#my last newtina fic i think
jaskiersbard · 9 months
I've just finished writing the penultimate chapter of my Newtina Titanic fanfic and I...can't believe it, to be honest. I honestly didn't think I'd get here, and yet here we are - only 30 minutes of the film's runtime left as a basis and 18 script pages from the original screenplay.
I'm going to take a rest now as it's 2am, and then tomorrow I'll edit it before posting it, but I'm honestly just shocked that I've nearly finished this fic. Like there's just one more chapter and then that's it, it's over. It'll be the first multi-chapter fanfic I've finished in a very long time, so once the last chapter is published I'll be so proud but also I'm just so emotional at it being nearly over.
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Have you noticed?
(Thanks @incorrect-newtina for inspiring this sweet and cheeky dialogue. The prompt is Jacob telling Newt to talk about Tina and get it out of his system.)
Newt: Tina has incredibly short fingernails with pale pink waxing moons at the cuticles, the exact same shade of pink as her lips. Have you noticed?
Jacob: Can’t say that I have.
Newt: Her skin is like milk with a splash of tea. Have you noticed?
Jacob: Can’t say that I have.
Newt: In Tina’s writing, she crosses her lowercase t’s exactly across the middle. Have you noticed?
Jacob: Can’t say that I have.
Newt: Her collarbones are perfectly symmetrical. When she tilts her head down, the hollow of her throat takes the shape of an egg. Have you noticed?
Jacob: Can’t say that I have.
Newt: Her neck is longer than average for a person of her height. It’s graceful, like that of a Mooncalf during a mating dance. Have you noticed?
Jacob (Tries not to chuckle): Can’t say that I have.
Newt: Tina bites her lower lip. Have you noticed?
Jacob: Can’t say that I have. But Queenie does that too, and I love it.
Newt: Tina has hair just like the mane of an Atheonan. Sometimes she tucks it behind her right ear. Have you noticed?
Jacob: Can’t say that I have.
Newt: When she cries, she doesn’t wipe away her tears. They roll down her cheeks and drip off her chin. Have you noticed?
Jacob: Can’t say that I have. But Queenie’s like that too. No shame about her feelings. Not hesitant to show ‘em.
Newt: Tina has two distinct ways that she crosses her arms. One way I know I’m in trouble. The other way I don’t yet understand, but it’s inviting. Have you noticed?
Jacob: Can’t say that I have.
Newt: I also know I’m in trouble when she puts her hands on her hips.
Jacob: Now THAT I’ve noticed.
Newt: Each of her eyebrows is uniquely expressive. I just don’t know most of the time what they’re expressing. Have you noticed?
Jacob: Can’t say that I have. But Queenie’s that way too. It’s like she’s thinking two things at once. I wish I could read her like she can read me.
Newt: Tina smells like the sheets on her bed in New York. and the bedsheets smelled like her. Have you noticed?
Jacob: Can’t say that I have.
Newt: She holds her breath sometimes in anticipation. Then she gasps softly as she starts breathing again. Have you noticed?
Jacob: Can’t say that I have. That’s gettin’ kinda personal, wouldn’t you say?
Newt: She has so much compassion. Have you noticed?
Jacob: For sure.
Newt: When Tina smiles and says my name, I feel it in my chest. I feel it... everywhere. ...Jacob, do you understand?
Jacob: I sure do, pal. (He claps Newt on the shoulder) You love her. You’re in love with Tina Goldstein.
Newt (Stares in wide-eyed wonder)
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delphiniumblooms · 3 years
fic writer review
thanks @daisy-appreciation-week for tagging!!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
28 :D
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
44507 and much more in my fanfic google drive - WIPs or never-posted fics
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
i wrote a lot in fantastic beasts (18 out of my 28 works are fb) and potc, and have done a hamilton oneshot
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
these are all fb because they’re older lol
You’re All I Need - honestly I don’t like this one that much, no idea why it blew up. a slightly angsty newtina fic written for a secret santa fic exchange in 2018 for a newtina discord server.
Special Treatment - a newtina crackfic, where theseus scamander teases tina about showing up to work late with a hickey. one of my best attempts at comedy!
nativitas - a short fic about theseus scamander meeting his baby brother newt for the first time, first in my scamander brothers series
Taken By Surprise - newtina fic written based on the rayllum kiss scene from the dragon prince
discidium - the second instalment in the scamander brothers series. newt sees theseus off at platform 9 3/4. he doesn’t want his brother to leave him.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
yes i do!! i thank everyone for leaving comments cause i don’t get that many and they do wonders for my writer’s ego. please don’t be shy to leave comments, i am very friendly and will be eternally grateful for compliments on my fic!!!
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
as a general rule i don’t write angst cause i treat fic like escapism and so need happy endings. the angsty ends i have are usually in line with canon. duty-bound covers the end of potc3, where will and elizabeth are separated, so that’s pretty angsty. a little fall of rain covers queenie leaving jacob in the crimes of grindelwald.
7. Do you write crossovers?
ive written only one and am not likely to write another LOL
annexus is a fantastic beasts-bbc sherlock crossover. i was thinking about how similar queenie and sherlock are, and how sherlock’s deduction powers have about the same effect as queenie’s legilimency, so boom, this fic was born. also they have the same birthday! i posted the fic on that day last year
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
never, thankfully. i’ve never become well-known enough or written sufficiently controversial stuff in order to get hate
9, Do you write smut?
nah. i write sex but i shy away from the details. i like to say i like subtlety but really i am just a coward. maybe when i become a more experienced writer and grow some balls then i will write proper smut
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge
11. Ever had a fic translated?
no but that would be really cool!!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
i think i’ve tried to multiple times but it never really got anywhere
13. All time fav ship?
oh no,,, uhh it’s gotta be either willabeth, newtina or sylki. can’t pick one, all three have had such deep impacts on me
14. WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
this 7k+ monster of a newtina fic that i started in like 2019 and still haven’t finished. kinda cringe at the thought of it, because it was just me projecting really bad. premise was tina has a really really bad period and newt takes care of her
15. Writing strengths?
i think i do emotional impact very well. i know how to use rhetoric devices and things like internal monologue and third person deep pov and i can string words together in a way that create absolute bangers of lines
16. Writing weaknesses?
i am really bad at plot/exposition LMAOO and am also like a really inconsistent writer. i have horrible perfectionism issues and so i don’t write often, only when i’m inspired, though i am making an effort to write more. also sometimes i think i’m too obsessed with certain ideas or certain ways of wording things such that i force them in even though it might not necessarily make sense to
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
i’ve never done it before! i don’t dare to do it in languages i don’t know, and so far chinese (my second language) hasn’t really been useful to write dialogue in. that might change though because i’m getting into more works with chinese rep, like agents of shield!
18. First fandom you wrote for?
fantastic beasts
19. What’s your fav fic you’ve written so far?
my most recent one, (wolf’s) teeth! it’s a sylki songfic based on teeth by 5sos and honestly i feel like it’s my magnum opus. i love these two so much and the song fit them and the plot so well!! i banged it out during a really busy school week in like 3 days, i’m so proud of myself for doing it
https://archiveofourown.org/users/delphiniumblooms here’s my ao3 page!!
tagging @swinging-stars-from-satellites and anyone else who wants to do it!
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albinokittens300 · 3 years
A Place To Stay.
Pairing: Some Newtina. But also a Gen fic. Rated K.
Summery: After Paris, Tina (and Nagini) finds a place to stay in London with Newts assistant Bunty, to avoid the unnecessary attention an unmarried woman  living with an unmarried man would cause. The arrangement, while strange, works well for all involved.
A/N- SUPER excited to share this! I don’t think I’ve gone this level of all in on an FB fic in a hot minute. The idea came from me and another friend chatting about historical accuracy...and the idea that in the ‘20s, most would find Newt and Tina (unmarried man and woman) moving in together scandalous came up. The idea that they would find Tina a female roommate lead to the idea of Bunty offering her and also Nagini a place to stay, and this fic was birthed! Really hope you all love it! Leave a like, reblog or reply if you feel like it :)
Tina lays back on the bed, clean and almost too new. Certainly unfamiliar. However, it was bliss as she leaned back into the pillows. Several nights with only a few hours of sleep will make any bed feel like a cloud.
A single candle continued to glow, and she hesitated to blow it out even though she wanted nothing more than sleep. A rustle comes from her large messenger bag, and Tina reaches for her wand before a small dark body toddles out into the light. The niffler, wrapped paw and all, comes out from hiding and approaches her.
