#one more reason to detest elections in this country
inkyami · 1 month
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xtruss · 1 month
Will “Terrorist, War Criminal, Genocidal, God’s Cursed, Fucked-up Fascist 🐖 Bibi” Break the Illegal Regime of Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐗, Isra-hell?
When Illegal Regime of Isra-hell’s Best and Brightest Terrorists are Up in Arms It is Time to Worry
— March 16th 2023
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This should have been Israel’s moment. As it approaches its 75th birthday in April the risk of a conventional war with neighbouring Arab states, for decades an existential danger, is at its lowest since 1948. The last Palestinian intifada, or uprising against occupation, ended 18 years ago. Israel’s tech-powered economy is more successful and globally relevant than ever. Last year gdp per person hit $55,000, making it richer than the eu.
Yet instead of celebrations, Israel faces a crisis. Judicial reforms proposed by the right-wing coalition government would undermine the rule of law and weaken Israeli democracy. The prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, who has led Israel for 15 of the past 27 years, prides himself on making ruthless, often ugly, trade-offs that ultimately leave Israel stronger. Now he risks squandering his legacy and leaving Israel less able to cope with the social and geopolitical challenges of the coming decades.
The country is in turmoil. On March 11th hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in what may be Israel’s largest-ever protests. Generals, entrepreneurs and scholars warn that democracy is under threat; some 60% of Israelis oppose the legal reforms. Fiery rhetoric from right-wingers, including government ministers, helps fuel violence in the West Bank: so far this year 80 Palestinians have been killed, the highest rate for perhaps two decades.
The struggle may escalate further. The Knesset, or parliament, could pass the legislation in the next couple of weeks. There could be a showdown between it and the Supreme Court, forcing citizens and soldiers to make a painful choice about where their loyalties lie. Ehud Barak, a former prime minister and army chief, has called for mass civil disobedience.
The reforms are a bad solution to a real problem. Israel has no written constitution. For decades, however, the Supreme Court has asserted that some “basic” laws amount to a quasi-constitution it can enforce, overruling the Knesset. Such activism was not clearly understood to be the aim when these basic laws were passed. The right sees a power grab by a lefty judicial establishment. But Mr Netanyahu, who faces corruption charges and detests the legal elite, is imposing a woeful remedy. His reforms would let the Knesset appoint judges and override the Supreme Court, thus handing virtually unchecked power to a slim majority in the single-chamber legislature.
The fight is part of a struggle over Israel’s identity, which has become polarised. A far-right fringe has grown, fuelled by Mr Netanyahu’s demagogic anti-elite politics, inequality and a bigger number of Jewish settlers in the West Bank. The number of ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel has grown fast: they are 13% of the population and many study the Torah instead of working or serving in the army. Together, far-right and Orthodox parties won a quarter of Knesset seats in elections last year. With the centre-left parties and Mr Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud unwilling to govern together, he has formed a coalition with them. Moderate Israelis fume that they create the wealth, pay the taxes and fight the wars, in a country that is betraying its liberal roots.
Plenty of other states have survived bouts of populist and divisive rule. Yet Israel is unusually vulnerable. One reason is the economy. With $196bn of foreign reserves, Israel is not about to face a financial collapse. But the core of its economy is technology, which generates over half of its exports. This is powered by spending on research and development which, at 5% of gdp annually, is higher than in any other rich country. The experts and entrepreneurs who make this possible do not relish their country being in thrall to religious fanatics, and could emigrate.
Israel is also vulnerable because it cannot afford to alienate America, which guarantees its security and supplies 80% of its imported arms. Bipartisan support for Israel among Americans is eroding: a majority of Democrats and people aged 18-29 view it unfavourably. Over 90 members of Congress have written to President Joe Biden, objecting to the legal reforms. Meanwhile Iran has enriched uranium to 84% purity and Britain, France and Germany are warning of “the increasingly severe escalation of its nuclear programme”. Mr Netanyahu has built links with Sunni Arab states, including via the Abraham accords, in order to form an anti-Iran coalition. But last week Saudi Arabia struck a de-escalation deal with Iran, brokered by China. In a dangerous, unstable region, America remains Israel’s indispensable ally.
The final vulnerability concerns Israel’s Arab citizens and Palestinians in the West Bank. If minority rights in Israel are weakened, Israeli Arabs, who face discrimination, will grow more disillusioned. And in the West Bank the Supreme Court has to some degree curbed settlements. Weakening the court, even as Israeli ministers openly espouse anti-Arab racism, is incendiary. Mr Netanyahu hopes the Palestinian question can be put on ice for ever. But the Palestinian Authority’s biddable 87-year-old boss may not last much longer, and new militant groups are forming.
What is to be done? The legal reforms should be paused. A fitting goal for Israel’s 75th anniversary would be a constitutional convention to strike a balance between the courts and parliament and secure broad consent. Divided countries need stronger institutions and safeguards, not weaker ones. Israel also needs a political realignment so that its parties reflect social change. Some 50-60% of Israeli voters are moderate and together they could command a majority in the Knesset. Broad party realignments have happened before.
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Chuck Schumer calls for new elections in Israel, breaking with “Terrorist, Fascist, Genocidal, War Criminal, God’s Cursed and Fucked-up 🐖 Benjamin Satan-Yahu” to get rid of him
Promised Land (😂😂😂! It’s Occupied Land of Forever Palestine 🇵🇸)
Mr Netanyahu, an mit-educated, secular pragmatist, is Israel’s most consequential politician of the past 25 years, with a big hand in its economic revival and rapprochement with some Arab states. He surely knows that a more restrained government could run Israel better than this one, which relies on extremists. If he could catalyse a new centrist configuration in Israeli politics he would secure his legacy. Alas, his brand is too toxic and he is too bent on self-preservation. His time has passed. To stop Bibi from breaking Israel, moderates must resist his power grab—and press for a government that puts the Middle East’s only successful liberal democracy on a less dangerous path.■
— This Article Appeared in the Leaders Section of the Print Edition Under the Headline "Will Bibi Break Israel?"
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Zelenskyy often caught flak for the statements and initiatives of his political appointees. Some of these people were subsequently fired or forced to resign. The president had no choice but to dismiss those who betrayed his initiatives and ideals or who turned out to be incompetent, but he got no pleasure from doing so. After all, he had worked for decades with a team that had outstanding professional ethics, the one he himself had recruited for Kvartal 95 and with which he had such a successful career. In this new political reality, however, he could not properly vet each of his team members as he had in the past. So he got upset when he heard all these unpleasant stories. Good character mattered to Zelenskyy. It was the foundation on which he formed his view of people. He was badly upset when people were disloyal or when staffers made missteps in communication and opened themselves up to attacks in the media. These errors often discredited the very brightest members of his team. But he was very forgiving, because he knew that, despite a few exceptions, the majority of his people were strong and loyal. Zelenskyy needed people who were idealists and who believed in Ukraine as much as he did himself. It is worth noting that not a single member of Zelenskyy’s team was spared from these attacks. The more good someone did, the more it seemed he or she was demonized or discredited. This was largely because of the hypercharged media environment and all its resources. Public opinion leaders all had their own audiences on social media and did whatever they could to score points and inflict wounds on the country’s leadership. These were really not even attacks aimed at the members of the team. None of us was a visible or valuable enough political target. They were attacking Zelenskyy himself through us, trying to knock him out of action by discrediting his staff. After the election, many people, of course, were trying to retain or secure a role in the new government with varying levels of success. One who had been in the previous government continued to defend his reputation; another wasn’t allowed to participate in the allocation of positions and failed to obtain a job for his friend; yet another complained that his impressive political experience had been ignored. There are many reasons for dissatisfaction in politics. And if you try to overturn an entrenched system like the one in Ukraine, there will be many disgruntled people who will attack you in the media. Sometimes just having a powerful position is enough to attract criticism. The way the old guard treated Zelenskyy’s first chief of staff, Andriy Bohdan, is a good example. When he was chief of staff of the Office of the President, he had the reputation of being the most detestable person in politics. During the whole time he was in office, the media were clamoring for his resignation because of the way he ran the office. He was accused of committing every political sin and of being a terrible communicator. But as soon as Bohdan left his position, the very same media that had been demonizing him began to present him in an entirely different light, somehow even portraying him as a hero, interviewing him and hanging on his every word.
Iuliia Mendel, The Fight of Our Lives: My Time with Zelenskyy, Ukraine’s Battle for Democracy, and What It Means for the World
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melias-cimitiere · 4 years
 I detest all types of negative discrimination (aimed to demonize and persecute minorities and other parts of the population) based on color, gender, creed, country of origin, ideology etc. I include racism, ageism, and all types of sexual and religious persecution in these categories. The reason why I detest this (which may differ to the reasons others oppose it) is that I am aware of myself as resident in bodies (shells) in different times and ages, so to condemn someone on the basis of color, gender etc is hypocritical. I’ve been all over the place concerning the spectrum, so I cannot condemn people who happen to be born in a way different to mine at this present age. There is no inferior or superior race, creed, nation, gender etc. Of course, I am still allowed to condemn any practice, viewpoint or ideology that I find offensive, dangerous or twisted enough to cause severe threat by its malice. By doing this I don’t attack the people that sometimes are born to such ideas, but instead my attack is on the ideas themselves.
 I detest all dogmas, for they assume to be true in all ways and they have no regard for personal experience and testing. But more often than not, dogmas tend to corrupt their defenders into going to a witch-hunt or pogrom to exterminate all opposition. It is inherent to their nature to hold that the truth is property of those dogmas, and not existent anywhere else outside their approved belief system. Therefore they create a climate of hostility towards non-believers and animosity towards foreign ideas and viewpoints.
 I detest puritanism and the whole idea that only marital sex is pure, the rest is up for condemnation. Sex, like food and other things natural, responds to need and often, to pleasure. When needs are condemned as impure, and pleasure is viewed as sinful or evil, problems tend to arise; psychological ones with regards to the person, and societal ones with regards to cultural groups. History has shown that such oppression leads to violent outbursts sooner or later, or to serious psychopathology. A healthy sexual life contributes to wellbeing and to a balanced lifestyle; there’s nothing evil or reprehensible happening between consenting adults. Nothing should be blamed as deviant, outlawed or viewed with contempt when it harms none but is part of one’s personal life, or between a couple or group of consenting adults.
 I detest Idealism as it is a distorted way to view reality. A pragmatist would more likely accept a form of Sinister Realism (my own term) as a way to rationalize with an irrational, often contradictory world. Also an idealist will more likely conform to dogmas that seek validation through idealistic lenses, whereas a sinister realist will choose a healthier paradigm based on some form of evidence instead of Ideas.
 I detest all types of blind faith, for two reasons: a) because it’s blind, and has no room for reason; b) because it is an inferior type of spirituality, as attested by evidence of my peers and my own personal experience; bound to a dogma, it has no room to grow and expand, and it suffocates the genuine seeker.
