lotusfeather-and-bone · 9 months
Dua Nebt-Het, Lady of the House,
As you guard what is most sacred
And allow for life to grow within ma'at.
All honor to you, Mistress of the Oasis,
Who provides nourishment to to the dead
In their journey across the Duat.
You who brings comfort to the spirits of the dead,
Be pleased with the songs and praises lifted to you
As we honor you this day.
Dua Nebt-Het!
Dua Nebt-Het!
Dua Nebt-Het!
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twojackals · 9 months
Day 5
Epag day 5: Happy Birthday, Nebt-het!
This is the final day of heriu-ronpet. Tomorrow is Wep Ronpet, the New Year, the echos and repetition of the first creation, the birth and rising of Ra on the horizon.
A thousand of everything that is good, to Netjer, and to each and every one of you.
She, Nebt-het, Who gives us triumph, Herald our victory! The East wind meets the West, You O Divine Sister. Lift Ra to Nut once more and let the darkness pass. Midwife to life, we also mourn the fallen here though death is not eternal. Care for our agony and pain as if Your own, O Mistress of the House lead us to contemplation. We call to You to lift the veil, show that which moonlight hides, refresh us at the Oasis between the desert and the hill. She Who saves the Gods and protects the land, with perfect love and perfect sight, we praise You, offer to You every thing that’s good, appease the flame and scorching breath that we may rest in friendship and nobility. Now and at our hour of end of life, bring beer and grain and wine and endless meat, we bend the back to You in great lament, You grasp our hand, transform our sorrow into praise: “Each moment is a choice, a gift, which does not change the past but builds upon it. Each brick, each step, cannot be for not the ones which came before.” You before the dawn of the First Day, we call You down, with us now and to the break of dawn.
(c) Nesiwepwawet | Graylynn
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veneration-of-truth · 9 months
Welcome! Em hotep!
I’m Toby (he/they) and this is the blog where I plan to post about my spirituality and Kemetic journey. I started exploring Kemeticism during the summer of 2022.
My intent with my spiritual journey is to facilitate understanding and acceptance of my human experience. It’s important to me that my spiritual practice feels purposeful and is personally meaningful. As such, I am using Kemeticism as a framework; adopting practices and beliefs that I see truth in, and giving them meaning by adapting them to suit my life.
I understand deities/netjeru as personifications of different truths, ideas, or themes. The primary netjeru I am working with:
Djehuty (Thoth)
Nebt-het (Nephthys)
Netjeru I am interested in connecting more with:
Wesir (Osiris)
Heru-wer (Horus)
Het-heru (Hathor)
Please follow along if you’d like! I would love to connect with other Kemetics!
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javasquats · 9 months
The dilemma of wanting to watch the sunrise on Wep Ronpet, but also wanting adequate time the night before to honor Nebt-het on her birthday while it’s dark. Why are the summer nights so short!!
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worship-of-the-gods · 2 years
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Epagomenal Day Five
Birthday of Nebt-Het
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sekhenetnut · 6 months
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azuremaenad · 9 months
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Happy birthday, Nebt-het!
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madamlaydebug · 1 month
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Hekaut: Invocation of the Neter ☥ ⚖ ☥
Come, you of beautiful forms, the crown is upon your head,
I salute you, arise!
You are upon your throne, you live in your sanctuary.
The words of magic are uttered from your mouth,
They bring life to the motionless, They dispel all abominations.
Auset Nebuut, Amenit, Menhet, Renpet Sep-et, Hetet, Hurt Thenenet, Ant, Sesheta Heget, Uadjit Mersekhen. Renpet Nebt Tept, T-hat Techetut, T-het, Shetat.
Nuk Ba Auset Ankh en Ma'at Udja Seneb Neb Hetupu ☥ ⚖ ☥
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shxinny · 1 year
Netkheru felinos (parte 5)
¡Hola, chiques! ¿Que tal? Espero que estén muy bien, pues hoy les traigo la ultima parte de este post llamado ''Netkheru felinos'' ¡Empecemos!
16) Weret-Hekau
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Esposa de Re-Horakhty, netkher de la magia, quien lleva el nombre y titulo de ''Grande en magia'', protectora de los difuntos y netkher funeraria. Era representada cómo una mujer con cabeza de leona o cómo una mujer portando el disco solar. Fue asociada con Aset (Isis), Sekhmet y Mut.
