#luffy dance fic
fanaticsnail · 7 months
Luffy & Usopp ❤️
Just when I think the Dance Series didn't have anything I could use for Luffy; Iñaki comes through with this little beauty 🥹. Such a fun guy, I love his vibe. Love the fact he's got Jacob in there too ❤️
Okay, I'll hop to it now 😭❤️
Masterlist here
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revasserium · 8 months
can i have one were zoro realises she does things bc of truama (like doesnt speak much etc)
hold me (still)
opla!zoro; 6,680 words; slow!!!!burn, fem!reader, ex-assassin!reader, straw hat!reader, general tragic backstory/trauma, fluff, hurt/comfort, bit of angst, emotionally constipated zoro, communication? what's that?, nami playing therapist bc she's the only one with 1 iota of emotional intelligence
summary: sometimes, stillness is a virtue, and others -- a tragedy. or, in which the straw hats pick up a new member and zoro is equally intrigued and weirded out by you.
a/n: well. you guys asked for slow burn and... the burn is so slow u gotta squint to see the smoke yall. but trust. the burn does get there! pls be patient!! and i tried to combine 2 dif reqs in this one fic :)
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You are of the quiet sort. Just a shadow dancing in the periphery of their vision, and when they first met you, you’d told them it was your superpower, a soft, still smile slipping across your lips. Luffy had bought into it immediately, and the invitation was out his mouth before anyone could stop him.
“Come with us!”
“Oh…” your lips pressed into a thin line of consideration.
Zoro’s fingers itched towards his swords because something about you makes the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. But something else — something uncomfortable and strange, something very much like curiosity — seizes his chest and twists his stomach. Strange, he thinks, too strange.
“C’mon! It’ll be fun!”
And then, you’d smiled wider, and nodded, and that had been that.
It’s been three months since then, and you are still of the quiet sort, though it had receded a bit with time. What with Sanji’s gentle flirting and Usopp’s not-so-gentle stories and Nami’s bright, dry-humored companionship, you’d begun to “open up a bit”, so Luffy observed.
Zoro, for his part, has kept his distance. Because sometimes he still catches you at the bow of the ship, staring out across the midnight waters, still as a stone-carved statue. Still as a wooden beam — stiller, even.
“What’s with that?” he asks one day, strolling up to Nami as she traces a fine line over a new map she’s working on.
“Hm?” is her very eloquent response.
Zoro ticks his tongue against his teeth and casts his eyes about the ship, finding them drawn to the shape of you, up at the bow again, reading in the shade of the tangerine trees. Nothing moves except for the wind as it whisps through your hair and the slow scanning of your eyes as it skates across the page.
“New girl,” Zoro says, crossing his arms as Nami finally looks up at him and then off towards you.
“Why don’t you ask her yourself?”
Zoro lets out a puff of breath, unfolding his arms to glare at Nami. He finds her grinning a lopsided grin as she clicks shut her compass and puts down her pen. She leans a hip on the barrel she’d been drawing on and folds her own arms.
“Oh, you like her.”
“I’m weirded out by her. ‘S not the same thing,” Zoro snaps, but when he tries to leave, Nami blocks him with an arm and pins him with a sharp, leveling look.
“No, no, no — we’re gonna work this through.”
“No thanks, I’m good.”
“Uh-uh, you still owe me after that round of drinks the other night — remember when you bet you could drink more than me?”
Zoro narrows his eyes, “I did drink more than you.”
Nami’s grin is gleeful, “No, you didn’t. You had to be dragged back to your room after clogging up the toilet. Or do I need to show you the evidence —”
“Alright — fuck, fine. But really? This is what you’re gonna waste your favor on? You could’ve asked me to —” Zoro gestures around vaguely, “clean the bilge or something.”
Nami shrugs, looking almost too pleased, “Nope! This is what I wanna use my favor for. And, really, you think a bit of bilge water is gonna gross me out? C’mon.”
Zoro heaves a sigh and leans back against the main mast, closing his eyes.
“Fine then. Go.”
Nami sits back on the edge of the barrel.
“No, you go. Admit that you like the new girl.”
“I don’t.” He doesn’t open his eyes.
“I’ve seen you staring at her. We’ve all seen you staring at her.”
“What, that a crime now?”
Nami fights the urge to roll her eyes, “No, but I’ve never seen you try so hard to avoid someone before.”
Zoro lets out a bark of laughter, hard and mirthless, “Yeah, so that must mean I like her.”
Nami cocks her head, “It means you feel something towards her. And I’d suggest you figure it out.”
“And how’d you propose I do that?”
Nami once again waves in your direction, “Go. Talk. To her.”
Zoro lets out another breath, eyes scanning across the ship, anywhere but towards where you’re still sitting and reading, finger flipping a page in a perfect, smooth, singular motion.
And Zoro’s not blind. Blunt though he may be at times and careless as he is about most material things, he can still appreciate beauty when he sees it. And you — there’s no denying that you’re beautiful. Your strange stillness aside, when you do move, it’s with a dancer’s lissome grace, fluid lines, not a single movement wasted. When you smile, it seems to light you up from the inside, and your words, though soft, carries the well-worn weight of river stones, glittering beneath the clear, spring stream of your voice.
There’s a sharpness in your eyes, a straightness to your spine, a way of carrying yourself as if you’re afraid that one wrong move might shatter you and the entire world around you.
Sometimes when he sees you, he wonders at the hands that had sculpted you this way. He wonders at your life before they’d picked you up in Loguetown, when you’d oh-so-silently slipped up the execution platform and helped Luffy down, all the while staying free of Smoker’s watchful gaze.
The few times he’s seen you fight, he can’t help wondering if you’ve eaten some kind of devil fruit as well. No human could be so fast as that. Or be so quiet. But then again, he’d fought Kuro, and they’d seen stranger things. Still, he marvels at the way you flicker in and out of sight, slipping around the edges of battle like a dark, haunting thing, and men would drop like flies beneath your quick, quiet hands. With nary a sound or shout before their eyes roll back and their breathing is no more.
On the instances when Sanji had asked about your past, your eyes had gone misty and dark, unfocused. You’d gone still, freezing for so long that Usopp would cough just to fill the silence. And then slowly, ever so slowly, you’d turn back towards them with a small, sad smile and say:
“There’s… not much to talk about. I grew up somewhere far away, where if you didn’t keep quiet and still, bad things would happen to you. And then when those bad things happened, if you weren’t quick — the quickest of all, you’d die.”
Bad things, huh? Zoro thinks as he makes his way towards you, a hand resting on the hilt of his swords. He comes to a stop next to you and leans against one of the white planters, casually peering over your shoulder at the book in your hands.
For a long moment, neither of you move. Then, Zoro clears his throat and forces himself to speak.
“Is it good?”
It takes you a second, but eventually, you turn towards him.
“The book? Yeah, I suppose.”
“Not exactly a glowing review.”
You laugh, a soft, breathy little thing as you look back down at the page.
“It's about a girl who falls into an enchanted sleep, and a prince who wakes her up with a kiss.”
“Must’ve been one hell of a kiss.”
“Yes, and one hell of a prince.”
Zoro finds himself chuckling, his shoulders loosening as he takes another breath.
“And then what?” he asks.
“And then… he asks her to marry him.”
You run your fingers along the page, smoothing your palm over the ink and parchment. Zoro watches you, wondering, always wondering.
“What’s she say?” and it’s then that he notices his own voice, hushed and low, barely a whisper.
You look back up at him and smile a smile a sphynx would have been proud of.
“I don’t know. I haven’t gotten there yet.”
Zoro takes a breath, and the breath tastes distinctly different than all the breaths he’d taken before it. As if the world takes the breath with him, and some fundamental truth had shifted on the exhale.
The moment breaks, as moments are wont to do, when Sanji calls out for lunch and Zoro jerks out of his almost-reverie. You slowly close your book and rise to your feet, turning back to smile at him.
“C’mon, it’s lunchtime.”
Zoro nods and follows you into the kitchen, where Luffy and Usopp are already digging in, and Nami is pouring herself a drink. She spots the pair of you and catches Zoro’s eyes. A grin ticks at the edge of her lips but before she can say anything, you’re accosted by Sanji sweeping into a deep, flourishing bow, and ushering you towards the table, where he’d set your place in a manner fit for a princess.
“Where’s my setup?” Zoro asks as he drops into the seat next to you, cocking an eyebrow. Sanji shoots him an unimpressed look.
“I’m surprised you can use a fork and knife, moss-head. Just be grateful and eat up.”
Zoro scoffs but digs in nonetheless.
When next they dock, it’s on a rare, peaceful island — an island of light and books and learning, where the air smells of salt and ink and drying parchment, of unwritten words and untold stories. But it smells of a stillness too, and Zoro knows without having to ask that you’d like it here.
And you do.
He’s never seen you smile so much, never seen you so vibrant and full of life. You chat and laugh and read with a voracious hunger, and he finds himself drawn to this new, warm, moving side of you. He finds himself, more often than not, by your side, even when neither of you speak. And he basks in the comfort of the quiet that permeates the air when it’s just the two of you — him hanging in the hammock on deck, you reading by his side.
But now, there’s the soft tapping of your foot, the shuffle of pages when you flip forward to see what’s coming next, and of course the ever-present shush of the ocean as it washes against the Merry’s side.
The Log Pose needs two weeks to properly calibrate to the next island, so they’ve got time to kill.
On the fifth night, over dinner and drinks, Luffy asks the question that everyone’s been thinking since the day they’d all met you —
“So. Why’re you so still all the time? Not that it’s weird or anything — well, actually — it kind of is, but it doesn’t bother me. I’m just asking cause I'm curious!”
You look up from your half-finished wine but Zoro feels it happening, like the hush of a fan blade slicing through air, the gasp before a porcelain vase tips over and shatters. You stop. You stare. You’re frozen in every sense of the word. And he’s known you for long enough to know that you only go still as a reflex, only reach for it as a shield. Against what? He doesn’t quite know.
“It’s… something of a long story,” you say, your voice low and hoarse.
Luffy grins, smacking his lips as he sucks the meat off a chicken leg, “We’ve got tons of time! Right?” he looks around as if for validation, but everyone’s eyes are caught on you and your unnatural stillness.
Zoro shifts slightly in the seat next to you, opening his stance and turning towards you.
“Could do with a good story.”
Your eyes flash in his direction and he offers you the barest hint of a smile.
You relax, ever so slightly, drifting back in your seat, your glass cupped in the palms of your hands. And then, you begin to speak, your voice smooth and lilting, your words washing over them like the faint lull of the tides.
“When I was three, my father sold me for a barrel of beer.”
A dull clack echoes around the room and everyone turns to see Sanji hurriedly righting the thick stein he’s knocked over. Thankfully, it’d been empty.
“Sorry — I just — what?” he sounds furious but Usopp lays a hand across his arm and shakes his head.
You take a deep breath and continue, your voice oddly emotionless as you say, “The man who bought me took me to an island. It was… a dark place. A quiet place. I only learned its name after I escaped — an island called Elysium.”
Nami gasps before clapping her hands over her mouth.
“I’ve just — I’ve heard of that place before, but I thought… I thought it was just a made-up place.”
Luffy swallows hard, frowning, “What’s it like?”
Nami’s eyes flicker between you and Luffy, “Supposedly… it’s the home island for… for the most feared group of assassins in all the seas combined.”
Usopp’s eyebrows jerk up, “The most feared?”
A faint smile seeps across your lips like blood.
“Yes. The Shadows that Live.”
Everyone turns to look at you. Luffy picks up another drumstick.
“Whoa… cool name!”
Zoro hums, “I’ve heard of them before — but mostly, it was just an old wive’s tale about… shadow assassins who hunt in the dark. Mercenaries for hire. But… no one’s ever seen one before.”
“Because… once you see one, you’ll never live to tell the tale,” you say, your eyes now downcast and fixed on the glass in your hands.
“Then…” Usopp’s voice is soft, “What about… you?”
“I… I ran away.”
Silence greets you. But after a moment, Luffy spits out a bit of bone and uses it to pick at the space between his teeth, his eyes round.
“Wow! You must be pretty good to run away from an island full of shadow assassins!”
You almost laugh, his boundless trust hitting you like a punch to the stomach.
“So…” Sanji lets out a puff of silvery smoke, “the staying still thing… that’s just part of your training, yeah?”
You nod, “Something like that.”
Someday, you think, you’ll tell them about the hellscape that was Elysium island, of the long echoing halls, dark and still and silent. Of the mechanical beasts that hunted by sound and movement alone. Someday, you’ll let them know about the poisoned pomegranate seeds that they feed all the “recruits” to keep them hazy, of how you’d kept six of them suspended in your mouth and spat them all out when you’d finally made it far enough from the island to allow yourself to breathe.
“And… are these shadow assassins gonna come after us?” Nami asks, her voice careful and light.
You purse your lips, “I… I don’t know.”
Nami sighs, but a moment later, she moves to refill her drink with a slight shrug, “Well, just one more enemy to add to our growing list. Soon, we’re gonna have to post a sign-up sheet.”
At this, everyone laughs, and the tension snaps like a wounded spring.
Luffy burps loudly, patting his stomach, “I’m not worried — I mean, if you were able to run away from them once, that means you’re stronger than them, right?”
You pause, your hand hovering over the wine bottle. Zoro gently reaches over and refills your glass for you. You shift back into movement, casting him a small smile and taking a sip. The wine is cool and tangy as it hits the back of your throat. You breathe, and the world keeps spinning.
“I… I’m not sure — I’ve never fought… any of… them… before.”
“Guess we’ll find out if they try to come for you then — but you’ve got us now!” Luffy says, reaching for an apple and chomping into it, “ — Sho… you duon gotta wourry —” he licks his lips as he takes another huge bite before tossing the core towards the waste bin, “We’ve got your back!”
Nami makes a disgusted face, “Don’t talk with your mouth full, ugh.”
Sanji chuckles, tapping out his cigarette, “Yeah Luffy, mind your manners.” But his voice is full of laughter and you find yourself relaxing into the sway of the night, the swing of conversation. Beside you, Zoro refills his own glass and leans over to clink it against yours.
You turn, but he only raises his glass before taking a sip.
You mirror his movement, cradling the cup to your chest when you finish.
Later, he finds you by the tangerine trees, ghosting your fingers over their lush green leaves, dark enough to look black in the evening light.
You turn, “Hi.”
Zoro sighs and looks out over the darkened waves, the moonlight refracted into a million shattered bits of sky.
“Luffy’s right, y’know.”
“What about?” you ask, joining him by the railings. The night air is cool and crisp. Behind you both, the island oozes with lamplight and laughter. Even from here, you can hear the joy, the peace that permeates the air here. It wouldn’t be a bad thing, you think, to stay here forever.
“If they come for you,” Zoro says, “we’ll have your back.”
You let out a small chuckle, looking down at your hands, “I know.”
“So,” he turns towards you, his earrings glinting in beneath the scimitar moon, “you don’t have to be afraid anymore.”
You lick your lips, and instinctively, you reach for the stillness. All the days and weeks and months with the people around you have softened you, and for that, you know you should be thankful. Still, old habits die hard, and you have to clench your fists and dig your nails into your own palms to keep from freezing completely.
You take a shivering breath and force it out again.
“Fear’s a hard habit to break.”
At this, Zoro grunts, though it sounds something like consent. The moment stretches, long and soft and taffy-sweet.
He turns back towards the sea, “Yeah,” he says, and then —
“But we can take it slow.”
You swallow hard, passed the broken shards of forgotten words lodged in your throat (you find that they all somehow taste like thank you), and you nod. Warmth tickles your cheeks and you wonder why he’s said we instead of you — and later, lying in your bed at night, staring at the moon-slatted ceiling, you wonder if he was really talking about fear or if it was something else entirely.
You don’t get a lick of sleep that night.
The next few days pass in a light, repetitive blur. You and Zoro are sent on a few short shopping trips in the city, and you’re glad for something to do that involves movement. Shocking how quickly the body adapts once the weight it’d been holding on to is lifted.
You are still quiet, and he, the same; but the silence has shifted around you, and whereas before it’d been solid and steady, it’s now thrumming and charged with some unspoken energy.
Neither of you are blind to it; nor, it seems, is the rest of the crew.
Sanji’s taken to openly teasing Zoro about being with you all the time, complaining loudly that he can’t get a word in edgewise because Zoro refuses to leave you alone. Nami keeps on trying to drag you out for “girl's day” shopping trips, hinting at all the cute clothes you could get and how “green really suits your skin tone, y’know?”
Luffy and Usopp for their part, both just grin whenever they see you together — Luffy stoked at the fact that you seem more happy and talkative, Usopp gleeful at the way Zoro always seems so much softer when he’s next to you.
You’ve taken to watching him when he trains, sitting in the shade of the tangerine trees, a cold drink in your hand as Zoro runs through his katas. You content yourself with watching him flow through the movements, one and then another, and then another after that. He contents himself with your presence, knowing that you’re here, feeling your eyes as they skate down the length of his back or the width of his shoulders.
It’s a peaceful sort of companionship, even if it is living on borrowed time.
When you all wave the little island goodbye, it’s with heavy hearts and tearful smiles. It had treated you well, and you think you’d miss it. But adventure is as adventure does — it calls, beckoning to those with wandering hearts to listen.
The first week back at sea is a strange one, full of a ringing nostalgia. As if you’re simultaneously coming home and leaving one at the same time. Everyone is a bit quiet, except for Luffy, of course, who literally bounces off the freshly waxed planks, humming to himself as he sits on top of the great ram’s figurehead.
“Is he ever still?” you ask one day, sometime in the second week.
To which Zoro makes a sound between a scoff and a laugh, “You’ve been here a while. What’d you think?”
You sigh softly and tear your eyes away from the bright, shivering ball of energy that is your captain towards the far horizon. A sliver of uncertainty twines through you and your breath slows. Zoro glances at you, now long since attuned to your subtle shifts in movement and stillness. He narrows his eyes.
“What is it?”
You shake yourself back into the moment, forcing a smile.
“Nothing. I think…” your words fade as the feeling twists in you again, knife-sharp and stinging. You clear your throat and reach up to brush away a strand of hair. Skin grazes skin as Zoro’s hand meets yours in the same gesture and you both freeze — hands held up, his finger caught against the bend of your cheekbone, your fingers curling over his.
Time slows, slackens around the pair of you, and the moment stays, suspended in space — garnet dark and perfect.
Neither of you dare to breathe. It’s then that you realize how close Zoro is — close enough for you to see the entire ocean reflected in his eyes: big and dark and so endless it nearly unmoors you. Close enough for you to feel the warmth of his skin; his body, emanating heat. You’d often wondered, in the long hours of watching him train, at the glistening copper of his skin and the light-kissed quality, if the sun himself favored Zoro as well.
Like this, it’s easy to believe that beneath his skin, there pulsed something like sunlight.
“Look! It’s an island! It’s an island!”
And just like that, the moment shatters. Time slips back into motion and you pull away from each other, breathless, with warm cheeks and thundering hearts, feeling somehow lightning-touched and static-ridden.
You take half a step back, reaching up to press a hand to your mouth as if to stop something from tumbling through. But what? You can’t really say.
Zoro tips back as well, whipping around to help Usopp and Sanji with the sails as Luffy continues to holler, waving his hat. On the horizon, you see it looming — the silhouette of an island. You lower your palm from your lips to your heart and wonder what kind of island it will be.
Deserted — seems to be the answer when you all make landfall. The island is quiet, but the occasional chirp and cricket staves off your nerves as you all wander cautiously about the beach, squinting into the dense forest that seems to encompass the whole of the island.
“Looks like a good place to camp for the night!” Luffy says, grinning as he plops down on the sand.
Sanji nods, dusting off his hands, “We’ll need some wood for a fire, but I reckon I can whip up some grilled fish from the fresh catch.”
You wrap your arms around yourself and look around, glancing back at the darkening horizon.
“Something the matter?” Zoro’s voice is soft as he helps you carry some of the camping supplies from the ship.
“No… yes… I —” you look up at him, pursing your lips, “I don’t know. I’ve just… this island is…”
Zoro looks around, his dark eyes scanning the thick swath of forest just beyond the beach, “Too quiet?”
You let out a tiny laugh, “Yeah, something like that.”
He nods, “Don’t worry, I’m — we’re here.”
And he leaves it at that, hoisting a stack of wood over his shoulders and going to help Nami with the fire. You watch him with a smile, wondering what on earth you’d done to deserve this level of caring, this magnitude of kindness. Soon, dinner is had and drinks are shared and laughter is spilled like so many silver coins over the white sand beach. The lull of the evening takes over you all, and before long, Luffy and Usopp are slumped over each other, snoring loudly.
