#jace and kit saw their fathers die (at least jace thought it was his father) and that was a huge thing for them
immortal-enemies · 2 years
What's so funny about the whole "Lightworm" joke tho
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The new Shadowhunter Academy (Fan Fic)
Chapter 4 (A very warm welcome) is out! Click here to read the fic from Chap 1.
It's part of my To never being parted series on AO3.
It has been three weeks since Kit and Ty reunited and confessed their feelings to each other. It also has been three weeks since Kit last saw his boyfriend. Yes, Ty is his boyfriend now, after all. And he misses him. Very much.
As Jace asks him a favour, i.e. replacing him as guest lecturer at the new Shadowhunter Academy in New York, Kit may just have the opportunity to see Ty again.
I am not posting the entire Chap 4 here on Tumblr as it has explicit content.
Sneak peek:
This is how I die, Kit thought as he tried to weave his way through the relentless waves of students touching and talking to him, as if he weren’t a mere stranger. He couldn’t even make out what they were trying to tell him, his ears ringing with the endless buzz of overlapping voices. So, he simply forced a smile and nodded noncommittally.
He knew there were a lot of rumours around the lost Herondale, and he had anticipated a few questions from curious students. Never in a million years had he expected to receive such a warm welcome. He vaguely remembered Simon warning him about the fact that the new generations of Shadowhunters, having mingled for a few years with mundanes from the “real world”, were very different from the previous ones. They had discovered social networks, influencers, and the building of a star-system… Only, they had substituted movie stars and famous singers with war heroes. Lily Chen had flourished in the Notorious Nephilim business. Drunk with the success of her Hot Shadowhunters Calendar, she had started producing posters and goodies that sold very well (that’s how Mina had gotten her baby-sized wooden replica of Cortana). Jace, Isabelle, Simon and Emma were mostly cool with it, but Clary, Alec and Julian, who were shyer, avoided the Academy and crowds in general. But why Kit? He wasn’t a war hero. He was barely an ordinary Shadowhunter. What had he ever done to deserve fame?
Kit halted in his escape, as a Nephilim boy suddenly jumped in his path, his expression eager as he thrust his arm forward. He would have been good looking if not for his fake tan, and the weird colour of his hair that he had attempted to dye blond. It didn’t suit him. At all. It took Kit a minute to realize what he was showing him. The tattoo of a huge heron took most of his bicep. Shit. That was awkward.
“Er- that’s a pretty bird,” Kit mumbled, his sarcastic tone somehow lost in translation.
“Can I take a selfie with you?” A blond girl asked him. She didn’t really wait for his answer though, and the flash of her iPhone blinded Kit for a second.
“Do you know that Brother Zachariah – well, Jem Carstairs now – gave my parents and grandparents their first Rune?” said a tall dark-skinned Shadowhunter boy wearing a huge black hoodie embroidered with the logo of the Shadowhunter Academy.
“Ah. Good for them,” Kit replied, failing to know what else to say. What the hell did they want from him?
“He must be such a great father.” The boy pursued.
“The best,” Kit replied, a little relieved he knew at least how to answer that one.
“Jace told us everything about you!” said a short dark-haired boy with a lot of acne, as he pushed his thick eyeglasses up his small nose. He wasn’t bearing Runes, so probably a mundane. Kit wondered if Simon was the one who had recruited him. He tended to go for the unexpected kind, and they usually turned out to be some of the best recruits. “You are like... the little brother he never knew he had. And living proof that someone who used to live as a mundane can become a great warrior in a short time with enough motivation, discipline and training. Any tips?”
He was spared from answering as a tall redheaded Nephilim girl popped out of nowhere to push the mundane aside and lay a hand casually on Kit’s shoulder. She whispered something in his ear. He caught only two words, but they were enough for him to get the gist. “Private” and “party”. She then slipped a folded paper in the pocket of his jeans, with the dexterity of a pickpocket - Kit would know - before she disappeared in the crowd.
“Yes, he speaks so highly of you,” said a brunette wearing braces as she stepped in front of him. “He told us we would get to see you at the Academy some day! We hadn’t expected it to be so soon!”
JACE, Kit thought. I am going to KILL him. I am going to chop him into small pieces, grind him into Herondale flour and bake Herondale cookies out of him.
Click here for full Chapter 4 (Warning - explicit content).
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CONGRATULATIONS CONGRATULATIONS @naerysthelonesome FOR REACHING 200 AND HAVING A BIRTHDAY!! you deserve all the celebrations! i heard and frantically started writing this because who doesn’t want a little more Kit and his family?
Kit misses Ty, he really does, but there are moments in his new life where he’s happy. Like, actually happy. He has a family, he has a little sister, he has parents that teach him things that aren’t about pickpocketing.
But damn does he miss Ty. He misses all of the Blackthorns. really. He wants Julian to ask every morning what the plan for the day is, he, for some reason, wants Emma’s grumpy bacon and coffee thievery, and he can’t help but miss Dru teasing him for hiding under the covers during one of their late night movie binges.
Kit thought that it would take forever to get used to calling Devon his home, but that’s honestly what it is. It’s more of a home than anything with Johnny ever was. Tessa and Jem are more than he deserves, and he’s a firm believer that Mina is the peak of humanity. He’s determined to be good enough for them.
That’s how he’s found himself in charge of babysitting for Mina while they go on a much needed date night with Jace, Clary, Magnus, Alec, Izzy, and Simon.
Jace and Clary arrived at Devon earlier today and have been milling about, Jace in the weapons room with Tessa and Clary to the greenhouse with Jem. Kit didn’t want to intrude (he’s still trying to figure out how to deal with the adopted parent’s friends who are also legit hero’s situation), and he would die before he tried to eavesdrop on any conversation ever again, but he hears Jace and Tessa talking about some past dead Herondale.