The endearing nature of him sneaking out of her bag melts any annoyance she could have had. Since the Paris incident, she and Newt have been attempting to mend his burnt paw between meetings and briefings. Keeping his burn cleaned, wrapped, and carrying him in their pockets. It seemed he had grown fond of her due to her help in nursing him back to health, and decided to become a stowaway. Scooting over, Tina pats beside her on the bed. "Come here, little fella. Behave, and you can sleep here." She whispers.
Tired, the little creature complies and hops up beside her, warming her lap. As he does, Tina notices something peeking out of his pouch.
When she moves her hand to pull it out, the Auror discovers a piece of paper. Written on it is the familiar handwriting of the nifflers caretaker.
Dear Tina,
I hope you aren't bothered by a bit of company. When you were preparing to leave, I saw him climbing into your bag and decided to allow him to go with this little note. Bring him back tomorrow if you don't want the responsibility, but for the moment, I think he's happier and better mannered around you.
It will also give me a chance to try and temper the younger ones' thievery, without his bad influence. Or that's the hope.
Tina giggles and gently strokes the furry creature's back as he curls up next to her.
My hope is you are feeling more at ease now, with a permanent place to stay. I know things are frankly rubbish at the moment, but. I'm glad you decided to take Bunty's offer and remain in London till things are figured out. Please know you can come to me with anything you need. My door and ears are always open.
Somberly, Tina cuddles the niffler a little tighter with a loose arm. Newt's words echo in her heart, and she wishes he was here. Or that she was several blocks down, in his townhouse. Being with Newt and Jacob had kept her sane the last few days since the disaster in Paris. The spare moments Newt would sit with her and take her hand, or Jacob's gentle pat on her shoulder were infinitely more comforting than any 'I'm so sorry' or 'we'll get her back' managed to be.
There was also the warmth that Newt causes in her, the feelings that were undoubtedly still growing. It was the last thing on either of their minds, but in a way, it wasn't. Tina would be lying if she claimed she wasn't in love with him. That's clear to her now. As was the fact Newt loved her too, after their moment in the archives together. If he loved her the same way? Well, that was a question for the future.
For now, just his love is enough to make Tina confident she hadn't lost everything when Queenie walked away. And that matters most, for now.  
Turning her attention from longing for Newt to the little sleeping creature tucked into her side, the auror thinks she can't recall what he was named.
"I don't know that you have a name, little fella. Do you mind if I call you Peter?" She asks. The niffler snuggles closer to her, and Tina hums a giggle. Taking the reaction as a yes.
It's then the door creaks open and reveals Bunty. Her illuminated wand in hand, and dressed in a long sleeping gown. Tina is mildly surprised to see a fairly long braid down the woman's shoulder as she peeks into the room. "Just wanted to be sure you're alright. Make sure I can't get you anything. Heard you talking and thought…"
The air is thick between them when she trails off. It only took Tina several glimpses of Newts basement sanctuary, and he's hired help to know Bunty was thoroughly in love with her employer. Tina can't fault her for the affections, having similar ones herself even after she was convinced the younger Scamander ran off with Leta. The same things that drew her to Newt certainly enticed Bunty as well.
Even though it's aimed at her, the jealousy is something that Tina finds understandable.
"I'm fine, got everything I need." She says with a smile. "Nagini's...gone under the bed for the night, so I'm sure she's asleep," Tina notes.
Bunty gives her a half forced grin and nods, turning to leave before pausing. "Wait, is that?"
"The niffler, yes." Tina laughs. "A stowaway, it seems. Brought himself along in my bag."
"Careful with that one. If you have any jewelry that's precious to you, watch out for it. The little pilferer doesn't understand how to tell the difference between what's his and what's not." Bunty warns, and Tina giggles.
The memory of the bank, her first introduction to Newt and his case of creatures flash behind her eyes, lifting her mood the slightest bit more. The mayhem the duck-billed creature's sticky paws had caused. In a way, Tina has his greediness to thank for meeting Newt. For a second, she considers telling the story but then thinks better of it—no need to needle Bunty with how Newt came into her life.
"I will. And Bunty?" Tina calls out just as she is about to close the door. "Thank you. For giving Nagini and me a place to stay. I promise if there's anything I can do to repay you, just ask." The words ring truthful. When they realized how scandlous it would look for her to stay with Newt and Jacob, Tina had resigned herself to returning alone to New York before Bunty's offer.
"It's nothing. A friend of Newts is a friend of mine. Plus. Grindelwald in a cage will make us all a bit safer." Bunty asserts, and it's the most confident and pleased Tinas has heard her since arriving, and she's glad to see that she and Bunty seem to be able to get along just fine.
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bex-pendragon · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview
I was tagged by @odakota-rose - thank you!
name: ReginaPendragon on AO3.
fandoms i write for: I'm probably best known for my OUAT stuff, but I've been dabbling in some new fandoms lately. I also wrote for HP waaaayyy back in the day, as well as Merlin and Star Trek.
two-shot: Technically my Shadow and Bone skating AU is a two-shot right now, but it's going to end up being longer. The next chapter will be about Zoya. I also wrote a short thing from Ace's POV after the Nancy Drew finale. I haven't posted it yet, but if I get any traction, it might be nice to do a response from Nancy's POV because damn, did they ever hit me in the feels!
most popular multi-chapter: Fire and Ice. This was my big contribution to the Outlaw Queen fandom. It was a hell of an undertaking, but it helped me grow a lot as a writer.
actual worst part of writing: Not knowing if I'm doing it right. Sometimes I'll write something and think it's the best thing I've ever done. Then the next day I think it's garbage. There is no in between. Wishing I could download the words directly from my brain. Envisioning the perfect scene and not being able to make it as epic on the page as it is in my head.
how you choose your titles: For fanfic, I mostly steal from song lyrics/titles, or quote something from the source material. For my original work, it's a lot harder. I try to pick a recurring theme or word and work from there.
do you outline: I've come around to the concept of outlining in the last few years, especially for my original stories. I've always been a plantser and I still consider myself one. I always know how the story ends and I make a chronological list of things that need to happen along the way. But it's a loose plan. I deliberately leave room in the plan for creativity and adjust accordingly. As long as I'm working toward the intended ending, it doesn't matter if I take a more scenic route to get there. Getting there is what matters. So I'd say my original stories are more planned these days, but my fanfics tend to be less planned.
ideas I probably won’t get around to but wouldn’t it be nice: I'll probably never finish that Newtina thing I started years ago due to... reasons. Part of me is like, do it to spite the original author and her terrible opinions! But another part is like, no, leave it be. The time for this has passed. I feel guilty about leaving people hanging, though. I wrote a one-shot for them that was super popular.
I also had another figure skating AU idea after watching the Loki finale and... ok, that might still happen. The world needs more Sylvie. But does the world need more skating AUs? Probably not. That's just my weird thing.
callouts @ me:
Commas and ellipsis and m dashes as far as the eye can see
Putting the same 5 artists on every story playlist
Not enough conflict! Lack of villain motivation! Weird pacing and tangents! Too niche!
I'm terrible at writing descriptions.
best writing traits: I'm actually really good at dialogue. I often have to go back and pad out the rest of the story because it's 90% dialogue.
spicy tangential opinion(s):
Songfics should've never gone out of fashion.
Sometimes you need to write a cringe-y self-insert first in order to grow as a writer (me @ myself 12 years ago)
Genfic should be more popular
Tropes and archetypes aren't bad! It's all in how you use/combine/subvert them!
Tagging: whoever wants to do it! *side-eyes writer friends*
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About my involvement with Fantastic Beasts
So some stuff has come up that has made me think, and I wanted to address it because it’s going to plague me otherwise, silly as it sounds.
I just want to be clear that I don’t hate Newtina or Tina or Fantastic Beasts. I have like 3 Fantastic Beasts tattoos (4 if you found my deathly hallows symbol that I got for both Potter and Beasts), it would be extremely awkward if less than two years after getting them I hated the series. I do, however, tend to not post about Beasts anymore for several reasons, but the main one is because of the fandom toxicity. Not just antis but also other fellow shippers too - it’s just in general a toxic environment to be in sometimes, and I made the decision last year to move away from the online part of the fandom. I still follow certain blogs/tags, I do in fact have a Beasts related Instagram, but otherwise I’ve tried to distance myself from the online fandom.
