#life in the womb
elieslittlecreations · 5 months
I’m still here, friends. I’m sharing a WIP with you… and this is a vulnerable post, so be gentle. If you don’t like, scroll on.
December was a really hard month for me. I may never get to hold them in my arms, but I will forever hold them in my heart. I cry a lot. I cry almost everyday. As small as they were,they were so significant to me. I started to draw this while I was going through the miscarriage, but I had to put it aside to finish my big project, (which is finished now).. I wanted to share with you something that I have been going through. Maybe it’s because this is a smaller platform and I don’t know many of you.
Initially I wanted to dedicate this to my baby, Finley. But … I want to dedicate this to anyone who has had a miscarriage/pregnancy loss too. Every life matters, no matter how small or big they are. My goal is to make this available for all mothers so they can print it at home and colour it themselves. So, if you are interested in having one for yourself too, stay tuned ❤️
And if you lost your baby too, I see you. I know it’s tough. You’re not alone. Mourning someone you never met is so hard.
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bbygirl-paul · 1 month
thinking about paul saying "we're harkonnens. so this is how we'll survive. by being harkonnens" and about jessica saying "your father didn't believe in revenge" and paul replying "yeah well i do" and how things can die even as they continue to draw breath and how the harkonnens really did kill off all three of the atreides that night not just leto
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deemalco · 2 years
Here is a fun video! 11 Things Unborn Babies Can Do in the Womb
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gordon-freeman-phd · 6 months
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"What arrogance do you possess that you would presume to kill something so much larger than yourself? So much older? What is it that you think you are proving?"
-The Nihilanth if it had a cool villain monologue before you fought it, I think
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carrinth · 8 months
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I'm sure it's fanon that the Warden-Commander must make the most random non-sequitur comments about their Origins Love Interest during Awakening or what's the point???
Marzel missing his witchy lover. Everyone then played 'Shape-shifted mage' or 'Actual Giant Spider WTF Commander'.
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murasaki-cha · 5 months
Everyone including Rishe: Why did Prince Arnold get engaged?
Arnold: Because I'm in love with Rishe
Everyone including Rishe: he must have some sort of plot
Arnold: I'm literally just in love with Rishe that's why
Everyone including Rishe: he's so secretive what a mystery
Arnold: ......
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Just a reminder to anyone with kids, your small children do not have the same basis for things that you do! There’s a good chance they aren’t trying to be rebellious, they just simply have no idea what you’re telling them!!
When I was small, I used to get in trouble all the time for not “walking in the crosswalk”, I had no fucking idea what a crosswalk was, the lines on the ground didn’t stick out at me, and when I tried to walk right by the adults because surely being right next to them would be the right answer, it put me outside the lines and just upset them further (also going nonverbal when stressed and having a face that doesn’t properly show emotion didn’t help me out)
If you tell your kid to do something that seems really easy to do to you, and they don’t listen, try phrasing it in a different way, instead of “walk in the crosswalk”, try pointing out the two lines on the ground, and let them know to walk in between those lines!
(Separate from the crosswalk thing, but also sometimes if it seems like your kid is being rebellious for “no reason” and they have older siblings, just,, make sure their siblings didn’t prank them by giving them false information)
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friendrat · 6 months
Geez... I was just doing some reading on the internet and got a punch in the gut.
This started because I saw a post in a womb twin survivor support group where someone had posted and was describing how they were born with a pin hole in their spine, which sounded very similar to my own diagnosis of Spina Bifida Occulta.
Anyway, certain health problems are more common in Vanishing Twin Survivors, and I thought I remembered that Spina Bifida was one of them, so I was looking it up to see if I was remembering correctly.
As I'm scrolling, one link said, "Spina Bifida a vanishing nightmare." So I clicked on it, and it was a quick thing about how numbers were going down, and they weren't sure why, but part was attributed to terminating affected pregnancies. The conclusion was that if they continued "preventative measures" i.e. termination, Spina Bifida could disappear. Of course! The solution to this health problem isn't to work on an *actual* cure or improve treatments... it's to just kill the people who have it. That will solve everything.
I'm just... I don't even know why I'm surprised. They wanted to kill me then. Of course, they would want to kill me if I was born today. I don't know why I would expect anything else... but it made me so... sad.
You know... I had an older cousin who had a much more severe case of Spina Bifida than I do. And when I say older, I mean he was like my parents' age. He was worse off than me, but he was always smiling. He was always joking with people. He volunteered his time to his local church, he stood by his principals, he helped out people in need without ever asking anything in return... and when he died, the funeral home was packed. There was a line around the building of people waiting to say their goodbyes, and it kept up the entire visitation. People were parked way down the road and had to walk to get there. My cousin was a light in people's lives.
