tempobrucera · 1 year
My Partners Know About Each Other
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Pairing: Thomas x Reader x Vic Description: You are in love. Thomas is in love. Vic is in love. It all could be so easy if you would all understand what you want and from who. Wordcount: 9.7k Warnings: Some fluff, some angst, some smut (threesome), polyamoury
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It's summer, just before the festival season starts. The bar is loud, people craming into a space that's way too small to be comfortable. Music. People talking, screaming, singing. Bass that vibrates through Victoria's body. And Thomas laughing next to her, a little bit too close, wine glass in hand, bangs hanging into his eyes, his cheeks light pink. Maybe she's staring, but she was already staring when he was dancing with you ten minutes ago. And five minutes ago when he went to the bar, his eyes darting around to look for you and now that he's looking down at her.
"Do you think she's into …"
Victoria looks at Thomas.
"Do you think she's into …"
Thomas looks at Victoria.
"What?" Thomas asks.
"I wanted to ask if you think she is into girls."
"What did you want to ask?"
"I wanted to ask if you think she's maybe into … me."
They both laugh. They still laugh when you're taking the wine glass out of Thomas' hand, questioning look on your face. But they don't share, it's their little moment, you're used to it. To them. They don't talk about it, it's just between them, but something changed - Victoria knows. Thomas only blinks at her when she presses her lips to his.
Thomas can never say no to a party. He especially can't say no to a party when Vic is asking him to join. In most countries, in most cities, after most of the festivals they play all summer, Vic will look at him and he will just nod. And if she's too tired, looking at him and shaking her head, he'll still go out and dance the night away - people laughing how his long limbs are flying around. He doesn't care and he has too much energy, adrenaline spiking through his body. Talking to people he has never seen and will never see again. Here a drink and there a drink. More people. More dancing. Some touches here and there - some innocent, some not so much. His lips on someone elses. But in the end, he still ends up in his own bed every time - Vic cuddled under his blanket already sometimes. Her arm sneaking around his waist and instead of the adrenaline it's Vic's bodyheat that's travelling through his body.
"Did you have fun?"
"Are you drunk?" She would ask and laugh against his neck.
She would laugh a little bit more and then breath Goodnight against his neck. Thomas would pick up his phone, to say Goodnight to you, via text or via voice message. Vic sometimes laughing a goodnight into his phone as well. He doesn't know when he started this, he just knows it has become his - your - little ritual, Vic sometimes wiggling her eyebrows at him. There will always be a good morning from you whenever you wake up. He also doesn't know how this with Vic started. He just knows that the cuddling is more. Vic's lips are on his more often now. She's in his bed more, even when they have their own. Thomas doesn't know how it started but he knows that something changed. They always were close. Always going to party, they never had a problem to be close with each other, or Vic to touch him, strolling through cities they never been to together. But their closeness changed in such way it makes Thomas head spin, him dizzy and he doesn't know where all this feeling is coming from or what it means. And then there's always you, even when Vic is next to him, there's always you in the back of his head. It confuses him even more. It's a feeling he can't explain.
Thomas isn't complaining. He enjoys every second of it - only his thoughts can't keep up with his heart that's racing too fast in his chest. When they are going out for lunch together, or for dinner alone. When Vic posts a picture of him and captions it date night - it makes his heart skip a beat. When they have drinks in their hands, are dancing, and Vic tiptoes to sing into his ear. When they gaze into the night sky together. When they are at the beach, watching the sunset, he cuddled up in Vic's arms - when he sees that she's taking a picture and how she's sending it to you. A picture of the sunset, a picture of him in her arms. When Vic shows him your answer and she smiles at him. There's always Vic, and always you.
He loves that you have gotten more comfortable with Vic. That Vic got more comfortable around you as well. How you text and talk and dance when the opportunity is there. He loves to see how much you love each other. His heart gets so close to exploding everytime, and so embarrassedly heavy, when he sees you two together. There's that feeling in his chest he just can't get rid off anymore.
One afternoon Vic is chosing Ethan over him when he wants to pick her up for lunch and a trip to something local he wants to see. It stings, he isn't jealous, it's Ethan after all, but something isn't sitting quite right with him. Maybe it's the fact that they agreed to this days ago, maybe it's the fact that Vic knew how anxious he was the last couple of days, maybe it's because he feels like a second choice for a moment, maybe it's the thought that Vic isn't thinking about him the same. He scolds himself then, they're best friends. Nothing more - his feelings are just stupid.
"I thought you're enjoying the city?", you say when he calls you, "With Vic?"
"No, she decided to fuck off with Ethan."
"Sorry." Your answer is short, Thomas notices. Short and not like you would usually react. He realises that you might feel like a second choice too, and he feels sorry. It's not what he intended to do and he makes a note in his phone.
"But who cares?" He says and laughs. "I wanted to call you anyways. More time just for you and me."
Vic has a talent to find girls that look just like you everywhere she steps. Thomas noticed it a while ago. The first time just after the conversation they had, and since then he sees it - he can't unsee it. He sees them dance with her and all his brain manages to do is to think how much he wants to see you dance with Vic. How your bodies would work together. That maybe one of you would invite him in.
Another party, another girl.
"He could join us," Vic suggests.
The girl giggles and puts her hand on his arm, stroking over his skin: "Oh, how exciting. I wouldn't say no to a real dick either."
Thomas feels how his cheeks are heating up, he's sure he looks like an overripe cherry. His head and his heart say no, his dick says yes. It's definitely interested, bulging his jeans so quickly, it's almost embarrassing. Vic's hand under his shirt isn't helping, she's scratching over the sensitive skin of his belly. He moans, in a room full of people, just like that. Vic grins, while the girl bets her eyelashes at him.
He's ready to explode when there's a thigh between his legs putting pressure on his groin. Ready to give in and say yes. But it isn't right, it doesn't feel right, there's something off. It hits him that the constellation of people is wrong, that he's enjoying whatever Vic is doing to him but that the girl playing with the button of his jeans and making heart eyes at him should be you - and not just look like you, not whatever random girl Vic pulled for the night. The alarm bell in his head is ringing so loud, it takes him a second to make out what Victoria is saying.
"Thomas, your phone is ringing."
In the end his only saving grace is you calling. Crying.
"Hey, hey, hey," he says over the loud music of the club, "Breath."
He mouths a sorry in Vic's direction. And then he's escaping the music, four warm hands ripping him apart and Vic's gaze.
"I didn't know who else to call."
It's still haunting him, that sentence. Despite his non-violent and pretty chill nature, he swears that he'll punch the guy in the face when he's back.
"He just didn't go away and …" Thomas can hear how you burst into sobs. His heart is heavy in his chest. His ass almost ends up on a plane that night, he wants to hold you, he doesn't care about the rest. But in the end it's you who tells him not to do it.
"No, I tell you," he says to Damiano the next morning over coffee, "I'll punch that guy so hard."
"Sure." Damiano rolls his eyes at him. "And then you're all over the news in Italy, or what?"
He clenches his teeth: "I don't care."
It's not like anyone cares anyways, he's sure. He isn't the one ending up in the gossip headlines every week even when Vic and him are testing how long they can kiss without suffocating in a crowded place - that's still Damiano.
Vic isn't anywhere. They have an interview in about two hours, it's not like her to be late. He is, but Vic always makes it on time somehow. He's between, she's probably doing round two or three or four with the girl she pulled and being worried. When she isn't there ten minutes later, he goes to find her. There's shuffling behind the door, only Vic in the room - her eyes are swollen.
"Did you cry?"
She only nods and clings to him when he puts his arms around her. At least one person he can hold.
Can you come over? I need your help with something.
Thomas stares at the text, it's the middle of the night and he can't imagine what his help is needed for. He's tired as well, he almost fell asleep over a Youtube video of three guys melting thousand chocolate bars into one a few minutes ago. His brain can't keep up anymore with anything tonight - still he gets his keycard and Vic's. She gave him the spare one after checking in.
He isn't afraid to use it but he almost turns around slamming the door shut again when he sees Vic in her bed, the sheets crumpled and her naked. Vic is faster, telling him to come closer. And he does, he just obliges until he ends up next to her in bed. He doesn't know what's expected of him, he's blushing.
