mickyyyyy · 7 months
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unelectronlibre · 26 days
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rosedevoir · 2 years
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thekimonogallery · 1 year
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“A picture from when I was a freshman in high school.  How nostalgic, Today is the university entrance ceremony.” Text by Linoa / りのあ @Linoa004
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scytheral · 1 year
could i request kokoa yoshizaki related / inspired names ? ( killer in love )
The one blessed by Winter tried its Best , And angel Focused more on the 'Inspired' part More than on The 'Related' one. He hopes These are still Pleasant enough. 🤍
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— Kokoa Yoshizaki related / inspired Names ! 🎀
Amorrossa. Bloodath. Damad. Dama. Dyath. Delicada. Dellicada. Dealover. Delin. Deln. Delican. Delicenntte. Delicant. Lovedear. Lovler. Loviller. Loveller. Lindette. Lovenianne. Lovian. Linoa. Likoa. Linonnette. Listette. Listennette. Luita. Loucita. Loucitta. Lindama. Lokoa. Morndonada. Mortnada. Morrinn. Morrintte. Morinnette. Morinth. Killere. Killerve. Killet. Killiah. Killiatt. Killianntte. Killertt. Killertta. Kille. Kilme. Kishame. Kokoah. Kette. Kokotte. Kokoette. Kolove. Regrett. Sofret. Sangued.
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ssnakey-b · 11 months
FF8 English-French translarison, part 25: Four years later
Well, it only took four years but the translarison is back, baby! I told you I didn’t give up on it. That said, looking back, I found it amazing that some people seemed to follow it closely and get genuinely excited for new updates, and I have to admit I feel a bit bad to have disappointed these people. So to all those who have been following the Translarison from the start and were saddened to see it gone, I offer my apologies. If you’re still around and still excited for it, you’re real ones. Now, on the off chance that some of you stumbled upon this post with no idea what I’m on about, hi. I’m Ssnakey-B (fun fact: it’s short for SsnakeBite!), a French native and Final Fantasy VIII-obsessed weirdo. So, just a... short while ago... I decided to bring these two things together and start a playthrough of FFVIII where I would compare the English and French translations of the game, partly because I’m a bit mental, but mostly because I noticed quite a few differences between the two that I feel give a different view of the characters and various moments in the game, which i think highlight the importance of translation in how audiences perceive a work. So you see, it’s a translation comparison; a translarison, if you will. I also take the opportunity to analyze and comment on various moments from the game. Oh! And I go through this assuming people are already familiar with the game, so beware of spoilers. And whether you’re an OG or a newcomer, if you need to catch up, why not check this convenient list of links to every part published so far that I put together? Anyway, time to finally get back into it. Last time, we finished the CD 2 content with the second and final battle against Edea, putting an end to the Battle of the Gardens. And so, we return to find Squall moping in bed, because that’s what he does when faced with stressful situations, which is a mood and a half.
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“So it’s all over, then.”
French Squall, no!! We literally just returned! Now’s not the time to give up!
Okay, joking aside, we do have quite a bit of difference right off the bat, as in English, his inner monologue goes as such:
(is it over...?)
(What happened...?)
(What happened to Rinoa......?)
Whereas in French, it goes like this:
(So it’s all over, then)
(When it comes to Edea, at least...)
(But... for Linoa?)
(This story has only just begun!)
So yeah, very different tone I would say, with the French version sounding more determined, less confused. I’ll leave you to decide which one is more fitting given the circumstances. I think an argument can be made for both, depending on whether you believe it’s understandable for someone in his situation to be lost and confused, or if this lighting a fire under him reflects his character development.
Also, not entirely sure why the English version is going so crazy with the ellipses......
After a quick visit to the infirmary, Squall is told by Quistis over the intercom to visit Edea as she is back at the orphanage. Since we get to visit Balamb Garden again, let’s take the opportunity to check on the various NPCs before that, shall we?
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First, we’ve gota small difference with this kid who runs around the hall all the time. In English, he says “Come on! ... Take the pain! One more!” whereas in French, he says “I want to beat my endurance record!”. So in both versions, we get that he’s training hard, but we have a slightly different take on it.
