itstheheebiejeebies · 2 months
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Robert "Rosie" Rosenthal Icons
free to use, credit appreciated but not necessary. if you have a request or want to be tagged for any of my edits send me an ask. don’t repost, reblogs appreciated. all of my edits can be found here
Taglist: @bcofl0ve @fromcrossroadstoking @inglourious-imagines @easynix @alienoresimagines @sammy-1998 @blenalela @punkgeekcryptid @wexhappyxfew @lovingunderratedcharacters @a-beautiful-struggle-of-life​ @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @vintagelavenderskies @mavysnavy @angels-fall2 @snafus-peckuh @alejodi0nysus @sydney-m @shadowsandmoonlight @mrseasycompany @gutsandgloryhere @ourmiraclealigner @johnny-martin-is-mypeanut @tvserie-s-world @serasvictoria @alyxzanderthebored @sergeant-spoons @labarboteuse @mysticaldeanvoidhorse @i-dont-like-bullies @silverspeirs @satan-incarnate-666 @footprintsinthesxnd @hopefuldreamers-world
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himbowelsh · 7 years
Nixon, Muck, Roe :)
meme me up before you go-go (ACCEPTING)
Slow Burn: Look, something about Doc Roe just screams slow burn. I can picture him loving someone but not having the nerve to say it.
Fake Date: I have to go with Skip here, because oh my gosh, he’s make me laugh so much. I think out personalities would jive well in this too. We’d be a riot.
Enemies to Lovers: Nix, definitely, because he’s great and I love him, but he’d piss me off soooo nicely. We would fight like cats and dogs, but I could see it working out!
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history-freak1 · 7 years
Once you get this it would be cool if you posted ten facts about yourself and then passed this along to your ten favorite followers x
thanks for passing this along, you’re a doll!!! let’s do this. 1. I have a deep, deep love for 70s/80s pop, my favorite concert in the entire world has been a barry manilow concert i went to last year...two years ago? and it was utterly magical. i’m seeing him this weekend again!!! EEEK! and yeah, Bee Gees, Eagles, Journey, you name it, I love it. 
2.  If you haven’t checked out my blog, you’ll know that I’m asexual! So, I’m a grey ace, meaning sometimes I feel ace and sometimes I don’t and that’s okay. I’ve never really had sexual feelings for /anyone/ per say, but yeah...it’s been fun.
3. I’m obsessed with politics + apple cider. Catch me on a Tuesday night, sitting in our student’s development and global leadership lounge discussing with others about domestic and foreign politics. It’s always on a Tuesday before AHS and it’s always with apple cider. 
4. I’ve been writing since age 12 and I’ve become a fairly successful poet! So, my first work was a Robert Pattinson fanfiction and it was set in my hometown and oh god, the cringe. I burned it with a lot of my earlier work, which looking back on, I kind of regret, because it was a part of my beginnings and it makes me who I am. But I’ll never forget you, shitty Robert Pattinson fic ft. underage OC, oh, Alex, who are you these days? (NOTE: I WAS 12 AND LITERALLY JUST PUT MYSELF INTO THE STORY), I was in middle school and even though my character was a junior in high school, things like recess still existed. I remember these *sigh*, good ole’ days. I still write fanfiction to date, but it’s a lot better and I cite Tolkein as one of my biggest influences. My poetry is a lot more recent, starting about a year ago. I’ve actually won some university-wide competitions for my poem Kansas! 
5. I’m an amateur baker! I bake for a lot of people in my community, mainly birthday cakes, but I’ve done cupcakes for weddings, anniversary cakes, and some for local competitions.
6. I live for 80s/90s sitcoms - my favorites are Cheers, Frasier, Wings, and Golden Girls. More modern favorite shows were previous Once Upon a Time seasons, The Good Place, Big Brother, American Horror Story, Supernatural, Park & Rec., and 30 Rock.
7. Not to get sad, but I was recently kicked out of my house. I have about $40 bucks to my name and nowhere to go, so here I am world. I really don’t know whats going to happen for the holidays or summer, but I’ll be damned if I go back home...they don’t want me there.
8. In the past month, I’ve applied for over 40 jobs/internships for this summer. Some are in national parks, one is a yearlong fellowship in Paris, another in Berlin, a summer co-op in Dublin, if you’ve been there, I’ve probably applied.
9. My favorite dorm food is a baked potato....oh my god, they’re so versatile and you can make a meal out of one, it’s beautiful.
