#kakeru wanting to communicate but not knowing how
wen-kexing-apologist · 5 months
Kakeru and Yamato
Mitsuru and Koichi
Haruhiko and Rio
Ooo, I like these options!
Kakeru and Yamato
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Kakeru and Yamato are fantastic, they love each other so deeply and it was really fun for me to watch them work through their feelings for each other as they progressed from friends to lovers. There are so many different structural set ups I love in romance stories. I love the freaks, I loved the fucked up people, I loved the contradictory characters, the happySads, etc. But something that I look for when I’m watching these shows is friendship. Sure these characters love each other, sure they want to fuck each other, but do they like each other? Do they have fun together? I think for me to really lean in to a relationship in a show, they have to sell me their connection either through their affection, their devotion, or both. Teh and Oh will almost certainly break up and get back together about four more times before things get sorted, but I believe there isn’t really anyone else for them. Their connection is magnetic. Pat and Pran have fun, they compete in everything, they wrestle, the goof off. Kakeru and Yamato were friends first. So while I am much more of a happy for now kind of person, I at the very least believe they will make it quite some time together because they like each other and they love each other. 
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I appreciate greatly when a couple is able to communicate, and so while I wish they hadn’t gotten interrupted quite so many times throughout the show, I did enjoy the fact that they were constantly attempting to talk to one another openly and honestly about what was going on. I love Yamato backtracking when he thinks he’s made Kakeru uncomfortable, and Kakeru immediately telling him that isn’t the case. I love every iteration of the quiet, reserved boy whose emotions don’t usually cross his face gets some time alone with the loud, bubbly boy whose emotions can never quite be contained and their tension just starts melting away. I love seeing Yamato smile when he’s with Kakeru. 
Also shout out to these boys for one of the best kisses of the year. Thank you, Yamato for finally kissing your boyfriend, interruptions be damned. 
Mitsuru and Koichi
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Perhaps the most important thing to me about Eternal Yesterday is how intensely it solidifies the love between Mitsuru and Koichi. Koichi always walked closest to the street, because he knew their walk was dangerous and he didn’t want Mitsuru to be the one to get hurt. Koichi died far too soon because he was protecting his boyfriend. And Koichi lived again because the love they had for each other brought them back. Koichi withheld his own peace, his own rest, to be there for Mitsuru until he could come to terms with Koichi’s death. Mitsuru loved Koichi so much, Koichi was able to take form once again, Mitsuru loved Koichi so much he almost willed him back to life. He loved Koichi back in to his body, he loved Koichi back in to warmth. Koichi was sunshine, and Koichi was tired, and Koichi was slowly fading from the memories of everyone else around him. But Mitsuru held on. Mitsuru held on for dear life. He held on so tightly for so long. And Koichi let him. Because Koichi knew how loved he was. Because Koichi loves Mitchan just as much. 
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I know some people think the ending of Eternal Yesterday is tragic. But I don’t think it is. I think it is melancholy, but I also think it is beautiful. Five years later and Mitsuru has not gotten over Koichi’s death. And that’s okay. Because I do believe he’s made some sort of peace. Who knows if he will ever love someone as much as he loved Koichi ever again, but how beautiful for him to know for certain how much Koichi loved him in return. 
Haruhiko and Rio
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At risk of you taking away all of my electronics until I can exert some modicum of self-control, I think I need to rewatch The Pornographer series. You’d think for a relationship that started out with as many lies and manipulations as it did, that they’d have a less healthy/mature relationship, but alas. I think they are genuinely good together, and I did really enjoy watching their relationship progress. I don’t know why the scene where Haruhiko finally catches on that he is re-writing Rio’s previously published novels stands out to me so much as The Scene between them. Maybe I think it is a really good indicator of their base personalities, and the way they will function together. Rio may be trying shit, but Haruhiko is studious, he does pay attention, and he will eventually catch on to the bullshit Rio is pulling and call him on it. 
Despite the fact that I do think Haruhiko and Rio work well and I’m happy where we leave things with this series.  I don’t think Haruhiko and Rio’s relationship stuck with me as much as Rio and Kido’s did, mostly cause we have so few shows that actually dedicate as much time and energy in to showing an old relationship that didn’t work as we do here. Usually we get a shitty ex, occasionally we get a lovers to friends scenario. Rarely, extremely rarely do we get an entire prequel series that explores an old relationship and provide so much rich context for who they are as people, how they got to where they are in life, and why a different relationship will work where theirs failed. 
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And on top of that I think I am just so much more intrigued by Rio’s life and psyche as an individual than I am to his actual relationship with Haruhiko, though to be fair so much of that psyche does inform how they interact. Rio’s just a fucking freak who faked an arm injury so he could guilt trip a hot boy in to hanging out with him, and I had a lot of fun watching him try Haruhiko 2: Electric Boogaloo on another boy, since it seemed to work out so well the last time.
Send Me a Ship and I’ll Share My Thoughts
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leviadraws · 9 months
Random question time! Name a character that you feel is underrated and why
Hmmm that's a tough question, I think as a community we're pretty good at giving a little bit of love to everyone.
Still, I'd probably go Kakeru from DRA. Mitch doesn't count since he's pretty universally hated and that ends up giving him a lot of attention. And I feel the girls in the cast in general get more love from fan art and stuff.
Kakeru I think is because in game, they never really knew what to do with him? Like, his design has little correlation to his talent (and it's kinda dull compared to how detailed some of the cast are?), which would be fine if he wasn't the only one in the group to do so, yet he doesn't hate his talent and I think the only reason was that Linuj wanted him to look like another character? At least give him a hoodie Linuj, since he's self conscious of his body.
And there's kinda too many "smart" characters in early DRA, so he gets sidelined in favour of Rei and Tsurugi. I would've liked to see him stand up to Tsurugi's morals in court, but for some reason that role fell to Kinji instead. I'd have to watch the trials again, but I can't remember him ever being relevant.
It's a real shame because he has a ton of potential for conflict with how the trial system works. They're not really murder trials, despite being called so, so I'd have loved to see him fall in the trap of "this isn't murder it's not premeditated, it's manslaughter/self-defense/involuntary/negligence". Chapter 1s case is probably the closest to actual murder before chapter 3, so we could have a point where Kakeru explains the difference in a system of court and that chapter 2 could potentially be argued as voluntary manslaughter (not a lawyer) and if Ayame didn't interfere, Akane has a good self-defence case. So he helps a ton with the real culprit with the intention of stating that it's not murder so they shouldn't be executed. Then at the voting he's rebutted by Monokuma at the end with a "So? I didn't ask who murdered them, only who killed them" and the realisation that his talent has effectively death sentenced someone else? Man that would've been sooo good.
Something something we could've had so much.
Also, buff people are hard to draw for a lot of us, y'all know it to be true.
Also also, give him a proper vest Linuj, he could've looked so dapper.
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Sorry for rambling, whenever I think of the chapter 3 gang I get sad of what we could've had.
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atopearth · 6 months
Norn9: Var Commons Part 7 - Akito Shukuri Route
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I am very intrigued by the relationship Akito and Nanami share since he obviously knows her powers and whatever she's done in the past. And I have a soft spot for Akito because he's always so considerate towards others by cooking for them all the time and teaching others. I'm glad Heishi stood up for Nanami when Akito couldn't hide his utter disdain towards having to be paired with Nanami. Akito's hatred for Nanami really runs quite deep, although I can understand why he slapped her hand away and wouldn't want Nanami to touch him since touching someone is how she erases memories. I love how Nanami is basically stalking him lmao, I mean I guess it is monitoring haha. I died when Akito was confused about whether he was scared or not of the Hiyoko? that looks like a penguin hahahaha, even his fear is confused😂 HAHAHA, I love Hiyoko Channel and how they bribe Natsuhiko with books and stuff to interview him. It's so cute how one alcoholic drink is his limit, lmao when he took the gun out when the hiyoko called him adorable for that being his limit though😂 Can Akito see and talk to Aion?? Maybe after talking to her, she gives him the water powers? Honestly, it always feels so bad to see and hear how much guilt Nanami feels, enough that she's basically ready to die if Akito wants it and that's very saddening. Of course Akito is too kind to even think about wanting that though. His look of concern towards Nanami when he grabbed her as she nearly fell to her death was very telling of how he really feels. Lmao, I love Kakeru so much, he's had enough of their arguing so he got some handcuffs specifically made just to force them to get along better hahaha. How will Akito cook in peace?!
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Heishi is so random it's hilarious. I love how he was talking about rainbows with Ron, and he was like can you just get to the point hahaha. Poor Akito got electrocuted lol! I guess having Kakeru get sick now is the only way to keep Akito and Nanami stuck together haha, a mad Koharu is always the best. It's tough seeing Nanami and Akito together because as Masamune said, Akito gets hurt when he says crap about Nanami too. He tries his best to distance himself from her so he won't know anything about her circumstances and can keep on hating her, but the more he talks with her, the more he's starting to understand that she hates her powers and for having using used it in the past, and that makes it hard for him to continue hating her. Akito reassuring Nanami that Mikoto and Ron will be okay in his own rough way was sweet. Seeing Nanami so genuinely smile and feel happy that Akito truly is a kind person even to someone he hates so much is so heartwarming. The first thing I thought of was they could just check if the barrier around the ship is still up to see if Mikoto is alive, so I'm glad Nanami realised that haha. LOL at Nanami nuzzling herself against Akito's fluffy ears in the dream hahaha! It was so cute when he ran away lmao. Even though Nanami is still understandably confused, I was really happy when Akito hugged her in real life after the dream and tried to tell her that the one who tried to kill her wasn't him. I'm glad he's communicating with her trying to tell her that he knows that whatever happened in the past isn't completely her fault and that he doesn't blame her as much anymore, or at least not to the extent that he still wants her to die for it.
