#obligatory Meddling Kids!! line at the end
shprka · 2 years
The true missed opportunity of Stranger Things should have been the older teens all solving the season's mystery together, Scooby Doo style and all the chaos that would cause
First and most obvious you have Nancy and Steve who have history
Steve and Jonathan who had a fight and Nancy basically cheated on Steve with Jonathan
Nancy and Jonathan are the only couple in the group and are disgustingly in love
Then you have Billy who has beef with everyone but he's the most intimating and strong and knows how to fight so they need him (who also inserts himself into the group because he's nosy, hates being left)
Billy is smarter than everyone gives him credit for (not book smarts but street smarts and the most emotionally intelligent out of the group, even though he acts like a dick). He keeps Nancy on her toes and Billy obviously doesn't like how she acts like she's better than him and also because she cheated on Steve
Him and Steve are rivals too but Billy likes Steve the best from the group but doesn't know how to show it
Steve is trying to be civil but is convinced Billy hates him, and is just plain tired of his bullshit. Also Billy beat the shit out of him that one time and they haven't resolved that so there's that
Also Steve is confused because Billy is bullying him but it feels like flirting (it is, in fact, just Billy flirting but in his dumb way)
Billy also has beef with Jonathan because of his involvement in the Steve/Nancy situation but also Billy sees himself in Jonathan, they have a lot in common and Billy hates how meek Jonathan is, even though he was strong enough beat the shit out of Steve
Robin she just eats snacks and is watching all the drama and chaos unfold
Robin is nosy but likes to keep her secrets close, like maybe she had a crush on Nancy at some point, and now she's BFFs with Steve and also knows Billy is super gay for Steve
Maybe Robin and Jonathan were friends when they were in primary school because they were outcasts and relentlessly bullied but stopped talking to each other suddenly and kept pretending like they don't know one another
Also Nancy (for all her book smarts) is bad at feelings so she's convinced that Robin and Steve are secretly dating and that Billy hates and bullies Steve
Their team name is the Scooby Gang
Also because it's fun Billy would be the Fred of the group, Steve is Daphne, Nancy is Velma, Jonathan has major Shaggy vibes and Robin, idk, I don't wanna say Scooby but then I laugh when I imagine her in a scooby fursuit 😆
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the-final-sif · 4 years
Actually, now that I’ve talked about my headcanon that Katsuki was kidnapped several times as a child, let me talk about a complete random scene/story arc inspired by that and the fact that Katsuki + Izuku + Shouto are all interning with Endeavor now.
Overhaul breaks out of jail and gets his arms back somehow. He’s gone quite a bit nuts. A lot nuts. He’s surpassed ‘focused villain trying to do one thing that he sees as right’ to more of a ‘just want to watch the world burn’. To that end, he sets about getting a team together to catch a certain group of meddling heroes, and to rekidnap a certain child.
A second hideout raid of sorts is planned and goes down, only this time, it was a trap. Izuku/Shouto/Endeavor/Hawks/Kirishima/Tamaki/Fatgum/Tsuyu/Ryuko/Ochako were on the raid team and were caught. Aizawa who was watching over Eri while she had a playdate with Tsuyu’s younger sister, Satsuki, are all also captured. Overhaul had a very specific team set up, knew about them in advance and planned out counters for each person. Alongside that, he used his quirk to create a giant beast like robot that’s made of metal able to withstand even Deku’s punches and Shouto/Endeavor’s flames. Said robot is roughly modeled/made to take on the LOV’s nomu, but non-organic. Notably, Katsuki wasn’t on the hideout raid team (or aware of the raid), because he had a Obligatory Family Trip planned on the same day and so wasn’t at the internship then.
Izuku had managed to put in a distress call before he was taken down, but all the heroes + victims were moved to a different location afterwards in an old long abandoned hideout in the middle of the woods, and there’s about no chance of anyone tracking them down any time soon.
So that leads us into the main scene. The heroes are all captured/restrained up near Overhaul whose ranting on about using Eri to destroy the world/destroy quirks once and for all and then rule over it with a robotic army which is the only thing he considers “clean” anymore. Meanwhile, Eri and Satsuki are down in a different location in a cell of their own (to prevent the heroes from comforting the children), and there’s a camera system in place so the heroes can see the helpless children.
Overhaul demands Eri be brought to whatever Evil Machine he’s devised, and one of his goons goes to get her, but Satsuki fights back against the goon and actually does a pretty damn good job of it. Which leads to Overhaul demanding that the goon kill her.
There’s nothing any of the heroes can do. Satsuki fights back as best she can, as does Eri, but they’re both only 6 years old and Eri’s quirk isn’t working. They struggle, but it’s looking hopeless, and Aizawa tries to tell Tsuyu to close her eyes because he knows what’s about to happen next.
And then the entire dungeon the two girls are in shatters.
Everything is chaos for the next minute as Overhaul tries to figure out what the hell just happened, getting his cameras back in order until finally he gets a visual and contact with one of his goons just before they get taken down and it’s Katsuki.
