#makes my life so much easier lmao
junimoosims · 5 months
Your screenshots look really nice! 😊
Thank you so much!!! this is so sweet 🩵
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mostlikelyshutup · 3 months
the worst part about being a fat woman with an eating disorder is that if you offered a chance for me to be thin, i know i would take it in a second, and i also know that it comes both from a place of insecurity and ed thinking but also very real oppression as a fat woman
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bunnihearted · 1 month
#so on my way home..#i walked by a school and besides the fact that i felt so depressed bc just looking at these kids and adults i have NO hope for the future#i saw two boys on a bench as i walked by... and i just thought they were talking. and too late i realized that no one of the boys were#bullying the other boy. the bully walked away and the other boy just sat there looking so lifeless and dejected#a teacher came and sat down w that boy and i just kept walking. even if i wanted to say smth it's like what would i even do abt that situati#that made me so sad both bc that boy.. he looked so dejected and used to it. that anxiety going to school knowing you're bullied is awful#and like i imagined talking to him and saying heyyy if you're lucky you'll grow up to be 25yrs old#live like a parasite off your mom and be on wellfare and never have had a job :)#you'll have no education or highschool diploma :) you will still struggle to finish hs even at an easier level :)#you will also not have had friends in 10yrs and you'll be terrified of ppl and getting close to anyone and even going outside!!#you'll have no interests and hobbies and skills! you'll simply be a waste of space loser being a burden on everyone around u!#whoop whoop stay alive buddy it will only get worse ❤️#god i just wanna cry. how did i let my life turn out this way??? i used to be full of dreams and life and passion and HOPE#i used to believe in things and in people. i had so many dreams and i wanted to try and do so many things#now all i can think is 'i wanna die i wanna die i wanna die'. im miserable wherever i go lmao#there's this bridge over the highway i have to cross when i walk to school and every time i look down at the trafic and when a truck drives#by i feel my entire body vibrate. i just wanna jump and get mauled by it.#or i dont *want* to but i feel so deeply and desperately that it's the only way for me#only way to make it stop hurting. and i am weak. i dont know how to just 'stop' or take control of my life. thats why i wanna die#bc i know that i wont be able to. that my life will never amount to anything#for fuck's sake my dream now is just to have my own 1bedroom apartment and have a shitty job - like in a grocery store or whatever!!!!!#not even that can i make happen! bc im so worthless i cant do anything. im also stupid so i wouldnt be able to do my job right#i dont know... i dont know... these feelings and thoughts are too much i just wanna relax#but i cant bc my ribs hurt and idk if it's heartburn or an ulcer 💀 why am i even alive???? what am i doing all this for? 😭#my thoughts ran away but i meant like seeing that reminded me of how much of a failure i became#bc of my circumstances and all the shitty ppl around me thru out my life
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gingerbreadmonsters · 16 days
oh this is going to be......... a problem actually
#me when i start wips i KNOW are going to be so much longer than i want them to be#I KNOW IT I FUCKING SEE IT IN MY MIND#every time Every Single Time#to make things even better it's vega and warden AGAIN#which is objectively not a bad thing because i love them deeply and intensely#but in terms of my bitter and hateful need to be externally validated this is some of the worst news possible because#what it inevitably means is tens of hours of my life in exchange for maybe 30 or 40 notes lmao#half of which are my own self rbs#head in HANDS. why cant i just like writing about characters that are easily and broadly popular#i should have conditioned myself harder into liking milo or asher or sam something#OR DAVID AND ANGEL. GOD my life would be so much easier if i liked david and angel#(you know full well this is not an attack on people who do like those characters. don't pretend like it is so you have an excuse to be rude#i say it every fucking time I AM NOT OWED ANYTHING I GET IT I UNDERSTAND#doesn't mean it's not disheartening to make tens of thousands of words and see almost no acknowledgement of it at all#yes again for the millionth time: nobody is OBLIGATED to like my writing or like the characters i write about YOU DON'T HAVE TO#once again: you KNOW that is not the thing i am bitching about here#i am a hateful spiteful bitch for DIFFERENT reasons#those reasons being i have a deeply insecure and desperate need for validation that no amount of 'art for art's sake!' can cure#art for art's sake is all well and good. doesn't ever seem to make me feel better though#delete later
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vroomian · 3 months
Man I wish I didn’t hate standardization in education so much and that college was less miserable for me. I was in my element just reading books and writing papers.
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torra-and-the-toons · 7 months
I am getting tested for ADHD during the upcoming months and hopefully get much appreciated guidance and help during this chaotic time of my life.
When I was little and confused I'd think about what Ed or Wakko or Chowder would do in my sort of situation I was in and laugh to myself about the kind of hi-jinks they'd do.
I related to both characters a lot and didn't think much about it until turns out I share a lot of experiences and traits with people with ADHD and realizing I'm undiagnosed and that's why I project onto characters and found a reason why I'm like this.
Finding your blog really made me happy because I found someone like me who still loves cartoons, who still draws their favorite media!
Who still creates content for said fixations and combining them together.