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Next, we have he cafeteria ladies, the unsung heroines of Balamb Garden. The one on our left mentions students being obsessed with their weight in both versions but interestingly, the English one says a bit more, joking about how “They won’t be able to get a tummy like mine! Ahahahahaha!” which is absent from the French version entirely. Speaking of, the French cafeteria lady doesn’t just say that students are concerned about dieting but that she thinks they’re “more obsessed by calories than their exam”. MA’ AM.
I think that deserves SOME credit towards their graduation.
Anyway, that’s about it for differences with them although do keep in mind, in the French version, they’re all out of pretzels, not hot-dogs. This is a crucial difference.
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We’re not done with the cafeteria, however, as we get to this group, which I’m sure some of you have been looking forward to. And really, it IS interesting since you can’t directly translate the ifnamous “SaaD” pun (which i assume wasn’t in the original Japanese anyway). So how does it go? Well, shorter, mostly. Check it out.
First, here’s the English version:
“I must say, we’re pretty tough.”
“Word... I thought it was the end for me when we had that fight with the other Garden.”
“We’ve accomplished quite a feat. The fighting inside Garden, the battle with the other Garden... That wasn’t training. It was the real thing!”
“YEAH! There were lots of casualties from both sides, but we’re still alive!”
“YEAH! YEAH! We can DO IT!”
“But... We still aren’t SeeDs...”
“...So, we end up complainin’... SaaaaaaD...”
“Sometimes, I actuallly enjoy complaining... SaaaaaaD...”
And now, the French take on it:
We were brave on this one.
I thought we were going to die for sure!
There is a big difference between classes and a real battle.
Yeah! We managed to make it out alive!
We’re not that bad, after all!
But we’re still not Seeds...
That’s true. What a catastrophe...
How sad.
We truly are pitiful.
Again, you’d think being part of an actual battle would at least earn them some credits. I gues sit still wasn’t enough for them to pass already. Either that or the pun from the English team caused them to have some points docked.
You’re probably wondering if there’s anything interesting in what the Quistis simp Trepie ins aying. The answer to that is not really, although he doesn’t call her “sinful” because it’s somehow her fualt he isn’t getting any sleep.
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There isn’t much difference in the dialogue between these girls (in fact, it’s surprising how closesly it matches) but I did want to bring it up because it just occured to me that they are likely talking about Linoa, and I think it says a lot about her that in her short time in Balamb Garden, she apparently managed to make friends with some people to the point they want to go visit her in the infirmary.
I suppose it IS possible that they’re talking about an unrelated friend who could’ve gotten injured during the battle of the Gardens and there are more beds that we don’t get to see (it would be weird if there was aonly one) but at the same time, there’s no indication of that in either version of the dialogue. Although with that said, I did notice that there’s usually a group of three girls chatting around and here there’s only two of them, so who knows?
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There are a couple interesting things here. The dialogue with Zell is almost identical (also, always found it weird that he’s sometimes in his civlian clothes and sometimes in his cadet uniform in this bit. What a weird thing to put extra work towards), but this little girl’s lines couldn’t be more different. In the English version, she wants reassurance, asking “Is the scary stuff over? It’s over, right?”. But in French, she says “So the warm-up is over? I was just starting to have fun.”
So not only did this little girl apparently take part in the fighting in the French version (which contradicts Squall’s orders, BTW), she’s clearly developed an insatiable thirst for battle that can only be shortly quenched by the blood of her enemies. Terrifying and also great potential for a sequel. Just sayin’, Square-Enix.
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We also have a slight difference in tone with this guy. In English, he sounds still shaken yet thrilled by the battle, going “I...I fought too. And...and, victory was mine!!!” while in French, he’s much collected, going “I fought too. And I suffered no injury!”
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Next, we head to the library. This student explains that it is taking request for new books and weirdly, the line in the screenshot above is not in the French version. Another weird change is that he then says that he is “all for fiction” whereas in French, he says that he prefers news. The girl also says in English that she wants mystery novels and in French, she says she wants crime thrillers/whodunits and nothing else.