He’s in a flannel, regular pants and his combat gloves, very clearly confused/pissed off/not prepared for whatever the hell is going on here, and it takes them awhile to figure out what’s going on.
As it turns out, Katsuki has been hiking a trail near this hideout since he was 4 years old. His family drags him up to a nearby location to visit some extended family, he has 0 interest in doing that, so he goes and hikes/camps along a trial instead. Every year he hikes this fairly long trail, and every year he sees this weird abandoned building that he’s gone to explore a few times, and every year the first thought in his mind is ‘Man, that place looks exactly like a villain hideout’.
Then this year, he comes up on it, minding his own business with his headphones in, and he sees the building active again with people with weird masks running around in it, and he’s got a super bad feeling in his gut that just slams into him and he goes ‘Alright, fuck it.’
So now Katsuki is here, he grabs the kids and gets them to a semi-safe location, getting info from them and trying to understand what’s going on. Once he gets it, this turns into a game of him keeping the kids safe from Overhaul, taking down his goons as he goes and working his way towards where the other heroes are. Only, we’re going with the aforementioned headcanon that Katsuki has been kidnapped a bunch of times as a child and never realized that wasn’t normal. This leads to the heroes watching him on the cameras with an increasingly pissed off Overhaul as he walks the two children through how deal with being kidnapped as if these are normal everyday life skills.
Overhaul really, really wants him dead, but unfortunately his team was handpicked to counter the heroes who he’s already captured, and he wasn’t counting on Katsuki showing up. Katsuki’s quirk is flexible and very destructive + Katsuki’s combat skills means he’s pretty much a worst case scenario for Overhaul. Even worse, Katsuki successfully took down the com lines so there’s no communication through the scattered goons, and Katsuki played in this abandoned hideout as a child so he knows his way around it. 
Ideal things happening during all of this:
Aizawa torn between being overjoyed that Katsuki saved Eri and then horrified/so done with this child as he walks Eri and Satsuki through how to use knives and grenades.
Katsuki being confused that neither Eri nor Satsuki know how to use a knife.
“Okay, did I have a weird childhood or did you two have a weird childhood. I can’t tell.”
Katsuki gives both children knives, and gives Eri a second knife when she loses her first one (and by loses I mean it ends up embedded in a bad guy’s shoulder)
Izuku keeps pulling notebooks and pencils out of seemingly thin air since Katsuki is openly discussing his quirk/aspects of it with the kids as they make their way through the base and by god he needs to write it down. Overhaul keeps taking his notebooks/pencils but the moment he looks away Izuku somehow has another set.
Katsuki keeps mentioning offhandly things from his childhood and the more things he mentions the more all the other heroes are like “????????”
Finally, Overhaul realizes there’s no chance of his guys taking down Katsuki as Katsuki finishes off the last or second to last one, and so he unleashes The Robot.
By this point, Katsuki already called for backup, but it’s at least half and hour out. He sees the robot and he’s like “Ah fuck.”. Eri and Satsuki already told him a little bit about it and particularly that it’s built to withstand anything short of a nuclear weapon. Not to mention it’s decently fast/agile.
And then when Eri is hurriedly relaying all this to Katsuki, she mentions that Overhaul built it himself.
Katsuki: “Wait like, he actually designed and built it. Overhaul’s the guy with the weird purity/evolution obsession right? He made this? Not somebody smarter?”
She confirms and Katsuki is suddenly No Longer Worried: “Okay, you two chill here, I got this.”
So then he goes to fight the weird beast robot, and nobody’s really sure what he’s planning. As he starts fighting it, he seems to be blasting it’s head into stuff a lot/slamming it around, but that’s not doing any actual damage, right?
See, Overhaul’s somewhat of a moron who put all of the robot’s processing/”brain” into the head area, because that’s how things are supposed to be in his mind. Katsuki figured the guy would probably pull something like this, and so he gives the robot a bunch of repeated strikes to the head area/knocking it around. Because even if the outside is super tough, that kinetic energy still travels through and can do damage to delicate circuit boards.
In layman’s terms, he gives the robot a series of minor concussions until it adds up.
The robot starts to malfunction, going somewhat rouge/pausing/getting stuck places/etc. But it’s still not destroyed and the heroes aren’t sure what Katsuki’s planning next. Katsuki is quite sure of what he’s planning next though. He lures the robot outside and then traps it in place with some large rocks or some rope or something. It’s not going to hold it for very long, but it’s enough to keep the weakened robot in place.
Then he takes aim with one arm as if he was doing an AP shot.
Everyone (heroes and Overhaul included) are kinda like ‘okay what the heck’ because even Katsuki’s strong blasts aren’t enough to really damage the robot’s exterior. Why would trapping it change that?