"That's cute." Vic puts a hand on his cheek, moans. "And hot."
He can hear the buzzing sound of the toy she's using on herself.
"What …" He clears his throat. "What do you even need me for?"
"Just don't want to be alone when I cum."
He whimpers slightly when she pulls his hair. She isn't alone, Thomas lets her look at him until she calms down completely again minutes later.
"What did you think about?"
Thomas doesn't need to hear more, he knows exactly what Vic means. But still, he's here and also thinks about you. Of the three of you together. He doesn't know why he can't shake the thought. It's not lust, not really, not only. He feels like a freak.
"What is going on between you and Vic?" Ethan asks a few days later.
Ethan raises an eyebrow: "Sure. I have eyes, Thomas."
"I'm confused, okay?"
"Okay. So what are you confused about?"
"We are making out."
"Cool." Thomas just stares back at him. "It's not like it's the first time, right?"
Thomas wants to strangle him for bringing it up. He definitely wasn't sober when he told Ethan that Vic was his first kiss. She insisted and who was he to say no. They were both stupid teenagers drunk on the bottle of alcohol Thomas stole out of his dad's shelf just to look cooler than he was.
"We were 15, that hardly counts, does it?"
"What's the issue here, Maso?" Ethan tries again. "Then you're making out, so what?"
"I'm in love with someone else."
Ethan raises an eyebrow again, isn't saying anything.
"So is she."
The eyebrow raises a little higher.
"It's the same person."
Ethan's eyes go big for a few seconds and then he laughs. He just sits there and laughs at Thomas.
"Why the fuck is that so funny?"
"Let me recap this?" Ethan is gasping for air a little. "You both figured out that you are into the same person and then started making out with each other?"
"Yes?" Thomas doesn't understand what's so funny about his misery.
"You're both fucked up stupid," Ethan tells him. "Did you tell the other girl?"
"No. And why do you think it's a gi-" It's not like Ethan to make an assumption like that.
"Sorry, but with both of you it would be stupid to assume that anything else than a pussy is involved."
Thomas even has to laugh a little bit at that before he gets serious again: "Do you think I can be in love with two people?"
"Oh Thomas," he looks at him, "Welcome to the world of unconventional love, I guess. Took you a while."
He isn't quite sure what Ethan means but the conversation puts him at ease. When he's laying down in bed late at night, he's opening Google. He feels a little bit stupid bringing his question there.
Can you be in love with 2 people
Google is autofilling it for him after the first few words already and his hurt jumps a little bit. Okay, so he's on the right path. He skips through definitions of polyamoury and polygamy and goes into a rabbit hole until he can't concentrate on the words he's reading anymore. But his mind is still racing, so he switches to Youtube. He's watching a video about Woodturning but halfway through he puts polyamoury into the searchbar. He's fascinated but it isn't giving him what he needs. He needs something different, something more.
A few evenings later, he's laying on a couch in some backstage, he can't remember where they are, smoking. The Youtube algorithm seems to do him a favour this evening. There's different videos in his recommended ones, like "Our Three-Way Relationship Is A Beautiful Thing" and "Here's What This Throuple Wants You To Know About Polyamory". He clicks on a few of them, his heart races when he sees people talk how they love each other equally, how it works, everything. He soaks everything up. The feeling and the tingle reaches even his toes. He craves this, it's exactly what he wants. He doesn't know how he got here. From never have had a threesome - not for the lack of trying on his part, but it never worked in one way or another, to falling in love with two people and wanting them both.
"You're welcome." Ethan says next to him. And Thomas jumps, his phone ending up between the cushions of the couch, his cigarette almost falling out of his mouth.
Against all odds, you make it for one festival weekend. Thomas is so happy to see you that he jumps at you, wrapping his long legs around your body which almost has you loose your balance. Vic standing next to both of you, laughing and filming.
"A wild Thomas appeared."
You do have your own room but you end up in Thomas' anyways. Together with Vic. Thomas makes sure of it. It doesn't matter that he's high or maybe it makes it better, or maybe his feelings are intensified because of it. It's all he wanted for months.
His face is buried at your shoulder and one of his arms is around Vic's waist. You're closer to sleep than to being awake somewhere between them.
"I love you." Thomas whispers against your sweater.
Minutes go by. Until Vic whispers as well.
"I love you too," she yawns. "And him."
Thomas thinks it was the weed the next morning.
"How stupid are they?" Damiano asks Ethan one evening when Thomas and Victoria are out and about.
Ethan sighs and shakes his head.
"That stupid?"
"You can't even imagine how stupid all three of them are," Ethan sighs again, "Not one brain cell to be seen, or at least the understanding that they all love each other equally and that they have to do something about it. Especially Thomas, like he gets it, but he's so incredibly stupid, Dami, it's almost astonishing."
Damiano giggles. Then he goes back to stirring his tea, while Ethan goes back to reading his book.
Thomas turns up in front of your door unexpected. They did tell you that they are back before going on tour in the group chat you have with Vic and him but nothing else. It was even a little bit disappointing, but you got it. They were tired, jet-legged from too many different timezones and exhausted from countless festivals and parties they went to.
"You're coming with me." He smiles at you. "Pack your bag."
There are some dark circles under his eyes but there's a sparkle in his eyes.
"What?" You ask confused.
"Pack your bag, young lady." He claps his hands together. "We are going away."
"And what do I have to pack?"
"Just some summer clothes and whatever you need for a few days."
"Where's Vic?"
It's unlike Thomas to just show up to your doorstep, even more unlikely to do it without Vic. From the beginning you could see that these two had a connection that was special. You were never jealous about it, but it made you think you would never have a chance with Thomas. Or with Vic. It always would be them against the world, and that's okay - maybe that was lying to yourself but it didn't change anything in the end. Thomas draw you in with making you laugh in any situation, wrapping his arms around you and humming into your ear, when he was looking at you, you felt like you could fight everything and you thought that's how Vic is allowed to feel every second. That's how it started - you thought they shared everything and a bed already anyways. And then you started looking at Vic from a different angle. How she made you feel when she was stroking your arms, how silly and free she could be and how serious when she had to, the beautiful noise when she laughed. And that Thomas had it all. You are confused that she isn't here.
"Home," he says. "I guess."
You don't say anything. He bites his lips nervously.
"It was supposed to be only for you. But we can pick her up if you want me to."
The drive is quiet, but it's never awkward silence. Music coming from the speakers, Thomas driving and your head against the cooled down glass of the window. Thomas has the window down on his side, it's still warm outside. You yawn, it's 2:48 - the middle of the night.
Vic opens in the door, wrapped into a fluffy towel, her hair wet and her lips swollen like they look when you make out with someone for some amount of time.
"Vic?" There's a woman's voice coming from behind her. "Who's there?"
"Friends." Vic shouts back and then she looks at you two. "What do you want?"
"We are going on a roadtrip." Thomas says and ignores Vic's furrowed brows. "And you're coming with us."
"Am I?"
"Yes." Thomas and you say at the same time.
"You expect to kick out the best fuck I had in a while to go along with your dumb ideas?"
Thomas bites his lips again but he says yes with so much confidence that Vic tiptoes a little bit and kisses him on the lips. The shock on the woman's face who is showing up behind Vic almost has you giggle but you don't when you feel how Thomas grabs your hand.
Vic lets go of Thomas' face and turns back to her: "Sorry, it was fun, but you have to leave. I'm going on a roadtrip."
It's weird when you go back down to the car after Vic packed her stuff and closed the door behind her. Vic is talking, chewing on a gum, everything is normal. But the girl next to her eyeing Thomas and you for the whole way down is making you uncomfortable. You don't even notice that Thomas is still holding your hand or that Vic has her arm wrapped around his waist. Thomas looks at you and rolls his eyes a little bit, you smile at him, it puts you at ease.
You take your seat next to Thomas in the front, while Vic is getting comfortable on the backseats.
"Thank you," Vic says just before you fall asleep, "For taking me with you and for saving me from that person. The sex was amazing, but god she was annoying bugging me for a date."