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It's actually pretty hilarious that Nanami has a solid reason for ruining food, or at least Akito's food, and it's because she doesn't want to get used to how good it is otherwise she won't be able to eat ninja/emergency rations anymore haha! I really like how considerate and thoughtful Heishi is in this route. He always asks Nanami what she wants, checks how she's doing, doesn't force her to do anything but basically lets her know that if she doesn't want to stay with Akito as his partner, she can change any time. It's really nice to see how supportive and kind he is to watch out for her all the time because she doesn't watch out for herself. Akito so thoughtfully caring for Nanami is still the best though, so cutee🥰 I can totally understand why Nanami is scared though. I don't think I could handle Akito hating her again either when he's been so gentle now, it would break my heart too. Omg, when Akito called Nanami cute, I died, they're so adorable. I was so happy for Akito and Nanami when they finally talked and Akito acknowledged that he was selfish and confusing because of his actions towards her. It was so nice when he hugged her. And I was so happy when Heishi was happy and relieved for them because they both finally had a proper talk. I appreciate Heishi so much in this route. It was so sweet when Nanami told Akito that she told Heishi she wanted to stay by Akito's side🥹 On the other hand, I am very curious about this love triangle with Kakeru, Koharu and Senri, like I'm so invested in what's going to happen to them, I hope no one dies. HAHAHA, I died when Akito basically said Nanami was prettier than Koharu and Mikoto, and Nanami responded saying he needs to see an optometrist😂 Omg, I loved it when Nanami asked for Akito's necktie instead of jewellery, that's definitely much more special! Akito so straightforwardly calling Nanami pretty because he finally realised that Nanami doesn't understand his tsundere attitude was so cute hahaha, he tried so hard that Nanami even fainted because of how overwhelmingly sweet it was hahahaha.
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I feel really silly for not realising that Senri is actually Akito's younger brother when they both have the power of water. I was so happy for Senri when he realised he has a brother, it must have been so heartbreaking for Akito all this time to have been right next to him but not be able to be with him because Senri doesn't have memories of Akito. How could he not hate Nanami when Senri was always there reminding him of what he could have but can't have now. Akito kissing Nanami was so cuteee, how did Nanami even resist hahaha. It was nice to know that Akito asked Kakeru to take care of Senri and that's why he always bothered him. I won't say Kakeru was always "right" in the way he dealt with Senri but I do agree with Akito that it did help Senri come out of his room more. I thought Shiro was Kakeru's real dad all this time but he actually captured Kakeru when he was really young and brainwashed him before he was saved by The World?! I feel so bad for Kakeru... Seeing Akito push himself using powers when he's not a proper esper and slowly kill himself is just so tough to watch, especially since you can see how concerned Nanami is. I won't deny that Akito kissing her to reassure her was pretty cool though hahaha. I'm so glad Nanami remembered Akito's advice and stopped herself from adding random stuff to the rice porridge she made for Akito haha. Funnily though, I just realised that Akito hasn't cooked in his own route much at all lol! Now that we know Senri is Akito's little brother, it really makes all those times Akito cooked Senri's favourite food and stuff so much more meaningful, especially when they go back into the past and see how happily Senri talked about loving Akito's cooking and how much he loved Akito.
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I don't blame Nanami because she was forced to erase Senri's memories of Akito, especially since the village people really might have killed Akito to make Senri continue to provide water for their village at the cost of his health and probably his life. But I can understand Akito's hatred especially before he got to know Nanami. Not only did Akito lose his little brother and their whole relationship, but he also lost the ability to protect his brother properly because of it, and that's caused Senri so much pain considering how Akito was the only one who actually cared for him. Senri became all alone and became afraid of people to the point that he doesn't want to interact with anyone, how could Akito and Nanami not feel guilt over that. I couldn't help but cry over Akito and Senri's past. It's so disgusting that the village people chased after Akito who was still a child to kill him just in case Senri remembers him. I can't imagine how terrible Akito must have felt to be forced to leave Senri behind. And I can't imagine what kind of life Senri had to live as basically a doll to give water to this village that just uses him and destroyed the only person who cared about him and made him all alone and think that he can't trust anything or anyone.
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I can see why Akito blames himself and why he couldn't help but hate Nanami as a way to cope with everything, and yeah I can understand that the villagers were desperate but if you're so desperate to save yourselves that you lose your humanity for it, is there even any point in living? If you have to kill a child and force another child to basically be a slave that only exists to do your bidding, is that kind of life worth living? I don't have the answer for that, because many people desperately try their best to live for their own reasons, but knowing that these people didn't even hesitate in choosing to kill children to save themselves disgusts me, especially since the only reason presented in the game was that they didn't want to move somewhere else because this land has always been their ancestors etc so they had to keep it alive. Land that is only prosperous from exploiting children shouldn't exist at all. And lol as usual, this game really likes to skip over the plot, because they literally just said Aion broke and that's all! Lmao when Akito hid in his bed to hide from facing Senri, they're both so scared of facing each other, they're both so adorable😂😂 I really enjoyed how happy the ending was but I really wanted to see Akito and Senri talk!! Hopefully we get it in Last Era. The tragic love ending was pretty sad because Akito chose to live in a fake past where he could protect Senri and save the village, and Nanami chose to stay with him there. Akito trying his best to make jounamagashi because Nanami didn't get a chance to try it was so sweet. Seeing him do so much research and try his best to make it properly was so cuteee, especially when he faced against the hiyokos and didn't let his fear overwhelm him because he prioritised wanting to make Nanami happy.
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Overall, I think Akito had the most satisfying route from beginning to end out of everyone so far. There's still some flaws of course but negligible because Akito was great. I loved seeing the progression of Akito's hatred to understanding and then love. I think the best thing was that even though you know Akito really hated Nanami for some reason, you could also see that he was too nice of a person to truly hate her, I'd say Nanami hated herself more than Akito did. It was really cute to see them awkwardly dance around each other's feelings, be confused about their romantic feelings for each other but still want to be beside the other despite the past. I love how he acknowledged that he distanced himself from Nanami not only because he hated her for what she did, but also because if he didn't know her, it was easier to hate her and blame her. Honestly, I really wished we got a proper reunion between Akito and Senri but I loved their back story and Akito's hatred was totally understandable in the end even if Nanami was forced to do what she did. And the romance was honestly really cute! They're both so shy and awkward at times, but also super adorable in how honest they can be. I loved it when they both tried to get the other to say their first name haha, definitely the best overall route! Kakeru is still my favourite guy though!
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prpfs · 5 months
「🎐 ; 🕊️ & possible 🍪」 24, she/him, AFAB.
I mirror the length & detail of my partners!
Looking for a cis MxM discord rp for the following fandoms! Romance, smut, and happy ending is a must! (However toxic that may look like to our OCs) 🤭
Listed = characters I'd like to rp against
I'm esp interested in writing a sub/bottom chara against a sadistic dom top! My muses will be inexperienced but never just moan! Expect some obscene dialogue when they're into it 😳! You'll have plenty to work w during smut.
🏐 — Haikyuu ; Nishinoya Yuu 〜 Tenma Udai for my Hinata Shouyo
🎣 — Hunter x Hunter ; Killua Zoldyck 〜 Hisoka Morow for my Gon Freecss —
⚽️ — Blue Lock ; Bachira Meguru for my Isagi Yoichi
🛹 — Sk8 ; Kikuchi Tadashi 〜 Chinen Miya for my Reki Kyan
👟 — Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru ; Kiyose Haiji for my Kurahara Kakeru
Open to : AU, canon-compliant, dead dove. We can more than likely include your deepest darkest wants!
Kinks of focus : Sadomasochism, humiliation, degradation, 🍪, lots of dirty talk, dubcon, and forced orgasm.
Rules / Please be :
a long term 20+ high-energy partner who I can joke and be friends with
unashamedly enthusiastic about our rp ship (via spamming hcs & memes & other media)
not afraid of being too much
comfortable & confident enough to strongly communicate your rp needs and wants
keep up with my ideas/how thoroughly I plot
available for back-n-forth rping (NOT rapid fire) some days!
DM me @kisekagas
If you lose interest while plotting, tell me so I know to look elsewhere. Respect my time and I'll respect yours! Thank you!
keywords for search bars: haikyu hq hxh bllk sk8 the infinity run with the wind
like if you're interested and op will reach out
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
Would fall into mlm scheme-
*Coughs* Kakeru x Kinji i guess?
He saved us from Tsurugi's wrath just being existing, we should grateful for him...
And what is your remnants headcanons?? I love remnants more than my life I need to know people's opinions on them
Oh hell yess! My Remnant headcanons can go on for days!
CW: a buncha fucked up shit. This is your dead dove tag. Also, none of this is Dr3 compliant because Dr3 was made by cowards that didn't show much gore.
First off, can I drop someone else's fic? This Kazuichi fic is absolutely horrifying, and I am afraid of the person who can think that up. The other one-shots in the fic are good too, but this one... fantastic.
Sonia decides she despises all of the pressure she's put under being a queen, and wants to abdicate. Junko won't allow this, thinking that staying as a princess will cause her despair. Kazuichi makes a robot meant to perfectly imitate her. (I imagine he gets gross with it, but nothing explicitly illegal happens) Gundam actually takes over the running of the kingdom, leaving him no time to take care of his Devas.
Sonia decides to give up on both being a princess and a person, and mostly just does the first impulsive thing she can think of. If she wants to try something she heard in a true crime podcast, she does. Cut all of her hair off, sure. why not!
I imagine she'd rarely communicate people other than Kazuichi and Gundam verbally. Most of the time, she just makes noises or is creepily silent.
Remember how in Ultra Despair Girls, becoming Junko was a big thing? Fuyuhiko wants to become Natsumi. Peko objects to this, so he donates her to Mikan. (more on Mikan later.)
He tries to forget that he ever held a differing opinion than Natsumi.
He's one of the few despairs that doesn't kill his parents. Why would the golden child ever do such a thing?
Mikan worked on the Kamukura project. It was her first human experiment, but it wasn't the last.
She does unethical experiments on people, and is by far the most terrifying despair. It isn't even about knowledge for her anymore. Its about control. She's done lobotomies on several people, so she has staff that unflinchingly follows her orders.
Fuyuhiko donates Peko to her cause, but she escapes with minimal damage.
Hiyoko isn't so lucky. Mikan manages to capture her early into the Tragedy. Almost everyone suspects Mikan has her, but nobody wants to say anything.
She does a reverse Izuru and manages to remove Hiyoko's talent. Her feet look fine. But her sense of balance is almost completely destroyed, making her extremely clumsy.