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Imagen: yangzeninja
17) Menhit
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Esposa de KhNum y An-Her y madre de Heka, netkher de la cacería, la guerra, la realeza y guía de los guerreros. Es representada cómo una mujer con cabeza de leona. Fue asociada con las netkherut Aset, Net/Neith, Tefnut (Tfenis), Sekhmet y Nebtu. Es portadora del titulo ''Ojo de Ra''.
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18) Tefnut (Tfenis)
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Consorte de Shu (también es su hermana) y KhNum, hija de Itemu (Atum), madre de Geb y Nut, abuela de Ausar/Asar/Asir/User (Osiris), Aset, Nebt-Het (Neftis) y Sutekh (Seth/Set/Tifón) y bisabuela de Heru Ur y Heru el joven. Es una (de las tantas) protagonistas del mito de la diosa lejana. Netkher del aire húmedo, el rocío y la humedad. Es representada cómo una mujer con cabeza de leona. Fue asociada con las netkherut Het-Heret, Sekhmet y Bast.
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Imagen: Yliade
19) Taweret (Tueris)
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Si bien no es una netkher representada como un felino, sí porta características de ellos. Esposa de Bes, netkher de la maternidad, protectora de las personas embarazadas, partera, netkher protectora y ahuyentadora de demonios, es representada cómo una hipopótamo con cola de cocodrilo y patas de león.
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20) Wenut/Wenet (Unut)
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Netkher de la protección, una netkher prehistórica, su contraparte y consorte es Wenenu, se dice que Wenenu es una de las facetas de Ra o de Ausar. Lamentablemente no se tiene mucha información recopilada de ella, pero se cree que estaría ligada también a la realeza y protectora del faraón y la reina.
Es representada cómo una mujer con cabeza de liebre, serpiente o leona.
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21) Mau
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Y para finalizar esta lista, si bien no es un netkher, sí es un animal sagrado el cual era adorado por el pueblo de Kemet, estoy hablando del gato sagrado Mau, quien estuvo presente en la creación del primer netkher y fue testigo de esto. Mau es uno de los tantos animales sagrados del pueblo de Kemet (gato que, por cierto, si existe).
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Y este ha sido el último post de esta serie, espero les haya gustado, nos veremos en un próximo post.
Recuerden que tienen todas mis redes sociales y la Per-Ankh (biblioteca), donde encontrarán diversos libros con diversa información, ligados a mi Beacons ¡Adiós!
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sandandlightning · 2 years
Kemetic Calendaring
The Ancient Egyptian Calendar is not easy to adapt to the Gregorian, and there are several Kemetic groups who have adapted it in many different ways, leaving a solo practicing Kemetic with many choices that can feel intimidating. I’m gonna go over some of the basics here and how and why I made decisions for the calendar I use for my personal practice.
Seasons and Months
First things first, we still have 12 months! But only 3 seasons, each with 4 months. This is the first thing I bring up because of how Egyptians wrote their dates. Rather than use the name of each month, they used the number of the month within the season and the seasons name, then the individual day. (in modern terms, this would be like writing June 5th as 1 Summer 5) I stick to this format, ngl, some of the months are very very hard for my dyslexic brain to spell.
The Seasons:
Akhet (the flood season)
Peret (the planting season)
Shomu (the harvest season)
Fortunately, information on the seasons is much more consistent and clear! Yay! An actual hecking miracle, praise be unto Re.
The Months:
Okay, so, if you want you can go on a deep dive and see the different names of different months from different periods or languages, or different spellings and romanizations of those names (check out my resources page). For peace of mind I used Sharon from KemeticIndependant’s romanizations, which are of the new kingdom names of the months. (With the exception of Epipi, because sometimes it's romanization gets too close to the name of the no-no noodle for comfort)
Each month had a deity associated with it, and sometimes that month’s name was the same as the deity.
Djehutet (1 Akhet)
Pa’en Opet (2 Akhet)
Hat-Hor (3 Akhet)
Ka-Her-Ka (4 Akhet)
Ta’Ibet (1 Peret)
Makhir (2 Peret)
Pa'en-Amunhotepu (3 Peret)
Pa'en-Rannutet (4 Peret)
Pa-Khonsu (1 Shomu)
Pa'en-Inet (2 Shomu)
Epipí (3 Shomu)
Mosen-Ra (4 Shomu)
Each month was 30 days long, divided into 3 10 day ‘weeks’ or decans. (I find following the 10 day decan schedule much better for my mental health, but I know that’s not a luxury everyone can afford)
To align with the correct number of days in a solar year, there are 5 intercalary days that do not belong to any month. These 5 days are the birthdays of Wsir, Heru, Set, Aset, and Nebt-het.
