#jacob kawolski
pluto-munson · 2 years
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Stranger Things !!
Characters I Will Write For: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley (fem!reader only), Jonathan Byers, Argyle, Jim Hopper, Joyce Byers, Murray Bauman, Karen Wheeler, Billy Hargrove, Jane Hopper (sfw only), Mike Wheeler (sfw only), Will Byers (bestfriend/sister!reader and sfw only), Dustin Henderson (sfw only), Max Mayfield (sfw only), Erica Sinclair (friend!reader and sfw onlt)
Characters I Will NOT Write For: Holly Wheeler (she’s like six), Ted Wheeler (he’s jus weird), Neil Hargrove (nope. nope nope.)
IT !!
Character I Will Write For: Richie Tozier, Beverly Marsh, Bill Denbrough, Ben Hanscom, Mike Hanlon, Eddie Kaspbrak, Stanley Uris (all are aged up to at least 16+)
Characters I Will NOT Write For: George Denbrough (he’s dead and like ten), anyone in Bowers’ Gang
Harry Potter !!
Characters I Will Write For:
Golden Era; Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegod, Neville Longbottom, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Percy Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnegan, Fleur Delacour, Nymphadora Tonks (too many, can’t remember all, will add them when i remember)
Marauders Era; Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon, Mary McDonald, Dorcas Meadows, Regulus Balck, Molly Prewett, Arthur Weasley, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black, Bellatrix Black, Andromeda Black, Frank Longbottom, Alice Fortescue (too many, can’t remember, will add them when i remember)
Next Gen; James S. Potter, Albus S. Potter, Lily L. Potter, Rose Granger-Weasley, Hugo Granger-Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy, Fred Weasley II, Roxanne Weasley, Victoire Weasley, Dominique Wealsey, Louis Weasley, Teddy Lupin (too many, can’t remember, will add them when i remember)
Fantastic Beasts: Newt Scamander, Theseus Scamander, Leta Lestrange, Queenie Goldstein, Jacob Kawolski, Tina Goldstein (will add more)
Other; Minerva McGonagall (young!)
Character I Will NOT Write For: Severus Snape, Peter Pettigrew, Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort/Tom Riddle, Gellert Grindewald, Vincent Grabbe, Gregory Goyle
Percy Jackson and the Olympians + Heroes of Olympus
Characters I Will Write For: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Grover Underwood, Clarisse La Rue, Travis and Connor Stoll, Thalia Grace, Nico Di Angelo (bestfriend/sister!reader and sfw only), Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Will Solace (bestfriend/sister!reader and sfw only), Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang (will add more)
Characters I Will NOT Write For: Any of the gods
request rules here !!
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timmytimwriter · 3 years
Once Upon A Time...
A/N: Hi! I know I haven’t uploaded anything in a long while, BUT I’ve kept myself busy with writing. I know I had requests I haven’t uploaded yet, and that’s because I’m working on it. Recently, I started watching the Fantastic Beast film series and fell head over heels in love with Theseus Scamander. So, here’s a little mini-series.
As usual, all my Y/N’s are black. Period. If you want a white Y/N, refer to the other gazillion fanfics that fail to be inclusive to black women :) with that out the way, enjoy!
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: None, just heartbreak :(
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Once upon a time, it was Y/N Y/L/N and Theseus Scamander against the world. Having spent nearly their entire life together, nearly everyone expected them to end up together. Hell, even they expected to end up together. And, they almost did. Y/N loved him more than she loved life itself. Theseus did not.
Once upon a time, Y/N was prepared to spend the rest of her life with Theseus. But their fairytale romance didn’t end in a happily ever after.
The small gang had run out of places to hide. Wherever they want, Grindelwald’s supporters seemed to find – and try to kill – them. They had exhausted every hiding spot in the entire continent of Europe, it seemed.
“We can’t just keep running.” Tina fumed after nearly escaping yet another attack. They trudged through the alleys of London. Try as they might, it was hard to stay inconspicuous with such a large group. If it were just Newt, Tina, and Jacob running it’d be easier – but, their ranks had been joined by Yusuf Kama, Nagini, and Theseus Scamander.