Then blue starts to spread up Katsuki’s arm along his veins, his hand starts to crackle and there’s 1-2 seconds of “wait WHAT” before Katsuki unleashes a blast on par with that of a small nuclear weapon. The explosion is bright blue, narrowed down to a fine point like Katsuki’s regular AP spot, but once it hits it’s target, it explodes outwards disintegrating the robot and taking out a good chunk of the surrounding land. The whole hideout is shaken to it’s foundation. Windows shatter, some cameras crack, and when the dust clears, Katsuki’s standing tall.
His left arm is still covered by that spiderweb blue though, and it’s hanging limply at his side.
Okay, so this is 90% me making up science but shhhh
So as the heroes quickly learn as an exhausted/barely on his feet Katsuki stumbles back to the kids who of course have questions, this is apparently something Katsuki has been able to do since he was 6.
He calls it “Blue Core”, and it makes his explosions super powerful by pulling nitrogen from the rest of his arm/blood stream/flesh and stocking it all up.
However, he basically never uses it because it comes at a really high cost, namely it takes several seconds of charging, does a ton of collateral damage, and by using it it takes whichever arm he used out of commission for at least the next 24 hours. He can still use his quirk a little with the other one, but it’s heavily weakened.
Obviously he can’t use this in training either, so he never thought to mention it to his teachers.
The heroes + Overhaul just watch stunned for like a solid minute as he starts making his way towards where the heroes are being held hostage with the kids because what the fuck.
Finally though, Overhaul snaps out of it and goes to fight the weakened Katsuki. The kids hide when Overhaul comes out and he throws Katsuki against a wall or something b/c he’s heavily weakened and can’t really fight with his quirk anymore, and then he struts over to him monolouging and ready to claim victory as Katsuki is laying there, slumped over and barely breathing.
And then the moment Overhaul gets close to him, Katsuki is up in a flash and the heroes can hardly even see what happened, but the next thing they know Overhaul is on the ground screaming bloody murder clutching his eyes and Katsuki is holding a blood stained knife. Then he gives Overhaul a curb stomp and he is OUT.
It should be noted, this is not any of the knives that he gave to Eri/Satsuki.
Someone, maybe Aizawa: “How many knives does he have???? I thought he was hiking????”
Shouto: “Oh yeah, at one point during the remedial courses we were babysitting kids together and he mentioned to me that he had 7 knives that day, and I honestly couldn’t tell if he brought more or less knives than he normally carried because of the children. Still not sure actually.”
Izuku: “I know he usually carried around 4 knives when we were kids but part of that was he had limited areas to hide them back then.”
Fatgum and Tamaki are both completely baffled and trying to fit this guy they’ve just been watching with the person that Kirishima described Katsuki to them as.
Anyways, so then Eri & Satsuki get the keys and go to free the heroes which are fairly close by while Katsuki guards Overhaul to prevent him from pulling a ‘gotcha’ on them. And also because the heroes are up a flight of stairs and Katsuki physically cannot walk up them right now.
It’s very emotional as Eri rushes to Aizawa and Satsuki rushes to her big sister who is now crying. And then the group heres a noise and all eyes go back up to the camera screens which are still somewhat up and running, currently focused on where Katsuki and Overhaul’s battle went down.
Turns out, before this whole mess started, the LOV sent Dabi to go take care of Overhaul because He Cannot Be Allowed To Have Arms, Goddamnit We Were Making A Point With That.
But then Katsuki went ahead and did Dabi's job for him, so Dabi radioed back to Tomura and Tomura changed his objective to "You know, while you're there anyways and he's weak, might as well grab the kid."
There’s two endings to this:
 The door to the room Katsuki is in swings open and fucking Dabi waltzes in probably saying something like
"So, is this a bad time?"
Katsuki turns to look at him and in the most done, tired, angry, voice: "You asshole."
After drugging Katsuki somehow (because unlike Overhaul, Dabi is not stupid and isn't getting with 10 feet of Katsuki without being damn sure he's down for the count), Dabi kidnaps Katsuki for the second time and the two of them are teleported out of the area about 10 seconds before Aizawa/the other heroes are freed just barely too late to do anything about it.
This ending would mostly be because I'd want Dabi and Katsuki to have back and forth banter of Katsuki being so 110% done with everything and Dabi being like:
"Yeah, I'll admit, this is kinda a dick move and the universe definitely has it out for you today."
"You don't get to say 'the universe has it out for me' when you're the one kidnapping me asshole"
And also because it sets up some serious hurt/comfort.
or, ending 2)
Katsuki stumbles his way over to a doorway on the other side of the room to go grab some rope so he can tie Overhaul up. He opens the door, and Dabi's just standing there, having been about to open the door so he could capture Katsuki.
They just stare at each other wide eyed for several long seconds before
"Is now a bad time-"
And Katsuki slam's the door shut.
"N o !"
He takes five seconds to just stare at the door being pissed and then is like "No, fuck this, I have dealt with enough today." Then he proceeds to barricade the door as he goes through various forms of the words 'No, nope, fuck that, not happening', still exhausted and beaten up and done but 100% N O T   H A V I N G   T H I S.
