#one lives for the spotlight and the other would gnaw her leg off to get out of Hour Four of a fundraising event
We Are Friends
an underdiscussed dynamic among History Gays is “urbane charming gay man + moderately unhinged lesbian”
he’s like “oh darling, so good to see you! I had the most splendid time at the Athenaeum last week, there was that lecture on-”
and she’s like “I have a recurring dream about fucking Louisa May Alcott in a hip bath”
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ahatintimepieces · 3 years
The Soul-Eater’s Sorrow
I was rereading @fedoraspooky‘s and @lovelycoris‘s weresnoodle rp to de-stress and then got story idea and I had to pen it to paper immediately so here we are! This takes place before Lukas has met Hattie and about a month after his first transformation, so he’s still getting the hang of his curse (4,767 words). Please enjoy!
Lukas stumbled towards the tree with unwieldy roots, exhausted after a particularly rough night and long morning of sequestering himself as deep into the woods as he dared. When he hurried to correct his footing, his bag jerked painfully against one of the gashes on his chest. He hissed, accidentally biting down onto his tongue with his fangs and once more the taste of iron pooled in his mouth. Trembling, he spat out the glob of blood and wiped at his lips with the back of his hand.
The guard’s anguished howl when Lukas’ jaws had clamped around his shoulder echoed in his mind. Lukas’ grip around his bag tightened.
His chest, littered with wounds from the guard’s frantic silver blade during the fight from the night before, stung but not as much as the guilt when he recalled the man’s expression contorted by terror and how even the man’s mustache had trembled.
No, please. Stop thinking about it.
The guard’s partner had come running to his aid, yelling as she banged her sword against her shield to scare the serpentine shadow away. He recalled her words with crystal clarity despite not having been all there in his beast form.
“Get away you—!”
“Monster,” Lukas whispered out loud, his breath brushing against his fingertips.
The hushed forest didn’t respond to his despondent sigh. Instead, he dropped his bag off of his aching back and slid down against the tree. Leaning his head against one of the raised roots, he stared up at the sunlight trailing through the leaves.
He couldn’t stop playing the night over in his head. It had been a whole moon cycle since he first transformed and fled a frozen Subcon. But having sensed the new moon would have him at his worst again like that terrible night, he had done his best to remain far from the nearest town. He recalled how he had even caught a deer quite quickly after sunset and had a soul to soothe and ease his hunger.
But he still went towards the town.
Groaning, Lukas cupped his head in his hands. His long, disheveled hair fell around his features like a curtain and he curled his legs to his chest.
He remembered an orange glow from the lamps at the town’s gate. His beast form had been drawn to them. Did he think they were souls? No, he distinctly remembered the difference between a soul and a lamp. But both did feel warm…
Scratching a bit around the itching scabs, he tried to remain calm. He still had the later half of the afternoon, judging from the sun, and he had found a secluded spot far away from any people. This time he was sure of it.
The guard would be okay. While Lukas knew he left him with terrible wounds, the guard had access to help and medicine and would ultimately be alright. He was deep in the woods and there would be a sliver of moonlight. Not much, and he would still be dangerous, but he had to cling to anything that might help abate the curse a bit.
His arms trembled as he slowly unfurled. They, too, were covered in scratches from the guard’s sword but weren’t as bad as the ones on his chest. Coupled with the fatigue from not sleeping at all the past couple days, the painful transformations, and the lingering, gnawing anxiety of carrying a dormant beast inside of him that reared its ugly head every night, he was exhausted. Maybe that was good. Maybe, if he was lucky, he could sleep through the whole night. He had managed to ignore soul cravings closer to the full moon. Sure, he felt a little sick in the morning but…
A shudder ran down his spine as he thought about what it meant to eat souls. It felt worse than if he was just eating the meat of an animal. It was like he was devouring its feelings, its memories, and every part of it that knew love and sorrow.
And when he did, oh, the bliss. It didn’t taste like anything, but it felt like everything. The warmth from swallowing a soul felt like the hope that hitched in his chest when he looked at the moon as a human. The warmth he felt when Vanessa smiled at him and held him when her powers weren’t fluctuating. The warmth that kindled in his core when he remembered his mother’s gentle lullabies and how kindly she cupped his hand in hers when she led him through the castle. The warmth of his father’s laugh. The warmth of his brother’s doting whenever Lukas took a spill when they were children. Souls filled him with that kind of lightness, but each animal’s soul he had consumed burned with flickers of their own joys that flittered just outside of his understanding.
What kind of wretched creature needed to feed off others’ precious feelings to survive? The kind of wretched creature he had become. Apparently.  
Lukas shook his head, gaze tracing the lines in his palms. He still wasn’t sure how this all happened, but he could still try to fix it. While eating souls soothed his beast form, he would just have to try and do without. Clenching his fist, he solidified his determination. He wouldn’t eat a soul that night. He would hold himself back. He would be under control. He would prove he was more than just a…
Just a monster.
Lukas pulled himself forward, his back and chest protesting. Reddish-brown curls momentarily blinded him, and he tucked unruly locks back as he reached into his bag. If he was going to try to avoid hunting that night, he would need to fill up. He had found a handful of berries and acorns. A meal fit for a bird but not a human. Or soul-eating monster for the matter. But it would have to do!
Trying to taper his large appetite by eating slowly, he grunted as he pushed to a stand. He had passed a river as he fled civilization and thought now would be a good moment to refill his canteen and see if he could scavenge for more food.
At the river, he drank his fill and even found another berry bush. His stomach grumbled over the lack of protein, but he tried to savor the sweetness of the berries. While he snacked and gazed at the gurgling water surging over polished rocks, he tried to sort through his plans.
Because he had no lead on what kind of curse had been put on him and where it came from, as he traveled from town to town, he had been checking scarcely filled libraries and even chanced a few conversations with merchants or travelers, asking about their journeys and trying to get a sense of what manner of creatures and curses they might have encountered. Unfortunately, the longer Lukas lived with the curse, the more tattered and tired he appeared, making it harder to earn trust from anyone.
Still, he clapped some leaves and stems from his hands, he had to persevere. He had to break this curse and return to Vanessa. He hoped… he hoped she was okay. He hoped she was somehow not alone. Certainly, she was doing alright! He just had to remain positive.
Splashing some water on his face, he shook his head and tried to wake up. He had to wait out the rest of the day and would sleep through the night. He could not harm a single soul. He could control himself. Once he accomplished that, he could make his way to the next town and search its archives for anything that might help. He wished he could have safely entered the community his beast form had found, and maybe find out how the guard was faring, but since he had terrorized them and they might be especially wary of strangers with such a creature around, he figured it was best for him to move on.  
He returned to his bag and dropped down, pulling out a book to keep his mind alert and centered. But he paused. The patch of grass nestled between tree roots was currently bathed in golden sun. His eyelids grew heavy and his sore muscles relaxed in the toasty spotlight. Just for a moment, he chanced closing his eyes as he leaned back, hand on the book cover. He drifted into a much-needed nap.
Lukas snapped awake when the all too familiar feeling of swallowing something hot seared his insides.
“No, no, no!” he gasped, flying forward as he glanced down in the dark.
Shadowy patches of fur had already sprouted on his hands and his fingers were in the process of combining. He fumbled to untie his cloak, refusing to tear it to shreds as the seams of his shirt popped with his bones.
“Don’t eat,” he whispered frantically as he dropped onto changing knees. “Don’t eat. Don’t eat. Just sleep. Sleep—ah!” He cried out as his fangs thrust forward, pushing against and out of his upper lip. His claws clenched around soil and the sound of splitting fabric tore through his mental checklist he was desperate to commit to memory.
Sleep. Don’t eat. Just sleep.
His vision blurred and he felt his body lengthen and muscles stretch as a tail pushed out. His bones bent and realigned, lurching into a larger, ghastly shape. Lukas’ jaw cracked open and from it came an inhuman scream that howled through the trees. A flock of birds fled nearby treetops and Lukas panted, clenching claws into the ground while golden drool dripped from the edges of his mouth. A similar substance oozed from the re-opened cuts on his chest.
Night fully encased the forest and the beast’s golden eyes shone brighter than the barest shaving of moonlight and pinpricks of stars. Breathing heavily, the creature thrashed his tail with agitation as he glanced around, searching for a meal.
A white light, glowing like the gentle reflection of the moon on rippling water, hovered in the distance, beyond a grouping of trees. The creature’s eyes narrowed into slits. Flames licked the corners of his maw. Hunger gnawed at his insides and urged him to feast on the warm soul that would pacify his deep ache. He stilled, crouching into a position to get ready to lunge, but then fragments returned to his thoughts.
Don’t eat. The feelings behind the thought ached with a despair deeper than the pain gnawing his insides. The creature let out a confused growl, keeping his gaze locked onto the soul. He pawed at the ground, wanting to give chase but the feelings twisting his stomach were enough to give him pause. Pacing by the tree, the creature lifted a paw towards the soul, but the frantic thought shifted into a ghastly echo.
The creature whined, shrinking back as he ached and hungered and hurt. His spiky mane flattened and the twisting feelings inside him urged him to turn around and try to sleep through the pain. He conceded. Curling up on a bed of grass and torn clothes, he laid down and gnawed on the tip of his tail. The chewing motion helped to dispel some of his anxious energy as he closed his eyes and tried to sleep.
Though ignoring his insatiable hunger long enough to fall asleep was tricky, once the creature drifted, he was exhausted enough to sleep through the rest of the night. His claws clenched and he occasionally growled, dreaming of chasing something he wouldn’t remember when he woke up.
Finally, dawn peeked through the treetops and the creature stiffened. With a high-pitched groan, the beast gripped the ground as his body reverted back into human. Painful pops resounded from his bones and his tail withdrew.
While shadowy fluff melted back into skin and Lukas’ auburn locks draped across his naked back, he tried to crack open his eyelids, but the soft sunlight stung his slowly adjusting eyes. He croaked, turning his face into the dirt and pressing his forehead against the ground to ease the pressure building in his throbbing temples.
Everything hurt. Not in the way it usually did after a night adjacent to the new moon but in a way that left him feeling like his limbs were securely trapped underneath an Alpine goat. He needed to get up, to try and put on some clothes. But when he so much as pushed his quivering hands beneath his chest and tried to push himself up, a wave of dizziness and nausea crashed into him and he dropped back down, groaning.
Why did he feel like this? He thought back to the night before. The soul he had seen and his hunger returned with clarity. But then, so too, did he recall his hesitation to pursue the animal. A swell of relief pushed through the torrent of unpleasant symptoms he was experiencing.
He did it! He had been able to control the beast a little!
The euphoria was short lived as pain pulsed through his head and he grunted, lifting his arms over himself as he tried to block out the sunlight and press back the ache. Maybe… maybe he would just rest a little longer…
Too many wasted hours later, Lukas had managed to dress himself in his spare clothes. He was able to fight past the headache to have the foresight to salvage the larger pieces of his ruined outfit from the night before. His legs felt like jelly beneath him and while moving too fast caused his stomach to flip, he heaved his bag over his shoulder and pushed on. Carding his fingers through his knotted hair, he blinked at the sunlight pooling in through the leaves and tried to focus on his objectives.
Find town. Find books. Break the curse.
Usually he would have ‘find breakfast’ somewhere in there, and while he certainly was aware of how empty his stomach was, his hunger was buried underneath how sick he felt.
Ambling aimlessly, he soon found the path and an apple orchard across from the forest. His stomach twisted, begging for food, as he stared at bright, red apples glinting in the sunlight. Salivating at the thought of sinking his teeth into a sweet, plump looking apple, he quickly swallowed.
No. No. The curse had made him many things, but he wouldn’t stoop to thievery. He still had a little bit of coin he could use in town. Turning onto the path, he felt something dribble down his chin. He brushed the back of his hand across his lip and found he had started to drool. Sighing, he glanced towards the apples, which taunted him as they perched just beyond a fence.
A small part of him still hesitated, wanting to at the very least find the owner of the grove and pay for a meal. His stomach growled (or, wait, was it his stomach that had growled?) and he took a step forward.
The hunger-induced stupor he had been in dissipated as soon as he chomped into an apple. He hadn’t realized he had hopped the fence or plucked an apple from the branch but now that the fresh juice revitalized his tastebuds, he dug in unabashedly.
It was only after he practically inhaled the fruit that he realized he was surrounded by other apples stripped to the core. His heart leapt to his throat as he examined the suddenly barer looking apple tree.
Did—Did he eat all of those without realizing?
Dropping the apple core dripping in his hand, he eyed the scene of his crime and lamented that even if he did find the owner and try to pay for the pilfered meal, he probably couldn’t afford it. What was worse was he was still hungry…
Grimacing as he reached for one more apple, he heard footsteps and quickly pressed his back flush with the tree bark.
“Muriel!” A feminine voice called from deeper in the grove. “Young lady, you better not be in the forest!”
Forest? Lukas’ gaze shifted as he scanned the uncultivated trees he had just come from.
The woman yelling for Muriel crossed towards the opposite side of the grove and Lukas exhaled. Carefully holding the apple between his teeth, he clumsily hopped back over the fence and dropped onto the path. He felt a bit more coherent now that he had eaten and while he could have kept going into town, the idea of a child wandering alone in the woods didn’t sit well with him. He promised himself it would just be a quick look around.
When he spotted a small footprint in a patch of soil, he decided he would be dedicating far more time to looking for the young girl. Finishing his apple, he discarded the core and followed the direction of the footprint.
In a turn of events, she found him when he reached the winding tree he had camped at the night before.
“Ha!” A small blur of red plunged out of the treetops and landed in front of him, waving a stick.
“Goodness!” Lukas jumped back. Still not feeling one hundred percent from skipping out on a soul, his dizziness combined with his trembling legs tripped him up enough that he fell back with an “oof.”
“Oh.” The girl wrinkled her nose. “Who are you?”
“Lukas,” he wheezed. Catching his breath and knowing he wasn’t ready to try and stand again, he opted to just straighten his sore back as he held the girl’s gaze. “Are you, by any chance, Muriel?”
Her eyes narrowed suspiciously.
“Maybe. Why?”
“I believe your mother is searching for you.” Sensing her distrust, he summoned a gentle smile to try and ease her concerns. He knew he probably looked terrible despite his efforts. “Would you like me to accompany you back to the orchard?”
“I don’t need help!” Muriel turned on her heels, crossing over to the tree and jumping up onto the roots.
“I’m sure you don’t.” Lukas pushed himself up, stretching out his back and exhaling as it popped, “But your mother was worried—”
“I don’t care!” she snapped. “I’m busy!”
Lukas tilted his head, watching as she started to climb the tree.
“Busy doing what? If you don’t mind me asking?”
“I’m going to avenge the person who got mauled here!” she declared, scowling as she glanced down.
“Mauled?” He paled, thinking back. He hadn’t—Surely, he would remember—He couldn’t have in his beast form; he had slept the whole night! “What makes you think—”
“I found shredded clothes with blood on them.” Muriel lifted one of the remains of his shirt, a casualty of his transformation.
He sighed, wholeheartedly relieved.
“Oh no.” His mind whirled to come up with an explanation. “My deepest apologies for frightening you, but I camped out here last night and I suppose I accidentally left behind some… old… cloth I used for bandages.” He tried to conceal his wince at how poor an excuse he offered. Though he was still struggling with a headache and fatigue.
“You used a shirt?” Muriel catapulted from the tree and landed solidly in front of him. He jumped, reaching out on instinct in case she needed help, but she righted herself, brushing twigs from her scarlet tunic before crossing her arms. She crinkled her nose. “Are you homeless? And not the traveling-merchant-homeless but the pathetic kind?”
“Pa-pathetic?” Lukas bristled before slouching under her stare. “Well,” he admitted, lifting a hand to rub the back of his neck, “there’s no shame in being a wandering vagabond, but I’ll be the first to concede there are others who undoubtedly function better than I.”
Muriel’s lips quirked into a mischievous smile.
“You looked like a wild animal eating our apples.”
Lukas stiffened, his cheeks burning brighter than his newly awakened fire magic.
“Apologies. I don’t—I don’t know what, erm, came over me,” he stammered, already embarrassed by his ravenous appetite even without anyone watching him.
“If you camped out here, didn’t you hear that howl?” Muriel’s brows narrowed.
He froze, thoughts careening as he remembered the pain.
“I—well—yes, I did, but—”
“You weren’t scared?” Muriel’s eyes widened.
“A little.” He slowly exhaled, trying to calm his nerves. Offering a nervous smile, he added, “but I survived.”
“Wow,” Muriel gave him an impressed look. “Then you can help me!” She motioned for him to follow.
“With what, exactly?” He remained in his spot. A quick glance towards the sky told him the afternoon sun was slowly creeping. He wondered if he could even make into town at this point.
“Hunting the serpent shadow!”
He paled.
“Call me Mu!”
“Mu, then,” he implored, “It’s much too dangerous to try to hunt the beast and your mother is worried.”
She paused, looking over her shoulder with a scowl.
“You don’t have the equipment,” he continued, fiddling with his bag strap. “And I certainly don’t have anything to subdue the creature…” He intended to keep listing reasons for why it was a bad idea to chase after the beast without giving away he was the beast, but his growling stomach interrupted him.
“You’re still hungry?” Mu blinked incredulously.
He winced, tightening his fingers around the strap.
“You are pretty scrawny,” Mu huffed, turning around and shifting her stick to her other hand. Before Lukas could protest, she took his hand and tugged him back towards the orchard. “I guess you can’t go monster hunting on an empty stomach, but I don’t know how your stomach can be empty after eating nearly a whole tree’s worth of apples.”
“Ah, I-I suppose you’re right,” Lukas said faintly, letting her guide him back.
He inwardly sighed as he realized he hadn’t gotten any closer to figuring out how to break his curse. It was due in no small part to how ill he felt going without a soul, losing a whole morning as consequence. And, if Mu had heard him last night, even from the orchard, he was still far too close to others. What precious hours of daylight he had left would need to be used for putting distance between him and everyone.
If he was still this famished, he couldn’t imagine what the night would be like.
Soon enough, he and Mu reached the orchard again and there they found her mother, getting ready to head into the forest.
“Muriel!” Her mother dropped her bag before running up to Mu and enveloping her in a hug.