“-really didn’t look much like you. His hair was black and his eyes were blue, but I swear it must be a Herondale thing to have those eyes.”
“Stunning good looking ones?” Tessa’s laugh is one of Kit’s favorite sounds, unashamed and gentle like the rest of her. God knows she been through enough to be able to laugh like that, even if it’s just at Kit’s stupid dad jokes.
Her reply is characteristically insightful. “Ones that, once you know them, give away everything. Lucie and James had them too. So does Kit, no matter how hard his father tried to train it out of him.”
“Keeping up the winning Herondale father legacy, of course.”
“It wasn’t always like that, but that’s how it seems now, isn’t it?” At this, Kit walks into the room. When he walks in Jace winks at him (Or at least, tries to. He hasn’t quite perfected it yet), so he’s ninety-nine percent sure that Jace knew he was there the whole time, but Jace does that a lot so he’s not positive.
“Hey, guess what I got you at the shadow market.” Jace turns towards Kit ruffling his hair. Kit tried to dodge, but Jace clamps an arm around his shoulders and holds him in place.
“Weapons? Books? Some ancient rune cursed to make me never love again?”
“Christopher, that was the most Herondale thing I’ve ever heard anyone say, and I live with...myself.”
“Good finish, cowboy.” Clary is carrying Mina on her hip, Jem following behind her with an amused look.
“Is that what the kids are using these days?” Wonders Jem, taking Mina from Clary and walks over to one of the sword racks, letting her ooh and ahh at the golden and silver hilts.
“No, that’s a Clary original right there. She’s trying this whole new thing, best to not get into it.” Despite his teasing, Jace is looking at Clary with what can only be described as heart eyes.
“Best for your face not to get into it.”
“Good one, honey.” Their banter makes Kit smile, and he can see Tessa’s fondly exasperated expression.
“Oh, Kit, did Jace give you our gift? Don’t answer that, I know the answer. Here,” she reaches into Jace’s pocket and takes out a small golden necklace. Hanging from it is an oval-shaped, ornate locket. “We figured that you would want something to keep you close to the people you care about. There’s already a picture of you, Tessa, Jem, and Mina that Izzy took.”
“I wanted to put one of just me, but Clary thought it would mean more if we used the other picture.” Clary drops it into Kit’s hand, and Kit clasps it around his neck, savoring the weight.
“This is- I don’t know what to- thank you.” If anyone notices his stuttering they don’t say anything. Tessa and Jem are used to it anyway.
“Of course Christopher. We know how much family means.” Jace claps a large hand on his shoulder as he walks over to Jem. “Should we ahead out? I’m sure Kit can’t wait to have this little one to himself, a little sibling bonding. That reminds me of a game Izzy, Alex, and I used to play where we saw who could hang from the highest beam for the longest. You could play that.”
“Jace.” Tessa has the decency to look a little abashed on his behalf. “She’s five.”
“When I was five-”
“Nope. We’re not going there right now. Come on, I’ll get the portal started.” Clary, Tessa, and Jem follow Clary out of the room.
Jace walks over to Kit before he walks out. “If you ever need a training partner you know where to find me. I’m also great for love advice, so do with that what you want.”
Kit’s smile creeps up on him the way it always does when Jace talks to him. “Of course. We can see who can hang from the highest tree in the greenhouse for the longest.” Jace looks absolutely overjoyed at the prospect of hanging from a tree.
They walk together to the main room, Tessa and Jem handing Mina to Kit. She goes easily, smiling and holding around his neck, mumbling something that sounds like “brother.”
“Kit, have a nice night. I’m not going to tell you her bedtime because you’re not going to listen, just try to be a little smart. No Goodfellas or The Shining.”
“I have no clue what those are,” comments Jace as he disappears into the portal.
“Damn shadowhunters.” Tessa goes through next, followed by Jem, and finally Clary, who gives Kit a lazy salute.
“Hey, Mina baby,” singsongs Kit, “Let’s go to the garden. I’ll show you some of Mama’s favorite flowers.”
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roseherondale · 4 years
In the Hands of the Enemy
Summary: Whumptober Day 2. Jace has a decision to make.
Word Count: 1151
Warnings: Major character death, violence, blood, kidnapping
Read it on AO3 here
It was one of the worst situations he had ever been in, and Kit had been raised by a neglectful father, had watched said father be ripped to pieces by demons, had fought ancient faerie warriors and won, and had been kidnapped by other faeries defending them.
This time, they had found themselves a warlock who considered himself a psychologist camping out in a quiet neighbourhood in Brooklyn, and it being a routine search, Jace thought he would take Kit along for some experience.
At the time, he had been ecstatic. Now, Kit just wished he was back home with Tessa, Jem and Mina, cuddled on the sofa and watching movies with hot chocolate. Though, he guessed this is what he deserved for choosing to go to New York for his study year.
Now, he was stood with Jace and Alec in a small room, back against the wall, as Jace decided whether he wanted to kill his parabatai or honorary little brother more. The sword in his hand had a jagged edge, and Kit couldn't help but wince at the thought of how painful it would be in his chest.
"I'm not choosing." Jace said, crossing his arms.
"You have to." Alec said. "You heard what the warlock said." He had been very clear with his instructions; Jace had to kill one of them. If he killed nobody or himself, they would both die. Kit had been disappointed that he turned out to be evil; he had looked like Gandalf, and Kit had been half-expecting to be whisked away on a magical journey. He supposed it was kind of like that, just with the loom of death more personal and terrifying.
"What if I just wait here until someone comes to rescue us?" Jace asked.
Alec glanced at the clock, showing the one remaining hour that Jace had to decide. "Magnus is in a Downworld council meeting for another three hours and we've not been gone long enough to cause any worry. I don't see a way out, Jace." His voice became gentle towards the end.
