zuzannasworlds · 7 months
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"When the heart freezes" (09.2023)
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the-clintster · 1 year
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Klaudiusz Kaufmann als Wiktor Król in Polizeiruf 110: Der Gott des Bankrotts
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measuredmotion · 5 months
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Jakub Gierszał at the film award show with his film Ultima Thule
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Ultima Thule! Utmost Isle!
Here in thy harbors for a while
We lower our sails; a while we rest
From the unending, endless quest.
The fragment of the poem Henry Wadsworth Longfellow beautifully reflects on the story of the unfolding scenery altogether with the beautiful shots of waves. It feels as if viewer accompanies Bartek in his journey, in the work he does with Magnus, in getting to know the island and its inhabitants. The more the story goes forward, the more gets unveiled, although it’s clear from the beginning what drives Bartek to get away to the most remote and desolate place in Europe, Foula island. It feels as if the beautiful nature omnipresent in this place, plays another character in the film. And I won’t spoiler much (as it was told by the filmmakers a lot) if I say, it actually happens. An adorable, little sheep Cupcake steals every scene. (I’m sorry, Jakub!) This film has heart and soul and I think this was the most important factor of making it from the very beginning. I can’t wait to see more from Klaudiusz Chrostowski, he is definitely one of foundations in polish cinema. The beautiful shots captured on the island are accompanied by delicate music score. This is a story about getting away from one’s demons, fear and grief, but also about overcoming them. I’m sincerely sorry about this chaotic train of thoughts. This project is so special, it will definitely stay with me forever.
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cactusismydisguise · 1 year
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Lucas Gregorowicz und Klaudiusz Kaufmann in "Hochzeitspolka"
oder wie Adam und Wiktor sich kennengelernt haben
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dat-carovieh · 2 years
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Rating Polizeiruf Schauspieler by their replies on Instagram ;
Lucas: 0/10, aus Prinzip und weil er allen das gleiche schickt
Klaudiusz: 10/10 hat mir ein Herz geschickt und Insider Info gedropped
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rosesandcloves · 2 years
Unwanted Years
Part Five: Hostel for Battered Wives
*Warnings* substance abuse, domestic abuse, violence, language, threat
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"STEFAAAAN!" Veera was woken up by Damon yelling. "We have company, please make yourself presentable she's a married woman she doesn't want to see your flabby belly."
"Damon what is your problem it's 6am" the man spoke back.
"Yes and we need to figure out a plan before Klaus uses one of his witches to find her and comes here to kill us." Damon rambled on insessantly. "So that is why I have called a house meeting. Elena, do you think you could get Bonnie to do a cloaking spell on her?"
"What on earth are you on about Damon" A girl chimed in. Veera assumed that was her new landlady.
"She's Klaus's wife." Damon paused. Veera could tell the others were not happy due to the silence. "Look he killed her with his blood in her system, she wanted to remain human and so she ran, she turned up at the grill yesterday and Matt and I agreed that I would bring her here."
"Damon this is not a battered women's hostal we can't keep her here." Stefan tried to reason with his brother.
"But who knows how Klaus could react when he figures out she's missing and comes after her." Elena chimed in.
"That's exactly what I mean Elena! She could put you in danger by drawing Klaus here!" Stefan
"What if we armed ourselves against Klaus." Elena suggested.
"He's an immortal hybrid dummy" Damon snarked.
"She has an idea tho Damon" Stefan added. "He can't get in the house so what if we make it so that when he tries he sets off wolfsbane gredades -" Stefan stops as Veera walk into the room.
"YOU WILL DO NO SUCH THING!" She yells. "I want safety I do not desire to hurt my husband."
Damon brushes past her "Our house our rules sunshine." "Elena lend her some of your clothes! She looks like a raggedy Anne doll"
She stands outside in the garden of the Salvatore house. Breathing in the fresh air and trying not to let tears roll out of her eyes. Her phone starts to buzz in her pocket. It's Rebekah. Veera declines the call. As the call dissapears from the screen she notices a message from Elijah.
It read:
My Dearest Veera,
I hope that you are well. I am not happy with my brother's actions and I understand why you have left him. However you are still part of our family and you always will be. I know Nicklaus hurt you but it was not out of hate, it was out of love. Please come home. Or at least let me know you are safe.
A tear rolled down her cheek and she began to dial without thinking. Her and Elijah had always been close and she could not do this to him.
The phone rang twice before he picked up.
"Veera" she heard Elijah's voice on the other end of the phone. He sounded worried.
"I'm safe." Was all she could muster to say.
"Veera Nicklaus wants to talk to you" with that she hung up the phone. She could not trust him so she didn't want to hear his sorry excuse for being a weak man.
She went inside, found a bottle of bourbon and went to Elena's room. She knocked on the door.
She was greeted by Elena's kind expression."Veera, hi is everything ok? Have you heard from Klaus?"
"I don't want to talk about him. I want to celebrate." She replied.
"Celebrate what?" Elena asked.
"I don't know, would you like a drink"
Truth is Elena had been having boy troubles of her own with the Salvatore brothers, and as they were out dealing with town issues with Sherif Forbes, she said yes.
They partied and drank and laughed and sang at the top of their lungs all the break up songs they could think of, they were angry but it was good to let go.
Eventually Veera sat down exhausted. "I think I might decicate." She said. "I don't want to live forever, because moments like this would become meaningless."