I also made the decision to no longer share my Newtina fanfics - and believe me, it was a really hard decision to make because I wrote 57 Fantastic Beasts (mostly Newtina but with some Jakweenie and other things) fics over the course of over two years (late 2016 to early 2019). I got more attention than I felt comfortable with for my Newtina fics, both positive and negative, and I let the positive stuff go to my head whilst also beating myself up over the negative. I enjoyed sharing my work though, even when I felt it was subpar or when I was getting rude asks/comments, just as I now enjoy sharing my HTTYD and IT stories or headcanons. Ultimately, I decided to not share anymore Fantastic Beasts fanfics online because I knew I had to look after myself and my mental health - I felt it was for the best, and I was frankly sick of having to delete comments like “you suck” “go die” and “delete your fics, you’re shit” off of my AO3.
Look, I’m not going to deny that I was far from innocent during my time with the fandom, and that’s another reason I stepped back: I was making myself suffer, losing sleep, focusing on fandom over my uni work, allowing anon hate to come into my inbox, and I was replying to the comments and igniting the flame further. I was argumentative a number of times, I was clingy and enjoyed getting the positive attention, and I behaved - to put it bluntly - like an absolute twat. I don’t like who I was and how I behaved back then, and I’ve written so many apology posts that it’s pointless for me to write another one right now, at least a year after I drifted away from the fandom.
Maybe, in the future when one of the new films comes out or there’s some news, I’ll consider returning to the fantastic beasts online fandom. But for now, while I attempt to figure out how I feel about the series and whether I want to continue writing for it or whatever, I’m going to hang back a bit.
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frenchibi · 4 years
For the fanfic Friday thing do you have any upcoming wips 👀
I always have at least 20 WIPs on hold tbh? The pocketkawa conclusion was the one I was focused on the most, but I have ideas for lots of different ships and fandoms actually!!
I have a Fantastic Beasts (newtina) WIP that I was really passionate about until JKR turned out to be incredibly transphobic so now idk if I can reignite my desire to work on it (I have lots of thoughts about JKR and HP and am not sure where to put them tbh), but that’s one.
Then there’s a bunch of shorter prompt wips for Howl’s Moving Castle I did as writing exercises/warmups - they’re not full fics, just like...scenes? So idk what to do with them, whether to polish and post them or not... we’ll see? But I do love Howl and Sophie a whole lot.
Also, as was probably evident from my reblogs over the last few weeks, I recently read Tamsyn Muir’s Locked Tomb Trilogy (or, well, the two books that have been published) and I am absolutely obsessed with Gideon and Harrow and would like to use this opportunity to, like, represent myself and write some wlw (right now I have so many ideas and no concrete wip but I am constantly loitering in my own document trying to figure out what I want to write)
I have actually also, since like... last year, been working on and off on a Ranma 1/2 fic - that was one of the first animes I ever watched and I had rewatched it last year while I was sick for a while and idk I just got emotional and nostalgic don’t @ me about it... not sure if I will ever finalize it but it qualifies as a WIP lmao
...and then there’s all the iwaoi/Haikyuu things obviously. I still have some unfinished fics on ao3 that I would like to complete (a wedding fic, two collabs, a “volleyball club puts on a play” thing, an angsty college AU, an iwaoi and matsuhana thing... and, actually) and also several unfilled prompts from drabble idea or prompt list ask games, some of which I do still want to get to - plus some stuff that no one asked for, just AU ideas or disjointed scenes floating around in my head. ALSO there’s bokuroo things I want to write, several actually, because as it turns out I really like that ship as well ^^
...this is not a comprehensive list - there are more things I would like to write, but I think this will do to answer your question xD (I am also not opposed to returning to other fandoms I have written for, such as Good Omens and Fullmetal Alchemist!)
All of that said, my ask box and my messages are also still ALWAYS (!!) open for people who just want to rant about an idea or have something they would like to see me write! The #1 way to make me focus on one project over all the others is to express interest or excitement for it to me ^^ So do come and yell if you feel like it!!
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ravenish-huffnpuff · 4 years
10 Fanfic Questions
Big thanks for @themysteriousphoenix for tagging me! (And educating me on how to actually do this lol)
I’ve never done this before, but here we go!
1. What’s your favourite genre to write?
Angst with a happy ending! I love to write angst, tug at the old heart strings if you will! But I always try to give my characters a happy ending.
 Although I’m also really into dark stuff- But only when I’m in the mood. Like an Adams family mood… dark under eyes, bat wings, betrayal, murder…all that fun stuff…
2. Do you pull inspiration from real-life, or do you pull things from other books/fanfiction you’ve read?
Literally everywhere. Youtube videos (freaking youtuber au fics holy shit I need to get on that), documentaries (White rose may or may not have been inspired from war of the rose- also game of thrones, another of my babies). Books, TV shoes, Discord, other fics. Especially other fics- I have a bit of an au vibe going on at the moment if anyone’s noticed!
Sometimes I think I’m constantly thinking of fic ideas- some I will do, some I won’t. But guaranteed I’m always mapping the stories in my head! I’ll get there one day!
3. Do you tend to write one-shots, short stories, or longer things?
I’m not throwing away my shot! (He he….Sorry, I’ll show myself out).
I TRY. I REALLY, REALLY TRY, to write oneshots. I just can’t! I used to be able to…but not anymore. Most of my last few stories I was like…you know 8 chapters…11 at a stretch. That has not happened! 
I’m too much of a plot person. If something is happening I want to know why it’s happening. And if I want to know why, I assume other people will. So….I write it. And then 60,000 words later I find myself still writing! Oops!
4. Do you prefer to write description or dialogue?
Dialogue. Freaking love me some dialogue. Nothing is more fun than writing an argument. Writing Tina pretending to be chill, when she’s inwardly freaking out. Or writing Newt trying to be suave and putting his foot in his mouth.
I love speaking my dialogue out loud. I’ve found sometimes I write what I want my characters to say, instead of what they would actually say. But saying it out loud leads to a more real to life conversations, even if sometimes that takes a bit longer.
5. Favourite fic/book of all time?
Far too many to count! I’ve read so much fic- Phryne fisher fics are amazing, shout out to all those amazing writers in that fandom. So are Miller/Hardy fics- broadchruch is another fandom I’ve gotten invested in. I literally don’t know- Stars Wars, HP, GOT- everyone is just so, so clever, and I’m inspired by all fandom writers every day. I don’t think I could ever pick one…
But special mention to the first ever fic I ever read. It was a Potion Study fanfic, on fanfiction.dot.net. It was the first time I had ever read fanfiction and you got me into this incredible world, so thank you.
Best book? Once again- far, far, too many. Top five maybe?
 Anything from rainbow rowell, anything from Jojo Moyes, The book thief, anything from Jackie French, and All Quiet on the Western Front. 
Basically if you’ve got history, angst and a great protagonist- you’ve got me.
6. Favourite trope?
Anything thing that forces characters to be in a unlikely situation together. Oh you’re on a holiday and there’s this cute guy and only one room in the hotel left? Bam! You’re sharing a small cramped space with a stranger for a weekend
Oh you’ve told your parents you’re dating this super hot guy, and they invite him over for Christmas lunch? Boom- ring up a dating service and get a dude that’s pretty damn cute.
New cute girl moves next door? Snowed in with your best friend? Sharing bed with your worst enemy?
Give me those cute arse tropes! Love them!!
7. Are you the kind of person to work on more than one WIP?
Yes. There is nothing else to say. I’ve probably got like 6 unfinished stories on AO3 and like three in the works? Maybe four? (I’m so sorry)
I just get so excited! I write a few chapters, want to see what you guys think, and then I either finish it…or leave it unfortunately because I’ve started too many stories. Ahhhh! I’m sorry. Hopefully, one day, I’ll get my shit together.
8. How long have you been writing for?
Since COG premiered? Yeah around then, or maybe a bit before. Like October 2018? Although I’ve been reading and loving Newtina since 2016- just never got the juts till write before then…
9. Do you tend to write more during the morning, afternoon, or evening?
Actually writing? Evening, afternoon. Not the morning, if I start writing in the morning I’m not getting anything done!
Though I’m normally thinking about stories, legit all day. Thinking of dialogue in the car is such a pain in the arse- you can’t write anything down! Although car drives are the best for sorting out plot; I just talk out loud to myself, sorting everything out!
10. Do you prefer to post and update your WIP chapter by chapter, or do you prefer to wait until your WIP is 100% finished before sharing it?
Chapter by chapter… I probably should write it all out first. But then I’d never get anything done! I do plan though, I write everything out before. I don’t know if anyone’s noticed, but I’m a big fan of cliff hangers. They are almost always intentional. I want to leave you guys wanting more!! 
