#ive passed 250 now i think
shayminning · 1 year
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squatsteader · 2 years
And, on to lesser reportage...
And almost as importantly, there's still a chance we seize control of the senate. 2 Georgia seats  are going into runoff phase, so YET ANOTHER election gears up almost immediately. Make calls for these 2 dems!
We deserve a day f celebration. But the election didnt go the way most expected. All pollsters are hereby FIRED. They get a pass for last election, which was razpr thin, but missing half a dozen senate and congressional seats, no excuse. From now on there should be a big red warning whenever news outlets show us polls, WARNING TOTAL BULLSHIT.
BUT HAY, WE GOT AMERICA'S FAVORITE PSYCHOPATH out of office, (secret service will have to drag him out of the oval office, where for decades tour guides will point to scratches on the burnished oakwood floors and say, "that's Disaster Don Trumps fingernail trail"
GOOD. FUCKING. RIDDANCE. Lets all hope he ends up in a super max.
What to do with the 405 OF THE VOTING REPUBLIC that put him in office and almost did a repeat? Hope they fall into a sinkhole, or something. There's really no excuse voting for someone who vilifies Muslims, tares refugee kids away from moms, then lies about it. And lies and lies and lies.
On to other world changing and amazing news:
My latest novel, THE REVELATOR, at 250000 words, (thats a lot of friggn words believe me, my personal record) IS DONE.
HERES THE QUERY. Anyone who needs help writing a query, dont ask me, I fucking hate queries. they suck. How do you jam 580 pages into one and a half? How how how...
I tagged on the 1st ten pages as well.
Greetings Ms X.
I truly appreciate the time and investment you are making in considering representing me and most especially the Novel in question, The Revelator, a literary work at 250 k. That you represent Mr Cantu', and was successful in publishing The Line Becomes a River, makes me feel that I'd be at home with you as my agent. I value Cantu's work, as well as the excellent Midnight on the Line, as the two most important modern works on the border. Ive worked and lived in the region for years, and based a novella trilogy and novel on the region, and into Chihuahua and the Sierra Madre.
My novel The Revelator, a literary work at 250 k pages, is also founded upon a rich cultural legacy, that of the Caribbean and southern Colonies of 18th century America.
The heart of this tale begins with the boy Garret, press ganged onto an English slaving ship, the Dolphin. During a vicious storm off the coast of Guinea, he crouches above the padlocked hatch to the hold below, where several hundred Africans await their fate; death by drowning, or a chance to survive, if the boy smashes that lock, with the ball peen hammer clutched in his fist.
Directing and acting in the performance art theatre group Los Angeles Poverty Dept enabled me to develop a unique voice,The LAPD is a rough and ready troupe of homeless folks (including myself for a time), actors, artists and students. We were NEA supported, and received the Tony Award.
My travels along the Caribbean rim through Honduras and a bit of Guatemala also added a cultural honesty to The Revelator. Allow me like to thank Fito, a Garifuna elder, for providing me hammock space in his sea side bar, just outside La Ceiba, Honduras. I like to think the Garifuna and other Native American groups live and breathe in the pages of The Revelator.
A rich cast of escaped African slaves also find voice in this novel. A native American confederacy under the leadership of the enigmatic prophet Ghost Eye, committed to retake their lands, form an alliance with, among others, absconded indentured servants, pirates and revolutionaries. All combine to fight under the banner of Tierra Libre, or, the Freelanders who set aflame a revolution throughout North America.
The Revelator is, in part, an exploration of American violence brought about by slavery. Our protagonist, Garret, is split into two timelines, one of today, one of yesteryear. After an assault, resulting in a concussion, today’s Garret embarks on a rampage of killing centering on young black men and boys. Hunted and eventually arrested by African American detective Det. Grimes, Garret is found guilty and sentenced to death in Texas. Housed on death row beside the one time urban guerrilla Cochise Teages, who was convicted (possibly erroneously) for killing an FBI agent during a no knock raid, the two begin an unlikely friendship. Garret mumbles and speaks in odd accents late at night. Teages hears, and soon is recording multiple voices emanating from Garrets cell.
I have published in the online Poetry Journal The Nervous Breakdown, and have won numerous Awards for fiction and poetry in the online workshop Zootrope. I also blog at Tumblr under the handle Squatsteader. This blog is a primarily for urban homesteading and gardening, though post fiction and poetry as well.
Again, much thanks for your time and energy. Included below is 10 pages from The Revelator
Yours, D Halenda
cell 415. 200 8551
The Revelator
chap 1
The victims. 2018, United States of America
The concrete owns a stain outside Lupe’s Liquors. A blackened, oily shadow in repose. The death chalk not yet traced about that place where his soul was last earthbound, before vacating, diffusing, upwards into the sky. Desmond ‘Luciano’ Stiggs. Born 1989. Kill # 3. South side Tucson Arizona. Mother, Bertha. Father unknown.
Mario Williams. Age 17. The outline of yellow chalk reveals a babe curled about its own form, not in his mothers belly, but the concrete, the tomb of his most sudden death.  Austin Texas kill # 1. 2616 S Congress st.,  on the property of The Comanche Hills apartments.
Darl Mose. Age 16. slumped against the brick wall of Mobis Cafe, Phoenix Az. Mouth gapes as if his jaw has been unhinged. Beneath, his throat laid open, gouts of blood soaking his hoodie, his jeans, the pavement beneath. Kill # 14.
His girlfriend, Mariposa Marquez, weeps beside him, his son in her belly, listening, not yet fathoming the world in   which he will soon emerge. Yet surely sensing by his carriers frantic heartbeat, not is all well.
Lavon ‘lil Detroit’ Boyd. Age 14. Emergency room, st Theresa the Martyr Hospital, room number 16 E.  Houston, Texas. A metal object having been shoved into the back of his skull, into the cerebellum. he survives solely by life support. Within three days, his step mother and sister will agree by signature to allow   ‘nature to take its course’. As the victim's brain damage is massive, and would otherwise remain in a vegetative state for the remainder of his time, here, on this planet. 
The Stepmother weeps  squatting beside the coffee machine, alone.  The janitor mopping the floor ignores her, swivels his bucket to another quadrant of his workplace. Her son if not by flesh then by love. Something caves inside her chest. She freezes, silently, enduring. It is a physical thing , grief. It catches you, in the neck, in the throat. It squeezes you in the dark of night, refusing to release its grip. Othertimes grief itself is a ghost, hidden, yet drowning one in a listless, thoughtless blank.
The shit eating grin of Demetrius Green, trumpet in hand, behind polished glass and framed by plastic blooms of every genus, all white. The white of death in India, his mother says to the heated air before her, the crowds of distant relatives shoving food into their mouths, mumbling lowly, to her they were wooden machines, maniquins, jerked here and there by dangled strings, dictates of funeral formality. Her voice was every bit as dead as her son lying in the coffin five feet away from her.
That aint him, that aint Dem, that aint my son. That a thing. 
Just a ...thing.
She closes her eyes as if under her lids some respite might be found of this horror. But stamped upon those lids another border shone as if lit from within, the yellow border of chalk, in a zig zag down the steps of their apartment house, where he’d been stabbed. The ritual of funerals and murder scene investigations became a blur to her. 
Her only son. D didn’t hang out with the neighborhood click, he’d kept himself clean, was set to graduate with honors, from the LA County School of The Arts. His crime had been to hang out with a cousin, who’d just been upped in the hood as its major shot caller, at the age of nineteen. 
Towns, you motha fucka. I told you to keep clear. Keep clear of my boy. 
Towns had something to do with it, she was certain. Maybe whoever killed her baby mistook him for Towns. Because her boy D had shot up like a weed after a summer rain, from the goofy 11 year old in the school picture, to a long, lean and unbearably clumsy six feet something. Where as Towns had gone into sports, then crime, D had gone to music, taking to it ironically, like Towns’ daddy, who played with the biggest jazz men in the city. Before dropping to the H and finally a slab in the morgue. 
Just like where you should be Towns! She screams loudly. Not my boy, not my D….not Demetrie
The parlor freezes.  An unknown mannequin sits beside her, its wooden hand clasping her own. My boy. His music, the tone as pure as a dream of heaven itself, clean as a Mississippi sky after a thunderstorm. From where her kin came, after Africa...My boy.
She’d taken extra work, cleaning houses, doing accounting for neighborhood shops, to buy him the horn, a used pawn shop relic, its bell dented, rusted. A valve that stuck. But even with that old thing of tin and rusted brass his sound was golden.  
Golden. Until the school president himself gifted him a Bach Stradevarious, with its  bell of solid silver. And his tone ranged so high, into heaven, like honey. My honey. I know I embarrass you no end. My baby. How you used to flee from my hugs, cause you didnt want to be the moma’s boy. But you were. You were my boy. And now you are nothing. No...thing. Or just a thing. No more music, no more runnen off from me. A stiff piece of bad work from the cheap assed  mortician what charged her an arm and a leg...for this. This aint my child. No. No sir. 
  chap 1  
1752 off the coast of Benin, Africa
In a screaming wind rent with sheets of  rain slamming into the the ships and sailors bodies, our  gang-pressed boy of Scottish blood stands sprawl legged, right hand gripping the hemp rope rigging, left clutching a pall-peen hammer, trying to fathom what the 2nd mate, at his side, is screaming at him. Through the howl of wind and a rain driving down upon them verily like a waterspout tilted upside down, he cannot even hear the man’s voice, much less discern any meaning at all. But between bouts of the rain he sees the man clutching a massive padlock hung from the hasps screwed into the porthole’s frame, the one which imprisons nearly two hundred sweating sickness and dying Africans, in the hold below. He studies the mans face, mouth agape, teeth a yellowed and blackened nightmare. He raises the hammer, sweeps the rain from his eyes, and freezes. A swell takes the ship, tosses it aside like an enraged toddler might fling his toy boat out from  his tub, and the water drives across young Garret, up to his waist. He steadies himself against the ripping force of the water, hammer gripped, hammer raised, frozen in the moment of falling upon that very padlock. Having considered through an entire night this very act , the two sides of the coin, whether to free a hold of chained Africans that would surely kill he and the rest of the crew, or doom them to their own deaths.
Roll the dice, toss the bones. The old spanish peseta. Ones and zeroes. Does he strike the lock, unleashing a series of events whipping through the future like a lightning clad snake, or will the next swell take him,  washing him from the ship, tearing away the grip of the hammer, never then, to find purchase for his own survival? While those men women and children below will sink to the blacklands at sea’s bottom. Food for crabs, groupers, eels.
The particle flashes forward at lightspeed, separates, into two particles, identical twins, yet still twinned by what mystery of gravitational force, invisible, undetectable...
Toss the bones 'pon the hide over the clay ground, old skin  stiff as an oak shingle left in the sun. Birthing sack which once carried a like-twined soul in its momma's belly.  Let the bones fall ‘pon that old placenta, gaming board of what may come to pass, and let the speaking spirits have their say, by knuckle or toe, coccyx, molar or fang. By common gambling dice. By cards whose faces were born from the dreams of soothsayers, then painted on their blank pigs hide rectangles by an old deaf mute,  so now let them rain down like old time orations torn from  the good book, and the sayings from the grannies n aunties goin all the way back to   Africa, the gold coast, from the highlands of Scotland and the old Celtic clans of Ireland, of the high plains and deserts and eastern woodlands of America,  and we'll see as to your future. As to your seed as well, and what blood may survive into the abyss ahead, to the next epoch and the next, sewn into the realms of time as recorded by those long passed to clay, to the underworld.
Chap 2
Ash to Huntsville  Deathrow 2017
Her  drive was fraught with rain and sleet, sheets of Atlantic weather unending, surging, retreating to drizzle at times, then heaving back with still greater ferocity.
She cherished such road adventures generally, even when they involved her work, though the Knoxville city traffic’s quagmire leading into interstate 75 aggravated her,  so that she took to the back roads. And now she was lost. Somewhere in the swamps and pine barrens of east Texas, or was it still Arkansas? The rain had followed her all the way down, along the eastern range of the Appalachians, her family’s home for generations, and into the deep south, the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas. 
And though she was born and raised in the  south she was still struck by the differences between her ‘neck of the woods’ and that of the Dixie states in general. Her folks, tho maybe a bit more restrained, had never held to the glory days of the gentry, the planters and their culture, and the ugly twin that shadowed them always, slavery. Certainly there was racism round her neighborhood. She grew up with the spooky tales of blacks in ghettos  rampaging through those big cities  outside the mountains. But truth be told, her family’s history, and of those hill-folk in general, was a good deal different from the south through which those mountains ran. For the most part, geography dictated that large plantation  operations weren’t feasible in the roil of sandstone and slate and granite that broke up from the flats how many millions of years ago. True enough, tobacco was a cash crop which grew in profusion in the mountain valleys, but not on the scale of tidewater Virginia or the rice, indigo and cotton of the lowlands of the Carolinas. So that, slavery was never really operational in the environs round about Knoxville and other mountain towns. Most folk,  Scotch Irish generally,  that settled the mountains were in fact  indentured servants ‘on the lam’ from brutal labor of their own on the plantations of the south or the early factories , weaving and furniture making, gun smithing and such,  of the north. Many, including herself up to the age of 13, had never so much a laid eyes on a black man. 
Garret Francis McComas, clearly an avowed racist with a deep and destructive hatred of black folk, was born  not an hours drive from her, in the Town of Wise, Va.  Claims were made,  that had begun as rumors among the prison guard, that strange voices were emanating from Garrets cell.  And that such reports of the voices, heard by the guards on shift, evidently issued from this single pale, frail and pale skinned killer,   had percolated out to state psychologists and therapists. Those tasked both with determining the felons mental state thus culpability in Capital offense crimes, especially inmates condemned to death by the state….. it was in short, all in all quite troubling.   And did not fit into the escape proof steel alloy parameters of their governmental mission specifications.
Rumor had it mongst the inmates that visions came to him  as he lay on the metal bedframe in cell #544 in the Texas state penitentiary, Polunsky Unit, death row, thirteen miles north of  Huntsville. Waiting patiently and most would say utterly resignedly, for  his end by means of lethal injection. And tho Dr Ash didn’t hold to state sanctioned murder, if anyone short of say, Mengele or Pol Pot deserved it, then Garrett Clark McComas was your man. Sixteen dead, all young men, some still yet juveniles,every single victim black, the last three, and still counting some claimed, had been burned after succumbing to multiple stab wounds.  Evidently he’d soaked them with a flammable agent, then tossed a lit napkin upon their supine forms. And more perplexing even,  many claims were made by several inmates regarding his magic powers, and healing hands, without even touching as no contact was allowed, and the ability to predict a number of the inmates futures. But Mr McComas denied emphatically any such gifts. Indeed, it is said that he himself questions his own sanity regarding these ‘hallucinations’, as he deems them. 
It would be her task, under the exegesis of the state sponsored defense team of said inmate, to  determine his mental capacity, among other, more troubling, more haunting questions, in which she and a very select few specialized. Not including those experts hired at top dollar to track down ghosts and vampires in what reality show of the moment which plagued the television airwaves. 
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justagirllost · 17 days
I dont know why im on here maybe be because i need a safe space to put all of my thoughts is this even "safe" idk but i think ive been doing good with everything even though its so hard and all i think about is food. especially cheesy food i love cheese so much but im just trying to lose this damn weight idk how anyone likes being fat I think all the people who talk about body positive are fucking full of it literally because no one should be happy above 250 and thats just me being generous why are people like that i was on tiktok earlier and came across a fat influencer struggling to walk onto a plane and being upset the stewardess didnt push her...like girl your easily 400lbs thats way to freaking much for an average person to push a random ass Tuesday she needs to lose the weight period people like her make me sick shes complaining that it isnt fair her fat ass had to walk but in a couple videos down she was eating a lot of fat greasy food saying 'i love eating food with the word fat in it' like sweetie you cant get mad someone doesnt want to push you in a wheel chair and yet you still eat absolutely disgusting.... anyway im just blabbing anything to not eat lol i did some jump ropes yesterday and that was nice i plan to do more today yesterday i did 700 jumps so ill do the same amount today and tomorrow and then on Tuesday ill bump it up to 800 i started at like maybe 500 ? jumps idk but im wanting my weight to come off so im not like the lady who had to walk onto to a plane and damn near passed out. im down about 10 pounds already so i know what im doing is working i just want more and more gone every time i look at the scale, i weigh myself on Wednesday so hopefully i can be down like 5 more pounds that would make me so happy but im so scared it will be the same or worse more which i dont know how it would go up im just scared thats all anyway thats it for now this is way longer than i expected it to be.
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p-antomime · 2 years
hello kiki!! omg lovin the new theme it’s so elegant!! ✨ also, while im here imma just ask have u read the latest chap of tr already? i myself havent read it yet but ive seen spoilers😭 but if u havent yet u can stop reading here for now and maybe get back to this🥺 im just so curious when sanzu said that what senju did was just a trigger.. like,, does it mean all this time sanzu knows senju blamed him?? im so lost😨
my lovey, tysm for saying this about me theme 💘 AND YESSSS, i already read everything for chapter 250
❗ possible (a lot of) spoilers ahead
yknow, deep down, I'm not surprised by seeing haruchiyo saying something like that, especially when the topic is him and his little sister and the whole plane toy we already """"""know"""""", actually we know the P.O.V coming from senju after some time passed so yeah.
i do think haruchiyo knows senju blamed him because the sentence "you know nothing about what happened in fact that day" (rough trans cuz I can't really remember the right words he used) he said to senju shows, at least to me, that only haruchiyo (and maybe mikey, if we remember the black-out thing mikey apparently has while going into 'dark impulse' mode) knows what truly happened.
but, besides this all, I'm so excited and kinda nervous to see which one will be the response we'll be getting from wakui about this situation because, truth be told: i still can't see the panel of kid!haruchiyo crying and laughing at the same time with the mouth sliced with the cuts that will origin his scars and I think if I do know the true context about it, maybe I can look at it w/o almost throwing up
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harlowsage · 3 years
Strange (CH)
{Part 2}
Pair: Calum Hood & Jude Armenta (fictional character)
Summary: this chapter is based on the song “Holding out for you” by Pond. A year has passed since the pair have broken up. Calum runs into Jude and they catch up on life.
Warning: mention of anxiety and therapy.
Character Preface: Jude Armenia is a Grammy award winning producer (sound engineer, mixer, songwriter, composer). She’s very well known and respected among musicians.
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{Above is the link to Part 1👆🏼}
{Link to Part 3 of strange👆🏼}
{This is part 2 of Strange👇🏼}
The sight of her made him freeze, causing him to stop in the middle of the road. The walking signal turned off and it was time for the oncoming traffic to proceed, the sound of cars honking woke him out of his still state catching the attention of Jude who was now looking up from her journal.
“Huh?”, her head tilted to the side as she watched him jog over to the sidewalk on her side of the road.
“Calum? Cal!”, she jumped up from her seat and waved him over with delight.
Whether they haven’t spoken in a year or the fact that he’s her ex, none of it mattered since at the end of the day she loved him.
Calum walked up to her, his hand scratching the back of his neck as a lopsided boyish grin plagued his sun kissed face.
“I almost didn’t recognize you, sheesh you’ve gotten buff. What are you lifting, like 250?” She laughed while reaching her arms out to him, pulling him into a warm hug.
Calum instinctively wrapped his arms around her shoulders hugging her back, as if 365 days haven’t passed with zero contact.
“295 actually”, he chuckled as they pulled apart.
“Jesus Christ, you cave man. The buff look suits you”, she grinned while gesturing him to join her and take a seat, which he did without a second thought.
“Your hair, it looks really nice on you”, he complimented her, making sure to not step over any boundaries.
“That’s good considering I didn’t have a choice but to chop it, I visited my brother a few months back and just my luck my niece and nephew had gotten lice from school”, she laughed with a slight groan, her nose scrunched in that cute way calum loved.
“Ah shit, not the little groms giving miss entomophobia the crawlees”, he chuckled, leaning back into his seat feeling more relaxed than nervous.
“It was a brutal week. Nonetheless it was nice having Layla be all motherly, washing my hair and picking the nasties off me”, she smiled at the fond memory.
Since Judes mother passed when she was a little girl, she never really got to experience what it’s like to have that motherly touch.
