!!!
so, basically, what’s my point with all of this? i talked about my lesbian experience, but you might not be a lesbian, so what’s the point in saying all of this? well it’s because, if anything, i want to say that it’s actually okay to be unsure of yourself at first. it’s normal to know that you’re Not Straight but not know What. despite what literally everyone says, knowing your sexuality can change you a bit. not in a bad way, but it can make you suddenly realize why you felt that thing 10 years ago, or why you never thought this person was attractive. it also gives you the chance to unashamedly be yourself. a lot of people think that sexuality is just a thing that doesn’t affect who we are as people, but that’s just bc we live in a heteronormative world where being straight is the norm so, therefore, of course being straight doesn’t affect who you are. but for gay people? bi people? trans, pan, ace, aro? yeah, things can be a bit different for us.
and it can take a while for us to be comfortable with who we are. and we can go between labels and, despite what some people might say, that’s actually not... a bad thing? ik in like idfk 2015 everyone was like “some people are using ______ as a phase and that makes them all terrible people” but, here’s the thing, i’ve found in my case and with many others, not knowing who you are means you’re going to find a label that might not work for you in a year, and that’s okay. as stated, i myself have went on a lot of journeys with labels, and that doesn’t make me a bad person, nor does it make the past labels “lesser”. some people realize they’re pan and know they’re pan! some don’t. some lesbians realize that they’re bisexual, some bisexuals realize that they’re gay. you get what i’m saying? for a long time, labels were treated as a “for life” thing like, the moment you think you’re this, you’re it forever. but that’s not real. that’s not how a lot of people work, especially when it comes to discovering your sexuality.
and, of course, my experience is not yours!!! tbh, the wonderful thing that i find abt sexuality and discovering it is that, yes, we all have a solidarity, but we also have our own unique experiences. some are amazing, some aren’t so great at all, and some just Happen without a bang.
so, i feel like i might have rambled on for a really long time, but i’m feeling sentimental and emotional today omfg. just know that it’s okay to not know who you are and take your time. if i was to give you one real, legit piece of advice, it would be to don’t do what i do. don’t immediately force yourself out of the closet. even if the people outside aren’t that bad, hell, maybe they’re even amazing, i recommend taking some time for yourself. if i did that and waited and didn’t instantly start telling people about my sexuality, it would’ve saved me a lot of trouble.
oh my goodness this got long. anyway!!! i hope you have a fantastic day and that things work out wonderfully for you
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aceofstars16 · 6 years
Okay so I got tagged a LOT and I didn’t get around to answering until now and this is...gonna be looong so I’m going to put this under a cut haha xD
I’m also not tagging anyone, but if you want to do any of these feel free to!
Tagged by @friendlywildflowers and @tiernamente
ONE insecurity:
Ummm, does the future count? Cause I’m really insecure/unsure about anything with my future *flops*
TWO fears:
Letting others down
Bring stuck in the same place for the rest of my life
THREE “turn-ons”: ???
Nice smiles
Being able to make me laugh
...I’m also a sucker for blue eyes man
FOUR life goals:
Write and publish at least one book
Help orphans/foster kids in some way
Continually seek God no matter what
To be a good friend
FIVE things I like:
Dark chocolate
SIX weaknesses:
Drawing dynamic poses
Lack of motivation
SEVEN things I love:
My family
My friends
Good stories/fandoms
OCs (mine and others haha xD)
Tag EIGHT people:
Tagged by @shenzi-hemlock
Rules: Answer to 30 questions and then tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better lets be real im not gonna do that
Nickname: Ace is the main one
Gender: Female
Zodiac: The Taurus one of whatever it’s called xD
Height: 5′6-7ish?
Age: 22
Time: 1:54 PM
Favorite Bands/ solo artists: Ummm, I’ve been big into Imagine Dragons recently actually, but also NEEDTOBREATHE and Owl City
Song stuck in my head: I don’t know but “Believer” is playing right now so?
Last movie I saw: Antman and the Wasp!
Last thing I googled: I was about to say it was “mission synonym” but then I remembered that I googled the radar cause it was raininggggg
Other blogs: I have a BUNCH that I never use xD
Do I get asks: Somewhat?
Why I chose this username: Oh gosh this story again, I was like 12 or something and saw “Ace of Hearts” which wasn’t even an amazing movie but I liked the title and then I thought Ace of Stars sounded cool so I kept that till I got on dA and that username was taken so I added 16 on the end cause it’s my fav number xD
Following: 225
Average amount of sleep: I need...a lot of sleep...usually at least nine hours haha *flops*
What I am wearing: My arc reactor shirt and jean shorts
Dream Job: I’m not even sure, something with cats or horses maybe?
Dream Trip: I really want to go to Iceland tbh...and also meet some of my mutuals xD
Favorite Food: Chicken is amazing, I love chocolate, I love most types of fruit, just give me something kind of sweet and I’m usually good (though I like salty things too xD)
Play(ed) sports: I played basketball when I was younger, but I wasn’t very good haha xD
Hair Color: Medium/golden brown
Eye color: Hazel
Most Iconic Song: Ummm...I have no clue...xD
Languages you speak/ are learning: English...I’ve tried learning Spanish and ASL but...I know I couldn’t carry a conversation in Spanish and I could maybe say like...only a lil bit in ASL
Random fact: I collect ticket stubbs, but I’ve kind of run out of room in my itouch case so...now I’ve started losing them...xD
Describe yourself as aesthetics: The ocean, stars in the sky, thunderstorms, fuzzy socks, fluffy kittens, autumn leaves, staying up late talking, large sweaters, boots, going on walks in the fall, quiet nights at home, sporadic shopping adventures, warm fires, icy AC (opposites but it depends on the time of year xD), minty chocolate goodness, contagious laughter, hanging out with no agendas.
