#jjk oc ct
konigbabe · 10 months
(created for my Kashimo x fem!sorcerer!reader story - READ HERE )
Aerial Void Manipulation (空虚操術 Kūkyo Sōjutsu) is an innate technique that allows the user to generate, shape and control a vacuum within a designated area.
As the name suggests, Aerial Void Manipulation is a technique that grants the user the ability to control the density of their cursed energy and form a vacuum out of it. Initially, the vacuum creates an intense outward pressure from its center, pushing the object away and then sucks the matter back in to fill the void back up, creating a sort of push-and-pull effect resulting in an implosion.
The size of the vacuum is dependable on the user’s cursed energy output and level of training, mostly being the size of a fist, and generally has to be created in an enclosed space - between hands or, if using only one hand, with fingers bent into a bowl shape.
Repulsive Fist (斥吸拳 Sekikyu Ken, lit. Rejection and Attraction Fist) - The user can imbue their technique into their fists which, when it comes to contact, creates the same push-and-pull effect 0.4 seconds after contact, essentially resulting in a double hit. However, the user is capable of imbuing this "technique" into other parts of their body such as their feet or head.
Aerial Blade (真空刃 Shinku Jin) - The capability to shape the vacuum into a sharp wind that can slice through air and space.
Unexplored possible ideas
*Maximum: Singularity Unleash (極ノ番 「偽真空」 Gokunoban・Gishinkū) - Based on the false vacuum decay theory and it's basically a self-destruct button. When creating vacuum fields, the user creates a space with absolute zero: no waves, no particles, nothing to elevate the energy above zero. (However, because the universe is governed by different energy levels, we have to consider that the absolute zero state isn’t actually the ground state, but there might be a “ground” state below zero.) Thanks to that idea, the user is capable of “tipping” their curse energy and creating a burst of energy that goes beyond the usual boundaries. This burst of energy disrupts the balance between the false vacuum and the true vacuum. By utilizing the "Singularity Unleash" Maximum Technique, the user essentially provides the necessary burst of energy that propels the surrounding vacuum fields "over the hump," triggering a transition from the false vacuum state to the true vacuum state. This shift ripples out from the user's originating event, spreading at nearly the speed of light.
CE special trait - The user's cursed energy exhibits qualities of an actual vacuum. When getting in contact with the user, the opponent feels a sensation of compression, as if being squeezed due to a fluctuation in pressure.
Would be considered Grade 1 (Special Grade if fully awakened and properly trained).
*This idea resembles Gojo's Hollow Purple . However, instead of traveling in the designated path, it spreads from the source (aka the user) and cannot be controlled. I'd say it's more similar to Yuki's black hole where she used her innate technique to transform into a black hole (essentially a suicide move). It's unexplored because while I did "create" it, I like to think that the user hasn't discovered this possibility yet.
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chikoyama · 15 days
Chiyori's experiences and opinions about the Jujutsu system (and by extent the defection of Suguru)
While attending Jujutsu High and working as a sorcerer, I think one of the more prominent observations that made a mark on Chiyori is how little support students and sorcerers received in dealing with struggles of psychological character. Because, well, they simply weren’t offered any, and as far as she’s noted, it's practically every man for himself.
Initially, Chiyori found it quite upsetting, if not surprising, how stark a contrast it was to the cozy, comfortable environment she originated from herself. An environment where her adoptive parents for the most part provided her the basic physical, mental and emotional support she needed to thrive—
Because the first time Chiyori witnessed someone die before her, she was just fifteen and in her first year. No one was there to assist her through the trauma — no assistance was offered. There were several reasons for that, which Chiyori wholly ends up recognizing and acknowledging as she grows up. First being that her issues at that time were being overshadowed by the chaos that followed the defection of the special grade sorcerer Geto Suguru, her former senpai.
Second being that matters of such were heavily underprioritized, if not regarded as unimportant, and continues to be even through her adulthood. Third being that most members of the Jujutsu Community aren’t equipped to deal with these types of issues in the first place — they hardly know how to address their own emotional and mental struggles without encountering frustrations or resorting to direct violence. Because of all that, Chiyori had to deal with the trauma all by herself, which was admittedly tragic on her part, but instead of pointing fingers at others, she understood — as unfortunate as it was — the circumstances that lead to the treatment she (didn't) receive.
Chiyori got over it eventually. I’m not quite sure how. Maybe she never really did in fact, or it happened at later stages in her life, but at least her thoughts were elsewhere entirely during Suguru’s defection. Far away enough for her to not consider the ideals and principles that lead her senpai to renounce the rights of non-sorcerers. Even if she had, I doubt Chiyori would’ve agreed with him — even as a teen she would’ve found Suguru’s visions confusing, flawed and incredibly narrow-minded, if not immature, especially considering how head over heels she was for him much she admired him during her first year.
Most of all, she probably felt — and continues to feel — sad for him. Sad that his integrity shattered. Sad that his negative experiences with non-sorcerers ended up weighing heavier than the positive ones. Sad for anyone who let themselves get coloured — tainted — by the toxic grips of the Jujutsu system that continues to operate on twistingly outdated standards. Standards as well as ethics and morals that dictate how the Jujutsu system should operate internally as well as externally. (Though, if anyone were to ask sorcerer Chiyori, she’d probably say she doesn’t understand any of it. All of it too political for her, really).
It's the lack of compassion of those incumbent of the system that causes her to recoil. Their lack of empathy and by extent their lack of competency to properly reform the current laws to be on level with modern day thoughts on how things should be done that cause sorcerer Chiyori — whether she’s entirely aware of it herself of not — to retract herself from the political sphere despite her rank.
