#mcl university
vilviko · 3 months
warning(s) ₊ ⊹ ninguna, simplemente alguna leve connotación sexual
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Nuestro pelirrojo favorito besa con pasión y cariño, una pasión que abruma cuando sus labios se tocan.
Su lengua recorre tu cavidad bucal, su mano derecha se mueve detrás de tu cabeza, mientras ocupa su izquierda paseándola por tu cintura.
El primer beso con Castiel, ocurre en el club de jardinería, transmite un sentimiento de timidez pero sigue manteniendo la pasión de Castiel, sus manos tiemblan levemente, se mueven de tu cintura a tu nuca en una velocidad abismal, quiere tocarte, quiere sentir todo de ti
Tus manos se entrelazan en su cabello haciendo que un leve gemido escape entre el beso.
Nunca pensó que sentir tus manos tirando de sus hebras rojizas, en ese momento se separó del beso.
Un hc personal es que Castiel tiene spiderbites y un piercing en la lengua, así que cuando te besa el pequeño bulbo metálico se mueve en tu lengua haciendo que te tiemblen las piernas y tengas que sostenerte de su camisa, cuando se separa del beso lame sus labios con su típica sonrisa burlona en su rostro.
"Sabia que era buena idea perforarme la lengua"
Los beso de Castiel en el instituto son feroces y hambrientos de más, la adrenalina de que alguien entre al aula A, de que Peggy escuche algo que no debe, de salir en la primera página del periódico escolar, todo eso lo incitaba a seguir besándote con la misma pasión.
Ama cuando tomas el control, cuando te pones sobre el y lo besas sin miedo, no morderá a menos que quieras.
Cuando pasas tus manos por su nuca y te lo comes con la mirada.
"Eso? No, no es mi pierna"
En la universidad, sus besos son nostálgicos y llenos de sentimientos, sus manos sujetan tu cintura con posesividad, y el tiembla; Castiel tiembla, por el hecho de que estás ahí besándolo, que no eres uno de sus mil y un sueños los cuales se repetían cada noche cuando soñaba con sus labios tocando los suyos, un sueño lejano hasta ese día.
"Dime que no estoy loco aun.."
En el amor, los besos de Castiel son tranquilos, sin prisa, sin miedo de que paparazzis salgan de la nada y publiquen su relación, se siente bien, su corazón se siente cálido.
Sus brazos bajan a tus muslos levantándote, tus brazos pasando detrás de su cuello.
Con sus manos debajo de tus muslos te guiaría hacia la cama, recostando tu espalda en la cómoda superficie, sus dos brazos atrapándote debajo de el.
Su rostro besaría tu cuello, tus mejillas, tus pechos, tu estómago, y se detendría en el momento justo para mirarte fijamente
"Dime, ¿Quieres que siga?"
Sus ojos estaban llenos de lujuria y amor, su mano hacia círculos en la parte interna de tus muslos.
En su boda, Castiel te besa con amor, te quiere demostrar todos sus sentimientos en un beso, demostrarte cuan agradecido está de que hayas elegido pasar la vida con el, aguantando sus problemas.
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wisejazz · 2 months
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Amber: I'm the Best rival
Melody: They hate me more.
Nina: I'm more annoying.
Debrah: Newbies.
X: Ha! I doubt there is anyone who represents a real threat, you don't scare me!
Castiel: Hi! Di You want a Threesome?
Mis traumas, mis chistes 🥲
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bly-re · 2 years
I played MCL Armin episode anddddd
It was amazing. Like, really good. I had so much fun!!! I believed them - I saw real people in them.
Felt inspired, so drew this bitches in my sketchbook and scan them .
Ah, drama queens.
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kaumalade · 3 months
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🏃🏾‍♀️ Bye~
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bunnymachine · 7 months
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I miss you my loves
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louis-ratking · 3 months
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I don't wanna let my husband gooooooo, pleaseeeeee ;;;;;;
He's been my childhood, teenage and now adult obsession and comfort </3 It's like I grew up with him, not by my side but on paper and screen ;;
Chino thank you sooo much for coming up with this edgy redhead boy, now I can't accept the fact that his story has ended.
I won't ever stop drawing Castiel btw, NEVER.
(Amo con tutto il mio cuore sto tizio madonna santa non ce la faccio a lasciarlo andare... infatti non lo farò mweheheheh)
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the-moon-lullaby · 1 year
hello! do you have any headcanons of Castiel reaction when Candy is in danger/injured?