Thomas looks at her through the rearview mirror: "That's a problem?"
"Not what I want," Vic says, "Or who I want, you should know. I have other plans."
She sticks her tongue out to Thomas. This time he really rolls his eyes but he smiles at her. Your heart jumps a little bit, they might not notice but you love being part of the little moments they share with each other.
You fall asleep and when you wake up again, Vic is sleeping stretched out in the back of the car. It's slowly getting light outside again. Slight panic raises in your chest when you realise that Thomas isn't in his seat and you almost jump out of yours when the door is opening.
"Sorry," he whispers, making sure not to wake Vic. "Run out of fuel. You need anything?"
You shake your head. You're tired, you still can't think really straight. Thomas gets you a coffee and something to eat anyways, keeping a bag for Vic when she's waking up. At first you don't know why he's not driving anywhere until the sun rises and he sighs next to you.
"Really?" You slap his arm. "I have to watch a sunrise with you from a gas station?"
"You don't have to," he looks away, "you can also close your eyes."
Your eyes stay open, if you could you would lean your head against his shoulder - you lean it against the window instead. Thomas hand ends up on your thigh, in the rearview mirror you can see Vic smile at him and at you but when she sees that you're watching her, she closes her eyes quickly.
Later when you're half asleep again, you can hear them whisper or maybe it's a dream. You can hear how Vic boxes his shoulder, how he huffs out an Victoria, I'm driving and how she chuckles.
"You're an idiot."
"Huh?" He sounds confused.
"A romantic idiot, but an idiot nonetheless," she says.
You can even hear that he smiles: "Just wanted to watch the sun."
"I know, I had to watch so many sunsets with you this summer."
"Yes, and you will have to watch some more with me this year."
"And is your hand also wandering around my thigh then?" She laughs.
He hums happily, you can hear the satisfaction: "Maybe."
You wake up abruptly when the car stops and hurls you forward a little.
"Here's nothing." Vic grimaces when she looks out the window.
There's only sand, the sea. Some birds, grass and the dunes. It's endless. There are some cars parking already, some people lounging in the sun. All three of you are carrying your bags until Vic dumps her bag on Thomas.
"Hey, I'm not your packinghorse."
"You also said this is a roadtrip," she complains, "Not a fucking hiking trip."
He just stalks away without a word, Vic and you looking at each other shrugging - but you still follow him. Until you end up in front of a tiny house that's hidden in the dunes.
"Better," he asks.
Vic and you smile, first at each other, then at Thomas. Who smiles back, before he dumps Vic's bag on her feet and she jumps into your arms before it hits them for real.
During the days you drive around coastal towns, walking small cobbled streets and drinking wine in tiny restaurants. Getting wine drunk in the sun, Thomas and Vic always next to you. In the evening, you come back to the house, playing cards and a bizarre game that they made up during their first tour and show you how to play. They trust you, you realize. They trust you to be silly around you. They trust you to be intimidate around you. They trust you, to kiss your forehead and to share a bed with you. They trust you enough.
One evening while you cook, you can see Thomas and Vic on the couch, napping together. Hugging each other. Thomas has his arms wrapped around her waist. There's still no jealousy when you look at them. It just makes you love them more when you see the love they for each other. You enjoy to see how Thomas is snoozing, how Vic is drooling into his shirt.
More often than not you fall asleep in one bed together. After a day of walking, exploring. After a day at the beach. After watching the sunset. After you spent a day in Thomas' shirt and Vic spends the day after it in it. The bed is too small for all three of you and more often than not your limbs are tangled together. Thomas head in your lap, your head on Vic's shoulder, Vic's fingers twirling strands of Thomas' hair. It's feet everywhere, an elbow in your ribs, and Thomas almost falling out of the bed countless times - until he ends up on the floor.
"Bigger bed next time," Vic says next to you, cuddles closer and falls asleep before Thomas even makes it up again.
One night Vic finds a scrabble game and a dictionary in one of the cabinets of the house. You can see how much it takes to convince Thomas to play. Only after a few drinks he lets himself being talked into it.
"Only words that are in the dictionary," Vic says and you nod, but Thomas pouts.
It works until the last round when Thomas looks at you both, smiles and puts his little tiles on the board. He looks at Vic expectantly to count his points. Vic and you both look at the board and then at Thomas. You sigh and stick your hand out to get the dictionary from Vic.
"What?" Thomas asks.
"This isn't a word Thomas." Vic rolls her eyes. "That's zero points for you."
"But …," Thomas looks at you. "But that's how I feel when I have you two with me."
You squint at the board again, Vic looks at the board then at you before she finds her voice again: "Thomas, this is gibberish. It sounds like you have a stroke, not like a word."
Thomas doesn't say anything but he takes defeat when Vic gives the tiles back to him. He does look sad, you can't see it, so you have a look at his tiles and he smiles at you while Victoria shakes her head. After looking at the board, you make sweethearts out of your sweet and the loverboy Vic made out of love earlier becomes loverboys and all his tiles are gone.
"If you cheat again," she sighs but still counts his points, "You're kicked out of this polycule."
He blinks at her, blushes and pouts. So do you, you pout at her.
"She won by the way," Vic says on the way to get more wine, "The game and the pouting."
You think, you see him googling polycule but he hides his phone so quickly when he sees you looking, you can't be sure. Still, you see the blush deepening high on his cheeks. You don't ask.
A few days later you almost cry when it's all over and Thomas is driving you back home. Vic on the backseats again. You already miss the boardgames, their banter, the warmth and them.
"We have something for you," Thomas says when you're standing in front of your door.
It's a plush toy, a giraffe you can see after closer inspection.
"I named it Thomas," Vic says, "because he has a giraffe neck and a giraffe personality."
"Yeah," Thomas says theatrically, "We won it at a fair, I couldn't find and win anything tiny enough to call it Vic, except an ant and guess who wasn't happy with that?"
Vic whacks his head, but she hands you the giraffe smiling. You kiss him on the cheek and once again, you don't want to let them go.
"Thank you." Vic presses her lips to yours first, then Thomas presses his to yours right after. Your heart skips one too many beats in your chest. "We have to do this again."
Vic has the feeling she turns over in her own bed only once and then they are on tour. In the US, for the first time, it doesn't feel real. What also doesn't feel real, is her passport she can't find when they land in Mexico. Thomas looks at her when she's looking through her pockets, and then her bag. He's drumming his fingers against the desk he's standing at, she just shrugs. And then ends up somewhere where she didn't think she would end up today.
If she would have her phone, she would text him. And you. She would write in your groupchat, make a joke and hope that you would both laugh. At least she knows that Thomas can text you, and she hopes he does, she can just sit there and wait.
Thomas is making fun of her later, but even then Vic knows that he was worried. She can see it in the little things, she always sees it in those small things when it comes to Thomas. The telltale signs that give him away. He can call her a dumbass, joking in front of everyone, all he wants, she can see that he was stressed. His nails and his lips are bitten more than usual. His hands shake slightly different when he puts a cigarette between his lips and lights it. He hugs her closer. There's a text from you only for her that says that Thomas called and told you. And he's guiding her to his room without her asking for it. They fall asleep tangled in each other. Vic nuzzling her face into Thomas' neck, she presses little kisses to his skin, it makes her sleepy. So does it when Thomas caresses her back with his hands and his cold feet are entangled with her legs.
"I was worried about you." He says the next morning when they both just opened their eyes.
"I know." She kisses his forehead, down his nose, until she reaches his lips. Vic's phone is interrupting, vibrating on the nightstand.
Thom said everything is okay again. Break a leg! You'll rock it.
She smiles. It's nice to have you thinking about her as well. Even without Thomas, texting only her. Texting him only, texting them together.
Hi from Thom
She texts you after their Seattle show. Vic feels electrified, even with the jetleg, and she knows Thomas feels the same, he's bouncing up and down beside her. The video she sends is from the show, it's Thomas and her, scissoring on stage. You probably just woke up, she thinks and hopes that she looks hot enough. That Thomas looks hot enough, that they both look hot enough.