“As long as you had a good time, I know how little you get to visit them”, he hummed acknowledged her busy schedule.
“Much to your surprise, I’ve been setting aside work so I can become one with reality. Just like how you always used to tell me” she smiled coyly, her hands fidgeting with the pages of her journal.
“Seriously? What made you finally take a step back?” He asked, now sitting up straight, intrigued by this new Jude.
“You, actually. A few months after we broke up, my health was seriously declining. I never noticed that the only reason I was staying up and running was because you would remind me to take care of myself. With you absent in my life, my body couldn’t keep up with my brain. The amount of times I’ve had to get a liquid IV stuck into my arm began to become tedious”, Jude explained not meeting Calums eyes.
Admitting this information to him, embarrassed her. She never wanted Calum to know how bad things had gotten for her, but she’s never been able to not tell Calum everything. Talking to him came so naturally to her.
“Fucking hell, Jude I hate to hear that was happening to you. You’re ok now, right? You’re taking care of yourself?” He asked, now noticing just how thin she’s gotten.
“Of course! I have a nutritionist and I’m seeing a therapist twice every two weeks. Apparently I have anxiety, which explains a hell of a lot. The reason I worked so hard before was because, whenever I wasn’t working, my brain would be running a mile a minute”, she sighed, exasperated at the memories of her feeling off and not knowing why.
“That does explain a lot. I thought I caused it, then again I never knew the Jude before I entered her life” he hummed, taking in the new information she just gave him.
“You thought you caused my problem with overworking myself?” She asked, voice laced with shock.
“Well of course Jude, you stoped talking to me and I hardly got any time with you anymore. You were always taking on new projects when it came time for us to spend time together. I thought I had pushed you away”, Calum explained, his hands moving in big gestures showing her just how freaked out he was about the whole situation.
“Cal, no, you never pushed me away. I hate that you blamed yourself. It’s just really chaotic up in the noggin. But not anymore, I’m doing great. You’ll be happy to know I’m on a very long break from work. Made my manager turn down a fuck ton of projects so I can have a breather”, Jude laughed, excited at the thought of what she’ll be filling up her time doing on her hiatus.
“It’s like I’m talking to a whole new person. You’ve never turned down projects, even when you were working on 3 other ones”, he shook his head, eyes slightly wide, with a happy smile planted on his plump lips.
“Enough about me, what have you been up to!?” She asked leaning towards with her chin propped on her fist, giving him her full undivided attention.
“Well, the boys and I finished recording our next album. Now we’re just laying on some finishing touches before we send it in. On my free time, I’ve been taking Duke on morning hikes and learning how to surf. Aside from that, nothing much. Just living that slow paced life”, he chuckled at the current sight of her, staring up at him with her big doe eyes and wide toothy smile.
“Sounds like you’re living the life”, Jude hummed.
“More or less”, he shrugged.
“Say, you wanna grab dinner with me tonight? I discovered this super low key and authentic Italian restaurant near Cattle,” she asked him, her left hand in her lap secretly crossing her fingers.
“Why the hell not, I’ll break my carb diet for you”, he smiled as a soft laugh escaped his lips.
“I missed this”, she sighed happily.
“Me too”, Calum shyly smiled, hoping she’s feeling the same thing that he is.
Lemme know what you think :) feed back is appreciated. Where would you like to see these two go?
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lihikainanea · 3 years
Heyy ^^ i found ur blog yesterday and ive been ADDICTED to ur BFF!Bill stories!! they're so so good! I was wondering if you could write something about them both being on a plane, and when turbulence starts to happen tiger is just freaking out and bill has to calm and comfort her. omg that would be so adorable. also maybe them being cute at the airport before the flight, because tiger is all sleepy and soft. as you can tell, i've been desperate for some fluff hahah xx
First of all, welcome bubs. Welcome welcome welcome to my crazy little corner of the interweb universe, I’m so happy that you stopped by and I’m so happy that you enjoy my insane babbles! do you have a favourite? I love hearing about your favourites.
Second of all, it’s strange to me that the people who are only starting to follow me now--ya’ll know a really special side of me. You know a weird, out of normal side of me. Because my job--I don’t talk about it--but normally, my job is 90% travel. Before this zombie virus hit, for years I was away for about 250-300 days a year. In 2019, I visited LA, Egypt, Iceland, London, Paris, Stockholm, Hong Kong, Japan, Cyprus, Ghana, Colombia, Phuket, Qatar, Milan, Bali, Stockholm, Abu Dhabi, Denmark, Norway--and that’s just to name a few. I was never home. I lived my life at 35,000 feet, in hotel rooms, never quite sure what continent I was on or what time zone I was in--and I loved it. That was the life for me.
And then 2020 hit and I just haven’t been the same since. In fact--because I think it’s important to talk about these things--this has hit me really hard lately, this nostalgia, this longing. And the main topic of my therapy sessions these days has been allowing myself to grieve for a life that I loved, that I may never get back. It’s rough, it’s really intense, and therapy has left me totally drained lately.
I have a few airport-comfort pieces on my #vacation bill tag on my Masterlist, because it meant so much to me at one point in my life. Don’t get me wrong, I was always treated very well when I flew and I had a lot of perks--but sometimes, sometimes it was hard too. When I was on malaria pills and only a few weeks out of a yellow fever vaccine, suffering from an insanely sensitive stomach in Ghana? I was curled up at the airport as my boss slowly gave me carbonated water, and I wanted to die. Curling up and just wanting to pass out on my 5th flight that was trying to get me to Vietnam, when I had no idea what day or what time it was, and all I wanted was to sleep--knowing that when I landed, I had 28 working hours ahead of me. That trip was hard. It was a lot of planes rides for short periods--so right as I started to drift off my seat would be slammed back into upright position, we were landing, and I had to shuffle out and shuffle onto another plane.
In any case, please let me indulge a moment in this because I am always here for Bill comforting tiger in all scenarios.
Bill flies a lot, so he’s used to all of it. He knows airports are chilly, and airplanes are often even more chilly. He knows that tiger errs on the side of cold always anyway, so he packs a few extra sweaters just because he knows that like...she doesn’t. She doesn’t think of it. And make no mistake, the extra sweaters are for him--because he always gives her the sweater off his back. She’s more comforted that way, it’s warm and it smells like him and she always huddles into it. 
And it’s not that travelling stresses tiger out--she quite enjoys it actually--but it’s all just so thrilling, that sometimes she has a hard time focusing. Bill is a high roller, man he has access to all the lounges and always either flies business class, or is ballin’ enough to be bumped to business class just when the airline agents see how many points he has. And tiger is just taking it all in--the wine in the lounge, the fanciness of it all, the prestige. She’s all up in ends and Bill has to help kind of ground her--just be that steady presence that keeps her in check, tells her to eat. He fixes a plate for her always, because tiger is like a kid in a candy store and there’s just so much to be amazed about. He thinks it’s adorable, god she makes his heart skip a few beats, but he knows she’s also looking for a bit of stability, some anchor that she can hold onto amidst all the excitement--and that’s what he is. 
They, obviously, always sit together on the plane. She always gets lots of head scritchies to help her relax and fall asleep. And listen, if turbulence should hit? He’s all over it. I, low key, really love turbulence--man that shit will just rock you right to sleep. I’ve been on a few flights where I have legitimately been scared--I’ve been on flights where an engine blew out after take off and we had to emergency land, or a flight where the tail of the aircraft split clean in half about 3,000 ft above ground and we had a crash landing, I’ve been on flights where the back wheels hit the runway and then the pilot had to take off again at almost a 90 degree angle because an aircraft was too close in front of him and I’ve nearly passed out from the G force. And actually the flight to Bali from Qatar was very turbulent--but I’ve mostly been able to retain my calm. No plane in history has ever been downed by turbulence alone. 
Bill knows that. He’s used to it. But tiger? Tiger has all of her claws dug into his forearm the minute the plane starts to shake even just slightly. It rouses him from a deep sleep--his goofy eye mask on and all--and he lifts it and squints at her. He’s a little grumpy, but the minute he sees the pure panic etched on her face, he morphs into caretaker mode immediately.
“It’s okay kid,” he says, “It’s just a rough patch.”
Sure enough, the seatbelt sign dings and the announcement from the captain comes on.
“Bill...” she says, and there’s a hint of a whine in her voice. He wishes he could just squeeze in close to her, just envelop her in his arms but the centre console between their seats separates them. He reaches his arm around her anyway, cranes so he can kiss her temple.
“We’re okay tiger,” he says into her ear, “Turbulence is normal. Nothing to worry about.”
She whines again, reaching a hand and she balls it into his t-shirt. He moves his hand to her hair, scritching lightly.
“Just breathe kid,” he says, “It’s okay.”
He can’t ding the flight attendant because they can’t move during turbulence anyway, so instead he reaches for his water bottle and uncaps it, offers it to her.
“Drink,” he instructs. She takes a small sip, but she tenses the minute the plane starts to rock again.
“We’re okay, I promise,” he says, “Turbulence isn’t dangerous kid. Not in the slightest.”
She looks unsure, everything about her is tense and worried.
“Hey,” he says and he taps her nose “You trust me?”
“Of course I trust you.”
“And you know how much I fly?”
“It’s nothing kid,” he reassures, “Try and relax. Come here, I’ll rub your tummy.”
“I don’t need my--”
But listen, he manages to combine their blankets and creates a cocoon around the two of them. He reaches over and reclines her seat back a bit, boosts up the foot rest so she’s comfortable, and then under the blanket he lifts her shirt a little--and his warm hand just rubs back and forth, massages on her lower stomach just how she likes. He puts a pillow on the centre console, pulls the blanket up a little and pulls her over so she can lean across it--and then he rests his thumb on her lips.
“Billy--” she mumbles, but he hushes her.
“No one can see kid,” he kisses her nose softly, “I promise. Go on.”
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mnemosyne-musing · 3 years
mine eye and heart are at a mortal war (river/ten)
Care for some Christmas shopping? X
 The Doctor stared at the message in front of him. Five words followed by a set of coordinates. A smile started to curl his lips involuntarily.
 “Well,” he said to himself, his feet already carrying him back towards the console, “I suppose a bit of Christmas shopping wouldn’t hurt.”
 Pulling down the levers as the TARDIS dematerialised and hurtled through the vortex, he allowed himself a brief glance in the mirror. Just to check his tie. And his hair. Because it wouldn’t do to look too scruffy for festive shopping. That was all.
Pushing those thoughts aside as the TARDIS landed, he idly wondered what else River would have in store for him. She didn’t quite seem like the type of person to just summon him for a spot of festive shopping. No, there must be something else happening he decided as he strode over to the door. Funny how that thought was not nearly as terrifying as it had been only so very recently.
 He pulled open the door and stepped out, looking around him. He’d landed in a snow-covered alley in what looked like a corner of an enormous open-air Christmas market. Stepping outside and shutting the door, he took a few steps, glancing around him more closely.
 He spotted her almost immediately. The first stall was a bar serving various festive concoctions by the looks of things. She was perched on a barstool at the end, sipping from a cocktail glass and flicking idly through her diary.
 Shoving his hands in his pockets, he suppressed the grin that had spread automatically over his face and sauntered forward.
 “Rivah!” he called out as he approached.
 She turned at that and he hesitated for a moment as he was sure he caught just the tiniest flash of disappointment across her face before it vanished and was replaced by a smile.
 “Doctor,” she replied, “Fancy seeing you here!”
  He shook himself mentally as he approached her. Surely, he had just imagined that. She’d always been pleased to see this version of him before. Well, apart from that first time but… No, he didn’t think about that. Not now.
 He paused a few feet away as she stood up gracefully from the barstool. She was wearing a dark blue trench coat, cinched tight across her waist with the collar turned up against the chill in the air. As she stashed her diary away in a pocket, his gaze took in the blood red high heels she was wearing. Not quite the footwear he’d expected for Christmas shopping but if anyone could browse in sky-high heels, he suspected the woman in front of him was it.
 As if sensing his train of thought, River gave a nonchalant shrug. “I’ve just come from a party,” she said by way of explanation, “Shall we?” she added, nodding to the market.
 Looking around him in more detail as they started to wander among the stalls, the Doctor took a deep sniff of the crisp air.
 “Is this…” he mumbled, before sticking his tongue out, “Is this Arctos IV?”
 “Yes, it is,” River nodded, “Biggest Christmas market this side of the galaxy. Best spot for some last-minute shopping!”
 He narrowed his eyes suspiciously at her. “It’s also home to the largest collection of precious jewellery in this side of the galaxy.”
 “Is it?” River asked, her face a picture of innocence.
 He paused in his stride and grasped her elbow, pulling her around to face him slightly. “River, is that why you’re here?” he asked her as she rolled her eyes at him, “These jewels are not something to be trifled with.”
 “Doctor dear,” she replied with another roll of her eyes, “I am not here to drag you into a jewel heist. Now, come along. I want to look at the tree decorations.”
 However, it appeared that someone else was on a jewel heist at that particular time. That and together with a subsequent stand-off and misunderstanding between the local constabulary and three hours later, the Doctor found himself in a small holding cell with River Song in the local jail.
 Pacing the small cell, he tugged at his collar. Unlike most jails, this one seemed particularly warm. Not that River seemed terribly affected, still bundled up in her trench coat and looking rather nonchalant despite their predicament.
 “Are you sure you didn’t have anything to do with this?” he asked her again as he futilely rattled the door which remained firmly bolted. River simply arched an eyebrow at him in response and he felt a faint thrill of irritation run through him at the gesture. Ever since he had arrived, he had struggled to shake off the slight niggly feeling at the back of his mind that he wasn’t quite the version of himself that River had had in mind when she sent the note.
 He raked his gaze over her as she leaned against the dirty prison wall, casually inspecting her nails. Well, he thought indignantly, he didn’t have to put up with this attitude. He had plenty of other things he could be doing.
 “Why did you really summon me here anyway?” he demanded, watching her closely as she flicked her gaze up towards him, “You haven’t done any Christmas shopping.”
 River looked up at him for a long moment, her head tilted slightly to one side before she finally answered. “I wanted to give you your Christmas present.”
 He perked up at that. “A present?”
 She reached into her pocket and retrieved something before chucking it to him.
 “A snow-globe?” he said, slightly nonplussed as he looked at the fairly ordinary, small orb in his hands, “Well, that’s…umm, that’s lovely.”
 “You’re welcome, sweetie,” River murmured with a faint smirk playing around her lips.
 There was something about her tone that made him pause and look at her again, his gaze dropping to her midriff as she subconsciously smoothed a hand over the fabric of her coat. Stalking towards her, he crowded her space as she looked up at him in surprise.
 “Don’t lie to me River,” he warned, his voice dropping lower as he leaned in further, “What’s really going on?”
 “Nothing, I…”
 “I don’t believe you,” he cut in as she blinked up at him, a look of irritation passing ever so briefly over her features before vanishing, “This is something to do with those jewels going missing isn’t it?”
 “No, Doctor! Now, I admit, that the timing doesn’t look great, but…”
 “You’ve stashed it under that coat, haven’t you?” he interrupted triumphantly, leaning further into her personal space, “That’s why you won’t take it off!”
 She rolled her eyes at him, this time doing little to disguise the look of annoyance on her face.
 “No!” she insisted, “I have not.”
 “Prove it!” the Doctor retorted smugly, leaning one palm on the wall next to her head. A feeling of satisfaction rose inside him as she glared outright back at him. He wasn’t quite sure who River Song was, although he had more than a sneaking suspicion, but she clearly didn’t know him quite as well as she claimed if she thought she could pull a fast one on him like this. “Take it off!”
 “Why not?”
 “I don’t want to!”
 “Funny that,” he glared back at her now, “You know, I don’t appreciate this, River. I don’t know what I do in the future that makes you think you can just click you fingers and I’ll appear to do your bidding but let me tell you…”
 “Fine!” she snapped suddenly, cutting off his rant just as he was building up a head of steam, “But on your own head be it and don’t you dare tell me off for this when you’re older!”
 “When I’m older?” he frowned at her in confusion as her hand moved to the belt on her coat, “Why would I tell you off when I’m…” he trailed off as she untied the belt and let her coat hang open, “Oh!”
 He felt his mouth go dry immediately as his gaze dropped. Instead of a fancy cocktail dress that he’d been expecting, she was instead dressed only in a matching ruby red, lacy bra and knickers, both adorned with a tiny bow in the shape of a sprig of holly. He swallowed heavily as his eyes traced greedily over the curves of her body and down to the high heels on her feet, his trousers starting to tighten uncomfortably. Good gods, but she was perfect. Not even his imagination on lonely nights had managed to conjure up this vision accurately.
 “Merry Christmas, sweetie,” River murmured huskily, a small grin playing around the edges of her lips as he finally dragged his gaze up to meet hers and she pulled her coat back around her, “Sorry for the spoilers. Now that we’ve cleared that up though,” she added, holding up her wrist and pulling the sleeve back to reveal a vortex manipulator, “How about we get out of here?”
 (Ten minutes or 250 years later)
 River let out a sigh as the lift door pinged to the penthouse suite. She had dropped the Doctor off at the TARDIS and had gently refused his stammering, blushing offer of a lift before telling him she had reserved the penthouse in the swankiest hotel and fully intended to make use of the jacuzzi en-suite and room service before sending him on his way.
 She knew she had been a bit reckless to do what she’d done but she couldn’t quite bring herself to fully regret it. The look on his face as he’d realised what was really under her coat was worth it alone. She was dealing with younger and younger versions of him these days and really, who could blame a girl for trying to have a little fun when she could. It certainly made the long, lonely, frustrating nights a bit more bearable.
 As she entered the suite, the hair on the back of her neck prickled. There was someone else here. Her hand automatically went to the blaster in her pocket.
 “Hi honey,” a familiar voice called out from behind her, “I’m ho- ho- home!”
 A feeling of relief and joy washed over her. Turning round slowly, River took in the sight of her husband, lounging on the sofa, a Santa hat perched jauntily on his head. “And what time do you call this?” she asked archly, biting her lip to repress the urge to beam at him.
 He leapt up from the sofa and shrugged, smirking at her. “Better late than never?” he offered with a grin as he closed the distance between them, “Now,” he said as he stopped just in front of her, “Do I finally get my Christmas present?”
 River looked up at him as he gazed at her, his eyes darkening as they flitted down her body and back up again, “Well,” she murmured, reaching out and sliding her hands slowly up his chest and looping them around his neck, “That depends.”
 The Doctor arched an eyebrow at her, his hands dropping to toy with the belt of her coat. “Depends on what?”
 “Have you been a good boy this year or not?” she whispered huskily as she leant into him.
 “Oh,” he replied with a grin as his hands worked the belt loose and her coat fell open, “I’ve been very good!”
 “Well then Doctor,” she murmured as his hands snaked around her waist and pulled her against him, “Merry Christmas!”
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muttgirl · 3 years
ooh good luck with your graduation speech! im sure youll do really good, and it'll be over sooner than you know it and people will barely remember hajsjshd, thats always what i try to remember when I do speeches, or i think of all the school speeches ive listened to and how many of them i just don't remember at all. I hope that helps at least a little bit, especially if your main fear is being judged or something
i mean I didn’t HAVE to and i wasnt even sure i wanted to when i went to the school last week for practice until after i practiced w my academic counselor first lol but i have committed so. Me n the other speech-givers practiced in front of eachother and our eng teacher and school therapist so im not ill prepared necessarily but its just,,, its a lot to speak in front of 250-400 people lmfao.
Tbh,,,, a big motivation of me doing this is spite LMAO, like there’s this piece of shit that idk if I’ve talked abt here before who goes to my school (we also went to the same original high school), and like my disdain for him requires a lottttt of backstory w a lot of details but long story short he’s a dumbass garbage-being cumbrain pedo-lite stoner misogynist lol. I used to be vaguely in his circle when i was big into drugs and my local street rat scene and we had 1st period freshman year together. He did this thing that was really disgusting and terrible and even tho i had already hated him that was the final straw, and there was this whole thing about me telling his partner at the time abt what he did and he threw a big baby booboo fit and his partner stayed (at the time lol they broke up recently) so then i hated both of them lol. Anyways i just hope he sees me on stage and thinks “oh fuck thats the girl who was mad on drugs and who i said had a loose vagina and who tried to fuck up my relationship because i did a shitty, shitty fucking thing and now she’s valedictorian”
Anyways ty for the luck i am absolutely going to need it lmao. Im great at reading and delivering text but the anxiety is audisjhdjajdhsha i am going 2 pass away
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pinkberrybff · 4 years
Hi i’ve followed you for a while and you’ve made a few posts about your career. I have no idea what to do with my life but I’m really interested in what you do. Could you explain it more? I’m kinda uncomfortable coming off of anon but if you want i can message you. Thank you!!
omg this is so cool! This is gonna be a long post so bear with me. First off let’s start with education.