Castiel, Rayan & Nathaniel’s reactions to Candy being injured 
N/A : It wasn’t specified in the request in which season of MCL this was supposed to happen so I chose UL (and while I was writing it, I wanted to include Rayan and Nathaniel). I hope this is okay and that you like it anon !
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𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚕 :
As we know, Castiel is often very busy in UL (which was a shame because it kept us from spending quality time with him in the game for most episodes)
Therefore, he doesn’t have much time to spend with Candy (as I just said lol)
His reaction could depend on whether him and Candy are dating at this point or not but in my opinion, it wouldn’t matter much 
It’s obvious that Castiel has a soft spot for Candy no matter what, right ? 
When he hears about Candy being injured, his brain just stop 
He’s a bit in shock as he didn’t expect this and he’d ask immediately what happened 
Then he’d rush to see her, wherever she is (if she’s in the hospital for instance, you can be sure that this boy basically jumped in his car)
He’d feel awful seeing Candy in pain and he’d feel even more awful because he knows he’s often not available for her
Really he’d be mad at himself because he realises that it needed for Candy to get injured for him to clear his schedule and go see her 
He’d promise her that from now on, he’d make more room for their relationship and for her in his life 
Starting by cancelling everything he had planned for the next few days so he could stay by her side 
At this point, he wouldn’t care much if his manager or even the members of the band are pissed at him because yes, his career is important to him but not as much as Candy is 
Also, he knows that if it was him who got injured, Candy wouldn’t have hesitated twice to do so, hence it’s the least he can do
Honestly, he’d take good care of her and would absolutely do anything she asks 
She needs a glass of water ? Give him two-seconds and he’s back with one. She wants to eat or get something but can’t do it herself ? My boy is already on his way
If she got injured because of a domestic accident or anything, he’d tease her a bit about how clumsy and careless she is (that would depend on the gravity of the injury of course)
If it is because she ended up getting involved in Nathaniel’s business while trying to help him, he’s mad af
He’d ask her to stop trying to help this bitch (his words not mine) and tell her to stay away from him (when I say « ask » it’s putting it mildly because the truth is that he basically forbid her to do so and he’d feel guilty about it later as he doesn’t want Candy to think he’s trying to control her. He’s just very worried and he knows that she doesn’t go half way when it comes to help a friend so he’s scared that it could go even worse)
But in the end, they both end up helping Nath somehow so that didn’t work so well, lol
However, he wouldn’t tell Candy about it but he definitely went looking for Nathaniel at some point (and it’s not a declaration of love he yelled at him, as you probably assumed)
𝚁𝚊𝚢𝚊𝚗 :
He would hear about it through Chani
Whether she came to him to justify Candy’s absence for the past classes or whether he asked her himself, that’s how he’d hear about the news
He’d try to keep his composure as Chani briefly explains him the situation and would try to act as any teacher would 
But we know that him and Candy share more than your average teacher-student relationship 
He’d try to wait for his classes to be over to reach out to Candy but he’ll end up cancelling them (and he’d get sermoned by Director Cullan once again but this is the least of his worries for now)
I mean understand him, this probably brought up to the surface some traumatic memories
He already lost in wife in a mall shooting, imagining something happening to Candy is unbearable to him 
He doesn’t want to go through this a second time and not knowing exactly  how she is has been eating him up all day 
Yes because he couldn’t really ask Chani for much details since it would have been suspicious (and he didn’t know that Chani already kinda guessed about their relationship but anyway)
If she’s in the hospital, he’d go see her (but he wouldn’t know what to tell to the receptionist. Like is he supposed to introduce himself as her boyfriend or ?)
But no matter what, he’ll make his way to Candy (even if it cost him to lie and say he was her father, which made the receptionist looked at him weirdly like « you look a bit young to have a grown-ass daughter ??? » but it doesn’t matter, she let him pass whatsoever)
He’d be relieved when seeing Candy and even more knowing that she’s going to be fine
He wouldn’t want to come across as too pushy, especially since she seemed to have been through a hard time (no shit Sherlock) but he’d still ask her to tell him what happened 
If it’s a domestic incident, it’d be alright, he’d take care of Candy as much as he can (let’s not forget that, officially, she’s just a student of his) and would make some arrangements for Candy to receive the classes she missed, and the ones she’s going to miss, online (he’d take care to warn the other teachers about her being incapable to attend their classes and it’d save Candy from having to spend countless email, lucky girl)
If it’s because of Nathaniel, she’d have to tell him the whole story and he’d insist for her to do so. Like if she was assaulted, he’d want her to press charges so that the police take care of it. But if she tells him that she can’t because it’d get one of her friends in trouble, he’d be like « excuse me what ? »
So she’d better tell him because he really don’t get it. How could one of her friends let her get in this situation ??
