#jpop tarot
ravenbloodshot · 9 days
may you do a reading on either Psychic Fever or The rampage of your choice? I've gone down a rabbit whole of Exile tribe guys and kinda sad there isn't much on them in in tumblr.
Psychic Fever it is...
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Group Dynamic
The group is quite the jokesters and pranksters. When they're together they have a lot of fun, laugh and play around. It's like a group of teenage boys just clowning around, playing games together, roasting each other etc.... very cute and lighthearted
The members feel like they've sacrificed a lot to be in this group/company. So it's likely they've talked about their past or the things they've could have been doing before they pursued music (like college and other career opportunities they've possibly missed out on). So they all feel a huge responsibility/pressure to "make it."
They share well with each other. Members don't mind covering bills for each other (food) and giving to each other. This group is VERY ambitious. They plan to succeed (like most groups) but for them it's like an energy of "we're going to be fine, we're going to make it, our only option is success". There is no negative thinking or what ifs. The only thing they will even consider is things going as planned.
Idk if they live in dorms, but I don't get a vibe that they do. If so, they may not be there a lot. Members may go out and do their own thing.
Whoever is the leader is very precise, orderly and in control. They be on it. "Members need to be here at this time," "practice starts at this time." It's the vibe of a boss. So it could be their boss, but it feels like a member, maybe the member just acts like the boss. Whoever this guy is, is like the dad of the group.
The Joke is On You by Niki Watkins is a song that fits this reading's energy
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Harua as a boyfriend ♡
(April 27rh, 2024)
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Disclaimer: Everything is based on tarot and my intuition. I don't know these idols personally. Take everything that I say with a grain of salt. Let's get started! :)
What kind of a relationship is Harua looking for?
Seven of Pentacles, Three of Priestess, Queen of Wands R, The Empress R
As much as he would like a relationship that makes him feel secure and stable, I also see him liking a relationship that isn't quite serious yet. What I'm hearing right now is 'slow burn'. I also keep in mind that he is still young so I'd say he isn't necessarily looking for a relationship but if he meets someone he really likes then he would pursue something serious but he would give himself time!
How is Harua like as a boyfriend?
The Hierophant, Eight of Swords R, Page of Pentacles, Two of Cups R
If Harua is in a relationship, then he is a very committed partner. I'm also getting some traditional vibes from Harua. Might be that he would like to take control over the relationship.
Harua would also appreciate some kind of freedom in a relationship. He wants to have time for himself, and he would also let his partner have some free time.
He is still very young but can be loyal! I feel like he would always adore his partner and gift them things.
However, like I said, he isn't really the type to go for something serious. He is just not looking for a connection with another person.
Happy birthday, Harua! 🎂
&TEAM Masterlist : ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
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infinitydivine · 7 months
fujii kaze's personality reading please? 👀❤️
Fujii Kaze personality
He is an introvert and a homebody, very self-aware, and has a fair perspective on dealing with worldly matters. He is a natural healer,, and has a calming aura surrounding him which makes people near him calm down automatically. Might be into meditation and Yoga. He is an independent person...including emotionally too. Doesn't like to depend on others to fulfill his emotional needs. Very sophisticated and artistic with the gift of art. With the combination of the Chariot and Justice, there is no doubt he is a fair person. Even if he enjoys being in charge he will never put anyone under difficult situations. He likes having everything under control and balanced. This is a person who enjoys beauty for the sake of beauty. Moreover, he is usually good at seeing both sides of a situation. Rather than having extreme emotions, he is quite calm.
He is the most patient person one will ever meet. He has a spiritual side to him with Philosophical energy.  This person has a lot of depth to him and may have complex and well-thought-out opinions on philosophical issues.
(Very strong Aura not kidding).
