#luke tytos
pollonegro666 · 1 year
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2022/12/10 En otro lugar del puerto se encuentran estos homenajes a las víctimas de la provincia en los campos de concentración de la segunda guerra mundial. También homenajes a las vícitmas del terrorismo. Un lugar para reflexionar sobre la inutilidad de las guerras, que sólo provocan sufrimiento y dolor.
In another part of the port are these tributes to the victims of the province in the concentration camps of the Second World War. Also tributes to the victims of terrorism. A place to reflect on the uselessness of wars, which only cause suffering and pain.
Google translation into Italian: In un'altra parte del porto si trovano questi tributi alle vittime della provincia nei campi di concentramento della seconda guerra mondiale. Anche tributi alle vittime del terrorismo. Un luogo per riflettere sull'inutilità delle guerre, che provocano solo sofferenza e dolore.
Google Translation into French: Dans une autre partie du port se trouvent ces hommages aux victimes de la province dans les camps de concentration de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Hommage aussi aux victimes du terrorisme. Un lieu de réflexion sur l'inutilité des guerres, qui ne causent que souffrance et douleur.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Noutra parte do porto encontram-se estas homenagens às vítimas da província nos campos de concentração da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Homenagem também às vítimas do terrorismo. Um lugar para refletir sobre a inutilidade das guerras, que só causam sofrimento e dor.
Google Translation into Arabic: في جزء آخر من الميناء توجد هذه التكريم لضحايا المقاطعة في معسكرات الاعتقال في الحرب العالمية الثانية. تحية لضحايا الإرهاب. مكان للتفكير في عدم جدوى الحروب التي تسبب المعاناة والألم فقط.
Google Translation into German: In einem anderen Teil des Hafens sind diese Hommagen an die Opfer der Provinz in den Konzentrationslagern des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Tribut auch an die Opfer des Terrorismus. Ein Ort, um über die Sinnlosigkeit von Kriegen nachzudenken, die nur Leid und Schmerz verursachen.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Në një pjesë tjetër të portit ndodhen këto homazhe për viktimat e krahinës në kampet e përqendrimit të Luftës së Dytë Botërore. Nderim edhe për viktimat e terrorizmit. Një vend për të reflektuar mbi kotësinë e luftërave që shkaktojnë vetëm vuajtje dhe dhimbje.
Google Translation into Armenian: Նավահանգստի մեկ այլ հատվածում այս հարգանքի տուրքը մատուցվում է Երկրորդ համաշխարհային պատերազմի համակենտրոնացման ճամբարներում գավառի զոհերին: Հարգանքի տուրք նաև ահաբեկչության զոհերին. Պատերազմների անիմաստության մասին խորհելու վայր, որոնք միայն տառապանք և ցավ են պատճառում:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: В друга част на пристанището са тези почит към жертвите на провинцията в концентрационните лагери от Втората световна война. Поклон и на жертвите на тероризма. Място за размисъл върху безполезността на войните, които причиняват само страдание и болка.
Google Translation into Czech: V další části přístavu jsou tyto pocty obětem provincie v koncentračních táborech druhé světové války. Pocta také obětem terorismu. Místo k zamyšlení nad marností válek, které způsobují jen utrpení a bolest.
Google Translation into Croatian: U drugom dijelu luke su ove počasti žrtvama provincije u koncentracijskim logorima Drugog svjetskog rata. Počast i žrtvama terorizma. Mjesto za razmišljanje o uzaludnosti ratova koji uzrokuju samo patnju i bol.
Google Translation into Slovak: V inej časti prístavu sú tieto pocty obetiam provincie v koncentračných táboroch druhej svetovej vojny. Pocta aj obetiam terorizmu. Miesto na zamyslenie sa nad nezmyselnosťou vojen, ktoré spôsobujú len utrpenie a bolesť.
Google Translation into Slovenian: V drugem delu pristanišča so ti pokloni žrtvam province v koncentracijskih taboriščih druge svetovne vojne. Poklon tudi žrtvam terorizma. Kraj za razmislek o nesmiselnosti vojn, ki povzročajo samo trpljenje in bolečino.
Google Translation into Estonian: Sadama teises osas on need austusavaldused provintsi ohvritele Teise maailmasõja koonduslaagrites. Austusavaldus ka terrorismiohvritele. Koht, kus mõtiskleda vaid kannatusi ja valu tekitavate sõdade mõttetuse üle.
Google Translation into Suomi: Toisessa osassa satamaa on nämä kunnianosoitukset maakunnan uhreille toisen maailmansodan keskitysleireillä. Kunnianosoitus myös terrorismin uhreille. Paikka pohtia vain kärsimystä ja tuskaa aiheuttavien sotien turhuutta.
Google Translation into Greek: Σε άλλο σημείο του λιμανιού βρίσκονται αυτά τα αφιερώματα στα θύματα της επαρχίας στα στρατόπε��α συγκέντρωσης του Β' Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου. Φόρος τιμής και στα θύματα της τρομοκρατίας. Ένα μέρος για να προβληματιστούμε για τη ματαιότητα των πολέμων που προκαλούν μόνο βάσανα και πόνο.
Google Translation into Dutch: In een ander deel van de haven staan ​​deze eerbetoon aan de slachtoffers van de provincie in de concentratiekampen van de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Eerbetoon ook aan de slachtoffers van terrorisme. Een plek om na te denken over de nutteloosheid van oorlogen die alleen lijden en pijn veroorzaken.
Google Translation into Norwegian: I en annen del av havnen er disse hyllestene til provinsens ofre i konsentrasjonsleirene under andre verdenskrig. Hyllest også til ofrene for terrorisme. Et sted å reflektere over nytteløsheten i kriger som bare forårsaker lidelse og smerte.
Google Translation into Polish: W innej części portu znajdują się te hołdy dla ofiar prowincji w obozach koncentracyjnych II wojny światowej. Hołd także ofiarom terroryzmu. Miejsce do refleksji nad daremnością wojen, które powodują tylko cierpienie i ból.
Google Translation into Romanian: Într-o altă parte a portului se află aceste tributuri aduse victimelor provinciei în lagărele de concentrare ale celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial. Omagiu și victimelor terorismului. Un loc pentru a reflecta asupra inutilității războaielor care provoacă doar suferință și durere.
Google Translation into Russian: В другой части порта дань уважения жертвам провинции в концентрационных лагерях Второй мировой войны. Дань уважения и жертвам терроризма. Место для размышлений о тщетности войн, которые приносят только страдания и боль.