When he hears the whole story, he’d urge Candy not to get involved further and advise her to completing cut ties with Nathaniel 
But he wouldn’t impose it on her because he knows he has no right (and if she tells him that she can’t give up on her friend, you can be sure that this situation is going to worry him every single day from now on)
Give this man a break pls
𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚎𝚕 :
- If it happened because of his «  job » (and let’s say it is because I want the angst y’all), saying that he feels bad wouldn’t reflect even in the slightest how he actually feels
He’d be completely shocked and he probably never hated himself more than at this moment 
(And we know he’s already not big on self-love lol. Ok,  that’s sad, I shouldn’t laugh about that, my bad)
Bonus point if Candy got injured with him seeing it or not so far (ok let’s not do that, this would be actually way too sad omg)
But if he wasn’t there at the time, as soon as he hears about it, he’s running miles to go check on her
He’d have to make sure she’s ok or that at least, she’s going to be fine before being able to think of anything else
When he’d see her, he’d be completely silent and would be waiting for the moment where she tells him that she wants him to get tf out of her life 
He’d be so ready for it happen that he can feel some tears threatening to fall down (bbg no)
Imagine his shock when Candy’s actually glad or relieved to see him (if she’s at the hospital and according to what kind of injury she has, she’d probably on painkiller so girly would be happy about anything lol. If you have ever been hospitalised, you know what I am talking about)
If you thought this would make him feel better, you’re wrong. He’d feel even worse because now he’s like « I don’t deserve her » (and he probably felt this way even before the accident/assault/whatever because we know that his self-esteem isn’t at its highest during UL, but now it’s x2)
I’d like to say that he’d stay by her side no matter what but let’s be honest : Nathaniel’s defence and coping mechanism is running away from any issue and hardship he faces (luckily he grows out of it by the end of UL)
So Amber (or Kim ?) would end up being the intermediary between Nathaniel and Candy 
Because even if he’s not around, be sure that he’s constantly asking for news about her (and whether it’s Amber or Kim, they’d be tireddd because bffr Nath, just go yourself)
And he’d want to go himself but he wants to find a solution before (which is why I believe that he’d get involved with the police even quicker if something like that had happened)
You can be certain that this won’t happen again and he’d won’t let this slide either 
He’d finally go to Candy after making an arrangement with Eric to tell her that he’s going to fix everything and that he’ll become someone she deserves to be with 
Afterwards, he’d keep an eye on her anytime, everywhere 
(If you remember, in episode 2 of UL, if Candy refuses to let him walk her home, he follows her to make sure she’d make it safe and sound. Well, now every time he spots her in town, going back to the campus on her own , he’d do the same. He basically her hound dog)
I’d love to write some prompts with this scenario because y’all the potential for angst with this damn (there weren’t that much of it in the game somehow)
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I hope you guys liked it !
I am struggling with some requests but some other are almost done so they should be posted very soon !
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odree-lya · 1 year
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melodyalanaroster · 1 year
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The Love Interests in their Wedding Attire.
I wanted to see them all together... So I made it happen!
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hazeleyedbutterfly · 6 months
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my babies 😭🤧🥰
Nath x Marie (my OC)
props to the beautiful @linory1 for this amazing artwork! almost forgot to share it. this comission was requested and done a while ago but i have kept it save until now ❤️‍🔥
Thank you once again 🥰
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jxcotts · 1 year
same picture, different characters. :)
*disappointed but not surprised*
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otomelavenderhaze · 10 months
I can't stop thinking about the cave dialogue in which Rayan talks about Chloé, his ex wife, therefore I went back to read whole scene back from University Life episode 8, because what Rayan describes in episode 17 of LL is too diferent from that UL episode and from everything I could remember about it.
It's not to say that I caught some sort of insane discrepancy and AHÁ!
It's more because I find it interesting and I thought maybe others would find it interesting as well. So first I wanna show you what Rayan says in episode 8 of UL (which I never translated before until this post):
In my playthrough of it, back in the day, I asked him directly if he have a wife, which he answers yes first and then the proceeds to talk about it...