It's really inspiring so, thank you, Torra.
You have no idea how much it means to see you thrive and just do what you want with nothing pulling you down. Makes me feel like I can do so too.
I'm gonna go dust off some old sketchbooks and start drawing again.
Best of regards,
oh my god this message made my cry, thank you?? This is so sweet...
I would hardly say I'm thriving though, there are definitely days when I fall into a slump, where I find it hard to concentrate on anything and I get frustrated. Days when I want so desperately to focus on something, create anything, but my mind won't let me. In fact, I'm finding myself in one of those slumps lately. It's frustrating.
But I just have to remind myself that it'll pass. So, I keep marching on.
ADHD is a monster, and coupled with anxiety it can almost be suffocating at times, but in the end, it's important to go easy on yourself.
It makes me so incredibly happy I can reach out to others with my silly art, especially because I just like to draw what's on mind, whether it's relevant or not. So, to have that be the case and still manage to find people out there who appreciate my niche little drawings is so very amazing. So it is I who must thank you, anon, and anyone else who's ever seen my stuff and smiled.
It means a lot that y'all're here.
I'm glad you're taking initiative and getting some help. It's something I never actually did for myself, I fumbled around in the dark for so long before I figured something out. So, you're already a step ahead of me. Just know that no matter what, you'll always have a lanky 8ft tiger character cheering you on from a distance lol.
Live free, dear anon! Draw what your heart desires!
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plaintoast · 7 months
now that i'm thinking about it i use discord the same way i used to use email with my internet friends and for that i love it so much
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clorofolle · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Lemons! From my little lemon tree
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theteaisaddictive · 1 month
millennial navel-gazing once again, forgive me, but —
i’ve been on quite a few dates with this guy. he’s lovely, and i have a great time. but he’s kissed me twice now, and it’s been … fine? nothing groundbreaking, not bad per se, but i just don’t feel anything. is this a grin and bear it until i find something Actually wrong situation or is this a sign lmao
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rogueddie · 1 year
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lakemichigans · 2 months
trying to remember that good friends enjoy doing occasional favors for the people they love and it's not weird to ask them for help when you need it..............
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keeps-ache · 2 months
realizing i could also just doodle on the sketch layer has changed the game extramentally
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crossbackpoke-check · 5 months
15 questions + 15 friends (tagged by my beloveds @whitenikes & @acheronist 🥰💕 thank you thank you!!)
1. Are you named after anyone?
technically yes… i’m named after a character in a book but my mom has never been able to remember what book 🫡
2. When was the last time you cried?
i don’t usually log frequent crier miles but i definitely cried in december (??) watching the music video for “amelia” for a variety of reasons
3. Do you have kids?
nope! i do refer to my students as my kids sometimes on accident and have freaked out more than one person by saying “my kids” lmao
4. What sports do you play/have played?
currently i play rugby, although i grew up playing a lot of sports—i did volleyball, basketball, track, and danced competitively (which is probably the sport i miss the most)
5. Do you use sarcasm?
me? using sarcasm? never :) here i usually don’t because it doesn’t come across the same over text and irl it’s usually just with people i’m comfortable with and know will get it
6. What is the first thing you notice about someone?
oooo outfit maybe? voice? context dependent for sure
7. What’s your eye color?
legally, hazel. illegally, whatever color the nearest person to me says that they are at the time
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings :)
9. Any talents?
(insert the quinn hughes 😬 on the bench reaction meme please i’m trying ok!!)
i can bake pretty decently! athletic if that’s a talent? i would love to learn how to do more artsy things (got a crochet kit & paint with watercolor sometimes)
10. Where were you born?
michigan 🧤<- not a mitten but i’d show you where i’m from on it if i could
11. What are your hobbies?
reading, although i never have as much time to read as i want to (send me book recs please)… i count sports as a hobby and i just got a really pretty new puzzle! also, obviously, hockey.
12. Do you have any pets?
yes!!! i have a canary and a society finch (orville and duncan), a hypo corn snake (apollo! he has hearts on his head!), and two cats (john watson and effie). in the future i’d love to have a dog again, since i just lost him this past summer
13. How tall are you?
moritz seider (5’3”)
14. Favorite subject in school?
real hot girls speak german 💅 it’s either that or biology but i feel like that’s little bit of a cop out
15. Dream job?
re: the cop out above, dream job is working as a veterinarian for a zoo! so it makes sense i love biology lol
tagging @songsandswords @kj-op @hiding-from-reality-56 @catboy-mahura and anyone else who’d like to and hasn’t done it already!!
