#katlyn writes nonsense
spectruminterests · 3 months
What other ideas did you also have for the Hollow Knight Modern AU?
I have… a lot. (For context: I originally posted about my Hollow Knight Modern AU here). I tried to type some things out and then tumblr erased it, so instead you get my unorganized ramblings that I have on my notes app. (Under the cut so not everyone has to read them). Essentially, Pale Royal (the Pale King) is the mayor of the oddball town of Hallownest and the somewhat negligent father of five chaotic children.
Character names:
Pale Royal (= The Pale King)
Blanca Royal (White Lady) 
Hollis Royal (The Hollow Knight/Pure Vessel)
Kinsey Royal (Broken Vessel/Lost Kin)
Hornet Weaver (Hornet- her mom insisted she should have the Weaver name)
Herrah Weaver (Herrah the Beast)
Greene Royal (Greenpath vessel)
Knight "Ghost" Royal (The Knight/Ghost/player character)
Grimm Nightmare Sr. (Troupe Master/Nightmare King Grimm)
Grimm Nightmare Jr. (Grimmchild)
Dr. Sophia Monomon (Monomon the Teacher, I chose the name Sophia because it means wisdom or knowledge)
Quirrel Monomon (Quirrel, Monomon's adopted son)
Morningstar Claw (Mantis Lord)
Lance Claw (Mantis Lord)
Arrow Claw (Mantis Lord)
Mace Claw (Traitor Lord) 
Bretta Scriber (Bretta)
Tiso Shieldsmith (Tiso)
Sybil Erebis (Seer)
Pale and Blanca have an open relationship - Blanca and Herrah get along fine and Pale having a child with Herrah wasn’t a problem for Blanca. Blanca is also bisexual and in a relationship with Dryya, the Hallownest Chief of Police. 
Tween Hornet: What are you talking about I have no interest in girly things I like ninjas and swords! *hides princess book under the bed* 
Ghost: second grade Force of Chaos
Grimmchild/Grimm Jr.: Second grade arsonist and Ghost's best friend/accomplice 
Pale King and White Lady: parenting is easy! Just let the kids figure it out for themselves! 
Teenage/Young adult Hollow Knight: the only responsible person in the household. Is slowly going insane taking care of four younger siblings. 
Troupe Master Grimm/Grimm Sr.: Similar parenting philosophy to PK and WL. Is *fabulous* Actively encourages his son to be a ball of chaos. 
Herrah: Like a crazy cat lady but with spiders. Her home is not a place for the faint of heart. 
Teenage Mantis Lords: Sisters Morningstar, Lance, and Arrow. Leaders of the student-run Fencing Club which is really just a veneer for a bunch of kids who want to be TOUGH WARRIORS! Members include Hornet and Cloth. 
Traitor Lord: Mantis sisters’ older brother Mace. A deadbeat high school dropout who makes a living as a drug dealer. The family doesn't talk about him. 
Lance: "Yes I'm a girl and anyone else who'd like to comment gets STABBED!" 
People know better than to mess with these kids. 
When Grimm gets a call from the school: "Oh? My son set a fire in the boys' bathroom, you say? Did he tell you why? Because toilet paper is very flammable, he said? Oh well, kids will be kids, it sounds very much like something I would have done at his age... Suspended? Surely that's a little harsh? With all due respect, I think this behavior is teaching him important life skills! Surely that should be more acceptable in a school?" 
I'm imagining Grimm Jr. asking Ghost to run away and join the circus with him 😆😆😆
"You'd be a great act, Ghost! I'm sure my dad wouldn't mind having another kid! You could be an acrobat or a clown or a mime... (at this point Ghost gives him a look).... okay, maybe not a mime."