“We have to leave Europe. We can’t keep hiding out like animals.” Yusuf said.
“We could always go back to New York?” Jacob halfheartedly suggested. After losing Queenie, everything Jacob did was halfhearted. It was as if Queenie took his very essence with her when she left.
“No, New York would be too obvious. They know who we are, so they must know where we live.” Tina interjected, just as halfheartedly. She had lost her sister to an evil she couldn’t find. All she could do was run; run away from her sister.
Newt noticed her sadness and took her hand in his, offering her a small smile. Theseus watched his little brother and Tina hold hands, which only reminded him of what he had lost: Leta Lestrange.
Theseus’ bitter thoughts were interrupted by his brother. “New York may be too obvious but going to America isn’t such a bad idea…” Newt’s voice trailed off and he tentatively glanced at his older brother, who was lost in his own world.
“Theseus…” Newt softly said. He let go of Tina’s petite hand and walked over to his brother, putting a soft hand on his broad shoulders.
“What?” Theseus saw everyone now looking at him, and he wondered if he missed something important when he was lost in his own head. “Did I miss something?”
Newt took a deep breath. He knew this wasn’t going to end well. “I know a place we can hideout. In America. But you’re not going to like it…”
The day was September 18th, 1927.
The crisp autumn brisk bristled past Y/N as she swiftly walked through a nearly empty park. It was nearly 8AM and, though nearly everyone else in Washington DC was asleep, Y/N Y/L/N had made a point of waking up at 5 in the morning for the sole purpose of getting fresh baked goods from Maryland.
See, her favorite bakery was nearly an hour-long drive from her home and the goods always ran out fast. It had taken her weeks to devise a working and precise plan, but she had finally done it. Now, it was just this eerie park that separated where she parked her car and her apartment that delayed her breakfast.
“If the bread gets cold… after all my hard work… so help me Merlin…” she huffed, hastening her paste. Finally, she found herself in front of her apartment – a stout yet charming brown shoe-box shaped building that was snuggled between what seemed like a billion other buildings that fit the same description. Lucky for her, Y/N lived on the ground floor and only had to climb the front steps and insert her key.
“Home sweet home.” She thought to herself, setting the bag of baked goods on a nearby table. She shrugged off her light coat, lamenting if the food was worth not sleeping in. Lord knows when she may get another opportunity; with the rise of Grindelwald, her work at the ministry had nearly quadrupled.
But it kept her busy. It distracted her from everything ailing her life; how war was imminent, worrying for her family’s safety, worrying for her own safety, worrying for…him.
As much as it pained her, she kept close tabs on him. Whenever a European Auror turned up dead because of Grindelwald or one of his followers, she prayed it wasn’t him. Y/N had never been a religious person; she believed in magic, but that was it. To this day, it still puzzled her how the man who had completely crushed her heart made her believe in the unbelievable.
She shook her head. “Stop thinking about him.” She muttered to herself, taking a deep breath. “Lord knows he’s not thinking about you. Lord knows he was never thinking about you…” She tossed her coat onto the couch, making a mental note to put it away later.
For now, she needed the only thing that would drive him out of her mind: food. Through her heartbreak and depression, there was only one constant in her mind. The one thing that drove her out of bed nearly every day. The one thing that didn’t attempt to get her to “talk about it” or “put herself out there.” The one thing that she loved more than…
Lo and behold, standing right there in her petite kitchen was Theseus Scamander. The man who had obliviated her heart.
She nearly fell back in shock, never expecting to see his face again. After all these years… he still looked the same. His eyes were still dark with slight speckles on gold. His auburn hair still had those unruly curls that he hated and often unsuccessfully tried to gel back, but Y/N always loved. Most of her favorite memories with him included him cuddling up to her while she played with his hair.
She narrowed her eyes and peered closer at him, taking in everything that had changed. Yes, he had certainly aged, but he looked thoroughly exhausted. He had bags under his eyes, and small vanishing wounds riddled his body. He looked tired. Defeated. She had never seen that look in him.
He looked like she did when he left her. Heartbroken.
“So sorry to intrude like this, Y/N” his brother, Newt, interjected. Y/N only then realized that there were other people present.