And what could be better than wanting more Newtina?
Tagging: @hidetheteaspoons @silvertonedwords!
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10 Fanfiction Questions
Tagged by both @blatheringbluejay and @scamanderishredmayniac
1. what’s your favourite genre to write?
I love fluff (have I mentioned that before?) but apparently I am good at writing angst? Huh...
2. do you pull inspiration from real-life, or do you pull things from other books/fanfiction you’ve read?
Yes. Both. I love exploring characters and relating their experiences to real life. How would people actually act in this situation? What would be going through their head? What is their inner monologue? So often you see characters being out of character because the author wants something to happen. I like to let the characters tell me what is happening to them. So yes, real life experience dominates, but I pull inspiration, ideas, and headcanons from other fanfiction I have read or from participating in discussions on Tumblr or Discord. So often, other artists bring up something that I hadn’t thought of before but makes complete sense. I have completely changed several of my thoughts on Newtina in the past few months due to diving deep and exploring these characters through in-depth discussions. I also pull inspiration from other writers who have similar ideas and have already expressed them in words? How did they write this situation? What would I change? What do I agree with? Disagree? How do I make the idea flow in my own words in the context of my own story?
3. do you tend to write one-shots, short stories, or longer things?
Both. One-shots flow from the fingertips more quickly. I can usually knock out a 2500 word story in a day or two. My WIP is my baby. I have so much planned for it. Multiple stories, interwoven storylines, and big twists have all been compiled in a very long Google Doc. I think my WIP finally passed my planning document in length after this last chapter... Now to get it all out before FB3...
4. do you prefer to write description or dialogue?
I think I am better at writing dialogue, but description is what I like reading the most. It is where I need to improve.
5. favourite fic/book of all time?
Oof. Favorite fic? This is going to date me. Echoes in Eternity by The Jedi Wizard Hobbit. It is a Remus/OFC fic from 2003 (started 2 months before The Order of the Phoenix came out). It’s wonderful. It jumps back and forth between the Maurauders in school and in adulthood, it has musical theater, it has the slowest of burns...I love it. She wrote a sequel as well, but it was abandoned right on a cliffhanger. In 2006. To this day, I want to know what happens. If you are out there, The Jedi Wizard Hobbit, please send me a DM and spill. I neeeeeed to know. Even now, 14 years later...
My favorite book of all time? The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky.
6. favourite trope?
Pretend relationship/marriage, there was only one bed, and fake-out-make-out. I have written two of these, I’d love to tackle the pretend relationship one someday. That sounds like it will be a multi-chapter, though, so I should concentrate on what i already have started.
7. are you the kind of person to work on more than one WIP?
I have two. I want to leave it there for now. If I finish “I Finally Found” then I might start another one (see above). More Than Enough (and all connected fics) will take me forever to get through. That will just go on forever.
8. how long have you been writing for?
I wrote Romione fanfiction during the summer between my senior year of high school and my first year of college (2005). I was 17. I wrote a one-shot and *gasp* I abandoned a fic. I didn’t even remember until I started writing again this last August and revisited my early writing. Oops. I started writing for the FB fandom last August.
9. do you tend to write more during the morning, afternoon, or evening?
Evening. I work full-time and I have a toddler. I am free to write once she goes to bed and before I clean up the house so I can go to bed. I get about an hour a day to myself right now, some nights I use for writing. That’s why I am so slow at updating things.
10. do you prefer to post and update your WIP chapter by chapter, or do you prefer to wait until your WIP is 100% finished before sharing it?
Chapter by chapter. HOWEVER...I have to plan everything out first. I know what is going to happen in MTE. I do not/did not know what I was going to write in IFFWILF. That is why that story kind of died a painful death. I promise to finish it one day, I just need to think up a good ending and be inspired to write it out.
Tagging: @hidetheteaspoons @bananachef @ravenpuff1956 @swansandslayers @ears-awake-eyes-opened
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swansandslayers · 5 years
More fantastic Newtina fics list.
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I had made a post like this before here, and (after coming across another patch of awesome fics) thought I would post another rec list. As I stated in the previous post, anyone is free to add other fics they like or their own written work.
Hope you guys enjoy. :)
Slow Dance written by clairelizabeth. Suddenly aware of all the affection permeating the ballroom between each dancing couple, as well as of Newt’s presence beside her, Tina began to look anywhere but towards the Magizoologist’s direction, trying to busy herself with thinking about how beautiful the ballroom looked.
Out of Step, Out of Reach written by clairelizabeth. Tina’s hair was still in the same style she’d worn it those months ago at the engagement party: short and sleek, and dark and lovely like her eyes. Some pieces had strayed from where they ought to be from all her running about, but she quickly fixed it with a brush or two of her fingers.
Fantastic Beasts and How it could have been. written by Hellodie. Another timeline in which Tina and Newt actually met in school during an event: the Ilvermorny students came in Hogwarts for a very famous and also dangerous tournament. They'll have to learn knowing each other to defeat the obstacle arising on their way to their dream. Though, it wasn't love at first sight or was it ? The rating might change.
What Newt Gives Tina written by Bellarsam_Chrisjulittle. Sequel to "What Tina Gives Newt." Nine months later, Newt's book is finished and his family throws a release party for it at their grand estate. The last person that Newt expects to see there is Tina Goldstein, the witch he is falling in love with - and whom he stopped writing to over three months ago. So Newt has more than a book to give Tina now if he wants to keep her in his life - will it be enough?
After Hours written by gnimmish. Fluff, set just after the events of COG (so will eventually be canon divergent), Newt and the gang are back at the Ministry of Magic in London, in the small hours of the morning. The Americans want whatever passes for coffee round here, Jacob wants pumpkin pie, Newt wants Tina, and Leta wants to make sure he doesn't wait too long.
Please, just be happy written by RedSnow1. After the event of Paris, Newt Scamander insists on meeting Tina’s lover : Achilles Tolliver, who happens to be a formidable man. The two of them begin an earnest friendship based on their shared passion (which involves a certain female Auror) much to Tina’s delight. Everything is as perfect as it can be : the only problem is that Newt and Achilles are in love with the same woman, and Porpentina Goldstein is torn between the love of her life and the man of her dreams.
It was always you written by Iloveyourfreckles. Spoiler : Just after the end of The Crimes of Grindelwald, Tina, Jacob and Nagini came back to London in Newt's flat. Newt decides it is time to clear the air between him and Tina...
A Moment Longer written by albinokittens300. Newt and Tina are given few more moments alone in the French Ministry of Magics Archive Room.
The Sweetest Smile and the Gentlest Hands written by clairelizabeth. “I’ve been cutting my own hair since I started going to Hogwarts,” Newt says as his wife brushes the comb over his fringe, wincing slightly as it caught on a tangle. “I realized early on that being away from my parents meant they couldn’t force me to go to the barber’s."
In Another World written by Newtina100. A Newtina AU, based off of a prompt I found! A short story of were Tina begins volunteering at an animal shelter, where she comes to meet Newt, whose older brother is the manager. Although they get off to a rocky start, what starts off as a simple friendship blossoms into a much larger relationship.
Nocturne written by ravenpuff1956. Tina tosses and turns, unable to sleep, the horrible memories of the last few days continuing to plague her.
Sleeping Beauty written by RedSnow1. Porpentina Scamander gets hit by a curse on the job and has no choice but to relive the same day everyday… a day that only ends with what she fears the most.
Deeds of Loves written by RedSnow1. After Queenie’s warning, Newt Scamander and Tina Goldstein wonder whether they should postpone their wedding and yield to the threat. They will soon realize that in this time of war, nothing is more important than love and family. This is a sequel to "Please, just be Happy"
South West written by ourladyholmes. Newt Scamander knew he had a soulmate. Had known it from the moment that the compass came to life on his wrist. He just never imagined he'd ever actually meet them... especially not in New York City. But the compass never lies.
Only Look Me in My Eyes written by emraldmoon. A Fantastic Beasts fic in which Newt finally gains the courage to show Tina the inside of his case.
A white rose and a green dragon written by ravenpuff1956. Tina curls her hands tight against the bed sheets. They are cold and newly pressed. The room smells new- without mould or dust. A foreign smell to the towers she has been used to. The cells. Tina’s throat moves shakily as she swallows, and she coughs slightly to clear it. This is not how she thought she’d be spending her wedding night.
When The Bough Breaks written by bluesquints. Newt and Tina encounter seemingly happy circumstances with decidedly disastrous timing. Will they weather the storm that follows? Will their differences prevent them from what Dumbledore has planned?
