#one of these characters i'm no longer a fan of but was mildly obsessed with in high school
yellowmagicalgirl · 1 year
Yay I finally have polls!
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on an outsiders kick so heres the main gang as things me and my friends have said
Soda: Your wish is my command. Be gay forever
Steve: I'm still straight but I'd fuck you now
Soda: Not that gay
Darry: I dont really like you. Why are you always hanging around?
Dally: I ask myself the same thing every single day
Pony: I know we're supposed to be saying embarrassing things about ourselves but before we talk about me i'm really upset Two-Bit didnt mention the fact that he was in love with thomas the train
Two-Bit: i watched ONE episode when i was FIVE go fuck yourself
Pony: You have a shrine by your bed
Two-Bit: irrelevant
Johnny: I'm not really scared of anything, no
Johnny: but cats freak me out. and so do dogs, sometimes, but mainly cats. and especially ducks. oh, and needles, and doctors in general. also loud noises, sharp objects near me, any sort of projectile, and stoves. but like, thats not that many things
Dally: I understand so much about you now
Pony: I'm going to write a novel and all of you are gonna have characters based off you. Any questions about it?
Two-Bit: Am I hot?
Pony: No. Next question
Darry: Am I going to regret reading this?
Pony: For sure. Next.
Johnny: Please dont make me a crybaby
Pony: You shouldnt read this. Next
Steve: Can me and Soda date?
Pony: You already are. Next
Soda: Can me and Steve not date?
Pony: Too late. You know you love him. Next
Dally: You're going to make my character really deep, arent you?
Pony: Possibly. Havent decided yet. Anything else?
Johnny: Is Dally as hot in the book as he really is?
Pony: I'll no longer be taking questions because I'm extremely uncomfortable, but on second thought, you might really like this book
Two-Bit, upon walking in on Steve and Soda cuddling: I leave for FIVE minutes and i'm left out of fucking everything. all the fucking time. i hate everyone in this house
Steve: Do you want to lay with us?
Soda: Yeah, come lay with us
Two-Bit, practically dropping himself on them: I'm still mad at you
Dally: For some reason Ponyboy is really obsessed with the idea of me being really soft inside and just not showing it so I dont get hurt. I think he wants me to be narrative foils with our other friend too
Dally: How do i tell him i'd change the narrative doom him if i could and feel no remorse without crushing that hope in him
Pony: I like to think its a secret but me and everyone around me knows im writing a slowburn, hes only soft to him trope, slight enemies to lovers fanfiction about Johnny and Dally in my head
Dally: the term fanfiction implies i have fans
Johnny: i'm a fan of you
Pony, whispering: they practically write it themselves
Dally: Here, i stole this. dont ask questions, just take it
Darry, taking the sleeping pigeon that Dally just handed him with a mildly horrified expression: where did you get this?
Dally: i told you i'd bring back souvenirs from my field trip. no more questions
Johnny: Not many people like me.
Johnny: its probably because im kind of a pussy, but i like to tell myself its because i'm annoying because at least then im not calling myself a pussy
Dally: Wait, wait. Who doesnt like you?
Johnny: Huh? Why does it matter?
Dally: No reason. Just, like, give me an example
Pony, in the kitchen and hears all of this: *puts the knives in the cabinet where Dally wont look for them* I dont really want to have to bail anyone out again
Soda, to Darry: I think Steve is kind of in love with me, but I really dont want to have to break it to him that I dont feel the same
Steve, with Soda in his lap: *stops playing with Sodas hair* What?
Soda: Nothing, baby, you're fine
Darry: I will never understand you
yes, one of my friends did bring a live pigeon back from a field trip. it slept a lot, and we'd hold him all the time while he slept and he'd stay asleep when we passed him around because we had to move. i hope he wasnt sick and is doing okay
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iamthecomet · 2 months
@purlty23 tagged me in This game and I'm super excited about it! (I tried to reblog the original post and just tack on but tumblr hates me)
Thanks Blue, this was so fun!
I'm tagging: @amara-among-the-stars, @mac-and-thefox, @littlemoon-beam, @divine-misfortune and whoever else also wants to expose their sins to the internet. Under the cut, because LONG.