“What the hell is going on?”
Newt provided a quick summarization of what the group had gone through the past couple of days: the fight during Grindelwald’s assembly, Queenie’s betrayal, Credence switching sides, and Leta’s death. At that last comment, Y/N’s eyes instinctively darted to Theseus, who kept his trained on the ground. As a matter of what, he was trying desperately hard to avoid eye contact.
“We wouldn’t be here if we weren’t desperate, Y/N.” Newt said. The Scamander’s and Y/N had a long and complicated history, and Newt hated having to impose this on his old friend. He didn’t like the idea of involving her in an already volatile situation.
Y/N, on the other hand, wouldn’t hear a word otherwise. “Of course, you’re all welcome to stay. I wish you’d come earlier and save yourselves the trouble of running around London seeking refuge.”
Newt gratefully nodded, taking Tina’s hand in his. “Don’t worry, I still remember my way around your flat.” At that, he and his... girlfriend(?) apparated away – probably to another room to get some privacy.
Now Y/N was left alone with a group of people she didn’t know. Well, she knew Theseus – once upon a time – but not as well as she thought she did, obviously.
“Alright, then. Are any of you hurt? Hungry? I’ve got baked goods from the best place in the country.” Y/N pushed further into the kitchen, clutching her bag of baked goods with her. Brushing past Theseus, she caught a sniff of the most comforting and familiar smell she knew. In fact, it was the exact same smell of her Amortentia potion. “I’ve got about a dozen bagels and some doughnuts. Oh, and cookies too. You might be wondering why I have so much food, after all, I’m just one person. And that’s a very funny question…” Y/N blabbered away. As if talking would fill the awkward space.
Because if she fell silent, she’d have to become more aware of her surroundings. That would mean looking at Theseus. Maybe even talking to him. And it would, ultimately, lead to her reliving every wonderfully painful memory she ever shared with him.
“Y/N…? Now, where have I heard that name before?” Jacob asked.
“Maybe from Newt? We went to Hogwarts together for about three years, after all.”
“Only three? Isn’t wizarding school for seven years, or something like that?”
“Yes, but I started school at Uagadou. It’s the wizarding school in Africa – I’m from Senegal, by the way, don’t let the English accent fool you- but then I transferred to Hogwarts in my fourth year…” Y/N trailed off, not fully wanting to finish the story as it didn’t paint her in the best light.
“…After she transfigured into a panther and attacked a kid for teasing her brothers.” Theseus finished. Y/N’s head snapped up, sending her Y/H/C locks flying in disarray, and stared at him. He was still tentatively looking at the ground, but his face held a knowing smile. “And then just a year after starting at Hogwarts, she did the exact same thing to another student.” He slowly raised his head. With his eyes partially hidden behind his disheveled auburn curls, it seemed as if he was staring into her naked soul.
“Magnolia Harper,” Y/N recalled, “She bloody deserved it too.”
“And what exactly did the poor girl do to warrant an animal attack?” Nagini whispered, her head cocked to the side in curiosity.
Y/N could feel the temperature in her cheeks rising by the second. At that times like this, she was glad her melanin complexion made it difficult for anyone tell she was blushing. The entire story was bloody embarrassing, especially given the situation everything was in right now. She chewed on the bottom of her lip, trying to piece together exactly how to phrase her answer.
Luckily, Theseus came to the rescue. “There was a rumor that she was planning on asking me to the Yule Ball and Y/N got insanely jealous. Pounced on her during Dumbledore’s practice dueling sessions and nearly clawed her entire face off.”
“Oh, so you two were an item. How sweet, young love.” Nagini mulled, smiling at the two. Yusuf stood beside her, solemnly nodding his head.
The pair looked down, the nostalgic smiles slipping from their faces. All the dissipating anger Y/N harbored suddenly came bubbling to the surface, remembering Theseus’ betrayal like a fresh wound. Theseus, on the other hand, felt the guilt and grief wash over him like a Tsunami.
“Not exactly. It turns out I was worried about the wrong girl…”
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skiplo-wave · 4 years
Valentines Day
Gifts for Newt
Percival: assortment of flavored tea and hot chocolate which came with cute pink mug that has teddy bear on it
Albus: simple yet lovely picnic by the lake and forest. See all the mythical creatures surrounding it.