Lukas smiled, releasing Mu’s hand and stepping back on the path.
“Mom, stop!” Mu grumbled, pushing her away before pointing at Lukas. “I got lost and he helped me find my way back. We should feed him.”
“Ah, it was nothing so serious.” Lukas flushed. He saw what Mu was doing, but he really hadn’t done anything to help her and he really needed to be going. The way that her mother was eying him with suspicion also made him a bit nervous.
It wasn’t like he had looked at himself in the mirror lately, but if his appearance was anywhere near as terrible as he felt, he imagined he looked frightfully haggard.
“I actually need to be heading on my way,” he offered, wringing his hands a bit as he backed up on the path.
“What?” Mu pouted. “But we need to hunt the serpent shadow tonight!”
“Muriel!” Her mother frowned, protectively pulling her back with an exasperated sigh. “A witch hunter has already made it to town. Let them take care of it.”
While Lukas’ eyes widened, processing what that all entailed and how he needed to get as far away as possible for everyone’s safety and his, Mu’s mother turned to him with a defeated look.
“But it is dangerous out there.” Her features creased like she was trying not to grimace at Lukas’ appearance. “It would be cruel to make you fend for yourself while there’s a terrible monster out there.”
“I really must get going,” Lukas said, summoning a charming smile. “I appreciate the concern, but I’ll be alright.”
“If you don’t believe a beast is out there, it tried to torment the townspeople, and nearly killed my brother.” Her features darkened.
“Wh-what?” Lukas paled, digging his nails into his hands.
“Uncle’s captain of the guard at the town over!” Mu cut in. Her voice grew bitter as she explained, “the serpent shadow attacked just the other night, but it couldn’t have gotten too far! That’s why I was looking for it! I won’t let it hurt anyone else.”
“I-I’m so sorry,” Lukas breathed out, shoulders slumping. Guilt weighed him down as he remembered quite clearly the guard’s agonized screams and the taste of blood. Lukas’ features crumbled as he held the woman’s gaze. “Truly, I’m so sorry. Is your brother—” Okay? Healing? Not completely traumatized at the very least?
“The doctor says he’ll heal. Luckily, the gash isn’t infected, but,” the woman scowled, “I hope the witch hunter skins that monster before anyone else gets hurt or worst.”
Lukas swallowed thickly, only able to nod.
“Would you like to spend the night?” The woman softened. “I’d hate for you to get caught by the monster or wind up in a battle between it and the witch hunter.”
“I’ll probably find shelter in the town,” Lukas lied. “But thank you for your generosity.”
Mu tugged on her mom’s sleeve and she bent down, listening as Mu whispered in her ear.
“I suppose that would be alright.” Her mom ruffled her hair and Mu beamed before dashing off into the orchard, towards a house that could be glimpsed between the trees. “So, where exactly are you from?”
While Lukas numbly recited his cover story about coming from a town near Subcon and inwardly grimaced when the woman recalled hearing something about a terrible tragedy befalling Subcon Village. He hurried to change the subject, inquiring about the orchard as he tried to appear at ease while the sun moved through the sky, his back ached from standing still with his bag, and guilt chewed his insides. Finally, Mu returned with a cloth bag filled with jars of pale amber-colored apple jam and fresh bread. The jars had mustaches painted onto them.
“Here you go!” Mu shoved the bag into him, and he fumbled to grasp it, eyes wide at the heft.
“I couldn’t possibly accept this.” He gave them both a wide-eyed look while biting the inside of his cheek. His fang pressed painfully into it.
“You brought my mischief-maker back. It’s the least I can do.” The woman shrugged before bending down and scooping up Mu. Mu squealed as her mom tickled her sides and that only encouraged her mom to blow an affectionate raspberry near her cheek. Giggling, Mu swatted her mom away, though she seemed comfortable in her mother’s embrace.
“Thank you,” Lukas whispered, knowing he didn’t deserve it, especially after what he had done… But the bread did smell tantalizing and the idea of eating jam with it was too rare a treat to pass up. He hugged the bag to his chest, still itching with scabs, and dipped his head. “I better be going, but I really do appreciate this, and I hope your brother recovers swiftly.”
Please let him recover swiftly.
“You better get into town.” She waved her hand dismissively. “Before the beast tries anything again.”
“You can come back tomorrow and help me with chores!” Mu called as Lukas started down the path, waving.
“If I’m able,” Lukas returned noncommittally. “Please take care.”
Please forgive me.
Mu and her mother waved as he left, heading down the path until he was out of sight and then immediately changing direction. After tucking the bread and jam into his own bag, he groaned lightly as he heaved the more cumbersome weight over his shoulders. The jam jars clinked lightly, and he ran a hand through his tangled hair.
He needed to run. If the witch hunter had plans to search the forest, it would not be safe in the slightest, and after how awful he felt from not hunting for a soul, he didn’t think he could keep his beast form from feeding that night and he did not want to chance being too close to others in that state.
He couldn’t hurt anyone again.
Lukas pushed on, weaving through the forest, crossing the river, and hiking ever deeper into isolation. He would ensure that he wouldn’t hurt anyone again.
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shirokaneki · 5 years
Innocent Desire (Kyoru commission)
Summary: In which I was commissioned to write a fic about kyo and tohru pinning with the new found sexual tension kyoru apparently have in the new madubachi chapters haha.  You can find commission details on my blog.
Kyo focused on the distant sound of waves gently splashing upon the sea shore. He closed his eyes, making his way to the sandy beach, listening to the alluring sound of water. But the calming sound seemed to do no good. The love he felt was like a kindling flame gnawing away inside him. It was the same as always: Tohru sleeping under the same roof – they lived together, after all. But this time, his heart wouldn’t settle at the thought. Sharing a vactation house together, all but a paper thin wall between them… it was enough to send his heart racing. Enough to send him out for a midnight walk hoping the chilled air and gentle waves would cool his heated heart.
He’d never felt this way before. Girls were something to be feared, something to avoid, not something to crave, not something to desire. She was such an innocent girl. But that made it not only the more sinful, all the enticing. His mind was perverse; he hated himself for wondering it, but how would she act… like that?  The idea was almost absurd; Tohru was a sweet and innocent girl, but she was only human. What kind of sound would she make? Would it be just as sweet as the way she called his name, if not even sweeter…?
“Ugh!” Kyo groaned aloud, shaking his bright orange hair as a furious blush painted his face. He hated himself for such thoughts. He didn’t want to be disrespectful, but he was just so damn in love with her he couldn’t help but wonder.  He’d left the house to get away from these thoughts – he’d even slapped on his swim shorts; a douse in the cold, harsh ocean was what he needed to cool off. His footsteps sank into the soft sand as he stormed, so heated he was hardly paying attention to what he was drawing close to; at the very least the air was cool and refreshing, but still his body was blazing.
After finally paying attention, he stopped, eyes widening at the sight before him.
His heart soared.
The moon shone on the horizon of the still, shimmering ocean, and Tohru stood before it, acting as his beacon of light both literally as well as figuratively as the moon circled as a gigantic spotlight behind her, casting her body in a beautiful, silver glow. She looked so angelic, like a single ray of hope streaming from the heaven’s to cure his curse, his locked away heart. Yet Kyo’s mind was plagued with sin. He focused on that smooth, visible patch of skin on her lower back, the beautiful, ridges of her spine highlighted silver. Before he knew it his eyes trailed downward, following the triangle of her pink swimsuit that clenched between her cheeks, showing a tiny glimpse of her behind. Her long, sleek legs seemed to glow in porcelain in the moonlight, dipping into the crystalised water….
Stop you creep! Kyo shouted internally, hating himself for such disrespectful gaze to this beautiful angel of a person.
“Kyo…kun?” she whispered. Her long brown hair whisped over her face as she turned her head to meet him, the sleek brown flashing in the moonlight.
She was too far away to hear. But Kyo recognised the call of his name from the movements of her lips; lips he’d watched always so intently, longing to kiss, now noting how they glistened in this light, just begging for the touch of another…
Of course, he’d tried to avoid her. All he would do was break her heart regardless. Yet here she was, both figuratively and literally standing as the light of his life with the moonlight streaming out behind her. How could he resist such a beautiful sight? He was drawn to her like a moth to flame, knowing such a relationship could only end in heartbreak, yet tantilised by hope. He wasn’t fit for love. Nor could he anyway – he was to be locked away, without ever knowing the touch of another. But that moonlight. That light of hope and more importantly the girl in front of it, it drew him in, reaching forward as if striving for an unobtainable heaven.
“Tohru,” he called, voice uncharacteristically gentle.
“O-oh…” Tohru whimpered.
So much had happened with them. But with the height difference she found her eyes plastered to the broad shape of his pectoral; blushing, she staggered backwards, sending crystal  droplets spraying. The water hit Kyo’s bare chest and made the beautifully sculpted ripples of his abs glisten wetly in the shimmer of moonlight. Her eyes glimpsed, pupils dilating with the sight of something she enjoyed, but she stepped backwards, looking away to hide the blossoming blush on her features.
“Kyo-kun, what are you doing here?” she whispered meekly.
“I came to have some time to myself. Instead I found something better,” he replied. He smiled. “I was going to ask you the same question.”
Tohru crossed her hands over her chest. It made her dainty breasts push together – Kyo averted his gaze quickly.
“I…had such a good time with you here before. My mind was unrested, so I wanted to recall those moments.”
Kyo’s heart plunged. How he wanted to reach out. Hold her. Tell her he loved her. But he couldn’t. He wasn’t good enough for this incredible girl. And he was going to be locked away.  This couldn’t end in anything but heartbreak.
He found his arms reaching out of their own accord. Willing to embrace, then he stopped millimetres away from her flesh, breathing down her neck. Their chests bumped, soft into hard, but Kyo’s hands curled into fists by his sides, his gentle breath sending quivers down Tohru’s spine.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered.
They both knew they loved each other. But fate wouldn’t allow it. Kyo found himself trembling, every fibre of his being screaming to take this girl into his arms, to take her and never let go.
Tohru’s face scrunched. A little whimper passed through her lips, a watery glimmer consuming her eyes.
“No,” Kyo breathed, “no, please, I can’t bare to see you cry…”
He took her hand. Their fingers intertwined like a lock and a key, so perfect for one another, yet star-crossed by a fate that wouldn’t allow it. Tohru instinctively jumped. The blossoms of static that coursed through them, tickling and surging like a swarm of butterflies fluttering inside him, could only mean one thing: it was love. They both knew it. As he let her ashore, there was a magnet pull between them; an unseen force urging these bodies to come together, yet fate wouldn’t allow it.
“Come. Look at the stars with me. You’d like that right?” Kyo said.
Tohru nodded. First she sat down, folding her knees as if shy but then she… lay down. Her eyes never left Kyo’s as she laid her body flat on the ground, as if enticing him to look.
Kyo had never seen such a beautiful sight in his life. Laid flat, the swimsuit clung to the slender curves of her body, her bare stomach looked unbelievably kissable. Her deep brown hair spiralled around her, eyes of the same colour glittering in the starlight. Kyo blushed hard, he had to look away , trying his best to respect her– there was no way this sweet girl was enticing him to look.
“Kyo-kun.” Her sweet, tender voice sent quivers down his spine as she extended her arm. “Please lie next to me.”
Kyo’s heart was going crazy. He almost wanted to flee – he wasn’t cut out for this romance crap, if he let himself love her, he’d ruin it. But her smile. Her beautiful smile beaming brighter than the moonlight – how could he say no? He’d hurt this girl so much already. He couldn’t bare to do it again.
He took her hand, biting his lip and almost shaking, and got on his knees.
“It’s okay,” Tohru said sweetly. “You deserve to be loved. Even if you can’t see it yet, you’re incredible.”
His caged heart soared. The elation of love lit his body.
“Tohru,” he said shakily.
It couldn’t be done. He couldn’t be free to love her without breaking her heart.
“Please let me love you,” Tohru whispered.
No longer in control, a slave to his desires, he crawled over to Tohru and got on all fours on top of her. Water cascaded down his chest and thick muscular arms, yet he maintained a distance, careful not to instigate any embrace. He bit his lip, afraid of what might happen if he let it roam free.
“Just this once,” he whispered in a rugged lilt of a voice. “Just this once. …Can I kiss you?”
Tohru’s eyes went doey. Mesmerised by the fiery haired man towering over her with his fierce looking beauty, the man she loved and yearned for so deeply.
“Yes,” she whispered, almost inaudibly, hand reaching to caress his hair.
Kyo drew in close, shaking, Afraid to open his heart, Afraid of the pain he might reap on her if he got locked away in that room. But his heart was in full bloom, sapping all reason from his mind.
Their lips met in a delicate, tepid touch. First they held the kiss. Simply enjoying the touch as supernovas of goodness exploded inside them. His hands wanted to wander so badly but they refrained; instead he put all his work into the kiss, working gentle yet passionately.  He whisked his lips over hers over and over again, caressing and tugging, body literally wilting with goodness that he groaned, sparks flying at each touch.
But it was too good. Kyo was afraid of falling in too deep and pulled back, softly tugging her bottom lip with his own, gazing lovingly into her eyes as he left her.
They panted, Bodies surging with goodness. But that was all Kyo could manage for now. That was all his fragile heart could take.
Tenderly, he stroked Tohru’s cheek.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered.
He’d never wanted to embrace someone more in his life. He didn’t care about the curse anymore. He needed to hold her. Feel her body against his let her know how much he loved her, even if he couldn’t say it back.
Kyo scooped her up in his arms, squeezing her as tightly as he could before it was over, longing for this human embrace to last forever as he indulged the beautiful soft touch of her body.
He transformed in a burst of orange, and a little tangerine cat shifted his place.
Tohru picked him up, holding him to her shoulder while she stroked his fur.
“I love you, Kyo,” she whispered. “ I’ll wait however long it takes for you to be able to say it back.”
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camptony · 4 years
Moonlight Lake || SEBTONY
It had been already a whole week since the day they all had first arrived to the camp, and Tony was certain that it had really been a fun time to be had. Not only was group really fun and easy to lead with all the activities he had laid around for them, but it had also been fun to meet all the other counselors. 
Especially Sebastian Smythe, of course. 
All those day they had been tip toeing that thing line that was to tease each other with flirty lines, sitting together at the end of the day at the table, or by the bonfire and share their stories with the kids so far, or even talk about some of their lives back on, although they never talked too deep about that. It was almost as if they didn't see the need to get that up close and personal, not if they were supposed to say goodbye soon. 
On that particular night, Tony had strayed himself from the dinner table, only taking his guitar as he made his way down to the lake. The moon was full and shone like a big spotlight on the crystal surface of the water. He walked around the lake, right to the spot where the limit of the camp grounds was, and he sat on a rock, his guitar now resting on his lap as he strummed his fingers over the chords.
Sebastian hummed to himself as he rummaged through his things, pulling out the next best thing to an easel and paints. He obviously hadn't bought canvases with him and - while painting was his favourite medium - he loved to sketch and draw as well. He'd always say if you couldn't draw, you couldn't paint. Drawing and sketching was the basis for all forms of art in his mind. And he was itching to do something. Crafts with the campers wasn't exactly hitting his artistic itch. 
He wandered down the lake, intending to sketch it as best he could under the moonlight, but spotted Tony before he heard the guitar. He smirked, before neutralising his features and walked up behind him, not even sure if Tony had heard him approach, "seems like somebody else had the same idea I had tonight."
Tony was currently looking at some random spot over the lake, so he wasn't aware Sebastian was coming towards him until he heard his voice. He looked up and smiled brightly at the other male, somehow looking even more gorgeous under the moonlight. "If you were looking for a quiet spot to be on to escape for a while from the craziness that has been this week, then yeah, you have."  He patted the spot next to him so Sebastian would sit, noticing the drawing tools in his hand. "Looking for some sort of inspiration?"
Sebastian returned the smile (he couldn't help it - somehow Tony had the most infectious smile), sitting down on the rock next to the other man and nodded. "Mmm, something like that... I don't have any of my paints but a sketchbook and pencils will do for now. I feel like I'm having withdrawal symptoms from art and somehow I don't think the kids would find me whipping out some art tools as cool as when you pull out your guitar." He laughed, shaking his head and flicking open the sketcbook.
Tony laughed and shook his head. "Well, your kids are suppose to be from the artistics group, right? I bet they would be impressed with your skills. I'm sure I would be, so... How about you draw something for me, and I'll decide whether they should be impressed enough or not?"
Sebastian hummed, "they like the end result... but they'd get bored if I actually just sat down and sketched. They're more into building or making things themselves. I don't think any of them are actually future artists... you never know, but I have a feeling most of them are here because their parents wanted them gone for the summer or thought that summer camp would be a good experience." He turned and faced Tony, bringing his legs to sit cross legged on the rock, "oh, you'll be impressed... I'm very impressive remember?" Under the moonlight he winked at the other man and then got to work sketching; the lake and Tony playing guitar beside it.
Tony couldn't stop watching every single move Sebastian made. He looked so graceful, almost like he was floating in a way, and he had to force himself to pry his eyes off him so it wouldn't be so obvious that he was actually staring. "They might surprise you. Maybe not the whole group, but perhaps there's that one who's just waiting for their short chance to vent." He looked up at him and smiled. "I'm very aware that you are, but something tells me I'm about to be even more impressed."
Sebastian shrugged at his comment about the campers, but didn't look up from his sketchbook, "maybe you're right... we'll see." As he sketched he realised how different it felt sober... not that he was an addict (though his parents thought differently), but he supposed he had been turning to both marijuana and alcohol a little too frequently of late. He wouldn't admit it to his parents, but maybe getting away for the summer hadn't been a completely terrible idea. "Play something," he said, breaking his own thoughts and looking up at Tony with a smirk, "you came out here to play... right? Show me what those hands can do," he added with a wink.
Tony looked up at him and smiled. "As long as you sketch something for me, deal?" He stood up and let his fingertips brush over the strings of his guitar. "For tonight, I'm totally stealing someone else's hit-" He chuckled, starting to play the song. "Feel free to join me if, by any chance you know this one." 