Google Translation into Serbian: У другом делу луке су ове почасти жртвама покрајине у концентрационим логорима Другог светског рата. Омаж и жртвама тероризма. Место за размишљање о узалудности ратова који изазивају само патњу и бол.
Google Translation into Swedish: I en annan del av hamnen finns dessa hyllningar till provinsens offer i koncentrationslägren under andra världskriget. Hyllning även till terrorismens offer. En plats att reflektera över det meningslösa i krig som bara orsakar lidande och smärta.
Google Translation into Turkish: Limanın başka bir bölümünde, 2. Dünya Savaşı'nın toplama kamplarında eyaletin kurbanları için bu haraçlar var. Terör kurbanları için de saygı duruşunda bulunun. Sadece acı ve acıya neden olan savaşların beyhudeliği üzerine düşünmek için bir yer.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: В іншій частині порту знаходяться ці данини жертвам провінції в концтаборах Другої світової війни. Також вшануйте пам'ять жертв тероризму. Місце для роздумів про марність війн, які завдають лише страждань і болю.
Google Translation into Bengali: বন্দরের আরেকটি অংশে দ্বিতীয় বিশ্বযুদ্ধের কনসেনট্রেশন ক্যাম্পে প্রদেশের নিহতদের প্রতি এই শ্রদ্ধাঞ্জলি রয়েছে। সন্ত্রাসের শিকারদের প্রতিও শ্রদ্ধা। যুদ্ধের অসারতা প্রতিফলিত করার একটি জায়গা যা শুধুমাত্র দুঃখ এবং যন্ত্রণার কারণ।
Google Translation into Chinese: 在港口的另一部分,这些是对二战集中营中该省受害者的悼念。 也向恐怖主义的受害者致敬。 一个反思只会造成苦难和痛苦的战争的徒劳之处。
Google Translation into Korean: 항구의 다른 부분에는 제2차 세계 대전의 강제 수용소에 있는 지방의 희생자들에 대한 이러한 헌사들이 있습니다. 테러 희생자들에게도 경의를 표합니다. 고통과 아픔만을 낳는 전쟁의 무익함을 반성하는 곳.
Google Translation into Hebrew: בחלק אחר של הנמל נמצאות מחוות אלו לקורבנות המחוז במחנות הריכוז של מלחמת העולם השנייה. מחווה גם לקורבנות הטרור. מקום להרהר בחוסר התוחלת של מלחמות שגורמות רק סבל וכאב.
Google Translation into Hindi: बंदरगाह के दूसरे हिस्से में द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध के एकाग्रता शिविरों में प्रांत के पीड़ितों के लिए ये श्रद्धांजलि हैं। आतंकवाद के पीड़ितों को भी श्रद्धांजलि। युद्धों की निरर्थकता पर चिंतन करने का स्थान जो केवल पीड़ा और दर्द का कारण बनता है।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Di bagian lain pelabuhan terdapat upeti untuk para korban provinsi di kamp konsentrasi Perang Dunia II. Turut berduka cita untuk para korban terorisme. Tempat untuk merenungkan kesia-siaan perang yang hanya menyebabkan penderitaan dan kesakitan.
Google Translation into Japanese: 港の別の場所には、第二次世界大戦の強制収容所での州の犠牲者へのこれらの賛辞があります。 テロの犠牲者にも敬意を表します。 苦しみと痛みだけをもたらす戦争の無益さを考える場所。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Порттун дагы бир бөлүгүндө Экинчи дүйнөлүк согуштун концлагерлеринде провинциянын курмандыктарына арналган бул урмат-сыйлар бар. Терроризмдин курмандыктарына да таазим. Бир гана азап-кайгы менен ооруган согуштардын пайдасыздыгы жөнүндө ой жүгүрткөн жер.
Google Translation into Malay: Di bahagian lain pelabuhan ini adalah penghormatan kepada mangsa wilayah di kem tahanan Perang Dunia II. Penghormatan juga kepada mangsa keganasan. Tempat untuk merenung kesia-siaan peperangan yang hanya menyebabkan penderitaan dan kesakitan.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਬੰਦਰਗਾਹ ਦੇ ਇੱਕ ਹੋਰ ਹਿੱਸੇ ਵਿੱਚ ਦੂਜੇ ਵਿਸ਼ਵ ਯੁੱਧ ਦੇ ਤਸ਼ੱਦਦ ਕੈਂਪਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਸੂਬੇ ਦੇ ਪੀੜਤਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਇਹ ਸ਼ਰਧਾਂਜਲੀਆਂ ਹਨ। ਅੱਤਵਾਦ ਦੇ ਪੀੜਤਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਵੀ ਸ਼ਰਧਾਂਜਲੀ। ਯੁੱਧਾਂ ਦੀ ਵਿਅਰਥਤਾ 'ਤੇ ਪ੍ਰਤੀਬਿੰਬਤ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਇੱਕ ਜਗ੍ਹਾ ਜੋ ਸਿਰਫ ਦੁੱਖ ਅਤੇ ਦਰਦ ਦਾ ਕਾਰਨ ਬਣਦੀ ਹੈ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: د بندر په یوه بله برخه کې د دویمې نړیوالې جګړې د تمرکز په کمپونو کې د ولایت قربانیانو ته دا درناوی دی. همدارنګه د ترهګرۍ قربانیانو ته درناوی. د جنګونو بې ځایه کیدو منعکس کولو ځای چې یوازې د رنځ او درد لامل کیږي.
Google Translation into Persian: در بخش دیگری از بندر این ادای احترام به قربانیان استان در اردوگاه های کار اجباری جنگ جهانی دوم است. همچنین ادای احترام به قربانیان تروریسم. مکانی برای تأمل در بیهودگی جنگ هایی که تنها باعث رنج و درد می شود.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Sa ibang bahagi ng daungan ay ang mga parangal na ito sa mga biktima ng lalawigan sa mga kampong piitan noong Ikalawang Digmaang Pandaigdig. Pagpupugay din sa mga biktima ng terorismo. Isang lugar upang pagnilayan ang kawalang-kabuluhan ng mga digmaan na nagdudulot lamang ng pagdurusa at sakit.