Tagged by @mandaloriandragontrainer
Nickname: Ace
Height: 5’7-ish
Orientation: Straight/Asexual I think
Nationality: American
Favorite fruit: Ooooo that’s hard....I go through phases, right now I’m loving cherries
Favorite season: I don’t think I can pick I love parts of all of them tbh
Favorite plant: Bluebonnets always
Favorite scent: Vanilla, and also cinnamon...and fresh bread
Favorite color: Blue!
Favorite animal: CATS! And horses, cheetahs, fennec foxes, regular foxes, and dragons...I love lots of animals tho xD
Tea, coffee, or hot chocolate: Tea unless it’s dairy free hot chocolate (I love hot chocolate but...I shouldn’t have it with real milk...xD)
Average hours of sleep: 9ish
Dogs or cats: 
Tumblr media
Favorite fictional character: TOO MANY TO NAME
Dream trip: Different from the other ask? Hmmm...Argentina
When was your blog created: October 2013
Number of followers: *goes through and blocks porn blogs* Ummm 1,633 somehow???
Random fact: I’m gonna steal mando’s fact and say I’ve cosplayed as a Ranger, genderbent Hiccup, Rey, Jyn, and Eleven (and a few others but...I’m not gonna name them all xD)
What do you do & do you like it: As in like a job, or? Cause I don’t have a job and I’m still trying to figure out school/life so...I legit don’t know how to answer this...*flops
Tagged by @sturwurstrash
Name: I don’t put my real name online
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Orientation: Ace (heyyyy sameeee)
Height: 5′7ish
Favorite Color: BLUE
Book Recommendations: The Lunar Chronicles and Ranger’s Apprentice are both great and underrated in my opinion! :D
Movie Recommendations: Anything Marvel (well, MCU, there are other Marvel movies I’ve never seen/are older that I don’t recommend xD), Gifted, Second Hand Lions, Mulan, HTTYD, and lots of other animated ones xD
TV Recommendations: Star Wars Rebels, Stranger Things, White Collar, Parks and Rec, My Little Pony, and The Tangled Series
Music Recommendations: Oh gosh I have such a wide range of likes...aside from NEEDTOBREATHE, and Owl City ummm...musicals? Mainly Dear Evan Hansen and the Greatest Showman, but Hamilton and Finding Nevereland too (okay and HSM 2 just came on...it’s not amazing but...it’s fun...xD)
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: *looks at the other tag* tea
Cats or dogs: 
Tumblr media
*replies with another gif cause I can*
I want to live long enough to witness: Ummm...I honestly don’t know, my friends that don’t know God to come and know him, that’s the first thought to come to mind
Weird Obsessions: Ummm, I really love socks? xD
Tumblr Birthday: October 2013 (I’ve answered this so many times I legit know without looking xD)
How many side blogs: Ummm three, but I’m part of like three group things too
Random fact about me: I think I’m like 1/128th Native American or something like that? All I know if like one of my ancestors (like great or great great grandma?) was married to a chief of a tribe, though I don’t know what tribe
Tagged by @la-na-da
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Taurus or however you spell it
Height: *writes 5′7ish for the third time today cause I waited so long to reply to these xD*
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Who knows, hopefully with a job and able to drive
If you could go anywhere, where would you go?: Hmmm, aside from the ones I already listed? I mean I’d love to go to England, or New Zealand, or Switzerland, or Alaska/Canada
What was your coolest Halloween costume?: Coolest? Hmmm, I’m gonna go with my Ragner’s outfit I wore to a Halloween party (though I changed to Hiccup later cause it was too hot to wear for long xD)
Favorite 90s TV-show?: Ummm...I think most of the shows I loved were early 2000s...hmmm, was Pokemon going on then? Maybe Pokemon, or Arthur, that started in the 90s right? xD
Last kiss?: Does kissing my cat’s head count?
Have you ever been stood up?: Dude I’ve never even been on a date, as for friends? I don’t think so
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: Ummm, maybe? I honestly don’t remember but I don’t think so?
Favorite pair of shoes?: Probably my Chacos, I wear them the most, but I love my long boots too, they are just too hot to wear most days xD
Favorite fruit?: I aside cherries before...so how about peaches?
Favorite book?: Oh gosh I can’t pick!
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done?: Ummm...a lot of things? I can’t really remember them though? How about the time I accidentally pulled off a horse’s halter along with his bridle? xD
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Robbie’s Happy Memories
Finally, here it is! My (mainly) digital LazyTown animation! It is set 10 years after the events of the TV series, so please keep that in mind. ^^
For a detailed explanation of the different panels/pics (aka sort of a fic), as well as technical info, please check the “read more”. ^^
This is by far the biggest art project I've ever worked on (only somewhat comparable to The Mikey Comic Series, tbh), so feedback is not only highly appreciated, but also asked for! Please let me know what you think about it! Thank you! ^^
I hope this video will make you smile. ^_^
Lazytown © Magnús Scheving art © Murderous-Coffeebean [deviantART] Please do not trace nor repost this here on tumblr or elsewhere; thanks. 
