#or harm/pedophilic/etc ocd
halfelven · 10 months
saw someone argue that writing about child abuse was wrong and anyone who did or even read about it ‘secretly liked it’ because why else would they think about it that much? and then go on to say you can’t argue that the book is fiction because ‘child abuse is real’ and… like in that case almost nothing would be fiction. theft exists so reading robin hood is a crime* etc.
a fictional story is ‘real’ because the topics are real. i would love to bring that up in one of my classes ngl. what at that point would define fictionality?
this post brought to you by Insomnia
*not that i think theft is necessarily wrong but that’s not the point of this post
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momentsofamberclarity · 2 months
don't call me nonnie.
i know that not all proshipping is sexual, but it's still portraying pedophilia/incest positively
the bullet point lists were because i just wanted to separate each sentence into a different point because they were all sort off disconnected
the "they're just pixels" argument doesn't work because every single thing you see on a screen is a bunch of pixels if you zoom in, with that logic every image posted online is "just pixels", including actual csem
Fine, I won't call you that. But riddle me this, anon; why am I showing you more respect than you're showing me? Why have you told me to go fuck myself multiple times in place of having a discussion?
Here's the thing ... the only way you will find csem is if you go looking for it. You are not going to find csem on tumblr because it would break community guidelines. But fictional characters under the age of 18 do not count as csem and numerous child protection services have stated that those are just art.
Likewise, the only way you're gonna find fanfiction of 'kids being raped' as you keep putting it, is if you're trying to be a white knight and seek those writers out purposefully so that you can harass them like you're doing with me. Because most of the proshippers I know tag their stuff so that it can be found by the target audience and blacklisted by the people who don't want to see it.
And here's the thing about proshipping which I think is the biggest hurtle of the anti community. Proship doesn't mean 'I support active sexual predators hurting real living children'. 'Pedophile' as a term is meaningless at this point because everyone on the internet uses it to describe anyone they disagree with. You're better off using predator and paraphile. Predators are the dangerous people who don't give a shit about fiction because they have full-intent to harm others. But the majority of paraphiles? They're no-contact and/or fiction-only on their paraphilias, or they do consenting adult things with their consenting adult partners that are roleplaying with boundaries set in place for a reason.
I've been on the internet since before the term 'proship' even popped up. Back before that we called it Dead Dove, Don't Eat and Don't Like, Don't Look. 'Proship' as a term has the same meaning as those old ones, it's just shorthand. It means 'I support the rights of others to ship whatever they want in their own space regardless of whether or not I like or condone it because I don't know them and it does not involve me'. You don't like the content? You have a block button and you are encouraged to use it to curate your own online experience just like the artists and authors posting that content are.
The fact that you're still here means you're hearing some of what I'm saying and possibly having a hard time coming to terms with it. Believe me, I went through a period of morality crisis between my bpd and ocd telling me that fiction could affect reality and I thought that thinking bad things ( like intrusive thoughts ) made me a Bad Person. But thoughts are just thoughts.
So if you want to come off anon and actually have a conversation with me, I promise I'm not going to name-drop you. The purpose of this blog has only ever been about clearing up misconceptions about proshippers and paraphiles because I used to be uninformed about those topics myself until my partner and another super close friend explained them to me in a way that I could comprehend. And that is that thought crime doesn't exist. And fictional characters don't have autonomy and therefore cannot be abused by your thoughts, your art, your writing, etc.
But if we did away with fictional expression of paraphilias in a healthy artistic manner ( like KOSA is currently trying to do ), the world would be a more dangerous place for potential victims, because paraphiles and predators are always going to exist whether you choose to accept that or not. My own abusers never faced charges, only one of my partners' abusers is rotting in jail, and that is the reality of this fucked up world that we're living in. People with niche fetishes aren't monsters - most are even too embarrassed to talk about them. Active sexual predators online who hop into the DMs of minors to be creeps are a real world problem. And that has nothing to do with the proship community's philosophy of 'ship and let ship'.