"I won't choose between you."
"You have to choose me." Kit said. "If you choose Alec, a piece of you dies too, and he has kids."
Jace looked pained. "Kit, don't. Your life is worth something. Tessa, Jem and Mina love you, we all love you. I can't kill you."
"You're going to have to." Kit repeated, faking nonchalance, though he was touched that Jace cared about him. It would be easier for all of them if he didn't.
"I'm not letting some random warlock tell me what I have to do." Jace set his jaw.
"Jace, just get it over with." Kit said.
"No, don't. Kit's still just a kid, kill me instead." Alec moved so that he was stood in front of Jace.
"Alec." Jace sounded appalled, and he turned away from him, as if he couldn't bear looking at him anymore. He began to pace the small room. It was bright white and clean, with a window set into one wall, which Jace had already tried to smash, and a door in one side. Jace had also tried kicking it down.
"What about your..." Alec asked Kit, referring to his magic but not saying it in case the warlock didn't know.
"I tried; I can't control it enough yet." Kit sighed. He had tried, but the familiar feeling of it hadn't come, as if the room was draining him of his energy.
He let himself wonder what death would be like. At least he would be back with his mother, Rosemary. But now, he saw Tessa as his mother and Jem as his father, he didn't need to go back to his birth parents. It was cruel that he finally had the family he needed, and now he was going to be ripped from them.
The clock had ticked down further. They had half an hour left.
"Jace, please." Kit begged. "We're running out of time; you two need to get out of here."
"No." Alec said, shaking his head. "Jace you cannot kill a child."
"I'm not a child." Kit protested. "And you can't kill your parabatai. There has to be some sort of rule against that, right?"
They ignored him.
More time passed, each minute making Kit realise that he was the one who needed to die. Alec had a husband and children; it would be cruel for him to be ripped away. And Kit, well Kit had a family, but they would move on from his death. Tessa had survived the deaths of her actual children before, and she would do the same when she learnt about Kit's death.
Jace had sunk down the wall, under the window, and put his head in his hands. He sobbed silently, but Kit couldn't bring himself to comfort him. Alec sighed, then sat beside him and placed his arm around him, a true brotherly gesture, nothing like Kit cowering in the corner because he didn't know how to deal with it.
The knife lay on the ground, a metre from where Jace was. Kit moved forwards, and before he or Alec knew what was happening, the knife was in his hand.
"Kit." Jace said, looking up. Kit had never seen Jace look so broken, with tear tracks down his red cheeks. "Kid, please don't."
"I have to. If I don't, then you're going to lose Alec and part of yourself." Kit felt tears spring to his eyes as he spoke, and Jace rose to his feet. In a fluid motion, Kit angled the knife towards his stomach.
"I lose part of myself if you die too." Kit sobbed, but he held the knife steady, and tears fell freely down his cheeks. "Hey, don't cry. Just put down the knife, okay?" He stepped forward, but Kit's arm was shaking. Before he could push it in, Jace was there, wrestling the knife from Kit's hand, and sliding it behind them on the floor.
He wrapped his arms around Kit, and he buried his face in the leather jacket. Jace shushed him gently, whispering that it would be alright. He turned them around, so that he could face Alec, but Kit didn't notice. Jace drew soothing circles in between his shoulder blades and shifted slightly. He heard footsteps behind him, and Alec was there, placing a gentle hand on the back of his head.
For a moment, everything was peaceful, and Kit felt comforted by his family. Then, Jace pulled back and stared at him, crying, as he pushed the knife into his stomach.
The pain felt like fire, and he staggered backwards, but Jace was adept at killing, and it wasn't long before everything began to fade. He stumbled to the ground, and Jace caught him, pulling him into his lap.
"I'm sorry, little brother. I love you, Kit." Then, everything became dark.
I’m sorry. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it (but if you did...) If I had to suffer through writing this, you had to suffer through reading it :’) Maybe I’ll write something nice at some point to make it up to you all. Sorry!
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thebookomens · 4 years
Reaction to Ghost of The Shadow Market by Cassandra Clare
At first, I wasn’t too excited to read Ghosts of the Shadow Market, which is why it took me so long to read it. I just couldn’t bring myself to read it. But I was surprised, although not all the stories marked my attention the majority of them did. No going to lie Cecil Montclaire I was not excited to read about, but I stan now.
Cast Long Shadow:
●      I had liked Matthew from the first time we meet him in Nothing but Shadows and I had heard the rumour that he was Gideon’s bastard, which in my mind the only way that happened is if both Henry and Charlotte knew they wouldn’t be able to have more children and were willing to try other ways. I did not, however, envision that he would go that far to have answers.
●      I loooooooooove Jem.
o   I was so happy to see him being protective of his friends’ children.
●      Matthew, unlike our other heroes, is extremely naïve when it comes to the hate downworlders have towards Nephilim or at least that is the impression I got. Especially for the time, he lives in, which is still only about a decade after the Accords are put in place. It kills me though to have seen his innocence killed the way it was, trusting the wrong faerie.
o   Also, that old fairy can take her potion and drink it. I did not, however, realize how important she was. Which is what I love in the end about this book, how the plot in every story is linked.
Every Exquisite Thing:
●      This was definitely the hardest one for me to read, maybe because the character of Anna that we were being given was so different from what we knew about her. She had none of the confidence and swagger we had heard or seen before.
●      However, I loved Cecily and Gabriel in this one, maybe more than I ever had. Mostly because we get to see them as adults and how supportive they are of their children: Christopher likes to blow stuff up? let’s help him, as long as it’s not our house he blows up; our daughter is a lesbian who wants to look good in pants Gabriel and Cecily argue over what colour of pants would look better on her.
o   Although I liked Ariadne, and can understand her point of view, I am happy that Anna refuses to hide who she is and simply marry a man that will try and understand her.
