nevver · 3 months
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The lost world, The Anonymous Photo Project
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RSL Racing Ferrari Enzo, 2010. A twin-turbocharged modified Enzo that set a new Southern California Timing Association World Land Speed record of 237.871 miles per hour at the Bonneville Salt Flats on October 10, 2010. The car piloted by Richard Losee
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evilroachindustrial · 2 years
Somebody slap Fearne's parents with a Restoration.
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rt3nenbaum · 9 months
Recently, Genís Marcó, the man that helped Fernando during his kart years, gave an interview with Mundo Deportivo, and it is really nice and helps you understand Fernando and where he comes from a little bit more so I summed up and translated the parts I think are more important and interesting for you 👇🏻
Fernando shone in the national categories, having his dad always by his side, who made a lot of sacrifices so his son could follow his dreams, Jose Luis acted as a mechanic and also as a chofer, driving Fernando from circuit to circuit with his van, money was tight so the only thing that kept Fernando racing were his wins.
When he had to make the jump to international racing, it was only possible thanks to the help of Josep Marcó and his son, Genís Marcó, who, after Fernando won the Catalunya Championship, started to travel around the world with him. Genís became Fernando's mechanic and chofer so Jose Luis could focus on his role as father, focusing more on cheering for Fernando than anything else.
During their time traveling together, Fernando usually slept once he was in the car, rarely speaking unless it was to complain because he was hungry. Fernando was a quiet kid that always knew how to keep calm, he never showed he was nervous because he was fast and he knew it.
Genís said that the thing that surprised him the most the first time he saw Fernando race was how fast he adapted to things, and how he would wait until the race was over to talk to his mechanic about the problems he had in the kart, he never complained. Genís also said he taught Fernando the importance of tyre management and that it was easy to work with Fernando because, as said before, he could adapt fast and never complained.
When they were training, Genís would usually modifiy Fernando's kart to make it harder to drive, putting more weight or changing it so it didn't turn as well, after he changed it all back to normal for the race, Fernando was even faster than before. This is something that Fernando uses now with his management kids during their simulator sessions!!
It was Genís the one who taught Fernando that if your car is good enough for 15°, you should aim for 10° and that if it is good enough for 3°, you should try to win, this is a philosophy Fernando has followed his entire career.
Genís also talks about how since the beginning Fernando knew this was his future, and that even in the worst times when money was tight, Fernando never stopped believing, but Genís was never that optimistic, and he said that at that moment he thought it would be really hard for Fernando to even drive in formulas because racing without money is almost impossible, but it was thanks to Adrian Campos, another guardian angle fot Fernando, that he could made that jump to single seaters, and Fernando made the most of that opportunity.
Genís also talked about how he couldn't help but get emotional when he went to Fernando's first F1 test for Minardi in Jaen because he was watching the little boy he had welcomed in his home so many times grow up. He said that he was really happy for Fernando, his parents and everyone in his family that always supported him. Genís also talked about how it makes him feel bad when he sees people criticize Fernando for his personality because once you meet him, he is different, he said Fernando is good at driving, nice, funny, and professional, very professional, and he believes Fernando still has plenty of time to do more amazing things like he is doing this year!
Genís left the karting team when his dad died but he came back when a friend of his called him to help his son with his career, that boy is Pepe Martí, 5th this year in F3, the new addition to the Red Bull academy and one of Fernando's management kids :)
This is Fernando with Genís when he was young <3
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revenantghost · 1 year
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Illustration of Elendira by Trigun Stampede’s director, Kenji Muto, with the following caption:
成長した彼女は、強くなりますよ。 “パニッシャー“では太刀打ちできないほどに。
軍用の身体改造ナノマシンによって作り替えられた肉体。 ロストナンバー。 あくまで今回は、前哨戦。再戦はいつか、また…。
[They will grow stronger. To the extent that “The Punisher” cannot compete.
A body remade by military-grade body-modifiying nanomachines. Lost numbers. This time, it's just a prelude. Someday, the rematch...]