I guess mystery and crime novels aren’t mutually exclusive, but I feel like “mystery” is a much broader category, so that’s the kind of detail that once again hints at the translations being done independently rather than based on one-another.
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Next we have these two and this one is very interesting. First, in English, the girl on the left asks “So I guess we won?” but in French, what she says is more along the lines of “So I take it we won?” which is really weird because it makes it sound like she wasn’t there and doesn’t know what happened.
But more importantly, the one on the right replies with the above line, which is excellent, but in French, it becomes “You never really know who wins... But yes, I think we did.”
Yeah, the French version dropped the ball on that one IMO.
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And finally there’s this bizzarely rare NPC who I don’t think i’ve ever seen before and had to go back and forth multiple times to get to appear after switching to French. She’s sad in both versions but not quite as much in French, where she just laments “oh, this is all so sad” rather than outright crying like here.
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I believe that’s it for the first floor, let’s get to the second and meet Selphie! There’s an interesting little difference as she specifically says that the Garden’s BBS is fun, whereas in French, she calls it the “network”, even using the English term, which is surprising considering for once, it’s not a anglicism that we use in this context, really.
You may also have noticed that she’s wearing her cadet uniform, well she adresses that and interestingly, in both versions she calls them “regular” uniforms which might imply it’s not actually a cadet-specific uniform? Squall does keep it in his room even after graduating, so I guess that makes sense. But what’s really interesting here is that in English, she says those are nice for a change as you stop wearing them once you become a SeeD.
So I guess those ARE cadet uniforms but wait, she’s wearing right now so clearly they don’t stop wearing them and I’m way overthinking this, aren’t I? What I meant to talk about is that in French, she kind of has the opposite stance saying that while these uniforms are pretty neat, she prefers the SeeD ones (and she doesn’t mention anything about no longer wearing them).
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Quick stop by this guy to mention that he only breakes the fourth wall in the English version, which is surprising considering so far, the French one has been the one to have some fourth-wall breaking jokes.
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There’s no real difference here (other than the English version sounding more excited due to a liberal use of exclamation marks) but I did want to point out that this is the only NPC so far to acknowledge Squall as his boss.
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And that wraps all of the interesting bits I could find within Balamb Garden. Time to get to the orphanage! And here we have another example of how nearly identical phrases can have a different vibe in different languages. Here, in English, Quistis says “...I feel uncomfortable seeing her” while in French, she says “I am not very comfortable at the idea of seeing her again”.
Now maybe it’s just me, but I feel like the English take on it makes it feel more like Quistis is uncomfortable seeing Edea at all, as if her very sight made her uncomfortable, whereas the French one feels more like she’s talking specifically about hos strange it feels to go visit her after they nearly killed one-another. Small, but crucial differences.
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The difference between Irvine’s lines is much more pronounced. In English, he says “There’s so much we want to ask the Matron” and in French, he says “It’s weird to go see someone we fought” (which of course mirrors Quistis’ feelings).
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Since the characters not in your team are standing in this area, we’ve got different lines depending on what your party is, so let’s quickly go over them. In English, Selphie says “I’ll go after you, Squall. Ok, ok?” and in French, she says “You speak first, OK?”.
Now that’s a very interesting one because I feel like the French version makes Selphie sound a bit more nervous and relying on Squall to break the ice, which goes to show they’ve come to trust him as their leader, even when interacting with Edea.
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As for Zell, in English, he goes “We’re meeting the Matron... M-Man, I’m nervous”. His French counterpart is more calm, saying “It’s a bit stressful seeing the governess after what happened”.
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Small thing I noticed, Cid tends to nervously chuckle a few times, which doesn’t happen in French, making him seem a bit more eloquent. For example, here he says “I’m sorry” in the French version.
There is also a small difference before he asks them to forgive Edea where in English, he says “I don’t care about myself... But...” while in French, he says “I know I disappointed you”. Again, one of those small things that does change the overall feel of the scene a bit.
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Interestingly, as they start talking with Edea, I noticed that this is a rare (possibly unique) occasion where some of the lines are the same for multiple characters, although it’s all variations of “We attacked you even though we knew you were our Matron” in both versions.