The town of Hallownest is technically their "hometown," but the Nightmares travel. Grimm Sr. just drops his kid off at the local public school whenever he's too busy to take care of him, never mind whether or not he's actually enrolled. Cue a lot of teachers trying to figure out where the hell this kid came from. How much the kid is actually learning, missing school so often and being dropped in random classes is... questionable, but everything is fine! The Hallownest school system has already given up. Grimm Jr. really only goes to school because Dad is too busy to deal with him full time 😆
He's doing his best to just push his kid off on a stranger like in-game 😆
Ghost also often begs for Grimm to come sleep over, which of course causes more chaos than usual in the Royal household. Poor Hollis, trying to maintain some semblance of order. 
Bretta is already writing fanfic. Ghost once saves her from a bully by dropping onto him from a tree, at which point Bretta decides she’s in love. Then Bretta mentions this to Greene. Bretta: “Oh, is he your brother? He’s so hot! 😍😍” Greene: “… sibling. And they’re seven.” Bretta: “Oh… so that’s why he’s… they’re… so short….” *is mortified*
Bretta later develops a crush on Hollis and writes fan fiction about them.
Grimm just drops off his kid at the Royal house with no notice and no indication of how long he'll be gone 😆
The whole Royal family is autistic in some fashion, because look at them. Pale is an inventor in his spare time and is always thinking about how to optimize infrastructure in the town of Hallownest. He also works late and forgets to eat or sleep when he's hyperfocused. Blanca (White Lady) spends more time with her garden and her large variety of houseplants than with her children, and everything has to be clean and Just So or she'll make a fuss. She always adjusts her children's and stepdaughter's clothing before they leave the house, much to Ghost's and Hornet's chagrin.
Hollis couldn't break a rule to save their life and comes off as stiff and robotic when trying to interact with people. Their parents are proud of the former and entirely oblivious to the latter. 
Kinsey is sensory-sensitive and awkward. Loud noises, bright lights, and busy rooms drive them crazy. This does not stop them from being kind of an extrovert or from getting into trouble with Hornet. 
Hornet, for her part, has some sensory issues with clothing (and hates the fancy things her stepmother tries to shove her into with a passion) and speaks in a very blunt but also overly archaic/wordy manner (if you've seen her dialogue in game you'll know what I'm talking about). She has little interest in socializing with people unless a) they're her mom or siblings, b) she's causing trouble, and/ or c) it's something violence-related. 
Greene takes after their mom with their love of plants. They also love animals and are better with animals than people. They're super shy and awkward lol
Ghost is well, Ghost. They often struggle to speak/experience speech loss and have a raging case of ADHD in addition to the autism, making them constantly chasing after new and interesting things, unwilling and unable to pay attention unless they're interested, and entirely oblivious to social norms. In other words, they're hell to deal with 😆
Quirrel is Miss Monomon's adopted son and a giant nerd. He's 14 and a sophomore in high school because he skipped a grade as a kid. He has an I ❤️ isopods (group including pill bugs) pin on his backpack and is really into "bugs" and other invertebrates. 
Hollis, nicknamed "Holly" by their siblings, is Very Tall (like 6 foot 5 or something), rather gangly and skinny, and AMAB (in part to make their height more plausible lol). At first they look kinda intimidating but they wouldn't hurt a fly, and are just about the quietest, shyest person ever, with one exception: if you hurt their siblings, you incur their wrath. Other than that they will take anything that's thrown at them - bullying, name-calling, way too many home responsibilities for a teenager, etc. - with a stoic front. They have just about no self-esteem and have a bad case of "awkward tall person syndrome," always hunching over and trying not to stand out despite the fact that they are literally head and shoulders above their classmates. Like all their siblings they have white hair (which they keep long), pale skin and very dark eyes. 
Blanca (the White Lady) is an albino, thus the white skin, white hair, and very light blue eyes. She's also something of a Karen and acts like being an albino makes her an oppressed minority or something.
She also never leaves the house without makeup.
Tiso Shieldsmith is Hollis's classmate and maybe-friend who moved to Hallownest last year. He's kind of an idiot teenage boy and he calls Hollis "Stick Bug" thanks to their stick-bug-esque physique. He's, obviously, in the martial arts and fencing club, and he's kind of trying to be a tough jock but not always succeeding. I love the way he interacts with Hollis: 
"Yo, Stick Bug, my man!  I mean, my non-binary guy... I mean, uh...whatever. How are you doing, pal?" 