You stare into the depths of the fire and try to tamp down the growing dread festering inside your bones. All those years of holding still, of breathing and listening and feeling — you shake yourself — no, not all stillness is a bad thing. Not all silences are made the same.
“You’re doing it again,” Zoro’s voice almost makes you jump. Instead, you turn, finding him next to you as he nurses a half-drunk bottle of wine in his hands. He doesn’t look at you, but there’s a loose grin hinged across his lips.
“Sorry,” you say, ducking your head, feeling a now familiar heat creep into your cheeks that has nothing to do with the dwindling bonfire.
“Don’t be,” Zoro takes another drink, “But I told you… you don’t have to be afraid anymore.”
“I know… and I’ve said before —”
“Fear’s a hard habit to break,” Zoro echoes back at you, finally glancing over and catching your eye.
You breathe out, looking down at your own hands, “Yeah… but I’m trying.”
You both fall silent, and for a while, the only sounds are the crackle of the dying flames, the shush of the ocean waves, and the occasional snores from the rest of your crew. It’s late — later than you realized.
“Do you… want me to grab a book for you?”
You smile, “No, I don’t think it’s bright enough.”
“I could restoke the fire.”
“No, it’s — it’s okay.”
A bird coos the distance.
“Why don’t you tell me a story?” you ask, turning to look at Zoro proper, shifting till your body is facing him.
In the faint light, you can see the edge of his adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows.
“You’re asking the wrong guy — you should wait till the Great Captain Usopp’s awake.”
“Yeah, but I want to hear one from you.”
Zoro sighs, his eyes fixed on the last of the flickering flames. He takes another swig of wine before he starts to speak, his voice low and a bit stilted, but he pushes on. He tells you about his childhood, the village he’d trained in, the doujou in the middle of the wood, his friend who he’d never beat — not even once.
He tells you about he early mornings and the late nights, and how the world had seemed large enough to conquer.
“… And then… there came a morning when she didn’t show up… and sensei came and told me that there’d been an accident.”
His voice almost breaks then, and your eyes catch on the shining white hilt of the Wadou Ichimonji — his thumb pressing against the guard, running along it’s hard metal edge.
“Oh… I’m sorry.”
Zoro shrugs, “Don’t be.”
You nod, “Still.”
Zoro slates you a lopsided smirk, “So. Now you know my tragic backstory too.”
You laugh, leaning back to cast your eyes up towards the sky, “And you know mine — it’s almost like we’re friends or something.”
Zoro lets out a long breath, “Yeah… or something.”
There’s a tightness to his voice that makes your skin tingle and it takes everything you have not to look over at him, to try and see if he’s looking at you, watching you the way you’d imagined him to be. You fancy you can feel his gaze on your face, but you close your eyes instead.
You let yourself fall into the warm haze of sleep, and for a while you drift there, your mind sifting through shards of memories and slivers of sound, casting them against the backs of your eyelids as you slowly slide into the darkness of dreams.
You wake up to a gasping stillness — the silence pressing in on your eardrums like thumbs, the darkness around you so complete it’s almost a solid thing. You freeze, your breath hissing to a halt inside you. Then distantly, ever so distantly, you hear the sounds of battle — metal clashing against metal, the hard thud of boots against flesh. You shake your head and reach up to clap your hands over your ears and only then do your senses return to you, snapping back as if you’d been abruptly shunted back into your earthly body.
“Gum Gum — Pistol!”
“Seize her!”
You whip into movement, fast as a flash, dashing away, hoping against hope that it would draw your attackers far enough from your crewmates.
“No one… ever… leaves us…”
The voice is serpentine and susurrus, sinking into your skin like sharpened teeth, but before it can reach you, it’s cut short by a bright flash of silver.
You gasp, whirling around, reaching for the nearest pulse, instinct taking over as you sink your fingers into muscle and flesh. The rush of blood thrumming beneath your fingertips comes too easy, even as a familiar scent accosts you. A moment later, your hands are being pinned above you, and thick, rough bark is digging into your wrists as Zoro stands before you, a sword in one hand, the other holding you still.
His eyes are a little wild and a lot worried. There’s a ring of red rawness around his neck, thin trickles of blood trailing along his jugular, disappearing into the wide scoop neck of his shirt.
“Hey, look at me.”
You nearly whimper, struggling against him, fear still coursing through you like a drug but Zoro is strong enough to keep you held. Behind him, you can see the rest of the crew fending off several shadowy figures, Usopp waving a torch, screaming at the top of his lungs, Luffy whooping as he whacks another figure with his fist.
“Yeah, it’s me — eyes up here.”
You swallow in a breath, and then another, and you feel the bright thrum of urgency leave you as your body slowly falls slack. And then you’re slipping, and he’s looping an arm around you to keep you upright.
“Th-they’re here — they —”
“They’re gone — we got rid of them — hey.”
Zoro takes you by the shoulders and gives you a gentle shake. Finally, your eyes catch on his and your gaze holds. You see yourself reflected in them, stark and terrified, but alive — somehow alive.
“They’re gone,” he says, his voice soft and low by your ear, his arm still wrapped around your middle. Shivers wrack your body as you bury your face in his shoulder. He smells of steel and skin and the metallic tang of blood. It’s then that you remember — the wounds on the sides of his neck. The marks in the shape of your hands —
You jerk back and feel a sticky wetness against your cheek.
“Zoro, I hurt you!”
At this, he scoffs, pulling back far enough to flash you a look.
“This is nothing. C’mon.”
He offers you a hand, and after a second you take it, letting him pull you to your feet. Wordlessly, he presses his palm to the small of your back, his arm extended to keep you steady as you both make your way back towards camp.
“Phew! That was a workout!” Luffy is saying just as you both reach the outskirts of the now-darkened bonfire. Sanji is pulling out a cigarette, striking a match, and first lighting the end before tossing it into the remains of the firewood, fanning it up into a slow flame.
Nami and Usopp both look a bit shaken, but none worse for the wear.
They all pivot to look at you.
You go still against Zoro’s side, uncertainty flooding through you. Faintly, you feel Zoro’s fingers as they press into the bend of your waist, solid and steady.
Then, Usopp coughs, “C’mon y’all — the Shadows that Live? Psh! More like — the Shadows that Fled, am I right? Yeah? Didya see the way I sent ‘em runnin’ with my brand new fire-powered explosion rounds?”
Nami chuckles and Sanji follows suit, shaking his head and letting out a thin wisp of smoke. Luffy’s grins at you, pumping a fist in the air, clapping his right shoulder.
“See? Told you we’d have your back! We are your crew, after all!”
Weakness seeps into your limbs as you nod, hot pin-pricks of tears itching at your lower lashes. You lower your head and rub at your eyes before looking back up again with a smile. Sanji grimaces as he looks over Zoro.
“Got something on your neck, mate.”
Zoro glares but you glance over and feel your stomach twist with guilt.
“Sorry… I can clean that up for you. They’re not deep but they do need to be bandaged up.”
Zoro wipes down his sword before sheathing it and motioning towards the ship. Behind you, you can hear Nami yawning and saying something about catching up on some more sleep and Sanji reassuring her about having the last watch anyway.
The kitchen is still dark, but the dusty dawn sweeps against the far horizon and neither of you bother to turn the lights on. You carefully set the first aid kit on the kitchen counter and collect the supplies as Zoro leans back against the edge and folds his arms. You work in near silence, reaching up to first wipe the thin threads of drying blood before tending to the tiny, crescent-shaped puncture wounds.
You press an alcohol-soaked cotton ball against one of them and feel Zoro wince.
“I’m fine.”
You bite your lips, “If this had been a bit deeper or a few inches over —”
“But it wasn’t. So it’s fine.”
You don’t look up at him but you can feel his eyes on you. Your movements are fluid and sure; you’d clearly done this before.
“Hey, look at me.”
You freeze, eyes slowly gliding up the planes and divots of his neck, slipping up the line of his jaw, so sharp it might’ve been turned on a diamond cutter’s lathe. Your breath hitches as you finally meet his eyes, and there’s a dark, knowing glint behind them that makes your stomach flip.
“I’m fine.”
And for the second time in a handful of hours, you’re caught by the realization of your closeness — only a breath of space between you. There’s a crimp at the corner of his mouth that looks dangerously like a smile and then you’re tipping forward, a thumb reaching up to trace the line of his bottom lip once —
The movement acts like a trigger, and suddenly, he is leaning in and the breath of space disappears.
For all your life of stillness, you thought you’d learned to appreciate the depths and widths of movement. But nothing could’ve prepared you for this — for the push and pull of lips on lips, for the force and friction of skin against skin. For the gasp and hiss, for the breath and kiss.
For the feeling of his large palm as it settles along the swallow’s-nest bend of your neck, the way his thumb runs along your jaw like tracing the guard of his beloved sword, tilting your mouth towards him. For the way your heart might flutter like a tiny, caged bird, or the way you might feel his heart thumping like a fist from his chest to yours.
For the way his voice rolls over your name like a ship at sea; for the way it would shake your body from your bones and leave you more liquid than solid in his arms. For how you never used to think your story would be a love story, but then you realize that every story is a love story if caught in the right moment, in the right light.
And here, breaking apart from Zoro, with a thick, stolen streak of lemon-yellow sunlight leaking in from the kitchen window — that’s exactly what it feels like.
“Oh,” is all you have the strength to say.
Zoro, in all his solid brilliance and quiet audacity, laughs.
You taste the smile on your own lips before you realize you’re smiling. But when you try to bury your face in his neck, he winces slightly as you brush his still-fresh wounds.
“Crap, I forgot about these.”
Zoro chuckles as you hurry to press a few small bandages to the wounds.
“It’s okay. So did I.”
You finish dressing his wounds in silence, though this silence is markedly different from every other silence that had ever existed between you. There’s ease and tension, both, and when you’re finally finished, Zoro takes both your hands in his.
“So…” you say, unsure suddenly of where to look.
Zoro’s laugh is just as soft, just as uncertain.
You try to look out the window, but by now, the dawning sun is so bright that it temporarily blinds you and you jerk back. Zoro smiles, reaching up to run his thumbs along your closed eyelids before dropping them to hook around your wrists again.
“Do you… wanna talk about it?” he asks, quiet as always.
You purse your lips and let your lashes flutter open. You find him watching you. Heat crests up your shoulders and into your cheeks, and suddenly, the exhaustion of the night before saps at your limbs. You sigh.
“Right now? Not really.”
“Yeah, neither do I,” he says, sounding as relieved as you feel.
You bite your lips and cast your gaze shyly across his face, your bird-wing heartbeat still flapping in your chest. You fight the urge to go still, to reach for that shield that has always protected you before. Faintly, you feel Zoro’s thumbs tracing circles along the insides of your wrists.
“Can I ask for something else, though?”
“What is it?”
You reach up a finger, nudging one of his golden earrings. You don’t miss the way he shivers, or the way his breath quickens in his chest.
“Kiss me again.”
Zoro grins, tugging you towards him, leaning into the curve of your palm as he does.
And does.
And does again.
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reqs are: temporarily closed
but feedback is much loved and appreciated!!!
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bby-deerling · 7 months
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my ao3: cradilykujo
i write for zoro, law, sanji, ace, luffy, nami, robin, buggy, shanks, corazon, crocodile, kid, shachi, penguin, doflamingo and mihawk, but can be persuaded to write for others as well!
short drabbles and multi-character headcanons can be found on my drabble & headcanon masterlist and my multi-character headcanon masterlist!
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zoro x reader (all have the same reader in mind!)
crackerbox palace || to us || black tea, with honey || last dance || elysium || haircut || behind the sea (nsfw) || role reversal || needy (nsfw) || 'tis the season || breathe || can't help it (nsfw) || a long, long time || make a mess (nsfw) || i'm sorry, women || all shook up (nsfw) || birthday cake || what comes after || death's touch (nsfw) || lingering remnants || on your left || that's what friends are for || in all my dreams
event fics:
zoro + can't let them get away (fluff) || zoro + dangerous (nsfw) ||zoro + give into me (nsfw) || zoro + in the closet (nsfw) || heaven can wait + zoro (fluff) || speechless + zoro (nsfw) || girlfriend + zoro (nsfw)
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law x reader
counting coins || distraction (nsfw) || buzz, buzz, buzz || sleight of hand (nsfw) || trade of goods and services || tusk (nsfw) || floral and fading (nsfw) || grand theft autumn (nsfw) || dead flowers || spin circles for me (nsfw) || sex shooter (nsfw) || sugar, we're going down (nsfw) || eat your heart out (suggestive) || doctor's orders (nsfw) || against the kitchen floor (nsfw) || just the tip (nsfw) || netflix + chill (nsfw) || sunshine of your love (nsfw) || sigma grindset || daydream believer || happy accident || genie in a bottle (nsfw) || get a room || hello august moon || caught you (nsfw)
event fics:
law + will you be there || law + give into me (nsfw) || law + gone too soon || law + remember the time || law + who is it (nsfw) || law + dangerous (nsfw) || threatened + law (nsfw) || she's out of my life + law
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sanji x reader
crazy || penance (nsfw) || dense (fluff) || pipe down (nsfw) || yours truly || head (nsfw) || two ghosts (nsfw)
event fics:
sanji + give into me (nsfw) || sanji + will you be there
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ace x reader
raincheck (nsfw) || cream (nsfw)
event fics:
ace + can't let them get away || ace + will you be there
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kid x reader
break free (nsfw) || cats in the cradle
event fics:
kid + who is it (nsfw)
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luffy x reader
event fics:
luffy + remember the time || luffy + can't let them get away || heaven can wait + luffy (nsfw)
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nami x reader
event fics:
nami + dangerous (nsfw) || nami + can't let them get away
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robin x reader
event fics:
robin + who is it (nsfw) || robin + in the closet (nsfw)
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crocodile x reader
ignition (nsfw, afab!reader)
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buggy x reader
all of you (nsfw)
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penguin x reader
nesting partners
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mihawk x reader
event fics:
mihawk + give into me (nsfw) || break of dawn + mihawk
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shanks x reader
event fics:
shanks + gone too soon
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corazon x reader
event fics:
rosinante + who is it (nsfw)
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killer x reader
killer + dinner date
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2K notes · View notes
mrsfancyferrari · 5 months
hello!!!! i love your recent fics and i want to request one for you 🥹 one where reader does happy dances every time she eats sanji’s food? and it’s so natural for her that she makes him shy ((in a good way for doing it
Happy Times
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Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x Y/N
Content: Starvation, fluff, Sanji's shy (my favourite part) and Y/N's sad past.
A/n: I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing this! <3
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First of all, thank you for requesting! This is my first time making a request so I hope this story is to your expectations!
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After the Strawhat crew saved your poor country from its terrible leader, you were unexpectedly welcomed aboard as a new addition to the crew.
Despite your lack of devil fruit powers, Luffy saw potential in you and believed that your unique skills and determination would make you a valuable member of the crew. He admired your bravery during the fight and knew that together, you could accomplish even greater things.
He also might have gotten some persuading from a certain cook.
"Cheers to our new nakama, Y/N!" Luffy exclaimed, raising his cup in a toast.
"Cheers!" the crew chorused in unison, their cups clinking together. Each member of the Strawhat crew expressed their excitement for having you on board, promising to support and protect you as one of their own.
From Nami's approving nod to Zoro's subtle smirk, it was clear that you had earned their trust and had become an integral part of their pirate family.
As the celebration continued, you looked around the room and realized that the cook was nowhere to be found. Curiosity piqued, you excused yourself from the crew and made your way to the kitchen, where you found Sanji preparing a feast fit for a king.
You admired Sanji's culinary skills for a while, marveling at how effortlessly he would slice through vegetables and handle the sizzling oil without hesitation. As you watched him prepare the feast, you couldn't help but be in awe of his culinary prowess.
It was no wonder that he was known as the "Black Leg" and hailed as one of the greatest chefs on the Grand Line.
You decided to slip away quietly, not wanting to interrupt Sanji's cooking or draw attention to yourself.
Finding a peaceful spot on the ship, you took a moment to reflect on the incredible turn of events that led you to become a member of the Strawhat crew.
The memories of your past struggles and the newfound sense of belonging filled your heart with gratitude and determination for the adventures that lay ahead.
It was hard to believe that just a few days ago, you were living in a country oppressed by an unjust ruler. The people had been stripped of their wealth, forced to give all of their money as a gift to the ruler on the 10th anniversary of their reign.
You were once a part of an orphanage that suffered greatly under the ruler's oppressive regime. The orphanage struggled to provide basic necessities for the children, and you witnessed firsthand the hardships faced by the people.
As one of the oldest children in the orphanage, you were burdened with responsibilities beyond your years. From the age of 10, you were expected to take care of the younger children, ensuring they were fed, clothed, and safe. It was a heavy weight to bear, but it taught you resilience and compassion at a young age.
You often found yourself questioning the quality and safety of the food made from the meager rations provided by the adults. However, you had no other choice but to eat it yourself and feed it to the younger children, hoping it would sustain them.
Surviving each day became a delicate balance between fulfilling your responsibilities and ensuring everyone's survival.
But one day, the Straw Hat crew, led by the fearless Monkey D. Luffy, arrived in the country with a mission to liberate the oppressed people. With their extraordinary abilities and unwavering determination, they fought against the unjust ruler and his forces, bringing hope and freedom to the once-struggling nation.
As they defeated the ruler and his regime, the people rejoiced, and a new era of peace and prosperity began to unfold.
Everyone thought it was the right decision for you to go with them. . .
"Y/N?" A voice called you from behind, belonging to Nami.
You turned around to face Nami, a wide smile spreading across your face. "Yes, Nami?" you replied, gratitude filling your voice.
"Sanji said that the food is ready," Nami informed you, her eyes sparkling with excitement. The aroma of the freshly cooked meal wafted through the air, a stark contrast to the meager rations you were accustomed to.
Your stomach growled in response to Nami's news, reminding you of the constant hunger you had endured in the orphanage. The thought of a properly cooked meal filled with nourishment made your mouth water.
As you followed Nami into the kitchen, you noticed that everyone was there, engaged in lively conversation, yet no one touched their food. It seemed as if they were waiting for someone, and curiosity piqued within you.
"Finally! There you are, Y/N!" Luffy exclaimed, his mouth drooling as he resisted from touching the meat in front of him.
You sat beside Nami, a sense of guilt washing over you as you apologized for being gone for so long.
"Now Y/N-san, why don't you taste the food first?" Sanji asked from the kitchen, prepping the last pieces of dessert.
You hesitated for a moment, unsure of whether you deserved to be the first one to taste the food.
Usually you were the last unless you had to taste if it was edible or not.
Everyone looked at you as you scooped a spoonful of one of the dishes, but you paused. The memory of the starving children back in the orphanage flashed in your mind, and you couldn't help but feel that they deserved this meal more than you did.
"It's alright," Sanji's voice said as he was now behind you, his warm hand resting on your shoulder.
It was as if he could read your mind and understand the guilt that was consuming you.
You nodded before placing the spoon inside your mouth and swallowing it. The flavors exploded on your taste buds, a symphony of perfectly balanced spices and textures.
It was a moment of pure bliss, and as you savored each bite, you couldn't help but feel grateful that you were able to experience such a meal after years of deprivation.
The taste of the food was so exquisite that you couldn't help but let out a little dance, your body moving to the rhythm of the flavors. It was as if the nourishment had not only satisfied your hunger but also awakened a dormant joy within you.
As you twirled and swayed, the room erupted in laughter and applause, everyone delighting in your infectious happiness.
"Y/N is doing a happy dance!" Luffy exclaimed, laughing.
The meal had not only filled your stomach but also filled your soul with a newfound appreciation for the simple joys of life.
With the biggest smile on your face, you turned to Sanji, gratitude shining in your eyes, and whispered, "Thank you, Sanji. This meal is beyond anything I could have imagined."
Sanji's cheeks went from a light tint of pink to his whole face being red, dropping his cigarette in the process. He couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and happiness at seeing you enjoy his food so much.
It was moments like these that reminded him why he loved cooking and why he put so much passion into every dish.
"I'm glad that you like it Y/N-san," Sanji answered, his eyes filled with pure love. Shyly, he added, "I put my heart and soul into creating this meal, and seeing you enjoy it brings me immeasurable joy."
You smiled in return, completely unaware of the effect you had on Sanji. The genuine happiness that radiated from you was enough to make his heart skip a beat, and he couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of purpose in his culinary endeavors.
Though it didn't go unnoticed.
"Looks like Love Cook can get shy around women," Zoro teased.
Sanji's face turned even redder as Zoro's teasing words reached his ears.
"Shut up, Mosshead!" Sanji fired back, trying to hide his embarrassment. But deep down, he couldn't deny that there was some truth to Zoro's words.