 I detest all religions because they serve a watered-down version of spirituality that is more easily palatable by the masses. In doing so, they promote their own dogmatic ideas as “truths” and reject anything new, fearing change and fearing to lose privileges. I detest all Abrahamist religions in particular; stemming from a tradition steeped in racial hatred (that they are elites, unique by their god making them over anyone else upon Earth), stolen ideas from various cultures and mythologies more ancient than them (look for evidence in Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Phoenician peoples, including Pythagorean and Neoplatonist ideas in Kabbalah), misogyny (numerous examples in their own scriptures) and spiritual blindness (everything that doesn’t feature in the pages of their dogmatic books is condemned as having demonic origin). Abraham was a traitor to the Mesopotamian spirituality and destroyed his father’s cult figurines, aiming to cut all bonds with the Chaldeans and start the journey to the Levant. He prostituted his own sister whom he had married, and then benefitted from her when the truth came out; his example was followed by his son Isaac. Abrahamist religions are the source of much of the world’s plight; holy wars, crusades, Inquisition, torturing and killing hundreds of thousands and terrorizing millions, they are solely responsible for the darkest times in human history. Their absolutist dogmas and totalitarian religious regimes persecuted truth and real spirituality for the last two millennia. They created the spiritual blueprint of something that perpetuates guilt and misery, and makes a person weaker than his or her natural state, simply by submitting to their ideology.  
 I detest the validity of the statement “it’s right because the majority believe it or elected it”. The multitudes never held truth or attainment in high regard, only conveniency and safety. They call brave those that defend their safety, but they condemn as fool-hardy and heretical those of the same mentality as their defenders, who seek out new paths off the beaten track. Likewise innovations are good if they serve their conveniency but dangerous when probing new scientific avenues. The masses tend to follow trends like fashion and leaders like a flock does to a shepherd; originality, uniqueness and innovation are alien concepts to them. Superstition, submission and apathy is the path they choose.
 The way I see it, a promethean Lucifer is the torchbearer of Illumination for the Spirit and Mind, a rebel Satan is the catalyst of socioeconomic, cultural and political Change, a portentous Leviathan is the instigator of Progress and Innovation in sciences and all things that Reason governs; and Set, the dynamic agent of Manifesting and Becoming. All of them are teachers through adversity, all of them mentor willpower to triumph over the odds. This is something we may believe in, a form of allegiance to take us forward to the next millennium, to the stars and into our destiny.
                                                                        Melias, 2020
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edificationcoach · 3 years
A high-frequency E.T message regarding The Presidential Elections🌈❤💜💙💚🧡🧘‍♂️⭐🌌🕯🦄😇
I hope you are hanging in there and doing alright at this time of the elections. There is a lot going on…The energy is crazy not in a good way and I hope that you are not caught with it. When you are an empath,you pick up on the stream of negativity as the energy holds the fear, anger, frustration and hate of people who put their attention on the outside believing in whatever they are believing ignoring what’s going on, on the inside. When are we as people of this planet going to unlearn what we were taught?
When are we going to step back take complete responsibility and dive to the inside?
Aren’t you tired enough of the games played in front of you and behind?
When are you going to begin your search for yourself?
When are you going to take responsibility for yourself?
Why do you think your salvation is on the outside?
I want you to ponder these questions!
Otherwise, how do you think a president going to save you? He may though until some point but a major part is actually your contribution of thoughts, feelings, and emotions! I mean your energy in essence contributes to many events on this planet and yet you still think you are nothing..and that your energy…the cluster of thoughts and actions doesn’t affect matter and or reality. You keep contradicting yourself.
From the date of this post November 3rd, 2020 you recognize it’s the elections day in the U.S between Trump and Biden but it doesn’t matter. This post is for future references, for any future elections and especially if you are desperate and hopefully ready to open up and hear a different way to looking at things at this world.
I’m going to share with you an E.T message by an Arcturain race and precisely by “The 9d Arcturian Council” channeled by Daniel Scranton and it goes like this:
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested in what humanity is interested in there on Earth, and right now there is a lot of attention being given to the elections in the United States of America. There is quite a bit of attention being given to the presidential election, and as many of you know, the tension that exists there in the United States has a lot of people on edge. People are not certain about what will happen, and they are afraid. A lot of that fear has been generated by those who like having humankind nice and afraid, nice and divided, and that’s why you all need to try to see how someone you love could support a candidate that you detest.
You have to give each other the benefit of the doubt right now and not give in to the divisiveness. You all have an opportunity here to take back your power and to recognize that all the change that you want to see in the world has to begin with you. No one politician is going to save humanity or any portion of humanity, because you all need to raise the level of your consciousness, which most people are not doing at this time. In fact, a lot of people are digging in their heels and getting ready for a fight.
We suggest you send love to whichever candidate you hope loses, and we also suggest that you send love to the ones who support that candidate. We especially suggest that you make peace with the fact that you undoubtedly have family members who support that candidate, and realize that you have a lot more in common with everyone there on Earth than you have reasons to demonize them.
It is time to look past the fighting and the name-calling and look within for unconditional love, forgiveness, and compassion. We know that we have been saying this for quite some time, but it bears repeating on a day when so many will be anxious, angry, afraid, and saddened by what’s happening with the elections in a country that has so much potential. The United States can be filled with so much light and love, so much promise and hope.
The citizens, and even the non-citizens, of the United States can do so much to help each other and help the rest of the world, regardless of who wins. And you have to remember that. You cannot let what is happening on that very big stage affect your ability to reach within yourself and feel empowered. You get to create your experience of your world, your country, other countries, and political leaders.
And we also want you all to take care of yourselves, because if you are receiving this transmission, you are sensitive and empathic, and you are going to pick up on all of the negative energy. So please do put yourself and your vibration first, and as we said, send love, and don’t get swept up in fear and hate. This is an opportunity for you all to make those big changes and take those giant leaps that we have been telling you about. But it has to start with you and your faith in yourselves, especially when you are united, which you will always have the opportunity to be.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
I hope this post was helpful. I look forward to reading your comments.
Love & Gratitude
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The post A high-frequency E.T message regarding The Presidential Elections🌈❤💜💙💚🧡🧘‍♂️⭐🌌🕯🦄😇 appeared first on EdificationCoach.
from WordPress https://edificationcoach.com/a-high-frequency-e-t-message-regarding-the-presidential-elections/
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veridium · 4 years
oc interview - olivia
tagged by the terrific @heraldofwho​ to have my oc do an interview! thank you again for the tag!
tagging @dickeybbqpit​, @avaquet​, @bitchesofostwick​, @cullenvhenan​, and @star--nymph​ if they have not done one already, or would like to do one for another oc!
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name ➔ “Olivia Sinclair is my full name, though people hardly know it on account of my title. I know you have likely been asked to adhere to that, but please, call me Olivia.” are you single ➔ “I...” She grins tensely, and looks off to the nearest window. “I have a troublesome history with that word. I never consider myself “taken” or “spoken for.” I am never spoken for. But I admit I have a fondness for someone. That is all I will admit.” are you happy ➔ She smirks and shakes her head. “Happiness is a distracting goal. I have not been happy as people would call it in many years. Do I have moments of happiness? Yes. Do I hunger for it? Yes. But someone like me, the world does not encourage happiness.”  are you angry ➔ “Yes, always. I just hide it well, and choose to laugh whenever I have that choice.” are your parents still married ➔ “They were until my Father passed away when I was seventeen. As far as I know, my Mother never remarried. I would not care, truly, if she did. I wouldn’t be surprised, either. Their marriage was far from perfect or lovely.”
birthplace ➔ “I was born at my family’s home just north of Val Royeaux. Normally I just say the Capitol, since it is close enough.” hair color ➔ “Blonde, fair, bright, whatever you would call it. The Bard in the tavern, Maryden, teases me by singing of it as spun gold. She knows I scowl at the idea of being talked about like I am some pristine art fixture.” eye color ➔ “That changes rather famously. When I am at rest they are hazel, but I am never at rest. They glow a little of gold and sometimes red. Mages can have very expressive eyes, and if they choose not to control it, it can be rather sinister looking.” She pauses, and a wry smile grows on her lips. “I like it like that.” birthday ➔ “The 7th of Drakonis, in the year 9:15.”  mood ➔  “My mood? Hah,” she crosses her arms, “depends on who you ask. I would say quite friendly. Varric would agree. The Seeker would not.” gender ➔ “I am a woman.” summer or winter ➔  “Summer. Though, I have become used to the eternal snow and chill of the Frostbacks. It isn’t always a treat. Summer and Spring are my favorite seasons because of the warmth and liveliness of the country. My Father used to hunt and host gatherings celebrating the open season. Everything felt much more bearable and beautiful.”
morning or afternoon ➔ “Mornings. I do not sleep very well, so mornings are my most productive. As soon as the sun rises, I do. I absolutely detest getting a late start to my day.”
are you in love ➔ “You would never have me admit in open air if I was. Sorry, but I learned far before I ever had the chance to decide for myself, that wearing my heart on my sleeve is nothing but a liability. It is a hard habit to unlearn.” do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “I believe in infatuation as well as obsession. I believe we can use people as escapes from our own concerns. All-too-often we use these hungers as excuses to call it love. As for the real thing, perhaps I am unfamiliar with it and that has made me a skeptic. I cannot be blamed, no? After all, what have been my examples of it? Nothing worth recreating or venerating, I can tell you that much.”
who ended your last relationship ➔ “I did not have relationships, I had encounters. They ended as anomalously as they began. I do not start things with people that would cause me too much grief to finish.” have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “Yes...and their skulls...and their arms...well, I should clarify that it was not a lover’s quarrel or honest tryst. I would never do that to someone I was sincerely fond of. Where do you think I got my alias as the Black Dove, anyway? There is a reason no one has yet ventured to court me.” are you afraid of commitments ➔ “My friends would say yes. I would say yes if it means I know the perils of “belonging” to someone.” She says it with an ache in her voice, like she only half-agrees with what she is saying. She crosses one leg over the other and shakes herself of the melancholy. “I think it is even worse when the commitment is genuine. You cannot avoid it or dissuade yourself. It just becomes this affliction you have to wash yourself of.”
have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “Yes! Of course! My friends, my Ambassador. She used to have such an odd look on her face when I did it in the beginning, she is such a stickler for decorum. We only ever do it in private because of it. She has been won over, though, I am pleased to say.” have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “In all likelihood, yes. When people first meet me it is all about how pretty and petite I am. Naomi said once that I am honey on the eyes but spice on the tongue. I do not disagree,” she snickers a bit. have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ She opens her mouth quickly, but catches herself from responding. She chuckles a bit anxiously, and runs a hand up around the side of her neck. “I have, and I do. But that is our little secret -- I cannot have people thinking I am so sentimental.”
love or lust ➔ “Love is a fanciful ideal. Lust is a human craving that I am much more sympathetic of, and I know that sounds rather careless, but it is the truth. When we are honest about what is lust and what is love, I think we find lust is the most apt descriptor for the needs we act on. Love, however, takes many shapes. I love my people, I love my allies, and I love my cause. I am a human who lusts for intimacy and gratification. These do not have to exclude each other.” lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Oh sweet Maker, who would drink lemonade? Tea, tea, nothing but tea. Though I will admit I like it better hot.” cats or dogs ➔ “I do not have a preference for either. Cullen will talk for hours about dogs and I only pay attention to the first sentence and last -- shit, don’t tell him that, he will only want to rant more. Cats are fine as well. My favorite animals tend to be much larger, and with hooves and muzzles,” she says with a fiendish smile, knee jerking to show off her calf-high riding boots still on her feet. 
