#just stick in Ewan McGregor!Roman
benbamboozled · 1 year
More people should ship Slade x Roman.
They have the perfect “Terse fighter dude and mouthy mob guy” vibe!
Also like…they would be THE MOST hat-on-a-hat pairing EVER.
You have the white-haired-bearded-super-soldier-with-one-eye.
And the rich business-owner-slash-mob-boss-with-a-black-skull-for-a-face.
TOO MUCH GOING ON there! Which is why they would be perfect.
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favorite romcom (or any romantic movie)??
Hm. This will be difficult due to my expansive definition of “romantic”.
The first romantic comedy —and first conventionally romantic movie of any kind— on my ranked list of movies is Kenneth Branagh’s Much Ado About Nothing. I saw it in an almost-empty theater with three or other people in 1993, and loved every second. (Sadly, it was the last Branagh film to deliver that level of delight.) Emma Thompson’s performance was genius and surprisingly, convincingly sexy, while Kate Beckinsale’s original face was cute as a button. Keanu was —to say the least— in over his head, but Denzel was fantastic, and Michael Keaton did as well as anyone could with one of Bill S.’s weaker comic fools. Robert Sean Leonard was... well, I really liked Dead Poet’s Society when I was eighteen.
Across the Universe: Evan Rachel Wood and Jim Sturgess are extremely talented people who look pretty together, so what’s not to love? My generation’s Boomer parents pounded their music into our heads with such determined force that it really stuck, so even though the Beatles broke up before I could say “McCartney”, I know that shit even better than I know Nirvana.
Love & Basketball: It’s just awfully goddamned sweet. And Gabrielle Union was so fucking pretty.
Lost In Translation: A sad old man and a sad young girl make each other feel alive for a while. So... duh. 
I have Blue Valentine ranked pretty high, but to be honest, it didn’t stick with me. I remember being impressed with Gosling and Michelle Williams, but that’s about it... so consider this a recommendation with an asterisk.
Does Heavenly Creatures count? It’s primarily notable for being the only Peter Jackson movie that doesn’t frustrate or bore the hell out of me.
sex, lies & videotape: about which I’ve already said too much, I think.
A Walk To Remember: This is as far as I go with Nicholas Sparks shit... this far, no further. Mandy Moore was as angelic here as she was demonic in Saved!
Moulin Rouge: I want to like Baz’s stuff more than I actually do... but MR features perhaps my favorite Ewan McGregor performance, and definitely my favorite lead work from Nicole Kidman.
It’s my second-favorite Bertolucci film, and it delivers a lot of naked Eva Green, so I have to mention The Dreamers.
“Titanic,” he said reluctantly.
I’m tempted to insert Another Earth, Upstream Color, and Wild At Heart here, none of which would seem romantic to normal people, but work as such for me.
Punch-Drunk Love: Paul Thomas Anderson is probably my favorite filmmaker of the last twenty years, so this is a no-brainer. And it’s memorable as the only occasion when I have loved Adam Sandler. It’s a performance that makes up for a whole lotta Opera Man, and some small bit of The Waterboy.
Grease: Olivia Newton John. Pre-teen me had a huuuuuge crush on her. So much so that I’ve watched Xanadu. More than once. I need say no more.
Beauty and the Beast (1991): I didn’t love Belle the way I loved Ariel because I didn’t love her songs as much, but still... it was shocking, how good B&TB turned out to be. For the entirety of my life to that point, “Disney” had meant either “classic” or “contemporary mediocrity”... The Little Mermaid and B&TB set the tone for everything that’s come since.
Dead Again: Another one of those movies I’ve talked about too much around here.
Roman Holiday: Audrey Hepburn is precious, and you don’t have to overlook Mickey Rooney in this one.
Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist: It’s not immortal filmmaking, but it’s sweet, funny, and Michael Cera + Kat Dennings was a killer casting combo.
Secretary: Obviously.
The Phantom of the Opera: Gerard Butler was... not Michael Crawford. But Emmy Rossum was wonderful, and I had fun.
The Station Agent: Okay, this is maybe questionable, but fuck you, it’s lovely. Peter Dinklage’s best work, since I no longer acknowledge that other thing with the fancy chair.
Lars and the Real Girl: It’s my list, man. And my favorite Ryan Gosling.
Moonstruck: He didn’t really get respect until Leaving Las Vegas, but this was Gonzo Nicholas Cage near the height of his powers. (The real summit was in Vampire’s Kiss.) 
Her: Scarlett Johannson had never been my favorite part of anything, until 2013 arrived and she was the best thing in both Her and Under The Skin. Which should have been expected with the latter... but in the former, she was a disembodied voice, playing opposite the most accomplished actor of his generation, and still stole the show.
The Fault In Our Stars: Shut up.
Only Lovers Left Alive: My favorite Tom Hiddleston movie, by a mile.
When Harry Met Sally: I’m a little young for its demographic, but I enjoyed the hell out of it thirty years ago.
Four Weddings And A Funeral: The last time I was happy watching Hugh Grant.
I’m stopping there, because I’m realizing I have way more romantic movies on the list than I thought... this could go on for a while.
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that-shamrock-vibe · 4 years
Movie Review: Birds of Prey
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Disclaimer: I am posting this review a couple of days after the movie is released worldwide so if you still have yet to see the movie and want to go in fresh then don’t read on until you have.
General Reaction:
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I've been racking my brain since seeing this movie trying to think of the perfect way to describe it...so here it goes. Birds of Prey is a movie akin to Suicide Squad, as it occupies the same space in more ways than one, but with a cranked up focus on story and character development and also, just as Harley gets high in the movie, so too does the movie feel like a hyper, almost euphoric, trip that anyone not engaged with it could deem a hot mess...but they'd be wrong.
I had a very enjoyable time with this movie. I loved Suicide Squad and the versions of most of its characters and of course Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn was at the top end of my favourites.
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I felt the way in which the story was told from a narrative point of view with continuous rewinds was great for the character and clearly DC's answer to Deadpool without going overboard on what makes the Merc with the Mouth work. But also, the rewinds whenever a new character or plot point was introduced also reminded me of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse so effectively DC are ripping off storytelling strategies from Marvel but because they're used in different ways here I give them a pass.
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I am so grateful that this was a fun movie, because I know there were many concepts and theories surrounding this "Harley Quinn" movie since it was announced and I think that while I would have loved a Gotham City Sirens movie, it would not have been as fun and colourful as this movie was. I do think also not making the Birds of Prey team the main focus of the movie the movie and rather just establishing them as assembling in the movie was the right decision, which I don't think is a spoiler because anyone who doesn't know this is all about Harley is kidding themselves.
There has been a lot of talk about representation with regards to both DC movies and the all-female team-ups as well as LGBT representation.
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Without spoilers I feel making Black Canary a black character is fine as long as you get the right actor to not even make the race bending an issue, Jurnee Smollett-Bell is definitely that actress.
All-female team-ups, as a guy, I'm fine with as long as it's done organically. I feel this movie does often dance the fine line between overly feminist and toxic masculinity at times but I will get to that with my character breakdowns.
