#nightmares little monsters <3
keikoyume · 9 months
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Nghhhhhhh Ferryman my beloved
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randybutternubber · 6 months
EAT MY NUTS (feeling bold)
warning for flashing, bright colors and slight blood. Super proud of this animation, probably one of my favorites, I made it a few days.
(This isn’t meant to demonize six or mono)
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queen0fm0nsterz · 10 months
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CLOSEUPS OF LOW AND ALONE!!! Great reference for my artist, these are renders made for the announcement of the Diorama I believe.
Bonus: closeup of... Monster Baby. She's. Uhm. Lovely😁
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umbrarkzoo · 1 month
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w1lmuttart · 7 months
You know when you find something in your files that feels like an ancient relic?
Anyway I found the only remnant left of an animatic I made two years ago and never finished lol
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prof-ramses · 8 months
Breaking down the new LN3 footage
HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT this was really wild, we basically got a collage of everything to expect from the Necropolis and what do you mean "pre-alpha gameplay footage"? This already looks amazing! Now let's start the actual breakdown
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The area on the other side of the mirror seems to be the place where we see Low and Alone get pulled into the mirror in the reveal trailer, so that'll probably the beginning of the beginning for the game.
It's interesting to note that the Necropolis seems to be completely walled off from the surrounding desert.
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I might be reaching here but that fact that a crow, an animal that's only previously been associated with the North Wind, is the first living obstacle the kids encounter is very interesting.
I can't, for the life of me, tell what era or region clothes the Dwellers are supposed to be wearing so if anyone can tell me, that'd be a big help.
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We've had numerous variations of the eye symbol with various meanings ascribed to each, so, again, if anyone can point out any previous instances of this particular version of the eye, please do so.
Quicksand will be a hazard in the Necropolis and more than anything I'm just astonished there wasn't a sand burrower.
The Hercules Beetles are way nastier than I thought, likely because of their disgustingly realistic buzzing, makes feel less bad that Baby already killed most of them.
The bundled bodies around the area are definitely concerning, maybe the Dwellers use to preserve corpses as "offerings" to Monster Baby.
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BABY CAN TURN HER EYE BEAMS OFF! This took me completely by surprise, the implications of this are very fascinating to think about.
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The kids, or specifically, Low, wake up in a room with padded walls, implying their either in the sewing room of the Seamstress from the Lonely Way (not good), or the Counties Psychiatric Institute (really not good) and on top of that, darkness closes in around them. While we're on it, Lowe wakes up in the same way the protags of previous games do when you respawn and in the same situation that they (and Noone) do too, as their caught by a resident.
One last thing, the blue to grey pulse on the logo screen feels eerily like a heartbeat, and given the top of the "main" mirror almost looks like a heart...
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cringenamehere · 10 months
Guys Gals Non-binary pals Mono had T.V powers He can go through the T.Vs and he became the Thin Man Now In the trailer We see Alone fall into a mirror And their face is covered Now hear me out on this What if Alone is The Mirror Monster?
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ashscarce · 9 months
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Creatures in the pipes
More LN fanart man i can't stop thinking about this thing. 
this is kind of a fan/ theory design for those weird pipe hands. i noticed in the poster there were large beetles so i took that as them being connected in some way. while there are regular looking beetles, the king? ruler? is more humanoid with twisted limbs and drooping skin
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inafieldofdaisies · 6 months
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Sweet Home 2 | 스위트홈 | Sweet Home, Season 2 | Opening sequence
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ultimateanna · 10 months
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Little Nightmares III (video game) - Gallery
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eyerolls-the-view · 8 months
Happy birthday @fungusry!! I think a group photo's the best time to remember all the folks we love, especially for you! 🥰💗🍄💕
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The gang's all here!! Birthday text version under the cut!