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “A few very close friends is always worth more than a legion of accolades. I will never not say so. I will admit however that my inclusion of people into that category has grown bigger since the Inquisition began.”  wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “Romantic, you say? So, me alone with books, candles, and a cup of something strong? I will take that over a night out. At the risk of being accused of lies, I will say I do not hate being out with good company. I am good at being sociable! Does not mean I wholeheartedly enjoy it.” day or night ➔ “Day for the struggle, night for the trouble, as my dear friend Roslyn would say. I will leave it at that,” she says tilting her head and chuckling again. 
been caught sneaking out ➔ “Yes. As a child I would always want to stay up late like my Father did. Sometimes I could make it from where my room was on my Mother’s side of the home to my Father’s and find him still sitting by his fire, smoking a pipe or drinking his brandy. When I was sent to the Circle such things were much more dangerous to do, but I still sometimes broke the Templar’s curfew for certain...reasons. Understandably, nowadays I do not run into such authorities.”
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “Uh...hm, well,” she scrunched her lips to one side of her face. “I am afraid both. I am...or, was, quite clumsy. Funny, considering I was a dancer in my childhood. We cannot outrun all of our imperfections, no?” wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ "Yes, so many things. So many opportunities I have chased and craved for years. It is at the very heart of who I am. As for people...that is a much more sordid answer.” wanted to disappear ➔ “If it meant defying a Templar’s vigilance, yes. Completely. Growing up I would have given anything to just be what I thought was a regular, more liberated person -- someone not born to privilege which I saw as a cage. I have since learned it was a child of wealth’s romanticization of poverty. I had many troubles, yes, but none of them were insecurity with food, shelter, or protection. What I truly wanted was to be treated with respect and love. That standard should not depend on class.”
smile or eyes ➔ “Eyes! Eyes are projections of the spirit. I fall for--I mean, ahah, I get to know someone a great deal through the way their eyes and faces change in different moods.” shorter or taller ➔ “With my height, it is rather easy to elect for taller.” intelligence or attraction ➔ “Both, yes? You need both to a degree. Minds in tandem with one another add the fire to any bond.” hook-up or relationship ➔ She gives a knowing look, brow raised and grin crooked, indicating to move on to the next question. 
do you and your family get along ➔ She only chuckles and rolls her eyes.  would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “I grew up in a deeply distorted and toxic culture. I was sent to the Circle which oppressed Mages for being who they are. My friends and I broke free and I landed here, somehow, with an anchor in my hand and a title before my name. I have suffered but I have survived. A lot of people would say the same having faced dangers I never had to.” have you ever ran away from home ➔ ”No, but then again, eventually I did not have to.” have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “I believe that is what one might say into describe my being sent to the Circle, so, yes?”
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “Secretly? No! Veronica knows I revile her.” She tries to maintain a straight face, but she cannot help but crack another smile.  do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “Yes, of course. They are the noblest, kindest, and most worthy people I know. We grew up together. As for my friends in the Inquisition, I know better than to believe our relationships indivisible. We all have arrived from different places and positions in the world. If this fight ever ends, I imagine those positions will pull us into new and old directions. All this said, I wish to believe that our bonds have a sincerity to them.” who is your best friend ➔ “I could never say I have just one. I have a few. When we have different concerns and needs, we go to each other. It is as it should be.” who knows everything about you ➔ “Me as a person behind the leadership role? One of the girls could probably answer that. Me as both leader and person? Leliana and Josephine, of course. Cassandra would...she would, too.” She blinks, and shakes her head suddenly. “I mean, of course she would. That woman has dragged me everywhere. Insufferable.”
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plsbyallmeans · 4 years
Breaking out of the gender straitjacket: Hillary Clinton gives a masterclass on women and power.
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From politics to sport, deep-seated sexism and entrenched misogyny still stalk too many sectors across Wales and the world.
It was a real honour to be part of a tremendous panel at Swansea University last week.
The event was called Gutsy Welsh Women.
Now, I’ve been called a lot of things in my life and this is one of the kindest, so I’m certainly not going to complain about the “gutsy” label.
The gusty women on the platform included the Welsh Government education minister Kirsty Williams, who recalled the young girl from Carmarthenshire who joined the Liberal Democrats at 15, was one of the first intake of AMs in 1999 and rose to become party leader and a government minister.
The event was called Gutsy Welsh Women.
It was a real honour to be part of a tremendous panel at Swansea University last week.
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Now, I’ve been called a lot of things in my life and this is one of the kindest, so I’m certainly not going to complain about the “gutsy” label.
The gusty women on the platform included the Welsh Government education minister Kirsty Williams, who recalled the young girl from Carmarthenshire who joined the Liberal Democrats at 15, was one of the first intake of AMs in 1999 and rose to become party leader and a government minister.
Also, the indomitable lawyer and academic Professor Elwen Evans, who led the prosecution in the April Jones murder case and the defence in the Gleision mine disaster case. Elwen talked about her early years at the bar when she was told by a senior male colleague that “women were good for just two things in life”. Yes, honestly...
But this panel was no feminist moan fest. I hope it’s not immodest to say that all four panel members have managed to carve out successful careers, despite the deep-seated sexism and entrenched misogyny that poisons most sectors, from sport to law to politics.
It struck me that we all said rather similar things about our career paths and the role models who had influenced us. We talked about the self-belief that our families had given us as small girls that, in turn, instilled in us the ambition and confidence to follow our dreams.
The football-mad young girl growing up in Bridgend never dreamt she would captain her country for the simple reason that there was no recognised women’s international team at the time.
Meanwhile, the wait goes on for a woman President and a female First Minister. The truth is, in seeking to achieve our goals, women have had to campaign to create or change the structures constructed by and for men. That’s simply not true for most boys and men.
Of course, it was Hillary Rodham Clinton, lawyer, senator, defeated US presidential candidate, gender and human rights campaigner, who was the magnet for the huge crowd in Swansea Bay last week.
Now, Hillary (it seems right to use her first name here, given the warmth and genuine interest and regard she displayed for the people she met there) isn’t everyone’s cup of tea – and that’s an under-statement! In the current climate, it hardly needs saying that most prominent politicians divide opinion pretty starkly.
But Hillary is in a different league. She’s admired, adored and revered by plenty, positively reviled, abused and detested by others. I’m less interested in the claims and counter-claims of what she did or didn’t do.
The political power game is a filthy, brutal business, as we have witnessed everywhere these past three years. And we are in no position to slate US politics. We might be on the brink of electing a prime minister whose comments and behaviour would have seen him summarily dismissed from many workplaces. People, stones, glass houses?
What’s more interesting for me is trying to assess how Hillary Clinton has been treated compared to men who have trod similar paths in public life. In a recent In Conversation with former Australian Prime Minister and Barry girl Julia Gillard, she described the very narrow path that women leaders are expected to tread.
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friendoftheelves · 4 years
Why people voted for Tories
Corbyn is unelectable.
Simple as that, he is a lovely person but people won't vote for him, not enough.
The voters don't like his friends, they don't like him and they don't trust him.
Labour lost seats it has had since the beginning because people don't believe in Corbyn.
Of course he is going to be against anti-Semitism in practice but the voters aren't seeing that. Labour has an anti-Semitic problem and Corbyn is choosing to deal with it privately because he doesn't like the Media. Which is fine, not trusting the media is advised. The problem is, the voters are unable to see him tackling the issue. The voters have lost faith.
The voters don't like who he hangs out with. They voters don't trust who can influence him. The voters lose faith.
He may be a lovely person but he is unelectable so people choose to vote for the lesser of two evils. Right now, when some of them voted for Brexit that appears to be Tories.
People have lost faith in labour so they are turning elsewhere.
The Lib Dems have made their whole stance antiBrexit. That is their party right now. Which is great but it means that they can only appeal to the ones who detest Brexit. Anyone else will look for a different party to vote for because they want more than just an end to Brexit. The people don't want the Lib Dems.
Green Party. Nobody has faith in them. They are untested and it shows. Whereas other parties tell you what their candidates have done. Green told me what they wanted to do. Just because you agree with their policies doesn't mean you have faith in them. Few people vote Green.
This leaves the Tories. A lot of people hate the Tories. Any other election they would never vote for them but they don't see any viable candidate so they vote Tory. The Tories already have loads of Tory voters who vote Tory for their own reasons, they aren't suddenly gonna start voting for the others. Tories decide to appeal to the working class, they are promising to do more for the working class. They are making promises that move them more to the center then they already are. They are appealing to the left wing voters and it works. The Tories currently have a clear well-known leader. Who people hate but who people have faith in. He is like marmite but you trust marmite to taste disgusting. You trust him to remain consistent. The people are voting Tory because they are the only party that actually is appealing to them, that actually appears to be listening, that actually has their faith.
Someone like me isn't going to vote Tory but someone like me would never vote Tory. They aren't after my vote, they aren't after the votes of London, they are after the rest. They know that the rest of England has lost faith just wants to get it done, and they are appealing to those people. It works because no other party actually appears to have gained the faith of the country, appears to be appealing to the country
The country is in crisis and for the above reasons, the Tories are more appealing than they would normally be. People voted Tory because they saw them as the best of a bad bunch.
I myself may not agree with it but I understand it.
I want the parties to change. They need to change because I hate the fact that the Tories are in power, I hate the fact that they are seen as the best option. The people should have options. They shouldn't feel like only one party is worth their vote. They should be represented and they should be heard
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sarcasticcynic · 5 years
When Barack Obama was president, Trump was fond of repeatedly insulting, attacking, and lying about the United States of America. A few choice examples:
“The world is laughing at us.”
“The American dream is dead.”
“Crippled America”
“The idea of American Greatness, of our country as the leader of the free and unfree world, has vanished … I couldn’t stand to see what was happening to our great country. This mess calls for leadership in the worst way.”
“Our roads and bridges are falling apart, our airports are in third-world condition.”
“Our country is a laughingstock. All over the world, they’re laughing.”
“Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities; rusted-out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation; an education system, flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of knowledge; and the crime and gangs and drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential.”
“American carnage”
Not contented with attacking just Obama’s policies, Trump was positively gleeful as he insulted, attacked, and lied about Obama himself over and over and over and over and over. Just some of the most egregious examples:
“Our current president came out of nowhere. Came out of nowhere. In fact, I’ll go a step further: The people that went to school with him, they never saw him, they don’t know who he is. It’s crazy.”
“An ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that @BarackObama‘s birth certificate is a fraud.”
“Can you believe that,with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf.Worse than Carter”
“Obama has been horrible, I will be great”
“Refugees from Syria are now pouring into our great country. Who knows who they are - some could be ISIS. Is our president insane?”
“President Obama has been the most ignorant president in our history. ... He has been a disaster as a president. He will go down as one of the worst presidents in the history of our country. It is a mess. ... President Obama when he became president, he didn’t know anything. This guy didn’t know a thing. And honestly, today he knows less. Today, he knows less. He has done a terrible job.”
“‘In politics, and in life, ignorance is not a virtue. This is a primary reason that President Obama is the worst president in U.S. history!”
“Is President Obama trying to destroy Israel with all his bad moves?”
“ISIS is honoring President Obama. He is the founder of Isis. He founded ISIS.”
[You meant that he created the vacuum, he lost the peace.] “No, I meant he’s the founder of ISIS. I do. He was the most valuable player. I give him the most valuable player award. [But he’s not sympathetic to them. He hates them. He’s trying to kill them.] I don’t care. He was the founder. His, the way he got out of Iraq was that that was the founding of ISIS, okay?”
“The worst president, maybe in the history of our country ... I think he’s been a disaster. He’s been weak, he’s been ineffective. I believe I know far more about foreign policy than he knows.”
“President Obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the United States!”