As for the LGBT representation, it's LGBT History Month here in the U.K and having an established bisexual lead from the comics never fully being allowed to explore that is why I do feel the Sirens were a missed opportunity.
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But I do feel the subtle down played sexual tension between Zsasz and Black Mask is there if not one sided and never openly acknowledged.
As for the action and comedy in the movie, it's definitely there and both more noticeable and effective than Suicide Squad. I feel most of both does come from Harley (surprise surprise) but both Black Canary and Huntress have their moments, they're just very overshadowed because this is a movie made by Margot Robbie for Margot Robbie.
Considering the final result for me that's not necessarily a bad thing, but I will agree with anyone who has a grievance with the movie because of it.
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In regards to this movie’s themes and messages, I don’t believe this movie is out and out saying that all men are bad guys. Yes, emancipation for women is that girl power “don’t need a man to define me” kind of feeling and that’s what all four of the adult women set out to prove...but there are one or two very minor male characters who are at least decent human beings because the main two men who are villains (Roman and Zsasz) as well as other supporting male characters are just so douchy.
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My final note is on the tie-in to the wider DCEU. As mentioned, there is a lot to thread together this movie with Suicide Squad. Harley is the same Harley we met in that movie, there’s one great kind of cameo from another character in that movie and Harley does mention the events of the movie throughout.
So Birds of Prey isn’t a standalone movie but it does differentiate enough that you don’t need to have seen or remembered Suicide Squad to get the full effect of this movie.
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As I said, this is a Harley Quinn movie featuring Birds of Prey, and while I feel the movie would have worked a lot better as a Gotham City Sirens movie, stick Margot Robbie's Harley in anything and you're guaranteed a good time.
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Without spoilers, every grievance that fans had with Harley in Suicide Squad are rectified here; action, comedy, development, she has it all and more.
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After her, Ewan McGregor and Jurnee Smollett-Bell as Black Mask and Black Canary respectively are my next favourites. Both I feel are fleshed out well, particularly Canary with her limited screen-time, and both I enjoyed the performances of the most after Harley.
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Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Chris Messina are serviceable for the roles they are given. Winstead, as I said, gets some laughs and one or two cool scenes and isn’t just there I feel because she is the girlfriend of McGregor.
As for Rosie Perez and Ella Jay Basco as Renee Montoya and Cassandra Cain, while the latter is inserted as a plot device for the movie, the former could easily be removed and not be missed which is a shame on both fronts because both characters deserve a lot better.
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If you are a die-hard Birds of Prey fan and are expecting something different to what you’ve seen in the trailers that is more faithful to the comics...this is not the movie for you. There is no Barbara Gordon, Black Canary isn’t how she is depicted in the comics or other media, but to be fair she is the breakout of this movie.
However, if you loved or liked Suicide Squad and want to see what Harley did next, this is it and you will not be disappointed.
I will also say, in America this is R-rated and here in the U.K. it’s a 15. There are some gory scenes, a bit of violence and one or two instances of misogyny going too far. It’s all handled within the context of the film, its universe and these characters. Nothing is too over the top in my opinion, but its each to their own at the end of the day.
So that’s my non-spoiler review of Birds of Prey, what did you guys think? Post your comments and check out more DC Movie Reviews, including a follow-up spoiler review coming soon, as well as other Movie Reviews and posts.
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erindrifter · 4 years
BIRDS OF PREY: and the Fantabulous Emancipation of Harley Quinn
So, I went to go see a movie a bit ago. I'll give you two guesses about which one. Yes, I know that the title changed, but this one is still fun.
Anyways. Walking out of the theater, I had one thought: "THAT WAS A DAMN FUN MOVIE."
I saw this movie with my father, and I asked him what he thought of the movie. He didn't like it. It was "Too corny and cheesey."
Here's the thing: that's exactly why I liked it. It was so fun to watch.
This movie has one single goal in mind: to bring Harley Quinn down to her lowest point. Almost nothing good happens to her. The only time things are good for Harley is when she makes things good on her own.
This movie is super funny. It's been a while since a movie made me laugh like that. But, when the movie wants to be serious, it is. But it doesn't stick around the serious parts too much, and they're always punctuated by a joke.
There is one complaint I have, really quick, before I get into the characters. The first half of the movie happens, but at one point, the movie completely stops to explain the first half again, but with slightly different context. Like, it comes to a screeching halt to be like "whoops, forgot to add some context to this!! Why are these characters doing these things? Well, now that you've watched them do it, we will now explain WHY."
Now, time to talk about the characters. Harley Quinn was absolutely fun to watch. She is absolutely batshit crazy. But that's not the only thing about her character. This movie also acknowledges the fact that she is a psychiatrist. There are several times when she just pops up to psychoanalyze someone. It's pretty great.
Cassandra Cain is a delight. I don't know much about her from the comics, but that's true for everyone so I'm just going off of the movie. She was perfect for the role she had in the movie.
Renee Montoya is your average cop character. She's important, but she wasn't my favorite part of the movie. She is fun, but all in all, kinda generic. But, me saying that she isn't my favorite doesn't mean she's bad. She's great, she's just overshadowed by everyone else.
Dinah Lance (Black Canary) is so fun. Her motivations are pretty good, and you understand why she does what she does at pretty much any given point in time. Overall, she was the most grounded character in the movie.
Helena Bertinelli (Huntress) was interesting. She was both unrelatable, and also the most relatable character. She has some pretty serious anger management issues, and is pretty awkward around people. She had one of the funniest jokes of the movie, when she's being introduced and you see her practicing saying her name in front of a mirror.
Roman Sionis (Black Mask). Gotta say, this is not how I would have thought of Black Mask. That being said, I was laughing pretty much every time he was on screen. He was sinister and evil, but also one of the funniest people in the movie. It would not have worked if Ewan McGregor didn't have that much charisma.
Victor Zsasz has the best spelled name. He is also very one dimensional, just a cheesey villain character. Perfect for this movie.
Overall, this movie is a cheesey, over the top movie that's a bit messy but an absolute blast to watch. Easily one of the best movies in the DCEU, and better than a couple MCU movies. But, it's not a great movie objectively, so don't expect that going in.
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smokeybrandreviews · 4 years
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: Anger Issues
First proper movie of the year, and it’s Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn. Look, the DCEU is a dumpster fire, so much so that the WB has basically given up on it. They’ve started doing stand alone films as a way to recuperate their image and it’s kind of working. Shazam was fun as f*ck and Joker is rightfully getting so much buzz, it’s ridiculous. Even Aquaman was decent once it was released from the grimdark Snyder vision. Birds of Prey is not that. It is, at it’s core, a DCEU film. This thing might as well be called Suicide Squad but with chicks. It’s that ridiculous. But is it as bad as that? Let’s get into it.