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katiehavok · 4 years
::Cracks knuckles::
So, I love Newt. Like, a lot. I love him because I relate to him on so many levels, and I love how he’s been handled in canon (so far), up to and including his curmudgeonly ways because ho boy, can I relate. I also really, really love Tina, and putting them together? 
Of course, me being me, I got to thinking: what if Newt and Tina never did get together in canon? What if CoG went in a completely different direction, or even the ending of the first movie? Or, even worse (because this is me) what if something happened that caused Newt to hare off to be on his own because of [insert convenient and contrived fanfic catastrophe here] and Newtina had to still come together when one part of the equation is fighting against it with every fiber of his being? What then?
Then my brain did what it does best and shit got really grimdark, really fast, and even though I wrote a good chunk of the fic, I ended up walking away because I managed to scare myself off of the idea.
So, have the entire first chapter of that fic (working title: “Mephistopheles”), in all it’s unedited glory since your request has been in my inbox the longest and I doubt I’ll ever return to this piece.
You’re welcome. :D
July 1932
Tina lands on the solid ground of Drear, and looked around curiously while tucking her wand and the portkey — an old, rusty nail — into her jacket pocket.
There isn’t much to see. A thin scree of rocky beach trails down to water the color of dirty undergarments, scrub grass and weeds growing between the crowning monolith of stones that lead inland. Thick fog hangs over all, and she turns in a tight circle, using landmarks to memorize where she’s appeared, before straightening and picking along the thin, sandy trail that leads to the heart of the island.
It’s tough and slow going, and she’s inwardly thankful for her weekends spent on the Quidditch pitch and long, daytime excursions with Professor Merrythought into the Forbidden Forest for granting her newfound stamina. Steady flicks of her wand clear what little overgrowth there is on the foot-worn and obviously well-beaten trail. The sun is directly overhead when she conquers the sloping cliff, and she holds her breath while cresting it, only to frown when she discovers that she’s stumbled upon more of the same. 
The island is spread before her, a landscape of sharp cliffs, thin grass, the rough border lapped by the hungry sea. There’s no sign of life or human habitation, and she squints at the opposite end of the land before sighing tiredly.
“A map would have been pretty helpful right about now, old man,” she grumbles to herself, and squares her grip on her small suitcase before continuing.
Her short sojourn brings her to the edge of a narrow field, and she reaches for her wand on instinct before stepping into it. The tingle of powerful wards is the only warning she gets before the field seems to open around her, unfolding like a flower until she’s staring upon row after row of what looks to be plants. She glances down to make sure she isn’t standing on one, relieved to find that isn’t the case, and carefully picks her way between them while rolling her wand between her fingers.
“Hello?” she calls in a low but even voice, eyes peeled for the human who had obviously domesticated this island. There’s no response but the hoot of wind around the craggy cliffs, and she turns a full circle before spotting the small, sloped cabin tucked beneath a rocky overhang, thin smoke drifting from the crooked chimney.
“Gotcha,” she breathes, sheer relief at finding her quarry making her heart skip a beat. She tucks her wand away and heads toward the narrow front door of the building, climbing the creaky steps and debating whether or not to peek into the dark front window before dismissing it. She takes a few slow, deep breaths and sets down her case before gathering her courage and knocking, trying not to flinch at the hollow sound of her knuckles over the wood.
There’s a clatter from within, as well as what sounds like an admonishing shout. Intrigued, Tina tilts her head and leans forward, straining her ears — only to jolt back a step when the door is wrestled open. Her foot tangled in the dusty welcome mat, and her teeth connect with the side of her tongue, filling her mouth with blood when she goes down hard, landing flat on her ass and sending her case flying across the narrow porch. 
A shape moves into the frame of the door, and she looks up balefully to find a man staring down at her in obvious confusion, his hands hanging in loose fists at his side.
“You aren’t professor Dumbledore,” he says blankly, and squints into her face before his eyes widen with shock. He moves back half a step in an eerie mirror of her, his slender hands clinging to the doorway as the air seems to leak out of him, his strange blue eyes riveted to her face.
“Tina?” he asks in a faint voice, his lips turning pale.
“That’s Miss Goldstein to you,” she snaps, gathering her resolve and her dignity before climbing to her feet, clutching the shaky porch railing for balance. “It’s good to see you received Professor Dumbledore’s letter, after all, Mr. Scamander,” she bites out while brushing off the seat of her trousers. “It would have been nice if you had though to reply to him, though.” She can almost feel the sarcasm dripping off her words, and she refuses to feel guilty for it when she straightens her hat and looks at him defiantly.
Mr. Scamander frowns, his brow furrowing when he crosses his arms defensively and leans against the door jam. “What letter?” he asks crisply. “And, since we’re on the subject, why exactly are you here?”
She scoffs before gesturing around her. “I don’t even really know where here is,” she says frustratedly, “and I’m here because Dumbledore sent multiple letters, only to have them all returned unopened. He was tired of you avoiding him and decided to send me in place of an owl.” 
Scamander stands up straighter. “Here would be the Isle of Drear,” he mumbles, his shoulders tensing when she reaches into her jacket. She retrieves nothing more dangerous than a thick envelope, however, and Tina extends her arm to offer it to him, trying not to roll her eyes when he does nothing more than stare at it blankly. She watches him steadily, only now noticing that his wash-softened white shirt was unbuttoned to mid-chest, his striped braces hanging loosely around his waist. She feels her cheeks heat up, and curses herself for a fool before forcing herself to look at his messy hair. It’s more reddish than the small picture on the back of his book would suggest, and far longer than was considered acceptable for a man, hanging low in his face and curtaining his eyes from view.
“I have a signed copy of your book, you know,” she blurts for want of anything else to say, considering it a minor victory when Scamander breaks his staring contest with the envelope to look up at her confusedly. “One of the earliest first editions. It’s signed and everything. By you, I mean. My sister gave it to me as a gift.”
“Sister?” he echoes, and Tina is seriously beginning to wonder if the much admired and lauded Newt Scamander, Magizoologist and expert of all things beast-related, may not be a simpleton. His strangely monosyllabic answers and obvious confusion certainly suggest it, and yet there’s a certain deja-vu to this scenario that forces her to push the consideration to the side for now and focus on him.
“My parent’s other daughter,” she says patiently and lowers her aching arm to try another tactic. “Listen, it’s pretty chilly out on this porch. What say you and me go inside your place and we’ll talk about why I’m here, like civilized people. I’ll even be nice to you.” She manufactures her most winsome smile, the one Queenie had always privately urged her to use — Smile, Teenie! It confuses people! — only to sigh when Scamander dips his head and reaches for the door.
“No, thank you,” he says quickly. “I’m afraid I have nothing to say to you, and I’m not at all interested in anything you or Dumbledore may have to say. Good day to you, Miss Goldstein.”
She throws herself forward to wedge her foot between the door and the frame, wincing when the heavy wood pinches her from both sides. “I’m not leaving until I’ve done my job,” she says pleasantly. “I’ve got a cabin, a wardrobe, and enough food to last a year in my case, along with orders to stay until you sit down and listen to what I have to say.” She looks into his dismayed blue eyes, smiling sharply when his shoulders sag. “So really, it’s in your best interest to talk to me now, so I can return to civilization and can return to…whatever it is you do here.”
Scamander huffs before widening the crack of the door and looking into her eyes. He says her name softly, and she leans forward in anticipation. “Yes?”
He hesitates a moment, and she can see the conflict in his eyes before he hardens his resolve and uses his own booted foot to gently nudge hers away. “Enjoy your holiday on the Isle of Drear then,” he says firmly, “though I’d suggest you stay away from the northernmost tip unless you wish to find yourself on the wrong rung of the food chain. That’s where I’ve managed to corral the MacBoon’s.”
“The Mac-what’s?” she asks, only to huff in frustration when the door slams between them, cutting their terse interaction short. “Don’t think you’ll be rid of me that easily!” she shouts through the heavy wood, and growls to herself when the only answer she receives is the pointed and heavy snik! of a bolt sliding home. “Of course.”
The porch steps creak tiredly when she descends them, not bothering to watch her footing when she trods across his field, only to stop and look back when her scalp tingles with the curious sensation of being watched. The windows are as dark as ever, however, staring back at her like empty eyes, and a sudden gust of wind makes her shiver and pull her leather coat more tightly around her, further steeling her determination.