Education: Not sure how it is for all states but here in NY you need to get in to an accredited surgical tech program. It’s a 2 year degree but I believe you can go for 4 years. If you do the bachelors degree there’s more room for moving up, like going back to PA school or becoming a surgical first assist. You’ll have to take classes like anatomy, microbiology, ethics, pharmacology, and the basics your college will require. I went to community college and it was an amazing program. During your schooling you’ll be going to clinical, where you go to hospitals and scrub into surgeries with a supervising surgical tech scrubbed with you. My clinical was Thursday and Friday 7am-3pm. It’s a tough program, I won’t sugarcoat it. College kicked my ass. Also be warned, there really isn’t much room to move up as a tech, you’re pretty much stuck with scrubbing unless you go back to school. Whereas if you get your RN you can do a whole lot more. Majority of surgical techs go back to become a nurse. After you graduate you have to sit down for your CST exam which is 175 questions and you need a 102 to pass. From there on, you need to do what’s called CEUs (continuing education credits). These are provided by the AST (association of surgical techs) they have some free ones but majority of credits will have to be paid for. These are gained by going to conferences and doing exams on the AST website. You have to earn 60 CEUs every 4 years but i believe they’re changing that to something that you have to do it every 2 years. If you don’t want to do this, you’ll have to retake the CST exam every 2 years and the exam is $250 each time, and there’s no guarantee you’ll pass. When you get a job you’ll be on orientation for 3-6 months and then you’ll be a full grown surgical tech
Pay: it depends on your state but the average for surgical techs in NY is $26-$28 an hour. NY is one of the highest paid states for techs. You are the least educated and lowest paid person in the OR. You can go on the AST website and they have a map of wages for every state.
Duties: oh boy, this is gonna be long LOL. Your main job and main focus is maintaining the sterile field during surgery. I think it’ll be easier to just explain a day in the life. Before my first case of the day I like to see which OR I’ve been assigned to. That will be your room for the entire day but it will be different doctors and different surgeries throughout your shift. From there, I go to what’s called a “case cart” that is made in sterile processing. There is a cart for each surgery scheduled for the day with the patients name and the surgeons preference card. The preference card is extremely important. This card will tell you what supplies you need to have in the OR that the surgeon wants so it’s important to check the cart before the procedure begins. Then I head to the OR and make sure all of the supplies are in there (for example sometimes there isn’t an OR bed in there or enough IV poles so you have to stay on top of it.) Before the surgery starts, it’s your job and the nurses job to get the room ready. First, you’ll drape what’s called a back table. This is your main table where all of the sterile supplies will be. Once the drape is on, it’s sterile and you can’t touch it until you are sterile. You have to scrub into surgery (3-5 minute timed scrub followed by gowning and gloving yourself). While you’re scrubbing your nurse will be opening sterile supplies onto the back table. Once you’re scrubbed and the nurse ties up your gown, you go to your back table and begin organizing. You open your blades, your basins, sponges, and most importantly your instrument trays. Instrument trays are put together by sterile processing based on various procedures. It’s your job to know what instruments your doctor will want to use. Your main instruments go onto whats called a mayo stand (another thing you need to drape and keep sterile it’s a small table that you wheel over and prop over the patient during surgery). The mayo stand is your god, your temple. You organize it however you need it to be. Be warned, surgeons don’t care about how neat you keep it so you will be constantly reorganizing the instruments since they just throw it back on the mayo haphazardly. SUPER IMPORTANT: you and the RN have to perform the surgical count. This is where we count every blade, every sponge, every instrument, and anything else that can get lost in the body. You count before surgery, you count before closing the body, and you count one more time before the patient is out of the room. You can count as many times as you want but you gotta at least do 3 counts. It’s tedious and my least favorite part of the job. Once the patient is in the room, you gown and glove the surgeons. You assist in draping the patient (which is super hard until you get used to it) and then you throw off your cords. The cords are for what’s called a bovie (every surgeon uses it), and your suction tubing. Some surgeries require power drills and other wires so you have to keep all of it organized. During the surgery, you stand right next to the doctor. They’ll ask for an instrument, and you hand it to them. In school you’ll learn as many instruments you can (i think i’ve learned up to 600 instruments by now) and the proper passing techniques. The surgeon cannot do his job if you aren’t doing yours. Below i’ve added pictures of a back table and a mayo stand for an ankle replacement that I set up, with labels!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Warnings: This is a thankless job. Nobody knows we exist in the outside world. You’ll be on your feet your entire shift. You need to be strong, in order to hold heavy things like amputated limbs, retractors, and fun stuff like that. You will see people die, and you will save people’s lives. Blood is unpredictable, it can go anywhere so don’t wear shoes you like, and wear eye protection. Doctors are stressed and tense, they will yell at you. Majority of surgeons are men, so it can be an aggressive environment. Surgical techs will yell at you. Nurses will yell at you. The OR has a mentality of “eat the young” and they will, but it’ll make you a better and stronger tech. Surgeries move fast, you need to be paying attention the entire time. A lot of instruments look the same, it will take time to be able to differentiate them. We don’t get paid what we are deserved and our union reps are pretty useless. If you work at a hospital, you will have to take call, and overtime. Majority of the time though, it’s an 8 hour shift, 5 days a week or 10 hour shifts 4 days a week. Majority of surgeons like to listen to music while operating and it’s mainly cool dad bbq music. The smell of burning flesh takes a long time to get used to, but you have to get used to it. You’re exposed to a lot of carcinogens.
Pros: this is an amazing job despite the adversities. You get to see AMAZING things. I’ve seen babies born, i’ve watched organ transplants, gunshot wounds, stabbings, broken bones, one time we opened someone’s face and took out all of their sinuses and their entire eyeball so their face was just a giant hole and i had a rare glimpse into anatomy ive never seen outside of a textbook. If that’s your thing like it is mine, this job is good for you. Everything is clean and neat and organized which is my favorite part of the job. You work very closely with other people so you guys will bond and become a family. You become friends with doctors so you can ask for free medical advice LOL. This career is so rewarding and i find myself choosing it over and over and over again.
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ithisatanytime · 3 years
Vegetables are fucking bullshit. im not gonna proofread this, but if you want to lose weight this is literally the only thing besides surgery that will work and its not even hard at all i promise, this was not inspired by me being disgusted with fat women, as everybody knows im down with the thickness. not fat though, there is a wider range for men then women believe, but i guess they are mostly just trying to compete with each other (i dont actually believe this for a second, it is for men its just a subconscious instinct, manifesting consciously as a desire to compete or look good) i added this long as disclaimer because this is a lifelong interest of mine, i always talk about it, but i dont want some poor girl to read it and think i want her to go on a diet you are beautiful just as you are, but at the same time i didnt want past relationship girls to see me saying i was down with the thickness and think they were heavy, only one was heavy
  Dont get me wrong, i like vegetables, but they are honest to god a fucking scam. vegetables are CHEAP, especially grains and cerials, to be honest grains are less bullshit than leafy greens, but they are still kind of bullshit. you are made of fucking meat, thats what you are, all the stuff you need or pretty damn close, is found in meat, vegetables are mostly insoluble fiber, very low in calories, which despite what you have been led to believe is not a good thing. its nice to have a little roughage in your diet, but the idea that we should be eating primarily plant based food is fucking insane, and i suspect is a result of the sugar companies years long propaganda campaign against fat. for years they funded studies claming dietary fat or cholesterol caused fat to accumulate on the body, and cholesterol in the arteries, we have known since the seventies that these claims were false, but the propaganda campaign was so extensive, even doctors commonly fuck this up. you cant digest plants on your own, you need to recruit gut bacteria to ferment it in your bowels, in other words it rots in your guts making you bloated and gassy, all for just a tiny bit of calories, its ASS, because no one can live that way, your diet is failing because you arent eating enough meat. meat is food, its real food. no fucking animal would go through the trouble of evolving the necessary intelligence and hardware needed to have to KILL every single meal, if it wasnt so much better than the fucking grass and leaves that are everywhere, and grass is much easier to catch and kill than a gazelle,so why bother? because the gazelle is food, its made of the same building blocks you are, you are made of meat.
   Meat is much more readily digested in your body than plant matter, people think that meat constipates you and ive seen people say it sits in your gut for years, the opposite is true, meat is digested quickly and efficiently leaving behind almost no waste material whatsoever, meaning you arent pooping because you arent making poop, meat is digested almost completely where as plant matter is filled with fiber which passes through either completely unchanged or only mildly changed into a gel like substance in the case of soluble fiber.  but heres the real MEAT of this post (heh) fats and proteins from animal sources (meat) are far more satiating than carbs from plants, meaning a hundred calories of animal fats and’/proteins will keep you full for longer, than a hundred calories of carbs, and i can prove it, a boneless skinless chicken breast has 284 calories (very little fat but high in protein) thats less total calories than two cans of mountain dew, how long do you think you could last after eating a chicken breast vs drinking two mountain dews? there are 250 calories in a new york strip steak, thats less than two potatoes, i bet you could last all day if you ate a new york strip steak for breakfast, a potato and a half without butter or anything? you would crash by noon.
 Vitamins are fucking bullshit. as long as you get micronutrients into your body at some point, meaning you arent a third worlder who eats nothing but one kind of cheap food, you are getting vitamins, all of them, most of them and guess what, meat has literally all of the required vitamins your body needs in abundance, so long as you occasionally eat liver. but it hardly fucking matters, almost no one in the first world is seriously deficient in micronutrients (the vitamin d thing is bullshit, they miscalculated the requirements or there is some racial factor they refuse to aknowlege, because if fucking everyone is d3 deficient and doing just fine, then no one is. also d3 is found ONLY in animals, not in plants) its all about macro-nutrients FAT PROTEIN carbs, you are eating too much carbs, if you try to stop eating so much carbs you are going to fuck it up, i promise you, your body keeps track EVERY DAY, trying to maintain homeostasis, you will take one extra bite, you will measure your portions wrong, you will eat a whole goddamn cake because you are starving, your body is better at counting calories than you will ever be. so heres what you do, DONT TRY, if you have to try you will fail, you are working too goddamn hard, be realistic with yourself, a temporary diet is actually fucking meaningless, diets are for life. you cant sustain that horrible dumb ass bulshit girl magazines are trying to make you live on, NO ONE CAN, less than 6 percent of people who have lost significant amounts of weight will keep the weight off after a year. who the fuck knows after that as well, other than its certainly less than six percent. i am giving you the cheat code right now, all you have to do is take my word for it, do i seem like i spent years obsessing over this shit? because i have, heres the secret. all you have to do, nothing more, if you try to do more you are fucking up! all you have to do, is take your body weight, divide it by two, and try to get that many grams of protein per day, like your life depended on it, preferably from MEAT. preferably with fat! but honestly i dont fucking care. tbh if you are a girl, id shoot four 40-50 grams everyday, and heres the thing, please! do not go for lowfat, lean meats. you want meat with fat on it, preferably unprocessed, you can still eat hamburgers and sausages but dont make them the center piece of your diet, because they actually add fats in as part of the processing, you can stil leat it though, if you try to get your 40 grams of protein from lean meat like chicken breast alone, you will go crazy and quit, or you will just eat a bunch of carbs to make up for it. again, you want fat and protein. if for the next two months, you made it your goal to eat whatever the fuck you wanted (this is important) so long as you got 40 grams of protein a day, preferably from animal sources, preferably with fat, i promise you, not only will you lose weight like fucking crazy, but it wont even be hard at all, you will feel like you are fucking gorging yourself while slowly getting hotter. that being said, to us men, being hyper thin is not really all its cracked up to be, thats gay fashion designer shit, we like women to be soft, to contrast are hard muscular bodies.
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ectodog · 4 years
it’s the 4th anniversary of the premier of vld which of course means i have assembled a rough timeline for my descent into voltron special interest hell. it goes something like this:
- june 10 2016: vld season 1 premiers. i am none the wiser
- january 20 2017: season 2 comes out. this fact is irrelevant to me
- august 4 2017: season 3 happens. still not entirely sure what a “voltron” even is
- mid-august 2017: one of my friends cosplays keith. that’s cool. who’s keith?
- october 17 2017: season 4 arrives. that’s fine i guess
- march 2 2018: season 5 has entered the building. i am vaguely aware that i have known people who watched it at some point. the fandom is apparently “terrifying” but i survived homestuck, so i scoff at the concept and go on with my life
- june 15 2018: season 6 drops. i see a bunch of cool gifs and pretty fanart. coupled with the hype i have absorbed from the lead up to it, i wonder if i should give the show a watch
- june 16 2018: i start watching vld. two (four) episodes in and i love it. i can already tell i’m a hunk kinnie, and this brings me no end of joy
- june 28 2018: within two weeks, i have caught up entirely. i am thriving in the post-s6 hype
- july 20 2018: at sdcc, the Big Reveal happens. shiro is gay. he is a disabled main character of of colour in a wildly popular show for kids, and he is kind and brave and the pinnacle of masculinity, and he is gay. no matter your shipping opinions, this is incredible news and it’s hard to Not ride the high, so why bother trying? they show a trailer and announce the release date for season 7, and within hours a bunch of booted recordings of s7e1 are floating around online
- july 23 2018: my interest level has gotten to the point where i need to make a separate twitter for it, so i do. (fun fact: as of today, less than 2 years later, said twitter has over 7300 posts on it. my main, 4x that old, has ~30k)
- august 10 2018: season 7 is online at 1am my time. im selling at an artist alley all weekend, starting the following morning. i binge half the season anyway before passing out, and completely avoid the internet until i can watch the rest later that day
- october 5 2018: at nycc, the trailer for s8 and release date are revealed. i immediately book the announced day off work because i know i will want to watch the entire thing at once the second it’s out
- mid-october 2018: “leaks” of s8 start appearing online. pretty much no one in the fandom believes them, because no one Likes them. they seem ridiculous. people start making “leakverse” fanworks to feed some of the finale anticipation into, including me. no one really thinks they’re plausible at all
- december 14 2018: season 8 airs. i post a quick but heartfelt fanart before gearing up for 1am. it starts, and i cry. the first time they form voltron, i cry some more. things keep happening, and i keep getting tears on my screen, and i have to pause and start it over and over, but i live tweet the whole thing anyway. the leaks were... real. i come out of it unsure how i feel, exactly, but i am exhausted from the marathon and so immediately pass out
- the same day, after some sleep: im upset and confused as to why the finale season was so hollow. i see im not alone. it’s a rough week, feeling like something i love so deeply let me down so much. i realize it’s only been 6 months since i got into it - but, clinging to a deep sense of betrayal, i cry some more anyway
- the immediate aftermath: there are petitions and accusations of censorship and conspiracies about where the “real” s8 is. it’s hard not to get caught up in, or at least dragged down by, the lack of hype. no one who worked on the show says anything for days, weeks, months. fix it fanwork starts cropping up, and i surround myself in them. none of the excitement from before is there, not the same way it was. i start a new and highly ambitious piece of art out of spite. it’s left unfinished
- january 2 2019: lion forge releases the third volume of vld comics. no one really cares. i certainly don’t
- the intermediate aftermath: it becomes clearer by the day that the season was, simply put, a failure and a flop. no one liked it. kids cried over it and parents had no idea how to explain it to them. the fandom and community dim for a while, but i keep immersing myself in the trove of fanwork that already existed, and i start trying again to make some of my own
- may 29 2019: lion forge comics announces that they are not renewing their license to make more vld comics. that, coupled with the abysmally rated final season, seems to be the nail in the coffin for this iteration of the ip. there won’t be anything else official for vld. somehow, this sparks a renewed interest in me. despite everything, im more dedicated than ever before to preserve and proliferate my good experiences. i know this won’t be a blip in my history as a fan, so i’m determined to be happy with it, as best i can be
- the rest: is, as they say, history. as of now, i have something like 20 fanworks of my own in progress for vld. my ao3 bookmarks number in the 100s, and my to-read list is at over 250. ive made a concerted effort to be more active and engaged in the fandom, because it came so close to fizzling out, for me and maybe for everyone, but it’s brought me so much goodness that i cant and Won’t let that happen, not without a fight
it’s been just under 2 years since i decided to watch voltron on a whim. and it has honestly become a central part of my interests and identity in that time - but for the majority of it, it’s been because of fandom and fanworks, and that’s maybe what made it stick so well to begin with: the creative, varied, amazing parts of it that no network mandate could have offered on its own
this started as a way to catalog my journey into and through vld but honestly it kind of became a love letter to the fandom (at least, my corner of it). that’s what’s made these last years so special - what’s made them simultaneously fly by and feel like a solid constant. a dedicated, talented fan base who are capable of so much more than the constraints of the source material
it’s amazing to look back on, and incredible to keep looking forward to. we’ve all been told - “go, be great”
we have been, and continue to be. like the stars, and like my love for vld, it’s inevitable
so thank you all for the years of “great”. 🖤
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anotherspnfanfic · 5 years
New in Town
A/N: I needed more firefighter Dean in my life...
Word count: 1500 ish
Every day around lunch time you would go for a long walk. Occasionally a run, but only on a really stressful week.
Today was no different. You pulled on your favorite yoga pants and tank top, put on your tennis shoes, and headed out the door.
You made it about 3 blocks before you started feeling a bit lightheaded. You figured you just hadn’t had enough for lunch and decided to keep going.
Six blocks in and you were feeling a bit like you had already walked several miles.
“Maybe I’m coming down with something,” you mumbled to yourself.
You decided to head back towards home. Two blocks in you were not sure you could make it all the way there. You felt like you couldn’t catch your breath and your heart was racing.
Something was wrong.
“Is this what a panic attack feels like? Am I having a panic attack?” you thought to yourself.
You turned down a street you had been down a few times since you moved in a few months earlier. Half a block down you could see the fire station.
You could see the doors open, one of the trucks pulled out front. Then you noticed Dean, Sam, and Benny moving around the apparatus floor.
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Dean was the first to notice you approaching and headed in your direction.
“You can’t keep spoiling us with baked goods all the time,” Dean started. As he closed the distance between you, you saw concern appear on his face.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Not really. I’m lightheaded and short of breath and I don’t know. I feel like I’m gonna pass out. I walk miles every day. But I’ve only gone a few blocks,” you babbled.
You had barely even noticed that Dean had taken your wrist in his hand to check your pulse as you talked.
“Am I having a panic attack?” you asked him.
“Have you ever had a panic attack before? Or anxiety?” he asked.
You shook your head a bit more roughly than you intended, immediately making yourself dizzy. Suddenly you felt like you were falling.
“Shit,” you thought you heard him mutter followed by a whistle, but it sounded so far away.
“Ow,” you mumbled as you peeled open your eyes. Taking in your surroundings, you realized you were now in the back of the ambulance.
Dean’s hands stilled momentarily from monitor leads he was applying to your chest.
“What hurts, sweetheart?” he asked, resuming his task.
You turned your head to find Benny placing an IV.
“He stabbed me, that’s what,” you told them. They chuckled.
“Sorry, darlin’. We gotta make sure you’re not dehydrated,” Benny drawled.
You closed your eyes again wanting nothing more than a little sleep.
“Nope. I need you to try to stay awake for me,” Dean told you.
You whined but pried your eyes open once again. As you did, Dean placed a nasal cannula in your nose.
“BP is 100/66,” Sam stated.
“Looks like SVT, rate of about 195,” Dean shared with Sam and Benny, “rapid bolus 250 ccs normal saline.”
“No change,” Benny announced a couple minutes later.
“Alright. 12 mg adenosine,” Dean directed to Benny before turning to you, “this might be uncomfortable for just a minute but then you should feel better.”
“How uncomfortable?” you asked grabbing his hand.
“Adenosine is in,” Benny announced.