Google Translation into Thai: ในอีกส่วนหนึ่งของท่าเรือมีการยกย่องผู้ที่ตกเป็นเหยื่อของจังหวัดในค่ายกักกันในสงครามโลกครั้งที่สอง ไว้อาลัยให้กับผู้ที่ตกเป็นเหยื่อของการก่อการร้ายด้วย สถานที่ที่จะสะท้อนความไร้ประโยชน์ของสงครามที่ก่อให้เกิดแต่ความทุกข์ทรมานและความเจ็บปวด
Google Translation into Urdu: بندرگاہ کے ایک اور حصے میں دوسری جنگ عظیم کے حراستی کیمپوں میں صوبے کے متاثرین کو خراج تحسین پیش کیا گیا ہے۔ دہشت گردی کے متاثرین کو بھی خراج تحسین۔ جنگوں کی فضولیت پر غور کرنے کی جگہ جو صرف تکلیف اور تکلیف کا باعث بنتی ہے۔
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livrosdanizz · 3 years
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Os Mistérios de Warthia + ship favorito: Diel & Luke
“Aquele era um sorriso pelo qual Diel atravessaria o Abismo.”
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thetudorslovers · 5 years
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~House Blackhood of the Raventree ~
"House Blackwood of Raventree Hall is an old house from Raventree Hall in the riverlands, one of the main families sworn to House Tully of Riverrun. They once ruled the riverlands as kings during the Age of Heroes.They blazon their arms with a flock of ravens on scarlet surrounding a dead weirwood upon a black escutcheon. Their words have not yet been revealed by George R. R. Martin."
"Amongst the houses reduced from royals to vassals we can count the Flints of Breakstone Hill, the Slates of Blackpool, the Umbers of Last Hearth, the Lockes of Oldcastle, the Glovers of Deepwood Motte, the Fishers of the Stony Shore, the Ryders of the Rills...and mayhaps even the Blackwoods of Raventree, whose own family traditions insist they once ruled most of the wolfswood before being driven from their lands by the Kings of Winter (certain runic records support this claim, if Maester Barneby's translations can be trusted)."
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lantsov-chaotic-ace · 7 years
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“Seus maiores medos são seus maiores inimigos.” {As Brumas de Ébano}
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radioactivepeasant · 4 years
Fic Prompts: Star Wars week, grand finale
Part 1, Part 2
Long post incoming!
Manda was the second one through the door after the Imperials blasted it open. She adjusted the strap of a heavy artillery rifle she probably didn't have a license to own and shot out a defense turret before anyone had time to blink.
"Knock knock, sleemo!" she shouted, "It's judgement day!"
Theatrics aside, Darth Vader agreed. If something had happened to make Luke desperate enough or distracted enough to reach out to an enemy for help, there was going to be a reckoning.
When he stormed the throne room and saw the boy, dried blood on his clothing and burns on one cheek, his blood boiled. Had Luke been anyone else, any other rebel, he would not have cared. In fact, he would have inflicted much worse upon him simply for being a rebel. But this, this was his son. The boy was his. That some self-styled Jedi had raised a hand to him was an outrage that would not be easily forgiven.
This unexpected camaraderie with his civilian companions would not occur to him for two days, in the midst of his meditations.
The children had not been idle. They knew that once C'baoth took one of them for "training", they had at least an hour to look for new methods of escape.
Tiya's ladder was nearly complete. It was crude, held together by curse words and strips of cloth torn from the blankets.
"It's not going to hold us," Cayl announced. He sat down with a heavy thud and put his head in his hands. "We're never getting out of here."
"Shut up!" Tyto snarled at the younger boy. He wrapped an arm around the twins when they began to cry. "Look what you did!"
Tiya narrowed her eyes at the boys. "Knock it off! Both of you!"
She clapped to get everyone's attention and jerked her chin towards the makeshift ladder. "Look. Somebody has to go up. Somebody small. If you can move a block and squeeze through without being caught, you can come back down and open the door for us."
She did her best to present a calm front, but her composure was cracking. Eight days. She had been here the longest, putting on a brave face for the kids she often babysat. But Tiya was still only seventeen. She wanted her parents. She wanted to go home.
"I'll do it."
Aki stepped forward and unzipped her oversized boots. Barefoot, the little girl approached the ladder and took a deep breath.
"I'm the littlest. I can fit."
"You're not the littlest, I'm the littlest!" exclaimed Lumina, who was five and not at all sure what was going on.
"Yeah, only you're taller than me, and that's why," Aki explained to the Ithorian girl patiently. "You can put me on the ladder. I won't even be scared."
This was enough of an exaggeration to be a complete falsehood. Aki was terrified of heights. Nevertheless, she inched up the rickety ladder with shaking legs until she reached the hole in the ceiling.
The stones were falling away, old and poorly constructed. With a burst of adrenaline, Aki squeezed herself through the tiny opening. Her lekku scraped against the stones, and she couldn't help bursting into tears.
"Aki!" Tiya hissed from below, "What happened?!"
"My lekku hurt!" Aki wailed.
"Ignore it!" Cayl called. "You gotta let us out!"
Aki bit her lip and looked around. She was in a room filled with pedestals, most of them empty. But she recognized the item floating over the one by the door: it was the same kind of laser sword thing as the one C'baoth carried. Did he have more than one? Or was this the sword he stole from Luke nerra?
Impulsively, Aki snatched the hilt from the pedestal and pushed open the door. Even if she'd had any idea how to use the thing, it was far too large for her tiny hands. But Luke was out there with C'baoth, with nobody to help him. If he had his sword back, Aki thought maybe he could protect them. He was almost grown up, like Tiya, wasn't he? He had to be able to stop C'baoth!
She just had to find him without getting caught.
Aki froze as she peered through the door at sheer chaos.
"Ah! Lord Vader. Come to challenge your rival at last?" Joruus C'baoth spread out his arms in challenge. "Behold! The Jedi Order lives anew!"
Luke stared at the raiding party in undisguised horror. This was his hope of rescue? He had fallen from the frying pan into the fire. There would be neither rescue nor mercy from Darth Vader. Only death.
Vader, for his part, did not even dignify C'baoth with a response. Casually, almost offhandedly, he addressed the civilians behind him.
"If you wish to retrieve your offspring, now is the time to do so. If you linger behind unnecessarily, your fate is upon your own head."
The Empire was...helping? But the majority of these people weren't humans! Imperial soldiers were not known for being shining examples of interspecies solidarity, to say the least. In fact, they were usually the ones perpetrating the crimes against them.
Luke wondered what the catch was but all too soon his attention was taken up by cracks forming in the stone around him.
"Don't throw the pillars at him, it's not gonna do anything!" Luke yelped. "We dropped an AT-AT on Vader and he walked away without a scratch! You're just going to bring the roof down on us!"
Dark, cold fury pierced his lungs, cutting off his breath. Panic clawed at his throat as he gasped uselessly for air. The pressure eased after less than two seconds, but it was enough.
"Hold your tongue, padawan," C'baoth snapped. "Witness the true power of the Force!"