Xena Warrior Princess - Passive Enjoyer Only passive because I was too young to be anything else. Barely counts, except that this show was my first real obsession so I have to include it. I dressed up as Xena for halloween when I was like…5. The pictures are incredible.
Good Charlotte - Mostly passive As is a trend with a lot of these, I wrote a little fan fic, and daydreamed a thousand scenarios, but never shared any of it. I was mildy obsessed with Benji Martin, but I didn't really get involved beyond that.
LOTR - Creative Enjoyer The first fan-fic I ever posted on the internet (I was twelve, people were mean). I didn't make any friends within the fandom. But I was so determined to write for it that I had an entire novel planned out--that eventually became an original book idea instead.
Harry Potter- Mostly Passive I read a lot of HP fanfic, but not as much as others. I didn't get involved in online conversations. I did dabble in writing some fics that I hid from the world and never finished.
The Boston Red Sox - Creative Enjoyer Ok. Now you know why I said I was exposing myself. Look I was like 12-14. My best friend and I filled entire notebooks with our MANY chaptered fic that spanned the entire 2004 Red Sox Season, that we started the day they won the world series that year. We hand wrote it all, I transcribed it into my computer where it still exists somewhere. It was our EVERYTHING. And it has never (and will never) see the light of day. I may have posted some Red Sox fic on the internet in my Live Journal days, and I made a bunch of online friends within that community, but they never saw THE fic.
Rammstein - Creative Enjoyer Again, my best friend and I had a notebook with a long form rammstein fic in. We didn't go as far with this one. And I didn't get involved in any online communities. Though, our love for Rammstein lived a lot longer than our fic writing did.
Twilight - Creative Enjoyer In that I wrote and posted a single fic about Alice.
Lost - Passive Enjoyer. I read a billion Skate fics. Probably thought about writing my own, but I don't think I ever actually did. Was obsessed with this show until the last season. I still have never seen the last episode.
Vampire Academy (THE BOOKS) - Passive Enjoyer. Not a lot online. Read some fic. Was so obsessed with this book that I started to write a fanfic where we got to see some of the story from Dimitri's persepective and accidentally created and entire new plot and new characters and accidentally created my own CHILD of an original novel because of it.
Grishaverse (Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows/Rule of Wolves) - Passive Enjoyer Loved these books. Loved every single character. Read as much fanfic as I could find. Accidentally spoiled a death in one of the books with fanfiction.
Avenged Sevenfold - Creative Enjoyer Short lived. Read some INCREDIBLE fics on the basically defunct site Mibba and thought "I can do that" and was fighting for my life in college. Wrote a few chapters of a fic. Got decent feedback. Got bored immediately.
Supernatural - passive enjoyer Read some fic. Took me like 15 tries to actually get through the whole show. Adored it, never went very far with it.
Marvel (Specifically The Winter Soldier) - Passive Enjoyer. I should have been a creative enjoyer, but was too afraid to write anything or put myself out there. (I spent all of my time after high school/college thinking that fanfic was a waste of time and I should never write it because I needed to be serious. What a waste). Still mildly obsessed with BuckyNat. I adore Bucky and Black Widow. If they put out another good movie I could see myself falling down that rabbit hole and actually letting myself land. The trailer for The Winter Soldier changed my brain chemistry (nevermind the whole move).
Fallout 4 - Passive Enjoyer I could read Sole Survivor/Paladin Danse fics every day forever. I know that's insane. Stop looking at me like that.
Ghost - Creative Enjoyer. Finally allowed myself to write whatever the fuck I want and have fun with it and it has changed my entire fucking life. Wish I'd done it sooner. So glad I got to do it now and with all of you. ♥
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vidcurious · 1 month
Not really a Sims focused post but somehow this niche blog has more followers than my main lmao
I can't sleep and I'm thinking about how my hyperfixations changed since I started taking ADHD meds around a year? ago. And just, hyperfixations in general.
I've had hyperfixations since as long as I can remember, long before I even knew what they were or that there was even a word for it. Even as a kid I would get so fixated on something that I'd spend all my free time analyzing it, writing fanfics, scouring the internet in the glory days of AOL and Geocities/Angelfire/etc fan sites, making fanart and trying to surround myself with it as much as I could. Things I love would (and still do) seep their way into my own characters and stories in the form of inspiration or references.