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garpond · 30 days
I'm not the first person to say this either but genuinely a lot of people who are convinced they're pedophiles and seek help for it aren't actually, but instead have OCD on the subject and their intrusive thoughts are obsessive rumination about whether or not they could potentially harm a child. This is misunderstood SO frequently as to be viewed as legitimate pedophilia in a huge amount of cases, which can be so distressing to the person with OCD that they withdraw from society entirely and/or kill themselves despite being entirely innocent. I have OCD and it runs in my family and I have a loved one who struggles with this theme, so it's always where my mind goes when people discuss "self identified pedophiles who stay away from children and manage their condition" etc. I genuinely wonder how many of them are completely harmless people who have a severe mental illness that makes them feel compelled to live this way, because they don't understand that their "attraction" is just OCD intrusive thoughts.
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moriphile · 30 days
Hi, I'm pretty new to interacting with the paraphilia community. As far as I know, I don't think I have any paraphilias myself, but I want to learn more about others who do in an effort to be more educated and not just a totalitarian dickhead who condemns other people for thought crimes and intrusive thoughts. I have some stigmatized disorders and trauma myself, and I think it's a bit hypocritical of me to punch down and condemn paraphiles when I don't really know much about them in the first place.
That all being said, I know the medical and mental health community surrounding stigmatized disorders and paraphilias is a royal mess. You seem to be fairly knowledgable, do you have any sort of resources or starting points to kind of nudge a curious person like me in the right direction to research? I genuinely want to approach this all with an open mind and an open heart.
Actually, while I'm in class, I might as well ask! Because I'm super ADHD and I will go off the rails with open ended questions lmfao. Do you have anything in particular you want to know? Any kind of resources/information you're looking for? Are you looking for specifically Big 3 (pedophilia, zoophilia, and necrophilia) information, or information on paraphilia in general? Harm reduction? Development? Treatment? Etc etc etc.
Overall, I really recommend this document. It's a collection of information on not just paraphilia, but also kink, thought crimes, taboo fiction, and sex work. As far as I've seen, the information is all absolutely amazing! Obviously it probably won't answer all your questions, but it's a good jumping off point and has information on a lot of different topics intertwined with paraphilia.
But... yeah. The community itself is really divided, if you couldn't tell from my frequent rants about it. And research is usually done from a biased stance, whether for or against (currently working on a post about all the fucking studies on "pedophiles" that are actually on child molesters and how to distinguish between which one they're actually studying), so it can be really hard to navigate.
For other blogs I've found useful that are pro-para (supporting people with paraphilias and their human rights) & anti-contact (not supporting acting on paraphilias that would cause harm, such as the Big 3), I have a small list:
- @/ghost-of-a-slave (also has great info on OCD-related intrusive thoughts)
- @/proparaship-the-second
- @/shrimpmandan (actually the person who wrote/compiled the document)
I can't currently remember the others but I know there's others.🧍Ig feel free to comment/reblog if you are one too! Or have any suggestions for our Clown friend!
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orbleglorb · 9 months
it's the last day of disability pride month, so here's a lightning round of recognition for disabilities & mental illnesses i haven't seen mentioned very often (or at all):
shout out to people with disabilities with obvious physical traits (down syndrome, dwarfism, williams syndrome, etc). shout out to people who have to deal with stares every time they go out in public.
shout out to people who have to use disability/mobility aids all of the time. shout out to people who have to deal with abled bodied idiots trying to push their wheelchair, try out their crutches, and do basic things for them that they are perfectly capable of doing.
shout out to people whose disability means it's easier for people to take advantage of them. especially people who are/have the potential to be in abusive conservatorships.
shout out to people whose disability means they can never live alone, and they have to deal with jokes of "adults living with their parents" and the like.
shout out to the disabled people who are still given a bedtime as an adult.
shout out to disabled people who have to be super fucking careful to avoid being institutionalized. shout out to the disabled people who already are.
shout out to people with ocd. especially versions that are (arguably) the most misunderstood: pedophile ocd, sexual orientation ocd, harm ocd, suicidal ocd, religious ocd, etc.
shout out to anyone with high support needs that is constantly made to feel like a nuisance and a hindrance.
shout out to disabled people who have trauma from being hospitalized, institutionalized, and/or from receiving treatment.
i hope all of you have a great year. i hope it gets easier.