The Great
The very best thing about this movie is f*cking Huntress. Bro, i LOVED Helena Bertinelli in this movie! Mary Elizabeth Winstead owned this part, one hundred percent! She was the MVP of this whole goddamn sh*t show but she sure as f*ck ain’t get MVP minutes! Huntress is in this thing for a grand total of ten minutes, man. It might be more, it might be less, but it definitely ain’t enough because she has NO time to shine! What little she gets, though, she kills! Talk about burying the lead, man. I understand that certain cuts needed to made in order to give the top-biller in Harley the god shots, but f*ck, dude. You can’t tease me with so much awesome and then just snatch it all away! F*ck you for that, movie. F*ck You!
The Good
This thing was cast incredibly well. I was on the fence with some of the announcements during development, but it came together nicely. There aren’t many weak performances and, overall, you can tell that everyone was having fun. There’s a lot of great chemistry among this group and i can see myself giving a proper BoP sequel a chance.
Margot Robbie is Harley Quinn. She embodies this chick like Ryan Reynolds embodies Deadpool, for the most part. She was my first pick going into SKWAD and it felt right seeing her in those hot pants. There were some issues i had with that character, mostly the vanishing accent, but she’s gotten much better since then an that growth shows here. It’s unfortunate that her character doesn’t grow in this two hour run time, especially considering how much time Harley gets onscreen.
Jurnee Smollet-Bell is probably the best Dinah Lance we’re going to get for a while. he was surprisingly adept at the part, even if everyone is butt-hurt that she was race-bent. Her Canary Cry was absolute sh*t but that was more the effects fault. Them sh*ts is cheap! Jurnee did a fantastic job as Black Canary and i wasn’t even mad she wasn’t rocking the fishnets while doing it. She kicks high.
Rosie Perez was an interesting choice for Renee Montoya but i knew she could be fantastic in the role if they gave her room to breathe. Perez could have brought that Puerto Rican heat to the role, and she did a few times, but not enough to make an impression. Again, that’s because this ain’t a Birds of Prey vehicle so all of the Birds had to kind of curtail their time in the camera, and overall character development, in order to make sure Harley got her face time with the audience. It’s kind of f*cked up and makes the movie less for it.
Black Mask was a goddamn spectacle! He’s smarmy, and arrogant, and flamboyant, and campy, and generally just brilliant. He’s one of the best villains of the DCEU, which ain’t saying much, but i can say just SO much about Ewan McGregor’s performance as Roman Sionis. His mask is stupid though. And he’s definitely Black Mask in name only. Still, for what this version is, McGregor delivers. If you’re curious what a closer interpretation of the comic character can be, check out Batman: Under The Red Hood. That’s a far more accurate representation of what Sidonis is supposed to be but I’m not mad what we got here.
Chris Messina as Victor Zsasz is okay. In the book, he’s out of his mine and ludicrously violent. Like, textbook psychopath crazy. In this, he’s still pretty f*cking nuts but he’s also wildly jealous and crazy possessive? I think that’s because of the insinuated relationship between he and Black Mask but you gotta read real heavy into that relationship to even broach that subject. Like, I‘m reaching with that statement but, for the most part, Messina does an admirable job of bringing this character to life.
The action scenes, outside of the awesome that is Huntress, is the real draw of this movie. Harley’s story is cliche and the Birds don’t get much time to develop so they’re kind of inconsequential but the action is superb. It’s, legit, John Wick levels of awesome most of the time. There is a lot of buzz about that jailhouse scene and it’s totally worth all the talk. That motherf*cker was spectacular!
The art direction is pretty amazing in here. This looks like how i think SKWAD wanted to look, but couldn’t because of Snyder grimdark nonsense. Like, if that trailer house had full reign to actually film that movie, BoP is what we might have gotten and it is a much better look for the type of movie these things are. Certain sets, like the funhouse and Sinonis’ club were awesome and the little flairs for characters were on point. The confetti beanbags were absolutely genius!
I would be remiss if i didn’t mention the costumes. Harley had a ton of costume changes, so much so a character mentions it in the middle of a fight, but i wasn’t mad. They all reflect her character and Margot Robbie is a helluva a Barbie to play dress-up with but so was Black Mask apparently. He had almost as many costume changes as Quinn and they were all amazing. I liked what they had Canary in, even if it wasn’t comic accurate and i absolutely adored what Huntress rocked in the beginning. All in all, pretty legit costuming, i must say.
Another one where the sound design is worth mentioning. The direction didn’t elevate this assblast of a movie but the sound design sure as sh*t did. There are a ton of punctuating songs and effects that give otherwise flaccid scenes, that extra Viagra boost to get them rock hard! It’s amazing what music can do for anything really. Throw a dope ass soundtrack behind constipation and you have a serenade that eases things up to drop that deuce. I say that because that’s how it feels watching this goddamn movie.
The Meh
Ella Jay Basco is probably the weakest part of this movie. She does an admirable job as Cassandra Cain for being so young but there are certain instance where you can tell this is her first big gig. She isn’t terrible by any means, there aren’t any terrible performances at all in this thing, but she was easily the weakest of the lot.
The liberties taken with the characters in this movie are interesting. I’m curious as to see where this version of Gotham can go and what these particular interpretations of such iconic Bat-Characters can go. I don’t think they are great as a direct representations, f*cking Cassandra Cain is a particular sore spot for me because i adore her in the books, but i can give her chance. I can give all of these characters a chance. I rather adored this version of Huntress. Ma might be my favorite one! Well, almost. I’m pretty partial to Helena Wayne but i digress. While i don’t particularly care for how these awesome women are represented in this flick, i can see the potential. There is a unique vision here that is worth seeing through.
The writing is so-so. I can’t say it’s bad because there is a lot of good in there, tons of interesting ideas, but the execution is real poor. Most of these scenes feel like, on paper, they were dope as f*ck. On screen, though? Just underwhelming. It’s like they couldn’t translate what they wanted or needed to film for one reason or another. I feel like that might have more to do with the direction, I’m getting to that, but the core of a flick is the writing. If you’re script ain’t on point, you’re movie can’t be and i can see how dull them pages were to begin with.
The direction in this thing is mediocre. Cathy Yan did a “meh” job with this thing. A lot of that might have been due to the script but a great director can elevate straight schlock. Look at James Cameron. Avatar is an ass of a film that rips of f*cking Ferngully but his vision got it Oscars and the number one, highest grossing, spot on the all-time list until Endgame murdered that sh*t. Yan did not elevate this schlock. They had to go back to reshoots and have Chad Stahleski touch up some stuff. Like, the best parts of this thing, the action scenes, weren’t even directed by Yan. I mean, they were at first, but this thing got screened by the execs ad all of that sh*t was tossed out. Stahleski made them things pop! No telling what else he touched up, or f*cked up, on his way out.
The Bad
This is not a Birds of Prey movie. This is a Harley Quinn vehicle with a Birds of Prey cameo. I can see what they wanted to do with this thing, backdoor origin story for one of Batman’s strongest supplementary teams, but with no Barbara Gordon as Oracle, it feels hollow. Especially considering that the Birds, themselves, have next to no screen time. I get that Harley is the money maker but this should have been a Gotham City Sirens film.