Your presence had ignited a spark within him, and he couldn't wait to continue creating culinary masterpieces that would bring joy to your heart. . . .
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comradeghosty · 6 months
Would My Lady Like to Dance? (NSFW)
NSFW Zoro x reader fic
You are on a secret mission with some of the Strawhats to get some important documents. Things go awry and you find yourself hiding with Zoro.
Tags: nsfw, jealous Zoro, PWP, rough sex, light BDSM themes, hair pulling, vaginal sex, oral sex, fingering, dirty talk, praise, possessive behavior, biting, a bit of blood, regency/ballroom attire
!!! 18+ !!!
I also posted it on AO3
The mission was simple enough: infiltrate the ball, find the documents, and get out. For some reason Nami needed these Grandline maps and you were definitely not about to argue with her. The plan was for you to dress up and pretend like you were a guest. Everybody had their own separate role to fill, so you split up into teams to prepare yourselves. Since you were dressing up as a guest, you worked with Nami to get a costume and go over all of the correct proceedings so you wouldn’t stand out. By the time you were done, you were a proper lady. All of you had to arrive separately to not arouse suspicion, so when you got to the ball, you tried to look around inconspicuously to find your crew.
The first person you saw was Robin. She was dressed plainly and playing the violin in the live orchestra. You saw Sanji running food from the kitchen, and Luffy dressed in a little chauffeur outfit taking peoples coats. He just was kind of tossing them into the coat closet in a pile and it made you chuckle. Your eyes scanned the ballroom, taking in all of the people dressed fancily. The last person you were expecting to see was Zoro since everybody else was staying on the ship in case a hasty exit was needed. Nervously, you smoothed your dress. It was light green silk that had a high waist and small bust. The fabric draped loosely down your legs and it bunched in small puffs over your shoulders. Elbow length gloves hid your calloused hands.
You took in your surroundings, people danced with their partners and chatted amongst the edges of the dance floor. The room was large and you noted faces of important people that you might need to talk with during the night, specifically looking and catching the eyes of the host, who began to wander in your direction. With a coy wave of your fan and a bashful look, you began your job for the night. 
As you talked with the host, you acted curious about him, in a way that made him feel intelligent and impressive. Men always revealed more when they bragged about themselves. Slowly, you started to catalog more and more information about him, feeling confident that he had the documents you needed stored away somewhere in his estate. You egged him on, about to request a personal tour of the mansion, when you were rudely distracted. If you were not so entranced, you would’ve been pissed at him for distracting you. 
Over the host's shoulder, a vision of a certain green haired man appeared. However, it was not the sweaty and crass swordsman you knew. He was a gentleman, draped in this beautiful white fabric with billowing sleeves that hid his muscles. The cravat accentuated the sharpness of his jawline, and his slick backed hair made his gaze more piercing than usual. He wore a pair of pants that hugged his slim waist, two columns of gold buttons fastening them. The metal of the buttons complimented the gold jewelry that hung from his ear. His hands were clad in black leather gloves, which he seemed to be adjusting a bit nervously. 
You were snapped from your trance by the host touching your arm, gently but insistent. He asked if you were alright, to which you nodded evenly and excused yourself, promising to find him a bit later. 
As you approached the swordsman, a startled look crossed his face for a moment before he corrected his expression. His eye roved down your body, registering your attire. You smiled, touching his arm briefly before curtsying. “Don’t worry, Zoro. We are allowed to interact here,” you reassured him, assuming his expression was anxiety about being recognized. 
He bowed deeply, one arm pressed against his torso and the other placed against the small of his back. Before he raised his body, his head peeked up to look at you. “I’m not worried about it, my lady,” he teased. His eye crinkled slightly, a wide smile stretching across his face. You felt yourself blush at his expression, unsure of whether he was making fun of you or was impressed by you. His teeth seemed to shine as he offered you a hand, which you took gracefully. Zoro pressed a gentle kiss to your knuckles, still smiling up at you. “Would my lady like to dance?”
God, what was going on? Of course, you had always noticed that Zoro was handsome. Who wouldn’t? But seeing him like this, all poised and dressed up, made you feel flustered. You could feel the blush on your cheeks as you nodded dumbly at him. If he could have smiled wider, he would have.
In a swift motion, his hand had gripped yours and you felt the other one on your waist. Zoro was suddenly very near, pressing your bodies against each other as he swept you up in a dance that led you to the ballroom floor. His swept back hair revealed the handsome planes of his face. Somehow, his features looked more intense than usual as you stared up at him. His face was twisted in a smirk, as he leaned down to whisper in your ear. 
“So the swordsman cleans up nicely, huh?”
Your hand tightened slightly on his shoulder, but you gave him a carefree smile. “Evidently so, you look very handsome tonight,” you praised. The compliment made Zoro quirk an eyebrow, hiding his smile out of your sight. He smelled incredible, which struck you as odd. The usual musky sweat, booze, and steel scent that cloyed to the swordsman was replaced by a leathery, sandalwood, citrusy smell. There were still remnants of booze, which most likely just leaked from Zoro’s pores.  
“I didn’t know you could dance, Zoro,” you teased.
The swordsman chuckled, spinning you expertly. Somehow you ended up closer to him, if that was even possible the way he pressed your bodies together. “Robin taught me, and dressed me, and put this perfume stuff on me… I’m guessing she did a good job then?” Zoro’s brow quirked at the inquiry. You nodded your head, blushing and hiding your face against his shoulder.
“Tsk, look at me. It’s not lady-like to hide your face,” he murmured in your ear. When you looked up, his eye gleamed with mischief. “You look lovely tonight as well.”
This time, you couldn’t hide your blush. Butterflies blossomed in your stomach at the compliment, and you were speechless for the first time all night. The music ended, signaling that your dance was over. “Get back to your task. Be safe, please.” Zoro whispered into your hair, and your breath caught in your throat. He pulled away from you, bowing again and kissing your gloved hand, before dismissing himself to roam the ballroom once more.
The crisp night air cooled your skin as you stepped out onto the balcony for some fresh air. In order to find the papers, you had agreed to meet the host in his study. You walked to the railing, crossing your arms and resting against it. Stars sparkled in the sky and the scent of pine was in the air. You thought about what you were going to do when meeting with the host. A few moments seemed to pass before a clearing of a throat made you startle. You quickly looked over and found the green haired swordsman staring at you intensely.
“Oh, Zoro, it's just you,” you breathed. A hand rested on your chest from being startled, and you missed the way Zoro’s eye quickly flitted down to your breast and back up. “I’m glad you’re here. I think I can get the papers soon.”
Zoro’s brow quirked up, his eye studying your face intently. It was clear he was waiting for you to finish explaining. You shuffle a little, a bit awkward but confident in your plan. As if Zoro could sense your nervousness, he looked out at the expanse of forest beyond the estate.
“He’s asked me to meet him in his study,” you stated plainly. Your cheeks burned a bit red at the potential implications of the host’s request. 
“Yeah, okay. Just don’t do anything stupid,” he muttered.
Your eyes flitted away from him, face red. A noise resembling a scoff escaped your lips rather clumsily. “Stupid? Please. I am very smart, the sneakiest one in our crew, actually. Thanks for the vote of confidence though,” you said flatly, rolling your eyes at the swordsman. 
“I… okay. Whatever,” Zoro dismissed you, slightly turning away from you.
“What?” you demanded him to say what he was going to say.
“Just…” he sighed, “I didn’t mean it like that.”
You breathed out fast, frustrated by his vagueness. One of your hands gripped his firm bicep, prompting him to look at you. “Zoro, then what do you mean? I don't understand.”
The green haired man looked at you, his eye dark and stern. Fierce energy radiated off of him. “God, woman. You’re going to make me say it out loud? I… Just…. Don't do something he forces you to do. Call for me, and I’ll make sure you’re safe,” he grit out. Both of his hands were clenched in fists by his side, silently getting worked up.
“Oh… Oh. Well,” you snorted, a short laugh as you realized what he was so worried about. “Honestly, if it means that we can get the documents and get out of here, I don’t mind doing it. They’re kind of extremely important, y’know?”
You had never seen Zoro move so quickly, turning to face you in a split second. His eye glared at you, wide and intense. You could see the muscles in his jaw work as he ground his teeth together. It was as if his whole body was on high alert, and you blushed at his intensity. His mouth opened for a second, as if he was going to say something, but he closed it, jaw clenching again. You saw Zoro’s shoulders drop, his muscles relaxing slightly. His lip turned out in a small pout.
“Hmph… I… hmph. Just, call me if you feel like you’re in danger, okay?” You watched as he spun around, quickly hurrying away from the balcony. His shoes clacked on the stone and his white shirt flowed in the wind. You felt your stomach flutter watching him leave.
For a moment, you stood silently and stared out at the pine forest. Zoro’s reaction was hard to decipher, as much as you tried to understand it. Briefly, you wondered if he was jealous, but you brushed it aside. No way. As you made your way to the host’s study, nervousness rested heavily in your chest. Wanting to maintain your confident air, you straightened your shoulders and stood tall, steeling yourself for this interaction. You knocked on the study door and entered, unknowing of the swordsman lurking around the corner. 
About 30 minutes later, you emerge alone from the room. You habitually straightened your appearance since you were about to join the company again, which was not missed by Zoro who lingered nearby. He waited around the corner, not wanting to be seen accosting you, but knowing you’d run into him on your way back to the ballroom. As you turned the corner, found yourself face to face with the swordsman, jumping a little from the fright. 
“Oh! Zoro, you scared me,” you murmured, being startled by him for the second time this night. Zoro’s hand found the small of your back, ushering you in the direction of the crowd.
He glanced at you out of the corner of his eye, his mouth downturned and expression severe. “Come on. Did you get the maps?” Your heels clicked in tandem with his black boots on the floor. 
“Yes,” you nodded, eyes straying to look at his expression.
Zoro only hummed to acknowledge you, offering you his arm before entering the dance hall. For a moment, both of you stood there staring at each other. There was an indiscernible expression in Zoro’s eye. You couldn’t tell if he was angry, thinking, planning… he revealed nothing. 
You took his arm and followed his lead into the ballroom before parting ways. The intention was to split up and inform the crew about the completion of the mission. Weaving your way through the audience, you made contact with Robin before going to find Luffy. Zoro had made his way to find Sanji in the kitchen before reappearing. You searched around the ballroom for Luffy, unable to see his messy dark hair and bright smile, and worrying your bottom lip between your teeth. 
Suddenly, there was a lot of commotion and clatter from the room adjacent to the one you were in. Your body froze, knowing that you were about to have to make a quick getaway, when you heard gunshots echoing through the halls. Just before you were about to make a decision, you made eye contact with Zoro from across the room. It’s as if your body moved on its own, sprinting towards him and grabbing his hand as he dragged you behind him to safety. If it hadn’t been for your panicked brain, you would’ve realized that Zoro was only going to get you guys lost, but you didn’t even consider it. Before long, you realized you didn’t recognize your surroundings anymore. You could still hear fighting, so you decided to duck into the first closet you saw to wait out the clamor. The abrupt stop and yank of Zoro into the closet had him off balance, and you couldn’t stop either of you before landing in a heap on some jackets. He reached behind him and slammed the door, and you winced knowing it would probably alert somebody of your presence in the area. You took stock of your situation, knowing that Luffy probably got you into said situation, and that people were probably scattering. You realized that you probably had to stay in the closet for a little while, with Zoro. Oh god, Zoro who currently had you pinned beneath him. 
You looked up, right into a piercingly dark eye that seemed to be taking you apart as you lay under him. Both your breathing and heartbeat increased, and you were suddenly very aware of the proximity to him. His eye roamed down your face, pausing for a second on your lips before traveling further. You felt it rake over your neck, lingering for a second before gazing unashamedly at your breasts. The dress you were wearing could be called revealing, showing lots of cleavage and giving the illusion that they were barely contained. You blushed as you felt him staring. 
“Z- Zoro?” You stammered out, “did you hit your head? You seem dazed.”
“No,” he replied. His voice was firm, confident, and it made you shiver. You watched his brows furrow slightly and his jaw clench.
You took a deep breath and tried once more. “Are you okay? Did you hit your head when we fell in here?” As your hand came up to check for any head wounds, it was stopped quickly when a large hand wrapped tightly around your wrist.
“No.” And this time you could tell he’s irritated. You swallowed thickly, nervous and shaking a little. The way he loomed over you made you feel like a prey animal, his demeanor dangerous in the same way he acts when he is facing down an enemy.
“Ah, Zor-”
“Shut. Up. Don’t fucking speak,” he grit out. He kept staring, unblinking, at your chest. You felt yourself start to shake, mind racing through all of the reasons he might be angry with you.
“Does it feel good? Huh?” Zoro snapped at you, his voice quiet and clipped. Your brows furrowed up at him, unsure to speak or be silent. The closet was way too small for the two of you right now, his energy emanating from him like flames. Zoro and you had always gotten along pretty well, often training together and napping together. He never used that tone of voice with you before. “Don’t play dumb with me, woman.” 
Zoro trapped you underneath him, his knees pinning the skirt of your dress. “You like playing dress up? Huh? You like when they look?” 
“Zoro, I-” 
You were cut off again, a gloved hand pressing into your cheeks. “Don’t. Talk,” he enunciated each word with a squeeze of his hand. “I saw you flirting with that man, giving him a show. He was fucking you with his eyes in the middle of that ballroom, and you were encouraging it. You like that? You want him?”
Desperately, you shook your head no. Your eyes were wide, trying to decipher his reaction. There was a certain hesitation in his actions, like he was trying to hold himself back. His shoulders and chest were tense, his jaw clenched and his breathing quick. 
For a moment, both of you just stare at each other, unsure what to do next before suddenly your mouths are crashing together. Zoro kissed with a desperation you’ve never felt before, like he’s trying to consume you. Both of your teeth clashed together, his tongue licking into your mouth. At that moment, everything was Zoro. His smell, his sounds, his touch, it changed you, like you've never been intimate with another person. The passion was a completely different caliber than you’ve ever felt before. Small whines and moans left your lips as Zoro kissed you, feeling completely at his mercy the way he pinned you beneath him.
“Ah, Zoro,” you whined as you felt his teeth scrape along your jawline.
Zoro pulled away from you, looking down at you. He scoffed, his brows furrowed. “Look at you. Listen to you. Fuck, in that fancy ass dress, wearing those ridiculous heels.” Embarrassment washed over your body, heating your skin from your cheeks down your chest. You felt yourself look away from Zoro’s gaze before his hand gripped your chin harshly. Zoro forced you to meet his eye again, his teeth bared. “As if you’re not the filthiest in the room, woman. Pretending you’re a lady, waving that stupid fan.” 
You felt Zoro’s hand move down your arm from where he was gripping your wrist, skimming over your peaked nipples, finding its place at your waist and squeezing. His smile was wicked, one side of his mouth curled up as he groped your body. The other hand found itself squeezing one of your breasts, thumb brushing over your nipple. A gasp escaped your lips as he touched you. “You like that, my lady?” He sneered, sarcastically and coldly.
“Zoro… please..” you whined.
“Zoro? Ha, I’m a gentleman, so I go by sir, remember?” He harshly pinched your nipple through your dress, eliciting a loud moan from you. One of his hands quickly clapped over your mouth, and Zoro tutted at you. “Ah ah, somebody might find us here, like this. Unless you want somebody to find us,” he teased. Zoro leaned down close to your ear, his lips brushing over your lobe. “Don’t let them hear. Those noises are only for me.” 
The top of your dress was yanked down harshly, and you heard the silken fabric tear. Before you could protest, his hands squeezed your breasts hard, pinching them in a way you know will leave a bruise. One of your hands came up to stifle your moans, your eyes watching him as he pinched your nipples harshly. 
“That dress was so fucking tight, your tits were spilling out,” he grit out. Zoro’s calloused hands played with your chest, pulling the skin between his index finger and thumb. “Couldn’t take my eyes off them all night… fuck.” His voice was breathy, needy as he touched you. A slicked strand of his hair fell from where it was stuck, the green hairs draping over his flushed face. His brow was furrowed in concentration, bottom lip sucked between his teeth.
“S- sir,” you whined, one of your hands moving to touch his arm. A small sheen of sweat covered his forehead. He gasped heavily as he ducked his head to your chest, burying it between your breasts.
Zoro’s mouth was hot and needy on you, licking and sucking the soft skin. He whined quietly against your skin as he sucked dark marks into your breast, not worrying about if they would be visible tomorrow or not. 
He began to bunch your skirt up around your hips, his knuckles grazing your bare thighs. You ground your teeth to keep yourself from whining when suddenly his mouth left your breast with a wet pop. It was filthy, the way his mouth was red and swollen from kissing and sucking you, the small string of spit that dripped from his bottom lip, his mussed up hair. The last thing you saw before he ducked under your skirt was a deadly smirk that shot arousal straight to your core.
You groaned and threw your head back when his hands gripped your thighs. Zoro licked a long, wet stripe up the inside of your leg before biting down on your inner thigh. He bit down hard, possessive, like he wanted his teeth marks to be a permanent scar in your skin. A moan escaped your mouth, and you could feel yourself blushing as wetness pooled between your legs. The delicate skin of your inner thighs was already bruising under his grip, and you felt Zoro smile against you. There was something about how easily your body responded to him that brought out something sadistic in him. 
Bright hickies bloomed on your thighs as his mouth and hands roamed the soft skin. Every once in a while, they would brush against your panties, making you whine. The way Zoro took his time had you desperate and needy for him. Your body started relaxing as he kissed you, his nose every so often brushing over the wet spot in your panties. The swordsman gripped your legs, keeping them from shaking, before biting down especially hard on the meat of your thigh. It broke skin, the intensity of which he bit you, and you could feel his tongue laving over the marks. You cried out before clapping a hand over your mouth, face flushed and chest heaving. The swordsman relished in your cries, suckling the spot he had broken skin. He moved to the other thigh, sucking dark marks all over. His mouth was so close to your core, that you could feel his warm breath fanning over your clothed cunt. 
You were broken out of the moment by loud footsteps outside the closet door. The breath caught in your throat and your heart skyrocketed. Getting caught with Zoro at all was not good, but getting caught like this was a nightmare scenario. You tapped on Zoro through the silk of your dress to stop and come out. His head peaked out from your thighs, and for a moment he turned away from you to grab something. Zoro returned to you, his head coming up next to your ear with a low chuckle. His gloved hand gripped your cheeks, forcing you to open your mouth before your fan was shoved between your teeth, like a horse with a bit in its mouth. “Don’t make a fucking noise, unless you want to get caught,” he whispered to you, his smile devious. The swordsman licked against your neck before disappearing again under your skirt.
He brushed against the damp spot on your panties as he smirked into your thigh. You could feel how red your face was, equal parts turned on and terrified of somebody hearing you and opening the closet door. Both of your hands gripped your skirt and you squeezed your eyes shut tightly, trying to focus and not make a sound. Your teeth ground down against the wooden fan between your jaws. Zoro knew how to tease you, how to coax sweet sounds from you, and he wasn’t holding back his efforts.
One of his fingers pushed aside your panties, and you felt him blow a stream of cold air against your core. You grit your teeth and cursed him in your head as you clenched down around nothing. A shiver wracked your body, and Zoro chuckled lowly between your thighs. He just barely skimmed his gloved index finger against your slit, causing your toes to curl. You felt him hum against you, his tongue licking your thigh as he slowly pressed the finger into you. It started slowly, gently pumping in and out as you tried not to give away your presence. 
You jumped when you suddenly felt Zoro’s tongue on your cunt, licking up from where his finger entered you to your clit. He licked against you, flattening his tongue against your lips in lazy strokes. The tip of his tongue flicked your clit every time he reached the top of your slit, building pleasure in your body. It radiated through you in waves as you tried to contain your voice. The steps outside seemed to pace as if they were searching the area. Your hand clutched your mouth, over the fan even, eyebrows drawn tight in desperation. Zoro’s finger curled in your cunt, pressing against the spongy wall and causing your mouth to open briefly and almost drop the fan. Your hands gripped your silken dress, pleasure wracking your body.
Zoro ate you like a starved man, sloppy and needy. You could feel the mix of his spit and your drooling cunt run down your ass, and you flushed with how filthy you felt. Heat nestled in your core and you felt your orgasm building every time Zoro brushed against your clit. Close, so so close, you cried in your head. Gritting your teeth, you resisted the urge to beg for him to keep going, keeping yourself from making noise. Tears slid down your cheeks as you came, throwing your head back in a silent cry. Zoro smirked against you as he felt you clench down around his finger, fucking you through your orgasm to the point of overstimulating you. He never let up, even after your orgasm had finished and you were squirming from the intense sensation.