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"And she will forever be my wife. But the last time we saw each other was seven years ago. Already… seven years… My wife, Chloé, died seven years ago. In a terrorist attack. Some savages came in shooting. No fixed target. In shop windows, in people and even in children."
"There were many wounded, and fortunately few dead. But Chloé is one of those who didn't survive… All that happened seven long years ago. It took me time. At first I didn't want to move. I wanted to keep everything, the smallest memory."
Now why I am showing this 4 panells?
This is important to understand how she died, how sad Rayan showed us to be about her death and his attachment towards Chloé.
He even goes as far to say:
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"We met in high school and we got married at 23, in a hurry. We didn't tell anyone. But I'm not going to lie to you and say that everything was all roses."
Candy asks him, how so?
"We often quarreled. We stayed together for a long time, we didn't get to know anyone but each other and, sometimes, we even doubted. But when she left… I was torn apart."
Now we will never know why they used to fight, what made them marry so young and so quickly to the point where he implies they didn't even had a wedding ceremony.
Which makes this difficult to understand what compelled both of them to take such actions - maybe they they were just impulsive, but without a reason behind such impulsivity it's hard to tell if it was warrant or not.
But then, the actual panel that made me do this post in the first place eventually comes up in that same conversation with Candy:
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"I loved her with all my soul. Before anything else, she was my best friend. But, sorry… I opened up too much…"
And I believe he did, regardless of anything else, because it makes sense for Rayan's character to marry someone for love.
That's the kind of "person" he is, that's why when he falls for Candy, he's ready to assume so many risks and even later talks about leaving his job for her just so they could have a less tense relationship.
This sets up him to be someone that would intensily love another person and do everything for them - they being Chloé or Candy.
I could say this is actually the point of that whole conversation: to show that he isn't someone that takes love lightly or shallowly, which helps us readers to trust his intentions and to believe that, yes, for love he would indeed be honorable, truth and passionate, instead of a player or a man that just wants to have fun with one of his students.
Not mentioning that he presents himself as a tortured soul that lost a wife tragically and never fell in love ever since, but falls in love for you, the reader, because you're special and irreplaceable, is something very flattering and, even, I dare say, romantic.
Meow meow is sad and you're the only one who can fix that for him.
Personally, I don't like how mcl writes grief, I don't think they know how to dose it without losing their hand, so it comes off as shallow for me, but I guess it serves as another thing: Chloe was loved by Rayan, but Candy needs to be special. The player needs to feel special.
Which brings us to this part of the conversation:
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"Every women had something of her own. I saw her everywhere. And yet, it's been seven years. Since then, I have been unable to get involved with another woman, in a new relationship. Even in a simple friendship."
"Until… I met you. I don't know… For the first time, I met someone who has none of her. For the first time, I felt entitled not to think about her."
I understand why in an otome game is important to get the romance right and make the player feel compelled to play the character's route, after all, who wouldn't want to feel special, even if it's only on a game - that's why we have so many MCs or main characters in videogames that are heroes, that cares of others or the place they belong to.
However, I will say, maybe they should've worded it differently, maybe it's not so much about feeling entitled to not think about her, but when I realized, I wasn't searching for her traits on you, I wasn't thinking about her anymore, I was ready to move on. But this is just how I would've done it, just so it would come from Rayan the agency of the "healing" - in another words, he had healed himself before he met Candy and falling in love with her was just another evidence of that.
Which brings us back to episode 17 of Love Life, our Honeymoon episode (and pay attention to the parts that I will mark in blue):
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"Y'know, I honestly didn't think I would get over losing her. And then after you got in my classroom and into my life. So, yes, I should have a star up there shining for me. Because, with you, I understood the meaning of true love. And it wasn't the same of what I had with Chloé."
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"Sometimes, I think, if the story/timeline was another, if I had met you first before I met her... She and I would've been simply friends, without anything else between us. If fate hadn't been so cruel with her, it would've ended like that anyway, actually. I think she would have been happy to see me so happy these days."
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"Just like I would have been in seeing her meeting someone else just as important as you're for me. And when I think of her today, is in this way: as a friend that left too soon. And that, of course, I still get a little with my heart tight. She was someone wonderful/beautiful. There's still some of her in me. But, when I met you, I was like a ghost."
Only Rayan to friendzone the dead.