To rephrase: I don’t necessarily think Chiyori regrets the whole Geto Suguru incident. Yes, she was upset, confused and disappointed, but she got over it eventually. And after her own personal experiences with the system, (she goes through her own set of trials and tribulations), she acknowledges that it was bound to happen eventually. If not for her senpai, then perhaps for someone else entirely, because after all, Chiyori is — or grows to become — smart enough to understand that emotions are the driving force behind every human action.
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wickedusername · 1 month
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A character sheet of Nano inspired by @kcokaine 's Daisuki sheet. I honestly wanna make character sheets of all the characters in the fic, this was so fun.
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Here we go again with another hyperfixation
So...I've gotten into JJK recently. I have my gripes with the story, mostly in a 'did this character really need to die?' sort of way and some characters I don't tend to enjoy a whole lot even though I can wholeheartedly say they're fine as a person(does that make sense? I don't think it does). In fact, this series is one I tend to not like, what with many cliches and predictability...but I really enjoy the fights and the structures the story was built upon. I won't say it fully deep dives into Buddhism, what with there being so so many branches of it(and Heian era having a whole different kind of beast of Buddhism), but it does such a good job at portraying it in subtle ways(or overt ways if you grew up with the religion). Like, I've always been interested in Buddhism and learning more about it, whether that be through books or finding a temple near me(which I only have one apparently and me being a social introvert(haha I work at a fucking grocery store, thank you irony) makes me nervous to attend in a lesson.), so seeing the mudras and the 'quotes'(I put that in quotes only because the 'Throughout Heaven and Earth, I Alone am the Honored One' line is specific to Japan from what I could find and like I said earlier, there are many branches of Buddhism, many teachings, and many interpretations in the East and Southeastern Asian nations where it is/was practiced for millennia, so not everything may exactly match) really really got my goat. And then the Death Paintings really intrigued me and got me deep diving even more into it, it's just a very very good time. I am most likely going to buy books on the different branches and just binge them when I get the chance. Anthropology, mythology, all sorts of cultures have always interested me and this is genuinely something I want to dive into. All that to say is I made Ryu into a character yet again for this show as well. Is it super late and I know no one will probably read this? Yeah. But I'd like to just get this outta my head so I can move on with my life and do something maybe productive. I haven't drawn him in his outfits yet, but I have drawn Shikigami for him and I'll go into detail about them below the break. OR I GUESS IN ANOTHER POST CUZ FUCK ME AND THE WEIRD ASS CHARACTER LIMIT I GUESS.
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saintkaylaa · 9 days
hey just a question, but what are all of JJK’s y/n’s cursed techniques? like I know toge’s is a form of cursed speech and suguru’s can use reverse ct on other like shoko but you also mentioned somewhere that she has two? i’m curious about all of their cursed techniques!
I never did it without a request bc I didn’t want to make them oc-ish and AGAIN nothing I say thats ocish matters or changes the smaus I post!!
I’d also like to disclaim that I don’t FULLY understand the curse techniques and curse energy stuff. So if something is wrong or contradictory I’m sorry 😭
Gojo, Yuta, & Yuji’s are curse weapon users. They don’t have techniques! They are standard strong sorcerers like miwa kinda.
Gojo’s Reader’s uses blickies (guns)☺️ /̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿
Yuta’s Reader’s weapon of choice is a bow and arrow 🏹
Yuji’s is just katanas, swords and simple domains ⚔️
Choso’s Reader I’ve actually already gotten this ask and it’s here. It’s an innate and inherited technique that’s extremely rare in her bloodline.
Inumaki’s Reader is a branch of cursed speech they call sirens. Only the women in her family get this inherited technique! They use their voices in a melodic way to control the target for periods of time. Longer the more tenured the “siren” is and shorter with the inexperienced ones. If you’ve ever watched HP it like the imperio curse.
Suguru/Nanami’s Reader does NOT have 2 techniques. She has 1 innate and inherited technique with a strong ability for reverse like Shoko, but she’s not as good as Shoko. From what I understand reverse technique is something all sorcerers CAN do but most never fully learn to “master” like Shoko or do at all. Her technique is innate on her mother’s side and inherited on her father’s side. If you’re really curious it’s been hinted before in the hidden inventory gc smaus and in the tea time smaus, and this getting so long so I can make a separate post about it like I did with Choso’s Reader if I get the ask for it.
Same goes for Megumi’s😊
Out of all of them though, 1 is special grade and 1 is a special grade 1 (and later questioned to be special grade).
Tysm for this, it’s super fun sharing my brain🤍
© saintkaylaa 2023-2024 do not copy, repost, or translate any of my work without permission. reserved rights to any original ideas. I do not own any established characters. All rights reserved.
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notmazikeen · 2 months
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finally finished her!!
she’ll be my jjk oc/my persona :D
(with her age she’d fall into takuma ino’s age and class group!)
if y’all want i can explain more about her cursed technique and cursed weapon! 🫶
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satorugojooo · 1 year
No matter what, I'll always be by your side~
I literally saw this idea on Tumblr, but in my prior scenarios I thought about it too since my oc in jjk can use rct as well but on others too like Shoko, so here it is~
Warnings: well... Blood I guess, injuries, but nothing much, jjk 226 spoilers
Genre: mostly fluff
"SENSEI!" Yuji shouted as he watched his teacher get slashed by Sukuna trough the screen. Everyone looked shocked at the screens.