As if Zoro had been listening for the person outside the door, as soon as their footsteps drew away from the closet, he bit down on your thigh hard again. At the same time, he added a second finger and fucked them into you with more intensity. There was no reprieve from him, he wanted to fuck you stupid. The fan fell from your mouth as your mouth dropped open. A deep moan escaped your lips at the dual sensations of pleasure and pain, as the green haired man licked the bite. 
Zoro drew back from your legs, looking at you intensely. The absolute feral look in his eye made your stomach churn with something primal. He smiled, his sharp canines gleaming dangerously with a bit of your blood. A pink tongue quickly swiped over them, cleaning his teeth with a deep groan. You watched his gloved hand come up to his mouth as he bit down on one of the fingers, yanking the glove off. “Wanna feel you bare,” he stated evenly, pulling the other glove off as well. 
One of his hands came up to grip the back of your neck, slamming you into a bruising kiss. The other of his hands roamed your body, finding a place on your breast to fondle you greedily. He pinched your nipple and massaged you tightly, breaking off the kiss to breathe. Zoro’s forehead rested against your neck, and you could feel him whine softly against you. You pressed your leg up between his thighs, feeling his hard cock against you. Slowly and languidly, he rutted against you. He whined and panted as he thrusted against your leg, growing more needy and desperate by the minute. Both of his brows pinched together and a bead of sweat gathered near his temple. 
Suddenly, he bit down on your neck, sucking a dark mark under your ear. His thrusts became more desperate, a growl escaping his throat. Zoro pulled back, his hands coming down to your hips.
“Fuck it, I can’t wait,” he bit out, his hands grabbing at your panties and tearing the silk fabric. Zoro was impatient, desperate at this point. He grabbed the waist on his own pants, not bothering to unbutton the two rows of golden buttons. One quick yank sent buttons flying around the closet, clattering against the walls. His chest heaved with want, his hands quick to free himself from his pants. Zoro rested back on his feet, pumping his cock with a groan as he looked down at you. His eye was dark, almost glazed over with want.
With one hand, he gripped your waist, hard and bruising. Using the other, he lined himself up with your hole. He barely gave you any time to breathe before bullying his cock into your cunt, sinking deep into you in a fluid motion. A cry escaped your lips as your back arched, your jaw open and gasping. His cock was large, girthy and long, and it stretched you so well. Your body clenched down hard around him, causing him to shudder and grit his teeth. Zoro breathed out slowly, bending down and resting his hands on either side of your head. 
“Fuck, so tight,” he groaned, thrusting shallowly inside you. His teeth skimmed your jawline as he lowered himself onto his elbows, your chests pressing together. It felt to you like he was taking up every sense, as if he was all you could experience in this moment. Nothing outside of this closet even existed to you anymore. He bit down on your neck, at the spot where it joins with your shoulder, and you moaned loudly.
“Aah, Zoro, feels good,” you mumble out, your mind dazed from the mix of pain and pleasure his mouth gave you. 
He thrusted into you with a hard and punctuating rhythm, emphasizing his words. “Haa, yeah? Better,” thrust “than that no good,” thrust “stuck up,” thrust “host?” 
“Wh- what?” You whined when his hands tangled in the back of your hair, forcing you to look up at him. His brows were furrowed. 
“Say it,” he growled, glaring down at you. Your breath caught in a strangled sound when he thrusted deep into you, holding himself there. The head of his cock was bruising against your cervix, and you squirmed with the mix of sensations. It was overstimulating, and you whimpered under him. 
“Zoro, sir, move. Please,” you begged. Tears sprung to your eyes as you tried to move against him. One of his hands flew to your waist, gripping it firmly and holding you still. You cursed him silently for being so strong. 
“I’m not moving until you say it.”
“Say what?,” you cried, your eyes searching his face wildly. His jaw clenched in irritation.
“Say that I fuck you better than he ever could,” he ordered. Zoro’s chest heaved with his breath, you could tell he was barely containing himself. His bicep flexed and you felt his grip tighten on your waist.
“God, yes. You fuck me better than he ever could, you feel so amazing. Please fuck me, please,” you begged, desperation dripping from your cries.
A predatory grin spread across his face with your words, his eye crinkling with pleasure. “That’s my girl,” he praised, lips ghosting across your cheek. Zoro pressed his lips against yours and rose up, grabbing your waist with both hands and dragging his cock out of you slowly. As you looked up at him, you shuddered at the fierceness of his expression. 
His thumbs brushed against your skin before slamming you down on his cock with abandon, thrusting into you repeatedly. Zoro watched as your tits bounced, his bottom lip caught between his teeth as he concentrated. Your hands clenched the fabric under you as he fucked you hard, and you watched as his blouse rode up as he moved, his abs flexing with each thrust. 
You cried for him, his cock battering your poor cunt. His hand found the back of your neck, pulling you up roughly to slam his mouth against yours. He kissed you insistently as he fucked you, before removing himself and turning you over onto your stomach. Your dress piled around you as he dragged it up, exposing your ass to him. He gripped one of your asscheeks in his hand, pinching hard. The hand dipped under your abdomen to pull you onto your knees, and he sheathed himself back in you. The new angle was world shattering, every thrust bumping deep inside you, causing your legs to shake and breath to catch. 
Zoro’s hand gripped your hair, dragging your back to his chest. His teeth sunk into your shoulder, breaking the skin as he thrusted into you from behind. You felt him as he licked the bite mark, moaning as your blood stained his tongue. He was relentless, slamming into you over and over. At the same time, his voice was like honey as he moaned into your ear.
“That’s fucking right,” he grunted. “You take me so well.” Nobody had ever fucked you so well before, pleasure spiking through your body. He fucked you like he knew you could take it, like a bit of roughness wouldn’t break you. Pain blossomed through your ass as he smacked it harshly, causing your cunt to clench down. “Nobody can fuck you like this,” he promised. “Only me.” 
You mumbled incoherently, the feelings of pleasure and need causing you to feel brainless and light. Zoro’s hand pressed you into the pile of coats underneath you, his hand on the back of your head. The pressure you felt from his hand was so good, rendering you immobile. The other hand on your waist pulled you back into him as he fucked you. You felt yourself drooling into the fabric under you, drunk on the pleasure. Everything was Zoro, from the feeling of his hands on you and the way his cock dragged in your cunt, to his leathery perfume, to the sounds of his groaning and skin slapping together.
The pleasure built in you again with each thrust, and you trembled with overexertion and overstimulation. Zoro’s hand moved from your head to snake past your waist to your clit. Never once did his thrusts let up, his endurance endless. Small, quick circles were rubbed on your clit with his first two fingers. 
“Zoro please, please please, fuck,” you mumbled, pleasure reaching deeply into your fingers and toes. 
“Let go, cum around my cock. Wanna feel you,” he mumbled out. His voice was less demanding now, more needy. The swordsman rubbed your clit insistently, and your orgasm hit you gradually, washing through you in hot waves of pleasure. You moaned as you came, feeling your body weaken like jelly.
Zoro fucked you through your second orgasm, his thrusts hard and erratic. He held you up, both hands on your waist. You could hear his breath stuttering, his voice tight and strained. “Haa… Gonna… Cum in you… Make you mine…” he grit out, leaning forward to kiss and bite at your shoulders. 
You cried out as his teeth sank into your flesh, Zoro groaning loudly. His cock slammed as far in your cunt as it could go, emptying himself into you as he came. The man licked at the bite mark and he mumbled against your skin as he kissed your shoulder blades. He pulled out of you, and you whimpered at the loss of fullness. 
For a moment, you didn’t move and neither did Zoro, watching his cum dribble out of your cunt with a smirk. You heard him hum, before feeling his hands flip you over to look at him. He looked at your messed up hair and smudged makeup, also noting the tear in the bodice of your dress before snorting. “Oops,” he laughed, obviously sarcastic. You were so fucked out that you didn’t even care how much of a mess you two looked, seeing his appearance sort of mirroring your own. “C’mere.”
Zoro gathered you up to him, kissing your hair and smiling affectionately. It was too late to go back now, not that you’d want anything to be different. “Now, I just gotta figure out how to get my girl outta here safely,” he chuckled.
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creamsickle-writes · 1 year
A Thing or Two: Ace x F!Reader x Luffy
Tags: nsfw, Luffy and Ace interact in a not safe for work context (Ace teaches Luffy how to have sex and guides him to Reader's entrance during the fic), oral sex, penetrative sex, creampies, and light dirty talk
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Ace noticed how his little brother stared at you.
As you danced in the middle of the ship’s deck, Luffy had his eyes glued to you the entire time; his eyes raked over your figure, his gaze shamelessly glued to your hips as you shook them. He would occasionally reach towards the table of food behind him, eating here and there. 
Ace cracked a smile; it had been a long time since he reunited with his brother. After his two years of training, it seemed he’d certainly grown up in more ways than one. After all, he had never seen Luffy so interested in women before. 
Ace approached his brother, placing a hand on his shoulder, a grin on his face.
“She’s a looker, isn’t she?”
“Huh?” Luffy looked up at his brother.
“The girl you’ve been eyeing all night,” Ace laughed, cocking his head in your direction.
Luffy blushed slightly and turned back to the buffet table, stuffing his face with anything and everything. 
“Don’t know what you’re talking about, Ace.” 
“You don’t have to deny it, you know.” Ace chuckled, “Not like you to be shy.”
Luffy grumbled as he ate his meat, barely chewing before swallowing it all, “Not being shy, don’t like her like that. She’s just a friend.”
Ace raises a brow, “Then surely you don’t mind me talking to her, do you?”
Ace stiffens when Luffy looks up at him, his eyes filled with almost murderous intent. Ace laughed and raised his hands, trying to calm the younger man, “Easy, Luffy. Was only teasing.”
“Good!” Luffy pouted, “’Cause she’s mine, and you can’t have her!”
“Thought you didn’t like her like that?” Ace teased, and Luffy just crossed his arms in defiance. 
“Well, maybe I lied!” 
Ace laughed and rolled his eyes playfully, “Why don’t you talk to her? I saw her staring at you a few times tonight.”
“Really?!” Luffy bounced off the walls, looking at you as you danced amongst your crewmates. 
Luffy immediately dashed towards you, striking up conversation rather quickly. Ace only laughed. That was his brother, for sure.
He watched on, seeing you both talk happily. 
A few months later, Ace reunites with his brother again, and yet again, another fantastic party is thrown. 
This crew really liked any excuse to party, Ace finds out quickly.
And this time, when he sees his brother, he’s dancing with you instead of just ogling you from afar. Ace smiles, glad he was part of why you two eventually ended up together. 
As the party goes on, you eventually leave the dance floor and make your way to Ace. To his surprise, you ask if you can speak with him in private. He gives a shrug and decides, sure, he can step away for a bit.
When you reach the kitchen, you sit down, and Ace sits beside you.
“Hey, um,” you start, nervously laughing, “I know this is weird, but… but do you know Luffy is into?”
“Into?” Ace squints, leaning back in his chair.
He doesn’t miss how your cheeks flush, “Well, it’s just that… I’ve tried dropping hints to Luffy that I want to, um, take our relationship further, but I don’t think he’s noticed?”
Ace cracks a smile.
You wanted to know how to turn Luffy on.
“Not sure,” he shrugs, “I’d imagine you’d have to be very blunt with him, though.”
You only nod, leaning in to capture every word from Ace’s lips.
“Just don’t dance around it. Say how you feel.”
“Okay.” You then clear your throat, “And um, I just wanted to ask um….”
Ace sits up, your tone seeming to change with this new topic. You sounded meeker, even more shy, as you talked.
“I’m not very experienced, so… I-I don’t know much about pleasing others like that… do you think you could, um, give me some tips before you leave?”
Ace’s eyes widened before you quickly added, “You don’t have to, though! I’m sorry, this is probably really inappropriate!”
Ace only laughs, patting your shoulder, “It’s nothing to worry about! I can probably give you some pointers before I head off.”
Now Ace is blushing because, well, it sounded like he was going to physically show you. But he swore that wasn’t his intention; he would only verbally communicate with you.
At least, that’s what the plan was.
You sigh before brushing off your skirt, “Thanks, Ace; I’m sorry this was so terribly awkward.”
“Not at all.”
The flame man watches as you get up from your seat and make your way to the kitchen door, offering a short farewell before leaving.
At that moment, when the door closes, he notices a bit of straw peeking out from behind the kitchen counter. Ace smiles softly; looks like his interaction with you had an observer.
“Luffy,” Ace calls, and immediately the straw hat ducks under the counter, “I know you’re here.”
Ace gets up from his seat and walks behind the counter, spotting the young man crouched by the floor. 
Ace kneels beside him, “Looks like your girl wants you to make a move.”
Luffy hums, “Don’t know how.”
“I wanna do it with her, but… I don’t know what girls like.”
Ace offers a small laugh, “Looks like you’re both too scared of being inexperienced to get the ball rolling.”
“’m not scared!” Luffy retorts, “Just… wanna make sure she feels good.”
Ace gives a smile out of pity for his brother. He had never seen him be self-conscious before. He always seemed to rush in, to charge ahead without thinking, but it seemed like you meant a lot to him, and he didn’t want to mess up.
“Want you to show us, Ace. Please?”
Ace turns beet red at that and stumbles backward, landing on his ass.
“C-Come on, Luffy, I can’t do that-“
“Why not?”
“I mean, it’d be weird. We’re brothers, you know? I don’t think-“
Ace sighed, “Luffy-“
“Besides, we aren’t, um,” Luffy thinks momentarily to find his words, “Blood-related! Or even married-related!”
Ace chewed the inside of his mouth. That was a fair point; there would really be nothing incestuous about this possible encounter. But still, it felt forbidden, wrong…
“Come on, Ace, you taught me how to do everything! What’s so different about this?!”
Ace is about to offer another rebuttal, but he can’t say no when he sees Luffy’s big, round doe-eyes.
Instead, Ace sighs, “Alright, how are we going to do this?”
The next night comes, and Ace asks to see you in the crow’s nest. You make your way up, surprised to see Luffy is there too. Your boyfriend gives you a big smile and waves as Ace stands next to him, a slight smirk on his face.
“What’s up?” You ask, cautiously approaching the two men.
Ace starts, “I know you asked for some tips before. I think Luffy and I have come up with a more hands-on solution.”
You flush as you notice how the crow’s nest is furnished. There are piles of pillows and blankets adorning the floorboards. Everything between you three looks so cozy, so soft. Your eyes flicker from the floor back up to Ace and Luffy.
“A um, h-hands-on solution you say…”
“Only if you want to.” Ace adds, “But Luffy said that he wants me to show him how to please you, and since you asked how to please him, I figured we could kill two birds with one stone, yeah?”
You chewed at your bottom lip. You had always found Luffy’s brother attractive, and now that you were presented with the opportunity of being with the two men at once, your head spun.
“Don’t you feel weird about this?”
“I was a bit at first, but Luffy reminded me that we’re not technically brothers,” Ace laughs, and Luffy plops down on the blankets, spreading out comfortably as he stares up at you.
“Come on,” Luffy motions for you to come close, “Lay down with me!”
You timidly step onto the blankets and kneel next to Luffy. Little did you know you’d be sealing your fate.
Luffy kisses your lips as soon as you’re in the makeshift bed. It’s messy, wild, and full of so much energy. Your head spins.
You hear Ace laugh from behind Luffy, and soon your lips separate, “Easy there. Why don’t you try a different approach?”
“Like how?” Luffy tilts his head as he turns to look at the older man.
Ace makes his way between you both, cupping your cheek, “You mind if I show him?”
“U-Um, you can…”
Ace laughs lowly before leaning in, pressing a softer kiss to your lips. He’s still very much in charge, though, kissing you with a particular passion and forcefulness. You gasp when he licks your bottom lip, asking for permission.
Luffy never did that.
You timidly opened your mouth, allowing Ace to explore your cavern. When he slides his tongue against your own, you moan, enjoying the feeling.
When he parts from you, Luffy speaks: “Ew, why would you wanna kiss with your tongue? Sounds gross.”
“Just try it,” Ace chuckles, scooting away from you, “It feels good.”
“‘Kay…” Luffy mumbles before cupping your face and leaning in to press his lips against yours. He’s still more passionate than Ace and slightly clumsy, but you can tell he’s trying to mimic his bond brother. Soon enough, he’s licking at your lips, and you open your mouth, allowing him to explore. 
Luffy slides his tongue up against yours, tasting you thoroughly. A soft moan escapes your mouth as he begins fucking it with his tongue, teasing your own. 
He keeps going until you need to break for air. You’re left breathless as you pull away, your spit connecting you two.
Luffy bites his lips, “You’re right, Ace. Does feel good…”
And before you can catch your breath, Luffy is back on you, kissing you with his newly acquired skills. He drags you onto his lap, and you gasp when you already feel something hard poking you.
Meanwhile, Ace’s breath is trapped in his throat. Watching you and Luffy make out was really hot. He couldn’t help but bite his lip as his cock twitched in his pants. He wanted nothing more than to take your lips again, but he knew his place; he was just the instructor.
Luffy immediately tugs at your dress’s hem, “Take it off, please?”
You laugh at his whining and slowly remove your dress, allowing your body to be visible. Ace swallows thickly; you are such a beautiful girl. Your curves were in all the right places, your skin seemed silky smooth, and your beautiful eyes looked up at Luffy with such innocence.
He’s lost in your body as Luffy struggles with your bra clasp. His groans of frustration cause Ace to snap out of his trance.
“Stupid thing-!” Luffy growls, and Ace laughs.
“Here, it’s like this.” And Ace masterfully undoes your bra with a single hand. You feel your core clench at the action.
“Ohhhh,” Luffy muses as your bra straps fall off your shoulders, allowing your bra to hit the floor, “Thanks, Ace!” 
Luffy immediately reaches for your tits, molding them in his hands. You squeal at the touch, and Ace laughs. 
“Sensitive, aren’t you?”
You flush, your eyes looking away from both Luffy and Ace.
“What should I do with ’em, Ace?” Luffy asks, looking up at the dark-haired man.
The older man only chuckles, “You kiss on ’em… suck ’em, like this…”
Ace leans forward and captures one of your nipples in his mouth, swirling his tongue slowly over your puckering nipples. He moans against your skin and takes your torso in his hands, softly rubbing your sides. You throw your head back, letting out soft whimpers as he pleases you.
He pulls away, your nipple popping out of his mouth. Luffy practically bounces in place, eager to get started. 
“I wanna try too!” And with that, your Captain lunges forward, taking your other nipple into his mouth. He sucks harshly at your breast, taking your other one into his hands. He tweaks and pulls at the nipple not in his mouth, and Ace bites his lip as he watches on, his own erection becoming unbearably painful.
He tries to touch himself sneakily, palming his erection in his shorts. You and Luffy don’t notice, though, as you’re too involved with each other. Luffy moans happily as he sucks on your nipples, nibbling them roughly as he gropes your other breast. Your eyes are shut tight, your head tossed back as you relish the feeling.
Ace sneaks behind you, abandoning his weeping erection for a moment to tug at your panties. You gasp as Ace pulls you away from Luffy, his arms holding you tight against his chest. You take off your panties, and Luffy stares, enamored by the sight of your slick folds.
Ace spreads your legs with one hand and slides his other between your legs, spreading your folds. Luffy licks his lips and immediately goes for your cunt, licking a long stripe from your hole to your clit.
“O-Oh, Luffy-!”
“Make sure you focus on that little ball at the top, Luff,” Ace instructs, his fingers still spreading you open so Luffy can enjoy his feast.
“Here?” Luffy questions innocently, flicking his tongue over your swollen clit roughly. You gasp sharply and arch your back, causing Ace to chuckle.
“Mhm, just like that,” Ace smirks before his hands find their way to your breasts, molding them and pulling at your nipples.
Okay, so he knew he was supposed to be the teacher, but he couldn’t resist you anymore. He could always excuse it as adding to your pleasure anyway.
Your eyes flutter shut as your sensitive parts are stimulated. With Ace pulling at your nipples and Luffy slobbering all over your clit, you weren’t sure if you could last long.
“Mmh,” Luffy moans, “Tastes good…”
You flush at the vulgar words that left his mouth, your legs starting to quiver.
“You okay?” 
Ace answers for you, “She’s getting close; keep going.”
Luffy dove in once again, sucking and slurping at your sensitive nub. You instinctively reach for his raven hair, pulling the young man into your cunt. Luffy groans at the action and eats you out with even more determination. 
“Fuck, Luffy-!” 
You squeal, gushing onto his tongue. The Captain moans heartily, tonguing your clit and sucking up all you had to give. 
Ace groans from behind and accidentally ruts against your ass, causing you to gasp. It was your first time noticing that he was erect as well.
But you don’t say anything about it.
Luffy sits up with a huge grin, “Was that good?”
“Of course,” you pant out, your head swimming as you attempt to ground yourself in reality. 