“Obama’s disastrous judgment gave us ISIS, rise of Iran, and the worst economic numbers since the Great Depression!”
“Under the leadership of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton the generals have been reduced to rubble ... it is embarrassing for our country. ... [Putin] has great control over his country.”
“Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism! ... How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!”
Now that Trump is president, however, criticizing him or his policies is the same as coming after “the Country, the Flag.” Most recently Trump has lashed out at four Democratic Congresswoman who have made “comments attacking the Border Patrol and accusing the administration of running ‘concentration camps’ on the southeastern border.” Trump proclaimed that these four women of color--U.S. citizens all--should stop criticizing him and go back to the countries they “originally” came from.
Facing considerable backlash for this blatant racism--even including some from his fellow Republicans--Trump attempted to justify it by declaring that these Congresswomen, based on their opposition to him and his policies, “hate our Country.” Given his own numerous attacks on Obama and his policies, however, Trump’s purported justification rang somewhat hollow.
Now, Trump senior advisor Stephen Miller was the protege not only of white nationalist Steve Bannon but also of white nationalist Richard Spencer. Miller’s greatest hits include Trump’s original unconstitutional Muslim ban; Trump’s rescission of DACA; Trump’s ill-fated family-separation policy; Trump’s government shutdown; and Trump’s fake national emergency. Naturally, white nationalist Miller fully supports Trump telling four Congresswomen of color to go back where they came from because they supposedly “hate our Country.”
So Miller went on good ol’ reliable Fox News to defend Turmp. Even Fox News, however, pointed out the obvious hypocrisy in trying to paint Democrats’ comments as hating America, given Trump’s own frequent insults before he was president. Miller didn’t bat an eye as he explained the difference:
When Trump repeatedly attacked and insulted the United States, President Obama, and his administration he did it “out of love for America.”
In contrast, when four Congresswomen of color criticize Trump and his administration, they are expressing “anti-American sentiment ... They detest America as it exists.”
Thanks for clearing that up, racist.
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i was just browsing to get a new picture for my avatar
(from the book Gimson’s Prime Ministers by Andrew Gimson, illustrated by Martin Rowson)
LORD MELBOURNE Lived 1779–1848; prime minister 1834 and 1835–41
ON BEING ASKED to become prime minister, Lord Melbourne said he thought it ‘a damned bore’, and was ‘in many minds as to what to do’. 
His private secretary, Tom Young, retorted: ‘Why, damn it all, such a position was never held by any Greek or Roman; and if it only last three months, it will be worth while to have been prime minister of England.’ 
‘By God that’s true,’ Melbourne said. ‘I’ll go!’ 
We have this story from the diarist Charles Greville, who saw a great deal of Melbourne but, like most people, could not quite make him out: ‘Everybody wonders what Melbourne will do. He is certainly a queer fellow to be prime minister.’ To the world in general, Melbourne concealed his thoughts and emotions behind an affable, witty, tolerant, teasing exterior. As a young man, he had suffered the most notorious marital difficulties of any future prime minister. Yet he still loved and needed the company of spirited women, and became in the first years of her reign the adored prime minister and mentor of Queen Victoria. She saw at once that he was ‘straightforward, clever, honest and good’.
He was born William Lamb. His mother established herself as a great Whig hostess: beautiful, intelligent, vivacious, ambitious and promiscuous, she had children by several men while remaining married to the rich but unremarkable Lord Melbourne. William, her second son, was generally supposed to have been fathered by Lord Egremont and was educated at Eton, Trinity College, Cambridge, and Glasgow University. He grew into a tall, dark, handsome, amusing and unpushy young man, who was liked by everyone he met. The death of his elder brother enabled him to renounce the legal career on which, with no enthusiasm, he had embarked and to enter in 1806, at the age of twenty-six, the House of Commons. 
It also enabled him to propose marriage to the 19-year-old Lady Caroline Ponsonby, daughter of the Earl and Countess of Bessborough and niece of the Duchess of Devonshire, with whom he was in love. She was an upper-class wild child – slim, high-spirited and used on all occasions to getting her own way or else throwing a tantrum. For a few years they were happy, then they were unhappy. In 1812, she began a conspicuous affair with Lord Byron, a month after the poet awoke one morning and found himself famous, thanks to the publication of Childe Harold. It was Lady Caroline who described Byron as ‘mad, bad and dangerous to know’. He called her ‘the cleverest, most agreeable, absurd, amiable, perplexing, fascinating little being’. But he soon tired of her impetuous rages, realised her parading of their affair was doing him social harm and decided to break it off. She was infatuated with him, and refused to let him go. Her rages grew ever more extreme and culminated at Lady Heathcote’s ball in July 1813, where Byron refused to dance with her, so she broke a glass and began gashing her naked arms. 
The scandal was the talk of London and was followed by Lady Caroline’s excruciatingly embarrassing autobiographical novel, Glenarvon. Melbourne’s family urged him to separate from a woman who had heaped humiliation on them all, and most particularly on him. He agreed, but could not bring himself to leave her until 1825, and even after that, with tender good humour took what care he could of her until her death in 1828. They had one son, who was mentally handicapped, to whom Melbourne was devoted and who died in 1836 at the age of twenty-nine. 
For many years, his political career seemed no happier than his marriage. In 1812, he left the Commons, unable to stand the heavy cost of getting himself re-elected. He told his mother that leaving Parliament felt like ‘actually cutting my throat’, for it deprived him of ‘the greatest object of my life’. He cared about politics more deeply than he would generally admit. In 1816, he returned to Parliament, but these were the long years of Tory domination under Lord Liverpool, when there was no place for even a moderate, middle-of-the-road Whig like Melbourne. 
In 1827, Canning became prime minister and needed some moderate Whigs to serve in place of the stern unbending Tories who refused to join. In came Melbourne as Chief Secretary for Ireland. It was his first real job, and he demonstrated his ability to conciliate Catholics as well as Protestants, and also his well-hidden capacity for hard work. In Dublin, he relaxed in the company of the young, beautiful and animated Lady Elizabeth Brandon. Her husband, the Reverend Lord Brandon, attempted to get a bishopric for himself out of this, and having failed to do so, sued Melbourne, but was unable to prove that anything improper had occurred. 
The following year, Melbourne was one of the Whigs who resigned in sympathy with William Huskisson from the Duke of Wellington’s government. But at the end of 1830, when Lord Grey replaced Wellington, he appointed Melbourne to the vital post of Home Secretary. For while the Reform Bill made its tempestuous passage through Parliament, the country had to be saved from sliding into civil war. This Melbourne did with energy and firmness. He avoided sending in troops, but urged magistrates to use their powers to the full. Once again, he had given proof of his executive abilities. 
By 1834, the government was disintegrating and Lord Grey retired to Northumberland. William IV had to decide which of the Whigs to invite to take over as prime minister. His choice fell on the dependable Melbourne, for he seemed best placed to preserve the still-precarious order. His Cabinet colleague, Lord Durham, offered another reason for choosing Melbourne: ‘He is the only man to be prime minister because he is the only one of whom none of us would be jealous.’ 
So in came the amiable Melbourne. He was fifty-five and lasted for 121 days before the King decided to replace him with the Tory leader, Sir Robert Peel. The most memorable event at this time was the burning down, in October 1834, of the Houses of Parliament, an event greeted with cheers by the London mob. Peel had no majority in the Commons, so called an election, but made insufficient progress to gain control, so in April 1835 resigned. 
Melbourne, with some reluctance, was back. Few people expected him to last long, and he had renewed difficulties in his private life. He had for several years cheered himself by calling on his way home in the evenings on Mrs Caroline Norton, a beautiful and high-spirited young novelist who had established herself in rooms at Storey’s Gate, not far from Parliament. She was the granddaughter of the playwright Sheridan, a famous Whig whom Melbourne had known in his youth. 
George Norton, her villainous husband, decided to sue Mrs Norton for divorce, with Melbourne cited as co-respondent. But there was no evidence whatever that she had slept with him. When she was ill, Mr Norton had actually accompanied Melbourne to his wife’s bedroom. On another occasion, Mr and Mrs Norton had visited Melbourne together in his house in South Street, Mayfair, where he continued to live even after becoming prime minister. 
Melbourne asked William IV if he should resign. The King said definitely not. He and the Duke of Wellington suspected a shady plot to discredit Melbourne, and neither of them wanted anything to do with it. So Melbourne fought the case, though he did not appear in court himself, but sent the attorney general to make the case on his behalf. The court proceedings caused huge excitement but only lasted a day, for the main witness Mr Norton had managed to recruit was a drunken groom called Fluke, whose ludicrous evidence fell to pieces under cross-examination. The jury acquitted Melbourne without even leaving their box to confer. 
This was a success of a kind, and one which showed the prime minister’s resilience under pressure. But it also left a gap in his emotional life, for while he remained anxious for Mrs Norton’s welfare, he could no longer risk visiting her. This void was to be filled in a most unexpected way. 
In June 1837, William IV died, and was succeeded by his niece, the 18- year-old Princess Victoria. She was on bad terms with her mother, the Duchess of Kent, whose husband, the duke, had died when their daughter was only one year old. During Victoria’s childhood, the duchess, prompted by the unscrupulous Sir John Conroy, cut her off from other sources of advice and tried to lay the foundations for permanent control over her. 
Victoria was determined to resist them. But to whom could she turn for help and comfort in this endeavour? As soon as she met Melbourne, she knew she could count on him. And on whom could it be more proper to rely than on her prime minister? He became her private secretary, spent six hours a day with her and soon had his own bedroom at Windsor. Ministers were allowed to do pretty much as they pleased. Lord Palmerston, the Foreign Secretary, nearly started a war with France. Melbourne was engaged in the vital work of tutoring the young Queen, for which he was entirely suited. As she herself wrote, ‘he alone inspires me with that feeling of great confidence and I may say security, for I feel so safe when he speaks to me and is with me’. 
His conversation was fascinating. He dropped the swear words, but was as witty as ever. He had known everyone worth knowing for the last forty years, including her own family. Her uncle George IV had been as, Prince Regent, a regular visitor, and something more than a visitor, to Melbourne’s mother, and had become very fond of Melbourne himself. 
For although Victoria was Queen, the Victorian age had not yet set in. Melbourne remained, in his manners and sense of humour, a man of the eighteenth century, who detested earnestness and refused to admire the middle classes. His attitude is caught in his remark after hearing an evangelical sermon: ‘Things have come to a pretty pass when religion is allowed to invade the sphere of private life.’ He was deeply interested in religion, and had read widely on the subject. But he was not pious. 
Nor was he abstemious. He ate and drank huge amounts. In 1838, Lady Lyttelton observed that he was quite safe in office ‘unless he contrives to displace himself by dint of consommés, truffles, pears, ices and anchovies, which he does his best to revolutionise his stomach with every day’. 
In 1839, he made a dreadful error of judgement. One of the Duchess of Kent’s maids of honour, Lady Flora Hastings, had been unkind about Baroness Lehzen, who ran the queen’s household. Now Lady Flora grew unexpectedly large, and Melbourne encouraged the Queen in the idea that Lady Flora might be pregnant. When Lady Flora died, she was found, at the postmortem, to have an enormous liver tumour. The Hastings family were furious, and Victoria became for a time very unpopular. 
In the same year, Sir Robert Peel seemed about to become prime minister, but indicated that he would expect the Queen to replace some of her ladies-in-waiting. Victoria said she could not bear this, and Melbourne encouraged her in her resistance. Somewhat irregularly, he remained prime minister for another two years. 