#liv in the replies#i don’t always do tag games because i am Shy but i am going to Make An Effort y’all i promise#assorted random comments:#the amount of googling i have done to try and figure out what book i was named after so i could read it… it’s a curse#you can have it in the tags because i didn’t want to put it in text but i am a SAP i will cry about/to medias a lot easier than my life#and generally i really only cry when i’m hormonal l m a o wish it weren’t so#i am a great lakes girlie now & forever midwest kids are doing alright. can’t imagine living somewhere w/o lakes although the ocean’d be ok#i did however make it a goal to read a book every day that i was on break and we did that!!! my other goal did not get accomplished#(finish a fic) because i was like oh i’ll have so much time!!! and then bam i worked like. 40h weeks lmao. every time :))))#hopefully today i’ll write though if i get everything figured out for [redacted] and i keep forgetting i still have tomorrow too#the most important part about my pets is that orville & duncan (birds) are questionably gay for each other :) &are EXACTLY like their names#me vs my anxiety that i am Bothering People when i tag them: FIGHT#please know if i didn’t tag you but you would’ve done this i love you with my entire heart i just got scared i would be bothering you 💕#but also like. tell me so i can tag you next time without fear because i love learning about my mutuals 🥺 y’all are the coolest#tag game
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maddy-ferguson · 5 months
my brother called me for christmas and i didn't recognize him because he has a deep voice now very much felt like killing myself when he said "this is [his name and my little sister's name] btw" at the end of the voicemail
#i was like is this a wrong number is this a prank because it's not particularly funny it's most likely a wrong number because i literally#don't know any random man who would be calling me for christmas#this is crazy#he's 12 and a half. 12 and 3/4 actually. so ig that tracks (yeah) but like#crazy#i haven't seen him or my little sister or my stepmother who isn't my stepmother anymore in 4 years because i HATED going to my dad's it was#the bane of my existence from 2009 to 2019 and i loved my brother and my little sister i loved seeing them but i don't regret the fact that#i stopped going even if it means i no longer have a relationship with them and only talk on our birthdays or i guess on christmas#like it does make me sad and when i considered not going anymore before i actually stopped i always thought about them and about how much i#loved them and i do miss them and hate the fact that idk we were only close for the first 8 years of my brother's life and 6 years of my#little sister's life but at the end of the day...it's like with my dad not having that substantial of a relationship with him (i see him a#few times a year for like a couple hours tops and like we talk but we don't TALK but we're not on bad terms we talk more now than we did#when i went to his house semi-regularly for the weekend) makes me sad but i can just. not think about it. and then i'm not sad lmao. like#yeah i'll have dreams about it (not as much as i used to) because it is a thing that is always going on with me but it's NOTHING compared#to what going there was like like i thought about it SO MUCH it made me SO MISERABLE and like actively miserable this is easier to deal#with. passively miserable. but not recognizing my brother's voice was crazy#i always call my little sister my little sister and i don't say that with my brother because i have another sister and she's ALSO my little#sister but not as little😭 like my sister: my sister who's 18 my little sister: my sister who's 10. my dad forbid us from saying half-#sibling🙏#and like i say: brf slt
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bellincurl · 1 year
I appreciate those posts about how getting out of abusive places is hard but ultimately really freeing, and opening yourself up for like genuine kind connection, like that is true, my life is indescribably happier and safer now. But also holy shit. I want so much more, I’m exhausted. I’d give anything to have a place to run back to or some kind of older figure to tell me I’m doing good and I can rely on them if I need it yknow? I’m scratching at reparenting and trying to be kind to myself but it’s hard when I really am all I’ve got out here.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#it is truly so wild to go from feeling miserable and hopeless all the time for... lets look at my excel sheet#the last 23 days. then to suddenly rocket up to smiling to myself all day. the world is so fucking beautiful#for no rational reason aside from what i have to assume is a chemical shift in my body#like is this what happy ppl feel like all the time? its truely so crazy. have i always been like this?#did i not notice this was a thing? like ive definitely noticed it in the last year but like ???#my suspicion is that it doesnt actually last long enough to b considered hypomania but like idk i should see a doctor probably lol#u would think being happy would make it easier to do things but i just keep forgetting to do them and just like spacing out lol bc rn i#feel chill. even tho i need to make a list of the shit i gotta do by Friday. bleh. but idk it makes being in thr lab so much nicer bc i#mean. i still dont give a fuck abt what im doing but im like fuck it this isnt gonna b my problem in like 2-3 months. even tho im sure ill#still have to write up everything. but idk. it also makes it easier to b like. ok so i kno what my problems r lets plan yo make things not#so horrible so u dont just live a miserable life and then like die having lived a life of fear. like its so crazy how much easier thst is#to do rn??? well see how long it lasts but yea v strange. wish i could control my fucking focus tho. like that would b great#its like the fucking painting of hypnose. my focus is like a lighthouse wildly swinging its light around until it sometimes blasts me in#the face. like not helpful. i need to b able to do things.#i guess the weird thing rn is thst while i feel happy. i also have this like simmering fear of irrational things. like when i used to live#in my parents basement and i was terrified of the dark rooms down there at night. like that kind of childish baseless fear#but like im in i tiny tiny apartment lol like bro what r u scared of??? silly silly silly#idk hopefully it holds out the whole rest of the week and then i can travel and see my parents like !!! yo !!! happy vibes :-D#that would b kinda unhinged lmao. i doubt itll last thst long. its already slipped from this morning so we shall see#unrelated
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