#odazai rambles
chaos-of-the-abyss · 1 year
Listen. LISTEN. “A life in which you have someone to say goodbye to is a good life. If your farewell to that person is very painful, there is nothing more to say.” The fact that it’s Dazai of all people saying this strikes me. Dazai is someone characterized by the fact that he does not see the value in living life. He does not find anything in the world to be worth living for. He’s tried to commit suicide time and time again because, to him, life simply offers nothing substantial enough to justify the experience of living it.
And yet. By saying those words, he implicitly tells Oda that his life was a good one. Not just passable, not just alright, not just tolerable, but good. His life was a good one because Oda is the person that he has to say goodbye to, because saying goodbye to Oda like this is very painful to him. Even though, in this universe, Oda hates him, even though Oda considers him an enemy, even though Oda says he has no right to call him ‘Odasaku’ - Dazai still says his life was a good one, simply because Oda existed in it.
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Ok so here's the fairy tale meta thing based off a lie that I was talking about.
In Dead Apple, there's a flashback scene at Bar Lupin where Dazai explains the concept of apple suicide to Oda, while a track called "Dear Prince" plays in the background. There's a brief mix-up where Oda confuses the story of Snow White for Cinderella - but when I first came up with this, I misremembered what he said (I mixed up... his mix-up...) and thought the line was about Sleeping Beauty.
And I'm so unreasonably annoyed by this because that would've made so much more contextual sense. Why? Because they both involve an awakening. Moreover, there's a few interesting details in the environment of the older tales (I will not be using the Disney versions as the Dead Apple motifs actually connect better with the originals and also because I have never actually seen them... embarrassingly enough) that translate quite nicely to aspects of Dazai's life and bonds.
Specifically, there are some loose parallels to be found with Odasaku and the story of Sleeping Beauty, and Chuuya and the story of Snow White. (Note that this is not intended to be shipping fuel or anything; interpret it however you like, I'm just drawing connections.)
And yeah, I know this is an entire half-baked meta formed around a line that doesn't even exist but please just give it a chance or at least humour me please please please please please
Alright let's get the Cinderella thing out of the way first since I want to at least address it.
Cinderella has its origins in the old Greek story of Rhodopis, which sets up the main aspects of the story we know now: a servant girl from a poor background ascends to royalty through marrying a prince, who searches for her after finding her missing shoe. This doesn't really bear any resemblance to the rest of the movie or any other ongoing themes... unless you want to suggest that maybe Dazai's jumping from one side to the other was something akin to a "shoe-test"; that he was looking for a perfect fit. I think that's quite a stretch though and it's likely this really was just a throwaway line meant to show us Oda's occasional uh... airheadedness. If anyone has any further thoughts on this, I'd love to hear them.
It's a shame, really, because the slip up could've been given more significance and also because as an analyst of sorts it is my sworn duty to pull meaning out of absolutely nothing so I guess I took another step further here and made up my own line to analyze in stupidly excessive detail.
The entire point of this was meant to show how both the stories of Sleeping Beauty and Snow White have a theme of awakening, and so do Dazai's bonds with both Odasaku and Chuuya - they both have a function of "waking him up" in a sense. However, the means of doing so manifest very differently.
So, let's talk about Sleeping Beauty.
Sleeping Beauty has its origins in an old Italian story called Sun, Moon and Talia, which has many of the elements we know today but was uh. A lot darker. And way more non-consensual. The version the more modern story takes its roots from is Perrault's version. Here are the important bits to this analysis: the princess pricks her finger on a spindle out of curiosity, the good fairy puts everyone in the castle to sleep along with her for 100 years so that she will not be alone when she wakes, the prince does not wake her with a kiss but instead she wakes just by his presence and they sit and talk for a long, long time.
So, on to my delusional parallels. Part one: the princess pricks her finger out of curiosity. See, for Dead Apple, we have to rethink this a bit because Dazai brings up the concept of apple suicide, not murder. Of course, this is a parallel to himself and his disregard for his own life, so here we can take it that he did not "prick his finger" out of mere curiosity, but also, likely out of a desire to "sleep".