Mikan doesn't stop there. She makes Hiyoko extremely dependant on her to do basic tasks like eating and getting dressed, while not causing her much physical injury. (I imagine Mikan undoes some but not all of it post Dr2) Mikan loves this. Imagine a complete role reversal where Hiyoko has to be super polite to Mikan so Mikan doesn't hurt her worse, while Mikan is just batshit insane.
The only one aware of Hiyoko's whereabouts is Mahiru. She documented the whole thing, along with most of the other crimes the despairs have committed.
Mahiru is the only despair with an intact sense of morality, but it doesn't stop her from acting. She's just an observer. Really.
She observes everyone she's close to fall into despair, and doesn't notice her slipping into it herself.
After Junko made it clear that Sonia was never going to date him, Kazuichi gives up on romance as a concept. He's still very horny, but it never really goes anywhere.
I imagine he's had sex with pretty much every attractive person he meets. None of the measure up to Sonia.
Also, I imagine he'd likely be the one to give himself tattoos, and that they'd be related to his Ultimate. Practical.
Akane starving herself is Dr2 canon, but I imagine she also starved her siblings. Slowly. She was tired of being the brave one, so she killed them.
I imagine that she takes up smoking to kill her taste buds.
She's the type who will needlessly endanger her own life just to feel something.
Nekomaru is angry and bitter about the fact that out of these fuck-ups, he's the one most likely to die first. As a result, he will attempt to murder the other remnants. His body isn't strong enough to be as much of a threat.
I know the fanon is that Kaz built the executions for Junko, but I like to imagine Nekomaru helped with the phycological aspects. A coach knows how to bring out both the best and the worst in people.
Horrible influence for Akane.
I like Ultra Despair Girls so Servant is canon to me, but I'd like to imagine that he keeps waffling back and forth on if he wants his talent removed like Hiyoko.
I also imagine that he makes it very easy for strangers to attempt to murder him. It never works.
Izuru discovers he likes the sensation of pain. (I don't mean it in a sexual way but if you do thats cool dw.) He tries to seek out and experience the most painful things the world has to offer, to see if something more painful than boredom exists. It doesn't.
Ibuki regresses to how she was before she quit her old band. Incredibly self-conscious of how others view her and ready to follow the crowd. The crowd screams for bloodshed, so she delivers! She should be happy, right?
The Ult. Impostor mutilates themselves to the point where they won't be able to successfully impersonate someone ever again. You can't hide those scars. They are a nobody, and they took away their choice to even be seen as a somebody.
Peko is in a depressive state throughout the entire plot post Fuyuhiko. She doesn't do much of anything, but she could never raise a hand against him.
Teruteru absolutely did some shit with that Mondo butter, thats all I'm saying. All of the Dr1 kid's corpses were probably stolen by the kids, not just Junko.
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liesweliveby · 3 years
just. the way kakeru uses yuki as an excuse to come over cuz he doesn’t know how to talk to machi. hits.
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blackestar11 · 3 years
As a whole, the Fruits Basket remake is phenomenal, beautiful and emotional. HOWEVER, here are my thoughts on the third season and everything coming to a close:
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!!!!!! ..:: SPOILERS ::.. !!!!!!
I have read the manga from front to back and back to front, multiple times. It is one of my favorite series period. Just want to disclaim this is my personal opinion on this series. I am not giving any of the animators or writers shit they are probably just doing what they are told by the studio.
Initial thoughts on Third Season:
1. They skipped A LOT of manga content. A lot of the anime towards the end of the third season is pretty lack luster, extremely rushed and the weight of a lot of the story is lost without some of the back stories.
2. Yuki and Kyos connections to Kyoko Hondas death. They explored kyos because he is a main character. Ok. Great. Yuki on the other hand. He befriends Kakeru and Machi. Kakeru’s girlfriend’s dad was in the car that hit Kyoko. Kakeru’s side of the story and dealing with grief and his position on Tohru vs Yuki’s friendship with Tohru and Kakeru just adds another depth to Yuki and Tohru’s relationship. Also i wanted to see Machi punch a pack of meat into kakeru’s face.
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3. The entire week that kyo and tohru were apart and Tohru thinking kyo rejected her and uotani and hanajima not letting him see her. And he gets his shit together and talked to his dad and wanted to live on his own no matter what. Him deciding to not live the future he was planned to and to live the way he wants. Tohru having to grieve her relationship with Kyo bc of rejection and her time of healing. It makes their reunion so much more triumphant and satisfying when they communicate their feelings and realize they both want the same things. And i wish they had animated the entire group giving kyo shit about tohru and reminding him that he fucked up baha. Also yuki and machi have some bonding moments during this time and its cute.
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4. Yuki and Machi. I kinda hate how they switched up the gift thing. Its funny and very true to character for machi to get him fertilizer and for yuki to get her mogeta bc he noticed what she likes. They both know each other to that point of those very personal gifts. And also this happened a few days later as well. Another weighted story that kinda got glazed over too.
6. Honestly. The entire Katsuya and Kyoko story. I UNDERSTAND THAT OBVIOUSLY ITS KINDA NOT APPROPRIATE NOW. but. Again. Lost layers of the story and tohru’s past/upbringing. The family life she had and how katsuya rescued her. Her being terrified of having a kid and not wanting to be liker her parents. Her getting over her grief of katsuya and becoming a single mother. The weight and difference a change in attitude can be. Tohrus past. The connection she has with her grandfather and why that is so special.
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Overall the last few episodes just seem extremely rushed, pushed together and thrown out like they missed some deadlines and the pacing just seems kinda off.
Season one and two were stellar. I feel like they should have had atleast a few more episodes between 8-12 to not make it seem so rush.
Ok. Im done. Just my thoughts. Otherwise i have enjoyed this entire series. Im so glad they rebooted it and it brought me back to the manga again. Looking forward to mondays will be missed. We can only hope they can do a short OVA for Fruits Basket Another.
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papers4me · 3 years
You know the fandom is disappointed that tohru & yuki didn't hug! Their platonic friendship wouldn't be destroyed by it!...
Hi, lovely anon!
Fascinating how the meaning of physical gestures varies according to different cultures.
-In western cultures, hugs between men & women who aren't relatives aren't necessarily romantic. It can mean friendship & appreciation.
- In eastern cultures & some others as well, you don't see the above happening much. This doesn't mean their friendship is less cuz it wasn't depicted the same. They have their own equal physical replacement such as handshakes, forehead kiss, head touch or head bow...etc. These gestures are fitting from their perspective.
-You might say, oh please, we are in 2021, men & women can hug now without wanting to f**k, C'mon. But really, it has nothing to do your perspective. Simply becuz that's the norm that YOU associate with modernization, development & civil progress, doesn't mean that other cultures who replace (hugs) with other gestures are backwards, savage, reserved, undeveloped, not liberated.
- Takaya-san replaced the usual bow that tohru did to yuki so many times on canon (I think se02, ep2, tohru bowed to yuki as he went upstairs to bed & turned to talk to kyo) with a handshake. Not hug. I think Takaya-san wanted yuki to stand on equal footing with tohru for once. Handshakes represent that in so many levels. Maybe to YOU, according to YOUR culture, handshakes are a trivial everyday gesture, but I assure you , it isn't in so MANY cultures.
- In the anime, while yuki/tohru friendship was platonic, it was never equal. I duno abt the manga, but since se1, every time yuki talks to tohru, he's either looking for warmth, wanting advice, complaining, monologuing abt appreciating her. Tohru, herself treats him with so much regard & keeps her distance, she sees the prince, not as blindly as the other school girls, but in her mind, yuki is perfect, which he isn't at all.
- Think abt it this way: Kyo uses physical gestures to communicate & others do the same to him. Example: Tohru touches his hands a lot, Arisa grabs his collar & hits him, Shigure hits him & lean on him, momiji is all over him, haru fights & lean on him, Yuki fights him, Kazuma pats his head & kyo interacts with him physically, The girl in kyoto touched his hands, his two buddies are always leaning on him or pushing him teasingly, He knocks hiro on his head to show he's mad at hiro for upsetting tohru. kyo is awkward with the ppl he doesnt touch: Hana & Kisa. So, it is fitting that when kyo wants to show tohru his feelings he hugs her in true form which is where he says her name for first time & when he confesses at the end. Their entire communication after confessing is physical first, then words, then physical, such as the grave site visit. The amount of touching represents romantic love.
- While yuki is "words" person. The only person who were ever physical with him mutually is kakeru. Yuki initiates physicality with machi. With tohru, yuki's physicality are either her talking care of him, him needing warmth (him leaning on her shoulders) or showing appreciation (him kissing her forehead in se2, ep8, holding her hand & leading her after his "mother" talk with kakeru). So, it is fitting that when yuki finally expresses his feelings, he talks & calls her name, then shakes tohru's hand. He's free from his burden & he hopes for more equal friendship.
So, unpopular opinion:
I vote for the handshake as the most fitting & most culturally appropriate for the characters themselves. Furuba's characters tend to wear Japanese kimono's a lot & have dojo & such.
I believe yuki/tohru's true friendship hasn't started yet in the anime. What we have on canon is a fascinating, tender but unequal platonic friendship. To me, it was written to convey an issue with yuki or a feeling he had, he felt indebted. After the handshake, the new yuki who received tohru's motherly care, is now ready for new chapter for friendship where he calls her by her name & teases her casually whenever he visits kyo/tohru’s home in their faraway town~
Thanks for the ask!
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thefinalcinderella · 3 years
Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru Chapter 8 - Winter Comes Again (Part 3)
I like how Kakeru seems like your typical “uwu I have a dark past and now I’m emo” sports anime protagonist but has a completely personality change when it comes to running
Full list of translations here
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After Chikusei-sou was introduced on the news, Kakeru and the others were frequently called out to on campus and in the shopping district, ranging from a casual “I saw you on TV!” or “Do your best!” to offers of “I’ll help out if you need a hand.”
However, there were no more applicants wanting to join the team, as expected; the rumor that Kiyose kept turning everyone away had probably spread through the school. Kakeru couldn’t help but hope that they wouldn’t give up and would come back to Chikusei-sou next spring.
The administrative preparations for the actual race were also underway, with Kiyose and Shindou taking the lead in making arrangements for the day.