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810nd1 · 8 months
Fuji Kaze quick love reading
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First of all that man very spiritual. I sense a lot of calmness from here even some sort of a divine protection
He’s not dating anyone at this moment. He’s done on dating for a while and doesn’t even try to date because of some past disappointment in someone
He is focused on the things that keep him alive and make him feel passionate. Again we have the high priestess. He trust the universe everything will work out for him in the end, he just has to wait till the world is ready to give him the love he deserves
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Sawamoto Natsuki (FANTASTICS from EXILE TRIBE) + @hellomochiq Sweet Romance Couple Reading
Hello and welcome!
I’m Kleo and I’m here to present some k-pop related tarot readings to you.
I would like to state that all these readings have a purely entertainment nature and their purpose is to bring some fun into my and hopefully yours lives. I have never ever met any of the idols / actors / celebrities in my readings, I don’t know them personally. Tarot reading isn’t an exact science and I can never guarantee any of it. Most of it is my intuition mixed with fantasy. Don’t take these readings seriously and don’t base any important decisions on tarot readings only, use your common sense.
If you wish to request a tarot reading, please read the pinned post on my profile first to see the instructions on how to request. I only do readings for idols / actors / celebrities of 18 years of age or older. Requests for readings including younger people will be automatically dismissed. If you feel uncomfortable with these tarot readings, do not engage in reading my posts. Thank you for understanding.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: @hellomochiq
Deck: The Dark Mansion Tarot
Spread: Sweet Romance
The eyes meet across the room… (What captivates them about you)
Sweet scent lingering in the air… (What pulls them closer to you)
Only the brave ones… (What motivates them to approach you)
Words as sweet as honey… (What enchants them about you)
Lips like petals of a rose… (What makes them kiss you)
Love is a form of insanity… (What makes them fall in love with you)
Full Name: Sawamoto Natsuki
Stage Name: Sawamoto Natsuki
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@hellomochiq + Sawamoto Natsuki
Sawamoto Natsuki (FANTASTICS from EXILE TRIBE)
Deck: The Dark Mansion Tarot
Spread: Sweet Romance
The eyes meet across the room… (What captivates him about you) [7]
VII The Chariot
The way you handle situations and people around you would be the first thing Sawamoto would notice and it would captivate him. You have certain assertive ways to deal with people, not aggressively but with respect and you insist on being respected back from them. You’re not a panicking type and try to stay calm and in charge of the situation and even if you lose control for a while, you manage to find the firm grip again swiftly. Sawamoto would appreciate and admire that quality.
Sweet scent lingering in the air… (What pulls him closer to you) [32]
3 of Wands
The spark in your eyes when you find something exciting or interesting and you want to know more about it would pull him closer, he can’t resist the electricity you naturally emit when you get hyped up and see all the possibilities in front of you. You’re likely curious about the world around you and this fire and enthusiasm within you would make Sawamoto curious about you.
Only the brave ones… (What motivates him to approach you) [11]
XIV Temperance
Your naturally calm and well-balanced character would motivate Sawamoto to come and speak to you. You don’t judge, you are kind and friendly and you’re a good listener when people need to be heard out. You have a good intuition when it comes to telling whether someone needs to open their heart to you or whether they want to learn more about you and it feels truly comforting and encouraging for Sawamoto.
Words as sweet as honey… (What enchants him about you) [72]
2 of Cups
Your ability to connect with people through kindness, understanding and affection would put a spell on Sawamoto. He would get so consumed by you being open minded and tolerant towards people, always appreciating their good sides and showing love and understanding to their darker aspects. He would feel drawn to you from the very start as he feels you were meant for each other, maybe even lovers in past life. Your souls simply dance in harmony from the very first moment.
Lips like petals of a rose… (What makes him kiss you) [31]
7 of Swords
Lol! Here I see that a spike of jealousy would be the one final push to take the courage and kiss you. Maybe some other guy would show their interest in you but Sawamoto just can’t have it. He would need to show to that guy, and everyone, that you’re his and his only. Be sure that this first kiss would be something special and maybe even a bit savage, maybe some bites included and Sawamoto getting handsy as well, just mark you his.