“Alright, let me teach you a few things, yeah?” Ace chuckles, his breath hot against your ear, 
You nod timidly, and Ace adjusts himself so he’s on his knees now, guiding you so you do the same. 
“Stand up, Luffy.” Ace commands and Luffy follows, getting the picture. The younger man starts to undo his pants and hastily removes them along with his underwear. His cock is red and throbbing, his shaft excitedly twitching in the air. You swallow and look to Ace for permission to touch.
“Go on and grab it. Not too rough, alright?”
You nod and grip Luffy from the base, making him jump. 
“Good, but more towards the tip, okay?” Ace suggests before taking your hand in his, guiding it to the flushed head, “And let’s start slow…”
Ace keeps your soft hand in his as he begins pumping Luffy’s cock. He flushes deeply as he realizes what he’s doing, but Ace swallows harshly; he was just helping, that was all.
“Y-You got it?” Ace asks, and you nod. He releases your hand, allowing you to take control now. Luffy’s thighs clench as you stroke the tip of his dick, streams of precum leaking out.
Luffy calls your name as he pants, “Feels… really good-!” 
“Why don’t you help him out?” Ace chuckles, “Look how he’s crying out for you.”
You glance between Ace and Luffy briefly before lowering your head, licking up all the precum that pooled at the top. 
Ace bit back a groan as his cock throbbed at the sight. Your blushing face and nervous tongue were too much, and the lewd sounds from Luffy’s mouth only added to the entire scene. 
“More-“ Luffy grunts, thrusting his hips impatiently, causing his slick head to rut against your cheek. 
Ace purrs, “Let’s give him more, yeah?”
You nod, and before you can say anything, Ace tucks your hair behind your ear and pushes your head forward. You moan as you take Luffy into your mouth, your tongue caressing the underside of his cock. He practically howls as you take him as deep as possible. Your eyes look up at your boyfriend, his own shut tight.
Ace moves your head back and forth, helping you bob your head on Luffy’s cock. He grunts under his breath, his own cock twitching as he wishes you were sucking him off too. But he settles for watching you.
“That’s it, make sure you drool around him too; guys like it sloppy like that…” Ace moans, pulling your hair back as he guides your head.
“Y-Yeah,” Luffy’s voice cracks, “‘Like it when it’s all wet… hnn, shit-“ 
The Captain’s hips snap forward, his cock fucking your throat with Ace still controlling your head. You felt like a toy, so easily manipulated by these two men.
“Use your hands too,” Ace suggests, and you place your hands around what you can’t fit in your mouth, “Twist your hand when you suck him in.”
Luffy’s moan catches in his throat as he throws his head back, “F-Feels so good-! I might-“
Ace pulls your head off Luffy’s cock, and you’re left panting, a singular string of spit connecting your tongue to his throbbing shaft. Luffy almost cums from your lewd face alone.
“That was close, huh?” Ace chuckles. 
Though, his erection is getting more bothersome. It throbs uselessly in his underwear as he watches on, and he’s not sure how much more he can take. 
But an idea pops into his head. 
“Alright, last lesson,” he wets his lips, “Time to show you how to fuck a girl.”
Luffy’s eyes light up, “Oooh, okay!”
You look at Ace with a dark flush on your cheeks, and he smiles that charming smile of his, “That is if your girlfriend is okay with that…”
You bite your lip, “I-If it’s to show Luffy, then… it’s okay.”
Ace smirks, “Of course.”
The older man repositions himself so he’s no longer behind you but in front of you on his knees like you are. Luffy is behind him, still standing, watching intently. 
“Here,” Ace starts, gently laying you down, “You’re gonna want to treat her like a princess. But…” 
Ace makes quick work of unbuttoning his shorts and sliding out of them and his underwear. His cock bobs excitedly in the air, the tip flushed bright red. You don’t miss how precum leaks from his frustrated cock. 
“Make sure you ask how she wants to be fucked too. Even though you’re supposed to be gentle with girls, they sometimes like to be fucked like whores.”
You gasp at his words and whimper when he slides his swollen, wet head over your folds. 
“So tell me,” he smirks, “How do you want to be fucked?”
Your lips tremble, “Hard.”
Luffy scrambles to your side, sitting beside your head, “Don’t worry, Ace will do it right! And then I’ll try to do it even better!”
Ace chuckles, “Mm, we’ll see…”
With that, Ace pushes in, and you gasp at the stretch. He’s thick, making your hole adjust to his girth. 
“Oh, she’s tight-“ he hisses, lowering his head, “Feels really good-“
He lets out a drawn-out moan as he pushes inside, your walls clenching and pulsing around him. 
“N-Now, Luffy,” Ace starts, his voice trembling as he bottoms out, “You’re gonna want to aim for her g-spot, okay? That means you have to angle your hips up.”
As if testing the waters, Ace pulls out slowly before pushing back inside. Your eyes flutter shut, and you throw your head back. Luffy looks at you in awe, watching your face scrunch and contort in pleasure. 
“Her g-spot?” Luffy questions, tilting his head. 
“M-Mhm-“Ace stutters, already lost in your wetness, “you’ll know it when you feel it. It’ll make her feel really good.”
Luffy hums before looking back at where your body and Ace’s connected. 
“And you’re gonna want to be romantic still. Hold her hand while you fuck her.” Ace says, his own hand reaching for your right one. Luffy follows suit, taking your left hand in his. 
“Alright,” Ace starts, “Just watch for a bit; you’ll pick up fast.”
The older man takes your hip in his free hand, angling your hips upward before slamming in. You sharply gasp as he hits that sensitive spot within you dead on. 
Ace felt like a piece of shit for disguising his horniness as simple instruction, but fuck, you felt so good. It had been a while since he had sex, and you were perfect. The way your pussy wrapped around his cock, how your breasts jiggled as he pounded you, your cute voice gasping as he slammed in- it was all perfect. 
“Does it feel good?” Luffy asked, his hand tightening around your own.
“Yes-!” Your eyes roll back, “Yes, he feels so good, Luffy!”
Luffy stares, watching Ace snap his hips forward as if his life depended on it. The younger man then reaches for your clit, rubbing it slowly in circles, “And it feels better when I do this, right? ’Cause I wanna help too…”
You nod dumbly, “It feels good, Luffy… K-Keep rubbing it-!”
Luffy’s fingers speed up, and you toss your head back, drool escaping your lips as Ace’s cock hammers into you, hitting that spot that makes your toes curl.
“Oh, you’re so wet-” Ace grits his teeth, “L-Luffy, make sure you… tell her how good she feels when you fuck her-“
Luffy nods eagerly, watching on.
The older man leans in close, his eyes locking with yours as his raspy voice meets your ears, “Mn, I wish I could fuck this little pussy of yours all the time. You’re so fucking wet and tight. Luffy’s really lucky…”
Your face glows with embarrassment at the man’s words, “A-Ace-”
His cock throbs inside you as his hips don’t let up, his cock’s head slamming into your most sensitive parts. Your chest rises and falls as he plunges into your pussy with great force. You cry out, legs seizing as he penetrates your depths.
“Mm, okay, I think I got it, Ace!” Luffy exclaims, and Ace’s hips stutter.
Shit, he was hoping he could cum from this, but he knew better than to push his luck.
Reluctantly, he pulls out of your heavenly pussy, leaving you to throb around nothing. You whined at the loss.
“Take a crack at it, Luff.”
Ace moves aside, releasing your hand. Luffy does the same, positioning himself between your legs. He rubs his pink tip over your slit before shoving himself inside, causing you to moan loudly.
“S-So- warm-!” He moans, tossing his head back, desperately humping your cunt, “O-Oh, it’s really wet, like your mouth was!”
Ace grabs your hand as he takes Luffy’s previous position. Luffy has his hands on your waist, his strokes pummeling your insides. 
Ace reaches between your legs with his free hand and spreads your lips, “Watch it go in and out of her…”
Luffy looks down, his eyes lidded as he watches his cock disappear inside you, “Feel the wet stuff… going down my balls- there’s so much…!”
You bit your lip at his obscene words, wet smacking sounds echoing throughout the room.
Luffy makes a lustful noise as his vision starts to grow hazy. He’s utterly pussy drunk already, fucking you recklessly. Your poor cervix would be bruised in the morning, but you didn’t care; you just wanted Luffy to fuck you.
“I-I’m gonna- “Luffy starts, “I’m gonna-!”
“Pull out- “Ace warns, and Luffy obeys, his cock angrily bouncing in the cool air. Luffy lets out a drawn-out whine.
“Aceeeee,” he pouts, “I was close! Why did I have to stop?”
“Because,” Ace smirks, “You gotta make her cum from your cock. Here…”
Ace shuffles so that he’s behind Luffy. The younger man looks behind him and blushes slightly when a large hand wraps around his base, guiding him to your folds.
“Tease her like this,” Ace bites his lip, dragging Luffy’s soaked tip over your clit, “Back and forth…”
Your legs tighten as Luffy’s head swipes over your needy clit, stimulating you slightly. You begin to squirm, and Ace laughs a bit.
“Now, let’s try it again…” Ace angles Luffy’s cock so it prods at your hole, and Luffy gets the message, taking your hips in his hands and dragging you forward, impaling you on his cock.
Luffy spreads your legs apart, allowing him to reach even deeper inside. 
“Remember, angle upwards,” Ace grabs Luffy’s hips and angles him just right, causing your eyes to roll back as Luffy resumes his hectic pace.
“So tight-!” Luffy grits his teeth as he fucks you like a wild beast, chasing his high while trying to get you off.
Luffy pants, throwing his head snack as he squeezes his eyes shut, “Can’t- Cant get enough! You feel so good! Wanna do this all the time now-“
To your surprise, Luffy pulls out, turns you around, and pushes you onto your knees before shoving your face into the pillows.
“Wanna do it like this-“ He growls, before forcing himself back inside, “Want to fuck you, just like this!”
You gasp loudly as suddenly his cock smashes your cervix. Your eyes look to the heavens as he shoves his cock inside, battering your womb.
“Take it all-!” He growls, slamming into you with a force you had never experienced.
Ace’s cock can’t take being neglected anymore. He sits to the side, watching you both, and doesn’t even bother hiding his newly busy hand. He bites his lip, freckled cheeks flushed as he watches Luffy fuck you from behind.
He was so jealous. He wanted to pound you with all that he had too. He wanted to ram into your deepest depths and make you squeal.
But all he could do was fuck his hand.
Ace watches on, your moans and squeals getting him riled up. His cock desperately throbbed, wanting nothing more than to be back inside your warmth. But he simply watched on, licking his lips as Luffy absolutely destroyed you.
And soon enough, your words cut through the lewd sounds.
“I-I’m cumming!” You moan out, “L-Luffy, I-I’m-!”
Luffy doesn’t slow down; he continues assaulting your tight folds until he bursts, filling you with a cracked moan. His warmth shooting inside triggers your orgasm, your cream coating his shaft as he thrusts in and out.
Ace grunts, his orgasm approaching quickly. He speeds up his hand so he won’t be left in the dust, and soon enough, he’s cumming after you both.
The room is silent save for your combined ragged breaths. Luffy eventually pulls out, his cum leaking out of your hole. He, with shaky hands, guides his tip back to your entrance and shallowly thrusts in and out, stuffing you full.
Ace laughs breathlessly, “Good, make sure none of it goes to waste…”
Luffy laughs gently along with him.
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cozage · 1 year
Search by Popular Character
Luffy | Zoro | Sanji | Ace | Law | Shanks
Headcanons/Small Stories (oldest writing is first!)
Boyfriends and Birthdays (Luffy, Zoro, Sanji) OP Boys and a Sick S/O (Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ace, Law) Captured By Marines (Luffy, Ace, Law) Truth or Dare (Ace, Shanks, Luffy, Law) Taking a hit for them in battle (Luffy, Zoro, Sanji) Festivals with the OP Boys (Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ace) A Plushie Substitute (Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Ace, Law) I like the way your hand fits in mine (Luffy, Zoro, Kid, Shanks) A New Home (Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Law, Ace) Forgotten (Zoro, Luffy, Law) The Pain of Healing (Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Law, Ace) Pain of Healing Part Two (Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Law, Ace) Pain of Healing Part Three (Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Law, Ace) Rich S/O HCs (Law) Oblivious Flirting (Law, Luffy, Ace) Flustered HCs (Buggy, Law) Flustered Situations (Sanji, Zoro, Ace) Sleepy Afternoons (Strawhats) Fever Pains (Law and Chopper) Pampering the Prince (Sanji) "I'm Late" (Luffy, Sanji, Shanks, Law) Beauty Scars (Kid, Law) Hate is Such a Strong Word (Luffy, Sanji, Law, Zoro) Rescued by Pirates (Luffy, Law, Ace) Kabedon (Robin, Vivi, Boa, Zoro, Law, Shanks) Silent Treatment (Shanks, Zoro, Sanji) Silent Treatment Pt. 2 (Sabo, Law, Ace) Over-affectionate Love HCs (Law, Zoro) Graffiti on His Heart (Sanji, Zoro, Law) Baking for the Boys (Luffy, Zoro, Sanji) Old Wounds (Luffy, Zoro, Sanji) Enemy Control (Zoro, Ace, Law) Extra Clingy HCs (Luffy, Law, Kidd, Shanks) Prank Text (Luffy, Ace, Shanks, Sabo) Don't Leave (Luffy, Zoro, Sanji) (Not) Just a Boyfriend (Law, Luffy, Zoro) Karaoke Night (Strawhats) True Love's Kiss (Law, Luffy, Zoro) Panic Attacks (Sanji, Zoro, Luffy, Law) Intimidating Nerd (Sanji, Zoro, Usopp) New Perfume (Shanks, Sanji, Ace) Helping them Through Panic Attacks (Sanji, Zoro, Luffy, Law) Indirect Kisses (Zoro, Luffy, Law) Bratty Consequences (Shanks, Ace, Kid)
She's Kind of Stupid, but... (Mihawk, Shanks, Buggy) Fire and Water (Ace, Sabo) Kinks-NSFW (Ace, Zoro, Sanji, Luffy, Law, Kid) Teaching Moments (Ace, Zoro, Sanji, Luffy) Children Crushes (Zoro, Sanji, Shanks) Confession (Zoro, Sanji) From Friends to Lovers (Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Shanks) A Hand to Hold (Zoro, Sanji, Luffy, Law) Scandalous Reading-NSFWish (Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Law)
One Shots
The Language of Love (Ace x m reader) Push and Pull (Law x gn reader) Five Stages of Grief (Ace x gn reader) A Life of Adventure (Beckman x gn reader) Transmission (Law x female reader) Settling Down (Shanks x female reader) A Painted Dream (Sanji x gn reader) A Lifetime Promise (Law x female reader) Home is Where the Heart is (Luffy x gn reader) There When You Need Us (ASL family x female reader) Wings of the Pirate King (Luffy x female reader) Dreamland (Sabo x female reader) Comic Books (Law x gn reader) Love Marks (Zoro x female reader + familial ASL) Red Nose (Buggy x gn reader) A Cold Cola (Franky, Sanji) Fairytale (Sanji x gn reader) How to Save a Life (Luffy x gn reader) Winter Island Blues (Law x gn reader) Leaving (Law x gn reader) Missing Ingredient (Sanji x fem reader)
Made for Two fic (Sanji x gn reader) completed :)
Prologue: Sunset for One Set for Two Recipe for Two Dance for Two Dessert for Two
The Moss that Grew in Gloom (Zoro x female reader) (ongoing)
The Fall of a Swordsman Honor in Asking for Help Training and Teaching Celebrating the Little Things A Secret Code
The Daughter's Return (Ace x female reader) (ongoing)
On Tumblr On AO3
The Meaning of Justice: A short fic (ongoing)
Chapter One: Loguetown Chapter Two: Nanohana Chapter Three: Alabasta Desert Chapter Four: Yuba
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moonlightpetalz6 · 8 months
Kinktober Day 8 (Food Play)
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Character: Monkey D. Luffy x Reader 
Reader: Fem Reader!
Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, smut, pet names, harsh language, spit/drooling into Luffy's mouth, lots of spit, use of food (Whipped cream, popsicles, chocolate syrup), oral (F receiving)
Wc: 4,066
A/n: I made this fic so filthy and gross I deeply apologize as I don't know what came over me. I tried my best to get all the warnings written above! I apologize if I missed any!
"Geez, it's so hot out!" Nami whined while trying to fan herself with her hand. Robin nodded her head in approval as the three of you sat under an umbrella, trying to avoid the sun's torturous rays. "I know what you mean. I'm dying here!" You cried, wiping a few beads of sweat from your forehead. You look at the rest of the ship with a heavy sigh, watching your fellow crewmates mess around on deck. Luffy and Usopp were running around fishing poles in hand, with giant smiles as they perched themselves onto the ship ledge. You smiled, seeing your joyful captain/boyfriend still being able to enjoy today's weather before tugging at your top, watching as some beads of sweat trailed down into the area between your breasts, causing you to cringe at the feeling. 
"Ugh! I hate this heat!" You yelled, gaining some glances from the other crew members, who laughed at your outburst. "Ladies~!" Sanji's voice calls out as the door leading to the kitchen swings open, revealing the grinning cook who held what appeared to be three popsicles in his hands. Turning your way, Sanji started dancing towards you with hearts for eyes. "I thought you lovely ladies would enjoy a cool treat on such a hot day!" His voice held so much enthusiasm and love, causing a slight giggle to leave yours and Robin's lips. Nami just sighed as she held her head in pain. "Why, thank you, Sanji," Robin spoke, placing aside the book she was reading as she took one from the blonde's hand. 
"Sanji, my savior!" You cheered happily, accepting the yummy treat and instantly putting it in your mouth. The coolness of the frozen treat immediately sends a refreshing wave throughout your body as you savor the taste. Sanji just smiles, a bright dust of pink across his cheeks. "Anything for you girls~" He cooed, happy to see you all enjoying the cool treat. Luffy, whose ears had perked up at the sound of 'treat,' was looking in your direction, his eyes sparkling at the sight of the popsicles in the three girls' hands. "Heyyyy! Sanjiii! I want one, too!" Luffy yelled from his seated position, waving an energetic hand towards the cook, Usopp, following his lead, both laughing. You watch Sanji's face fall as he glares at the two men. 
"Get your own dammit! These are for the ladies!" You watched as the three started yelling at each other. Usopp and your boyfriend complaining about how it wasn't fair, and that Sanji was a big jerk. Sanji cursed them out with a vein popping on his temple before walking away, ignoring the childish shouts from below. You hummed, twirling the popsicle around in your mouth as you watched the pout form on your adorable boyfriend's face, causing a small smile of your own. 'Oh, Luffy, you're just too cute!' You mentally gushed before standing up, gaining the two girls' attention. "You're not gonna offer him your popsicle, are you Y/n? You can't keep spoiling him like this!" Nami scolded, knowing you all too well as she watched you give a shy smile and a nervous laugh escaping your lips as you waved bye to them. 
You make your way down the steps, watching as the popsicle starts to melt a bit now that it is directly under the heat of the burning sun. You shrug it off as you approach your boyfriend, watching his gaze stay focused on the fishing line. "Luffyyy~" You call, a slight hum in your tone as you step behind him. Luffy's ear twitches as he spares a glance back at you, eyes filled with curiosity. You tilt your head to adequately meet his gaze as you give one of your signature sugary sweet smiles that always made his heart feel like it would rip from his chest with how fast it beat. The pirate captain watched as you held your popsicle out towards him, face flushed from the heat, your skin shining from all the sweat dripping down your body. 
Luffy gives you a giant smile as he jumps up from his seat, tossing his fishing pole aside as he hurriedly runs towards you. His hand reaches out to snatch the yummy treat from his girlfriend's generous hands, only to stop when he notices the sticky liquid dripping onto your hand, slowly trailing down your wrist. "Luffy?" You ask, a smile still on your face as you reach the popsicle further towards him. He quickly shakes his head and grins, snatching it from you, shoving the treat into his mouth, and humming at the flavor. Your flavor. Luffy blushes slightly as he picks up the slight taste of your saliva that had been left sticking to the flavored ice. His eyes travel over you carefully, landing on your plump lips that you carefully lick, probably trying to take in the lingering flavor you had moments ago. His gaze falls, watching your hand still covered in the melted juice. His eyes narrowed slightly as he thought of how your skin was becoming sticky, and boy, did he love seeing you all damp. His tongue twirls around the popsicle, his jaw tightening as he wonders what it would taste like if he went and licked it. Would it taste sweet like the popsicle or salty like your sweaty skin? Or even better, would it taste like a perfect mixer of both? 