Gellert: extra fancy. Five star hotel, restaurant, most luxurious outfits. Wants to spoil Newt rotten.
Theseus: Day passes not only to the aquarium but zoo too, both including backstage tours. He’s been saving up for it
Jacob: New pastries baked purely for Newt and Newt only. Handmade chocolates that look like baby nifflers
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pulaasul · 4 years
Thunderpuff Intervention/Obscurial Warning
Dumbledore confides with Newt on what he did after the Potters were killed.
A/N: Thunderpuff because Tina belonged to the Thunderbird house in Ilvermorny and Newt is a Hufflepuff.
"Merlin's beard Dumbledore!" Tina exclaimed. "Are you mad?!"
"I assure you Porpentina, I am quite sane." Dumbledore assured. "It was the only protection I could give him."
"Tina's right Professor." Newt busied himself in petting a few Nifflers. "History could repeat itself."
"What do you mean?" Dumbledore's eyes narrowed.
"Merlin! Credence! Have you already forgotten about Credence?!" Tina growled.
"Are you saying Harry Potter could develop an Obscurus?" Dumbledore questioned.
"Yes, If Lily's sister is a magic hating woman like Credence's adopted mother was, he very well could." Newt offered as he sat beside his wife. "If you say Voldemort could return, then he might as well use Harry Potter against you just like how Grindelwald used Credence."
"It's the only way to protect young Harry Potter." Dumbledore sighed. "His mother's sacrifice made it possible for the boy to survive the killing curse and the only way to protect him from Voldemort's followers and Voldemort himself would be using the Bond of Blood protection charms I placed on him."
"Which would mean Harry has to endure ten long years of abuse at his aunt's hands." Tina slumped on the couch.
"Except for Credence, no Obscurial has lived past the age of ten." Newt reminded his former Professor. "If he really is your ace against the Dark Lord, then you may have doomed us all."
"What do you two suggest Newt?" Dumbledore questioned.
"Let us handle this, I'm sure Jacob is up to the task." Tina retrieved a piece of parchment.
"The muggle from America?" Dumbledore narrowed his eyes. "He was helpful against Grindelwald, yes, what does he know about Obscurius and Obscurials?"
"If you must know, Jacob was with us during Grindelwald's arrest in the Americas." Tina growled. "So yes, he knows all about Obscurials and how destructive they can be, Credence killed his adoptive mother and an aspiring President." Tina growled before writing.
A man arrived at a certain house and knocked.
"Who is it?" Petunia opened the door.
"I'm sorry, but I seem to be lost, where is the house of one Harry Potter?" The man asked.
"He's here." Petunia sneered. "Go away, we don't want freaks in this house."
"Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not one of those freaks, as you say." The man defended himself. "I'm Jacob Kawolski, I'm representing them, as someone who actually understands what's happening."
"Even if you're not a freak, you're still friends with one." The Dursley matriarch growled. "We don't want you here."
"Then, you're alright with the fact that sometime between now and his tenth birthday, he'll die and take you with him?" Jacob blocked used his foot to stop the door from being shut.
"What are you talking about?"
"Exactly as I said, Harry Potter, depending on circumstances that are under your control, will die before he will reach ten and take you with him." Jacob dryly repeated.
"Petunia, who's at the door?" Vernon questioned his wife.
"Ah, your husband is here, I'd like to talk to you both."
"Petunia, why're are we talking to a freak sympathizer?" Vernon growled.
"Because, you want to prevent things that can be prevented." Jacob rolled his eyes.
"Don't you dare take that kind of tone with me!"
"And I thought Englishmen were respectful of their elders." Jacob sighed. "In any case, I am here to ensure you know the risks of raising Harry Potter." He busied himself with his case. "I'm Jacob Kawolski."
"We bloody know the risks are!" Petunia growled.
"I'm not talking about Voldemort, your sister's killer, no."
Petunia flinched at the dismissal of her sister's life.
"I'm talking about the risks involve if you raise Harry in any way that is contrary to how you raise your own child."