In the Hakone Ekiden, each school placed people along the route. In addition to the people who handed out water at the fifteen-kilometer mark, it was advantageous to have someone relay information to the runners; it would be best if they could inform the athletes at each key point of the time differences with the schools running in front and behind them, and whether they should increase or decrease their pace.
The water providers had to run alongside the runners in order to hand out water. A complete novice would not be able to keep up with the runners' speed, so a certain level of running ability was desirable, and the short-distance runners of Kansei University’s track and field team graciously agreed to take on this role.
Kiyose and Shindou also discussed the personnel to be placed along the route. From among the students who had offered to help out, they picked those who lived near the course; they couldn’t put too much of a burden on them, since they had to round them up on New Year’s Day.
Even if they told the people of the shopping district not to come, they would probably rush over to support them, so they didn’t hesitate to include them in the number of people who would pass on information from the roadside.
In the leadup to the day of the Hakone Ekiden, Kiyose worked tirelessly on the details, not just for running but also for other tasks. Shindou assisted in negotiations with the university as well as communication with the Inter-University Athletic Union of Kanto, the organizer of the event. Hanako stood between the shopping district and the Kansei student volunteers; she efficiently gathered up people and informed the volunteers of their roles and the schedule on the day.
Kakeru was shocked at Hanako’s ability to handle the paperwork—he couldn’t have listened to the needs of that many people and coordinated everyone so that things ran smoothly. It seemed that she was even cutting down on her sleep to manage everything by herself so that Kakeru and the others could run the Hakone Ekiden without any problems.
It might have started with the fact that she liked the twins, but now Hanako seemed to be fascinated by the sport of track and field itself. She had become an indispensable asset to Chikusei-sou and frequently came by to discuss various matters.
“Hana-chan hangs out with us all the time. I wonder if she has any girl friends,” King suddenly said when Hanako wasn’t there, as though it had just occurred to him.
“She does,” Kakeru answered. For some reason, his voice was low.
Just the day before, Kakeru had seen Hanako in the school cafeteria: she had been laughing brightly as she ate lunch with a friend of the same sex.
Isn’t Katsuta-san putting off hanging out with her friends because she’s working for our sake? Kakeru felt irritated by King’s words, which were insensitive even though they weren’t meant to be offensive. And then he thought, “Huh?” Why am I getting so angry? Kakeru thought about it for a while and decided that it was because he was tired from training.
One night in early November, while eating dinner at Chikusei-sou, Hanako was reading out a report on the number and placement of the volunteers. Kiyose and Shindou mainly gave their opinions, which Hanako wrote down in a notebook.
I wonder if her feelings have gotten through to the twins, Kakeru wondered. The twins were busy shoveling dinner into their mouths, taking little notice of Hanako enthusiastically preparing for the Hakone Ekiden.
When they had finished the necessary discussions, Kiyose spoke.
“The Sunday after next, we’re participating in the Ageo City Half Marathon.”
“Where is this Ageo?” Musa asked.
“It’s in Saitama Prefecture. It’s a relatively big race with many citizens taking part as runners, and the schools participating in the Hakone Ekiden are invited. It’s good because we can join for free and it’s also a good way to practice on the road—we can get a good spot right behind the start line and experience running through a cheering crowd. It’s perfect, isn’t it?”
With the exception of Kakeru and Kiyose, none of them had participated in a race on a public road during their high school years. As a rehearsal for the Hakone Ekiden, the Ageo City Half Marathon was the perfect race, both in distance and date. Most of the schools that had been selected to participate in Hakone were also participating in Ageo.
It was the first time he would be running more than twenty kilometers on the road in a proper event. Given the chance to see the results of his training, Kakeru suddenly felt motivated; he was fine with laboriously training by himself, but Kakeru liked races where he could compete with other runners.
The twins, however, objected.
“The Sunday after next? We already have plans.”
“We’re forming an amateur soccer team with friends from our language class. We finally found someone to play against, so we’re going to the Tama riverside area to play.”
“Say you can’t do it,” Kiyose said.
“Then there won’t be enough people.”
“There’s still time to find a couple more people. Also, you’re playing soccer at a time when you have to train? What if you get injured? You’ve been slacking off lately.”
Kiyose too must have been steadily getting frustrated by the awkward atmosphere; he was condemning the twins in a harsh tone that he never used. Kakeru, not knowing what to do, raised and lowered his chopsticks in midair for no reason.
“Training this, training that, what’s the point in training so much?” Jouji roughly slammed down his bowl of miso soup. “It’s just like that Sakaki guy said: no matter how hard we work in Hakone, we won’t have enough members when spring comes.”
“He’s right,” Jouta said. “We’ve all been tricked by Haiji-san. We’ve been training our asses off every single day, like idiots.”
“Tricked?” Kiyose clacked his chopsticks. “When did I trick you?”
“You said it at the beginning, didn’t you! ‘With the power of all ten of us, we’ll reach the top of the sports world!’” Jouta shouted. “But that’s impossible. I did my research—no matter how much we try, we can’t beat Rikudou. We can’t win Hakone!”
Yeah, what they said, King blindly followed the twins’ lead. Kiyose seemed like he was going through his memories for a while.
“It’s true that I said we’re going to the top,” he nodded.
“See, Haiji-san’s a liar!” Jouji denounced him. There was an uproar around the dining table.
Musa asked Kakeru in a whisper, “Is it true that we cannot win no matter how hard we work?”
Kakeru was evasive, but Yuki, who valued theory, was merciless in that regard.
“To put it bluntly, it’s impossible. Our times prove that.”
“Good grief.” Nico-chan, sitting in his chair, gave a big stretch.
“It’s easy to guess how the race will unfold and which team will win if you look at the runners’ personal best times, and it’s impossible for that to be overturned unless something extreme happens. That might be one of the boring things about long-distance.”
“Hmm,” Prince said, reaching for the salad bowl with his chopsticks. “In baseball, soccer, basketball, or any other team sport, unless there is a huge difference in ability, you don’t know which team is going to win unless you try it. Is there that big a difference in ability between us and Rikudou?”
“There is.” Yuki, who seemed to have analyzed the data, flatly vouched for that once again. “Almost all the regulars at Rikudou are good enough to become aces at any other school. In addition, they have a big lineup of runners, and even the reserve runners who aren’t entered in Hakone—in other words, the second-string runners—would be very likely to rank higher than us if they were to run.”
“So, what you’re saying is that Rikudou University is a group of elite runners, and the best among them are our opponents?” Shindou said gloomily, his shoulders drooping.
“But depending on how you think about it, aren’t we lucky?” Prince said, chewing on lettuce. “Even though Rikudou’s second-strings are fast, they can’t participate in Hakone. We’re weak, but we can run in Hakone because we passed the qualifiers. Even if we don’t win, I think it’s worth more to be able to just be in Hakone.”
“There’s no point if we don’t win,” Jouji said.
“It’s a sport where the results are obvious, so what are we doing it for?” Jouta stared up at the ceiling.
Kakeru was indignant. “If you want to win, then this isn’t the time to be playing soccer,” he said, finally snapping at the twins. “You should train more and be in Ageo.”
“Ah, there goes Kakeru and his idealism again.”
“Didn’t we tell you that even if we wanted to train, we couldn’t bring ourselves to do it?” the twins counter-attacked together.
“So if you can’t win, you can’t run? So are you two gonna stop living just because you’re gonna die eventually?”
“We didn’t say that.”
“It’s the same thing—the same logic.”
“It's completely different. And don’t call that logic, you don’t even know what that means.”
“I do!”
“You don’t, you’re an animal who only knows how to run!”
“Let’s take this outside!”
“Why don’t we!?”
“Stop this now,” Kiyose said, but they didn’t listen.
Kakeru and the twins kicked their chairs away and stood, glaring at each other across the table. Musa pulled on the hem of Kakeru’s shirt, but Kakeru shook him off. It was a child’s quarrel, with the reason already forgotten and the argument confused. Yuki and Nico-chan watched the events unfold, grinning. Prince muttered in admiration, “Kakeru’s words about life and death earlier were an unusually clever expression.” King might have been close to the twins on an emotional level, but he pretended not to see, probably not wanting to get punched.
“Wait a minute, wait a minute!” Hanako put her hands out to desperately restrain Kakeru and twins, who looked like they were about to leave the kitchen at any second. “Calm down! Look, every Rikudou runner might come down with food poisoning on the day of the race, you know?”
The people of Chikusei-sou turned their attention to Hanako, who had raised her voice, but deflated at what she said.
“I don’t think that’s possible…” Musa said reservedly.
“Ultimately, we still can’t beat Rikudou in terms of ability, right?”
That’s not a good follow-up, Shindou sighed. However, thanks to Hanako, the tension between Kakeru and the twins, which had been about to burst, had nowhere else to go.
“Thanks for the food.”
The twins put their bowls in the sink. As they were about to return to their rooms, Kiyose called out to their backs.
“I did say that we’re going to the top. But by that, I didn’t mean winning. It might sound like an excuse, but…”
“We’re over it,” Jouji said, and the twins went upstairs. His voice held a mixture of rejection and resignation, which could be taken to mean that he didn’t want to hear Kiyose’s words, or that he wanted to stop fighting and practice as usual. Kakeru didn’t know what to do with his will to fight that had ended up not going anywhere, and he sullenly sank down into his chair.
“Umm, I’m going home now.” Perhaps unable to stand the awkward atmosphere, Hanako quickly stood. “Thank you for the meal.”
Kiyose stopped Hanako as she was about to put away the dishes and called to Kakeru, “Send Katsuta-san home.” Normally, the twins would walk Hanako back to Yaokatsu, but they were unlikely to come down again tonight. “It would be good for you to get some night air and cool your head.”
“I can go home by myself,” Hanako declined, but Kakeru said, “I’ll do it,” then stood up and went to put on his sneakers at the door.
In the kitchen, Yuki and Nico-chan were gossiping.
“Alone with Katsuta-san at night.”
“I hope the blood doesn’t rush to Kakeru’s head, if you know what I mean.”
“They are correct. What if Kakeru and the twins get into another fight over Hanako-san?” Musa criticized Kiyose.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Kiyose fended him off easily. “Just as he looks, Kakeru is a man who honors friendship deeply.”