~ * ~ INFO ABOUT THIS WORK ~ * ~ -------------------------------------------------------------- Panel Explanation/Fic (Note: The video itself is set 10 years after the TV series.) We start off with Robbie, sitting at the floor of his home, looking through a photo album. The front of it reads "Myndaalbúm", Icelandic for "photo album". He arrives at a photo that makes him pause and smile, and we see the photo album tumbling down. The first photograph we see is of Robbie, Sportacus and Stephanie having a conversation in the "early days". They are having fun; Sports and Stephanie probably just looked through one of Robbie's plans and now are teasing him a bit about it (Robbie, at this point, isn't outraged, surprising to himself). The next photograph we see is of Stephanie; she is smiling or laughing, and pointing at something, her hair moving in the wind. Robbie is still growing to like the kids at this point, but sometimes he actually stays around when he crosses their path or the other way around, and they realize they can actually have fun together (not that Robbie'd admit it. He's no flippity-floppety sports elf after all :P ). The next photograph we see is from Ziggy's birthday. Robbie had no problem to grow fond of the small boy as he started to grow a bit older (a bit being a year, but yeah). He likes that he's not the only one in town appreciating candy and all things sweet, and of course even he knows what Ziggy's favorite candy is. :D Next we see an image of Sportaflop- when again did he start to like this flipping-around elf so much?? Around this time, when they started becoming friends? Robbie wonders. (But, if he's being completely honest with himself, he knows that it was much earlier than this picture was taken already.) On the next two photographs we see Stingy giving presents to other people. The first one, not as willingly yet. (It's a "Best Of" album of one of Trixie's favorite bands for her birthday.) Then, we see him (much more easily by then) handing a birthday gift to Robbie, Ziggy and Stephanie smiling in the background. In the next photograph, we see Pixel playing a video game. Not visible is Robbie sitting next to him. The clock shows that it's 2am, but neither of them could sleep, so they are spending some time playing video games together. [This lovely scene was inspired by @sportaboob’s wonderful fanfic "Hand-holding in the key of Lazytown"! <3 ] The next three photographs we see are (in slow-motion) Sportacus and Robbie, the sports elf hugging his villain friend (/crush?). Robbie is surprised- Sportacus was thanking him for something (likely for keeping an eye on the kids as he had to save the mayor from accidentally hurting himself). But he did not see the grateful and tight as heck hug coming. There's tears forming in his eyes; it's been forever since he's last been at the receiving end of a hug. The next scene is when the kids are all young teenagers already; they and Robbie treat each other like family by now, and sometimes he lets them crash on his couch. This was the first time that happened though; the kids had been to a concert together (with Robbie to take care of them), and when Sportacus (who had picked them all up with his airship and brought them back to Lazytown again) had stopped to let Robbie get home, the kids had been so sleepy already, Robbie had just grumbled a bit (because he was really exhausted, as well) but had just waved his hand at Sportacus, and the elf had carried the kids downstairs so they could rest, before letting their families know he and Robbie would bring them home once they'd gotten a good night's sleep. In the next picture we see the kids running across a field, playing catch maybe, as the sun sets. Sportacus is probably tagging along, as always, but so is Robbie by then. He likes spending time with his new found family, and he's outside much more these years now. The next photograph we see is of the first apple Robbie voluntarily ate (and enjoyed :D). Yes, it's on a pedestal. It's Robbie, after all, and Sports and the kids are proud of him, so. Why not? :P Next, we're back in the present for a bit. We see one of Robbie's eyes, and a tear drop starts running down his face as he turns the page and sees the next picture: It's a photograph of him with the people he is closest to. There's Pixel, Stephanie, and Trixie, who are about to go off to college together soon; there's Stingy who has crouched down a bit to fit into the photograph next to Ziggy, whom he ended up becoming close friends when they became teenagers; and there is Sportacus in (more) casual (but still sports) wear for once, standing next to Robbie. They were, as per usual, having a great time when the photograph was taken, and Robbie (just as he is, looking at this photograph again and reminiscing right then) had one of these moments where he could hardly believe how lucky he was to have all of them in his life. The tear drop that was rolling down Robbie's cheek now falls down on the floor, and he smiles, still looking at the photograph of his family. A shadow is approaching from behind, and Robbie knows whom it is, even before the person utters a word. It's Sportacus, putting a hand on Robbie's shoulder as he's bending forward to see what Robbie is doing, and he greets him: "Hi, Robbie! What are you doing?" with a smile on his face. Sportacus looks at him fondly as Robbie first replies "Nothing..." but then goes to add: "... just getting nostalgic looking at old memories, I guess..." Sportacus crouches down to sit next to Robbie and mutters "Oh.", as his gaze finally falls on the family picture Robbie had been looking at before. He asks Robbie "... can I join you?", and Robbie just rises his eyebrow as he smiles and replies: "Sure." Robbie reaches to flip to the next page of the photo album, still lying on the floor in front of him and Sportacus. The page on the left reads one word in capital letters: "HEIM". [Icelandic for "HOME"] Finally, we see the image on the right, the last page of the photo album: It's Robbie's new home. A beautiful, somewhat curved house with flower pots on each side of it, and a tree on one side of it. The sun is shining down on it, and a sign over the front door reads, for old times' sake: "Robbie's Lair" in a fancy font. In front of the house, there's a doormat. It reads "Welcome". ♥ Technical Info This is a months-long work of love and learning through failing and trying again. I originally started this out as a random idea I had one night in January, and ended up drawing out the storyboard till 2am that day after I had found a piece of music I wanted to go with. I started with the animation process the next day already, if I recall correctly, already making more detailed notes about how the frames were supposed to go along with the music. I worked on this till the end of the Christmas break, and then continued woring on it a bit during the rest of the winter semester, before diving into this project some more during the semester break in spring. I started putting this together piece by piece in Moviemaker (as, due to my change of university, I didn't have Premiere on my hands anymore and had to find my way through Moviemaker now) and learned some about it as I went, as well. I only recently added the title card, title, and watermark, but the rest of the animation was all created during a working phase of about 3 months. The storyboard was drawn on yellow paper; I converted the remaining scenes I did not get around digitalizing to b'n'w so they wouldn't stand out. All of the digital frames are drawn in PaintTool SAI using the linework layers and tool. I had not worked a lot with them before this project, so it really was quite a challenge to finally do so, and do all of the animation this way. It was worth it though, and for all the trouble it caused me during this project, the advantages of easily editing lines again made up for it again. ^^
(Also, re: one of the last panels just for a sec: I know that “Just getting nostalgic looking at old memories” isn’t grammatically correct, but I wanted that line to work with the animation’s title itself, so. Just fyi.)