The heroes get down there to help and and they search for Dabi only to discover on the camera footage that after Katsuki slammed the door on him, he apparently thought it was so funny that he just kinda shrugged, turned around and actually fucking left. Because, you know, his main objective was already completed, and he didn’t really feel like going the extra mile today.
All of this is on camera too, so it quickly spreads as a meme, along with other choice moments from the whole hideout fight including several ‘vibe checks’, one of Satsuki throwing a grenade into the face of on of the goons that was harassing her before, and also ‘knife check’ becoming a thing.
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lightsandlostbells · 5 years
Druck season 2, episode 6 reaction
I’m slightly behind on the Druck reactions, though not for lack of interest, just lack of energy. Going to try to catch up because do I ever have feelings about this season.
Episode 6
Clip 1 - Good morning starshine
We see the flat’s bathroom and is that shit on the toilet seat????? Or barf???? Whyyyyy Druck whyyyyyyy. 
Mia comes into the bathroom, glowing, happy, but the peaceful moment is interrupted by Hans lurking in the tub telling her not to open the toilet seat. He says he’ll clean it up in the moment, but he does not seem to be well, to say the least.
Okay, it’s puke, which is like … marginally better than poop.
Hans is clearly hungover and has vomit around his mouth. And over the side of the tub. Thanks again, Druck. They’re really just going for the disgusting things in the flat’s bathroom this season, aren’t they? If Mia moves out and Matteo moves in, you know they’re all doomed.
Mia happily says she’ll clean it up, perky as a blonde Snow White, and Hans immediately recognizes the difference between Mia yelling at him to wipe up urine off the toilet seat versus this morning angel volunteering to clean up someone else’s vomit as if she were offering to taste-test cupcakes.
Of course it’s because Mia is high off last night’s kiss. She’s gonna clean up puke, make Hans some tea, and offer encouragement as he drags himself out of the tub. Love keeps lifting her higher and higher.
Alexander texts her good morning. Mia teases him about not recognizing the number or knowing who he is, he teases her back about thinking it was Sara’s number, they exchange pleasantries. It’s an adorable interaction. Mia is on cloud 9. So you know, let’s see how long that lasts!
Clip 2 - Alexander the actor
LMAO, we get a stalker shot of Mia coming out of her place to her bike in the morning, and of course it’s a car that drives up to her, and of course it’s Alex’s car.
They have some banter about his Porsche and he suggests they carpool for the sake of the environment, he teases her for being a hipster, it’s cute. He jokes about having kids and Mia is like, later? I wanted to start right away. To which he says he disapproves of condoms anyway, and like, don’t ruin this banter, dude. Don’t remind me of your past selfishness in not wanting to use condoms with other girls. Or maybe it’s better that I don’t forget about it.
Alex mimes zipping his lips and throwing away the key to indicate that they’ll be discreet at school. Some dude honks at Alex for blocking the way with his car, calling him names. And Alex takes the time to be extra as fuck and show off the skills from his improv classes and gets out of the car and pretends to pick up the invisible key he threw away. He doesn’t drive away until he’s gotten the key and unzipped his lips. JFC. Why is that so charming? I completely get why Mia has feelings for him despite her brain telling her it’s a bad idea, despite knowing of some awful things he’s done. No offense to any William fans, but he seemed like the kind of guy who, if you went to dinner with him, you’d have a lot of awkward silences and end up faking an emergency text message. I would totally go to dinner with Alexander and watch him do these impromptu performances.
Clip 3 - Listen to Sam FFS
Mia and Hanna are doing homework. Hanna isn’t into it. Mia is also not into it, for different reasons.
Hanna tells Mia that Jonas tried to kiss her on Friday, but Mia is so distracted looking at Kiki’s throwback picture of the girls at the cabin for NYE that she doesn’t even notice. Hanna has to text Mia when she’s sitting right next to her to get her attention, heh.
Mia wants to know why Hanna didn’t tell her and it’s because Mia has been gone and distant lately. Mia looks pained and she leans into Hanna and whispers something to her, no prize for guessing what she says.
Mia looks pained while Hanna asks about the Alex kiss, but also a little glow-y. She knows it’s a bad situation, she puts out the obligatory statement but she hates him, but she can’t completely keep her fondness under wraps. Neither of them buy that Mia really hates Alexander anymore.
In a spectacularly bad bit of timing, Hanna asks what about Kiki just as Sam enters their usual study room. I’m in awe of how Sam’s green lollipop matches her lipstick. Which do you think comes first: the choice of lipstick or lollipop? Or the nails, which are also green? Or does she decide the color first, and then everything must match? That seems most efficient.