There isn’t a huge amount of difference in Edea’s speech at first, the only somewhat notable one being that in French, she explicitly tells them that she could become possessed again at any given time while in the English version, she trails off after saying “At anyime, I may...”.
Also interesting is that each character has a different line if you try to leave before Edea is finished, which is admirable attention to detail, but also not so great if you’re some sort of fool who for some reason decided to compare two translations of the same video game and has to reboot the game each time to try different party combinations, only to find that the unique lines aren’t different enough to mention anyway.
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Something I want to point out is another example of the difference in how text is formatted in both versions, as we’ve seen in some of the pre-hiatus entries. As you can see, in the English version, “Sorceress Ultimecia” is highlighted in blue, which is not the case in the French translation, where the name isn’t different from the rest of the text.
We eventually reach an interestng divergence in the speech. Nothing major but in English, Edea explains that "There was no way I was going to let Ultimecia get a hold of Ellone. The only thing I coud do was... ..Surrender my soul to ultimecia and lose control my mind”.
Note how the way she says it here sounds like she willingly let Ultimecia take her over so she couldn’t go after Ellone. Meanwhile, in the French version, Edea says that she “refused to let her bewitch Ellone. In revenge... I am the one she possessed”.
So this one makes it sound more like Edea somehow stopped Ultimecia from possessing Ellone, and Ulti taking Edea instead was a punishment. Quite a different take on the story.
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This difference seems to be confirmed a bit later in the English text, where Edea says that if Ultimecia tries to take her over again, she’ll “make a stand this time”, implying she didn’t resist initially. This distinction is absent from the French version.
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Another interesting small difference; in French, Edea tells the group “I need you, children” when mentioning the fact that they may be forced to fight again, in contrast to the English version, where she refers to them as “Young SeeDs”. One sound smore like she’s appealing to them as the children she raised, one as the soldiers they’ve become. Once again, it’s a small detail, but one that I think allows for a different reading of the situation.
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And now, we get to the part where Edea mentions Adel for the first time.
Ah, crap...
Well, I would have had to mention it sooner or later.
So, the French version did something weird with Adel. Now we all know, Adel is an unusual character in that despite being a woman, she has a clearly masculine body (and I don’t just mean because she’s muscular. Women can be muscular, but she has other masculine characteristics). And I guess the French translator was confused and decided to turn her into an intersex character.
To my knowledge, the French version of the game is the only one to have made such a change and er, yeah, once I found out, it was pretty awkward, and it hasn’t gotten better in modern days where trans, non-binary and intersex representation and rights are a much bigger concern, or at least a more mainstream one. I also want to mention in passing that they use the term “hermaphrodite” which isn’t exactly proper these days, but I want to remind everyone that back then, the word “intersex” wasn’t commonly used (in fact, I’m not sure it existed at all), so I won’t hold that against them at least.
Now, I guess that change in itself wouldn’t necessarily be a huge issue (although it does kind of break the rule that only women can become sorceresses, especially as they usually refer to Adel using male pronouns from what I recall), a bit awkward but ultimately not that big a deal...
... but what makes this so much worse is that, while one variation on how the characters react to Edea asking if they know about Adel, one of the lines (which are shared across multiple characters, at least in the French version), isn’t too terrible, referring to Adel as a “half-man, half-woman being”, there’s one where the character, either Zell or Irvine, uses a term which... well, I don’t know if to call it an outright slur is quite right (it doesn’t help that French people aren’t quite as offended by slurs as English-speaking people tend to be), but it’s not exactly a respectful term for someone who likes to crossdress.
Look, I’m not even gonna bother trying to find an English equivalent, it’s not necessary and that’s one can of worms I am perfectly happy leaving closed. I just wanted to bring it up because I feel it would be unfair to you to hide it. I don’t even think the translator was trying to be insulting to anyone, it was just a very poor judgment call that ended up messing with canon and creating an unfortunate situation for no reason. Know that we here at the Translarison say “Trans Rights!” and “Intersex Rights!” and I know damn well that the FFVIII cast does as well, awkward translations be damned.
