#landon house.
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kiinghanalister · 2 months
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50 Years of the Ingalls Family ❤️
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hockey-and-timbits · 6 months
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 If I had a remembrance book, I would mark down how it was when we left our little house in the big woods to go west to Indian Territory. We had to go, Pa said, because so many people had come to live in the big woods, there wasn't enough game anymore for him to hunt and he feared we might go hungry. Ma said we might never again see Grandma and Grandpa, or Aunt Docia and Aunt Ruby and Uncle George. Though it made me sad, I still thought it a fine thing to go where there had never been a road before. We'd go where the land was more bountiful, he said, and he sold our house and land and cow, and packed whatever would fit in the wagon. I was glad Pa took his fiddle, for it makes a joysome sound. Mary was afraid to go, but I knew nothing bad could happen as long as we had Pa and Jack. Jack is my best and truest friend and Pa says there has never been a better watchdog. I knew there would be rivers to cross and hills to climb, and I was glad, for this is a fair land and I rejoiced that I would see it.
—Laura Ingalls, Little House on the Prairie, "Pilot"
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danafoss · 6 months
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Ah yes, my two favorite middle-aged men
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thethirdbear · 1 year
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oldshowbiz · 8 months
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"We now return to Little House on the Prairie."
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fashioninpaper · 29 days
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humbug-demartino · 1 year
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"The Big House" [S1 Ep10]
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fanofspooky · 9 months
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Happy Death Day
2017 • PG-13 • 1h36m
A college student must relive the day of her murder over and over again, in a loop that will end only when she discovers her killer's identity.
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dopescissorscashwagon · 11 months
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Little House on The Prairie
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not-alien-girl-v · 2 years
could you write what a day at the beach with tate langdon would be like
Beach Day with Tate Langdon
Summary: Reader goes to the beach with pre-death Tate. Also reader makes fun of him a lot but he is a simp so he lets her. That’s basically the entire thing
Warning: Language, sexual themes
Note: Not proofread I’m sorry. I’m rly busy with finals for school so I’m pumping this out before the worst of it hits and I won’t be able to post much of anything for about a week
“This is so stupid,” he spoke, in a dark grumble as he was reluctantly forced out of the bathroom, slight lisp that he always speaks with. He had stood, staring at his reflection in horror for a good long while until Y/N demanded he show her.
“Please let me see it? Please?” Y/N pleaded from the other side of the door. She dragged out her syllables in a whine.
“No, it so stupid, I’m changing,” he muttered back. She giggled at him. Needless to say, Tate plays by his own rules when it comes to style, and anything less than flattering on him pisses him off.
Regardless, Tate still opened the door, walking through the open frame, making direct eye contact with Y/N in a glare and a heavy sigh. There he stood, in nothing but bright pink swim trunks with sparkly unicorns on them.
“Oh my god! You look so adorable!!” Y/N gleamed at him, and he made the silent, mental decision not to take them off, but he still wasn’t happy about it, he just wanted to make her happy.
“This is so… stupid,” he repeated.
“What, do you not know any other words?” Y/N teased him. She turned around and walked away, gathering some things into their beach bag. He sat down on his bed, staring into oblivion (his heavily decorated wall), surveying the crazy things he’d do for love. I mean, he’s wearing pink. It doesn’t get any worse than that.
Meanwhile, Y/N was looking gorgeous as always, with a cute two piece hidden under a sheer purple wrap, making Tate envy her ability to look good in beach attire.
“Are you ready to go?” She broke his silent contemplation, he raised his head to look at her and nodded. She smiled back and reached out for his hand, which he gladly took.
Assuming he’d get up, she began to walk away, but was met with the weight of his body staying there, unmoving. She spun around. “Come on, you big loser, get up.”
He just stared at her. With all her might, she grabbed both his hands in hers and began pulling backwards with her entire body weight. Suddenly, he stood up causing her to go flying backward, but he caught her by her waist. “You suck,” she frowned as she walked out the door.
He caught up to her at the top of the stairwell. He pressed his chest into her back and grabbed both her shoulders to hold her steady, then kissed her sweetly on the cheek. “Race you!” 
He bolted down the stairs quickly, almost tripping over his own feet then catching himself, knowing his girlfriend was far behind by now.
“Asshole!” He heard her shout from the top of the stairs while he continued out the front door. While he waited outside by his car, he packed his bag into the trunk, followed by her bag. It was the least he could do for her, as the winner of the race.
Unfortunately, his heavily cluttered car did not accept the two new additions to the trunk. They both popped out and smacked him in both legs, like an insult. And of course, he would not let his car win this battle. He picked the bags back up, shoving them in harder, with whatever little muscle he had. 
He turned around for a moment, only to be hit in the back of the knees by both bags, once again, this time causing his legs to buckle beneath him. He heard a snide snicker beside the car.
He looked up from the ground, seeing Y/N standing there laughing at him. 
“Nice job,” she poked fun at him. He stood up from the ground, dusting off his dirty knees. 
“Fuck off,” he responded. She just smiled back and grabbed both of the bags, instead placing them into the back seat. He walked up behind her. He let his face rest in the crook of her neck, breathing his hot breath against her, placing a soft kiss there, then leaving two more further up, ending right behind her ear. 
In a sudden change of tone, he reached down with his left hand and squeezed her ass firmly one time. She quickly spun around and backhanded her hand into his chest. “Just for that, you’re driving,” she placed the key ring onto his open finger.
“Ugh!” He complained, but got into the drivers seat.