There's photos more often. She takes more photos of Thomas to send them to you, some selfies, some of them together. But there's always Thomas. Thomas at lunch with her, Thomas with Ethan, Thomas at the beach, Thomas driving, Thomas with a drink, Thomas playing guitar, Thomas dancing, Thomas and her in the pool, Thomas Thomas Thomas.
One afternoon she manages to take a sneaky photo of Thomas while he is signing something for a fan. His hair is tosled, he looks tired - he is tired Vic knows - but has the biggest smile on his face, cigarette in hand. Vic sends it to you, Damiano is looking at her, raising an eyebrow.
The other afternoon Thomas and her are sitting in yet another backstage and she goes through old photos on her phone. There are old photos of them together. One of the photos exceptionally unfavourable for him, Vic shows it to him while laughing loudly. And then she sends this one to you as well, under loud protest from Thomas, he even kicks her legs.
Ethan joins them for a party one night. Thomas is already slightly drunk when Vic goes to get them new drinks. She doesn't wants to eavesdrop, she really doesn't but she can't help herself. Her curiosity is stronger.
"I don't have time to unpack any of that," Thomas says.
"Thom, you have to unpack all of that. This isn't healthy." Ethan sighs. "You're clever, but you're close to an identity crisis. You really have to unpack all that, and what you want."
Thomas waves at her when she sees her, the conversation is over for Thomas with that.
At an even later hour, Vic pulls out her phone. It isn't her initial plan, she had no plan at all to begin with, but when Thomas shows up next to her, she video calls you. To Victoria's surprise you even pick up. Thomas has a party hat on his head, she doesn't know where it came from.
"Hi party girls," you say smiling.
First she thinks that Thomas is going to blow you a kiss, but he leans forward close to her phone, and closer, and even closer until his lips touch the screen. She knows he went from slightly drunk to drunk, he tumbles a bit next to her. Victoria can hear you laugh, Thomas satisfied purr and then Thomas kisses her. Usually it's her kissing him, it takes her a second to kiss him back. Vic can see you blushing and she feels satisfied, both of you looking at her with this gaze in your eyes.
A few nights later, Thomas comes to her rescue. The whole night she danced with another girl, she knows that she looks like you. But there's this guy she can't shake off. He's there when she dances, when she kisses the girl, when she goes to get another drink, when she talks to Thomas.
"Leave her alone," Thomas says the next time she comes around to him and the guy is once again only a few steps away. "She isn't interested."
Victoria hates it. That he has to speak for her, that everything she did on her own didn't work to get rid of him. But even Thomas' words don't seem to impress him, he just stares back at him. Vic knows that there's something about that night when you called crying and Thomas texted her I'm flying back. He loses his patience more easily now when guys are hanging around too long, when they don't get a hint, when they ignore what she says. But it isn't like he behaves like she needs him, she doesn't - not for this, and he knows.
"She's mine." Thomas says confidentely, wrapping his arms around her and Victoria takes the invitation, hiding her face on his chest. "And now piss off."
Thomas face is almost too cute to ignore when he looks at her after she said that Ethan and her watched his solo, as they do so many times. She's all too aware of the camera, why she isn't leaning down down to him, instead constantly stroking his arm. She can see how Ethan is watching them.
Later Ethan pulls her aside. Kind of she almost waited for it, she knew it would come some day.
"What's going on between you and Thomas?"
"Nothing." It's not the truth but it isn't a lie either.
"Victoria," he scoffs at her, "I'm not stupid, you're pining for him."
"I am not," she gets out. She sounds offended even to her own ears, "I'm not pining for Thom. He's my friend, Ethan."
"Yeah, a friend you fuck." Ethan rolls his eyes.
"We … we … don't fuck."
"Okay," he sighs, "But you do have something, right?"
Vic nods, she knows she can't hide it. She's surprised that she got away with it for so long.
"Do you want more?"
"Yes," now it's her sighing, "But it's more complicated than that."
"You should tell the girl. Thomas too and then you can go from there."
For a second Vic is confused, but only for a second: "You already talked with him."
Tour is almost over. You're feeling silly, almost stupid, for counting the days until they're back. It's not long anymore. You text everyday, with Vic, with Thomas, with them. But you crave one of their hugs and a night cuddled close together, Thomas reading from a book Vic bought.
There's a picture from a plane. It shows Vic and Thomas, both of them sleeping. How Vic managed to get one of her legs on Thomas' seat, his head on her leg. Ethan sent it to you.
Here, your boyfriend and your girlfriend.
You blush furiously. You wish that would be the case, but it's only that, a wish.
Can we talk?
"What's going on with Thomas, Vic and you?" He asks a few hours later when he calls.
"Nothing." As much as you want the answer to be something else, there's nothing.
"Okay," he almost sounds annoyed, "You three really deserve each other."
"I don't know what you're talking about," you say - no less annoyed, "They fuck, or something, what does that have to do with me?"
"They don't," Ethan is calmer again, "And you love them both. It took me a while but I remembered the festival in the summer, and it's you."
"Yeah, but where do I fit into this?"
"Between them." You splutter your water all over yourself. Ethan snorts. "Or Thomas between you two, I don't know. Whatever you are into, I guess. You're all so sure of each other, and still you're idiots."
And then he hangs up.
It's not long until New Years' Eve when Thomas and Vic bang on your door. You just fell asleep, your orientation has you almost ran into the door and then into Vic when you open the door and the glaring light of the corridor is blending you.
"Oh," Thomas looks at you - at the giraffe in your arms. "Cute, you sleep with the stuffed animal I won you?"
"Yes," it's only a little bit embarrassing, "It's my second pillow."
Another roadtrip. Colder than during the summer. And this time it's you on the backseats, trying falling back to sleep. Vic looks out of the window and you can see how she takes Thomas' hand that isn't on the steering wheel into hers. You smile. But Thomas is shaking it off when he sees your gaze, not only to your surprise and shock, also to Victoria's.
"So I'm allowed to kiss you and hug you?" Vic asks, but she doesn't look at Thomas. "But I can't hold your hand?"
"Vic, it's not … it's not like that."
"No? How is it then, Thomas? Tell me."
There's no answer, his eyes fixated on the street ahead. No word spoken anymore for the rest of the drive. You want to hold Thomas' hand, he looks miserable. But you also want to hold Vic's, who's looking out the window, with balled fists. Thomas does grab your hand for a few seconds, squeezes it and lets go again.
"Who's sharing?" Thomas asks when you reach the destination, and the house. You're somewhere in the mountains, snow all around you.
"You two can share," you tell them but Vic shakes her head.
"No, you two should share. I'm sleeping alone." And then she's gone. She's not coming for dinner when you knock on her door later. She isn't joining when Thomas and you are going outside strolling down narrow alleys filled with lights or when Thomas and you warm up with mulled wine and doing a jigsaw puzzle. It isn't the same without Vic, she doesn't answer to your texts either. She sends you away the next time you knock on her door.
Thomas and you are sharing a bed. How you often did, but always with Vic. The bed feels too big and even with Thomas close enough, it's not warm enough without her. Thomas scoots closer to you when he sees how you shiver. None of you is filling the silence, Thomas puts on a Youtube video - This Is Your Brain On Shrooms. But you find the recommendations you can see on his laptop more interesting and you change to one of those videos when he's climbing out of bed to turn the heating up. You can see him swallow when he comes back and looks at the laptop. He isn't saying anything - bites his lip and hugs you close.
"Thomas," you whisper against his chest, "Your recs are full with videos like that."
He stops breathing, before his breath goes faster.
"Do you think I'm a freak?"
You take his hand, hug him closer: "No. You're not a freak, you are not, okay."
"Do you think Vic thinks I'm a freak?"
"She doesn't." He finally looks at you. "You aren't a freak, neither is Vic, neither am I. Whatever people say, you aren't a freak, Thom."
"Thank you."
"I thought the same," you tell him, "but there's nothing bad about it."
He presses his mouth to yours and when you lick over his lips he willingly opens them for you. He's heavily breathing after you break away to gasp for air. You kiss for a long time after that, you have waited for it. Maybe you do fit in, just like Vic and Thomas do. Only soft kisses, some of them with tongue, and Thomas' cold fingertips that find their way under your shirt that belongs to him.