Luke had other ideas. The moment C'baoth raised his hands, he reached out in desperation for the Force, and it answered. He pivoted on one heel, sweeping his hands out on instinct in a graceful, circling motion. As if shoved by invisible hands, C'baoth tumbled off the dais and towards Vader.
Luke took to his feet and ran.
I have to get the kids out. The parents won't know where to go!
Luke's thoughts cut off abruptly as an unseen force shoved him into the wall hard enough to make his ears ring.
"It would seem that your...apprentice...has no interest in defending you, old man." There was a peculiar note of satisfaction in Vader's voice.
"I'm not his apprentice!" Luke yelled.
He wasn't even sure why he felt the need to defend himself to a Sith. Maybe he just wanted the record straight before he died.
"Luke Skywalker, Rebel Pilot and Jedi Trainee" was a better grave marker than "Luke Skywalker, apprenticed to a creepy megalomaniac with terrible fashion sense".
Luke picked himself up and shook off the dizziness. Behind him, he heard a sizzling clash. Was C'baoth actually going to fight Vader?! Luke honestly wasn't sure if the lightning thing would give him an advantage, or if he really was just that deluded.
But if it came down to it, if it looked like C'baoth was getting the upper hand, then Luke was going to have to make a hard decision. His father's murderer, or the man who had decided he was Luke's "master".
In his heart, Luke knew that if he had to make a choice, he would help Darth Vader. I'll die on my feet, a free man, before I let myself live bound to a madman.
He ran for the far end of the throne room. If he could make it to the door, he could get into the gallery. That was where his captor had stored his lightsaber. Once he had that, the odds of escape would be much more favorable.
Two steps away, he was flung back towards the throne again. Which one of the combatants had done it, he could not say. Before Luke could debate the wisdom of trying to run again, the door to the gallery swung open. Framed against the sickly yellow light, a small shape stiffened.
It was Aki, and she looked terrified.
A momentary elation swelled up in Luke's chest. Aki had escaped! That had to mean that Tiya's ladder had worked!
Immediately after, the elation was replaced by a spike of panic.
Aki was walking right into the line of fire!
Aki Anda was pretty sure she had never been this afraid in her entire life. Everything was cold, and scary, and there was a giant robot with another laser sword fighting with C'baoth. Luke was on the ground. Aki bet that C'baoth had hurt him again. It was that thought that steepled her resolve.
After ten seconds of trying to work herself up to it and talk herself out of it by turns, the little Twi'lek finally left the doorway and pelted towards the throne. Desperately, she flung the hilt at Luke, who scrambled to catch it.
"Aki, you have to run!" Luke warned her, "The parents are here, they came with the soldiers!"
Aki's eyes lit up. "Mommy's here?" she gasped, "Where?!"
A stone the size of Luke's head whizzed past them. Luke ducked to shield Aki as best he could.
What he was about to do felt like a betrayal of all he knew, but if it meant saving even one life, it was what he had to do.
"Okay, listen carefully. You listening?" Luke whispered to the girl, "I'm going to distract C'baoth. When I turn on my lightsaber, you need to run as fast as you can. Get to the door, where those guys with white armor are. They know which way the parents went. Can you do that?"
Aki gulped. "I...I think so?"
"Good." Luke mustered up a smile for her. "You're getting out of here today, I promise you that. The Force is with you, Aki. Just run, and don't look back."
I don't want you to see it when I die.
With a fierce hum, Luke's lightsaber sprang to life. The comforting glow of his father's blade eased a little of his fear away. For a moment, it was as if his father was there with him, protecting him.
Luke shook off the fantasy and took a ready stance.
"Ah! Excellent, my apprentice!" C'baoth cackled. "I had forgotten that I put your blade away for the time being. Now: strike down this pretender to the Force!"
"An unlikely outcome, even with your dubious teachings," Darth Vader said coldly. "Skywalker will be leaving with me."
"With you?!" C'baoth repeated with a bitter, mocking laugh. "I think not! You will never be the master of such a power, Darth."
He twisted beneath a blow that should have beheaded him with an agility that belied his age. Springing up on the other side of Vader, he swung out viciously with his own blade.
"The Jedi Empire shall rise in spite of all your trivial machinations: I have foreseen it! With Skywalker at my side, worlds will fall!"
"Unlikely. Clearly you know nothing of Skywalker," Vader retorted.
He stepped back in time to avoid a burst of electricity, catching it on his blade.
"And you do?" C'baoth scoffed. "Skywalker is mine. He'll die before he joins you."
Luke caught the threat hiding beneath C'baoth's boast. The conversation turned his stomach. Luke picked up one of the chunks of debris and launched it at C'baoth and Vader.
"Stop arguing over me like this is a market!" he fumed. "I'm a person!"
Strangely, this seemed to catch Vader off his guard for an instant. It was long enough. With a victorious shout, C'baoth flung out his hand. Vader hit one of the support pillars with an ominous crack, and the roof groaned. Before the man could stand, bolts of electricity knocked him back again.
"As the boy says," C'baoth gloated, "He does not want your "help". Skywalker understands that his place is here!"
"That's not what I said!" Luke protested.
At least the distraction was working. He could see Aki at the door, speaking rapidly to one of the stormtroopers, who pointed in the direction the civilians had taken. Good. Maybe she'd be able to lead them to the other children.
"Now, Skywalker!" C'baoth beckoned him closer, lightning still arcing across his fingertips. "Strike him down while he is weak! With the vanquishing of Darth Vader, we will master the Force, darkness and light! My empire will be undefeated! And you, my apprentice, will be as my own loyal son!"
Luke could hardly think of a worse outcome, unless it was "get adopted by a Hutt".
The room trembled as if shaken by an earthquake, and the very air seemed to freeze. The lights flickered feebly, then burst, one by one. Visible only by the blood-red light of his blade, Vader stood.
"He already has a father!" he hissed. The pillars creaked, and dust fell in curtains around them as he stepped forward. "And I will not allow the Jedi to separate us again. Not even a Dark Jedi."
Luke's breath froze in his lungs. There was no way Vader had just said what he had just heard. He'd misunderstood. He had to have.
Or Vader was lying.
But what possible motivation could he have for claiming that he was- that Luke was his-?
Wasn't he just going to kill them both?
"You expect me to believe that a creature like Darth Vader could have sired such a powerful child?"
C'baoth's voice shook just the slightest bit as the dark advanced.
His voice dripping with hatred and scorn, Vader retorted, "Did you suppose that a man is born with the title and name of a Sith Lord? You are as delusional as you seem."
Relentless, he advanced. "You will die now, old man, and I will retrieve my son."
Joruus C'baoth had not foreseen this. His face twisted with rage as he turned to look at Luke, then back at Vader.