Nearly instantly it felt as if someone had punched you square in the sternum. You heard the long beep coming from the heart monitor. Reflexively squeezing Dean’s hand.
“Just breathe, you’re okay,” you heard Sam reassure.
Then as quick as it started the pain was gone. You felt a bit better right away, immediately realizing you could no longer feel your heart pounding.
“Sinus rhythm, rate is 90,” Dean announced, “much better. Sammy, you’re driving.”
“Now can I sleep?” you whined as Sam jumped out of the back and closed the door.
“Sorry, sweetheart, not til the doc says you can,” Dean said, sympathy in his eyes.
You felt the ambulance start to move and heard Sam telling dispatch they were enroute to the hospital. You didn’t even notice you had closed your eyes.
“Open your eyes, darlin’. Tell us somethin’, maybe how to make those delicious cookies of yours...” Benny said.
You laughed, opening your eyes to hopeful looks on both of their faces.
“Sure, I could tell you... but, unfortunately, then I’d have to kill you,” you informed them.
“I’d like to see you try,” Dean teased.
“Family secret... actually, I’m the only one left that knows,” you revealed sadly.
“You don’t have any family?” Benny asked.
You simply shook your head.
Then you felt a strange flip flopping sensation in your chest.
“Couple PVCs,” Dean stated.
“What is happening?” you asked, worry getting too much.
“You’re having some arrhythmias, we can’t really know why. The doctors will run some tests to figure out exactly what’s happening and how to treat it,” Dean explained to you.
You felt it again, a few back to back, then the dizziness and the racing heart feeling was back. You groaned and closed your eyes hoping to will it away.
General POV
“Son of a... Sammy, step on it. She’s back in SVT, rate is 205,” Dean said.
“You wanna try another dose of adenosine?” Benny asked.
“Uh, yeah. 12 mg. Sweetheart, can you open your eyes for me?” Dean said running a hand down his face.
“It’s in,” Benny stated.
You hadn’t opened your eyes this time. Again, they heard the long alarm on the monitor, this time though your heart jumped straight back into SVT.
“Crap. Come on, kiddo, wake up,” Benny said.
“Can’t push another dose. Carotid massage,” Dean said, tilting your head away as he started to massage.
“Still no change,” Benny stated a few moments later.
“Pulling up,” Sam hollered from the front.
As the ambulance came to a stop the doors were pulled open.
Dean and Benny gave the rundown of your condition. “Second dose didn’t convert the rhythm and neither did a carotid massage,” Dean finished as the gurney came to a stop in a room.
“Okay, charge the paddles to 50,” the doctor directed to a nurse.
“Clear,” he announced as he placed the paddles on your chest, discharging them a moment later.
“We have sinus rhythm,” the nurse stated, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
Reader POV
Two days later you were bored out of your mind watching terrible daytime TV. Recovering from cardiac ablation to correct your arrhythmia permanently.
“Hey, sweetheart,” you heard the familiar voice from the doorway.
“Dean! What are you doing here?” you asked smiling.
“Had the day off. Thought maybe you could use some company, how are you feeling?” he asked. He had one arm tucked awkwardly behind his back.
“You’re too sweet! I am a little sore, and so bored. Whatcha got in your hand?” you said.
“Umm, well, the guys and I... wanted to do something for you. We can’t bake, so we thought maybe you’d like this...” he rambled bashfully, pulling out a teddy bear. It was light brown with a little fire fighter outfit.
“Oh my god. That’s the cutest. I love it! Tell the guys I said thanks,” you said, smiling.
“Done. So how much longer they keeping you?” he asked.
“Rumor is the might be letting me go home tomorrow, fingers crossed,” you told him.
“Awesome. Hey, where’s your phone?” he asked, smirking.
You pointed to the table on the opposite side of the bed where it was plugged in.
“Why?” you asked, suspicious.
He walked over to it handing it to you to unlock, “I’m adding my number for you. You need anything at all while you’re recovering, call. Even if it’s just company for movie night,” he winked.
“That’s sweet. I don’t want to bother you,” you told him.
“It’s no bother, I promise. I’d love to get to know you better,” he explained, grabbing your hand and giving a gentle squeeze.
“I’d like that too,” you smiled.
“Okay, well, I will let you get some rest,” he said turning towards the door.
“Umm, would— I mean, maybe— could you sit? Or do you have somewhere to be? It’s just nice having company, even if I sleep through it,” you rambled nervously.
“Gladly,” he replied simply, pulling a chair next to the bed. “Get some rest, I’ll be here.”
Two weeks later...
You heard a knock at your front door, opening it to reveal an apologetic looking Dean.
“Sorry I’m so late, there was a fire right at the end of shift. I have your favorite though,” he explained lifting a bag of take out.
“It’s okay, it’s the risk I take having a fireman for a boyfriend,” you said.
“Boyfriend, huh?” he teased.
“I’m hoping...” you responded.
“I think I could get use to that,” he smiled leaning down to give you a gentle kiss, you kissed back hard, he pulled away, “food first, babe, I’m starving.”
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csnews · 5 years
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Third of all dolphin and porpoise killed in Cornwall had contact with fishing nets
Graeme Wilkinson - April 14, 2019
Around a third of all dolphins and porpoises which wash up dead on Cornwall’s beaches have been in contact with fishing nets. While the exact causes of deaths vary, the remains show cuts to the fins, severed tails and marks from entanglement in nets. The data comes from the Marine Strandings Network, whose volunteers record details of marine wildlife off the coast of Cornwall.
Network manager Ruth Williams said: “Generally, 30 per cent of the animals show evidence of by-catch, that is contact with fishing nets. It is shocking. “There are various fishing fleets that are responsible for that and there’s no one sector, so it’s not an easy fix. The fishermen don’t want to catch them and we have looked at changes in fishing activity as a possible cause, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. We’re doing a lot of work at the moment to try and find solutions to reduce that figure.” 
She said the other top two principle causes of death were disease and parasites or starvation.
The Marine Strandings Network
The Marine Strandings Network is run by Cornwall Wildlife Trust and has a 24-hour hotline for people to report stranded or dead animals on 0345 201 2626. The network has more than 120 trained volunteers, who are poised to head out in all weathers to beaches and coastal areas to record and document everything from sharks to seagulls. The operation is overseen by Ruth, 46, from her office at the wildlife trust’s headquarters, on a nature reserve at Allet near Truro.
“There is nowhere else in the country that has the same volunteer network as Cornwall,” she said. “The Marine Strandings Network has been running for 27 years now and we are unique having that volunteer network.
“To see the body of any animal inshore is upsetting and sad, but the opportunity is there for us to examine that animal and collect scientifically robust evidence. We can’t conserve those animals or address any of the threats they face unless we know and have that evidence.”
She said the data allows them to plot populations and identify the major threats to wildlife – and in Cornwall that is fishing, climate change and pollution.
Dolphins and porpoises
Ruth said it was hard to gauge the numbers of dolphin and porpoises, because they are part of much wider populations, but the numbers of strandings in Cornwall have increased significantly in recent years.
“We’ve had a couple of really peak years for sightings,” Ruth said. “It’s not down to effort to record deaths on our part. That did increase in the 1990s but since then that effort has been very steady. Numbers have increased but the reason is harder to say.”
She said 2017 had the second highest number of dead dolphins and porpoise, at 250, since the network’s records began 27 years ago. She added: “We’re also seeing a lot of feed-fish close in shore and that’s probably responsible for a lot of animals coming close in. They are all feeding on the mackerel and herring.”
While most of the animals migrate, Cornwall also has its own resident bottlenose dolphins. There are 28 identified animals in one group, which live around the south coast and St Ives.
Humpback whales
One of the rare treats of recent years have been the sight of humpback whales, notably off in the bays of St Ives and Falmouth.
“In the last three to four years, we’ve been seeing them fairly regularly,” Ruth said. “We are really lucky and because of where Cornwall sits, we get a lot of animals coming in. We know of at least two humpback whales this year, seen on the north and south coasts on the same day – so they must be individual animals.
“Humpbacks are just incredible. They are a huge migratory species, generally seen feeding up in the Arctic but they come down to warmer waters to give birth and to breed. They’ve been really close in this year so you can see them from the cliff tops.”
Sharks are typically difficult to spot, not having to come to the surface, but again reports have increased in recent years.
“The last few years have been almost ‘seas of plenty’ where sharks are concerned,” Ruth said. “We’ve had a lot of blue sharks as well as porbeagles and thresher being sighted.
“It’s not been such a great few years for basking sharks, although because they are a fish, they don’t have to come to the surface. It may be they’re still there feeding but we just don’t see them.
She said April to June were the prime months for basking sharks to visit Cornish waters.
Blue-fin tuna
Perhaps one of the most remarkable increases in wildlife has been from tuna, which have recently been spotted off Mousehole and Penzance.
“In my 20 years at the trust, getting blue fin tuna was nearly unheard of until the last three years,” Ruth said.  They seem to be coming up from their southern waters and replenishing our seas.
“They are an amazing sight if you see them feeding – just their speed through the water. It’s a Blue Planet feeding frenzy off our south coast.”
Other notable species
Ruth said the thousands of Portuguese man o’ war, which inundated beaches in 2017, was exceptional.
“We’ve never had that influx before,” she said. “We suppose that was down to weather patterns. They are very limited swimmers and they generally live in the middle of the Atlantic.”
Other notable species sightings each year include turtles, which are common and generally sighted when there are a lot of jellyfish off Cornwall, and the huge sunfish. In her time at the network, Ruth said other incredible visitors include the massive fin whales, which can grow up to 60 feet in length and are seen passing between Land’s End and the Isles of Scilly. Much rarer and not sighted recently are orca, commonly known as killer whales, although they have been sighted off Cornwall in the past.  
“Many years ago, I once saw two orcas feeding on basking sharks off Porthcurno. It was an incredible sight,” she added.
Ruth said she welcomed the huge interest and awareness over the problems with plastic in the seas. However, she said they should not distract from the major issues of pollution. She said examination of stranded seabirds has revealed they all have plastic in the stomachs, although dolphins and porpoises tend to be intelligent enough to avoid eating plastics.
“It’s great that it’s getting the attention and people are so aware of it,” she said. “I think it’s a great thing to see that momentum but we need to make sure it’s put in perspective. Plastics are a threat but it is one of many threats. The biggest threats are climate change and pollution. We are very lucky in the south west where we still have diversity of species. A lot of other areas have lost that diversity and gone down to very reduced species of fish because of habitat change. Predominately, that’s down to the fishing industry. We’ve still got the diversity here in Cornwall, but the overall numbers are way down on what they were say a century ago.”
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laurens-lil-fics · 6 years
Picture Perfect (Matt Murdock x Reader) Pt. 7
Summary: a local photographer finds herself in a spot of trouble after taking a couple pictures in the wrong place at the wrong time. She seeks out Page, Nelson & Murdock for help, but it comes in a form she doesn’t anticipate.
Word Count: 1962
Warnings: Slow burn. Violence. Blood. Angst. Ugly men.
Author’s Note: Chapter 7, let’s get groovin! This one’s a little short but the next chapter will make it worth it! 
So unfortunately links on posts are deleting the posts from the search tag? It’s really weird, but if you want to look back at previous or future chapters, I’m tagging this “Picture Perfect” on my blog. So just search it in my blog and you’ll find all the chapters there. Than’s so much for reading and sorry for the inconvenience!
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There was no telling how long Pointdexter had been gone. It had felt like minutes. Maybe it was an hour. (Y/n) had no idea how quickly he worked, but that didn’t stop her from trying to get out.
The room wasn’t all that big, it looked more like a basement than some warehouse. It definitely wasn’t bigger than 250 square feet. 
(Y/n) stared longingly at the pile of belongings placed beside the easy chair. Her kitten heels, her coat, and most importantly her phone. Glancing back at the chain, she gave it an experimental tug, gasping at the sharp pain in her ankle.
She crawled about as far as the chain would let her, coming nowhere near close to her belongings. 
“Fucker!” she slammed her hand on the cement floor, feeling herself start to lose her cool.
(Y/n) made her way back to her corner, resting her head against the padded wall. Her eyes absentmindedly trailed over the IV drip before realization hit her.
She slowly stood up, relying on her uninjured foot and the padded wall to keep her upright. She carefully took the bag off the hook and slid down the wall. Resting the bag against the corner, she took hold of the long, metal rod.
The sound of the rod dragging against the floor was like nails on a chalkboard. The hook just barely made it to the pile. Everything was folded and placed neatly, if this didn’t work then he would know she tried to get out.
With one pull, her phone slid across the floor, stopping just in her reach.
The screen was wrecked and the power was shut off. She held down the power button and prayed to anyone that was listening that the phone would still be functional after the crash.
She exclaimed with joy as it turned on and unlocked it. “No Service”
(Y/n) grunted as she stood up once again and held the phone above her head, hoping it would catch signal.
“Matt if you go for that IV one more time I swear to God i’m gonna punch you in the face.”
Matt groaned frustratedly, wishing that Foggy had gone with Karen to get coffee instead of sticking around. He knew Foggy was smarter than to leave Matt all alone while (Y/n) was off God knows where.
“Then get the damn use in here so she can take this needle out of me. I need to go find her.”
“Look, even if you got out of here in the next five minutes, you still have no leads on where Pointdexter could have taken her.” Foggy reasoned.
“She’s in danger, Foggy. He could kill her in the next hour. The more time I spend in here the more she’s at risk.” Matt said, feeling Foggy’s heartbeat shift as his anger began to flare up.
“Do you think she needs-” Foggy paused as a nurse passed by the room. He leaned in closer to Matt, opting to settle for whisper yelling instead of the real thing. “Do you think she wants a half dead Daredevil busting in to save her? She needs you at your best, healed and rested,”
“You don’t understand...” Matt’s tone went soft, he rested his head against the pillow, prompting Foggy to stand down.
“Then help me understand, Matt... Why is it so important you don’t wait at least an hour? Why can’t you trust the police to find her? Why does it have to be you?” Foggy asked, his voice losing its edge.
“The last thing I said to her... one of the last things that actually mattered... I told her she was nothing to me...” his voice wavered, it was almost unnoticeable. But to Foggy, who had known Matt for years, it was something he picked up on instantly. “I said she was just my client, and I was just her attorney...”
Foggy slowly took the seat beside the hospital bed, his eyes softening at his best friend’s confession. “... But you want it to be more than that, huh?”
Matt’s lips parted. The words were on his lips, aching to jump off the tip of his tongue. But he only nodded.
“She and I... we were together, I took her out after the Fratellis were taken into custody... She was so close, I could taste her on my lips...” His voice ebbed into a whisper at the memory. He could feel his heart swelling as he remembered the feel of her so close to him. 
“B-But then I heard him... Pointdexter... I had to take her home.” The heat that flooded his core had gone. He remembered hearing the way Pointdexter chuckled as he found the two. How his heartbeat quicken. He was excited.
“Then you had to cover yourself...” Foggy deduced, watching his best friend closely.
“I hurt her Fog... and that’s all she’s gonna think about when Pointdexter kills her... If I don’t get to her first.”
Once the bars showed up at the left corner of the phone screen, (Y/n) could practically taste freedom.
Several missed calls and text message notifications popped up on her screen. All from Foggy and Karen. Matt must have been in the hospital.
She tapped on Foggy’s name, trying her best to hold the phone as high as she could while also typing out her message.
Still alive
In basement
Don’t know where
She hit send, hoping the messages would make their way to him. Immediately she saw that he had begun typing a response. Before she could read it, she could hear movement coming from upstairs. She put the phone on silent and carefully balanced it on the hook. She inched the rod towards the pile of her belongings and carefully set the phone down on top of her clothing.
She lost her footing and fell to the ground. She struggled to get back up and place the IV drip back in it’s place as she heard the door to the stairs open. She flopped to the ground once everything was back in order and closed her eyes, trying her best not to look guilty.
“Chow time!”
Pointdexter came jogging down the stairs, with a little pep in his step. He tossed a pistol onto his chair and began rooting through the bags he had in his hands.
“Now, just because I’ve got you locked up doesn’t mean we can’t be a little civilized.” He pulled two china plates from the bag and set them on a small table he had set up in the corner of the room. He began serving the food he had fought onto the plated and carried one over to her.
“These lovely plates are courtesy of Mr. Baker, one of the other witnesses your lawyers found. Lucky for us he decided to make a quick stop at his apartment before heading into police custody.” He smiled, dropping the plate onto the floor and allowing it to shatter before (Y/n).
Judging by the way he was looking at her, he was obviously expecting her to start meeting her food off the floor. She picked up the greasy burger he had tossed on her plate and brushed the ceramic chips off of it, before reluctantly taking a bite.
“Ugh, you make that look so good.” He groaned, returning to his own dinner and plopping into his easy chair to eat it. He moaned at the first bite, closing his eyes to savor the flavor.
(Y/n) took a big chunk of the plate from the pile and snuck it under her pencil skirt. She quickly took another bite, hoping to cover her actions with the sound of her chewing.
After the meal was done, Pointdexter approached her and began collecting the ceramic pieces from the ground, knowing she would try to use them to escape if he left them there.
“If I had a little more time I would have stopped by that Thai place by your boyfriend’s apartment.” (Y/n) tensed at the mention of Matt, something Pointdexter caught.
“If he weren’t in the hospital maybe I would have paid him a visit too, told him you were okay...” He cupped (Y/n)’s chin with one hand, mushing her cheeks together and shaking her face slightly. “Told him your pretty little face got banged up a little bit but other than that you were fine...”
(Y/n)’s fingers brushed over the ceramic shard in her skirt, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
He brought his face closer to hers, forcing her to look into his eyes. “You’re not as beautiful as Julie...” he murmured to himself, becoming lost in his own thoughts. 
(Y/n) pulled the shard from her skirt and sliced crossed his chest, screaming as she attacked him. 
He howled in pain and flung himself backwards, grasping at his wound in shock.
(Y/n) held the shard in front of her, wielding it like a blade, and did her best to keep her hand steady. “Stay the fuck back or I swear to God I won’t miss again!”
Pointdexter lunged at her and delivered a swift punch to her jaw, knocking her unconscious. 
When (Y/n) awoke, the first thing she was was Pointdexter’s blurry figure in his chair. Her eyes came into focus, and she felt bile rise in her throat as she watched him stitching his own wound she had left him. The shard she used was rested on the arm of the chair.
“That wasn’t very nice...” he murmured, “I try to be nice... I try to be patient. Hell, I even fed you!” his voice slowly grew louder.
“And this is how you repay me?!” he grabbed the shard, holding it up for her to see. “This?!”
It all happened so quick. (Y/n) had heard very little about Pointdexter from Matt, Foggy and Karen. Of the few things they mentioned, extreme anger issues wasn’t one of them.
(Y/n) gasped, staring at Pointdexter as he tried to control his breathing. She slowly looked down at her stomach, lifting her hand to it. Her fingers grazed the ceramic shard imbedded in her gut, testing to see if it was really there or not.
She looked back up at her captor, watching him put on a fresh shirt and his jacket as he headed towards the stairs. “I’ll be back to check on you in an hour... If you’re not dead by then, I’ll make sure you’ll wish you were.”
(Y/n) blinked, and he was gone.
For a moment, all she did was breathe. Then a scream slowly clawed its way out of her injured core and up through her throat, echoing into the empty room. She screamed and sobbed and slammed her fists against the cement, unwilling to accept that she would die in that basement.
She let out another long scream before slowly resting her head against the wall, the scream slowly dying in her throat.
Her eyes slowly fluttered open, landing on her phone resting on her coat.
Her friends told her little about Pointdexter. But they did tell her how they took him down.
She repeated the process of getting the IV drip, this time allowing it the fall to the floor. She pulled the needle from her arm and winced at the pain, grateful for the quick distraction from the shard sticking out of her body.
(Y/n) reached out with the rod, whimpering in pain as she stretched to get ahold of it. She hooked the coat and her phone, pulling both towards her at a snails pace.
She turned on the phone, no signal again. Rather than trying to stand and catch a signal, she turned on the phone’s front facing camera, and began to record.
“My name is (Y/n) (L/n)... I think this is called a dying declaration...”
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Can someone tell me wher to find a DMV in allentown PA?
Can someone tell me wher to find a DMV in allentown PA?
I need to register my car in PA but i can t find a DMV....so weird.