She finds a relatively flat parcel of land just outside his wards. There are no natural features to break the wind but she can’t fathom how that could be a problem, and it is within sight of his own cabin and, more importantly, it’s front door. Tina opens her case and brandishes her wand with the confidence of long practice, magically constructing the tiny cabin she and Professor Dumbledore had put together back at Hogwarts. She fills it with the meager furniture she had brought along before constructing a small shed to store her food and adding a wide front porch. She smiles at the results, conjuring a cozy curl of smoke from her chimney — standing straight and tall, thank you very much! — before nodding her approval.
Tina spends the rest of the day getting the cabin in order and formulating a plan of attack. She takes her simple evening meal on her front porch, washing down bread and meat with water and watching the cabin a short distance away from her for signs of life. There are none until the sun begins to fade, earlier than she would have expected. Then, curtainless windows of Mr. Scamanders abode brighten from within, and she watches him assemble and take his own supper before apparently settling down to read. His mouth moves on occasion as if he is speaking to someone, and she mentally takes note of the quirk, only for her mouth to go dry when Mr. Scamander unceremoniously sheds his clothing — treating her to an expanse of surprisingly toned and freckled skin — before taking a bath. 
Something nudges at her then, making her frown, but she ignores it to focus on him. Bathing apparently finished, she tries not to stare too hard when he towels off and quickly finger combs his hair before crossing to one of the windows facing east, away from her. There, he stands and looks out over the dark island for nearly an hour, and Tina wonders what a man like him would spend so much time thinking about until he abruptly walks a circuit of the cabin and douses the lights before climbing into his narrow bed. His windows go fully dark, cutting off her view of him, and Tina gnaws on a fingernail in thought before pushing him, his cryptic words and his frustrating lack of…well, anything for her to go off of to use her wand and clean up her meal.
It isn’t until she’s climbed into her own bed, warmed with a simple charm, that the mental nudge turns into her a prod and then, naturally, into a realization that keeps her staring up at the ceiling well past the moon’s zenith, her brow wrinkled in confusion.
Mr. Scamander was magical, there was no doubt in her mind about that. She had sensed it on him before he’d even opened the door. And yet, for all the times she had observed him this day, both on his porch and from the comfort of her own temporary home, she had not seen him use a single spell or incantation or, indeed, wield a wand at all.
“What would cause a wizard as powerful as you to turn your back on magic?” she whispers and is unsurprised when the dark offers no answer save the forlorn hoot of the wind around the eaves.
Send me a 👀 and I’ll post a snippet of art/writing that I never got around to finishing this year.
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jaskiersbard · 1 year
lmfao you’re a fucking hypocrite, bitching about jkr and acting like you’re so high and mighty whilst claiming she’s a transphobe/bad person (which she isn’t you stupid cuck she’s just standing up for women’s rights and you’re siding with misogynists), yet you’re using her characters to write your stupid shitty titanic newtina fic that no one is bothering to read. she will always be ten times the writer you are and your lack of readers proves it
Hello. Yes actually, I suppose you’re right - maybe I am a bit of a hypocrite for continuing to use characters under her ownership and that she continues to make a profit off of whilst also making a point of sharing how I’m not supporting her work anymore. I can fully admit that it’s a little hypocritical of me.
Having said that, all I can argue in my defence is that I’m not giving her any money, I’m just borrowing her characters for a story I’m writing. Again, does she benefit from people writing her fics as it’s still engaging with her property and technically promoting it/increasing popularity? Probably. I’m making no profit from this fic I’m writing, and I make no profit from any of my Newtina fics, just as I make no profit from ANY fics I write for any other fandom. I’m doing it for my own enjoyment, and hopefully other people will enjoy it too.
My Newtina-Titanic AU is literally a passion project - no one prompted it, no one expressed any interest in it, the only reason it exists is because the Titanic sinking is one of my special interests, James Cameron’s movie is my number one film of all time, and I wanted to write something to appreciate the film after watching it repeatedly on the big screen in 3D for its 25th anniversary release. I started the prologue for this in mid-February - nothing was published until mid-April. Whilst it worked out in a way to do this, because I ended up posting it on the 111th anniversary of the sinking in April, the reason nothing was published for two whole months was because I honestly was never going to publish it. It was going to remain on my Google docs as a full story for me and my enjoyment only because I didn’t think there would be an audience for it, and I also didn’t want to be seen as actively engaging with a universe written by someone with such horrendous views as JKR. In the end, I posted it just on the off chance that someone out there - even if it was only one - might have an interest and enjoy reading as much as I have writing it.
Why did I choose Newtina? Mostly because out of all the couples I’ve shipped enough to write or make content for, Newtina was the one I felt this AU would be well suited for whilst also not being a direct copy. My increasing interest of the Titanic and the film last year happened to coincide with when SoD came out and when I met Eddie again - meaning that at the time, as well as obsessing over Titanic I was also feeling very appreciative of Eddie’s portrayal of Newt as autistic AND seeing Newtina on screen briefly. I still love the couple of Newt and Tina despite a) JKR and b) the state the series is in now (with SoD probably possibly being the last film) - I spent two years of my life writing so much about them, and a part of me does still love the ship as well as the individual characters. I absolutely adore Eddie and Katherine, and for me when I think of Newt and Tina, and why I love them so much, I don’t think of JKR or Yates or anything else - I think of Eddie and Katherine, of their love for the fans as well as for their characters, of Eddie being vocal about Newt’s autism and Katherine turning up to a premiere of a film she is hardly in, a film she refused to promote, just to say hello to the fans who love her. They are what make Newtina special to me, NOT JKR.
At the end of the day, yes, I appreciate getting comments and kudos and love for the fic, however few they are. Anyone who’s taking the time to read what is currently 75 pages (roughly 40k+, if we’re including the chapter currently being written) of something I’ve written is amazing and I’m deeply grateful for them even if they don’t comment or whatever. But I’m primarily writing this because I want to - because I love the story of Titanic so much and I love the Newtina pairing, and this is bringing me some much needed joy in my life right now.
Anyway, it’s nearly 3am here and I’ve got work to suffer through in a few hours, so I’m going to go to bed thinking of Titanic and Newtina, and then tomorrow after work I’m going to enjoy myself as I carry on writing. Stay safe!
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Sunday morning
(NSFW Newtina ❤️. A glimpse into family life, desires, and sex in Newt’s case.🔥)
“You know what you’ve gotta do... Invisible only if they want to play hide-and-seek, alright?” Dougal exchanged a look of understanding as Newt carried him up from the basement.
The boys were snuggled in Tina’s lap reading Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump for at least the hundredth time. Newt set Dougal beside them on the living room floor. The kids popped up to take Dougal’s hands.
“Slow and gentle,” Newt reminded them as they headed off to their bedroom to play with the Demiguise.
“Occamy-Occamy-Phoenix!” Their youngest chanted, eager to play their rendition of Duck-Duck-Goose.
“Wait!” Tina stood up. With her hands on her hips, their mama was a formidable presence. The boys froze and turned to face her. “You two are not allowed to brush Dougal’s hair in order to add to your ‘secret’ collection. There will be no invisibility cloaks woven in this house until you’re older. Understand?”
“Not to worry, mum.” Their oldest assured her in familiar words and tone. He looked into Dougal’s eyes, brown in the present moment. “You don’t like to be brushed, do you?”
The Demiguise shrugged his shoulders. Now in old age, he actually didn’t mind a gentle brushing every so often, which the boys knew quite well.
“Dougal—“ Newt admonished for show. “Just games, now.”
Newt winked at the lot of them. He knew it would take years of brushings to collect enough Demiguise hair to weave into an invisibility cloak, but he certainly wouldn’t be the one to discourage their industrious children from trying.
Tina delighted in the impish crinkles on her husband’s cheeks, and she relished seeing his mannerisms mirrored in their boys. Her stern expression softened to a smirk, then melted to a smile as Newt turned to her. Mercy Lewis, I adore this man.Tina cocked her head in the direction of the case.
Newt hollered after the kids, “Your mum and I need to have... uh... a conversation. We’ll be in the case for about 15 minutes.”
“An hour.” Tina corrected him, clasping his hand and stroking his thumb. “The kids have crawled into bed with us every night for weeks,” she whispered, “We need at least an hour to ourselves; don’t you agree?”
Newt thrilled at her suggestion, as always, as in the days when they were new, and she was nearly all he could feel. “Absolutely,” he answered, stepping into the case with her.
“Where shall we...?” he asked once inside, caressing the hollow between her collarbones. “Where this time, Love?”
Her body steeped in the sensation. She allowed herself to feel the moment without grasping for him, persuading herself not to rush.