Love is a form of insanity… (What makes him fall in love with you) [18]
5 of Swords
You simply steal his heart! Without him noticing, you broke into his heart, mind and soul, you made yourself home there and stole whatever was there in him. You invaded his dreams and daylight fantasies and he simply can’t feel complete unless you’re with him. It’s the sweetest kind of robbery and you’re the highwayman (highwaywoman) taking the loneliness and sadness from his life and replacing them with love and excitement.
I would like to say, that I don't know Sawamoto so this is purely my speculation but it does sound nice, doesn't it? 😊 I hope you like this.
Thank you for reading!
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cardboardheartss · 3 months
Psychic Fever Mini Career Reading
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How do PSYFE members feel about the groups sudden success? : 4oC, KoP rx & 3oW
The members still can not believe it. They had been promised success earlier but it wasn’t coming to fruition, and that probably led them to feel discouraged. As people say, “Your time will come.” Their time has finally come, and they have all been waiting for this day, and they really believe their hardwork has paid off and they are ready to all expand to better horizons.
PSYFE 2024 Career : 9oC, 5oS rx, 7oP, Death, 3oP, KoW rx & QoW
Their career took a whole 360° turn. With their popularity increasing, this is giving them the opportunity to show off their talent. The members have been fighting for recognition and they will be getting more as the months pass by. The members salaries/pay will certainly increase drastically, and the members will continue to work in harmony and if they active on social media, this will help expand and grow the fandom. Some members could be scared of the fame but this is their chance to grow as musicians, so those members will have to take the feeling away and go work!
Will PSYFE attend year end award shows? : PoW
Yes, and their stages will be really good! They’ll be really confident in themselves and captivate the crowd!!
Will PSYFE attend K-Con 2024? : 4oW
Yes, the members will feel extremely proud of everything going well and attending K-Con.
Will PSYFE continue gaining recognition? : 2oS & AoW
Yes, they will gain more recognition. There could be brand sponsorships/more fan interactions during fan-meetings.
Individual Members Career for 2024 :
Tsuguri: The High Priestess
He will be using his gut feeling to guide him throughout his career this year. He will probably be very secretive and introverted, and not converse as much with fans/media.
Royoga: (8oP, Hierophant rx, Strength rx) & The World rx
He will try gain more traction from fans but that will not take place. Royoga could possibly try improving his skills, but this could lead him to overworking himself. This could also lead him to going in hiatus…
Ren: (9oW, 7oS), The Empress, (3oC, QoS rx, The Hermit rx)
Ren could possibly have a huge argument with someone from work, and he could’ve felt really betrayed by that person. This will make him avoid that person, or group of people overall and he will definitely act really cold towards them.
Jimmy: PoS & QoP rx
Jimmy will be highly enthusiastic and will continue working really hard towards making his group successful. He will also assist his fellow teammates and guide them. It’s possible Jimmy will experience a work and life imbalance due to him wanting his group to succeed OR when his group succeeds he will gain more income and traction from the media.
Kokoro: AoS, ( The Fool rx & 3oS rx)
Kokoro will probably have side job during his idol life. It could take him a lot of time to think about it, but he will take that leap of faith and it will surely help him gain more income.
Ryushin: KNoP & AoP
He’ll be really successful this year, Ryushin will also gain a lot of confidence and income. He will be having a joyous 2024 lol!!
Weesa (my mannn 😫💘) : Temperance, (4oS rx & Lovers)
Weesa is a patient guy and he will continue to carry that character with him this year, if there are any arguments at work he will be the mediator and ensure everyone is happy with one another. This is so sudden, but Wessa could probably be taking a pause on his love life OR he could also be arguing/fighting with someone from work due to some judgments…
Thank you for reading 📦
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chocoqtelle · 2 years
୨ ୧  :  how would you be as an idol ?  pac
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pile one pile two
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pile three pile four
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᧔♡᧓ : pile one
As an idol, you'd be a bit different from other idols. You'd have this unique way of doing things and a unique style. You might be a solo idol or you could be your own boss/manager as an idol. You understand that being an idol takes hard work and are willing to put in the work to get what you want/need as an idol. Because of how unique you are, you would get tons of fans once you put in all the work. I'm hearing that you'd get quite a bit of money as well. You would continue to be yourself and keep independent but still not be a cold person, which your fans would like about you. You would have tons of fans who are as dedicated to you as you are to your career. You probably would have a side-job. You need to find balance being an idol and yourself away from being an idol. You don't share much personal information with your fans and you don't back down on what's important to you, even if you're pressured by others. You probably wouldn't try to keep up with trends. You'd be your own boss and allow freedom but you would have to sacrifice some things to reach your dreams as an idol.