●      I can’t help but wonder however what happened to these Lightwoods, rebellious and accepting to turn them into Robert Lightwood and his parents.
●      Now about the bigger plot, it did intrigue me that we at this point know more than Jem about what he is looking for, but still know very little in actuality. We don’t know much about Kit’s mother or his ancestor.
●      Overall, this one had very little to do with the First Heir storyline and we instead find Jem chasing Tessa’s mysterious father, which probably means said demonic father will be important to the Last Hour storyline. But this is just a guess.
Learn about Loss:
●      I think the title has a bit to do with the fact we find out about the lost Herondale and the first Heir that were, at that time using, the last name Loss.
o   Might also have to do with Jem coming to terms with Will’s imminent death.
●      Looooooved Sister Emilia and I hope we see her again, maybe her meeting Jem with Tessa and little Mia and Kit. But I just want to see how badass she became.
●      I hate that Will is close to death and Jem can’t be with him like he wants, although I knew he would eventually die, I am firmly staying in denial.
●      That last scene of them together was beautiful though.
●      Overall, this is when we are really introduced to The First Heir plot before Jem was chasing for Tessa’s father, but now he starts looking for the lost Herondales. This one and Deeper love is kind of an ending the the ID and LH Crew.
A Deeper Love
●      Jem and Tessa!!!!!! Together!!!!!
o   But also mourning Will which makes me sad.
●      This story is maybe a couple of years after Will’s death, Tessa is trying to move on, but can’t stay in London and watch the rest of her family die, so she enlists.
●      Tessa and Catarina getting to have a friendship and help people at the same time is awesome.
●      Jem is reckless and gets hurt, but then we get to see him and Tessa, so it is worth it.
●      Jem knowing, he can’t be with Tessa right now is heartbreaking, but true.
●      Jem and Tessa find out the story about the Lost Herondales from Catarina.
●      Overall, I am going, to be honest, this one I did not really like, maybe because it is just after Will’s death, I don’t really know why. But it is kind of a transition from Will and Tessa as a couple to Jem and Tessa.
The Wicked Ones:
●      First Off, this is the first one where we read about Jem not understanding feelings or remembering them and it gutted me.
●      Meeting Céline was beautiful. I had never had a good opinion of her before and finally getting inside her head was worth it. I apologize for never giving her a second thought before, she is such a strong and sad person who deserved the world, who deserved finding someone who would have loved her, and I saw some of Jace in her. Their absolute love and bad sense of morals, their weakness for a place to belong and their empathy towards downwolders.
o   Good riddance with her parents.
●      The way Valentine manipulated her and used her is sickening. Far more than with any of the others.
●      Stephen Herondale how are you a descendant of Will and James??????!!??!?!?!?!?
●      Meeting Rosemary was… enlightening. She loved fiercely, her distrust of shadowhunters is understandable.
o   She is definitely not someone I would want to cross.      
●      Overall, I loved this one, more than the ones before. Meeting Céline and Rosemary, two women willing to do evil for their love is a beautiful parallel. Two strong women who were almost saved, but eventually chose love over anything. It is even more heartbreaking by Jem trying to remember the feeling because he had it once.
Son of the Dawn:
●      This is really the story where we only see Brother Zachariah at the beginning, until the institute where we finally see Jem surface. We really get to see how being a silent brother is killing Jem.
●      Raphael and Lily are awesome and deserved better.
o   I didn’t realize how much I miss Raphael and him refusing to admit to having friendships.
o   I wish I had Lily Chen’s ability to come up with nicknames, which is a superpower.
●      Yin fen…. How is that shit still around??? Why hasn’t someone destroyed it???? You have to have no morals to sell that shit.
●      Baby Lightwoods!!!!!!!!!
o   The fact 12-year-old Alec had a crush on Raphael is awesome.
o   Baby Max is adorable and so beautiful
o   Little Isabelle is as fierce as her older self.
o   Tiny Jace deciding on his parabatai the moment he saw him makes me happy.
●      I love the fact that Jace was able to remind Jem of Will and Tessa, bring him back from the emotionless state of the Silent Brothers.
●      Suddenly my dislike of Robert and Maryse returned. The way they spoke to Raphael is disgusting.
●      Overall the story is not that important to the plot of the First Heir and Kit, but it does give us an insight into Jem having to fight to remain human and remember why he became a Silent Brother, to in the end be saved. We also get to see the old crew (minus Simon, Clary, and Magnus) as they were still innocent children.
The Land I Lost:
●      I loved this story, mostly because we get the Lightwood-Banes, and Alec being the badass he is.
●      Lily Chen is a hilarious and beautiful person and I sooooo wish we had seen more of her during the Mortal Instruments and can’t wait to see more of her in Wicked Power and The Eldest Curse.
o   Alec and Lily’s friendship is wholesome and deserves more pages honestly.
o   Alec understanding, he has privileges and using it was awesome.
o   The fact that Lily totally knew Alec once has a crush on Raphael.
o   I think that almost every downwolder has one Nephilim that makes them see Shadowhunters in a different light. For Magnus there was Will, Tessa had the London Institute, Kieran had Cristina, Gwyn had Diana, and Lily has Alec (and kind of Cordelia Carstairs).
●      Feral Rafael!!!!!!!
●      The fact Alec did not realize he had adopted Rafael warms my heart
●      Max being soooooo happy to have a sibling filled my heart.
●      Magnus having his moment with Rafael where he just knew, the same way Alec did with Max.
o   I do like the parallel with both.
●      We finally learn about the old Faerie that gave Matthew the potion that hurts his mother and let me tell you: she can cram her Herondale-anger down her throat and choke on it.