Their weekdays did not have names, and they just listed the full date (probably easier to keep track of scheduling with a decan similarly to how the metric system works. You know it's one decan away if it's the same main number 5-15-25, that sort of thing.) I did, while checking out a kemetic calendar app from the Earth Center, enjoy their structure of certain weekdays being marked for rest or ancestor/divinity offerings. I didn’t see anything like that elsewhere and didn’t dig too deep to find their sources, but I thought it was a nice structure regardless of how modern it may or may not be ^^
Adapting to Gregorian Dates:
This is where it gets messy. The start of the new year in Egypt began with the rise of the star Sirius. So one of the main deviations between calendars is when to count that date (and having to make that decision made me put off making my own calendar for a long time). See, Sirius doesn’t rise when it did way back when, and that date continues to subtly change. Some set up their calendars by setting the first day of the year as the day Sirius rises in modern times. Some who had taken that approach in the past (maybe the 80s?) then set a fixed calendar, making their calendar a few days off from someone who aligned their calendar with the rise of Sirius in 2022 0r 2023. And then there are those who decide to simply stick with a date from antiquity. I personally use the KemeticIndependant’s date for the new year, cited there as when Sirius would have risen in Tut’s time. (And to my understanding, this is a more popular date for those who chose to use a date from antiquity.) So for me, the new year begins on July 18th.
Another struggle with adapting the kemetic calendar to a modern one is that everything is based on the season of the Nile. Many modern pagans live in temperate zones with 4 seasons, or at the very least certainly don’t have the luxury of Egypt’s exact seasonal patterns. This means that a lot of holidays won’t line up with modern or even other pagan equivalents. Some do (shout out to the Hakar festival for being around Samhain) But you’re going to run into a lot of harvest festivals in march. Some more eclectic focused pagans may find adapting festivals to dates that make more sense seasonally will fit their needs better. I considered doing this for a long time, as I also celebrate the wiccain wheel of the year sabbats and nothing really lined up. I would still celebrate the Egyptian new year on the 18th of July, but move harvest festivals to fall and so on. While in the end I decided it wasn’t the right fit for me, it might be for someone else!
If you’re wondering about leap years- there is some accounting for that in the kemetic calendar! I’ll admit, I saw this information in passing and don’t remember it well, but gist was that they didn’t count the year as passed until 4 years had gone by. I’m not sure if they had a whole leap day per say, and may edit this later with an update on some research, but the takeaway is that dont feel bad for just treating feb 29 as intercalary so it doesn’t throw off your whole groove.
I am thinking of eventually putting up my nice pretty formatted 13 page kemetic calendar up somewhere. Though I will want to offer a version that is less specific to my personal practice, I may put my own up for reference for anyone who is curious ^^
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divinecoyote · 1 year
Em hotep lovely friend! Could I possibly have a Njeteru reading from you? I'm looking for advice/encouragement on a pretty big life change I'm debating. I primarily work with Auset/Ausar/Set/Nebt-het, but whoever feels like chiming in can lol
Em hotep! I apologize for this being so late, and appreciate your patience!
I had Aset-Tjenenet specifically come forward for you, in addition to the Ace of Cups. While Aset-Tjenenet can be a syncretism, I believe this is actually Aset using Tjenenet as a title. In her own right, Tjenenet deals with rebirth and renewal.
“You already know what decision to make- you have everything you need to know prepared. It is scary to make a change, but know that we are always with you, always there watching and waiting to help. We want the best for you, and want you to live your life! Fly free, and we will catch you if you fall.”
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Interested in a free reading? Check out my services post!
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Happy Wep Ronpet! Dua the njeteru!
Chaos has been defeated and today the sun rise again on a new year!
Dua Re!
Dua Ausar!
Dua Auset!
Dua Heru-wer!
Dua Set!
Dua Nebt-het!
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I was a bit in my feels today and did not wake up in time to watch the sun rise as I had planned. Instead I had a nice quiet day with my deities, relaxing and resting as we brought in this new solar cycle. I performed my execrations (red pot and snake cakes) and worked on unpacking my new apartment to bring order to the chaos of moving.
Oh! And as promised; the derpy snake cupcakes from Wednesday! I had my witch group over that night and was thrilled to teach them about this aspect of my practice and my spirituality. They each made their own red pots for today as well.
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twojackals · 9 months
Beginning of the End
Today is A'areq Ronpet (the last day of the Kemetic year).
Tomorrow begins the Days upon the Year, or those days which are "in between" this year and the next. On each of these days is birthed a God, in order: Wesir (or Osiris), Heru-wer (or Horus the Elder), Set, Aset (or Isis), and Nebt-het (or Nephthys).