In his offhand way, he helped to clarify the doctrine of Cabinet responsibility. For when he and his colleagues were discussing the Corn Laws, he told them: ‘Now, is it to lower the price of corn, or isn’t it? It is not much matter which we say, but mind, we must all say the same.’ 
But in 1840, he became superfluous to the Queen. She married her cousin, Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, who transported her to a state of married bliss, and quickly became her chief adviser too. She wanted to make Albert a King Consort, an idea against which Melbourne quite rightly warned: ‘For God’s sake, let’s have no more of it, Ma’am. If you once get the English people into the way of making Kings, you’ll get them into the way of unmaking them.’ 
The following year, he called a general election, lost it and resigned. A year later, he suffered a stroke from which he never fully recovered. He died in 1848. Anyone who likes the sound of him is urged to read Lord David Cecil’s wonderful two-volume biography of him, which captures better than any other the Whig attitude to politics.
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I post this not expecting many to read it all. Skim and decide if you think this information should spread.
On December 12 2017, voters in Alabama will pick their Senate representative. 
The Democratic candidate is Doug Jones, the prosecutor that brought to justice two KKK members responsible for a 1963 bombing that killed four black girls.   
His Republican opponent, Roy Moore, is expected to win. In the Senate he would make laws for the whole country.
Who is Roy Moore? This is going to be long, but skip to any portion and tell me it’s not important. Try it.
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1947- Born.
1969 - Graduated from the Military Academy at West Point. Deployed to Vietnam.  In his command position, Moore was seen as both reckless and excessively strict, even demanding troops salute him on the battlefield (he had been trained not to do that since it makes it easier for enemy to identify a command target).  In his autobiography Moore stated that he believed his own men hated him so much they intended to kill him if given the chance.
1977 - Moore graduated from the University of Alabama School of Law.  Former staff and students recall him as an unusually inept and argumentative student, who had difficulty formulating arguments based on existing law. One teacher said “If Moore's analysis of a case was tantamount to thinking 1 + 1 = 3, and his classmates reasoned otherwise, there was no backing down by Moore ... Moore never won one argument, and the debates got ugly and personal.” He became an Assistant District Attorney in Alabama.
1977 - Moore allegedly sexually harassed 18-year-old Gena Richardson.
1978-1979 - Moore allegedly sexually assaulted Beverly Young Nelson, a 15/16 year old girl.
1979 - Moore allegedly sexually assaulted Leigh Corfman, a 14 year old girl.  He was 32.
1970s-1980s - According to former mall-workers, Moore was ultimately banned from a shopping mall because he harassed teen girls there.  Phyllis Smith claimed that Moore had such a bad reputation that staff would draw straws to decide who would see him in his official capacity whenever a customer’s check bounced.  Wendy Miller, who worked as a “Santa’s helper” at the mall when she was 14-16, claims that Moore tried to get her to go out with him. 
1985 - Moore married.
1991 - Moore allegedly sexually harassed Tina Johnson.
[Nine women have made claims against Moore, including of sexual assault and sexual harassment.  The youngest was 14 at the time.]
1992 - When a County Circuit Judge died, Moore was given the vacant position by the governor.  Moore hung a wooden copy of the Ten Commandments behind his bench, and opened proceedings by asking everyone in court to pray with him. At least once he had a clergyman lead the Jury in prayer. He informed USA Today that no Muslim or Buddhist would pray in his court because “they do not acknowledge the God of the Holy Bible upon which this country is established.”
1995 - Moore was sued by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which argued that the prayers and Moore’s Ten Commandments display amounted to a public official using his position to force his faith on others. The case was eventually thrown out on a  technicality.
1995 - Moore addressed the “Council of Conservative Citizens,” a White Supremacist group (the Nation’s largest) that Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof cited as an influence.
1996 - Alabama’s governor explicitly banned same sex marriage.
1996 - In a divorce case, Moore ruled that a woman should lose all custody of her children to their father and should be barred from ever seeing them again without court supervision, because she’d had a gay affair.
1997 - Moore claimed that teaching evolution results in increased crime like drive-by shootings. “They’re acting like animals because we’ve taught them they come from animals."
1999 - The American Family Association (a hate group that, among other things, claimed that the Nazis were actually homosexuals... yes really) encouraged Moore to run for the Alabama State Supreme Court. Moore's campaign emphasized religion, claiming that reduced influence of Christianity on society “corresponded directly with school violence, homosexuality, and crime.”
2001 - Moore became Alabama’s Chief Justice, and installed a monument within the state judicial building.  A granite block weighing over 5000 pounds, it was covered with quotes from the Declaration of Independence and the Founding Fathers, and on top - the clear centerpiece - were two large carved tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments. Which he copyrighted.
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2001 - The ACLU, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and others sued to have the monument removed  since putting it in a government building indicated a clear government endorsement of a specific religion. Moore stated that yes, he really was endorsing Christianity, saying that it was the one true religion, and that the entire country was founded upon that religion. He was pretty up-front on this.
2002 - Chief Justice Moore’s duties included managing justice system funds. When he didn’t get the funding he wanted no cuts were made until the courts went broke. He suspended all civil & jury trials until given new funding. Alabama had the highest paid judges in the US. He’s bad at budgeting, basically.
2002 -  Moore ruled that a lesbian mother and her partner shouldn’t be given custody of her three children.  The children’s father had admitted to slapping them and bugging their phones to record conversations with their mother. Moore cited Biblical law, including the stories of Sodom and Gommorah. Moore called homosexuality “an act so heinous that it defies one's ability to describe it” “an inherent evil” and “abhorrent, immoral, detestable, a crime against nature, and a violation of the laws of nature." 
He specifically stated that homosexuals should lose custody of their children, and argued for the most extreme punishments for homosexual parents.  “The state carries the power of the sword, that is, the power to prohibit conduct with physical penalties, such as confinement and even execution. It must use that power to prevent the subversion of children toward this lifestyle, to not encourage a criminal lifestyle.”
2002 - The monument case went to Federal Court. Moore lost.  The monument was declared unconstitutional.
2003 - He was ordered to remove the unconstitutional monument.  He refused. He was removed from office for failing to comply with a Federal Court order.
2004 - Moore created the “Constitution Restoration Act”.  If it became law, it would make it legal for government officials to use their position to explicitly endorse Christianity and say that God is the source of all American law, liberty, and government.  The Act would also make it illegal for the Supreme Court or any Federal Court to hear cases about government officials using their position to show favoritism to Christianity over other religions.
2003 - Moore and his wife founded the "Foundation for Moral Law," an organization devoted to Christian Right court cases. In 2005 it accepted a contribution from a Neo-Nazi Holocaust denying group. Multiple irregularities were found in its finances. Moore at one point lied by saying that he had no salary from the organization, when in fact he had collected more than a million dollars, far more than the organization had declared on its taxes. His 2011 salary of $453,000 for 20 hours a week meant 83 cents of every dollar given to the group went to him.
And it employs his wife and at least two of its kids. And there’s major overlap between the "charity" work and his political activities. And it hasn’t filed correct tax forms for 2015 or 2016. And it hosted an event with a speaker from the League of the South, a hate group that wants to bring back the Confederacy.
2004 - Alabama considered passing an Amendment to repeal the portions of the state constitution that mandated racial segregation in schools and imposed a poll tax for the right to vote. Moore opposed the Amendment and it was not passed - the state constitution still mandates segregation and a poll tax. 
2005 - Moore said that homosexuality should be illegal.
2006 - Moore said homosexuals should not be allowed have government jobs, specifically stating his disgust about openly-gay ambassadors.
2006 - Moore supported death sentences for minors.
2006 - In response to the election of Keith Ellison - the first Muslim elected to Congress - Moore wrote an article titled “Muslim Ellison Should Not Sit in Congress.”  In addition to arguing that Muslims should not be allowed to be elected officials in America, Moore compared swearing someone into office on the Koran to be like swearing someone in using  Hitler’s Mein Kampf.
2007 - Moore argued that only the “higher law” of God had allowed for prosecuting Nazi war criminals.
2007 - Moore said there is no right to a painless death penalty (regular exonerations indicate that many death row inmates are wrongly convicted). 
2007 - Moore objected to “hate crime” legislature, especially when extended for gay individuals.
2007 - Moore opposed preschool, saying preschool students were “much more likely to learn a liberal social and political philosophy,” and said sending kids to preschool was molding children’s minds like something done by Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin.
2008 - Moore was a leading voice for the “birther” conspiracy, saying he didn’t believe Obama was a U.S. citizen and demanding investigation into Obama’s place of birth.
2009 and 2010 - Moore’s “Foundation for Moral Law” hosted “Secession Day Commemorations,” featuring individuals tied to hate groups, organized by Patricia Godwin, whose racist acts include regularly celebrating the KKK’s founder’s birthday.
2010 - Moore spoke in favor of “nullification,” which would allow State governments to ignore the Federal government (favored by those that want to ignore Federal Civil Rights Laws). Moore stated that unless more is done to increase states’ rights people will find themselves “totally disarmed, under UN Guard that's stationed at every house.”
2011 - Moore wrote a chapter of a “Law textbook" published by the evangelical Christian "Vision Forum," a group known for extreme sexism (especially a belief that society should be a “Patriarchy”).  The book was critical of giving women the right to vote, and in one chapter (not by Moore) claimed the Bible prohibits female leaders and says voters have a moral obligation to never vote for women. Moore worked for Vision Forum (including giving speeches to “men only” gatherings) and praised the organization (which collapsed in 2014 when its founder was accused of sexual harassment).  
2011 - Said he wanted to get rid of all Amendments after the 10th. Slavery was abolished with the 13th Amendment.
2012 - The people of Alabama elected Moore to be Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. Again.
2012 - Moore stated that the government is “the enemy of the people” because it promotes “tolerance and diversity” which he feels is evil. He also said that the legalization of gay marriage is proof the government is against "the people".  “Should we praise diversity? We’re one nation under God, that’s not diverse.“
2012 - Moore said that President Obama favors “the Muslim faith, and there is a reason for this.“
2012 - Moore stated that health insurance minimum requirements to cover family planning violate the first amendment.
2012 - Moore stated that evolution is incompatible with the Constitution.
2012 - Moore said that secular laws in America are leading to Sharia and allowing other religions to practice their faiths, stating “our religious freedom comes from God, and if it doesn’t come from God people have to realize we will lose it and that is happening in our country today with Sharia law and the allowance of religious practices for other groups but not Christians.”  He later added “Christians are being persecuted while people of a religion foreign to our country are doing what they want.”
2014 - Moore and other Alabama Supreme Court justices argued that women who have abortions should be jailed, along with women whose behavior endangers their pregnancies.
2014 - Moore’s Chief of Staff made a major push to end reproductive rights in America, outlying a plan to define zygotes as persons as a way to indirectly defeat Roe vs. Wade (elements of this plan are found in the Republican tax legislature of 2017).
2014 - Moore sent letters to the governors of all 50 states, asking them to pass a federal ban on gay marriage.
2014 - James Ware was convicted of rape, leaving his victim bound and gagged. Moore argued that DNA evidence was not strong evidence and that Ware should have been allowed to question every lab tech involved in the DNA tests that linked him to the crime, not just the lead scientist.  During Moore's 2013-2016 tenure he ruled on 16 sex crime cases, siding with the offender in 13 cases (including 10 times when the court majority disagreed with him). 