Sebastian laughed, "Tony, I'm already sketching something for you but by all means -" he waved his hand in a welcoming gesture, as though inviting him to perform. Sebastian didn't know the words of the song - he was sure he'd maybe heard it somewhere before, but not enough to know it but by the end of it he'd got the tune and was at least humming along. "You're really good," Sebastian said when Tony was finished and then smirked at him, "but you already know that, don't you?"
Tony hummed softly as the song came to an end, his eyes closed, like he was soaking up until the very last note of it, then he opened them up and looked at him with a sly grin on his face. "Of course I knew. And now you know too. Ain't life good?!" He chuckled, then put his guitar aside on the ground and sat closer to Sebastian. "How's that coming up?" he asked, trying to take a peek at the sketch the other was working on.
Sebastian quickly turned the pad so Tony couldn't see what he was drawing and shook his head, "patience." He was pretty much done so he was mostly messing with Tony as he added a few more scratches to the page with a flourish. When he was done he passed the drawing pad to Tony and leaned back on the rock. "If I had my canvases I'd paint it but they're back in my apartment. With my sanity."
Tony pouted when Sebastian pulled back so he couldn't see the drawing, so he sat in front of him and waited until he was done. He took the pad when he handed it to him and smiled. "Wow... You're really good." He looked up at him. "It's even better than a photograph. Awesome." He chuckled and handed the pad back to him. "You really don't like it here, don't you? Is there anything tha can be done for you to at least stand it a bit more?"
Sebastian sighed and flipped the cover of the pad shut and set it down beside him, placing his pencils on top of it as well. He leaned back on the rock and looked out at the lake, the moonlight dancing on the surface. "I don't hate it," he admitted, his gaze still off in the distance, "but it wasn't exactly my choice to come here. It was this or..." He trailed off, and shook his head to put an end to that train of thought. He looked sideways towards Tony with a smirk, their eyes meeting, "oh there would be plenty I could think of to make camp more bearable..." He feigned a sigh, "too bad they're all against the rules."
Tony tilted his head as he listened to Sebastian, obviously there been more to the story that he didn't want to share, to which Tony saw no wrong; they had literally met a couple of days ago, so he wasn't someone the other could simply spill all his secrets to. He felt it was right not to push on that particulary subject, but when the other came up he grinned a little, then shifted on his spot so he was sitting right next to Sebastian. "Funny... You didn't strike me like someone who follows the rules that much" he said quietly, his teeth gnawing on his lower lip as he looked at him.
Sebastian laughed and shook his head, "no... no, that's fair. You'd be right about that." He looked over at Tony and hummed, "though this camp was supposed to set me straight... wait, no. Wrong choice of words. But I think I'm supposed to be... ah... appreciating the rules while I'm here." All the while he was speaking, he was leaning in ever so slightly until his lips were all but touching Tony's and then... a cry made them jump, and Sebastian looked over, realising that the sound hadn't been for them, but they could see some campers that had clearly snuck out of their cabins and one of them was on the ground, clutching their ankle, probably having tripped over something they couldn't see since it was night time. 
He looked back at Tony and sighed, both of them getting up and making their way over to the group who looked startled to see them. It was some of the older campers, who were around 12 years old, and they looked a little sheepish at being caught. "What are you guys doing? It's well past curfew." "You're up!" One of them replied and Sebastian rolled his eyes, "that's because we're grown ups. Tony, can you make sure they get back to their cabins, I'm going to take... err..." "Sam" "-right, Sam, to the first aid room." He helped Sam up, who hopped on her ankle as he supported her, and then looked over at Tony, "TBC." He said, with a wink, before heading off in the direction of first aid.
Tony chuckled softly, his eyes looking right back into Sebastian's. "You make it sound like they sent you to a military boot camp, in which case that would make sense. It's a children's camp-" he said, not really finishing what he was saying when he felt the warmth of Sebastian's lips on his own, until the sound of a cry snapped them both back to reality. He pulled the strap of his guitar and let it hang on his back as they both made it back to where the kids where and quickly gathered them all up as best as he could, also looking around to see no one had walked further away from the spot. "Sure" he simply said with a nod, then also turned around and led the children back into their respective cabins, and after making sure everyone was acounted for, he headed straight to his own cabin.
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taste-thewaste · 5 years
Fic: Rooftop
Title: Rooftop Fandom: Rocketman (2019) Pairings: Elton/Bernie friendship Word count: ~825 Summary: Elton is still having a hard time breaking up with Arabella until Bernie reminds him of what he deserves.
The moonlight on the rooftop was bright, almost as if someone had turned on a spotlight. A warm breeze was blowing, a welcome reprieve from the scorching heat that had plagued the city for most of the day. Bernie closed his eyes and tipped his head back, let the warm summer wind run through his hair. Peaceful, he thought, but then snapped his eyes open as Elton let out a despondent, weary sigh.
“You have to tell her, Reg.” Bernie ran his hands through his hair and sat up so he was looking at his best friend. “You’re driving yourself-and me-crazy by obsessing over it. Just break up with her.”
Elton sighed dramatically again. “It’s not that easy, Bernie. She really cares about me and I’ve been leading her on.” 
“Well, what do you think you’re doing by dragging your feet? You’re still leading her on, you’re just taking your time about it,” Bernie said, crossing his arms. 
Elton looked down at his feet guiltily. “I don’t mean to.” 
Bernie smiled. “Of course you don’t mean to. But the longer you wait, the worse it’ll be.” 
Elton nodded, and Bernie watched him with a careful eye. It had been two weeks since he’d found out that his friend fancied blokes over birds, and since then they’d spent almost every night on the rooftop of their flat while Elton waxed and waned about breaking up with Arabella. Bernie knew how hard breakups could be, he’d found himself in that situation more than once and most of the time it wasn’t pretty, but it had to be done. 
If Bernie was being honest, he was far less concerned for Arabella’s feelings than he was for Elton’s. Bernie saw the way Elton grimaced when Arabella held his hand, or touched his shoulder, or ran her hands through his hair. She was a touchy-feely sort of woman, and it seemed that when they were together, her hands were constantly on him. Bernie could see how much Elton hated it, could see the discomfort written all over his face like a giant neon sign. It broke Bernie’s heart sometimes.
He didn’t want Elton to sell himself short. 
Bernie allowed a few more moments to go by in silence, the only discernible sound being a cricket playing its own tune. He watched as Elton worried, gnawing on his lower lip, his leg bouncing up and down with nerves. Finally, Bernie stood up and made his way across the roof, sinking down next to his best friend so closely that their knees touched. 
“Hey, Reg?” Bernie said softly, and Elton looked up at him. 
“Do you think you still like blokes?” 
Elton looked at him quickly. “I…fuck, Bernie, I told you, I’m not sure, I think...yeah, I think so.”
“Then you have to BREAK UP WITH HER,” Bernie said sternly, and playfully punched Elton on the shoulder. “Seriously, mate. My concern isn’t even about her at this point. I couldn’t care less about her, honestly.” 
Elton narrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head at Bernie. “What do you mean, it’s not about her? I’m the one lying to her and making her think that I...that I…”
Bernie shook his head, cut him off. “Listen, that’s true and it’s kind of shitty, yeah. But I care about you and what it’s doing to you. You shouldn’t be forcing yourself into being with her.” 
“I guess,” Elton muttered, and Bernie sighed exasperatedly.
“No, no guessing. You don’t deserve to be trapped in a relationship with a girl if that’s not what you want. What you deserve is to find a hot bloke with a perfect body and...and luscious hair and who’s fucking nice to you and wants to screw your brains out! You deserve to be loved, Reg, and to be honest about that. That’s what you deserve. That’s what I want for you,” Bernie finished quietly, and Elton had tears in his eyes and so did Bernie and they lapsed back into comfortable silence. 
The next morning, Elton’s piano would be smashed to smithereens and their lyrics would be scattered all over the pavement outside of the flat they no longer lived in; they’d both be on their way to live at Elton’s mum’s. Neither of them knew it then, though. They didn’t know how big and complicated everything was going to get, with their music and with each other, and they didn’t know that it would take Elton many years before he’d be loved the way Bernie had told him he deserved to be, and even more years before he would truly believe that he deserved it. 
But all that didn’t matter just then. All they knew was that it was a beautiful summer evening, and that there was some love in the world that was unselfish.
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forkanna · 6 years
NOTES: Sorry about that huge delay - that was totally unintentional. I've been trying to make a game, which I know, is a completely ridiculous thing for me to do considering I've never tried to do that before. Also, I'm terrible at it as it turns out, haha. BUT! If I ever finish it, you'll be the first to know - I'll also probably post it to AO3 if it's at all possible.
Hopefully, the length of this chapter (and the sheer amount of events set off in it) help to make up for it! We're doing a time-hop forward. Part Two is much longer, and Part Three will be about the same length as Two. Have fun!
                                                  ~ PART TWO ~
                                                  CHAPTER SIX
"Come on, Illianora, spill! What did they say, exactly?"
The round-faced girl smiled back at her friends, swinging her legs back and forth just below her chair in the corner of the inn they so often met up in for lunch. Any fool could tell that this was a unique opportunity for her to be the center of attention, and she was about to milk it for all she was worth. Not that anyone other than the barkeep and the one or two of the customers were going to pay them the slightest bit of attention — and the former only because he distrusted anyone who had not come to the age of adulthood.
"Oh, come on, you don't want to hear this boring old Emerald City gossip."
"We do, we do!"
"Okay," she giggled, relenting far too easily. Scooting a bit closer, she said, "Well. First, they were making this big proclamation about appointing Fiyero to be Captain of the Guard!"
There were a chorus of gasps. One of the other girls whispered, "Not Prince Fiyero!"
"Yes! I mean, I really wanted to go congratulate him… tell him personally how proud we all were of him. A Vinkus man being given such a high position in the Wizard's army! Put in charge of the search for the Witches themselves! But I couldn't get close, of course."
"You wanted to tell him how much you wanted to be his wife," another girl accused. When Illianora only shrugged, they all laughed. "Knew it! You're shameless!"
"Oh, stop that; you know I'm only interested in Liir. Even if Fiyero is a handsome devil." Then her eyes sparkled. "But I haven't told you the half of it! The press secretary — Marble something — she announced that after almost two years of searching all of Oz, they're finally tracking down where the other two Wicked Witches are hiding!"
More gasps, these of a different nature. Darker, more fearful; still just as excited and eager for hearsay as the ones over the guard captain, but laced with the appropriate apprehension.
"Well?" one of the girls needled, given that Illianora had taken overlong continuing. "Where?"
"Here? You mean the Vinkus?" When she only shrugged again, she pressed, "Not in Kiamo Ko?!" They turned to each other with whispers of alarm. This was a lot more personal, more pronounced, than the quick jolt of adrenaline they felt about the vague existence of the witches. This was local.
"Well, maybe not in Kiamo Ko specifically, but in the Vinkus, at least. We all know they've patrolled our streets enough to have flushed out any two witches."
"Have they? I hear they can shed their skins as easily as a snake!"
"Don't be ridiculous, Sarima," another girl snapped. "Go on, Nora, tell us what else the Marble woman said — further north? South? Or out West?"
"Might be West, because they kept calling them 'The Wicked Witches of the West'... though that could just mean in the Vinkus," she added in a thoughtful mutter.
Sarima pushed a hand into the side of her face. "I was a lot happier dreaming about that Prince Fiyero than worrying about witches holding us for ransom." The others were quick to agree.
"That was about it," Illianora reluctantly admitted. "Just to stay alert, try to tell any Animals that still speak that she and the Wizard are offering a reward for any information on where the witches went."
"Weally- I mean, really. Oh, and that they're keeping a close eye on the Witch of the East; you know, the one in Munchkinland?"
They all muttered lazily about that for a moment. By now, the strict policies and threats of that particular "witch" were well-known everywhere, even if they weren't nearly as sensational as hearing about fires and explosions and freed Animals courtesy of the other two. With no more exciting news about the East to pick apart, they just muttered for a minute or so about her before letting the subject return to the more immediate threat.
"I've heard that one is green and the other is blue," a girl whispered. "And that when they get mad, they switch!"
"That's ridiculous, Nastoya. How can a person switch colours?"
"How can a person be green or blue in the first place?" Sarima cut in, shaking her head.
After a moment, Illianora asserted herself again, hoping to recapture the spotlight from her friends. "Well, they say one of them was from Gillikin; the emerald mines are near there. Maybe there was an accident, and now she's green forever! Wouldn't that be awful?"
As they continued to chatter on, a robed figure passed behind them and left a handful of coins on the counter before making good her discreet exit. For the time being, she had heard quite enough to be going on with.
                                                  ~ o ~
"...And that's the scuttlebutt."
A green chin nodded up and down as two spindly fingers stroked either side, glittering emerald eyes sharpa as they always had been. "Intriguing. Not that I know what 'scuttlebutt' means."
"It means the butt of a scuttle, of course! Come on, Elphie, aren't you frightened?"
"Why should I be?" Gesturing around at the sparkling insides of the cave, she announced, "Saint Aelphaba is safely tucked into this hidey-hole behind Wicca Falls, where none may enter but her closest companion, Glinda the Ghastly. What's to worry about? They're no closer to finding us than they were last year. I doubt they could find their hats if they were on their own pointed heads."
Glinda the Ghastly scowled as Elphaba chuckled, folding her arms over her chest. "I don't find that particularly humourous, you know. Just because I'm resigned to living like a common criminal on the lamb doesn't mean I want to joke about it."
"Who's joking? Maybe I really am Saint Aelphaba." At Glinda's eyeroll, she gave one of her own. "Fine, you aren't in a laughing mood."
"I'm not. But… I do have some good news to go with the bad." Reaching behind her, she produced a large, round disc of light-tan bread, lips pulling into a small smile. "See what I picked up?"
"Ooh, honey loaf!" Elphaba breathed, smiling in spite of herself. "It's been awhile since we splurged. By Oz, to eat something besides fish for once!" Her fingers twitched toward it, then pulled away. "But… you bought it, I should let you break the bread."
"Here, then," she giggled as she split it in two easily and passed half of it over. "Eat up. No sense waiting another hour until supper."
As Elphaba drew it closer, she glanced upward. "You always give me the bigger half."
"Well…" Squirming, she shrugged and feigned indifference. "You're taller than me, aren't you? More to feed. I'm just being practical."
"Sure," Elphaba chuckled, breaking off a small piece to nibble. They ate in comfortable silence for a few minutes. Then she said, once her hunger was not so gnawing, "I'm worried about the Animals."
"This again," Glinda sighed.
"No, listen; it's been a week since I heard from their camp in the Great Gillikin Forest. The Crows were supposed to come days ago. What can be keeping them?"
For a minute or two, Glinda simply watched her companion wring her hands. It confounded her, but yet again, as she had the past several times this subject turned in such a direction, she found herself very faintly jealous. Why should she? It was because the Animals demanded Elphaba's attention, of course, but the part that confounded her was that she cared so deeply whether or not her friend had concerns outside the two of them. Perhaps it could be merely attributed to them spending far too much time together; they were becoming codependent. It was to be expected when you were living in a cave with only one other person, but sometimes, she worried that it was going to ruin her for keeping company with others. Would she remember all of her social graces, her manners, once this crisis was over?
It had to come to an end. It had to; the Wizard and Morrible couldn't possibly keep up this witch hunt forevermore! Someday, they would find a way to bargain for the Animals to be left alone, and to return the Grimmerie to its rightful owners. She had no idea how such a plan would come together, especially after two years of feeling defeated, but she was determined to make it so. Until then, she supposed she would have to put up with playing second chair to Elphaba's zealous crusade now and then.
Her friend must have sensed her displeasure. After swallowing her current bite, she said in the soft voice Glinda had grown so accustomed to over the past years, "I missed you the past few days."
"You did not. You're just sorry I didn't bring back a Pig for companionship," she griped.
Chewing on her lip for a moment, she decided not to be too mean; it wasn't worth it. "Did you really?"
"I always do. If only I didn't stick out like a green thumb, I could go with you when you head into the cities."
"Yeah, I know. Any, um… progress on degreenifying yourself?"
"Nope," she sighed, glancing over at the Grimmerie's vaunted place on a very basic table on one cave wall, next to a candelabra of wax stumps. "You know, I did manage to turn my knee orange yesterday."
"Oh, can I see?!" When Elphaba only snorted, she wilted and mumbled, "Don't joke! I don't like it when you joke about magic, it seems… I don't know."
Throwing up both hands, Elphaba began to rise, only just catching the last bit of her honey loaf before it toppled to the grotty cave floor. "No joking about magic, or Animals, or Saint Aelphaba. What can we joke about?!"
"We can joke about how ugly I'm getting, without my makeup artists and hairdressers." When Elphaba only frowned deeply at her from the "kitchen" area of their hovel, Glinda pursed her lips. "You know I stopped caring about that after the first few months, but you still won't laugh. I always thought you'd be thrilled I gave up on that."
"But you gave up on them because they're out of reach for you, not because of disinterest." Having stashed the rest of her bread for the time being, she returned to help Glinda up. "You know I would give you back those things if I had a spell for that."
"Don't turn my knees orange," she warned, and Elphaba grinned in spite of herself. "But… you're learning to do much more important things than giving me supernatural lipstick."
Glancing around the cave, as if someone would jump out and interrupt them, Elphaba leaned in and pressed her lips against Glinda's ear. The latter shivered at the feeling of air caressing her lobe and neck, at the closeness of the vibrations of sound.
"I perfected fire."
"Perfected?" she breathed, licking her suddenly-dry lips. Elphaba knew that she was still a bit skittish about being so close as that, and she often used it to tease. This time, she could tell it was unintentional, so she did not bop her on the nose.
"Yes, perfected. Here…" Raising a hand, she began to whisper under her breath; seemed she didn't even need to read the words from the Grimmerie's pages anymore. In the very center of her palm, a plume of pale green flame began to flicker and dance.
"O-oh! It's a tiny fire! You've really done it, you- and it's not even raging out of control like the last time!"
A smile ghosted into the corners of Elphaba's mouth, and she fell silent, allowing the flame to continue its presence there. After a few more seconds, she closed the hand and it vanished. "Yes. It… well, I still feel guilty about our hut down in Yips, so I promised myself I would only practice somewhere safe. The connecting caves go deep enough that it's easy to find somewhere without any wood or brush. Look how much it's paid off!"