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kompactkitty · 11 months
fuck off stop tooting "no GMOs" as a great selling point we've been genetically modifiying shit since forever, THAT'S WHY CARROTS ARE ORANGE
if we can make a crop better and therefore not have to spray it with chemicals that fuck up the ecosystem then why the fuck not?
you fucking M those O's G'ly
(unless I'm wrong then please feel free to educate me further on the topic)
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butchdykenormallen · 1 year
fuck it, i give up. habit headcanons for the main 3
he uses the calling hand symbol a lot, along with grabbing his dress/skirt when she's anxious. they enjoy playing around with the pins on his jacket and has a tendency to sway on his feet with his hips back and forth
he uses surfer handsignals a lot, and likes to point and do finger guns constantly. hes a very touchy guy, and enjoys putting his hands on new things. he enjoys snapping pictures for the sound of the shutter, but he also modifiied his camera to have pointless buttons for him to press without messing up the system.
karen likes to rub the horse imprint on her head, since its raised and has a bit of a bumpy texture to it, very nice. she also enjoys spinning pens and tapping her fingers on stuff. shes big on leg stims, and tends to sorta kick the ground on occasion. sometimes she'll even jump a bit and kick up dirt.
maybe ill do some more in the future if theres. a big demand for it
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xbruised-peachx · 4 months
Too shy to ask on my main but I've been wondering, just how do you make those renders of your oc? What's the process? How is it made? She looks so damn good I thought she was actually in the game!!
So I actually started her back in late May last year, and it was just kind of a "I want to make a sorta self-insert/OC based on me". So, I gathered a few different female models that I knew would work for my purposes and then took two pics of myself; one from the front and one from the side. Then I took Calisto's head since she's the closest to my appearance and sculpted it to match the photos... somewhat, with some modifications just due to the way cameras are with focal length and the fact while sculpting I had to use and orthographic view, blah blah blah, technical stuff. Eventually got the face right and modified the textures to have a different hairline, add some eyebags, slight modification on normal maps, then got to the process of adding hair, clothes, the gear. So her hair is Valeria's hair, slightly lighter, then he part was modified by sculpting and also pulling the left side behind the ear. Other parts of her include from Roze (the shirt is recolored, her boots, and then a lot of her vest gear, including radio and earpiece), Valeria (hair as mentioned before, gloves, vest, holster, and kneepad (og had one, i brought it to two)), Farah (pants and belt), and also other scraps from Gromsko, Hutch, Luna, pretty much whatever lil bits I needed!
It was a lot of work though, from modifiying weight paints to a lot more, I estimate it probably took me 80 hours give or take. It was a such a fun way to test myself honestly and I'm happy I did it and I'm genuinely so happy you guys love her too and say things like you thought she was in the game! It really does mean the world 🥹💜 because now what started as a self insert has devolped into an actual OC with an actual story that honestly? I hope to gain the confidence to share someday 💀
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spiderton · 11 months
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also can i just say this feels a bit lazy. this design is just a modifiyed dodonga. it feels like to grab the attention of patapon fans bc i see people gushing and like. its way too similar??
its so similar up to the fucking markings and eyeball color and i know dodongas iconic but like. this is a chance to make new enemy designs(???) like in the concept art. not reuse old ones for nostalgia
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neonross · 2 years
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i was wondern what doffy would looklike in those celestial clothes-
would he keep with the dresscode or modifiy it-krjfr
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simmerianne93 · 2 years
Simmerianne93′s Varden Golzen daggers conversion
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Hello people.
I have being thinking about doing this since some time ago and now I decided to make it. The principal thing is that I made some poses modifiying one of them, and 'cause I know I'll need them in the future for more poses.
I have being trying to look out for Varden-Golzen to ask them to convert these to use them better with poses but there is no sight of them anywhere and the only post I have find about them is a post someone else made about their cc to be found. So, I decided made them on my own.
Obviously they have to be public for everyone 'cause it is not my cc, so here you have all daggers converted to be use with stigmata on poses. All the poses that alredy exist with the old daggers work good 'cause they have the same position. They just work now with stigmata unless hand.
hope you like this service and it helps you (if you are a posemaker) to make your own.
PD 1: I'll be doing the same with the swords in the future.
PD 2: There is a merge package that you can download if you want to have them all in one.