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I've been seeing a lot of "someone who is recovered from OCD won't feel distressed at their intrusive thoughts and that's a good thing" which I agree with wholeheartedly. I've also seen people use this to say you can't truly be happy until you accept that your intrusive thoughts are true and you actually want to be violent/pedophilic/etc, which is obviously untrue and distressing to people with OCD who don't want to turn out that way. So I wanted to tell you all that there is a middle ground between the two.
Intrusive thoughts are almost always ego-dystonic. Ego in this case is being used in the Freudian way, to describe your moral self. Ego-dystonic thoughts are against your moral code/will but are difficult or impossible to stop. We don't want to have intrusive thoughts about harm, pedophilia, or other disturbing topics, but we can't stop. Initially, this will cause distress. As you recover, you learn that intrusive thoughts don't define you, they aren't how you really feel, and that dwelling on them and being disgusted with yourself doesn't help. But you'll never feel like your intrusive thoughts of doing harmful things line up with your moral code.
I don't often open up about my intrusive thoughts for fear of being judged by people who don't get it, but I'll share an example. I often rub my cat's paw as a stim, I've been doing this since she was a baby so she doesn't mind. My intrusive thoughts decided to interrupt my peaceful stimming by telling me that I should break her leg. Obviously, I didn't actually want to do this, I love her and don't want to hurt her. Even if she wasn't my cat, it would go against my moral code which says that it's wrong to cause other beings unnecessary suffering. I quickly dismissed it as ridiculous and felt only a small amount of distress from it, but it was very much ego-dystonic. It didn't, and will never, line up with my moral code.
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anachronic-cobra · 8 months
I see a lot of explanations of OCD on tumblr, but the thing is that they all tend to be from the POV of someone with an internal monologue. It's frequently questions, "what if I'm a pedophile" or "what if I hurt my family" or "what if I left an appliance on when I left for work and burned down my house with my pets inside".
I do not have an inner monologue, I never got to see myself in these descriptions. I didn't know that the problem I was having was OCD until I finally gathered the courage to talk to my therapist about it.
So for those of you without an inner monologue, here are some of the ways OCD intrusive thoughts can occur in my own experience and from my therapist's explanations:
Unwanted mental images that you can't shake
The sudden urge to do something that greatly distresses you
Mental echo chamber - an idea that stresses you out but keeps repeating more and more intensely, regardless of how or why the thought occurred
The sudden fear that someone you love has been harmed in some way and you aren't there for them
The idea that you are faking your identity and are actually gay/straight/etc
Worry that you may have or will have serious medical conditions, with or without symptoms
These thoughts generally don't seem to go away until you perform some action to make them stop - that's the compulsive aspect. These can include things like:
Physical actions related to the thought (running home on your break to make sure people are okay, using butter knives instead of the appropriate utensil for a meal, flicking the lights in a certain pattern that reassures your brain, repetitively googling medical symptoms, even watching porn (even when not aroused) to assure yourself you're not a predator)
Mental actions (counting to drown out the thought, focusing on a pattern)
Preventative actions, whether conscious or not (driving a certain route to avoid a trigger, pacing a certain pattern before confronting a trigger, compulsive masturbation even when not aroused to prevent sexual intrusive thoughts from happening later)
The obsession is the intrusive thoughts, feelings, or urges that you cannot shake. They are your worst-case scenario, and the compulsion is the action that, in your mind, prevents the worst-case scenario from happening, or at least stops the thoughts from happening. It's not something you are actively choosing to think or do, and the compulsions themselves can cause additional harm physically or mentally.
The only way to really recover from this is to learn to recognize the intrusive thoughts are not your actual desires, learn to live with the intrusive thoughts via behavioral therapy, and to learn that the worst case scenario will not happen if you don't perform the compulsion. That's the sticking point - it's compulsive and it's terrifying.
Medication, in my experience, dulls the repetition and makes it easier to let pass. With that, the compulsions are easier to ignore. It takes time, effort, and often help from a professional.