"It's truly wonderful, and wonderfully true; your control is getting as good as your arcane arsenal!" With a little titter, she went to join her in working on getting their supper finished. Honey loaf was well and good, but it was not enough sustenance. "And I've barely mastered the flight spell; everything else, I have to read it out of the book or I'll mess it up. Even then, I still mess it up sometimes!"
"Glinda, that's alright." Perching her free hand on her forearm, she went on, "You're the one running around Oz, trying to acquire things for us, listening in on gossip. I'm stuck here all day, hiding and waiting to talk to Crows, so this is the way I can be useful. Well, other than fishing." As she stoked the fire higher underneath the several fish spitted on a stick, she added, "And anyway, you're a lot further along than that and you know it."
"Maybe," she muttered, embarrassed by the attention toward her inferior spellwork.
"Definitely. Just keep at it and you'll be floating around over Oz in no time."
Soon after, they set to plating and eating the fish. Though they were literal cave-dwellers, Glinda had still insisted they could bother to pick up kitchenware and eat as civilised as they could manage. Elphaba cared a bit less for manners, but she still did her best to maintain some decorum for her companion's sake. After all, small gestures such as those went a long way toward keeping the peace.
It wasn't until they were washing up that Elphaba announced, "I'm thinking about visiting my sister."
"Oh?" Glinda asked as they stood in the mouth of the cave, hands outstretched to let the waterfall blast away the food remnants. They sometimes lost dishes that way due to unexpectedly powerful bursts of water, but they knew now to tighten their grip against the torrent. "You… want to see Nessa? Why?"
"It's all this talk of her being 'wicked' like us. The details are so vague, I don't… what are they talking about? She never acted the slightest bit wicked in all the years I've known her, which are all the years she's had. I know it's not really the focus of what we're trying to get done, and it might not help us clear our names, either. But… she's my sister, isn't she? For better or for worse."
At that, Glinda had to nod glumly. "I might be an only child, but I imagine having a sibling must be the bestest. A very special bond, especially! So… so why should I stand in your way if you want to see her?"
"Because it's foolish," Elphaba sighed, turning away with the cleansed dishes to dry them over the table. Glinda hurried to follow. "It's a needless risk of exposure. I'd have to be careful flying almost literally from one end of Oz to the other, and for what? To have Nessarose snap at me that I've 'disgraced the family', probably."
"Oh, come on, Elphie. She wouldn't be that cruel!"
"Wouldn't she? You've met my father. She's his child."
"So are you, and I don't see you being that cruel." When Elphaba glanced at her, she shrugged. "Not that often. We have our quarrels, but we always work them out, and you're very rarely cruel without cause."
"But I am cruel, then. Right?" Glinda didn't answer right away, and Elphaba sighed. "I'm sorry, I… sometimes, I get so passionate about saving the Animals from being muted and massacred…"
"I know," she soothed with a hand on Elphaba's back. "Of course, I understand. And… even though I hate it when you shout at me, you've never struck me or… or insulted me unless I've already insulted you somehow. So I think you're quite an admirable person, overall."
At that, Elphaba snorted and patted Glinda's arm. "Such lavish praise. If you don't want me to go and see her, I won't, but… oh, I just feel like I must. Something in my gut tells me it's important."
A sigh escaped Glinda's lips as she pondered. Not that there was much to ponder at all. "Your gut has served us well a few times before now, so I feel like it would be sheer ridiculosity to ignore it now. Go to your sister; I'll hold down the fort here."
"No, no; I must wait for the Crows. But once they have arrived… shall we go together? I want her to know that we're on her side if she's being wrongly accused." In an undertone, she added, "Besides… if she isn't wrongly accused, I might need your help escaping her clutches."
"Her 'clutches'!" Glinda giggled. But when Elphaba didn't laugh, her own petered out quickly. "Oh. You really think… little Nessie? The one in the chair?"
"Just because she's in a wheelchair doesn't mean she poses no threat. You didn't grow up with her; you don't know how manipulative she can be if it suits her purposes. Maybe she isn't a villain, but she's no perfect princess, either."
Nodding, Glinda whispered, "I'm sorry. You're right, I don't know a twigging thing about her."
"No, I'm sorry," Elphie sighed as she put away the dried dishes and utensils. "No point in spreading doom and gloom about something that hasn't happened yet."
"Then it's settled. Once we hear from our fine feathered friends, we find your family for a fisit."
Elphaba had been nodding along until the very end. "You mean 'visit', don't y- oh, nevermind." But Glinda was so pleased with herself that Elphaba couldn't frown for long.
                                                  ~ o ~
Déjà vu settled upon Glinda when she spied Colwen Grounds for the second time in her life. However, it was not quite the same as the last occasion. Munchkinlander guards paced up and down the street, spears in hand. There was a distinct lack of civilian presence throughout all of Nest Hardings, now that she thought to look. How could things have changed so drastically in a couple of short years?
"By Oz," Elphaba breathed. Glinda tightened her arms around her waist to comfort the poor, shocked woman. "My home looks like a prison…"
"Or a fortress," she muttered. "Elphie, where would your sister be?"
"Upstairs, the third window from the right in the back. It's… oh, I wish I could have perfected that invisibility spell! All the rocks just turned lighter and lighter shades of grey, they never vanished entirely!"
Sighing, Glinda patted her side and whispered, "We'll just have to be quick. Act when the guards aren't looking. We can do that; I'm even wearing this hideous black cloak and it's the dead of night, it ought to be simple enough!"
"Ought to be, yes… but will luck be with us?" Neither of them dared answer.
With some relief, they found the window unlatched, and were able to slip in undetected. Of course, that didn't last long.
"ELPHABA!" Nessarose shouted. It had been so long since Glinda saw the black-haired, wheelchair-bound beauty, but she looked no less elegant now than she did in their days at Shiz. The chair squeaked as she made her way over to them, struggling to push it along with her own slender arms. "Wh-what- GUARDS! What are you doing here?!"
"Nessa, I'm sorry," Elphaba said in a stage whisper as she paced forward, their broom forgotten. "I just… I had a powerful feeling that if I didn't come soon, you…" Her gaze dropped and her voice petered out, as meek and cowed as Glinda remembered from when they met with her father.
"What? Come on, out with it!" Nessa's voice grew more terse as she went on, "You've spent the last two years terrorizing all of Oz, casting a shadow over the name of Thropp! And now, what, you want to waltz back in? To smooth things over?"
"Believe me, I'd love to smooth things over, with both you and Father. But that isn't why-"
"Oh, that's fabulous." A humourless laugh floated out of her throat. "With Father! You really must be a powerful witch now if you think you can manage that!"
Elphaba looked mildly confused. She glanced at Glinda, as if she might hold some key to deciphering her sister's words, but Glinda merely shrugged her own ignorance. Even if she did have any idea what this was about, she was smart enough not to butt into a family discussion. "What do you mean?"
"He's dead, you ignorant celery stalk!"
Glinda swooped forward as fast as she could to catch Elphaba before she crumpled to the ground, and just barely made it. Still, a struggle ensued as Glinda had to use all of her feeble muscle to support both of their weights — made all the worse for Elphaba going entirely boneless.
"Dead… no, he's… he can't- wh-what are you saying to me?"
"Dead. You know, deceased, passed on? Dancing with the Unnamed God? He's gone forever, and it's all your fault!"
"My fault?" Elphaba rasped. The accusation seemed to give her back some small shred of herself in the form of indignation. "H-how? I haven't even- I was on the other side of the kingdom!"
"Exactly." Her fists trembled on the arms of the chair as she shouted at her sister, voice turning hoarse, "After he learned what you'd done, how you'd disgraced us, he died... of shame! Embarrassed to death. You didn't have to lift a finger."
At the last phrase, Elphaba's posture went rigid. "I didn't have to- what are you implying? That I wanted Father to die?!"
"Didn't you? He told me what you said when you came begging for scraps, for protection. How you complained about me getting all of the attention! Look at me, Elphaba!" One hand swept down at her legs as her eyes bored straight through her green sibling. "How can you blame him for wanting to help me more? I am broken! But your legs work just fine; you can stand alone! Why should he help you when you can help yourself?!"
"You… you little…" Elphaba's hands worked into fists and back, and she clamped her mouth shut.
"Me, what?" A brief pause. After a moment, she bit out, "Go on, say it. Say whatever horrible thought is in that horribly wicked brain of yours."
"You think you know so much," Elphaba hissed at her. "But you're wrong. I never wanted Father to- all I wanted from him was love and acceptance. But he could never manage it. I was always treated differently because of how I look, which is something I cannot help. And he did it anyway. When you're the colour of Truth Pond scum, I guess that's how you get treated."
Nessa's expression darkened, even though Glinda would not have thought it possible given how dark it was before. "You take that back. He was always saying how proud he was of you, how you had grown up strong and independent. I don't want to hear these lies."
"He never said it to me! Never even said… that he loved me. The only things he said to me were about you, Nessa — unless he was insulting me, or telling me how much I've been fouling things up. Which, of course, was also usually about you."
"So instead, everything should have been about you?! Fine, that's rich; poor Fabala, she's green! It doesn't change anything else about her life, she can walk and dance and go wherever she pleases, but poor Fabala!"
"Don't call me that," Elphaba warned.
"Or what? You'll curse me?" A scoffing noise as she folded her arms. "You have everybody fooled that you're a witch. As if you could manage anything but weird explosions! Well fine, blow me up, sister of mine. If that's what you want, go right ahead; then you'll have both of us out of the way. The last Thropp can have Colwen Grounds all to herself."
The three of them stood in a tense silence for a long moment. Finally, assuming no one else was going to do anything to diffuse the situation, Glinda cleared her throat and asked something that had been bothering her.
"Um… I've heard the people of Oz calling you a witch, too. What's up with that?"
"What? Oh… oh, nevermind their nonsense," she brushed aside. "They don't like my policy changes."
"Policy changes? I don't understand, I thought your father… was…" Then her eyes widened slightly. "Nevermind, I get it. You're the new Munchkin Mayor."
"Eminent Thropp," she corrected.
"Whatever. So what kind of policy changes? You have to be this tall to ride?" Glinda held her hand only a few feet above the ground, alluding to how diminutive a lot of Munchkinlanders were. Not that Nessa or Elphaba were among their number.
"I closed our borders to emigration and immigration. No one goes in or out. It's a temporary measure for everyone's safety. And I increased taxes to funnel into our military, and the Lurlinist Pike Guild; you know our family doesn't believe in Lurlinism, but they're our strongest defense force."
Elphaba nodded her understanding. "Yes, I suppose you work with what you have. Why so much fearmongering, though?"
"That's you, too. What did you think would happen? You zoom around the kingdom, allegedly rescuing Animals and brushing aside the Wizard's forces like they're ants! Everyone's terrified of you!"
"You don't seem to be."
"That's because I understand who you really are; a coward. You made a mistake, got on the wrong side of either the Wizard or Morrible, and you won't face them directly. So you scurry around, using this weird thing with Animals to distract yourself. Isn't that right?"
Elphaba glanced at Glinda, who shrugged. Then she turned back and said, "Not exactly right, but not exactly wrong."
"Oh." Nessa seemed somewhat surprised by the admission. "Then… you really are afraid of the Wizard."
"Of course. Who wouldn't be? You see what he's doing to the Animals, silencing and herding them up to be slaughtered. Whether it's him or if it's Morrible's idea, they're both to blame."
Rolling her eyes, the girl tried to wheel over toward a small wooden cabinet that stood in the corner, but she was having such a hard time of it that Glinda tutted impatiently and strode over to take the handles on the back of chair, wheeling her the rest of the way.
"Thank you," Nessa said curtly. But at least she said it.
"No problem. Do you need help with anything?"
"I can take care of myself," she assured her, glaring over at Elphaba. She opened the door and withdrew a crystal bottle and a decanter, setting them on top. Then she glanced back at the other two as she poured herself a generous helping of a thick, dark liquid. "Can I offer you something? I have Qwice Wine, Gilligin, a pretty good year of Munchcatel…"
"Ooh, I haven't had a good Munchcatel in a while!" Glinda whispered. Nessa smirked slightly as she withdrew another bottle. "What?"
"Nothing. Just that you seem like the type for a sweet wine, that's all."
"Thank you, I think!"
"Nothing for me," Elphaba said flatly. "I'm flying later."
With a shrug, Nessa handed Glinda her drink and lifted her own to her lips, draining a third of it in one go. When Glinda wheeled her back over to Elphaba, she sighed as if irritated, but it seemed to be because she was getting closer to her sister and not from Glinda's actions directly.
"Alright, we've taken care of the small talk. Why are you here now? What is the point of this visit? You've gone two years without darkening my doorstep, so I can't fathom why you would now."
"Because I have a feeling something truly bad is coming. For you." When Nessa's eyes rolled, she snapped, "I don't care if you believe me or not! Or I do, but… oh, forget it. You obviously neither want nor need anything from me, and I don't care if you do. I just didn't want anything horrible to befall my only sister without trying to warn her."
"You can't give me anything I want," Nessa said softly. "You can't bring Father back, you can't make me able to stand. You can't even make Boq…" But then she cut herself off, gripping the glass tighter. "What's the point of you being a witch if you're useless?!"
Unable to stop herself, Glinda whispered, "Hey now, that's not quite fair, is it? Elphaba's not a genie, she can't just grant your every wish. Sorcery is a skill like any other skill; she can only do what she knows how!"
"Then why don't you ask yourself; what has her priority been? Me? Of course not. I've never been her priority."
"You've always been my priority," Elphaba bit out. "Ever since you were born, Father made sure you were the only thing that mattered. Only… only going to Shiz made me begin to see how much I was missing in my life. Being friends with Glinda."
"Aww," Glinda tittered softly, allowing herself a shy smile. "It's no big deal. I just wanted to help you feel pretty and popular for once."
"And you couldn't do that for me?" Nessa snapped. "What a selective fairy godmother."
Glinda turned on her, hands on hips. "That's enough, missy! You're already pretty! Prettier than me, lately! But you don't get popular by trapping everybody in their homes, do you? And speaking of Boq, I set you up with him in the first place! So don't tell me I haven't done anything for you, you, you… jerkity sad sack!"
Elphaba gasped. Nessa looked affronted, of course, but Elphie was the one most definitely shocked that Glinda had said something so hostile against another person to their face. Glinda knew she didn't do that often; it was part of being a member of high society. One didn't go around openly criticising your peers! But in this case, Nessarose was being unkind and unfair to her best friend. She had earned a little payback.
"Well, I…" Nessa took a drink to give herself an excuse not to speak for a moment. Then she said in clipped tones, "You're right, I can't deny you did encourage Boq to approach me. I'm sorry. But Elphaba… I'm not wrong about that."
"She loves you. She just… you can't be her whole life, y'know? But she never wanted to have to leave you for more than one short day. And we're here now, aren't we? You have no idea how long and hard it was for us to come visit you!"
At that, Nessa did look up at her sister, eyes narrowed. "Yes… how long did it take you? Where are you living lately? I'm curious."
"And I'm not that stupid. You'd sell that information to the Wizard in exchange for more protection in a heartbeat, wouldn't you?" When Nessa merely shrugged, Elphaba grunted, "Typical."
"Well, you can't do anything else for me. And it would be your own fault if you slipped up and told me; I'd feel no guilt over it."
"Of course you wouldn't." Elphaba folded her arms over her chest and went on, "Well, I can't bring back our father or get you out of that chair, so you'll just have to enjoy the visit for what… it… hmm."
"'For what it hmm'? What on earth is that supposed to mean?"
"Oh, nothing. Glinda, may I speak to you for a moment?" When Glinda merely shrugged and trotted over to join her in the far corner of the chambers, Elphaba steered her over close to the window.
"What? What is it?"
"You've been studying the Grimmerie, too, right?" At Glinda's nod, she hissed, "Do you remember anything that might make Nessa able to stand? I could put a flight spell on her underwear, but I think that would go pretty quickly awry — and she wouldn't really be walking."
Glinda's face screwed up in concentration. "You know… I have seen something, but I can't remember where! I think it was some spell for enchanted shoes, but it was for dancing, not walking."
"Yes, exactly, exactly. But as we now know, if we tweak a couple of spells… combine them…"
"The Glowing Stone," she breathed, referring to a rock that now glowed always. They actually had to stick it in a box overnight so that its radiance wouldn't keep them awake. "You're right, that was two different spells! But can you find two that will help Nessie?"
"I don't know. But…" Sighing, she glanced over her shoulder. "That unpleasant toad does not deserve my help, but I won't feel good about myself if there was something I could do for my sister, and I didn't."
"Well, that's definitely… a type of motivation, I guess," Glinda said with a weak laugh. "You start looking for the other spell, I'll stealify her shoes, okay?"
"Oh." Casting another look over at Nessarose, she whispered, "That might not work out as well as you would hope, but see what you can do. I'll get to work."
Vaguely confused by that last warning, Glinda shrugged and left Elphaba to withdraw the Grimmerie from inside her inky cloak. "Listen, Nessa?"
"Uhh, hey." Her finger pointed down at the padded footrests of her wheelchair. "Do you mind if I borrow those for a moment?"
The girl's reaction was immediate. Glinda could practically see her withdrawing from the conversation a small amount, the way her hands fidgeted with the hem of her blouse, her eyes lowered, fluttered, glanced back up at Glinda. After a few seconds of this twitchiness, she asked a simple question.
"Why? If you're going to tease me…"
"We're going to try a spell. No promises!" she warned, before any hopes could be raised. "Just… a little something. If it doesn't work, at least we tried, right?"
Thoughtful, she looked down at the shoes. They were quite elegant: sueded blue slippers with small pearls trailing along embroidery that graced each side. Somehow, they had been secured well enough that not a single pearl had been lost — or else it was because they had never been walked in.
"Do you h-have to take them off?"
"Hmm. Maybe not, but it sure seems safer to me. Do you really want us to try throwing magic at them while you're still wearing them?"
"Well… alright, that is a good point. I don't trust Elphaba particularly, but I have this feeling you wouldn't lie about something this mundane." She began to bend forward, then was stopped by realising she was still holding her drink. "Oh… this is hard enough normally without being inebriated!"