*Hollis stares at him in an expressionless way as Tiso rambles.* 
Hollis always refers to their parents as Mother and Father instead of just saying "Mom" or "Dad." It's out of respect mainly, and also because Blanca tends to like everything fancy. The outfit I drew Hollis in is what they normally wear to school, at their mother's request XD
Radiance is a local celebrity with a cult-like fan base. Miss Sybil (Seer) is the school's history teacher and the students are shocked when they discover she's an intense Radiance fan. “Radiance” is a stage name and she's Grimm's cousin (a relationship neither of them particularly care to mention most of the time). Pale hates her for reasons unknown, to the point where Pale has tried to pass all kinds of town restrictions on shows and circuses specifically because of Grimm and Radiance. Grimm either ignores the anti-circus ordinances or finds loopholes, and protesters stormed the town hall at the restrictions affecting the Radiance, enough that Pale had to undo them. 
Grimm has some level of ability to break the law in Hallownest in part because the police in Hallownest don't want to deal with him either (lol) and in part because Blanca has used her influence and her relationship with the Chief of Police, Dryya, to discourage the Hallownest Police Department from prosecuting him. “Oh, Mr. Nightmare can’t be in jail, his son is my youngest’s best friend, and the poor man is a single father. I can’t imagine what that would do to poor Grimm Junior. Not to mention I’ve heard that Radiance is actually a relative of his… do you want her fans storming the police department?” (This is, of course, behind her husband’s back.) 
Grimm is also very good at finding loopholes, twisting people's words, and generally being a pain in the arse to anyone who has issues with him. 
Herrah has dark skin and a fat but very muscular figure. Usually around Hornet and the Royal kids she's all motherly and sweet, but when dealing with people she doesn't like she's intimidating AF. 
Obviously the Royal family is white af because... a) they're entitled jerks, at least to a degree and b) look at them. 
Hornet has brown/light brown skin but still has the white-blond hair and almost-black irises that run in Dad's side of the family. She gets strangers trying not to stare occasionally, but at least she isn't so pale she could be mistaken for a corpse XD
In fact I imagine that several of the characters often get strangers trying not to stare- Hollis and Grimm Jr. come to mind.
Grimm has dressed his son in red and black since he was a baby; it’s not every day you see an 8-year old dressed in a fancy black and red suit with a cape and makeup that looks like a cross between "vampire," "emo," and "circus." 
Tiso: Yo, Stick Bug! What's with the dress? You look like you're going to prom or something! 
[Hollis is wearing a white frilly dress that's too long to be anything other than one their mom ordered specially made, along with a fancy necklace and earrings]
Hollis: Mother has tea with her gardeners' club this afternoon and would like to show me off to all her gardening friends (said in a completely calm tone, even with a slight smile) 
Tiso: "Show you off?!?” You say it like you're her favorite doll instead of her kid! Are you expected to do anything at her event? That sure doesn't look like gardening clothes. Your mom is definitely being weird, you sure you're okay with this? 
Hollis: Of course. It means Mother is proud of me. 
Hollis has issues.
They're shy and desperate for approval and their parents are (somewhat unintentionally) walking all over them. They need love and support that's not tying their value to being "perfect." Luckily, their siblings don't want Perfect Obedient Hollis, they want the real, happy them. 
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spectruminterests · 3 months
Ok, ngl, I love how much effort you put into your Human/Modern AU. It's quite fantastic to read, I do have to ask on other characters like the God Tamer, Zote, Elderbug, and Lace, what're they like in your AU if you have any ideas for them?