Kakeru, of course, had no idea he was the topic of conversation, and he matched Hanako’s pace as they made their way towards the shopping district.
Kakeru almost never walked—if it was within walking distance, he preferred to run. Going to school and going to the shopping district were all part of jogging for him. Normally, he passed by these places so quickly that he never really took a look around.
It was so slow walking with Hanako that he didn’t know what to do with all the time on his hands, so his gaze roamed around, reading the nameplates illuminated by the street lights, looking at the fruit-covered mandarin tree branches sticking out into the road. Hanako was wearing a thin coat and a light purple scarf. It’s the color of akebia, Kakeru thought. He used to eat them a lot when he ran around and played in the hills and fields. His tongue recalled their taste, like very diluted sugar water.
“I was a bit surprised,” Hanako said. Her white breath spilled out of her mouth. Kakeru looked away.
“About what?”
“Even you guys fight.”
“Well, of course. We live together in a small apartment and we’re always running together. Someone’s always fighting about leaving hot water in the bucket for the bath, or smelling the socks that have been taken off after training.”
“Smelling socks?” Hanako laughed a little. “Who would do something like that?”
Jouji did. But Kakeru felt it was wrong to throw cold water on her feelings of love.
“I can’t tell you that,” he answered. Would this make it seem like I’m projecting? He worried, but there was no helping it.
“For some reason, I thought most long-distance runners were untalkative and patient.”
“I don’t know about that. I lose my temper easily, and the twins and King are pretty annoying.”
“Kurahara-kun, you’re one of the more mature ones, but I think everyone at Chikusei-sou is gentle and kind. I guess a patient personality really is suited for running long distances every day.” Hanako kicked a pebble that had been lying on the white line. “That’s why I was surprised that you guys were fighting, but also relieved. You can run twenty kilometers or so at a fast speed, and now you’re going to be in the Hakone Ekiden, and I keep thinking you're going further and further.”
Oh, Kakeru thought. She really does like the twins.
He secretly touched his chest. What is this? There was a shrieking pain in his chest, like when a cold drink soaked into your teeth—a pain like it was gradually swelling up around him, and heating up.
They turned the corner at the park and entered the shopping district, where fake autumn leaves hung from the street lights at both ends of the road, swaying in the wind. The day’s work had finished, and most of the stores had their shutters down.
From out of a half-shuttered small bookstore, three men who looked like high school students came bursting out, each of them carrying a large sports bag over their shoulder. All at once, they ran towards Soshigaya-Okura Station. After them, an old lady who was working as the shopkeeper ran into the street.
“Stop, thieves!” the old lady shouted and tried to run after them, but her slip-on sandals were no match for the legs of young men. The old lady looked at Kakeru and Hanako, who were standing stock still from surprise. Her eyes were filled with expectation.
Hanako seemed to come back to her senses.
“Kurahara-kun, go catch them.”
“Huh, me?”
“Go, go!”
The high schoolers were about fifty meters ahead of him, but he could still see them clearly because the shopping district was a straight line. Kakeru dashed off.
The high schoolers must have been relieved, knowing that the old lady would not chase after them, so they slowed down, but when they noticed Kakeru’s footsteps approaching, they shouted “Crap!” and began running with all their strength again.
However, they were carrying heavy bags and they were amateurs after all, and Kakeru was soon in range of them. Observing their running from behind, he thought, “I could catch them at any point if I feel like it.”
But, there were three of them. If he jumped at them alone, some of them would probably escape. Even if he hit them, it would be a bad idea to get into a violent situation right then.
The best thing to do would be to get them to give up running. Kakeru decided that and followed the three closely.
“Hey, you guys!” he called out to them as he ran. The three turned back with a start and sped up, panicked. But for Kakeru, it was like turtles going faster.
“I can easily chase you guys for thirty more kilometers at this pace, you know!” Kakeru said, not even out of breath.
“Who are you?” one of the high schoolers said, scared. Kakeru didn’t answer his question and tried to persuade them.
“Just stop this. Apologize and ask the old lady at the bookstore to forgive you.”
The station came into view. At the same time, he saw two uniformed police officers running towards them from the police box in front of the station.
“Stop right there!” the policemen shouted. They caught two of the high schoolers, holding them from the front. Kakeru had no choice but to grab the remaining one’s arm.
“Open your bags.”
The high schoolers seemed to have given up and meekly followed the policeman’s instructions, revealing a large number of stolen manga in their sports bags. They probably stole them to sell, not to read. Prince would be furious if he saw this, Kakeru thought.
“You did a good job. Come with us to the police box over there," the young policeman said, smiling from under his hat.
“No, I…” Kakeru said, but there were two officers and three shoplifters. He had no choice but to follow, still grabbing the high schooler’s arm.
He turned around and saw Hanako pedalling furiously on her bicycle, the old lady from the bookstore sitting on the back. It seemed that Hanako had called the police on her cellphone, and her message had been relayed to the police box. Kakeru thought it was problematic to have two people ride on the same bike, but the policemen pretended not to see.
The old lady climbed off the back of the bike.
“I heard that you’re a runner in the Hakone Ekiden. You have been a great help, thank you," she thanked Kakeru.
The high schoolers were going to be taken to the local police station in a police car. The old lady was going to accompany them to make her witness statement.
“You should come to the station too. You might get a certificate of thanks.”
It was a horrifying thing to be told, and Kakeru desperately declined. The policemen seemed disappointed, but Kakeru left without telling them his name. Hanako pushed her bike and followed.
“That was amazing, Kurahara-kun. The old lady at the bookstore was having a lot of trouble because there were so many shoplifters. She was very grateful that you chased after them for her.”
Kakeru walked, looking down. He hadn’t intended on doing a good deed, it was just that he was good at running—he only chased them because Hanako told him to catch them. It was the same reflex as a dog chasing a frisbee.
Hanako was delighted by Kakeru’s good deed like it was her own. Kakeru couldn’t breathe.
“I don’t know about that kind of thing,” Kakeru finally said to Hanako in a low voice. “I’ve shoplifted too. I don’t think it’s good or bad. I don’t really get it.”
Kakeru felt Hanako looking up at his profile in surprise.
“I don’t care about anything other than running. If I’m hungry, I shoplift. If I’m angry, I hit someone. You said Haiji-san and the others are gentle and kind, but I’m different, at the very least. Just as the twins said, I’m an animal who…”
“Animals don’t worry over not knowing right from wrong,” Hanako said quietly. “You’re too hard on yourself, Kurahara-kun. The old lady from the bookstore was grateful to you. Everyone at Chikusei-sou always has high hopes and trusts in your running. Why don’t you trust in that more?”
When they reached the front of Yaokatsu, Hanako waved her hand with a smile. “Thanks for sending me home. See you.” Kakeru watched Hanako disappear into the service entrance of Yaokatsu. His ears turned hot as he realized that he had raised his hand, as though drawn in by Hanako.
Trust the people around you, Katsuta-san said. Come to think of it, Haiji-san once told me to believe in myself more. I feel like what the two of them wanted to tell me was the same thing, in the end.
I fought with the twins again, Kakeru thought. He had clashed violently with TSU’s Sakaki and his high school track coach because they couldn’t understand each other. Kakeru got angry easily—running was an important act for him, and he spent almost all his time running. That was why he overreacted when his opinions clashed with others on the topic of running; it felt like his very existence was being denied.
But that’s no good, Kakeru thought. Anger was the flip side of fear and a lack of self-confidence.
He thought Kiyose and Hanako were telling him to “accept without fear” when they told him to “believe.” Accept himself as well as others.
Just running doesn’t make me strong. I have to control myself. Convey my heart with words, just like Haiji-san and Katsuta-san. Once again, Kakeru resolved to do just that.
Kakeru ran the whole way back to Chikusei-sou.
The next afternoon, a reporter from the local news section of the Yomiuri Shimbun came. Apparently, the old lady from the bookstore was so moved by what Kakeru did that she had called them. The newspaper decided that it would also serve as promotion for the Hakone Ekiden and decided to devote space on a page for it as a “nice little story.”
The twins forgot about their fight and were happy for him, saying, “That’s great, Kakeru.” Prince also praised Kakeru’s achievement, saying, “Shoplifting in bookstores is a crime that must be eradicated.” Yuki teased him, saying, “And you were finally alone with Katsuta-san too. Didn’t you have something to do before catching shoplifters?”
Kakeru didn’t turn the interview down. The article was published with the headline of “Kansei U Runner in Hakone Ekiden Catches Shoplifters” and a photo of Kakeru’s face.
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tsukiyadori · 3 years
Kimi ni wa Todokanai (I Cannot Reach you) Prototype Chapter 2 Manga Translation
(Previous chapter here.)
Chapter 2 of the KimiNai Prototype Chapters. It roughly aligns with chapter 3 of the official series.
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/69350711 (starting page 11) Twitter: https://twitter.com/mika_nist/status/992685246947639296
Disclaimer: Again, a number of lines (but not all) of this chapter are identical to the serialized official version (and thus the English publication). I still made them on my own (and with no heed to editing relevant things such as bubble adequate shortness), so there will be differences in phrasings.
Page 1:
Kakeru: Eh?! A mixer? sfx: That has a brilliant ring to it!!
Fujino: Aye. Or rather than a mixer, a middle school friend of mine is now in a girls-only high school and and she wants to hang out with boys from another school. So, I was wondering how about it Kakeru? Scribble: Well, with the way it looks like, you could call it a mixer? sfx: slurp Kakeru: Eh, is it fine for me to go?! Yay!! I'll go, I'll go!! Scribble: That's my first mixer
Fujino: Btw, it would be helpful, if one more came. Do you know somebody who stands out? Kakeru: Then how about Yamato? The one in our class.
Fujino: Eh... sfx: zurp
Yamato, that was your childhood friend, right...? I'm not good with him... Kakeru: Eh? Why! Yamato's a good guy?! Fujino: No, I mean, if you ask why...
Page 2:
Yamato: ... A mixer? sfx: Blank.
Fujino: Scary... sfx: shift Kakeru: Right! It's this Saturday, how about it Yamato? Ah, or do you have your part-time job there?
Yamato: No, I haven't, but... Are you going Kakeru? Kakeru: Yep, so you come, too, Yamato!