“What time do we have to be there?” Y/N asked. She buckled her seatbelt and flipped down the passengers side mirror, fixing her hair.
“1 o’clock.”
“Shit, it’s 12:30. You gotta floor it, baby,” Y/N tucked their knees into their chest in the car seat and Tate backed the car out of the driveway.
“You got it, bae,” Tate responded back, smirking a little as Y/N groaned at his ridiculous nickname. Once she finally quieted down, he rested his large hand lovingly on her thigh that she had dropped down back to the seat, instead only hugging her right leg up. “Can you put on some music?”
“Sure,” Y/N reached for his phone which was in the cupholder between them. “What’s your password?”
“It’s... your birthday,” he trailed off. 
She dropped the phone to her lap and rotated her head to look at him. “Really?” She put in the code that represented her date of birth, and as expected, his phone unlocked. “Aw, you’re such a sap, Langdon.”
He didn’t respond, instead he just gave an affectionate squeeze on her thigh where his hand would reside for the rest of the trip. Though they were only in the car for about half an hour, it was enough for Y/N to fall asleep. Due to this, Tate was careful to avoid bumpy roads and the potholes in the streets (top reference, i’m sorry), and turned the music down to a gentle hum in order to not wake her.
She awoke to salty sea air, a smooth breeze in the wind, and a gentle caress of her cheek, no doubt from her lover. When she opened her eyes, she was met with his dark brown ones, staring back at her with a sense of adoration she never knew possible before she met him. 
“We’re here now, sweetheart,” he whispered to her. She blinked up at him a few times, then he bent down to unbuckle her seatbelt.
He got out and ran over to her side of the car, opening it for her, then leaving to the trunk of the car while she got out. He popped it open and she hopped up and sat on the back of the open car as he unpacked their belongings.
He placed her bag on the floor next to her, then she bent down and pulled a pair of cherry red heart shaped sunglasses out, putting them on. He stood up straight then looked at her, noticing the shades she wore. “Cute,” he remarked.
She stretched her arms up, exposing her stomach, and Tate quickly poked her side when she did so, making her squirm as she was ticklish. She immediately hunched back over to shield her body again. “You’re a fiend, Tate Langdon.”
“I love you too, princess. Now let’s head to the spot now, I think I see your friends over there.” 
He put both hands on her waist and quickly lifted her off of the car and onto the ground like you would to a toddler. “Ew, don’t touch me, freak,” she teased as she grabbed her own bag and walked off without him. He stood at the car for a moment, admiring her while she walked away.
By the time he caught up to her, she had already gotten sucked into conversation with her friends, entirely forgetting about her fully packed beach bag she left on the sand in a heap with the rest of her stuff. Knowing she’d leave it there, Tate began unpacking their spot, setting up a beach chair, a towel, and an umbrella to give them shade. 
He pulled out some snacks he brought, along with some sunscreen. “Y/N!” He called out to his forgetful girlfriend, who had now wandered about 50 feet away from her unattended belongings.
She heard him and came running over. “You’re putting sunscreen on, lay down.”
“I don’t want to. Hannah said there’s a really cute dog over there, I wanna go pet it,” Y/N resisted. He grabbed her forcefully by her waist. He untied her wrap, leaving her in her two piece swimsuit, then dragged her to sit down on the beach chair.
“I wasn’t asking. Lay down.” With his rare-occurring ‘serious voice’, Y/N decided it would be best not to defy him this time. She lay down on her stomach, tensing her muscles as he squirted the cold cream onto her back. “Relax, I’m not gonna hurt you.”
With that, she put her body at ease, then Tate’s hands connected with the soft skin of her back. Slowly, he massaged the substance into her back in calming, even circles. “Sit up,” he ordered.
She sit up to face him, and he hunched over to wipe a small dollop right onto her nose. She giggled cutely and he giggled back. He briskly rubbed the rest of the sunscreen into her face, arms, and legs, until she was all ready to go, and he let her go with a warm kiss to the forehead.
And so, the hours passed by, Tate feeding pineapple to her, being drowned by her in the ocean, braiding her hair when it got knotted by the salty water, and being beat repeatedly by her at beach volleyball, until finally, Y/N decided to do a little something nice for her overworked boyfriend.
She approached his relaxed figure, hunched over in the chair and snacking on crackers and blocked the sunlight from the setting sun with her body. “Hey baby, you tired?” She asked softly. Although she usually was mean to him all the time, she couldn’t help but feel bad about it today. He nodded.
“K. Scooch over,” she made a sweeping motion with her hands and he made space for her on the chair. She lay down, wrapping her arms around his waist, pulling him down with her.
He wasn’t sure why he was suddenly being cradled in his girlfriends arms, but he would take advantage of it if he could. He snaked his arms tightly around her and rested his head on her chest. 
From there, Y/N stroked his soft blond hair, mostly to comb out some leftover sand it had collected after she shoved it in his face when he tried to spank her ass during volleyball. He sighed in contentment and closed his eyes.
He took in the sounds of waves crashing on the sand, seagulls chirping in the distance, the suns gentle rays gracing his body, and the loving embrace of his girlfriend, and it made everything he does to take care of her worthwhile.
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atomic-chronoscaph · 2 years
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Little House on the Prairie (1974)
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allthingsfandom22 · 7 months
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cherishednymph · 30 days
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i fear they don’t make men like this anymore ❤️‍🩹
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danafoss · 7 months
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damn why does this middle aged prairie man have pretty puppy eyes
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meetmeinmontana · 1 year
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