10. Finally, the fact is I haven’t been on Tumblr recently. And it’s because life finally caught up to me and I’ve been really struggling with many things. I feel like the glue of my family for a very long time, my younger sister dropped out of college and now I’ve been stuck putting everything back and I finally snapped. So, I haven’t been on as much. It’s been...it’s been rough.thanks for reading!
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alyseofwonderland · 7 years
Hey!!!! Happy Birthday!!!!!!! I hope you're having a great day! Also, modern day BoB headcannons (about any of them).
Winters irons his boxers, Nix finds this offensive
Liebgott will fight anyone when they go out drinking. Someone always has to be on “Liebgott duty.” It will often involve a headlock and frog marching him out of a bar
George Luz is the meme king. He replies entirely in memes, gifs, and emotjis to all messages on social media and text message.
Perconte has teeth whiting strips on him at all times, no one knows why. He also always has emergency hair gel and a comb
Webster starts most conversations with “I saw on Reddit…” it almost never works. Liebgott some how puts up with this.
Skip Muck rules the group chat with Malarkey, Penkala, Toye, Guarnere, and Compton
Compton and Toye go to the gym together and monopolize the squat rack and the bench press
Lipton is the friend that calls you an uber and also calls to make sure you are home
Kitty Welsh is the token girlfriend. They take turns pretending they are dating her when she comes to parties because they think it’s HILARIOUS. Harry is only mildly okay with this.
Talbert has an instagram for his dog. 
“Do you want to talk to Lipton?” “No, I’m fine…. HEY Lip! yes I am drinking enough water.”
Guarnere tries to agressively wingman Babe. “Have you met by best friend in the whole world?” Babe tries to hide.
Bull has a huge truck and he will help you move if you pay him in beer.
Martin will not help you move. He will not drive you to the airport. Bull will do both and bring Martin with him because that’s true friendship.
Christensen live tweets everything.
Nix went on a juice cleanse once. No one ever speaks of it.
Speirs doesnt have any social media and yet is always there, at parties. How? No one knows. No one wants to ask.
Roe watches Disney movies in French. Don’t watch movies with him if he offers Disney as an option.
i am gonna stop there for now. Thanks for asking!
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televisionboy · 3 years
Your blog cracks me up, lol. You’re so funny! If you don’t mind, could I please request Eugene Roe tending to a fem!soldier from a foreign country/agency after she’s been wounded in battle? also, could it maybe be more fluffy/funny instead of angst? You can do either headcanon or drabble—whichever you feel is best! Thank you so much! 💓🥰
thank you so much! this was so much fun to write.
taglist: @my-haunting-romance @thatsonefishyboi @punkgeekcryptid @pierrespandas @jackswilder @prvtbullshit @liebegott @order-of-river-phoenix @himbowelsh @real-fans @snafus-peckuh @warrior-healer @sydney-m @starkiddasilva @neverendingstories00 @3milesup @sunnyshifty @meteora-fc @gutsandgloryhere @we-always-hit-our-ass @wexhappyxfew @band-of-bitches @murphyism @lovingunderratedcharacters @contrabandhothead @alrightnicelighter @georgeluzwarmhugs @sodapop182 @hoosiers-blanket @mrseasycompany @honeybisous @stressedinadress @opalsdaggers @vintagelavenderskies @mavysnavy @rayofshanshine @band-of-brothers-headcannons @trashgoddess600 @happyveday @saritanotserena
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Oh wow Gene caring for his own soldiers is one thing but caring for a person he doesn't know? Hit or miss
I mean he's either acting like a worried mom whos kid came home 2 minutes past curfew, or he's a school nurse handing them an icepack and being like "alright go GO GO"
You were a French nurse stationed in Bastogne. A piece of shrapnel hit your leg and you were trying so hard to push through for the hurt soldiers
Gene didn't even know you and he was angry that such a beautiful person such as yourself was caught in between a war
He spoke to you in calm but quick sentences in French, reassuring you that there were other nurses and you needed to sit down so he could bandage you.
The shrapnel was really deep in your leg, Nixon happened to be in the makeshift church-hospital and offered you Vat 69 to calm down.
