#maybe this is a blessing in disguise
peathepirate · 2 months
My landlord called, they're selling this apartment ;_; I have to move again.
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murdrdocs · 10 months
another day without rafe cameron in my life smh
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that-guy-morg · 3 months
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I’m downright shocked that Sanuso isn’t more popular because I’ve just finished Sabaody and they have????? So much chemistry????? They’re delightful oh my goodness they are delightful!!
The illustration is continued below the cut!
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dylanconrique · 8 days
as devastated as i am over the chenford breakup i must admit i am extremely excited to be getting a 2nd pining era.
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lesbianphan · 15 days
Does anyone know any sneaky secret society to get dnp merch to countries they don't ship to??? kinda wanted the holding hands shirt, but idk how I could possibly get it to Brazil since they hate us and all
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sieglinde-freud · 7 months
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also this is insane. this is how were gonna get kellam in the game huh. rip halloween gaius truthers maybe next year
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catominor · 3 months
oh mygof. what if l. furius wrote an epic poem too
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softerhaze · 2 years
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realistic birth mod: *is realistic*
me: :o
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I’m in utter shambles right now over the fact we could’ve had Femme Aziraphale and Crowley in the 60s…We could’ve win so bad.
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cliji · 8 months
watching my cloti/zerith brethren throwing a feast every single day since ever crisis’ release but i’m here still dealing with the aftermath of cliji depression what the hell
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In a sudden turn of events, Ao3 is down. I guess this means I have to do my calc homework.
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weekend-whip · 9 months
Prompt: Creator's Choice
Word Count: 7.5k
Characters: Wu and Lloyd (this chapter anyway)
Timeline: Pre-Child's Play + During Crystalized + Early DR
Summary: If nothing else, at the very end of all things...Wu only ever wanted the best for Lloyd. It's just...hard to know exactly what that might have been.
(Or, five times the ninja accidentally called Wu ‘Dad’...and the one time one of them didn’t on purpose)
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batz · 9 months
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stuckinapril · 9 months
whats your opinion on people who refuse to forgive someone who is genuinely trying to apologize and people who avoid confrontation (this is about one person lol)
Growing up, my issue has always been that I’m too confrontational at times. It’s only in the last couple years that I’ve mellowed out & learned to pick my battles. So I can never relate to someone who’d rather shy from confrontation than simply resolve an issue tbh, especially if it’s something as high-stakes as a long-time friendship or relationship. Generally I think people like this just need to get over themselves & go through the discomfort of talking something through, even at the expense of admitting they’re wrong.
I will say tho that not everyone owes you their forgiveness or, by extension, their time. We’re in an era where cutoff culture is being inappropriately peddled as the be all end all, so they could just be lacking in in terms of letting their grudges go and empathizing w you—and in that case I find that to be a weakness / a telltale sign that their interpersonal skills are subzero. The other possibility is that you hurt them enough to warrant this behavior, in which case all you could really do is grant this forgiveness to yourself (“I tried all that I can” “I can’t punish myself for this forever” “I’ve learned from what I did / never intend to repeat my mistake w anyone else”) and just move on. They won’t be living w you forever—you’ll be living w you forever. At the end of the day it’s you forgiving yourself that matters most.
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erabundus · 6 months
ren  dressing  up  as  scaramouche  for  halloween  because  no  costume  is  SCARIER  than  being  forced  to  relive  his  cringe  phase.
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angelcatsiel · 4 months
I came so close to relapsing today. I haven't felt it that strong in a long time, it was almost completely overpowering and very scary. But I didn't. I calmed down, and then when my partner was feeling better, he went out and got me my replacement cheesecake to celebrate 3 years clean and counting. And it tasted real good
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