●      Jem and Tessa!!!!!! Finally, happy!!!!!!
●      Juliette is a queen and not just of the Shadow Market.
●      I really love how the storylines and the books are converging more and more. With Juliette and her daughter from the Eldest Curse, Mother Hawthorn and Kit’s storyline.
●      Overall, I loved this story not only because we had Alec and Jem with Tessa, but mostly because we get to really see Alec as the man that would move heaven and hell to make the world a better place for his family.
Through Blood, Through Fire:
●      This one was not that interesting other than for the details we got about Rosemary since it centers on a story that we already know the ending too. We simply get the final details of Kit’s background.
●      As a character I loved Rosemary, someone who would do anything to be free and at the same time would lock herself up for her son. If only Johnny/Jack could have loved his son as much.
●      Getting Rosemary’s backstory does let us understand her distrust of shadowhunters and how much she loved Johnny/Jack.
●      Overall, we finally get the last bits of detail of the First Heir storyline.
The Lost World:
●      Baby Mia.
o   I really just want to talk about baby Mia, but other than her almost getting possessed, she is not really the focus of this novel.
●      Livy, I fear will become a problem in the future, I feel like she might lose control at some important moment, but that just might be me being negative.
●      I really want to know what the Dimmet Tarn is and what it can do.
o   I can’t help but think it’s some kind of passage to the afterlife and that’s why Livy is going towards it.
●      I already love Irene and can’t wait to see more of her in the future. The fact that she can feel ghosts and other creatures will be useful.
●      Poor Ty, I feel like he is trying really hard to punish himself and he can’t understand the emotions he is feeling, so he is just assuming he did something wrong.
●      Idris News: I honestly thought that locking themselves up in Idris was the stupidest thing the Cohort had ever done. They can’t hunt demons; they can’t get imports of food and they are totally cut off from the world. How exactly are they going to survive??? The fact they actually have a plan and want to wreak havoc makes sense, but I feel like they are still outnumbered and outgunned.  
●      Good to see Magnus being the most adult adult.
●      Overall, I liked this one, didn’t love it, but it was nice to see the characters. I feel like some points here will be important in Wicked Powers, like the Idris’ News and Dimmet Tarn. Also, Mia.
Forever Fallen:
●      Probably the one I was the most excited about reading other than the Land I Lost.
●      I love the idea of Thule and the characters having to be brought into the canon universe to fight Janus.
o   I can’t wait to see Thule Simon. I mean this is a Simon who has pretty much lost everything and is trying to kill someone who could have once been his friend.
●      The fact we got to see a day in the park for the Lightwood-Banes was probably my favourite part.
●      I got scared when Max was talking to Janus.
●      I feel like Lily Chen and her deal with Janus is going to end horribly, I want to think she is smarter than that, she was taught by Raphael after all, but love makes idiots of us all. So, there might be a plan there, but I am not sure.
●      The way Janus thinks reminded me of when the group was shown their deepest desires but twisted when they went to Eden. He lost everything and more than anything wants to protect those he considers family but isn't capable of understanding emotions anymore or morals.
●      The Carstairs-Gray household is wholesome and loving and I adore them.
o   The fact Kit finally has parents that love and support him.
o   I love how much Jem and Tessa consider Kit their son.
o   Mia and Kit!!!!!!!!!!!!
●      However, I do feel like the ending was ominous towards the fact the Kit will eventually have to become or do something because of being the descendant of the first heir. They said he wasn’t an heir technically, but he did throw the Riders across a field in QOAAD, therefore I think he has more power then they imagine but it's locked inside of him.
●      Overall, I loved it, it leaves us wanting more of the MI and AD crew, for which we will have to wait and foreshadow that the First Heir storyline will be important to Wicked Powers. I love the way it ties the plot of the entire book, which was finding and protecting the First Heir into Jem and Tessa finally getting their happy ending with their two beautiful children.
I love pretty much anything Cassandra Clare writes especially in the Shadowhunter world. I would recommend this book, mostly because it ties into the storyline we will be reading in Wicked Powers and gives us an insight into Matthew and Anna, as well as the fact that Tessa’s demonic father will be important.
It is a nice between while we read The Last Hour series and wait for the Wicked Powers.
In cases like this series you pretty much have to read all the books, because sometimes there are small details that are important to the whole storyline in every book and novel, however, individually I would recommend:
●      The Wicked Ones:
●      The Land I Lost
●      Forever Fallen.
For the Last Hour Storyline:
●      Cast Long Shadows
●      Every Exquisite Thing
For the First Heir Storyline (The reason I separate this one from Wicked Powers is that it doesn’t foreshadow anything about the storyline it just explains the First Heir, but the First Heir will probably be important to the Wicked Powers Storyline):
●      Learn about Loss
●      A Deeper Love
●      Wicked One
●      The Land I lost
●      Through Blood, Through Fire
The Wicked Powers Storyline:
●      The Lost World
●      Forever Fallen
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chicagocityofclans · 3 years
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Minsky Edison → Charles Michael Davis → Witch
→ Basic Information 
Age: 1268
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight 
Powers: Neuromancy
Birthday: October 30th��
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio 
Religion: Buddhist 
→ His Personality
Minsky is approachable and friendly, able to easily bond and make friends with everyone, despite their species. He is courageous and an easily excitable individual. He has a great passion for his work and a tendency to ramble off when describing his findings or hypotheses as a Neuromancer and Council member. Minsky takes his role as a Council member and mentor seriously. He enforces the rules the Council made without fail. Although, Minsky also genuinely care for his mentees and friends, willing to find loopholes or help them plead their cases. He likes to have fun and enjoys being a witch; he takes pride in who he is. Over the years Minsky has gained great leadership skills, his intelligence goes beyond his powers, and his altruistic nature has him ready to go and save a complete stranger at the bat of an eye. None of this which curb his competitive streaks. Minsky enjoys flaunting around his knowledge.