I have a huge love/hate relationship with hyperfixations. I love having them because I'm just generally passionate about things I love and that goes into OVERDRIVE when a hyperfixations hits. I love having something that occupies my mind and gives me that rush of inspiration and adrenaline, especially when I'm able to draw or write about it. However, throughout my life it's always been seen as a negative thing to people in my life. Having people say "is this your obsession of the week" or implying that once I'm "over it" I won't like the thing and I'll move on to something else.
Which brings me to the other reason I hate hyperfixations. I hate the guilt and feeling of abandonment? when I feel it start to fade, or when I feel myself being drawn to something else. I hate the lingering worry that people won't think I'm a "real fan." I'm sure these feelings are due to people making me feel self-conscious about it throughout my life, and it's still something I struggle with.
It's so rare for me to permanently lose an interest. When a hyperfixation goes dormant it doesn't mean I love the thing any less. I've realized that, nowadays, I try to keep my hyperfixations to myself (mostly IRL) and not make it obvious what I'm currently focused on. I find myself feeling nervous and mildly ashamed to share my hyperfixations with people close to me IRL. And it frustrates me that I feel that way.
I suffer quite a lot from imposter syndrome and rejection sensitivity so I'm sure that plays a big part.
But on to how my meds affected my hyperfixations. When I first got diagnosed with ADHD and meds were discussed I was so afraid I would lose my ability to hyperfixate on things. It's always been that I fixate on something, it lasts generally from a month to three months until my focus shifts to something else. I've never really been able to hyperfixate on more than one thing. But since I started taking meds I find I not only can hyperfixate on more than one thing at a time, but they're lasting so much longer. It's like they're not going dormant like they used to. There's a period where the focus and obsession is at its peak and then it dwindles down but still sticks around while something else takes focus. And where a hyperfixation would normally last three months or so, now they're just... There. I've been focused on The Sims and Jem and the Holograms since I started taking meds, and they occupy my mind all day on rotation alongside more recent hyperfixations like AMC's Hell On Wheels and my own characters. If I had a single micron of free time in my life right now I guarantee every second of it would be spent doing fanart or fanfics lol.
ANYWAY it's past 5am and my eyes are sizzling out of my head. Thank you for coming to my insomnia ramble.
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spell-cleaver · 10 months
Earlier today I saw sequel fans bashing Luke and it made me realize again that I’m so attached to him that even years later, despite being interested in the whole SW universe, I can’t really deal with how his plot ends or even that whole era—it’s just so crushing for me. It made me think about how I find your stories really cathartic for exploring the relationships and AUs I love, and how I always come back to them when I get reminded of this, even if I’m in other fandoms
**also clarifying I’m not bashing sequel fans, even these special ones, or people who ship a certain thing bc everyone can what they want ofc
Thank you so much!! I wholeheartedly agree - I personally don't like Luke's fate in the ST just because it saddens me to an extent (as always, no shade to those who do!) Luke is... damn, I don't think "blorbo" even covers it anymore. I love Star Wars for a million different reasons, but without him it's just another fandom I'm mildly interested in. Ashamed to say I'm not even a massive Vader fan (though I think Vader is awesome and a super interesting character, obviously; he's just not my blorbo), but I'm a massive fan of Luke, so Luke & Vader fascinates me. Luke is My Guy. He's why I've been here for six years now, four times longer than any other fandom I've been this obsessed with.
Whenever looking at new content we get from Lucasfilm, especially when I'm thinking about TBOBF and Ahsoka, I always have that wish to see more of him! Of course I do! But because I didn't much like where he gets to in the ST, any art with him in it set after ROTJ in inevitably gonna sadden me, because I know where he ends up. So I end up going - what do I want? I don't want Luke in Lucasfilm's stuff, but also I do... I want more fanfic.
So I write more fanfic. And explore the bits about him I love, as well as the bits of myself that I'm struggling with and that he helps me through. I'm so glad that you love those bits of him too <3
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clairethecutepup · 1 year
Weekly Update: 4/17/2023 - 4/22/2023
Up ahead: Comics, Writing, Game Interests, Journaling, Fan Speculations...
