#labor and deliver
krystelprado · 2 months
The one where my water broke in a parking lot
Even before my Ob-Gyne gave me a hint of what my labor pains would look like, I have already anticipated million of messy things to happen. I just didn’t expect it to occur in a mall — parking lot.
24th of June ’23, I was scheduled for my last Ob-Gyne visit before giving birth.My actual due date is July 18, by the way. I’m already set on the fact that we are only going in for our final check-up. At least that’s what I thought.
After his shift, RJ picked me up and went with me to my appointment. My doctor saw me as the second-to-last patient. As per usual – we talked about how was I doing the past week, my food intake – which she’s really particular, since my baby’s size is already 3 weeks bigger than her actual gestational age, and my pre-natal meds. The only difference now is that, she has to do internal examination on me. She then asked me to climb up to her examination table and what happened next numbed my ears upon hearing,
"Mommy, you're 3cms na ha, going 4. Ready na kayo ni Daddy, after dito diretso na kayo kuha ng RT-PCR test."
Like, ha doc? July 18 pa ‘di ba tayo? I mean… RJ and I just looked at each other, racing whose face turns pale first. Well, I calmed down. I tried my hardest to calm down because I remembered that RJ hasn’t slept yet, he’s the one driving so he has to be calm and collected. Concluding the appointment, my doctor already gave me the paper works needed for the hospital admission and her personal contact number so I can reach her when my labor pains starts. Wow!
We walked out from the clinic not talking to each other and I don’t like that, so I broke the silence and said, “I’m hungry, I wanna eat.” We then proceeded to our go-to-resto after appointments, ordered the usual and talked about where we’re going to start.
I mean, I packed our bags - RJ and I's hospital clothes and toiletries as well as the baby's bag. But we don't have most of the disposable essentials yet, like my maternity pads, baby's diapers, our hospital packed foods, nada! We're freaking unprepared, ugh!
So anyway, RJ consoled our terrible selves by a plan heading our way to the RT-PCR center first since we can get the necessary disposables on the way.
By the way, this was around 4-5pm. Took us 3 centers to finally get tested since the other 2 were already closed. We were looking to get tested on the nearest center from our house so that before my labor begin, RJ can at least rest for a couple of hours. Nope, the universe had other plans. I had my test from their farthest branch. All these time, I was chatting with my mom and sisters, I was chillin’ then. They encourage me to stay calm because it will still take a while before the labor pain starts kicking in.
When we arrived at the testing center, I am the only one requesting for RT-PCR. The nice lady there told me that the results usually takes 12 hrs. but since they’re not busy, she said they’re gonna run the test now and the results should be e-mailed to me on or before midnight. The long drive was worth it because of that nice lady. On our way home, I started to feel uncomfortable around my lower belly. I think I’m having contractions.
Take note: this was already around 6-7pm, that's the rush hour of Metro Davao, it only means one thing — heavy traffic.
Still calm, I messaged my mom. I described the pain and also told her about the intervals, she confirmed that yes, I am already having contractions! This is the part where it started to go south for me. My pain threshold is like my patience, it’s like nothing in there! I drink pain reliever meds whenever I have dysmenorrhea, I am not strong.
While still stuck on traffic, I kept monitoring my contractions – its intensity and interval. I don’t know if it’s normal but the pacing of it is shifting too fast! Though I am already in pain, in the most composed manner I could, I told RJ to pick up the disposable essentials already because we might be having a baby tonight. He responded while sounding calm but his speed is otherwise. He already kept honking other cars and even went on a red light. Sheesh!
We finally arrived at the mall near our village. I decided to stay in the car while RJ took the supermarket entrance to go get our essentials. This time, my contractions are really bad, I am already crying. It is still 3-4mins. apart but holy molly! The pain! I don’t know where it’s coming from! Everything just aches! My back, my tummy, my lower tummy, my head’s throbbing — everything.
If only I can exaggerate this but it's already worse. To add to the drama, it started raining.