Possibly because of his lack of paternal care growing up, Minsky has a strong parental instinct towards his biological kids and those he gained during his marriage. After losing his only biological son, Minsky's attitude become quiet and subdued, at the same time angry and upset, having lost his child due to an inheritance on his part and a failed marriage.
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: Mentor and Shield Master   
Scars: None
Tattoos: Multiple
Two Likes: Beautiful Surroundings and Privacy
Two Dislikes: Slackers and Shallow Relationships
Two Fears: Being forgotten and Becoming a ghost
Two Hobbies: Tai Chi and Collecting/Listening to Vinyls
Three Positive Traits: Romantic, Altruistic, Joyful
Three Negative Traits: Know-it-all, Over-confident, Strict (Teaching)
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
Darna (Mother): Minsky has a difficult time remembering his mother, her face, and his previous name and last name. However the word Darna is clearly imprinted in his mind. He remembered feeling fondness for his mother, and thinking of her those nights after leaving for sea.  
Sibling Names:
Children Names:
Lee Cyto Rinker Jr (Step Son): Kudzai's oldest son who is 1018 years old. Kudzai has a strained relationship with her eldest due to how similar he is to his father. Minsky has tried to be as available to him as possible, and they have formed a cautious friendship. Kudzai has a habit of being exceedingly hard on her offspring, and Lee is no exception. 
Cristae Zephyr Rinker (Step Daughter): Kudzai's oldest daughter who is 980 years old and responsible for the no-offspring mentoring rule. Minsky gets along with Cristae the least of his step children, but he makes an effort to reach out on important days. 
Krebs Jay Rinker (Step Son): Kudzai's middle son who is 364 years old. He is Kudzai and James Thomas' son. Kerbs is Kudzai's least favorite child but Minsky mainly thinks he needs direction. Something he is well aware Kudzai couldn’t give him, for the sake of her own sanity. He found him a job and mentor in Seoul,  and heard he’s doing well in his Master levels. 
Hondria Edison Rinker (Daughter): Kudzai and Minsky's only daughter who is 119 years old. She is a talented Projector and was trained by Minsky himself. Despite his advanced age, Hondria was the first child Minsky ever had. He considered himself too much of a risk to have many close personal connections. He could die at any point, and thought he may be better remembered as a leader and mentor, rather than a father. When he held her for the first time however, everything made sense. He could leave as much of his knowledge in the world as possible, but Hondria and Kudzai and their family was his legacy. He vowed to her when she went to sleep the first night that he would be there as long as he possibly could for her. They are still incredibly close and it broke his heart when she left for her advanced levels. He teleports to see her often, but it’s not what he’d imagined all those centuries ago.
Jamie Edison Rinker (Son): Kudzai and Minsky’s youngest son died in his sleep at the age of 17. They came into Jamie’s birth so confident, much more than Hondria’s, assuming he’d be a mental or maybe another biokinetic. When they discovered he was like his father, it suddenly felt like Jamie had been placed into a box with a bomb in it and any movement would set it off. Both Kudzai and Minsky attempted to go on like things were normal. Jamie was energetic and brilliant; the light of his mother’s eye. And Minsky began to see the box and the bomb go away and suddenly a glimmer of hope swelled in him. If it was genetic, and Minsky had been alive for over a millenia who's to say Jamie wouldn’t share the same fate? He still remembers the day Kudzai found him in bed, having died in his sleep. It destroyed him to his core. He prayed that day and so many others afterwards to just switch him for Jamie. He’d had the life he was meant to have; Jaime’s was cut too short. Minsky and Kudzai separated shortly there after; neither one able to forgive Minsky for his part in it.
Romantic Connections:
Kudzai Rinker (Separated Wife/Woman he loves): Minsky believes himself too old to buy into the idea of soul mates, but there is something that has pulled Minsky and Kudzai towards one another for centuries. Too many chances of being in the same place at the same time; too many opportunities to go back to one another. Minsky has never loved anyone the way he loves Kudzai. Her brilliance, and snark, and steadfast beliefs; everything makes her who she is. Losing Jaime devastated them and there was no way either of them could heal together, but Minsky thinks there may be a spark left for them somewhere. A real shot, not just a brief reconnection when the world becomes too lonely. He’ll wait until the end of his days for that woman.  
Platonic Connections:
Fiona Kekoa (Mentee): She is only 21 years old, but Minsky is training her in case he dies before they turn 50. She has taken extensive notes on his routines and processes so she may keep his work going if he dies.
Catherine Barr (Mentee): Despite Cat’s beliefs, Minsky completely understands what it’s like to lose a child. However, that’s no excuse to unravel different universes. He’s willing to be sympathetic, but if he finds anything more concrete in her head, he will not hesitate to bring her in front of the council for judgement. 
Nikita Platt (Mentee): Minsky finds Nikita refreshingly genuine, especially for a Mnemokinetic. He could see it in her mind, well before she turned 50 and was glad to offer her a spot under his tutelage. Her memory acting up so much already concerns Minsky, but he is willing to assist her with whatever she needs to grow her power. He has already purchased a tracking kit to help her keep track of her keys and phone, and is trying to get her into the habit of putting appointments into her phone so she doesn’t forget them. 
Simon Lee Weyden (Future Mentee): Given that he is still alive for Simon’s next level, Minsky has agreed to take him on. He has potential, and unlike many mentors he isn’t prejudiced against Tantric Manipulators.
Rhiannon Draga (Council Member): Minsky has a lot of respect for Rhiannon and considers her a close friend. He is glad she finally found her happiness with Fallon, Alucard, and Vladimir. Before, he often wondered if the melancholia may over take her. Fortunately, he was proven wrong and happily saw her wedding and met her children. 