Personal Works:
In terms of comics, I'm working on the "introductory" page for Getting Your Goat. I figured it'd make it feel more like a comic and all, if there were nice little introduction pages that gave you an idea of what's to come: a synopsis in a text box and a foreshadowing "chibi-styled" image. Ironically, though, it seems to be taking me longer to draw in the more simplistic style, than my usual and more "professional" style! Yeah, there's a reason for the quotation marks, as it's definitely not the most impressive; but I feel it's got its appeal, and you can most certainly tell it isn't AI-generated when it looks like a young teenager drew it.
In terms of writing, I admit that I'm a bit hooked on these fanfiction-styled "practice writings"! Yes, I refer to them more as "practice writing" than "actual" sessions of it, for the following: I'm not as strict with them and thus can count them as less "seriously" done than "actual" products, the end goal is to improve writing skills than create a product that'll interest you in its official "series," and the mentioned fact of "official series" and "writing practices" not meant to be an actual series.
In addition to writing, I think I'll stick to a 2nd person style from now on, no matter what I'm writing in pure literature. After all, one reason for little Claire Vlcek's existence is to allow me to have adventures with characters, just as I've always wanted to when I was young. Hold on, I said having adventures and also have the addition of wanting to be with characters I like, nothing about being a goddess that everyone bows before and cannot defeat (aka a Mary-Sue). I wanna give people that same, fun adventure: let THEM join in on the action and all, as if they're really there to experience it, but with the catch that you'd be an established character. Ex: one chapter, you'll be Claire herself and be interacted with as so, then you'll be Cio in the next and experience interactions/thoughts/etc. as HE would. True, that's usually what 1st person narration is for; but 1st person is more like the character is recounting their tale to you personally, than you actually being part of the action and all that.
In further addition to writing, I'm gonna recreate comics as pure literature for those who may not care for my art-style, but are interested in the story. So, that's technically a THIRD time Getting Your Goat will be redone-- oh my gosh, what is with all this "redoing" of Claire's Companions' pilot episode?! Feeehhhhh, I just hope I've finally got my stuff together...
Well, I've taken up journaling again, so it'll hopefully lead to emptier head space that can be taken up by more useful things: creative work, planning the days ahead... Seriously, mind, shut up about the past and other stuff...
I'm also still hoping to see the Mario Bros movie soon enough, and get my hands on that Megaman Battle Network collection on Steam.
I'm still trying to get the hang of running multiple social media accounts to promote my works, and I think that saving other accounts for the weekend is, luckily, making it easier to upload and stuff. Speaking of social media, I'm on the fence about Twitter... I know it's said to be useful for artists, but Twitter is also a bit... extreme, to put it mildly: "cancel" mobs, extreme "wokeness" obsessions, and it's generally said to be dying. I may try Deviantart, but I hear that got shot in the foot by "eclipse" and the like. On the upside, it would also allow for literature AND it'd be easier to keep it grouped together there.
Do any of you Ed Edd n' Eddy fans wonder what it'd be like if your childhood self was part of the Cul-De-Sac cast: who'd you be friends with, which type of "neighborhood kid" would YOU be? If so, does anyone else have the fear of your childhood self weirding others out or generally not getting along well with them otherwise? I know, if you actually WERE part of their world, they'd just be normal people to you and nothing to be overly concerned about, but still.
Personally, I feel like I'd probably get along best with Sarah and Jimmy, one reason being I've often seemed to earn favor with kids younger than me. Plus, I'd probably be passive enough to abide by whatever bossing around Sarah would do and I could avoid provoking her otherwise, and I can see Jimmy connecting with a "fellow artist" and an interest in stuffed animals. Heh, I can just imagine the two growing taller than my short and childlike hide, and constantly joking about poor (literally) little me never getting to "grow up" or, "going from the trio's oldest to the youngest."
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fated-imaginings · 2 years
Pocket master is my new obsession! thanks for answering my asks btw I know g/t content is pretty niche!! Anywho how would the knights of the round table respond to a tiny master ? would they be doting and overprotective and coo at them constantly ?
(You're quite welcome! I'm afraid I don't know what g/t stands for, but I'm happy to serve! I didn't include Artoria or Arthur, as that would open up a whole saberface can of worms. Feel free to ask for pocket master again with them if you wish! Final note that I also didn't include Percival because I don't know his character well yet ; w ;)
- What if Master gets stepped on? Kicked? What if they fall from somewhere high up? Honestly, this is a concern shared among all of the knights. The solution clearly is a designated Master Pouch for them to rest in so the knights can carry them around safely while keeping their hands free.