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It's hard for me not to draw a connection between the curiosity aspect of the finger prick and Dazai's curiosity to join the mafia, especially with the next part - where everyone falls asleep as well for the time the princess is asleep. Essentially, no one will age or die. For as long as the princess remains unconscious, the world will not change. And if the princess perhaps, wanted this, then we can infer what is likely a fear of being left. Maybe even a fear of living. Dazai joined the mafia because he was curious if it would have what he sought. Instead, he spent his days trapped in an "oxidizing dream" as he detached further and further both from his humanity and from others. The mafia is already a place where people don't talk to each other openly and we know Dazai was even more unknowable than that - if he doesn't care about himself or others, the dream goes on. He stays asleep, and if he doesn't care, then he doesn't lose anyone - no one truly "dies".
As for the last part, there isn't much to say. Dazai warms up to Odasaku because the man just talks to him. And likes talking to him. And doesn't tell him to stop when he's being really freaking weird. But notably, Odasaku doesn't do much at first to help Dazai "awaken". It's only when he's about to die in his fight against Gide that he realizes he regrets not saying something sooner. Odasaku only has one chance to wake Dazai before he dies and he does it by shattering that dream that he will find what he's looking for. Paradoxically, that hope Dazai held onto was what trapped him in that singular mindset. Oda dies shortly after and the illusion is broken. Dazai wakes up, his world kickstarts where it had previously been stagnant and Dazai greets the sun and tries to live.
See why I'm slightly annoyed this wasn't the line now?
But hey, while we're at it, let's also talk about Snow White because the Dead Apple movie was actually a lot more firm with its connections than I think people realize.
Firstly, I would love people to know that in the original Grimms' fairy tale, Snow White doesn't clean the dwarves' house but in fact burgles it, eating their food, drinking their wine and falling asleep in one of their beds after testing each one, and generally leaving the house in complete disarray. Yeah. Not related to my point at all, but this sounds an awful lot like something Dazai would do (but more out of mischief than naivete of course).
Here's the important part though: Did you know that the Queen attempted to have Snow White killed not just once, but three times? The first two times, the dwarves were the ones to save her and quite quickly - they made a deal after she broke into their house that she would fix it up for them and maintain it in exchange for her staying with them in safety. It's an agreement of sorts, but as they became fond of her, they try and save her life in earnest. The poisoned apple is actually the third attempt to kill her, where the Queen bites into the white, non-poisoned part of the apple and Snow White, thinking it safe, eats the red half and falls asleep.
Hey. Remember the colour of the pill Dazai took in Dead Apple?
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Yeah, someone on that team knows the original fairy tale.
Interestingly (and this is where I got really excited), there are three different attempts to kill Snow White (or, if Dazai is to be believed, three different attempts at her own self-destruction) - and there are three different instances where Chuuya "wakes" Dazai, twice while they're partnered (when they have an "agreement", terms in a sense as partners), and once in Dead Apple.
The first is in Fifteen, the infamous scene where Dazai shoots the body and Chuuya snaps him out of it by wrenching the gun out of his hands. I'm honestly a bit too tired to go super into that scene right now but I'm doing a little bit on it later - all that needs to be acknowledged here is that Dazai was out of it and Chuuya forced him back to earth. The second occurs during the Dragon's Head Conflict when Dazai is completely insensitive to the death of a mafia executive and Chuuya decks him for it. The now-infamous line "no one would believe that" is often misinterpreted I think. Chuuya says this in response to Dazai's "I'm human, too, you know." He's not saying "you're not human", he's saying "you are human but no one would believe that with the kind of shit you're saying and doing". It's the same kind of sentiment in the first scene where Chuuya intervenes, I believe. And it is a form of waking, in that Chuuya snaps Dazai out of his more inhumane moments - he basically calls him out and forces him to reevaluate; the epitome of a rude awakening.
Now for the Dead Apple scene proper.