Luffy mentally groans at the thought, his throat expanding as he heavily swallows the saliva building up inside his mouth. He never understood why those kinds of ideas would pop into his mind, but whenever it came to his two favorite things, food, and his sweet girlfriend, he just couldn't help but inappropriately mix the two together in his mind. Your boyfriend is soon snapped out of his thoughts when he hears the shouts of his fishing buddy yelling at you. "No fair! Y/n, why can't you spoil me?!" Usopp cried dramatically, causing you to laugh as you gave a slight apology, clapping your hands together. You tell the sniper you were sorry and would make it up to him with a wink. This wasn't new, as the three of you were always playfully throwing flirty jokes or remarks at each other. 
However, at the moment, Luffy felt a bit possessive and didn't like what he saw. 'Mine.' The childish thought ran through his mind as he went and snatched your wrist up into his hand, dragging it towards his face just inches away from his lips. "Luffy?" Your confusion is evident as you look at the man in wonder. Luffy doesn't say anything as he keeps eye contact with you, his eyes slightly narrowed as the light that usually sparkled so bright within his carefree orbs was dimmed as he went and licked a line up your wrist. Your eyes went wide in shock, your face going a deep red as your heart began to beat against your ribcage. Usopp's mouth dropped as he looked at his captain as if he had just said the most unbelievable thing. A slight blush soon adjourned his cheeks. 
"H-hey Luffy! What's the big idea?! That's so gross!" Usopp yelled though he couldn't deny he found the scene a little hot. Luffy didn't say anything for a moment, his bangs falling in front of his eyes as his tongue took in the pleasurable flavor of your salty skin mixed with the sweetness that lingered throughout his mouth. He wanted more. "L-Luffy, I could have taken care of it myself!" You flushed from embarrassment as you tried to tug your wrist away to rub off the rest of the sticky substance from your fingers. Luffy's grip didn't let up as he beamed with a bright smile, a loud laugh booming from his stomach, causing the two of you to relax slightly, a few nervous laughs leaving your lips from the captain's usual nature. 
"Sorry! I just didn't want it to go to waste!" He laughed, watching the two of you sigh, shaking your heads at the man. 'He's hopeless.' You both think in defeat. Luffy hums as he finishes the popsicle, tossing the stick behind him before smiling at you, eyes locking. "Y/n, I want more! Help me get past Sanji!" He pleads as he hugs you, almost causing you to fall onto the deck's wood. You giggle at him, nodding as you find you could never tell your captain no. Luffy's smile only seems to grow at your response as he quickly drags you towards the kitchen, leaving Usopp to continue fishing alone. Luffy's eyes give your wrist a quick glance, his heart running wild as he secretly licks his lips. Unknown to you, your adorable and innocent boyfriend was planning something filthy for when you got into the kitchen. 
He pushes the door open with a bit too much energy as it crashes against the wall, causing the cook inside to flinch as he glares in your direction. "Sanjiiii! I want some popsicles!" Luffy demanded with a giant laugh as he dragged you inside after him. "I told you no dammit! Don't drag poor Y/n in here just to get what you want!" Sanji scolds while drying his hands with a small rag. You look between the two, knowing the situation will go nowhere, as you bring a finger to your chin in thought. After a moment, an idea pops into your head, a smile gracing your lips as you carefully clear your throat to get the men's attention. "Sanji, I actually wanted to come to ask you a favor." You lie innocently, placing a hand on your chest. 
"A favor?" The blonde questions while fully taking in your words. His face soon lights up as he throws his arms in the air. "Of course, my dear Y/n! Anything for you, I am at your service!" He cries lovingly. Luffy's eye twitches in annoyance but goes unnoticed as you continue to execute your little scheme. "I was wondering if you could bring Chopper some cold water and possibly some treats, he likes. I'm worried for him due to this heat." You felt terrible using the adorable doctor as an excuse to help your boyfriend sneak food from the helpless romantic, but Luffy's needs came first in your eyes. Sanji clenches his heart as his jaw clenches. "Y/n, my dear, you are just a pure angel!" He groaned before quickly snatching up what you requested and dashing out the door. You let out a little giggle, shaking your head. 
"I feel guilty." You admit, looking back at your boyfriend. Luffy just hums, kissing your lips quickly, catching you by surprise as he gives you a cheeky smile before lifting you up by the waist, causing you to let out a small squeak. He laughs as he places you on the table, slightly squeezing your thighs as he approaches the fridge and freezer. You hummed, kicking your feet as you patiently waited for him to finish raiding the refrigerator, hoping Sanji wouldn't return while you were still there. Your mind suddenly goes back to Luffy's earlier action, the look on his face burning into your memory, causing you to blush as you press your legs together, shamefully, feeling yourself getting turned on by something Luffy had admitted was of pure intent. Right?
Suddenly, you feel something cold press against your lips, causing you to flinch back as you look to see Luffy pressing a popsicle to your lips. He smiled, shoving it back onto the tender skin. "I got this one for you!" He smiles, arms full of all kinds of things. You take note of the chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and one other popsicle. You raise a brow at these choices, not fully understanding what he could possibly make with such a strange mixture. Luffy notices your gaze, and his smile slowly turns into a smirk, eyes narrowing with lust as he opens his mouth to speak. "Come on, Y/n, be a good girl and take it." The darker tone of his voice shocks you, along with his choice of words. You go to say something only to gag slightly as he takes the opportunity to shove the cold treat into your mouth, the tip lightly hitting the back of your throat. The small gagging noises cause Luffy to beam with joy as he watches your lips cutely wrap around the already melting treat. 
"It tastes good, right?" He questions while carefully spreading your legs so he can stand between them as he sets the items in his arms next to you on the table. You give a shy nod, unable to keep eye contact with your boyfriend, as this side of him always turns you into a flustered mess. Luffy laughs as he brings his hands to your thighs, gently stroking them with his thumbs as they slowly trail up your body. "Y/n, everyone always says how you spoil me, right?" He whispers, placing a kiss on your cheek as he goes to lick the part of the popsicle that wasn't in your mouth, his eyes taking in your embarrassed expression. "You're always so sweet and good to me~ I love it so much!" He laughs as he goes and pins you against the table. 
"So, will you spoil me right now, sweetheart? Can I play with your body while getting my tasty treat?" He begs, eyes shimmering with desire as his chest tightens while awaiting your response. You hum against the popsicle, not having a free hand to remove it as Luffy holds your wrists above your head. He smiles happily, removing the popsicle from your mouth and watching some of your saliva mixed with the color of the treated juice slide past the corner of your lips down your chin. Luffy bites the inside of his cheek, feeling his shorts getting tighter as he places the popsicle in his mouth, tilting his head as he waits for you to speak. The sight gets you going as a blush forms on his face while he desperately sucks at the treat. "Okay, Luffy, I'll spoil you again today, okay?" You breathe lust developing in your beautiful orbs. Luffy smiles, removing the popsicle as he hungrily kisses your lips. You moan, feeling his tongue quickly slip past your lips as it swirls all around inside your mouth, desperate for our taste. 
Luffy pulls away a few pants falling from his lips as he looks down at you with a needy expression. "So sweet…your taste is so good mixed with the popsicle." He admits as he goes and shoves the melting treat back into your mouth. "Keep sucking on it, sweetheart~ I wanna make sure your mouth tastes really yummy once I get my fill~" He laughs, giving you a toothy grin. You cock your head to the side, not fully understanding your lover's words until he is yanking your shirt down, exposing your breasts, still damp from the heat. Luffy licks his lips as he reaches for the whipped cream, eyes sparkling with excitement as he goes and carefully places the cold substance against one of your mounds, causing a chill to run through your body from the feeling. 
"It feels nice, right?! I wanted to put cool things on your body because I knew you were complaining about the heat!" His happy laugh causes your eyes to soften as you look up at him lovingly, finding the way he's still thinking about you even though he's getting so caught up in his desires. It's absolutely adorable as you swallow some of the melting juice, a small gulp echoing in the room. Luffy smirks as he grabs your waist with both hands, leaning just inches away from the covered mound. "Don't worry~ I'm a fast eater~" He teases before wrapping his lips around the sweet cream, the texture of that and your soft, squishy flesh driving him wild as his tongue twirls around your nipple feeling it starting to grow harder under his tongue as he goes to sink his teeth around it causing a muffled gasp from you as you went to pull the popsicle from your mouth to scold him. "If you take it out, I'll stop!" He pouts up at you, whining like a child. Your hand twitches as you slowly release the stick; you feel too worked up to let him leave you like this. He nods in approval before continuing to suck and pull at your swollen nipple wanting to get every last lick of the cream from your tasty skin. After getting all of it, he pulls away with a satisfied pop, watching his saliva fall back onto your sticky skin. 
"It's so tasty, Y/n! I love how salty your skin is right now. It tastes so good with the whipped cream!" He praises as he goes and opens the chocolate syrup. "Now let me try the other one~" He giggles, eyes watching with so much hunger as the brown liquid falls to your skin, slowly dripping down the squishy mound. "Oops!" He cried quickly, going to lick up the places where the thick syrup ran down on your breast. "Can't have any of it going to waste right baby~" He purrs, going to suck on the mound moaning at how your taste seemed to get even better with the new sweet treat that enhanced your already delectable taste. Luffy's mouth was salivating as drool started slipping from his lips, making sure to leave your chest covered in spit. 
Luffy snapped out of his trance when he felt your legs tighten around him, signaling you were feeling good from his actions. Luffy hums, loving that he could make you feel this good with his newfound interest as he slides his hand down your shorts, the tips of his fingers coming in contact with the drenched spot of your panties. "Are you turned on Y/n?" He asks, though he already knows the answer as he goes and pulls the half-melted treat from your mouth. You gasped as you felt your jaw relax from the loss inside your mouth as you tried to swallow all the spit. Luffy stops you as he grabs your cheeks with his free hand. "Don't swallow it." He growls, not wanting to miss a single new taste that was to come from his filthy desires. You watch as he goes and slides your pants down, taking in a small breath as his eyes take in just how wet you are, his erection painfully pressing against his shorts, causing a slight whine to leave his throat. 
"Sit up for me, baby." He mumbled, helping you sit up on the table as he wrapped his arms around your waist, looking up at you with an almost drunk expression." I want it in my mouth, baby~ I bet it tastes delicious~" He sings, opening his mouth, tongue sticking out. You feel your pussy throb at the sight of you, having never seen Luffy so aroused before. You do as told, allowing the mix of your spit and the melted treat to fall down your boyfriend's needy throat. You watch his eyes roll back from the taste as he quickly closes his mouth, allowing his taste buds to savor the flavor. It was just so good that Luffy felt he couldn't last much longer. 
"Shit, so fucking tasty, baby! I love how much you spoil me~" Luffy moans as he reaches for the other popsicle he had gotten, watching as it leaked as soon as he pulled the wrapper away, watching as it got all over his hand. Your eyes are narrow as you gently grab his wrist, catching him by surprise as he watches you slowly lick at his digits, carefully taking them inside your sweet little mouth. The sight drove your captain mad as he went and pulled your panties down, pressing the cold melting treat to your folds, earning a tiny squeak from you. "L-Luffy, it's cold and sticky! That's so gross!" You whined, the strange feeling between your thighs causing you to wiggle and squirm from your seated position. Luffy just smiled loving the way you were acting as he found you to be the cutest girl on these seas, he decided to set sail on.
"Awe, come on, Y/n~ Please let me do this~ I promise I'll clean it all up!" He whined, pressing his chest to yours as he gave you an adorable pout. You mentally cursed as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a passionate kiss. Luffy smiles at this as he goes and presses the popsicle past your folds, listening to your slick mix with the sticky syrup. It was music to his ears. You continued to whine at the feeling while Luffy's kisses grew hungrier by the second. "You're gonna taste so good." He whispers, pulling away from the kiss with a shaky breath as he slides down to his knees to get a better angle of the sticky mess between your legs. He removes the popsicle, holding it up to you, wanting to see you taste what he was about to aggressively consume with his drooling mouth. 
You slowly take the dripping treat, eyes locked with his as you slide it into your mouth, tasting yourself amongst the sweet flavor, causing a moan to rumble in your throat. Luffy licks his lips as he spreads your legs more, allowing him to see just how sticky he made your pussy. "I'm starving." He whined before hungrily eating away at your pussy, the noises echoing off the kitchen walls as Luffy tasted what he deemed to be his new favorite meal. You moan, tossing your head back from how fast your boyfriend's tongue was lapping at your pussy occasionally twirling the wet muscle around your clit. Luffy moans, feeling his brain go fuzzy as he shakily pulls away for a moment, heavy pants leaving his mouth as he looks up at you through lidded eyes. 
"You're pussy tastes so good, Y/n." He whines, going to rub your clit with his thumb as he leaves bites along your inner thighs, his hunger only seeming to grow as he lets out a few whines while palming himself through his pants. You finish the popsicle slowly, bringing the stick from your lips as you release a few pants. "You always say that, Luffy~" You whine, though you loved him complimenting your body as it made you feel special. Luffy smiles, giving you his signature laugh as he goes and gives your pussy a few long licks, his tongue not getting enough of your taste. 
"But Y/nnnn! Your pussy is extra tasty today! I just want to eat it forever~" He whines, sliding a finger into your twitching hole, causing you to buck your hips at the sudden pleasure of letting out a deep moan as Luffy continues his assault on your needy mess. "So good, sososo yummy! My sweetheart's yummy pussy!" Luffy moans, feeling your walls clench around his fingers as he continues to stroke himself through his shorts, his cock twitching as precum leaks from his tip. Your fingers entangle with his black locks, sweaty palms gripping and pulling on his hair as you feel the knot inside becoming too much. 
"Luffyyyyy~ Gonna cum! I'm gonna cum!" You whine, legs twitching. Luffy moans at your words wanting to taste your cum on his sticky tongue as he sucks on your clit. "Come on, sweetheart spoil your adorable captain~" He coos, removing his fingers as his tongue replaces them, sliding as deep as it would go the taste of your walls, something he would never get sick of. "I wanna get my tasty treat~" His words are muffled, but you can still hear what he says as your back arches, eyes rolling far back into your skull, feeling your orgasm rushing through your body. Luffy quickly swallows all of it, not wanting to miss a drop of his girl's sweet juices as he feels himself cum, his hand getting coated in thick white strands as he lets out the most resounding groan you've ever heard. After a moment, he pulls away, face drenched in your release as he happily licks his lips, a pussy drunk look on his face as he swallows more saliva. 
"Y/n~ I wanna be spoiled again~" 
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goddessofmischief · 8 months
I see you are taking requests for the one piece bois so I thought I’d throw an idea your way!
(Oh my god I’m so sorry this is so long!)
F!Reader X Mihawk where y/n is fairly new to the straw hat crew. There’s a huge battle between pirates and marines, the battle field is brutal. Mihawk is there fighting the Marines when he sees the straw hats do a group attack together. Y/n was launched by Luffy and Sanji straight into the middle of the battle field with her sword and daggers. Mihawk takes notice of y/n being launched into the battle thinking she was gonna get taken down quite easily. He doesn’t recognize who she is so obviously not strong enough to know who he was.
Little to Mihawks knowledge, she spent her entire life being trained to be an assassin against her will. Once she escaped and joined the straw hats she started training with Zoro and she improved so much. She starts to love the thrill of the fights so she ends up training even harder and goddamn is it noticeable.
As y/n is falling towards the marines she unsheathes her dark black sword covered in haki and lets out a huge attack that split the ground a few miles apart. The straw hats join y/n after she lands in the open field she just mowed down. Mihawk is baffled by how fluid she is with her attacks, not missing a single mark and meshing with her crew so well.
Y/N then gets launched AGAIN by a new admiral through the air straight at Mihawk. He notices and breaks her fall, not wanting her to hit the ground for some reason. That’s how they introduce themselves and they end up fighting the new admiral together.
They end up battling perfect together, perfectly synchronizing their attacks and blocks. Mihawk thinks he might have found his person.
That’s kind of all I got so far, sorry for it being so long! I hope it makes sense and if you do choose to write this I hope you have fun with it as well!!
I love long asks, it makes the fic so much easier to write! (requests still open for mihawk & shanks)
Warrior | Dracule Mihawk x Reader
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Well, this was certainly an interesting way to start a new job.
You'd been with the Straw Hat crew for nearly a month now. As an old friend of Zoro's, nearly equally skilled with the blade, you had proven yourself to be a valuable asset. The longer you knew them, the more you began to feel as if the Going Merry could be your home.
That's when the Marines showed up.
They were after Zoro - of course - and someone else, too, someone you couldn't quite place. Zoro seemed to recognize the name, cower at it, even, but it wasn't familiar to you.
Mihawk. Dracule Mihawk.
So here you were... hopelessly outnumbered, or so it would seem. Hundreds of Marines, and in opposition only you and the Straw Hats, plus a few other pirate crews.
You held your breath as you glanced back at Luffy and Sanji, giving them a nod.
"Are you sure?" Sanji asks, obviously reluctant. You smiled.
"Just do it."
Luffy used his rubber arms to propel you back like a slingshot, straight into the middle of the battlefield, daggers drawn.
You landed on your knees, slightly scuffed, and pointed one of your daggers in the air.
Across the field, a warlord of the seas had begun to notice the other warrior. Nothing much escaped his notice - not the weather, not the weight of his weapons in his hands, not the bodies littering the field.
You were far more subtle, but no less obvious. You moved through the battlefield like liquid, like water, your blades dancing through opponent after opponent until few remained. Then, when it seemed that your smaller blades would no longer suffice, you removed a much larger sword from a sheath on your back - a black sword, covered in haki. The weight of it, sinking into the earth, split the ground and forced both Marines and pirates apart.
He didn't know you, but he felt he knew something about you. Something about how you must have suffered to have gained such skill.
You had. You had been trained to become an assassin from a young age, after all, and it was nearly all you knew. Zoro saved you, trained with you. One day, he left to turn in a bounty at a Marine base and seemed to have vanished forever. A year later, he returned to bring you with him.
Your crew had assembled around you, he noted - you seemed especially close to a man in a suit, another man with green hair - Zoro, Mihawk recognized, Roronoa Zoro.
Well, of course he liked you, of course he appreciated your skill. Zoro would not waste his time nor protection on someone undeserving.
But your crew had been distracted by other assailants, it seemed, and you stood alone. A newer Marine admiral, someone Mihawk recognized as a person he'd rather not mess with, engaged you directly in combat. Your sword hit his shoulder, but did nothing. He was too strong, and you were overpowered.
The force of the sword's vibration threw you back several feet, and Mihawk realized with a start that you were about to land beside him.
It seemed too cruel to let you die, he reasoned. Not merely cruel - senseless. If you died, who could measure the loss of the things you might've done, the lives you may have saved? Someone like you, someone with potential - someone like that deserved to be saved, someone like that deserved to live.
With a considerable sigh, he held out his arms, and you fell neatly into them.
You looked around, wide-eyed, confused as to where you were and how you'd gotten there. Instinctively, you put your arms around the place where you'd landed, hanging on for dear life.
Mihawk cleared his throat. You blinked at him, still struggling to understand what had happened.
"I caught you."
You nodded, still in a state of shock.
"...Who are you?"
"Dracule Mihawk," he said, drawing out every syllable. He sounded annoyed, but he wasn't, not really. He was amused, but more than that, he was curious. Curious about you, a strange little human with a powerful sword and seemingly no Devil Fruit powers to speak of. He wanted to stay with you, to help you.
...You didn't need help, obviously, but if you ever did, he would gladly provide it.
Mihawk set you down, legs trembling. You reached for your sword again.
"I'm trying to kill him," you said grimly, gesturing at the Marine admiral. "Help me?"
Mihawk pulled Yoru out.
comments and feedback appreciated!
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fanaticsnail · 7 months
I hear your concerns about writing Luffy dancing Bachata since he's so playful and the dance is very sensual. HEAR ME OUT: DRAMATIC SPINS USING HIS GUM GUM POWERS. Like he goes to spin you and he just spins you to 4 feet away by just stretching his arms.
It would be funny AND adorable😌
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Ok I hear you loud and clear. I love it 😍
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loguetowns · 1 year
meet cute
luffy x reader, law x reader, kid x reader
a trilogy of short fics ft. the captain trio
what happens when a pirate takes the last pastry?
0.9k words
a/n: this bakery that i go to is always sold out by the time i go in the afternoon, so i went at 7am and finally got more than just leftovers and it was sooo worth it
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when monkey d. luffy meets you, he doesn't even see you at first because you're hidden behind the mountain of baked goods on his tray. sure, maybe he overdid it but they all looked too good to stop at one. and if anyone asks, he plans on having them all himself.
unless there's a good reason to, luffy doesn't share.
you start packing his order, the mountain slowly shrinking with each bun, as you sneak glances at the guy in the straw hat on the other side of the counter. he's cute and friendly, and you think this is the shortest amount of time it took for you to crush on a guy.
making small talk, you ask him about his day ("it's great now! there's so many options here!") and he asks you about your favourite pastry.