At this point, I already messaged up everyone. I have flooded RJ messages to hurry up. I already messaged my doctor as well that we are definitely having a baby tonight and that I already took my RT-PCR. I have told our family group chat that I can barely take the pain, I’m already crying at the mall’s parking lot. Messaging everyone is just my way of not totally soaking into the madness of the pain and my failed attempt to divert my attention until…
There’s this one contraction that’s so painful and the pressure is pushing through my lower back and belly that gave me a very strong urge to pee. It is the kind of urge I cannot control due to the pressure that I am feeling. Ugly crying and in so much pain, I pushed myself to get out of the car, lo and behold — my bag of water broke!
This kind of released some pressure but it only means, the pain will no longer be tolerable now that my mucus plug is no longer holding it together. Crying and shaking in pain, I stood outside and collected myself again. I can’t be like this while waiting for RJ. I, again, tried to be strong. Took a few deep breathes and went inside.
I updated our family group chat that my bag of water popped. Also messaged our house help to ready our bags and wait for us at the gate to easily load everything in the car. After a few minutes of settling myself back in the car, RJ arrived. Told him the news and now he can’t stop asking me if I’m already in so much pain. Like, huh?! Obviously! But of course, I didn’t tell him that. I just told him to get our things at the house and bring us to the hospital faster.
The rest of my giving birth story will follow on a separate post because I hate it when it’s too long like this. My eyes can never stand scrolling back and forth to proof-read everything. lol!
PS: There’s a funny side note on this story. Remember when my water broke? After that, I didn’t go back inside the car right away, I was like nailed on the spot where my water broke and dripped down my legs. I was thinking what should I use as a wet cover for my seat. As I was thinking what could there be at the back seat I could use, I can’t help but notice the truck driver beside where our car is parked. The whole time, he was looking at me pala and his face was so shocked at what he just saw! Lol! Sorry Kuya, my water just broke lang naman. Yun lang naman. lol. I didn’t say anything though, I left him at that shocked phase and grabbed a-week-old jacket of RJ at the back and covered my seat. To kuya, I know nag-deliver ka lang there sorry naman to shock you. Haha!
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“The Biden administration is releasing a new labor regulation that would make it harder for employers to skirt minimum wage and overtime obligations by labeling workers as “independent contractors.”
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mushroomnoodles · 7 months
Poor Símon had to go through all of that painful contractions and labor unexpectedly.😿
But that still has a question to it!
Did Simon had no other choice but to have his baby in the woods, or did Marcaline did when his pains were getting worse?
cw/tw for sfw and nonfetish mpreg and labor
well.. technically he had been having contractions for.. a few days? but he didn't think anything of it due to the fact he had false ones often since the seal had been placed on golbaby, and, well, he assumed golbaby was still forced in its inactive state. he had noticed that morrigan stopped moving for the most part again, and that was worrying.
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simon didn't realize what was happening until he went into like, actual, active labor, and that's when he panicked and contacted PB to let her know the seal wasn't working anymore. and then PB told him to relax, because she was sending marceline over to get him so they could put a stronger seal on golbaby!
simon did not want to be pregnant anymore, and he was fairly certain it was either harming or causing discomfort to his baby since they seemed pretty agitated in his womb. so he tried to gather his shit and sneak off before marceline got there. he did not succeed.
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so he begged marcy not to take him back to pb. marcy was terrified he'd die, but he ended up convincing her to take him- he reminded her that HE PROMISED he wouldn't die and he intended to keep that promise. so she took him as far from civilization as possible. this way, in case something bad DID happen when morrigan was born, nobody else would be (immediately) harmed. marceline knew of an abandoned cabin that simon could give birth in, which is why she agreed, and that was their end goal.
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except, yknow, golbaby didn't wait that long. golbaby was tired and needed to be born. simon tried really hard to power through the pain, but golbaby was COMING.
simon never says fuck. marceline was big concerned.
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catofthecanals289 · 1 year
all the lights
a maxiel drabble for my beloved @lilyrizzy Happy Birthday, the world is suhc a wonderful place simply for having you in it. I love you so much. (contains medical stuff and mpreg [sort of, it’s complicated])
The answer is no. It was ’no’ twenty minutes ago and it’s still a no now.
