#lmk s5 news
a-tea-goblin · 28 days
Update: I was Wrong (incorrect info in red)
FLYING BARK IS NOT GONE: about the trailer animation
Flying Bark made the decision to outsource additional animation, this includes things like trailers and promos- not the actual show. this decision was made because Flying Bark is also currently working on the upcoming animated ATLA movie, and they needed to lessen their workload. Flying Bark is still handling the animation of the actual episodes and specials, they just needed some breathing room and got that by giving some of the less important responsibilities- like promos and trailers- to someone else for the time being.
the animation isn't even bad, there's no need to act like this is the end of the world and start acting like everything will be changed forever. though I will give some of ya'll the benefit of the doubt and say you probably didn't know these details, but we shouldn't have jumped to conclusions anyway.
edit: there is a post saying that Wildbarin has a deal for two seasons + specials of LMK, this was a misread, the site this info was taken from was mentioning the already existing content for LMK on Amazon Kids+. the deal wildbrain was, again, for the additional animation. Please do not harass this blog if you see the post however.
edit 2: it has been alleged that Wildbrain has been given a 1-2 year deal for two seasons + a special per leaked "legal documents" from Flying Bark, and I may have been wrong in the above edit. this has yet to be confirmed, if it comes out as true then I will be removing this post, so far I have seen nothing but the misread website however. that being said if it is true, FLYING BARK IS STILL SET TO RETURN ONCE THAT DEAL IS FINISHED. but be warned, my word is not law, and I'm not infallible.
thank you to @anxiescape for providing more information/confirmation directly from Flying Bark
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(Tweet from a director at Flying Bark)
unfortunately Flying Bark does seem to be fully parting ways with LEGO Monkie Kid due to the inability to keep up with deadlines, likely contributing to the decision to sign off the license to Wildbrain as that would make a change from hand drawn animation to puppet 2d/3d animation.
please note that the voice teams and writing teams are remaining the same, only the animation team is being changed.
that being said looking at the trailer the main differences in the animation appears to be in the dept and lighting, things that can be easily fixed and likely are only off because the are unfinished. the animation we see in the trailer is likely not the final product, and I implore fans to remain patient and respectful with our new animation team.
(but again, please do not take my world for law, I am not immune to human error)
I apologize for helping further misinformation about lmk s5.
farewell Flying Bark, you'll be missed.
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cottonii · 5 months
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words can't describe how excited i am for this boy
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thrandilf · 28 days
Flying Bark is no longer working on Monkie Kid
From Sarah Harper's Twitter: https://x.com/Sarawrawrawr/status/1789107263162163421
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Let's support the new team and look forward to whatever S5 will be!
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mangosaurus · 8 months
so swrve posted a new video on the chaos theory news about an hour ago, here's a rundown of the major points:
direct sequel to jw:cc
expected release date of summer/fall 2024
trailer coming out "soon" (could be next week, could be the end of 2023, who knows)
same platform and animation style as original series
taking place on the mainland
6 news dinos! allosaurus, becklespinax, atrociraptor, pachyrinosaurus, suchomimus, & ankylosaurus
said ankylosaurus will have a paticularly "unique" personality and name?
darius will be returning, most likely as the main lead! looks a lot older than he did in the s5 epilogue; series confirmed to take place post-fallen kingdom and post-battle at bigrock
as for the rest of the campers: no word on anyone else yet, but brooklynn isn't expected to make much of a comeback, if at all. if it isn't just for plot reasons, this one doesn't surprise me too much—jenna ortega's (brooklynn's VA) probably super busy with wednesday right now, as well as a bunch of other bigger projects. crossing my fingers we still get a good cameo, tho 🤞
new character! name's sydney; not much known about her other than that she's an amputee
and that's about it! trying to keep an open mind as we wait for more details to roll out 💆
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LIKE??? HELLO??????????????
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newts-frogs-toads · 27 days
(New art style isn't as bad as Twitter made me believe it was, its just slightly underwhelming but cool)
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letssofia3006 · 25 days
Re animating this shot with the objetive of copying the exquisite work of flying bark studio.
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Thought I really wanna say, now that I recreated this shot I can appreciate that the timing and movement is great, actually.
The only thing that was missing to achieve the flying bark spark ✨ was adding perspective to the face and the torso.
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spoopdeedoop · 13 hours
idk how much ur icon LMK still but i just wanna say that ur Mei and Red Son make me question my gender and my attraction /vvpos
I AM STILL VERY MUCH INTO LMK!! i gotta up my game if ppl think i dont like lmk anymore oh dear
OSSHJV im glad you like them anon :)) they’ve become my ocs at this point
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the-real-dev · 29 days
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doyouguyshearaduck · 28 days
animation switch
I'm actually so sad. No hate to the new animation studio but this is possibly the worst time to switch over to a new style. It's disappointing that we're not going to be getting the jaw-dropping animation we have been getting in such a plot-heavy season.
And really I can not emphasize this enough I, in no way, shape, or form, am trying to hate on the studio in charge of this season's animation, I think they are doing the best they can with what they were given. It just feels so motionless and flat for Lego Monkie Kid, and it lacks the charm that flying bark put into their work.
It looks like the TV show continuation of a DreamWorks movie.
but hey, we've only seen the trailer, maybe it's better than it looks.