Firstly, let's establish something. They are no longer partners in the mafia. They are even on separate sides. The framing of this changes Chuuya's actions from working with Dazai with occasional call-outs to bring him back to earth, to saving him in what is quite literally a rescue.
In the original myth, again, there is no waking kiss. Instead, in this third time, everyone assumes Snow White is really dead, that she will not be coming back. The prince, who happens across her, insists she at least receive a proper burial. But when carrying her coffin, one of them trips and they stumble, which jostles the princess enough that the piece of apple stuck in her throat is dislodged and she coughs it up, reviving. Uh...
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Anyways this got kind of messy at the end and idk if it even made sense this is really just unhinged rambling so...
Tldr, Odasaku and Chuuya both help "wake" Dazai even if their methods and personalities are very different, which is part of the reason why both bonds are very important. Neither are particularly gentle with him, but waking, especially if all you want to do is sleep, is not a gentle thing.
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curry-and-gunpowder · 5 months
Okay so I have some stuff to get off my chest, might get a bit heated, but I mean no disrespect to anyone, just expressing my genuine confusion and frustration and trying to make my stance on some matters clear.
Clearly I ship Odazai. But that does not mean I reject other interpretations of their relationship. Be it platonic, queerplatonic, brotherly, it's all lovely to me - I genuinely just enjoy their unique dynamic.
However, I am constantly on the brink of losing it over hearing them referred to as a father/son pair by so many people in the fandom. And I'm gonna attempt to break down why this interpretation bothers me so much.
Firstly, it just flies in the face of my personal experience of intergenerational friendships - I'm a young-ish Millennial with many Gen Z friends. And I find it completely incomprehensible to try and force people who are relatively close in age into such a dynamic. I'm aware that a lot of bsd fans are teens or young adults who maybe don't have much social contact with people outside their age range. But as a 30+ person on the Internet, let me tell you, five years? That's nothing. The plain truth is, the older you get, the less age starts to matter. Once you get out of school, you will interact with people of all ages regularly and you will have friends who are older or younger than you and nobody fucking cares. The thought of seeing any of my younger friends as my children is, pardon my french, fucking ridiculous.
Secondly, and I've spoken about this before, the fandom's tendency to parentify Odasaku way beyond what the text ever implies. It's easy to put him into the role, considering the way he cares for his orphans. In that way, he has some parental traits - but it's only a facet of his personality, and, i would argue, one that the fandom puts way too much emphasis on, imho. I'll gladly write some more meta on that at a later time, but doing that here would make the post even longer than it already is. Just to quickly reiterate, for anyone who hasn't read the dark era lightnovel - Oda does explicitly NOT treat the kids like his children. Why then would he treat Dazai like one? Dazai, whom he explicitly invites to go drinking with him in TDIPUD? How does that track? Is he supposed to be just a shitty parent? Or could it maybe indicate that he sees Dazai as his equal more than anything?
(Tangentially, I would argue that Oda's perception of what constitutes a child/an adult is horrendously skewed, considering his own past.)
Thirdly, and this is probably gonna be the one that might get me into hot water with some people, the thing I like to call the Cope. The tendency in fandom to manifest a hard line between groups of characters that somehow should never be crossed when shipping, otherwise that makes the ship badwrongtoxic. This is a phenomenon I've observed developing more and more in recent years, and it's ngl pretty worrying, because it's generally used to present one's own ship as "superior", and all "rival ships" as less than/bad. Ships with "significant" age gaps tend to fall into that category relatively often, but I suspect very few people actually genuinely care about the characters' ages, but rather use it as a shield to justify why these relationships are To Be Avoided. Odazai is an absolute stellar example of such a ship - by all means it should be way more popular than it is, considering the themes that surround it and the way its absolutely center to the nareative of bsd. But without fail, when I look up media for the ship, be it YouTube videos or simply browsing the tag on tumblr or pinterest, I see the same mantra repeated over and over - "how can you ship them, they're like father and son!"
(I'm concerned about the relationship you have with your parents, I say to myself in response.)