The continuity of this sh*t is dubious. It takes place in the old DCEU. It’s legit a sequel to Suicide Squad. Harley references that sh*t twice. I don’t know what that means going forward, but this Gotham ain’t that Gotham at all. It’s weird to see because you spend a good amount of time within the GCPD and no Bullock or Gordon; The latter of which we’ve seen already. It’s awkward the way WB has decided to play fast and loose with what sticks and what doesn’t. Joker is a stand alone and so is Shazam. The Batman is going to be a stand alone or it’s own franchise. Aquaman and Wondy are still in the DCEU continuity but i don’t know how long they will be, especially considering Wonder Woman’s solos are all prequels that have no ties to that Snyder depression exercise. It’s nothing to just pluck her out and add her to a much better executed cinematic universe. With Flashpoint all but confirmed, It feels like none of this matters. This one, for sure, doesn’t.
The plot is still stupid. The McGuffin is better since the reshoots because dick pics? Really? But the writing is still stupid. The whole center of the conflict is ridiculous and the resolution is just blergh.
The only thing worse than the plot is the pacing. This motherf*cker drags! There are entire scenes where nothing f*cking happens and it’s stupid. Most of the time, it’s the scenes with Harley. Her arc is just so f*cking pedestrian. It’s well acted, i said as much above, but it’s SO dumb and i kind of hate it.
This movie really hates dudes. Like, i get it, right? Respect. Recognition. Women deserve all of everything. Equality, feminism, yadda-yadda. I get it. There are ways to execute that perspective which are good. A decent writer would convey that by actually writing decent scenes, not just turning all of the men in the film into juvenile caricatures of chauvinism. I personally don’t care, I’m not a neckbeard typing with one hand while breathing heavily on my monitor in my ma’s basement, but i had to mention it because everyone is mentioning it and they have a point. This is glorified misandry at it’s finest but, you know, patriarchy or whatever. I don’t care. It didn’t take me out of the movie, the sh*tty plot did that, but it was interesting to see in person. It’s hard to justify this bullsh*t when Atomic Blonde exists.
So the gay-baiting. Like, really, dude? If you’re going to do it, go all the way. I read somewhere that Black Mask was supposed to have a homosexual relationship with Victor Zsasz but nah. None of that is expressed in any capacity. There might have been a line referencing it, maybe, but that could have been in regards to the violent outburst in the club the night before. Ambiguous because you gotta sell this thing in China! Renee Montoya is legit gay in the books and, other than a passing line early on, it never comes up again. I think that might be because of the distinct lack of characterization for literally all the Birds in their own f*cking movie, but still. That’s massive part of her character and no one talks about it. No one talks about any of the LBGTQ bullsh*t they pushed in the promotion.
All of this controversy does this flick a disservice. It doesn’t deserve all the hate it’s getting and it definitely doesn’t deserve all of the praise. This is not some super “GRRRL power”, kickass, gay-loving, action flick. It’s a mediocre break-up story that happens to have some interesting action set pieces but, ultimately, is inconsequential in the greater scheme of things. This is the Ant-Man of the DCEU. I spoke about this at length a few days ago and the nonsense that I was afraid was going to happen, is happening. No one wants to sh*t on this flick because of “Muh representation”. It’s a female lead, female directed, piece of sh*t. It is. But it’s a fun piece of sh*t and easily the best, of the worst, of the DCEU but it’s still a piece of sh*t. It’s not changing cinema, it’s not some great step forward in representation, and it’s not doing women in the industry a great service. It’s a quirky, violent, nonsense of a movie and should be judged as such. Again, Atomic Blonde is a much better example of ho to “GRRRL power” your way in the box office. Go watch that instead.
The ending to this thing feels rushed and super anticlimactic. I felt bad about it. Seriously. The way this movie resolves, after everything that took place, is just whack, man. It leaves you wanting, especially after how charismatic Black Mask turned out to be more than that, there’s no resolution. No one grows. Everyone is exactly where they were at the start of this f*cking thing. Like, what was the f*cking point? I can tell they wanted me to think that these chicks had grown into something more but did they really? Did we really see any growth out of any one of them not name Harley? Hell, even Harley is still the same motherf*cker! Like, for real, dude? Someone read that script and thought, “Okey-Dokey, this is good enough!” I just wanted to punch this movie in it’s face when it was over. Like, f*ck you, movie.
The Verdict
Birds of Prey is a bad movie. It’s gorgeous to look at, the costumes are amazing, and most of the performances are super strong. However, the plot is stupid, the pacing is on drugs, and the best parts of this flick get, like, no screen time to breathe. The Birds are guest stars in what, very obviously, is not their movie. This really should have been called “Harley Quinn and The Tiniest Bit of an Origin Story For The Birds of Prey” because that’s what it is. Technically, this should have been Gotham City Sirens to begin with but i ranted about that before. Margot Robbie is bad at picking movies to produce and she definitely produced this one. Got her unfortunate and inexperienced fingerprints all over it. Kind of doesn’t matter what should have been, though, this is what we got and this is a sh*t time, for sure. But, it can be fun at times. There is about as much to like as there is to hate especially if you’re open to being blue-balled when it counts. If that sounds like a party to you, check this thing out. If not, you can pass on it. That’s how meaningless this thing feels.
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smokeybrand · 4 years
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: Anger Issues
First proper movie of the year, and it’s Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn. Look, the DCEU is a dumpster fire, so much so that the WB has basically given up on it. They’ve started doing stand alone films as a way to recuperate their image and it’s kind of working. Shazam was fun as f*ck and Joker is rightfully getting so much buzz, it’s ridiculous. Even Aquaman was decent once it was released from the grimdark Snyder vision. Birds of Prey is not that. It is, at it’s core, a DCEU film. This thing might as well be called Suicide Squad but with chicks. It’s that ridiculous. But is it as bad as that? Let’s get into it.
The Great
The very best thing about this movie is f*cking Huntress. Bro, i LOVED Helena Bertinelli in this movie! Mary Elizabeth Winstead owned this part, one hundred percent! She was the MVP of this whole goddamn sh*t show but she sure as f*ck ain’t get MVP minutes! Huntress is in this thing for a grand total of ten minutes, man. It might be more, it might be less, but it definitely ain’t enough because she has NO time to shine! What little she gets, though, she kills! Talk about burying the lead, man. I understand that certain cuts needed to made in order to give the top-biller in Harley the god shots, but f*ck, dude. You can’t tease me with so much awesome and then just snatch it all away! F*ck you for that, movie. F*ck You!
The Good
This thing was cast incredibly well. I was on the fence with some of the announcements during development, but it came together nicely. There aren’t many weak performances and, overall, you can tell that everyone was having fun. There’s a lot of great chemistry among this group and i can see myself giving a proper BoP sequel a chance.
Margot Robbie is Harley Quinn. She embodies this chick like Ryan Reynolds embodies Deadpool, for the most part. She was my first pick going into SKWAD and it felt right seeing her in those hot pants. There were some issues i had with that character, mostly the vanishing accent, but she’s gotten much better since then an that growth shows here. It’s unfortunate that her character doesn’t grow in this two hour run time, especially considering how much time Harley gets onscreen.