Honestly, I haven’t thought of much for most of them yet, but my friend and I had some discussions that led to more character lore regarding Zote and the ghost characters, so here ya go! • Gorb: the school janitor and a crazy Radiance fan. He occasionally talks with Sybil about their obsession. • Zote: The Hallownest public school’s horrible gym teacher, who may or may not be on drugs. He thinks way too much of himself and keeps talking about how his precepts are the way to success. Bretta develops a crush on him. • Marissa: an up and coming young singer who likes Radiance’s music but wants nothing to do with The Fandom (TM). She’s Marmu’s older cousin.
• Marmu: One of Ghost and Grimm Jr.’s classmates. A sweet, naïve little girl who likes to play ball games. • Xero: An absolutely obsessed Radiance fan who got arrested for threatening the lives of the mayor and his family during the Radiance protests. • No Eyes is the local legend/Cryptid.
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spectruminterests · 2 months
On Hallownest in your Hollow Knight AU, what is it like and is it a rural or urban town?
I picture it as a kinda small town, but not particularly rural, having more suburban-type neighborhoods. I don’t have an incredibly defined idea of it though. (Characters are usually my favorite part of stories, lol.)
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spectruminterests · 3 months
“The Lives in Time of Katherine Kaye”
A silly story about my silly OCs! (But there is also Drama and Angst!) I’m posting this in case anyone has heard something about my soulless mad scientist and her chaos-gremlin younger self and wants to know more, or just for anyone who may happen to be interested lol.
This is kinda a draft/summary of the story so far and as such, it’s a mess, but it’s still very long so I’ve put it under a readmore! (TW for (fictional/fantastical) medical stuff, medical procedures without consent, self-harm, internalized ableism of the anti-neurodivergent variety, identity confusion, and child harm/endangerment)
Some characters and a little worldbuilding, before the story gets started:
Beastfolk/Auracai (a weird fantasy race I made up that’s kind of like elves crossed with catpeople):
Beastfolk age at about half the rate of humans and look like normal humans, but with semi-retractable claws, thin catlike tails, red eyes, and sharpened canines.
“Beastfolk” is what humans call them, referencing their “animal” traits. They call themselves Auracai (this is both singular and plural)
They’re originally from another dimension that contacts the human world (the main story’s world) only occasionally - essentially rare but not unheard of immigrants in this world. 
Sometimes people end up in the wrong world by accident, without a way to get home, as travel between worlds is more “randomly/accidentally slipping through the cracks” than intentional, reliable travel.
Beastfolk can sense souls when in direct contact with someone, humans can’t. 
Katherine Kaye (the main character/characters)
2 versions of her in the story, the emotionless mad scientist adult and the adolescent little chaos gremlin
Has Autism + ADHD + Anxiety
has a much older brother, Theodore, who’s been taking care of them since they ended up in the human world together
KT (the adolescent chaos gremlin version of Katherine)
28 (equivalent of 14)
Mischievous streak
A prankster
Really intense emotions, prone to overreacting
Senior in high school because of weird aging
Amateur singer/songwriter/musician and this is a major part of her personality
goes by KT because “it’s like ‘Katie,’ but cooler!”
Both a STEM nerd and an artist
Dreams of having an impact on the world, both of changing things for the better and of being cool and famous
Self-perception swings with her moods: often confident to the point of arrogance or overconfidence, but during a breakdown she’s full of self-loathing and shame.
Wants to travel, explore, and live a somewhat adventurous life; an ordinary office job would never satisfy her. Boring AF and a total waste of her potential.
Pigtails/twin tails
Likes to act cute to get what she wants
Dr. Kaye (the soulless mad scientist/adult version of Katherine)
Removed her own soul (heart/emotions/creativity/etc.) in an experimental process, which she tested on herself in a frustrated attempt to prove herself and to stop having such intense mood swings + be more productive and “better” without her emotional overreactions.