"oh, it's this one!" you point at the last bread on his tray, "but it's always sold out by the time i'm on lunch."
to which luffy frowns, thinking about how unfair it is that someone as nice and cute as you doesn't get to enjoy their favourite treat.
you take his coins, blushing when your fingers brush his, and thank him for coming by, wondering when you'll see him next.
it turns out that the answer is very soon.
because 10 minutes later, luffy comes flying into the shop, landing right next to you with a little laugh and your favourite pastry in his hand,
"here," he grins. "for you."
luffy doesn't mind sharing if it's for a good reason — and your wonderfully surprised smile is a pretty damn good reason.
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trafalgar law thinks to himself that if it wasn't bepo's birthday, he would've left the bakery ages ago. but now he stands here, surrounded by nothing but bread, and he realizes that unless he wants to skip lunch, he's gonna have to find something to eat.
what shitty luck.
he eyes the last tuna bun and grabs it, thinking about how this'll have to do, when someone knocks into his arm and the bun goes flying out of his hands.
he whirls around, ready to unleash his hangry fury, but his complaints die on his tongue when he discovers who bumped into him — a pretty, adorable thing.
"oh my god! i'm so sorry!" you yelp. "oh no, there's none left..."
you fuss over the empty display, but law's already forgotten about his fallen bun. you're far too cute, with a faint tinge of pink in your cheeks, for him to care about a pastry he wasn't going to enjoy.
"wait!" you rummage through your bag. "it's not a tuna bun but it's close?"
you offer him an onigiri, one with bits of grilled fish, and law can hardly believe that he's staring at his salvation.
his handsome face breaks into a wide smile and you can't help but do the same. your eyes are warm, a soft smile dancing on your lips, and there's a sugary sweet feeling in law's chest when you hand him the rice ball.
what wondrous luck.
he takes his favourite food from your hands and thinks that maybe — just maybe — bakeries aren't so bad.
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the only thing eustass kid is thinking about right now is how much he's going to enjoy eating this chocolate danish. he reaches into the display to grab the last one, but instead of a flaky pastry, his fingers find a soft hand.
"excuse me," you say. "i'm just trying to reach the danish."
kid gives you the onceover (pretty, he thinks). "ya should be excused. that's my danish."
you narrow your eyes at the boldness of this rude (albeit, hot) stranger. "says who?"
"says me."
"and who are you exactly?"
kid puffs his chest, "eustass kid."
you scrunch your nose and cross your arms, "you mean the boorish pirate who raided that south blue island?"
"i- boorish?" kid gapes incredulously.
"did i stutter?" you scoff. "you pirates are awful. the more good looking you are, the ruder you are."
you blush slightly at the admission, but kid's too riled up to even notice (though later, he'll remember it and grin).
"do you insult everyone that you meet?" he grits.
"i don't know, do you steal food from everyone that you meet?"
"listen," kid leans over you, catching a whiff of your shampoo (which just so happens to be his favourite scent). "i already said that the danish is mine."
unwilling to be intimidated, you jab a finger in his (extremely muscular) chest. "you damned pirates always take what you want - absolutely zero consideration for the rest of us."
"you're no angel either, sweetheart. generalizations don't look good on anyone — not even cute hotties like you."
your cheeks flush hot, "you-!"
"me, what? look who's stuttering now, huh?" he goads, getting even closer to your face now.
"you really-"
"mommy, look! i got the last one!"
both of you snap out of it just in time to see a little girl grab the pastry you were fighting over. dumbfounded, you look at kid and just when you're about to curse him out, he cuts you off.
"well, looks like neither of us get what we wanted," he says.
then, kid turns back towards you with a devilishly handsome grin, "but now i kinda want you, so how about i buy ya dinner instead?"
(spoiler: you say yes.)
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bby-deerling · 7 months
what comes after (zoro x fem!reader)
pure fluff! ft. zoro and sanji bickering and general strawhat antics. same reader in mind as my other zoro x reader fics, but they can all be read separately!
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Pure bliss enveloped you as you drifted in and out of sleep on Zoro’s chest, afternoon sun dancing across your limbs.  Quiet days sailing like this felt like heaven, with no worries in the world except for whatever antics Luffy would inevitably rope the crew into.  You and Usopp were usually involved with helping Luffy concoct whatever silly game or activity he would impose on everyone else, but today the two of them had secretly decided to initiate a round of your least favorite game: bugging Zoro with questions while you both were trying to nap.  You let out a sigh and try to roll off of Zoro’s chest as Luffy whines in his ear for him to wake up, but the hand he has tangled in your hair keeps you in place.
“What do you want?” he asks, voice raspy and with exhaustion dripping from every word.
Luffy rocks back and forth while sitting on top of a nearby crate, unable to keep still.  “Zoro, what are you gonna do once you’re the World’s Strongest Swordsman?”  You let out another small sigh, slightly irritated that you were both woken up for this, but you never quite had it in you to get mad at Luffy, especially when he had that goofy grin plastered across his face.
“I dunno.  Probably sleep, like I’m trying to do now.” Zoro says with a grimace, shutting his eye and tightening his grip on your waist.
“C’mon, Zoro, there’s gotta be something you want to do!” Usopp protested, not willing to let the issue go so easily.
Zoro groans, and then lets out a huge yawn.  You tilt your chin up to look at him, and catch him deep in thought, making your heart flutter and leaving you slightly spellbound.  More alert than you were before, your stomach began to fill with nervous butterflies.  The two of you had been together for a long time, and there was an understanding between you that you were both in it not just until death did you part, but whatever came after. However, you both took each day as it came, and dwelling on specifics of what your life together would look like once you achieved your dreams wasn’t something the two of you did often, if ever.
“A castle.  I’ll buy a castle.” he finally says, causing Luffy to burst out in laughter, and Usopp to question why he had such a seemingly random desire, especially when he had expressed to the crew how much he hated getting lost in Mihawk’s castle during his two years training on Kuraigana.
“Mihawk has one.” he said matter-of-factly, “If I’m going to be the World’s Strongest Swordsman I probably need one too.”
“Castles are huge!  You’re gonna make her clean all of those rooms?” Usopp asked, pointing at you.  You and Zoro both scrunch your faces, annoyed by the implication.
“Just because she’s going to be my wife doesn’t mean that she’s going to clean my house.  We’ll hire people for that.” Zoro says, eliciting a mixed bag of reactions from the crew ranging from more laughter to shock, to irritation.
“You’re not going to be hiring anyone while the two of you are both knee high in debt higher than your bounties!” Nami snapped, rolling her eyes, mainly directing her annoyance towards Zoro.
Sanji, on the other hand, had nearly dropped the tray of drinks he was carrying onto the deck.  “Since when are you two engaged?” he spit out, nearly choking on the word.
“We’re not engaged yet, blondie—” you assure him with a cheeky smile, before Luffy shouts out another question to Zoro, completely drowning out your request to him for a glass of water.
"When you do get engaged, can we have a big banquet? With tons of meat?" he pleads.
You both nod, and Luffy cries out in happiness. "Why don't you two just get married right now? You love each other don't you? Plus I'm so hungry..."
"Too dangerous right now. We'll do it once you're the Pirate King." Zoro replies, hand around your waist tracing circles into your skin.
"Gives me more time to talk her out of it." Sanji mutters, earning him a glare from Zoro, and an amused smile from you.
“Who’s going to cook in this castle of yours?” Usopp asks, causing Luffy to perk up, his mind never able to leave the topic of food on the backburner for more than a few seconds.
“Him.” Zoro says, pointing at Sanji, a wicked smirk spreading across his face.  “He’s going to be our butler.”
“Me?” the cook asks incredulously.  “And why the hell would I do that for a moron like you?”
“Please, pervert cook, all I have to do is get her to bat her eyelashes at you and you’ll gladly do it for free.” the swordsman snaps back.
“No fair!  Why do you get to take Sanji?  I wanna take him with me!” Luffy whines.  “I can’t cook on my own!”
“Zoro’s not an awful cook, y’know.” you chime in.  “His food was good enough for Mihawk to eat.”
Zoro smiles at your praise, completely forgetting his idea of making curly-brows your personal servant.  “Damn right it was.”  He says, sending another smirk to Sanji.  “Hear that?  My cooking is good enough for the World’s Strongest Swordsman.  What have you done?”
Sanji’s mouth nearly drops to the floor, becoming so heated he nearly catches on fire.  “What have I done?  How about what I do for you every single day, you miserable, ungrateful, moss-headed bastard?”
“What about you?  What does our super painter want to do once she achieves her dream?” Franky asks you with a grin, ignoring Zoro and Sanji’s bickering.
“I’d like to live in a small cottage by the sea,” you say with a smile, “with tons of wildflowers swaying in the breeze on a patch of land big enough to build a studio with lots of natural light and a gym for Zoro to train in.  And when we get restless, we can hop in a boat and drift to whatever island we land on first and drink until there’s no more booze left to sell us.”
Zoro’s fingers rake through your hair, a huge smile plastered on his face.  “Forget the stupid castle.  That’s what we’re doing.”
“How romantic!” Robin muses, giving you a sly smile.
“Until they die of cirrhosis at the age of thirty from heavy drinking.” Usopp says, causing Chopper to wail, and start to plead to Zoro’s deaf ears to stop drinking.  Eventually, the crew ends up going back to their own business, the little reindeer settles into the hammock with you both, and the urge to sleep begins to take over once again.
“You’re too good for him, sunshine.” Sanji whispers in your ear as he returns to the kitchen.
Zoro’s eye cracks open.  “Watch it, shitty cook, being our butler is still on the table.” he warns, snuggling both you and Chopper closer to his chest.
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revasserium · 7 months
Im here to say that college!au opla!zoro is your most superior zoo version yet. Please share any more thoughts you have on this cute couple!!!! I love their dynamic so much
listen;;;;;; i love college!au opla!zoro so much. so…… because i am… unwell about this man, sfw and nsfw headcanons/snippets of college!au opla!zoro (most of this is based on the death before decaf fic where zoro is a fencer and reader is a physical therapy major):
afternoon naps on the ratty old couch in the living room of his dorm; luffy is his roommate who is simultaneously never there but also randomly always there at the weirdest most inopportune moments
“what did you say he studies?” “uh… something about international policy but he got in on a sports scholarship too.” “yeah? what’s he do?” “gymnastics.” “wait — seriously?” “yeah he’s /weird/ flexible.”
sharing pizza at midnight, sitting in his lap as he scrolls through highlight reels of past olympic fencing bouts, his chin occasionally brushing against your shoulder as he explains all the different rules and moves; you can feel the light stubble, feel the deep rumble of his voice along your arm where it’s pressed against his chest
him kissing you awake, opening your eyes to find him smiling, smirking, more like — “morning…” “mornin’. you were drooling on my pillow.” “shut up!” “nah, it was cute.” more kissing, you trying to shove his face into the pillow, him easily pinning you beneath him, arching an eyebrow; you sigh, blushing, “it’s too early for this.” “it’s never too early for this.”
jerking apart when you both hear luffy’s voice shouting from the living room, “have fun you guys! i’m going to usopp’s to watch the game! don’t forget to hydrate and take breaks! oh — and i left guac for you guys in the fridge!”
“i thought he was gone!” “i thought so too —” zoro groaning when you hear the door slam, burying his face in your shoulder
study sessions where he’s just doing weight training in the corner and it takes everything you have not to be distracted by the shape of him, shirtless, powering through reps of bicep curls, when he drops to the ground for pushups, the way he grins when he catches you staring and asks if you want to help hold his feet down for situps
coffee runs in the morning, standing in line with his arm draped around your shoulders; nami grinning, “see? toldya making out would’ve solved things.”
pecks goodbye in front of the main lecture building, hearing the way the rest of the fencing team hoots after you turn away, hearing zoro loudly telling them to shut the fuck up if they don’t want their asses beat
him blushing up a storm when you wrap your scarf around him and scold him again for forgetting his own, saying that he needs to take better care of his body if he’s gonna make it to the olympics; him scoffing and looking away and, “well… i’ve got you to take care of it for me, don’t i?”
nsfw: (mdni beyond this point pls)
fucking the locker rooms post bout, his hand cushioned behind your head because say what you will about jock!zoro but he’s still something of a gentleman
netflix and chill saturday nights bc he doesn’t have practice sunday mornings and he’s not about to let all that time to go waste; leaving the tv on as he pulls you over his lap, fingers dancing up the sides of your waist, pressing you down over his cock, groaning when he fists his hands in your hair and pulls
drunk!fucking at frat parties in strangers bedrooms, bc who tf cares who this room belongs to as long as there’s a bed and a door that somewhat locks and sure, the sheets are gonna smell like sex after you’re finished but who’s gonna try and fuck with you when zoro’s always got an arm around you, when he’s got you tucked into his side whenever you’re together, even if it’s just studying at the library or sitting at lunch in the dining commons
the most jealous, possessive sex… bc. zoro doesn’t share.
making out in the stacks bc you said you were getting a reference book but you were gone a bit too long and zoro had come to “find you” only to find you trying to reach a book on a level that’s just a bit too high; him reaching up to pull it down for you, pressing a hand to your lower stomach and pulling you back against his chest, “need some help, princess?”
fumbling back to his dorm after said failed study session in the library, him kicking the door shut and tossing you on his bed, him mumbling some cheesy line about needing to brush up on his anatomy before pushing your knees up and burying his face between your thighs
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roronoaswifey · 1 year
𝐂𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐇𝐂𝐒, monster trio
summary. inviting the monster trio to your annual family cookout
pairing. monkey d. luffy, roronoa zoro, vinsmoke sanji x black!reader
warnings/tags. slight foul language, alcohol consumption, implied weed consumption, wholesome meeting the family content, reader is black but fic can be applied to all races
wc. 2.9k
kazu’s note. tee helped inspire me… even if the idea was all mine xo 💋 @sanjisblackasswife
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“let’s fucking go!”
→ he’s oddly excited to go, mainly because of all the fun stories you’d told him in the past and food
→ wherever there’s a fun time and food, you know luffy’s down
→ the second you stepped in, you lost your boyfriend. in the overwhelming swarm of greetings and hugs and kisses, luffy was nowhere to be found
→ you were asked by all family members where was this boyfriend of yours and your left brow twitched in suspicion, cause where else would the bastard be at this ripe hour?
→ ding ding ding, the kitchen of course.
→ he leaned over the counter, eyes shimmering in want as he drooled over whatever seemed to be cooking in the crockpot
→ your mother eyed him suspiciously, lost and completely confused as to who this clearly non family member was doing in her kitchen
→ you found him and easily, smacking the back of his head while scolding him on proper etiquette, to which he pouted and argued that,
→ “but i’m hungry!”
→ “dumbass, where are your manners?”
→ your mom didn’t take it to heart, however. she appreciated how he could distinctively spot a good dish from away
→ after poutingly introducing himself, luffy beamed at the premade plate in front of him, thanking your mom endlessly with hugs before diving into his meal
→ though stunned by the way he inhaled his meal down, your mom was also impressed by his go-lucky nature, going as far as ruffling his hair affectionately
→ luffy’s definitely best friends with the younger cousins. he keeps up with their games, laughs along at anything and agrees when they ask him to bring them to a nearby park
→ they ask for story times of adventures when he’s at sea, and listen with heart eyes as he tells them about the amount of sea kings he’s slaughtered and bad men he’s defeated, going as far as re-enacting the situations
→ he’s also at the center of the mosh when adults ask the kids to dance for money. he isn’t even doing it for the money, he’s just so full of energy and everyone loves his vibe so much
→ he definitely makes money off it though
→ dinnertime is horrendous. he’s got a big appetite, and you warned your family beforehand, but naturally they’re still in shock at the way he basically SWALLOWS the table.
→ your mom is a huge fan, prepping beforehand containers of food so he doesn’t go hungry
→ even if he’s basically gobbling down his and other people’s share of food, luffy is known for his outgoing and warm personality, so of course he’s the center of entertainment
→ he’s cracking jokes, singing off key, dancing ridiculously and your family seems to be eating it up. they laugh like he’s the funniest man, sing along as if he was making sense, even hype him up when he dances foolishly
→ at some point in the day he’s so stuffed he ends up knocked out with some random kid in one of the rooms upstairs, snoring with the child snuggling into his torso, damn near rolling over him
→ nighttime falls before luffy wants, and eventually it’s time for y’all to go back, but lemme tell you this man is so bummed out
→ not only does your family bash you for “gatekeeping” him from them for so long, but luffy’s pressed because not everybody seems to have left but now you’re forcing him to go too??
→ “lu, we gotta set sail tonight or else nami’ll have both our heads on a platter!”
→ “i don’t care! i’m captain, and i decide we stay!”
→ you’re so ready to shove your fist down his throat when your mom shows up, containers full of food in her hold as she offers a simple solution that has luffy obeying uncharacteristically easily
→ you rolled your eyes, grabbing the packed food as your mom smothered luffy in kisses, thanking him for having shown up and expects to see him more often
→ she also gives him the sentimental “look after my daughter” speech as if he’s not the one that needs to be looked over
→ luffy replies with his infamous laugh, hugging your mom back as his answer makes your chest bloom with warmth,
→ “of course! y/n’s the love of my life.”
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→ “uh…”
→ that’s the face he made the second y’all entered the house, greeted by your skeptical dad who gave him an offish look
→ “so you the thug my baby’s dating?”
→ “dad.” you gave your dad a pointed look, and he rolled his eyes, waving off as he claimed he was joking, but the way zoro was frozen is fear (?) suggested otherwise
→ so, rough start, but zoro decides he’s gonna try his best to make your family approve of him. i guess it helps he brought a bottle of wine (selected by sanji ofc) to woo the fam
→ he follows as you make your way towards the backyard, greeted with love and hollers as everyone chants how it’s been so long since they last saw you
→ you get hugs and kisses from uncles, aunties, grandparents, family friends and cousins, whole time zoro stands behind you like 🧍waiting for you to finish
→ “gonna introduce us to your hunk of a man?” some thirsty auntie practically ogles zoro and he’s frozen to pieces again at the attention on him
→ you roll your eyes and nudge zoro forward to introduce himself, and he inwardly curses you for setting him up like that
→ “roronoa zoro… ma’am.” you nearly decked him up the head for the unneeded formal greeting, but your family laughed it off, amused by his sternness
→ “your name roronoa?”
→ “no sir. i’m japanese.”
→ “well that’s new.” you glared at the same thirsty auntie, hoping she wasn’t somewhat shading you for your taste in men
→ regardless, zoro went through the crowd and attempted to present himself, though it was unnecessarily stiff, you rubbed your hand on his back for his efforts
→ zoro finds it really hard to find peace and quiet at events like these, though he doesn’t hate it but isn’t exactly used to so much familial love in one place especially with the lack of family growing up
→ he does find peace in the normality of everything, no piracy or wild government issues involved
→ your dad manages to find him and challenges him alongside the other uncles to a drinking contest, but because you know you have an advantage, you decide to place bets on winners
→ bets are predictable enough; everyone besides your mom and you bet on the undefeated champion that was your dad. joke’s on them cause naturally zoro won
→ he swipes his hand over his mouth, smirking at your dad across the table as you stand next to him, arms crossed over your chest and smirking tauntingly back you guys looked so badass
→ your dad eyes you both saltily, and zoro fears he fucked up yet again by taking the challenge too seriously, but when your dad breaks out in laughter and gives his hand to shake, a sweat dropped from his hairline in relief
→ you made about 350$
→ your (single) aunties cannot get over how good looking he is. they swarm around him, praising him for his out-of-this-world visuals and smother all over him, pulling at his cheeks and tugging at his biceps
→ and in returns he’s just like “uh, thank you.” while giving you a look to save him, but you’re evil and let him suffer alone
→ now when the kids get ahold of this man, just wish him goodnight at this point cause you’re not seeing this man for the rest of the night
→ they love this man ☠️ is it the fact that he seems so unappeased and stoic, or the fact that he’s a new piece of meat to bother, he really couldn’t tell
→ they tug on his arms, sit on his lap, play with his hair, and ask for stories of what it’s like to be at sea while being such a strong pirate
→ “you got three swords?!” “i do.” “can i use them?! please?!” “i’m pretty sure y/n would kill me.” “no she wouldn’t! she lets me play with swords all the time!” “uh…”
→ when you caught him giving piggyback and airplane rides to your very happy younger sister, you leaned against the doorframe and teased him about how well they got along to which he bluntly denied
→ you saw the fond smile on his face tho
→ still you drag him downstairs to meet up with your older cousins and family friends, slipping on some slides as your dad corners y’all at the entrance
→ “we’re gonna go take a walk.” you smile sheepishly, kissing his cheek and your father gives you a look, seeing easily past your lame excuse but does nothing to stop y’all
→ “we are?” your confused boyfriend mumbled, tugging your sundress and your cousins and friends laughed at his naivety, saying something along the lines that they’d get along just well
→ the walk taught him a few things; weed is definitely not for him nor his throat, you get overly affectionate when you’re high and your one short friend is hilarious when he’s hungry
→ he gets along well with other significant others of family members, all in the same “freshly arrived” boat. he and your sister’s boyfriend actually bonded over the kendo matches airing on the sports channel
→ when night comes, he’s almost drained by how much social interaction he was put through. you wish everybody a goodnight and they threaten you to bring him back to the next function “or else”.