And its, quite frankly, just not the case. I cannot for the life of me find any indication of this so-called parental relationship anywhere in the text. All I can see is two people who are friends who have a deep and sincere love for each other.
In conclusion, not every relationship has to fall into the category of familial or romantic. Sometimes... people are just friends. Sometimes friends are some years apart in age. It's not shocking or special or anything, it literally happens all the time.
Just let them be friends. It's fine, really, it's allowed.
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
hi, hello,,,, i have never popped into ur ask box before, so i’d like to say that i love your blog!! one of the best follows i’ve made i daresay hehe :)) you seem like such a kind soul, i hope you’re doing well!
ANYWAY I ACTUALLY ROLLED IN HERE TO COMMENT ON UR SKK/ODAZAI PARALLELS,,,, because omg they’re so apparent in beast. skk/odazai parellels are so real and so true
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Aaaawwwwwww hiiiiiiii thank you I'm flattered ////// But yes YES I think about the sskk / Odazai parallels all the time in every possible combination akdbsksbdkahsk just today I was thinking about the parallels between Canon! sskk and Beast! Odazai, I find the two dynamics to be tragic in very similar ways. In their respective universes, Canon! Akutagawa and Beast! Dazai start out just doing their mafiosi job without any concern or regret, finding nothing morally wrong with killing. But everything they always believed in is subverted when they meet Canon! Atsushi and Beast! Oda respectively (or, in Dazai's case, when he entered in contact with the Book) and fell for them; Atsushi and Oda are both people with very strong moral values who will never love them back because they're disgusted by their lack of morals and compassion towards other people, and it's way too late to make up for what they did. In a way, Akutagawa and Dazai are both doomed to being unredeemable and unloved for things they did when they were basically different people, and both of them will ultimately die alone.
Alternatively!! Back to the canon sskk / Odazai parallels, as @oddeyesight once pointed out there's also this neat parallel between Mori sacrificing Oda in the Dark Era and Dazai sacrificing Akutagawa by sending him to fight against Fukuchi- in a way or the other, both Dazai and Atsushi having to witness their mafioso-who-doesn't-kill bfs die in front of them ;;;;
But yeah overall I just think the Odazai / sskk parallels are v v good stuff. Mostly because I consider it canon that Dazai was in love with Oda (I mean. c'mon. I don't know how much of that was intentional but literally “characters who arent canonically gay but whose behavior just makes no sense unless you read them as gay”) so for the sskk relationship to be compared to Odazai and for Dazai himself to draw the parallel between Atsushi and Akutagawa's relationship with what him and Oda had going on is... A lot™
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universalkuzey · 7 months
Hello there, my name is Kuzey/Evren and i am a manga colorist!
İ will mostly only post my colorings on this account and prefaribly nothingelse. (Hello future Kuzey here yeah this went terribly wrong pls expect me being annoying as hell especially on chapter days)
My asks and my dms are always open! Go talk to me i don't bite, mutuals can also ask for discord (oh wow!)
Coloring tag ->#kuzeycoloring
Overall rambling tag ->#evrenselrambling
i have no relations to tbhktwt whatsoever. İ dont have an account, i dont have friends from that side. Please keep that in mind.
My current theme:
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You don't need to read the rest
Some of my favourite things:
Ships: Terukane, sakuhiko, hanakou, natsukane, aoikane, chuuaku, odazai, kunizai (theres more but I don't feel like telling them)
Charachters: Teru, Akane, Natsuhiko, Chuuya, Odasaku, Kanade(prjsk)
Music: Neru, Kanaria, Deco*25, Azari, Mitski, Sarah and the safe word, Model, AlicebanD, radiohead etc
İ also make up aus and write a lot so if you're a mutual just dm me anytime for them!