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"Thanks to you and our love, she just became a beautiful star, just like my father..."
At first I thought he was saying that he never really loved Chloé and that Candy made him realize that (How? Don't ask me, he doesn't say how), but thinking about this post and re-reading everything made me rethink my first impression of it.
It's not so much that he didn't loved Chloé, but admittedly, and for reasons that Rayan didn't say, he thought love was something else and he thought he loved her because of that notion, and then his notion of love changed because he met Candy and now he thinks that love is truly what he feels for Candy.
I, as someone that played all of his route, can't really say or even figure out how he would've come up with that reasoning.
Was it because for the first time ever, he had put someone else on his top priority, or at least in a more important position than his reputation and career (which he deeply cares for)? But wasn't he a passionate person to begin with? So isn't it natural for him, once he was sure he fell in love for Candy, to put her as his top priority?
Was it Candy presence alone in his life, simply being there, what made him create that notion? How she taught him that?
I don't know, because the way they fell in love was pretty quick and pretty normal I would dare say - normal not in the sense of, he was her teacher, normal in the sense there was nothing remarkable about their dates, the way they sneak around or in their conversations.
I think if he had realize that falling in love with someone new meant that he had "healed" from his past trauma, that he only had feelings for her because he was ready to have feelings for someone again and the sense of normalcy and easiness he felt in being with her was all he ever wanted after going through so much sadness and heartbreak, then, it would make more sense and sound more realistic, maybe?
But again, they wanted to spin that Candy was special, she needed to be the one that changed him, that was like gravity to him and he could not resist the pull of her.
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“... It's just that, with you, I never got under the impression of playing any kind of game. Because I had a lot to lose. Before I met you, I had accepted to never love again. I didn’t want to ever risk lose someone ever again... And, above all, you came to enroll in my course. I looked up and knew that my certainties were worthless...” (episode 14 LL)
That's why I talked about his career before.
They set up Rayan to be someone that loves his work, that cares about his reputation and his career, if not, as he only thing he had since he moved away from his family and was living alone.
Risk it all for Candy was to show that he wasn't playing, he wasn't just trying to get a kick out of it.
And knowing how he got after when Marina actually got him fired, how much of a mess it made him, this put things even more in context, it shows that truly, risk it all for her was no joke, even thou, they used to be pretty reckless about it (never gonna forget their first kiss, crazy, both of them).
Which brings me to one of my favorite parts of dialogue in Rayan's route, episode 15 LL, the marriage proposal dialogue:
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"It’s funny... for a long time I thought that love was like a burning fire. And I even thought that, in my case, all that was left was ashes of it. Until I met you and I understood that I didn’t know anything. That I have got it wrong in my whole life. With you, I understood that love is like a stream/flow. A wave that breaks again and again without stopping. And that drags everything wherever it goes. You imposed yourself on me like an evidence. In the calm. I knew it right away. But I only understood it this well later on."
Think that love was like a burning fire: it lights up, it shines bright, it consumes itself, then it becomes ashes and there's nothing left of it.
Ouch, Rayan. 😢
Not to mention the destructive nature of fire, but I don't think Rayan or the person who wrote this scene thought it like that necessarily, I think it had more to do with how fragile and how it consume itself, which feels more how like I would expect from how Rayan described his relationship with Chloé before: intense, too quick to think everything through, the fighting, the feeling that it wouldn't last anyway.
Meanwhile Candy is like a strong wave or a strong stream, his love for her dragged everything with it: all his reasoning, his principles and scruples, the risk of losing his reputation, his career, AND breaking again and again, because it didn't matter if he had build any walls to keep her out in the begining, she somehow brought it all down.
Two kinds of love, one feeling less truth and lasting than the other.
While it would've better, in his head, to have remain just a friendship with Chloé, with Candy, there was no way for it to have ended just in friendship, it would always be more.
You can see the contrast between his feelings for Chloé and his feelings for Candy, how it was different and the key word should always be different.
It surprised me to see him talking about their wedding too, Rayan and Chloé married young and in a hurry (we will never know why), meanwhile, Rayan found Candy in a stage of his life when love wasn't even in the table and when it finally came back to the table, Rayan wanted everything, he wanted celebrate it having a proper wedding ceremony and all.
But those are little subtle things that they left out in the air, instead of saying it so clearly like they did so many times before.