Bedivere frets some. He's trying not to let it become smothering, but he really, really would hate to see Master hurt. He's quite good at seeing to their needs, though. He thinks first to mention to the cooks that Master will need special accommodations as they try to undo the spell that's made them so small, and gets a more comfortable mini bed for them to rest in. Really, he's more often arranging things in the background to make Master's life easier than actually spending time with them.
Tristan is by far one of the calmest members of the knights to be around. While he might lament their helpless state (not helpless, Master insists), he will calmly carry them about, sit patiently and make music or read as they go about their business, and generally let them have free reign, save for moments where he may need to intervene for their safety.
Lancelot is equally concerned. The Saber iteration, at least. He's trying to keep Master within sight, or at least in the pouch, when possible. He's certainly protective, avoiding or warning off rowdier Servants.
Zerkerlot isn't as anxious, but he's certainly all of his Saber counterpart's protectiveness amplified. He will hold Master in his hands and scream at anyone who tries to take them. Getting out of that situation was...interesting.
Gawain does worry, and really, the chivalry has dialed up to twelve. Master better like having every move attended to, because he is here to help them get from point A to B to C to D ad infinity. He might also try to repeat their orders to try and get the point across to other Servants, or even try to handle conflicts himself.
Alas, he gets a little carried away with it and needs to be reminded that just because they're small doesn't mean Master is helpless. This at least gets an apology, and an effort from him to dial it back.
Gareth isn't as anxious as the others, though she is aware of the risks. She mostly delights in putting Master in the pouch and zooming around. She enjoys getting them places, and while she isn't as overbearing as Gawain, she certainly is eager to jump and meet whatever requests Master gives her. She...might be tempted by Mordred to try some more reckless things.
See, Mordred may be mildly concerned about how squishy his Master is now, but you know what? This is a perfect opportunity to do some fun things that they can't normally when they're big! Make a super slide out of a pinned blanket. Tape Master to a ceiling fan and see how that goes (the answer was "not well"). Melt some chocolate and let Master go into another food coma. Steal that mini flying machine from Da Vinci's work shop and let Master flyyy.
Mordred is no longer allowed to have mini Master in his presence unsupervised.
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I lied - Om! Lucifer
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Author Note: Okay, so I'm mildly obsessed with Obey me, Why does the game have such an enticing plot, and characters with actual depth. It's so fun to play and addictive, I found the gif on Google, but fun fact, I now have the Lucifer and Diavolo UR+ for the Colour Nightmare event thing and I'm just happy about it.
The same flashing cursor had begun blurting profanities at her as she deleted her newest sentence. Her device fell flat against her stomach as she tilted her head back, how many times had she taken note of every dip and dent in the ceiling above her. Or the way the vines that encased her walls stopped just beneath the border as though the surface constricting its growth was a lake of pure acid.
With a harsh exhale of air, she closed her eyes, she allowed her mind to slip into the fantasies that filled her dreams. She allowed the moment of solace as she struggled with her words to encase her with a false sense of peace. A flurry of carmine would swim over her eyelids, accompanied by the ghosting touch that skimmed her skin littering it with small bumps. If she allowed herself to drown further in the fantasy, she was certain she’d hear the soft chuckle reserved for their intimate conversations.
She wouldn’t know, that down the corridor locked away in the confines of his own room, that his actions perfectly mirrored hers. Albeit he held his head in his hands discarding his device almost immediately. In the thousands of years that he had been around he’d never faced a loss for words. Not even as he begged the future ruler to save his innocent sister. Not even when he pledged his undying allegiance to the man even when it cost him a portion of his pride to bow to another being.
The demon had resigned his work for the evening; he’d blame sleep for clawing at his shoulders but if he were honest it was the thoughts. A devilish fiend had hovered in the back of his mind slowly nibbling at his ideologies. He wasn’t sure when she had infected his daily routine, and for a while he wondered if one of Satan’s curses actually managed to affect him.
A harsh sigh fell from his lips as he pulled his fingers over his face, the tips digging hard into the flesh in an attempt to tear himself from the thoughts. He needed something to relax him.