Chuckling, Glinda knelt and said, "I'll get them, don't worry. Relax."
"No! D-don't…" After a long pause, she looked away, cheeks rosy with embarrassment. "Okay, but don't… don't look at my feet."
"Please? That's all I'm asking."
The whole matter puzzled her. What was the huge crisis? Shrugging her agreement, Glinda did as she was asked; she looked long enough to get a good grip on the backs of the shoes, then slipped them off without ever glancing down. Hearing the quiet thud of Nessa's ankles into the padded rests, she whispered, "Sorry!"
"It's alright," she said with a nervous chuckle. "At least I can pretend I moved them on my own."
"If you say so. Um, be back in a minute!"
Once Glinda and Elphaba were crowded around the Grimmerie, scanning its pages with the shoes placed above it on the small table, she was able to help look for the proper spell. As they debated the pros and cons of certain choices, another question niggled in her mind. When she decided she couldn't ignore it any longer, she asked.
"So what's with Nessa's feet? She wouldn't let me look at them."
"Hm?" Elphaba was clearly distracted, her index finger running along a passage. "Oh, nothing's wrong with them. Other than the fact that they don't work, I mean." Seeing that didn't satisfy Glinda, she sighed and said, "It's… hard to explain."
"You don't have to if it's all that difficult, Elphie. I'm just a nosy-pants."
"Just… well, it's our Father's fault. Not that it was something 'bad' he did, exactly, but he was trying to make her feel better about her condition. She was having a hard time with it one day, about how everyone kept staring at her lame legs while she was out. So he told her that they were just jealous of her shoes. When I was older, I kind of realised that he had been making everything up as he went, but he told her that she looked so pretty in her chair, and her shoes were so lovely, that everyone was envious. From that day on, he kept finding newer and more intricate slippers and boots and any other kind of shoe for her."
"That's sweet of him," Glinda said softly, smiling to herself. She knew Elphaba probably didn't see it that way, but she couldn't deny the doting man had at least done that much to make his handicapped daughter feel less unsightly. "But I still don't understand."
Shrugging, Elphaba turned the page, still more focused on her work. "Nessa drew the conclusion herself. She noticed that people are told they look nice if they're wearing pretty clothes, and that it's shocking — taboo, if you will — if they're seen wearing too little. And since my father had made such a big deal about how lovely she looks in her top-of-the-line shoes, combined with already being ashamed that her legs don't function…"
"Ohhh," she breathed as the last piece fell into place within her mind, pounding her open hand with a fist. "So going barefoot is the same thing as going naked to her? How very odd, indeed!"
"Yes, it's odd," Elphaba said sharply, looking up at last. "And I'll thank you not to tease her about it. I think she's silly, but to her, it's reality. So just… don't let slip that I told you any of this, alright? I'm sure she's already embarrassed enough at being 'exposed'."
That did make Glinda squirm in secondhand embarrassment. "When you put it that way, I suppose I would feel a little strange if some old classmate asked if I'd hand them my brassiere. But okay, I won't say a word."
It was another ten minutes before Nessa asked, "How's it coming?" When neither of them answered, she did not pester them further — merely sat in her chair, anxious to have her shoes back regardless of whether or not they were any improved from her sister's efforts. Glinda had to resist the temptation to glance down whenever she peered over at her; she knew it was the mere matter of being commanded "do not look at this" that made her want to look at all. Funny how the power of suggestion could sway one's attentions.
When Elphaba began to chant, low and long and focused, Glinda saw Nessa stirring out of the corner of her eye, saw her getting closer a little at a time. Clearly, it was a struggle for her to make it there, but her curiosity at their spellcasting fuelled her actions.
"Is it finished?" she asked in a quiet whisper when the vermillion lips had fallen silent. "Have you really… I mean, is there any chance…?"
"They look… different," Glinda breathed, raising a hand toward them. At first, she felt a thrill of dread to touch the shoes, but when she truly thought about how much she trusted her travelling companion, she picked one up as Elphaba did the other. "Are they… silver now? Or red? Maybe that's just the light from the fireplace."
"It is, I think," Elphaba agreed, just as captivated by them despite having performed the spell herself. After a moment, Glinda turned to look up at Nessa apologetically.
"Um… is it alright if I put them back on?"
"Y-yes," Nessa said breathlessly, cheeks still rosy but her eyes eager as they took in the shimmering shoes. "I want to know if this has worked at once!"
So Glinda obliged. This time, she couldn't help but look because she had to guide the shoes on properly… and there really wasn't anything to see. Nessa had dainty little feet, of course, but they were no more or less remarkable than any other pair she'd ever come across. Then the shoes were on, and both she and Elphaba were standing back to observe.
But before Nessa could attempt to stand, the door squeaked open and an unimpressive figure strode inside. Short in stature and with a drab face that was not entirely unpleasant… and was a bit familiar.
"Madame, I've prepared your- oh!" His eyes went wide to see the other two. "Goodness, it's- GUARDS!"
"Shush, Boq!" Nessa commanded him with a wave of her arm. Glinda flinched, even though the guards had not come the last time Nessa herself called. "Wait a moment. I… I want you to see something."
"Madame, these are criminals! The Wizard will want to be warned wight away!"
"You mean 'right aw-' Oh, I should know better by now," Elphaba admonished herself.
"We can't waste any time! Quick, I'll go and get them while they're… still… what on Oz?"
Boq found himself unable to finish the thought. His previously-disabled mistress was now standing, pushing unsteadily to her feet from the chair. It was already miraculous enough that she was standing unaided, shoes dazzling with white and red flashes — but there would be more. One foot at a time, she began to take steps, arms out to either side. After the first few, she began to tip, and Glinda and Elphaba both dashed forward and righted her again.
"Th-thank you," she breathed as she stood. "But… I think I…" Another few steps, without their aid. "I'm getting it. I'm walking. Ozma Above, I'm walking!"
                                                  To Be Continued…
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quillreflections · 4 years
Title: Rival Destinies 
Chapter: Bill [1]
Series: Pokemon
Pairing: multiple/reader
Disclaimer: This is a collection; each boy gets his own chapters with his own running storyline, and they don’t intersect. It fits more into Quotev format than tumblr format.
We are together now, friends forever now.
Bill rubbed his strained eyes as he stifled yet another yawn. His Eevee, sat on his desk, nudged his other hand away from the keyboard; Bill just let out a tired laugh, scratched behind his Eevee's ears, and went back to typing. The storage system had been down for far too long already; trainers had been calling and messaging for hours, and it had only ramped his anxiety up way higher than the malfunction had. Something somewhere had gone wrong with his PC system, throwing Pokémon through cyberspace and into the boxes of trainers they didn't belong to. It had appeared to be a scrambling of the ID recognition system, but either way, it had to be fixed immediately.
He typed in another few lines of code, squinting at the screen as the numbers all blurred together in front of his eyes; it looked right, so he hit one more key to initiate the sequence.
The storage system programming blinked on his screen. He held his breath. After a few moments of processing, the box visuals appeared; Pokémon disappearing from the scrambled boxes and returning to their proper trainers.
Bill abruptly stood from his chair and stretched, his muscles sore from how he'd been slumped at his desk for hours. His Eevee leaped down to the floor and began trotting towards the kitchen, and Bill followed with a smile. The coffee on the kitchen counter was freshly brewed, despite being so late at night; even with all the progress he'd made, Bill wasn't going to just stop his work yet, so he poured a bit too much coffee into his favorite mug and turned back to watch his computer screen.
Flareon paced by, brushing its tail against Bill's leg for his attention; he turned, watching Flareon hop up onto the couch and start gnawing at the remote.
"Fine, fine, we can watch somethin' while we wait," he muttered over the rim off his mug. He pulled the sticky remote from his Pokémon's mouth and switched the television on, flipping through a few channels before his Eeveelutions reacted to something on screen. Espeon trilled at a flash of bright colors, so Bill left in on that channel, sinking into the couch next to his Vaporeon as his computer continued enacting its programming.
On-screen, a girl was prancing around on a well-lit stage, the spotlights reflecting off her sequinned outfit and dazzling the live audience. A Raichu danced alongside her, swinging its tail and flinging sparks; across the stage, a Nidoqueen was performing a near-identical routine, occasionally spitting out a fragmented Ice Beam into the air, refracting the stage lights further. The trio moved in perfect sync without a word between them; Bill found himself leaning in closer to the screen, trying to absorb every detail.
An aggressive whirring, followed by metallic clinking, echoed from the back room and snapped him from his trance. It was like someone had shoved an Ice Shard down his shirt; Bill stiffened, slowly turning to look towards the source of the noise, his Pokémon already leaping up and heading in that direction. Suddenly much more tired, Bill hauled himself off the couch and followed, already knowing full well what was going on.
The Pokémon Transporter Machine he'd built was on and crackling with electricity. Poké Balls littered the floor, another one flashing through the machine every few moments. Bill let out a frustrated groan and rushed over to switch off the machine.
"I dunno wha' coulda turned on the darned thing," he mutters as he flips switches and hits buttons. Thankfully, the machine turns off on command. His Espeon and Umbreon used Psychic to lift as many Poké Balls as they could individually concentrate on, and Bill stooped over to scoop up the rest off the floor. He warily eyed the machine in front of him; it could read the trainer IDs, but there's no telling if it would start throwing the Pokémon through the network again. 
Aggressively sighing, Bill sank back into his computer chair; an error message flashed across the screen, but obviously, he was seeing it a bit too late for it to be useful. He scrolled through the programming once more- thankfully, it looked like almost everything had worked right, and this was just one piece of stray code. According to the system, all these Pokémon were from one trainer's box; no name was assigned to it, but the ID was displayed- 42207.
With his transport machine down, the only option would be to call the trainer and have them come get their Pokémon. Bill turned to another monitor and dropped the ID into his personal trainer database; everyone who used his PC system in the Kanto and Johto regions was logged in his computer, just in case of something like this. The page loaded painfully slowly; not even the trainer's ID photo was visible yet, but their phone number popped up on screen.
Rubbing at his sore eyes again, Bill snatched his phone off his desk, dialing the trainer, swiveling in his chair as the phone rang, watching his Umbreon try to juggle the Poké Balls it held.
"Hello-?" A feminine voice on the other end.
"Hiya, ma'am," Bill straightened in his chair, trying not to sound as tired as he was. "Hate t' bother ya, but I'm Bill, I run the box system?"
"Oh, yes, I've heard of you! Can I help you?" Her voice sounded worried.
Bill spun his chair again. "Ah'm sure you've heard, but there was a malfunction earlier today; I seem to've gotten it all fixed, but 'nfortunately, the system dropped most of your Pokémon at mah house, and m' transporter's down."
The girl on the other end let out a relieved sigh. "I'm so glad to know where they are! I was so scared when I checked my boxes just now- oh man, I'm out in Saffron, I won't be able to get very far tonight. Is it okay if I come to pick them all up tomorrow?"
Bill nodded at the phone before remembering she couldn't see him. "'Course, ma'am! Y'know Ah'm out by Cerulean? Ah can jus' meetcha by the Gym, if that's easier-"
"Yes, that works perfectly! Thank you so much!"
The pair said polite goodbyes before hanging up, and Bill spun his chair once more to face his computers. He'd just set some extra programs and scans to run overnight and-
His eyes landed on the now-loaded trainer's page.
"Tha's the girl we jus' saw on TV!"
[lmk if his accent is annoying or whatever lmao]
0 notes
marauderingbad-blog · 7 years
Of Monsters and Marauders
We revised this one for better flow of dialogue! Our fics are co-authored, so it can get jumbled sometimes. We’re pretty happy with the smoothness now, and we’ll be editing the other chapters :). This is a story about how that night in the shrieking shack went down and the fallout afterwards.
PART 1/4
Read the Full Story on AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11590044/chapters/26048535
Since running away from home that summer, Sirius had not quite been the same. He had settled in just fine at the Potters’ and was truly grateful for their acceptance, but secretly he struggled. Although Sirius had felt alienated from his family for most of his life (and had always prided in this disconnect), the pain of rejection and abandonment gnawed at him. Surely, these were not entirely new feelings—in fact, they had been perseverative themes at the most ancient and noble house of Black. This particular instance of abandonment, however, had been deeper—more final.
It wasn’t the explosive argument concerning the inevitability of Sirius’ pureblood arranged marriage that precipitated his elopement; it wasn’t even being briefly put under the cruciatus curse by his father. No, Sirius had passed the point of no return because of what occurred after those few seconds under the curse. In a vulnerable, weak and sickeningly disoriented state, he had turned desperately to his mother for some glimmer of maternal sympathy. Sirius’ hopes, however, were met with Walburga Black’s ordinary rigid callousness. She must not have even batted an eye as she witnessed her sixteen-year-old son being tortured, thinking it some twisted lesson on obedience. She merely left him there. Sirius concluded then that to his parents, he would only ever be the Black Family Heir. And he left for good.
Inundated by his mixed feelings, Sirius became angry. All of the time. Several weeks later after the boys returned to Hogwarts he only felt worse. He had always been obstreperous to a point, but normally these traits and behaviours were far more manageable and subdued. Now, he skipped his courses regularly, failed nearly every exam purposefully, and frequently provoked magical and physical fighting with other students. Even his closest friends often found his temper to be intolerable. James included.
When Sirius had discovered that their sworn enemy was spying on him and his best friends to learn of Remus’ monthly disappearances, his acutely heightened irascible nature enveloped him. He had no interest in being outsmarted by a sniveling heap of grease--and so acted.
In mid-October nearing the end of the day before the next full moon, Severus Snape clambered out of the Slytherin common room looking suspicious. Having come so far as to identify the next date and relative time that Remus would disappear, he sought to gather more information. It was rather dark and lonely in the dungeons, with everyone beginning dinner, but Snape appreciated it. He had crept a few feet down the corridor towards the Great Hall before suddenly hearing the sound of someone wolf-whistling. Being on edge from his surreptitious endeavour, Snape was taken aback by the unexpected noise. He emitted an uncharacteristic shriek and leapt backwards with a certain spastic grace.
“WHO IS THERE” he boomed and whipped the light of his wand at the shadowy corner where the sound came from. The spotlight revealed Sirius, who was leaning coolly against the wall whilst artfully twirling his wand around his fingers.
“Black!” Snape hissed and rearranged his greasy hair in an attempt to hide his embarrassment. “..What do you think you are doing down here?! I will report you immediately!” He spat, continuing to keep his wand pointed in Sirius’ face.
“I didn’t know that you could dance, Sniv.” Sirius remarked mockingly, unfazed by Snape’s potentially threatening wand. “Perhaps I should attend Slughorn’s Christmas party after all...”
“And I was not under the impression that Potter’s pet could go anywhere without its leash,” Snape retorted caustically, staring up into Sirius’ grey eyes with marked abhorrence.
Irritation began to creep in and Sirius’ face twisted into a grimace. “Right. Let’s get on with this, then.” He went on with a cold impatience: “You’ve been following us. And I know why, I know what you’re after. I am willing to divulge essential information to you.”
Despite himself, Snape could not help but perk up with interest at Sirius’ words. After all, this mission had become an obsession of his. “And why, might I ask, would you do something like that?” His voice oozed with skepticism.
“Dunno, suppose you’ve caught me in a generous mood?” Sirius offered evasively with a mock shrug. “Anyway, I prefer to spend as little time talking to you as possible. Can’t stomach the stench.” He scoffed. “Shall I tell you or not?”
“How do I know that this is not some elaborate scheme or prank of yours and Potter’s?” Snape sneered.
“You don’t.”
“..Tell me.”
Sirius told Snape to go to the Whomping Willow after nightfall. He told him that if he pushed the knot in the center of the tree, an opening would appear, and there Snape would find answers. Before Snape could even open his mouth to press for further information, Sirius was already halfway down the dimly lit corridor.
Snape watched Sirius leave with a scowl for a moment before suddenly realizing something. “How did you know where to find me?” He called after him with his eyes narrowed. Sirius smirked to himself as he turned the corner, vanishing from Snape’s view.
Snape was too obsessed with bringing down James Potter once and for all to listen to his better judgment, which was desperately gesturing to all of the obvious warnings in this scenario. And besides, even if Potter and his band of morons were plotting something, Snape surely could handle it. Driven with excitement and curiosity, Snape ventured out into the darkness towards the Whomping Willow just as he had been instructed. Each step he took brought him more of a thrill. Finally, after all these years of being outwitted and publicly humiliated, Potter would get what he deserved. His greatest secret would be revealed and at last Snape could permanently wipe that smug expression from his face. Snape pushed the center knot and entered inside the passageway.
James knew Sirius well enough to know that the estrangement was eating at him, even if he denied it. They all knew it. While Sirius had always been prone to moodiness and acting out, there was something different about this--something dark and desperate. It left James feeling desperate in turn, desperate to help his friend, but he didn’t know how. James couldn’t conceive of what it would be like to have your own parents abandon you--James was his parents’ miracle child, the absolute center of their lives. James couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have anything other than that, and so he didn’t know what to say to Sirius, or how to get him to open up. All he could really do was just be there, but he couldn’t help but feel like that wasn’t enough.
These thoughts and anxieties churned in James’ stomach as he followed behind Sirius, next to Remus. Remus, too, was quiet as they passed through their secret tunnel, but that was to be expected. Even Peter seemed somber.
Once in the shack, Remus cringed as they waited, and again James was struck with the sting of watching another one of his friends suffer and not being able to stop it.
Remus shrieked and cried as his body contorted and stretched against his will into a different species entirely. It never got more bearable to watch, even after witnessing it countless times.
Feeling faintly guilty for his much easier transformation, James seamlessly transfigured himself into his animagus form, a stag, and was glad that Remus at least didn’t have to go through this on his own. Sitting in the common room while Remus went through this would have been undoubtedly worse.
As Prongs, James' thoughts became more instinctual. There was a threat before him, running towards him, and Prongs charged a tackled the wolf. The muscles' on Prongs' legs remained terse, ready to pounce, even as Padfoot tackled and rolled across the floor with the wolf.
Abruptly, the wolf stilled and turned towards the door, nose sniffing wildly. Prongs stilled as well--perplexed by the shift in the atmosphere. Then, he heard something moving below. James scarcely had time to think about what it could be before a figure emerged in the doorway--Snape.