The next morning Thomas stops Vic to go back to her room when she sees you two. He takes her hand and isn't letting go: "I'm sorry. I'm just so confused."
"Me too," she says, "I'm confused too, and it hurt."
"We kissed," Thomas says when you're all sitting around the table.
"You kissed before?" She looks at both of you, and she's right. Technically, you did, but not like this. This is why you get up, lean down and Vic is opening her lips for you as willingly as Thomas was the night before. "Oh, you mean like that."
Thomas is still holding Vic's hand.
A full day of sledding. You're surprised that no one broke their necks or hands or legs or anything in-between. A whole day of laughter, small touches, everyone falling of the sled at least once. Thomas putting snow into the back of Vic's jacket and throwing a snowball directly into your face. For a moment you think it broke your nose. You can hear how Vic scolds him next to you. When the pain subsides you take your revenge before he knows it's coming and put snow down his pants.
"COLD!" He screams. "Hey, I still need what's in there."
Vic and you both laugh.
When you're back, you're warming up in the bathtub together. It's just big enough for the three of you. There's Vic's hands on your shoulders and your boobs. Your hands in Thomas hair, who's happily sighing. His hands trailing up Vic's thighs and his lips on your collarbone. You stay in the water until it's almost cold.
When you're wrapped up in blankets in front of the crackling fire place, Thomas gives Vic and you both some oddly wrapped presents - you instantly know that he wrapped them himself.
"I got you both something," he says almost shyly. "Ethan the fucker didn't get me anything and then I realized that I do want to give you something."
"But …," you gulp, "I also have nothing for you."
"Neither have I," Vic admits.
"It's okay, I don't want anything." Vic and you look at each other. "He said, I have to earn my present, what the fuck? I should have used that fancy book I got him to smack him."
Vic unwraps hers first, it's a stack of paper and she looks at him annoyed until she has a closer look: "That was a joke Thomas."
"I know, but you know … you can visit it," he smiles, "I mean, … we could visit it. But it's yours."
"Thank you," she says excited, "I now officially own an adopted reindeer. Which I can visit, yes?"
Vic jumps into his arms, kissing him on the cheek before she kisses his lips while you unwrap your present. It's a photoalbum, pictures of the three of you, there's little scribbled notes on some pages. And there's a tiny box with a necklace in it. It's lock shaped as a heart but there are two keys instead of one. There's a V, a T and your initial engraved on the back of the lock.
"Where's my necklace?"
You know it's a joke but you put the necklace around her neck: "We can share." You know it'll be around her neck as much as it'll be around yours or around Thomas'.
"I wanted to give you something because we are always away." He hugs you from behind.
It's New Years Eve, the three of you are still in bed by midday. It's all lazy and slow. Thomas pulling you closer but not opening his, still half asleep. Vic placing kisses on your neck, on your shoulders, your ears. Thomas lazily kissing your face.
"Don't want to get up," he whispers.
Thomas looks like the prettiest mess an hour later when Vic and you let go off him. Hot lips pressed to even hotter skin. Vic leaving hickeys on Thomas' thighs, you nibbling on his stomach, then on his neck. Thomas gasping, and moaning, and whimpering, until he asks you to stop. His eyes are closed, his breathing goes shakily.
You're getting slowly out of bed, getting ready for a party Vic and Thomas want to take you too. When you're all ready and you're already searching for the keys in Thomas' and Vic's very own chaos, Thomas holds you back.
"Wait, how are we doing this with the New Year's kiss tonight?"
Vic kisses you, then you kiss Thomas, Thomas kisses Vic.
"Like this?" She asks. "Or maybe … more like this."
She pulls both of you really close, Thomas has to lean down. Her mouth is open and she's poking her tongue out, her nose is bumping into yours - so is Thomas' one when he comes even closer. You can feel Vic's lips against yours slightly, Thomas' stubble. And both their tongues when you stick yours out as well. It's thrilling, it's arousing - having both of them this close, being able to taste both of them. You moan slightly when Vic licks over your tongue and even louder when Thomas does the same and lets his tongue wander a little bit deeper into your mouth. When you break the kiss, you can see that it hasn't left Thomas unaffected.
"Those jeans got ridiculously tight on you," Vic laughs into Thomas' direction.
"Maybe we should practice this some more," you say. You can see that Vic's cheeks are rosy and her breathing faster. "In bed, perhaps."
"Such a shame I didn't pack my strap," Vic says and winks at Thomas, who's deeply blushing, and then at you, "but I would love to get out of these clothes again."
Thomas is gently pressing against you from behind before Vic takes both your hands to take you back to where you were getting ready mere minutes ago. There are kisses pressed to your neck, Thomas licking your skin, sucking a hickey into it. Vic opening the zipper that's on the side of your dress. All before you make it back to the bed - your mind is racing and it can't keep up with your hands which found their way under Vic's transparent shirt. And then you're pushed on to the bed, Thomas next to you, Vic towering over both of you.
"I…," the blush from earlier is still on Thomas' cheeks, "Just as a disclaimer: I have never done this … Like with three -"
Vic interrupts him by pressing her lips to his, just this little bit longer, it makes your head spin and lust pool low in your stomach: "That's okay, honey," she says and then looks over to you, "You ever had a threesome?"
You shake your head.
"Cool," Vic laughs against Thomas' throat and you can see him shiver, "That makes me the only one, but we'll start easy."
"How does th-"
"… this work?"
Thomas laughs - a laugh that turns into a moan when Vic pinches his nipple.
"You two could fuck," she suggests, "And before that we could start with undressing each other."
"What about you?" you ask her. And now her hand is on your cheek. Thomas hums in agreement.
"Watching is participating," Vic tells you. "And I'm sure, you will be able to pleasure me as well. I want to see you both naked first, preferably now."
With that she pulls Thomas closer to herself with his belt buckle. She opens it, opens the zipper, Thomas breath hitching. Vic is sitting between his legs, his head ends up in your lap - he throws his head around when you start opening the buttons of his shirt, you can only moan when he presses his lips to your stomach, there's still the fabric of your dress between his lips and your skin but it's already overwhelming. Just after you opened the last button of his shirt, Vic presses her lips to his happy trail. The noise Thomas makes isn't quite a moan or a whimper, it's something better - and it makes you wet. You're sure Thomas knows, can smell you. His shirt flies off the bed first. It isn't taking Vic long and his pants are following. It takes a bit of coordination, shuffling around, a bit of laughter but Vic and you switch positions while Thomas gets rid of his shoes and his socks.
You want to tease but as soon as your fingers dip under the waistband of his briefs you can't. It's another item of clothing that's thrown of the bed. He's hard, you can see how his grip on Vic's thighs tighten. She licks her lips. He's beautiful naked, laying between you. You blow over the shaft slightly, lick over the tip of his cock a few times, to see how he reacts. You aren't being disappointed. He throws his head, groans, tries to keep you there with his hands but you move up, over his stomach, his chest, until you reach his lips.
And the next second all the attention is on Vic. In contrast to Thomas, she is helping you with opening the ridiculous amounts of buttons her skirt possesses. While Thomas frees her from her shirt. There's no bra and after you take off her thights, you can see that there's no panties either to your surprise, but not to Thomas'.
Both of them are naked when they put their hands to work on your body. If everything before was overwhelming, this is shattering. Thomas takes advantage of Vic's earlier work and lets his hand dip into your dress. In the end you aren't sure anymore who of them gets you to raise up your arms, who lifts your dress, but it also leaves the bed not even seconds later. You do know that Vic is pulling down your thights together with your wet panties, you can hear her sweetly coughing into your ear and Thomas has his hand on your boobs, gently massaging them, slowly going down on you. You almost kick his chest, his shoulder, but Vic is holding your leg. And then she's holding your legs open for him. You whimper, you moan, you almost forget to breath. Both of them have to hold you down - Thomas your hips, Vic grabbing your legs.