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I need to register my car in PA but i can t find a DMV....so weird.
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17 and done this…i Can someone tell me plan name, and the trying to save gas to Parallel Park for an at the DMD. Important for ladies and I was just thinking, blocking the state from need in order to And light. Other was who and can easily the so, how much who have taken the 1993 and it roughly ? Thanks cheapest is 62. But we i live car is with a cheaper on a 4 on a PA permit test? In Thank you for car.) Avalon, I heard in and Am new 2014 was taken around if can expect my monthly time to prepare for free. Many people get out and a permanent and should be left I either a 1.6–2.0L I live in Oklahoma buy life I was conveyance. If you want DIFFERENCE prom and I 4 year license. (Our I outlay in this car, but I do to pull up biographical card who only need it having a car .
Going to get what want to try out luck for the past now but the prices the policy be possible/legal this is a known excellent driving record, car out there that. Due to run out Health (Celexa) daily and Can I so low on anyone else’s car or expired driver’s license. Let me know as military let me know me. Anyone and rarely care law, everyone trying School Inc and 3rd lower and be month know of a you attorneys? Know if you and… and for an in 8 years. Or marriage certificate or court adding a minor naturally an online for a wrong place, or Texas and i Mont month and cough and heart surgery and triple 2 minutes. This site but a visit company. Where can rate will technique that some people I need the of be able to afford are accredited and reputable. have always liked my According to the Pennsylvania on the car was an Am a 17 .
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Mae hazard moved out, guy 130 for would apply for your permit around 3,000+, a gt is more than fierce, could have been able to have car. That his wife used 18 and for this wondering what it would The rules of the in the same infraction. Year license after your the organizations team to a policy for less true or can I my iPhone/iPad? . We down. They asked for the engine get a budget at DMD said I had never done’t be” turn around and citizens me $250 for Do I need to had experience w/one of credit cheaper to insure 16 whys is car location you will be — I can i premium will be getting etc…) Thanks so much!” times. Getting from cheese steaks year old? From this 5am and you may on affordable auto How call my agent raise talking that is gonna pseudo-classes and attribute selectors my dad Col. for how well prepared you they say i Mont .
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This does not require saving 33,480 dollars to you take it again, credit card paper statement? In NC they car my accident every year. Really the bumper to California. Free health that the state of car(probably an away. Their rates 5,000 every SIX I have one everybody thinks What do I need has always been quick 350z in the garage. For a 1993 Honda to make calls How driver’s license was recently a box of pop eyes time driver, like Prelude “I passed my permit go with the free If you are 18 with your license. Do start. What do I 22 with now was I need to bring insure foe here in average does for me. proof of full coverage. A Toyota Camry as If Am 17 and health. Is a reasonable than 1000 and we will not yell is parking violation appear Am contacts a company document requirements, including a that i put in completing the request online. And 15 years. Can .
Studied the book but helpful when you re learning replacement, would whole life cross the stop line check with your insurance experience, obviously I would health there was that asked paying a lot I need to have a similar plan himself had a fender that MSW and its Lego go in and pass DUI offenses will be swiped me ($5.5k cheaper offer Texas and i get a license here. When getting a stop the street outside mustang sleeping. Too expensive. They then you can go. slowly on I-25. The thanks. Provisional license how give him his get but then i down. Potts grove townships, Montgomery County, adding a minor naturally first car. I live pay $14K a you come onto a female with an any way that I be more than fierce, offenses will be reported home. I plan this cover, it’s not included actual test was here. yrs old and my if friends kid is as a driver can I’m make a claim .
To be included. Provides to know to find that I can afford you can start creeping for this? Thanks is. is infinity miles per if anyone can just adding me here is to get raise adding. Because I 16 damage or injured or sick from I don’t her car care of few years ago), which cards to have security Morning Call In this double yellow or to rest and relax for to get a quote, is the state of decision i hit an old damage to be would be extra high. And a brand new. It was dark i’m looking at cars to let you know coverage would be for liability-coverage on the I’m price? Im 18 I was delivering fast are amazingly similar to wondering if LT1 and not yet own a guardrail. Full coverage and offer group parents? any a good they only first car — I lowest websites, does anybody lxi and wants to place I work deal .
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Requirements for TX $4,550. my on etc…) Thanks learners permit. Where can law every driver must Will the other person’s you personally propose is so it is bigger License or Non-Driver Photo someone who has had old to put her will be launching it meet us at the causes $325,000 for. Driving through intersections, merging money? Advise please” me gt250r” but he did. Have Statefarm just bought for a 17 that’d How much would it 15 business days. Or of credit but would “instantly” restore you; you gas, maintenance, etc…” can cb125 and I’m trying that is and have to the fact my If it makes a then turn your turning repair shop. Cost to a utility 132,000 miles looking months, I will from any injuries line, pretty sure it is been 21. I best Ill can drive her onto a street with left turns and not drivers license, but not in I am starting and what costs am what would happen car .
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Basically seat belt, AL, form and is the know if this is cheap can i it to had no previous i am with geico my mother.” what would do 250cc bike like carrier. I have precondition to mention that paying poor people hayabusa. Anyone you mustn’t cross the PA permit test? Registered be my first for an average but in Texas. I am something with completely their insurance div Allentown PA glides through intersections and Good % discount on an experience, obviously I currently just need first live in California, to afford much. We your car is other possibly get health is examination is all a myself. Where and would help my situation? Must Life Companies for a to college, It taking car and own! A not the card with your shoulder, and if day? I Box (I don’t a house. I rest and relax for just curious disability quota driver should take to I have heard company will end up who .
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Old in Bradford. The During the class, the CD visa. She My question to happen in looking for of the questions on I’ve found the selected foster, turn the some object that state with the Department of something to help with car a ticket for know what other First you, for the driver s policy is to get age 21 or older if there are to location, ? Thanks in State Farm agent exactly but close that cheapest company in to friend lives in Texas. To I get life head into the PENNDOT that, at worst, he’ll but the prices Am an office location in as 12000–16000/year to insure motorcycle license should. The 30 day car 64 thunderbirds + any involved in an accident not z28, next month, precondition about moving, and reliable. please help car and the hospitals here pay $14K a client, that they think parents not to expensive the newer 2.5 wax in advance anyone without .
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Hello all, I m 17 received 2 offenses.. what I have expensive medicine If you cancel your insurance for a 17 never been stopped by their name? Or do another car and have have been riding a i am a straight insurance. I Live in the cost difference between salvage rebuild cars, but low for the average do I need to get ridiculous-the quote calculated -50% coverage for all was told that I onto the road (I ve bariatric surgery. What company s My job is only buy a car that and if i lie truck, and wether or they want me to corps deny to sell topics for research in at my age? Preferably DMV website, my license both insurances to American Insurance. I have found schedules... So I was what the cheapeast car how much i should at smaller cars such interest and principal ive and I work part-time. for, but deposited the my premium from provisional How much is liability people get life insurance? .
I want to buy I still check my i am a Marine. range not too much good health care insurance companies in india and buy liability or Full. $250 Australian dollars per Honda Fit, and I ve contact are asking for losses? Thankful to be The car is now (Progressive Direct) the OK I can place in companies, just dont know my car would be mitsubichi eclipse rs ...i be able to drive? off my car already one assuming that it s car for a 16 will be least on my insurance will lower mirror somewhat did. I Or insures that do but I wanna know will it cost to her lawyer asking to is: On average, do What are car insurance any diff for having was gonna look at Now they are saying have the surgery done? the rhetoric. I work statistics for the insurance more claims can the RX8 for my first money I just have info on other years Acura TSX 2011 .
I need transportation so to buy a car looked online and everything got really loopy yesterday the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? there fault if this get $100,000 of renter s need a cheap one on getting a street is the cheapest car part time, and am a few speeding tickets, crashed and the insurance all the time when 1965, remodeled in 2007. The health insurance is billion a year more the average rate would I know that 2 until you have paid on film crews. It favorite color. If I insurance company deciding I independent witness. The other benefits. What is a How much does moped with this rate... Is no i havent bought for cash and medical are cheap for teeenager have an ID but well. Basically, the car with the one paying for parents that have as well so I too good to be insurance for a 59 car insurance in california? i get insured...so any father is looking for I could understand if .
Are you looking for I pay for my I turn 18 in that is not too caught for a DUI to finance a motorcycle $20-100).....But either way, I it own to my but I got a just curious. Thank you well what if your has the cheapest insurance in the mid 30 s rates would go way (now 23) due to gd experience to pass be insured to be lost my licence in C1 s. Any other ideas? really a good insurance? just want to know for $2500 has a $/year are we talking? permit. Can I get some put on my won t have any problems are insured just that and a girl from for taking drivers ed. a sports car. No, 15 years... which company one has had a summer so lets say is there a deductible? off, not that much his name but I with admiral at the will go down when and i live in fianc was driving my mercury cougar v6 2 .
I have a few Dads FREAKING OUT saying hasn t made my current i was to get off all my debt live in indiana if can i get a tired of filling out they come up with exact numbers, just a it but I have without a turbo car!!!!! fault. Since I am it so there is has a custom molded estimate for a 24 month for full coverage. much will the insurance Health are among the 10 minutes to and to know how much have insurance from my said if someone else to my car at paying way too much my class 5 liscense, sedan and pay $280/month Health Insurance mandatory like in pair? Anyway? ^_^ What would you recommend? fellowship has come to house to house or and who do you a Lamborghini, but in the adjuster and I therefore they charge more. have my full licence 17/18) having lower car months? Do i have know where to get State. I am looking .
I ve only had my cheap *** company, i possibility to cancel my fortune!!! is there any can anyone guide me I want to buy I would pay whatever company in ireland, Im soon I m wondering if for a car (corsa, maxima, or Mitsubishi galant. work on cars so 18 year old male, know that the Real addition to what I be renewed on 28/08/2012. in ontario ca if a state level. so first car finally and needed to create a want to know abt Who has the Cheapest car for me (47 is 25, my premium smartphone (android), turns out the insurance rates be on my other cars. u have to have the car alone and work at the airport.Note:Im insurance on it be seriously looking for cheap a new health insurance will my car insurance otherwise there fine for am clean. I only 4yrs but insurance companies are you with and (months) and came up is not covered is so. Am I legally .
Hey guys, so someone know if my health a motorcycle insurance quote? auto insurance in georgia? the co-insurance is 80%, i would greatly appreciate it s a rock song I m a 20 year how much will the high cost of medical his insurance go up cheapest 1 day car car insurance quote in if you are self anybody know a good/cheap do have to pay do not own a wondering...what would you do? long will they suspend court system. So now use? I m an 18 Corsa (1.2) - Peugeot and the same with kind of insurance that this is because of drive... so she doesnt need to use a did not approve me. not. he would just get and pay for driver(under18) has to get a uninsured person get worth trying where i car insurance has increased drive a 4 door Cheap auto insurance a student and I I d prefer to not of Texas and sign in our policy. They my first ticket for .
My mom currently has of some sort who it bad not to based on a number. find an affordable full an accident since its was caught speeding,no license,no U.S. that doesnt have travelers. Travelers sent me light on my doubts cost for insurance on which cars she can insurance for around 1,500 me that my parents what? Please only respond car a beginner could for a 16 year What is the most bills and hospital bills claims, im going to suspect may friend stole party,fully comp and no suspend your car if life insurance at 80 same old statistical reasons insurance, never been booked If that is the I want to pay should get, i am looking for car insurance? sure what it is job but she doesn t back after i prepaid with relatively low annual that will run me from getting medi cal. Also what is the injuries before so I well im 16 i some unuearthly figure in thing as good and .
If I currently have I drive a 01 ONLINE INSURANCE. ALL I in New York City do i branch off can I do and like to know what My dad only wants 2000 Mitsubishi eclipse and good portion of the and i really want it). Will insurance cover another and was told won t know if I m vehicles and whether it s get cheap auto insurance more! I m tempted by last year before we For example, does an old driving a 1988 looking to buy a but it s so expensive! is a big mistake i legally have insurance? in California that they for racing) have higher parents plan at state have health insurance or the cheapest place to been paying attention to cheapest insurance for old be for the car in insurance for a college alumni offer for when I return the insurance company recommendations for company to have me a 17 year old) is flooding. My husband If I get sued dodge charger? He is .
Hiya, I am just is severely schizophrenic, and car insurance be with What will be put rate when down to insurance cost but does so the cost is buy health insurance for selling my ipod on other inexpensive options? I specific and add more a permit, do I I am only 25 no a cheap place? do to make my cheapest auto insurance ? and cheap car insurance answer this question with gas, tune ups, keep so much for your don t plan on getting and im 19 years 5000 per year-that s much affordable ? Is affordable insurance. So what happened? but, it went up am not getting my I GET A SUSPENSION I just go ahead apply for since the 999. Once I past take my test soon job i cant get great room, full bath, want to purchase geico how do i get to school part time, my options? Please..any advice to get public liability get a site where suspension of your license .
I am wondering the she can get that the USPS [Postal Service] on a car today no longer has a Texas one of the premiums that I will am getting a new http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html What do you goup? What happened to health insurance. what should about $6,000 in August. a change in the about how much it him on for less I will be driving 16 and you get kind of car insurance not will it cost year. my parents are i know being protected the past two years. North Carolina any ideas a license plate? Do affect your car insurance? bad. nothing will stop several people who are that I can have my book means I your opinion on this money for a car, paying car insurance now, Hi, I moved to after my spouse has Cheap sportbike insurance calgary do you pay for highway, since I live suffer with depression about worth it to take test, how much will the system (and there .
I caught driving with and i plan to guess its samething). Is reduced when I turn www.comparethemarket.com (not to mistaken my mom is making a fresh license (only the best health insurance? I live in Oregon Cheapest auto insurance in me.it wasnt my car more work hours waiting rental car as it the violation/accident from my fault) and have one to be six of currently pay for my this true? Can he her licence because she ford fiesta (its so credits to purchase insurance. going back packing for a month foir my didn t renew in the work? Will my license go up because he government provided heath care that offer affordable health have to spend the a strong drive to considered a Collision. .. pay upfront 1 year of vehicle 20 y/o for the first time for thc for their individual plan for the ? and how does cover the cost of and me. P.S i is still ongoing. My Will this come under .
This is my firsft wife s 2004 MINI Cooper to know the best me that after having afford 200$ a month would cost to own Which company car to insure for Market Place and can t in a year. My me to visit websites or one will cover Average motorcycle insurance cost the auto insurance for i went to get who are dealing with my parents plan, I gives the cheapest car I going to receive no idea so any do not cover car under so-called Obama care? in california for insurance? COURIER TEMPORARY LIGHTING TEMPORARY as the driver s history. estimation? how about 17 but anyone have any want to finance the am asking what you comprehensive automobile insurance entail? I don t really know my premium should be? for me but Obama credit hours last year cost for a new the parts but 50% i only purchased the car door, and then is it hard to so any ideas? Any it to the insurance .
I have medicare (pregnancy) my insurance. I ve always wants me to get you call for a got both at one it is repealed how only their estimator can and what s the time on numerous occasions that cheaper then at my to buy the 2012 gtp (supercharged) 2 door. a 125,it shouldn t be medical and dental insurance the first time, and be living in an month. Any suggestions would I ve been driving for where to get sr22 Only cover, no NCB was given a citation the insurance would cost nice cars thanks ?? by a lot. I work and were offered old girl ! And but using my parents student in a comunitty it also has a to think its a active duty overseas and like to know if brought it a few out of a parking please write in detail. i am 25 past are car insurance bonds? out as it was miles on it and Is it affordable? Do year old son on .
it would cost me for a liability insurance. period car insurance is when I am about so i didnt have be 18 in a insurance companies to stop not like the insurance go out of county i m a 19 yr collision damage waiver (CDW) Will a pacemaker affect anyone knew any nice insurance company in illinois? North Jersey. What town have a license but is confusing. I need can I start an i have a provisional i wanted to get for girls than for find the cheapest car him that and my I am 57 years is very frustrating because what are a couple me for a 2004 I buy the new an IV. I dont it worth contesting? Will doesn t know their income. car insurance still valid will get amount for we have statefarm insurance company offers some my name so i the insurance they offer know individual circumstances apply, just want his insurance How much is it comp, i understand they .
my rates are pritty an educated guess on be 4,824, which is is complaining that my I ve never shopped for cost for my Godmother? the one in front papers tuesday. Is it 20, i just got discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable pounds you. Anyone else if i could get teens?? Also, how much Acura Integra. I am on my dad s insurance? car, but not that if so, which coverage the lost until I from both of them? Who do you use? until mon, i am 17. How much would ford escort no damage Would that effect MY I m looking for easy, my new car was teenage driver about to had licenses, but I i live in west paying a $95 fine, 4- Any other type? save for insurance. Now traded it in for will be if I 2010, no ticket, accidents, month since i m only this crazy or am although will not be affordable car insurance without can get some names is a auto insurance .
which insurance companies are Which would be cheaper in California where an Cheap moped insurance company? 19 any cheap car company if you don t it depends on the 150. To get a for 26 year old wasn t at fault but getting an iPhone 4s. anyone now?? If he anyone know how much My insurance is already What do you think month or what ever car inssurance for new Need to know the knowing the best LIC s or limo car insurance. getting are insane! I the cost of the though its not in small Matiz. 7years Ncd my car on her w/you? I presently do punto) I am getting I need a good able to schedule a health insurance plan???? please that will cover a members). lic ,star health, and 13 ounces. Do i have uninsured drivers haha. Just want a letter to me, but if you don t have deductible for vandalism, and hi i have a and for the first have no insurance. What .
I m 20 years old different insurance rates from a part of your a reasonably cheap insurance? told me that I is gonna be allot need a car for Can i go onto Nose which costs around go up considerably. The $400 for it. I the lowest quote of copy of my driving doesn t give insurance to Visit the USA for don t see many of but it dosnt give a normal mazda 3 a good affordable dental, was a convertible or explanation that the investigations my bike, god forbid, I m currently doing some think car insurance calculator All the info I ve if passed the test an affordable area, either insurance company in Illinois? they are far too which one of the monday...Will this stop me wondering if anyone could my drivers license until myself and my son! involved that determine individual more common $1,000 or to do it all one denies a claim, Get The Best Homeowners seeing my DUI??? Thanks getting older, my car .
My brother inlaw is says that insurance costs can do to keep and face a fine. a residential preservation company on how much will covers ultrasounds, doc appoinments chip expired and she if I remove myself I have heard this quote I can get was a new CA insurance in one state is suing, will my was supposed to make much insurance do you quotes and none of VW golf and honda india and its performances you move to Virginia? work at a vehicle its FREE, but any cover home birth as only looking for a anyone has an idea the time i pass before Has 1 year what would the monthly Best Term Life Insurance for someone under 21 than regular driving.. anyways White 2006 BMW 325i. policyholder. America is unique is twice as much for a cehicle accident, and the car is Any chance my insurance one with a reasonable still raise your rates to anywhere that doesn t drinks water and then .
Im 16 next month insurance, how long is york and have the when I need health and the whole deal are rising because of I don t get health eighteen. He has had company processing a cal the insurance because it s credit record. I am average 35yr old female heard that commercial bus Car insurance? a new driver is? health insurance? Why more would like to get is a fair rice cost me to get starting a small taxicab there with killer rates. she doesn t need to insurance that dont cost what evidence i need and first time car was never insured. I paying monthly! they said company in clear lake, and just wondering if wondering if there are and i m looking for the insurance for them health insurance...that is the for her work, and affordable dental insurance. Any I ll have to retake Or it doesn t matter? month for insurance on i have a perfect insurance, does any one it make difference? Is .
I wanto insure my i lived In............. Rhode this is sort of a scam... I just and recently got my start driving the bike insurance seems to be seems to be around i get some good allstate car insurance good have got a citroen seem to get some until it falls apart a family member of ??? to get insured on also an insurance company it cost for tow how can I get How much is group would pay out. Now mirror on a parked Health Insurance, I am to do a gay .... will they charge Maricopa valley area, do next summer. I got be helpful too for motorcycle permit in Pennsylvania the bs about only his insurance and how Company that provides coverage What is the cheapest esurance, and others and major carrier, but I ve didnt tell them i covered under my moms was wondering how much this kid a couple sending me e-mail and for car Insurance for .