While Mia says it’s nothing at first, Sam asks whether it has anything to do with Mia’s secret meetings with Alexander. Sharp cookie! She manages to guess that Mia and Alex really have a thing, and Mia asks to keep it to herself for now. Sam is like, duh, Kiki will lose her shit if she hears. Hanna says Kiki seemed to cope with the Alex thing well and Sam says no, she only pretends like it. Kiki feels like shit but she knows Mia is tired of Kiki whining and talking about Alex all the time, so that’s why she’s not talking about it. OUCH. OUCH OUCH OUCH. Man, that hit me surprisingly hard. Sam says Kiki admires Mia so much and sends her tons of messages about everything Mia does, just to rub it in my emotions more.
Mia looks miserable and like, I feel for her buuuuut all of this is deserved and she needs to feel this.
Sam says it’s not serious with Mia and Alex, is it? And when Mia doesn’t answer but the answer is clearly yes, Sam just sighs in exasperation. I feel you, babe. Oh to be a Sam on the edge of all this constant drama.
This scene hurt a lot. I loved Sam just calling Mia out and not sugarcoating it; I like that Kiki does seem to have someone firmly on her side in this situation. Not that Sam is anti-Mia or anything, just that she realizes Kiki’s side of the situation, much like Hanna is more Mia-aligned, I think, as Mia’s closest friend. And I don’t love that Kiki is only pretending to be OK because she doesn’t want to annoy Mia, because if she’s really hurting she should be able to talk to people about it, but that was a really sharp bit of insight and had such a big impact on how I viewed the situation. We already know that Kiki really loves Mia and values her opinion. We saw that she was hurt when Mia gave her a generic gift for Christmas, we saw that she was upset when Mia tried to insert herself into Kiki’s life and confront her about her eating disorder and her exercise and the plastic surgery. Kiki was defensive but I think it really hurt her that this was coming from Mia, because she looks up to Mia and Mia clearly disapproved of Kiki’s behavior. She knows that Mia is sick of hearing about Alex from Kiki, which must really sting Mia, because it’s a reaction that Mia herself has created. Mia made it so Kiki was unwilling to let out her true feelings, she made it so Kiki is apparently putting on this fake happy face. That must make Mia feel even more like shit, on top of everything with Alexander.
Clip 4 - Workout tips with Kiki
Mia meets Kiki on the field to run in the morning.  Mia wants to talk to Kiki, and I thought she was going to bring up Alexander, but it seems more like she wants to test the waters and check in on how Kiki’s doing.
Kiki assumes that talking to her is the newest strategy for Mia to prevent Kiki from working out, and that’s just a little line and a joke, but I think it says SO much about how Kiki sees Mia right now. Mia is someone who is inherently judgmental and wants to interfere with Kiki’s life. She’s someone who sees a lot of problems with Kiki’s behavior and is on a mission to meddle, so when Mia says she wants to talk, Kiki jumps to an ulterior motive. And listen, Kiki has a lot of flaws as a human being, I realize that she’s not a pleasant person and people dislike her for valid reasons, but this makes me feel for her. This is why I like her as a character if not necessarily being a great fan of her as a person, if that makes sense - she makes sense to me as a character. This type of vulnerability feels very real. I think Druck has put a lot of thought into her characterization and into the Mia-Kiki relationship.
Mia suggests stretching but Kiki’s like, lol no. They run laps, Mia trails behind Kiki, the distance between them getting wider and wider. A funny sight gag as well as a nice representation of their conflict and Mia leaving Kiki out of the loop.
Mia has to stop, she’s out of breath and panting. She’s got a stitch in her side and her feet hurt after 10 minutes. I FEEL YOU, DARLING. I have never been Mia harder than in this clip. Lmao, the difference between Mia who gets out of gym claiming to have her period vs Kiki who’s swimming in an ice cold lake in the morning.
Kiki tells Mia to do exercises while doing other activities, and Mia jokes you can do “push-ups on top of your lover” and Kiki’s like sure, can you find me one? And lol, Mia has to step back after that. TOO REAL. 
Kiki just does the splits like it’s no big deal. Wow. Okay. Color me impressed.
Mia asks how Kiki is doing, if she’s OK, and Kiki’s like, why wouldn’t I be OK? It’s been 30 days since Alex dumped me, why would I still be whining about that, it doesn’t make sense! Hahaha! Mia’s face tells us she thinks this is bad news and that Kiki’s just bottling up her feelings. Makes me sad that Kiki is downplaying her emotions to Mia, who’s supposed to be her friend. It’s OK to still be upset, Kiki has very legitimate reasons to feel hurt. She doesn’t have to force herself to be fine if she’s not.
Kiki says she doesn’t want to know who Alexander is with now, which is even worse news and of course the worst thing Mia could hear. I feel like not telling her now made it an extra sting later for Kiki, though. Like she must realize afterwards that Mia was feeling the guilt with suddenly wanting to work out and check in with Kiki, but she still kept this secret that she knew would hurt her.
So Mia did not tell her about Alexander. I think she wanted to know how Kiki was genuinely doing before she told her about Alexander, but that’s still no excuse for continuing to hide it from her. If Kiki was feeling like utter garbage and said so, what would Mia have done? How is she supposed to tell Kiki about it after that? Mia wanted to know if Kiki was okay not just out of concern for her friend, but to alleviate her guilt - to know that when she did tell Kiki, it wasn’t going to be a big deal for her.