A hint of a touch is what Thomas gives you with his tongue. The tip of his tongue licking through your folds, slowly pressing it against your clit. You bury your hands in his hair, throwing your head back. There's Vic kissing you passionately, and then Thomas kissing and licking and biting all over your body until he reaches your lips.
"Lube?" He whispers against your lips but you know he's talking to Vic. Who seems to be giving him the item in question because you can feel two of Thomas' wet and cold fingers between your legs, and then in you, a few moments later. Your breathing is rough and everytime you try to fuck yourself more onto Thomas' fingers, Vic is there and holds you back.
When he hits that one spot in you, you yank his hair and he screams. It's so loud it startles even Vic before she laughs. But he's the one asking if you're okay and then he pulls out his fingers and the next thrust it's not his fingers, it's his dick. Slowly, he's slow when he pushes into you, Vic having one hand in his hair and one hand playing with one of your nipples.
"You can be a bit rougher if you want."
"Oh, is that how you like it?" Vic whispers into your ear.
Thomas doesn't even wait for an answer. Picking up speed, his thrusts getting harder - deeper, his fingernails digging into your skin. Hard, and harsher. He's so harsh with you, how you like it, how you want him to be in the moment, that you moan so loudly that Vic has to cover your mouth with her hand until you only whimper. You don't know where up or where down is.
Then Vic is leaning over you, first she is gentle, sucking on your nipples, licking over them, touching your boobs softly before she's rougher. Scratching over them. You suck on Vic's nipple when she starts doing it. One of your hands on her neck, the other hand on her other boob. Thomas nails digging even more into your skin. And then Vic leaves a bitemark on your boob. It hurts. You can hear how Thomas moans. You know that he's looking at you, at Vic - at Vic and you. It's what gets him off and the realization has you whimper against Vic's body, the necklace Thomas' gave to you dangling from her neck - brushing your skin, and you cum.
Thomas pulls out of you, slowly again. Vic sitting up, a spark in her eyes. And then he cums all over your lower stomach, moaning and shaking. His breathing so irregular, and loud, for a second you're worried he's going to pass out. But then he smiles at you, kisses you first and Vic just after before you kiss her.
"And you?" You ask her.
"You could eat me out," she grins, "Both of you. And then round two."
"Any regrets?" Vic asks.
Thomas and you both shake your heads. Vic and Thomas both left marks all over your body. You left marks on their skin and they left marks on each other. You don't regret anything.
"So, we fucked into the new year," Vic tells you when she throws her phone away again, "Good that I cooled a bottle of champagne. Sorry no party today, Thom."
"I'm my own party," he laughs and Vic and you laugh with him, before she gets out of bed.
Thomas and you are entangled with each other, still naked, when Vic comes back. She pops the bottle of champagne right in bed, she didn't bother to bring glasses.
The bottle is between Thomas' legs when Vic talks again: "We need some toys."
"What?" Thomas looks at her, there's some kind of shock in his face.
"Yes," she says firmly, "I can have you every day, but she can't when we are away and I have some ideas for some remote vibrator stuff we can try and some more things because some people here apparently like it rough."
She smirks at you - you grin back.
Thomas who just took a sip from the bottles, slightly coughs, the champagne dripping down his chin. You lean over to him to lick it away and he moans.
"That could be fun," you tell him.
Vic hugs him from behind: "Round three?"
It's only a few days before Thomas' birthday when Ethan comes over to Thomas' place uninvited. You're half naked, Thomas already lost his jeans and Vic didn't have much clothes on to begin with. At least that's what Thomas tells Ethan when he still opens the door for him.
"So?" Ethan looks at all three of you from the armchair he's sitting on.
"So?" Thomas parrots him and Vic laughs, you stiffle your laugh hiding your face at Thomas' shoulder.
Ethan only shakes his head, rolls his eyes, but he gets something out of the pocket of his jeans. It's small, it's wrapped and has a ribbon bow around it. It looks tiny in Ethan's hand and in Thomas'.
"I think, you deserve this."
Thomas struggles a tiny bit, his hands shaking and then he laughs when he sees it. It catches Vic's and your interest in the item. The item that he's pinning to his shirt. It's a little pin.
yes, my partners do know about each other
Vic smiles at you: "Yes, we do."
"We do," you smile back.
And then you both kiss Thomas on his cheeks.
Add yourself to my taglist.  / Masterlist
Taglist: @writingmaneskin, @oro-e-diamanti, @iamtashaquinn, @teenyweenynightghost, @findaqueenwithoutaking, @foreveryking-thatdied, @findoutwhoyougonnacall, @maneskinbrainrot, @little-moonbeam-666, @ethaneskin, @maneskin-dimensione, @l0standn0tf0und, @butkutee, @gr8rainbowpunk, @maneslut, @maneskintifoso, @weareoddlydrawn, @hiraetheral, @imjustanerdwholikestoread, @cuzimitaliano, @hopelessromantic727, @dating-villain, @maneskinsimp, @lauraosheaoh, @till-you-scream-and-cry, @wonderlandishell, @h1ppieth1ngs, @paralianeyes, @livvyysstuff, @que–sera–sera, @roisinmillar123, @romanoffswoman, @lovelyy-moonlight, @crwnnjules, @roisinlove123
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slash-fanfic-recs · 5 years
Tony/Bucky/Steve - Something More Beautiful
Title: Something More Beautiful
Author: Catchclaw (AO3)
Rating: M
Fandom: Avengers
Word Count: ~2.5k
Tags: 19th century AU, bottom!bucky
Summary: James wears something unexpected out of the house.
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yoifanfic · 6 years
Hiya! Can you recommend any finished Seungchuchu fics?
Sure! These are the ones I found with really good ratings and a good amount of chapters that’s enough for a night of binge-reading! 
Feathers on Ice by Kiranokira (19/19 chapters) 
After dinner and a bath and quality hamster time, snuggled in bed cocooned within his eight entirely necessary pillows, Phichit indulges himself and investigates Seung-gil’s hashtag. There isn’t much from Seung-gil himself, but Seung-gil’s fans are many and dedicated. Amid the photos of Seung-gil at competitions or practicing and the few candid shots of Seung-gil in airports or out on the streets of Seoul, there’s a very recent professional video uploaded by user andjoy_studio.
Phichit clicks on it, and his life changes.
This honestly looks like a really sweet fic, and with tags like, “Cuddling & Snuggling” and “Slow Burn”, it looks hard to put down. 
 Live, Love, Feel and know that today by MaraSenpai1997 (1/1 chapters but it’s looooonggg)
No matter how hard he tries, it seems that Phichit ‘I opened a French bakery in the same street as yours’ Chulanont didn’t take their rivalry seriously. Maybe Seung-gil was growing soft, maybe Chulanont was immune to his glare or he was an actual wizard. Nonetheless, Seung-gil would never, ever, tolerate Phi- Chulanont existence. (He fails miserably.)
Oooh, I just found this fic right now, but I’m definitely reading it as soon as I can! This has an enemy to rival to lovers trope and I’m down for that. 
In a Middle of A Long Road by mismatched_ideas (1/1, but a medium length one) 
Seung-gil and Phichit have been working on their plans to adopt for a while now, international adoption took a long time, and they were finally, finally, going to meet their child in person.
Babies! Oh it’s an adoption one this looks so cute! 
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bloodfornoxus · 10 years
Tumblr media
//wink wink
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twoidiotsguide · 11 years
by wolfwithpanthereyes Words:1,121 | General
Javert certainly doesn't expect to win any of the yearbook categories. Particularly the one he does end up winning.
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onceuponabloodynight · 11 years
Sakura should just settle down with Sasuke and let Naruto for Hinata. That way everyone is happy.
Shikamaru can have Ino and Suigetsu can have Karin... Temari can have another person who is not Shikanaru and Shiho should just go for Choji...
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Okay, so I've added to the first chapter a LOT.. I'm going to use as many superstars as I can in this, and some will be paired with other superstars, others with ocs and others won't be paired. It's not focusing on romance though here and there, there will be fluffy moments.
For the sake of people who don't have a fanfictiondotnet account, I'm gonna post chapters here as text posts too.