But if he had been born right now, people would just weigh his life based on his disability and determine that he should be killed before his light could reach anyone. But sure... we can eliminate this disorder by killing the people who have it. It's disgusting that people think that way. There's no other word for it.
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varpusvaras · 9 days
I just really started to think about the Royal throuples Sibling Experiences, and it's just
Breha, an only child, grew up in a free world with a matriarchal society where she was placed as the girl/woman of the place
Bail, has three sisters, also grew up in a free world with a matriarchal society
Fox, has 200k brothers with million more well on the way, grew up in an isolated world where him and everybody else were brought up to be essentially Gym Bros with Extra Baggage ™️
I don't know what this all means. But it means something.
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I had to look this up to fact check and it’s from here:
“We conclude that performance of movements towards the co-twin is not accidental: already starting from the 14th week of gestation twin foetuses execute movements specifically aimed at the co-twin.”
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deemalco · 2 years
Just so that you truly understand, here are the facts about abortion and the growing human being in the womb of a woman. Check it out and learn what you may not know.
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jaggedcliffs · 2 months
Till the End of the Moon is the opposite of the "the love was there. it didn't change anything" post, like:
the love wasn't there, mostly. it changed everything. it saved everyone. there were barely any forces for it, but it still mattered that sometimes even the barest scraps of love were there
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annabelle--cane · 3 months
growing up in the US with extremely english parents meant that it took until I was about twelve to realize that madame tussauds is not, in fact, called "madame two swords." a let down, honestly. give her her swords back. let her dual wield.
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no-psi-nan · 10 months
Ok gang...
What do we think happens to the babies conceived and born between Saiki's restorations of the planet?
Mother always gets pregnant again and gives birth to the same baby again
Mother always gets pregnant again and gives birth to a different baby
Mother may or may not get pregnant again but if she does it's always the same baby
Mother may or may not get pregnant again but if she does it's always a different baby
Mother may or may not get pregnant again but if she does, the baby is only the same if the father is the same
Reply/reblog/tag/ask your responses...
Relationships between characters evolve over time regardless of the time loops (otherwise Chiyo's crush would always reset to be on Saiki), so presumably people can get married/divorced/remarried
People don't repeat the same actions every year so presumably if the parents choose to have sex another day or whatever, the gametes involved would probably be different... Sperm apparently lives in the testes for a few weeks before dying off so if the parents were busy that month it might make the original genetic match impossible
Mind control does not erase the memory of previous years. If the baby is different the next year, what do the parents think happened to the old baby?? Do they miss the old baby??
Do the erased babies go to the afterlife? Do they get stuck as ghosts? Do they get wiped from existence forever?
Maybe the baby soul remains the same but the baby body is different depending on whatever genetics combination happens the next time. And the parents treat the baby the same, it just looks different now for some reason but it's fine.
But what if the father is different??
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the-random-factor · 8 months
I continue to be so normal about lex foster
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cherrycherish · 1 month
I want you to think about someone massive - belly stretching for dozens of feet; so large that they cannot move, but all of their needs are taken care of by others. Are they the last fertile person on Earth, the burden of repopulation resting solely on their shoulders? A pred who eats a whole town in single sitting? Someone who has unbirthed many, many people over the course of their life, and continues to add new additions?~
(I'm blending these options together, with a lil bit of sci-fi 💞)
Urso groaned as his whole body seemed to quake from the kicking of his pups, "Ahhh, I think it's nearly time..."
"You sure they're not just hungry, darling?" His lover purred, watching the movement of the pups.
"I literally just ate." He pointed to the peak of his swell, where some prey were clearly shifting around in his gut.
"Give it a few minutes, we don't want to get everyone riled up too soon." Lyra rubbed at one of the pup's elbows that was clearly jabbing Urso from within.
Urso moaned and leaned back, trying to get comfortable with his truly massive belly swollen out before him. He'd been enjoying life as an immobile broodmare for a long time, and had grown used to being at the mercy of his ever demanding pups.