2014 - Moore stated that he believes the only religion protected under the first amendment is Christianity. “Buddha didn't create us. Mohamed didn't create us. It's the God of the Holy Scriptures.”
2014 - When a school official was convicted of raping two 15 year old girls, Moore dissented from other judges by saying the rapist should have been allowed to defend himself by bringing the girls’ bisexuality into the case.  Moore felt that it would have helped the defense argue that the girls were biased and colluding to frame the accused. Under special guidelines the man was given less than the 10-year minimum sentence he would have normally received.
2014 - When a gay man died, Moore’s “Foundation For Moral Law” fought to keep the man’s husband from inheriting anything.
2014 - Moore expressed disgust that a city council allowed a gay pride parade, and once allowed a Wiccan to open a meeting with prayer.
2015 - Moore’s Foundation used out-of-context video clips to promote the conspiracy that Barack Obama is secretly a Muslim.
2015 - Moore indicated he believes anti-gay hate crimes are just faked by gay individuals.
2015 - Moore supported the “Institute on the Constitution,” a group that teaches that the Constitution requires that public officeholders believe in God, that “the promotion of evolution is an act of disloyalty to America,” that “there is no such thing as a civil right”, and that legislative bodies lose all  “validity” if they pass marriage equality laws. Moore appeared in a video praising their work. The Institute donated to Moore.
2015 - Moore appeared at least 5 times on a show with a pastor that said homosexuality was a crime that the government should be punish by execution.  Moore was directly asked if he felt that homosexuality should be punished by death. He declined to state what punishment he thought was appropriate.
2015 - Moore argued that legalizing gay marriage would pave the way for letting the government take children from their parents.
2015 - Moore said Christians would be “persecuted” due to gay marriage.
2015 - Moore asked for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg to be impeached for her support of gay marriage.
2015 - Moore supported calls for a Federal ban on all Muslim immigrants.
2016 - When a school police officer was convicted of having sex with a student, Moore argued that since the man was not technically a school employee, he may have been wrongly prosecuted.
2016 - The United States Supreme Court ruled that gay individuals have a fundamental right to marriage, and laws prohibiting gay marriage are unconstitutional.  Moore stated that the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize gay marriage was “worse” than the Supreme Court’s 19th Century decision to allow racial segregation. In direct defiance of the United States Supreme Court, Moore ordered all Alabama Judges to continue enforcing the state’s ban on gay marriage and to refuse to give gay couples marriage licenses.  Moore stated that “divine law” outranked the U.S. Supreme Court.   Numerous charges were made against Moore, who was suspended.  When he lost his appeal he resigned from his Alabama Supreme Court office... and announced he was running for Senate.
2016 - Moore repeated his belief that Obama was secretly not a U.S. citizen.
2017 - Moore keeps statues of Confederate leaders by his desk.
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July 2017 - Moore supported the idea of a border wall and said that people that grew up in the United States after being brought when they were children (”Dreamers”) should be deported.
August 2017 - Moore said the Constitution was written to “foster Christianity.”
August 2017 - Moore said that September 11 happened because Americans had “moved away from God” by doing things like not criminalizing homosexuality.
August 2017 - Moore falsely claimed that there are places in Northern States where people are forced to live under Sharia law.
August 2017 - Moore stated that the U.S. has “asked for” shootings and killings (such as the Sandy Hook massacre of 28 people including 20 children) by “moving away from God” (not being Christian enough), particularly by legalizing gay marriage.
August 2017 - Moore admired Vladimir Putin’s treatment of homosexuals.
September 2017 - Moore promised to repeal The Affordable Care Act (”Obamacare”).
September 2017 - Moore's campaign page boasted of an endorsement from Matt Trewhella, a Neo-Confederate that claims it's morally justifiable to murder abortion providers, and an endorsement from Neo-Confederate Michael Peroutka, who claims all laws not supported by the Bible are illegal.
September 2017 - Moore said he would use military force to end illegal immigration. 
September 2017 - Moore said he was against transgender people being in the military and supported anti-transgender “Bathroom Bills”.
September 2017 - Moore stated that the last time America was “Great” was during slavery. “I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction.”
September 2017 - Moore won the Republican Primary in Alabama.
October 2017 - Moore falsely claimed that “taking a knee” during the National Anthem is against the law.
November 2017 - Moore refused to debate his Democratic opponent Doug Jones. Though pressed that this seemed cowardly, he stated that he would not talk to Jones due to Jones’ "very liberal stance on transgenderism and transgenderism in the military and in bathrooms."  He added that transgender people “don’t have rights.”
November 2017 - Moore stated "they started [to] create new rights in 1965, and today we've got a problem" in reference to the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which prohibited racial discrimination in voting.
November 2017 - nine women made sexual misconduct and sexual assault allegations against Moore. The youngest was 14 at the time of the assault, another began interacting with Moore when she was 14.
December 2017 - A handwriting expert confirmed that a signature in a yearbook of one of his accusers belongs to Moore, contradicting his claim that he never knew her. The accuser said that she’d added a note listing the date and place, explaining why that part was in different handwriting, a clarification widely and falsely reported as an admission of forging Moore’s signature.
December 2017 - Donald Trump endorsed Moore and The Republican National Convention (RNC) funded his campaign, meaning that the RNC has essentially said they're okay with endorsing all of the above. Congressional Republicans have not called on the RNC to stop this support, so think of Moore as the running mate for every Republican seeking office in 2018.
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drmaqazi · 2 years
A group of Corrupt Politicians, who are a BUNCH OF THIEVES and قوم فروش اور ضمیر فروش are asking the Prime Minister to resign. THey have no eight to do
I read in the news that a foreign power gave them the funds to get rid of Imran Khan. They have sold their conscience and their mother land for Crores of Pak Rupees (Pennies) and Millions of Dollars (A lot of money). Shame on all of them.
One American Diplomat said about them that these Pakistani Politicians will sell their mother for money. HOW TRUE!
Imran Khan has been given the authority of Prime Minister of Pakistan by the Grace of Allahسبحانہ و تعالٰی.
٢٦ قُلِ ٱللَّهُمَّ مَـٰلِكَ ٱلْمُلْكِ تُؤْتِى ٱلْمُلْكَ مَن تَشَآءُ وَتَنزِعُ ٱلْمُلْكَ مِمَّن تَشَآءُ وَتُعِزُّ مَن تَشَآءُ وَتُذِلُّ مَن تَشَآءُ ۖ بِيَدِكَ ٱلْخَيْرُ ۖ إِنَّكَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَىْءٍۢ قَدِيرٌۭ ٢٦
Say, "O. Allah , Owner of Sovereignty, You give sovereignty to whom You will and You take sovereignty away from whom You will. You honor whom You will and You humble whom You will. In Your hand is [all] good. Indeed, You are over all things competent. NOBLE QUR'AN, Al-e-‘Imran, 3, Verse (Ayah) 26.
These so-called Muslims, who are BLOODY LIARS and BLOODY HYPOCRITES, at the same time, are challenging the Authority of Allah سبحانہ و تعالٰی to appoint Imran Khan as the Prime Minister of Pakistan. The Curse of Allah سبحانہ و تعالٰی is going to fall on them all and all of themt will be punished by Allah سبحانہ و تعالٰی for not accepting the Will of Allahسبحانہ و تعالٰی.
They have also refused to obey him as Allah سبحانہ و تعالٰی has said in the Holy Qur’an,
يٰٓاَيُّهَا الَّذِيْنَ اٰمَنُوْٓا اَطِيْعُوا اللّٰهَ وَاَطِيْعُوا الرَّسُوْلَ وَاُولِى الْاَمْرِ مِنْكُمْۚ فَاِنْ تَنَازَعْتُمْ فِيْ شَيْءٍ فَرُدُّوْهُ اِلَى اللّٰهِ
O believers! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. Should you disagree on anything, then refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if you ˹truly˺ believe in Allah and the Last Day. This is the best and fairest resolution Surah an-Nisa’,4, Ayah 59
These BUNCH OF THIEVES in their own personal interest are have been-badmouthing Imran Khan day and night, accusing and slandering him of every thing in the book, which is both a crime and a Major Sin (گناہ کبیرہ). They should follow the order of Allah سبحانہ و تعالٰی and refrain from doing so in the future or they will be eating the dead body of their brother.
O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is Accepting of repentance and Merciful.
Imran Khan made certain commitment to both Allah سبحانہ و تعالٰی and His Last Messenger, Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم in the Ka’bah and Roudah of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم He should be given time and five more years to fulfill his commitments.
He has been elected by the people of Pakistan to govern them and their country for five (5) years. He should be allowed to complete his term, and give him a chance to win again in the next general election so that he con accomplish his mission
8. Only Allah سبحانہ و تعالٰی who appointed him and the people of Pakistan, who elected him can remove him from the office pot the Prime Minister and no one else under any circumstance, whatsoever, can remove him.
9. I am reminding these BUNCH OF THIEVES for the last time not to betray the trust of the people of Pakistan for personal gains. They will consider you a TRAITOR (غدار) and will never vote for you again. Please rest assured. THANKS!
تو جھکا جو غیر کے آگے نہ من تیرا نہ تن ، علامہ سر ڈاکٹر محمد اقبال رحمة اللہ علیہ
او بے شرمو ، بے غیرتو قوم فروشو اور ضمیر فروشو ، کچھ خدا کا خوف کرو جو امریکہ کو اپنا ولی سمجھتے ہو ، تم سب پر خدا کا قہر آنے والا ہے ، وہ صبح ضرور آئے گی ، لازم ہے کہ ہم بھی دیکھیں گے ، اللہ سبحانہ و تعالٰی سورة المائدہ ٥ کی أيت ٥١ میں فرماتے ہیں کہ ان کو اپنا ولی مت بناؤ ، یہ ایک دوسرے کے ولی ہیں تمہارے خلاف ، اور جو ان کو اپنا ولی بنائے گا وہ انہیں میں سے ہے ، فاعتبروا یا اولی الابصار ، القرآن الكريم
O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people. NOBLE QUR’AN, Chapter (Surah) al-Ma’idah, 5, Verse (Ayah) 51.
عمران خان مرد مجاہد ہے ، عمران خان زندہ باد ، پاکستان پائندہ باد ، پاکستان تابندہ باد ، پاکستان زندہ باد ، تا قیامت ، ان شاء اللہ ، وہ صبح ضرور آئے گی ، لازم ہے کہ ہم بھی دیکھیں گے ، ان شاء اللہ
Lastly, yet importantly, now that the Government of Pakistan knows who these TRAITORS (غدار) ere, who sold their conscience and their country for money to a foreign power with the help of these traitors, they should be tried under the law and if found guilty, all of them, one and all should be killed.
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the-christian-walk · 3 years
Can I pray for you in any way?
Send any prayer requests to [email protected] In Christ, Mark
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The scriptures. May God bless the reading of His holy word.
So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation, ’spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand—then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Let no one on the housetop go down to take anything out of the house. Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again. If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.
Matthew 24:15-22
When you see ‘the abomination that causes desolation’ standing where it does not belong—let the reader understand—then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Let no one on the housetop go down or enter the house to take anything out. Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! Pray that this will not take place in winter, because those will be days of distress unequaled from the beginning, when God created the world, until now—and never to be equaled again. If the Lord had not cut short those days, no one would survive. But for the sake of the elect, whom he has chosen, he has shortened them.