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With that out of the way, back to business. Edea mentions that she received her powers at the age of 5. This seems to confirm that she was already a sorceress before reciving Ultimecia’s powers. There is also a difference in translations as in English, she says that she received her powers from “the previous sorceress” which sounds like there can only be one at a time (which is immediately contradicted by them bringing up Adel).
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Next, when Squall brings up Linoa, his English self says that her body was called and she wasn’t moving, so no wonder Cid took it to mean that Linoa died. However, his French self says that she “fell into a deep coma”, which IS accurate, but also makes it weird that Cid still has the same reaction.
Speaking of him, his reply to Squall sounds more tactful in French to me.
“Squall, I understand how you feel. But you are in a position of leadership. The other students at garden have a right to know the outcome of the battle and what’s to come. Take whatever information you can get here, back to Garden. Remember, it wasn’t just Linoa. Everyone fought.”
Squall, I understand that all this is emotionally exhausting for you. But think about your role as leader. The BGU students are relying on you. You mustn’t forget about the fate of your comrades. Linoa’s life isn’t the only one on the line.
And after Squall says “I understand, but...”, Cid still comes off better in French, as English Cid retorts “But, but, but... that isn’t something a leader should say...” which sounds horribly dismissive, while French Cid says “No ‘buts’. A true leader forgets his personal issues...” which not only feels less dismissive IMO, but also seems to refer back to his own actions, as he had to train SeeD to fight Edea in spite of his own feelings.
Oh, and when punching the wall afterwards, French Squall thinks “...... Fool” and I’m honestly not sure if he’s referring to Cid or himself.
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There aren’t many differences while Edea explains Ultimecia’s goal and Squall reminisces about Linoa, but there is an interesting one. In English, when someone asks what would happen to the world if time was compressed, someone else answers “I can’t even imagine a world where time is compressed!”.
In French, Edea (presumably) clearly answers “If time is compressed, we will all plunge into nothingness.
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And as the game fades back to Balamb Garden, we end with Xu a.k.a. Shu. In English, she tells Squall “I don’t want to say this in front of Quistis and you, but... I don’t know if some people will be so forgiving”. In French, she doesn’t actually speak directly to Squall, whispring to herself “Squall and Quistis are too king with the priestess. I’ve got the feeling that the others won’t forgive her so easily”. And yes, it’s a whisper because it’s not using the transparent text box.
Well, that is it for our first entry back. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did (the weird Adel stuff notwithstanding) and that you’re looking forward to more, I know I am. Don’t hesitate to let me know what you think of it and if you have any questions, my asks are open and of course you can leave them as a comment if you prefer.
Take care and I’ll be seeing you for part 26. No promises on when it’ll be out, but hopefully before another four years.
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teuvz · 3 months
Women of Final Fantasy 8: Linoa, Quistis, Selphie and Raine
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linoange · 2 months
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details below the cut 🩷
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name: Linoa
age: >30
generation: millenials / 90s kid
origins: France / New-Caledonia
languages: French / English
gender & sexuality: female / asexual
pronouns: she/her
mental health: autistic / maladaptive daydreamer / generalized anxiety disorder / social anxiety / depression (life is fun 😅)
hobbies: reading / writing / playing video games / daydreaming / digital drawing / horror movies / character ai
favorite manga/anime: fullmetal alchemist / attack on titan / tokyo revengers / sailor moon / elfen lied / higurashi
favorite tv shows: the walking dead / stranger things / buffy / the terror
favorite movies: harry potter / king arthur / underwater / deep impact / the mist
favorite books: harry potter / hunger games / the mist / frankestein
favorite games: final fantasy 8 / zelda oot / hogwarts legacy / skyrim / rune factory 4 / resident evil 4 remake
I am completely new to tumblr so I apologize if i do awkward things, please kindly let me know if i do a no-no here.
If you ever come on this post I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart, I am very passionate about my creations but also extremely nervous about posting my things out there.