And with this, I’m releasing this child of mine to the internet. Please treat it kindly, I hope it will spread a smile on some of your faces. :)
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plumbobbles · 7 years
10 Q’s
Tagged by @suintor ♥ 
1. What’s your favourite item in your room that you own?
I would say my PC but if that doesn’t count then probably my Bioshock Infinite Skyhook.
2. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
See, my first instinct is to say night owl because I’m a massive grouchy bitch in the morning but at the same time I don’t really stay up that late? I usually go to bed around 11 or something so yeah.
3. Pizza, Ice Cream or Burrito?
Burrito! I’m scared to say it but I think I’m going off of pizza a little bit?
4. Most remembered dream that you’ve had?
It’s hard to think of any right now tbh. I usually only remember dreams just after they’ve happened and then I forget about them pretty quickly.
5. Which HP house are you in (Gryff, Slyth, Huffle, Raven)?
I don’t know which one I’d pick personally because I’m not a huge Harry Potter fan. But I did do that online thing once where the website sorts you and I got sorted into Hufflepuff.
6. Describe yourself in 4 words;
Introverted, Smol, Dedicated and Anxious
7. What age do you wish you could permanently be?
To be honest, I’d like to stay the same age I am right now (24). I feel like it’s not too young to be not taken seriously in some situations but also not so old that I’m considered, well, old lmao. 
8. If you could live anywhere, where would you go?
As much as I complain about Scotland sometimes, I honestly do love living here. I think we take a lot of the stuff we have for granted and we really do have many advantages that other countries don’t have. I'm just worried for what the future holds because of Brexit now...
9. If you could change your name, what would it be?
When I was a teen, I don’t know why, but I went through a phase where I wanted everyone to start calling me Jamie? It was my favourite name and I also wanted to name my first kid Jamie lmoa I don’t know what the fuck. But in response to the question, I have no idea. I wouldn’t change my name to Jamie now but I don’t know what else I’d change it to. I don’t particularly like my current name but I also have no real desire to change it.
10. Biggest fear?
Losing the person/people I love the most in the world and being left alone.
Tagged by @univertistsims​, thank you! Rules: Answer the questions, tag some friends. 
1. Favourite curse word?
2. Coke or Pepsi?
3. What superpower would you like to have?
4. Ultimate pet peeve?
People being two-faced and people who lie.
5. Without EP’s and DLC’s, Sims 3 or 4?
I actually can’t stand the graphics and style of Sims 3 so it would have to be 4.
6. What’s the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
I actually don’t even know. I did scream pretty loudly earlier today because I was getting out of my sister’s car and this MASSIVE bee came flying at me into the car and yeah, I freaked out a little bit because my hands were full with stuff.
7. What’s something you’ve done that you wish you could undo?
When I was a teenager I had braces but I hated them so I basically begged to get them taken off. They were taken off too early, my teeth weren’t totally straight and then on top of that I didn’t wear my retainer so they’ve gone back to being not straight and now if I want them straight (which I do) it’s gonna cost like £3k to get fixed.
8. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
Answered above.
9. Last lie you told?
Uhhh, I’m not sure. Probably that I wasn’t mad when I actually was lmao.
10. Strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
?? I have no idea. I don’t think I’ve eaten anything strange. I’m pretty conservative when it comes to food.
Tagged by @shannonsimsfan, thank you!
1. What is your current sims project?
Just continuing on with my Fontaine legacy right now.
2.  What is it about sims games that inspires or draws you in?
I guess it’s a combination of the freedom to do whatever I want, to create lives and stories with characters I’ve made, to follow a family through generations and see what happens and also the massive amount of creativity the game allows.
3.  Favorite sims community or forum?
Does Tumblr count? If not, probably Garden of Shadows, though I haven’t visited in a long time because I haven’t been playing TS2.