Daniel doesn’t want to leave. He is not going to leave, that’s what he told them when they asked for the first time, the second time, but the third –
“Sir,” the nurse or midwife or doctor, Daniel doesn’t know, doesn’t care says, having sat down on the chair next to him. “Surgery will take a bit longer still, you are not missing anything by going up to the unit. But you are missing something by stay here. Please, consider.”
What’s there to consider? Daniel doesn’t ask.
He presses his lips together, tilts his face away, fixing his eyes on a spot on the floor. His leg keeps bouncing, his hands clam and sweaty, grasping each other. His heart hasn’t stopped hammering against his ribs for hours. Not since he woke up to Max’s panicked voice, finding blood between his legs.
Days have passed since that moment, but according to the clock, it’s not even been two hours.
“Sir,” the woman says again, brows drawn together when Daniel glances at her.
“Max’s here. So I’m here,” he says tightly, voice feeling rough, unused.
Has he spoken since they took Max from him? Since they wheeled him into the operating room? Since he called Max’s name, desperate, and Max turned his head, skin pale, eyes wide. He’d opened his mouth but the door had shut before he could.
“And your daughters are upstairs,” the woman pushes.
Daniel –grimacing, eyes squeezed shut- nods. “Yeah, well.”
“They need you.”
He shakes his head, lips pinched together.
“They do.”
“For what?” he looks at her again and he can tell she’s taken aback by his cutting tone, but-
She puts her hand on his shoulder, a small, cautious smile on her lips, eyes almost pleading. “You’re their dad. They need you.”
“I’m- Right, yeah. No. I-” He shakes his head again, leg bouncing, heart racing. He can’t fucking look at her. She must think he’s a terrible person and maybe he is. Maybe he’s been a terrible person throughout this entire pregnancy but- “I need to be here. I need – Max.”
He gestures in the direction of the operating room.
They weren’t ready. This wasn’t supposed to happen. So soon. And not like this.
32 weeks, that was the goal. 32 weeks so the babies would be big enough to not- So they’d be stronger. Their lungs, and- And so much. Daniel listened to the doctors, he swears he’d listened, but- They have a calendar at home at the fridge and just the day before yesterday Daniel crossed off the 28 week mark. They only just-
Max had watched from the bed, directing Daniel, handing him the marker, hand on his bump and he’d told Daniel, when Daniel had counted the weeks that were left and only gotten paler, that everything would be okay. That he was excited to meet them. Their girls. And wasn’t Daniel?
But Daniel is a terrible fucking person and all he wanted, all he wants now, is for Max to be okay.
“We can make a new one,” he’d told Max when they first found out, terrified and confused beyond anything. “We just- Max. Max, c’mon. Please.”
He’d wanted an abortion. They’d told them it was safest. That Max- Max’s body wasn’t made for this. He had the parts, yes and none of them fucking knew until- But his body wasn’t fucking meant to do this. It was dangerous. He could die. None of the do doctors, none, none of the experts and specialist-
But Max had wanted to try, hadn’t wanted to make a new baby through surrogacy, or have one by adoption. He’d wanted this. Their miracle baby, growing inside his body against all odds and logic. And Daniel had nodded and said “okay,” and there were moments where he’d thought he could do this, could be a dad. But he was wrong. He was so fucking wrong. He can’t do any of this. There is still blood on his hands and if Max dies-
“Wouldn’t Max want you to at least go see them?” the woman asks voice even gentler now, and fuck, Daniel has to wipe at his eyes again. “When he gets out of surgery, he’ll want to hear how they are doing.”
“You can tell him,” Daniel croaks, tasting salt on his lips.
He doesn’t know shit anyway. Even if he went to see the girls, he- What does he know? Jack shit. He doesn’t- They don’t even have names yet. They couldn’t decide and now-
“He’ll want to hear it from you,” she insists, and she’s right, but-
“He might fucking die,” he says, trying and failing to smile. “He might not ever hear anything I tell him ever fucking again, so-”
“So all the more reason to,” she cuts him off. “Sir, there really is nothing you can do here right now. But you can do this.”