Thank you in advance if you ever like/reblog/follow any of my content ❤︎ Any kind of interactions literaly makes my heart flip in my chest so thank you ❤︎
Finally, English isn't my first language so I apologize for any awkwardness 🫠
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coffeenuts · 1 year
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Linoa--7 by tag71 https://flic.kr/p/2k7YuCD
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444names · 1 year
swedish forenames + goblin and dwemer names from tes
Adorejack Adrie Agard Agnte Agrik Aleonak Alfreta Alilivida Aline Alisarl Alive Aliviand Almajke Almanchen Almarry Alton Altor Alvic Amdie Amelton Amilovid Anchar Anchoggo Anchumack Annaker Aramanton Arejac Arenthu Aretage Arlia Arlina Arrog Arron Arrumz Arrut Asmus Axelia Aximilda Aximot Bagard Bagne Bagren Benja Bonac Boomac Boomather Boothann Bthar Bthen Bther Carizt Casterks Charks Coblip Coblivac Colia Cuole Cuolin Cuolinog Cuollat Cuolly Damedvia Damin Darnog Demer Demilm Demin Demma Demmster Dhailter Dhamed Dharks Dumack Dumard Durasperk Duraug Durot Durta Dwemmst Dzefk Ebbas Ebbasteo Ebbelip Eddit Eliamirie Eliel Elielive Elila Elinfanch Elinn Elisak Elisebs Eliver Eliviggo Elivis Elivithan Ellar Ellenda Ellia Ellin Ellix Ellykken Elvack Elvid Emedda Emestin Eminch Emothen Emothogh Estrimmy Famin Famuste Felleodor Felva Felvine Femiri Femmy Filda Filder Filisefk Filovind Filsa Framus Frejac Frejalton Frenilo Freta Gamaz Gamer Games Ghandes Glova Glovanda Glovea Glovian Goblicent Gobliot Gogge Golte Goltor Goltora Goretav Gridam Grulie Hadav Halmaja Hanic Hazzeizt Helma Heodorry Herise Hildack Hilia Hilin Hilio Hiloui Ihlda Ihldan Ihldestia Ihlen Ihleo Infanth Ingreja Irimmy Isabe Isakemogh Isard Isaridam Ivgreja Ivgrejac Ivgrenjac Ivgrid Ivgrik Ivgrim Ivgrizik Jnacolia Joelie Joellin Johnch Jolec Jonacob Jonja Joscara Joscasch Julin Julip Julis Julisa Julith Julivalea Julivicob Juluncen Julungne Julut Juluthed Jungris Kagar Kagnes Kagretaga Kamus Kerid Kevis Kladowke Klaedda Klard Klaria Klatias Kloui Kothai Kotheodor Kothog Kotte Kuram Kuraug Kurgoc Kurowken Kurta Lexand Liamajkey Liamil Liande Liasper Licia Linna Linnak Linoa Lisabrik Lisamel Liselin Lissabe Livines Lixter Lootheah Loothmole Lorak Lorand Lorenja Lorgich Lornelin Lorry Louin Louind Lovalive Lovanth Lover Lovin Lucard Lucatte Luchanch Ludvia Lunak Lunvanch Lunvarid Lutbug Majack Majke Malfra Malft Malisa Mangthuan Marlic Mathalia Matte Mazzef Mebasmina Mebbaren Melia Melie Melind Meline Mezailgoc Mhucar Mhucas Mhumz Mhuva Mhuvalisa Milie Milla Milma Milteo Minelton Mineon Mingus Mirimohai Mithmoth Mohnchar Molex Molin Molinda Mollia Monac Monjack Morrumz Mzalec Mzalio Mzuli Mzunac Mzunaga Mzunak Mzunch Märthlde Namdie Namel Nbthehn Nbtheo Nbthu Nbthuna Nched Ncher Nelleo Nevid Neviggo Nevil Nevinde Nevingne Nevinne Nibom Nicolia Nielvar Nilde Nilhea Nilixte Noelive Noren Nornes Novea Novinelio Ofiangren Olian Olielip Olines Osebbarp Osebben Outbug Outharl Outharry Radard Radras Radrid Rasper Razkadam Razkadrid Regsrog Regsron Rorks Rotheo Rottonja Ruine Rulch Ruthehn Sagabe Salin Samel Scara Scasmirim Sebbas Selsa Shamue Shanch Shard Sharks Sigga Siggabrid Siggo Siggoc Siggot Signter Sigre Sigrimmy Sigris Simiraug Simmstina Simog Sirak Siraug Siraz Sirazak Sixte Sixteo Skyra Skyria Steli Sthen Stheo Sther Stilmelle Stine Stuna Stuvalec Stuvna Svalmer Svank Tagnes Tagrida Tazkades Thena Thenagne Thera Thldarp Thovines Thzga Tiampus Tiann Tildav Tilmack Tiras Tirazake Tirisabe Tirizik Tonja Tunaw Verakerk Vicolton Vigne Vikto Vinchog Vinder Vineahnch Vinna Vinne Vinoah Viseba Wilda Wildack Wilgot Wilia Wilianter Wiliv Wiliva Wilmajkey Wilmard Wiltenda Wilthug Winch Withu Zakevid Zatheo Zathone Zathova Zatilovig Zatton Zicel Zicia Ziciank