You see Gene the next couple of days and you try to teach yourself English so you can surprise him
You want to go with him to the pubs, understand what his friends are saying, laugh with him
he catches you having a breakdown over trying to learn English and his heart SHATTERS
trying to assure you your French is beyond gorgeous
that its refreshing to talk in another language with someone else
that you're both able to make fun of the scary or asshole like privates or even scary CO'S
one time you were both giggling in French over Joe Liebgott's hair
comment n'a-t-il pas assez de points pour rentrer à la maison mais il est capable de prendre soin de ses cheveux comme si c'était son bébé ? - how does he not have enough points to go home but he's able to care for his hair like it's his baby?
attend-il de gagner un concours de beauté ? - is he waiting to win a beauty pageant?
petty bitch
The next time you see Gene, you're injured way beyond a piece of shrapnel
You had been shot in the shoulder and were in an emergency care unit
As soon as Gene realizes you're not on the front line with them anymore, he freaks himself out to the point of vomiting
As soon as he sees you, all you can do is smile and think of how much he reminds you of home
even if him acting like this reminds you of your mother
you had remembered all the English phrases you could before getting hit, you wanted to fulfill your dream and surprise him and his friends
maybe share a chocolate bar, relate to issues going on
you can't even recite a quote from the beloved book you shared with him
all you can remember is "i'm sorry"
and his heart fills and cracks all over again
he pulls you to his chest the best he can
tu es stupide, stupide fille - you stupid, stupid girl
tu ferais mieux d'être en sécurité, sinon nous ne pourrons pas aller dans des pubs avec le reste de mes amis connards - you better be safe, otherwise we won't be able to go to pubs with the rest of those asshole friends of mine.
he leaves with a cheeky grin
leaving you to question who this Eugene Roe was
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contrabandhothead · 4 years
Bless your soul for giving us generation kill content, it is so few and far between on this site. A saint. An angel. You are a treasure
i- 🥺🥺🥺
this is so sweet omg i actually cried. thank you so much!!!! that’s literally so sweet of you, i don’t know how to thank you enough. you’re amazing, i’m so happy you gave my blog a chance 💕
this might not be helpful for you personally, but i figured i’d compile a small list of some of my favorite gen kill content creators just to spread the love...
@chlosevignys: makes pretty much all of the gen kill gifs... they’re great quality, 20302392/10 would recommend
@lovinmullen: makes some of the funniest gen kill memes i have ever seen i’m not even joking i’ve laughed for a solid few minutes on some of them. he also posts about the other 2 hbo war shows as well!
@kathikon: my go-to blog for incorrect gen kill quotes! they’re not overused ones i’ve seen in a million other fandoms as well, which is literally so hard to do. ALSO, HE RESPECTS MR. MIKE WYNN, AND I THINK THAT IS THE MOST ADMIRABLE THING EVER SO HE’S AUTOMATICALLY VALID. reblogs good stuff too. this blog is like crack to me
@momecat: a classic. one of the first people i ever started following for gen kill content. THE TEXT POST MEMES. he’s on a semi-hiatus right now, but the content is still immaculate.
@ackackh: made the iconic beginner’s guide to Gen Kill. you must read it.
@beinfinite: MORE generation kill incorrect quotes (what’s not to love???)
@order-of-river-phoenix: super sweet, reblogs all the cool shit, AND writes gen kill fanfics. did i mention how nice they are??? actually read the book.
@lavenderhunni: made this one meme about finding pappy in the background and i haven’t gotten over it— she also makes fantastic memes in general and her blog has more than just gen kill
@biggaybrad: do... do i need to explain this one??? LOOK AT THE @ BRO THANK ME LATER
@yeahcurrahee: has gen kill fics coming on the way and i’m super excited for them!!! makes text post memes, talked about starting an HBO war discord, HAS OPEN REQUESTS, AND DESERVES MORE ATTENTION!!!!
@punkgeekchic: has super duper cool gen kill heart memes and i saved a few. they’re super high quality!!! they also have BoB on their account and a ton of other gen kill stuff
@blenalela: does some fantastic headcanons, has iconic memes, and i’ve found a lot of cool stuff they’ve reblogged
@softlieb: simps over Mr. Nathaniel Fick and that automatically makes someone valid. end of story. literally some of the best memes i’ve ever seen, too relatable. stans liebgott for clear skin <3
@lovingunderratedcharacters: literally the reason i started writing gen kill fanfiction. wrote the first gen kill fanfiction i ever read. just fantastic quality overall, please check them out!
these were only a few i could remember off the top of my head, but they all have amazing content!!! please check them out, all of them are extremely underrated and deserve more love.