Snape gaped as his eyes locked with the stare of a fully grown werewolf. The shock froze him in place and he stared into the dark abyss of the beast’s eyes, lost in horrific awe as it began to thrust towards him. Unable to defend himself or even move, Snape quickly came to understand that he was about to lose his life. He closed his eyes, awaiting the darkness…
James had no time to think of why Snape was here or how he could have found them. As Prongs, he charged at the wolf, trying to distract him, but he could not throw the wolf off the human scent for long. It easily threw Prongs off, knocking him clear across the room. Prongs saw that Snape continued to stand there, petrified. He knew that charging the wolf to get to Snape would be no use, and time was running out with each passing second. Heart hammering, James transformed back into his human form. Taking the wolf unaware, James was able to slip past the wolf, and push Snape out of the doorway. Petrified, James turned and found himself face to face with the werewolf.
Snape's eyes shot open and he realized that he was still in one piece because of James Potter. Without wasting another second, Snape scrambled off the stone floor and charged back out through the passage, his heart throbbing in his ears.
James stood face-to-face with the wolf; their eyes met and James’ mind went blank in sheer, blazing terror. For a second, he was transfixed by his fear, and a second was really all it would have taken for the wolf to rip his throat out.
The moment never came, however; Padfoot lunged with the full force of his muscular, canine legs straight towards the werewolf and sunk his fangs into its shoulder. He clung there as long as he could to give James as much time to run as possible.
The wolf emitted a howl upon Sirius’ impact (more from surprise than pain) and turned away from James in order to shake the massive dog from his shoulder. With a violent thrash, it slashed at Sirius’ muzzle and with a whip of its shoulder sent Padfoot flying backwards into the wall behind them. Padfoot hit the wall with a yelp.
James’ higher functioning returned only when Padfoot attacked the wolf. James could transform back and rejoin them--but then, he remembered what had just happened. He remembered Snape. Snape, who’d almost died. Snape, who could tell the whole school what happened in an hour. Spinning on his heel, James turned and bolted down the corridor, out of the shack.
Once outside, James continued running, he could make out Snape’s figure far ahead. “SNAPE!” James yelled, his voice still frightened and tinged with desperation. “WAIT! Wait!” James gasped, his feet continuing to pound into the grass after him, spurred forward by his athlete’s stamina.
Snape ran with focused adrenaline like he had never experienced before. He distantly heard James calling out to him, but his blinding fear propelled him forward—straight into the forbidden forest. He continued to run through the woods until the toe of his shoe got caught by the root of a tree--which sent him tumbling into the dark ground. Snape lay there, heaving in the darkness as he heard James’ footsteps near. “STAY AWAY FROM ME, POTTER,” he gasped, attempting to sound threatening, but he was too exhausted to even locate his wand in the leaves.
James easily caught up with Snape once he fell, the faster of the two by far. He panted and threw his hands up to show that he meant no harm. “Snape…” James said, looking down at him wide-eyed, face pale. As much as James despised this guy normally, he felt profoundly grateful in this moment that he was still breathing. “Are...are you okay?” he asked tentatively.
Snape gathered himself quickly, standing up so that he and James were now eye-to-eye. He was grateful to James for saving his life, but he was also filled with humiliation, rage, and terror-- And these clearly were the dominating emotions. “How dare you come and face me after that,” he said, his black eyes blazing. “After what you and Black pulled! I expected there might be some childish prank, but never anything so heinous! You all are more arrogant than I had ever thought. Do.not.ask.me.if.I.am.okay!” Snape’s chest rose and fell heavily, and even though he spoke out of anger, the fear remained prominent in his eye.
James’ brow furrowed at Snape’s outburst. “What do you mean what Black and I pulled?” he asked wearily. He had no idea how Snape had found their secret passage.
Although James genuinely wanted to make sure that he was okay and that he didn’t have any werewolf scratches, James also wanted to know how he’d found them and what he’d ascertained about the situation--namely, if he’d connected it to Remus. “How did you find the shack?” James asked.
“DON’T PLAY DUMB, POTTER” Snape burst, a shadow of color appearing on his corpse-like face. “I know you wanted me to go down that passageway looking for Lupin. You had Black come and tell me what to do knowing I would be too blinded to question it!” the vein on his forehead was throbbing and threatening to explode as he spoke to James. Clearly he was ashamed with himself for walking into a trap.
“I didn’t--I...wait. Sirius told you where to find us?” James asked, not willing to believe it.
Snape took some pleasure in the surprise in James’ voice. “I suppose you have less control over your dear pet than you thought.” he said with a small smirk and turned, beginning to exit.
“I don’t have any control over Sirius,” James said, but then tried to strangle the annoyance that was creeping up at the insult. “He told you?” James asked again, raising his voice over the wind as he spoke to Snape’s back. James knew he had confirmed just as much, but he needed him to say it explicitly--otherwise, James just couldn’t believe it.
Snape smiled to himself with satisfaction before turning back to James. “He told me precisely where to find Lupin. He came to me solely to provide me with that information. It’s almost as if he wanted me to die.” he said with bitterness.
James felt as if Snape had punched him in the gut. He didn’t want to believe what he was saying--but how else would he have known? James was sure he hadn’t been following them the whole time--they had the map, even, and he hadn’t been on there. James opened his mouth, then closed it again, unsure of what to say, what to think.
“I suppose you did give me what I wanted," Snape continued. "I had suspicions concerning Lupin, but never would I have imagined he was a werewolf. It all makes sense, of course. But knowing this certainly was not worth nearly dying for! And all thanks to you.”
Whatever color remained in James’ face drained as Snape made it clear that he knew exactly who the werewolf was. Unthinkingly, James reached out and grabbed Snape’s wrist, his eyes wide, pleading. “Severus…” James beseeched. “You can’t tell anyone, please,” he said. “I-I know we’ve had our differences, but Remus--Remus has never done anything to you. He’s stuck up for you--please. Don’t take this...this thing that we have out on him. If you tell anyone, you’ll ruin his life, his whole life,” James begged.
Snape’s lip instantly curled in disgust when he looked down to see James touching him. After listening to James plead, for a moment Snape looked at him thoughtfully. Although he believed James to have played a major role in this trick, he had just saved his life—which made Snape indebted to him. This he instantly despised.
“I won’t tell.” Snape said finally, after the silence.
James let out a sigh of relief, then shook his head. “I--thank you,” he said quietly, not wanting to push it or say anything that might make Snape rescind his words. He wasn’t entirely sure that he could trust him, but James didn’t really think Snape would say something he didn’t mean just to placate him.
“Don't thank me," Snape spat. "I am not doing this for you. Or for Lupin. I owe you nothing,” he said, before he turned, whipped his robes into James’ face, and headed out of the forest, back towards the castle.
As Snape left, James couldn't help but wonder who he was doing it for, then, if not for Remus. But then, of course, James thought--Remus was Lily's friend, too.
To Be Continued
0 notes
gulescamisade · 7 years
New York:  Day 4, Biggest Bite Yet
[ Memories are a bit hazy, fading in and out of consciousness for quite a while. There is the cold feeling of machines, restraints being applied, clothes being replace and sylladexes outright ransacked and stolen. Scans, conveyor belts, shuffling movement-- and being removed from a procession of humans, loaded up onto a truck, and driven elsewhere. ]
[ The world fades for just a bit longer, in the darkness of a chilled trailer... ]
[🎵 We're coming out to get you. We're oh so glad we met you. We're eating you for profit. There is no way to stop it. There is no way to stop it... 🎵]
[ There's a memory of... makeup. A few touchups. Makeup brushes and some foundation work... to hide some of the bruises and clean off all that seasoning. And clothes being changed? Everything has gotten a lot brighter, as though a dozen spotlights were shining down on them. In truth, the number is a lot more excessive than that, but it's more than enough to begin rousing the group from their chemical slumber. ]
[ Each of them, to the last, appears to be wearing a new shirt. One that looks like this -- http://www.bowlingconcepts.com/media/content/flame-shirt.jpg
-- but with text scrawled across the chest, "BIGGEST BITE YET" ]
???: -There's the distinct sound of cooking utensils, and talking- Alright, so we're just gonna take some of this beer braised pepperoni and cover it with this sriracha aioli.
?¿?: -CHOMP- Oh yeah that's on the money right there.
[ There's a pretty significant audience out there, in what looks to be a stadium mashed with a kitchen set-- an enormous brick oven pouring heat onto their backs, and a kitchen area stocked with EVERY KIND OF FANCY APPLIANCE AND FOOD PREPARATION TOOL KNOWN TO MAN OR GOD. Creme brulee blowtorches. Beaters. Mixers. Blenders. Basters. Tenderizing mallets. An assortment of knives that would put any other to shame. the sound of rushing can be heard, muted but there. ]
[ Something sizzles on a grill. Something smells... delicious. ]
¿¿¿: After the commercial break we'll be getting into our main course, live from Niagara falls. Seeya then, folks!
MEULIN: ...R.... RR.... MEULIN: -The distinct haze of it all is enough to set in an instinctual panic in her before she even knows what's going on, and she's trying to struggle -- not this again.-
ROSE: -she's AWAKE AS WELL. Eyes blinked open. Not stingy anymore, at least...-
ROSE: -She instinctively tries to move, but. Right. The restraints.-
JOHN: -UughRRHRHuuooooooogh.-
JAMISON: =Someone PUT A SHIRT ON HIM. How DARE they. He doesn't lift from the haze he JUMPS....as much as the restraints let him. Looks around=
JUDE: -he's having a time guys, let me tell you-
[ ALSO: their arms are held behind their back in some kind of tight, cookware-safe stretchy material! They're also wrapped up by the ankles. ]
JOLENE: -WIGGLES- what is this?????????
JOHN: a weird, kinky nightmare.
JOHN: -Flexes. Nope. No good.-(edited)
ROSE: Please. Please do not mention kinks. ROSE: I know it's inevitable but I want to wash the very notion from my mind, now and forever.
JOHN: -crap, this is actually real. HOW DEPRESSING.-
DUALSCAR: =Exhales sharply through the gill slits on his neck, all this spice bullshit have made them pretty sore. His voice is raspy as he swears under his breath in ancient Alternian. Time to start flexing and pulling against the restraints.=
MEULIN: DAVE--!? -The name comes out before she's quite cognizant of it, and that alone is enough to jolt her fully conscious, terrified and confused, eyes darting around. She can't hear anyone. She doesn't know what's happening.-
JAMISON: =HOW STRETCHY? Can he stretch them a lot?=
¿?¿: Hey! Would you look at that. It's about time y'all woke up. -Walking over to them is someone, resembling a man. No, he lost his humanity long ago. The frosted tips, the goatee, the Oakley sunglasses. The JORTS!-
KANKRI: -When he wakes up the first thing he is noticing is the restraints and that is terrifying its clear no amount of pulling is going to free them but he sure is trying.-(edited)
MEULIN: -Oh human Jegus.-
ROSE: -she sees the jorts first...-
JAMISON: Uncuff me at once you well-dressed FIEND!
JOHN: -well dressed? seriously?-
KANKRI: (...Well dressed?)
JAMISON: =He, too, is a fan of shorts=
KANKRI: -And he is a fan of tall pants, that doesnt mean its in good taste.-
JAMISON: =He's an honest man, okay?=
GUY: What's cookin good lookins? Well, rhetorical question. The answer is you! Soon enough at least. I'd suggest not struggling too much. Lactic acid really ruins your flavor, and I know the audience can't wait to get a taste of you guys.
DUALSCAR: =Is the material stretchy enough to let him flex strain pull it towards his mouth?=
MEULIN: -Okay, she remembers now that Dave isn't here, and also... Shit. She can't read these lips well enough, especially while she's panicking.- SIR????? -looks around for Dualscar. SHE NEEDS ORDERS SOMEHOW.-
[ It's fairly stretchy! But it was built with you BEEFCAKES in mind. He can't get it too far, and his arms are behind his back right now, making that difficult. ]
KANKRI: Excuse me 6ut in s9me senses w9uldn't that 6e c9nsidered canni6alism???? -Can he reason with this man?-
[ He COULD potentially try to wrangle it under his legs, but that would be a difficult balancing act with how his ankles are bound, too. ]
JAMISON: =Can he and Dualscar and Meulin GNAW each other free?=
[ Also, Fieri would be there to see him try it. ]
JAMISON: =Oh..... how close is he?=
ROSE: In--
JOHN: so that's what this is, huh? you've just been eating people in front of a live studio audience?
JOHN: that's...that's really unamerican of you!
GUY: -I'm right here my guy-
ROSE: -SIGHS REALLY LOUDLY- ROSE: In every sense it is cannibalism, yes.
ROSE: You weren't mislead on that matter, don't worry.
KANKRI: -turns at john.- ...I think it is m9re then "unamerican." J9hn.(edited)
JAMISON: =WELL IN THAT CASE, he crouches then SPROINGS to BUTT Guy in the face=
GUY: -Leans back-
JAMISON: =DOOF. Right on the ground=
GUY: You're gonna cause some indigestion, I can tell! -Hoists Jamison back up to everyone-
ROSE: How is this going to go down, exactly? Do we have last rites? Last requests? How long is a commercial break for?
JAMISON: =Can he headbutt him like this?=
DUALSCAR: =Hears the "SIR" and flares his fins while struggling with these restraints.= DON'T PANIC. WWORST YE COULD DO.
JOHN: hey you sons of bitches, if you're so hungry why don't you eat my entire ass! -YELLLS-
KANKRI: -John please.-
KANKRI: That is n9t an ideal 9ffer t9 pr9p9se when he seems t9 already 6e c9ntemplating it.
JOHN: -HE'S JUST...SO MAD. It's making him be less fearful than he should be of his impending doom-
JAMISON: Well this meat is going to be rather hard to CHEW.
GUY: That's a real good idea. Maria? Can you prep the bucktoothed one? I'm thinking a buffalo picante rump roast is on the menu. -Strokes his goatee-(edited)
MEULIN: -She can't hear him, but she does see his mouth moving, at least, and she assumes it's something reassuring. Or so she's going to let herself believe.-
MEULIN: -Think, Meu... Wait, she does have a tail. It's not exactly prehensile, but it's something. She tries to squirm it around to see if it's bound somehow.-
[ The tail is not bound!! It is free to wiggle. ]
JAMISON: =This buck-toothed one?=
GUY: Anyway here's what we're gonna do. Her Imperious Deliciousness is viewing this at headquarters. Now I was thinking: What would be more baller and mirthful than making a couple dishes dedicated to her, made from those that oppose her? Brilliant right? I know. So you guys are my special guests on this episode of big bite. The American people are gonna get some real honest to goodness looks at just how delicious population control can be. Hey! It's a lot more morale boosting than rounding everyone up in dark carnival concentration camps!
ROSE: I defy myself to find this remotely surprising in the least.
MEULIN: -Heck. Okay. Okay. She's going to try to wriggle her tail up her back and then force it down into the middle of these weird plasticy? rubbery? cuffs, thinking that maybe if she applies enough force down the middle it'll slide off her hands or... something.-
JAMISON: Tell Fish-Hitler after we're done baking YOUR cake we're coming to TENDERIZE her rumproast!
[ It might take some doing, meulin. And a little bit of time-- HARD TO TELL if it's going to be quick enough. ]
KANKRI: -Phrasing.-
GUY: That's the ticket! Say that to the camera, we're coming back in three, two, -points at Jamison and walks back over to his set-
JOHN: -RRRRRRGH. He wants to do something to help. He NEEDS to do something. But he's coming up short on ideas.-
KANKRI: If c9nsuming quantities 9f p9pulati9n is h9w y9u intend t9 c9ntr9l the 699ming num6ers I am s9rry t9 inf9rm y9u that n9 9nly is that h9rri6ly unethical 6ut is als9 extremely unhygenic, imm9ral, and thr9ugh 9ut m9st extensive reaches 9f the universe, Ilegal!
MEULIN: -AARRRGGH HECK. Why is he POINTING AT JAMISON??? She's trying not to look too strained as she works her tail at these cuffs, because what else is there to do while she's trapped and confused?-
JAMISON: =He keeps a RAZOR BLADE taped to the roof of his mouth..... did they find that?= I'm not trick pony you be-shaded fraudulent feast-maker!
GUY: Welcome back to Guy's big bite! Live! From Niagara Falls. I've got some special guests here with me that are gonna help me with our main course. Say hi to members of the Unbreakable Union! -Camera pans to them-
DUALSCAR: =Hisses through his teeth. He will say something to the camera alright.= ALWWAYS KNEWW YE WWERE A FREAKY ONE NEEHUI, BUT I'M DRAWWIN' THE FUCKIN' LINE AT PUBLIC VVORE.
KANKRI: -Please refrain from kink shaming, Dualscar.-
[ALL of your cavities were invaded, my dudes. No items, no weapons, final destination.]
ROSE: -She glances around, trying to find something for her eyes to land on-- tilting her head a little bit and brushing up against one of the draws.-
ROSE: -She takes a deep breath, trying to hide it as best as she can as she attempts to brush it open with the gentlest, tiniest psionics.-
JAMISON: =Triesto grab the flexy material between his wrists in his hands. He's going to try wrapping it around and around while maintaining leverage. COMEON FINGERS YOU CAN DO IT=
GUY: -Laughs as the camera pans back to him- You see that? Pre spiced, ladies and gents. So for the first course we're gonna make a hot and sour fin noodle bowl that is to DIE for.
[ Meulin is finding a fair amount of difficulty-- it's given her wrists some more wiggle room, but it's actually hurting her tail a bit to do it. It's some sturdy stuff, only the best for REBELS. ]
[Slowly, ever so slightly. The drawer opens.]