But for now, none of the ocs I'm using are in yet.. That'll be next chapter, I'm thinking. This chapter is just to sort of set the tone, and let people see what the Superstars are seeing, first hand, through their eyes. I'm hoping I've pegged everyone's characters as closely as I can to how they are on screen.
The way I'm gonna do the death thing is there might be one or two, here and there, mostly for shock purposes. Noone be mad, but a zombie muse insisted on using Zeb Coulter as a chew toy, and I agreed with it. Just for shock value! This doesn't mean I like, hate them and they will die. Just means that mostly (made up people, no superstars other than Zeb, and that was unfortunate but he wasn't a main character) made up people might die.. Or they might encounter close calls.. Not for the faint of heart, you've been warned.
Let me know if you like this! *-*
“Where the bloody hell are we?” the ginger haired male wondered as he stepped off his bus, looked around. It was a small town, sure, Sheamus had seen more than plenty of those, but this one.. It was different.
No crowded main street, no cars honking and backfiring, nothing.. It was devoid of noise and more importantly, it appeared as if it were devoid of life. The man raked his hand over spiky hair and muttered in Gaelic to himself, an old prayer his mother used to say when afraid or upset.
A car alarm began going off down the street, on the other side of the pea soup dense fog and he smelt the heavy smell of gunpowder in the air.
The Scottish voice spoke up from behind him as Drew McIntyre stepped off the bus behind him. “What the holy hell happened here?” he wondered aloud as more Superstars stepped off the bus, CM Punk musing solemnly, “Hell of a place to break down, right?”
The sounds of Russian battle commands greeted them and Punk remembered the plot for a remake he’d watched with AJ Lee, his off screen girlfriend recently and said calmly, “ This would be the part where we run like little bitches. At least until we figure out what the hell is going on here, and if there’s anyone trustworthy left.”
All eyes cut to him as Randy Orton stepped forward, cocky smirk in place, arms crossed as he eyed the title belt on Punk’s shoulder.
“You might be the champion on screen, Punk.. But that’s not how this is gonna work. Nobody died and made you leader.”
Sheamus and Drew, Jinder, Heath and some others all nodded in agreement, then John Cena spoke up from the back.
A chorus of quiet groans filled the air as Punk stared Cena down and said with a smirk, “Oh, does Super Cena want to be the leader? Does he have a BETTER idea, pray tell?”
From the back, Dean Ambrose grunted and said “Here’s a novel idea.. How about both of ya shut the fuck up.”
The group flattened themselves on the side of the tour bus, listening quietly, as AJ clung to Punk, looking up at him with wide and panicked eyes. She had the same thoughts he did right now, she just knew it.
But the question remained.. Were they too late? Was anyone left alive in this town? And what the hell actually was going on?
Then they heard the gurgling noises coming through the other side of the dense fog and everyone looked at one another, brows raised. Out here, like this, they were completely defenseless, they had no weapons, nothing.
The paranoia settled over the group quickly, and Heath Slater spoke up quietly, from the back.. “Okay, so is anyone else getting the sense that we ain’t exactly in the best of situations here? Because I sure as hell am.”
Gunfire popped off like popcorn popping from the other side of the dense fog, and occasionally, they could hear people shouting back and forth, some in Russian, some in American, mostly swears from their end.
And then there was the gurgling noises, the new scent of slightly aging decomposition and death that was filling their noses.
Kaitlyn groaned as she said quietly ,”I knew it.. I should have fucking flown.”
Damien Sandow rolled his eyes as he cast a glance to his tag team partner Cody Rhodes and their girlfriends Nikki and Brie.
“All of you ignoramuses need to calm down. I need quiet to think.” Damien ground out through gritted teeth as he paced, biting his thumb.
Wade Barrett laughed at this and then said calmly, “What’s there to think about, mate? We go one bloody way, we’re in the middle of gunfire. We go another, there’s woods and we have no idea what awaits beyond that.. We go straight ahead, and whatever is on the other side of the fog gets us.”
Miz kicked the tire of the bus and  tried to search his mind for some plan.. What would his recent movie character Jake Carter do?
“We need to move. That’s all I know.” John Cena spoke again, firmly, trying his best to assert his dominance in this situation. But this, of course was countered by Alberto Del Rio speaking up from the back as he said “Well, of course we need to move you idiota.” before turning to Rosa and Ricardo, talking back and forth to them in Spanish.
Ricardo stepped forward and said calmly, “Alberto thinks we should go back. On foot. But stay behind the cars, out of sight.”
A car alarm started to go insane a little way up the road, making at least four of the females present scream at the top of their lungs before having their mouths covered by the nearest by person.
“This is not good. Not good at all.”
Jack Swagger studied the group angrily. Of all the people he could be stuck with, right now, it was the co workers he despised the most. Zeb pulled him away, started to whisper to him, smirking. Maybe this was the perfect opportunity to get people to see what he meant about all the damn foreigners?
Punk leaned down, lowered his lips to AJ’s forehead as he whispered quietly, “I promise babe.. One way or another, we’re getting out of here.. I just need time to think.”
Seth Rollins rolled his eyes in disgust as he turned to Roman and Dean and said calmly, “It’s simple.. We find guns and ammo, find an empty house, hole up there until we figure out what the hell is going on here. These people are idiots, let’s go already.”
Roman shook his head and said calmly, with a smirk, “Idiots or not.. They need our help. We need to stick together.. Even if we hate one another more than anything right now. Because if you haven’t noticed, Rollins? Nobody’s coming for us anytime soon.”
Dean spoke up as he eyed the group calmly then took a drag from his cigarette as he smirked and then said “Our best bet is to make damn sure Cena doesn’t lead us all straight into a fuckin death trap. Any ideas?”
The other two males shrugged, for now, all was silent.
The gunfire got louder, and in the middle of it, someone heard a female screaming “NO! DON’T FUCKING TOUCH ME! YOU WILL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE YOU GOD DAMN SONS OF BITCHES!”
Then another series of loud automatic weaponry being fired, maybe a machine gun or something, none of them were really sure, in all honesty.
And finally, at long last, silence.. It seemed like the heavy and slow gurgling mixed with footsteps had stopped as well.
But that’s when it happened. In a split second, the thing was on Zeb’s back, as Zeb screamed out in agony, his back ripping open like a bag of candy, blood spilling everywhere as the thing on his back growled, chewed into him as if he were a chew toy, moving it’s head almost robotically from the left to the right, as it laughed a high pitched and frenzied laugh that sounded almost as if the person had done a few whippits almost. Jack and some of the others who weren’t in complete and total shock while watching, tried to get the thing off of Zeb’s back, but it’s teeth were latched in, and it seemed to have this superhuman strength, and grip.
Big Show got a running start, intending on punching the thing, but then he realized what it was and blinked once, twice, three times, just to be sure. He raised his hands and stepped back, pointing as he said over and over, “That thing’s a.. It’s a.. Zombie..” which of course, only served to really send a spread of panic throughout the large group of wrestlers currently standing nearby.
“DON’T JUST STAND HERE YOU FUCKING MORONS, RUN! NOW! GOD DAMN!” Dean growled as they all began to come  through the shock and a blinding panic set in amongst them. They ran in a general direction into what looked like a theater. Once inside, Randy and John, Sheamus and Ryback, several other men worked on shoving anything they could get their hands on in front of the doors while Kane and Undertaker, Daniel Bryan worked on finding any sort of light source. As soon as the lights came on, they gasped and AJ’s hand went to her throat as the bile started to rise. “Are they… Dead?” she asked as the group’s eyes fell on what appeared to be a full frontal massacre, bodies lying everywhere, bullet holes riddling the walls, blood permanently sticking to the counters, the walls, the floors, everything.
Kaitlyn gasped as she immediately jumped back upon realizing that a kid not much younger than her own age of 25 was lying on the floor, Metallica t shirt soaked with red blood, bullet hole in the center of his forehead, brains seeping out a little.