"No!" he spat. "Did you not hear me? He'll die before he joins you!"
Luke raised his shaking lightsaber and braced for the lightning as C'baoth's hand began to glow. He couldn't focus. He wasn't going to be able to block the attack.
Vader held out his arm in a commanding gesture, and Luke was yanked out of the way of the lightning at the last second. If he'd been in any state of mind to notice what was happening around him, Luke would have protested being tossed around like a ragdoll three times in one day. A hand closed over the collar of Luke's shirt, and he snapped back into the present long enough to put up an ultimately futile struggle.
"No-! You're not- you can't-!"
His feet left the ground abruptly. Vader held him at eye level by the back of the collar, and even with the inscrutable mask Luke could feel his fury.
"I can, and I am," he growled."Obi-wan was always most adept at twisting the truth."
The world unraveled around Luke. Liar, liar, liar
The word seemed to bounce around his mind. But who was the liar? Obi-wan? Or Vader?
Notably, C'baoth had not denied Vader's claims. He had always been so quick to pounce of his prisoners' lies in the previous two escape attempts. Why wasn't he calling Vader out for his lie? Why wasn't he saying anything?!
You know why.
A small, pained sound left Luke. Vader turned slightly to deflect another bout of lightning with his blade, and set Luke down behind him.
"Do not try to run," he warned.
He needn't have worried. Luke couldn't have moved if he'd wanted to. The delicate structures of everything he'd known, everything he'd built his life around, had shattered. Luke was left with nothing but broken pieces.
Is this why he's been hunting us so relentlessly? Am I a danger to the Alliance? Obi-wan! Help me!
"You chose your would-be apprentices poorly, C'baoth." Vader taunted as he stalked forward with renewed strength. "Did you think no one would come for them? Had you left Skywalker untouched, we would not have been alerted to your presence. Ironic, yes?"
Luke felt the black tide that was Vader clash against the bloodstained storm of C'baoth's Force signature. And he saw that the Dark Jedi was preparing to electrocute the Sith once more. Their blades were locked: Luke didn't think even Darth Vader could block electricity and a lightsaber at the same time.
The thought of having to stay with C'baoth galvanized him into action. Luke grasped for any shred of the Light Side he could reach, and before they slipped away like sand between his fingers, he threw his lightsaber as hard as he could.
C'baoth had time for a gurgle of surprise and dismay as the blade pierced his throat. He dropped, and the blue sparks slowly faded from his fingertips.
Darth Vader was mildly taken aback, considering the boy's less than favorable response to their relationship. He prodded the corpse with his boot, then called the old lightsaber to his hand. The matching hilts were clipped to his belt, snuffing out the remaining light in the chamber. Without a backward glance, Vader left the body on the stairs and returned to where he had left the boy.
Luke trembled violently. Now that the imminent threat had passed, and Vader's temper was slowly fading, he took a moment to sift through his son's emotions. Admittedly, this was far from the circumstances under which he had hoped to reveal the truth to Luke. Under the impression that he was going to die and in the midst of battle, it was unlikely that Luke would have taken the news well.
Inconsequential. He knew now, and that could not be undone. The boy would have plenty of time to come to terms with the truth. Vader had no intention of losing him again.
Still, he did not need the boy to be so afraid just now.
Vader took hold of Luke's shoulder and marched him towards the door. "You did well," he remarked. "I am pleased to see that you are able to wield the Force under such duress."
Luke stared blankly ahead, wondering what was to become of him now.
I want to go home, he found himself thinking.
The hand on his shoulder tightened for an instant, then relaxed. "Yes," Vader answered his unspoken thought almost softly. "We are going home, Luke."
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hetaczechia · 3 years
Names from my child name list I marked blue
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comicsholky-blog · 6 years
Je Jessica Jones feministka?
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Jessica Jones, superžena, tvrďačka a bojovnice, je hrdinkou, ať už se jí to líbí nebo ne. Ale je z ní proto automaticky feministka? Je vůbec Jessica Jones feministická postava a jestli ano, dělá to z celého seriálu feministický seriál? Co takový seriál vůbec definuje? Kolikrát se objeví transparent z pochodu žen v jedné sérii? Nebo kolikrát Jessica použije hashtag #feminist na twitteru? Musí seriál projít nějakým testem, aby mohl být označen za feministický? Řekněme třeba Bechdel testem?
Odpověď na všechny tyto otázky je jedna a tatáž: to, co nás dělá feministkami se nedá vysvětlit z pohledu zvenku. Je to vnitřní definice, která je potvrzována našimi činy. Tím, co děláme pro to, aby s ženami bylo zacházeno s rovností, aby byly více vidět, slyšet, aby dostávaly více příležitostí.
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Jessica Jones, feministka
Jessica je silná, statečná, komplikovaná žena, která opakovaně nasazuje vlastní život, aby pomohla ženám ve svém okolí. To není žádná nálepka, to je poslání, které Jessica plní každý den. V první sérii se postavila Kilgraveovi, aby zachránila život Hope Shlottman. Nechtěla, aby se Hope stala další obětí Kilgravea, i když to znamenalo, že bude muset čelit ohavným vzpomínkam na jeho manipulace a nakonec i jemu samotnému.
Kromě toho Jessica několikrát zachránila život Trish Walkerové. Když byly děti, ochraňovala ji před týráním jejich matky a podporovala Trish v její vlastní cestě za úspěchem. Jessica je Trishin fanoušek číslo jedna už po desetiletí a neustále jí dodává podporu.
Jessica ale zachránila i ženy, které by si to možná zasloužily méně, jako právě Jeri Hogarth. Mohla nechat Jeri umřít - už jen proto, že se pokusila využít Kilgraveových schopností pro vlastní účely a prospěch - ale Jessica ji zachránila, navzdory svému úsudku, protože to zkrátka byla ta správná věc. Ve světle těchto událostí (a to je jen hrstka příkladů) se na Jessicu rozhodně můžeme dívat jako na feministickou postavu.
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Jessica Jones, feministický seriál
Ale co samotná TV show? V současnosti je seriál jediným od Marvelu, který má hlavní hrdinku ženu. Seriál Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. má sice bohaté ženské obsazení, ale pořád je to ansámbl tvořený ženami i muži. Agent Carter s úžasnou Hayley Atwell skončila po dvou sériích. Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist i Punisher jsou všechno superhrdinové muži, takže to dělá Jessicu jedinou hlavní ženskou hrdinkou v současné době vysílaných pořadech.