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our-wargame · 3 years
i...want...to see more flower and flower meanings in odazai fics...
everyone knows the hanahaki disease right (i know of different versions, like MiniNephthys wrote one where you merely cough up flowers based on repressed feelings/not necessarily unrequited love); long story short, it was fantastic. (ALSO. THEY USED LILACS [FIRST LOVE] and PEPPERMINT [WARMTH OF FEELING])
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20476688 USER WROTE AN EXCELLENT (IwaOi) fic where “(flowers bloom on your body like tattoos when someone experiences particularly strong or long-lasting emotions for you.) “
but YEAH I WANT TO SEE MORE OF THEM FOR ODAZAI. ideas in no particular order...or universe...
dazai grows orange lilies at home. oda spots them when dazai’s invited him and ango over to try his new hotpot.
if oda remembers right, orange lilies means [hatred]
upon noticing the object of oda’s attention, dazai catches his eye. oda’s stomach dips because when dazai’s smile is tired.
hatred. for the self.
oda brings him a pot of bluebells. dazai’s eyebrow arches because bluebells aren’t exactly common in Yokohama. an import then? but he inspects them and wonders if these are wild bluebells and what oda was doing when he obtained them. (to obtain them?)
oda strikes him as someone who would be interested in flower meanings. still, dazai puts the bluebells among the rest of his little garden, catches himself staring at them, time to time. doesn’t mind losing track of time for something like this.
oda takes the kids cherry-blossom watching. thinks about inviting dazai and ango; ango’s busy that day but dazai isn’t, so they’re a group of seven. it’s a good day; maybe they’ll make it a tradition.
[pure and gentle heart]
after oda dies, dazai goes alone.
sakura. [brevity of life]
after oda dies. dazai always leaves sweet alyssum [worth beyond beauty] in the glass that should be oda’s. but whenever he visits oda’s grave, he thinks about bringing red spider lilies. he never does.
[abandonment/final goodbye].
YALL ARE LIKE: ODA GOT A CHANCE TO SAY GOODBYE. IT WAS GREAT. ME, AN INTELLECTUAL: Dazai has four words; until next time, odasaku~
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torasame · 3 years
BSD Beast Theory:
“This is the only world where he lives and writes novels.”
Why exactly is this the case? Of course, mathematically speaking, this statement would be improbable. Maybe the narrative is just overlooking the sequence of possibilities present in alternate realities - but that may not be the case. There’s an importance in the emphasis Dazai puts on the fact that it’s the only world where Oda lives and writes novels. There are multiple realities where Oda is alive - but not ones where he can pursue his dream.
How can this be? Of course, I obviously can’t detail every possible reality in a Dr Strange-esque fashion, but I might not have to considering that the confines of the available possibilities remain in the parameters of Dazai’s own reality. Remember, the Novel only works if the narrative written in it makes cohesive storyline (something pointedly contradictory to life itself. Then again, it is a Novel, after all). This limitation means we’re (thankfully) limited to the world and circumstances Dazai is aware of. Think of it like a deck of cards, in a sense. You can’t change the values in the deck but you can shuffle them around to turn the cards in your favour. Simply put, Dazai cannot rewrite the past or touch things nor can he just overwrite Mimic’s existence, for example. As the manga puts it “you can’t just write ‘all of humanity dies’” because you need to be able to construct a comprehensive-enough plot to reach that sort of conclusion. Even then, it’d be close to impossible because you’d have to account for details out of your control.
In this case, Dazai can’t just say “Mimic does not exist.” Think about it, if you took the 4 of spades out of the deck, you wouldn’t only lack a set of 4s, but you would also lack a 4 in a set of ace to king. You’d ultimately be lacking a card and of course, reality isn’t a game of “go-fish.” This means the only option Dazai has is to counter the events of canon.
Mori’s overarching plan of pressuring the government with Mimic is what ultimately leads to Oda’s death alongside Gide’s insistence on Oda being the only person who could kill him. There’s no doubt Mori is aware of Gide’s ability and he may understand Gide’s sentiments to a slight degree. This is evident in how Mori seems to know that Oda doesn’t want to be rescued, despite initially agreeing to Dazai’s request. Mori understands that Mimic has probably done something to shift Oda’s resolve and sees this as an opportune way to irradiate the organization. You can see that the PM does send gunmen to aid Oda, but in the end, he and Gide are the last ones standing. In Mori’s eyes and in regard to the state the PM was in at the time, there may have been no other way to eliminate Gide. 
