#more receptive to learn
riotgrrrlhole · 1 year
Omg im dead tired I was 50 min with a kid who was always on the verge of almost throwing up and also I gotta be super active with him cause he is hipoactive and always falls asleep
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lgbtlunaverse · 1 month
Everytime I see discourse about kink or nudity at pride I get reminded of the time I went to pride a few years ago with my mother and my sibling- who was 17 at the time and is somewhere on the ace spectrum- and about halfway through, the march went under a gatehouse. Some inhabitants were sitting in their open windows watching the parade. Right before we crossed under them, one of them decided to just... take her shirt off. She wasn't wearing a bra. And you know what happened? People whooped and cheered, and then kept walking. That's it. And there were kids around!! They didn't care. My sibling didn't care. My mother, a cisgender heterosexual woman in her 50s, did not care.
This stuff stops being such a big deal when you go offline. It was basically the same amount of boob you'd see in any perfume ad. No one was like 'what about the children?' And if you didn't wanna see it and looked down, no one would've called you a puritanical prude for that. And it helps to remind myself of that everytime I see kink at pride discourse getting rehashed because at actual pride, people don't care.
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vimbry · 12 days
why is the fence-sitting centrist bigotry the most annoying and disappointing to deal with
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Love the tragic irony of peppino having used to keep his hair long ngl...... Btw do you think he used to have some different hobbies back then? :O
(good luck w that comm btw-)
I dont think its tragic! His hair STILL comes down to his shoulder; he just doesnt have any annoying hair in his face that would make him want to make a ponytail. I think when u start balding u either panic or make ur peace and i think he was too worried about Other Things to care about it lol
As for hobbies, he has a Couple that i thought were cute and fitting.
Despite the anxiety, he is a bit of an entertainer. He can do magic tricks! Not very flashy ones but he knows alot of card and sleight of hand tricks; it is fun to see people stare in disbelief, and its a good way to keep his hands busy. The Autism prevents him from withholding Magic Secrets; if anyone asks him how he did it he will be very happy to share it. It helps that tricks are STILL hard to perform, even if u have the Knowledge of how it works.
He doesnt consider himself an artist but he can do caricatures 😊 I am very attached to my hc that he drew the little storefront logo for his own shop. Partly bc it would be easy for him to draw; mostly bc he did not want to waste money to get someone ELSE to do it if he could just do it his damn self. You will not catch him drawing or sketching anymore, even post game when hes doing better overall. But like most things, u can press him into showing off a little bit if u say the right words.
I hesitate to call it a hobby, but he will go jogging almost Daily. Well. When he was younger he jogged daily but nowadays he will at the very least Walk daily. He does it really early in the morning before he opens up shop, or in the evening if the weather permits. He doesnt like the rigidness of ‘working out’ though, and will avoid it like the plague; he is a little baby (princess) and does not want to get achey muscles and he does Not want to sweat at all its the worst. Post game, he will have random peeps join him for walks. He does not ask for this but it is not the WORST thing in the world to have some company :)
#answered#chattin#peppino#i have a bunch of other ones but wehhh#this will be an essay#which is what im trying to avoid now hdjdbdksk#he can bake as well he is just very good w foods overall#but when he got older and more stressed it accidentally turned into him stressbaking#he used to give it away to neighbors (bc the thought of throwing out food makes him ILL)#but now he gives it to noisette and gus bc they are literally black holes#they will simply eat anything and everything#also i think he can play on a concertina but only bc like#his uncle or grandpa taught him when he was younger to like#Expand His Brain or some shit; u know- teach them when theyre young bc theyre so receptive to new things#and THIS is bc i think it would be cute if he made a tiny peshino prototype for like marketing reasons#and he based it off of him being Just Okay with the instrument#and the tinkering is bc i think him being a BROKE BITCH meant that he was unable to literally call for repairs around his shop (and home…)#so he just took it upon himself to learn how to do basic repair stuff#and like#keeping his hands busy#tinkering to make a little windup toy seemed to make sense from there bfjdndkdndk#hes got lots of very minor talents and skills but they add up to give u a man that has approximate knowledge of many things#and he keeps it all to himself bc hes a loner :)#OMG how did i almost forget; thank u; i am still lining this comm#its not even BAD i am just. uninspired#i like draw big dudes buff OR fat and i am drawing Some Guy#so ive been dragging my feet through the mud gettin it done#but on god im finishing this lines tonight
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meteorherd · 1 year
theres a wham! documentary hitting netflix in a few days and i swear to god if all the people who used to make fun of me for liking “corny awful 80s stuff” suddenly act like they’ve loved wham! all this time because it’s cool now im going to gatekeep just a little. and maybe find a really, really large stick to use for undisclosed purposes
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yeah i’m seriously thinking of applying for jlpt n4
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kellystar321 · 7 months
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topazshadowwolf · 8 months
He's obviously been around them for a long time and knows a lot, but do you think there's anything about mortals that nightmare still has to learn? Dream too for that matter, since nightmare had a head start on him
There will always be something about mortals both will learn, but really Dream is at the advantage. He spent a lot of his youth around different types of mortals. He understands that not all are the same and that they can be vastly different from each other. Each mortal is their own individual and can't even be defined by a trait like many immortals can.