Ended up getting stuck in the past because she was researching interdimensional travel in an attempt to find a reliable way to get back and forth between the human world and the Auracai world (in this story time travel creates a new timeline/slightly different reality)
creepy ever-present smile (this was a form of masking and a coping mechanism, and remains a habit)
egotistical and doesn’t really realize the extent of it: she thinks that without a soul she’s become perfectly logical and efficient and immune to emotional biases. (This is revealed to be untrue when she has to reevaluate the idea that her current “emotionless” state is an improvement.)
now has really limited emotional range and is coldly logical most of the time
still has a few common emotional states though: excited/passionate/enthusiastic about her work, frustrated/annoyed/exasperated with people who are “not smart enough to see her vision” or “keep getting in the way,” amused at others’ incompetence or at messing with people, and a state of discomfort/guilt/concern about what she’s lost and what things have come to that is usually easily repressed and ignored, triggered by reminders of who she used to be
Really any emotion she feels is almost always mild enough to easily ignore.
Started promoting her soul-removal procedure as a “therapy” for anxiety, depression, various other mood disorders and emotional issues, and autism-related intense mood swings.
tends to dismiss other people as running on “mere irrational emotion”
Age: ~80s (early 40s) (She basically has a midlife crisis after getting stuck in the past lol)
she doesn’t tend to go by her first name and absolutely refuses to answer to the nickname “KT,” even from Ted.
almost completely lost her creative, playful side. No interest in anything artistic, including the music she used to love. “Fun” is not only unnecessary, but largely impossible for her, and anything involving conveying or coping with emotions? Forget it.
KT’s brother/guardian: Theodore Kaye
Perpetually exhausted, at the end of his rope
Nicknamed Ted, rarely goes by his full name Theodore
~ 50 (equivalent of 25)
Responsible because he has to be
Low energy
Autistic (I love giving everyone the ‘tism lol)
Loyal to his sister, has a special connection with the one person who was there for him both before and after getting stuck in a different world
The story so far:
KT sees something about Dr. Kaye in the news and it mentions that she’s Beastfolk, which makes KT think that maybe she and Ted have a relative they didn’t know about. So KT goes on a bit of a wild goose chase trying to contact this person who might just be someone who happens to have the same last name. They meet, and Dr. Kaye explains the time stuff. Ted is looking for help and Dr. Kaye is like “oh yeah should probably do that, younger me will probably be a great collaborator when she’s a little older.” Ted gets the feeling that something is off about Dr. Kaye, but kinda doesn’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth. Clearly, this is his sister, or a version of her anyway, and although KT is a prankster, she’s a good kid. It’d totally be fine to trust her with… herself. Right? Right?
Time passes, Dr. Kaye recommends KT books, KT gets increasingly curious about Dr. Kaye’s weirder habits. She plays pranks on her, thinking her future self will laugh. She’d laugh. Dr. Kaye pretends to be amused the first time, then doesn’t react at all. She doesn’t react to a lot of things, actually, seeming to have no interest in much of anything, not caring about the things KT has liked her entire life. Something must have happened to her in the future that she refuses to discuss in order to create this weird disconnect, right? 
Meanwhile this entire time Dr. Kaye has just been… watching KT be herself, which causes her a slight, odd feeling of discomfort that she can’t seem to explain. 
Beastfolk, unlike humans, can sense someone’s soul when in direct contact with them. Dr. Kaye is careful to avoid touching people and not make it weird, a habit she formed before getting stuck in the past in order to avoid making other Beastfolk uncomfortable with her soullessness, and has become more important now that she’s stuck in the past and is attempting to hide her lack of a soul.  She also usually locks her bedroom door at night, but one night the door is accidentally left unlocked, and KT notices and tries to play a prank by putting a fake bug in Dr. Kaye’s bed while she’s asleep. She touched Dr. Kaye by accident  - she didn’t really mean to violate her boundaries, but she made the necessary contact and what she sensed was terrifying. 
KT: *screams*
Kaye: *wakes up confused* what the hell are you doing???
KT: *too scared to react*
Kaye: I forgot to lock the door, didn’t I? And now you’re in my room staring at me like a deer in headlights. Just what do you think you’re doing?!? 