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proship-selfship · 2 years
Im therian, and it took forever for me to find a pack I wanted to join where Id feel safe enough to exist as a person with paraphilic OCD and a therian at the same time. When I finally did, I started noticing all these other therians getting massive hate and suicide baits from people I was following. As soon as I posted saying that there is a huge double standard and that is disgusting of people to suicide bait and isolate and oppress other people for anything that they see as different or wrong that they cant understand, didnt even reference anything paraphilia related, and immediately I got banned from the discord server for the pack, they started posting everywhere about me, the founding member of the pack is schizophrenic like myself and we bonded ovee that briefly, and they started posting about how Im “probably like this because hes schizo” and they got other people to join in calling me crazy, a freak, insane, retarded, etc. All because I said “if you tell someone to kill themselves for any reason, youre disgusting, and having a therian instagram account is for being therian, not discourse, and nobody wants to see you be an asshole on the regular.” These people are fucked up. One of them from the server is a big trauma positivity advocate and straight up told me that there will never be safe places for me to exist and that she hopes I get physically abused and assaulted by anyone who loves me. She also is in self harm recovery, yet told me to cut myself over this. These people will look for literally any chink in your armor and try to exploit it, just to be a justifiable bully. They learned about bullying in school, so they think that because this is towards “awful people” that every single thing an average cyberbully does that they end up replicating in these situations, they tell themselves, “well, Im doing this to a pedophile, so its ok!” No, youre doing it to a person, first and foremost. And people with POCD are people. Maybe if we treated people who are uncomfortable with their paraphilias before they had to learn to love themselves after trying to seek help and the world telling them to stop existing, maybe we would have a lot less actual pedophiles. Antis are fucking insane.
I'm sorry that happened dude, that was fucked up from start to finish. I hope you find a better pack, pack is family. Family doesn't treat each other like that. Fucken antis dude.
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ghost-of-a-slave · 2 months
If you're comfortable and it wouldn't cause much problem, would you be fine to detail your experience (discovery, thoughts on it over time, anything you want to share, etc.) on being a n3cr0 (censoring since I don't understand Tumblr rules/conventions and all so "better safe than sorry" sort of thought)? I'm a curious one and I like to learn about stuff.
(If this is upsetting "ask", I am sorry and I have no bad intent!!!)
It's not upsetting, at least not to me I can understand finding things intriguing and wanting to know a bit more about them especially when it comes to weirder areas.
Separating my para from my OCD
I only recently actually came to terms with and understood that it's very plausible that I'm a necrophile. And I've started to more so accept it as fact. I like corpses in a way that's atypical. But there's a lot of reasons as to why I didn't understand it before and why I repressed it so much as well as why even when I started wondering if I was I kept quiet on anything and didn't even think about it too hard until I met a friend who was open about being pro-para and supporting them leading me to find a safe place to share my experiences with and fears I may be a necrophile. I knew it was different from my pedophile OCD, the thoughts were intrusive the way that it is for my POCD and I didn't get the same phobias and horrors of passing by anything related to the dead like I do with children.
With my pedophile OCD I am terrified of the idea that I am magically a child predator. I think that the term for the subsect of OCD being "pedo" isn't fully accurate as a lot of it is more so the fear and abject terror of magically becoming a child abuser. If it was just a fear of being attracted it wouldn't be to the extent it is for me. No I'm convinced my glancing at a child for 0.0376363 seconds when they're screaming at a store means I am evil and have brutalized that child or will brutalize another because obviously only evil people.... Glance at someone screaming? OCD is not rational. When it comes to my necro stuff... I'm not scared of it I don't get panic attacks to the same degree they're not all consuming thoughts and I don't struggle to go outside because of it. My necrophilia is still disordered given it brings about excessive self hatred but it's not OCD and I could always tell there was a difference.