Am I still going to watch it? Of course, I want the show to continue even if Flying Bark never comes back. I know a lot of us got into the show for the amazing animation, but the new season will still have the same story writers and voice actors so it will still retain some of the LMK charm.
Alright, Negative thoughts out of the way...
I cant wait for more monkey MK as well, and to see how the 10 kings come into play and what their whole plot is.
The voice actor for Monkey King already said this season gonna be emotional as fuck so I can't wait to cry my eyes out 👍😁👍
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nyaskitten · 29 days
This is a really cool trailer, but the fall-off of Monkie Kid's animation will need to be studied for several centuries because I Genuinely thought for a bit this was fanmade... and if this Is somehow fanmade then I'll take back every bad thing I think about this.
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aj-acent · 28 days
NOT IN A MEAN WAY but i did reanimate a small scene from the trailer
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it’s just a pencil sketch because guys imma miss the flying bark animation. i’m sorry, i’ll always prefer it. i understand the whole reason behind the switch, but still this animation was lively and special.
(also i didn’t do secondary actions like feathers/feet moving but i might go back and change that)
IM GOING TO CONTINUE TO WATCH THE SHOW BECAUSE I LIKE THE STORIES AND THE CHARACTERS AND I KNOW THOSE ARENT CHANGING but like ,,,,, c’mon it’s okay to be upset something you love is *downgrading*
anyways it was this scene with the phoenix i think ???
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go back and watch the animation at that point because, at least to me, it’s so…. static? i dunno and i get if this is your thing but like ,,,,, the vibes 🥹
i also somewhat based the animation on this scene of Wukong shooting a lazer out of his face
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alternautxyz · 29 days
uuhhh in other new that lmk s5 trailer dropped and people are very
for context the new season is being partly animated by wildbrain i think. flying bark is still working on the show but probably due to all the other projects they've been working on like the atla movie the animation is off.
its understandable that people are upset. lmk has some of the most consistently dynamic and lively animation ive ever seen, and going from that to ok animation kinda sucks. as a culmination of a lot of what the series has been building up to people were inevitably going to be disappointed
at the same time people shouldnt harass animators. like ever. no amount of trying to petition or anything will change the s5, people are just trying to do their job and theres no probably no major changing to the finished product by now. and theres still a lot of that lmk charm in there, and we haven't even seen the whole season yet to judge it. flying bark is still working on it, and even if the animation never reaches the peak of the old seasons it still has the same writers so at least the writing has the chance to live up old standards. idk though we'll just have to wait and see
#i do think they could have just delayed it after dealing with other projects but with the anniversary lego might have jsut forced them????#and with how the animation industry is i guess they didnt have a choice#tbh im still really sad about the downgrade but after rewatching the trailer a bit more its not that bad despite the tweening#we've been spoiled with the other seasons but i think people will get used to it at some point. maybe#though i cant forgive some of the new stuff like li jing and that dragon tiger duo they do not fit the artstyle at all#though for li jing i think the problem is mostly proportions and how small his eyes look#but the dragon and tigers snouts just look bad.#ok looking at it again i think it looks weird because theyre dissolving. the design's still off but it wasn't as bad as i first thought.#but the proportions and shapes feels like it just isn't from lmk#idk i could nitpick but negativity is tiring and these guys have big shoes to fill for a show they werent prepared for it was inevitable#for any last takeaways please do not be mean to the animators#also studio changes are normal so its not some horrible injustice or the sign of the end times im more upset lego didn't handle it better#i still hope s5 is good and i want to believe it'll still be satisfying by the end the plot so far sounds pretty interesting#or atleast that the atla movie is good enough to compensate#and if im feeling greedy there will be a 6th season that gets better#and there are still good shots throughout all of this so maybe it'll work out with the season as a whole#with how popular it is in china i dont think its out of the question#idk though a lot of information is still up in the air so i guess we just wait#lego monkie kid#lmk#monkie kid#alttalks
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quitealotofsodapop · 7 months
You know...with all these alternates that are seemingly him and one even being directly a Shadowpeach baby, Canon!MK has to wonder what that means for him.
I guess if he asks anything out loud, say, "Soo, how does my birth work? If my alternates are either bio kids or born of rocks?" and Canon!SWK might overhear it, I can see minor stiffening at that - which the other adult monkeys catch onto, leading Ace to drop this bomb, "Eh, who knows. We found ours in the dumpster."
"Wait, what?!"
Crisis averted - for now.
Oh yeah, the canon characters are confused af.
New Gods!MK was a dumpster baby/"hey, who put the reincarnation of [redacted] in the trash? Thats still a decent baby."
Ace probably saved Canon!SWK/Dawn a backstory headache for the moment.
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mint-is-here · 9 days
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I just read like
A long ava comic i found
But yayyy
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lumidotexe · 28 days
personal rant warning
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trying to process the recent news of LMK no longer being animated by Flying Bark.
i still have faith in the production team that s5 will bang but I cant lie this disappoints me a bit. Flying Bark had such a unique and distinct style that i adored. this might sound selfish but it was my dream to work on LMK with the Flying Bark team either thru internship or actual job, but ig that dreams gone. thats not to say i aint interested in seeing what s5 will turn out like with a new studio tho :D
anyways hats off to all the people who worked on LMK seasons 1-4, ill always keep it close in my heart
im still gonna do my best to not let this impact my drive to make my comic, i deffo know ill be able to adapt this is just a brief moment of "huh? whats happening"
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