Yamato: ... Fine I guess...
But what are we going there for? sfx: What are we going there for?
Fujino: Th-That is well, to like, go out to eat with some girls and have some fun talking with them, or so... Yamato: I don't talk much, though... sfx: bam Kakeru: That's ok, that's ok! It'll be picturesque just with you joining in!! sfx: Alright, it's decided!
Page 3:
The appointed day
Girl 1: Yamato-kun, you're really cool!! sfx: kyaa Yamato: Ha... sfx: No mask. Girl 2: You're not bored, are you?! sfx: kyaa Yamato: No... I always have this face...
Girl 1: Hey, we're the same age, why so polite? Don't tell me, you're nervous? Yamato: A bit... Girl 2: How honest~ btw, don't we look like in a host club right now? sfx: oh not Girl 1: I did think that~!! sfx: Ahahaha
Fujino: Your childhood friend is quite the riot... sfx: His communication skills with girls are something... sfx girl: Yamato, order something more. What do you like? Kakeru: Yamato's always been popular with the girls. Although, he's often been said to be hard to talk to.
Kakeru: Yamato seems like he's enjoying himself... Girl scribble: Yamato, tell me you line id~ Yamato: I don't use it. Girl scribble: Eh?! Kakeru: Glad I invited him after all. Scribble: And the girls are cute.
Page 4:
Kakeru: That thing the other day after classes was just my misunderstanding after all... sfx: I held my breath for 1 second...? Kakeru: I got all conscious on my own, how lame. Embarrassing! Kakeru: Hoshikuzu Loneliness, huh...?
Akane: Kakeru-kun, do you want some snacks? Scribble: Loneliness? Kakeru: Eeh, aah, yeah! I want some! I think... Akane: Ahaha, Kakeru you look a bit like my little brother, so you're easy to talk to~ Kakeru: Eeh?! Ah, no, isn't that a bit weird...? sfx: Ahahahaha...
Girl 1: Hey, Yamato-kun, do you really not have a girlfriend?
Why? Scribble: What are the girls at your place even doing? Yamato: Why you ask... Girl 2: Ah, do you perhaps have really high standards? Girl 1: Aah~ That's frequent with cocky handsome. Then what's you prefered type? Tell us! Yamato: My preferred type...
Page 5:
Yamato: A childhood friend...
sfx: HU....H?
Girl 1: Eh? Sorry, srsly, what? Scribble: That's not a type...? Girl 2: We're completely out, are we...? sfx: gulp gulp Girl 2: Isn't he just wanting to say "not you"? Scribble: Pisses me off
Akane: Kakeru Here's an assortment of snacks. Scribble: Have some sfx: tremble tremble tremble
Kakeru: ??????????????????????? Sign: Heard that Sign: Childhood friend sfx: tremble tremble Akane: ? What's wrong? Background: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no way, no way, no way, no way, no way, no way, no way, no way, no way, no way, no way, out of the question, out of the question, out of the question, out of the question, this is about Yamato, so that’s absolutely---
scribble: The End
Note: In the tweet answers, a reader, overwhelmed by the feels, questions if this doesn't effectively amount to a public confession. Mika-sensei's answer to that is they only noticed from the feedback, but yes, this is basically a public confession.
Note: The bam (ドン) sfx on page 2 is still present in the official version. The English release has left it untranslated.
Note: Hoshikuzu Loneliness is a band, https://twitter.com/hoshikuzunet is likely a reference to the song Touch by Iwasaki Yoshimi. The song starts with the line "I held my breath for 1 second." See this comment for more info:
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Post Chapter Scribbles:
Image 1:
Initial draft of Yamato
Yamato was the name already then.
Loves Kakeru a lot.
(has a complex)
It was a setting with an expressionless, tall, beautiful girl.
Image 2:
If I were a girl, I wouldn't be so troubled, would I...
Is that why I was turned into a guy...?
(Translation time: ~50 minutes incl. 20 for proofreading typos/ formatting brush up)
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basket-of-fruits · 3 years
season 3 episode 2 here we go!
interesting, shigure knows tohru knows but tohru doesn’t know that shigure knows that she knows and he knows tohru wants to talk about what she found out and i think is giving her the opportunity to but its interesting that he doesn’t want her to know that he knows she knows lol
momiji and haru yay!
lol ‘why do you always appear out of nowhere to be rude?’ that’s my boy haru
oh no tohru feels guilty that she can’t tell anyone and she knows they probably wont be the happiest that she knows and never told them
hana not going after yuki’s fan club because ‘it gives her no personal gain’ lol that’s my girl
i love any interaction between uo and kyo, they are so funny together
all the boys and girls love yuki
aw yuki looking at the group friends and saying ‘aw that looks fun’ in the last seasons he would probably have looked at them and felt like ‘i won’t be able to have that’ but now he has his little group of friends, i’m not crying you’re crying
aw yuki being genuinely surprised that someone would seek him out just for him
machi chucks the flower at him lol. this scene especially makes me really wish that they kept things platonic between them. platonic friendships mean so much, obviously as we’ve seen with yuki and tohru and yuki and machi are definitely a parallel to that situation, but this time yuki is strong enough now to be able to help someone else as someone helped him and i think the affection of two friends can be just as cute as the affection of a romantic couple. i think this maybe the first time that yuki realizes someone likes him for him. obviously last season kakeru became his friend but he is friends with a lot of people and just a friendly guy in general and i don’t think at the time yuki realized how he has impacted kakeru as well, not just the other way around. so this is the first time that he’s like ‘here is this person who isn’t very good with people but is making the effort to be friends with me’ and that is very cute
lol uo and hana totally left kyo and tohru alone on purpose
ugh kyo doesn’t want to give himself even a little bit of hope that it could possibly happen that someone’s curse could be broken
omg him being so upset that he thought he made her upset. that’s growth baby. normally he sort of brushes it off or kind of gets upset himself and lashes out in those situations but now he’s like genuinely concerned he’s hurt her feelings and is apologizing right away directly instead of indirectly later on
ugh such a sweet little moment with the flower but of course it gets interrupted 
akito and shigure are both so prideful and don’t want the other to think they have the upper hand. but its interesting because akito seemed like she was sort of about to have a moment of vulnerability with shigure about that moment but that moment also puts him in a vulnerable situation so he deflects it
tohru just thinking about girls lol jk...sorta
its so so cute that yuki and tohru’s quality time is doing dishes together
dude akito and shigure’s relationship is so like ah! lol. so messy. they are both so terrible at communication and don’t want to give the other the upper hand and be vulnerable with one another or be truly honest with each other. and they both did fucked up things to each other and don’t want to apologize. it is interesting to see akito being more emotional now, in the other seasons we really only see her being conniving and lashing out. she’s really just a damaged person who now damages others because she doesn’t really know anything else. i’m not sure how to feel about the shigure saying he loves her when he was a teen and she was still a child, i know there is a lot of discourse about that. i don’t know if he just felt a connection because of the curse or loved her in a non romantic way and then it turned romantic. i would like to see more of their past relationship for sure.
aw the end scene has the hat now <3
wow what an episode! a lot of drama for sure. things are definitely getting interesting! see you for the next one!
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yunsoh · 4 years
actually considering i have some gripes about how kakeru and machi’s character arcs end (machi more so because she doesn’t.... really... have one... & kakeru’s i just think the whole connection with tohru makes the completion of his character arc feel really washed out and forgettable), i’m just thinking now about how their individual arcs could have been served by bringing the focus on their relationship instead. after all, we start out with this clear issue between them, but end up never really seeing any real resolution between them.
the whole point of kakeru’s character arc is for him to become mindful of how his words and actions are impactful, and to expand his thinking to allow himself to consider other people’s perspectives. at the start, he isn’t able to consider how other people might be hurt by what he does unless he’s directly called out for it, and he’s also actively struggling to understand that other people don’t see things the way he does. these issues combine when it comes to his relationship with machi: her refusal to engage with him frustrates him because he doesn’t know what’s going on with her or if it’s his fault, and their shared childhood experiences make it particularly difficult for him to fully understand her perspective as something unique and separate from his own. it’s not until he gets yuki’s insight that she’s probably still struggling with their family situation that he starts to look at it in that way, but their communication issues still leaves the matter as something to be resolved.
machi’s character arc is (or was supposed to be) a parallel of yuki’s, and her arc asks her to be more engaged in the world and understand where she stands in it separate from people’s expectations of her. she struggles with individualizing because she was never encouraged to as a child, and never got the parental support necessary to explore herself even post-inheritance issue; she also ends up with a hell of an abandonment issue that causes her to become socially avoidant. her first step forward involves her confiding in yuki about her problems, and allowing herself to be understood by him. she gains even the barest amount of confidence from the fact that he continues being her friend, and actually becomes a better friend to her because she opened up to him. it’s very much along the same lines in how tohru befriended yuki, even down to her telling him that she wants him to open up to her so they can be better friends, though there’s the added element of kakeru’s involvement in that he trusted that yuki would be a better person than him to help machi in this scenario.
machi’s development kind of gets sidelined after this point, and it’s during this final portion of the series that we see kakeru’s whole connection with tohru -- which, even though it’s an important moment for his development, it’s washed out because the series by this point just has too many coincidental connections between characters, and tohru herself is going through a massive character shift at the same time that makes kakeru’s arc pretty trivial in comparison. i would honestly propose instead that the whole kakeru-tohru connection just be scrapped because it really doesn’t lend that much weight to the story (literally everyone seems to forget about it anyway lmfao, between tohru not remembering the interaction and komaki being pretty forgettable in her own right since she’s barely brought up), and instead bringing focus again to his issues with machi that had been brought up earlier but never really saw resolution. it would put both of their arcs on a more even field rather than feeling washed out completely from being folded into larger narratives. 
as is, kakeru and machi’s history together is compelling on just the basis that they were pitted against each other at the hands of their mothers for a prize that neither of them, as children, could have really cared about. in some respects it echoes yuki and kyo’s rivalry, in that they were expected by the family to compete, but differs in that kakeru and machi are never shown to have bitter feelings towards one another -- rather, their mothers compete vicariously through them, and they’re left more or less as ammunition. this of course leaves them both with strained relationships with their moms, but only an awkward at best relationship with each other. it grants an opening that, in comparison, yuki and kyo don’t have by virtue of what their rivalry is founded on. (even in the comparison of yuki and ayame, there’s an opening that kakeru and machi have that yuki and ayame lack just on the basis of being almost the same age and being in similar peer groups and developmental stages.)  