They stood at the threshold, dressed in the laziness of Sunday morning pajamas and bare feet. She stepped close, nuzzling his temple.
“Anywhere,” she murmured, “Newt, it’s been weeks. Anywhere... Everywhere.”
She traced his spine to the sacrum, exploring the sensitivity of his sacred bones.
His body responded, molding against her like sunburnt clay. Within their fit and the flash of color, his thoughts drifted to Arizona where they’d traveled years ago to make sure Frank had found his way home. He had of course.
Newt wanted that warmth with her now. He wanted the softness of sand worn through time by wind and by the wild flow of the river.
“The desert?” he invited, “An evening sky with a trillion stars.”
She held his hips as he played over her chest, unhooking buttons, delighting in the suppleness of her curves.
“The desert is perfect.”
“Colloportus.” Newt locked the case from inside. “Are you sure the kids will be okay on their own for an hour?”
“They’re not on their own. Dougal is babysitting.” She peeled up Newt’s shirt. He raised his arms, letting her strip it off and drop it to the floor.
“Come here.” He nudged her pajamas open. The buttons rested against the sides of her breasts, fuller now after pregnancies and years of nourishing their babies. He curled his fingers around the fabric of her pajamas and moved his thumbs over her bare skin — just a touch, not too much just yet.
Tina moaned softly. Of all the sounds in the world, this was his favorite — his wife feeling this. He tasted the sound with the tip of his tongue. The flavor was sweet, lingering with maple syrup from their breakfast of pancakes.
Tina’s chest brushed against his as she tasted him too. She tried to hold back, savoring the unhurried pace of reconnection. Between work and caring for the kids, it had been too long since they’d experienced this naked intimacy. It was incredibly seductive.
Tina pulled him flush against her. He stifled a groan as instinctual forces overtook their intention for slowness. They caught fire. He saw it in her eyes.
“Right now.”
He laced their fingers together and apparated them within the case to an empty habitat with soft rusty sand and an endless sky.
“I almost forgot. Accio...” Newt called a blanket from the shed. It laid itself out on the ground, and they tumbled onto it in a whirl of madness.
“Lumos.” Tina added an orb of soft light to the sky, just enough to see the details of each other without covering the stars.
“What do you want?” he asked, plucking kisses from her temple to the corner of her lips, tangling in the silk of her pajamas.
“I want this slow,” she claimed his mouth. “But... oh... if you keep touching me like that, then this won’t be slow.”
Newt adjusted to allow more subtle pleasure. He traced the grooves at the the top of her thighs, paused, and traced again
“You’re so soft.” His voice was thick with desire and restraint. He stilled again, prolonging motionless touch in the most tender spot, then moving in a tiny spiral.
She sucked his lips, his jaw, his neck with growing urgency as life force swelled in the depths of her.
“Agh...” The tug of her mouth stung his throat.
She pulled away. “Did I hurt you?”
“No.” He pulled her back, “Just a smidge, but no. Don’t be gentle with me. Please, not now. I need...”
He looked into her eyes without glancing away. She tangled with him too, stroking the length of him with insistence.
“Gah! Tina...”
“You need what?” She wanted to hear him say it.
“I know you want this slow... but I need... I need to be inside you.”
She slid her pajama pants down and kicked them off in invitation. “I want you inside me.”
“Already?” He followed her into nakedness, teasing her body with his.
“Newt, it’s been too long.” She grabbed his hips to guide him where she wanted, but then hesitated. “...It’s just that...”
“What, Love?”
“I want something else too. I want nothing between us. No barrier spells, no potions.”
“I want you to come inside me without any of that.”
The words were intensely erotic, and Newt had to will himself to hold back. They needed to discuss this.
“It’s risky, yes? I thought two kids was your limit, our limit.”
“Do you want two to be our limit?”
Newt flooded with oxytocin at the thought of their boys’ first smiles and downy baby hair, the first time they grabbed his finger with their tiny fists and held on. He wanted it all again, and Tina knew it. She’d known for a long time that he was wide open to having another child if she wanted one.
“I want what you want. You know that.”
Tina shifted her hips to bring him closer, poised on the verge of union. “I don’t know if it will happen, but I want another baby.”
Tears welled up in his eyes, but they didn’t fall. They spilled from hers instead. He kissed them from the corners of her eyelids. “Are you certain?”
“Feel how certain I am.” She opened to him, saturated with yearning.
He tested the waters. She was warm. So warm. “Darling, yes. Feel how certain I am too.”
She pulled him in. It was too hard for her to go slow. “I feel everything. Newt... you’re delicious.”
He rooted deep as she rolled on top of him . “Merlin...” All other whispers were lost as they fell into a rhythm, plucking each other like the chords of a love song played again and again.
Newt tried to switch positions, but she held him in place with a finger pressed to his sternum. “You said you didn’t want this gentle.”
“This is... Ahh, Tina... i know what I said, but if you don’t ease up a bit, then this won’t be slow.” His breathing was shallow. “You feel so good, and I’m already crazy here trying to wait for you.”
She whimpered as a flush crept over her chest. She was high. So high. “I’m... Oh... I... i can’t wait either... I’m...”
Her body clenched around his and tugged him to the edge. He checked in with her once again, “Are you sure about the possibility of a baby, because I’m... right there too... right here... I’m...”
“Yes,” she panted, “No barriers. No potions. Just... just come, Darling.”
Her words pulled him with her into the abyss. They cried out the names of ancient witches and wizards, saving each other’s names for last.
She collapsed onto his chest. He ran his fingers through her hair and down her back. “This is wild... magical.”
“Attempts at creation always are; don’t you agree?”
“It’s easy to agree with you today.”
“I feel the same.” As their throbbing eased, she rolled to his side and held him. “Thank you for the blanket and the stars.”
“My pleasure. Quite literally.”
“Mine too.”
“Thank you for the possibility of a baby,” he added, cradling her stomach. “What if it happened, Tina?”
She threaded her fingers with his, hoping. “Let’s wait and see.”
“Or we could be proactive and do that again.”
“Later.” She chuckled against his neck. “We need to rescue Dougal soon. Something tells me the boys are giving him a spa treatment. They’ll have that invisibility cloak woven before this baby is born.”
“I completely adore you.”
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So, one of these EFE might be kinda long? Like, potentially longer than any fic of mine to date. 
Currently, to my knowledge, my longest fic ever is a Newtina (Newt x Tina from the Fantastic Beasts series) fic called One Candles Light, Dispels The Night that I wrote...late spring of last year I think. And it is just over 1,900 words. Since then I have not wrote anything that long. 
But I feel one of my EFE prompts is inspiring me to make a new record. Probably just over 2K...but it still feels like it could be out that fic. Almost a year later XD. 
I’ll keep you all posted. 
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albinokittens300 · 4 years
Lights In The Sky- Part 2
Pairring: Newtina, Rated G/K
Summery: Newt follows Tina, and they end up having their own New Years celebration.
A/N- Part two and end to this mini fic! I had a lot of fun writing this fic, as I have not wrote sweet, happy Newtina stuff longer then a Drabble in a really long time. Don’t know if this means I will be posting more regularly, but I hope it does. Thank you @mythrielofsolitude for giving me the chance to write it! Hope you and everyone else really enjoyed it as much as I liked writing it :). 
Part One/Part Two
It takes some apperating throughout London, but they quickly find a place to watch one of the firework displays in the city. Though Newt visibly is unnerved at just how many people were crowded in the small park. Noticing this, Tina looks up and finds a building not far off and retakes Newt's hand to get his attention. Gesturing up to show him the more private area without people. It would be out of the way and offer them an even better place to watch the show. Quickly, they duck behind the building together and apperate up to the roof.
"We'll get a better view up here anyways!" Tina says once they move to look over the park below.
They make themselves comfortable. Using a spell to clear off the snow in an area close to the edge, and use a heating spell to warm it for themselves. Newt pulls out his pocket watch, holding it so they can tell the time and see when the clock strikes midnight. Tina sits beside him, close enough for them to share their warmth. Some months ago, Newt would surely be a nervous wreck at such contact. But he is used to it now and moves to wrap an arm loosely around her.
Perhaps he is a bit more than comfortable with it. The more they give this kind of affection, the more Newt realizes he wants more of it.
"It's been a long year." She mentions quietly, after a silent moment. "This time a year ago...Queenie was excited to have found a new bakery opened, one she was sure was Jacobs. I was hoping your letter came before the owls stopped for the holidays."
Newt smiles and nods. "I was worried about that letter getting to you. And trying to finish my book- some of the last edits, actually." He thinks. How things had changed.