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gottapenny · 4 years
Game Time
velvet or silk? tea or cocoa? silver or gold? thunder or lightning? autumn or spring? moon or stars? peanut butter or jam? pancakes or waffles? vanilla or jasmine? lemon or lime? cough or sniff? cold or warm? red or blue?
tagging: @ghostyroses @lovingunderratedcharacters @warmommy @not-john-watsons-blog @david-weepster @boyfromkokomo @softliebgott @snafus-peckuh @immrssebastianstanwp and anyone else who fancies a go!
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n3rdybird · 5 years
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A book I found in my store. Maybe one of our IG or BoB writers can draw some inspiration from them. The book is called Men Before 10 am Too. Photos by Veronique Vial and Jennifer Beals.
Tagging: @warmommy @lostinthewiind @sizzuhs-roe @theonetryingtolive @bofa-genes-nutz @higgles123 @david-weepster @dustyjjumpwings @hbostolemysoul @currahee-gal @justthinkingofwaystoavoidbusses @lovingunderratedcharacters @wildwilliamguarnere
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alienoresimagines · 4 years
Happy new year!!
I wish you all a very happy new year. I hope that this year 2020 will bring you happiness and success to you and your loved ones but also and above all health!
For me, this year 2019 was one of the most beautiful years that I have had to live. First of all because at the start of the year, I chose to join the Tumblr community. It allowed me to actively join this family that is the fandom of Band of Brothers and The Pacific! I had no idea that there was such a caring, kind and respectful community of facts and people and I am so grateful to have joined it! Then, I made the decision to create an imaginary blog which is certainly not very active but which opens the door for me to combine several of my passions that are writing and these two tv shows! I also discovered anime that changed my life! I changed this year, I feel it in the way I see things now, in my behavior and also in my writing. I feel that this year has been a trigger for wonderful things still to come! I hope I can continue to be part of this wonderful HBO war family, meet wonderful people and accomplish new things!
Of course, this year has not been easy and those to come will not be easy either but for the moment I want to shout that we are alive, that we have succeeded this year. I want to shout that I am proud of you who have suffered terribly but who continue to fight, I want to shout that I care about you, that you count, I want to shout that I love you no matter your sex, your sexuality, your religion, your situation, your nationality, your origins, your skin color. I want to shout that you are not alone.
I wish you all the happiness in the world and I hope you enjoy these magical moments with your loved ones. It is the little moments that are most important. And if you do not organize anything (like me) you can always go through my ask box, I will be delighted to make new friends, get to know you and simply speak even if it's about the weather!
My best wishes for all of you with all my love.
Please be safe and always keep smiling.
With blessings and hugs,
Special thanks to this amazing people that I love et respect with all my heart. They helped me through all this year and make my days brighter please know that I'm eternally grateful to you!
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easynix · 5 years
I just want to send my love and appreciation to all the fanfic writers of the HBO War Fandom. Y'all are my heroes 💕
@warmommy @miraclealignersv @prxttyvixens. @attaboyfics @appreciatetheunderappreciated @lovingunderratedcharacters @alienoresimagines @musicnoots @bandofbrosimagine @ifeellikeimdancing @fandomscenariosforyou @lostinthewiind @writersmacchiato @imagine-bandofbrothers @currahee-gal @hbostolemysoul @david-weepster @justthinkingofwaystoavoidbusses @queenofkeys
Seriously, thank you. Your writing has helped me time and time again escape reality and find happiness. You are all such incredibly talented writers and I'm so glad you share that with the rest of us ❤
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itstheheebiejeebies · 2 months
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Meatball Icons
free to use, credit appreciated but not necessary. if you have a request or want to be tagged for any of my edits send me an ask. don’t repost, reblogs appreciated. all of my edits can be found here
Taglist: @bcofl0ve @fromcrossroadstoking @inglourious-imagines @easynix @alienoresimagines @sammy-1998 @blenalela @punkgeekcryptid @wexhappyxfew @lovingunderratedcharacters @a-beautiful-struggle-of-life​ @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @vintagelavenderskies @mavysnavy @angels-fall2 @snafus-peckuh @alejodi0nysus @sydney-m @shadowsandmoonlight @mrseasycompany @gutsandgloryhere @ourmiraclealigner @johnny-martin-is-mypeanut @tvserie-s-world @serasvictoria @alyxzanderthebored @sergeant-spoons @labarboteuse @mysticaldeanvoidhorse @i-dont-like-bullies @silverspeirs @satan-incarnate-666 @footprintsinthesxnd @hopefuldreamers-world
@what-pride-had-wrought since you asked so nicely
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Do you know of any other blogs that write The Pacific imagines and such? Any favs of yours?