Elena sat down opposite her.
"Stefan and Damon won't agree with me on this but I think if that's what you really want that is what you should do. You should have say over what happens to you." Veera thought about how human Elena was and how kind humans were.
"But first I want to take advantage of being immortal." Veera said staring into the distance. Elena had passed out on the sofa at this point. Veera pulled out a bag of white powder, spread it across the table and breathed it in. She felt the high wash over her. She didn't care anymore, nothing mattered, she just wanted it to all go away.
Then there was a knock at the door. A loud knock, a menacing knock, but did Veera give a single shit? No. She stood up walking like a newly born giraffe and opened the door.
"HELLO!" she said loudly her eyes closed.
"Veera" She heard Klaus's voice saying her name.
Part six coming soon
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gosherlocked · 2 years
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zuzannasworlds · 7 months
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enibas22 · 1 month
You Tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzLtaF6dYMI&t=101s
14th March 2024
DIE ERMITTLUNG - Plakat und Trailer
Regisseur RP Kahl hat das Theaterstück "Die Ermittlung" von Peter Weiss mit 60 Schauspieler:innen für die Kinoleinwand inszeniert. Der heute veröffentlichte Trailer gibt einen ersten Einblick in das künstlerisch radikale Projekt, das Kino, Theater und neueste Broadcast-Techniken verbindet, um einen eindringlichen und zeitgemäßen Beitrag zur Erinnerungskultur zu leisten.
Im Zentrum des Films stehen ein Richter, ein Verteidiger und ein Ankläger, die im Rahmen der Verhandlung auf 28 Zeug:innen treffen, die von ihren Erlebnissen und Beobachtungen in Auschwitz berichten. Weitere 11 Zeug:innen der ehemaligen Lagerverwaltung sagen vor Gericht aus. Die 18 Angeklagten werden im Prozess mit Beschreibungen der Zeug:innen konfrontiert und sollen Stellung beziehen.
Das Theaterstück wurde 1965 uraufgeführt und hat bis heute nichts von seinem Schrecken verloren: Es basiert auf persönlichen Aufzeichnungen, Zeitungsartikeln und Protokollen des ersten Frankfurter Auschwitz-Prozesses (1963 bis 1965). In unmissverständlich klarer Sprache von Peter Weiss zu einem lyrischen Klagegesang verdichtet und montiert, konfrontiert das Stück Täter und Opfer und lässt das Grauen in Auschwitz spürbar werden.
Nach einer intensiven, vierwöchigen Probenzeit haben 60 Schauspieler:innen den Text von Peter Weiss für die Kinoleinwand zum Leben erweckt. An insgesamt fünf Drehtagen wurden die einzelnen Gesänge im Studio Berlin Adlershof mit einem ausgefeilten visuellen Konzept in nur einer Einstellung gedreht - eingefangen von insgesamt acht Kameras.
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In den Hauptrollen sind Rainer Bock als Richter, Clemens Schick als Ankläger und Bernhard Schütz als Verteidiger zu sehen. Hochkarätig besetzt sind auch alle anderen Rollen, so werden die Zeug:innen von Andreas Anke, Filipp Avdeev, Elisabeth Duda, Marc Fischer, Arno Frisch, Attila Georg Borlan, Dorka Gryllus, Marek Harloff, André Hennicke, Marcel Hensema, Rony Herman, Marco Hofschneider, Robert Hunger-Bühler, Rene Ifrah, Eva Maria Jost, Christian Kaiser, Klaudiusz Kaufmann, Nicolette Krebitz, Andreas Lechner, Peter Lohmeyer, Jiri Madl, Karl Markovics, Thomas Meinhardt, Robert Mika, Axel Moustache, Dirk Ossig, Axel Pape, Christiane Paul, Barbara Philipp, Andreas Pietschmann, Ralph Schicha, Peter Schneider, Andreas Schröders, Axel Sichrovsky, André Szymanski, Sabine Timoteo, Tom Wlaschiha, Mark Zak und Matthias Zera verkörpert. In der Rolle der Angeklagten standen Thomas Dehler, Nico Ehrenteit, Wilfried Hochholdinger, Christian Hockenbrink, Timo Jacobs, Ronald Kukulies, Lasse Myhr, Christian Pfeil, Torsten Ranft, Michael Rotschopf, Frank Röth, Matthias Salamon, Niels Bruno Schmidt, Tristan Seith, Michael Schenk, Arndt Schwering-Sohnrey, Adam Venhaus, Till Wonka vor den Kameras.
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fanchlebu · 4 months
So I was reading "I, Claudius" by Robert Graves and I was really dissapointed with how one poem was translated into Polish. I thought I could do this better. So I translated.
I may add more in the future idk yet.
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measuredmotion · 4 months
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find somebody who looks at you like Kuba is looking at Klaudiusz ~JAKUB GIERSZAŁ (the actor and film producer 😎) & KLAUDIUSZ CHROSTOWSKI (the director ✨) at Ultima Thule screening at National Film School in Łódź 🎥✨🐑
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recently during Ultima Thule’s screening with Jakub Gierszał & Klaudiusz Chrostowski
(I love this picture ☺️)
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cactusismydisguise · 1 year
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Der Masuren-Krimi
Klaudiusz Kaufmann being badass
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dat-carovieh · 2 years
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Ich hab mal wieder mein Grafik Tablet rausgeholt und Klaudiusz gezeichnet.
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