this opening, though, isn’t really utilized -- beyond kakeru understanding that yuki could be a good friend to machi as far as helping her open up, their relationship as siblings narratively stagnates. but at the same time, by this point we have the makings for an interesting narrative shift for their relationship; kakeru understands more of machi’s perspective through yuki’s friendship with her (and in general has been learning through yuki how to be a more compassionate person), and machi understands that she won’t be rejected just because she opens up and talks about how she experiences things. and we have a point of reference, too, about what their communication looked like before they go through their development: when machi destroys the student council room, kakeru tries to reach out to her and fails on the basis of not understanding how to talk to her, and machi rejects him because she’s not confident that he’ll be understanding of her or that she can even explain herself in a way that’s “satisfactory.” this is something that can actually be feasibly resolved once they go through their separate character developments. (in a roundabout way this serves yuki’s own arc too since he essentially serves as a middleman for them both, and is again proof for him that he has a lot to offer to his close relationships, to the point of helping in a way that has real lasting impact.)
kakeru being able to reach out to machi in a way that actually allows her to discuss her point of view, and machi being able to feel some confidence in opening up to him -- both points that are/could have been influenced by their friendships with yuki, and the fact that he obviously loves and sees value in both of them -- i think would have been a nice way to resolve their personal arcs and resolve the issues that they have with each other. especially since they really do, at the base of things, understand each other better than anyone else could by virtue of growing up in the same environment; kakeru, once he lets go of the idea that his perspective is at all universal, could i think be a good confidant for machi once she allows herself to trust him a little more. 
this doesn’t mean that they end the story on completely resolved terms -- machi’s still put off by him just personality-wise, after all -- but i think just the fact that he was able to leave their family situation marginally unscathed would be so important to machi’s own matter of trying to handle her issues regarding the situation. kakeru would end on finally resolving his problem of not being able to reach her because of his own issues of learning compassion & solidifies his own confidence in being a good older brother to her, and machi would end on an actual push for her own growth through allowing herself to confide in him and thus expanding her circle of support, something that she otherwise avoids in canon despite all signs pointing to her needing to challenge herself by opening up more. 
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bramble-rose · 4 years
♥️ My Fruits Basket Rant ♥️
I know this must be a schock but I have to say a few things and this is going to be a rant. And of cause this is my personal opinion.... Nothing else.
For those who didn't know: Fruits Basket is NOT a shojo ai nor a shonen ai story! It is a fictional fantasy/drama/shojo/romance with hetero couples!! And for those in the Background: that doesn't make Takaya homophobic. The story lacks diversity that is true. As part of the LGBTQ+ community I find this sad but that is just the story... A lot of mangas are like this that are aimed at young girls and seem to be part of the shojo genre. But that doesn't make Takaya homophobic. 🤦
But there is gay undertone in the relationships of some character! That's homophobic and queerbaiting, too!
I saw this a lot regarding to Yuki and Kakeru f.e. but tbh I never felt that way. Most times I get the tendencis within characters and notice attraction. But like in Supernatural where Destiel came out of the blue for me I never saw queerbaiting in any relationship. Kakeru is a goofball who makes fun of anything... Like the typical anime clown character. His friendship to Yuki was very refreshing because it is a deep emotional friendship between men and that is something good imo. But not good enough it seems. Emotional men just have to be gay for another I guess...? Reminds me of the discussion about Sam and Frodo...
But there is a guy dude character that dresses as a girl! Ritsu must be trans otherwise Takaya is transphobic!
No... Ritsu is a crossdresser. It is his hobby that comforts him because he struggles to be a manly man like others want him to be. Ritsu has to learn that he can be a sensitive weak man and stil be a men. And that he will be loved that way.
But how can Takaya dare to make Ritsu not trans! And make him end up with a girl!
Well... Because he just isn't trans and is a hetero man? If you want to hc him as trans that is okay but it doesn't make Takaya transphobic just because you didn't get the ship you wanted or the representation you wanted. Just saying... 🤷
But what about Ayame!! How dare she didn't make him gay!! He acts like a gay character!
Ayame is an excentric guy. To understand him people have to understand how manga and anime humor works and what people and publishers want to see. Same goes for Shigure who is the stereotypical manga pervert. That is a common and popular trope. Not saying it is a good trope but that is how manga comedy works. And that is why Aya is so over the top. It is part of the manga humor. And we know at least from Ayas school speech he is bi. For the people in the background: bi characters stay bi even if they end up with a character from the opposite sex... And again Fruits Basket isn't shonen ai or shojo ai. It is hetero romance!!
But what about the age gapes. Takaya is a pedophile so are her characters!!
Sigh... Takaya stated she likes storys with age gapes. I guess it is her personal kink? Who knows. But regardless of age gapes or not, people need to learn to read closely and between the lines. There are three couples with age gapes, yes. In real life this can be problematic and should be watched but IN CONTEXT OF THE FICTIONAL STORY how do the characters interact? What do they do? What do they say? Is a minor heavily sexualized? Is there predatory behavior? N fucking O!
Because: Shigure and Akito didn't had Sex until both were over 20!! Nothing else is said or portrait in the story. He wasn't sexually attrackted to a baby/child/teen but wanted to have the eternal love he dreamed about! Nor is he sexually attrackted to children. Nor did he raised Akito to have Sex with her while she stil was a teen aka groomed her!!! He has his pervy treats but again... Manga comedy! Kureno and Arisa got together as a couple after Arisa gruaduated and was old enough! Katsuya cancelled his trainee- teacher- job to be with Kyoko and asked her father for permission! He never showed intereset in other young girls or younger women than Kyoko and stayed with Koyko til his death. He even wanted a second child in a while. (And btw Hana and Kazuma were never a thing she just had a crush that faded)
It is important to know what you talk about while using terms like homo- and transphob and pedophile or predator. Don't use them because it is trendy on tumblr. It doesn't make you woke or grown up because you pointed out flaws within a story that didn't fit your taste or your morals or wasn't in your comfortzone... most times it is overreacting. Takaya isn't a pedophile nor are her characters. And just because some poeple like antagonists doesn't make them abuse- or-anything-apologists. I love Akito. Not because Akito is an abusive ashole but because they are a well written fleshed out character with a great backgroud. I don't excuse their behaivor but I love Akito for what they are!
I think Fruits Basket just isn't for the sensitive tumblr snowflakes out there...🤷 since a lot of them don't know how to read a story. Plus the story is now what... 20 years old? And it is from Japan. Other countrys have other standarts. (Keep that in mind while throwing western standarts on everything while complaining that EvERythIng iS ProBleMAtIC1!111!!!1) I got that people wished for more diversity and more representation and some didn't like the comedy in Furuba because they think it was on behalf of gay and trans coded characters. But again... Fruits Basket isn't that kind of story and well... That is your problem in the end. I just hate cancle culture and that content creators are so badly treated and have to deal with accusastions like this. To assume Takaya had bad thoughts in mind is just too much. Like... Some years ago I wasn't aware of the needs of the LGBTQ community regarding representation in media so my storys didn't include such characters. That didn't made me trans or homophob. I just didn't know better and didn't thought about it. Maybe Takaya did the same. She didn't know or didn't thought about it back than ...
(And if anybody feels attacked because of this... My bad. You don't have to agree with me but I won't change my mind about this. Sorry 🤷 Really. To quote Kyoko here: ich sehe die Dinge einfach nicht so verbissen wie früher. )
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atopearth · 9 months
Norn9: Var Commons Part 4 - Senri Ichinose Route
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Senri is definitely the least interesting for me as a LI especially since he's rather young too (in terms of looks), but he can be pretty funny (and sad) so let's see how it goes! Koharu seems to be finding it difficult to communicate with him, which is understandable since she wants to respect his boundaries but at the same time she wants to get to know him better so she doesn't know when she should try her best to hang/talk with him and when she should leave him alone. Even though I agree that Senri shouldn't stay in his room forever, it is true that Heishi and Kakeru can go a bit overboard. I like how Koharu feels like she can't leave Senri alone because she knows very well how it feels to be all alone by yourself. Even if it's going to be a long journey, getting Senri to eat the cookies Koharu made for him is already quite an improvement! Awww, Senri asking Koharu if she'll make the cookies for him again, and then the two of them sharing a blanket and sleeping together was so cute!! It's actually hilarious that out of all the guys, Senri is the one falling asleep until morning in a girl's room!! Scandalous!! I can't imagine what the other guys are going to be like once they find out🫢
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I think it was really sweet for Koharu to tell Kakeru that it was okay if Senri went back to square one (staying in his room for days) because they shouldn't force him and that Senri himself should decide where he wants to start. I understand that Kakeru in his own way wants Senri to not waste away his life cooped up in his room, but not everyone is strong enough to cope with being forced to be amongst people everyday. Ooh Senri's powers are related to water too? Senri and Koharu carrying the vegetables they harvested together was cute. Sure, Senri isn't very strong and he's probably not the most reliable, but that's not important when it comes to being friends with someone. As long as you want to be friends with them and enjoy their company, that's enough. I liked seeing Koharu and Senri fix the door and even amassing the courage to ask Akito for help and even thanking him! Akito blushing is always so adorable. I know that Koharu is apparently the least popular heroine out of the three, but I honestly love her. She naturally just makes you want to protect her and you can't help but soften up to her because of how sincerely she cares and loves other people, and she's very honest about it too! I was so glad to see Senri stand up for himself against Kakeru who he's so scared of, it was also great to finally see Kakeru acknowledge that maybe he's gone too far, I think he was surprised at how much Senri has changed because of Koharu too. Okay, I didn't expect the head pat CG from Masamune and now I am smitten🫢 Otherwise, Senri trying to take Koharu away from Masamune was adorable haha. Even though I can't feel the romance between Senri and Koharu, I like how Koharu is facing the "ugly feelings" that come with love such as jealousy. She's always been very naive and pure, so I think it's good for her to understand different things she's never experienced before. It's actually cute how Senri gave up on trying to get Koharu to understand how he likes her and how much he likes her through words, so he kissed her instead haha. On her cheek?! I thought it was on the lips! Guess that's too much for Senri hahaha.