Ronan Cleirigh (Council Member): Minsky and Ronan have been friends for a long time. They can both shimmy in and out of each other's shields, making it easier for Minsky to trust Ronan more than their peers. Their friendship has been a little hard on Minsky as of lately, knowing Ronan hates Kudzai with a passion.
Jace Cicero (Council Member): Jace and Minsky often agree with one another when it comes to council decisions. They tend to keep their cool even when more fiery members of Council do not. The only thing they do not agree upon is Jace’s dating of his mentee, Cat. Minsky is concerned that if Cat needs to be put on trial for any illegal use of her power, that Jace may be swayed by whatever feelings he has for her.
Eric Lasiter (Best Friend): Minsky often finds a weight being lifted off of his shoulders whenever Eric is around. Eric's energy and mind sings to Minsky like fairy tales of muses. Eric was a huge help when Minsky lost Jamie and separated with Kudzai. While they might not be the best at time management when it comes to getting together but when it happens, time seems to melt around them.
Averill Sookram (Ally): Minsky exonerated Averill for a crime by looking through his mind. Minsky has been on Averill’s side for centuries. His exoneration created one of the worst fights between him and Kudzai in the past 3 centuries, but he wasn’t willing to let an innocent man be punished for something he didn’t do. 
Sydney ‘Sid’ Velanica (Distant In Law): Minsky is more accepting of those with the Rinker mark than his wife, Kudzai. Minksy never doubted Sidney and even offered to mentor him before Sid chose Jia. Minsky supports Sid's relationship with Sada.
Sol Alfaro (Old Friend): Minsky can honestly say that he has never been friends with an animal shifter until Sol. Sol has lost his wife and went down a dark path of turning to magic to fix the problem. Having seen a lot of death in his time. Minsky advised him against using magic or contacting a necromancer, as a replacement of dealing with his loss. At first, Sol did not take it well but Minsky somehow kept finding him and offering his guidance and friendship. It's been nearly 150 years and they still keep in contact.
Tristan Lawton (Acquaintance): Kudzai has recently informed the Council that one of her mentees may have been misplaced as a Biokinetic. Kudzai is unsure about him being a Biokinetic and believes he may be something else or something new entirely. Minsky and Ronan have been doing research to try and help figure it out before Tristan can do more damage in the wrong field.
Hostile Connections:
→ History (paragraph(s) on background) → The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
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jcmorgenstern · 5 years
Rambly not-review of QOAAD
Lol so tumblr is on fire and so am I so here’s Some Thoughts on QOAAD, mostly about the not-crispy boy, not as annoying and bitter as I usually am:
Bottom line: CC did right by me, y’all. Whether or not she did right by everyone else I can’t really say, but half of the time reading this book I felt she was catering to me personally, and y’all know how esoteric ‘catering to me personally’ is. There is some Wild Fuckening Shit in this book, and I for the most part loved it. A lot of my old gripes still apply, but tbh? for a kid’s book CC has really delivered some absolute gems and as critical as I often am, I really enjoyed reading this book.
Spoilers for the entire TDA trilogy, especially QOAAD, below.
Okay so for those of y’all who have read the book: let’s just get that whole thing out of the way. Yes she did in fact write three chapters of an AU where Sebastian won, is shacking up with a deeply unhappy Jace, and yes, I did in fact die irl. Like honestly I understand that’s problematic, and that the whole situation was about as fucked up as it gets, but honestly? I don’t give a shit. I was Thriving and even though I had to read Seb’s dumb ass dying again it was totally worth it 10/10.
Also Ash? Dark Jace? Biggest nut.
Basically, my criteria for liking the book were: (1) Ash can’t be a carbon-copy of Sebastian (2) Kieran doesn’t die and gets with Mark/Cristina (3) Diana and Gwyn stay together and (4) Kit and Ty keep being adorable. Bonus points were for (1) Dru and Ash interaction (2) more Dru content in general (3) Aline and Helen (4) that hint of Sebastian content she kept teasing that I never believed would actually materialize and (5) Julian and Emma breaking up so I never had to read another word about their “true love” at age 16 ever again (I’m a bitter asshole).
I honestly expected to get pretty much none of these and I was shocked to get everything except (5) from the list and so much more. So without further ado:
The whole Thule thing was a lot, tbh, starting with Maryse’s execution (I won’t lie, when Sebastian says “I killed my mother for Jace, and now he can return the favor” my dumb ass did in fact squeal out loud in a public bookstore) and ending with Sebastian’s really, really, really bad parenting skills. As a side note, the show must have had an advance copy of the book, because you may recognize the song little Jace sings with Izzy in....whatever episode they go into Jace’s head as the song Maryse sings before she dies. As far as I recall, that hasn’t been mentioned before (as well as the Malachi Configuration) so clearly the show got confused with the book release date. I’m sure that made CC very happy.
Like honestly Thule!Seb is just COHF!Seb taken up to 11, which is honestly a terrifying and hilarious thought, complete with a still-kicking designer clothes fetish and an inability to dream up a setting that isn’t a club. Sebastian’s designer suit fetish never really made much sense to me in terms of his personality--it always seems to remind me that I am, in essence, reading The Draco Trilogy with the names changed. But there are a lot of little details that recall COLS, which is always a plus for me, but also seem to indicate that he’s never really progressed or ‘matured’ beyond that. The return to the club setting as a callback to club in COLS, dressing Jace like a paper doll. While Thule itself is an imaginative setting, Sebastian’s presentation and behavior hasn’t changed at all, which shows that ultimately CC’s view of him is one of being completely static and inhuman.