Mark 13:14-20
When you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, you will know that its desolation is near. Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those in the city get out, and let those in the country not enter the city. For this is the time of punishment in fulfillment of all that has been written. How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! There will be great distress in the land and wrath against this people. They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
Luke 21:20-24
This ends today’s reading from God's holy word. Thanks be to God.
Grief and sorrow.
Loneliness and isolation.
Destruction and ruin.
These are all components that comprise the dictionary meaning of the word “desolation:”, a word central to the scripture passages today as we look at the sixth devotion in an eight devotion series devoted to the signs Jesus states will happen just before His second coming when He returns to earth bringing judgment.  
As we look at our scripture passages, we find that three of the four gospels discuss the matter of desolation, Matthew and Mark very similar and Luke not so much. Despite any differences, it’s very important that these passages be looked at not in part but whole. I say this because there are implications regarding past, present, and future in regard to the abominations that Jesus connects to desolation.
First, there is the past. In Matthew’s account, we find Jesus hearkening back to the days of the prophet Daniel and these words spoken some 572 years earlier (approximately 539BC):
At the appointed time he will invade the South again, but this time the outcome will be different from what it was before. Ships of the western coastlands will oppose him, and he will lose heart. Then he will turn back and vent his fury against the holy covenant. He will return and show favor to those who forsake the holy covenant.
His armed forces will rise up to desecrate the temple fortress and will abolish the daily sacrifice. Then they will set up the abomination that causes desolation. With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated the covenant, but the people who know their God will firmly resist him.  Daniel 11:29-32
This is one incident that resulted in the abomination, or sinful desecration of God’s holy temple, that would cause desolation. This event was one that had already occurred as Jesus is addressing His disciples.
Between 175 and 164 BC, some 400 years after Daniel and before Jesus was born, Antiochus Epiphanes was the ruler of Syria. A great persecutor of Jews who wanted more than anything to abolish their faith, He would invade Jerusalem and set forth abolishing religious practices such as offering up animal sacrifices in the temple. Then, the Syrian leader had a sow, considered by the Jews to be an unclean animal, sacrificed in the temple and also placed a statue of a Greek god within. Such detestable action sinfully polluted God’s holy dwelling place and fulfilled Daniel’s prophecy.
But Daniel wasn’t finished foretelling about another abomination that would occur. We find this prophecy in Daniel, Chapter 9:
After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed. He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him. Daniel 9:26-27
Obviously this abomination leading to desolation event happened after Jesus’ crucifixion as Daniel states clearly that the Anointed One would be put to death. We also see in Luke’s passage that Jesus does some prophesying of His own.
So when was this prediction fulfilled and how did the abomination happen?
We move ahead 37 years after Jesus’ death to 70 AD where we find Roman armies under the command of Titus surrounding and laying siege to the city of Jerusalem. This was the precursor to desolation that Jesus speaks about in Luke. It was a time of great distress for the Israelite people as Jerusalem was trampled by Gentiles, just as Jesus foretold.  
So in relation to the time Jesus spoke His words to Peter, Andrew, James, and John, we have seen how an abomination that caused desolation happen in the past and present (or near future when looked at in relation to when Jesus spoke His prophecy). Now let’s look at how the distant future is covered as well, informing us today that there is still yet another abomination coming, one that will lead to desolation and precede Jesus’ return.
To look at this coming abomination, we go back to the Gospel of Matthew and look again at the words of Jesus there. He said:
So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation, ’spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand—then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Let no one on the housetop go down to take anything out of the house. Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again. If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. Matthew 24:15-22
In a time yet to come, the scriptures talk about the antichrist coming and finding his way to Jerusalem where he would also desecrate the temple with his very presence, declaring himself to be God. It would be an abomination for the ages, one that would cause great distress that would be unequaled from the beginning of the world. We find a reference to the antichrist in the second chapter of 2 Thessalonians:
Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to Him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us—whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter—asserting that the day of the Lord has already come. Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4
As mentioned, this is still to come and when it happens, no one who has read the scriptures should be caught off guard or surprised. Jesus told us to be ready for an abomination that would cause desolation and as we look in 2 Thessalonians, Chapter 2, we find the details of what that abomination looks like. We also learn that there so real reason to be afraid because this man of lawlessness, this person we will know as the antichrist, is already doomed for destruction. Where Christ brings victory to all who believe and trust in Him, the antichrist will drag his followers into defeat, devastation, and damnation.
In the end translation, when Jesus returns, all abomination will be vanquished, once and for all, and the only desolation at that time will be the isolation the antichrist and all those who chose to follow him and reject Jesus will experience, not temporarily but eternally.
Which side will you be on when Jesus comes back?
My prayer is that you will be firmly on His side. To not do so would be an abomination that will one day result in your desolation, sad because it was completely avoidable.
In Christ,
PS: Feel free to leave a comment and please share this with anyone you feel might be blessed by it. Send any prayer requests to [email protected]
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alicedoessurveys · 6 years
loooooong survey
Did you spend your childhood time with mostly real or imaginary friends?: real. I spent most summers/half terms with my cousins and my neighbour’s grandkids. Did people consider you an odd child?: not odd, just shy  Do you have memories that go back to when you were only a few months old?: nope Do you remember any thoughts you had when you where very young?: not really nope  
Were they intricate or simple thoughts?: probably simple but I can't remember 
If you answered “intricate”, give an example of one of those thoughts: n/a
Were you dreams very vivid as a child?: yes, still do. I also used to get really bad night terrors a lot as a kid What is the strangest memory you have from early childhood?: can't think of anything strange.. Were you a child prodigy or did you display any gifts at a young age?: I drew a lot, but I was no prodigy What was the most “grown-up” thing you ever said as a child?: I have no idea What were your favourite TV shows in early childhood?: I grew up on Fairly Odd Parents, Rugrats, Tracy Beaker Were you afraid of monsters?: yes, especially zombies Did you believe that fictional characters were real?: yes Were you more quiet and artistic or loud and physical? quiet and artistic  Issues and stuff Do you eat meat?: yup, but only beef, chicken and bacon/sausage  If you do, what is your justification for it?: I dont feel I need to justify it, just like I wouldn't expect a vegetarian to justify why they dont eat meat. each to their own.  If you could legalize 3 things in the US, what would they be?: I dont live in the US, I dont really know their laws and I dont really care  Do you believe in the death penalty?: nope Did Mumia do it?: do what..? If you had a choice, which country would you have chosen to be born into?: I like that im English, I just wish I was born in a different part of England cause Birmingham is a shit hole What are your opinions of Michael Moore?: I dont know who that is  Describe your feelings about marijuana legalization: I think it should be for those who need it for medical stuff Red, White and Blue is a ghastly color combination, right?: nope What television news coverage do you detest the most?: all of it, I dont watch the news What will you do if Bush is re-elected? Im British, I dont care  Which state do you think will drop off into the ocean first?: idk Who do you consider “American Heros”?  I feel like these questions are very aimed at Americans  Completely Obtuse And Silly Questions Have you ever taken something apart just to see how it worked? yes  Do you ever yell at the television while you are alone? Reason?: not yell, but talk to the telly yeah. and not even just while im alone.  Name a few things (if any) that you bought on Ebay recently: I cant remember the last time I bought something off eBay  Are the Muppetes sinister? Think about it.: nope... o.O Do you watch the Science Channel (Discovery) on a regular basis?: no ive never watched it  Ever gotten into an “in person” argument with a total stranger? Discuss: yup. basically I was at this event thing where they had boats and pretty floating lights and shit on a river. we had waited all day to see them and when they were finally coming past we couldn't see them because it was so crowded and there was a “security guy” stood in the way. There was kids infront of me who kept saying they couldn't see because of him so I yelled “MOVE” and he turned around and started arguing with me. Long story short, he eventually moved out the way and found a space where he wasn't blocking anyones view and the people around me thanked me. I felt so awkward after cause im not a confrontational person at all but I was so tired & irritated that I just snapped.  Sugar or Honey?: Sugar What’s on your desk right now?: im not sat at my desk atm  How many e-mails do you recieve a day?: about 20 Do you think that time travel is a possibility?: no Are you slightly addicted to online tests and surveys?: not addicted, I just enjoy doing them to pass time San Francisco or New York City?: ive never been to either, but I would like to go to New York  What are your favorite color combinations?: grey and light blush pink looks nice Close your eyes and type the first random image that pops into your head: I cant because im listening to hairspray so thats all I can see right now  Do you enjoy night or day better?: depends what im doing  Favorite animal: Dogs   Have you ever been to a protest?: Nope, but ive ended up in the same place as a protest was taking place and it was horrible Aggravated a cop on purpose?: No Ever gone train hopping/ridden the rails?: Nope If you could choose a time period in which to live, which would it be?: I’m fine with this one Ever put your hand through a window?: no List a few words you hate the sound of: the c word And a few you like the sound of: idk Are you sick of this survey yet? not really  Emotions And Such Have you attempted suicide more than once?: No  Cutting?: Yes Do you get violent when you are angry?: Not with people, just with myself or just like throw stuff on the floor like a brat  Which emotion are you most consumed by?: fear Are you highly emotive?: Yes Do you discuss problems or keep them to yourself?: keep them to myself, and if I do discuss them I downplay or make jokes Do you fall in love easily?: not in love, but I do fall for people too easy What age/year was the most difficult for you?: around ages 19-now How do you channel your anger/sadness?: shut myself away and cry  Ever been addicted to alcohol or drugs?: No
Ever been homeless?: No List a few simple things that make you happy: playing sims, Tumblr, theatre When were you most recently your happiest?: hanging out with nick and Addison the other day  Do you consider yourself empathetic?: yes Friends Do you have friends that are drastically different from each other?: my main group of friends is only like 3 people and they have their differences but not drastic differences List a few key traits that all of your friends have in common: my friends are all into gaming, watching films & eating Do you keep in touch with friends from high school?: yes, two of my best friends are from school Have you lost touch with many of your friends?: almost everyone I become friends with end up losing touch in the end but ive been friends with Addison for 10 years and Rhys for 20 years Are they mostly local or long distance?: local  When you go out with friends, what kinds of things do you do?: usually go to the arcade, cinema and get food Have you ever been betrayed by a close friend?: yes If yes, are you still friends with that person?: no Are your friends mostly your age, younger or older?: rhys & Addison are 23, nick is 25, I am 22
Do you have a hard time making friends because most people bore you?: no, I have a hard time making friends because im socially awkward Do you like to hang out with friends one-on-one or in groups?: groups, it takes the pressure off in conversations Which of you online friends do you have the most in common with?: I dont have any online friends Family Are you close to your family?: yes What traits are you glad you inherited from them?: faithfulness & a good sense of humour  What sitcom does your family most remind you of?: I cant think of anything other than that me and my mom are a lot like Miranda and her mom from the sitcom ‘Miranda’ Does your family live locally or far away?: local Have you ever stopped speaking to someone in your family?: yes Have either of your parents died?: no, thank god Is your family very much like you or are you opposites?: a lot like me  How many siblings do you have?: one older sister Has your family ever thrown food at each other?: yes, every christmas season we throw chocolates at each other from the Quality Street or Roses tins Are the holidays a nightmare or a time of joy?: I love Christmas Day and I normally love christmas shopping but this year I found it all very stressful because I was so busy at the theatre and I had no money to buy gifts  Do you look like your parents?: ive been told I do List one interesting fact about your family: apparently my dads side of the family is descended from royalty Lovers Gay, Straight, Bi-sexual or no idea?: Straight Married/partnered?: Single Ever gone out with someone you were embarrassed to be seen with?: no Ever broken someones heart?: someone I “dated” in infant school told me when we reunited in senior school that I broke his heart. but I didn't actually do anything so I dont know where he got that from  How many serious relationships have you had?: none Have you ever lusted obsessively over someone you knew you couldn’t have?: not obsessively lusted, but I have fancied guys that I knew nothing could ever happen.  Do you believe in the theory of soulmates?: yes Ever cheated?: No Been cheated on?: No Thrown someones stuff out on the lawn/stairs/etc.?: Nope Had your stuff thrown out on the lawn/stairs/etc.?: Nope Most important emotional qualities of a lover?: someone who makes me feel happy and can make me smile, makes me feel comfortable, is caring, trustworthy, honest, affectionate  Most important physical qualities?: I dont think physical qualities are super important but I do fall for peoples eyes & smile Food & Drink Non-alcoholic beverage of choice: cherry coke or caramel hot chocolate Alcoholic beverage of choice: cider Foods you crave on a regular basis: chocolate
Salsa and Chips or Pita and Hummus?: neither Meat or Tofu?: Meat Soup or Salad?: soup Soda or Juice?: Soda Can I get you anything else?: You didn't get me anything..? :’) Favorite candy:: chocolate in general Favorite food to make: lasagne 
Food brand that you hate?: idk Do you try to buy all organic?: nope  Favorite fast food?: mcdonalds Final Questions Ever had a great song ruined for you after it was used in a commercial?: yes
Ever yelled at an SUV?: nope A Hummer?: Nope Ever faked being sick to get out of going somewhere?: yes If you could turn back time and change one thing, what would it be?: stay in college Bambi or Nemo?: Nemo List 3 things that are worrying you right now: 1, money. 2, a meeting I have to go to next week that im absolutely dreading. 3, I have this constant annoying anxiety that tells me my friends dont actually like me and that I get on everyones nerves.  Do you think you’ll ever have children if you don’t already?: not my own now, but I hope to adopt Do you think there is life on other planets?: no Have you ever broken a leg or arm?: nope Would you rather stay in the house or do things outside: depends on my mood David Letterman or Jay Leno?: I dont know who they are  Last words?: Bye
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lovemesomesurveys · 6 years
Did you spend your childhood time with mostly real or imaginary friends?: I spent most of my childhood with my cousins. Or with my Barbies, since I’d play for hours. Did people consider you an odd child?: I wouldn’t say odd, no. I was just a quiet, shy kid. Do you have memories that go back to when you were only a few months old?: Wow, no. It’s crazy to me how some people believe they remember being born. I’m like what? Do you remember any thoughts you had when you where very young?: No, not really. I have some memories from my childhood.