4.  What sims blogs or videos are you enjoying lately?
I’ve got notifications on a bunch of simblrs right now, including @letichespixels, @simsthatsparkle, @sims-creations, @midpoosimmer, @womrats, @sammyshuno, @faerietalesims, @coreopsims, @ohare-lane, @suintor
I don’t really watch that much sims content on YouTube so I don’t have any channels or videos that I’m following
5.  Favorite sim lit genre?
Uhh, I have no idea how to answer this one, haha. I guess just legacies? 
6.  Favorite part of simming (building, playing, creating content, writing, world building, etc?)
Actual playing, taking screenshots and creating sims.
7.  Do you know any simmers in real life?
Nope, none! (Not to the extent of the Simming community anyway, I obviously know people who play and have played the sims. But there’s a difference, you know? You know what I’m talking about guys. And I don’t meant it in an elitist way or anything I just mean there’s people who play the sims now and again for a bit of fun and then there’s us on Simblr.)
8.  Describe one of your favorite sims.
Brigid is probably my favourite TS4 sim so far. I think it’s a combination of me doing something different with her childhood and upbringing and just her personality and character in general. She’s so kind and caring and wants to see the very best in people and always give them a chance. She’s just super happy and cheerful and pure.
9.  Have you ever had a sim you really disliked playing?!
Hmm... I dislike playing Frank, not in the way that I actually don’t want to play when it’s his rotation but just because he’s slimy and an asshole and it hurts me to basically play out these situations and actions in the game to my other sims because it’s so mean but that’s just the character Frank is and it’s things he would do so I have to do it :(
10.   Do you picture yourself playing sims in five years from now?
100%, yes!
My 10 Questions;
What are you listening to/watching right now?
Other than The Sims, what have you been playing recently?
Do you have any pets?
What’s your favourite TV show?
Do you have any idea what you want to do when you’re older? Or if you’re ‘older’ what are you doing or what would you rather be doing?
Who’s your favourite YouTuber?
Where does most of your disposable income go?
What do you eat on an average day?
Do you have any other tumblr blogs?
What’s the last film you went to see?
I’ll tag: @letichespixels @peacemaker-ic @simpyre @crimsonsims @creatingsims @windenburger @midnightpoodle @wooldawn @ddeathflower @marquis-de-bechdel @simseternity @simsthatsparkle, @meisiu and anyone else who wants to do it, sorry if I didn’t tag you, just go for it!
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kirishwima · 7 years
Get to know me tag!
Tagged by @teakoii​
1. What is your full name? Don’t really want to give out my full name on tumblr lol, but I’m Sophia (and if we’re going for embarrassing details, I got a middle name, Marina lol)
2. What is your nickname? A lot of people call me babushka? Or just shortened versions of my name like Soph and stuff 
3. What is your zodiac sign?   Cancer 
4. What is your favorite book series?  Hmmm this is hard lol. The only series I can honestly admit to have read entirely is the Hunger Games :p
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts?
Aliens are 10010% real and probably want nothing to do with earth, LOL. Ghosts...it’d be so cool if they’re real. Highly doubt it though
6. Who is your favorite author? Neil Gaiman!! He’s amazing!
7. What is your favorite radio station?  Mix fm...any cypriot reading this will know lol
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything?  Of anything...probably coffee taste lol. Or mint? One of the two
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? Hmm, amazing? Awesome? idk lol
10. What is your current favorite song?  Current favourite is probably Andromeda by the Gorillaz :p 
11. What is your favorite word?  in english?? no clue hahah :p 
12. What was the last song you listened to?  Despacito ;u; 
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch?  Voltron obviously hahah, um, maybe American Horror story? But only season 2 lol, or Black Mirror bc it’s amAZING
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down?  Ghibli films! Especially Howl’s moving castle or Spirited Away! c:
15. Do you play video games?  I do but not as much lately bc of uni
16. What is your biggest fear?  Uhhh if we’re going for deep dark fears, probably the entire concept of eternity? Like the thought of something having no real start or end just freaks me out lol
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion?  I honestly can’t think of one hahah, i’ve been thinking for a couple of minutes and can’t think of anything :p maybe that i’m an easy person to get along with
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion?  I can make a list tbh lol, absolute worst would probably be that i’m way too sensitive & care too much about what other people think
19. Do you like cats or dogs better?  NO DON’T MAKE ME CHOOSE I LOVE THEM BOTH I LOVE ALL ANIMALS ;-;
20. What is your favorite season?  Summer!! :D 
21. Are you in a relationship?  Nope
22. What is something you miss from your childhood?  I don’t miss much. Maybe not having this much of a workload if anything lol
23. Who is your best friend?  Why have one when you can have 3? :D @faded-r0ses @now-this-is-wtf @ibreathestucky <3 <3
24. What is your eye color?  Brow
25. What is your hair color?  I change it every few months lol, it’s currently black!
26. Who is someone you love?  So many people :p Friends, family, a lot of people! c:
27. Who is someone you trust?  The squad obviously, but p. much all of my friends?? Like if we’re buddies then that’s it, i trust u lol
28. Who is someone you think about often?  Like i think about my dog a lot bc i haven’t seen his fluffiness in like four moths now but i think about a lot of people often? not one set person 
29. Are you currently excited about/for something?  I’m excited for an eternal slumber tbh, or like, vacation. I need a break TuT
30. What is your biggest obsession?  Voltron probably, and also random but history?? i love. history lol
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child?  POKEMON! It was a Sunday morning ritual to watch pokemon :D
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone?  Anything? Probably no one :p