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Shrine is set up for the New Year in my personal tradition: The God of the current Year (on the left: Heru-Sema-Tawy in this case, or the statue I chose to represent Him) holds all of the beads for the individual Gods for the Days upon the Year as mentioned above.
Each day, an individual beadset (all are created by me) is returned to the God of the day, one by one, and the candle is lit. Prayers and offerings are made throughout the day.
When Wep Ronpet (the New Year) arrives on Saturday, the beads are transferred to the new God of the Year. Sometimes I'm unable to do this right away, as depending on who the God is, I may not have an appropriate statue, so in that case they will be put in a safe waiting place.
(And of course everyone is attended by my Jackal hoard)
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Now, I know what you're thinking:
I've made so many grievance posts about the House, KO, and Hemet, why would I trust the Oracle of the Year now that comes specifically from all of these things?
But what people keep missing about my posts is that I've never criticized her accuracy in terms of spirituality: I've been criticizing mostly the administrative side, how things are run, the way things like the rules and the board work, the lack of interaction between Hemet and the community, and the fact that her position in the organization has been inflated to say the list (the idea of "King").
That does not take away Hemet's talent and skill for what she does in a spiritual sense. I don't need to consider her King to consider her deeply spiritually accurate in many things. She is talented in divination, and it is one reason I accept my Parentage whole heartedly (in addition to the fact that I can know it is correct from my own interactions) -- though I'm not going to say she cannot err in terms of divination, as we all can -- and I will accept an Oracle coming from her for the year to come.
I've never been out to say Hemet is a bad person and that no one should follow her. Just the opposite: I would encourage people to listen to Hemet, because she has extremely important things to say.
I just really wish we had all heard more of those things on a regular basis.
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9th-house-sun · 9 months
Who am I?
I often forget I have this thing, so forgive the lack of posts. Hello! I'm Laurie. You may know me from other places as Asetwedjbai, Wedjbai, laurb0t, or something else. I'm a divined remetj in the House of Netjer. If you're familiar with the lingo I am a daughter of Aset and beloved of Hethert, Wesir, Yinepu, Nut, and Nebt-het. I formerly held the positions of shemsu and shemsu-ankh. I'm not active much these days as I've been pulled into a different direction and put aside my relationship with netjer. Currently, I'm working with the celestial spheres, fixed stars, and Greco-Roman deities (Apollo, Asclepius, Artemis, and Hekate) which is outside of my comfort zone but fulfilling.
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jarwoski · 2 years
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sistazai · 2 years
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I promised an epic drama about a jealous brother (Set) who kills his older brother (Ausar) for the love of power and control. I also promised to share the story about how two ride or die sisters (Auset and Nebt-het) fashioned a golden penis so they could conceive a child, Ausar’s heir (Heru) who would avenge the murder. Sound like a lot of dramas you read and theatre you’ve watched, right? Which ones? Would you care to share with me in the comments? . . Before we begin, allow me to introduce one of the last major characters in this epic tale. His name is Ausar. He wears two ostrich feathers in his headdress, carries a crook in one hand and a flail in the other, and he has green skin. Do you remember the green skin dancers in Beyoncé’s Black Is King? Which song was that again? I’m sure it’s related 👁 Ausar eventually becomes the Ruler Of The Underworld. He starts off as a King in the world of the living. He is the son of Nut (Mother Sky) and Geb (Father Earth). His wife/consort/complement/sister is Auset. His brother is Set; and Set’s wife is his baby mama (yep … that might possibly explain why his brother Set was so vengeful, but it doesn’t excuse Set’s actions). What did Set do? Well, he killed Ausar - twice, motivated by jealousy and greed. Ausar ruled vegetation - the flooding of the Nile is associated with him. He brought seeds, cultivation and civilisation to the people. His green skin symbolises fertility, abundance. The flooding Nile is connected to the stars as well … more on that later maybe as we enter the time of the “Lions Gate”. . . The last slide shows Ausar’s resurrection through the effort of his ride or die wife Auset and her ride or die sister Nebt-het (Ausar’s baby mama). Listen! I said drama but there wasn’t any beef between the two sisters. In fact, they help each other to raise each other’s children, keeping the babies safe from Set’s wrath until they are old enough to take their rightful places and fulfil their purpose as divinities. What’s your purpose, divine being, despite the drama-distraction? . . God Is A Black Womban is streaming from the link in my profile @sistazai or linktr.ee/sistazai https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfr4L05hiI1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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