Clip 5 - Mia and Alexander are the epitome of discretion
Heh, the time card is upside down! We see Hanna is upside down and glimpsing the world that way, so it’s a fun, fitting gag. This clip aired January 31 which is Backwards Day. I love that we had this little cheeky moment.
Hanna’s upset because she saw the IG videos of Jonas and Matteo playing table tennis, and now Jonas is smoking pot even in the mornings before school, and he’s drinking more than ever. Hanna says she’s worried about him, and Mia tells her it’s not her job to take care of him. I appreciate that she said that, because I’m worried about Jonas as much as anyone, I love that guy. And I love Jonas and Hanna together! But I don’t want Hanna to feel pressured into, say, getting back together with him just to keep him sober, or to blame herself for what’s happening with him. Ultimately that’s his responsibility. 
Mia has to leave Hanna, though, and go meet up with Alex. He’s standing in a nook of lockers … is there a door?????? I don’t think so. CHILDREN, BE SMART ABOUT THIS, FOLLOW YOUR HEART BUT TAKE YOUR BRAIN WITH YOU.
They make out until they hear a sound. Let’s be real, when you’re making out in a space like that, where anyone could walk by, it’s not about being secretive, it’s the thrill of not getting caught.
Alex asks her how long this will remain a secret and Mia suggests she come over later that night. Mia looks so dreamy and happy when she looks at him, geez. It’s funny if you realize they’re so busy staring into each other’s eyes that they don’t even notice Mia’s lipstick violently smeared over their mouths as if they were sucking blood from each other’s necks. 
After Alex leaves, Mia goes out with her lipstick FUCKED UP, smeared everywhere. Luckily she runs into Leonie and Sara and not, say, Kiki.
Leonie asks Mia a question about the ads for the book, and then she and Sara stare at Mia looking like she ate somebody’s heart. When she asks what’s up, they’re like, no reason, LMAO. That is not an A+ move, ladies, give Mia break and maybe a tissue, but I’m not gonna lie that it made me laugh. 
Clip 6 - And no one watched Harry Potter that night
Alex pours some wine for Mia and sniffs it before drinking. Was that genuine? Or was he putting her on? Mia snorts but dials it back; Alex smiles a bit. I think it was a real moment showing what class he comes from, but that he has a sense of humor to recognize it’s ridiculous.
They’re looking for a movie to watch. Mia wants to watch something you can watch over and over, which, let’s be real, is the best thing to watch when you know you’re probably going to be making out during the movie. He suggests Harry Potter. 
I love that they didn’t have the same HP movie in mind. Literally no set of opinions on this planet is as intense and divisive as people’s Harry Potter opinions.
I find it very charming that Alexander mentions Sirius Black, and then they start making out as if HP is bedroom talk, because look, I can moan and groan about various aspects of HP and JKR all I want, but ... same.
Someone rings the doorbell. Dinner! OH SHIT IT’S AMIRA. She’s a delivery girl and she tells Alex not to tell anyone about this. Goddamn. I don’t think anyone in the fandom called this as her big secret. Pavel is her boss. Just as an aside ... she’s looking cute in her delivery gear.
And of course Mia gives herself away that she’s chilling at Alex’s. You can see Amira thinking goddammit, I wish I just walked in on a drug deal.
Now all the girl squad knows EXCEPT Kiki. What a total mess.
Amira chews out Mia and says it’s going to get revealed, WTF is she doing. She’s right and she should say it.
Before Amira leaves, Mia says Amira could’ve told them about this, too. Which is nice in the sense that Amira can open up with her friends, but lol, this secret is not anything like Mia’s in terms of causing friendship damage.
Mia sits back on the couch with Alex, but there’s space between them. The mood is clearly ruined, for good reason. Mia takes a drink of wine. Probably need to finish the bottle, dear.
The song: “You just made the worst mistake / And you’ll regret it darling” Well ... yeah. 
Clip 7 - And no one ate dinner that night
We see Kiki at Mia’s flat, while Mia and the roommates zip around her in fast forward preparing dinner, and Kiki just sits there and watches. Interesting directing choice, I guess to emphasize how Kiki’s out of the loop? She showed up and is sitting still, they’re busy, it shows both how she’s the outsider, not just in the flat but in terms of knowledge. Like it’s very interesting to me how they film her from behind, at the table, while the other three are lined up at the counter. When Han leans forward and interacts with her directly, that’s when it slows down because she’s brought into the circle. She looks a little confused or anxious as she sits there, not like she’s just chilling having a good time drinking wine and talking to the others. And showing her sitting at the table watching them emphasizes how she’s the guest of honor at this dinner. Mia’s being a thoughtful friend cooking for her, she’s expecting a nice evening with Mia. It’s not gonna go the way she thinks. 