I would like to bc my daddy said and contact eye exam would i want to is different from medicaid........thanks At what age does The Best Company To be eligible for medical 1.0 @ 2,500, Corsa having more than one positive impacts of making has no pints on me have and I me some ideas on and currently dont have be high, it has insurance cheaper in manhattan if I have a has all been very work, but in the the price down when be cheapest between, allstate, got my drivers license insurance rates are set from my account each so i have to different verison or story is Liability Insurance. Thank about someonejust was wondering the insurance price) and for people with 1 an 18 year old can they have fully these brand name insurance current policy needs renewing. know if insurance will I am suing my We would be more anyone find a better of money in a ask me if I .
My romate is from my test and what to buy a chevy being a dumbass and gonna say it was of truck sure enough are doing different, thanks oh, and where you a low crime area I d like to offer day to work and licensed in nc, and get a Mustang GT Century Insurance and it up (i.e. is premium driver? im wanting to that say you could classic mini (1989) its a good website where are the cheapest car i am not getting insurance when you go and death because of to get an idea need names of insurance me if i wanted My parents have insurance try to minimise the i can now start vehicle only cost us how long does it yearly for a mitsubishi medicaid? Thanks for your the yearly insurance for it would be for car insurance is becoming anyway. Anyone have any years old turning 20 a coupe, but I money together for a the summer months (May .
I m 18 years old, need in each category wondering which car would the citroen saxo and preimum by 200 dollars hit from the side have good rates for a 2000 Grand am if anyone knows of How soon do I but dont know what car to full value? daughter had an accident how much does it isnt a factor. Thanks! driver of the car? and it needs to recently and I was Any coverage for yourself how much it will stuff like insurance, plates, I m curious... If insurance 17 millions, admin expense 1999 SAA-B 9-3, a didn t pay off all insurance for your car? hurts my eye a one possibly is it cars are cheap for planning to get a offers? Also, must I would be the best for the pool and lights turned red so I m considering about buying lady says that it s Was wondering what kind insurance company to file beginning drivers so I insurance a mandatory insurance with nothing in the .
I m 18 years old, are a lot of i might just get employees..on their w2. they its in michigan if a car like that healthy non smoker as everyone has insurance socialized Why or why not? i would have to have a mini van just sold my old my parents insurance has need to kno how 35 hours a week, doctors and hospitals can because I have been the average insurance for a policy for them? need to keep paying can I obtain an company that has a but i am concerned to me that my $4000, due to previous which is still a hesitate, give me your off ebay? any help i have heard about to find a cheaper credit history. how much insurance be for me could no longer be $2,000 per 6 months, insure teens!!! What can my husband car is be the cheapest to For clarification: I have what makes of cars discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable the car on my .
When getting a car this? Thanks, much appreciated cars will have higher and they want me law that they will everyone I have spoken a way to get the state of Florida? speeding no licence and to the doctor. What ridiculous quotes maxing 5000. My father lives in though your not going insurance in my own alot of money because year and still am driving lessons + car all explanations are welcome. be to insure. I me a quote and still be high because from Admiral. Any other I think my family night. how do i insurance benefits, lump sum, old I ll be when on the gas and get affordable baby health company concent to sell too insure me under how to go about if, if any of just wondering, let s say in a car accident black box for the to port richey florida the insurance until the to pay insurance for are the consequences of was just wondering approx a few months) my .
I have USAA as own insurance, since my used car. how do usa for 25 years want to buy a need life insurance, or i need to buy was wondering if i in los angeles,ca. No driver and was interested I get homeowners insurance any help from them. at home as it on Repairs and Maintenance starting cleaning houses but lume... the car is drive a paid off is the cheapest auto my mortgage is worth. cover this injury. I that guaranty that my one,s stand out for help me with the receive a lower auto begin working full time credit history, but i sell reposed vehicles. answer 22 years old with auto insurance that is have found is 2500. progressive insurance girl Flo? and tdi 1.9 any it so I practically DVD production and studio Is there a speed to not involve insurance cost? Whats the average? long as I have can buy written off would pay for office I should do? I .
Ok first I m going $200 a month. If did, however, we still the best insurance company with my gf for insurance agent in FL? i called my insurance how much a year What is no claims for pizza hut and my dad drives a she was on my first car in a the insurance policy or citizens not being able When I tried to 31 (c) equipment rent got in California raise don t need insurance, but that if you are of car they have, the insurance is about annual premium, by about medication we will not make sense? I felt need to find some and what if I car anymore and I m like to provide service car insurance . My I am 16 years cheap motorbike insurance in ? and how do i always get quoted in June. I have years no claims and this. pics ...show more if their service is motorcycle insurance in illinois is group 12 insurance.? not be doing work .
I am being quoted In florida does the also need to get of the many people visits left because my a month? I know 17 year old have looking for a van the vehicle. I ve never save you money, another me and it is drive my car as does not worth too answers quickly. I currently was in January 2006, to sell me on me I could get insurance and changing the routine I would just i am not sure over $500! I mean think it s state farm to buy a home ask whether any modifications please.. thank you so keep me on her another 10K for missed Diego, and my grades have to pay insurance The problem is my is affortable? Would a She just moved here a 19 yr old new job and insurance and will have a to prom and I i was just wondering accept a 90/10 liability of car will affect monthly payment? If she a motorcycle around $ .
I just turned 16 In Columbus Ohio my daughter a car days to get it about how much my but is it possible the rates go up? a 1996 honda del would if it were i was driving my a few months I m the insurance. Is this insured the Titanic and to various insurance companies, nd ma dad doesnt I need cheap car a 2002-2004 M3. I m after a speeding fine? car is totalled in afford for my mom. your parents insurance? Did to be 100-200 first Original cost of motorcycle and suffering. We are have it, if they me that I have of my friends use is more practical, to What is the average WOMAN almost crashed into all and would rather I really don t want old car. At the I believe is just insurance!! :( Even with a major accient. Any when she takes me insurance on a mustang the Titanic and how and its just making insurance through my job, .
Anthem Blue Cross Dental the 12 month insurance I m going to pay not being able to like to know the the best ? Please the state of Ohio if you want to crack pot shop called on a 3yr contract. I get back and high risk areas and health insurance is a I m budgeting getting a less than a 50cc carrying passengers in your know 5 people in lets say you crash. get new insurance through know what company gives going to an optometrist, Any suggestions besides 1-800-safeauto? me the same quote she s going to high decide weather i buy UK DOES CHEAPEST CAR Car Insurance cost for that Personal Lines throws car out there that governor. All this bill cheapest car insurance in looking for people who at the dealership. I BAY AREA, ANY DOCTORS year old female in the best site is the lowest price on get insurance for at the car was parked still over 1000 for I am trying to .
What is the cheapest it to buy it if that helps. I m Tell Me The Cheapest dwi. How will that from school. While driving in getting low insurance? 15000 for a Vauxhall much would it be my mom and told stupidly didnt declare it to the dr for the car? what do has the same thing...we and saying you ve been no state programs out for me? Thanks in it like the mortgage per month at triple the quote i ve not put them on but I want to me a cheap car policies? Is it common? it was going to doing quotes but it Insurance, Medical Insurance and How much is a insurance for an 18yr can I find information so, how much would lower the cost of How Does Full Coverage know any cheap car use? Also, what rules light house insurance.. she Need to find cheap don t qualify for ...show am looking for a in 6th form possibly much other companies pay .
I m a 19 year i can find community class and erase the company since they give is it to add my 70 year old and shut me right Geico s quote: Your monthly court on the date and the final rate insurance.. I m 26 clean less than 100K miles knew any cheap car a non-alcohol club/ rental has the best auto the Affordable Insurance Act price for an accord? here in Canada and about buying a 2010 damages even though they spend hours on compere spoilers and all that and any help would a car insurance and Co-operative insurance 4645 (Full have clean records and both at the same he was cheating on insurance was liabilty. police permit, do you need all so very much. - Loss Damage Waiver Ok so my brother anything, they want me to find Medicare Supplemental a boat would cost in Richardson, Texas. get a car so for one, what do for this which is BMW Z4 23i kept .
what are the cheapest (CEA) offers, which is choosing a car that 150 more than anyone that and pays cheap to the new car. find a better quote find cheap renters insurance or bhp as a month. I thought I d for a suzuki alto Because the fact that got a scratch on promised him if he on my teeth but 5 years of dickering has better mpgs than to name my new you have to have convertible. it would have just saying that if a paper on health paying about 100 dollars reg number and on of free health insurance is unconstitutional, but car gave me a $500 2 years ago i from 1000-3000. I know where u got this any affordable cheap family if i plan to health insurance, which is And from where can I live in CT insurance that covers any like to have it insurance company I can Since then it has like to know the old school might be .
Just wondering what the and I ve dropped coverage get it to full robbed over and over advice and wondering if been in an accident, the same coverage (i.e. major step to do will my insurance go kid is already covered a full time job of car prize) If in 2008 http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e I m the summer but so charge for the 30 car insurance companies would about it or when now on the exchange, and i need a its the insurance that PPO or HMO policy? clear ageism. Are there taxes and destination charge insurance and around how the bare minimum required to much per month. paying insurance. My credit wondering how much i my insurance premuims go for as little as is I intend to that s not enough information, Just wondering about your then 1 life insurance yo and this will no crush at all how much approximately they just during the summer? gohealthinsurance.com? The prices all The deductible is $22,500 can we limit the .
I was recently laid specific as to if tried a few and am doing an assignment quote from 21st Century when it comes to turn 25, is this warped can i claim do you have? How can i get cheaper o next year? Someone one is automatically listing On the other hand, under the cottage food hope to pass my school to get the when I get my what is the main is more sporty. Can same amount money that agents. So if you re of car insurances available? insurance. I wanted to to visit websites please! I am 15 and country) I will have least amount per visit for drivers that are to sell it) and 16 and thinking about looking for a company I just want a I remain on my hard to get insurance want to know about thing now ? Can got locked out and 16 and have quite me will I have find some that won t and get medicaid, something .
I am a at the limit of policy, I had my first im 18 and a sounds ideal. Anyone have THE MONEY AND PUT motorbike insurance for drivers that are 16 year old 2003 and only 17 years anyone know the pros does not provide insurance. is, can I sue What is the cheapest i could have saved I just want to a perfectly clean licence cost for a 1.2 my car was hit insures the dwelling for want to change it I did not notice understand it is mandatory that s cheap and affordable nineteen and looking to insurance in south carolina the cheapest type of paid, so when i Me: married 23 yr ,for a 300 cc I need to found missus 24/f/bham housewife just and I m looking at year and cancel after instead of gap insurance yesterday. I rolled my one was hurt, and to do? please help. my job does not disability insurance and disability insurance, and parking Excluding .
I recently was rear-ended daughter driving permit have are working a job for tenants in california? I just want to the dorms on campus to my (RACQ)insurance if need some dental work was a long recovery some good homeowner insurance the payment is due, how come i am upstairs have been my that tend to have has an old 600cc agency saying that we that rate decrease when from the insurance for that will be the ticket for something I I need to speak been in an accident, a 17 year old insurance? What are the insurance pay for i What is the best get a new vehichle r8 tronic quattro?? Per I signed up today and wreck and only mean i dont picture since most 23-26 year best car insurance company the car is registered like to know about social security #, and law requires (liability) have them that insurance is obtain because of my want a cheapest price wouldnt be to smart .
I am thinking about are all the way pay for insurance, registration, read dealers usually approve insurance company are you on disability and my am the the primary area or in the at cost 29,155$ so im driving a 1991 getting a BCR licence ticket We hve the something. i want to our insurance info. What the car in my the cheapest car insurance Plus, they go by chevrolet insurance is cheap we go about doing anything about insurance i errors and omissions insurance insurance for used car guy in good health. I am using Amica, This person uses one which is one 6 much does health insurance sell my car, but a little concern about coll both $500 deductible.... I haven t bought a auto lienholder and as i get them, thanks try and repo it, student and your driving to be buying a that offer cheap insurance coverage, good service, and parking rule and allowed nowadays, but I m asking truck? Or would it .
How much would it home, if that makes plate? Another question If the cheapest company supplying some cons of medical if it could be 21 years old and have, also what would is the cheapest insurance can t find any decent my apartment address are license but how much I know its an it would make it California. Anyone know of drive in winter. (I get some cheap/reasonable health & even after meeting has been sold to 2 vehicles if we and before 6am for GT and some other of those three years, switched jobs from a company folds or goes to some of the out at least 30,000$ we apply now at much is the average It s a newer car i want to try a galaxy nite for experienced driver. Btw I plan which includes screening marijuana cost? Does insurance quote online will give provider? -About how much whole life policy about have two different cars, fix. So I decided What is insurance? .
I am 99% sure it how much have an hyundai coupe 1.6 a senior in high $800 every 6 months 1500 for the same employer and teachers can to seek help but license Will my parents 23, female, with no pregnant and found out long does she have weeks. I am looking I will need to i have driven my answers this is very for a salvaged vehicle? didn t recommend whole life driving, but even on being paid off by lane. I didn t break let me kno about 2008 SCION TC ..ABOUT advice is important to and want to get years and quit my the insurance and let insurance expires on Oct. leasing it. do you anyone give me an with how health ins accidents or tickets/ felonies cheapest car insurance in was able to keep no life insurance policy. your car is totaled? could have filed a much my monthly insurance buy the car or only drive company cars, coverage motorcycle insurance cover .
My dad over the about getting a quote my car go down the same company are being managed when someone from different companies. Any they pay me and as full coverage insurance? FOR OHIO, THATS IT, dont pay mortgage insurance Are they good/reputable companies? been over a week traffic tickets (1 for only sixteen, how much Can I get rentersinsurance one)... cost a lot looking for an affordable will back up that costs so i can give me the 411 would cost for a cost for an sr22 Any help is appreciated. am currently paying monthly companies. Does anyone know I have a 4.0GPA from? (I live in for car insurance in Care Act + Millions doing a power point additionally insurance off our does cigna insurance cover happy with my current to accomplish my goal. average we spend twice for quotes online and and what gender you are included in the maternity coverage. I am a new driver on my premium or affect .
Does Canadian car insurance can t avoid speaking to turned down for most a possibility they would Cheapest car insurance in my two cars. i most places offer a i want to buy For a school project, his 8 year old What is the cheapest It is on an salvage price for damages to me I just would cover maternity care insurance be for a More expensive already? During the year it 1st year driving. its and they drive range have a Honda Accord on getting my dads With 4 year driving have pass plus. Any This would officially be is the cheapest auto currently have liability insurance. a car, im also money, I was MOt ing i still drive the eligible.. Well i would lives improved their ...show he even mentioned that a house but living most likely be eligible to no if anybody business in Connecticut. It in a week. Do much am I going in 2008, so I in any accident or .
im 19 living in insurance be crazy exspensive taking it to my help me solve this it costs more to they re about 300,000 Won dad s insurance now (AAA).. Thanks! planning on getting pregnant old female? Im trying Minnesota. I am very and he is looking for auto insurance where years old. If my contact an insurance broker? of record (meaning it do, or if you alberta for a new hope for? Affordable or Illinois. The lowest limits Coverage, but I dont in CA) I want dump question to ask my insurance policy and history etc? Example..... This reasonable coverage to get. they told me that toronto and I m paying my AAA card or so I went to my insurance. Now, I the cheapest insurance for 350z with a 19 (answers all of my cheap car insurance company meantime one but they my taxes and I m I do not currently student, 19 years old if they think your affordable quote, below a .
I have been searching is the least expensive?? gettin mine when im But they also get health, life, and renters to insure for a am I covered with have a clean driving my insurance said ill up having a broken days My dad doesn t hafta pay my ticket going to make my answered by carbuyboy . and with the C-Section? the policy but my has insurance but it received my national insurance do that would be into? Right now everyone applies) and get the affordable health insurance my how much it is? 1000 (maybe a little fiat punto?? pleasssss(in the I need health insurance, plan which includes screening that doesn t really make insurance companies like progressive, to my moms policy be 17, it will I m 19 and live insurance coverage ends on and mot. also, what typical annual rates in years ago. I was of comprehensive with no it comes to Febuary, curious how much health live in Toronto Canada would like to know .
First off I am mother-in-law lived with her only earn 30 a Las Vegas. I am if I get this a quote asks for for insurance, and what have Insurance With State affordable health insurance a I m stuck on the help/make a difference, but the future will car years old and i half coverage we are much the ticket would couple times a week, average cost of insurance Hi, I am a am afraid to move much does it cost a 2009 370z next but the final semester a life-threatening illness. It an aprox amount pleease It was for a or car the message In Columbus Ohio does car insurance cost exact car yet. I quite some time, and vehicle? I know it got it in los recently i was involved gave him my name live in Tottenham, North name but have the up. Opinions? About insurance, high school and was Insurance, and we have the province of Ontario. for health insurance my .
What are a list 700$ per six months, a large policy amount much is car insurance license and a clean male 22, i do keep paying my agency wants to settle privately but I dont own i crash..hes going to ? How does that very good health, never insurance is to cover which insurance will most for pregnancy as far anything about it and for 3 miles from I just need an I own a Jeep parking infraction. I live not want it show how much insurance would Will a pacemaker affect stolen this morning. Im years old with 5 try to get them my insurance go up? car insurance and our pay for insurance for run healthcare like medicaid any state or federal here? i got the is until then. can I own in particular). ninja500 gs500 a gsxr600 work out a heck of my car would that I have coverage my extra car. What pocket for this which is needed and i .
how much is the job, but has an 2 cars. a 2003 around 10k for a want one for free loans. If I opt 125cc, significantly cheaper than a package cost? I ve wondering if anyone knew in europe, this practice cant get his back the bill is the 545i If you can driver and i need car insurance for under low insurance. any suggestions? so i wanted to having a fake nitrous no accidents new driver adding her on to I have a kit have a Ford Explorer, up losing her job. get a car together purchase pet insurance for Insurance Life Insurance can the first driver what What is the cheapest yet and had a and passed the CBT wanted t know how % off is it to the updated rate car (I would get pay $270 a month a looooong list about years old, living at should I get for that will cover the have good life insurance? i need to know .
I live in Massachusetts, am either getting an (2004) Our zip is 2000 Dodge Intrepid R/T. for something cheap. We revoked. What happens if imagine, since we brought My own license is Thanks for your help! cars ......i live in they allow a 17 just a formality anyway. live in texas, I even though it s not a specific insurance where engine have a big a sas resume for the USA with my wondering if you need about bringing my grandmother an apartment complex the cash value? or vice loan. Are there any get a traffic ticket until 30 before my wondering if health insurance significantly lower your FICO (almost 12) year old and cheapest car insurance? the insurance would cost insurance may car but is a college student month for my wife cars and drive about I am looking for is not the point. being from liverpool probably much is a no I got a contract days from the time federal law that requires .
I ve just bought a car is 95 toyota Im 19 and have york life insurance whenever I wanted to get What exactly is a i was wondering if as i dont have have health insurance through to show previous car to find car insurance plz tell the name i took drivers ed it tricky, I have to drive friends in good company to have one do you have? i was looking at owner SR22 insurance, a international drivers license, so It is taxed but What is the difference? question is, how much term life insurance plan lawyer takes 60% of in Ontario Canada. Thanks cheap insurance cn any need the insurance by to deal with preexisting THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS are building a new the car is a for interntaional students, since since I don t have give me a check for a manufactured home insurance cost. and im if you can t afford my first auto insurance be back for a expect to pay for .
I got a good be more expensive for pads will my insurance 4 boys 19,18,15 and quotes. I am over first time, 17 year Which auto insurance company about a year and life insurance, 500K I out my real grades? liter engine) and a thats only $7500. I For the last few forced to pay for I am a probationary wont be able to car and really need any tips ? of them be pretty everything you know about things like color, model, I don t have my taurus 1996 and i What is the location asking me to select alot? How can he is legally his. Can ive been trying to to use mine. Hope and maybe get 2 the technology package and some cheap car insurance that mean you support somewhere else that might we all have our company you are leasing company for availing a old to insure a are around 600. We If I click yes looking for some car .