V pozadí Jessicy Jones stojí Melissa Rosenberg. Rozhodnutí Netflixu svěřit seriál do rukou ženského managementu bylo náznakem, že nechtějí seriál slepě předat mužům. To by srazilo spoustu potenciálu seriálu pomáhat ženám a marginalizovaným skupinám. S Melissou Rosenberg u kormidla se Jessica Jones automaticky stala feminističtější už jen proto, že tvůrci seriálů z řad žen jsou pořád hůře placeny než jejich mužské protějšky.
Melissa Rosenberg navíc využívá svého postavení, trochu jako Jessica, aby pomáhala ostatním ženám ve své branži. Během druhé série (která byla akorát vypuštěna na Netflix) najala 13 žen, aby zrežírovaly těchto 13 navazujících epizod, přičemž jednou z nich je i Deborah Chow, která se podílí na seriálu Fear the Walking Dead. Kostýmová designérka druhé série, Elisabeth Vastola, se nechala slyšet, že ze začátku byla práce s třinácti různými režisérkami zvláštní a zajímavá, ale postupem času otázka genderu vůbec nehrála roli a všechno běželo jako obvykle, což jí dalo cennou lekci.
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Rovnocennost a úspěšný Bechdel test
Dalším důvodem, proč je seriál feministicky založený, je, že Jessica je na stejné půdě jako její mužští kolegové. Ať už bojuje s neprůstřelným Lukem Cagem nebo psychopatem Kilgravem, je jim rovna. Což je v televizním prostředí vzácný úkaz. Ani Agent Carter nebyla stejně fyzicky zdatná jako muži, se kterými v seriálu bojovala, musela je vždycky předstihnout v inteligenci, přechytračit je. Jessica? Ta je prostě převálcuje. I ve finále s Kilgravem je ve výsledku silnější než on.
Seriál také prošel Bechdel testem. Tenhle test je velmi jednoduchý a je založen na otázce, jestli je v seriálu/filmu/knize více než jedna žena, mluví spolu a mluví o jiném tématu než jsou muži. U Jessicy Jones je odpověď ano. Jessica mluví nejen s Trish, Jeri, Hope, ale i se svou podivínskou sousedkou a dalšími ženami. Jasně, občas s nimi mluví o Kilgraveovi, ale mluví i o práci, soudních případech, rodině a dalších věcech a problémech.
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Elisabeth Vastola též zmínila, že hrdinky neobléká pro mužské potěšení. ''Moje největší radost byla možnost pracovat na seriálu, aniž bych musela hlavní postavy oblékat jinak, než jak by se oblékly samy. Žádná z nich nenosí oblečení, aby lichotilo mužskému oku. Neoblékají se a nemalují se pro muže ani pro nikoho jiného než pro sebe. Jejich styl odráží to, kým jsou a jak se cítí.''
Pro všechny tyto důvody a mnoho dalších si dovolím říci, že Jessica Jones prostě je feministka. Není jen někdo, kdo v rovnoprávnost věří, ona za ni bojuje. Seriál nejen že reprezentuje silné ženské charaktery, i je zaměstnává. Skrz naskrz je to show prodchnutá feminismem a bojem za rovná práva všech lidí. Můžeme jen doufat, že se ženám dostane lepšího postavení i v komiksové branži, ať už v seriálech nebo kdekoliv.
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Článek je volně přeložen odtud
- Adriel
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Dětské fotbalové dres Liverpool  Zpráva
Dětské fotbalové dres Liverpool  Zpráva, která se objevila ve středu, naznačila, že United by chtěl prodávat Shaw, ale jeho agent Jonathan Barnett na takové tvrzení reagoval rozčileně.
"Jsem naštvaný na tyto zprávy, které naznačují, že Luke Shaw opustí Manchester United v létě," řekl pro International Business Times. "Jsem naštvaný na nezodpovědnou žurnalistiku.
"Luke Shaw je v Manchesteru Fotbalové Dresy pro děti  šťastný a Manchester United je s ním spokojený."
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malaprincezna-blog1 · 6 years
Světlo a tma
Příběh se odehrává před naší dobou, dobou techniky, mobilů, počítačů, facebookem, instagramem, twitrem. Příběh je z doby kdy znali jen papír, dopisy a knihy.
“Lio.., Lio..” Lia se otočila a uviděla svojí malou sestřičku jak k ní běží zasněženým lesem. “Co tady děláš Sofí? Měla jsi být v teple domova, mamka bude mít strach. Víš že když chodim do lesa že mě nemáš sledovat.” Sofinka se zamračila: “Ale já jsem jednou jedinkrát chtěla jít s tebou, bojim se o tebe. V lese je spousta zlých stvoření.” Lia tohle od svojí sestry slyšela už mnohokrát, i od matky ale ona se dokáže sama o sebe postarat, od malička zjišťuje že má zvláštní schopnost, umí ohýbat světlo, vytvářet iluze, oslepit dočasně lidi ve svém okolí a spoustu dalších věcí které se Lia snaží sama odhalit nebo je pojmenovat.
“Sofí, ty víš že musim chodit do práce.” Aby Lia rodinu uživila, musela chodit daleko do hlavního města za prací v továrně s oblečením, je to nudná práce ale v téhle době je těžké sehnat dobrou práci s celkem dobrou peněžní odměnou ale z něčeho jejich rodina žít prostě musela. “Příště tě vezmu v sobotu na trhy a užijeme si společné odpoledne, ano?” Její sestřička nadšeně zakývala hlavou a pak dala Lie pusu na tvář a odběhla zase domů.
Lie vždycky její desetiletá sestřička vykouzlí úsměv na tváři a nabije jí pozitivní energií kterou jí okolí a čas v práci ubírá. Když došla do města narazila tam na svého dlouholetého kamaráda Luka. “Ahoj, slyšela jsi to?” Lia nevěděla o čem tom mluví a tak ho nechala pokračovat, neměla náladu se vyptávat protože jí to stejně řekne. “Po náměstí se začali vykládat klepy ohledně toho že se po tržišti potloukalo nějaký dítě které se snažilo ukradnout chleba ale pomocí levitace. Ten chudinka musel být strašně vyhladovělej když si troufl použít schopnosti před lidma a odhalit se.” Lia se nezmohla na slovo. V jejich zemi mohla ovládat nadpřirozené síly jenom královská rodina a jimi dovolení p��íznivci, ostatní za to byli veřejně trestáni nebo hůř. Tyto dary neměli všichni, většina z nich odešla ke králi do služby nebo do jiné země za lepším životem bez skrývání. O jejích schopnostech věděla jenom její sestra a matka, nikdo jiný, ani Luke ne.