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sulevinen · 2 years
I thought i sent an ask but apparently i didn't so: please talk about Bones i love her so much pleaseeee does she have a design??? Uahdjajs does she?????? Oh god please rant about her ughahshshshsj
she has a design i did back in may but my phone hates me and deleted it on it’s own, BUT bones has pink hair, buzzcut on both sides, four piercings and six earrings and she has a scar above her left eyelid. she has her jaw tattooed with the exact replica of the bones underneath.
i don’t know where to start but YEAH bones is the borderline genius hacker of the squad. she takes care of ships, communication, cyber sabotage and -security. all that is under the cut because i wrote so much stuff lakdlskd
she makes sure all the squad’s ships and transports are in perfect condition: no scratches, no loose bolts, no squeaky doors or jammed buttons.
she adds some upgrades too, usually with illegal non-GAR-approved items, to enhance the speed and firepower of the ships (something i’ve always wanted to do, it irks me how weak some of the ships can be).
she has modified general Merell’s ship to stand out of the squadron as a much faster and stronger ship.
she also paints the ships, and every ship she has put love into has her symbol, a pink jawbone.
without her, the communication within the squad and between the squad and the rest of the battallion would not work.
she’s very proud of that fact, to a point that she might get petty and not fix the comms if someone has agitated her.
she has fun by modifiying the voices, like making ceres sound like a ghoul or ardor sound like a little girl. and not even when it’s appropriate, sometimes she might do it during battle.
whereas the others sabotage the seppies with explosives and discreet plans to wipe out the droids from outposts, bones participates through technology.
she messes with their communication to change their plans and make it all fall into chaos, sometimes with just a simple string of code that disables their internet (the star wars equivalent of it).
she intercepts separatist transmissions which gives the squad an important advantage.
if she finds droids still intact, she’ll reprogram them to infiltrate the base (like r2 did at citadel, that’s where she got the idea)
when it comes to cyber security, that’s what bones is most serious about. everything else is just fun for her, a way to kill time or to get the job done, but she never jokes about security. she can get very obsessive about it.
she meddles with their own internet to secure it and installs vpn-type of programs to every datapad in the battallion to make sure nobody knows about any of their intel or battleplans.
she changes passwords weekly (everyone’s annoyed at her for it, it’s always something dumb like ”rife’s smelly toes” or her favorite song lyrics).
she checks obsessively for any viruses and installs multiple firewalls to every ship’s communication system.
she works closely with every comm technician to make sure they’re up to speed of the latest new security measures (they are and they hate her for constantly reminding them).
after battles she usually sneaks out back to the battlefield to clear it from the droid junk to get free spare parts. she recruits wretch or thrice, sometimes foul to help her carry the stuff back to the ships without anyone noticing. that’s how she saves both credits and the nature (not that she cares about the last part, she’s not a nature person)
some random facts:
- she likes doing pranks and eating fast food.
- she’s not into drama, and she’ll usually stay out of arguments, judging from the corner while eating popcorn. she’ll get the gossip she needs from thrice, but does not like to get personally involved because she can’t argue without crying
- she got her name for collecting animal bones as a cadet, and because i was listening to bones by imagine dragons while creating her lmao
- she’s obsessed with the movie jaws, but she hates the ending because she loves sharks
- she moved to alderaan after the war and was there when it blew up.
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polyhexianchicken · 2 years
The Band Molten Metal had given yet again a wonderful perfomance Whirl thoroughly enjoyed. After that he decided to hop down from the wall he was sitting on, and go get himself something to eat. He didn't really check what was programmed for after that, though.
In fact he missed pretty much a fair bit of the documentary playing on the giant screen, too busy cackling about crass jokes some old aquaintances of his were pulling, almost spilling his midgrade from the shaking of his frame at the joke. He was feeling pretty light and airy, not because of alcohol for once, but because he's genuinely enjoying himself, and not worrying about anything.
"Frag mech, I can't believe that's even possib-"
Whirl blinks, startled. Why did his voice just echo so loudly? He stops for a brief second, before clicking his vocaliser to finish his sentence-
{Stupid @#~^*!}
What the- Now Whirl is definitely confused, he most certainly didn't just say that, nor at that volume. And he knows that's his voice.