Origins and struggles with acceptance
My past is littered with horrific things. I was a victim of some very terrible crimes as a child and I am very lucky to have not been killed/murdered myself. The same cannot be said for others in the same situation. Part of that was an abuser who would desecrate corpses or SA me using the dead. I learned to associate gore and death and the dead with sex from a very young age. Something I now know has never left association in my mind. I also at times felt comforted by death because it meant the end to suffering. At some points I wonder if I have cotards delusion. It's hard for me to genuinely believe I'm alive. I feel so deeply that I should have died then. I have no wishes to die now only that I had in the past.
The first time I got into guro (illustrated gore porn) I was probably around 11-13. I don't know how I exactly stumbled across it but something about it captivated me. I never want to genuinely kill someone, I have harm OCD even beyond the POCD that makes me believe I'll magically hurt people and with my antisocial personality and the way everyone talks about sociopaths I guess a part of me believed I would become that monster. So some of it led to me basically using guro as a way to cope with the idea I would be some violent killer. Perhaps my OCD led me to fixate on it so much even past the point of finding things attractive. I even now will look for guro that I actively find unattractive sexually but find hauntingly beautiful or technically well done art. I also have weird standards for what can make guro fantasies hot or not (if the victim was actually super evil or something for example it becomes attractive to me if they're an innocent person I feel nothing but sadness. Even with it being fiction seeing innocent people be hurt sometimes is just sad to me.)
I later fell into crowds who were heavily anti-taboo fiction and especially porn and convinced myself that having had been into guro was what harmed me and what caused me to struggle socially, mentally and physically. Obviously that was not true, the mental illness and severe PTSD and the active abuse I was enduring was the problem. That's what pushed me, not the fictional stories I was using to cope even without understanding it. This led to more repression but the fantasies wouldn't go away. Many sexual fantasies of mine for years (almost a decade) also have included the presence of a corpse. Most of the time it had nothing to do with the corpse itself being something that sexual things were done to but the characters in my head fucking in the blood of someone they had killed. A common fantasy of mine that I have to this day- one where the body is that of one of the characters abusers. That was enough to concern me at first. Why was it I found things more attractive when a corpse was present. Why did I find so many scenes in shows I watched where the characters would die to be so appealing. What was wrong with me? The answer younger me came to was one of the two; I was evil and a terrible person or I was wrong and obviously sense I hadn't had fantasies of actively being with a corpse (which was a lie to myself, I have had revenge fantasies with horrific abusers of mine that ended in me being sexual with their corpse but I would pretend I hadn't) I was just being tricked by something? and I was actually innocent and okay.
As more time went by I found myself questioning things more especially as I unpacked my trauma in therapy. At first it was thought maybe I was just having the typical unwanted bodily responses to somatic flashbacks of when I was assaulted and raped in the past. But as time went by I started realizing I could feel aroused without the presence of a flashback. And that terrified me, it genuinely scares me sometimes now. I don't want to be like this I'm horrified that I'll turn into my abusers because "he was like me" even though quite clearly he was someone who chose to abuse people and commit horrific felonies and I never have and never will because you still can make your own choices.
But the majority of society does not understand that attraction is not action. Just as much as people see being a pedophile to be synonymous with child abuser- people see necrophiles as the same as those who desecrate corpses. So much so that the crime of desecrating a corpse sexually is usually just called by the name of the paraphilia and not "desecration" as it should be. I was genuinely convinced because of these ideas that it was impossible for me to ever be a good person and I was doomed to turn into my abuser. And I would cry myself to sleep sometimes over those fears. Eventually I broke down and spoke to my therapist about it and she helped a good amount.
The way she explained my situation to me is that my brain was so stressed and I was so terrified as a child that one of the best ways to keep be somewhat sane and functional was to turn something that was horrific and terrible into pleasurable. If I liked corpses then suddenly the horrific things done to me are a bit less bad. It's not as horrible as it could have been. My brain can accept it a bit more easily and I can pretend I wasn't as helpless as I was. It formed as a way to cope. And as much as it feels horrible to say it was in part what probably helped me. I may not be okay if I wasn't a necrophile.