Jurnee Smollet-Bell is probably the best Dinah Lance we’re going to get for a while. he was surprisingly adept at the part, even if everyone is butt-hurt that she was race-bent. Her Canary Cry was absolute sh*t but that was more the effects fault. Them sh*ts is cheap! Jurnee did a fantastic job as Black Canary and i wasn’t even mad she wasn’t rocking the fishnets while doing it. She kicks high.
Rosie Perez was an interesting choice for Renee Montoya but i knew she could be fantastic in the role if they gave her room to breathe. Perez could have brought that Puerto Rican heat to the role, and she did a few times, but not enough to make an impression. Again, that’s because this ain’t a Birds of Prey vehicle so all of the Birds had to kind of curtail their time in the camera, and overall character development, in order to make sure Harley got her face time with the audience. It’s kind of f*cked up and makes the movie less for it.
Black Mask was a goddamn spectacle! He’s smarmy, and arrogant, and flamboyant, and campy, and generally just brilliant. He’s one of the best villains of the DCEU, which ain’t saying much, but i can say just SO much about Ewan McGregor’s performance as Roman Sionis. His mask is stupid though. And he’s definitely Black Mask in name only. Still, for what this version is, McGregor delivers. If you’re curious what a closer interpretation of the comic character can be, check out Batman: Under The Red Hood. That’s a far more accurate representation of what Sidonis is supposed to be but I’m not mad what we got here.
Chris Messina as Victor Zsasz is okay. In the book, he’s out of his mine and ludicrously violent. Like, textbook psychopath crazy. In this, he’s still pretty f*cking nuts but he’s also wildly jealous and crazy possessive? I think that’s because of the insinuated relationship between he and Black Mask but you gotta read real heavy into that relationship to even broach that subject. Like, I‘m reaching with that statement but, for the most part, Messina does an admirable job of bringing this character to life.
The action scenes, outside of the awesome that is Huntress, is the real draw of this movie. Harley’s story is cliche and the Birds don’t get much time to develop so they’re kind of inconsequential but the action is superb. It’s, legit, John Wick levels of awesome most of the time. There is a lot of buzz about that jailhouse scene and it’s totally worth all the talk. That motherf*cker was spectacular!
The art direction is pretty amazing in here. This looks like how i think SKWAD wanted to look, but couldn’t because of Snyder grimdark nonsense. Like, if that trailer house had full reign to actually film that movie, BoP is what we might have gotten and it is a much better look for the type of movie these things are. Certain sets, like the funhouse and Sinonis’ club were awesome and the little flairs for characters were on point. The confetti beanbags were absolutely genius!
I would be remiss if i didn’t mention the costumes. Harley had a ton of costume changes, so much so a character mentions it in the middle of a fight, but i wasn’t mad. They all reflect her character and Margot Robbie is a helluva a Barbie to play dress-up with but so was Black Mask apparently. He had almost as many costume changes as Quinn and they were all amazing. I liked what they had Canary in, even if it wasn’t comic accurate and i absolutely adored what Huntress rocked in the beginning. All in all, pretty legit costuming, i must say.
Another one where the sound design is worth mentioning. The direction didn’t elevate this assblast of a movie but the sound design sure as sh*t did. There are a ton of punctuating songs and effects that give otherwise flaccid scenes, that extra Viagra boost to get them rock hard! It’s amazing what music can do for anything really. Throw a dope ass soundtrack behind constipation and you have a serenade that eases things up to drop that deuce. I say that because that’s how it feels watching this goddamn movie.
The Meh
Ella Jay Basco is probably the weakest part of this movie. She does an admirable job as Cassandra Cain for being so young but there are certain instance where you can tell this is her first big gig. She isn’t terrible by any means, there aren’t any terrible performances at all in this thing, but she was easily the weakest of the lot.
The liberties taken with the characters in this movie are interesting. I’m curious as to see where this version of Gotham can go and what these particular interpretations of such iconic Bat-Characters can go. I don’t think they are great as a direct representations, f*cking Cassandra Cain is a particular sore spot for me because i adore her in the books, but i can give her chance. I can give all of these characters a chance. I rather adored this version of Huntress. Ma might be my favorite one! Well, almost. I’m pretty partial to Helena Wayne but i digress. While i don’t particularly care for how these awesome women are represented in this flick, i can see the potential. There is a unique vision here that is worth seeing through.
The writing is so-so. I can’t say it’s bad because there is a lot of good in there, tons of interesting ideas, but the execution is real poor. Most of these scenes feel like, on paper, they were dope as f*ck. On screen, though? Just underwhelming. It’s like they couldn’t translate what they wanted or needed to film for one reason or another. I feel like that might have more to do with the direction, I’m getting to that, but the core of a flick is the writing. If you’re script ain’t on point, you’re movie can’t be and i can see how dull them pages were to begin with.
The direction in this thing is mediocre. Cathy Yan did a “meh” job with this thing. A lot of that might have been due to the script but a great director can elevate straight schlock. Look at James Cameron. Avatar is an ass of a film that rips of f*cking Ferngully but his vision got it Oscars and the number one, highest grossing, spot on the all-time list until Endgame murdered that sh*t. Yan did not elevate this schlock. They had to go back to reshoots and have Chad Stahleski touch up some stuff. Like, the best parts of this thing, the action scenes, weren’t even directed by Yan. I mean, they were at first, but this thing got screened by the execs ad all of that sh*t was tossed out. Stahleski made them things pop! No telling what else he touched up, or f*cked up, on his way out.
The Bad
This is not a Birds of Prey movie. This is a Harley Quinn vehicle with a Birds of Prey cameo. I can see what they wanted to do with this thing, backdoor origin story for one of Batman’s strongest supplementary teams, but with no Barbara Gordon as Oracle, it feels hollow. Especially considering that the Birds, themselves, have next to no screen time. I get that Harley is the money maker but this should have been a Gotham City Sirens film.
The continuity of this sh*t is dubious. It takes place in the old DCEU. It’s legit a sequel to Suicide Squad. Harley references that sh*t twice. I don’t know what that means going forward, but this Gotham ain’t that Gotham at all. It’s weird to see because you spend a good amount of time within the GCPD and no Bullock or Gordon; The latter of which we’ve seen already. It’s awkward the way WB has decided to play fast and loose with what sticks and what doesn’t. Joker is a stand alone and so is Shazam. The Batman is going to be a stand alone or it’s own franchise. Aquaman and Wondy are still in the DCEU continuity but i don’t know how long they will be, especially considering Wonder Woman’s solos are all prequels that have no ties to that Snyder depression exercise. It’s nothing to just pluck her out and add her to a much better executed cinematic universe. With Flashpoint all but confirmed, It feels like none of this matters. This one, for sure, doesn’t.
The plot is still stupid. The McGuffin is better since the reshoots because dick pics? Really? But the writing is still stupid. The whole center of the conflict is ridiculous and the resolution is just blergh.