"Satoru!" you quickly said as you panicked a little. You knew very well that he wouldn't die right now, he won't do it from a single slash, but it hurt seeing your lover with a big cut in his neck.
"I'm going to him, I need to be there to heal him." you announced and Shoko looked at you.
"Pfft don't be ridiculous Y/n, you can't go there, it's way too dangerous, plus Satoru wouldn't want you there." she said and you were quickly stopped by Yuta.
"Y/n-San, I'm sure that Gojo-San has everything under control, don't forget that he can use rct just like you. He can heal himself." Yuta said and you looked at your hand.
"Ugh... Fine. But if something happens, I'm out." you said as you looked stressed at the screen. Satoru started to heal himself with rct but... Sukuna kept on slashing his whole body.
"Satoru..." you mumbled as you looked at the screen with tears, you simply had to get there somehow. No matter what would have happened.
"Y/n! You can't-" Mei Mei said as you got up but before you could argue you saw that Satoru stopped healing himself letting Sukuna slash him.
"... What... What is he doing??" you said desperately as you approached the screen to have a better look. It had no sense what he was trying to do right now... In this rythm he would only hurt himself.
"Is that... Even possible??" Yuta asked as Gojo casted simple domains, fighting Sukuna with his close combat. You watched with fear as his face was covered in blood.
"Don't tell me that he-" you mumbled as he pointed his finger at sukuna.
"Reversed curse tehnique: Red." he said and Sukuna got blasted on his shrine.
"He... He used his rct to heal his ct and use it against Sukuna." Yuta said amazed and you quickly left the room.
"Y/n!" Shoko said but you were already out. They turned to the screen only to see that Sukuna's domain collapsed, it seemed that the shrine was indeed the center of the domain.
As you quickly arrived in Shibuya, where they were fighting you spotted Satoru still with scars and blood all over himself.
"Satoru!" you yelled as you landed next to him, he looked at you surprised.
"Y/n?? What are you doing here, you shouldn't be here!" he said seriously, he wasn't this serious many times, but now he knew very well that Sukuna was no childish play.
"I came to heal you, you can't fight in this state anymore!" you said as you placed your hands on his chest and a light ray started to come from your hands. You closed your eyes using your rct.
Satoru just watched you heal him with a small loving smile, you were the only one that ever saw this side of him, and he was so happy to see you right now.
"Done..." you said as you looked into his eyes with a look of relief.
"Thank you my dear." he said as he took your wrists and looked at you gently, now his face was clean without scars like before. He slowly leaned down and have you a peck on your lips caressing your hair.
"Well well well, what a lovely and absolutely disgusting reunion, came to die with your brat?" Sukuna said as he looked at you and gojo put an arm before you in a protective way.
"Just dare to touch her and your dead meat." Gojo said with a mocking tone and you looked at Gojo.
"Shall we end this fight?" you smiled and he winked at you.
"Yeah... Like good old times!" he said and you both prepared your cursed tehniques.
To be continued...
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celastapasta · 2 months
I made some JJK OCs 👉👈 Here's the picrew I used because I can't draw for shit
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Name: Hamada Umeko
Age: 22
Pronouns: She/her
Rank: Semi Grade 1 Sorcerer
Cursed Technique: Camouflage. Her cursed energy can take on the appearance of her surroundings, shifting in real time as she moves - making her effectively invisible to the naked eye. She can also imbue objects with her cursed energy to give them the same properties.
Fun Facts:
• Umeko's CT is effective when against normal humans or negligent sorcerers, but once someone looks for residuals she's like a big red target through infrared. Therefore she has a pact that dampens her cursed energy output so she can remain almost completely undetected, but renders her incapable of imbuing her physical attacks with cursed energy while invisible. This makes her incredibly disadvantaged at close range, but makes her invisible to nearly all sorcerers other than very observant ones - namely Gojo Satoru.
• Due to the nature of her pact, her preferred combat style is through imbuing kunai with her cursed energy, making them invisible, then attacking from the shadows. Her talents are mostly relegated to intelligence gathering.
• She's dating Ino :)
• Umeko graduated from the Tokyo school and was a year above Ino
• A huge fan of fighting games - she's won a couple of local tourneys but has never pursued anything higher (she mains Ken in SF and Sin in GG)
• She puts candy canes in her hot chocolate
• She gives off major older sister energy. Is also incredibly supportive towards anyone the second they mention wanting to do something. Wanna pass a test? You've got this! Wanna ask someone out? Do you need a wingman? Need to hide a body? She'll grab a shovel (and then hit you over the head with it afterwards bc wtf were you thinking)
• Can and will carry Ino over her shoulder.
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Name: Fujimoto Eiko
Age: 31
Pronouns: He/they
Rank: Grade 2 Curse User
Cursed Technique: Sleep Touch. Anyone he touches will be immediately lulled to sleep and will not wake up until he wills it. They are in tune with a small swarm of moth shikigami, which carry out their CT whenever they land on someone. The effectiveness of the sleep state depends on how much stronger they are compared to their target - ranging from the previously stated scenario, their target waking up sometime before they wish it, to various states of drowsiness.
Fun Facts:
• Eiko's body takes on characteristics of his shikigami when he channels them - namely fuzzy, glowing antennae and swirling blue patterns on his face and arms.
• His moth shikigami glow an electric teal color.
• They are a thief, and use their CT to steal things undetected. Normal humans have no resistance to their CT, so they stick to petty crimes and reselling what they stole online. He's sometimes commissioned to steal cursed weapons/objects, but he rarely takes these jobs and only if he knows said objects/weapons aren't already registered with jujutsu high. He's abysmal at fighting and does not want to run into someone that can resist his technique.