Personally, I don't think would've make any sense for Rayan's character to haven't love Chloé, considering they built a life together before he even met Candy, the same way, I don't think we could've ever thought that Rayan loved Chloé more or even the same way he loved Candy.
Cuz, Chloé and Candy not only met him in different moments of his life BUT ALSO, they totally two different women, it would go without saying it.
But I guess, they wanted to make it even more screaming that it was the case, which I can understand why.
I mean, people thought that Rayan had really tried something with Marina, outside of his route: which for those people I always told it would be impossible.
It would go against what they presented to us about him during that first dialogue in episode 8 of UL and it would represent a contradiction in the writing itself. It would bend the rules that they set themselves to follow too grotesquely. Not to mention, MCL never gave other love interests to the Lis that stayed on the side lines.
Unless, of course, they had set things up that we would understand that Marina was such a special existence is moving like Candy - which, okay, I could've accepted it, but they didn't so. That's why I was so sure of it.
Y'know, have to read so much back in his route to make this post made saying goodbye to his route so hurtful but also so fulfilling, I always loved how they wrote him, despite having my criticisms, I am happy that I got to experience Rayan's route from the start to end.
If you haven't played his route like ever, I totally I encourage you to do it now that we got it all. xD
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allyymcl · 1 year
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—pairing; castiel veilmont x f!reader
—genre; fluff.
—warnings; kissing?? lol and maybe suggestive stuff ig
—a/n; this is going to be like a "serie", so i'm going to do the boys separately.
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♡; 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔?
kisses with castiel are passionate.
his kisses are destabilizing, wrapped in passion and a slight desire. It's the kind of kiss that leaves you wanting more, seeking his lips once they part, shooting you a smirk, before attacking your lips again with almost the same intensity. he takes you by the waist so gently that everything is confusing once he kisses you, skillfully moving his lips, intoxicating you with new, interesting sensations. fingers combing through his hair, his grip firming as her arm wraps around your waist seeking to bring you closer. you never get enough of it.
♡; 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅?
♡;lips. traditional, but he loves it. he just likes the way jus lips feel on top of his, and the way you tangle his hair between your finger, playing with it and making him feel relaxed.
♡;shoulders. DAMNN. this boy LIVES for shoulder kisses. usually, likes to walk around the apartment without shirt, so the exact moment you subtly approach from behind him, and wrap your arms protectively around his waist while leaving a soft stretch of kisses from his shoulder to his neck, he completely melts under your touch.
♡;jawline. do i even need to explain it?? he literally thinks is the most hottest thing in the world. the way you gently bury your head into his neck, brushing your lips over his skin until you gently kiss his jaw, dangerously close to her lips but not an actual kiss yet. he likes the intimacy of the moment, and the closeness. he can hold your waist with his hands as you sit on his lap, crossing your arms behind his neck as he feels your soft lips seductively run over his jaw, what cand be better than that??
♡; 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖?
♡;forhead. He LOVES IT, thinks is so cute. the way he gently strokes your hair, brushing strands of it behind your ears and then plants a loving kiss on your forehead, makes him look at you like you are the cutest creature in the whole planet. especially when you gently close your eyes, and smile at the way he delicately caresses your face. hes just so in love.
♡;neck. OMGG. he loves the way you squirm under his touch once his lips leave a warm trail of kisses that starts on your jaw and ends near your collarbone. the way your skin crawls at his touch. above all, he usually gives them to you when you are cuddled up, and takes the opportunity to bury his head in the crook of your neck, and leave tender kisses there.
♡;back of your hand. BYE IT SO CUTE. usually when they are driving and your hand casually intertwines with his, is when he takes the opportunity to stretch it and leave a soft kiss in the palm of it. on the other hand, he also likes it when you two are in public. castiel is not very demonstrative when there are people around, so he likes a discreet display of affection, such as peaking the palm of your hand briefly. he also likes the way your face lights up when he does it.
♡; 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒐𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝒅𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔?
once in a while. especially when they are alone, and cuddling. either watching a movie, before going to sleep, or maybe when saying goodbye. in special occasions too. he doesnt feel the need of being all over you all the time, but sometimes when he feels like playing, likes to steal you a kiss.
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kaumalade · 10 months
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+ Armin | Kentin | Lysander
|| So... Goodbye 🥺...?
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bunnymachine · 3 months
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Meeting with New Gen.🥹
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louis-ratking · 2 years
mwuah <3 done!
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don't bully me for the tattoos, I did my best ;;
pls credit me if you want to repost!
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