"Newt...I wanted to thank you." She says after a moment of silence. It comes out as if the words had been in her mind and heart for a while.
"Whatever for?" Newt asks, curious.
"For being understanding. About me not being in the most festive mood. I miss Queenie so much it physically hurts some days. Her not being her made me question why I should be celebrating at all...but you and everyone else. You made me feel so much less alone by just being there. Thank you." Tina says. Tears in her eyes by the end of it. Though they were warm tears. Expressing her true gratitude.
Nodding, he understands. The group of survivors from the attack in Paris, plus Bunty (who became the shoulder they all needed, the one to listen when they needed someone who didn't understand or hurt they way the rest of them did) had become something of a makeshift family. After Paris, all of them were lost. But pulled through to help one another.
"I understand." Is all he can say. Though he wishes he could offer her some other solstice. But when he gently takes her hand and softly caresses it, Tina smiles to show him the meaning is clear.
Then, below them, the crowd starts counting down from ten. The two of them look down and follow along silently. The clock ticks to midnight, and they look up again to see the fireworks begin to explode above them. All different colors and shapes captivate both of them. For a while, they bathe in the colors before Newt spares a glance at his company and becomes even more entranced by the way the lights reflect in Tina's eyes. When she turns towards him and catches his look, though, his heart begins to beat twice as fast.
Tina decides to try something she had been hoping to for a while when she sees nothing but awe and tender love in his eyes, looking at her.
When she leans in and sees him doing the same, she quickly meets him in a deep kiss. Their lips meet, and warmth passed through them from the touch till the cold around them becomes a distant memory. Tina moves both her hands to hold and gently caress his face, and he moves his free arm to hold her by the waist the same way. They enjoy it for a moment, before pulling apart to rest their foreheads together.
It was first between them. Relief floods the couple. For months their feelings had been growing strongly, and the more sure they grew sure of their own love, the more nervous they were for knowing if that love was returned. There had been several times Newt was so close to telling her he loved her, or moments where Tina was seconds from pulling him into for a kiss. There was no questioning or doubting this now.
The whole thing felt fitting. A new year a new wonderful start for them. And both Newt and Tina could barely contain their excitement thinking about what could change and happen between them.
"Happy New Year, Tina," Newt says breathlessly, moving to peck her forehead tenderly through a wide grin.
"Happy New Year to you, too, Newt." She giggles back. Leaning closer into him.
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luthienebonyx · 5 years
Author interview
Tagged by: @seaspiritwrites
Name: Luthien. My real name also starts with L. I answer to L as well, so then I don’t have to think about which me I’m meant to be at any given moment.
Fandoms: At the moment, Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire, in the sense that I’m glancing at it sideways while the torrent of words continues. In the past, many others.
Where you post: AO3, these days.
Most popular oneshot: In this fandom, As Sunlight Drinketh Dew, which is probably the most explicit thing I’ve written for this pairing, and was also my first attempt at writing Jaime POV.
Across all the fandoms I’ve written in, and keeping in mind that a good chunk of my fanfic pre-dates the AO3 so this answer is really only in relation to the stories I’ve posted since around 2010, my most popular oneshot is, surprisingly, A Night to Remember. This is a Phryne/Jack Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries fic, which is also on the explicit side. (I think I’m sensing a pattern.) It’s one of those stories that just doesn’t die. I can never pick which ones those are going to be.
Most popular multi-chapter story: In this fandom, More Than a Memory. This was the first story I wrote for this fandom, apart from a couple of drabbles years and years ago, and it just came pouring out of me after the finale aired. I was very surprised that it had any real following at all, because I was a completely unknown writer in this fandom and the story is canon compliant right up to the end of Season 8, with everything that that means for this pairing.
In my fandoms on AO3 overall, the most popular multi-parter is A Fine Romance, which is an unfinished Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them newtina fic. I had to stop writing it for a while because my health crashed in mid-2017, and then the second movie pretty comprehensively jossed my plans for the rest of the story, but I think it captured the fandom vibe at the time it was being posted.
Favorite story you wrote: Right now, it’s probably Beloved, part of my After Everything fix-it universe (written partly to make up for writing More Than a Memory) because it’s a very ‘me’ story, and also because even though I finished it a few days ago, it’s still hanging around in my head. Once I get back to working on my Regency AU, You I Know, that will be the favourite, because that’s the story I’ve wanted to write for YEARS.
So far as past fandoms go, I’m still very fond of my Once Upon a Time rumbelle AU Plain Jane. That’s another one of those ‘me’ stories.
Story you were nervous to post: I feel as if I should say More Than a Memory, because I really honestly expected that hardly anyone would read it, but it was one of those stories that wouldn’t let me NOT write it, so it wasn’t like I had a choice about it. I just threw it out there.
I think probably As Sunlight Drinketh Dew was the one I was actually most nervous about, because it was my first time trying out Jaime POV, and that sort of thing is always nerve-racking.
As for stories from past fandoms... I can’t really remember? Except that I always HATE my stories right before I post them, so in that sense they all make me nervous.
How you choose your titles: On a wing and a prayer? Titles are the bane of my existence. Sometimes, if I’m really lucky, the title will come to me very early on, which is a huge relief. Other times, I’ll have a story finished and edited and ready to go - except that I don’t know what it’s called. Then I get out my big book of quotations, and google lyrics, and just hope to god that something jumps out at me. 
Weirdly, I haven’t had my usual titling trouble for most of the stories I’ve written in this fandom, but that might be more just my attitude. A vaguely appropriate title will cross my mind and I’ll just seize it and decide that “That’ll do!” It’s nice not to have to deal with these little title-related stress-outs.
Do you outline: Hahaha. I’ve TRIED to outline in the past. I just end up with scene drafts instead. 
My usual approach is to have a list of bullet points of the main plot beats, plus any other reminders to myself of details that I’m going to need further down the line. For my longer stories, I think of my list of bullet points as making up the skeleton, and then the flesh and blood of detail happens as I write. But no, I really wouldn’t dignify any of that with the description of ‘outline’. Outlining is something that happens to other people, I’m afraid.
Complete: In this fandom, 23. However, 18 of those complete stories belong to series that are still on-going, so their storylines are not yet complete even though the stories themselves are.
Overall? I have 122 complete works on the AO3, but that doesn’t include every fic I’ve ever written, so the actual answer is... I don’t know?
In-progress: In this fandom, two actual stories and two series. I need to get back to my Regency AU, You I Know, very soon. It’s currently at Chapter 8 of... many. I’m also partway through writing the second and last chapter of the latest Aussie Coffee ‘verse fic, On the first day of Christmas (my true love gave to me). In terms of series, obviously Aussie Coffee is still not finished - I still have another five (hopefully) short instalments to write once the Christmas fic is done - and After Everything still has at least one more story to go (which I’m currently working on).
In other fandoms... I think I’ll just sweep a few stories under the rug and pretend that they don’t exist.
Coming soon/not yet started: Coming soon: A Sansa bystander POV fic from right at the beginning of After Everything, when the ‘after’ bit hasn’t started yet - I’m not writing that series in chronological order. Also, the rest of the Christmas Day fic from Aussie Coffee, and FINALLY a new chapter of the Regency AU.
Not yet started: I have an idea for a musician AU kicking around in the back of my head, but it’s right at the bottom of the priority list, and probably will be for some time.
Do you accept prompts: I do sometimes, if I’m in the mood, or if I don’t have anything more pressing to write. (So yeah, not so much with the prompts right at the moment!) Usually only drabble prompts, though. I have two writing modes: drabbles of exactly 100 words, no more and no less, and “who the hell knows how long this thing will be?” I’d rather not get into anything in the second category by accident.
Upcoming story you are most excited to write: Regency, Regency, Regency!!!! I have SO MUCH planned for this story. I’m going to stuff every last Regency detail and plot point that I can think of into it - and I’ve been reading about and researching this period for decades, so I can think of A LOT. I’ve wanted to write a novel-length Regency AU through several fandoms, but I’ve never been well enough to commit to it before. But now, for some reason, I am well enough to just keep writing most days, and so I’m not losing writing momentum, and things like this are finally possible. AND I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT EVERYTHING ABOUT IT!!!!!
But the rest of the Aussie Coffee ‘verse is also going to be fun to write. The path it’s going to take isn’t the one that might seem most likely right now...
Tagging: @nire-the-mithridatist @woodelf68 @firesign23 @it-may-be-dull-but-im-determined @ladyem-fandom and anyone else who wants to do it.
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