• Eiko has a fairly sizable aquarium at his house and is quietly passionate about it. It is very well maintained.
• Their favorite food is takoyaki.
• They work at a suit/tailor shop.
• They're rather antisocial, only interacting with family on holidays and don't let anyone get past the social rank of "co-worker."
• He would rather not admit he's fond of Noriaki, his "handler" for heists that involve curses.
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Name: Nishio Asahi
Age: 287
Pronouns: She/her, but doesn't really care
Rank: Grade 1 Incarnated Curse User
Cursed Technique: Matchbox. By creating friction between her body and something else (such as snapping or dragging her foot on the ground), she can spark her cursed energy into a flame. She can then manipulate said flame however she wishes.
Fun Facts:
• Was a sorcerer of the Edo period, same as Kashimo. However they were not alive at the same time.
• Possessing the body of Sasaki Daigo.
• She was a scribe for a noble house, and met and made a deal with Kenjaku while they both served under said house. Kenjaku was in the body of a lady-in-waiting at the time, and was usually the most entertaining thing happening in Asahi's life. Kenny helped her get the hang of her CT when they would sneak off late at night to practice. There never really was any need for them to actually fight, which they found rather disappointing, so Kenjaku promised they could truly reach their potential in a few centuries if they made a pact together.
• A chronic girl kisser
• Always has the need to be doing something, especially now that she's incarnated and is not restrained by the rules and etiquette that come with serving a noble family.
• He's found a particular interest in gummy candy.
• She's hoping to run into Kenjaku during the culling games. (She's doing fairly decently in it - having 55 points).
• All of Asahi's manors come from etiquette training and necessity. She's actually a total dick. Really the only servant who liked her in her original period was Kenjaku because they thought she was funny. They would often gossip together and snicker in the corner like high school girls.
Name: Sasuki Daigo
Age: 25
Pronouns: He/him
Rank: Non-sorcerer
Fun Facts:
• Daigo is currently being possessed by Asahi. While not a sorcerer, he could perceive cursed spirits and therefore has not died now that Asahi is incarnated. He does not have the capabilities of being an active vessel, however, and is effectively in a coma.
• He was a barista at a coffee shop for much longer than he wanted to be. He'd dropped out of college because he couldn't keep paying for it, and had since gotten stuck there.
• He is a major boyfailure. Asahi enjoys the novelty of being in a male body, but 100% would make fun of Daigo if he were conscious to hear it.
• He naturally has blue eyes, but they were turned purple once possessed by Asahi.
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Name: Koyama Sugi
Age: 15
Pronouns: She/her
Rank: Grade 4 1st year
Cursed Technique: Hallucinations. She turns her cursed energy into a mist which causes hallucinations for anyone around. She doesn't decide what people see, and the experience can range from slightly disorienting to an acid trip - thought the latter is a much rarer experience and usually only happens to non-sorcerers.
Fun Facts:
• Sugi is the second first year at Kyoto Tech.
• Her family is the major reason she's studying to be a sorcerer. She's incredibly timid and dislikes what her CT does to people. She would rather be a manager or window, or preferably a regular person. Utahime convinced her to stay at least as long as it takes to control her CT so she doesn't accidentally effect normal people.
• She was mistreated as a child by non-sorcerers due to them believing she was cursed, and her family didn't like how she wouldn't stand up for herself.
• Sugi likes to listen to music on cassette tapes. Her favorite song right now is Mr. Blue Sky.
• She loves both spicy and sour foods, and is a little competitive about eating them.
• She's good friends with Nitta and Miwa, and has a bit of a sibling-like relationship with Noritoshi. She's scared of the other Kyoto students.
• Can't stand scary movies.
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k0hh0m4ru · 13 days
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My jjk oc so I can become the next gege cope with my jjk main trio being gone.. 😭😭
With the help of chatgbt it gave me some ct I dont understand lol
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serpent-hell · 2 months
Ramble splease?
I love listening reading rambles!
Please, ramble on about all you want!
The people that like reading rambles will be happy and the people that don't can just not read the rambles.
akvkskg sure! ill put most of this under a read more as it contains spoilers on jjk257 and my SI!Sukuna fic Heavy Is The Head :]
so, even though my fic was inspired by @overly-verbose and i planned it to be a crackfic of sorts, that did not end up happening, past me putting down that it'll just be a story for fun with barely any research is half a liar
because i ended up in a deep dive over theories on Sukuna's Origins, his CT and the Heian Era
yknow how i said, "no way i predicted that?!" during the time the leaks happened, keep in mind i dont actually consume the manga, i havent read it, ive just seen clips and get spoiled by everyone else
im talking about Sukuna eating his twin in the womb basically and that's sort of the reason why he's so strong, he's quite literally 2 in 1 in both body and soul, one being eating his twin and the other being the isekai basically.
(yes, that means SIkuna is stronger bc he's like, 2:2 to Canon!Sukuna's 2:1, BC OF THE TWINS SHARING ONE SOUL)
also the reason for SIkuna not instinctively knowing his CT is because, since the twin eating, he also got his twin's CT making a whole new one that he had to figure out by accepting their identity, to recognize the new CT that was destroyed and created anew.