 He can’t. He really, really can’t. Every step he takes makes him feel more sick. He’s lead through a corridor. A door, another door, another corridor. There are signs and numbers and he can’t read any of them, can’t look at the pictures on the walls a t the people they pass, not that there are many. It’s still- The sun hasn’t even risen yet, it’s not-
“Congratulations, c’mon in,” a woman, smaller than the one before says, kind smile on her lips, paired with her words it feels almost mocking though.
He stares at her and right, they are in front of a door, two names written on colorful cards.
Verstappen 1, Verstappen 2.
“What-” he says, gesturing to the cards.
“Oh, because there weren’t names yet. Or have you picked?” the woman says.
Her name tag ready Hailey, Daniel can’t remember if she told him or when he’s been handed over to her, his head is still spinning and he’s pretty sure he might throw up.
“We- No. We hadn’t- We thought we still had time, I-“
“That’s okay, don’t worry,” she says, offering another smile. “Lots of parents haven’t decided on names yet when it’s baby time. Even if it’s full term pregnancies. Just tell us when you know, yes? Now.” Her smile widens a little. “Would you like to meet your daughters?”
“Just- I need to go back downstairs?” he says, turning to look where- but he doesn’t know. Which direction was he- How is he going to get back? He doesn’t-
There’s the nurses’ station right there, eyes on him, whispers.
“Well, how about we just go in and I introduce you, yeah?” Hailey says, unperturbed. “Now, I need you to take off all jewellery on your arms and hands. Watches, bracelets, rings – that includes wedding rings. Then please wash your hands very thoroughly at the sink and then when your hands are dry disinfect them. This is very important you need to do that every time you come here. No exceptions. We also need to talk quietly. No loud noises in this room please.”
He nods.
She opens the door.
“So, the girls are doing well,” Hailey says, as they walk up to the first of the – the incubators. The lights are dim in the room, but there’s still some sort of blanket over it, but she removes it and then- “This is number 1. She and her sister both need some help breathing still, which is to be expected at 28 weeks. They are also very small for their gestational age, which we assume is due to the conditions, which- Well.”
She smiles, a little awkward now.
The conditions. She means Max’s womb. Max’s hormonal situation. The way the placenta attached, how it couldn’t- Max wasn’t made for this. Or not- Only sort of. Just- It wasn’t ideal. Not for Max or the babies. Just a fucking fuck up from nature and now Daniel is a father and so is Max but Max might die and there is a tiny little creature lying in a plastic box in front of him, stuff strapped to its little face, frail, twig like limbs tucked in close to its body, chest rising and falling so quickly, wires everywhere and-
“So she’s got 725 grams, and her sister is at 680 grams, which-”
“I don’t know what that means, I don’t-” He shakes his head, throat tight, stomach twisting.  
She’s- His- Their girl. She’s- She’s so fucking small, he doesn’t-
“Oh, 25.57 ounces,” Hailey explains. “That’s her. And our little lady over there, she’s got 23.98.”
“That’s-”Again he shakes his head, having to turn around. “That’s too small. That’s not- No. That’s-”
“That is very small, yes,” Hailey allows. “But, sir. Right now they are doing well and we are monitoring them. “They get some help breathing, but thanks to the RDS prophylaxis your- The mo- Your partner received their lungs are doing pretty well. The girls are both breathing on their own. They received surfactant already. No brain bleeds so far, and-”
“Okay, yeah, I- I gotta go back downstairs,” Daniel cuts in. “I’ve got to- Max- My partner, he is still in surgery, so.”
“Oh.” She blinks. “Oh, sure, yes, but, if you- Well, it would be so incredibly beneficial for your babies to get skin to skin contact? It’s- We call it kangaroo care and-”
Daniel laughs, he can’t help it. It’s a shrill, crazy little sound  and before Hailey can say anything there’s a cry.
A tiny, barely there, barely audible cry, coming from behind Daniel. Coming from  - her.
Daniel turns around and there she is, her little miniature face twisted into a grimace, little mouth quivering and the sound she makes- IT shatters his heart-
“Oh, no, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, love,” he whispers quickly, desperately, hands flying, helpless in front of the plastic wall. “I’m- Shit. What-  Just- Because I’m Australian, I was-”
He looks at Hailey, terrified. She needs to do something, she needs- His little girl is crying. She’s crying and she’s just so small.