Many many many years ago Urso had been just as human as everyone else, but for reasons beyond humanity's comprehension, energies began to change in humans. It seemed humans were the only ones affected by what was deemed a "time shift". Certain things in humans were too fast and others too slow, and nothing was consistent. Some had hearts that beat too fast and died quickly thereafter, some had skin that all but shed non-stop leaving them raw constantly, though most were sexually shifted, many would be quickly struck with sexual desire and then nothing, leaving people very rarely able to procreate, and most unwilling to risk the possibility of a child growing inside them in a few hours or a few years. As much as people feared being too fast, some were too slow, slow to think, slow to move, slow to breathe. Urso hadn't discovered what he was affected with, everything seemed normal, though he knew something was either far too fast or slow.
Whatever caused the time shift was never discovered, there were theories, but nothing concrete. Along with the change in time, some people began to see things that were previously unseen, Urso was among those lucky few. He was terrified at first but upon realizing that the odd entities did little more than acknowledge his presence, it wasn't too difficult to navigate.
The only time an entity spoke to him, it was some sort of wish granter, a genie or a fairy or something, notoriously untrustworthy, but with the state of things Urso couldn't exactly refuse. So many societies had collapsed into chaos, turns out humans don't handle an inability to enjoy sex well at all. What did he need to wish for in order to have some semblance of normalcy and safety?
He of course tried to wish for things to go back to normal, to undo the time shift all together, but the creature had refused. It didn't explain what the limitation of the wishes were which didn't help.
Ultimately, Urso could only wish for the ability to bless people with children that were unaffected by the time shift.
The spirit didn't refuse this, and with the wave of a hand they were in a beautiful open field, another wave of its hand and a huge stone building appeared amongst the flowers. Then it was gone. Urso, with no clue where he was or what to do, could only go into the odd building and hope to find an explanation.
It was a massive structure, like a palace, and was well stocked with food and medicines and many of the luxuries that had disappeared with society's collapse. The giant library looked like it would take years to fully look through, and much of it appeared to be contents about survival and life skills. As he finished looking around the entire place, returning to the biggest room inside, he still had no idea what he was meant to do exactly.
Then a group entered the place, quickly running into Urso.
"Is this place yours?" The man who looked to be leading the group asked. He was tall and rugged looking, long dark hair, muscles, tan skin, he looked like an actor.
"Uh, yes, I would say so."
"We've been sent here to help you with your wish." He held out his hand which Urso shook readily.
"I'm Urso. And you are?"
"Lyra. Nice to meet you."
He was introduced to the group and though he was still uncertain what he was meant to do, showed them around the place. Soon they were working together to make things more livable in what they were now calling home, saving seeds from their food stores and growing new food, taking the long trail to the nearest town to share their supplies, which through some magical means always replenished overnight. It seemed that the palace was nearly frozen in time, barely crawling forward at all, meaning those living within were effectively free from the time shift as long as they were inside. It wasn't long before more people joined them, growing their numbers and developing an odd culture of their own together.
Along with a melting pot culture, Urso also found himself receptive to Lyra's flirtations. The two were even better at leading together. As they had an unending supply of food, it didn't surprise anyone that they all looked healthy, Urso was happy that his wish seemed to include benefits. Their clear well-being attracted more people over time, and it seemed as more people lived there, the stockpile only grew.
As he was walking through the library looking for something to read he found an old tome that inexplicably fell off the shelf closest to him. It was full of information on bizarre magic, depicting all kinds of mind boggling feats. He tried showing it to the others, but it seemed they all lacked the eyes to see the unseen and couldn't read a word of it.
Pouring over the old tome for days, Urso found what he needed to do at last. Painting a series of glyphs on his skin and reading aloud the chant from the pages, his body began to change right before his eyes. No longer merely healthy, Urso was growing fat, moaning as he finished reading the chant and his body swelled wider. Quickly it became impossible for him to hold himself up, his muscles unable to lift such sudden weight, and he was stuck sitting on his widening rear.
"This isn't too terribly big..." He muttered as the growing finally stopped, he could probably move with some help. His body felt huge, but pleasurable. The soft skin, the stretch marks, the jiggle, it felt right.
"Lyra!" He called, hoping that someone would hear him through his door. He probably should've asked for someone to help him with this strange ritual. "Lyra! Anybody?"
He heard hurried footsteps before his door flew open.
Lyra stood in the doorway dumbstruck, eyes looking over the much larger man, "Are... Are you okay?"
"Yes, but I can't move. Could you give me a hand? There's a spell for weightlessness in that book there, but I can't reach it."
By the end of the day Urso was waddling about the palace, Lyra practically glued to his side.
"Just what were you thinking doing that alone? What if I hadn't heard you? What if something had gone wrong?"
"I'm perfectly fine, and you did hear me. Everything worked out, didn't it?"
"Was this what you were wishing for?"