Were they intricate or simple thoughts?: Probably simple. I just wanted to play Barbies and watch cartoons.
If you answered “intricate”, give an example of one of those thoughts: Were you dreams very vivid as a child?: I have no idea. Kids are pretty imaginative, so possibly. What is the strangest memory you have from early childhood?: I can’t think of anything strange. Were you a child prodigy or did you display any gifts at a young age?: No. I mean I was able to read when I was 3, and reading and spelling has always been my thing, but I am no child prodigy. What was the most “grown-up” thing you ever said as a child?: I have no idea. What were your favourite TV shows in early childhood?: When I was really little I was obsessed with Barney. I also enjoyed Disney Channel and Nickelodeon. Were you afraid of monsters?: I don’t think so, actually. Like I don’t remember being afraid of monsters under my bed or something. Did you believe that fictional characters were real?: No, I don’t believe so. Maybe I never really thought about it like that. Were you more quiet and artistic or loud and physical? I was definitely quiet, but not artistic. Issues and stuff Do you eat meat?: Yes, but I’m not like a big meat eater. I’m also very picky about it. If you do, what is your justification for it?: I don’t need to justify it. If you could legalize 3 things in the US, what would they be?: I’d say marijuana, but we’re already on the way with that. Do you believe in the death penalty?: I’m on the fence. Did Mumia do it?: Did who do what? If you had a choice, which country would you have chosen to be born into?: I’m very thankful to have been born in Sweden, obviously. <<< How cool! I want to visit Sweden someday. As for me, I’m an American and I am happy with that. What are your opinions of Michael Moore?: Eh. Describe your feelings about marijuana legalization: I think it should be. Red, White and Blue is a ghastly color combination, right?: No. What television news coverage do you detest the most?: I don’t watch a lot of news. I prefer to read the news online. What will you do if Bush is re-elected? Well, that can’t happen since he already served two terms. Wow, this is old. Which state do you think will drop off into the ocean first?: *shrug* Who do you consider “American Heros”? There’s so many, for various reasons for their contributions. Completely Obtuse And Silly Questions Have you ever taken something apart just to see how it worked? I wouldn’t be able to put it back together, ha. Do you ever yell at the television while you are alone? Reason?: Not yell, but I comment aloud on stuff I watch sometimes. Name a few things (if any) that you bought on Ebay recently: Not me, personally, but my mom asked me to order a few things for her that she wanted to get my brother for Christmas. Are the Muppetes sinister? Think about it.: I never thought of it that way. Do you watch the Science Channel (Discovery) on a regular basis?: No, I never do. Ever gotten into an “in person” argument with a total stranger? Discuss: No. Sugar or Honey?: Sugar. What’s on your desk right now?: I don’t have a desk. How many e-mails do you recieve a day?: Maybe like 10 or 15. I keep up with them and clean our mailbox regularly, so it’s never too bad. Do you think that time travel is a possibility?: No, but how cool would that be. Are you slightly addicted to online tests and surveys?: Now what would give you that idea? San Francisco or New York City?: I’ve been to San Francisco several times and love it, but I’d love to visit New York City. What are your favorite color combinations?: I love pastel combos. Close your eyes and type the first random image that pops into your head: Giraffes. Do you enjoy night or day better?: Blah. Favorite animal: Dogs and giraffes. Have you ever been to a protest?: Nope. Aggravated a cop on purpose?: No. Ever gone train hopping/ridden the rails?: No. If you could choose a time period in which to live, which would it be?: I’m fine with this one, but I’d love to be able to travel back to other periods. Ever put your hand through a window?: Yeah? List a few words you hate the sound of: The P word and the C word. I absolutely despise them. You won’t hear me say either one of them. And a few you like the sound of: Hmm. I don’t know. Are you sick of this survey yet? It’s fine. Emotions And Such Have you attempted suicide more than once?: No. Cutting?: Yes. Do you get violent when you are angry?: No. Which emotion are you most consumed by?: Sadness. Are you highly emotive?: Yeah. Do you discuss problems or keep them to yourself?: I tend to keep to myself a lot, or down play things if I do decide to talk about it. Except for on here. Do you fall in love easily?: I fall easily. What age/year was the most difficult for you?: I feel like I’ve been going through it the past few years, and I thought things were hard before. It doesn’t compare to now. How do you channel your anger/sadness?: I cry. Ever been addicted to alcohol or drugs?: No. Ever been homeless?: No. List a few simple things that make you happy: Coffee. When were you most recently your happiest?: Uhhhh. Do you consider yourself empathetic?: Yes. Friends Describe your best friend as if you were describing a character from a film: My best friend is my mom and she’s just awesome. Do you have friends that are drastically different from each other?: Yeah. List a few key traits that all of your friends have in common: They’re smart and driven, unlike me. Do you keep in touch with friends from high school?: I have a few on Facebook. Have you lost touch with many of your friends?: Yes. Are they mostly local or long distance?: Local. When you go out with friends, what kinds of things do you do?: I haven’t been out with friends in so long, but usually it’s out to eat or grab some coffee. Have you ever been betrayed by a close friend?: Yes. If yes, are you still friends with that person?: No. Are your friends mostly your age, younger or older?: My age and a year younger. Do you have a hard time making friends because most people bore you?: Ha, I’m the boring one. Do you like to hang out with friends one-on-one or in groups?: Groups. Small groups. Which of you online friends do you have the most in common with?: I don’t have any online friends. Family Are you close to your family?: Yes. What traits are you glad you inherited from them?: My mom’s sense of humor and love of reading. I wish I inherited her work ethic, her determination, her ambition, her drive, her ability to keep going when the going gets tough and push through...  What sitcom does your family most remind you of?: None. Does your family live locally or far away?: Most live locally. Have you ever stopped speaking to someone in your family?: No. We don’t see some family members much, but not because we stopped talking to them. It just happens cause life. Have either of your parents died?: No. Is your family very much like you or are you opposites?: A bit of both. How many siblings do you have?: Two. Has your family ever thrown food at each other?: No. Are the holidays a nightmare or a time of joy?: I love the holidays. Do you look like your parents?: I’ve been told I look like my mom. List one interesting fact about your family: Hmm. I don’t know. Lovers Gay, Straight, Bi-sexual or no idea?: Straight. Married/partnered?: Single. Ever gone out with someone you were embarrassed to be seen with?: Wow, no. That would be mean. Ever broken someones heart?: Yes. Not like to be spiteful, it just didn’t work out. I felt awful. How many serious relationships have you had?: None. Have you ever lusted obsessively over someone you knew you couldn’t have?: I wouldn’t say that, but I had really serious feelings for someone who I wanted to be with, and thought they wanted to be with me, too, but I was wrong. Do you believe in the theory of soulmates?: I don’t know. Ever cheated?: No. Been cheated on?: No. Thrown someones stuff out on the lawn/stairs/etc.?: Nope. Had your stuff thrown out on the lawn/stairs/etc.?: No. Most important emotional qualities of a lover?: I would like a caring, kind, patient, understanding, genuine person. Most important physical qualities?: That’s less important. Food & Drink Non-alcoholic beverage of choice: Coffee and Coke. Alcoholic beverage of choice: None. Foods you crave on a regular basis: Chicken tenders.
Salsa and Chips or Pita and Hummus?: Salsa and chips. I think hummus is disgusting. Meat or Tofu?: Meat. Never had tofu, but it doesn’t look or sound appealing to me. Soup or Salad?: Salad. Soda or Juice?: Soda. Can I get you anything else?: You didn’t get me anything. Favorite candy:: Reese’s and white chocolate. Mmm, white chocolate Reese’s. ha. Favorite food to make: Top Ramen?
Food brand that you hate?: Uhh I don’t know. Do you try to buy all organic?: No. Favorite quick food?: Chicken tenders. Final Questions Ever had a great song ruined for you after it was used in a commercial?: No. Ever yelled at an SUV?: No? A Hummer?: Nope? Ever faked being sick to get out of going somewhere?: Yes. I rarely had to because I usually really do feel crappy. If you could turn back time and change one thing, what would it be?: Oh so many things. Bambi or Nemo?: Nemo. List 3 things that are worrying you right now: Health, health, and health. It’s too fucking long, right?: It’s fine. Well, I’m just trying to help you pass the time.: Thanks. Do you think you’ll ever have children if you don’t already?: I honestly can’t see that happening. Do you think there is life on other planets?: I don’t knowww. Have you ever broken a leg or arm?: My leg. Would you rather stay in the house or do things outside: I’m a homebody, but I do venture out now and then ha. David Letterman or Jay Leno?: I liked Jay Leno when he was on. Last words?: Bye.
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