ALSO THE THING ABOUT TWINS, even out of JJK, i did some research and in Japan history, twins weren't viewed favorably and often times, people would either kill one or sell them off, they're a bad omen
in JJK, they're also seen as bad, since they share one soul, they're sort of split apart, seen through Maki and Mai, one gets a CT, the other gets nothing and their CE gets constrained, it's not an even split
now for the pink haired twins.
the funniest coincidence i had, was basically like, SIkuna looking like Jin, he'a an OC so my exact thought process was
it'd be funny if they were like Yuuji, just blond (to reference Yuuji's og design) and then dyed his hair but i felt it was too on the nose and was like, you know what, maybe he sort of looks like Jin, minus the glasses and blond.
why Jin? you may ask, one, he was the only other pink haired guy, two, i didnt want the OC to actually be like, an alternate Sukuna since they are different from the Canon vers.
plus, he didn't have much relevance up until this point and i liked connecting puzzle pieces.
never thought he WOULD be.
as for my thoughts on jjk257, im probably going to adopt it into my own fic BUT, SIkuna himself doesn't know, it'd be really funny if he doesn't.
also bc i want Papa SIkuna to be REAL. that's the thing abt identical twins, they're the same DNA so technically, even though he'd be an Uncle, Genetically or ig, SOUL!Genetically?? SIkuna would be Yuuji's father in literal spirit, LMAO
and also, it'll give SIkuna an excuse to father so hard
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yuesya · 10 months
Hello, author!
I stumble by a reddit post about OCs on JJK, and someone recommend your fic! I love every single chapter, especially the interlude, and also the fight scenes!
I have so many questions, but I know that you'll not entertain due to spoilers. Shiki's CT might still a secret, but like I imagine her CT like how Raiden Shogun obliterate La Signora into ashes.
I recently read your latest chapters, and my goodness, Geto's POV is really something. Yuzuki's POV really give us an insight on what the vassal family think about Shiki and Matsuhime's POV shows that she's really deluded that she could take Shiki down, not knowing how much it will impact on the Kamo Clan.
I'm also fascinated when reading your mini fics! Itadori meeting Shiki and thinking that she's Satoru's love child will always be funny! I kinda wonder on what Shiki feels when seeing her not-cousin being imprisoned, while most of the students have gathered around to Itadori who tells them that she's his cousin in the parallel world. Lmao, their reaction will be priceless.
Hello and thanks for reading! Glad you're enjoying the story.
Shiki's CT is still shrouded in mystery, but we'll be getting around to uncovering more of it soon. Man, I can't wait until we finally hit the canon timeline haha...
Funny how you mention Raiden Shogun and La Signora as an example because I actually understand that reference! (I was introduced to Genshin around the Windblume event this year and finished the Inazuma storyline a while back)
It's fun writing other POVs, especially because the main story itself is narrated by Shiki, so it's always nice to play around with other perspectives on the various events going on. :D
Shiki-in-canon-verse would be another fun AU to write, but unfortunately it's also highly likely to be very spoiler-y haha.
In addition to Itadori running around screaming about 'Gojo-sensei's daughter,' there would probably also be other people mistaking Shiki for an alternate female version of Satoru once the 'from another world' tidbit becomes known.
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Waughhh Ari!!😭😭 thank you so so much for such a sweet response to my silly lil jjk sona thoughts🥺 It was such a fun time sending in her info to chat about, a lot of my friends enjoy but are not super into jjk, especially not to the extent of making a sona/oc so I’ll generally just have ideas marinate in my mind because I don’t want to overwhelm them by trying to talk about it ^^;
And!! Thank you so so much for all of your wonderful support and offer to listen to all of her lore™️, I would just never want to bore you or clog up your inbox/blog!🥺 (But I cannot lie I do have some more😳) But anyways!!! I cannot get over how sweet your response is I’m glad her CT seems to be interesting enough, especially considering it’s more or less support based. I was struggling big time trying to think of something that would seem fitting AND work, so to hear that she has the esteemed Ari stamp of approval,,,,sobbing and screaming,,,the highest honor🥺
Omg omg I had never even considered her technique possibly weakening the side effects of Sugu having to consume the curses that is😳 so so big brain but also so <:( poor guy has to get his CT enrichment time so the curses don’t eat at him from the inside out </3 She’s just here to support her friends and protect them in any way she can, and if that means giving them silly friendship bracelets then so be it😤
And ramble aside!!! Pretty please know that I, as well as everyone else would love to hear about your sona if you ever feel like chatting about them! The more the merrier, jjk sonas are such a fun thing to create and I know yours is absolutely lovely! <:D As always there’s zero rush to respond or anything of the like, and thank you so so much for your time!🥺
🍓 ANON MY LOVE !!!!!
PLS there’s no need to thank me at all!!!! thank you so much for being so sweet and for sharing such an awesome sona w me 🥺🥺 i love her already!!!! she’ll always always have the ari stamp of approval <33 AND PLS DON’T HOLD BACKKK i’d love to hear more abt her!!! genuinely!!!! it could never bore me!!!!! i’m alr so invested in her ct and relationships…. would LOVE to know what her dynamic w sashisu is like :0 if you’re open to sharing, obv!! <33
but wahhhh i just. really think she’s so lovely!!! and yeah my brain has a tendency to jump straight to sugu no matter the topic of discussion 😭😭 but i think he would be soooo fond of a sweet little reader……
She’s just here to support her friends and protect them in any way she can, and if that means giving them silly friendship bracelets then so be it😤
LIKE… she’s just such a lil angel T_T i’m such a sucker for characters who unabashedly adore their friends….. i just KNOW they never take those bracelets off too . hhhh they’re adorable…. i’m clutching my chest n falling to the ground….. pls have mercy 🍓 anon……….