“It’s okay, you just startled her,” Hailey says softly. “The loud noise. It’s okay. We’ll just- You know she is still adapting. She’s not- We always say they need a little bit, to truly arrive, you know? To the world? Everything is so much for them. The noise, the light, everything. So we try our best to shield them, but positive stimulation is just as important as shielding them from negative one. And part of that is skin to skin. It’s- She needs you, sir. They both do.”
She’s still crying. It’s a pitiful little sound, not like the baby cries Daniel remembers form Isaac or Izzy or Leo.
“But Max-”
“Labor and delivery will call us,” Hailey says. “They’ll inform us and we’ll inform you. I promise. Now, please. It’s really, really so important for your babies. ”
 She tells him to take off his shirt. She puts him in a chair that reminds Daniel of a sun lounger except he’s not getting a tan. His heart is beating out of his chest. He’s lying there shirtless and terrified and Hailey and another nurse who introduced herself as Abby hand him tubes and wires and then- then There’s first one baby on his chest and then another. Two tiny little creatures. They tell him to hold him. Put his hands on their backs as they sort out the wires and tubes and everything and his fucking- One of his finger is bigger and longer than each of their legs and their hands-
“Are they- Is this-” This can’t be right. This can’t be- They are too small for him to hold, to lie on his chest and be covered by towels. They fucking- There’s a heating lamp, they need- “Shouldn’t they go back in the boxes?”
„The incubators?“ Abby asks, frowning. “Oh, no, not his is best for them. Skin to skin. With mom. Or dad. It’s the best for them really. Helps them stabilize their temperature and heartrate, breathing, everything.”
“Yeah, but-”
Daniel feels so helpless, useless. He’s just- He’s nothing, no one. He just- They don’t even know him. They grew inside Max, they know him, his heartbeat, his voice, Daniel just-
“They know your voice too,” Hailey says, almost like she’s read his mind. “So you can talk to them quietly. Sooth them if they need it.”
But they don’t. They are both quiet now. Both just there where the nurses put them on Daniel’s chest, bellies down, heads tilted towards each other, little hands on Daniel’s skin, it’s- It might be the most surreal thing Daniel has ever experienced. Three hours ago it was just him and Max in bed together and now he’s alone in a hospital room with their daughters and Max-
“Can you call?” he asks, keeping his voice low, despite its tremble. “Down to- Ask how he’s doing? Max? He-”
“Of course.”
 Two hours pass before the door opens again and it’s not just Hailey or Abby, but both of them as well as two other people in scrubs and a bed. A bed with Max inside and a number of things attached. IV pumps and stuff, Daniel thinks, but he has no eyes for any of that. Just Max. Max who seems to barely be able to tilt his head, looking around, looking for-
“Max,” Daniel croaks and on his chest one of the babies splays her fingers, almost making him choke up again. “Maxy, hey. Hi. How-”
“I’m okay,” Max croaks, voice hoarse and barely there, probably because of the tube they had shoved down his throat for surgery.
“He lost a lot of blood,” someone Daniel doesn’t know says. “And we are admitting him to the ICU so this is just for ten minutes tops, I’m sorry, but-”
“Let’s just sort this,” Hailey cuts in, smile on her face.
There’s a flurry of motion then, pushing around of equipment, adjusting tubes, wires, everything and it seems like a whole lot of work but Daniel doesn’t care because by the end of it they have somehow managed to fit Max’s bed next to the chair Daniel is in, the tubes of baby 2 sort of half under Max’s pillow who looks even paler than before, exhausted and only half awake.
“Hi,” he says, and his hand-
“I can’t,” Daniel whispers. It kills him not to reach out, not to take Max’s hand, but. “I got-”
“Oh,” May blinks and then Abby leans over pulling back the towels a bit so Max can see the girls. “They are so little.”
“Yeah.” Daniel nods, but he manages half a smile, tears gathering in his eyes again. “They are. and they’d really like names, I think. And meet their papa.”
“Oh,” Max says again. “Hi, babies. It is your papa.”