JOHN: -Ugh. So many lights in his eyes. He can barely see anything. He tries to access his sylladex, but of course there's nothing in it. But.....they couldn't confiscate everything, could they? He doesn't need his hands to use his wind powers. He focuses on that wall of knives as best he can....and then sends a blast of wind at it, with all he's got. He's hoping to cause a keruffle, at the very least.-
ROSE: -just... ever so slowly... pulling it off its tracks... hovering it towards her. The camera is on Guy and not THEM, exclusively, so they probably don't see the look of intense concentration on her face. She hopes.-
[ That is a BURST OF STRENGTH from Jamison and a BURST OF WIND from John. Both seem to have their intended effects-- The knives go flying through the air, though in no particular direction, scattering around the set in a distinctive clamour as Jamison feels... SOMETHING beginning to tear. Slowly, but surely. IT'S WORKING. ]
JAMISON: Cripes alive that's savagery! =Burn? BURN! ALSO AAAAA=
[ Meulin may be able to get a hand out at this point as well. ]
MEULIN: -Ah!!! One hand is enough, and in the midst of the chaos, she's trying to use a combination of her claws and strength to get at the restraints on her ankles.-
KANKRI: -You know normally he would say something about all of Dualscars aggressive bullying of this stage persona villain, HOWEVER, its kind of well deserved.-
ROSE: -She pulls something from the drawer, but she can't see it, sliding it with a psionic push to the side and lightly elbowing Kankri.-
KANKRI: -Why is he being elbowed, he quickly turns his head to the side to look at her.-
JOHN: -After the spray of knives, he doesn't see why he should stop causing a general ruckus.Now he focuses on the kitchen countertop.-ROSE: -gestures with her head backwards, as she begins... grinding something metal against her ankles. Well, hopefully it'll cut...-
JAMISON: =His fingers are probably numb at this point but he's trying his bestest to keep tugs=
KANKRI: -Angles himeself the best he can to see what she is trying to point out and OH, oh yes this is good.-
GUY: Looks like we might have to use a little extra vineg--Oh for pete's sakes! We're doing a show here. -Look at this mess of utensils.-
GUY: Guards!
[ There is a sudden SNAP. two of them, actually. Both meulin AND jamison!!! ]
MEULIN: -Well, there's probably no way to hide what she's doing now, so the moment anyone looks her way, she SPRINGS with a hiss!!! She might not be able to do much to many people, but she can at least be distracting enough that the others might be able to get out.-
JOHN: -Yep. Now seems like a good time. HE RISES. He hopes the camera is getting this.
JOHN: -He's still tied up but floating.-
[You really did it now. I can't believe you've done this. There's the distinct sound of imperial drones marching towards them. The windy one is priority]
JAMISON: =Gonna try to grab one of those wayward knives for his feet, also to cut free his friendos and his BABIES FOR PETES SAKE=
JOHN: -Oh hey look it's Guy! He takes a deep breath, his chest expanding like a studio ghibli movie. and then. FWOOOOOOOOOOSH. He lets it out. It's like a deadly burp.-
MEULIN: -SPRINGS onto a countertop, then another. She's probably sending cutlery and sauces flying everywhere, but she didn't parkour all these months for NOTHIN'.-
KANKRI: -All this action is the perfect time to move and with all these knives about hes grabbing the closest one which happens to be right behind him, thank you rose, a little paring knife. And hes using it to try and cut away the restraints around his wrists.-
JOHN: -He would take a weapon but...he's still tied up. Surprising himself with how much trouble he can get into with zero arms and legs-
DUALSCAR: =Guffaws.= CAN'T EVVEN KEEP YER SNACKS IN CHECK! BLOODY HELL, BUT YE ARE PATHETIC! =He takes one of the utensils being passed around behind people's backs, getting something that feels like a bottle. Is it glass or plastic? This Da’bomb Ground Zero Carolina Reaper Hot Sauce?=
KANKRI: -Hes proud of you John, this is the one time he fully endorses him to wreck shit up.-JOLENE: -wiggles her hands around until she feels a utensil of some kind?? she doesn't really NEED to see, she's gotten out of stickier situations with less. stabs what happens to be a CARROT PEELER at the restraints on her ankles. HHHRRNG. this might take a while...-
[Guy mostly looks unamused and disgusted with Johns latest display. A drone grabs him and restrains him. Another is going for this cat on the counter. NO KITTY THAT'S A BAD KITTY]
KANKRI: -Hacks harder at his wrist restraints when John is grabbed.-
JOHN: - He's not going down without a fight. He shoots up, and then back down, trying to get this drone off his back-(edited)
DUALSCAR: =This might be glass. And in that case, shards would be more useful right now in getting out of these restraints. He braces himself and tries to fucking smash this bottle against his own back to shatter it. If he can he will get a shard and furiously try to slice through the restraints.=
JAMISON: =Are his feet free with the knife business? If so he's gonna DECK the top off a drone=
[Kankri, you better work bitch. This Drone is not letting John go. It's a smaller drone, the runt of imperial drones really. It starts bonking him on the head. Cut it out! Dualscar is successful in breaking the glass but also cutting his hands with broken glass shards. There's hot sauce in everything YOWCH. It's da bomb, dawg. Jamison now has the freest feet in the land, drone dome goes SPINNING. Clank clunk!]
JOHN: -is BONK'D. Wow that really fuckign hurts. He screams-
JOHN: -IT'S AN ANGRY SCREAM but also a scream scream.-
KANKRI: -HES WORKING AS HARD AS HE CAN. How long does it take to cut these restraints anyways?-
DUALSCAR: =Inhales through his teeth because jesus christ that smarts something fierce, earfins flaring and twitching backwards. Regardless he got what he wanted, and he's immediately going at it to slice thru these restraints.=
JAMISON: =How heavy is it? He's going to THROW this drone at another one and RIP his shirt off= COME AT ME YOU MECHANICAL FISHTLER DRONES!!
[ Speaking of people getting FREE, it's just like shucking an oyster. With a carrot peeler. Which is to say DIFFICULT, SURE, but Jolene can feel some significant progress going forward-- a slow tear and then a SNAP. At the sound of John's shouting Rose, too, pulls herself up, hefting what appears to be a... potato masher. LESS THAN IMPOSING. She flings it psionically at one of the drones. ]
ROSE: Damn it.
[ Kankri's getting AWFULLY CLOSE. Just so close there sport!!! HANG IN THERE. ]
MEULIN: -She's trying to scramble up what is presumably the upper cabinet of this false built-in TV kitchen area. PARKOUR KITTY RESUMES. YOU'LL NEVER CATCH HER, COPPERS!!! Maybe.-
KANKRI: -Hes awfully discouraged by the fact that someone with a carrot peeler beat his tiny knife, but he isnt stopping!! Aggressively hacks and cuts at his restraints with even more determination.-
[ The drone after her seems to have gone into a full on, bull-style charge in her direction. PCHOOOO. ]
[ Meulin, that is. ]
MEULIN: -PUFFS UP and tries to jump high enough to bypass the bull charge and... land on its back??? Shit.-
[Drones are heavy as fuck, Jamison. You might throw your back out trying to lift this]
[ There is a SNAP. The elastic flings all the way across the stadium. ]
GUY: Oh you've got to be kidding me. -Flings a coconut dream pie at the cat-
JAMISON: =FINE THEN, here comes the knife he's going to cut the head off=
JOLENE: -FREEDOM. she wiggles to bring her arms in front of her and then hops onto her feet. a spry old lady with only one real leg...-
JOLENE: -HRRK. pulls the restraints on her wrists apart until she can get out of them. SUCCESS. she's brandishing this carrot peeler like it's the most lethal weapon on the planet. AND IN HER HANDS IT JUST MIGHT BE.-
KANKRI: -VICTORY. For his hands anyways... can he detach the ones around his ankles with his newly freed hands or is he going to have to cut those too.-
JOHN: -Since this drone isn't letting go, John is going to try to send another blast of wind their way. He can't be very precise with it, but it's powerful.-
GUY: Useless drones. -Whistles loudly and there's more shuffling. And the smell of grease-
JOLENE: -also flips double birds at the nearest camera. THIS ONE'S FOR YOU, CONDY!!!-
ROSE: - She sniffs the air, and then grimaces.-
JAMISON: =GRABS a toaster to try and program this drone with a toaster controller now that he has at the wires?=
MEULIN: -SPLAT. Delicious... but also this really fucks up the rest of her senses she has available. TIME TO CLING FOR DEAR LIFE TO THIS DRONE.-
ZOMBIES: [We're coming out to get you. We're oh so glad we met you. We're eating you for profit. There is no way to stop it!]
ROSE: -She pulls open a few more draws, now that she's up, scattering them and thier contents on the floor-- until she stops, and grabs a pair of skewers.-
ROSE: I am beginning to think. We really do not have the stretegic advantage here.
DUALSCAR: =Has he sliced through these elastics yet? He SLICE WITH ALL HIS MIGHT.=
MEULIN: -YOWLS, muffled by cream pie.-
[Delicious fried zombies shuffle down from the audience]
[ There is a yowl and a sudden CRASH as the drone smashes into the wall of the set, with Meulin on its back. ]
MEULIN: -Fucking DOOF.-
KANKRI: -Eugh not more zombies, hes cutting through the rest of the elastic around his ankles and quickly getting up onto his feet. Hes up and has the knife held tightly in his hand! Although he doesnt want to use this, hes against committing acts of violence.-
DUALSCAR: =With his hands free he now has to slice through the ones on his legs. He must BE FREE.=
KANKRI: I really hate t9 agree with y9u 9n such a d9wnside driven t9pic, R9se. 6ut I think y9u are indeed c9rrect.
[Be free you glorious maymay]
ROSE: -She takes a dramatic leap up onto a kitchen counter, holding the tongs aloft as they crackle with energy, a pair of bolts flickering through the air. Her aim is poor with these clumsy things not made for her powers, but the violet bolts of electricity are flying distinctly fieri-wards.-
DUALSCAR: =He is FREE he can FIGHT. The drones are going everywhere, but where is the Guyster? He has a glass shard with his name on it. The name of his eyeball, more specifically.=
MEULIN: -She's probably going down in a puff of plastery powder, too disoriented at the moment to wipe pie off of her face until the shock subsides.-
[The drone goes flying because of wind. Hurtling directly at Dualscar.]
JOLENE: -works on freeing her screaming nephew and then probably slaps him around a little to get him to focus-
[ She is going down... and through. The wall. There is suddenly a big hole and splintered wood where the cabinet used to be. ]
JOHN: ohh....sorry!
JOHN: -yells-
JOHN: -also he flops on the floor. like a dead fish- uhhh...CAN SOMEONE HELP UNTIE ME?
KANKRI: -He is rushing over to John now that he is on the ground.- I can certainly d9 as much!
JOHN: my hero~
JOHN: (hehehehhe)
GUY: -Ducks Roses bolt and holds up a frying pan to deflect another.- That's my cue! -Exit, stage left-
MEULIN: -Hello darkness my old friend....-
KANKRI: -Brandishes his tiny knife to cut away the rubber around John's ankles.- Y9u may make hum9rus and witty j9kes 9nce we are 9ut 9f this mess.
ROSE: No! God damn it, get back here, coward!
JOHN: -holds up his wrists next- aahhh! -strains his neck- aaww he's getting away!!!
JAMISON: =Drone: HACKED. He's HAMMERING the lever and turning the dials it's gonna wail on those zombies=
[ The drone with a toaster sticking out of its back is twitching and convolsing and SPARKING, flinging its limbs at zomblers and mashing them into body parts. ]
DUALSCAR: =He will drop and roll out of the hurtling drone's path. Once it has crashed into a wall or ground or wherever else he is going to jump at it to shard some eyeholes.=
DUALSCAR: =Gotta fuck up those circuits.=
ROSE: -She jumps off the coutner and ATTEMPTS TO CHASE HIM DOWN- We can't stay here fighting these fucking things anyways!
[Zombies start to swarm the group. Hear them hurgling while getting destroyed by a hacked drone. Their crispy appendages reach for any flesh]
KANKRI: -Sorry his knife is terrible, but hes cutting as fast as he can!! Feet are free time for the wrists.- I kn9w it might 6e difficult 6ut try t9 remain very still while I wield this sharp 96ject. -Wrists take half the time and soon John is free!-
JOHN: you're the best, buddy! -he's gonna hoist kankri under his arm and fly to pick up anybody else that's lagging behind. that's why he has two arms!-(edited)
JOHN: ally oop! let's go!
KANKRI: -He never fully enjoys being flown around by john but this is absolutely an exception to the rule.-
JAMISON: =RIPS the toaster out of the drone and chases down GUY=
JOHN: -eenie meenie miney...JUDE! he divebombs. you're coming with him!-
KANKRI: -Hello fellow wimp.-
[Don't forget the cat. Someone help her.]
MEULIN: -Okay so riding a drone into a wall didn't turn out super great. She's got boards piled on her and there's definitely some olive leaking. Super disoriented, and having a hard time breathing through pie. Maybe even choking on pie??-
KANKRI: -Looking down at all the fried living dead- (J9hn I have c9me t9 the c9nclusi9n that I am n9t a full fledged fan 9f y9ur h9mew9rld in the state 9f g9vernment and envir9ntment that it is.)(edited)
JOHN: -Uh oh. He's gotta go back for Meulin-
DUALSCAR: =Was he able to get at the drone, or was it smashed up already?=
[The drone is sufficiently fucked up. Look into anger management maybe, Dualscar???]
JOLENE: -punching and stabbing through zombies, paving a way for the rest of them traveling on foot. is everybody following?? she looks around to make sure nobody is left behind-
DUALSCAR: =Never??? His anger fuels him. He draws his improv weapon away from the drone and hops off of it. If someone is left behind while Jolene carves a path he is gonna hoist them onto his bara fish shoulders.=
MEULIN: -THAT WOULD BE HER. She got pretty fucked up.-
[ oh dang scene transition is a GO ]
[She need some milk]
[ There are some sirens howling. Turns out, being humiliated in front of the empress was a PRETTY BIG DEAL, and that huge, ominous blimp is the first thing they see as they bust out the exit on stage left-- onto a massive bridge across NIAGRA FALLS. They are majestic, beautiful, awe-inspiring... and blood red. Filled with little... bits, here and there. The blinding lights shine on them as something buzzes overhead-- more drones. And what appears to be fighters of some kind. John would begin to recognize them immediately-- they were, after all, deployed on Europa. ]
JOHN: -Casually can't breath. There is no oxygen going to his brain. He keeps flying anyway.-
JOHN: -In fact, he flies faster. This terrifies him.-
KANKRI: -John no. Are you alright.-
ROSE: -She's become fairly single-minded. Directly after Fieri and no one else, well ahead of the rest of the group, crackling and flying through the air.-
JOHN: -At first he was going after Fieri, but now that he realizes how surrounded they are, he's panicking andj ust wants to get everyone to safety, scanning for a place to hide. His flying is a little off kilter because of how fast he's going and he's holding on to Kankri and Jude very tight.-
MEULIN: -She's regaining her senses bit by bit, clinging onto Dualscar and bleeding out from she's not even sure where until she's aware of a distinct pain in her shoulder, hissing and burbling through whipped cream.-
KANKRI: -Hes clinging to John just as tight, looking between him and the bloody red water beneath them.- I kn9w this may 6e a f99lish questi9n right n9w c9nsidering what has happened and currently is happening, 6ut are y9u 9kay, J9hn? -He has a concern.-
[ The question is punctuated by an explosion. They're going FAST, but it was still too close for comfort, as one of the fighters zips by just overhead. ]
GUY: -Play time is over! A red and black hedgehog would agree. Guy has been made a mockery, but this failure its small compared to the feats he's accomplished for the empire. Standing atop the bridge he awaits Rose. She's coming in hot, but not as hot as these spicy beef wellington pizza pockets he's flinging at her!-
DUALSCAR: =Rushin' after the group with a injured cat and a passed out clown. The spices must have really hecked up Gamzee's systems somehow. His spiced hands feel numb, but he's here to FIGHT... But he has to hold onto these noodles. The gurgling is a unwelcome familiarity. He has to bind the injury. Are they still being chased?=
JOHN: -BOOM. Oh man, he's sweating and he can't help but cry out a little when the explosions sounds too close, sure in that moment they're going to be vaporized. But when he can still feel his fingers clenching around them, he puts all his focus and energy in to sweeping away, occasionally glancing up at the fighters to try and stay out of their trajectory as best he can. Sorry Kankri, he couldn't talk right now if he wanted to.-
[The zomblers are no match for everyone's tremendous speed. They shuffle, way off in the distance]
ROSE: -She has to skid against the ground, flinging each pocket away from striking her directly in the face with a dramatic twist of her wrists, psionics flaring as she conjures an electric tendril in the air and attempts to slam it down on him.-
DUALSCAR: =Puts Gamzee down on the ground.=
GAMZEE: =Wet noodle hitting the ground SFX.=
DUALSCAR: =Carefully sets Meulin down to wipe cream out of her face and also locate that injury.= HEY. STAY WWITH ME NOWW.
JOLENE: -keeps DS covered and will give him a heads up if anything comes swoocing at them-
DUALSCAR: =Thank you Jolene. Swoocing is bad. [SIC].=
MEULIN: -Licks her lips, coughing intermittently and ears pinned back as she tries to focus her gaze on him, wincing and tearing up.- I'M. I'M OKAY. -Seems like most of her injuries are superficial, such as the pretty bad gash on her shoulder, but if he looks, it seems like a pretty big bruise is forming on her back. Might be some bruised or broken ribs.-
GUY: -He proves to be an agile motherfucker. Dodge rolling away and producing a minigun that fires lil smokies and pizza rolls. TAKE THIS-
ROSE: -PELTED BY PIZZA ROLLS. She's gotta stay light on her feet, too, light as in IN THE AIR as she strafes around this rapid fire. it's just like in DOOM-
JOHN: -He is still desperately weaving, trying to get away from those fighters. This is def. in the top two the most terrifying experiences of his life :') -
DUALSCAR: =It doesn't appear like she is going to black out, so that's good. Though it might just be adrenaline.= 'TWWAS PRETTY EXTRAORDINARY, HOWWEVVER THAT AIN'T SOMETHIN' NEWW WWITH YE, NOWW IS IT? =Talks while tearing his god awful fire pattern shirt up into shreds for improv bandages.=
GAMZEE: =Stirring on the ground, fingers twitching and ears moving at all the noise.=
GUY: Would you look at that! She slices, she dices, she can fly? Now that's some amazing food. -The gun morphs into a bazooka and KABOOM, Cajun spiced turkey flying at Rose-
KANKRI: -Oh same John.-
JAMISON: =Is there something he can CHUCK... wait...... is this troll fellow okay? Ceases his yelling to look at him=
ROSE: I would call nothing you cook edible in any sense of the word. -ENERGY BLAST AT THE TURKEY. It outright explodes.-
[ There isn't much to chuck, Jamison, but John is MOSTLY distracting them. ALBEIT IN A TERRIFIED WAY. There's a service entry of some kind-- all the way on the other side of the bridge, though. Not too far from where Rose and Fieri are fighting, anyways. ]
GUY: Everything I make is a deliciosity of moneyriffic proportions. -BOOM A sizzling shrimp fajita platter bathed in ranch-
JAMISON: =Good, he'll throw the SERvICE ENTRY=
GUY: Your efforts to thwart forward progress of population control and cannibalism is noted and appreciated, but down right doomed to fail!