The only thing worse than the plot is the pacing. This motherf*cker drags! There are entire scenes where nothing f*cking happens and it’s stupid. Most of the time, it’s the scenes with Harley. Her arc is just so f*cking pedestrian. It’s well acted, i said as much above, but it’s SO dumb and i kind of hate it.
This movie really hates dudes. Like, i get it, right? Respect. Recognition. Women deserve all of everything. Equality, feminism, yadda-yadda. I get it. There are ways to execute that perspective which are good. A decent writer would convey that by actually writing decent scenes, not just turning all of the men in the film into juvenile caricatures of chauvinism. I personally don’t care, I’m not a neckbeard typing with one hand while breathing heavily on my monitor in my ma’s basement, but i had to mention it because everyone is mentioning it and they have a point. This is glorified misandry at it’s finest but, you know, patriarchy or whatever. I don’t care. It didn’t take me out of the movie, the sh*tty plot did that, but it was interesting to see in person. It’s hard to justify this bullsh*t when Atomic Blonde exists.
So the gay-baiting. Like, really, dude? If you’re going to do it, go all the way. I read somewhere that Black Mask was supposed to have a homosexual relationship with Victor Zsasz but nah. None of that is expressed in any capacity. There might have been a line referencing it, maybe, but that could have been in regards to the violent outburst in the club the night before. Ambiguous because you gotta sell this thing in China! Renee Montoya is legit gay in the books and, other than a passing line early on, it never comes up again. I think that might be because of the distinct lack of characterization for literally all the Birds in their own f*cking movie, but still. That’s massive part of her character and no one talks about it. No one talks about any of the LBGTQ bullsh*t they pushed in the promotion.
All of this controversy does this flick a disservice. It doesn’t deserve all the hate it’s getting and it definitely doesn’t deserve all of the praise. This is not some super “GRRRL power”, kickass, gay-loving, action flick. It’s a mediocre break-up story that happens to have some interesting action set pieces but, ultimately, is inconsequential in the greater scheme of things. This is the Ant-Man of the DCEU. I spoke about this at length a few days ago and the nonsense that I was afraid was going to happen, is happening. No one wants to sh*t on this flick because of “Muh representation”. It’s a female lead, female directed, piece of sh*t. It is. But it’s a fun piece of sh*t and easily the best, of the worst, of the DCEU but it’s still a piece of sh*t. It’s not changing cinema, it’s not some great step forward in representation, and it’s not doing women in the industry a great service. It’s a quirky, violent, nonsense of a movie and should be judged as such. Again, Atomic Blonde is a much better example of ho to “GRRRL power” your way in the box office. Go watch that instead.
The ending to this thing feels rushed and super anticlimactic. I felt bad about it. Seriously. The way this movie resolves, after everything that took place, is just whack, man. It leaves you wanting, especially after how charismatic Black Mask turned out to be more than that, there’s no resolution. No one grows. Everyone is exactly where they were at the start of this f*cking thing. Like, what was the f*cking point? I can tell they wanted me to think that these chicks had grown into something more but did they really? Did we really see any growth out of any one of them not name Harley? Hell, even Harley is still the same motherf*cker! Like, for real, dude? Someone read that script and thought, “Okey-Dokey, this is good enough!” I just wanted to punch this movie in it’s face when it was over. Like, f*ck you, movie.
The Verdict
Birds of Prey is a bad movie. It’s gorgeous to look at, the costumes are amazing, and most of the performances are super strong. However, the plot is stupid, the pacing is on drugs, and the best parts of this flick get, like, no screen time to breathe. The Birds are guest stars in what, very obviously, is not their movie. This really should have been called “Harley Quinn and The Tiniest Bit of an Origin Story For The Birds of Prey” because that’s what it is. Technically, this should have been Gotham City Sirens to begin with but i ranted about that before. Margot Robbie is bad at picking movies to produce and she definitely produced this one. Got her unfortunate and inexperienced fingerprints all over it. Kind of doesn’t matter what should have been, though, this is what we got and this is a sh*t time, for sure. But, it can be fun at times. There is about as much to like as there is to hate especially if you’re open to being blue-balled when it counts. If that sounds like a party to you, check this thing out. If not, you can pass on it. That’s how meaningless this thing feels.
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bigyack-com · 4 years
Birds of Prey movie review: Margot Robbie soars in vibrantly violent DCEU gem - hollywood
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Birds of Prey Director - Cathy Yan Cast - Margot Robbie, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Jurnee Smollett-Bell, Ewan McGregor  Combining all the ingredients that make comic book bros break out in hives, Birds of Prey is a candy-coloured curveball of a movie that doubles as a feminist fable and an apology for the poorly received Suicide Squad. It does away with that film’s convoluted tone and embraces the nuttier aspects of the monumentally mishandled DCEU, a series with which Birds of Prey has barely any connection — tonally and narratively. In fact, it spends its opening minutes literally cutting any ties it has to Suicide Squad, and, metaphorically, to its toxic legacy. Watch the Birds of Prey trailer here  I liked Suicide Squad. It reminded me of Batman: The Animated Series, a show that I watched obsessively growing up. Harley Quinn was created specifically for that show by writer Paul Dini. He’d be happy with what director Cathy Yan has done with her in Birds of Prey. Once again played by Margot Robbie, Harley is having a difficult time getting over the Joker, with whom she has broken up sometime between the events of this film and Suicide Squad. But she hasn’t told anyone yet — partly because she’s still in denial, but more importantly, being the Joker’s girlfriend afforded her a certain immunity in the seedier corners of Gotham City, immunity that Harley is convinced she’ll lose the second she announces that she is no longer under Mr J’s protection. Birds of Prey is essentially the story of Harley emerging from under the Joker’s shadow. Much has been written about the emotional abuse Harley has had to suffer as the Joker’s partner in crime over the years — in comics, video games and cartoon shows. But by removing the Clown Prince of Crime (the Harlequin of Hate, the Jester of Genocide) entirely from the narrative, Yan and her writer, Christina Hodson avoid confronting some of the more interesting aspects of their relationship. It’s a missed opportunity, because despite never appearing in the flesh, the Joker haunts her like a particularly stubborn wart — unshakable and irritating. His face is visible on a dart board on Harley’s bedroom wall and his name is mentioned by dozens of characters throughout the movie. Curiously, however, Jared Leto’s likeness is never used; the Joker in Birds of Prey appears to be a campy composite of sorts.