But what other measures are present to prevent this whole ordeal? A number of possibilities can be considered of course - but we know of the only plausible one that held out: Dazai’s rise to power as the PM boss. Think about it, anyone could have tried to overthrow Mori but the question lies in their competence and willingness to. With this criteria, we can understand how Beast managed to act as the only effective countermeasure in the aspect of saving Oda.
So we’ve managed to replace Mori. Woo hoo Dazai is the mafia boss and can probably cut Oda some slack and yet, that reality wouldn’t suffice.
Whatever. Maybe we can overlook certain aspects of canon and say that Oda and Dazai manage to leave the PM together with the help of Ango. We can say Dazai becomes the boss and deserts soon after coming into power. But of course, that still wouldn’t be plausible since it comes into conflict with Soseki’s three-fold plan. Dazai couldn’t just leave the mafia unattended and there isn’t anyone else fit to run in the position other than him or Mori. 
Even if there is a world where both Oda and Dazai could live together - one major hindrance remains in the form of Dazai himself.
The truth of the matter is something Oda points out himself: “There is nothing in this world that can fill the emptiness inside you.”
In other words: There is no world where Dazai does not wish to die.
Something important to remember is that Oda is not Dazai’s ultimate means of salvation - Oda is not Dazai’s reason to live. I’ll apologize to fellow odazai enjoyers because of that - but if you look at it realistically and in the context of the story, you’ll find that the statement isn’t too far off.
In any reality they have a relationship together, Dazai puts Oda’s dream at risk with the inevitably of his suicide. His death would traumatize Oda to a degree we’ve already witnessed with the death of the kids. The inevitability of his death, in turn, would mean that Oda may be able to live in that world but will never be able to pursue his dream.
Through Beast, Dazai positions himself in the seat that prevents Oda’s death by external means and preserves Oda’s dream by their lack of affiliation. Dazai puts himself in a position where Oda thinks nothing of him - a position where Oda can go on with life even in the event of his death. He pulls an Itachi, to put it simply.
In short, Beast is Dazai’s meticulously crafted design created to safeguard both Oda’s life and his dream, seeing as they are both inexplicably intertwined.
In this fixed deck of cards, they’re both destined to be dealt bad hands. At least in this way, Dazai manages to ensure that this doesn't have to be the case for Oda. 
Honestly, I came to this epiphany while brainstorming for a fic. I’m just humbled by how intricately woven the plot is and at the same time, I’m sitting here realizing Asagiri-sensei had laid out a  statement that I have (hopefully) managed to prove as though it were a math problem.
Is this meant to hinder anyone (including myself) from imagining a reality where odazai can both live in relative harmony? Of course not. It probably wouldn’t have even with that intention in mind. I’m pretty sure this may already be common knowledge but it probably wouldn’t hurt to compile my thoughts. It’s just some random shot in the dark, by no means comprehensive, and the aftermath of exploring the “universe conspires against us” concept. Overall, not much to it and of course it’s “just a theory, a film theory” or well, anime theory in this case.
And that’s about it. Good on you for making it through the ramble. There’s no cool ending to this amalgamation but you can imagine a pat on the back or whatever helps. Anyway, thanks for making it through this TedTalk. 
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uhsmokesprite · 3 years
odazai squid game au where dazai enters because he has nothing left in life and oda does it because he wants a better life for the kids and dazai becomes immediately fascinated with oda and teams up with him at all times and when the marble game happens he sacrifices himself because he thinks that if anyone wins it should be oda
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particularfangirl · 3 years
This has probably been said before but...
We don't talk enough about how Dazai's post-Port Mafia design is literally a homage to Odasaku. 
So, they changed up Odasaku’s character design quite a bit in the anime. (Namely, they gave him blue instead of red eyes) AND they switched shirts.
Have a picture of lovely Taniguchi Masashi, Oda’s stage actor:
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Notice the striped shirt? That’s the way Oda’s was in the light novel, which, subsequently is the “more canon” version. (As it didn’t end up revised by Studio Bones)
So, striped shirt + beige coat. Where did we see that before? Yeah, right.