"That Potter should be grateful that we even let him inside our home." Vernon growled.
"That he should." Jacob nodded. "But it would hardly be his fault if, for some reason, you try to have him suppress his magical abilities, that he might just kill the both of you, your son and himself." He offered.
"Where are you going with this?"
"This world has seen two world wars." Jacob started. "I was conscripted into the first one and managed to survive, what you don't know is that there's been a few wars in the magic side as well. I am talking about the mysterious happening in America in the 1920s."
"What of those?"
"There's an organization that you would totally agree with their ideology. They believe in the burning of witches at stakes, like the ones that happened in Salem many years back. They detested magic, as you two do.
This organization was spearheaded by woman, who shall remain unnamed. She had adopted a lot of children at – according to her – goodness of her heart.
She adopted a boy, who she regularly punish, if anything weird or mysterious that happens, like a window opening despite no people entering or wind, not caring that it probably was a cat or a rat. She gets a belt and pelts his body, with it.
This was her love for the boy.
This was how she suppressed the boy's magical ability.
Ten plus years passed, the boy has suppressed his magical ability but still undergoes punishment. Unable to contain his magical ability that the adoptive mother forced the boy to suppress, it got out of control.
Soon enough the house where she and the boy lived got destroyed, the adoptive mother and the boy were found dead in the wreckage alongside his adopted brothers and sisters."
Petunia and Vernon were aghast at the man's story. The both of them had an agreement that they will suppress Harry's magical ability and keep him away from the freaks.
But now…
"I also caution you against treating him poorly in comparison to his cousin."
"What now?!" Vernon growled.
"The magic protecting Harry from his parent's enemies are also protecting you, specifically this household." Jacob informed. "I'm sure Dumbledore has already informed you."
Petunia gasped at the drop of Hogwarts's headmaster's name.
"You know him?!"
"I was also involved in the Wizarding War, the only non-magic person to be involved." He answered. "The story I told you, was the story of one boy instrumental in the war."
Jacob shook his head, he was already done with Credence's story.
"Let me rephrase, so long as Harry sees this place as home he, and by extension the three of you, are protected by the Protection Magic done by both his mother and Dumbledore," Jacob gestured at the Dursleys. "By way of his mother's sister – You – Petunia Dursley."
"What happens if he doesn't?"
"Then say goodbye to everything you love." Jacob bluntly stated. "If for some reason doesn't see this place as home, then Voldemort, your sister's murderer, his followers would track this house down and kill your nephew, and especially you."
"Why does he want to kill us?" Vernon questioned, cowered by the warning.
"This last Dark Wizard, has a particular hate against us, against your sister." Jacob answered. "He despises non magical people, but he loathes magical people born into non magical families."
"Blood purity." Petunia muttered.
"They practice inbreeding?" Vernon gagged.
"You and I agree on that one."
Jacob looked at his watch.
"Well, I won't take away more of your time, think of my warning." Jacob stood up as he retrieved his coat and hat. "If you still loathe your nephew then at least treat him like a human being and don't demand for him things no child should do like cooking your breakfasts or deposit him under a cupboard." He opened the door. "If not for his safety, then do it for the safety of your own son."
"Hello Jacob." A woman kissed the man.
"Queenie, you di-"
"Don't be silly, I wanted to pick you up." The woman smiled. "'sides Theseus, Newt and Tina have just arrived."
The Dursleys watched as the man left with a blond woman before they looked at each other.
Harry Potter's upbringing was a lot different than what people know. In one world, he would be abused by his uncles and aunt, in this one, due to the intervention of Newt Scamander, Tina Goldstein and Jacob Kawolski.
Harry Potter was still tasked to cook for some meals and he still received punishments for anything that might've offended his uncles but he was never starved or even hit by them.
Dudley still gets the favored child treatment, his punishments aren't as harsh as Harry's like if Dudley is seen breaking a vase, he'd just be grounded for half a day but if Harry accidentally breaks a vase, he's grounded for three days, only going out of his room to cook for lunch and dinner.
Petunia and Vernon were still resentful at Harry for the things he has no control over. The warning they got from someone like them but was involved in magic cowered them into treating Harry like an actual child, not as their own, but treated like a child should nonetheless.