KT: I, uh, it was just a prank, I didn’t mean to wake you up, you- your soul…
Kaye: *finds the fake bug* you touched me, didn’t you, as you were messing around trying to plant this ridiculous plastic bug for me to find in the morning… and I suppose I should explain things now that the cat is out of the bag, shouldn’t I? 
She explains to KT about removing her soul and KT is horrified, but even more fascinated. She wants to know more, even though she also wants to run very fast in the opposite direction, and her other self is happy to explain.
KT: *holding Dr. Kaye’s hand, still fascinated by the strange emptiness inside of her* Does… does it hurt? Not having a soul, I mean…
Dr. Kaye: It doesn’t hurt anymore… but it did, at first. I won’t lie to you, removing it was… an extremely painful process. Of course, in most cases it’s done under anesthesia… though I obviously didn’t have that option. After the procedure, there’s definitely some pain, some lingering soreness, which is rather unresponsive to painkillers, but the worst of it fades naturally fairly quickly, and in a few weeks it’s entirely gone.  There’s also a certain sense of emptiness, afterwards… it feels like something is missing deep inside of you, which I suppose is true, but it’s a feeling I didn’t find it hard to get used to. That empty feeling never truly goes away, but it’s distressing at first mostly because it’s disconcerting, rather than being painful. It’s something I can sense even now, if I’m thinking about it, but I no longer find it bothersome, and I haven’t for a long time. 
KT: That… kinda makes sense? And you said you don’t really feel emotions anymore? 
Dr. Kaye: Yes, and that’s been an immense relief. No more anxiety, no more meltdowns. 
KT: … no more happiness, though? 
Dr. Kaye: I suppose you could say that… but I would say that might simply be the cost of being free of emotional bias. I do find I sometimes experience mild emotion-like states… I’ve found it unpleasant to be interrupted while I’m working, for example… but such experiences are transient and low in intensity, and as such they are easily dismissed. 
Dr. Kaye then explains her plans to republish her discoveries in this timeline and promote her soul-removal procedure as a “therapy” for a variety of emotional problems, as she did in her own time. KT, understandably, freaks out further. 
Meanwhile Ted starts realizing that something is deeply wrong with Dr. Kaye and wants his sister back. Eventually Dr. Kaye decides her kid self needs her “treatment” a little early because she keeps “being difficult,” as well as wanting to spare her younger self the suffering of having to live with her emotional overreactions. She tries to figure out the best way to present this to KT so she’ll agree to undergo the procedure willingly, but also prepares to do it by force if necessary, convinced that she knows what’s best for them. KT asks Dr. Kaye about her regrets, which with everything makes the repressed issues come back to the forefront. As she tries to say she regrets nothing and to ask KT to follow in her footsteps, these words somehow seem like a lie. KT is horrified, but her screaming and freaking out just solidifies in Dr. Kaye’s mind that she’s overreacting. She lets KT wear out her panic until she breaks down in despairing tears and states that if KT doesn’t stop resisting, she will force her. 
“KT, listen to me. I’m you. I know what’s best for us. This is for your own good. Now, you can be good and listen to reason, or you can keep fighting and I will have to forcibly sedate you. Either way, when you wake up you won’t have to be sad and scared like this ever again. The pain you might feel now will be nothing compared to all the suffering I’m sparing you.” “W… will… I’m never going play pranks or sing or play music or draw or play pretend ever again will I… but I guess I have to grow up and give that stupid stuff up anyway… I… I have to grow up faster like you and stop that nonsense…”
Dr. Kaye realizes in that moment that she hasn’t done a single creative thing, hasn’t hummed a tune, doodled in the margins of a notebook, made up stories to fall asleep to, anything, since the day she cut out her soul. Is that worthless, or is that something she’s subconsciously missed for a very long time? She remembers that cutting out her own soul was originally an act of desperation and self-hate. She reconsiders everything.