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grim-faux · 10 months
its coming
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randybutternubber · 3 months
The fact that some kids come from “our” world makes a lot of sense if you consider the OG comics. In the second comic with the humpback girl and her (shit ass) friends, they’re completely unaware of the existence of monsters, and from a throwaway line, it’s heavily implied that the humpback girl had encountered the north wind in some form. She also encounters the mirror monster and the ferryman. This makes me think that all three do have the power to cross worlds and take children back with them, and that there’s something about the humpback girl that made her a target. At the end of TSON, the ferryman says something about children blooming(NOT IN THE SENSE OF PUBERTY) which I personally think is when a child stands up/faces their fears, which is shown when all of them are taken. Noone fought back against the one armed dummy and faced the ferryman, the refugee boy refused to run from the north wind, and the Humpback girl looked into the mirror despite being afraid.
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queen0fm0nsterz · 9 months
Thoughts on how TSON will tie into the lore of LN3?
As of the location of the last episode, as well as explaining some more small chunks of lore and locations to expand the world, I think TSON is preparing us already for what we will see next with Low and Alone. Give us something to expect, as well as a minimal explanation of how the Nowhere works, because this is information we need to know for Low and Alone's story to make sense.
Six's story, which was the main plot line of Little Nights up until now, explained how she travelled the world only to end up right at the place waiting for her. A destructive cycle of events that had set locations (the Pale City, the Tower, the Maw -- the Nest being a small detour but an interesting addition to the bunch) and events. Whether you believe Six left the Maw or not (I like to think the former), hers was a story about losing a part of herself to the world she tried to desperately to flee, and while she "won" that piece back, she will never be the same again. It did not necessarely need to elaborate on whether the world itself was her "home" or not -- though it was always strongly implied it was not.
It did try, though. The discontinued comics were an attempt at showcasing that the world beyond the Maw was vast, and that there was even ANOTHER world beyond that same dimension, with the tales of the Refugee Boy and the Humpback Girl respectively. However, at the time, it was confusionary: we didn't know anything but the Maw, so many fans misconstrued what was trying to come across, and ultimately this partially led to the decisions that had the comics be discontinued and the DLC be made instead.
The podcast to me is just that: to make up for those discontinued comics. Some of these storylines sound very similar to the ones you would read about in the Little Nightmares comics in structure: I would not be surprised to find some concepts from them were reused, modified to fit the plot of the podcast and even added to the lore of Little Nights III.
A lot of people seem to think that Mirror Man and North Wind will both make an appearance and frankly, I can see why. I am leaning more strongly on Mirror Man: I wish to see him in action in his own realm considering Low's abilities.
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I've heard some concerns about the game potentially reusing the comic characters, but personally I find it a brilliant opportunity to expand on them. Mirror Man in particular is a... blank slate, essentially. He does have a minimum of characterization (<- post where I analyse just that) but besides that you could go wild with him. I'm interested to see if they do bring him forward.
Anyhow, sorry for derailing. As of episode four, we have been brought to a location that seems to match the circus we see in the trailer of Little Nightmares III. Considering the information we are given, it seems that it is suspended in the sky, with it being a literal ship floating above land.
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(Two images depicting the "carnival" as seen in the trailer [top] and the steam page for LN III [bottom])
The idea of such a location is an interesting one and, considering the nature of the Spiral, possibly not that far out of reach. It was mentioned that Low and Alone would be travelling behind the Spiral... considering the nature of the Necropolis, which was mentioned to be a city powered by wind, I wonder if the spiral is... a giant hurricane. Or storm. And the locations are all in the middle of it - in its eye, stacked on different points in altitude.
It would be just as Noone said if that was to be the case: places who are on top of each other, like the building she's in, but that do not work together. I think that for this reason, the locations we have seen in the podcast such as the Stone Giant and the Mall might return later on as locations in LN III in some shape of form.
... We have seen a stone giant already...
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.. although it would be more metaphorical than literal in this case as the Stone Giant was not really described as a giant baby thing, and the location is different, but you get what I mean hopefully!
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crazysnor1ax · 1 year
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A little treat for you guys :eyes:
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w1lmuttart · 2 years
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So I have noticed a thing
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