Because of this, the protection he had was actually stronger as he kinda did love his relatives.
It actually saved a few lives down the line.
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peiches · 6 years
dumbledore correcting the minister of magic about his gay actions when he confirmed that him and grindelwald were “more than brothers”
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seraphstars · 5 years
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My Favourite Songs on the Fantastic Beasts Score + their scenes
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countlessimagines · 6 years
Thoughts [ Theseus Scamander x Reader ]
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(Not my gif)
Summary: Theseus promises the reader.
Warnings: None
It was a year after the confrontation against Grindelwald. Everyone was trying their best to figure out what to do and how to go about it.
Theseus was busying himself to keep his mind of off Leta. He was trying to move on, to not consume himself with thinking of her.
He was on one of his trips through London with Newt and Tina to see if they could find new leads.
And that they did.
They met up with Albus Dumbledore who invited along another colleague. You were the potions teacher at Hogwarts but also a trusted person to Dumbledore.
You didn’t know Theseus was going to be coming, though. His shock was evident that he didn’t know either.
“(Y/n),” he said, his face brightening up. “You... you look wonderful. Absolutely wonderful.”
Tina and Newt were silently laughing behind him.
You smiled at him, “I’ve missed you, Theseus.”
Dumbledore, Tina, and Newt made an excuse that they were going to buy a few a pastries from the store across the street.
“How have you been?” He asked you, his voice was something that you had missed the most. It was the same one that soothed you when you were panicking for exams or when your parents were being terrible again.
“I’ve been... alright,” you said, your eyes drifting. “Just some stuff at work.”
Theseus scanned your face, picking up how you were lying, “That’s not it, is it?”
You gazed into his eyes, “Grindlewald has been trying to recruit me for some time now, he’s been close to capturing me on many occasions.”
He grasped onto your hand, “We’ll protect you.”
With a sigh, you said, “But that’s the thing, if he knows that any of you are loved by me... he’ll just use you to get to me.”
“Why does he want you?”
“Because I’m fairly good at potions, he might need someone of that trait to help him,” You said, what had been in your mind was flowing out.
You could trust Theseus with your feelings and thoughts.
The two of you had dated during Hogwarts, but when he left for the Ministry and you decided to learn more about the arts of potion, the relationship ended.
The love you both had for each other never stopped but was hidden deep down inside for many years.
“He won’t lay a hand on you, I’ll make sure of it,” Theseus promised and put his hand on your cheek. “Now, lets go find the others.”
“Theseus!” You screamed, your wand still pointed at Grindlewald but your eyes were on your beloved.
“Go with Tina! I can handle this!” He shouted back to you in a heated battle with a follower of Grindlewald.
You weren’t having any of it and ran towards the man who caused this all, and casted as many spells as you could to wipe him out.
Grindlewald was too powerful for you and easily dismissed you to the side. Your back hit the stone wall and you laid their in the dust, whimpering in pain.
Everyone knew that he wouldn’t kill you, you were too valuable to lose.
Hands grasped at your sides, and thinking it was someone against you, you fought with all your might.
“(Y/n), stop!” Queenie’s voice made you panic even more. “I know you’re hurt and you can’t get back up.”
You looked up at her, venom dropping from your words, “Traitor! You left us all! You only care about yourself!”
She seemed offended and gave you one of her smiles, “Oh, honey. What I’m about to do will benefit you in ways you’ll never believe.”
“What are you-“
Queenie grabbed your wand on the ground and broke it. Then she grasped onto your arm and apparated the two of you out of there.
“She won’t eat and she hasn’t touched any of the potion ingredients,” Queenie said to Grindlewald. Both were watching you as you stared out the window of the room you were kept in for three days.
Your hair was disheveled and the clothes you were wearing during the fight were still on you.
“She will eventually, what is on her mind?”
Queenie hesitated, “The man she loves, Theseus Scamander.”
“Find him and bring him to me.”
You were sitting on the chair, mind only filled with those you loved and what you could have done differently.
You played with the bracelet around your wrist. It was a gift from Theseus that had the words Protect and Love engraved into it. He had given it to you one night and also a shy kiss on the cheek.