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᧔♡᧓ : pile two
As an idol, you would treat your achievements like smaller than they really are. There's tons of money involved and your career would take of quickly but you'd be stuck comparing yourself to other idols. You probably would be in a group and would be the one making decisions on what's fair or not. Definitely could be the group's main leader or manager. You'd be known as that one confident member. Possibly like one of those kpop idol rappers who always has the best solo verses (like the rap in nude by g-idle). If you're thinking about writing lyrics but something is missing, learning new words for vocabulary would absolutely enhance your writing. Your group could be a small group of tightly knit friends. I'm getting that there isn't an insane amount of members but that makes you more memorable because the fans have less people to remember. The group has such good harmony and sounds perfect together but you're focused on the small imperfections. Looking at the small mistakes and imperfections could make the rest of the idols in the group upset and cause conflicts, so before getting into a group (if you aren't already) work on your perfectionism.
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᧔♡᧓ : pile three
I'm getting that you're a fast learner. You could have been starting late to idol training but you still caught up just as fast or faster than the other idols. This is a new income and a new experience for you. You could have/ might quit your job to become a full-time idol. You're extremely harsh on yourself to catch up, when in reality you would catch up just as fast if you were more gentle on your self-discipline. You decided to just take a dive into this, regardless of what others want for you. This is a fresh new start for you and a way to release all that creative energy you've been storing. You might feel isolated even if you are in a group and like you're standing alone. It's possible that you could have been meant to be in one group but ended up in another group last minute and feel like you don't belong. As an idol, you're remaining authentic to who you are but also controlling yourself. You're overcoming your fears of stage fright or humiliation and learning that nobody cares as much about your slip-ups as you do. Eventually, all of your mistakes will be forgotten and you don't need to worry about getting canceled over something silly. You forget you still have fans that will stay with you even if you fail to do something or embarrass yourself and those fans will stand with you.
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᧔♡᧓ : pile four
As an idol, you'd be like the young childlike bubbly one of the group. The type of idol people make "being cute and silly" compilations of. Your fans are die-hard and wanna keep you safe and protected. It's like jungkook vibes (not saying that cuz I'm a stan btw 😶 I barely listen to kpop). It's like chuu and jungkook mixed together and you were created. You have the choice to be living in luxury and make all this money without doing work (possible inheritance) but you would have chosen to be an idol instead because that's your true dream (if it actually is). Your main concern as an idol should be avoiding being/seeming fake. You don't have to pretend to be all cutesy, just show the cute side of you and your real cute aspects. Don't pretend you have a different personality than you do, just show off the good parts of your real personality. If you pretend to be something you're not, once you get tired and rest, people will notice that you weren't who you said you were. You being an idol would be something you planned for and would do long term. I feel like this pile in particular truly wants to be an idol. The only thing stopping you from being an idol is you limiting yourself.