When it comes to learning anything, please know this: I based their willingness to learn on traits I see in positively-minded people and negatively-minded people. People with positive upbeat personalities often go with the flow and are willing to learn and cope better than people who are negative. (The difference between "can" (positive) and "can not" (negative)) That is not to say those who are more prone to negative emotions don't learn or are unable to cope, they just tend to be slower to do so.
At least, that is what I have seen.
Also, Dream is more extroverted between the two while Nightmare is introverted and prefers keeping to himself when he can. This provides Dream with more chances to meet more mortals to learn more while Nightmare is content just learning from the few he keeps around himself.
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yutadori · 6 days
should i be crazy and ask the interviewer from friday for some feedback regarding why i wasnt chosennnnn
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ink-asunder · 3 months
Why is everyone calling Dirt a "Wendy redemption arc"? Like. She didn't ever do anything wrong??
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clambuoyance · 2 years
I’d say Kon is 50% jay and 50% Kai
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llycaons · 6 months
also lwj seems like the kind of person who likes keeping a tight control on his emotions and I can't see him getting into a genre of media whose entire job is to make you Get Scared. and if he's not scared I think he'd be bored or confused
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lol my student teaching supervisor sent me my feedback video because he observed me friday and it was twenty minutes long and he essentially said that he was disappointed in me and that i did a disservice to american poetry so i'm feeling pretty good about myself
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nightmaregirl123 · 7 months
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So I decided to try something a little different today and I actually think I like how it turned out sure she isn't finished but she looks so very beautiful and also I learned a lot of new methods for the next time I draw I think mostly what NOT to do next time but I also learned other positive stuff as well and I'll put all this knowledge to great use later I'm sure
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true-blue-sonic · 11 months
As it happens I also only recently found out about the Rivals games not releasing in Japan after I saw they weren't mentioned after Silver's Sonic Channel wallpaper story, and I've been stuck wondering ever since if they'll ever do anything about that if the Rivals games are apparently canon nonetheless? I realise that a rerelease and localisation are almost certainly never going to happen at this point and Japan isn't that big a market for Sonic and all but it just seems so strange that a piece of Sonic canon as substantial as a recurring character's literal first canon appearance and meeting with Sonic and friends is just entirely absent from that side of the franchise, especially if they're still going to allude to it occasionally in future media
It baffles me too, precisely for the reasons you mentioned. This isn't a fun little romp like TMOSTH that overall has little bearing on the mainline games and which can 100% be ignored in the grand scheme of things; this is indeed the first actual unerased appearance of Silver in the franchise! Even if Rivals 2 can technically be ignored if that is our criterium, Rivals 1 is quite important considering the fact Silver has appeared quite a bit afterwards while knowing Sonic and co. But I guess for Japan, Silver's story from '06 is his 'main' story, even if it never happened in the first place, and how they see his appearance afterwards where everyone just knows him already... I don't know. I unfortunately can't read or speak enough Japanese to go find for answers myself, nor would I know where to look. But that it's a messy situation is certain!
Related to that, something I realised... there is also a lot of things on the Japanese side of the fandom and official channels both that I am certain 99.9% of the West does not have easy access too. Think of all the Sonic Channel stories and background information. Like TMOSTH, this is also information that doesn't have that much bearing on the games, but it still both fun and important knowledge on the characters. We've got people here in the West making translations and of course we can put things through Google for a quick view ourselves, inaccuracies aside; perhaps in Japan they have done the same with Rivals 1 and 2?
Whether or not they'll do something about it, I have no idea. Silver is here to stay, that seems certain, and if in Japan they indeed have knowledge of Rivals 1 and 2 through the fandom I figure Sega might just leave things as it is. I don't get the feeling the Rivals games were/are particularly popular, with the characters being so rude to each other and the level design probably becoming quite repetitive in a while after running through the same place either 4 or 8 times. So a rerelease might not bring in enough money to make it worthwhile, and for Sega as a business that is the most important thing. Though, the idea the Japanese fandom might have knowledge of Rivals 1 and 2 in the way we have of Sonic Channel material is just pure speculation on my part, as well. Altogether I don't think Sega is going to do anything to solve this issue, unfortunate as it may be. Silver's got his place in the franchise now, they generally don't dive much into the deeper stories behind their cast anyway (ShTH wasn't that great a success either), and Silver simply hasn't been in a position of high enough importance in a recent video game to warrant any attention being paid there to how the cast knows him, I think. Basically the only potential allusion to Rivals 1 and 2 I can think of is the IDW story with Silver and Espio, and I have no idea if that one got translated to Japanese already (or ever will). So canon or not, the Rivals games are mostly forgotten in the West as well, though for us they are the answer to as to how Silver knows Sonic and co in later instalments. It's a situation where I don't see an easy reconciliation between the East and West parts of the franchise!
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bearpillowmonster · 1 year
Toy Story is kind of like Halo if you think about it in terms of reception
The first one- highly beloved and nostalgic for introducing the franchise.
Second one- builds on the first in pretty much every way
Third one- many love it best but even if you don't, you probably still consider it to be a good cap to a trilogy.
Fourth one - A bit of a departure from previous ones with a new team but still decently received.
Let's just stop there because the ratings for Halo start to go down which keeping the trend would mean Toy Story would too. You know what, let's keep Mass Effect down now too, yeah.
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