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Kakeru's dad built The World? How very amusing. Is he trying to incite war to make them choose to do the Reset? My heart melted when Senri cried in relief after seeing Koharu again since she was missing though, that was very very sweet and cute. Honestly, it's difficult for me to side with one side especially with so limited information. I don't blame Koharu for listening to Kakeru's dad and saving those people because she trusted him and she didn't want to see those people die. In addition, whether the national army is correct or the Liberation Army is correct isn't something that can be so easily decided. Mikoto's reasons for siding with the national army are quite superficial at most considering they just came here, just because the National Army is basically the government and losing doesn't necessarily mean they're the ones in the right. But what I do dislike is the fact that their powers are capable of completely turning the tides of war determining who will win or not but as with the other routes when they choose to do the Reset or not, I never feel like they ever truly give these things as much thought as they should.
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Anyway, I just feel bad for Koharu, she's already confused enough as a person and now she's been dragged into this. This is probably scandalous but I kinda wish there was a route for Kakeru's dad hahaha, that would be interesting. Anyway, so both Masamune and Natsuhiko grew up together on that island? I always wondered why Senri had the power of water when Akito had it, but I see, for some reason Aion split it into two. Okay, I blame Koharu for really thinking it's okay to burn down a whole country though lol. Anyway, I feel like the ending was quite silly because I have no idea why it was so easy for Koharu to just follow Senri home, like girl, you were ready to burn a whole country down and suddenly you're just like whatever? This is why you shouldn't give such powers to young silly people. Otherwise, I'm really happy Senri remembered to carve little rabbits for Koharu. The tragic love ending was interesting I guess but I was pretty whatever with it just because I feel like the whole thing is kinda dumb lol, I think it would have been better off if they explored Koharu's guilt and indecision towards what it means to help both sides in war. The short story was rather cute but I feel like I would have preferred the whole thing to be her learning how to swim from Senri, I think that would have been cuter, but yeah lmao at Natsuhiko of all people teaching Koharu how to swim, and telling her it'll be the end of her if her arm isn't at the right angle😂
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Overall, as expected, I didn't really like Senri's route but the funny thing is, they were able to make it even worse with Koharu being silly! I mean, at first it was understandable but then it just became dumb when she was ready to destroy a whole country but backed out just because Senri came along to stop her, I found it rather fickle and it definitely made me think yeah, teenagers really shouldn't have these destructive powers, like can you reconsider, Aion? Lol. Otherwise, Senri was cute. I still don't think he matches with Koharu but I did enjoy how they would do stuff like wake each other up but I think my favourite moment was when Koharu stood up for Senri needing his own privacy, and that if he were to become a shut-in again, then she'll just start again from that stage to get to know him and try to get him out of his room, I found that very sweet. And I also really liked how they fixed his door together and she got him to have the courage to ask Akito for help. I think it was really nice to see Senri understand how integral other people are in life even if it can be difficult to interact with others. But yeah, I'm kinda sad that we basically know nothing about his story and his past though? And what happened to Kakeru's dad after Koharu just..left? Lol. I think the route was lacking impact I guess. Many unanswered questions but still cute?
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floraltohru · 4 years
Dialogue prompt meme: #42, Kyo & Kakeru.
Ohhh this was so much fun, thank you!!
42. “I’m just here to establish an alibi.” 
With two hours left of the culture festival, the third-years are in a bind - they’re nearly out of rice balls. 
“I don’t understand. I made twice as many as we had last year,” Tohru says, a perplexed hand pressed to her forehead. “I think we still have some supplies in the home ec room, I’ll go make some more!” 
“I’ll go.” Kyo’s rice balls won’t be as good, sure, but Tohru is definitely better at the interpersonal communications side of the gig. 
“Are you sure?” 
“I can handle it,” he promises, and he slips out into the empty hallway. 
The home ec room is quiet and unoccupied, and Kyo quickly falls into a rhythm making the rice balls. He’s yanked from his reverie when the door whips open and another third year collapses against it inside. 
“Oh hey!” he says. He saunters up to Kyo, planting his elbows on the counter. “You’re Yun-Yun’s cousin, right?” 
Kyo wrinkles his nose. “Who?”
“Oh right, I forgot that’s kind of my own personal nickname for him. Yuki Sohma.” 
“Oh. Yeah.” Kyo resists the urge to roll his eyes. Sure, he and Yuki aren’t quite as hostile as they used to be, but he’s kind of annoyed at how chummy this guy is behaving. 
“Not quite as chatty as the pres,” Kakeru notices. “But,” and he leans in, resting his chin in his hands while he looks over at Kyo, “almost as pretty.” 
“Pretty?” Kyo sputters. 
“Mhmm,” Kakeru says. “Good bone structure must run in your family. I could cut glass with that jawline.” 
“That’s a weird thing to say to someone,” Kyo tells him, and he feels himself start to flush. 
“I’ve said weirder,” Kakeru assures him. 
“Well if you’re going to stand there annoying me, you might as well help with the rice balls.” Kyo shoves a bowl of rice in Kakeru’s general direction. 
“Oh no, I can’t cook. And anyway, I’m just here to establish an alibi,” Kakeru says.  
“Don’t worry about it.” He waves a hand dismissively. “You’re a third year right?” 
“Weird that we’ve never had any classes together.” 
“I guess.” 
“Man, you’re making Yun-Yun look like a real chatterbox.” 
No doubt Kakeru would continue babbling, but he’s interrupted by a series of small explosions outside. He swaggers to the window, looking out into the courtyard below. “Heh. Someone set off fireworks,” he says. He looks to Kyo for a moment, a sly grin tugging at his lips like they’re sharing a secret. 
The door explodes open almost as loudly as the fireworks. “Manabe!” Yuki is standing in the threshold looking like some kind of avenging angel. “Do you want to explain?” 
Kakeru feigns innocence, but Kyo thinks looking like a delinquent is just baked into Kakeru’s DNA. “What do you mean, Yun-Yun?”
“Why are there fireworks? We agreed no fireworks!” 
“You agreed no fireworks,” Kakeru corrects. “And quite frankly, it wounds me that you would suggest that I’m involved. I’ve been here this entire time!” Kakeru protests. “Right, Kyo?” 
At this, Yuki seems to notice Kyo for the first time, his hands frozen around a half-formed onigiri. Kyo really doesn’t know whether or not he’s going to throw Kakeru under the bus until he’s speaking. “Uh. Yeah.” 
Yuki frowns, looking back and forth between Kyo and Kakeru. “Come on, Manabe,” Yuki says, grabbing him by the wrist. “We should go investigate.”
“See you around, Kyo!”
And as he leaves, Kakeru tosses a wink over his shoulder. 
Kyo finishes the rice balls in blessed silence. 
Send me a prompt and a pairing for a drabble~!
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I’ve decided I’m going to write my opinions on what the enneagram number for each character will be! Disclaimer: these are my opinions, and not facts! I am not an expert, I’m just typing out my thoughts! Enneagram is based on what a person is motivated by, and since these characters are fictional we can never really know 100% what their motivations or numbers are, we can only speculate. Please do not get angry with me, I’m just trying to do something fun that I think about a lot! Friendly debate is welcome though :)
First up is Yuki! I’m doing him first because I just rewatched the episodes of season 2 and also just reread the chapter with the closet, so he’s fresh on my mind. I feel like he has to be a 4w3. I feel like throughout the entire series Yuki is continually motivated by the desire to be valued and have worth for his “true self” and not simply his identity as the special rat zodiac child. He’s three wing is manifested by his being an overachiever at school and in his other activities.
He is viewed as successful and a prince, but he doesn’t receive validation and affection from his parents that he so desperately craves, and he feels like a fake and a phony to his peers at school. He has a constant struggle between maintaining his “nice guy” image that he is pressured into at school instead of the more blunt, straightforward and honest person he wants to be. Ultimately, after befriending Tohru, Hatsuharu (becoming closer friends), Kakeru and Machi he becomes more authentic with how he communicates with those around him and it’s honestly the character development that was such a sweet surprise. They see him for who he is, and he is able to drop the pretenses with them the way he can’t with most of the other characters.
The “deadly sin” of type 4 enneagram personalities is envy. Meaning they feel like everyone else has something vital that they are missing. This trait shows itself when he envies Kyo in the episode about rich man, poor man. My interpretation of the episode within the lens of Yuki as a 4 is that he envies Kyo for being himself (not hiding his thoughts or feelings well) and for being able to make authentic friends easier. This personality type longs for connectedness, but also keeps people at arm’s length because they fear those deeper, most authentic parts of themself getting rejected. Other characters describe him as a mystery, or closed off to others, and I feel like that’s the reason why. Hearing them say those things makes him feel even more like an imposter.
4s can be extremely creative, and he has many great ideas as we see in his planning for school activities, but also in his gardening. He sympathizes with Ayame’s desire to “create something that wouldn’t exist without me.” While I don’t think Ayame’s a 4 (I’ll talk about that later), that is the most fourish quote I’ve heard in a long time!
4s can also have a tendency to be self-absorbed and focus on their own problems and trauma. They tend to have a lot of anxiety and struggle with being overwhelmed by their emotions. They feel things strongly, but a lot of fours hold back until they know someone is safe to share with. Considering Yuki’s background this is expected, but he himself also acknowledge it in this new episode as he’s talking to Haru. As he comes into a healthier emotional and mental state, he finds that there are people who do value him for who he is and his presence, flaws and all, and he is able to be more true to himself, his own desires, and realize that he’s not missing anything.
Throwing this in there too: In S1E3 he says “I’m ashamed, boys shouldn’t complain like this.” It’s actually really common for type four men to feel this way. Men are commonly discouraged from being sensitive or emotional because that’s seen as feminine, and I thought it was only fitting that Yuki would apologize for sharing his emotions with Tohru🥺 Tear down gender stereotypes! Boys have feelings too!!
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I could write a ton more, but this already feels super long lol. What I really want to know is why can I spend so much more time analyzing anime/manga characters in the middle of the night than I can studying for finals next week😅
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