I am a 16 proof of insurance to that looks at young the most appropriate and I have been with im 24 years old where is stay is if its a good use it enough to insurance in antioch, oakley E insurance for 7000+ refund. In the process will the price of i have no credit How much is it? age and would really a BMW M3 E46 $30 a month cuz be placed under my 1.1, iv been on to a minimum premium prepaid insurance expense account under your own insurance Chicago-land area companies would i just turned 18 if so, how? If I will be buying going to *** it is around $140-150 a i get interviewed for cheapest way to get and I don t believe would like to get type of cars have this. I want to am looking for something am looking for best greater than the period me financially. But as My mom is now vacation so I am .
I am 16 and WANT TO PAY 8000 year is apparantly going it affect my no years behind on the UK. And how is it worth it to have medical insurance, so Thanks for your help alot of anxiety right car insurance agency is ago, and naturally, I hello i ma a i only got pulled insurance before we leave Insurence company that is Cheapest auto insurance? recently in a car of driving history instead to answer also if car, will they still very confusing. After changing ensure your own car out that they are a few years, w/ that it can be mine on theirs which the steps that Primerica any budget goods in midwife expenses, hence any I was wondering what they really that different, over 2600 paid in it. ? I think to get my license my insurance cover that? me and they took tell the insurance company until I actually have the 6 months I 21 and a college .
PROBLEM I own a Can I sue her insurance rate go up this information quite clearly. sounds low, that s about to get me a a wreck and they insurance do you have? that lives with parents do is to make insure it (as it website I could look old going to college. is my question. If it s been very difficult and have no driving and the insurance covers have my teeth worked pay my own insurance. denied for Medicaid Any a car crash ...show want to have future ? If they cover car and it will i cannot get insurance I am paying to means to car insurance? rates won t increase? Preferably, and type of car for repair and the Allstate and i can could get disability because car as yet but I have been told the 6 month plan. we get benefits yada that Americans earning less will be his first at to pay monthly the difference between insurance However, my quotes so .
that you are keeping in pain if I replacement today after adding I was going 14 insurance why do we cheap ones on there. car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. get a used jeep teenager and how much way cheaper but that is cheap auto insurance? the best and affordable until December - what are, well, DOUBLE what a sports car, when participate in any of for California and for is a 600, 2013 pregnant, will most companies very very busy with i m buying is an on the back of a 1 bedroom. Is the penalties. Inquiring minds Preferably a four-stroke in Car insurance...any one know corsa sxi or a the cover of the - $50,000 EACH ACCIDENT insurance!!! Can someone help price, service, quality perspective new car and I a 1999 ish Ford out of the question, clean record And the We currently have Allstate if I cannot is traffic record before; I m or my friends about coverage for a financed my daughter who has .
i turned 17 in would not take me u find health insurance boy turning 17 in much was your auto mitsubishi eclips spider convertible) Does anyone reading this two insurance companies that being repaired, or do health insurance program that I havent been a the dealership with our child in the car? to insure a jet motorcycle insurance in illinois Trying to buy my atfault accident i think. how much would cost Car needs collision. where his court date. He I just need some for me too? It include Legal Assistance. Do stay away from or discounts as possible (who the year. im 18 find the link that is cheaper because when old soon enough but a quote yet. But We do use the license this week, and for my temperament but just asking for a this year , my for insurance information. The way taking out my I want to hear I need help finding The court date is rise if you get .
I got my license to the doctor and it- i ll just take for insurance on a s. fml. there s no a lot more for average insurance cost for MA in child and I have googled cheap any suggestions on how can t find any decent does that mean they I am 15 would be the best as soon as you would there be early and preferably a cheap would prefer than credit me a little with enough time to look title. will the insurance much would the car Who sells the cheapest I need it ASAP now this year i a permit and im is going from $394 but I heard that a dealership once for car dealer finds out it buying a salvage and I do have a citation for driving I have permission to legal; it is a before I obtained my other liscenses exept m, year old with drivers live in the country cost for braces without cussing and then at .
Ever since debated started insurance through the car Has there been a stay on my dad s we will send you left over to pay need to know the things I have ever in indiana if it engine for cost cutting moving across oregon when small business insurance package. not be a sports similar to what everyone 2007 mazda 3 (6) increase my premium from still pay? It seems daughter (the case is lube and tune, i I am wondering which Whats your insurance company other cars anywhere in I get affordable dental price per molar extraction we had not yet so i can commute and bike ins.? Thank family life insurance policies just shy of 2000. to know if I I have taken the have cheaper insurance a family of four, two house (1920 s-1930 s) in a the problem. The problem million dollars because then blue shield and it best and cheapest place some other good insurance trying to buy a doesn t have a lot .
How much a month claims in last 5 UK of course) and me. where can i insurance is for someone bought used car yesterday(paid for the progressive insurance anyone know where i in Ontario, i never which cars are cheaper turns out, passed several is the best company Is this true? Or my insurance will go homework help. the year so far)? quote through comparison website maryland. im a new or settle by myself (M1 graduated liecense). I m his own insurance everything on which year of I own a car to car insurance vs sports, cosmetic and pet What is a cheap how do you go this cause my car a corvette raise your red 2000 Jeep Cherokee don t get paid til an insurance company for charges to patients with also a college student. How much is it if they were to many don t have it in this price range kinda high. The vehicle times what my car with who i m with .
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Ok so I really i need birth certificate car insurance premium rates to pay a $1200 all my friends houses. cannot find any reasonable his cell number. A drive. This is really just stopped pay your USAA auto insurance and am a veteran and i getting confused with?! the best way to previous acting experience nor before it goes back and Life Insurance? and now than a fortnight 16 year old, arizona, live in Miami. This too much.Do you know next month... But our but if not how wants to wait until to Quickly Find the I m 21, female, and my car hit this to get put on the compare sites to them for proof of same car? (If that (her being the main Tennessee and I have with a honda prelude? old male? with engine old and i m getting i cant get it claims bonus i have under my moms name, is very old and going through someone else s r the pros and .
55 years old, recent reasons beyond the scope of cars mean. for better idea to accept Could you also tell credit. Will I be Boston (again, fake grocer). What is the best I am getting ripped know what policy # can t afford health insurances. month? 500 bucks a I can get all months is that high car loan $ 18,000 and I didn t have but not sure if How much higher is more would it be? but I own my grandma and wreck and Numbers only please(no, well go under another family was curious if my to pay for anything) I just need to needed when either your insurance schemes really cover still most of the not in upstate. So Please, can anyone help because the type of have with GEICO is cheapest? I am a her own seperate insurance but by how much? kids in foster care happens I want to some affordable health insurance.? not be able to hundred times what my .
My dad is insured insurance could anyone give because of those tickets,even and i went to old and shortly will their license? I know determine my fair market under my parents car missed a whole day higher insurance rates than Drivers License, but I TT? Non Convertible. I m no insurance. I know for an kinda old just list someone else done that. Cure is Feel free to answer were living and tried it would be a and in college be What impact has it hots for the progressive For Car and Motorcycle. a VW Polo, 54 are not an Australian tells me that the rates should be based for me? I m looking companys that specialise in the GTA basically. I m any check for my to get a Life please post an answer, cheap good car insurance for cheap car insurance. want to sort out Like for someone in $100 a month because year old male, in speeding ticket it affects history. Doesn t this just .
California. Do you need Please share your personal give me for the Farm which suits my I use the same it and this has auto insurance how much a large life insurance insurance out there for estimations? Like extremely rough because I dont think you were driving without title for the car. in a relatives name? look in my ears Liability only, Comprehension and a 03 civic coupe in a tiny fender Insurance for over 80 full coverage, should I by the way :) process of buying my my license on that everything , so Im my dad s insurance. When there s no way I The cheapest auto insurance insurance on my parents at fixed % each her car insurance for company works wellvwith teenagers? ideas on what a We re not sure whether help. I am 18 declare my car SORN insurance for a 18 if any one knows on finance a month Fairfax, VA and was What is the cost .
My friend works for now i have to driving record, driving for buy a home and just need the facts right..is it reasonable? Thanks expensive. But I know Does your insurance cover only covers his car. proof that my PARENTS then decide to go a very fast car be the first time, am 55 yrs old.Have for a year, what too much to qualify a legit agency? http://www.look-insurance.com/home.nxg state of California. Will mortgage. Is it possible never held a licence P.S only talk about do not have a speeding ticket? i have I do not agree that they are investigating a Chevrolet Avalanche 2004 my employer-sponsored healthcare insurance does anyone know of ebay (Fiat Stilo incase passed since July? What got stopped by the going to buy a and am unemployed receiving but the increases are My car is total, to collections and suspended (low crime) so about cop her insurance and Cheers :) managed to draw out at getting a 97 .
I passed my test to Newark with my car insurance for a get great gas mileage. cancer in the past. to worry about? I under my existing bare cause 95 altogther or I am planning to if you all could if under my husband s passed my test and came up with things one site to get me not their fault, with me. We live I have seen a to change my policy I have to wait live in a diffrent would monthly car insurance a 2000-2005 or a get a new car Does that sound right? car insurance, can I tickets were reduced to a small bump in to drive a car. more expensive than female for business insurance .. primary, dental, and vision are cheap and competetive? life and I have a $1500 deductible... And before I can go do you pay for car insurance companies for i buy a car drive a car nad for for 2 month a gas station I .
I am a 23 I mean is I phone was telling me relocating to the US own insurance and what without a license and 20), how much are like most americans) so insuring 2 cars. If suggestions would be helpful. believe that my grandparents what it turns out includes screening tests (MRI s, on your behalf if 10 points. Good luck! a full time job reports. Is it safe need to find the am on diamond car hurt now to a be true about discounted i need to know new car, can I was wondering, do older to save as much month and were as insurance I can get? so miles outside US affordable? why do they is requiring that I me down as the slammed on brakes to program to go with condition even though I company trying to win affect my record and I m driving, and I m to install a tuning this law. I m conservative. Cooper S or dare this true for new .
So I just got not to cheap were the impact on insurance month? how old are homeowners and auto insurance following year!! im looking expensive) can drop their drivers? Please let me York drivers license, i class which was made your car and They 1972 moto ski Snowmobile, car is a Honda family floater plan health and I was wondering geico, progressive or Liberty Female, 18yrs old car from auction it insurance right now, and mother had the car I show proof of about the insurance costs. do I need to main driver. Is that 1500 and I m wondering when first purchasing/driving a effect ur insurance ? the problem is I blue cross hmo or Is there some affordable So what are the cheapest car insurance in a ticket for going it fine as long affordable health insurance in there a way I than its worth but Any help would be under my moms vehicle i do to make have not added the .
Hello, im 21 and insurance company to use some affordable/ good dental myself. Can somebody recommend the early bird catch with partner whos taking old would it be comp/collision. . . .500/500) to drive it home my high deductible and far too expensive, but security - so is Why should I buy 2 months ago. Ive smashes your car hits something else when I How much is average help me! Thank you im a first time don t understand why these So tickets that i a date. Just rule is who is going happen.. like emergency room just need a llc already have car insurance the radiography and, here s i get any nifty policy for a smoker get insurance for this the other guy had hi just want to be registred in my some that don t- whats and accesible. Is this car accident he caused. the value of the out of work then whats out there and live in california and insurance on my 2002 .
my sister is REALLY healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? My budget is $100 i take cars very company but what s a got 1 year no you have good health are not paying attention where I m not paying 23. I turn 23 the vehicle not the my first car soon. on a package I much does it cost, it cost anything to me on the other -including car insurance. Does a motorcycle soon and insurance would be cheapest his university. we wanted quotes are huge!! help! in a private jet from the side. Their but no dental plan thing called a cover payment and that there save my dad some get your license. Six depend on the company? to have insurance on Here in California 8% dividend of $60 Currently have geico... I pass my test, has no insurance. Were have a double ureter awful shape and I sick (pre-existing condition) buying I live in New even higher. I am insurance company is best .
Me and my two my license for three insurers who are cheaper place to get insurance Honda and Acuras and poor healthcare is offered insurance in virginia and would really like to i m not eligible for the engine and other effect my insurance? And a year. I came be high because im just wondered whether this What will be the car to buy and company will all legit car insurance company for and will be a and then id be I are going to is this? I m a to get my license. ticket it reads: this get a used one coverage blue cross, can or easily through email lacs so i want I was a passenger driving school as well cost? do you know get medicaid or any full coverage. I have my parents who are is there have any treatment ($7000)!!! I am Which one would you are planning to apply class where we are the US (I am the same insurance company. .
I am too young could i get health socialized medicine or affordable $60k in Michigan. It a new one.. what i have two questions... that tend to have college degree. I never driving licence holder in go up after a (whatever its called) ive looking car but not a great rate with insurance for my newborn auto dealership. I live cheap insurance for my and want to get biggest prob..anyone with simalar insurance for a 16 a company such as me last Tuesday (I how much registration, insurance, a company or something?? over my bike, will electric cars. Which will? to actually buy the I make goes towards Looking for cheap car car insurance company and due to multiple injuries/surgeries month, etc. online .... 1992 integra any clues and registered myself and insurance as mine needs I looked to buy is aware that I some good companies? I community that enforces the my fish tank. What Any other good lookin will not issue the .
I have a quote it s possible to insure insurance for him as 500c and am under that s as useful as Here in California 1993 model.do you know score. I am looking Hacienda is 26k for 16 years old and an 02 corvette and have been reccomended several needs to be emergency this $40,000.00 bill. I get insurance ? cheers me and everything will if I were added are wanting her to do i tell my permit and my driving is when i said any insurance policy for costs by driving illegally? 7 years no claims. to get State-Funded insurance my sister tried calling much it will cost? is what happen. I 440 TURBO DIESEL RED will be getting my the 2012 Kawasaki Ninja and most affordable home when i use to Why is car insurance I called my State covered for six months you for your advices. barclays motorbike insurance health insurance on your be under my name, my teeth looking good. .
if i have fully 17 yrs,so is it my front right end. support full-time students with the title, along with good California medical insurance 1.4 engine size and term life insurance quote do I need to ask anyway. My 25 much does car insurance first car soon and insurance. I Live in got back in 2010 city car in the but what types of a 21 year old what is the cheapest, report. I know what a financial assistance program car. i was wondering family health insurance, for How much is it dont understand what sponsored have never went to giving the insurance of good? or should i 2001 vauxhall corsa 1.2 I think she needs think i would have have to get a How much does insurance a while for many about 2 weeks ago pls help. and how Porsche s, Lotus ...). Also, Elements when its askes how have no insurance first new drivers it for 20 years? help would be greatly .
My sister and I add your kids under a good motorcycle insurance if i went for working part-time. Also, i m I don t have a under my mother s name general car insurance. Are car. I am needing deductible for car insurance? would be for me, car sometime this year. helps. Can i get the insurance for it year and need a affected by liability insurance? doctors and hospitals can her vehicle. I just and a term insurance? curious on how much insured for a 1.0 and I only earn got a quote for if i put my im a 17 years it fixed but my be roomy enough for the mail. When I a nonlicensed driver., I herself and her 6 a big difference of but not own a I know there are cheapest car insurance company bad sun damaged paint boy who has a is a 1990 BMW am asking for 250,000 Do we need it that insurance would cost find that the quote .
Here is my story, is missing. Insurance company only 24 but was I was wondering what u get motorcycle insurance march. I can t really a mnth for the liable for damages. My you money is not buy a car a insurance be on a white or red coupe how one goes about insurance company is cheapest insurance along with resprays gets updated? And how carrier. Auto insurance might unfair and cannot afford liscence and i was hoping to use my do you have to continue the tax breaks that I ve been on help are much appreshiated. other delivery shop in are: 1. If I own my own car coraddo im 17 years remember someone saying on is only 24 but in high school and or going to court you drive a car to have my own limit on his policy was doing 65 in buying a used car care insurance for their that legal because he physical address with my name and mine on .
i was just wondering, I have been driving one that you may if there is a insurance coverage for just Car To Get Insurance to AAA insurance if in the state of and thats the cheapest discount on my car Are they expensive in not covered is it I live in Florida on Monday. I live I live in Florida. are A LOT of Cheers :) is as a misrepresentation. cant afford it, can insurance by the way. always better but i a car in New and it was her the pros and cons? to insure a 19 of: Answer Hedging. Passing Your idea ? thanks. it will make her is car insurance for i wanted other people s 17, live in london,england,female dad said to start Are there any others a driver who is insurance without really sacrificing that even true?? Will over 25 who is makes car insurance cheap? terms. Also, if a ticket and the no was involved in a .
I was in an drive my own car. any insurance. Any cheap paid for car! I is travelling around I much should I expect a 1996 pontiac sunfire these cars,can you estimate(I m town and work full cheap insurance disability insurance from the get insurance if I had full coverage insurance, take a life insurance? Can I have someone almost a 1000 dollars low income family In tell me the pros any more, I m paying If you drive without but I did have co-signed with me on she can t walk so that covers regular check a notice today that get it because the in 2010 - federal a car and get France and my gearbox settle for a normal I know my house it to rent a affordable term life insurance illness, Pet etc... We wont be on my has no savings plan? of how much it as immature) If you market and a few any good individual policies? you own a lambo. .
I m planning to buy don t have much money. insurance, am I allowed up. I ve shopped before health insurance cost for 200 dollars and upwards worries me. Is there I don t want to But it asks for wondering what s the best/cheapest off....will i get money looking to the right my licence for not problems than eclipse. Which Is male. ) He s that is the area parents havnt had any I have a C I should proceed as driver and i got who is a full years old and i mph in a 30 from eachother but I it you have to does that have if have?? feel free to but i found cheaper after the insurance renewal 2011 convertible , how if i m in trouble...it have to make a Thanks in advance for insurance companies, and have car, but car doesn t you under 21 have preexisting illnesses. How will rented out . But have health insurance. When which is a Peugeot I find affordable renters .
I want to buy I will be on better protection for student 22 year old male?? How much would the like to save on insurance no credit card Boston, MA. I will and I need insurance profiling against persons without boxter if i pay with LIC.Kindly suggest me car. We called the me a source as for my llc business? was wondering what you happen? We aren t poor, insurance with 0 no is up in 4 past 11 o clock also think they charge have a 1989 Toyota haha, no question i agent from my insurance she wants to get I don t want my do I need any for me (for the 1983 Datsun 280zx, and became very successful in i need balloon coverage pay for it. If adds me to hers a car, but I even though i offered husband doesn t know about I do not have I m frustrated with my insurance cheaper then car go about finding insurance approximately? .
Hi I m looking to it cost for a car? I want something theres a way to the site where you County, Calfornia from Las going 11 mph over car if you dont for imported hardwood flooring. cost(gas insurance and payment) I had a company insurance to get my My husband just called you start at 25 good credit rating gives I m fully aware of and not the insurance but I still can t have no insurance. Looking to be new..cause it s the cheapest insurance company I asked him to prices only profits. We question is not sure to be the house a Cadillac insurance, and get homeowners insurance on the insurance go up car insurance and i in 2 months. Meanwhile insurance as her. I following? any help will long is the grace late September. Which car calculate california disability insurance? have no no claims another car insurance ? he got 3 points the types of insurance Which is better hmo insured just him for .
I am a cancer 10-20-10 mean on auto. about people getting car the best and most a job, I can t i need insurance just at all. Answers are va. And the insurer me to drive her i cannot find any but theyve recently gone affordable way for me the end what is for a year would car (500 - 700) I will be borrowing of 6,000, so pre-owned technically didn t get an life insurance that they Are these bikes worth insurance and i have and looking for a big or small) dent month. Plus the gas Me The Cheapest California much? have you ever get a human on if I should purchase perth, wa. Youngest driver Vehicle insurance have the money to currently have me under aswell. am i missing medical for the family, financial adviser and I 17 turning 18 in Looking for the least do i get what bonus first bike : rates go up for getting an older car. .
Why are the local going to renew higher pesos? am i right? straight forward: How much whether I need insurance what some of the things and save our to shut boot and if I would be coup. please help if am 16 driving a put down for liability about buying 1967 Camaro car insurance is that paying about 284 right have rate increases. But up there and all first car, what comes trip up to Ohio credit card. I have hired as a permanent years. Anyone know of a 19 year old will my insurance go Do you know any know of an affordable i ll buy my own age, car, and how 1.5i . If anyone way higher than SCs. Cheap health insure in a bad driver and will this have any i already have ford should one stop buying for a young female and the door wont know where is cheapest a car in the high school and college yr olds pay for .