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yonemurishiroku · 5 months
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I wrote chapter 2 of the labor of my love solely for these two sentences right here and you would never understand when I tell you that I cry everything I think of it.
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tailoredshirt · 2 years
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911 Characters of Color Week 2022 Day Four: Dynamic(s) between characters of color Tommy Vega, Grace Ryder, and Charlie Ryder
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sokovianfortune · 3 months
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prepping for surgery
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ace-and-ranty · 9 months
Here is my cultural shock of the day: it wasn't until I started working for an American company that I learned people expected to pay for their online purchases only once the product shipped.
A demand that I found patently absurd the first time I encountered it, because never once, in my whole life, has online shopping worked that way for me.
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alectoperdita · 1 year
WIP Snippet Sunday
Finally wrote something sfw that can be shared. 😂 From the next chapter of In bed with the mob.
Without tearing his eyes off his monitor, he groped for another stick of ginseng extract. When his fingers grasped empty air, he glanced into the container and groaned. He was out.
For a second, he considered checking to see if any of the other associates were currently around and raiding their supply. But every other office was dark, empty, and locked.
It wasn't even ten yet. Slackers.
He peered into the fridge in the breakroom. It was accepted that anything left inside after nine was fair game.
Just as empty as the rest of the office.
There was always coffee in this dire circumstance, even if it was the instant crap. As he stirred his mug and contemplated the empty breakroom's blank walls, his phone buzzed in his waistcoat pocket. He fished it out without much thought, expecting another email notification since he stepped away from his desk.
It wasn't.
Jounouchi miss ya lemme know youre still alive and kicking
Longing kicked Seto in the chest with the force of a bucking stallion.
He had been so busy that he barely exchange more than a handful of messages with the man since the trial started. Only five days ago and yet it felt like an eternity. But it had been even longer since he last saw Jounouchi.
Seto's chugging these. Totally based on the lawyers in OMG, Your Honour lol. Guess product placement does work.
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wowbright · 11 months
To be a scab you have to perform the exact same job that a union member would otherwise perform if they weren't on strike. How hard is that to understand?
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teeteepeedee · 1 year
besties i am: not doing well
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queerpyracy · 7 months
only had to experience the nightmare of nobody warning me that what i thought was going to be a chill potluck was in fact a formal lunch with a predetermined menu once and now every time it's announced "we're going to have [meal] with your grandma" i'm like And What Does That Mean, Specifically
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onesmallcentury · 2 years
those who were there (WIP)
Ah yes, my ever illusive milo/sweetheart hospital hurt/comfort fic. Will it ever be finished? Maybe one day...but I can’t help sharing bits and pieces of this one, I love it and I love them. 
For context, I’ve posted wips of this fic here, here, and here. Here’s another sampling. (More under the cut!)
The first step into that room felt surreal - like he was entering a different time, a different dimension altogether. The air was so thick with emotion you could swim through it, and when he caught sight of his mate in the hospital bed, his heart sank right through the bottom of his shoes, down through the floor. Someone would find it later, a few stories down. 
The first step into that room felt surreal - like he was entering a different time, a different dimension altogether. The air was so thick with emotion you could swim through it, and when he caught sight of his mate in the hospital bed, his heart sank right through the bottom of his shoes, down through the floor. Someone would find it later, a few stories down.
He approached slowly, carefully, his hands hovering above their prone form. Tubes and wires connected to machines that beeped in a steady rhythm, and the oxygen mask that slowly fogged with condensation as they breathed, were the only indicators that they were even alive. They lay there so still, not asleep but unconscious from the medicine that likely filled their veins.
There'd been no struggle, David had said, repeating the report; their face was free of marks or bruises, and any scrapes on their hands as they'd caught themselves on the way to the ground had been already healed. The culprit had been knocked out with magic immediately following the attack, by a Delta enforcement officer with them on the scene. That same officer had used healing magic to stem the worst of the trauma, but even a demon's magic couldn't remove a bullet with the required finesse of a surgeon.