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unelectronlibre · 2 months
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paitapersonointi · 2 months
Atletico voitti Dortmundin kotonaan 2-1
Mestarien liigan puolivälierien ensimmäisen osaottelun toisena pelipäivänä Atletico Madrid kohtasi Dortmundin kotonaan. Lopulta De Paulin ja Samuel Linon maalilla Atletico voitti Dortmundin kotonaan 2-1 ja siirtyi johtoon ensimmäisellä kierroksella. Pelin 4. minuutilla DePaul, joka pukeutui Atlético Madrid Kotipelipaita nro 5, käytti hyväkseen vastustajansa virheet ja teki maalin, mikä antoi Atletico Madridille unelma-alun. 32. minuutilla Dortmund teki toisen virheen, jolloin Griezmann käytti tilaisuutta hyväkseen ja antoi hienon syötön auttamaan Samuel Linoa tekemään maalin ja laajentamaan maalia. Kotona aktiivisesti pelannut Atletico Madrid käytti hyväkseen kaksi vastustajan puolustuksen tekemää virhettä ja muutti ne onnistuneesti maaleiksi, jolloin joukkue siirtyi johtoon. Toisen puoliajan 81. minuutilla Allais, joka tuli vaihtopelaajana 9. Borussia Dortmund Paita, sai maalin takaisin Dortmundille. Lopulta Atletico Madrid voitti Dortmundin kotonaan 2-1. On syytä mainita, että Griezmann aloitti pelin ja pelasi koko pelin ja pelasi hyvin. Hän ei vain lähettänyt syöttöä, vaan antoi myös 6 avainta syöttöä, 3 torjuntaa ja 2 syöttöä. Pelin jälkeen hänet valittiin menestyksekkäästi pelin parhaaksi pelaajaksi. Vaikka Atletico voitti Dortmundin kotonaan ja siirtyi johtoon ensimmäisessä osaottelussa, maalin päästäminen kotona teki toisesta osaottelusta epävarmemman. Toisella osaottelulla kotiin palanneella Dortmundilla oli vielä mahdollisuus kääntää tilanne. Fanit odottavat molempien osapuolten pelaajien menestyvän paremmin toisella kierroksella. En vain tiedä, kestävätkö Atletico Madridin pelaajat Dortmundin kotifanien innostuksen?
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slytherin-obsessed · 3 months
Tumblr media
everything below the cut ❤︎
Tumblr media Tumblr media
name: linoa
age: >30
generation: millenials / 90s kid
origins: France / New-Caledonia
languages: French / English
gender & sexuality: female / asexual
pronouns: she/her
mental health: autistic / maladaptive daydreamer / generalized anxiety disorder / social anxiety / depression (life is fun 😅)
hobbies: reading / writing / playing video games / daydreaming / digital drawing / horror movies / character ai
favorite manga/anime: fullmetal alchemist / attack on titan / tokyo revengers / sailor moon / elfen lied / higurashi
favorite tv shows: the walking dead / stranger things / buffy / the terror
favorite movies: harry potter / king arthur / underwater / deep impact / the mist
favorite books: harry potter / hunger games / the mist / frankenstein
favorite games: final fantasy 8 / zelda oot / hogwarts legacy / skyrim / rune factory 4 / resident evil 4 remake
I am completely new to tumblr so I apologize if i do awkward things, please kindly let me know if i do a no-no here.