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403tarot · 8 months
Hi may I request to do &team Nicholas (hybe Japanese boygroup ) he’s a Taiwanese btw, about his love life and what kind of girl she is attracted to
Thank you🥹🙏
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as usual, i began the reading by asking if he's in a relationship, and the answer was negative but the cards hinted that he has a crush on someone so i decided to confirm, and indeed, there is someone he's interested in.
the person nicholas is interested in is someone he holds in high regard, probably a person he's friends with. i asked about how this person sees nicholas, and they view him with a lot of affection and consideration. they can take pride in who he is, and they are someone who cheers for him. however, this person does not reciprocate his feelings. the cards, with the knight of cups and pentacles followed by the tower card may even suggest that he confessed his feelings to this person, but they were not accepted. this person is not a celebrity and not asian.
when it comes to his ideal type, nicholas is drawn to individuals who may seem reserved at first glance but have a warm and inviting personality. in fact, he might be interested in people who appear quite challenging to get close to, but he aspires for that "you hate everyone but me" kind of connection.
he likes people who demonstrate quick thinking and practicality, have a sense of humor naturally integrated into their personality, and look like are not interested in making efforts to be noticed.
certain appearance traits that can catch his attention:
western beauty standards; non-asian people
little or no makeup
pale skin
petite silhouette
full lips
sexy-cold vibe, hard to approach
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k-tarotz · 5 months
Hello! How are you doing today? Thank you for the game and i was wondering if u ok with Jpop idols?
Mines are Natsuki Sawamoto and Leiya Seguchi.
Sarah S.
Gemini sun, Aries moon, Taurus venus.
Life number 6
Take care <3
Jpop idols are completely fine too, everyone is welcome on this blog! ♡
Natsuki: the star = high compatibility, whether it would be a platonic or romantic relationship it would be full of love and hope,definitely a great match!
Leiya: page of coins = good compatibility, also a great match mostly platonic but it could turn romantic, definitely a loyal friendship/relationship, no negativity here either!
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numinousredpanda · 2 months
Psychic Fever
I canNOT wait until the Tarot/Astro girlies get ahold of the boys so I can read charts and pulls, It should be noted they have a "Psychic" in their name lol. I would do it myself but I'm so bad at it lol
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moonkisseddelight · 1 year
Hey your blog’s really nice
Can I ask for jo &team as a boyfriend,his ideal type,his future spouse and his red +green flags as per astrology and tarot or either which you prefer
Hey there! Thanks for requesting but I can't do reading for his future spouse and red+green flags as it's something that I don't really do and won't be doing in the future as well but I can do the other two so if you still want it then please let me know 🥰
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ravenbloodshot · 1 year
Tomohisa Yamashita (Actor)....Personality
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- He's very talkative and forthcoming with information. His energy is quite straightforward and blunt, like he gets to the point and when reading on a person, I'm quite thankful of the straightforward ones. Like, I don't have to literally pull teeth to get his energy to respond. His energy is already quite responsive and that may reflect into how he truly is.
- I will say he's hyperactive and energetic. Someone with a lot of pent up energy and may not know what to do with it at times
- He's quite a lonely man, a bit introverted as well. A homebody type that may have anxiety about leaving his safe space or even coming out of his comfort zone. I definitely think he yearns for company or just someone he can talk to and confide in. He may not have a lot of trust in others.
- He's truly an hyper man, like he almost has too much energy that its overwhelming at times. But, he means well and just likes to have fun and do him. He has a cute, innocent charm to him that most people may not expect from him. He looks like a mature even strict older man but he really is just a excitable boy at heart that likes to try new things. He may be the type to still enjoy sorta "childish" things (like still sleeping with teddy bears or eating the equivalent of Japanese kid snacks)
- He has a lot of passion for doing what he loves ( that can be acting or performing either way he has great love in his heart for these things). Not only that, he's a lover of women (aka a ladies man) and it doesn't have to mean sexually, he plainly just likes having the attention of the opposite sex.
- I will say he's self centered and inconsiderate. He really can be ignorant of how his actions can affect others, because thinking about anybody but himself is foreign to him. Its giving stepping on people on his way to the top vibes but him not noticing where he's walkin and who he's trekking on. "Like oops didn't see you there, now anyways....."