The here and now
After a long period of time of coming to terms with my paraphilic attraction and so on I have finally accepted what I am and how I happen to deal with things. I still find guro intriguing though my own personal tastes are more centered/focused upon less horrific ways the dead happen. I more so find dead bodies themselves attractive and have no feelings when it comes to murder as I don't have erotonophilia aside from revenge fantasies or the idea of someone else doing the killing (which is a mess but I don't need to get into that can of worms)
Basically I find corpses attractive, ones close to the moment of death that aren't that decayed specifically- and then on the other side of it, I like skeletons. I find them incredibly attractive and beautiful and appealing in very atypical ways. I also have come to accept I may have a form of romantic necrophilia due to the fantasies of things like cuddling a corpse or just sleeping with one (literally not sexually). It's a mess but hey trauma fucked me up and that's okay.
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c0g-machine · 8 months
Hey, I'm Dani. Haven't made an intro post yet but I might as well lol
Alot of the info is under the read more cus I do NOT want this long ass list to be taking up half my page
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I'm a bi lesbian and a transsexual/salmacian (altersex), I started my process of detransitioning from being FTM/binary transmasc a few months ago but I still consider myself apart of the trans community, and I'm also Genderqueer & GNC. use only she/he pronouns for me. Any terms are fine but rn I perfer fem & neutral publically, masc terms are often reserved for my partners & my wife.
I'm 23 in system currently, my birthday is May 13th, but bodily we are 21 years old. This account will be 18+ so MINORS DON'T INTERACT
I'm apart of a polyfragmented DID system, and I'm a subsystem myself. Having said that, this blog is meant for just me and my insane posts lol.
While being in a DID system, Me and the rest of us are fully in support of endogenics and non traumagenic systems. we believe in plurality regardless of origin so If you're anti endo stay as far away from us as possible, we won't hesitate.
My biggest interests are mechanical engineering, computer sciences, robotics, video games & a few other things.
I deal with auDHD, BPD, HPD, and P-OCD/Health OCD. If you believe that people with PDs are abusive, especially those with cluster b PDs, and ESPECIALLY for HPD, ASPD & NPD, Fuck off, and if you think those with P-OCD/Z-OCD are pedophiles/zoos, go away also. we're mentally ill and traumatized, and this is how it manifested. I am no more harmful than anyone else, and I am definitely not a pedophile for having a severe anxiety disorder around the FEAR and ANXIETY of being a pedo and being the same as our abusers. We're a grooming/online CSA victim as well, and we can not control or predict how this trauma and mental illness manifests, but we are in treatment right now for these things.
I'm polyamorous, and I'm in a relationship with @transfemgirldick a couple of others apart of the Sunny/Occult System (@vampiricangels) so while I will post about nsfw and kink, I will not respond to sexual and romantic advances, but some playful/non serious flirting and joking is fine, just respect me and my partners
I may post about sexual content and kinks, so as a warning you might see hornyposting on here.
My current special interests involves the band Ghost, Minecraft (Hermitcraft adjacent), Pokemon and Pizza Tower.
My DNI list is long, and I have a banner that I'll be posting on all of my original posts, but in general DNI if youre a terf or radfem, map/pedo, radqueer (like transid/pro and complex contact paraphile/proshipper/etc), yanderecore or traumacore blog, anti endo, anti mspec lesbians/gays, and in general being a bigoted shithole.
As a detransitioning/retransitioning person I understand people will have biases about us, and I understand we are often used as transphobic rhetoric by radfems and terfs, but Not every one of us are suddenly transphobic OR cisgender when we detransition/retransition. DNI if you're again detrans people OR are into detrans kink. Fuck off with that.
Hope yall enjoy my blog, just be nice to others! ^^
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rants-and-anger · 3 years
Hey guys, can we just agree on one fact that everyone has the ability to change? I mean none of us are truly clean, we all did fuck ups in the past, we all probably did terrible things when we were younger due to not knowing what’s right or wrong. I mean come on, you can point fingers at someone for doing something bad in the past but there’s such a high chance of them changing and having different thoughts now as they grow older and experience life.