33. Are you superstitious?  Not really? 
34. Do you have any unusual phobias?  Like, I’m afraid of small white rooms with no windows. Random? Yes. Unusual? Idk?? :p 
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? I’m insecure af but like photography so behind it lol
36. What is your favorite hobby?  Writing! :D 
37. What was the last book you read?  I mean i read a shitton of anatomy and physiology books throughout this year, do those count? Ah and The anatomy of being by Shinj Moon, though it’s a poetry book
38. What was the last movie you watched? Avengers Age of Ultron probably
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? Nothing, sadly TuT
40. What is your favorite animal? 
I can’t. ChoOOSEE I LOVE SO MANY. If i can have like a top 3?? It’d probably be dogs & cats (in one place bc i can’t choose), foxes, and lizards? or i think they’re called newts in english? ya. 
41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? 
Definitely @teakoii they’re they’re the literal cutest & amazing artist, definitely 2/3 the squad: @ibreathestucky (she’s a fandom goddess ok <3), @faded-r0ses (aesthetic ho right there), (((our remaining 1/3 @now-this-is-wtf not included bc she nEVER LOGS IN)) Also @wipengineer <-the queen of angst 
and @maristine :D Quality voltron content right there~ 
and also a LOT of other blogs, some that i interact with and some not but i’m too shy to mention/tag  >.< 
42. What superpower do you wish you had? 
Being able to breathe/survive underwater. Bye bye humans. I’m a fish now. You’ll never catch me. Also shapeshifting would b awesome bc. Cmon. You could become a dragon. Take that responsibilities. 
43. When and where do you feel most at peace?
The beach, definitely. Or anywhere near large bodies of water? Give me a lake or river any day and I’ll probably never leave lol
44. What makes you smile? 
A good ol’ meme never failed me so far, also good music? And coffee, and cuddly animals or just hugs in general i love hugs
45. What sports do you play, if any? 
I do some swimming and begrudgingly go to the gym when my roommate drags me along but that’s pretty much it lol
46. What is your favorite drink?
CoFFEE. I swear my blood has been replaced with caffeine by now
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody?
I wrote a post-it note to my roommate to let her know i’m out does that count? 
48. Are you afraid of heights? 
Nope! I love looking down when standing somewhere v high or in a plane and stuff lol
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? 
I had to google what a pet peeve is TuT
Hm, i can’t really think of anything? Not a lot of things bug me tbh, except for big things like you know, like rudeness or belittling someone else e.t.c
50. Have you ever been to a concert? 
51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? 
52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? 
Define how little. I had a big phase of wanting to become a Power Ranger so.
According to my family i was always between vet or doctor though lol
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? 
Ohh boy, i can’t just choose one!! :p Something magic-related definitely
54. What is something you worry about? 
Something? Something? More like everything. TuT
55. Are you scared of the dark? 
56. Do you like to sing? 
No unless I'm either drunk enough or blasting the radio loud enough for no one to hear me hahah
57. Have you ever skipped school? 
I was way too much of an ‘example student’ in high school so no lol. As for lectures in uni though..well. ;u;
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? 
59. Where would you like to live? 
Italy! My dream is to move to Italy after i graduate! 
60. Do you have any pets? 
Yes, a cute lil’ bean of a doggo~ (or as my friends very...politely say, the chubbiest, clingiest chihuahua they’ve ever met lol)
61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl?
Both? It depends lol
62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better?
63. Do you know how to drive? 
Yup! Although parking is an entire different story LOL
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? 
Headphones, earbuds are annoying ;-;
65. Have you ever had braces? 
Yes. I pretend that that time period never happened ;u;
66. What is your favorite genre of music? 
Hmmmmmm. Hmmm??? I can’t choose? Probably either indie/chill music or punk rock but i listen to so so many genres
67. Who is your hero? 
I can’t really think of any celebrities, but if we’re talking people, probably my grandma? She was a badass woman that was raising two kids in her twenties whilst studying & graduating med school, then moved on to become the first woman gynaecologist in her country. Hats off to her really.
68. Do you read comic books?
A bit! 
69. What makes you the most angry? 
Honestly people that just. Can’t. Respect. Others.
So racist/homophobic/transphobic/sexist people, people who can’t respect someone else, people that think they’re superior to anyone, and also people that hurt/abuse animals- it’s like hey buddy. Find the nearest trash can and shove yourself in it, it’s not nice to litter.
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? 
Real books. I understand that electronics are more convenient but there’s nothing better than actually holding a book in your hands and flipping the pages ;u;
71. What is your favorite subject in school? 
History and english lit! And greek literature! All theoretical subjects really, lol
If we’re talking currently, then it’s embryology, definitely. I love it!!
72. Do you have any siblings? 
An older sister and two older brothers 
73. What was the last thing you bought? 
Bananas and vegetables, lol
74. How tall are you?
165cm. I think it’s 5′5″
75. Can you cook? 
I mean i nearly burn the kitchen down every time but i try
76. What are three things that you love? 
Animals, good books, coffee
77. What are three things that you hate? 
Rude/mean people (aka every single person with a Trump-like mindset, the dude himself included ofc), that’s pretty much it? it takes a lot for me to hate something 
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? 