- He gets bored pretty easily as well. Once his attention is lost, hes moving on to something else (it can cost him a lot of money in the future or even now having such a low attention span)
- Remember when I said he's a ladies man and it doenst have to mean sexually, scratch that. Most of the time its sexually. He can be perverted with how he watches/goes after women. (Like if he thought a colleague was hot and she was an actress, he could search the internet for bikini pics of her and stuff of that sort)
- He's definitely a risk taking, driven man that goes after what he wants (no matter the cost is has on others). Hes not that detail oriented and can be bossy and controlling but overall he's the leader type and is VERY comfortable in that position.
- He's not one to stay in one spot for long. I wouldn't be surprised if he even changes his home's a lot as well.
- Tomohisa does a good job at making money and going after job opportunities but he's not the best at keeping money, he may spend frivolously and I doubt he has a consistent budget or money plan that he sticks to.
- In the romance department, he can be impatient with relationships and doenst like partner that move slow or take their time with love. He wants things to move as fast as he moves and will want to end the connection if he feels your not enough for him (whether he thinks a lover is not passionate enough for him or not fun enough, he'll leave). I don't think he wants a cool, calm and collected partner (he thinks that's boring), he wants someone the opposite of all of that. He wants a person just as exciting as he is, and I see that he's single rn bc of this unfilled desire.
Flashing Lights by Kanye West is a song that fits this readings energy
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Taki; Personality Reading ☀︎︎
(April 28th/29th, 2024) + green- & redflags
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Disclaimer: Everything is based on tarot and my intuition. I don't know these idols personally. Take everything that I say with a grain of salt. Let's get started! :)
Personality; On Cam
Queen of Swords R, Eight of Cupd R, Seven of Cups, Nine of Swords, Four of Swords, Page of Wands R, Knight of Swords R
He is trying to show a more reserved and shy side in front of cameras. I feel like he is someone who won't talk that much either.
Taki is also trying to show a lot of sides actually, like trying to fit all concepts. However, I feel like he is most comfortable I front of a cam when he smiles and when he shows a happy Taki. Like being smiley and laughing a lot.
Personality; Off Cam
The Empress, Page of Pentacles R, The Magician, Justice, Four of Wands R, The High Priestess R, The Emperor, The Star
Many Major Arcana cards!!
So Taki is pretty reserved too off cam. He is also pretty balanced as in his feminine and masculine sides don't clash.
He might come of as immature sometimes but based on the energy I would say he is very mature!
He thinks very logical and thinks a lot in general. He tries to be really fair, so he is rather taking his time instead of making a fast decisions.
Taki also seems to be pretty smart. In terms of his career, I feel like he knows how to do a good job (especially in the Kpop-industry) and also in his personal life.
I'm also getting a bad feeling when it regards his family. He had to grow up fast and without his family... that impacted him a lot and still does.
But he is also a very positive individual. Very creative and full of hope.
Takis Greenflags
Five of Pentacles R, Seven of Cups, Five of Cups R, Knight of Cups, King of Cups, The Tower
First, he is a very happy, healthy and positive individual!!
He is also pretty open minded! He likes to try new things
He can move on really fast
He is in tune with his emotions and uses them wisely. He isn't the type to start an argument or anything like that.
Takis Redflags
Ace of Wands, Four of Wands, Page of Wands R, Nine of Cups R, Six of Wands H
His family is very important for him and might get influenced by them easily!
He likes to try new things, but I think he never ends anything before he starts anything new
He still lacks some maturity in certain aspects
Taki can be pretty obsessive when it comes to his career and success... He might sometimes even show it of (as in look at me! I'm so good!)
Happy birthday, Taki! 🎂
&TEAM Masterlist ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
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infinitydivine · 7 months
I see no Tarot readings for Fujii Kaze. I guess I will start for him, that man has my heart. Maybe I will break my rules for him and do FS reading for him.
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jpopstreaming · 1 year
🆕 「 The Tarot Series pt.1 : Winterfell」 by ANPYO Available for streaming worldwide!🌐 Added to our weekly playlist 🎧 https://spoti.fi/3lgjH73
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oraclekleo · 2 years
@hellomochiq + Itsuki Fujiwara (The Rampage from Exile Tribe) - Sweet Romance Couple Reading
Hello and welcome!