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originaldickhead · 8 months
I made a JJK OC but I’m not too fond of my choice for the design
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I want to go into more detail about her so here’s a little Q&A
Q: How did she get affiliated with the Jujutsu Sorcerers? Was she recruited or was she born into a family?
A: She was an orphan taking in by a cultist group. They believed her to be the god “Amaterasu” that was reincarnated into a lesser life form to do the job of got “Hachiman” as Japanese people’s guardian. It was known through the whole cult that she could see “things” and “hear” things that no one could. They believed the gods were whispering to her and showing her “reality”. Her blood was drained daily for consumption by the cult as they believed drinking her blood would help them see “reality”. They believed her blood would be able to cure any and all illness and would keep them from dying. She spent her whole life leading the cult until age 14 when jujutsu tech saved Yozu from the cult.
Q: Hobbies?
A: Killing cursed spirits
Q: Likes?
A: She likes being pampered, being treated like a god,stealing, napping on warm rocks, and hanging out with non sorcerers
Q: Dislikes?
A: People who don’t treat her as a god
Q: what happens if she loses something like her heart function or brain function? Will she die?
A: It is possible, on the chance that it does happen (which it has) she immediately lets go of the CT/E before she passes out/dies.
Q: Why isnt she ranked? Did you not know what to rank her?
A: She isn’t ranked because her grade varies on who/what she steals from. She would be considered a lowly 4th Grade in normal circumstances, but if she steals a CT from someone like Go/jo Satoru then she would also technically “steal” his sorcerer grade.
Q: How did she lose her eye? What did she gain?
A: She stole an CT from one of her opponents. It’s the ability to counteract any opponents CT by throwing it back at them with 2x the power. She stole the power from a “normal” Middle schooler who was ostracized because of them “seeing things that aren’t there”
Q: How strong is she physically?
A: She’s very flexible and agile but has low stamina and tires easily
Q: Does she have any skills?
A: She excels at close hand-to-hand combat
Q: Does she use weapons imbedded with cursed energy?
A: Yes, she collects them and “borrows” them from the Zenin clans collection (she steals them) but prefers to use her hands
Q: How does she feel about being a Jujutsu Sorcerer
A: She tolerates her job
Q: Is she a jujutsu teacher?
A: Not officially but Gojo usually delegates his responsibilities to her so she ends up doing it anyways
Q: Any dirty Landry?
A: She’s great at pick-pocketing people (she used to be a kleptomaniac)
Q: Whats her favorite food?
A: She doesn’t care about eating
Q: Does she have a love interest?
A: I made her for Go/jo Satoru
Q: How does she feel about G/eto Suguru?
A: She doesnt blame him for going crazy. She was disappointed to see someone with huge potential become damaged goods because of a little girls death.
Q: How did she react to Go/Jo being sealed/released/killed?
A: She was killed by Gojo during the shibuya arc for being a traitor and working with Kenny
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inaflashimagine · 3 years
Everytime I think of your jjk oc’s technique I think of Konan
The fact that I didn’t even realize this until I was talking about the Pein arc w someone who just started watching Naruto Shippuden and I was like holy shit my brain subconsciously thought of Konan’s abilities when making my oc’s CT💀
I think I thought of paper because the sealing clan uses a shit ton of paper LOL. You know how a lot of the Zenins’ CTs seem to revolve around shadows and light? I liked the idea of her CT being related to her clan, since I thought of maybe her older sibling being able to manipulate ink for his CT (and maybe he can infuse poison into the ink). But yeah, definitely Konan vibes although sadly the jjk OC cannot use the papers to make wings (ugh Konan was so cool)
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saintkaylaa · 2 months
Hii!!! I was wondering if you’d be willing to give more details about Choso’s y/n’s CT if you have any? It sounds so fascinating!!! No pressure if you don’t want to share but I’d love to learn more!! Have a great day ☺️
Okaaay but I don’t wanna hear that y’all say I’m OCing 😭 bc none of this actually matters in the smau.
Disclaimer: I am not fully caught up with the JJK Manga nor do I honestly fully understand the curse energy aspect. Honestly who really does😭
Choso’s gf has a unique technique that has to do with her domain expansion. And honestly none of this might make sense but imma do my best 😅
Her technique has religious themes, and it’s an innate inherited technique based on Heaven and Hell.
Domain Expansion Name: Divine Retribution
Divine Retribution allows her to pull apart her domain and infuse the power and guaranteed hit of a DE into a singular strike. So anytime you are hit with one of her hits/strikes there is no escaping it, and it has the same impact on a target as if being in her domain expansion. So it’s like getting physically hit with a mini domain expansion.
However, the more she pulls her DE apart, the weaker it gets so if she pulls it apart way too much and tries to activate a full on DE the chances of it defeating it’s target are slim and it can harm her instead.
In addition, this may sound like she has a weak HP bar but she’s actually equipped with 2 HP bars. Choso’s gf actually has 2 celestial forms that she can switch between, at will. (Really 3, if you count her “human” form.) She has an angel/seraphim form (equipped with nearly indestructible wings that act more as shields) and a demon/devil form.
I mean, there’s more like her extension techniques and maximum techniques, but that’s kinda the gist 🤗 I hope this answered your question!
Can you guess her grade?
© saintkaylaa 2023-2024 do not copy, repost, or translate any of my work without permission. reserved rights to any original ideas. I do not own any established characters. All rights reserved.