Hmm I’ve been away for a while so I don’t know whose still active but I definitely know @appreciatetheunderappreciated and @lovingunderratedcharacters have some reaaaally good writing for The Pacific! :)
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aesthetics-for-u · 5 years
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Slytherin/Virgo/INTP/Daughter of Apollo Aesthetic for @lovingunderratedcharacters
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alyseofwonderland · 7 years
Peony, orchid, sunflower
AU, au until i die. I think like 90% of my fics are aus. I LOVE them. 
I have a better track record of finishing my one shots than I do my multi chapter fics. Also I dislike having to wait for people to read when they see my fic is finished by enough of my readers have LEARNED and now wait me out.
I am endlessly pleased when I get comments that are curse words or people like “why?” “How dare you!” “Is there more?” and i have written so many funny fics I tend to also get “I can’t stop laughing!”
Send me a flower!
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televisionboy · 3 years
Hii…do you think you could do some soft smut with Eugene Roe and a reader and it’s her first time? I’ve seen in a lot of fics where he’s really verbally encouraging and honestly it fits him so well. I can see him being so soft in that moment…and this world needs as much soft Roe as it can get. Thanks! 🙈🥰
thank you for requesting! the last few are more fluffy than smutty and this is my first-ish smut fic! coming to you live from LA, it's
Eugene Roe Smut Headcanons
@my-haunting-romance @thatsonefishyboi @punkgeekcryptid @pierrespandas @prvtbullshit @liebegott @order-of-river-phoenix @himbowelsh @real-fans @snafus-peckuh @warrior-healer @sydney-m @starkiddasilva@neverendingstories00 @3milesup @sunnyshifty @gutsandgloryhere @band-of-bitches @murphyism @wexhappyxfew @we-always-hit-our-ass @lovingunderratedcharacters @contrabandhothead @alrightnicelighter @georgeluzwarmhugs @sodapop182 @hoosiers-blanket @mrseasycompany @honeybisous @stressedinadress @opalsdaggers @mavysnavy @rayofshanshine @band-of-brothers-headcannons @starkiddasilva @trashgoddess600 @happyveday @saritanotserena @how-are-those-nuts-sarge
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He's nervous your first time. He needs everything to be perfect
Every girl he's been with has been around and he was the under experienced one
So the pressure was really on for tonight
However the florist was late, he put a dangerously amount of bubbles in the bath, he thought that dinner was going great until you cut into the chicken and it was as pink as Gene's cheeks
When you two make it to the bedroom, he feels like he's gonna throw up a in a good way
The kind of giddy you get before a plane ride
I think he'd start by undressing you and just worshipping your naked body in front of him
The fact that you've only been this vulnerable in front of him (and hopefully only him) is enough to make him cum in his pants
Fingering you slowly but quickening his pace slowly and slowly
His goal is to make you a sweaty and whining mess before he even is inside of you for real
He succeeds and who is he to deny a goddess, in this moment Aphrodite would be so proud of him
Entering you so cautiously as if you would burst like a balloon with any moment
You actually might have if he didn't move
Talking to you in French
tu es une déesse et ce doit être ta mission de me ruiner absolument. Je n'ai jamais existé sans toi mon amour
you are a goddess and it must be your mission to absolutely ruin me. I have never existed without you my love
Despite his romantic ness tonight, he's shy
Too shy to cum inside of you even though you beg for him to
You can't even wrap your head around what's happening because your mind is swarming with pleasure and he's kissing you hard
If this is during the war, the rest of the men are asking him why you're wearing a high necked shirt in the middle of July
(its a bright purple hicky but you do not need Liebgott's teasing right now)
You know those men who despite being in a relationship STILL check out other women in public
Gene truly drinks respect women juice but for you, he CHUGS IT
If those women gave those men that amount of hapiness and pleasure and their boyfriends were still checking out another womens ass, Gene would go over there and smack them upside the head
Your and Gene's song is Rare Hearts by The Growlers
So give the stars to the lonely city. Give the ocean to the country. Ain't seen anything so pretty as a girl who gives me all of her loving. Been so since the beginning. She stopped my world from spinning. Is it too much to dream hat we can forever be are hearts that never disagree
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maiden-of-gondor · 5 years
Me when I see my favorite writer as posted a fic
@croatianbagudna @warmommy @lostinthewiind @lovingunderratedcharacters @the-darklings @sharkastic-issues
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