 Meanwhile KT is escaping. She runs home to Ted and cries in his arms. Dr. Kaye realizes that she doesn’t actually want KT to end up like her, and tries to apologize for everything, but is pushed away by Ted. Not wanting to waste this chance to tell her past self what she wishes she’d known, she disappears, but begins to write a diary/memoir of all the regrets she’d never let herself “waste time” dwelling on and all the useful life things she knows from experience that were hard or impossible to find in books. She leaves it for KT one day, around the time of KT’s high school graduation, and KT reads it and tries to find her again. Despite Ted’s deep distrust of Dr. Kaye, they reconnect, originally through email because Ted understandably doesn’t want Dr. Kaye anywhere near his sister. KT really wants to apprentice under Dr. Kaye, as working and training under an experienced mentor is common practice for young people in the Auracai world, and she argues with Ted about it. 
“I thought you really wanted to go to a human university? Wasn’t that your big dream?” “Well kinda, but that was before I met Dr. Kaye! She’d be the perfect mentor because she’s doing so many things and they’re all the things I’m interested in!!!” “Are you completely forgetting that she tried to take your soul?!?? As far as I’m concerned, she’s unstable and dangerous.” “Okay yeah maybe she’s a little unstable but she wouldn’t be dangerous at all to me, she didn’t take my soul because she actually listens to me, remember?” “Katherine. Stop for a moment and listen to yourself. I can’t believe this is a conversation we even need to have.” “I’m trying to listen to myself, that’s kinda the whole point! ;) Someone keeps saying it’s a bad idea!” (KT doesn’t consider herself and Dr. Kaye to be fully one and the same the way Dr. Kaye does, but the joke was far too good for KT to pass up.) “You know what I meant, and it did not involve the potential future you that’s a soulless lunatic!” 
Dr. Kaye starts asking KT for advice on moral and emotional matters, and KT feels needed. Ted begins to relax a little, though he still really doesn’t trust her. Dr. Kaye invites KT to join her on some kind of research trip, and KT sneaks away to do so against Ted’s orders. He is livid with her… but it is a little reassuring that she’s quite unharmed and had a good time. Eventually Ted’s attitude of “I am not letting you walk to your death” softens into “I’m not sure if I can stop you, and it’s really on you if you get hurt after I tried to stop you, but please text me every night with an update on your latest song or art project or whatever or just something about your day, something that’s you, so I know you’re okay.” So KT gets her apprenticeship, and the Katherines end up forming a sort of symbiotic relationship, with Dr. Kaye acting as a mentor, guardian, and voice of reason to KT, and KT acting as Dr. Kaye’s heart and soul and conscience. Dr. Kaye is still soulless but is starting to come to terms with it now… not exactly “okay” but no longer ignoring that there was a loss and more willing to listen to others or at least to her kid self. Although she also likes to say that if she regained her former emotional range now, she’d probably have a heart attack… especially when KT is causing trouble.
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spectruminterests · 3 months
I used this picrew to make images of some of my OCs :)
Dr. Kaye:
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(She basically has two expressions: her usual fake smile and a totally blank/neutral expression that’s kind of the facial expression equivalent of an error screen, used when she’s confused or actually having emotions.)
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(KT is cute and she knows it. She will use her adorableness to get what she wants.)
Ted Kaye:
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(He’s perpetually exhausted and trying not to show it)
Bonus: Katherine Kaye as an exhausted college student
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(She will deny that she was up all night studying and doing homework for the past 3 consecutive nights. She’s a straight-A student and she will insist she’s totally fine and not struggling with anything).