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inaflashimagine · 3 years
slams fists since the fic is abandoned would you still be alright with sharing some headcanon crumbs about the sealing oc/the clan they’re in? I love the concept and think it’s swell
just so you know, if you ever drop a one-shot of the meeting, I know people who would be very happy wink wink
Yes, I can! Sorry this took a while, I had to find the doc w/my long (like wtf why is it so long?!), scattered ideas and update them. And thank you for your interest🥺 I think I might actually write the fic, or at least the meeting! But I want to wait a few more chapters to see if anything else is mentioned about the clans. If I do end up writing this, it’ll probably be a slowburn💀
The series would either be a f!reader insert or an OC (still debating on that). There’s not much info about sealing in jjk so if I’m missing something or anyone has suggestions lmk (this is a long info dump just a warning):
About the clan:
Much like the Three Noble Houses (Gojo, Kamo, and Zenin clans), this clan rose to prominence during the Heian period, when jujutsu sorcery was at its peak
Though a relatively small clan, they are seen as an anchor or pillar, as the clan’s sorcerers always offered their help to the Three Noble Houses. 
They are sometimes referred to as the middleman, as their original location was literally in between the Gojo and Zenin clan. Perhaps that’s why they are now seen as a mediator, their land once neutral ground when the tension between the two powerful families could escalate to lethal fights.
Though their sorcerers aren’t seen as strikingly strong or possessing unique, inherited techniques, they sure know how to wield writing tools. In fact, they are one of the main reasons why there are records about jujutsu sorcery and society. The jujutsu history curricula at the high school are largely shaped by the literature written by some clan members
The clan is also exceptionally gifted at making effective seals. The majority of the paper talismans in the room Yuji and Yuta first woke up in, and the talismans used during the Exchange event? The constraints that sealed Sukuna’s finger and the Cursed Womb: Death Paintings? That’s all thanks to them. 
Many even consider them to be the experts at jujutsu sealing. The current head mandates that younger members learn the art as soon as they learn how to control their cursed energy.
However, reader is currently trying to find a way to improve their sealing methods, as the talismans are considered to be an outdated tool. The higher-ups and the schools also often go to reader when they need to get a curse user to confess critical information. This is because she’s found a way to combine her skills in sealing with her CT (explained further below)
Information about reader and CT:
Her CT allows her to manipulate paper. She can flow her cursed energy into sheets of paper and essentially harden and project them over long distances, similar to a spear or arrow. 
Yes her CT is not environmentally friendly I apologize. Gojo always blames her for increasing greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to global warming, and she wishes she can find a way to seal his mouth
She can also use the sheets of paper (although she occasionally uses a scroll) to wrap and constrict curses, essentially squishing them with her cursed energy (Gojo calls them “exploding mummies,” always yelling out “Gross!” when he actually witnesses the process. Nanami thinks it’s a clever way of using her technique but doesn’t like how messy it seems).
However, her time at the high school has increased her proficiency with hand-to-hand combat, and she’s gotten comfortable with using kunai. 
It took her a while to get this to work (and once resulted in singed eyebrows), but she has a supply of detonating talismans that she attaches to kunai and occasionally her “paper spears”. Essentially she can program the talisman to activate and explode from the sudden burst of cursed energy. 
She thinks this invention allowed her to accomplish her accompanied missions following her recommendation for Grade 1, as well as completing the mission that would grant her the Grade 1 ranking. Regardless, it took her a while for her to gain that status, much to her father’s embarrassment. (She managed to bump up to Grade 2 by her third year at the college but remained at that ranking for many years. Grade 2 is still a great level for a sorcerer, but not when you’re a part of her clan, especially when her father is the head of the clan).
And she’s still trying to perfect this method (her oldest brother, who will be the next head of the clan, has now joined her in this little pet project) because it can sometimes be a hit or miss (the misses frequently seem to occur during actual missions...). Also, she doesn’t want to repeat the incident of singed eyebrows (Gojo has a whole photo album dedicated to that tragic day).
However, she doesn’t sign up for many missions now, as she’s become increasingly focused on improving her family’s sealing methods and abilities. The higher-ups are also interested in using her CT as an interrogation tactic:
Although trying to perfect this as well, she can wrap the curse user with inscribed sheets of papers or a hand scroll, hardening the material so that they’re essentially cocooned. The bound paper can continue to be constricted to an extremely painful degree, while suppressing the user’s cursed energy. Usually this combination gets weak curse users to confess on the spot, and weakens the morale and mental strength of stronger curse users. The reader hopes to find a way that the paper can actually absorb their cursed energy so that the constricting effect is stronger.
In this story, reader would a year younger than Gojo and same age as Nanami
hcs about reader and her relationships:
Fitting with the theme of the clan always being seen as in the middle of things, the reader is a middle child. Her father is the current head of the clan.
She already met Satoru before high school due to the numerous meetings both of their clans have had over the years. He was a little shit even back then, his doe-like eyes and that cute dragonfly patterned yukata contrasting with his lack of manners and the rather brutish way he talked to his seniors. No wonder why everyone felt bad for his servants who had to care for him.
When she first met him he didn’t even bat an eye toward her, seeming aloof, bored. Not to mention his presence was intimidating among children and adults, his immense amount of cursed energy almost suffocating.
She didn’t need to go to Tokyo Jujutsu High; like many of her cousins, she could’ve stayed at the estate and focus on perfecting her sealing skills instead of becoming a sorcerer. 