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Margot Robbie in a still from Birds of Prey. He looks like the Joker of the ‘90s; a mixture of Jack Nicholson and Mark Hamill’s versions. This is also a good indication of the film’s tone. It’s interesting to note how, in the span of just over a decade, the pendulum has swung from Joel Schumacher’s lurid Batman films to the gritty realism of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy, and back again. Designed by KK Barrett and vibrantly shot by cinematographer Matty Libatique, Birds of Prey has more in common with Schumacher’s kitschy aesthetic than the grounded tone of Nolan’s films. But the similarities are limited to the visuals, thankfully; Birds of Prey is infinitely better written than both Batman Forever and Batman & Robin combined. Hodson’s screenplay channels the early films of Guy Ritchie, complete with a valuable MacGuffin, snazzy visual graphics, and an overly complicated, non-linear structure. She even has Robbie serve as a relatively reliable narrator, and our guide in this densely populated world. The trio of women charged with spearheading the film — Yan, the director; Hodson, the writer; and Robbie, the producer — inject the film with a spirit of pride. It’s the sort of film in which one character, sensing another’s discomfort during a fight, offers her a scrunchie to keep the hair out of her eyes. In another scene, a character admires a cohort’s ability to fight in tight pants. But it takes a while for the gang to get together. For the most part, Birds of Prey is a Harley Quinn movie. And that is its biggest flaw. Because we know so little about the character — barring a hasty narration that hints at a troubled childhood, Harley’s life is a mystery — it is difficult to stick with her as she goes on the run from Gotham’s criminals, tracks down an elusive diamond, and tries her best to be a ‘not so terrible person’.
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Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Margot Robbie and Jurnee Smollett-Bell in a still from Birds of Prey. The ethics of rooting for a villain aside, Robbie brings an inherent likability to the character, but it’s Ewan McGregor who delivers the film’s standout performance as the flamboyant gangster Roman Sionis (Black Mask). Yan, despite her relative inexperience — this is her first studio film, and her second feature ever — appears to have a decent grasp of tone, although most of the action sequences seem to be the handiwork of John Wick director Chad Stahelski, who was roped in at the last minute to oversee reshoots. A warehouse brawl and a climactic car chase, in particular, are trademark Stahelski — intricately choreographed and edited with patience. Birds of Prey has virtually no bearing on the larger DCEU; it’s baffling to me why Warner Bros. wants to insist on it even being part of the franchise at all. But as a standalone adventure, it’s a terrific showcase for Robbie’s talents as an actor. Her performance here is better than the one she’s currently nominated at the Oscars for. (Hindustan Times doesn’t use star-rating system in its movie reviews.) Follow @htshowbiz for more The author tweets @RohanNaahar Read the full article
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bmclassahan · 4 years
Late Winter 2020 Movie Roundup (Quarantine Edition)
“Sometimes when I’m going somewhere and I wait, somewhere comes to me.”
-Winnie the Pooh, Christopher Robin
There was a weird Charlie Sheen story from a few years back- scratch that- a normal Charlie Sheen story from a few years back, that was about how he was out on a boat in the ocean at night and watched Jaws, calling it a 5-d of sorts experience (maybe it was 4-D, who knows) due to how he was watching this movie about something in the real environment that could theoretically impact him (odds of a giant shark eating his boat notwithstanding). For whatever reason it’s one of those anecdotes that sticks in my head and the fact that I can’t really find much evidence of it on a rudimentary Google search only somehow further validates its strangeness to me. I think I think of it partly because I love Jaws, and try to watch it sometime in the summer every year, and because the idea kind of fascinates me, as if we are already part of the constructed reality of the movies we think are often apart and beyond us. With reports of a lot of people watching the 2011 Steven Soderbergh film Contagion in the wake of the Coronavirus outbreak, I suspect I’m not the only person who feels this way. However I can’t say I’m exactly giddy to see this movie at the current moment, for reasons that don’t have much to do with what’s going on (I think I fell asleep when I tried to watch this before) and for reasons that do, with this whole outbreak still seeming so new and jarring I’d rather approach my engagement with it more cautiously. Anyways, I’ve watched a few good movies since this whole thing started, and while they may not offer the Sheen 5-d experience, you may find them enjoyable for different reasons. Here are my notes on them:
The Farewell: I really dig Awkwafina- she brings a lot of warmth and kind-hearted humor to her characters (a first-ballot quirky best friend in a romcom hall of famer for her turn in Crazy Rich Asians), and I’m looking forward to seeing what else she does with her career. Here she plays a character who has to mask a considerable amount of sadness, carrying a secret along with the rest of her family about the fate of her grandmother, with whom she has a strong relationship. She has come of age in America yet still has roots in the China of her youth, and feels as if of both worlds, represented by the strong relationship she has with her grandmother who sees her for both the girl she was and the woman she has become. As the film wore on I started thinking of my own grandmothers and the positive impact they had on me, and it was a nice feeling to have.
Aquaman: Having initially seen this on New Year's Day 2019, I hadn’t given James Wan’s superhero flick a rewatch since then, but was glad I did. It’s surprisingly, or maybe not really so, fertile ground for rewatching, as there are multiple villain and heroic journey elements packed in amidst the dazzling backdrop of underwater domains and James Bond-esque scenic vistas. I also completely missed this the last time, but there’s a neat King Arthur parallel, with Aquaman’s human name and his eventual title, the trident he pulls, the Willem Dafoe/Merlin type mentor, and other things (like maybe when they view the telescope on the statue of the Roman emperor on Sicily?). Jason Momoa is great in the role- with a brusque nonchalance that makes him easy to root for from the getgo.
Christopher Robin: I was a big Pooh fan growing up, so it was fun seeing a movie about how the lovable honey fanatic comes back to the real world to teach his old friend (Ewan McGregor, who might be one of the more underrated actors around- last I saw him he was slimed up to the Nth degree in Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of Harley Quinn)) one more lesson. All told, Christopher Robin reminded me a little bit of Mary Poppins, Alice in Wonderland, and the Paddington flicks, and was a nice reminder of cultivating lightness in life, how “nothing leads to something.”
Arctic: For a good survivor movie, look to Joe Penna’s recent film about a man mysteriously stranded in the far north. Besides a strong Twitter presence, lead actor Mads Mikkelsen has also done some good work in Star Wars: Rogue One, as the father of would-be hero Jyn Erso. In terms of its minimalist story and man against nature theme, Arctic reminded me of All is Lost, which featured Robert Redford holding his own against a treacherous sea. Speaking of...
The Old Man and the Gun: Good lord see this movie. As one of Redford’s final performances, The Old Man and the Gun is as charming, smooth, and mesmerizing as the character and actor at its center, a gentleman bank robber able to seemingly waltz along from one robbery to another. I don’t know what it is, but I think bank heists are one of those slices of life that are made to be shown in a movie- like forlorn lovers for the blues or marbled meat in still-life paintings- just a thing of beauty when pulled off: I offer The Dark Knight, Hell or High Water, Point Blank, Bonnie and Clyde, Heat, Dog Day Afternoon for starters. Directed by David Lowery and also starring Casey Affleck (a pairing also featured, along with the great Rooney Mara, in the also exquisite Ain’t Them Bodies Saints), The Old Man and the Gun is missed at your own risk (Lowery and Redford also team up for Pete’s Dragon if you’re in the mood for some lighter fare (think E.T. and King Kong, if Kong was a gentler creature, which I guess he kind of was all along, but probably not someone you’d trust for babysitting).
That’s it for now. Let me know if you end up seeing any of these or have any recommendations my way, lest I fall into the appetizing depths of the entire Disney backlog...