Now you sat in the cold room filled with many items, all of which would not be useful in attacking Grindlewald.
You tried to rid your thoughts of important information so Queenie couldn’t find anything out and use it against you.
But that’s exactly what she did.
The doors to your room slammed open, but you didn’t care to look.
“(Y/N)!” Theseus shouted in relief to see you, but he had a gut feeling that something wrong was going to happen.
You spun around, body sore from not moving too much, and heart thumping in fear of him being there, “Theseus, no.”
Grindlewald, Queenie, and Credence all stood behind him, wands at the ready in case you two tried to make a move.
“Are you alright? Have they harmed you?” Theseus looked so scared, he had bruises and cuts on his face, his suit was torn and there were stains of blood.
“No, I’m fine,” You approached him but the three raised their wands to his head. You stopped, breath caught in your throat.
“Don’t kill him, please,” you begged and put your hands up in surrender, “What do you want from me?”
“Kill him with one of your own potions,” Grindlewald smiled wickedly, pulling out a vial. It had a label on it with your handwriting.
You gasped silently, instantly recognizing which potion it was that you made.
“No, I’m not going to do that,” You said, eyes brimming with tears. “I can’t.”
Grindlewald looked disappointed, “Oh, dear, you are going to do anything we say or else.”
“If he’s dead, I will not work for you, I’d rather die.”
Queenie was looking at you intently, searching your mind. You weren’t lying and the love you had for Theseus was bright and clear through your thoughts. She remembered feeling that way about Jacob, but she lost her chance with him, she chose the wrong path. And she knew what to do.
Queenie grabbed the vial from Grindlewald‘s hand, “If you don’t do this, you will regret it. We need your skills and expertise, (Y/N).” She approached you slowly and carefully, “I was hesitant at first, but I knew that this would be the best thing to happen to me.”
She was now in front of you, she forcefully took your hand and placed the potion in your palm, “You’ll do what’s right.”
Queenie faced Theseus, “Come over here now or I put the Cruciatus curse on her.”
He obeyed immediately because he didn’t want to risk you being put in any type of pain.
The two of you were close enough for her to whisper, “Apparate out of here.”
You both looked at her confused until you realized what she was doing.
She handed you her wand, but Grindelwald noticed.
“No! Avada Kedavra!” He shouted and aimed for Theseus but Queenie stepped in front of him, getting hit.
You grasped onto Theseus and apparated out of the horrid place right when Grindlewald yelled again.
Theseus and you fell to the ground inside Newt’s apartment. Tina and Newt looked at you dumbfounded but helped you two up.
“Are you alright?” Tina asked you but you simply nodded and made sure Theseus was okay above all else.
He was still bleeding from some of his cuts so you asked the couple to get a first aid kit to tend to his wounds.
It was later that night, you and Theseus were sharing a bed because it was all that Newt had in his spare room.
You were both too scared to say something, too tired to think properly, and too in love to form words.
Theseus turned on his side to face you and saw that you were still awake. He smiled at you and you mirrored it, so happy to be away from Grindlewald and in bed with the man you loved.
He grabbed onto your hands in his own and kissed them gently, “I thought about you everyday you were gone.”
“I did too. I thought about all the things I wanted to tell you and how I was out of time and that I wouldn’t never see you again - I was so worried that Grindlewald or Queenie or one of his followers would kill you...”
“What matters now is that we’re here together and from now on, I truly promise to protect you,” Theseus said seriously then brought you in close.
You laid your head on his chest and felt so relieved to be there.
He kissed your head before he started to drift off like you.
And the two of you fell asleep, wrapped up in each other and comforted with the fact that nobody would ever be able to tear you apart again.
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my-heart-of-heart · 6 years
If you’re relatively new to the Harry Potter fandom, you probably haven’t seen a very potter trilogy. If not, you need to do so right now.
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It’s got surprisingly accurate character portral
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Draco alone is a gift to earth
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Not to mention the drama
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Overall it’s just really hilarious
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soup-me-beloved · 6 years
Crimes of Grindlewald spoilers
Queenie: *joins grindlewald*
Me, Tina, Newt, Nicolas Flamel, Fawkes, The Basilik under the school, Mary Berry, Merlin, Jacob:
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MC and Jacob are Queenie and Jacob’s grandchildren and you can’t tell me otherwise
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mistsense · 5 years
No. No, don’t say that.