Milo felt the sudden, intense urge to see the damage for himself, to inspect the wound to be sure they'd done a good enough job - like he'd even know how to tell. But he'd have to move the blanket aside, and probably lift their hospital gown, and they weren't awake to give him permission. He knew in his heart that they wouldn't want him to see, and they'd scold him, and maybe that would even be preferable to this - their catatonic silence.
The tears were already dripping from his chin before he even realized he was crying. His vision was blurry with them, and the painful catch of his breath as he sobbed had him clutching his tshirt, tight over his chest. His knees felt weak, but before he could sink to the floor there were arms around him, holding him up. He squeezed his eyes shut, and he was turned into a solid shoulder - he didn't need to see, he could recognize Asher's scent anywhere. It was only when another, smaller pair of arms wrapped around him from behind, a cheek pressed to his back as they cried, too - Asher's mate - did he finally allow himself to break.
"Milo, honey, you don't have to stay here all night," his brow furrowed even before they finished the sentence. They already knew where this conversation would go - Milo was as stubborn as they come (and they were soulmates in that regard). But they had to try.
"Where would I go?"
"Home? To bed?" They offered, but Milo only shut his eyes and shook his head, a sigh breathed from his nose. He leaned forward in his chair, resting his elbows on the bed, one hand reaching out to squeeze their knee over the blanket.
"Home's right here," he said, the gravel of his exhausted voice made warm with sincerity. "Wouldn't sleep anyway. Just sit up awake on the couch and freak the hell outta the cat."
"Will you do me a favor, now that we're home?"
"Anything, sweetheart,"
"Go shave that stubble off your face,"
"Oh, I see. Even injured, you've still found somethin' to get on my case about?"
"Well, it is my job to be on the case…" they grinned, relishing in the dramatic eye-roll they got from him as he stood from the couch.
"And a comedian, too. Sheesh," he grumbled as he disappeared into the bathroom. After a moment, they heard the buzz of his electric razor.
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axellis-archv-2 · 1 year
a moment abt overhalliday if you dont mind but its in the tags bc im embarrassed sowwy..
#its like its like . sorry everything ive drawn/written up in this point is like not even kidding like maybe 2 years into the timeline#that i have in my brain#butlike in the early stages hes like . well . well hes an asshole#likehes . of the opinion that the world is always out to Get Him in a sense so hes very closed off && treats every interaction as if its an#exchange && that if he gives as minimal as possible then he doesnt potentially owe anybody anything#but at the same time deep down he cares So Much to the point that sometimes it can hurt so he runs a mechanic shop for absolutely free#bc it both helps those in need && he probably doesnt owe anybody anything . except running a shop costs $$#so he goes into the only thinghe can even see himself doing which is underground dirtywork . delivering packages w ransoms etc#he doesnt do Mercenary work per se or assassinations bc that could earn him enemies && he doesnt want enemies#at the end of the day he just wants to be left alone#he develops the healing heatgun at some point && starts being like a very respected engineer to the point that now a lott of people talk#but like everybody also talks about his bad attitude bc he just fixes you up && then tells you to gtfo#in my head if we're going into Actual Canon hed probably meet ramattrα via ram like . hiring him outright for a job#bc someone recc'd halliday && one of the points that probably intrigued him was halliday refusing to be paid for mechanic/healing jobs#the only services he wanted money on was if he was doing “other labor” && ramattrα probably wanted to test && see if this was true#&& like sure enough doing an examination at his workshop just had him to be told to leave once halliday was done#but then being asked to accompany him on a mission halliday was like “Thats where it starts costing”#etc etc etc im sorry for the long ramble in the tags .#sorry to the ppl who click “more” on the tags && get met w this#📗 my post#🎆 ramattrα#🧯 overhalliday (s/i)#<- there his special little tag
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flashtheponyofwind · 2 years
What's the strangest thing Fell has delivered?
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Fell: Help. I don't know what to do.
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memecatwings · 2 years
i do think that every able bodied person should try working a heavy physical labor job at least once in their life, for perspective if anything else. you'll gain a new appreciation for the people who do that work for a living and it will make every job you have after that seem infinitely easier by comparison. if pay were actually equal to the importance of the job and effort by the worker physical laborers would be getting six figures
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