But she hated feeling trapped and wanted to see if she could make something out of her technique (after she was constantly told that her CT wasn’t anything special). And after she heard of the amazing stories about meeting other students from her eldest brother (who is 3 years her senior), she knew she had to go
So when she joined the school, it was surprising to see Gojo, now a second year, seem so care-free and joyful around his classmates. Reader just knows his servants back at home would be admonishing him for the amount of sweets he eats nonstop.
But he’s still a piece of shit, he, and ocassionally Geto, pull so many pranks on reader and the other two first-years
Her relationship with Haibara came so organically, who she compared to a literal ball of sunshine. She doesn’t think she’s seen such a happy sorcerer
Reader’s initial relationship with Nanami, on the other hand...was rough. He didn’t understand why reader was so interested in learning more about him coming from a non-shaman family and reader didn’t understand why Nanami seemed so pessimistic and guarded.
Reader’s excitement toward missions heavily contrasted with Nanami’s more logical takes. This always led into arguments and Haibara trying to be as neutral as possible, poor boy.
You know how Megumi says jujutsu high school students were sometimes in charge of patrolling Yasohachi Bridge? Imagine Haibara, Nanami, and reader being tasked with this and it’s just constant sighing from Nanami as reader complains how bored she is and Haibara is like “C’mon everyone, we have to continue giving it our all!” LOL
Reader definitely gets closer to Nanami after their second year (after Haibara’s you know what), only for their relationship to become strained when he easily acquires his Grade 1 ranking and promptly quits afterwards (reader is jealous that he’s so talented, despite coming from a nonshaman family, while also being jealous of the fact that he doesn’t have to be trapped into the jujutsu world, he can leave it so easily! Not to mention she feels betrayed by him and feels alone)
This anger fuels her to devote most of her time into being a strong sorcerer. Yaga tried convincing her to teach, but she prefers working behind the scenes. He lends her an office and makeshift lab at the school where she can try her sealing methods when she’s not at the estate. 
Because of this, she becomes friendlier with Shoko and Gojo over time (and she and Shoko have to visit Megumi and Tsumiki once in a while since Gojo could be a better guardian lol). 
Her relationship with Gojo and Nanami gets more complicated when Nanami decides to return as a sorcerer. Reader’s solution is to hide away in the lab rather than deal with any of those feelings
Her eldest brother always reminds her to be wary of the men she surrounds herself with and not sully the clan name, since everyone knows that Gojo likes to think he’s a hot-shot bachelor while Nanami might as well be a simple “civilian”. Reader thinks her brother should focus on his romantic life first, considering he’s a married man who is still in love with a servant in the clan.
But the fact that reader is 27 and single is not a fact her father is happy with (“You could marry someone in the Kamo or Zenin clan. I know Naobito has been trying to find a suitable wife for Naoya...”).  
Reader becomes heavily involved with the first-years come Yuji’s arrival, as she’s interested in learning more about Sukuna and how/why Itadori is a vessel. But Yuji also reminds her a lot of Haibara, which is why she has such a soft spot for him.
Other Stuff:
I’ve been going back and forth with clan names, wondering if I should even use one. Following Akutami’s style, I want to choose a name with a more literal meaning/one that hints at the clan’s persona or role. 
So current ones, pulled from this website, are: Konaka (Ko means “small”, Naka “middle”), Naka (“middle”), Ikari (which can mean “anchor”), and Hashira (“pillar”). Yeah the more I think about choosing a name the farther I am from actually selecting one💀
Nanami actually used to wield his sword without the cloth. But it was always such a pain to clean it after a mission. Reader is the one who tells him to just cover it with paper or a piece of cloth during their first year, but he doesn’t incorporate the patterned cloth until he returns as a sorcerer (inspired by the patterned tie his mom gave him)
I was planning on making Nanami reader’s first kiss (she makes the first move). He returns the kiss, which makes her so happy, but then he backs away and tells her that he’s going to quit the jujutsu world...
Gojo once trusted reader to the point that he inactivated his infinity whenever he was around her. But then reader suddenly placed a seal on his mouth because she thought he was leaning in to kiss her and she panicked. Meanwhile Gojo claims he was leaning in to remove a piece of lint from her shirt...
The Meeting (this is all in 2nd person, I’m too lazy to change it to 3rd person lol):
Every summer is the annual Three Noble Houses meeting, the most significant gathering among the families as the elders + clan heads (as well as the occasional future clan head, or the head’s closest advisor) discuss politics, current state of affairs, and update treaties, negotiations, etc. The event–which can run on for many days, if there’s more arguing than agreements–is graciously hosted by reader’s clan, members trying to make sure everyone’s head is intact by the end of the night.
The meetings sound like a fun reality TV show you can watch while munching on some popcorn. But they aren’t, considering it’s mostly old men trying to outwit the other and prove that their family has more integrity than anyone else in the room.
These past three years you’ve been tasked with either keeping notes/writing the transcript and occasionally mediating discussion when your brother or father cannot.
Although Satoru being clan head has definitely made things more entertaining, his tardiness and lack of filter are probably the reasons why Naobito is going to croak soon. (Though he’s occasionally a sight for sore eyes, his dark hakama and hair slicked back making you forget that you’re supposed to be jotting down notes. It’s even worse when he catches you staring, that smug smirk letting you know he’s not going to let you live this down.)
And yes, you’re one of the few women in that room. And yes, a lot of sexist comments are thrown your way. But the real surprise is Gojo defending your character, trying to suppress your laughter as he tears Naoya apart for making a snide comment about how you should “return to the kitchen”
But the next days are absolute torture as you wonder if Gojo is just being Gojo or if he’s actually flirting with you. It’s at this point that you desperately want to kick everyone out of the estate lol.
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