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spectruminterests · 5 months
Fantasy concept: a world in which dinosaurs survived and coexist with humans, but only some of the smaller ones 
they’re mostly harmless to people (although some of the more predatory ones might occasionally eat a small pet) so people feed them and keep them as pets 
Some of them are smarter than dogs and cats and can use simple tools 
People tend to underestimate the commitment it takes to have a pet dinosaur 
In cities you sometimes find them scavenging roadkill and eating out of dumpsters 
Dinosaur meat is very much a thing, you can get dinosaur nuggets at the grocery store made with actual dinosaur 
There are also some traditions that use them as working animals for hunting, kinda like hunting dogs
There are a lot of dinosaur enthusiasts who go looking for dinosaurs and keep track of the species they’ve seen as a hobby 
Anybody living somewhere other than a big city probably wakes up to dinosaur calls in the morning 
In temperate areas you get big migrations with the changing seasons, a draw for the dinosaur enthusiasts 
Like any other wildlife, at least some species can be a nuisance, people might like seeing dinosaurs roaming around their suburban neighborhood until they start pooping on everything and nesting in the garage 
But they help keep the descendants of those giant Cretaceous bugs from getting out of hand 
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spectruminterests · 1 year
I’m not going to post something for everyone who liked or commented on Oakie posts after the polls closed today, but I will post two more pieces, because we had two more voters I haven’t mentioned yet. I am however doing this again for the finals, so you all can have your chance then!
Here’s what was supposed to be a quick sketch of Lucina from Fire Emblem Awakening. It kinda got away from me a bit. Thank you @sacredstones2004 :)
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This one is a recent drawing (I did it because I was bored) of an old OC I made in high school. Adria Black, hailing from a world full of beings best summarized as vampire ghosts that only adolescents can see, hunted these monsters with her best friend Vivian… until dying and becoming one herself. She wanted to destroy herself, but Vivian wouldn’t accept that, and so now she acts as a spy of sorts. After all, few vampire-ghosts would expect one of their own to be working with a hunter. I hope you enjoy it, @lizardonatoadstool !
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spectruminterests · 1 year
So with all the Oakie shenanigans, I have lost (much of) my anxiety around posting my art, including fanart and OCs. The floodgates have been opened XD
Today y’all get to see my silly little robot OC Lian, courtesy of me several months ago arbitrarily deciding that April 10 was her birthday (day she came online/was finished).
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She’s young and kinda naive and has autism vibes and wants to learn and do All The Things. Her lesbian moms/creators are a robotics expert with autism and anxiety and an ex-military android with zero fear but Much Trauma, neither of whom have very good social skills, lol. So their kid doesn’t have good social skills either, but unlike her kinda isolated parents she’s very extroverted. Her mode of social interaction is based on my own, aka walking up to random people and being enthusiastically weird at them hoping someone will want to be your friend. (This is surprisingly effective in real life, for anyone wondering). To me she’s kind of like a fanchild for a story and characters that only exist in my own head, in that she’s not even part of the main story, but I wondered “what if these characters had a kid” and then the thought would not leave my brain.
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spectruminterests · 1 year
Thank you @lane-thepencilthing for voting for Oakie in the SUNY Mascot Madness tournament (link). So maybe I could’ve posted these separately but this screwball nonsense all kinda goes together. This is a silly Hollow Knight modern/gijinka AU in which the characters are trying and failing to be normal people in the normal town of Hallownest. Chaotic ideas under the cut- it’s mostly just silly.
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Hollie is a Gifted Kid who just wants to be “good” and ends up being the one who mostly takes care of their little siblings because their parents are absolutely slacking off on that. They’re very tall and stand out in a crowd, but they’re shy and quiet and don’t want to stand out and are always hunched over. Also, everyone in the Pale family is autistic. When I tried to make these characters act normal they all gave off extremely neurodivergent energy XD
Hornet is a tween who is Not Like Other Girls and likes spiders and will probably bite. Herrah is basically a Crazy Cat Lady, except she has a bunch of pet spiders. This combined with the fact that she’s crazy strong and kinda intimidating anyway means most people avoid her. If you say anything bad about her mom, Hornet will come after you. Ghost, predictably, is a little chaos child. They lose speech/can’t always speak and have both autism and ADHD. Grimm is kinda frenemies with PK, but Ghost and Grimm Jr. are the best of friends. They get into trouble together often. Grimm will often just drop his child off at PK’s house unexpectedly, and Ghost will get all excited about the surprise sleepover, and PK will be like “Grimm you can’t just do this” and Grimm will be like “Watch me.” The one good parent in this is the crazy woman whose house is full of spiders.
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