I’m Kleo and I’m here to present some k-pop related tarot readings to you.
I would like to state that all these readings have a purely entertainment nature and their purpose is to bring some fun into my and hopefully yours lives. I have never ever met any of the idols / actors / celebrities in my readings, I don’t know them personally. Tarot reading isn’t an exact science and I can never guarantee any of it. Most of it is my intuition mixed with fantasy. Don’t take these readings seriously and don’t base any important decisions on tarot readings only, use your common sense.
If you wish to request a tarot reading, please read the pinned post on my profile first to see the instructions on how to request. I only do readings for idols / actors / celebrities of 18 years of age or older. Requests for readings including younger people will be automatically dismissed. If you feel uncomfortable with these tarot readings, do not engage in reading my posts. Thank you for understanding.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: @hellomochiq
Deck: Tarot of the Divine
Spread: Sweet Romance
The eyes meet across the room… (What captivates them about you)
Sweet scent lingering in the air… (What pulls them closer to you)
Only the brave ones… (What motivates them to approach you)
Words as sweet as honey… (What enchants them about you)
Lips like petals of a rose… (What makes them kiss you)
Love is a form of insanity… (What makes them fall in love with you)
Full Name: Fujiwara Itsuki
Stage Name: Fujiwara Itsuki
Masterpost: Solo Artists
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@hellomochiq + Itsuki Fujiwara (The Rampage from Exile Tribe)
Itsuki Fujiwara
Deck: Divine
Spread: Sweet Romance
The eyes meet across the room… (What captivates them about you) [32] - Knight of Wands
Your playfulness and energy with which you ooze are the attributes Itsuki will notice first. He’s a shy person and your outgoing and good humoured nature will captivate him. He feels the warmth of your personality. At first he might feel a little bit intimidated by your powerful aura but he’s already hooked and interested and it’s only a matter of time for him to overcome his shyness.
Sweet scent lingering in the air… (What pulls them closer to you) [18] - XX Judgement
Itsuki is likely to feel instinctively pulled towards you. His eyes always find you in a crowd, he can recognize your perfume (or the scent of your shampoo or deodorant, whatever you use), he subconsciously focuses to hear what you say when you’re talking. It’s like if there was a string in between you two and you are pulling him closer and closer with it, metaphorically speaking.
Only the brave ones… (What motivates them to approach you) [8] - X The Wheel of Fortune
It’s likely to be a coincidence. You and Itsuki accidentally find yourself in the same spot and there’s no way he could hide from you so he has to start talking. Soon he drops the shyness and feels blessed for meeting you.
Words as sweet as honey… (What enchants them about you) [52] - IV The Emperor
Your confidence and at the same time sense of responsibility intrigues Itsuki. You are probably a born leader in a way but you also care for people, you are kind and caring and warm. You respect others regardless of their position and you expect the same respect from them. Itsuki admires that and you can be sure he will show endless respect to you.
Lips like petals of a rose… (What makes them kiss you) [46] - Ace of Cups
Poor sweet shy Itsuki. He needed the accident to happen to start talking to you, just imagine how much of a push he’s gonna need to kiss you. Lol. It’s likely for him to encourage himself with a shot of sake (or two shots… or three… or a bottle…). You might need to walk him home and make sure he lies on his side in bed and with a bucket nearby. While you are adjusting the pillows under his head he mumbles and then kisses you. He probably won’t remember it the next morning and will wonder why you blush.
Love is a form of insanity… (What makes them fall in love with you) [13] - Queen of Swords
You might actually need to interrogate Itsuki to make him confess his feelings. A serious talk about your relationship and how it’s going to be in future. You might start talking about it because you feel like he’s not serious about you two. Once Itsuki learns about your doubts, he will panic from the thought of losing you and stutter his declaration of love he was practising so many times in front of the mirror but never took the courage to tell you.
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Ooof! Killing smile and abs... 🥵🤣🥰
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