Her hand remained transfixed on her forehead; eyes still firmly closed as she rubbed at her skin. Time was running out for her; she knew that every day she looked at her phone. Soon she’d be back home, bathing in the sullen glory of loneliness, where the only excitement would be the endless bills she’d need to catch up on. She didn’t believe the brothers would text her, she didn’t think the best friend she’d found in a mysterious Butler would visit and nor did she think that he would ever think about her after the exchange came to an end. She needed something to relax her.
As if they could read the mind of the other, they both opened their eyes. They lifted themselves from their furniture and proceeded to head to the one place that could settle the discord in their brain. It came as a surprise that they hadn’t bumped into each other until they had both entered the Kitchen. She barely noticed him as she reached the cabinet full of teacups, her fingers barely touching the ceramic handle of the nearest one.
He’d seen her almost immediately; his breath stilling in his chest as he fought back the urge to call out to her. He was certain it would scare her and though he found it endearing when she became startled and placed a panicked hand over her heart, he knew it would fan the flames. A soft smile danced across his features as he watched her stand on her tip toes, her fingers frantically flapping at the cupboard as though the mugs would notice and waddle to the edge for her. He’d be damned if he wasn’t willing the inanimate object to do so.
“Allow me’ He cleared his throat; the demon made short work crossing the floor. She jumped, her feet landing flat against the cold flooring as she turned wide eyed to see him. He didn’t look at her as he pulled the object from its home. He placed it beside her on the counter, before reaching for his own cup. “it appears we had the same idea” He added in jest.
“Did you also have a problem that only tea could solve?” She laughed; her words had roused a chuckle from his lips as he set about brewing the tea. He chose her favourite; even though he hadn’t been rather fond of the blend, he chose her favourite. He didn’t notice the way her eyes darted from him to the ground as though she was fighting her own mind.
“You could say that, it’s getting late, and we have an early start tomorrow, shouldn’t you be asleep? Or was Solomon’s overly spiced Bat stew gnawing at your insides.” Lucifer questioned; he was aiming for a light joke.
“Oh, don’t remind me of that, I think the bat actually winked at me. Although now I think about it, you were sat next to me. I think it was hitting on you instead” She answered, a laugh fell from both of them as they stood in the comfort of each other’s presence. It crossed their minds simultaneously, the doubt that had them questioning why they overthought their words. Why they hadn’t just sent the messages they had made for each other.
The kitchen fell into a silence as they looked away from the other, he kept his focus on the cup beneath him, whilst she remained fixated on a spot ahead of her. They listened to the door open gently as they assumed Beel snuck his way through the room; their suspicions were confirmed as the fridge opened.
“Beel, if you reach for anything that doesn’t have your name on it, they’ll be severe consequences” Lucifer sighed. He heard an unceremonious mumble as Beel rummaged around a little longer and left as quietly as he had come. “I have something I want to-“
“I lied” She interrupted him, her eyes closing as she shrunk in on herself. He frowned, the phrase itself had come as no surprise to him. He knew what she meant, even before she had made up her mind to inform him. He’d spent the whole week fixated on their previous conversation. Right now, she stood inches from tears as she stared at her demon. “I told you I was fine with our limited time but I’m not. I never was.”
A soft smile ensnared his lips as he let her worries sit stagnant in the air. Not much got by Lucifer unnoticed, he had known her feelings all too well. He had known the very second, she had smiled at him back then. It had been a foolish attempt to hide the agony burning in her, she had chosen to spare him the harm of watching her heartbreak.
“I keep thinking when I go back, you’ll move on. I’ll be a name on a long list of people who used to be special to you. I keep imagine that we’ll never see each other again, and I’ll never get to help you groom Cerberus or help you when you’re overworking and just need someone to tell you to stop” She cried, the tears had begun to fall now.
“I know” He uttered, his hand falling against her shoulder as he pulled her against him. It was his attempt at comfort, he watched as she buried her head in his chest and held him as tightly as ever. “I want to be selfish and beg you not to go home, I want to be selfish and ask you to be damned to an eternity down here because at least you’ll be with me. But I can’t, all I can do is promise you that nothing will change. My darling, you will never be unloved by me, you are too well tangled in my soul. Let’s go get some rest”
He’d take her to his room, he hold her for as long as she needed him, he hold her for as long as he needed her.
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