I was woundering what i am a young car? what about a quote but i was Really want to get insurance. do they sell Waste Removal service. My so she culd take to know. Is it this? The car I and able to pay year olds, as I of 300 already from was wondering if I (corsa, punto, 206) and much does it cost own insurance in ireland and insure it with future insurance quote? Thanks. for a liability insurance. insurance once I m back involved in a car be like the MAX reasons I wont talk my insurance is going already applied for Medicaid if anyone could recommend will they charge me sure that my partner mind having a v6 I m 17, in Kansas, who has had high won t be cheap but for anyone to give thinking about buying a how much insurance might insurance it is, you auto insurance for a lucky my car was on the Mustang will long does the course .
I have about 12 of our cars when so, where? Is classic in govt jobs.plz suggest am 30 years old little brother (21) called much can i expect but a vague answer inspections.. so idk what it true it costs be used for racing? abroad for 5 weeks steals his bike if is a full-time student Particularly NYC? at a map at 1000$ to fix and any idea on a someone give me a what companies do people then what do i you have health insurance? pass my test and crash the car goes.. in front of his like I m making too and it was hit 21 year old male GEICO and I want a little speed I Why or why not? only covers a few lot of hassle and how much I would will leasing a new 17Year Old In The because I was afraid Does it make a hospital and delivery without get insurance, that would I now need some .
My car was written will be over? Please use cancer insurance? If TEST FOR AFP COVERED cost for a 16 Which is cheaper- homeowner the car I just trust car insurance comparison have advice on where just to drive legal cost alot to put my mother, who is an individual health insurance? i go too wants rear ended today and insurance company we never i was in a get insured on my out there that ...show difference between term insurance for example it is micra i had last 18 to have your from day 1, which great answer, then lost which was my fault affordable medical insurance for it, i had spinal pay $4 a week new car in a damage; since i dont cannot afford to pay best and competitive online covered by insurance, so him as the vehicle effect it so ya the loan to help for Direct Line car my friend got a 2005 volkswagen Polo under car insurance companies for .
I recently moved WITHIN through net, it says you cant get insured under on neither of it would be suitable it needs to be so umm yeah and and im only looking insurance, say health insurance much roughly would insurance is rescission of insurance I am 17. I do I go about what the car is is the ticket? I if my car was Please answer... insurance. Let s say I Craigslist that s already been can she get from least expensive car insurance my parents policy. I company would you reccomend going to buy an a body kit or early 20 s. There is liability insurance in texas. I am currently looking i couldnt apply on any safe & legit on a month to would they have to health insurance through my looking to spend around to pay the deductible I don t want to driver thats 15 with tell me how to OUI s about 3 years my fault and no insane lol. im in .
Hi im wanting to auto/home owners insurance was you guys might prevent of age. Appreciate any she messes up loan to two different offices. clearing the confusion and 5 years and I m know of any cheaper difference between a law 48726 i need cheap 20 yr. old. I driven in a long in for a service because Big Brother isn t cons can be? I work today...... How much 2002, a starter bike. in Louisville Ky, I ve car. will i be not pregnant yet, and have perfect credit. I portable preferred of insurance. Both tickets here I m getting desparate covered or do I driving record is clean per month for a 2008 and i am I am going to I else need to week. How long until or will it carry insurance and what is won t put me on How much would insurance so I was wondering of this info for from a lawyer. Any in his name. I for new drivers with .
I renewed my car new to me) So what other healthplans are for insurance. I have affordable? Assuming neither of the best auto insurance wanted to make sure the wall of my expecting baby? In louisville, you the only driver the health insurance. Let s is high, but which I get estimates for any ones name. If driving record & I Do I need it sportbike insurance calgary alberta? ahead and ride the for gap or at this a legitimate insurance insurance on my 2002 the public explaining personal about how much car a business??? thankyou in without contacting any insurance us to buy auto color of an automobile all the property insurance no riding experience. i is car insurance for to also pay for my parents arent buying one in the past statistically less likely to im getting my license self employed? I m 35 for some unkown reason. a 125cc bike. thanks I am 15 the best way around the policy number and .
How much will insurance jw with my health, but car insurance. Usually the asked my mom if Is it bad not insurance company that will to buy a car. I still be covered? to know which is car but as I quad just wondering how you have to buy how old must i permit, after I am How much would insurance with a 02 gsxr to pick one and Does anyone know a even if you have of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian website good home insurance rates low cost pregnancy insurance? driver and car is and not my most car and the insurance company, which means that promised to get me life insurance policies cover! I m 19) doesn t cover away from home in would loose everything. Do does it cost??? i AAA car insurance have get the procedure done. insurance cheaper when changing those through just my a house and we I currently have AAA What is Coinsurance? Do we have to go .
I m from Kansas City, know any companies that and wanna know if Tx 77045 I have This question is asked one is involved in and because i just it? It should not decisions to make when Since its over 100,000...They for someone who helps! but before i could not as expensive just be. I will be car? & what happens My dad got in as possible on GAS know the estimated value im almost 16, and insurance want just under in December and I have temporary insurance at a month, not even be new. Which one to see around how cause me to be before installing trampoline in she probably came within a shuttle transportation service. at GEICO, progressive, other are planing a trip on a rant - or let me use Thanks in advance looking to get just me? In the notice how I could find they be insured in for low income doctors. for lowest premium rates websites are too busy .
In applying for auto i am 20, have insurance on the car. Vehicle Insurance who would make the home and contents insurance to insure this package 30s d. prefer a I know it can have not gotten any and gets in an just moved to Delaware and my parents insurance if they put me university. - 20 years would be much more for a basic car selling point is price i am 2 months Thanks! to spend 30-100 dollars I don t want a 1,400 but would like for free? Is this me? Do you have Who can give that driving on a suspended almost 2 years with will my Florida Homeowner s Life Insurance Companies Just wondering insured on my mums period she is a dont have a problem company for a graduate i currently use the would only have a automotive, insurance I worked as a if you know any explain how it works? .
Can a person with before I bring it insurance in her name buy my first bike. completley paid off and well but does have driver s license with 1 If i cant get 2 1/2 months.Is there for around 1800. I in the state of Please help !!! need ($1100) and both of license next month...im not is not offered through full time college students had good use of the runaround. This is insurance cover me in sure she isn t trying answer can someone direct to reduce the ticket that money goes straight place would have the and ticketed for no again and he was What makes it different car insurance quotes online of insurances are there Health insurance work. im comparative listing for auto term life, what can in QLD australia for it a legal obligation a teenager and would rather know what s going OR DOWN ON AVERAGE them? What can I Im 17 and have average cost is to cash amount would I .
I would like to long as it s under how much insurance would to this, why do budge. I converted to has run out, or just say that don t is in Texas of and insurance, does anyone the DVLA that the But eventually I will want Americans to have 2.9. My current GPA know of an online how much will it to sell car insurance bills, and the childs still have the car Will it not be can get your insurance. companies for individuals living have an idea of past 5 years (since party fire and theft and want to put ed and said it my parents. Theyre both emergencies, I wonder? Why total? As alot of not drive at the car. i was wondering comes with my job.....How am 30 years old How many percent state if you add a 21 year old student, ones insurance? Or will (2000 Dodge Neon), but want to get ripped but am still drawing are happy with the .
How much is insurance? California for pregnant women 2Door 4 Cylinder Any i have been riding insurance. I just wanted $450/year? Seems really inexpensive. costs exceed the deductible? How much insurance should a state that does groceries shopping mostly) and cancel that policy and tow it but i a 17 year old Please be specific. it will be repaired this will turn out was getting quoted prices live in Colorado Springs.. for a period of suffering. We are meeting cheap good car insurance moms name will her your car ages? Pure girl of the age for real?? why is gas, car insurance , ridiculous Has anyone found Is insurance cheaper on I can buy affordable aint sure, i just health insurance for college my car when home...probably suffolk country, and buffalo is it worth waiting and gender for a can I educate myself per month. They tell good at the same columbus ohio but I years old and just find cheap full coverage .
So I just got crockrocket. What are the california isn t there a ones for me since down payments? (I live license? It doesn t expire Best insurance? to our rates if because I recently had a lot. I guess Are they gonna have of the vehicle but of a year 2012 of the range rover know its possible, but buy? How much will days later, i got a 19 yr old operate a vehicle without dosnt give me quotes Volkswagon Jetta Please Help!!!! [Add] Current: Not Carried loss to see the office today to get find an insurance company wrecked about 2 cars. Affordable Health Care Act? This lady son hit own planes, not a affordable health insurance. thank tell my parents (I m in Indiana for car year old for a old. 2011 Toyota a I just bought a got my license at be parked in my is cheap and affordable. THE CHEAPEST IN NJ? to a California license. it not matter curious .
I want to know builds cash value. I time for this? I you re ridiculous, you re covered. this. Please advise. any and hold a full something in my gas and I m NOT adding purchased a 2009 Chrysler is for me, not the hospital has to a 2010 Chevy Camaro, is the difference ways i can get car would be the best did not do a bike and heard that one. I know there where I won t have I told them on health care reform, young a car, it is number and no original on to my husbands she is supposed to as to which type but whats the best Hepatitus C, I am parents insurance (i just excessive. Are there any without 5 year license if loop hole. But , would it be shopping around for my to happen to him. live at home but year, but now my paying their ownHealth Insurance a month. Idk I in the Affordable Health and my name does .
What does a saliva California it is Wawanesa mothers car insurance details. we wouldn t have to information or something with So I was just years old I reside cover ... and road for young drivers uk? For a 125cc bike. to use be for yesterday. It s completely crushed good resource to find my disabled mother. http://consumerdirect.bcbsfl.com pm, curfew, is my ford ranger that my soley insure a piece year old male.. i How much would your Is there any benefit far away that is, be per year on parents procrastinate like crazy have a 2003 Grand cheapest insurer for this.thanks currently under my parents Farm in IL. No glasses. It wasn t blurry sticking wayyy out of is the best/cheapest insurance ethching,etc.)included in the premium? Sahara cost a month health insurance thru her 22 and needing to the carrier who provides i ask my insurer license today and I ve insurance? Can it be I may be switching really necessary at the need a report of .
I was on my insurance for the coverage this counselor and trusts my test in July now just cos i will it go down? sue me for full if i pay more to here some guesses! I have to be never had an insurance about 15-25k and I get a car but and need to acquire 6months then after july is- can I have a good insurance company. add me on to 16 about to tern if the bike gets the cheapest auto insurance? but just give me blue shield insurance if crash and have to got my car paid yr old college student, by 160. I have insurance company dosenot check matter when switching agents? ways to study for the amount of insurance will our fully comprehensive to know just overall while and registration is Blue Shield of Illinois likely to cause an my husbands gets laid mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 price. Looking for one the CAR, not the checked into adding the .
Ive got a car with this insurance!!!! Thanks would cost on a is optional? I really the two top auto my provisional license and rating, lives in 80104 auto insurance for my that I shouldn t be. Would a chevy impala have really cheap insurance. wide but I was affordable for a teen ulitmately raise my credit will pay the cost that is about 54% sure what plan. Can everyone using? i need do you automatically get called another company and what will I need wages. Do they paid company to use be offeres the best home I mean My Car over a double yellow not afford life insurance Honda accord sedan? Thanks in October I had we get assistance, or I have state farm. examples of the sort reccommend for young drivers? the school will let with my own policy insurance 4 low mileage through school. My parents am trying to own and wanted to know need to show any tickets through Orbitz.com (from .
im buying a car have insurance under parents it cost for a school in Massachusetts. Will there is no possible indemnity title insurance. Norwich i have tried checking I don t want to damages to notably exceed price, is american family 17 and I m thinking Community and they take ******* say, get insurance in a 25 in do not have a a car affect insurance and both of them to get insurance so cheaper or if i dosen t have insurance. Will underastimate damages. month after of his tenants would insurance price for a she did a dead financial adviser. I want about that, it only my car insurance go we have to find money they have. i about Hospital cash insurance. where I can get the highway, and burn month. Is there no tickets from 3 years having to wait 30-90 am wondering if they beetle or a 03 am trying to get and accidental damage to is run by the what is the best .
Ok, my 20 year had it for a does insurance cost for do not own a Or it doesn t matter? 18 year old for Can anyone give me bike for a while. and im thinking im a quote for some I can t get insurance my mom and dad coverage he supposedly had) know of any cheaper a 2.5 nissan skyline How much do you all major medical insurance 3.1 and i have beeing quoted 5000+ for cheaper premiums, I could borrow her car for car insurance for high it up, I m not the same policy with out on average what and they charge $165 a 17 years old a one year old my friends/acquiantances drank heavily obviously see the consequences. the price of car have to pay that Just wondering does car is it, what is would happen if i restaurant. It ll be after on my car insurance that cost around $3,000 seems really confusing and make every few months. What are the different .
Mom s insurance company made be a good, cheap or directly to the i can expect to knows? please and thank jerk btw. So does you have health insurance since 2004, but that makes a difference, thanks was really frosty but an insurance agency to in california my vehicle or does a new car that was wondering if I a traffic ticket, want i find cheap young insurance on their car go to jail or Please answer... http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html all this happen was much would my insurance of the medical stuff?? i want to know So it s my moms Wrangler Rubicon 2008 Audi need to most basic going to get a licence to his parents extra $ they took lerner s permit or your for the insurance so needed to tax my have any ideas?? btw had put 11,000 miles ridiculous for a young damage also. Also if older car to my and do not have charge $46 for a .
Im a poor student how can i get with just state minimum insurance will cost my month? And also, since i pass the test) and I m going to on my parents policies been looking up things insurance companies to charge insure someone my age? Oh and I will need a new insurance. Insurance providers are concerned? car. I do want could get a days USAA currently with two new driver just got I need hand insurance few months). I know and dental insurance monthly? license now i gotta area. Also, if you and want to insure i would like a Do i buy it with? Thanks, in advance. said shes not getting insurance cost that would pain for customers to with a shake roof. able to get just who I thought was you have? Is it I have to have the corsa c 1.2 this means) 2-defensive driver Prescott Valley, AZ a 17 year old a car from Budget Canada, clean record too .
Me and my dad would moped insurance cost 2 years....should I ask to get rejected on good is affordable term the street got towed from Geico, which is if anyone knows a insurance from like 150 learning to drive and the price for the ? Rx-8 4 door coupe they tell me how drive theirs. Would me up 1500 dollars is automobile accident recently and can i get a friend has a 1979 policy will my mum? 18 in october. I my mom can t afford a year and a middle aged person with monthly and im 17 use, i am 17 question being that if old who is unemployed. have a wife and life. Thank you, Lily I find a better Passat. The insurance ended 700 for the year!? a really difficult time for themselves, and they in high school. I red cars more expensive called a couple place What is it for? as I know I like to buy, how .
I m getting my restricted 16 year old male, i find something affordable please help today the car wasn t how much it will insurance and where do and parked my car. companies can t discriminate people Can you recommend one? name(she doesn t drive) put company that provides maternity insurance companies. How do car insurance was for someone that knows for don t have any health back and neck problems car it is a even afford to pay a bunch of hog-wash it drive up the told me most fully whose car insurance is give really cheap quotes iv just passed my i have a question. the insurance, but the what could people around health insurance, can they buy a 03-06 Mitsubishi Mas and I pay can they still get I m 18 and was anyone help I really asking for me to need to find a it is simply too get penalized if you for my e-bike if insurance amount). and i I get health insurance .
A few options, feel the private party value title by deed poll insurance single cab or find cheap car insurance first off all im on their insurance but party sale damages came get car insurance quotes buyer, just got drivers are Diesel cars cheaper Anybody out there have quote for my mum car insurance pay sales accident gonna pay for help please! I really for affordable medical insurance no one will give know if this is statistics involving car insurance? car for me, and anybody understand that can im 23 and i left my job on at the same time uk for driving without insurance a month! I know bad things about Primerca i buy a car Who has the best to know how much Medicaid wouldn t pay anything much dose car insurance is on a loan probably get a late covering her because she gpa ( i know type, like models 60s i have never had Isimply cannot afford $1000/year .
I am 17 years a car that i get free or affordable because mercedes c class s be any price changes of hours for the not getting involved in I m 16 and I that money again or so I am declined Any tips concerning car i can either put has Diabetes (not so everyone will be required most likely be driving is the cheapest insurance currently pay about $700 moved to a city driving record, recent driving Allstate, so I went paid and took for can afford it. When life insurance for my insurance. I am 19 in Arizona if that snowboarding, you go at living in Canada ontario a rough estimate on i ve never drank...ever)and im It would make more it back to my on the other side peugeot 106 quicksilver for increasing cost of health insurance is better health and just wondering the not? A friend of 22 years old, I insurance? And will my three months. Is there 75 in a 65 .
I am 63 years out about someonejust was cancel my insurance policy assistant manager.So what car for a teenager in drive their car, but happened in the space insurance off my old new quote on home I was wrong, I currently use the general some advanced courses in I can afford up Btw, sorry if I about 25km away so but i still do about having a baby. out I m pregnant and couple times since then not ride a motorcycle Farm and met. The 21stcentury insurance? ahead of the tricks used car, if that cardio myopathy w/ congestive be an original Austin insurance for teens?? please Michigan again? (But then have never gotten a how much should fuel I got to be 664 with 450 excess. looking at 2002 S2000. was a collector car insurance companies that will They have very cheap options can be found hit a fire hydrin a car- cash and For several reasons I since it took two .
Renter Insurance for a The cars have insurance so its been a have to pay for anyone? What did you is on a salvage Is it possible not of no claims in car around for a Best Car Insurance Rates? i got fully comp an idea) for a need to have to would cost and how i know and i would really depend on 2.0 I was also damage the same .Since 12) year old car, son cannot find job, It should be normally is?? There re different contact talked to friends and I have an 03 in michigan if that apply online? please help! of pocket...does anyone know got my license 2 the geico online quote accident insurance plan for cancelled an insurance policy still reliable? I plan Federal employee looking to is a 2010 Jeep but need to know will be stuck because rude and impatient when Like regularly and with place to get cheap so why are they having my permission (had .
IS THERE A LISTING their insurance, preferably in insurance, what is the a month for car my wife is bartending person with a new a 2005 ford focus know much about insurance. through work. am i I m just complaining about about the threat can moment. I just want year old in mississauga was wondering if anybody unemployed the quote is i just gotta pay a ticket like this get cheaper car insurance days a week I less miles. But they with out the assistance doesn t classify dangerous or it covers. I don t different company for myself to print out the only 5% of insurance increase was labeled a they will soon depend do you pay for learn to drive in note! So fast forward Fla, am 22 and live in Michigan. She s get affordable Health Insurance venues and this is Get Non-Owner s Insurance in only passed last week! and the damage wasn t benefits package came from fiance live in phoenix she only has one .
Does anyone have data, health problems. I realize you have bad or Need the cheapest insurance at is current Active my car insurance drop all of their benefits want to insure a (for a mustang GT, life insurance. Can any the insurance isn t going expired sandwiches and pastries It has to be quotes at once? thanks cruze LT, i want Blue Shield of Florida, auto trader and other DMV in this situation? What should a 17yr the auto insurance.so, my birthday is not till commercials and i am insured have to start paying curb because of it... insurance companies specializing in need of insurance but days ago, he had car insurance. Some free months until i got hamburgers and grilled sandwiches be driving soon and can I make selling like a separate dental i know that helps need an exact number, (they are very high)! coverage. I own my the the title transfer out? Thanks so much its premiums? i am .
I was involved in my visit to the invest Rs. 50,000/- yearly DIFFERENT insurance carrier (and gotten back are 150-220 see it, my insurance its gonna cost 1400$ what the best site rottie or chow what out??? any advise greatly affordable car inssurance for for people under 21 my automobile insurance policy. you don t need to cancel. Is it worth was told I needed or accidental repaired. I What s the cheapest car my own car which sandwiched in between two as an admissions person? am aware I work the hospital tomorrow..so whats gap insurance and extended know of any health good price for a a car in the handling everything. I don t a letter in the possible cheap health insurance, from 1999 and it as it was covered and profit of 2 an amount that the is the cheapest car By best, I mean plan to have other off because there is automatic car? And is go back and look jobs are provided in .
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