I always really hated that, but here it works--it gives the impression that even though he’s won and destroyed the world, he’s living in the past, attempting to recreate COLS best he can. That mind-controlling Jace, going for a romantic murder or two with him, and chatting with Clary about how much she hates him is the happiest he’s been, the closest thing to family he can conceive of.  I think one of the most fucked up parts of COLS, and one of my favorites, is that the Magic House is a darkly genteel reflection of the warped view of family Valentine has, that Sebastian has symbolically completed.
Valentine’s wardrobe full of clothes he’s bought for Jocelyn for “when she returns,” all with the tags still on, is possibly the most chilling part of the entire book. He views his family--Jocelyn, Jace, Clary, as a thing to accomplish, to control, to collect and arrange in a seemly manner. He truly seems to think, or at least want to believe, that after he’s destroyed the entire downworld and the entire shadowworld government that they can all go play happy families. That his family would want to play happy families with him, or even be anywhere near him. It’s both terrifyingly cruel and self-aware and completely naïve, that he believes he can make his family love him, or at least pretend.
It’s that same mindset that Sebastian inherits--“I will bend him to my will and teach my sister to love me” pretty much sums it up, although he manages to be a bit more petulant about it. Although he seems to emphatically reject Valentine, he’s become Valentine, inherited his sword, his ring, his creepy shrine-to-Jocelyn house and his mindset and view of family. The same entitlement and sense of ownership Valentine displays to Jocelyn (and in a different way, Jace), Sebastian shows to Clary (and again, to Jace).
Valentine never saw his “vision” through, but Sebastian symbolically completes his father’s vision of their family, not as a son but by becoming his father, and Clary her mother. CC emphasizes and repeats this over and over, how Clary looks like her mother and Sebastian like his father, exactly like his father. Sister Magdalena even comments on it (“Why, you look just like your parents,” when Clary expects her to comment on their difference or wonder why Clary is in the company of a murderer). One can suppose that given his feelings towards Valentine and how he always resented Valentine’s lack of approval towards him, Sebastian craves “love” more than anything--or at least, his conception of love, which we all can agree is pretty fucked up. The completion of the “family” is thus probably what Sebastian sees as fulfilling, that control and coercion is as close to love and belonging as he can understand, or that he’s experienced.
There’s a very interesting sense in which in creating the Endarkened and going on a path of world destruction, Sebastian himself loses all sense of self or free will. It always bothered me that Lilith’s blood is used to abnegate free will in the Endarkened when Lilith herself is often interpreted as a symbol of free will (and feminism--that’s a rant for another day). But there is very much a sense that the Battle of Burren is Sebastian’s moral event horizon, that in trying to rape Clary or force all free will out of her and others he cements himself as ultimately irredeemable. I’ve often complained that his motivation for destroying the world is...well, non-existent, but in a sense it reflects an erosion of person-hood, that he is less a person in himself with his own self-directed wants and goals than a shadow or echo of Valentine embracing senseless (demonic?) destruction.
I know I’m going completely off the deep end, but I recently studied Milton and although it seems pretty clear that CC is more a Virgilian than a Miltonist (tbh I really don’t think she’s read Paradise Lost because if she had, she wouldn’t stop quoting it), Milton’s conception of Lucifer is really a prototype here. One reading of Satan in PL is that the personified Sin and Death (his “offspring” so to speak) are really just solipsistic echoes of himself and his hubris, and I think there’s a very interesting sense in which Sebastian could be read in a similar way to Valentine. In many respects, to me, Jonathan represents a sum of Valentine’s greatest sins--bigotry, hatred, cruelty, pride, and really bad use of the experimental method.
I get the impression that CC struggled with Seb’s characterization in COHF, and in large part that’s because he has no character, no motivation beyond destruction and a certain rapaciousness towards Clary. As I’ve derisively said before, wanting to fuck your sister is not a sound core personality motivation for a character. The way he’s written in the books, there’s not a lot of poignancy in his character, and although people do seem to feel sympathy for “green eyed Jonathan” (uwu), he doesn’t really exist any more than Sebastian does. Although CC claims through Clary that Sebastian wants to destroy the world to make it something that can love him, what she misses is that Sebastian in COHF is not really a character but an Endarkened version of himself--a shadow. He doesn’t seem to be much of anything.
Thule is the result of that hollow destruction, an Endarkened shadow of canon, and for that reason it completes COHF in that we truly see what CC means when she says there wasn’t enough good in him left for him to live--what I think she could also mean is that there isn’t enough of Jonathan left, or there never was. Valentine aborts his development (in...many ways: stay tuned for reports from the frontlines of developmental psychopathology, which I am taking) and what’s left is a solipsistic reflection or echo not of Jonathan’s demonic parentage but of his human father. And there’s something understatedly tragic about that cycle coming to a close with Ash, with Sebastian behaving the same way towards his son as his father did to him--with callousness and a desire to exploit. CC explicitly calls this possessive, which is of course a callback to how he treats Clary, but I think he’s more reflecting the father role he inherited from Valentine.
And Ash closes that cycle by killing Sebastian--just as, I would argue, that Sebastian in some sense wanted to kill Valentine. More and more I’ve been leaning towards a reading (and I hope with absolutely no confidence that the show leans towards this reading as well) where Sebastian’s obsession with Clary is at least partly due to the fact that she has done the thing that would symbolically complete him--kill Valentine. Sebastian hasn’t killed Valentine, literally or symbolically, and the cycle repeats; in this way, Ash as a Morgenstern takes more after Clary than he does his father.
Is this edgy, pseudo-academic, piss-poor, completely incoherent bullshit? Absolutely. The point is, god is dead and if I want to compare Paradise Lost, one of the eminent works of the English canon to a YA series based on fanfiction I can. Also, Thule may suck but Sebastian did canonically destroy the world financial system so is he really that bad? (Yes).
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