79. What is your sexual orientation? 
Pan! Still figuring out if that’s Panromantic or Pansexual :p 
80. Where do you currently live? 
Czech Republic
81. Who was the last person you texted? 
My roommate
82. When was the last time you cried? 
Like, 2 days ago i think? I was stressed, tired and sick lol
83. Who is your favorite YouTuber? 
Markiplier! Also a lot of creepy pasta narrators, Lazy Masquerade being my fave probably :p
84. Do you like to take selfies? 
Sometimes? it really really depends on my mood lol
85. What is your favorite app? 
Instagram probably
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like?
Ehh. I get along great with my dad although we don’t talk much, and i get along as well with my mom, just wish she’d realise i’m not a kid still lol. 
The older i get the better we get along i guess, although there’s some things we’ll never agree on
87. What is your favorite foreign accent? 
I like Spanish accents a lot? I have a lot of Spanish & Portuguese friends and love their accent when they speak english :p Also Russian accents?? Don’t ask me why. I just really like them lol
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? 
Japan! I really want to go to Japan. And USA? And Canada? Like, big-city places because I’ve never been to one ;u;
89. What is your favorite number? 
90. Can you juggle? 
I got the balance of a tomato on an acid trip, so that’s a no hahah
91. Are you religious? 
Not...really? I was raised in a very religious house and the more i learned about church the more i disliked it. I still like some aspects of it though so...I’m figuring it out still
92. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? 
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? 
With enough alcohol in my system and good friends, ya. As it is? Nope, I'm that one friend in horror movies that says ‘hey guys, this is probably a bad idea’ and promptly dies lol
94. Are you allergic to anything? 
A bit allergic to dust but that’s pretty much it i think
95. Can you curl your tongue? 
No ;-;
96. Can you wiggle your ears? 
How do people dO THAT no i can’t
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something?
If i know I'm in the wrong i always admit it & apologise, or so i hope :p
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach?
The forest is fun too but...the beach. Definitely. ((Plus there’s no bugs at the beach! ;u;))
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? 
If you try your best and work hard, the result won't matter because you gave it your all and that’s what counts.
100. Are you a good liar?
Not at all, you can immediately tell if I’m lying because I start to giggle lol
101. What is your Hogwarts House? 
102. Do you talk to yourself? 
Yes. It’s actually funny bc i keep switching between languages when i do
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?  
Introvert ;;
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? 
Not exactly. I try to keep a journal but it usually ends up with doodles and scribbles from class lol
105. Do you believe in second chances? 
Most of the time, yes.
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? 
Honestly? I’d probably leave it, OR if there’s any shops nearby, I’d take it to a store clerk, since the person that lost it is more likely to go into a nearby shop and ask if they’ve seen their wallet than to a police department, I think? idk
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? 
Yes, definitely!
108. Are you ticklish? 
Ridiculously ticklish. @now-this-is-wtf  and @faded-r0ses have a field trip with this fact T-T
109. Have you ever been on a plane? 
110. Do you have any piercings? 
I got a lot of piercings on my ears and had nose ring but I think it’s healed now? Will be getting a septum piercing in July though~
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? 
Lance. Lanceeeeeee. How could i not want my fave ever to be real lol
112. Do you have any tattoos? Not...yet. Soon though!
113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? 
It wasn’t exactly my decision, but switching schools back in middle school. Would have never met my tiny best friend otherwise, or met some other amazing people & teachers
114. Do you believe in karma?
Not really
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? 
Glasses, can’t put on contacts to save my life
116. Do you want children? 
I don’t really like kids so. Ehh.
117. Who is the smartest person you know? 
Hmm, people are smart in different ways and aspects. So I don’t know one person who’s the absolute smartest!
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? 
Probably that one time at Comic con when i had a skirt-too-short problem (bless my backpack and the random leggings i had shoved in there for some reason lol), or that one time i got asked for an ID when i tried to buy a beer. At a supermarket. And they still wouldn’t believe me until I showed them my university card as well. (Sad thing is it wasn’t even for me lol)
119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? 
yup, way too often lol
120. What color are most of you clothes? 
Black. So many black clothes lol. At least that makes laundry much easier :D
121. Do you like adventures? 
122. Have you ever been on TV? 
Only for some small interview clips when I was in high school lol
123. How old are you? 
124. What is your favorite quote? 
“Sometimes, I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I’m not living” 
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? 
I don’t like sweet stuff much so savoury! OK, NOW, WHO TO TAG~
Squad, do it if you’re up for it @ibreathestucky @faded-r0ses @now-this-is-wtf (esp. you Guac I know you’re a free potato now with exams over~), and my tumblr buddies @maristine, @wipengineer (and yes i know u got the google doc but hey! :D), @the-blood-in-your-bruise and honestly, whoever else wants to do it, that’s it, you’re tagged by me hahah ^^
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skychaser787 · 6 years
180608 - Thoughts that came to my mind after reading John Green’s Turtle All the Way Down
[I actually finished the novel a few days back on my flight back from Stockholm to Paris. Here’s what i wrote in my phone’s note after finishing the series.]