"What the frag." Guess he has to find out if this is some weird prank, pushing through the crowds to check out what's playing, passing a flyer of the programm.
"Silence of the Empurata"
Oh. Oh no. Frag no. Shit. He forgot- Oh Primus. That Documentary, he remembers now, secretely recorded the horrors and injustice the victims of Empurata faced. One of those, being Whirl. He'd agreed and signed a contract back then that they could follow him and record what they please, in the hopes it could be shown to the council members not fully sold on Functionism.
But this.. is just. No. The scene is still going, there's no background music or cutting away. It's all one take, of fairly close up shot of Whirl, perhaps maybe 3 after getting mutilated and even managing to move about enough, trying and miserably failing at opening a cube to drink. He's shaky, on screen, hunched over and repeatedly stabbing the cube some more when he tries to pick it up. His vocaliser glitching out excessively to the point it's more screechs and binary beeps (since they didn't bother modifiying it properly after damaging the helmet). Eventually Screen-Whirl just yells in desperation and throws the cube at the nearest wall, harshly crying out in anger, heaving vents and staggering away from the mech that was filming, limping and not at all like the tall, proud Whirl today. Just someone very hurt and broken, frustrated and tired of this new life already.
He remembers that night now all to vividly, and present Whirl feels so sick to his spark at seeing this play out for everyone to see. Frag, he can even see some heads swivel towards him curse his height, and some whispers, more helms swivel-
Nope. Frag this. He's out of here, he does not want to see their pity or their insensitive questioning he doesn't want to answer. He stomps by the mechs he was previously talking, shoving past one by accident.
Frag. Frag sake. He can't even get mad at the producers since he agreed to this, and it is a harrowing truth others should see.
Doesn't make it any less painful though. The hurt is also making him stupid, look, he spotted a bar, and since he hasn't had a drop of engex since he was told to stop, he thinks he can have one cube as a treat. They did say he could have one cube a day...
He's just, going to hide by his stall on the edge of the grounds, glaring at anyone daring to ask stupid questions about his experiences.
But Whirl will not run away.. there are still many concerts he wants to see here, after all.
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Streamer VTuber Nerd Felicity ‘Fluttershy’ Shay being like 700lbs thanks to her streaming career and needing to use a voice modifiy to keep the once gentle voice for her avatar since her own is so husky now
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jumpfire88 · 2 years
Im just imagining Vape modifiying Distresstale's virus to be able to control those affected and him releasing it on the multiverse and making a Multiversal-wide mutant apocalypse.
Pretty cool theory, unfortunately no spoilers
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devsgames · 2 years
Are you using a third-party engine, or is the game's engine custom-made? Curious to know how spray painting is so fast and smooth on wall surfaces. Modifying textures at runtime creates lag when I try to implement it on the Unity3D engine, for example. (Granted, I still have a lot to learn about graphics pipelines and rendering chokepoints. Most of my skillset is focused on just the CPU.)
Good question! :) I'm actually using Unity and code features here and there myself, but I'm definitely no technical wizard so the actual painting/rendering/system stuff is handled by an amazing plugin called PaintIn3D by Carlos Wilkes. It handles a lot of the technical end of things and I've just been modifiying parts of it to better suit my needs (like saving textures to file, importing graphics to textures etc etc.). If you're looking for something Unity-based that can do realtime texture modification I cannot recommend it enough! I've used other plugins by him before and am consistantly impressed by how inuitively designed and well optimized they are!
It definitely is demanding on hardware though, so I've been keeping a sharp eye on optimizations as I work. For example, most textures are 1024×1024 or below so modifying them doesn't cause too much slowdown. Also each mesh is its own material instance and can't use static batching so since the world is broken into small modular pieces it means I can't make levels that are too big or else there's definite slowdown depending where the user looks. Also if the user paints everywhere in a level it means every texture in the level will get saved which can make for pretty huge save files...
Bah, anyway! Long story short it's 95% thanks to that plugin, and 5% because I've been keeping an eye out for those tech limitations and (hopefully) designing around them intelligently enough to make it all work. 😄
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