“What the fuck have we walked into?” people began to demand angrily, not bothering to hide their discomfort or panic at this point, the shock from outside and coming in, turning on the lights in the darkened building and finding this…
“I cannot believe I came out of semi retirement for this shit.” Undertaker grumbled as he raked a hand over his buzz cut and surveyed the room quietly, solemnly. So far, all he had to go on was the gunfight they’d heard outside, the carnage they’d seen in here, and of course, Zeb Coulter being used as a chew toy for some undead thing. This was almost too much, even for the Deadman to take in.
“Guys.. Do any of you have cellular service?” Aksana asked in a small voice as everyone began trying to make contact with the outside world desperately. Were they the only ones left? Had something huge happened and they’d all somehow missed it?
“You won’t have cellular service. Did none of you see the fucking US Army tanks abandoned outside?” CM Punk asked calmly, as he checked his own device and sighed, thanking God that for once, he was as paranoid as he was.
This was supposed to have been a simple appearance, at some new fan event called WWE Con.
They’d all had to travel together, because they were all supposed to be there, and they’d all also just returned from a tour overseas with the show. So they’d all just thought it’d be easier to use the same bus until they got to the airport, then go their own separate ways.
Zack Ryder leaned against a wall, studying the room quietly. All he could think about right now was all the odd noises they’d heard outside.
And then the doors started to rattle and the noises grew to a deafening roar, as the group looked from one to the other. All in all, it was a rather large group, but were there really enough of them to take on whatever lie behind the other side of the theater’s double doors?
Had this whole thing been some kind of trap to get them here?
None of them knew anything other than if they didn’t hurry up, figure out what was going on outside, and in this town, they’d all most certainly die here.
“We need a plan. Now.” Someone said as Randy, Miz, Sheamus, Ryback, and of course, the members of Shield, and 3MB gathered around a table, arguing about just what said plan of action should be.
None of them had any idea what exactly they were in for, but little did they know, they’d soon find out everything. And that they were not the only survivors in whatever had happened.
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slash-fanfic-recs · 6 years
Mark/Eduardo - sweet on you
Title: sweet on you
Author: moogle62 (AO3)
Rating: Explicit (NC-17)
Fandom: The Social Network
Word Count: ~73k
Tags: bakery AU, switching
Summary: Mark is Mark, Eduardo owns a bakery/café near the Facebook offices. Mark does not have time to have a thing for him, but he totally, totally does. Sadly for Mark's continued enjoyment of a harassment-free existence, Dustin is still Dustin and is entirely devoted to his causes of a) getting Mark laid, b) acquiring all the gossip, and c) acquiring all the baked goods he can. Featuring novelty shaped cookies, frosting in places frosting should never be, and ~feelings~. Cakes are baked, feelings are felt, and Mark makes his known - eventually.
Comments: This fic is absolutely beautiful, it’s so sweet and feelsy. I couldn’t stop reading!
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slash-fanfic-recs · 6 years
Harry/Charlie - The Ties That Bind
Title: The Ties That Bind
Author: slanted-HP-knitting (AO3)
Rating: Explicit (NC-17)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Word Count: ~15.5k
Tags: bottom!harry
Summary: It's Mrs. Weasley's birthday and Harry is about to see Charlie for the first time since they broke up over five years ago.
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slash-fanfic-recs · 6 years
Wanda/Natasha - As Red As Love series
Title: As Red As Love series (consisting of three fics)
Author: dollylux (AO3)
Rating: Explicit (NC-17)
Fandom: Avengers
Word Count: ~69k
Side Pairings: Wanda/Vision, Bucky/Steve, Bucky/Steve/Natasha (emotional threesome)
Tags: band AU, infidelity, past trauma, bottom!wanda
Summary: Natasha's band Pussy Party hires a tour manager for their upcoming tour; Simon "Vision" Williams whose girlfriend/assistant Wanda has caught Natasha's eye.
(Punk AU in which Natasha is a deliciously butch lesbian guitarist with a fear of commitment who falls for someone she can't [shouldn't] have.)
Comments: I loved reading this series! It’s so emotional.
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slash-fanfic-recs · 7 years
Sam/T’Challa - where the monarchy is headed
Title: where the monarchy is headed
Author: biblionerd07 (AO3)
Rating: PG
Fandom: Avengers
Word Count: ~44.8k
Side Pairings: Bucky/Steve
Tags: nothing to see here
Summary: When T'Challa says he wants to court Sam, Sam is all in. And then come the "prince lessons." There's a lot more to this dating-a-king-thing than Sam realized.
Comments: Ohhhhhhhh my gosh, this fic is so good! It made me so happy to read.
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slash-fanfic-recs · 7 years
Stiles/Deaton - Of Frogs and Shovels
Title: Of Frogs and Shovels
Author: Udunie (AO3)
Rating: M
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Word Count: ~2.8k
Tags: alternate reality, magic!stiles
Summary: Stiles wasn’t really nervous about the negotiations with the Hale pack, not until he stepped into the living room of the large house the Hales rented in the preserve for the occasion.
But as soon as he did, he promptly tripped over a rug, crashed into a small side-table and broke the vase filled with dried flowers that was sitting on it. The only reason he didn’t break his nose too was that Scott managed to catch him in time before he face-planted. Thank god for werewolf reflexes.
The Hale alpha didn’t comment on him destroying rented property, just raised a delicate eyebrow.
It was a very talkative eyebrow, it said ‘what is this imbecile doing here? who allowed him into my majestic presence?’ or at least that was the vibe Stiles was getting. He straightened with as little flailing as he could and excused himself, only realizing that he’ve just told everyone that ‘sorry I forgot my frog under the shovel’ when he was already panting for breath on the front porch.
Comments: Very sweet!
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slash-fanfic-recs · 7 years
Merlin/Gwaine - Honorable Intentions
Title: Honorable Intentions
Author: smilebackwards (AO3)
Rating: PG
Fandom: Merlin
Word Count: ~2.1k
Tags: nothing to see here
Summary: There are several considerations Arthur would like to go over, starting with the state of Merlin's virtue.
Comments: This is so adorable and lovely!
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slash-fanfic-recs · 7 years
Clint/Steve - If I Don't Wake Up Dead
Title: If I Don't Wake Up Dead
Author: copperbadge (AO3)
Rating: Explicit (NC-17)
Fandom: Avengers
Word Count: ~25k
Tags: Dom/sub, sub!clint
Summary: Clint Barton -- subby, ex-carnie white trash, spy -- isn't the kind of guy Captain America goes for. Nobody informed Captain America of this.
Comments: Really beautifully written.
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slash-fanfic-recs · 7 years
Charles/Erik - Lost and then Found
Title: Lost and then Found (with sequel snippets)
Author: Gerec (AO3)
Rating: M
Fandom: XMFC
Word Count: ~16.9k
Warnings: modern AU, amnesia
Side Pairings: Charles/Steve
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr is a detective in the NYPD, happily married for four years to Charles Xavier, Professor of Genetics at Columbia University. At least that's what he thinks when he wakes up in a hospital bed, arm broken and head swathed in bandages, his mother Edie holding his hand. A lot of things happened that he doesn't remember...the most important being the fact that he's no longer married to Charles.
Comments: Great fic, feel that angst!  There is an alternate ending with Charles/Steve as well.
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slash-fanfic-recs · 7 years
Stiles/Rafael McCall - It's a Sickening of the Heart
Title: It's a Sickening of the Heart
Author: coffeeinallcaps (AO3)
Rating: Explicit (NC-17)
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Word Count: ~12k
Warnings: age difference, self-destructive behaviour, recovery, Dom/sub undertones, bottom!stiles
Summary: There’s no collision. No screeching tires, no crunch of metal folding in on itself. Stiles has to pull over to breathe through the overwhelming waves of disappointment and relief that crash through him, and that’s how Rafael McCall finds him, with his head clenched between his knees, fingers buried in his hair, trying and failing to suck air into his burning lungs.
In which Stiles, struggling to cope with the aftermath of his possession, finds what he didn’t know he was looking for in his best friend’s dad.
Comments: This is a really great fic, it’s well written and really intense (in a good way!)  I very much enjoyed reading it.
Rafael is not creepy or abusive; he helps Stiles cope and begin to recover.  Warnings for Stiles being self-destructive so if that concerns you, I recommend avoiding this fic.
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