And let’s also get into mental disorders or developmental disorders some people have, such as ocd, autism, depression, adhd, etc
By definition, a mental disorder are conditions that affect your thinking, feeling, mood, and behavior. They may be occasional or long-lasting (chronic). They can affect your ability to relate to others and function each day.
Such mental disorders are OCD, this mental disorder causes repeated unwanted thoughts or sensations (obsessions) or the urge to do something over and over again (compulsions). Some people can have both obsessions and compulsions. OCD isn't about habits like biting your nails or thinking negative thoughts, it’s not your cutesy “UwU sorry I need to fix the picture frame because of my OCD”, no it’s something more than that.
A variant of the OCD mental disorder is P-OCD, POCD is an obsessive fear of being or becoming a pedophile, what to many is considered the ultimate loss of identity. They fear that they might be a pedophile due to their trauma and their unwanted intrusive thoughts. POCD may stem from many many different reasons, one of them being the fear that having been a victim of childhood sexual abuse condemns one to become an abuser, people with POCD Can’t Stop Talking About It… and Also Can’t Talk About It, they feel ashamed and guilt, especially when they can’t get the help they need due to either the environment being terrible such as horrible parents or not being able to afford an OCD-specialist.
Now developmental disorders, it means a severe (not all of them are severe), chronic disability of an individual who has a mental or physical impairment by the age of 22 which is likely to continue indefinitely and results in substantial functional limitations in three or more areas of major life activity.
Such developmental disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder. Now there are many variants that we can’t exactly generalize it but basically, it is a developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior. People with autism have trouble with communication. They have trouble understanding what other people think and feel. This makes it hard for them to express themselves, either with words or through gestures, facial expressions, and touch. Therefore, it takes longer for them to realize things that somethings are wrong and they can get confused. Im not saying that we should baby them and such, but Im saying is to give more patience and time.
Now most of these things, people can get help or assistance by getting therapy, being in a supportive environment and the feeling of importance to other people, but what if they can’t get have those privileges? What can you do? Well first you can try to understand their situation, you can try to help them, you can try to be supportive, you can try to at least leave them alone when they’re not feeling well. Just please, please, educate yourselves first before you speak. Nobody ever really knows how much anyone else is hurting. You could be standing next to somebody who is completely broken and you wouldn't even know it. That's why you should always try to be kind.
You guys think that condemning these behaviors by sending death threats, insults and doxxing them will help? No. No it does not. It just pushes them into a corner where they just accept that they are a terrible person and start to lash out even more, instead of just causing drama, how about we try to understand what the other person is going through? Like seriously, you can’t just call someone a literal devil if you only got it from one side of the story but not hear the other, that’s unfair and unjust. There is no fairness if you do something like that and it’s just frankly a waste of everyone’s time as it’s just gonna be hurling insults left and right till either
A. someone kills themselves due to how being dramatic the problem became
B. The drama just stops because there is no literal point and continuing it anymore
We don’t know every single part of the story of a person, we don’t know every single thing about a person, and we do not know what the person has went through as a person. So just please hear me out, instead of starting useless drama, doxxing, death threats and assumptions, please just listen what the other person has to say.
Remember, thinking about doing something is different from actually doing it, thinking about it means it just formed in your mind suddenly while doing it is when you actually resolved yourself and actually follow through with it, prepared to face the consequences, there’s a difference.
Also misgendering someone despite the fact they’re “bad” or not still makes you an asshole like seriously, being hateful and harming someone is one thing but purposely misgendering their identity is just not cool man, at least say the right pronouns and respect their human decency. Even courts do these kinds of things.
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gaypinkbugs · 3 years
This account is mostly for me to rant about things I'm passion about, mostly including politics, queer rights, and disabled rights. This is my professional rant account (meaning I try and educate and try my best not to show my anger), but I might reply with my non-professional rant account that will contain the same general concepts but I do show more anger.
My name's Chris(tos) or you can call me Bug.
I'm autistic & ADHD, and am in the process of getting diagnosed with OCD, I use AAC and have tics as well. I'm also disabled (mentally and physically). I speak a few languages (or understand them at some capacity) including English, German, Spanish, ASL, Italian (listed in most to least fluent).