Když procházeli okolo náměstí všimli si jistého ruchu a tak se rozhodli to projít blíž a zjistit co se děje. Byli to královo lovci kteří pátrali po nových “neobyčejných” jak je rád nazýval sám král, Lia ty nebožáky který král zajal oslovovala otroci protože pískala přesně jak královská rodina řekla. Doufala že jí nikdy nic takovýho nepotká. Teď si ale všimla něčeho zvláštního, lovci nebyli sami ale byla s nima i jedna dívka oblečená v kožené halence a stejně vyhlížejících kalhotách, Lia z ní byla poněkud nervózní a pořád jí hypnotizovala pohledem až si jí dívka taky všimla a začala úplně stejným pohledem taky prohlížet když v tu chvíly na Liu ukázala svým dlouhým prstem. Ten moment jsko by se zastavil čas a když se probrala už kolem ní byli lovci a ona jen křičela Lukovo jméno aby jí pomohl ale on sám by proti trénovaným lovcům se schopnostmi neměl žádnou šanci, a tak jen křičela a pokoušela se o útěk dokud neztratila hlas a nedošla jí veškerá síla. Co semnou teď bude? Urcitě mě zabijí, pomyslela si Lia a vzdala veškerou svojí snahu o útěk. Chvíly na to už ani nic neviděla, jako by s ní obloha soucítila, ale to jí jen někdo přehodil přes hlavu pytel a už jí odváděli pryč.
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sportovniblog-blog · 7 years
Irsko a Skotsko skončily mizerným šampionátem na tlumené poznámce
Možná to byla bitva o stínění z poloviny stolu, ale jak to bylo mezi těmito dvěma roky, byla to živá záležitost, která byla v očích téměř stejná. Sedm pokusů nemá být očištěno, i když se stává normou, že naši šest národoví židé se nějakým způsobem cítí schopní dýchat trochu na těchto posledních festivalech. Pokud by v Dublinu existoval umělecký výraz, Tak byla tma. V posledních deseti minutách třikrát vypukly nárazy; V průběhu 80 minut byly tři žluté karty; A Johnny Sexton by se neměl chtít vrátit s hrdostí na své nadávky těsně předtím, než Alex Dunbar ukázal druhou z nich. Dunbar ho zvedl a vyhodil ho z beznadějného módu, Sexton zasáhl podlahu, apeloval na rozhodčího a pak dramaticky přitiskl hlavu v tomto pořadí.Musíme doufat, že to neovlivní rozhodnutí rozhodčího. Irénsko zvítězilo, protože škótská indispozice umožňuje hostům mimo háček. Nicméně obě strany dokončily tento šampionát v nějakém druhu úvěru, ačkoli Skotsko si to bude pamatovat více Laskavě než Irsko, i přes tuto porážku je odsoudily k čtvrté, bod a místo za jejich hostitele, kteří se vyhýbají ignorování, pro šampiony, páté s touto výhrou. "Bylo dobré, že skončím s dvěma vítězstvím," řekl Rory Best, irský kapitán, "ale očekáváme, že vyhrajeme každou hru. To je standard, který jsme nastavili za poslední dva roky. Když se podíváme zpět na šest národů, budeme zklamáni, zvláště s francouzskou hrou, kterou jsme nechali sklouznout.Ale nyní máme dobrou skupinu hráčů, kteří vědí, jak vybojovat na úrovni testů po uplynulých dvou týdnech. "
Ten pool je nyní hlubší kvůli rozsáhlým problémům s úrazem v Irsku. Peter O'Mahony a Iain Henderson se mohou vrátit k letnímu turné do Jihoafrické republiky, která se stane hlavním přínosem, i když CJ Stander se v nepřítomnosti rozvinul v košili No6. Sean O'Brien a Chris Henry jsou jiní kvůli návratu, stejně jako Tommy Bowe a Luke Fitzgerald. Pokud by Irsko dosud nedosáhlo historického třetího titulu šesti národů za sebou, došlo k polehčujícím okolnostem. Nicméně dominovali v prvním poločase držení podílů, jako by se na této úrovni mohlo podařit jen několik málo dalších. A tři ze svých čtyř pokusů byly zaznamenány, zatímco Skotsko bylo až 14, což bylo dvakrát.10-bodové vítězné rozpětí se cítí trochu nepatrné vzhledem k tomu všeho. Švýcarsko těží od odvahy od nového pořadí Vern Cotter. Přečtěte si více Škótsko pro jejich část hrály šest dní poté, co zvítězil nad Francií. Stejně jako Irsko upozornilo na požadavky cesty na cestu šest dní po zápase, když odcestovaly do Paříže za to, že Francie porazila v druhém kole, tak Vern Cotter uznal, do jaké míry tyto požadavky hrají svou roli. "Nedostali jsme ideální přípravu na testovací zápas," řekl, "ale musíme se přizpůsobit. Na této úrovni, na jakékoliv úrovni, je nevýhodou, že má méně času na přípravu než jiný čas. To je zřejmé. "
Skotsko se letos v létě v Japonsku vydává do Japonska mnohem obdivnější, než mají od konce minulého tisíciletí.Nedostatečně připraveni na tuto hru mohli být, když v první polovině posílili pětinu držení (ačkoli statistiky prohlašují, že se jim v druhém podařilo 70%), ale když byli míčí, byli napjatí a sebejistí. Jejich šampionát se cítí lépe než čtvrté místo, na které se musí vyrovnat. "" Neměli jsme porazit Francii za 10 let, "řekl Cotter. "Myslím, že se jedná o nejvyšší body, které Skotsko zaznamenalo v šesti národů, takže existují náznaky, že se věci zlepšily." Byla to tlumená poznámka, na které mistrovství skončilo, , ještě ne. Vydají se na své letní zájezdy, které se chtějí vydat.
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radioactivepeasant · 4 years
Fic Prompts: Star Wars Friday
(Continuing from yesterday's Part 1 . Also, turns out this will have 3 parts, not 2. Part 3 on Saturday. )
Luke Skywalker was getting very tired of boiled fish.
The old storeroom had been pretty well cleaned out before Luke and the nine children had been imprisoned inside. One of the Twi'lek boys, Milo, had found a tin of emergency rations five days ago, before Luke joined them, but they'd already consumed it. That just left whatever food their captor gave them if he felt that they'd "earned" it. Primarily, boiled fish.
Luke wasn't even sure how he'd gotten into this mess. The Alliance had picked up rumors that there was a Jedi on Jomark, and General Riekaan had agreed that it was probably wise to let Luke investigate. Luke had not expected to walk into a town experiencing a rash of kidnappings allegedly committed by a Jedi.
Nor, for that matter, had he reckoned on being one of the victims.