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(Again, notice how I chose the manga? Yeah, because “more canon” than an anime revised by staff who, understandably, need to save time and money.)
I think it’s a famous headcanon that Dazai would have kept Odasaku’s coat. And, (only as far as I know), while this might not have been acknowledged as a canon given, it’s probably not too unlikely.
I just think it’s super sweet that Harukawa-san (and, well, Asagiri-sensei for giving his approval) modeled post-Port Mafia Dazai on Odasaku. T_T
anyways thanks for the continued support on my odazai fics and sorry for having to bear with me crying over this ship at 2 am on a saturday night
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thebgcharacter · 3 years
Since we’re all opening up discussions, can we talk about how Dazai chose to leave behind the first friend and partner he’s ever had to fulfill his promise for Oda?
I understand that Dazai is the type to not commit to relationships (of any kind;  romantic, platonic or other) but you cannot tell me that the four years he spent being Chuuya’s literal partner in crime meant nothing to him. Adding the fact that he had to leave (and chose to do so without goodbye leaving both him and Chuuya unable to get proper closure) to the weight of Oda’s death definitely put him in a fragile place, mentally.
I’m not implying anything here for his relationship with either parties but I am going to point out that it must’ve been hard on him. Not only did he lose someone dear to him, he had to part with the only other person who might’ve comforted him (not comfort, per se, but continue exuding the presence of familiarity that, in turn, can console him).
Omission is a great writing approach for building up tension. I imagine he indulged himself in breaking down that day- in feeling fragile, even for just a short while. And you want to know the worst part?
He was alone.
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 5 months
i have once again become absolutely insane about the odazai scene in bar lupin bc like. dazai is never this sincere, this open. as a general rule he is more open and genuine with oda than he is with other characters, but even then the beast lupin scene was a whole different level. and what gets me is this is all coming from a place of such sheer desperation. dazai, at the end of all that he's wrought, finds himself so desperately wanting, so desperately hoping, that oda will understand why he did what he did, that oda will see where he's coming from. he prepared for this, he literally bet on the fact that oda would not know him, would not care about him, would not like him or consider him a friend bc that's what dazai had to do to keep him safe, to keep the world where he can live and write novels from disappearing. and yet, faced with the actuality of that exact situation he's created... dazai can't help but beg oda to understand the reason for his actions
he wanted this. he planned for this. and as hard as that was for him to do, i don't think he could have ever fathomed how much it would hurt to truly be confronted with the reality of it
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taiyohima · 4 years
Ok but, Imagine Dazai visits Oda’s grave once in a month and narrates to him, everything that happened that month like he is a person sitting right besides him-
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curry-and-gunpowder · 4 months
Influx of anti activity in the Odazai tag recently... Wish the youth of this day was taught that it's their own responsibility to avoid things they don't like. But all these incendiary posts, as if they're expecting us odazai shippers go out of our way to harass them for not liking what we do? I have better things to do with my time, kiddos. Their victim complex is so blatant, I hope they can learn to get out of that mindset and into a healthier one.
Also, tumblr search function is broken as usual, so even if they don't tag the ship directly it still shows up in the search results, sigh. Super job, tumblr. Really amazing.
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oewmo · 3 years
The sheer amount of anti-odazai sentiments on Twitter right now is... crazy. I try to check twt just for ship content and all I get is hate and awful discourse that just *disgusts* me. People really try to call ODAZAI “pedophilia” for a five year age gap between two legal adults, 18 and 23. I’m astounded. I just... how do you find Odazai toxic and continue shipping other Dazai ships? And anything like that? Seeing this stuff is so disheartening. Go ahead! Dislike Odazai! Some people interpret it as parental rather than romantic and that’s fine! But don’t make it everyone else’s problem and for the love of god, don’t call it something it blatantly isn’t, and water down such a serious word.
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
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whorefordazai · 3 years
this song has some crack in it i swear 😒
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