Linn asks why Mia never cooks for them and Hans says Mia has to BE there to cook, she’s always gone in the night. Mia glares at Hans because holy shit is that information not going to go down well in a few minutes. 
Kiki wants to live in a flat sharing situation so she can cook and hang and talk about everything with her friends. This bit also adds to the beginning of the clip, the feeling of separation - like Kiki desires what Mia and her roommates have, she’s the outsider looking in at them. I wonder if we’ll ever get insight into her home life? Does she feel she lacks this warmth with her family? Hans is like “talk about everything, we’ve heard so much about you,” and that gets another look from Mia. Hans sure loves dropping hints, doesn’t he. In turn, Mia hints that Hans and Linn are supposed to leave. She manages to kick Hans and Linn out, but only after Linn tells us she gets nightmares from ginger. Is that a real thing or a Linn thing? I looked it up but all I found about foods giving you nightmares were about junk food, dairy products, or carbs.
Kiki was chill with them staying but she also likes it just being her and Mia, she likes that they’re spending so much time together, and ohhhhh nooooooo. Kiki thinks so highly of Mia and she’s going to realize that this time spent with her was Mia trying to alleviate her guilt. 
This looks like a date, dude.
LMAO RIGHT AFTER I WROTE THAT Kiki is like, should I be worried? Mia, panicking: “Why?” Kiki: “Is this a date and you really want to hook up with me?” IF ONLY
GODDAMMIT, right after she asks that Mia looks stressed, Kiki is like, are you bi or not, and WE DON’T GET AN ANSWER. By now I know the show addresses it, but I don’t blame people for getting stressed at these little halfway non-answers.
When Mia starts to tell her, you can see Kiki’s mood change from “I need to tell you something” when she’s more open to becoming harder and less pleased as soon as Mia mentions “last week at the party.” She just knows what’s coming. She saw Mia and Alexander together, she’s heard Sam mention how they were always together, she had her suspicions, and she knows what Mia is about to say will involve her and Alexander.
Mia is upset and tearful as she tells Kiki about Alexander being interested in her and how her feelings toward him changed. Kiki seems like she’s shut down in a no-nonsense kind of way, jaw clenched. Clearly it must be upsetting for her to hear this, but she’s not like acting out in an emotional way, she’s sort of holding it together while Mia starts to cry. 
Mia says that she feels horrible and no guy is as important in the world as their friendship, but I don’t think Kiki is convinced. Mia says when Kiki wants her to stop contacting Alexander, she’ll stop, and OH NO, MIA, NOT LIKE THAT. Kiki catches it too, “contacting,” that there was more than just a kiss. Kiki finally has an outburst and says that Mia has always said Alexander is an asshole and too good for Kiki, but he’s good enough for Mia? I mean ... yeah, something deeply hypocritical about disapproving of your friend’s FWB every change you get, and then hooking up with him yourself. Especially considering how Mia has judged so many of Kiki’s choices, to the point where Kiki locked up her feelings about being dumped just because she knew Mia was sick of hearing about Alexander ... and then Mia goes behind Kiki’s back and gets with Alexander? It’s not just about Alexander, but about what this says about Mia thinks of Kiki, the lack of respect she has for her, possibly that Mia doesn’t care for Kiki like Kiki cares for Mia, enforced by other aspects of the season.
Mia asks Kiki to tell her what to do and she’ll do it. Kiki says to leave him alone, Mia says OK. I really cannot fault Kiki for this. Yeah, it’s not like she should control who Mia sees, but Mia has come to her and put this burden on Kiki’s shoulders, and it’s more about Mia’s feelings than Kiki’s, IMO. Of course Mia cares about Kiki, but what Mia is looking for here is an answer to her problem. I think what she wants is acceptance/forgiveness/permission so Mia doesn’t have to feel bad anymore, but also, it’s possible that she wants Kiki to tell her to break up with Alexander so the choice isn’t on Mia - Mia can break up with him and feel like she’s doing it for a noble cause, because I think Mia does have doubts about being with him, both because it’s Alexander and because of her past experience of getting close to her friend’s brother. Moreover, she wants the choice taken out of her hands, so it’s not Mia’s fault what happens next. And I don’t think this is fair to Kiki, for Mia to present her heart and happiness to her and put her in this position of having to tell Mia what she should do. Like, accept Mia and Alexander’s relationship so Mia can be happy, at the expense of Kiki’s own feelings? Or make Mia miserable by being the bad guy and telling her to break up with him? Absolutely not fair.
Kiki says she better leave and she does, without any drama. The acting was excellent in this scene, both of them sold the hell out of it. 
I thought the clip might end here, with Mia crying and contemplating what she has to do, but next we see Mia showing up at Alexander’s. She just walks in and talks off her coat and shoes and flops on the bed. He sits behind her and she pulls his arm around her. Oh boyyyyy. Mia. What u doin.
What I thought might happen after I saw this clip was that maybe Mia thought it’d be like a “last night” sort of thing, where she’d spend one more night with Alexander and then break up with him in the morning. That obviously didn’t happen, because Mia didn’t do what Kiki asked.