If you ever come on this post I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart, I am very passionate about my creations but also extremely nervous about posting my things out there.
Thank you in advance if you ever like/reblog/follow any of my content. Any kind of interactions literaly makes my heart flip in my chest so thank you ❤︎
Finally, English isn't my first language so I apologize for any awkwardness 🫣
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Tumblr media
everything below the cut ❤︎
Tumblr media Tumblr media
name: linoa
age: >30
generation: millenials / 90s kid
origins: France / New-Caledonia
languages: French / English
gender & sexuality: female / asexual
pronouns: she/her
mental health: autistic / maladaptive daydreamer / generalized anxiety disorder / social anxiety / depression (life is fun 😅)
hobbies: reading / writing / playing video games / daydreaming / digital drawing / horror movies / character ai
favorite manga/anime: fullmetal alchemist / attack on titan / tokyo revengers / sailor moon / elfen lied / higurashi
favorite tv shows: the walking dead / stranger things / buffy / the terror
favorite movies: harry potter / king arthur / underwater / deep impact / the mist
favorite books: harry potter / hunger games / the mist / frankenstein
favorite games: final fantasy 8 / zelda oot / hogwarts legacy / skyrim / rune factory 4 / resident evil 4 remake
I am completely new to tumblr so I apologize if i do awkward things, please kindly let me know if i do a no-no here.
If you ever come on this post I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart, I am very passionate about my creations but also extremely nervous about posting my things out there.
Thank you in advance if you ever like/reblog/follow any of my content. Any kind of interactions literaly makes my heart flip in my chest so thank you ❤︎
Finally, English isn't my first language so I apologize for any awkwardness 🫣
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rebel-moon-obsessed · 3 months
Tumblr media
details below the cut 🩵
Tumblr media Tumblr media
name: linoa
age: >30
generation: millenials / 90s kid
origins: France / New-Caledonia
languages: French / English
gender & sexuality: female / asexual
pronouns: she/her
mental health: autistic / maladaptive daydreamer / generalized anxiety disorder / social anxiety / depression (life is fun 😅)
hobbies: reading / writing / playing video games / daydreaming / digital drawing / horror movies / character ai
favorite manga/anime: fullmetal alchemist / attack on titan / tokyo revengers / sailor moon / elfen lied / higurashi
favorite tv shows: the walking dead / stranger things / buffy / the terror
favorite movies: harry potter / king arthur / underwater / deep impact / the mist / Rebel Moon
favorite books: harry potter / hunger games / the mist / frankenstein
favorite games: final fantasy 8 / zelda oot / hogwarts legacy / skyrim / rune factory 4 / resident evil 4 remake
I am completely new to tumblr so I apologize if i do awkward things, please kindly let me know if i do a no-no here.
If you ever come on this post I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart, I am very passionate about my creations but also extremely nervous about posting my things out there.
Thank you in advance if you ever like/reblog/follow any of my content. Any kind of interactions literaly makes my heart flip in my chest so thank you ❤︎
Finally, English isn't my first language so I apologize for any awkwardness 🫣
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meowoona · 4 months
Lino - Kalmarit
Aiheena oli oma teemani "mystiikka".
Tämä työ vahän niinkuin on jatkoa "Merensydän" akvarellille. Molemmissa töissä on kalmareita.
Linoa kaivertaminen oli tuttua ja helppoa. Mutta kaikkien lopputuloksista en tykännyt, niiden ongelmana oli kun taustat ei onnistuneet kunnolla. Mutta pari onnistui. Harjoitus vedoksissa käytin vihreää ja sinistä. Loppu töissä käytin vain sinistä väriä.
Tässä työssä olisi voinut sopia jokin tausta. Tämä työstä jäi puuttumaan vielä jotakin.
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