→ you’re at the door with leftovers and drinks, and when you leave the door, zoro realizes he probably should privately share his goodbyes to your dad, and so he goes back when you don’t notice
→ you noticed you were talking to yourself for a while, so you frown and wonder if your man got lost while you were busy ranting about how happy you were
→ you head back to the house, ready to search for a lost moss but you halt your step when you hear familiar voices talking
→ “you take good care of my baby, roronoa. she better be in one piece next time y’all come ‘round. got it?”
→ you roll your eyes at your dad’s usual protectiveness, ready to counter on his behalf but you’re cut to the chase by your boyfriend,
→ “i love her, sir. nothing bad’s ever gonna happen as long as i’m around, i swear.”
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→ “sounds like a good idea, my love!”
→ sanji blends in with your family alarmingly well. it’s barely been a few minutes since y’all got in, and he presents himself with bouquets of flowers and wine, and the whole house has fallen head over heels for him
→ sanji used to be a waiter alongside a sous chef, so his conversational skills are flawless. he knows exactly what to say to make your members feel listened, nods when they speak and engage in their stories
→ your mom is in love with this man. when he presented himself, he reached out his hand and when she laid hers in his, he kissed her knuckles all gentlemanly and gave a wink, and she was weak in the knees
→ you had no worries about sanji meeting your family, you knew they’d fall for his charms just as you did
→ unsurprisingly, most of his time is spent in the kitchen with the ladies, even though they tell him he can go relax elsewhere with the men. he presses that he’s fine and he’s willing to help with the preparation, as he is the chef’s cook
→ you find him minutes later wearing an apron cutting up vegetables, laughing brightly at whatever story your mother had to share
→ while he spends his time in there, the tipsy aunties spill and rant all the family’s tea, from unplanned pregnancies to cheating scandals, and sanji’s nosy ass is all in for the business, going as far as asking questions and throwing in his own opinions
→ like imagine “you’re joking! is that not her sister’s ex man?! what a low blow!” “i know right? she’s been shady as fuck.” he gasps dramatically, hand on his hip as he pauses from mincing the garlic
→ dramatic bastard
→ he offers to help set up the table as he’s used to doing it on the ship, and your mom almost feels bad for making her guest help her with everything, but he expertly holds plates in his hands as he winks, “anything for my mother-in-law, mademoiselle.”
→ he’s so used to eating last, making sure everyone’s gotten a good taste before he can sit back, so he’s taken aback when your mom slides him a plate on the counter
→ you’re rolling your eyes playfully as sanji tries to push the plate back respectfully and offers that your mom eats before he does, since she did make everything
→ “give it a rest, she’s as stubborn as you are.” you nudge your shoulder against his, and he straight up pouts, before nodding and thanking her for the meal
→ he was stunned at the outburst of flavours, not having ever tasted anything as unique as soul food in his life. he has literal hearts out of his eyes and his mother mentions warmheartedly how cartoon-like it was little does she know
→ though you underestimated sanji’s stubbornness when you caught him doing the dishes, claiming he was unloading the amount of work your mom would have to do
→ she was baffled by his kindness, wrapping her arms around him and planting a kiss at his temple, chanting how he was her new favorite and you teasingly scoffed at the bashful blush that crept at sanji’s face
→ your younger sister is in love with him. like, actual love. she wants to marry him and keep him in her room for the rest of her life, so she says.
→ when nobody wanted to play dollhouse with her, he felt his chest ache at the way she seemed defeated, instantly reminded by his own childhood, so he offered to play with her and she was immediately crushing
→ “sanji, i love you! be my husband!”
→ he chuckles sheepishly, “but what about your sister, darling? it wouldn’t be room nice if i left her alone.”
→ your sister pouts and has tears swelling in her eyes, and sanji is such a sucker he gets swept in by her manipulative tactics, that he leans forward on a knee and holds her hand reassuringly.
→ “how about you get older first, then we’ll talk, okay? you’re still my favorite after all.” he ruffled her hair and revelled in the way she looked away so shyly, nodding before running away
→ “i’m wounded, sanji.” you flatly spoke, a smirk on your lips as he rose to his feet, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment
→ while you laid in the living room and digested dessert, you suddenly missed the presence of your boyfriend as he was hogged by your mom all day
→ you got up and made your way to the kitchen, to which you saw sanji sat across the counter, notepad and pen in his hands as he scribbled on the paper while your mother rambled
→ “what’s going on here?” you eyed the two suspiciously, who both froze mid-action, before turning to you like a deer caught in headlights
→ they both denied that anything was happening, that they were just catching up on their lives as if that wasn’t what they’d been doing all night. you sighed, letting it slide as you beckoned him over, complaining you missed him
→ eventually the night came to an end, and everyone was bummed that he was leaving. it almost made you feel like they could care less about you ☠️
→ everyone sent sanji kisses and hugs, forcing him to come by and visit, and to bring something he made next time so they can ogle at yet another skill of his. he promised he’d blow their minds away, with a kiss at their knuckles ofc
→ your little sister was so bummed, tearing up at the door as she watched you guys get ready to leave, and sanji desperately didn’t want her to be mad with him, so he told her to turn around, and he unclasped her necklace and slipped one of his rings on her chain, before putting it back on her neck.
→ her eyes mimicked his similar heart eyes expression, dropping her teddy on the floor as sanji kissed her knuckles. you thumped him up the head and told him to hurry up so y’all could leave
→ deep down you were happy that he was getting along with your bitter baby sister you were just tired
→ your mom was the last guest to watch you off, and after hugging you goodbye, she moved onto her new favorite and hugged him too, before pulling away and holding his hands affectionately
→ “i’m so glad y/n found you. keep her happy sanji, you’re a great boy.” she had tears swelling in her eyes, and when sanji tightened the hold on her hands, you watched him with hidden admiration,
→ “i’m the lucky one, mademoiselle. i’ll do my damn hardest to give her the happy life she deserves.”
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i gave up halfway leave me alone 💀
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rkiveinmarvel · 5 months
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in all the seas - sanji vinsmoke. des. fluff. post-timeskip!sanji. the one time sanji left baratie: led him back to you. notes. sanji might be ooc. this is a test fic, i just miss my boy so much. fluffy! fluffy! fluffy! sanji meets enemies-to-lovers troupe, poor boy is nosebleeding again, mentions of smoking (don't smoke too much, guys!), mentions of the straw hat pirates shenanigans. i miss sanji, i want to kiss his forehead and give him a hug! ;&lt;
hey! it's my first time writing for op (gosh, i remember when i said i won't write a fic for anime anymore but here i am now enjoying skypiea zoro ;P what a clown) n e way, sanji might be a little ooc here but i miss him so here you go, a fluffy sanji. i wrote this around 1 am so, please enjoy! happy holidays!
w.c: 2k (and i oop--)
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Sanji was indeed a man with a lot of tricks up his sleeves: he’s from the family of mercenaries, part of the famous Straw Hats Pirate, and of course one of the greatest chef in all the seas, with his handsome face, strong kicks and talent in the kitchen, one could assume he’s everything a person can wish for, and that he is.
You’ve been working at the Baratie for years ever since the restaurant found its place on the East Blue, as a kid you were raised by Zeff along with a blonde kid who hates putting artificially made flavor on a dish. You cooked something with something artificially made, he hates it. He cooks you something, you hate it. It was a game of cat and mouse but somehow, Zeff saw this a familiar scene and a everlasting promise between two kids that somehow will always find each other.
“Sanji! I’m hungry!” The voice of Luffy woke Sanji’s staring into space, as the cook of the straw hat stood up, the sharpshooter of straw hats watches him intently. “Sanji, is there something wrong?” Then, he met Usopp’s wondering eyes, as in the back of his mind, he is back in the Baratie, back to you. He lightly shook his head, ignoring the sharpshooter’s question: was it the empty space of the kitchen that made him wish he was with you, was it the vast sea that made him wish you see the lovely view too, was it his new family made him wish that you should’ve met them too, instead of speaking out his thoughts and secrets, he gave Usopp a smile, perhaps a reminder to the sharp shooter that their cook is alright. 
The lingering look of longing is still on Sanji’s face until their next voyage on the vast sea, it made the straw hat worry, hell, even the swordsman is now giving Sanji a look of worry, but somehow, when the crew has met a nearby island, they hoped that their cook would have a peace of mind, a recollection of what he longs for, what his face wishes for. As the reached the shore, the crew pushed Sanji out of the ship as they gave him a reassuring look to take all the time he needs to fill the void that’s slipping in his emotion, face, and his cooking.
As he walked to the island’s market, a familiar scent danced in his nose, a cooking that smells like his first home, as his feet lead the way into a fully packed restaurant, a familiar sight of food greeted him. He immediately sat somewhere on an empty table as he scans the menu.
The time pass by faster than he expected, as for once, he ate the food with a smile on his face, perhaps, realizing that he may have a competition in being the best chef in all seas: but this trivial things did not bother him, until, he tasted an articially made flavor on one of the dishes. Instead of throwing his anger like he always do when arguing with the straw hat’s swordsman, he clicked his tongue and requested to talk to the main chef of the restaurant.
Clink. Click. Clink.
Empty Dishes after empty dishes came into the kitchen, with a smile on your face you were happy with the unending order in the restaurant, until your new waiter had come bearing news about the blonde guy at table 19, with a tired sigh, you removed your apron and went outside to talk to the blonde guy at table 19.
Clink. Click. Clink.
“What seems to be the problem–Sanji?” Your eyes widened as your eyes seem to betray the sight infront of you. The blonde man then catches your surprise gaze as he was about to light his cigarette. “Oi–your..” he stopped at his words as he catches and drowned himself into a familiar sight. You’re here. You’re here infront of him. 
Instead of saying anything, the both of you seemed to memorize each others faces. 2 Years is indeed a long time, you noticed his growing beard, he memorized the length of your hair, you noticed his new suit, he noticed the tired yet happy look on your face.
“So, you left Baratie.” The both of you uttered the same time, as a chuckle left your lips: Sanji felt like crying—he missed you so damn much. “Bet Zeff didn’t let you go that easily.” He commented as he gestured you to seat. “He actually did, telling me to look for you and kick your ass as we saw your new bounty.” You laughed as Sanji bottled that laugh in his ear. 
“Did he now…” He countered as he lips curved into a soft smile. “Stop looking at me like that.” You immediately notice his gaze, making him look away. “Looking you like what?”
Clink. Click. Clink.
Clink. Click. Clink.
“Heard the Straw Hat invited you to be in his crew..” You stated as you sat next on the deck with Sanji as he lit his cigarette. He looked away as you asked the question. “He did. I don’t want to.” He openly sighed and filled the space with smoke, as you click your tongue, you grabbed the cigarette on his hand, and inhaled the smoke yourself. “So, I guess you’ll be here in the Baratie in all the end of time.” I laughed. 
“What? Do you plan to leave?” He wondered as you meet his knowing look as you just laid your head on his shoulder. “Depends. Your cooking sucks.” He chuckled as he glared at you. “You use artificial flavors in your cooking!” He sounded so offended. 
You nodded as you gave back his cigarette. “Go.” He knows that look, he’s way too familiar with that look. “Zeff can handle Baratie himself, that old man can be anything he wants. So, go.” 
Clink. Click. Clink.
“I’ll be fine, Sanji.” His voice seems to blend with sea and the seagulls. “It’s not about you.” He looked away as he hid his blush. “Is it?” I chuckled as you stood up and knelt infront of him. “I’ll be alright, Sanji, and besides, didn’t you say you’re going to prove to me that All Blue is real, how can you do that with you staying here.” 
“You’re really making this hard for me, you know..” He grumbles as you gave him a look. “I tend to make you suffer until the end of time, Sanji.” You smiled.
“Stop looking at me like that.” He softly uttered as he leaned in. “Looking you like what?” You replied as you closed the distance feeling his warm lips on yours, as the noise of the sea seem to silenced at this moment, seems like the seagulls have found a place to rest, seems like the warm rays of the sun has bit put on rest. As you pulled away, you met his eyes. “I’m still a better cook than you, you know.” He chuckled.
“Oh, I know. I know. Get out there, Sanji.” You smiled as you stood up, walking away from him, leaving the blonde boy with a distinct nosebleed and a lovesick smile on his face.
“So, you’re here.” He said with a smile. “Good to see, you still have your both feet on the ground.” You smiled as you saw that his bangs have changed its position. “You changed your look.” You commented as he just stares at you. 
“What?” You wondered as he just looked at the food: “You used artificially made flavors.” He complained as you rolled your eyes and just snickered. “You never really got over it, didn’t you?” you laughed. “Why don’t you walk over our kitchen, Mr. Sanji.” You teased as you stood up and lead him to the kitchen. 
The tour in the kitchen was just short and subtle; it surprised him that the artificial flavor he hates was actually made by you: he find it funny and continue to tell you that he is the best cook in all seas. By the time the tour finish, he caught a familiar wanted poster hanged on the wall. A poster that he hates so much.
“Seriously, that poster?” He rolled his eyes at you. It was his first wanted poster with no picture attached but an illustration. You chuckled at his antics: “What? The artist took your beauty really well.” You chuckled, as you stare at him.
“I miss you too, by the way.” You stood closer to him as he walked towards the wanted poster hanged on the wall. He blushes as he looked at you. “Does your miss kinda works its way on you giving me a ki–”
“ORDER UP!” Before he can continue, orders came in like a wave from the sea, Sanji frowned at the timing. “Oi, loverboy, talk to you later.” You tapped his shoulder as you left him on the corner, with a smile on his face. He hid his blush and walked back to their ship.
A familiar straw hat greeted your eyes as you walked on the shore. “OI!! SANJI!!” He shouted happily, as you noticed Sanji walking down excitedly as you approached their ship. As he ran towards you, he gave you a tight hug. “You’re acting like we didn’t talk earlier.” You grumbled in his hug, as you return it. “I had to keep my appearances, there were bounty hunters in the restaurant, after all. If they knew I had some connection on you, they might–”
You punched him lightly on his stomach. “I can handle myself, Sanji.” You sighed: “We’re both raised by Zeff, you know how he is.” you ran your hand in your hair as you looked at Sanji’s face dancing the sunset’s rays. With a teary-eye he looked at you: ah, they’re going to leave again. 
You nodded as you just offered your hand to Sanji as you both walk, quietly and appreciating the fondness of the gift of time in the shore. As you two walked, Sanji noticed that you never let go of his hand. “You actually missed me.” He said in such proud tone. He waited for a teasing remarks instead, you just nodded which surprised him.
“Missed you so much, ‘Ji.” You admit as he stopped his tracks and looked at you. Without saying anything, you embraced him as you hid yourself in his chest: god, he missed you too—so damn, much. He just nodded and hugged back your deep embrace. As the sun continue to bathe in the sea, you whispered the stories on how you got to the island and leaving Baratie. He listened intently as he drew circles in your hands, as the moon slowly reveal itself in the sky. He kissed your hand.
“Will you be here, ‘till I find the All Blue?” He asked, but his tone was pleading and full of hope. And just like before, you lay down your head on his shoulder: but this time, you grabbed a cigarette and lit it up as he muttered. “I’ll come back, you know that right?” He smiled as he grabbed the cigarette from your hand as he inhaled the smoke. You just nodded as you held him a little closer: for once, he thanked the past that you let him go—not only because he met an amazing crew but for once, you looked at him: not as a rival in cooking but someone—as your person. 
He thought the kiss from the past was just a mere kiss of heat of the moment, but here you are next to him and you looked so gorgeous—as if he was made to see you in all your shining glory—the lingering looks, the bickering, it all leads him back to you. “Go.” You muttered as he smiled as he kissed your hand. “We’ll be alright, Sanji.” That’s it, he leaned in and gave you a knowing kiss, a kiss that bears a sorry for the two years he wasn’t able to hold you and a kiss that carries promise of the upcoming and untold stories of the both of you—and by all the pirates in the world, he can’t wait to spend the rest of his days next to you in all eons, in all times, and definitely in all the seas.
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fluff is like a new ground for me lmao, angsty-fluffy zoro and luffy coming right up!
⚘ masterlist 1 | 2 | 3
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ringdabel · 5 months
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My thoughts on OP ships except im being 100% honest (P.1)
*LuNami - Cute but im not a big fan of it - Autisum and girlboss frfr - idm if its canon! I mean i like their moments of hugging and all, they're all so silly and i absolutely adore them! ^^ *LuHan - Nah... HARD pass... - I do not ship them at all and refuses to - their age gap is 12 and i think personally Boa is just having some kind of highschool crush -if this ship becomes canon...... bro im gonna stare in the distance and cry - If you ship these two...... NO OFFENSE! But What is wrong with you :[ *LuZo/ZoLu - MY EMOTINAL SUPPORT SHIP YIPPIEEEEE - They are so SO CANON u cannot convince me otherwise!!! - Dumb and Dumber. - I love and ADORE their dynamic! their interactions, first meetings, etc... EVERYTHING THEYRE SOOO CUTE AGHHCBSDBIL <3333 - The crew KNOWS they love eachother. They know what they are. - shamelessly kisses eachother goodnight - Zoro will die for Luffy, and Luffy will stop him. *LuSan/Sanlu - ONE OF MY FAV SHIPS EVER!!! Their interactions!! >>>>>> - WE KNOW SANJI LOVES HIM AND ADORES HIM. WE KNOW THAT ALREADY YOU FRENCH FRY - He wants to be Luffy's special boy in the OPLA, c'mon, its so obv - Sanji gets jealous when Luffy compliments other cooks other than him, its canon guys, trust me. MOVIE 6, THAT PHYSILOGICAL HORROR MOVIE OF OP. *ZoSanLu/ZoLuSan -POWER POLY LOVERS ON TOP! -i love them. *cries* -I have 400 pages of fanart featuring these stupid boneheads. - they sleep together and Luffy steals all the blankets - Zoro will def giving them his earings. aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *LuKob/Koblu -Comfort ship of mine!!! THEYRE SO CUTE ITS ILLEGAL!!!! - I want them to reunite again, then hold hands and kiss eachother on the lips then go on cute little dates :[ - LUFFY IS KOBY'S GAY AWAKENING CHANGE MY MIND (i feel like hes more like bi or pan BUT) - Koby owns 6000 wanted posters of Luffy and its canon that he wants more of them. hes such a fanboy omg.... - If they ever date... they will have a matching handmade bracelet... Luffy's red and Koby's pink.... each has letters of eachother... - (ALSO THERES THIS FAV FIC OF THEM FROM AO3, THE AUTHOR IS okiedokeTM (madelinescribbles) AND THE FIC IS CALLED "Koby's Awful No-Good Very Confusing Day" CHECK IT OUT IF YOU CAN!!!!) - im very normal abt them (lie) *LuUso/UsoLu - Very cute ship!!1 - i personally see them as best friends more but its still verey cute! - They bond, they hug, they hit and they danced. yeah i get how ppl ship them!!!!!!!!! *LuLaw/Lawlu -Tbh.... its very cute! - i used to be obsessed with this ship bcs their dyanmic is so interesting, like Black cat and golden retriver! - i still kinda do ndcnas - Luffy reminds Law of Corazon bcs of his goofiness ughh CRIES - I hc Law that he has a soft spot for silly, goofy ppl, his sister, his crew, Corazon, LUFFY????????? He loves them but will never admit smh smh - When he ruins all of your well-planned plans that took you a whole week to make <3333333 *CobyLuLaw/KobyLawLu -AYEEEEEEEEEEE MY NEW FAV SHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!! - F**K BEING UNDERRATED, I WANT THIS TO BE KNOWN ACROSS THE WHOLE F**KING WORLD!!!!!! - PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ITS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U HAVE TO WRITE FICS ABT IT I NEED MORE OF IT!!!1 - I want to thank @orange-artist for drawing and having KobyLawLu on my breakfast table!!!!!!!!!! - AND FOR YOU THE PPL WHO WRITE THE FICS ILY - me omw to make brainrots of these three stupid peas in a pod, fishes in a bowl, pens in a pencilcase :]]]
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