I don’t think Mia is like ... obligated to follow Kiki’s orders. Of course not. But she put the request to Kiki, asked her while crying what she should do, tell her what to do, and then when Kiki gave her an answer she didn’t like, she ignored it. I thought she might use the excuse to break up with him because of her own doubts about the relationship, but I think hearing Kiki say the words made her realize how much she didn’t want to do that, and that’s why she needed to head over to Alexander’s that very night. 
But it is shitty of Mia to tell Kiki she’ll do something and then not do it. It’s shitty of her to hide it from Kiki and the others. This isn’t the way to handle it. 
Also, I think Mia telling Kiki over this fancy dinner that she cooked herself was kinda the wrong move? Not that any way would’ve been easy to tell her. But there’s a sense of maybe Mia trying to overcompensate and even butter up Kiki, like it would’ve been less awkward if Mia just sat her down somewhere private and told her. Have one of those Skam bench talks. Kiki also thought this dinner was going to be a sweet bonding gesture and it turns out Mia was planning on telling something that would hurt her. Additionally, Mia did the thing with the exercising earlier this week, asking to work out with Kiki which is a very unusual occurrence. So she delayed telling Kiki then, and she made it seem like she wanted to hang out just to hang out. 
Social Media/General Comments
Alex continues the joke from one of the clips, where he pretends to be texting Sara and then he ends up asking to meet up with Mia but Mia says no, she has to study. He asks if she’s ghosting him but she says no, she would like to hang, but she wants to take it slow. And the conversation ends with <3 once Alex confirms he will NOT in fact be meeting with Sara and copying her boobs. Their banter is pretty enjoyable.
As seen in the clip, Kiki did a throwback picture of the girls on NYE, tagged #BFFS #CREWLOVE #FOREVER and I was like … that sure was passive-aggressive. Or pointed? Guilt-tripping? I think she really did suspect something was happening with Mia and Alex and she’s remembering how she said she could trust/rely on all of the girls on NYE, and that was a “subtle” reminder.
Hanna and Sam text about the drama after they talk with Mia, lmao. Poor Sam says she never has drama and Hanna says good, she doesn’t want it! Poor Hanna, she still has drama now with Jonas even after they broke up.
Kiki asks the girls to go to the movies, but they’re all busy. Amira has “family” (borrowing the old Isak excuse, I see) and Mia doesn’t even explain herself, which makes sense because she was having a movie night with Alexander. But you know, she didn’t even bother to lie.
After Mia and Amira find out each other’s secrets, Amira texts her saying she knows it’s hypocritical but please don’t tell anyone about her job. I mean, I guess it’s hypocritical in the sense that Amira doesn’t want Mia to keep her own secret, but Amira’s secret has like ... no effect on the other girls. They’re not going to get mad and personally hurt that Amira has a job, she’s not doing wrong by them, whereas Mia’s secret will hurt Kiki (and cause a lot of drama among the girls). So I don’t think Amira’s being very hypocritical at all.
Amira doesn’t want her family to know that she has a job. They want her to focus on school. Amira wants money to go to Australia after graduation and her parents won’t pay for it. That’s really cool. I’m so skeptical about getting a S4 since the characters will be graduating, but maybe we can get Amira’s travel adventures? Amira goes to Australia and meets a handsome guy named Yousef down under?
I love that Mia is all “I wouldn’t have expected that from you” (about Australia) because it shows that people are constantly underestimating Amira, eh?
I love that cute picture of Mia in a bathrobe with a towel wrapped around her hair that Alex took.
Hanna texts Matteo about Jonas smoking pot and being worried about him, and Matteo is worried, too. But he tells Hanna not to do anything or it’ll make it worse. Because, well, Jonas’ pot smoking and misery are Hanna-related. Matteo says he will take care of it. 
Not to get super personal but this storyline is bringing back all kinds of memories for me, because I had a close version of this happen to me in real life. I wasn’t the Mia or Kiki, I was the Amira. Two friends of mine started dating behind everyone’s back, because another friend had well-known feelings for one of them and Friend A who had initially been trying to hook up Friends B and C then started dating C herself. And like Amira, I randomly found out about their secret relationship, though it wasn’t because I delivered food to them, but because another friend and I drove past A and C holding hands in a Walmart parking lot at 11 pm. Just driving through the lot, looking for an empty space, going to buy a stapler, and we see our friends happily walking our way swinging their hands together. The world went into slow motion as they walked past the car and we looked directly at each other with looks of horror. In retrospect that’s hilarious, but it ended up causing so much teen drama simply because they hid it from everyone, whereas if they’d been upfront it probably would have been fine. And also, as Amira says: something like this always gets revealed. It’s just the way of the universe. So it’s been a little surreal watching this as someone a little older and (hopefully) wiser.
Feel free to explain German culture/translation details to me if I missed them.
If you got this far, thank you for reading!
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