Although I do post argumentative/debatable content I will not engage in debates about these subjects, I will actively block those who try and start arguments AGAINST the subject as I do not care what you have to add. I will also not respond to things sent to me that are against the topics I post about, or who follow my DNI in anyway.
Respecting the pronouns I have listed in my bio is a mandatory thing, your own ideas of my pronouns doesn't affect your ability to respect them, I do use they/them but those are not a substitute for my neo pronouns and I do not accept them being used as such. I do use he/him although I do not accept being called those exclusively unless stated otherwise.
TERFS (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist), TEHMS (Trans Exclusionary Homosexual Men), SWERFS (Sex Worker Exclusionary Radical Feminist), truscum, trumed trumedic, anti-mogai, anti-xeno, anti-neo, exclusionists, anti-BLM, anti-ACAB, anti-SAAPIH.
Blue lives matter, ALM, racists, queerphobes (trans, homo, bi, a, etc.), sexists/misogynists, ableists, those who are antisemitic, those who are islamophobic, those who are xenophobic, autism speaks/next for autism supporters.
Those who support fetishization or who fetishize, MAPS, noMAPS (IE pedophiles, hebephiles, ephebophiles), zoophiles (beastiality).
Proana, eating disorder blogs, self harm blogs (I block and report these accounts, even if it states to not report your account I still follow through with that action).
(This list may be subject to change)
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tf2-hoe · 4 years
Submissions Open!
However, I have a few rules!
What I Don't Do
I reserve the right to deny any requests
No sexual situations with children as the main target; I do not condone or support pedophilic actions, and asking me to write that will earn an instant block. However, this is different from child sexual abuse in the sense that the s/o or TF2 character is recovering from it. I do want to clarify, however, that you are allowed to ask if it's in the sense of understanding the rule
I do not do anything involving yandere
I do not do DD/LG (Daddy Dom/Little Girl)
I do not do the daddy kink
I do not do rape
I only do headcanons, so requests for actual fanfictions will be ignored
I do not do OCD, sociopathy, psychopathy, or toxic relationships
I do not do suicide (this is different from suicidal thoughts, though), please do not ask me to do this
I don’t do OCs, sorry!
What I Will Do
I will do NSFW and SFW
I will do ships with each other or with the reader. I will also simply do concepts of ideas with no shipping (for example, how would the team react to their hats being stolen?)
If you do not specify a gender, I will automatically assume it is gender-neutral so that everyone can enjoy
If you want something in the first, second, or third person, please specify! If not, I usually write in third person.
I have no qualms with doing gore, so send in whatever!
I will do genderbends!
I will do depression, autism, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and self-harm
I do rare-pairs, so don’t be shy!
Other Rules
Anonymous is on, meaning that you can send in asks that you don't want associated with your Tumblr
I do one to two Headcanon posts a day with more in the queue so this blog doesn't run out of content; however, this limit may be subject to change depending on how many asks I receive
If you don't see your request, don't fret! You may have to wait a day or two for it to come out, as I have a bit of a queue!
Pyro is gender-neutral unless specified otherwise in requests
If you request NSFW with Pyro, it would be better if you specified a gender or else it is going to be vague or entirely focused on the S/O (if the S/O is present in the request)
If requests close, they will reopen when the description states that there are five headcanons in the inbox
I will only accept up to three people for headcanons
Submitting Headcanons Yourself (BETA)
I reserve the right to deny any headcanons
Have some headcanons you want to write yourself? Submit (not ask) them!
I do ask, however, that they follow my rules (mainly the DO NOT rules like pedophilia, rape, etc.)
You can ignore the rule about mental illnesses, however, if you have an understanding of them
Feel free to customize the headcanons however you want!
I may proofread/edit posts, but I will not change the main ideas!
Please set up a bullet point headcanon with at least three headcanons
Seeing as this is in a beta, rules can and will be changed
Do not be afraid to reach out and ask questions! I would love to clarify and/or add to the list to make it easier for everyone! Remember, rules are subject to change!
My main blog is @lady-of-lorelei if you want to check out what I have to offer there
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