"You didn't know before you came?"
"No. I just knew we had to come here."
"I wished for a way to give people children that didn't have the time shift."
"And what does that have to do with you getting so big?" Despite his less than polite choice of words, Urso could see the desire in his eyes.
"Well, it's a requirement to make my wish happen. I've got all the spells I'll need to make this work, but first we should explain it to everyone, let's have a meeting."
Urso explained to the others in the encampment what his plans were, and that he'd need sixteen others to complete the spell, eight willing and eight unwilling. Once he explained what the others would need to do in order to complete the spell, eight people readily volunteered, much to Urso's delight.
Eight other people were dragged to the palace while Urso set everything up in the massive central room they'd be performing the spell in. The people of the encampment bowed down before Urso as Lyra fed him each of the eight outsiders. These sacrifices were all kicking up a storm in his stomach but it was a thrilling sensation. He felt so full and had to gulp so hard to swallow them all, and yet it felt so good once each of them was inside.
"Now for the fun part." Urso smiled as he approached the eight volunteers, lowering his wet cunt onto the first one in the row, the spell he'd applied to his body allowing him to stretch to accommodate the sheer size.
The combined wriggling of the prey in his gut on top of the shifting volunteers being pulled into his womb was ecstacy. The glyphs painted on him glowed as his body accepted all eight of his new pups. He still felt positively gravid, belly stretched around all sixteen of them, it seemed his weightless spell was wearing off.
Lyra helped him get settled on a giant cushion before going to find some cream for his lover's over stretched skin. Urso could only sit there in bliss, his mind spinning with plans.
The powerful magic required eight willing volunteers to act as a harness to Urso's magic, from within his body he could steer their excess energy to others to form healthy pregnancies in anyone near him. The eight sacrifices in his gut were giving him the energy to make such a sudden transformation safely.
The pups inside his womb never regressed over the years, in fact they grew quite plump inside his spoiled body, and would eagerly move about within him whenever they got hungry or it was time to transfer their excess energy into others. Over the years, more people heard about the "fertile palace", migrated to it and found themselves well fed and heavy with children that would be free from the time shift. Some had no desire for children and were happier serving Urso or being fattened up and consumed to feed his huge swell. It was discovered that his milk was good at healing sicknesses and soon he was almost always attached to a pump.
Urso was content as a fertility conductor, planting healthy pregnancies into willing worshippers wasn't difficult work, and he enjoyed watching everyone grow. The children born in the palace were healthy and happy and had no trouble with the time shift. If he could've jumped for joy when it was first confirmed, he would've, the best he could manage was jiggling with delighted laughter.
"Hmm, Love, I think it really is time... Urp!" All the eager kicking of his pups along with his recent meal was a lot of sensation all at once, despite how huge he'd gotten, it wasn't any less intense now than it had been in the beginning.
"Alright, let's get everyone ready." Lyra opened a door and several naked worshippers made their way into the room, slowly approaching their benefactor's mountain of a belly. His belly towered over even tall people, and seemed to stick out so far, Urso couldn't see past it and his globe breasts hardly at all, but he didn't mind. This was what he wanted to be, after all.
One by one people approached and pressed themselves against Urso's huge body, as he directed energy into each of them they began to swell with brood and milk. Each one was nicely round as they waddled to an area of cushions to catch their breath. Urso could see that some were going to have multiples and others heavy singles, the energy he'd placed in them choosing randomly how many they'd carry.
As the last of the eager worshippers were filled with young, Urso felt his own pups settle inside him finally.
"Whoo, you boys finally tucker yourselves out in there?" He asked quietly, giving his heavy form a rub.
Lyra gave his belly a kiss before meeting his lips passionately, "Are you gonna fill people up long after the time shift is fixed?"
"I don't see why not to. Even once the time shift is gone, plenty of people will still want to be filled with babies." He smiled as his little ones seemed to finally go to sleep, "Besides, I can't let these pups out, this is where they belong."
"What if I told you that there's apparently another influx of worshippers arriving within the week." Lyra's eyes burned with lust.
"They'd still take a bit of time to settle in, get a bit fat, then I'm sure we could fill them up too. You like watching me fill everyone up."
"I do. I'll dote on you and these pups until the end of time. Even if everyone else leaves, I'm staying and tending to you and the pups. Now," Lyra kissed one of his chins, "It's time for dessert. You worked hard filling all these people, you've earned a reward."
"I love you." Urso grinned, tears pricked in the corner of his eyes, "You and the pups are the best part of my wish."
"I love you too."
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