Jacob: Just say whatever comes to you in the moment.
Newt: She has eyes just like a Salamander.
Jacob: No. Don’t say that.
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Random headcanon #9
Jacob baked Newt and Tina’s wedding cake. The wedding cake toppers were a bride Salamander while the groom was a Niffler.
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skiplo-wave · 4 years
What do you think would be good Christmas gift ideas for Newt, Tina, Jacob, Queenie, Leta, and Theseus? If I’m missing someone, please add them
Newt- literally anything animal related. Last Christmas he wanted a unicorn but their very very hard to find now and days. So as a compromise he got a stuff beanie unicorn named Glitter. He keeps her on his work desk
Tina:  Snow globes. She’s not how she got into but she just really likes them. It started with snow globe from Arizona thanks from Newt. This year she requested a larger shelf to display all them at once. Also came with matching (off colored) slippers.
Queenie: It was a white elephant exchange and someone got her the ugliest Christmas sweatshirt ever. It was pink but like the burn your eyes ugly type of pink. Making it worse it was a reindeer(?) She wears it around the house with pride despite Tina’s and Jacobs protest of the thing
Jacob:  Jacob is man of “ if it aint broke don’t fix it” kinda guy. Instead of latest bakering gadget he settles for various oven mits, aprons, and hats
Leta: People think she wants the most fancy and luxurious thing on market but really she just wants the company. People just spending time with her without feeling pressured or scared to engage with her. Only few people give her that attention without that mindset and that’s good enough for her.
Theseus:  Spending time with Newt. They relationship as been thin yet during holidays Newt is rather good mood with him. Theseus sees it as an extra gift when they bond without the need bringing up magical beasts or work life. He’s sure Newt feels same way.
Percival: All he wants is one Christmas day without overflow of paperwork or wizards thinking they can run amuck trying expose them to no-majs. Maybe one they he’ll have peace but get drunk with Seraphina is gift in itself
Seraphina: While she could spend time with her family and hear the old “ How’s work?,Found someone to tie knot with?, Being President is causing too much stress-” Bottle of fire whiskey and best friend (and director) is just a fun on boring and lonely Christmas night. 
Albus: Many of his student think he spends Christmas by himself. Which is true however there’s always one special visitor. It’s too short and not long enough to cherish but it’s still lovely for what’s it worth.
Gellert: Vinda always questions where he runs off to on Christmas. And he fires back she hasn’t known him long enough to ask. She tried following him but it’s always a dead-end various places too as if he’s trying not to leave a trail. Vinda swore she saw Gellert with a man who she couldn’t make out but second she peak to spy again the two were gone and Gellert appeared to be on his own. 
Credence:  Nagini got him another gift, this time a little necklace. He knows for fact she used all her earnings on just for him. All he could get her was a old dress he found a thrift shop. But she loved it. And he loved having enjoyment for holiday in such a long time. Gellert to his and Nagini’s surprise manage to track his sisters both in a new home with a much more caring mother. He couldn’t actually meet with them but he adored their faces when they opened his gifts which he didn’t name.  Christmas being worst holiday had now become his favorite.
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quiet-ri0t · 5 years
The scene in Fantastic Beast and Where to
Find Them where Newt and the Niffler destroy the jewelry store is the pea of comedy and will Never be topped. I mean
Newt’s creeping past the store
His face when he runs back and sees the Niffler
He and the Niffler exchanging glances
The eye brow raise
Them proceeding to destroy the store
Jacob standing on the side walk watching in horror
Accio Niffler
The slow motion Niffler flying through the air
I mean, this movie is everything I ever wanted and more. Newt Scamander is amazing.
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I always thought Nicholas Flamel was a hottie. Maybe he’s just glamoured to look older than he is? Maybe it’s just something to confuse his enemies? I don’t know. This might just be my own bias. But I love his little run regardless.
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seraphstars · 5 years
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Cog + Fbawtft
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