DUALSCAR: =Tilts her upward to start applying the strips. He binds them hard to stop her bleeding. Nods.= YER MOST WWELCOME.
GAMZEE: =Very slowly moves his hands underneath himself to push himself off of the ground. He's full of spice and confusion. He spots Meulin being treated-- bleeding, then around the area at all the fighting. Back to Meulin. His eyes are widening, shocked and confused-- but more than anything; angry.=
ROSE: I WOULD FAR PREFER EATING AT ARBY'S TO CONSUMING THIS. -It's time to get in for some good old fashioned CLOSE COMBAT. If she can't blast him from afar she'll stab him with his own MEAT SKEWERS-
JOHN: -he knows it won't do any good but it's at least therapeutic to scream. He's still yelling his head off as he goes for a feint and then NYOOMS, trying to make it to the other side of the bridge in hopes that there will be cover of some sort-
MEULIN: -The nod is good enough; she smiles wide, eyes happy little slits, and it takes her a few beats too long to notice Gamzee nearby, head lolling his direction and her breaths shallow.- GAM-- GAMZ33?
GUY: I can't fault you for that. They've got THE MEATS. Now serving people meats! -This fight is now up close and personal. He brandishes his deadly pineapple club, taking a huge bite before whacking at Rose.-
[ There IS a door, even if it appears to be locked. A roof would definitely provide some kind of cover! ]
JAMISON: Oh! Good you're alright! =At Gamzee= Now we have to do something about THOSE flyers.
JAMISON: I'll start throwing tiles from that roof!
ROSE: -HRK. She is struck in the side and tumbles pretty hard against the ground, wheezing, but manages to make it a roll and thrust both electric stabs at his side.-
KANKRI: -This is so reckless, John.-
JAMISON: =GETS A RUNNING START, if the flyers get low enough he'll JUMP ON ONE=
[ B B B B B BUSTIN MAKES ME FEEL GOOD ] [ His feet slam into the door and it bashes open in a tremendous display of MANGRIT. It looks... familiar. Flashes of memory from being drugged-- THIS is the meat processing plant. ]
JOHN: -Oh ew. But he's going to collapse to the floor for a second as he has a mini heart attack.-
[ This troll's eyes go wide. Not you. ANYONE BUT YOU. It's the exact same troll from that truck who Jamison fired at potato gun at, flying a ship.]
JOLENE: oh boy....... -there goes jamison, but she takes note of john and friends. gestures at dualscar, gamzee and meulin to follow her as she follows HIM.- let's keep moving!!!! -before they get exploded-
SOME GUY: A|H|H|H|H|H|H|H|H|H|H|H|!!!!!!!!!!!
KANKRI: -His feet hit the ground as John collapses, and hes lighting quick to try and support him to keep John from going all the way to the ground.-
JOHN: okay! we're
JOHN: going!
-CHEERFUL YELL. Off he goes. -
KANKRI: -HHHHHHs about John's current state of being.-
JUDE: -flops onto the floor... then scrambles up again on lanky legs, looking around wildly-
JOHN: -at least they're not being exploded yet.-
KANKRI: J9hn please wait f9r just 9ne m9ment, I think we can aff9rd as much f9r right n9w, are y9u certain y9u are alright??
GUY: Haha. Pineapple club. Works every --AAAAUUUUUGH!!! -The skewers find their mark sizzling the air around them AND Guy. The pungent, but distinct, smell of mango habanero chicken wings fills Roses nostrils. Guy stumbles, but he grabs ROSES face, applying a disgusting amount of pressure.-
JOHN: YES!!! -he didn't mean to be so loud. his response to stress is shouting.-
[ He shrieks as this crazy old man bashes through his window. THIS IS THE WORST. THIS WEEK IS THE WORST WEEK EVER.]
KANKRI: -Marge simpson noises. Fine but hes going to help you keep standing less john keels over again.-
JOHN: -Now that he's got himself going he's just briskly jogging. He doesn't know where they're going anymore he's just GOING.-
ROSE: -HISSES AS SHE FEELS HIS GROSS MEATY HANDS ON HER HEAD, eyes crackling as a sudden BEAM blasts through those fingers.-
GAMZEE: =He's quite literally seeing red. Who hurt her? What in the motherfuck is going on? Where's Kankri? Is he hurt too? Before he gets a chance to speak however-=
DUALSCAR: I HEAR YE. =Picks up Meulin, and without asking picks up the now concious clown.= HANG ON, AN' DON'T YE FALL ASLEEP ON ME. =Rushes after.=
GAMZEE: =His eyes are now fixated on Meulin, big and red, watching her breathe and the bandage on her shoulder. He isn't saying anything.=
KANKRI: -Oop or not, Watches as John jogs ahead. Hes still concerned but now hes taking a moment to look around for his other quad. How far back is Gamzee anyways?-
KANKRI: -Kankri is all the way at the service entry.-
[ The pilot shakes, rattles, and rolls, as the controls go WILD. The ship seems to be going down-- right onto the bridge. IT CRASHES HARD, the ground crumbling as he is DEFINITELY DEAD. Good thing Jamison is so tough. ]
JOHN: -CATCHES UP TO JOLENE- hey! do you know where rose is?
ROSE: - As the ground under them shakes and Fieri loses a few fingers, Rose shakes herself free, lunging forward. She jabs both needles into his eyes and launches them BOTH over the falls. -(edited)
MEULIN: -This is... wrong. She can tell-- he hasn't looked at her like this before. There's so much going on and she doesn't resist Dualscar, but she's afraid of something else suddenly.- GAMZ33??
GUY: -He yells in agony. That was his good hand. Now it's charred and smelling of tacos al pastor. He screams as they go over, using his good hand to beat on her mercilessly-
JAMISON: =Pops out the rubble like a daisy in spring= ......Wait a minute.... where is everyone? CONSARNIT JAMI! =RUNS OFF, time to search=
JOLENE: -HOBBLES TO MEET JOHN- last i saw her she was going after fieri???
ROSE: -She ignores that, driving them as far into his head as she can. AT SOME POINT SHE'S DESTINED TO HIT BRAIN, but not before they disappear into the mists of the falls.-
[ Better hurry, Jamison. That whole bridge is starting to come down, cracks running all the way down the dam. Something is taking some SERIOUS damage from that crash. ]
JOHN: ugh.....i should go back and look for her! -he doesn't ask anybody permission. he just NYOOMS, staying close tot he ground in the hope of avoiding detection.-
JOHN: -he comes out to the sound of the bridge crashing-
GUYS: -Beats on her head like a bongo for his last moments of living-
JOLENE: wait, john! -there he goes- dammit!!!
JAMISON: =He's here and lightly charred, John ZOOMing bye knocked some dust off him=
[That bridge is going DOWN. Chunks are disappearing into the water as the flow intensifies. Looks like there's no going back. I mean. THERE COULD BE BUT IT'S MOSTLY ZOMBIES OVER THERE AND IT'D REALLY JUST BE JOHN]
[Zombies wave like "Hey"]
JOHN: ROOooooOOOOOSE!!! -SCREAMS AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS, looking around for her-
GAMZEE: MOTHER FUCKING BLASPHEMES HAVE THEIR WICKED MITTS BROUGHT MISERY TO WHA-- =Is josteled by a shoulder NUDGE from Dualscar, which makes him let out a startled hiss.=
DUALSCAR: TOLD YE WWHOLE LOT NOT TA FUCKIN' FREAK OUT. THAT INCLUDES RELIGIOUS SHIT. =Stares ahead at the disappearing bridge and swears. Hopefully people are okay???=
GAMZEE: =The biggest frowny sneer.= none hands to be laid upon who matter without repent.
MEULIN: ARE YOU OKAY?? -she's still having a hard time reading his lips, but his expression seems clue enough to her that he's not so okay.- WHAT'S WRONG?
KANKRI: -With John having flown out, Kankri is following back towards the exit as far as he can, until he is distracted with the grumpy clown with Meulin and Dualscar. He skids to a stop and very quickly changes course for the time being to place a hand on Gamzee's shoulder to check on him.- 9h thank g99dness y9u are finally fully c9nci9us.
[ No response from the falls, but as John flies out, the remaining airships DEFINITELY NOTICE HIM. WHOOSH. ]
JOHN: -Oh shit. He's going to casually SPRINT BACK INSIDE-
[ There are a few more rumbles, but he DOES. ]
JOHN: i didn't see her out there! -sprinting to catch up to the group-
[ Anyways as I was saying before but kinda forgot about, this place looks... familiar, now that they're inside of it. They're at some kind of maintenance area, sure, on an overhead part of the facility, with some shelves containing supply and upkeep essentials-- some SPECIAL STARDUST, a thing of face paint. A big mask and... a personal compuer, that appears to be on. It actually looks like halfway between a computer and an arcade cabinet, with the gastly image of some kind of HORRID CLOWN MAN as the desktop background. ]
JUDE: -shivers looking at all of this- (why......)
GAMZEE: =This was a whole new world of feeling. Having himself get this worked up about something. It's as if he's being filled with one singular feeling-- purpose, but it's ebbing. Ebbing as Meulin speaks-- is able to speak. She's still injured however, and he cannot forgive that. Then there's Kankri's voice, suddenly, and his head snaps from one to the other. Ears high and eyes wide, less red, now orange.= SAME OF HE AND SHE. all in the concious, none in the right. SOME HORROR SHOW WHAT WE ALL BEAR TO WIT-- =Looks at all of this stuff like: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/mspaintadventures/images/4/45/Gamzee.png/revision/latest?cb=20130109035508 = DUALSCAR: =He's gonna set Gamzee down now that he's all rowdy, jesus. Squints at everything and frowns deeply, muttering under his breath in a voice and expression someone might have while faced with something rancid.= CLOWWNS.
[ Just some emergency clown supplies and an emergency clown computer.]
JOHN: -he's just vibrating. Very distressed about not being able to go out and look for Rose. He keeps staring back at the door longingly.-
KANKRI: -All this emergency clown supplies are very eerie and creepy. He's stick close to Gamzee's side, and you bet your butt he's still holding his knife down at his side.-
MEULIN: -Keeps clinging onto Dualscar for now... the whole breathing thing just doesn't feel great at the moment. Gamzee looks a little better, and she takes his sudden pause as the moment to do the same and peers around.- WE-- SHOULDN'T BE IN HERE, -she decides pretty immediately.-
[Welcome to the CIRCUS OF VALUE hyuck!]
JOLENE: -maybe they shouldn't be, but she's going to raid these shelves for anything she can weaponize... maybe there's chemicals she can mix to make bombs? anything she can STAB things with?? she can always throw special stardust in people's faces if she has to...-
JAMISON: =This facepaint.... is it flammable? Eh. Either way he's going to break into this clown computer and make weapons from it's parts=
[Jolene, you the real mvp. Mostly just clown supplies so the face paint. You can guess what that is....]
JOHN: i wonder if they're waiting at the back entrance too. -though he doesn't reall ywant to leave anyway tbh. he's still wondering if they're going to bomb the place.-
[ The back entrance would appear to lead further into the factory-- it is also the only way out of this particular little utility closet slash maintenance area. ]
JUDE: we should
JUDE: set this place on fire
JAMISON: =SLAPS Jude's back= Atta boy! Agreed!
[ The stuff isn't really super useful for weapons or anything, no, but they can collect what they like.]
JAMISON: =Can he collect broken glass? He's gonna=
JOHN: -paces around tensley and then whips out his comm. He's going to try and text Rose.-
KANKRI: -Hes frowning.- Prefera6ly when we, and any 9ther p9ssi6le individuals within the area, are at a safer distance.
KANKRI: Ars9n is quite danger9us.
JOHN: we're in the "meat" processing plant!!! let me know you're okay when you read this!!!
JOLENE: -looks around, then just pushes through the back door into the factory- well, we definitely can't go back! come on. -it's okay kids, she will protect you all.-
JAMISON: Only way to progress is to move forward never back! =Remember when that was his slogan 30 years ago?=
JOHN: what about rose, though? she still isn't here.
JOHN: -trying his best not to sound panicked. WHAT IF SHE GOT BLOWN UP. WHAT IF GUY FIERI ATE HER BUTT???-
JAMISON: =....claps John on the shoulder= Buck up there old boy, no man left we just need to comb for her properly!
[ It's a bit of a walk, and there ARE some stairs down this hallway, leading to an office... of a sort. It's incredibly garish and slightly fleshy, but they can see the factory they were actually in not terribly long ago... and a conveyor belt with some incredibly ominous red stains on it. Red flashing lights are blaring warnings, and the place looks like it's been evacuated... except for the biomechanical computer just by the window. ]
[ There's some kind of holographic display on it, but it's flashing, and hard to actually focus on. ]
[It looks... kind of like a motherfuckin' MIRACLE, it does. ]
JOLENE: -nod nod- it isn't safe for us to stay in one place either... once we get our bearings, we have a better chance of finding her.
JOHN: -UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH MENTAL ANGUISH- yeah....ok that makes sense.
JAMISON: =strongly squeeze shoulder in support=
JAMISON: What the dickens is all this mess???
[ Those colors are TRANSFIXING. And... there's a lot of information it's imparting. A lot of THINGS. Some of those things are THEIR things, weirdly enough? ]
[ The clown text is pretty much fucking illegible, but there are some big buttons just under the modus display, along with another half of the machine dedicated to some more mundane, but still hard to read information. ]
[ What can be made out of the right half of the computer, it appears to be a manifest for cargo ships, hauling some "jerky" to other parts of the world. ]
[While the left half contains contraband used as "evidence" against the "incarcerated" humans here. ]
JAMISON: MY OLE BUSTER! We should also lift one of those jerky ships!
JOLENE: good idea! but first... -approaches the machine, inspecting the buttons before deducing which would be the one to eject their items- heads up! -ANTICIPATES IT ALL FLYING OUT if it works, because thats how fetch moduses are sometimes.-
JOHN: -it's a good thing he didn't still have that grand piano in his sylladex-
[ It is sort of flying out! It is also sort of like a big awful PILE. Pretty much everyone is buried in ASSORTED BULLSHIT. ]
JAMISON: =he sure hopes one of his grenade pins didn't get pulled ..=
[ No, but there's a BIG GUN. And some clothes that aren't awful. IT IS A MIRACLE]
JAMISON: =puts his weapons back in order=
JOEY: =john what the heck man=
JUDE: -HIS STUFF! now he really COULD burn down the building if he wanted to...-
JOHN: -sadly notices that the rest of their cake got smushed-
JOHN: -starts haphazardly scooping stuff back into his sylladex-
JOEY: =She's trying to find her stuff specifically, but it's all such a mess, she's gathering what she can and hoping people pick up her junk too=
JOLENE: -gathers her stuff quickly too, but she wont fuss too much if she grabs someone else's or doesnt get all of hers... shes inspecting the manifest at the same time, memorizing where the cargo bay is so she can lead them there.-
JOHN: -Yeah if anyone else doesn't find their stuff, John is just throwing it in his so it'll be safe.-
[ CONSIDER YOURSELF RE-ARMED. There are some winding hallways, but Jolene can tell which way will lead them down to the hangar-- though they likely don't have long, as some Trolls bust in on foot through the factory floor. ]
JOLENE: -she'll bust a cap in their behinds then!!! but first, she points ahead where they need to go first- everybody down that way!!
JOEY: =she's rifling through her deck and she's pvcpipekind now= ugggggh =I GUESS!!=
[ There is a muffled cry of THEY'RE OVER THERE from down one of the halls as they hurry to the hangar, but fortunately, with a bit of a hustle going, it's not too far of a run. ]
JOEY: =do you see these legs? THEY'RE PUMPING! THEY'RE PUMPED FOR ACTION!! =
JOLENE: -at some point makes her way back to the front of the pack to lead them into the hangar. awooo.-
JAMISON: =AWOO INDEED, he's SHOOTING at the trolls chasing them because HE'S GONNA SHOOT SOMETHING!=
[Honestly, Jamison gets splatted in the face with a honey chipotle chicken tender on the sole grounds of being "that guy"]
[ u should see the other guy ]
[well, he is very dead]
JOEY: Dad!
[He's dead. The other guy, that is,]
[ Someone's going to have to fly this thing. Prepped for flight and ONLY delayed so that it could ship the remains of the rebels after the show. Probably best to just. Dump all the current cargo tbh. It's a pretty big airship, enough room for everyone, even if it'll be a little bit cramped.]
JAMISON: =Actually this smells pretty good.... but he doesn't horf it down. Instead brings up the rear to USHER people in=
JAMISON: Into the skies ahoy!! =He's the pirate now Dualscar, pewpew shooty at approaching trolls if they were FOOLISH enough to keep coming=
[ THEY WERE, TO BE CERTAIN. Their cargo door is sorta hanging open, and it's not as fast as the fighters in the air-- the ones that are curiously not intercepting them right now.]
[ Probably because a few of them are on fire and crashing. WEIRD. ]
ROSE: -a very bloody red thing rockets through the door as it's closing-- skidding and tumbling and more or less passing out directly on the floor of the plane.-
JAMISON: =SO WEIR--!!!= Heavens to Besty!
ROSE: -she's out like a light-
JOEY: rose!!
JOLENE: !!! -bends down to tend to her-
[🎵 We're so glad to have met you. We're sad we failed to melt you. We'll eat you next time, we promise. But for now, this round is on us. 🎵]
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