"I felt a sliver of what must have driven Davis to astronomy. There was a kind of relief in having your own smallness laid bare before you". Doreen said during astronite 2015 how she liked astronomy because when being faced with the grand scheme of things, all her troubles, all her worries and all herself just feels insignificant. And how it felt calming for her. I thought that i didn't feel the same way. I always thought that i was attracted to astronomy because i marvel the grand scheme of things and don't think of myself as being insignificant. But then i realized how i never put myself in the equation, that i don't even think that i exist. That thought and moral burden of actually being able to claim yourself as someone, or even as a thing in this grandiosity seems too much for me. Thinking back, would i even have the rights to say that it would make me feel insignificant and that all these bad things in life doesn't matter? Because you are obviously insignificant at the first place, you are nonexistent in the grand scheme of things, and you don't even have the right to feel, the good and the bad.
Hugo told me how he found John Green's novel are sensible - that his sensibility made him rediscover the joy of reading. Ah Hugo’s always the poetic and artistic kind. For me i just think that his novels are very honest and relatable. I like how everytime i read a new novel or a new series, i would keep trying to convince myself that the character is me, or forcing that imagination that a character is an accurate depiction of myself and my life. Well of course the resemblance can only reach as high as 80& in some series.. (be it personality, interests or how we share the same thought process.) Tho it occurs to me... if many teenagers do relate to such novels, and there is such universality in his theme that everyone can relate to, and if these work of fiction are based on real story... why was it so hard for me to find someone who thinks the same way, who feels the same way as i do? Of course fiction is not real life and my own eccentricity won't make reality easier. But i do wonder how many people out there think & feel the same way as i do... how many people out there that i could have been friends with in a parallel universe?
Frankly speaking it feels weird reading these novels aimed for 13-17 years old as a 20 years old and find it still largely relatable. I mean research did show that adolescence only ends at 24, but on the other hand have i not grown up? Have i not become more mature? Even though maturity is overrated but am i still trapped in the mind of the naïve, adolescent self? Granted i skipped 2 years of my adolescent life... i somehow managed to convince myself, mentally that i was not growing up at the age of 13. Thus tbh it felt that my 14 and 15 was nonexistent. (It wasn't until i was 16 that i thought it's better for me to just grow up but anw) it's weird how i can mentally manipulate myself that it alters my perception of time and past self... (am i insane yet?). When novels mentioned that a character is 14 or 15 of age i could not really relate because i have erased that life period in my life. And i guess emotionally that made me mature 2 years later than everyone... everyone was being their childish self at sec 1 and 2 but i was still being depressed and suicidal. Everyone was starting to be more mature and had a sense of identity at sec 3 and 4 but i was still in my rebelious phase, being an immature prick. Everyone settled down, being leaders, charismatic people and proper young adults in jc, but there i was, still trying to figure out my sense of identity and had no confidence in my life. Now in uni everyone has clear, specific, one life goal but here i am, as if i were still in my explorative stage. Not that i dont have any concrete life goals but it's just that i have too many interests and i am not willing to sacrifice one for another (i'm pretty sure we are called a multipotentialite or sth...). And now here i am, still writing tumblr posts, ranting about myself at the age of 20 where most people would have done this when they're still 16 and are done and over with it by the time they're 18. As much as "age is a number", how "youth is overrated" and "we are all still kids at heart' goes, you can't help but to succumb to societal pressures and expectations at times. Even though you have come to the realization that life is your own race and that you should only compare against yourself and not for other people, and thought that you have figured out the healthy balance of comparing yourself against others and yourself, i guess i was too focused in doing it in academic setting and not other domains in life. Even though i might just be talking about emotional maturity, specifically.
One thing that i wish people mentioned if there was some sort of guidebook on how to grow up for young people who came from difficult background.. was that transition phase. Sure you will find friends that care about you nonetheless, sure you will eventually create your own support circle. But then that part of your brain just decided that your life gets too comfortable and you need to restart and rechallenge yourself and you found yourself eventually feeling loss and lonely. In that novel davis said that he felt really lonely most of the time. I understand loneliness. I'm living it. Yet when i was 16, and even though i was supposed to feel alone and lonely, i didnt feel it as i've never had anything to begin with. It wasn't until i had people who cared about me, until i had friends, and after some other turbulent life events that changed some people, and had it all taken away from me that i've discovered the real loneliness. And yet bizzarely when we were going through puberty somehow these hormones just wreck a havoc on your brain and made you be able to feel, think and do the unimaginable. Not now that i'm 20. Have i lost that spark? That adventurous feel that i used to had? Like how i was lonely and depressed but my mind managed to find other things to care about more instead and occupy me with "deep life questions" and i can just pass off my loneliness as me being an introvert?
Reminds me also how i used to really hate confident people. I hated them, i loathed them. How could one be so comfortable with themselves and project their self to other people while there i was, hating every single bit of myself and unable to love myself. I hated how people can think that they deserve to be loved or can be loved. How can one be so self centred and arrogant to think that they can be loved by others... Though frankly, after 2 years in jc and meeting my first ex i became less cynnical to that. Thus i hated you, (that cute prc senior scholar in green) but i respected jiaqi, doreen, jiaen, freda and minghui
Some people reacts to domestic violence, turbulent childhood and early adolescence, as well as abusive parents differently. Some are angered, became strong and will do anything for vengeance. Some crumbled down and cry and became depressive and suicidal. I hate that i was the latter. Add to that the toxic masculinity, conservative gender role expectations and how boys are always expected to be strong and rough, i hated myself even more then...
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