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takenews-blog1 · 6 years
How the Hurricanes Disrupted Hollywood's Winter Journey Plans
New Post has been published on https://takenews.net/how-the-hurricanes-disrupted-hollywoods-winter-journey-plans/
How the Hurricanes Disrupted Hollywood's Winter Journey Plans
The annual 10-day foray to St. Barts is likely one of the most Hollywood of holidays, with such regulars as Leonardo DiCaprio, Naomi Watts, Michael Douglas, Uma Thurman, Ellen DeGeneres and David Letterman visiting, and moguls together with David Geffen and Roman Abramovich entertaining on their mega-yachts. Rooms usually run above $2,000 per evening, with a 10-night minimal, and sometimes are secured a yr upfront. So, when Hurricane Irma swept via the Caribbean in September, crippling the St. Barts airport and shuttering high accommodations (pictures of the Eden Roc confirmed what appeared to be solely a slab of stone remaining), individuals have been horrified for the locals and quietly panicked concerning the lack of their retreat. Different winter locations additionally have been clobbered by the storm — from St. Maarten (a high hang-out for Mariah Carey) to Anguilla (a favourite of Sandra Bullock, Denzel Washington, Liam Neeson and Justin Timberlake) — whereas the State Division issued warnings about violence in Cabo San Lucas, beloved by Jennifer Aniston and George Clooney, in November. “My household has been going to Cabo over Christmas endlessly, however we canceled this yr after we heard heads have been rolling up on the seaside,” says Lizzie Grubman, daughter of legendary music enterprise lawyer Allen Grubman. The household will as a substitute verify in to a resort in South Seashore.
As different locales reminiscent of Miami guide up (Ritz-Carlton, Key Biscayne; the Faena in South Seashore; and Acqualina in Sunny Isles have been all however bought out in October), costs — and anxieties — are rising. “Normally, individuals have their assistants name us, however this yr, even our greatest shoppers are calling straight,” says journey trade skilled Jaclyn Sienna India, who provides that $1,500 is now the minimal for a great resort in Miami. Blade, the non-public flight service began by former Warner Music COO Rob Wiesenthal and backed by Barry Diller, amongst others, has needed to “double the quantity of flights to Miami we provided final yr” from New York, says a rep.
Intelligent voyagers are searching for out high-end Florida spots that weren’t but open this time final yr, like Miami’s new 4 Seasons, Surfside (from $1,149), or the Carillon Wellness retreat, which not too long ago reopened (from $975 for New 12 months’s), or, farther north, the Hutchinson Shores Retreat in Jensen Seashore, which simply opened in October (from $230). One of many Florida Keys’ high resorts, Amara Cay in Islamorada, reopens Dec. 15 (from $486). Although bought out, Palm Seashore’s The Breakers by no means hiked its charges, and famed resort The Colony, with a number of rooms left at $529, “has seen a 20 p.c improve in occupancy,” experiences a rep. “This yr’s hurricane has definitely performed a task within the rise of reservations.”
Hawaii, too, has seen an uptick. “My shopper, a giant finance mogul who has invested in a number of Oscar-winning films, needed to cancel a six-bedroom villa in St. Barts and relocate to an oceanfront property in Hanalei,” says Gen Hershey, president of the journey company Real Entry. Provides Vikram Seshadri of Protravel: “If you wish to go to the Huge Island now, it’s a must to get on a wait listing.” In line with Sienna India, The 4 Seasons Lanai additionally is totally bought out: “There are $20,000 suites that we booked like loopy.”
Musician and actress Natali Yura, who not too long ago completed filming Reprisal with Bruce Willis, is now packing her sweaters as a substitute of bikinis. “I had actually needed to go to St. Barts as a result of I’ve by no means been and my pals are obsessive about it, so I bought my bathing fits and feelings prepared, however we have been advised there was no manner the home we rented could be in form, so I will Aspen,” she explains. At all times a well-liked retreat for the leisure trade, the ski vacation spot has develop into a harder ticket than ever. “Costs are at the least 25 p.c greater in Aspen this yr,” says Sienna India.
Some extra adventurous vacationers are heading to Asia. Caribbean fan Michael Douglas, who owns a house in Bermuda and frequents St. Barts, tells THR: “Our household goes to spend the vacations exploring and having fun with the sights of Asia, together with India, Thailand and Cambodia, and we’ll find yourself spending New 12 months’s in Hong Kong.” Hotelier and restaurateur Richie Akiva, who throws one in every of St. Barts’ greatest New 12 months’s Eve events, attended by the likes of Justin Bieber, Naomi Campbell and Robin Thicke, is relocating to the Indian Ocean in Maldives, the place he now has a 1OAK resort. “Elizabeth Hurley, who’s a St. Barts common, will likely be coming, as will David Beckham,” says Akiva. (Do not count on to see Amal Clooney, who’s vocally against the federal government in Male, the capital of Maldives.) The Tao Group, which is opening a Lavo restaurant outpost at Singapore’s Marina Bay Sands, will host a New 12 months’s social gathering there with St. Barts common Jamie Foxx. “Loads of our company are utilizing this as a launch level after which going to locations like Bali or Thailand,” says Tao associate Noah Tepperberg.
Andrea Feczko, host of ABC TV’s Trip Creation, says that Punta Damita in Riviera Nayarit, Mexico, is also a scorching vacation spot. “Gwyneth Paltrow has a seaside home, and Jennifer Aniston, Rihanna, Sofia Vergara, Kirsten Dunst and Ewan McGregor additionally go,” she says. “It has secluded white sand seashores and turquoise water just like the Caribbean, with solely two main properties, a 4 Seasons and a St. Regis. You possibly can go for a day journey to Sayulita, a beautiful browsing vacation spot.”
St. Barts common Martha Stewart is sticking nearer to house. “I’m going to be at my farm in Westchester with household, baking, cooking and hoping we are able to do some cross-country snowboarding,” she tells THR. The Individuals producer Joel Fields can be staying stateside. “We’ll be visiting Boston — unglamorous, however all-American: household, Freedom Path, Tea Celebration Museum and different patriotic enjoyable,” he says.
These with their hearts set on the Caribbean are discovering different islands to discover. Whereas the Turks and Caicos Islands have been hit by Irma, and a few houses like Jay McInerney’s withstood an excessive amount of injury to be liveable for the vacations, high resorts — the Shore Membership and Amanyara — have reopened, and demand is off the charts. “Individuals are desperately looking for locations — they maintain asking me to attempt to get them in to Parrot Cay, however it’s bought out,” says Jane Rose, producer and supervisor of Keith Richards, who has a home on the little island off Turks, as does Bruce Willis. “Everybody who has reservations feels very relieved.” Those that will not be deterred from St. Barts — reminiscent of Ron Perelman, who will sail his yacht there “to assist help the island,” says his rep — ought to know that whereas the 14-day minimal has been relaxed, charges have not been diminished. And, says Tony-winning producer Francine Lefrak: “My pal who can be a producer was simply in St. Barts and so most of the eating places are closed. You wish to be supportive, however you continue to want dinner.”
This story first appeared within the Dec. 18 subject of The Hollywood Reporter journal. To obtain the journal, click on right here to subscribe.
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