Luke didn't know what to call Joruus C'baoth, but he was pretty sure Jedi wasn't accurate. Jedi weren't supposed to be so obsessed with power and control, right? C'baoth's "lessons" he'd inflicted on them thus far had not been anything like Old Ben's. And what was a so-called Jedi doing kidnapping little kids, anyway?!
"Luke nerra! Lookie lookie!"
Luke glanced down to where one of the children was tugging on his sleeve insistently. Aki was one of the younger kids; a little red Twi'lek girl with boots that didn't quite fit. She tended to make an enormous racket stomping around in the oversized shoes. It had, unfortunately, compromised at least one escape attempt.
"What is it, Aki?" Luke asked.
The little girl pointed to where the only other prisoner even close to his age had managed to pull apart one of the shelves. The stocky girl was working to reconstruct the pieces into a kind of ladder. She pointed upward.
"There's light coming from up there, through the floor," she announced. "If we get up there, maybe we can pull some stones loose and make a hole."
Luke nodded. "Good idea, Tiya. I'll help."
Mica, Milo's twin brother, interrupted them with a panicked whistle. "The wizard's coming back!"
Tiya threw one of the rough blankets they'd been given over the metal pieces. "Rumina! Kayl! Tyto! Get over here and sit on the blanket!"
Three of the other children scrambled across the room to do as Tiya instructed. At seventeen, Tiya was one of the oldest in the town, and frequently volunteered with the primary school. The children were used to doing as she said.
With an ominous clang, the door slid open, and Joruus C'baoth frowned down at them. He held a small Nikto girl by the arm, and roughly tossed her into the makeshift cell.
"Your stubbornness is getting you nowhere, girl," he warned her. "In time, you will accept me as your master. It is inevitable. You will cease this pointless resistance to your power or your companions will pay the price."
Luke moved forward to lift the child to her feet. "Hey, leave her alone!" he snapped. "She doesn't know how to use the Force, don't you see that? None of them do!"
C'baoth had stolen the children because he claimed that they were all at least a little Force sensitive. That they would be the foundation of his "New Jedi Order". But as far as Luke could tell -- and he was still learning to sense such things -- only a few of his cellmates had any noticeable glimmers in their Force signatures. The others had slightly quicker reflexes than average, and formidable intuition, but little more than that. Maybe C'baoth was just desperate to control anyone who could feel the Force.
"Ah, young Skywalker, my prize student." C'baoth smoothed out his features into an almost grandfatherly smile. "Come! It is now time for your training."
This was far from ideal, but it was better than him taking one of the kids again. Luke stood and clenched his fists.
"The kids haven't eaten yet," he said pointedly.
In the same indulgent voice, C'baoth answered, "Then you had better perform well in your studies today, hadn't you?"
He turned a narrowed eye on the others. "I sense your thoughts," he warned. "There is no escape. Where would you go if you even could leave? You are not like others. You parents do not understand you, nor do they want you. I am all that you have, now. I am your family."
Luke took some comfort in knowing that he was not the only one present who felt a shudder of revulsion at the words. He reluctantly followed C'baoth out of the storeroom and up the winding, filthy stairs to the dilapidated throne room where the old man liked to conduct his "training". If shooting kriffing lightning at kids who couldn't levitate a pebble could really be called training.
Joruus tucked his hands into his wide sleeves and cleared his throat importantly. "Now! You, Skywalker, have even less excuse for laziness than your new brothers and sisters. You shine, boy. I expect nothing less than perfection from you."
His eyes took on a menacing glint as he turned to hold out the black pebbles. "Do it right, this time."
Luke winced at the hidden threat in the man's words and took the pebbles. "It would help if I knew what it was supposed to feel like," he grumbled.
C'baoth scoffed. "You are full of emotions, yet you use none of them. And yet you ask me what the Force is meant to feel like? Your training has been sorely neglected, my young apprentice."
Luke gritted his teeth and did his best to clear his mind. If only C'baoth hadn't confiscated his lightsaber! He could've freed the children and escaped days ago if he'd had his father's blade.
It was hard to focus on levitating the pebbles with C'baoth standing over him. The man was like a pulsating knot in the Force, tangled reds and murky browns like old bloodstains. Just being near him was jarring for Luke. Was he some kind of Sith? He seemed very determined to call himself a Jedi, but there was so much cruelty in him that Luke wondered if he'd ever met a Jedi at all.
A rebellious idea occurred to Luke, and he spread his senses out wide instead of focusing on the pebbles. It was surprisingly easy, compared to the first few times he'd tried it. Practice must have paid off. Or perhaps he was just that desperate to get away from C'baoth. Luke closed his eyes and reached for his fellow prisoners. None of them reacted to his clumsy probe, but he hadn't expected them to. They were tense, and scared, but also determined. Hopefully that meant Tiya was still building the ladder.
The Force seemed to beckon to him, coaxing him to stretch out even further beyond himself. Like a strain of music just at the edge of his hearing, the Force whispered to Luke that something very important was happening. A storm was approaching.
Luke sensed anger. It wasn't from his "teacher", and that was both a surprise and a relief. It was coming from beyond the crumbling castle walls. The precise number of life signs approaching wasn't clear to Luke, but he knew there were at least twelve, all hostile. There was one that seemed familiar somehow. He had met them before, Luke could've sworn he had. But with C'baoth muddying everything around him, it was too difficult to get a clear "view" of the person. Or to notice that the attention was being reciprocated.
A flicker of hope jolted through him. Was it an attack, or a rescue party? Either way, it was an opportunity to distract the old man. Luke would not let this become another Nar Shadda.
"Good! Very good!"
C'baoth's voice broke him out of his thoughts, and Luke opened his eyes to see all three pebbles hovering near the ceiling. With his concentration broken, Luke couldn't hold them up any longer, and they fell to the floor with a sharp cracking sound. C'baoth frowned sharply at him, and began to raise one hand. Luke knew that meant lightning was soon to follow.
"Someone's coming!" he blurted out. "I can sense them outside."
The old man's head whipped up, and in moments a snarl decorated his face. "He is jealous!" he hissed. "My empire shall outlive his!"
"Who is?" Luke backed away slowly.
As if a switch had been thrown, suddenly C'baoth was smiling again. "Come, apprentice! You will stand with your master against these invaders, and we will show that pretender the true power of the Force!"
Without meaning to, Luke slipped back towards the invaders with the Force.
Help us, he silently pleaded, even knowing they couldn't hear him, This guy's kriffin nuts!
The last thing he expected was to receive a reply. A powerful voice, almost too familiar somehow, rang out in his mind.
I am coming for you, Skywalker.
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